#catherine north studios
alldancersaretalented · 2 months
NYCDA Statistics 2023/24
Dancers that have won twice (or more) at regionals 2023/24:
Kennedy Anderson - The Vision Dance Alliance
Kensington Dressing - Evolve Dance Complex
Audrey Domingo - Artists Revealed Dance Company
Catherine Parsons - The STUDIO Savannah
Fiona Wu - Yoko's Dance
Izzy Howard - Westside Dance Project
Wins by Studios:
The Dallas Conservatory (2), West Florida Dance Company (2)
CCJ Conservatory, Club Dance Studio, Dance Enthusiasm, Dance Exposure 2, Dance Town, DanceLova Dance Academy, Dolce Dance Studio, Draper Center for Dance, Epic Dance Complex, K2 Studios, Larkin Dance Studio, Miami Dance Collective, New Level Dance Company, Next Step Dance, Pure Movement Dance, Renner Dance Company, Starstruck PAC, Studio X Dance Complex, Turning Pointe Dance Academy (1)
Evolve Dance Complex (3)
Next Step Dance, The Vision Dance Alliance (2)
All American Dance Factory, BDS, DMdance Company, Draper Center for Dance, Elements Dance Space, Inspire School of Dance, Inspired Movement, Mid-Atlantic Center for Dance Education, New Level Dance Company, Nor Cal Dance Arts, Scenic City Dance, South Tulsa Dance Company, The Rock Center for Dance, Turning Pointe Dance Academy, Yoko's Dance (1)
Artists Revealed Dance Company, CAP The Company, The STUDIO Savannah, Yoko's Dance (2)
Artistic Edge Dance Centre, CCJ Conservatory, Collective Dance Artistry, Dance Spot of Dupage, Dance Universe, Danceology, Draper Center for Dance, Elite Academy of Dance, Evolve Dance Complex, Kelly and Company Studios, Larkin Dance Studio, Mid-Atlantic Center for Dance Education, Premier Youth Dance Company, Renner Dance Company, Turning Pointe Dance Academy, Williams Center Rhythm Factory (1)
Westside Dance Project (2)
Artistry in Motion Dance and Performing Arts School, Conservatory of North Atlanta, Downtown Dance Factory, Elizabeth Williams School of Dance, Inspire School of Dance, Larkin Dance Studio, Miami Dance Collective, Michelle Latimer Dance Academy, Mrs. Jenkins Dance Academy, Nor Cal Dance Arts, Ocean State Ballet, Performing Dance Arts, Prodigy Dance & PAC, Stars Dance Studio, The Dance Club, The Dance Kollective, The Talent Factory, Tiffany's Performing Arts School, TopFlight COnservatory, West Point Ballet, Xplosive Dance Academy (1)
Evolve Dance Complex (4)
Draper Center for Dance, Larkin Dance Studio, Next Step Dance, Turning Flight Pointe Dance Academy, Yoko's Dance (3)
Artists Revealed Dance Company, CAP The Company, CCJ Conservatory, Inspire School of Dance, Miami Dance Collective, Mid-Atlantic Center for Dance Education, New Level Dance Company, Nor Cal Dance Arts, Renner Dance Company, The Dallas Conservatory, The STUDIO Savannah, The Vision Dance Alliance, West Florida Dance Company, Westside Dance Project (2)
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clonewarsarchives · 2 years
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A veteran of the Star Wars prequels, respected animation director Rob Coleman was a natural choice when George Lucas needed an animation supervisor to work on his ambitious new TV show, Star Wars: The Clone Wars! Although he has since moved on from Lucasfilm animation, he still found time to look back on his groundbreaking work on the show. Words: Jonathan Wilkins
When did you first get involved in Star Wars: The Clone Wars?
I worked very closely with George Lucas on the prequel films and we had conversations about setting up an animation division while we were shooting Revenge of the Sith. That was around 2003.
I didn’t officially become involved until I completed all the animation on Revenge of the Sith. I started talking to Gail Currey, who I’d worked with at ILM [Industrial Light and Magic] and who was putting together Lucasfilm Animation at that point. She and George invited me to come aboard and help set it up. My first job in May 2005 was to fly over to Singapore to hold a presentation to help attract talent in order to build the studio there.
What are the day-to-day challenges of an animation consultant?
Dave Filoni, the series’ supervising director, and Catherine Winder, our launch producer, had both worked in animation before but had not worked in the Star Wars universe. George Lucas asked me to meet with them and immerse them in the world of Star Wars. The role of animation consultant came out of that early working relationship with Dave Filoni.
Dave is a very talented storyboard artist, and he’d come from doing the 2-D animated Avatar: The Last Airbender, but he’d not worked in computer graphics before, and he’d not worked with Star Wars characters. He is a huge Star Wars fan, as the world now knows, but we crafted the role of animation consultant so that I would be able to give input, and critique all animation coming in from our overseas studios. The day to day work was to review the animation and give feedback on the performances. I also worked with Dave to find the right balance of time spent on the animation. For me, that first year, 2005, was tough. We were trying to find the right movement for these characters. George talked about a stylized East-meets-West anime influence, but animated for a North American audience. As an animation consultant, I worked very closely with Dave to craft what that ultimately ended up being the look.
Was Thunderbirds ever an influence?
I’m a big fan of Thunderbirds and I’ve actually got some Gerry Anderson stuff here in my home studio, but it wasn’t really. I think once people started seeing the images they made an instant connection to Anderson’s Supermarionation style, but what Dave Filoni and the art directors were doing in the early days was trying to capture a stylized version of Ralph McQuarrie’s inspirational concept paintings for the original Star Wars trilogy. As we stylized the animation it became more like Supermarionation with more articulated faces, but it wasn’t something that we pinned up on the board [as an idea].
Was it easier to make a fully animated show as opposed to integrating CGI into live action footage?
It wasn’t easier, because we were building a studio from scratch in Singapore and teaching a very green, but very talented, group of people who had never worked at this level before.
I’d helped build the animation teams at ILM for years and it’s a long process. Once we had those established, actually doing the movies was easier because I had people who understood what it was to work at that level. Initially the TV series was harder because not only was I trying to immerse them in the world of Star Wars, I was training them on how to actually animate to the level I wanted.
It is easier animating something that exists only in an animated world, because you can control all the physics and how characters move, as opposed to a live-action and animation combination where you have to be true to the physics and the weight of the human characters. When we were working on Yoda fighting or walking, we were always thinking about gravity, and what does his cloth look like, and what does his skin look like? It had to be photo-realistic. On a stylized animation show like The Clone Wars, those problems just aren’t there.
How did you make sure the show felt like Star Wars?
George Lucas remains very involved and he was extremely involved in the early days, working with Dave Filoni, the writers, and the various episodic directors in describing to us what he was looking for. I was always coaching directors to go and look at the original Star Wars movie, so they had an idea of the kind of framing and cutting that George likes. What Dave and Henry Gilroy tried to do in the early days was to recapture that 1977 feel, so—and this is the fun part—there was a lot of homework going back and looking at the old movies and really studying them from a stylistic and directing-choice point of view. We looked at camera choices, cutting choices. George uses a certain kind of lens and there is a certain kind of cutting that he does. Once you become well-versed in that, you can make him very happy. I’d worked side by side with him for so many years that I had an advantage over the other episodic directors. I already knew how to communicate with George. I was very fluent in George Lucas, let’s put it that way!
So you knew what to expect?
Yes. But I was also trying to find a balance. This is Dave Filoni’s show. Being asked to be the animation consultant and directing some episodes helped to move the series along. I went over and taught classes in Singapore. I ended up doing the Downfall of a Droid and Duel of the Droids episodes, which were the very first two shows to come out of Singapore. They wanted me to help shepherd them along, which I was happy to do. They are probably the roughest shows that we did, because they were the first two out of the gate. I’ve directed three more since then and they are much stronger because the team had more experience and more familiarity with the characters and the cameras than they did in those two episodes.
Is there anything you would change about them?
There is so much I would change! The hardest thing to do as a director is to say, “That’s good enough.” If you don’t start approving work, and you don’t have a vision of what you want the show to look like, it will never be finished! I think where I was successful with George was that I was always able to step into the river and say, “That’s good enough.” The river keeps flowing past you, and you’ll see better work coming later on, but you have to stick with what you did before. There are certainly shots in those episodes that I would love to have back, but I don’t regret it because we had to deliver the show.
The show is animated in about a fifth of the time of a feature film, so we didn’t get the subtlety and fidelity in the faces and lip-synching in those earlier shows. Later episodes are far better, because I was able to spend time and really hone the team’s awareness of what was important in the face. In those earlier episodes it was all hands on deck!
How is an episode put together?
Dave Filoni is the supervising director. He works directly with George Lucas and the writers to create an overall plan for all of the episodes each season. He’s there at the beginning with the producer. It usually takes a couple of days to a week, and they plan out in very rough form what will happen.
They come up with episode synopses which are about a paragraph long for each episode, and describe what happens to the heroes, what the problems are, and what gets solved.
The writing team divides up the episodes between them and they start writing. Once the first drafts come in, Dave and George read them and make notes and decisions. Then they start choosing episodes that are actually going to be made. That’s when an episodic director gets involved. They’d call the director in and say, “Rob we’ve got an R2-D2 show coming up”—in my case it was a two parter—“and here’s an early draft”.
The director gives notes, as a fresh pair of eyes to the story. Then in maybe a few days or a week a shooting draft is ready. At that point, the episodic director works with the storyboard artists, doing storyboards on paper or computer, or in my case going straight to 3-D computer graphics to map out what the scenes are going to look like. You spend maybe six weeks mapping out the whole show, so you have a version of the show done in storyboards or in computer animatics that describes visually what the show’s going to look like.
There might be a still image of Anakin standing, and I would record people in the studio for temp dialogue and work with editor Jason Tucker to cut it all together, so it’s to length, but nothing’s animated at that stage, and nothing’s got color. It’s usually just black and white or gray. I’d present that to George, and then he would give me notes. I’d do a revision on that and present it for a final look. Then George would sign off on it.
As an episodic director you “package up the show.” This means you make shot-by-shot directing notes on what you want to see happening. You might say Anakin walks onto the bridge of the Twilight. Ahsoka’s sitting there with Artoo, and turns to him and says the line. You give director points, like “Anakin’s angry at this point because he’s just come from such-and-such a place and he’s irritated by this or that.” When the animators get it in Singapore they understand, because otherwise it could be animated completely out of context. Animators might get five shots in a row, but they may not know what’s come before so it’s very important as a director that you tell them. Normally an episodic director would then leave that process and go onto the next show, but I then critiqued not only the animation coming in for my show, but also for the other four episodic directors.
Were there any examples where it was completely off and they had to start again?
Yes, of course. That was the biggest challenge. It was something I had to get used to. I’d spent 12 years at ILM with my animation crew down the hallway. I could walk into their offices and talk to them at anytime. Now I was in a situation where my animators were on the far side of the Pacific Ocean and I had to wait hours to talk to them because of the time difference! Although they all spoke English beautifully, there were occasionally communication issues. To be fair to them, I was used to working with some of the most experienced animators in the world and had a shorthand with them. Now I was dealing with some very talented up-and-coming people, but they didn’t have the vocabulary that I was used to. I had to fly over there a few times, and then we got better and better. You’ll see as the season goes on, the animation really improves—but that was a learning process for me.
Your episodes feature Ron Perlman as Gha Nachkt—what was he like to work with?
I never got to meet him! Dave Filoni gets all the fun working with the actors. As the supervising director, he directs all the voice talent for all of the shows and it’s all done in Los Angeles. I’m holding the fort critiquing all the animation coming in from overseas, and he’s down in L.A. meeting Ron Perlman! Dave did get me an autograph though! Ron did a great job in the show. I didn’t meet many of the voice talent for Star Wars. I never got to meet Andy Secombe, who did the voice of Watto. I never met Brian Blessed who played Boss Nass, so it’s not totally out of the norm. I did get to spend so much time with Frank Oz, who played Yoda, that he’s become a friend of mine, so that’s an added bonus of being the animation director!
What are your favorite scenes from the show?
I really like the writing on those shows, and to be able to see Artoo becoming a tougher little guy was a lot of fun for me. I would say the scene - with him fighting with the other droid was a favorite. It was fun to figure out how to shoot that and what was going to happen there. The writers had outlined the entire fight, but as a director you get to pick all the angles, which was fun. The assassin droids coming to life in the hold of the ship was really fun to direct, and to invent how we saw the IG-88s jumping around. We’d only ever seen them standing still in The Empire Strikes Back, so to get them to jump and leap an. spin their heads around was a highlight for me.
How did you come up with that extreme style of complicated movements?
I was trying to go with the opposite of what the character looked like. If you have a toy or you saw it in the movies, he’s just standing there not doing anything. He just looks so rigid, and I thought from an animator’s point of view “Let’s take that rigidity and just throw it away!” Let’s really surprise the fans, so that when these thing leap up they’re actually much more flexible than their “Tin Man” appearance would allude to. What I was able to do is make it into a vertical fight. I didn’t want to just have a fight on the ground; we’ve seen that so many times. I had this set that had been already outlined in the script where it was described as this big warehouse with shelves upon shelves of droid parts. I went up to the Home Depot store and walked around the aisles. I was thinking, “Wouldn’t it be cool to look up and see those droids jumping and leaping from side to side?” So that’s how that started. I thought that was just a neat image.
There’s some very creative lighting schemes, such as the sequence where Anakin awakens in the medical bay.
That was harder in the early days when we were doing those droid episodes. Andrew Harris was the Lighting Supervisor for those. All of the color and ideas for the lighting comes through the art department, which Dave Filoni supervises. I can’t recall exactly who did the concept paintings for those early shows, but they did some beautiful work. I inherited such beautiful paintings from those guys that I did very few tweaks from a directorial point of view. I really loved what they were doing artistically. The paintings had come with that bleached-out art direction, and I relied heavily on Andrew to pull that off with the Singapore crew.
It’s quite surprising to see that sort of detail in an animated show.
You’ve touched on something that was very important to George, Dave, and myself. I keep using the word “shoot” when I talk about making the show because we kept talking about it that way. We thought about it as shooting it with real cameras. This is still an animated world that exists in our imaginations, but we used cinematic tricks that we would use if it were a live-action film. We see lens-flares and exposures as if you’re in a dark room and shooting up to a bright window so that everything goes into silhouette. George loves that kind of stuff. So we used the language of real film and applied it to the show
What kind of scenes do you prefer working on? Big action sequences, like space battles, or mailer, character-based scenes?
I don’t actually have a preference. I think every episode or movie has to have a balance. I tended to spend most of my brain power on the quieter character-based scenes, because it was imperative that the animated characters came up to the same level as the real actors. But it was certainly fun to work on the opening space battle in Revenge of the Sith.
These TV shows have a lot of action because of the audience we’re going for, but it’s a real blend. There’s a Mace Windu episode that I directed that’s coming up later in the season, and that was a real combination of action and character. I’m really proud of that episode. It turns out that they liked it enough to make it the season finale. We were really doing well by the time we got to that show. It’s a real blend of big action sequences and smaller character pieces.
I think a strong director is someone who is able to play to people’s strengths, because not everybody is good at both of those kinds of scenes. There were specific animators I would give action work to, and other animators I would give acting to, and there’s a smaller group who can handle both.
How many episodes did you direct?
I did three more episodes after the two we’ve talked about. Two of them will be seen in this first season and one of them has been moved to the second season. I’m proud of the droid ones, but there are better ones coming! They do have guest director spots that come up every once and a while, and I would certainly be keen to direct another one. It’s all to do with timing and schedule.
Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith (2005) (animation director)
Signs (2002) (animation supervisor)
Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones (2002) (animation director)
Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999) (animation director)
Men in Black (1997) (animation supervisor)
Dragonheart (1996) (supervising character animator)
Star Trek Generations (1994) (computer effects artist)
The Mask (1994) (computer graphics animator)
Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future (animation coordinator) (22 episodes, 1987-1988)
Coleman Trebor one of the many Jedi slain by Count Dooku in Attack of the Clones, is named after Rob Coleman. The man has cameos in
Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith (2005) Opera house patron
Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999) Podrace spectator in Jabba’s private box
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ethancrossmedia · 2 years
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For Throwback Thursday, in like my tribute to Nintega Dario (who does make good 3D CGI animations, and is a VeggieTales superfan like me), here's the CGI animated shows I watched back as a kid in the late 90s-early 2000s. The shows are Rolie Polie Olie, VeggieTales, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius, and Cubix: Robots for Everyone. As Nicolas is a committed Christian, same for Catherine Taber (the voice of Lori Loud in The Loud House), and Sophia Woodward (who plays Luna Loud in A Loud House Christmas and The Really Loud House), I'm Roman-Catholic (because I'm Filipino-American), as VeggieTales was originally geared towards Christian audience, since 1998, it has been popular in the mass-media markets, as Lyrick Studios was the first company to release the series to the mass-media markets. For Rolie Polie Olie, I watched it on Playhouse Disney, and CBC Kids (my mom recorded 3 episodes on a VHS tape, while I was on vacation in Canada, visiting my aunts there a longtime ago in the early 2000s, since Rolie Polie Olie is a Canadian-produced CGI cartoon, produced by Nelvana, and one of the earliest CGI preschool animated series, after VeggieTales), years later, it reran on Disney Junior TV channel from 2012-2014, and since 2021, it's now streaming on Disney+, along with some old Playhouse Disney programs. For The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, I watched it on Nickelodeon and later on it's sister channel, Nicktoons in the 2000s. It's now streaming on Paramount+. For Cubix, I think I remember watching it on Kids' WB, and years later on the FoxBox (later 4Kids TV), and The CW4Kids (later Toonzai). I know it did also air on Vortexx. It's a South Korean-produced CGI animated series by Cinepix, and the English-language North American distribution was produced by 4Kids Entertainment.
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Perfect Strangers, Share Intense New Single “Tear Me Apart” from New Album ‘Social Decay’
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Loud, fast, and catchy, Perfect Strangers deliver modern hard rock with classic implementations. Their live shows are energetic and packed with roaring sounds, just like their brand new album, Social Decay. Focus track “Tear Me Apart” offers an adrenaline rush, spotlighting the band at their very best.
As a bystander, lead vocalist and guitarist Anthony Vitanza saw alcohol being abused and observed that “it's all fun and games from their perspective but to everyone else it's a real drag.” The ever-growing drinking problem of the song’s protagonist starts to tear them apart.
Perfect Strangers released their first EP, self-titled, in 2022, followed by their second EP, Running From A Nightmare, in 2023. Social Decay was inspired by hard rock music of the ‘70s and ‘80s, and indie rock music of the early 2000s. Produced and arranged by Anthony Vitanza, it was mixed at Catherine North Studios by Will Crann. 
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raosinger98 · 2 months
Saint Laurent News, Collections, Trend Exhibits, Style Week Reviews, And Extra
One part of him was French and upper-class—his father was an legal professional, making his cash from actual property offers and managing a chain of movie theaters spread throughout North Africa. The different a part of Saint Laurent was something of an outsider, a stranger making his method in a world that didn’t at all times welcome him. The online public sale of Catherine Deneuve’s wardrobe continues till midnight 30 January. Saint Laurent instantly made a splash and when Dior abruptly died in 1957, it was the younger assistant who took over the house. His first Dior assortment was a success however the following collections have been made with consumers far younger than Dior’s major viewers in mind. Sales plummeted and, as shortly as he ascended, Saint Laurent was let go by Dior. https://clothes.nu/shop-clothes-by-brand/ysl-saint-laurent-replica-clothings Established in 1996 by Mark Haddawy and Katy Rodriguez, Resurrection Vintage is the world's premier worldwide venue for collectible and historical classic clothes. In addition to their Los Angeles boutique, Resurrection has expanded their commitment to trend preservation by establishing the Resurrection Archive Studio. Resurrection's intensive archive catalog is one of the style, media, and movie industries prime sources for research, design, and growth. A true revolutionary brand, Saint Laurent—under the creative path of Anthony Vaccarello—offers a broad range of women's and men's ready-to-wear merchandise, leather goods, sneakers, jewellery and eyewear. Saint Laurent Acquires Major Private Collection Of Vintage Ysl Clothes The love affair between the art and style worlds is now commonplace, but Saint Laurent was among the many first to put artwork on the runway—and take his designs into galleries, too. Vincent van Gogh, Andy Warhol, Pablo Piccaso, Henri Matisse and Georges Braque’s work all featured in his designs. Most famous of all although was his 1965 Mondrian collection, which included six traditional Sixties-style shift dresses in homage to the Dutch artist’s grid-like paintings and his modernist spirit. The Belgian dressmaker, who took the creative helm of Saint Laurent in 2016, will play a key position within the new production foray, together with conceiving Saint Laurent clothes and niknaks in concert with every director. His name seems beneath Saint Laurent on posters for the Almodóvar film and the second quick that can premiere on the 76th edition of the Cannes festival, scheduled for May 16 to 27. Saint Laurent Winter 2023 is a masterclass in understanding silhouettes. After induction into the French military in 1960, Saint Laurent suffered a nervous collapse and was replaced at the House of Dior by designer Marc Bohan. In 1962 Saint Laurent opened his personal style house and rapidly emerged as some of the influential designers in Paris. Metallic and clear materials had been distinguished in his late Nineteen Sixties collections; in the ’70s, inspired by traditional Russian costume, he introduced the haute peasant look. Diana Vreeland, who was appointed editor in chief of Vogue in 1963, hailed Saint Laurent as the couturier for a new technology. Throughout the Sixties and 1970s, his improvements would trigger scandal, but ultimately they helped invent the wardrobe of the late twentieth century. Rather than printed, every of the colored blocks and black bands of Mondrian’s original art work are seamed into the garment — all of the darts and match seams are misplaced into the image of the painting. Carrying on the complex legacy of Saint Laurent would prove to be a herculean enterprise. But whereas Ford took punches for being extra of a headline-grabbing, hit-making businessman than an ivory-tower designer, his stewardship of the label increased sales and lured movie star fans. Saint Laurent Official On-line Store However, Yves Saint Laurent’s genuine leather-based is soft and easy to the contact. Inside the bag, it should be black textile with leather-based trim. The leather-based could additionally be glued to the liner, however that is for its seamless transition. The first Yves Saint Laurent collection was proven on Jan. 19, 1962. The manufacturers allowed and never allowed may be discovered here. A few exceptions may be made but please do not publish QCs on your Jordans or Essentials here. wikipedia handbags Welcome to r/Repfashion where we discuss everything related to duplicate fashion. Please contact us if you can't discover the sneakers you need.
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carmenvicinanza · 5 months
Debbie Allen
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Debbie Allen è l’attrice, ballerina, coreografa, regista e produttrice televisiva, conosciuta in tutto il mondo per la sua interpretazione dell’insegnante di danza Lydia Grant nella serie culto degli anni Ottanta Saranno famosi.
Ha lavorato a più di 50 film e produzioni televisive collezionando una bella sfilza di premi tra cui un Golden Globe, cinque Emmy Awards su venti nomination, due Tony Awards e dieci Image Award. Nel 1991 le è stata dedicata una stella sulla Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Come coreografa detiene il record per il maggior numero di vittorie e nomination agli Emmy.
Ha fatto parte della Commissione Presidenziale della Casa Bianca per le Arti e gli Studi Umanistici.
Un altro suo personaggio passato alla storia delle serie tv è stato la dottoressa Catherine Avery in Grey’s Anatomy.
Il suo nome completo è Deborah Kaye Allen ed è nata a Houston, il 16 gennaio 1950, sua madre è Vivian Ayers Allen, poeta e attivista culturale autrice di Spice of Dawns raccolta poetica nominata al Pulitzer e sua sorella è l’attrice e regista Phylicia Rashad, che è stata la famosa Clair Robinson nella sitcom The Cosby Show (in italiano I Robinson).
Debbie Allen, che danza da quando era una bambina, è laureata in letteratura greca alla Howard University e ha studiato recitazione alla HB Studio di New York.
Dopo anni, la sua università l’ha insignita col dottorato honoris causa così come la University of North Carolina School of the Arts.
Ha debuttato a Broadway nel 1970 e, dopo diversi musical e serie tv, è stata nel cast in un altro film televisivo che ha fatto epoca: Radici.
Nel 1980 ha ottenuto la prima candidatura ai Tony Awards come protagonista di West Side Story vincendo il Drama Desk Award. La sua prima volta al cinema è stata nel 1979, ma il ruolo che l’ha resa famosa è stato sicuramente quello di Miss Grant in  Saranno famosi. Oltre a recitare era anche la coreografa. È stata l’unica protagonista a lavorare nel film del 1980, diretto da Alan Parker, nella serie tv, girata tra il 1982 e il 1987, che le è valso due Emmy Awards e un Golden Globe (prima donna nera a vincere come miglior attrice per una serie tv) e anche nel remake del 2009 in cui era la preside della scuola d’arte.
Dopo diversi film e spettacoli a Broadway, ha diretto e prodotto 83 episodi della fortunata A different World serie spin-off del Cosby Show.
Ha anche inciso due dischi da solista Sweet Charity (1986) e Special Look (1989) e continuato a recitare, dirigere e creare coreografie per film, musical e numerose serie tv. Ha anche prestato la sua voce per diversi film d’animazione.
Come coreografa ha ricevuto 10 nomination agli Oscar, delle quali consecutivamente dal 1991 al 1994 e per Motown 30: What’s Goin’ on!  dedicato ai 30 anni della Motown che le è valso un altro Emmy per il segmento African American Odyssey.
Nel 1997 ha co-prodotto il film di Steven Spielberg Amistad, che le è valso il premio Producers Guild of America.
Nel 2001, a Los Angeles, ha fondato la Debbie Allen Dance Academy organizzazione no profit per incoraggiare giovani talenti.
Non ha mai smesso di dirigere musical e serie di successo come Scandal, Le regole del delitto perfetto, Empire e altre ancora, quasi tutte hanno come protagonista una donna nera.
Nel 2020 ha diretto, prodotto e curato le coreografie di Natale in città con Dolly Parton, che le è valso la quinta statuetta per le coreografie oltre al Governors Award 2021. Premio per meriti artistici accumulati o straordinari al di là delle candidature degli Emmy. Tre mesi prima era stata festeggiata ai Kennedy Center Honors.
Debbie Allen non ha mai mancato di dare il suo contributo in cause contro razzismo e violenza sulle donne, ha composto la coreografia del famoso flash mob mondiale One Billion Rising e marciato contro le politiche misogine di Trump.
Una carriera lunga cinquant’anni la sua, accompagnata dalla partecipazione sociale come artista e come singola cittadina per rivendicare diritti non ancora raggiunti o in continuo pericolo. Una vera forza della natura.
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aggravateddurian · 5 months
8 & 21!
Thanks for the ask!
Questions can be found here
8. I would have to say succinctly 'not really'.
The reason for that is simple: Considering that Night City itself has done wonders for pruning the guest list, and the fact that most of Mel's friends were also Val's friends, it worked out alright.
One curious issue was whether or not to invite Dorian. Dorian was a close family friend, but the death of Val's father in November 2077, so soon after Val's mother died in May 2077 led to Dorian spiraling. Val wanted to invite him anyway, but Mel was worried that with Dorian's current mental state, whether or not he could handle being in a room with so many people.
21. They did, almost immediately.
Val and Mel went on a honeymoon in the Pacific North West, around the Seattle area. This is because the only family member Melanie still talked to (her aunt Catherine, who inherited a veritable mansion from her late husband, who worked for Fourth Wall Studios) had gone to visit her family in the wartorn rentier hellhole known as Australia (read Australia lore for the Cyberpunk universe, shit's wild yo) and let them use the house, which is in the mountains outside Seattle (think the town from Twilight).
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The Best Wedding Photographers Capturing Unforgettable Moments in Baton Rouge, LA
A wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime event that deserves to be captured in its full glory. Every bride and groom wants their special day to be preserved in a way that will take them back to that moment, even years down the line. And while the dress, décor, and food are all important, it's the photographs that will truly stand the test of time. That's why it's so important to find the best wedding photographers when planning your big day.
If you're getting married in Baton Rouge, LA, then you're in luck. This vibrant city is home to many talented photographers who specialize in capturing weddings and creating stunning images that will last a lifetime. Here are some of the best wedding photographers in Baton Rouge, LA, who are known for their exceptional work.
Catherine Guidry Photography: Catherine Guidry is a highly sought-after wedding photographer who has been featured in numerous publications. Her style is romantic and timeless, with a focus on capturing candid moments and natural light.
Eye Wander Photo: Eye Wander Photo is a husband-and-wife team who specialize in capturing the emotion and beauty of weddings. They are known for their artistic approach and ability to create images that are both stunning and unique.
Studio Tran Photography: Studio Tran Photography is a team of professionals who have been capturing weddings for over a decade. They have a classic style that emphasizes elegance and sophistication, and they work closely with couples to ensure that their vision is realized.
Studio Orleans Photography: Studio Orleans Photography is led by award-winning photographer Ryan North, who has a passion for creating images that tell a story. His approach is unobtrusive, and he works to capture the natural beauty of your wedding day.
Three Twenty Studio: Three Twenty Studio is a team of photographers who specialize in weddings and engagements. They have a contemporary style that is both artistic and romantic, and they use a mix of natural and artificial light to create stunning images.
These are just a few of the many talented wedding photographers in Baton Rouge, LA. Each of them brings a unique style and perspective to their work, and they all have a passion for capturing the magic of weddings. When choosing a photographer for your big day, it's important to find someone who you feel comfortable with and whose style matches your vision. Take the time to browse through portfolios, read reviews, and schedule consultations to ensure that you find the perfect photographer to capture your unforgettable moments.
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First video dates List of fall movies: 'My Policeman' by Harry Styles, 'Catherine Called Birdy' by Lena Dunham, 'Samaritan' by Sylvester Stallone, 'Good Night Oppy' and more
First video dates List of fall movies: ‘My Policeman’ by Harry Styles, ‘Catherine Called Birdy’ by Lena Dunham, ‘Samaritan’ by Sylvester Stallone, ‘Good Night Oppy’ and more
Exclusive: Amazon Studios’ Prime Video Fall Season is packed with award-winning and captivating movies, with a list of dates you can find below. Many of them will have their world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival, that is my police Lena Dunham Catherine called bird, Along with a Ryan White documentary good night opie It received its first international in the Great White North.…
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queenshelby · 3 years
The Judge’s Daughter (Part One)
Featuring: Tommy Shelby x Virgin!Reader
Words: 8,700
 Warning: Angst, Blood, Gore, Mention of Suicide, Mention of Miscarriage, Drugs, Racism, Smut
Tag List:
@lilymurphy03  @deefigs @theflamecrystal  @chrisevanshoeee  @desperate-and-broken  @weepingstudentfishhorse  @captivatedbycillianmurphy  @fookingshelby  @livinginfantaxy  @rosey1981  @atomicsoulcollecto  @peakyboyslover  @nerdy4itall  @elenavampire21  @hanster1998  @mariapaiva13  @fairypitou  @harry-is-my-sunflower  @zozeebo  @lauren-raines-x
 Challenging Times
In early 1930, times were hard. The Wall Street crash in 1929 caused many men to lose their fortune. Your family had also lost money on the stock exchange. A lot of money.
Your father was a wealthy judge and now, he was just a judge. Your family home had to be sold and your father moved into a medium sized apartment in London with one of his maids.
Since your mother had passed away in 1920, your father had often sought comfort in his employees. There was one maid in particular who was of interest to him. Her name was Catherine and she was 10 years your father’s junior.
You accepted his relationship with her but soon felt uncomfortable to live with them in the London Apartment.
But your father wasn’t the only family member who lost his fortune in the stock market crash. Your brother had also lost a lot of money. So much money that he could not repay his gambling debt to one of London’s most notorious criminals.
As a result, your brother committed suicide. His mental health had always been troubled ever since he’s been to France, fighting for England in the First World War. Your brother was much older than you and it was almost a miracle when your mother fell pregnant again and gave birth to you after three miscarriages.
Your brother adored you and protected you whenever necessary. He was kind hearted but, unfortunately, got himself involved with the wrong people on several occasions which is when he began gambling.  
Following your brother’s death, your father struck a deal with the man to whom the gambling debt was owed, releasing three of his gang members from prison.
The debt was forgiven and you inherited your brother’s small cottage north of London.  Regardless of your father’s actions, he began to despise criminals who involved themselves in illegal gambling activities. Your father was known to be particularly harsh when it came to offences of this kind.
He once told you a story about a man who used to be a prominent criminal who made his fortune through race fixing and illegal gambling activities. That man was now a member of parliament and your father despised him.
Being Jewish, your father’s hate for this man increased even more when he became the deputy leader of the British Union of Fascists.
The man’s name was Thomas Shelby and you met him once at a gala organised by the socialist party in Westminster. He was a smart man but he was also extremely rude and insulted your father at the gala following a dispute they had earlier in the day.
Your father threatened him and told him that, one day, he will ensure his downfall. It was your father’s mission and it was dangerous.
With that threat in mind and heated political events unfolding around the country, your father asked you to move to the countryside. Take up your brother’s cottage and lay low until things were taking a turn.
It took you quite some time to build up the courage to move into the house where your brother took his own life. But, you eventually did, taking up your brother’s work at the property while attending nursing school every second week.
The cottage was free standing but behind a larger house owned by wealthy Londoners. Their wealth seemed to have been unaffected by the stock market crash and, just as your brother did, you attended their yards and animals on the small farm in exchange for a wage and free food from the produce.
You also spent some time renovating the cottage which was rather dated.
The cottage had two bedrooms, one of which you converted entirely to a studio for your paintings. You enjoyed painting and you were quite good at it.
The other bedroom you redecorated with your own furniture.
The downstairs area consisted out of a small living room with a fire place and a small kitchen and bathroom.
It wasn’t much, but it was a place you could call your own. It was home.
Initially following your move, you would travel to London occasionally to visit your father and his mistress. You wondered when he would finally propose to her. She had been waiting for years.
When you visited, you would often sit in one of his open hearings. You were quite interested in the political and legal situation in the country especially following recent events.  
Notably, it has been six weeks since the assassination attempt on Oswald Mosley, the leader of the British Union of Fascists.
Being Jewish yourself, you, just like your father, despised fascism.
The event at which the assassination attempt occurred was visited by many Jews, protesting against the establishment of the party and their obscure ideas. Despite your father’s instructions not to get involved, you were one of the protestors on the day and, although not openly, you have been associating yourself with the communists.
Your newfound friend Jesse Eden had since led several more protests you attended. Being only 20 years young, you believed that you could make a difference and convince people that their support for fascism was wrong and immoral.
The problem was that your father was at the centre of it all.
Following the assassination attempt on Oswald Mosley, two Jews were arrested and appeared in your father’s court. The prosecution didn’t have enough evidence for a conviction and the men walked free.
No one really knew who was behind the assassination attempt. There were no witnesses and everyone who may have witnessed the attack had since been found dead.
Regardless of this, for some reason, the leaders of the British Union of Fascists seem to have believed that a Jewish man by the name of Alfie Solomons was behind the attack. But there was one little problem, Alfie Solomon was dead. Or wasn’t he?
The men that were arrested used to work for Alfie Solomons and took the fall until your father set them free for lack of evidence.
A week after this decision, a Jewish owned factory was bombed. The factory was owned by the men who were set free by your father and a company owned by a Trust.
Ten men were killed and, following some arrests, it became evident that Jimmy McCavern was behind the attack.
Jimmy McCavern was the leader of the Billy Boys and, over the course of another week, your father was able to make a connection through some documents admitted to evidence between Jimmy McCavern, Alfie Solomons and a man named Thomas Shelby who was the deputy leader of the British Union of Fascists.
An arrest warrant was issued against Jimmy McCavern and Thomas Shelby by the London police following your father’s advice to them. Since, apparently, Alfie Solomons was dead, no arrest warrant could be made against him.
Thomas Shelby was the first member of parliament who was subject to such warrant and your father may have just, like this, gotten himself a lot of enemies.
The men he had against him now were not only the Billy Boys but also the Peaky Blinders and it was too dangerous for you to continue to visit him in London.
Unfortunately, little did you know that the danger was about to lurk just in front of your doorstep.
An Unexpected Visit
It was a Wednesday evening at 8pm that you heard a rather loud knock on the front door of your cottage.
You didn’t expect anyone and approached the door with your loaded gun. It’s not that you had ever shot a gun, but you bought yourself one two days ago just in case you needed it.
‘Who is it?’ you asked from behind the closed door.
‘It’s Jesse Eden’ you’ve heard from behind the door and you immediately recognised Jesse’s voice.
You put the gun aside and unlocked the door.
To your surprise, Jesse wasn’t alone and your chin dropped as you saw the man standing right in front of you. You remembered him. He was the man who stood beside Oswald Mosley during his speech in Birmingham and you had met him before at a gala at Westminster.
His name was Thomas Shelby.
‘I think we have met before Miss Rosenberg’ Tommy said.
‘Yes, we have Mr Shelby’ you said nervously and frightened at the same time. You immediately wondered whether Jesse was under duress by him. Why otherwise would he be here with her you wondered.
You invited them both inside after Jesse made the request to come in. She wasn’t sure whether they had been followed.
To your surprise, Jesse soon told you that she required your help. According to her, Thomas Shelby had to lay low due to the arrest warrant issued by the London police.
If Thomas Shelby was to be arrested, he may be killed in prison before a hearing could be conducted.
Accordingly, Jesse asked you to hide him at your house until the charges against him are dropped.
‘You mean until the chief of police has been bribed enough to drop the charges?’ you chuckled in response to her request.
‘I wish it would be that easy Love’ Tommy said as he looked at the pictures on your living room wall. His hands were in his pockets and he almost looked unbothered by the situation.
‘You cannot be serious Jesse. You seriously want me to hide this man at my house?’ you said in disbelieve.  
‘I am afraid I am serious Y/N’ Jesse responded.
‘Well, a fascist hiding at the house of a Jew, how ironic’ you said angrily, still unsure why Jesse was helping him.
‘I know we have gotten off on the wrong foot at the Westminster gala Miss Rosenberg, but I would greatly appreciate your help’ Tommy said, recalling his argument with your father in your presence in late 1929.
‘You think Mr Shelby?’ you chuckled. ‘You insulted my father and my entire family’ you said.
‘And for that, I apologise’ Tommy said politely but firmly.
‘Jesse, you need to explain to me why you are helping this man. I do not understand it’ you said.
‘I cannot give you more information Y/N. You just need to trust me on this, alright?’ Jesse asked almost fearfully.
‘Alright, but why me?’ you pondered.
‘Because you are the daughter of the judge hearing this matter. No one will think to look for me here, at your house’ Tommy explained.
‘Jesus’ was all you could respond with to Tommy’s comment.
‘Y/N, trust me, please. It’s for the cause’ Jesse said.
‘I find this hard to believe, but alright, he can stay’ you responded.
Not long after you agreed to house the deputy leader of the British Union of Fascists, Thomas Shelby, Jesse made her way back to Birmingham. It was a three-hour drive and she had to hurry before anyone became suspicious.
‘You will have to sleep on the lounge. Please help yourself to any food, water and drinks’ you said while you walked into another room to fetch a blanket, pillow and change of clothes for Tommy.
You still held on to your brother’s clothes which should have fitted Thomas just fine.
‘I thank you for your hospitality Miss Rosenberg and I apologise for intruding your space. I should be out of your hair within the week’ Tommy said as you came back to the living room and handed him everything he needed for his stay.
‘I am doing this for Jesse, not for you Mr Shelby. Although I do not quite understand why she is helping you’ you said just before you sat down in one of the arm chairs.
‘Let’s just say, we had a thing once, eh’ Tommy smirked.
‘I didn’t think that she would fall for a man like you’ you said.
‘A man like me, eh?’ Tommy chuckled.
‘Yes, a socialist turning to fascism. It’s rather disappointing’ you said.
‘Sometimes we do what we have to do Miss Rosenberg’ Tommy said.
‘Yes, if we didn’t, you wouldn’t be staying here, trust me’ you said before excusing yourself.
You made your way to your studio, painting and drinking wine. It was what you enjoyed most and you wanted to space from the stranger now living with you in the small cottage. A man you had literally nothing in common with and who you despised.
While you were painting, Tommy made use of your telephone and enjoyed some of your late brother’s whiskey.
It was obvious to you that he was struggling with being cooped up in your cottage and, just as your thoughts got lost in your paintings, you heard some a cracking noise near the door of your studio.
‘What are you doing?’ you asked as you noticed Tommy walking into your studio, looking through your many paintings.
‘You are talented. These paintings are extraordinary’ Tommy said.
‘Thank you, Mr Shelby’ you said with surprise. Had he really just complimented you?
His presence and closeness sent shivers down your spine. It wasn’t that you were frightened but you were clearly intimidated.
‘What are your plans, Miss Rosenberg?’ Tommy asked as he kept looking through the paintings.
‘My plans?’ you asked.
‘Your plans for the future? What are they?’ Tommy asked.
‘I am studying to become a nurse. Perhaps, one day get married and have children. The usual’ you said shyly.
‘Well, let me tell you, marriage is overrated’ Tommy chuckled before he asked how old you were.
‘I am 20’ you responded.
‘Still young with a life of opportunities ahead of you. Don’t waste them on the cause’ Tommy said.
‘Coming from a man who wastes his political career on fascism’ you said, causing Tommy to chuckle.
Your comment instantly sparked a political debate between you and Tommy which soon erupted into a heated argument.
During the argument he told you that you were too young to understand, ignorant and naïve and you were keen to throw him out of your house right then and there.
But, you bit your tongue and reminded yourself of the promise you made to Jesse.
You couldn’t stand him and his arrogance any longer and went to your bedroom, leaving him to debate about politics with himself.
Things Must Change
The next morning, you woke up early to attend the garden, ignoring Tommy as you left the house.
But, it wasn’t long until Tommy joined you in the garden. It was obvious to you that he was clearly bored.
‘What happened to the people who lived at the large house over there?’ Tommy asked as he walked outside to have a cigarette. You didn’t allow him to smoke inside the house.
‘They are in France for their annual vacation. Apparently, their fortune was unaffected by the stock market crash’ you responded.
‘Lucky them eh’ Tommy grinned as he grabbed some of the leather gardening cloves and a bucket from the side of the house.
Wearing his expensive suit and with the bucket in his hand and a cigarette in his mouth he walked over to the berry bushes where you were standing.
‘I might as well make myself useful eh’ he said jokingly as he began picking some berries.
‘Uhm yeah…but these aren’t ripe’ you giggled as you observed Tommy picking off some of the raspberries.
‘Right. Well, I usually don’t garden’ Tommy chuckled.
‘I couldn’t tell’ you laughed, causing Tommy to smile back at you.
This was the first time you noticed him smile. It was a gentle smile and it suited him.
Tommy helped you in the garden for the remainder of the day. It wasn’t like he had something else to do other than make phone calls to his brother and someone by the name of Kent.
You managed to keep your arguments to a minimum and you started to worry that you were slowly beginning to enjoy his company.
Later that evening, following dinner, you even sat down together in front of the fireplace in the living room to drink whiskey and wine and make some conversation.
‘I have been checking on your calls, contacting the directory because I wanted to make sure that I am safe with you being here. I have been told that the last call from my number was made to the Crown Investigations Office’ you said with surprise as you poured Tommy a glass of whiskey. After everything that happened in the past, you still didn’t trust him.
‘That’s correct’ Tommy said.
‘The only reason I could think of as to why you were talking to an officer of the Crown while you have an arrest warrant against you is if you were working for the Crown yourself. Otherwise, you would be mad tipping them’ you said.
‘I was just trading information that might be useful. In exchange, I am hoping for the arrest warrant against me to be dropped’ Tommy explained.
‘Mr Shelby, do you actually believe in fascism? I have not heard you speak about your party’s ideals since you’ve been here. We spoke about politics but you still seem to be a socialist at heart. So tell me, why do you follow this mad man Mosely? I am curious’ you said.
‘The thing about political parties is that they take the course into the direction in which they are steered. Much like a car. But just like with a car, if you fill it with the wrong fuel and the engine breaks down as a result, you will be going nowhere’ Tommy said as he took a drink.
‘And you are the fuel Mr Shelby?’ you asked with curiosity.
‘Yes, I am the fuel Miss Rosenberg’ he said.
‘Your intention is to undermine Mosley on behalf of the Crown. Jesse knew and this is why she helped you, isn’t it?’ you said after pondering on about what Tommy had just told you.
‘And now that you know this as well, it makes you my accomplice. I might be able to use your help Miss Rosenberg’ Tommy said.  
‘If it helps to end fascism, perhaps I am willing to give it’ you said with a smile. ‘But I am curious now Mr Shelby. Was it you who initiated the attack on Mosley?’ you asked.
‘I rather not answer Miss Rosenberg’ Tommy said.
‘I understand. Also, you can call me Y/N now that we aren’t enemies after all’ you said.
‘Alright Y/N, then I insist that you call me Tommy’ he responded.
After some more conversation you decided that it was time for you to make your way to bed. It was late and you had to get up early to attend the animals.
Falling asleep that night was easy. You felt much safer now despite Tommy’s presence. You knew he wasn’t going to harm you.
But just as easy as you had fallen asleep, you were woken up by a loud noise coming from the living room at 1am.
‘Tommy, are you alright?’ you asked worryingly as you walked downstairs in a haste, wearing nothing but your silk nightgown.
‘My apologies, I didn’t intend to wake you’ Tommy said as he sat on the lounge, covered in sweat.
You initially thought that he might haven gotten sick until you saw a small empty bottle on the living room table. Your brother used to have one just like it which he carried around everywhere. It contained Liquid Opium and helped him sleep. He took it every night until, one day, he stopped. The withdrawal was barely manageable and his addiction soon rebounded.
You knew what this was. You had seen it before.
‘I will make you some tea to help you sleep’ you said kindly as you observed Tommy’s struggles.
‘I don’t think that tea will help me sleep Love’ Tommy chuckled.
‘My brother used to have nightmares after France. When he returned home, my mother made this for him and he managed to get at least some sleep. It’s worth a try’ you said with a warm smile. You knew Tommy had been to France. You had spoken about it when you spoke about your brother earlier that evening.  
‘I suppose why not, eh’ Tommy said as he walked to the bathroom to clean himself off with a cold wet flannel.
After you put on the kettle, you walked to the studio and grabbed some more of your brother’s clothes.
‘These should fit you’ you said shyly as you handed Tommy a clean plain shirt and pants.
‘Thank you, Y/N’ he said as he took the clothes.
This was the first time you saw Tommy without a shirt and, despite his level of exhaustion, it was quite a sight. He certainly was a very attractive man.
After Tommy had gotten himself changed, you sat down next to him and handed him the cup of tea.
‘Do you want to talk?’ you asked.
‘It’s the middle of the night Y/N, you should get some sleep’ Tommy said.
‘It’s alright. I am not tired’ you said with a warm smile.
That night Tommy spoke with you about everything. About France and his late wife Grace who visited him in his dreams. He didn’t know why, but he felt as though he could talk to you and trust you.
At 4am, you eventually fell asleep on the lounge next to Tommy which is where you woke up the next morning covered with a warm blanket.
The fire was lid and there was a note on the coffee table as you woke.
‘Borrowed your hunting rifle, will be back by 8’ the note said.
You didn’t know how to hunt and had been telling Tommy how your brother shot bucks whenever you came to visit him at the cottage from London. You would then prepare it with veggies from the garden just the way your mother had shown you.
You thought that, perhaps, Tommy was better equipped than you when it came to hunting. You struggled enough even just to slaughter a chook from the farm and your intake of meat was clearly lacking as a result.
With Tommy gone, you decided to attend to the horses. Grabbing your shovel and rake, you walked into the stables.
But, just as you walked inside, you could hear a loud noise from behind the barn.
You wondered whether it was Tommy and approached the back area of the property carefully. After all, he had a loaded gun and you certainly didn’t want to get shot accidently.
Just as you walked to the side of the property, you saw a strange man.
‘Hello Love’ the man said, cocking his gun.
‘Who are you and what do you want?’ you asked holding on to your rake tightly.
‘We’ve got a dispute to settle with some Jews Love. Now be a good girl and put down this rake would you’ the man said firmly.
You obliged and the man approached you slowly.
‘Now Love, we will be having a good time and then we will visit your father’ the man said just before he called for another man who was at the back of the barn.
Within an instant, the man grabbed your wrists and pushed you against the outer wall of the barn.
‘Such are pretty thing aren’t you’ the man said as he aimed to cover your mouth while moving away your skirt.
But, just when the man’s hand reached your mouth, you bit him firmly just before yelling for help.
‘You fucking bitch’ the man said as he reached for his gun.
In this moment, you heard a shot. The other man was hit, but barely and went to check out where the shot came from.
With both men distracted, you ceased the moment and pulled out the gardening scissors you were carrying in your thin jacket. Within an instant and without thinking, you rammed the scissor into the neck of the man who was still standing right there in front of you.
This was all it took for the man to fall to the ground. You couldn’t help it but scream as your hands and blouse were covered in the man’s blood.
You were besides yourself, sitting on the ground next to his dying body in shock, unable to do anything.
After what felt like an eternity, you saw Tommy approach you, making his way through the veggie patch carrying your hunting rifle and covered in blood himself.
‘Are you alright Y/N?’ he asked as he kneeled down next to you, comforting you.
‘There is another man Tommy, he walked to towards the berry field’ you said.
‘I know. He’s dead now and so is the third man who was driving them here’ Tommy said.
‘Did you kill them?’ you asked.
‘Yes, I did’ he said and, just in that moment, you threw his arms around him.
This is when you realised that he had been injured and was in agony himself.
‘Tommy, you’ve been shot’ you said with worry as you saw blood staining through his white shirt.
‘Yes’ was all he managed to say at this point as he was losing blood.
‘We will get you to a hospital’ you said in a haste.
‘No hospital Y/N. I will be taken into custody if I set foot in a public place like this until the arrest warrant has been dropped’ Tommy said.
You could see the agony on his face as he held onto the side of his chest. He was in pain. A lot of pain.
‘You are nurse, aren’t you?’ Tommy asked, breathing heavily.
‘I am a student nurse Tommy. I have not practiced on a life person’ you said worryingly.
‘Well, it’s about time then eh’ Tommy chuckled.
‘Tommy, you can’t be serious’ you said.
‘I am serious Y/N. I need you to do this, please’ Tommy said.
‘Alright, common’ you said nervously. It wasn’t like you had a choice. Tommy was bleeding a lot and his wound needed attention immediately.
With haste, you walked inside with Tommy and placed a towel over the lounge and got your first aid kit as well as a bottle of vodka from the dining room.  You then went to the bathroom quickly to get a bowl of clean water and more towels.  
While you were getting everything ready, Tommy made a phone call to his brother Arthur, giving him your address. By that point, Tommy was barely able to stand up.
As you returned from the kitchen, you helped Tommy to remove his blood-soaked clothes.
You gasped for a moment. You weren’t sure whether the blood or the sight of his naked body took away your breath.
‘You’ve got whiskey?’ Tommy asked.
‘Tommy, I don’t think it matters which alcohol I use to clean out your wound’ you said as you got everything ready on the table.
‘To drink. Trust me, I’ll need it. I am out of Opium’ he said, his breathing still laboured.
‘Yes, of course’ you said before you poured him a large glass of whiskey and handed it to him.
He drank all of it in an instant before lying down.
‘This is going to hurt’ you said as you cleaned your hands and the tweezers from your first aid kit with some of the vodka.
‘I know’ he said, taking in a deep breath.
‘You have to stay still’ you went on as you reached for his wound which was still profusely pouring blood.
‘I know’ he said again before closing his eyes and holding on to the edge of the lounge in anticipation.
As soon as you entered the wounds with your fingers and the tweezers, all that you could hear was a loud grunt.
‘Fuck’ Tommy screamed as your fingers went in deeper, retrieving the bullet from his wound. By this point, you were breathing as heavily as him.
‘I’ve got it Tommy, don’t move now’ you said as you carefully pulled the bullet out of his flesh.
Tommy took in a deep breath and, with another loud grunt, you dislodged the bullet.
It was intact and you sighed with relief while Tommy opened his eyes, looking at you in agony.
‘Now I will clean up the wound and stitch it, alright?’ you asked, causing Tommy to nod.
He let out another loud grunt as you poured some of the vodka over his wound before handing him a clean towel to apply pressure to the wound while you prepared the stitches.
His face was expressionless when you placed the stitches. You knew that the worst pain was over but, nonetheless, you were surprised by how well he had handled it.
This was when you noticed several large scars across his chest and arms. Almost too many to count.
‘You have been shot before, haven’t you?’ you asked while Tommy looked almost relaxed when you placed the sixth stitch.
‘Just a few times’ he smirked.
While you placed the last stitch, you could hear a car pull up in front of your door.
You opened the door quickly before applying a bandage around Tommy’s chest.
‘Fucking Hell Brother’ Arthur shouted as he walked into the living room with Isiah.
‘Arthur, this is Y/N’ Tommy said by way of introduction.
You quickly shook Arthur’s hand by which he was rather surprised.
‘Who the fuck did this?’ Arthur asked.
‘The Billy Boys. But they weren’t after me. They were after her’ Tommy explained.
‘Why?’ Arthur asked.
‘Because she is the daughter of the judge hearing the McCaven matter. I assume they wanted to send a message’ Tommy said.
‘Did they see you?’ Arthur asked.
‘Yes, but it doesn’t matter. They are dead’ Tommy responded.
‘Alright, what do you want us to do with the bodies? Send a message?’ Arthur asked.
‘Burry them behind the property. This never happened. They just disappeared and never made it here. By the time McCaven finds out the arrest warrants will be dropped and I can deal with the situation and Mosley’ Tommy instructed.
Arthur and Isiah attended the bodies as instructed by Tommy. You were surprised how quickly and efficiently they made the bodies disappear without any evidence whatsoever. It was clear to you that they had done this kind of thing before.
Before they left, Tommy gave Arthur a note to give to Jesse Eden and a note to give to a person named Kent.
In return Arthur gave Tommy three guns, a change of clothes and a bottle of opium.
After Arthur and Isiah had left, you made sure that Tommy was resting. After all, he had lost a lot of blood and you didn’t want him to pull a stitch.
Tender Moments
‘Do you have any more of that tea?’ Tommy asked as he held on to the bottle of opium that Arthur had given him. He starred at it, but didn’t open it.
‘Yes, sure. I will make some’ you said.
You were surprised by Tommy’s request but didn’t dare to argue.
You sat down next to him to have some tea while he placed the bottle of opium on the table in front of him.
‘Tommy, don’t’ you said.
‘Don’t what?’ he asked.
‘The opium, don’t take it’ you said.
‘Well, then put it away somewhere I cannot find it eh’ Tommy said as he handed you the bottle and you obliged with his request.
Tommy knew he would be regretting this soon, at night when his nightmares would wake him once again. It wasn’t the pain he couldn’t handle, but rather it was Grace’s visits in his dreams and dreaming about France hat destroyed him.
He was afraid of going to sleep but he needed sleep badly especially after today and so did you.
‘Are you not going to sleep?’ Tommy asked as clock struck midnight and you were still there with him talking about matters which he never talked to anyone about. He felt like he could confine in you and, despite your young age, you understood and you cared.
‘I don’t think I can. Not after what happened today. Not after what I have done’ you said as tears were building up in your eyes for the third time that evening.
‘Y/N, listen to me, alright?’ he said, caressing your face gently.
‘What you have done saved your life. These men were here to hurt you and now they can’t. You are safe now’ Tommy said as tears began to run down your cheek.
‘I killed someone Tommy’ you said in disarray.
‘You killed a bad man’ Tommy said as he used his thumbs to wipe away your tears.
‘It’s still a man Tommy’ you said before pressing your head against his chest. ‘Will the picture of him ever leave my head?’ you asked.
‘No Y/N, it won’t. But your guilt will, that I promise’ Tommy said. ‘Now, let’s get you some rest, eh?’ Tommy said.
‘Will you come with me Tommy?’ you asked nervously, knowing that your question was somewhat unusual.
‘Come with you? To bed?’ Tommy asked with surprise.
‘Yes, just to sleep by my side. I am scared Tommy’ you said.
‘I never had a woman ask me to join her in her bed simply for the purpose of sleeping, but alright, I suppose I can do that’ Tommy smirked before he followed you upstairs.
As Tommy lied down next you, bandaged up and wearing not much more than his white undergarments, you could feel something unusual. It was almost like some sort of warmth which was flowing through your chest.
‘Do you want me to turn off the light?’ Tommy asked as he got comfortable on the large white pillow, facing you and starring into your dark eyes.
‘Not yet. Perhaps we could talk for a little longer’ you said as you looked into his comforting blue eyes.
‘Alright, what you want to talk about?’ he asked and this is when you brought up his current wife Lizzie and his children.
‘What about your wife and children, where are they?’ you asked.
‘They are in Scotland, where, apparently they are safe from all this and from myself’ Tommy said with some disappointment.
‘From yourself? But they are your children’ you asked with some confusion.
‘They are, but they are indeed safer without me until I sort things out’ Tommy explained.
‘Do you miss your wife’ you asked.
‘No, I do not miss my wife. She filed for divorce six weeks ago’ Tommy said.
‘You do not seem upset about it. Why is that?’ you asked.
‘Because I know that it’s the right thing to do, to keep her safe. Our relationship was never one made of love. I never loved her the way a husband should love his wife. But, she is mother of my daughter and she cares deeply for my son. I trust her. She’s always been loyal to me and to the Company’ Tommy explained.
‘That’s nice…to have someone like this in your life’ you said.
‘It is indeed. Now you should get some rest eh’ Tommy said as he turned off the bedside lamp.
To his surprise, as soon as he turned off the light, you leaned over towards him carefully and rested your head on the uninjured side of his chest.
He let you and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you close until you drifted off to sleep.
This was the first time for Thomas Shelby since he came back from France that he shared a bed with a woman other than his wife who didn’t have any sexual interactions with. To his surprise, despite the pain after having been shot, he slept better than he had expected. In the absence of nightmares, he was well rested until, after five hours of sleep, the next morning you heard a loud bang on the door.
Taking a Turn
You walked downstairs again with your loaded gun in your hand.
‘Who is it?’ you asked as you approached the door carefully.
‘Jesse Eden’ the person said and you quickly opened the door while Tommy came walking downstairs, out of your bedroom.
‘I actually just came here to make sure you didn’t kill each other but it looks like you’ve managed to become acquainted’ Jesse giggled.
‘It’s not what it looks like’ you said as Tommy walked out of your bedroom wearing nothing but his undergarments.
‘I assume Tommy has informed you about our past relations. But, for the record, I no longer have any interest in the man, so it’s quite alright with me if it is what looks like Y/N’ Jesse laughed.
‘You are no longer interested, eh?’ Tommy said to Jesse with a cheeky smile.
‘Unless you have forgotten, you ended up marrying someone else’ Jesse said.
‘Should I give you two some privacy?’ you asked as you felt uncomfortable being caught in between their conversation about old times.
‘No Y/N, there is no need eh Jesse?’ Tommy said with a laugh.
‘No there is not. Arthur came to see me last night to give me your note. But he hadn’t said anything about you having been injured’ Jesse said.  
‘It’s alright, she’s a nurse. I got lucky’ Tommy chuckled.
‘Well, I am glad because I have information from one of my informants that will be of interest to you now that you are still alive. The Crown prosecutor was removed from the case and so was the chief of police. Apparently, it was found out that they both involved themselves with illegal prostitutes at some of your brothels’ Jesse said.
‘Now that is interesting, isn’t it?’ Tommy smirked.
‘You obviously knew and blackmailed them. The man in charge of the matter is now your friend Lawrence Staghill who, I believe, is filing for a motion to dismiss for lack of evidence in front of the judge who still owes you a lot of money. So, it looks like that everything is going to plan for you once again Thomas Shelby OBE. You should be free to leave after the next three days. The case is to be heard after the weekend’ Jesse said.
‘You hear that? Three more days and I will be out of your hair Y/N’ Tommy said.
‘I can’t wait’ you said cheekily and with a hint of sarcasm.
Jesse stayed for a little while longer before heading back to Birmingham and you made sure that, for the entire day, Tommy rested.
It was hard for Tommy to rest. It was almost like he needed to do something at all times. He wasn’t a man who could ever just sit still and, say, read a book. His mind had to busy constantly and he loved to be challenged.
For you, the day went by quickly and looking after Tommy was almost like looking after a child who refuses to listen.
Gone Too Far
‘I see you made yourself a bed on the sofa again’ you said as you noticed Tommy putting the blanket and pillow on the sofa.
‘Whilst I enjoyed our pillow talk, I figured that last night was an exception. Unless you think you might have difficulty sleeping again’ Tommy smirked.
‘I think I just might’ you said with a smile as you finished brushing your hair.
‘Alright, I will take my pillow and blanket upstairs then eh’ Tommy said.
‘Alright, see you up there’ you smiled, causing Tommy to chuckle.
This was strange indeed, but he figured that, at least, the bed was more comfortable than the lounge.
‘So, what do you want to talk about tonight, eh?’ Tommy asked as you walked into the bedroom with a glass of water and two white pills.
‘I went to the chemist today. This should prevent infection’ you said you said as you handed him the glass and the tablets.
‘Thank you’ Tommy said as you lied down next to him.
He swallowed the tablets and waited for you to say something, start a conversation of some sort.
But you didn’t. You lied there quietly, your dark eyes gazing over his half naked body.
In this moment, he didn’t know what came over him but, just as he leaned to lie on his uninjured side, he ran his hands through your hair and his eyes met yours.
‘I haven’t met anyone quite like you’ Tommy said.
‘Why is that?’ you asked.
‘I am not sure. There is something about you that intrigues me. That doesn’t happen very often’ Tommy said and, just as he did, you leaned forward and your lips met his.
His lips were soft and still tasted like whiskey.
Reluctantly at first, he returned the kiss, gently but passionately.
It was a short kiss and your tongues never touched by the time you lips drifted apart.
Once your lips separated you starred at each other, questioning in your mind what had just happened between you.
With embarrassment, you pulled away and turned around quickly.
‘Goodnight Tommy’ you said after you turned around. You turned off the night light and pulled your blanket over you tightly.
‘Goodnight Y/N’ Tommy said with a slight chuckle, still facing into your direction.
Despite the fact that Tommy had been on your mind now for days, you were surprised by your own actions and wanted to pretend that the kiss between you just moments ago didn’t happen.
You knew about his past, the killings, the illegal businesses, everything. He was a man you knew you shouldn’t get involved with. He was also still married and, at least in the eye of the public, he was a fascist.
You tried very hard to ignore the fact that he was lying next to you, half naked. The fire was lightening the room slightly and you simply couldn’t close your eyes, starring to the other end of the room.
For ten minutes you tried to lie still, but couldn’t. You fidgeted and kept starring up and then to the side again.
‘Do you want me to help you go to sleep?’ Tommy asked as he noticed your restlessness, which instantly broke the silence between you.
‘Help me go to sleep?’ you asked with some confusion and without turning around to face him. You were still to embarrassed to look at him.
‘Yes’ Tommy said as, suddenly, you could feel his body moving closer towards yours but still separated by your individual blankets.
‘What do you mean by that Tommy?’ you asked with some ignorance and, just when you did, you could feel the back of your blanket lift slightly.
Within seconds, Tommy’s fingers trailed over your bare shoulders downwards over your small breasts which were covered by nothing but your silk nightgown.
Your nipple turned hard instantly at his touch and you let out a deep sigh.
‘Tommy, I have never been with anyone before’ you said, allowing his touch but worrying about what he was intending to do to you.
‘Don’t worry Love, I am not going to fuck you. At least not in the conventional way’ Tommy chuckled as his fingers circled over your hard nipples.
You had no idea what he could possibly mean by that. Did he not find you attractive? What was he going to do to you then if not that?
‘So, you don’t want me?’ you asked curiously while small moans escaped your lips as the tips of his fingers continued to run circles over your nipples.
‘I want you alright. But I am not keen on tearing my stitches’ Tommy said as his hands began to take hold of your breasts harder.
You moaned at his touch and felt a strange and unfamiliar sensation build up in between your legs.
It wasn’t long until you felt his fingers move downwards over your stomach until they finally began teasing the top of your mound through your panties.
‘Tommy, I don’t think I will be going to sleep with you touching me like this’ you said with heavy breath.  You wondered how on earth this was actually going to help you go to sleep.
‘I hope not’ Tommy laughed quietly. ‘But once I am done with you, you will sleep very well, that I promise’ he whispered into your before biting your earlobe gently.
You took in a deep breath and moaned quietly. The feeling of his hot breath was intense.
‘So do you want me to continue?’ he whispered.
You couldn't say yes. But you also couldn't say no. Instead, all that escaped your lips was another soft moan.
‘I need to hear you say it Love. Tell me you want me to keep going’ he said.
You whimpered under his touch, your hips now rocking to meet his hand. But he held firm.
‘I...it feels really good’ was all you could manage to say.
‘And you want me to continue?’ he asked as his fingers moved a little lower, over your panties, expertly brushing over your clit.  
‘Yes Tommy, please continue’ you moaned and, just like that, Tommy slit his hand beneath your panties, running his fingers directly over your wet slit, dipping only the top of them into you gently.
He then began to rub his wet finger tips over your clit, circling around your hard nub with light pressure.
‘Oh my god Tommy’ you moaned as you never felt anything just like that.
After a minute or two, Tommy gently slid one finger into you, looking out for any cues from you to ensure that he didn’t hurt you now that he knew that you were a virgin.
You were so tight, it was almost too much to start and he could feel the resistance of your hymen within you. But he kept going, carefully and gently thrusting his finger in and out of you at a slow pace.
You moaned softly and Tommy loved pulling a reaction out of you. It was almost like it was his goal to break your normally stoic composure.
Tommy wanted to know that you were enjoying what he was doing.
He began sliding his finger in and out of you all the way slowly at first, but not long after he started to build speed.
You enjoyed the alternating feeling between emptiness and fulness inside of you and were making the most delicious noises now. Your eyes were completely closed and you were moaning louder.
Suddenly Tommy slipped a second finger inside of you just to give you a little extra jolt and you reacted better than he could have expected.
It was slightly painful at first but the mild pain soon subsided and turned into pleasure.
‘Tommy, oh god...fuck’ you moaned as you began squirming just slightly and moaning a bit louder.
As his fingers kept thrusting in and out of you, your breathing became heavier and your legs began to quiver.
His thumb soon gave extra attention to your clit while he kept up with the movement of his middle and index finger.
Your moans kept getting more frequent now and you were certainly getting wetter too as Tommy kept going faster and harder.
You couldn’t believe how good he was making you feel with his fingers but you also didn’t know what to expect when an overwhelming sensation of warmth and tingling overcame you slowly.
‘Tommy, I don’t know if this is right. It feels strange’ you moaned as your legs began to shake and you couldn’t control your movements.
You tried to squirm away as the feeling was too unfamiliar to you. But Tommy persisted, pushing his hand firmer against you and his fingers even deeper inside of you.
‘Does it feel good?’ Tommy asked, knowing already what your answer would be as he could feel your walls tightening around his fingers.
‘Yes Tommy’ you managed to let out in between moans.
‘Then its right Love’ Tommy smirked. ‘Just relax and let go eh’ Tommy whispered.
You moaned once again, louder than before, and gave into the sensation.
It was intense, so intense that you had to clench onto the sheets and, just like this your orgasm washed over you.
You were a shaking mess and Tommy kept up the speed with his fingers until your orgasm slowly began to subside.
‘Fuck, what the hell just happened?’ you said once you began to calm down and while Tommy still stroked the outside of your now soaked mound.
‘Did you never have an orgasm before?’ Tommy asked surprised and with curiosity.
‘Like this? No. Never’ you said. Of course, you pleasured yourself before but the sensation was different, way less intense than what Tommy just managed to do to you.
As Tommy removed his hand from you, you turned around, your cheeks flushed. It was almost like you were embarrassed to look at him after what had just happened.
‘Feeling relaxed now?’ Tommy asked with a grin on his face.
‘Yes…uhm…thank you’ you said shyly.
‘It’s my pleasure’ Tommy said with a smile before giving you gentle kiss. You could have spent all night just kissing him. He was good at it and his lips were full and soft.
‘You should get some sleep now, eh’ he said after your lips drifted apart and he caressed your face.
‘Is there anything I could do to return the favour?’ you asked shyly, feeling somewhat guilty about the way he made you feel with nothing in return.
‘No, not tonight Love’ Tommy said as he pulled you closer. Whilst he had the desire to be with you that night, he was still not well enough after his injury and felt as though he should give you time. You were inexperienced and this was new territory for you, possibly overwhelming. Just like this, you had awoken the soft and gentle side of Thomas Shelby and that, in itself, brought him out of his own comfort zone.
He did not know what to do or how to act. The only woman who had managed to do this to him after he’s fought in France was his late wife Grace and he was certain that he would never meet another woman like this again. A woman he would care for in the same way he cared for Grace. Having met you changed everything for him that night and he struggled with the idea to accept his fade, especially with a woman half his age and who was the daughter of the man who tried very hard to bring him down.
Thus, as you leaned your head against his chest carefully, making sure that you didn’t lean against his wound, he couldn’t help but stare at you and ponder about what had brought him to you. Perhaps it was meant to be.
‘What’s wrong Tommy?’ you asked as you began to notice his eyes being fixated on you as he ran one of his hands through your hair gently.
‘Nothing, just enjoying the moment’ he said.
‘Me too Tommy’ you responded before closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep.
Change of Heart
The next morning, when you woke up, Tommy was not by your side. His side of the bed was empty.
But, when you walked downstairs you could see him, sitting in the dining room area with a pen and paper.
You weren’t sure what he was writing and you weren’t sure how to approach him after last night.
You decided to go with a kiss and, just after you said good morning and leaned in to kiss him, Tommy pulled away.
That was unexpected and you looked at him, full of questions.
‘Last night was a mistake Y/N for which I apologise. I should not have been temped’ Tommy said.
‘A mistake? Right’ you said as you walked over to the kitchen bench to boil the kettle. Small tears were running down your eyes and you tried hard to hide them from Tommy.
You had begun to care for him and you most clearly were developing feelings for him.
‘Y/N?’ Tommy said as he noticed you being upset.
‘Tommy, please just give me some space alright’ you said as you walked into the studio with your cup of tea.
You were embarrassed and you felt weak. Yet you wanted to be strong.
Were you too naïve, failing for a man like him?
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catherine-white · 3 years
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#20 summer series 2019
  By Catherine White
on June 20, 2019 
My path  went mostly between the house and studio as I packed pots to take to Penland, North Carolina where I'll be teaching for the next two weeks. When we first moved to our property I wanted to leave as much of our land as wild as possible. I had a dream of a gentle form of beautiful creative chaos. So we mowed minimally and had a curved trail that led to the pond and another that followed the edge of the water and one that traversed the hill. We let the birds drop seeds and the trees so seeded grew up. But vines also took over and so in recent years we have been mowing more to beat back the poison ivy, bittersweet, grapevine, and honeysuckle. In the early years, every few seasons we would change where we mowed our trail. We were amused that our dog at the time still took the path that was mowed when she was a puppy. The last couple of weeks with all our focus on firing and home exhibit we were behind on upkeep so at the beginning of the week Warren did a complete mowing. On my walk today I felt as if I could invent any interpretation of my landscape as my new path in life.
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brooklynmuseum · 4 years
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Join us for a virtual tour of Luce Visible Storage, one of the gems of the Luce Center for American Art! While only a fraction of the Brooklyn Museum’s holdings are on view in the galleries, Luce Visible Storage gives open access to some 2,000 works in storage for visitors, scholars, and students to view and research. Let’s take a look at some of the collections.
Created by Jane Dini, Andrew W. Mellon Senior Curator, American Art, Catherine Futter, Senior Curator, Decorative Arts, Margarita Karasoulas, Assistant Curator, American Art, Nancy Rosoff, Andrew W. Mellon Senior Curator, Arts of the Americas, and Elizabeth St. George, Assistant Curator, Decorative Arts.
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Gaston Lachaise’s monumental Standing Woman is among one of the larger-than-life-size sculptures visitors encounter in Luce Visible Storage. 
The pronounced contrapposto of the figure’s pose evokes classical traditions, while the robust proportions and sensuous treatment of the female form recall Paleolithic fertility figures. This sculpture is a pictorial homage to the artist’s model and muse (and later wife) Isabel Nagel, who inspired numerous other works.
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The Brooklyn Museum’s collection is particularly strong in direct carving, where sculptors carved directly on the chosen material, whether wood or stone, and advocated “truth to materials.” Many of these modernist artists were recent immigrants to the United States. 
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The French-born sculptor Robert Laurent studied under the painter Hamilton Easter Field in Brooklyn Heights. Carved out of alabaster and weighing nearly two hundred pounds, Robert Laurent’s The Bather depicts an idealized, nude female figure in a dynamic pose, her finely carved hair cascading over her body. Laurent preferred working with this material, noting that “…the beauty of alabaster is its transparency. This is what gives it life and vibration.”
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Upon moving to New York City in 1914, Polish-born sculptor Elie Nadelman earned acclaim for his early idealized and classical heads such as La Mysterieuse. Here, rhythmic, curvilinear shapes imbue the sculpture with a sense of dynamism. As Nadelman once acknowledged, “I employ no other line than the curve.”
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A protégé of French sculptor Auguste Rodin, Malvina Hoffmann was one of the foremost women artists of the twentieth century. Inspired by her travels in North Africa in the late 1920s, Martinique Woman (1928) anticipates Hoffmann’s later work on The Races of Mankind for the Field Museum. Although the work represents a racial type, its modernized realism signals a deliberate break with earlier treatments of African subjects ranging from caricature to romanticism.
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This screen features the museum’s important collection of early twentieth century modernism, including, in the bottom-right corner, Marsden Hartley's Handsome Drinks from 1915.
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Responding to the 1915 downing of the RMS Lusitania (or LUS) by a German U-boat off the coast of Ireland, Hartley implores the countries united in response—the United States represented as a Manhattan cocktail flanked by France as a glass of absinthe and the United Kingdom as a cup of tea, to “Forgive (or LOGH in Irish) the blockhead,” or boche an offensive term for a German soldier. The flaming chalice underscores this plea for unity and peace a year before the United States officially entered into the First World War.
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In addition to sculpture and painting, decorative arts also abound in Luce Visible Storage.
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The museum has a large collection of objects made by Tiffany Studios (formerly in Corona, Queens) including this lamp with delicately cut shades of glass in green, pink, and purple. Each Tiffany lamp has an original composition, many designed by women. 
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If it seems like the museum has a lot of chairs, it does. The Museum has an exceptional collection of American chairs from the 1700s to today. The form is an excellent way for designers to express themselves with different styles, materials, and forms.
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Folding chairs are not a new invention. During the 1860s and 1870s, George Hunzinger, of Brooklyn and Manhattan, manufactured this folding chair that seems to combine function with upholstered comfort.
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This charming pair of singing Zacatecas ceramic figures from Jalisco, West Mexico may represent a married couple or founders of an ancestral lineage. Placed in tombs to accompany the dead, these animated sculptures reveal aspects of ancient Mexican life over 1,800 years ago. The man’s fashionable antennae-like hairstyle was probably achieved by wrapping hair around an interior support, and the painted designs on their bodies may represent tattooing.
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Amid the display of Native American pottery, storage boxes, and eating utensils, this elk-horn spoon dating from the late 19th century was carved and used by Yurok men to eat an acorn-mush cereal. Today, the Yurok are the largest tribe in California with over 5,000 enrolled members.
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This polychrome, wooden statue of Saint Joseph dates from the 19th century and reportedly comes from the church in Zia Pueblo in New Mexico, where it was likely displayed on a sanctuary table. The unidentified artist was likely Native American or of Mexican-Hispanic heritage. Present-day New Mexico was the northernmost frontier of the Spanish Colonial Empire, until Mexico gained independence from Spain in 1821. Its remoteness encouraged the development of religious folk images that differed greatly from their European-inspired counterparts such as the Virgin displayed nearby.
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This exquisitely inlaid box from present-day Peru or Bolivia, was likely used to store coca leaves. During the 18th century, such luxury items were prominently displayed in affluent Spanish American homes to underscore the owner’s wealth and social status. Coca-leaf teas were, and continue to be popular as a mild stimulant.
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Thank you for joining us on a tour of Luce Visible Storage! Missed one of our other virtual tours? Check them all out here.  
Installation Views of Luce Visible Storage (Photo: Jonathan Dorado) 
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
Us, January 25
You can now buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Olivia Wilde, Harry Styles and Jason Sudeikis 
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Page 2: Red Carpet -- drop sleeve romance -- Cynthia Erivo, Margaret Qualley, Aja Naomi King, Eiza Gonzalez 
Page 3: Chloe Bennet, Keri Russell, Isla Fisher, Idina Menzel, Kaia Gerber
Page 4: Who Wore It Best? Gigi Hadid vs. Khloe Kardashian, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley vs. Haley Lu Richardson 
Page 6: Loose Talk -- Rowan Atkinson on cancel culture, Chrissy Teigen on why she gave up drinking, Busy Philipps on getting used to her 12-year-old child Birdie’s they/them pronouns, Joy Behar resuming her feud with fellow View cohost Meghan McCain who recently returned from maternity leave, Arnold Schwarzenegger on mistaking Chris Pratt for Chris Evans on an Instagram telethon
Page 8: Contents 
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Page 10: Hot Pics -- Angelina Jolie enjoyed a bit of retail therapy in L.A. 
Page 11: Justin Bieber took an electric bike out for a spin while on vacation in Hawaii, Gavin Rossdale holding his beloved dog during an outing in Studio City, Selling Sunset’s Christine Quinn wore pink during a photoshoot in Bel Air 
Page 12: Olivia Munn, Tori Spelling got a smooch from her and husband Dean McDermott’s pups in L.A., Emilio Vitolo Jr. and Katie Holmes walked arm-in-arm during a romantic stroll in NYC 
Page 13: Emma Slater and Sasha Farber stepped out for some fresh air with their dogs Ruby and Grinch in L.A., Dua Lipa and Anwar Hadid spent their days soaking up the sun while on vacation in Tulum, Mexico 
Page 16: Matt Damon was spotted without his wedding ring while visiting BFF Ben Affleck one month after celebrating his 15th anniversary with wife Luciana Barroso in L.A., Sutton Foster filming Younger with Nico Tortorella and Debi Mazar in NYC, during an outing Lisa Rinna took her dance moves to the streets in L.A. 
Page 17: Diplo spent the day exploring the ocean during a scuba diving session in Tulum, Bella Thorne and boyfriend Benjamin Mascolo couldn’t keep their hands off each other while playing in the ocean in Tulum 
Page 18: Jennifer Lopez works her monochrome magic 
Page 20: Winter Wonderland -- ‘tis the season to bundle up -- Kellan Lutz sipping on hot drinks with pregnant wife Brittany in NYC, Irina Shayk posed with a snowman she built in NYC, Kylie Jenner and daughter Stormi kept warm and cozy in fashionable outerwear, Bella Hadid made a snow angel following a storm in NYC 
Page 21: Martha Stewart in her snow plow in Bedford in New York, Rebel Wilson hitting the slopes in Aspen, Hilary Duff and Matthew Koma played with their daughter Banks outside in North Reading in Massachusetts, Ciara skiing for the first time during a trip with Vanessa Bryant, Laura Prepon building a snowman 
Page 22: Stars They’re Just Like Us -- Wells Adams broke a sweat during an afternoon jog in L.A., Gabrielle Union donated items to her favorite organizations through the Amazon Smile Charity Lists in L.A., Jenny McCarthy checked taking out the trash off her to-do list in Chicago 
Page 23: Ellen DeGeneres pedaled to lunch in Santa Barbara, between carrying a huge basket and walking his dog Kuma Justin Theroux has his hands full while out and about in NYC 
Page 24: Love Lives -- Emma Stone baby on board 
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Page 25: Chrissy Metz and boyfriend Bradley Collins met on the dating app Bumble, after spending months in Australia Zac Efron has no plans to return to Hollywood because he’s loving life with girlfriend Vanessa Valladares 
Page 26: Hollywood Moms -- Melissa Joan Hart on her three sons Mason and Braydon and Tucker 
Page 27: Amber Rose’s sons Sebastian and Slash may be six years apart but she says they have the sweetest bond, Rachel Bilson’s daughter Briar has no idea that dad Hayden Christensen played Darth Vader, Melissa Rycroft has ruled out baby No. 4 
Page 28: Hot Hollywood -- Duchess Kate Middleton’s family made her recent birthday very special despite the pandemic -- during her low-key celebration at Anmer Hall she felt the love from Prince William and their kids Prince George and Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis and they gave her a bouquet from the kids and diamond and sapphire earrings from William which she loves -- she even received a card and gifts from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle which was a nice surprise and she may get to thank them in person as Harry and Meghan will reportedly return to the UK in June 
Page 29: After months of dating speculation Michael B. Jordan and Lori Harvey finally confirmed their relationship via Instagram when Michael and Steve Harvey’s adopted daughter posted loved-up photos of each other on their accounts 
* Nearly 17 years after the Sex and the City series finale aired stars Sarah Jessica Parker and Cynthia Nixon and Kristin Davis are reprising their roles for a revival called And Just Like That...Noticeably absent from the group is Kim Cattrall who’s had an ongoing feud with Sarah Jessica for years and has been vocal about her decision to never return to the show 
* Keeping Up With Us -- Gwen Stefani’s annulment from ex-husband Gavin Rossdale has finally been granted by the Vatican which was a huge relief for Gwen who wants her marriage to Blake Shelton to be recognized by the Catholic Church, Meghan Markle’s estranged dad Thomas Markle says that he’s very pleased with daughter Samantha Markle’s upcoming tell-all book, The Grammys has been delayed to March 14 over coronavirus concerns, Shia LaBeouf and Margaret Qualley have called it quits on their weeks-long whirlwind romance, Dr. Dre said he’s doing great after being hospitalized for a brain aneurysm, Stassi Schroeder and fiance Beau Clark welcomed daughter Hartford Charlie Rose 
Page 30: A Day in the Life -- Catherine Lowe 
Page 31: Sarah “Fergie” Ferguson has a lot to look forward in 2021 -- not only is she releasing a new book this summer which is a historical fiction novel titled Her Heart For a Compass but the Duchess of York is also preparing to become a first-time grandmother to Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank’s child -- though the little one’s arrival is still weeks away Fergie’s already started passing down her motherly wisdom to her 30-year-old daughter whom she shares with ex-husband Prince Andrew -- as for what she’s hoping to be called by her grandchild she says lots of her friends call her Duch so she thinks it will end up being Duchee 
Page 32: Cover Story -- Olivia Wilde’s love triangle -- Olivia’s ex Jason Sudeikis is devastated as her new romance with Harry Styles heats up 
Page 36: Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West behind closed doors -- as rumors of impending divorce swirl what’s really happening inside Kim and Kanye’s six-year marriage -- it was extremely draining to keep pretending that their marriage was OK when the whole world could tell it blatantly wasn’t and things between them have gotten so toxic they have no choice but to live apart 
Page 38: One for the Ages -- it’s nothing but a number -- these couples don’t mind a May to December romance -- Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones, George Clooney and Amal Clooney, Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles 
Page 39: Leonardo DiCaprio and Camila Morrone, Jay-Z and Beyonce, David Foster and Katharine McPhee, Holland Taylor and Sarah Paulson 
Page 40: Natalie Portman’s lip service with Dior’s wildly popular Rouge Dior Couture lipstick -- she stuns in a series of images that evoke the splendor of Paris and peep the behind-the-scenes moments 
Page 42: Entertainment -- The Bachelor Matt James teases what’s to come 
Page 43: Dean Hashim of 90 Day Fiance on having a daughter with girlfriend Rigin Bado 
Page 46: Fashion Police -- when bad clothes happen to good people -- Miley Cyrus, Bella Hadid, Alia Shawkat 
Page 47: A$AP Rocky, Kate Flannery, Tessa Thompson 
Page 48: 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me -- Tim Allen 
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independentartistbuzz · 9 months
Maya Blue Release Rock ‘n Roll LP ‘Trouble in Mind’ with Punchy New Track “Hey”
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Maya Blue have been together since 2019, playing festivals, bars, and venues across the Greater Toronto Area. Their debut, self-titled EP was released in 2021.
Now, they’re sharing their first LP, Trouble in Mind—stream it here. Pulling from rock, blues, indie and Canadian music, Nick DePaul (guitar/vocals), Tyler Pasta (drums), and Derek Osborne (bass) tie these influences together with unique grooves and classic guitar tones.
Produced by Aidan Robson at the legendary Catherine North Studios (City and Colour, Practically Hip), this rock ‘n roll record kicks off with “Hey,” a punchy track straight out of the late ‘60s/early ‘70s with a heavy blues rock riff. 
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Gloria Ella Saunders (September 29, 1927 – June 4, 1980) was an American actress of film and television, primarily from the late 1940s to 1960.
Saunders was born to George D. and Lucille P. Saunders in Columbia, South Carolina. As a child she worked in radio and in the Little Theater in Charlotte, North Carolina. At the age of 16 in June 1944, she screen tested for Paramount Studios. In 1945, she was seriously injured in an automobile accident and suffered a facial cut from her forehead to the tip of her chin. By October 1951, numerous plastic surgeries resolved the scarring.
Saunders acting career began on stage. She was discovered when she performed in a production of Rebecca in the southern United States, after which she acted in a San Francisco production of Adam Ate His Apple".
Her first important role was as Sparky, an operator in the Women's Army Corps of World War II in the 1946 film O.S.S., with Alan Ladd. In 1951, she played Terry Flynn in the film Crazy Over Horses. That same year, she was cast as Anne DuMere in the film, Northwest Territory, starring Kirby Grant.[3][better source needed] In 1952, Saunders was cast as Catherine in the science fiction film Captive Women.
Saunders had recurring roles in two of the earliest television series. In 1949 and 1950, she was cast in the role of Ah Toy in Mysteries of Chinatown.[5] She appeared in an undetermined number of episodes, possibly as many as forty-eight. In 1953, she played the character, The Dragon Lady, in 1333 episodes of the series Terry and the Pirates, with John Baer in the title role.
She was cast as Sally Jones in the 1951 episode "Boulder City Election" of the television series The Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok, with Guy Madison in the title role. From 1952 to 1953, she appeared in five episodes of another syndicated western series The Range Rider. She appeared twice in 1952 on the syndicated western The Cisco Kid.
From 1951 to 1953, she appeared three times in the early police drama, Racket Squad. In 1953, she was twice cast on Jack Webb's Dragnet. In another 1953 role, she played Lily in "The Riddle of the Chinese Jade" on the syndicated series Adventures of Superman.
Saunders appeared in the Columbia Pictures film Red Snow (1952),and she portrayed Zelda in the Columbia production Prisoners of the Casbah (1953).
In 1956, Saunders was cast as Christina in "The Voyage of Captain Castle" of Frontier. The same year, she was cast as Gloria DiNeen in "What Price Gloria" of the syndicated State Trooper, starring Rod Cameron. In 1955 and 1957, she appeared in two episodes, "The Silk Stocking Case" and "The Ambitious Peddler Case", respectively, of The Lineup, starring Warner Anderson and Tom Tully. In 1957, she played Grace Patton in the episode "Angel of Loudoun" of the American Civil War series The Gray Ghost, starring Tod Andrews as the Confederate Major John Singleton Mosby. The same year, she played Virginia Malcolm in "The Torch Carriers" of David Janssen's Richard Diamond, Private Detective series, first broadcast on CBS.
In the episode "The Wicked Widow" (May 21, 1957) of the ABC/Desilu television series The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp, Saunders was cast as Myra Malone, an attractive widowed dressmaker.
In 1957 and 1958, she was cast in two other western series, as Rose in "The Town" of the CBS series Trackdown, starring Robert Culp and in the segment "Iron Trail Ambush" of the syndicated Frontier Doctor, starring Rex Allen. Her last acting role was in 1960 as a mystery woman on The Donna Reed Show.
Saunders first married the television director Arthur Rue "Tommy" Thompson (1927-2000). Saunders said that she likely would not have gone into television acting had it not been for her accident, and she would not have met Thompson had she not gone into television. The couple divorced in 1956, with a two-year-old child. She subsequently married a man named Maier.
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yegarts · 3 years
Migratory Paths: Public Art Takes Flight at the Edmonton Convention Centre
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Been dreaming of a flight to somewhere fabulous? Well, The Edmonton Convention Centre just might be your ticket. It’s now home to Migratory Paths, a public art installation depicting thousands of golden birds, turning mid-flight over the Convention Centre’s soaring atrium. Its creator, artist and sculptor Catherine Ross, says it’s a venue so fitting, the pairing exceeded even her expectations.
“As I came up the escalator on the morning of installation, the sunlight was hitting the tail-end of the piece from the east, and it was overwhelmingly rewarding. The building needed the piece, and the piece needed the building, which is rare,” said Ross, “and I don’t think it happens often that things so perfectly align.”
How Ross got to that perfect moment was also a journey: “I always knew my process was labour intensive, but this project was over the top on that aspect,” says Ross in hindsight. That’s not surprising considering each ceramic bird was hand-modelled and drilled, triple fired, glazed, and hand-painted. To do the math, that’s 2,032 birds, 735 stainless steel cables, 20,000 hours, and 2 years to complete—all before driving the work from Ross’ studio in Lethbridge, 505 km away, to Edmonton, for half a million guests to enjoy every year.
Looking back, Ross says the process has taught her a few things about herself, too: “One thing I’ve learned after realizing a piece of this scope and nature, is that I have a very dependable, tenacious, and curious nature that continues to propel and motivate my practice on a daily basis. For me, the driving force behind making work is—and always will be—giving it to people to see.”
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That gift of public art and the ability to share it is something Ross is especially grateful for after a year of lockdowns and social distancing. Imagining how people might feel looking up at the thousands of sunlit birds brings her great pleasure.
“I hope people will take away a sense of wonder, a feeling of magic, love, joy, optimism, and personal ownership of all these feelings that are potentially evoked when engaging with the piece,” says Ross. “Engaging my audience in a profoundly personal and individual level through the visual integrity of the sculpture and the ideas embedded in the finished works has, and continues to be, a driving force in my studio practice.”
For now, the art installation remains closed due to scheduling and Covid-19 protocols, but the hope is to premiere Migratory Paths to the public this September. Though the wait may seem long, its moment of arrival will poetically mimic the golden canopy of birds themselves, depicted turning mid-flight—a symbol that Ross describes as “the moment of change that precedes movement.”
Migratory Paths is a public art project awarded to Catherine Ross by the Edmonton Arts Council and the Edmonton Convention Centre. Visit the Edmonton Arts Council’s website for all its current calls for submissions.
Click here to familiarize yourself with all health and safety protocols that may be in place for your next visit to the Edmonton Convention Centre.
About Catherine Ross
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I was born in Edmonton, Alberta, where I grew up running wild in the North Saskatchewan River Valley. Since 1989, I have lived and worked in Lethbridge enjoying my daily walks in and around the Oldman River Valley. Sculptor, John Geer in his catalogue essay for Riding a Dark Horse, 1988, references both the dynamic edge between art and craft, and the necessity to maintain trust in one’s self as we embrace the unknown in our engagement with a studio practice. His observations remain true today as I continue in my artistic development. There is rarely a project I pursue that is not propelled by trust and driven by the pleasure that comes from making work and working. Joy and excitement drive my practice as I explore the materials, ideas, processes and techniques of art and art making. I create sculptural works that are accessible, intelligent, and beautiful with the potential to give joy and excitement to the viewer.
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