#cathy x reader
lonleywriters-blog · 2 years
hehe can i get nsfw headcanons for cathy from brandon rogers!
Nsfw Cathy headcanons
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She likes to have control because she doesn't get much in her day to day life
She is demanding and gentle
She likes to give you head
Overstimulates you
She loves making you a sloppy mess
Likes to put her hand over your throat but adds no pressure
You can have control every once in awhile
She is open to new things
She wants to be passionate
She likes to tease you in public
She has a strap on
She wants you to ride her the angle turns her on
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1-800-sinister · 6 months
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they- i'm- oh.
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judgementdaysunshine · 2 months
Pairing: Cathy Kelley x Fem reader x Rhea Ripley
Description: Your partners disguise themselves to watch your underground match
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The girls disguise themselves in clothes they rarely wear along with two of your wigs that you used for cosplaying and some of your promos in TNA when your hair was faded or beginning to grow out a bit more. You smiled seeing Cathy in a pink wig while Rhea wore an orange red one putting the thought of telling her to dye her red going in the back of your mind as you walked down the alleyway as it was called in the underground dome, the match got underway as you jumped off the ropes and did a crossbody on Drew who was also on the ground roster along with a few other stars in WWE and TNA but the underground rules had most of their rules like a fighting club with the company's safety rules and protocols while allowing matches to pan out without anything being predetermined which added more fight and will plus a bit more danger and strangely fun to it as well. An hour went by as the match only grew more unexpected and chaotic with you and drew matching well against each other from his build and strength to your fast and high flying style there was always a counter to a move followed by someone always being a step ahead of the other until you caught drew with a sweet chin music, the girls were cheering louder than everyone in the dome as you walked out of the arena waiting for the girls in the parking lot after showering and watching the rest of the show leading to you and the girls at a local restaurant eating chicken wings as the afternoon turned into a surprise date that the three of you hadn't had in awhile due to all of your packed schedules but it was nice to have moments like this together filled with love and only focusing on each other and nothing else at all.
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serenefreakgeekao3 · 2 years
I have one!!!
Jim Halpert x gn!reader with fluff prompt
“Sad…I have a blanket with all this room and no one to share it with.”
With that episode ‘After Hours’ (yes I looked it up 🥲) where Jim is trying to get Cathy out of his hotel room so Dwight helps, but then Jim gets stuck with Dwight. So R comes to Jims rescue and offers him to stay with them in their room.
Summary: Jim is sent on a business meeting along with a few other prospective candidates for Vice President. When everything begins to spiral out of control, Jim doesn’t know who to turn to next //AU where Jim and Pam never got together, Pam went through with her marriage and the two children she has are with Roy, Pam is a sales associate, and Reader is the receptionist / being used as Nellie’s personal assistant Warnings: Use of Y/N, switching POV (between reader and Jim), use of the word ‘whxre’ (not at anyone), Author's Note: I’ll be completely honest my friend, I’ve completely forgotten who Cathy is! If she worked as the receptionist for Dunder Mifflin Scranton, then no she didn’t! In fact she’s not from Scranton at all cause reader doesn’t know her so how about that, there we go. Did I go back and rewatch the episode you mentioned? Yes. did i hate myself for it? Maybe a little bit. But it was during work so what else was i supposed to be doing? Work? Nah (ok look i wrote literal notes for this fic like it was a damn english project in school ok pls love this for me) Also on a side note, there needs to be more fics of Jim Halper x Reader ok I am literally dying without them. picture im like a dehydrated person in the desert just dragging my body around ok I need more fics
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Arriving at the hotel in Tallahassee should’ve been a lot smoother than it turned out to be. They were all told that Dunder Mifflin had it ‘handled,’ which should’ve been your first clue. What really tipped you off was the number of rooms available.
“What do you mean? There should be one extra-”
“That’s all the rooms we have on record, sorry.”
“No,” You sighed, rubbing your face with your hands, “No, I know. It’s not your fault at all. Just- do you have any extra available rooms? I’ll pay for it out of my own pocket.” It’s not as if you were being paid millions to be a receptionist at Dunder Mifflin, but you’d rather not have to ask to bunk with anyone. Everyone here were adults, and half of them seemed dead set on performing some sort of sexual act for the evening.
You had driven over with Nellie after she insisted you both carpool to cut costs. Then you had to suffer an entire car ride about how pent up she was, how she just wanted to get laid and she wasn’t above using her decision on who will be the new VP to get herself into bed. You tuned out before she could start listing names since there was nothing in the world you wanted to know less than what kind of guy Nellie was into.
“I’m sorry, it looks like we don’t have any extra rooms available.”
You were about to speak when you were bumped into, turning around to see the large crowd of Dunder Mifflin employees lining up behind you. You start handing out the proper keys to their proper rooms, having Dwight snatch his key cards out of your hand before immediately pouncing on Nellie. You were extremely thankful when Jim finally squeezed his way to the front. You hand over the card you labelled with his name, then sighed, looking back to the woman behind the counter.
“It does seem like there are a few rooms that have been reserved but haven’t been checked into yet. Their estimated check-in times are varied, so if you wait here there is a possibility that I could get a room for you at some point tonight.”
“I would really appreciate that, thank you,” You mumble over to her, then lean closer to Jim when he starts insistently tapping your shoulder.
“Can you be my new Tallahassee buddy? Stanley keeps going on and on about how we’re both bachelors and I’m pretty sure he’s wanting to get laid tonight. And I’m so not about to be around all of that anymore.” You chuckle at the similarities, shaking your head.
“That’s horrible. It’s like there’s something in the air here. Nellie was saying the same stuff during the car ride!” It was hard to talk with the loud crowd, but you weren’t complaining about how close Jim was standing next to you. “Unfortunately, I won’t be much of a buddy today. I would, but the company messed up, they didn’t reserve enough rooms!”
“They didn’t mess up!” You jump at the foreign voice, spinning around to see Nellie sliding up close to you, practically hanging on your shoulder. She already had Dwight and Packer trailing her closely from behind. “I told them the correct number of rooms, I swear it!”
“There’s not one for me-”
“Yeah, because I told them you didn’t need one!” You furrow your brows in confusion, watching her for a moment. “I figured you’d bunk with me! We’d be bunk buddies!”
“Nellie,” You hesitate, eyeing the men behind her before leaning forward, “There is absolutely no way in hell I’m sharing a room with you, considering what you talked about on the way up here.” Nellie stood there for a moment, obviously confused before suddenly jumping and spinning around to see the men trailing her. She laughs loudly, winking at them before turning back to you.
“Oh! Good idea!”
You watch Nellie just say this, then turn and leave. You sigh again, shaking your head and turning toward Jim. “If things can get settled in time I’d love to, Jim, but I-”
“Sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear,” A woman sidled up close, brushing herself against Jim’s arm. You watched the man jump, then turn and furrow his brow at this woman.
“Yes! It’s so good to see you, Jim! If you need a new Tallahassee buddy, I am willing and available.” You choked on your spit at the innuendo, watching her practically rub herself again Jim. You watched him try to take a step back, then bump into the counter behind him. You could feel something burning your chest at the way she was acting toward him. Much too forward, in your opinion, though maybe that’s what Jim likes? Should you do that, would that gain his attention?
“Oh, well, that sounds fun-”
“Great! So we can-”
“Hello?” You turn quickly at the receptionist’s insistence, raising your eyebrows toward her in a gesture that you were listening. At this she smiles back, looking back to her computer. “So the first one that may be available should be checking in within the hour. If by the top of the hour they don’t get here, I can make a phone call for you.”
“Oh, thank you so much. Really, I appreciate it.”
“Of course!”
You turn back to Jim, watching the woman walk away with a sway to her hips. You chuckle, shaking your head. “So you know her?”
“Oh, she works with the company.” He tears his eyes away from her, smiling down at you once more. “She’s willing to sit with me so I don’t have to deal with Stanley all weekend.”
“Oh good!”
“Of course, unless you would like to sit with me?” Jim smiles, and you could tell he was trying to charm his way into the seat next to you. If only he knew you would do anything for him.
“If I’m there in time, definitely. But this whole hotel business is turning into a real-” You’re interrupted by a phone call, cursing quietly and smiling apologetically to Jim. “I’m so sorry- I’ll just be a second,” You answer the phone, stepping aside to deal with some business for Nellie. You miss Jim giving you a longing stare before he finally turns around and begins making his way toward the bar.
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  Jim felt lonely. He was almost excited to go on this trip, to get away from Scranton and all of the normalcy and monotonous days and maybe even spend some time with you outside of work for once. Or, as outside of work as he could get. But instead, he was sitting at the bar while nursing a drink and wishing you weren’t busy. Your hotel room hullaballoo lasted throughout the entirety of the company meeting, Nellie having complained that she had to take her own notes, and they still haven’t found a spare room for you.
Jim even offered to bunk with you, but then you had mentioned that there was only one bed in every room that was given out, and you had asked with raised eyebrows whether he was fine with sharing a bed with you. Jim- who obviously was more than okay with sharing a bed with you- had stuttered and mumbled and eventually the consensus landed in the field of no, you wouldn’t end up rooming with him. Nor did you have time to be his Tallahassee buddy. Which was extremely unfortunate, since the majority of the reason he had been excited about this trip was you.
Jim jumped at a weird noise, glancing over to see Packer blowing onto Nellie’s face with Dwight making what was probably supposed to be seagull calls into her ear. Sighing, he finished the rest of the drink he was nursing and mumbled something to himself before getting up and heading for his room. Maybe the sooner they’re back in Scranton, the sooner he’ll be able to talk to you again at the receptionist desk like normal. That would be 100% better than anything that was going on in this hotel at the moment.
When he got to his room he had turned on the tv, flipping idly through until he landed on the channel showing an NBA game. He leans back, watching for a little while. He’s not really sure what else to do, he didn’t exactly plan anything aside from ‘See what Y/N is doing and follow them around while they do it’ except you had said waiting in the lobby of the hotel room was extremely boring and you wouldn’t want to put him through that. He had acquiesced- for some reason- and had wandered back to the bar. Thinking back on it now, if you were bored down there then the best thing he could do would be to sit with you and entertain you. How had that thought only just crossed his head?
He was reaching for the remote to turn the tv off when he heard a knock at the door. Redirecting his attention, he left the remote for a moment and went to go see who could possibly be visiting him.
“Hey!” Jim’s brows furrowed seeing Cathy standing there in front of him. “The heating in my room is going a bit wonky, do you think I could hang out here while they fix it?” Without waiting for an answer, Cathy pushes past Jim and into his room.
“O-okay,” Jim drags out the word, closing the door slowly and hesitantly following Cathy into his room.
“What do you have on? Some kind of game?” She jumps onto his bed, scooting near the middle with her back against the bedframe. Jim hesitates, nodding toward the tv.
“Yeah, y’know. The NBA.”
“O-oh, sounds fun,” She sings back, patting the spot beside her. Jim slowly lowers himself onto the corner of the bed, then lets himself continue sliding until he’s sitting on the floor in front of the tv.
“Yeah. Fun.”
“So how’s the night going? Retiring early already?” Jim felt a tap on his shoulder and glanced up to see Cathy laying on her stomach, her head at the foot of the bed and close to Jim. He clears his throat, subtly trying to scoot away. “Didn’t know you were such an old man, Halpert!”
“Yeah, well. You know me. Old man Halpert.”
“Maybe we could stay up a little longer together? Have a little fun?”
Jim jumps up, taking a few steps back from the bed with a stutter. “Oh, you know, actually I was planning on heading down to the lobby-”
“I can come?” She asks, pushing herself up to sit on her legs.
“No, I just meant-”
Another knock on the door interrupts him, and thanking god under his breath he practically ran to the door. “Stanley! You do not know how glad I am to see you!”
“Mmhmm,” Stanley hums, pushing past Jim and walking into his room.
“You should stay! We’re watching the NBA, it’ll be like a party!”
“I’m just here ‘cause I ran out of refreshments in my room.” Stanley straightens up, carrying every single little bottle of alcohol that the hotel provided Jim’s room. Jim watched him look directly at Cathy, then back at Jim with raised eyebrows. Stanley immediately begins his exit, calling out behind him, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
Jim glanced back toward Cathy on his bed, who only taps the bed beside her in an indication to sit down. Jim takes a big sigh, looking back to the tv immediately. He wanders over slowly, taking his position back on the floor.
“Oh! I wonder if you have-” Jim doesn’t hear the rest of it, glancing over to see what Cathy was doing only to be met with her rear-end as she completely bends over at the waist, digging through Jim’s closet. He turns his eyes to the ceiling of the hotel room. What was he supposed to do? Just kick her out? Why was he such a nice person that he didn’t want to hurt her feelings about all of this?
After some time, and Cathy making herself comfortable on Jim’s bed once more, Jim begins to stand and attempt his well-thought-out exit strategy once more.
“Actually, Cathy, I think I’m going to head down to the lobby-”
“Why?” Cathy stood on her knees on the bed, walking over toward the edge and placing a hand flirtatiously on his chest. “Is something the matter with your room?”
“Well- uh, no-”
“Then everything’s good! Come, sit with me!” Cathy jumps back once more, throwing the covers back and settling back in her spot, patting the open area next to her. Jim chokes for a moment, unsure what to do before pulling out his cell phone, and holding a finger up toward Cathy as if asking her to wait.
His plan to call Dwight into action, claiming he had seen a bed bug, hadn’t really worked out exactly as planned. If the plan had been for both Cathy and Dwight to be naked in his hotel room, then it actually went exactly as planned.
Jim was stepping outside of his room for a breather when he finally spotted you. He let out a long sigh, a fond smile lighting up his face without his permission. He wasn’t too worried about it anyway when a matching smile appeared on your face. You were standing near some person who looked to be wearing a hotel uniform, and he jogged over as the person entered the hotel room. “Hey! Did they get you situated finally?”
“Not completely sure?” You hesitated, shrugging at him. “They said they’ve been having some sort of appliance malfunctions on this floor so they need to make sure the room is okay for me to stay in. I asked to tag along, just in case.”
“Well, I hope it works out! Then you’ll be just down the hall from me!”
“Yeah! You could have a visitor for once!” You tease unknowingly, giggling. Jim’s face crashes though, and as he raises a hand to rub his face you begin to grow concerned. “Is everything alright?”
“Well if you count having a naked Dwight in my bed as alright-”
He’s cut off by your laughter, though you’re clearly trying to hold it back. You raised a hand to cover your mouth, and Jim can’t help but smile seeing you act so cute. You finally speak through your laughter, trying to hold yourself together. “Oh, well congratulations I guess? I gotta say, I didn’t see that coming. You and Dwight-”
“No, no, no,” Jim interrupts, laughing himself and shaking his head. You finally dissolve into laughter, and Jim lets the moment last a bit longer before finally explaining. “No, Cathy came into my room.”
“Cathy came by, and now you have a Dwight naked in your bed?” You seemed curious but confused, and Jim could feel his nose scrunch in adoration for you.
“Well, Cathy is naked in my shower so-”
“Oh!” You interrupt, and he could see your cheeks lighting up red. “Oh, I didn’t realize. You two-”
“No!” Jim calls out, probably a bit too loud and too quickly. He clears his throat, leaning closer to you and slumping his shoulders. “No, I mean, she obviously wants to. She told me her room was having heating problems and then has done everything in her power to flirt with me since pushing herself into my room. I’ve tried everything to be polite, I really don’t know what else to do.”
“And,” You begin, narrowing your eyes at him, “I’m still failing to see how a naked Dwight comes into play.” He laughs, then watches as your smile widens as he does.
“Well I kept trying to tell her I needed to leave, but she kept insisting I stayed. Then Stanley came by and stole my alcohol, and he was absolutely no help at all. So I called Dwight. Told him I saw a bed bug in my bed. He came through tearing my room apart, and Cathy said she was going to go take a shower in my room?” He rubs a hand across his face, shrugging. “Everything kinda devolved from there. He started stripping, saying he needed all the skin access he can have, that his body heat was going to attract the bed bugs to his body.”
“The bugs that- aren’t there?” You question, raising an eyebrow. He nods along and you laugh, shaking your head. You’re both quiet for a moment before you take a step toward him. Jim could feel his heart rate beginning to spike at your closeness. “But, help me out here. All this just because what? You don’t want to have sex with her?” Jim watched some sort of emotion cross over your face, though it was brief enough that he couldn’t quite catch it. “I mean, she seems like a good person?”
“She’s not the one I want though,” Jim mumbles, staring into your eyes. ‘Woah there, Jimboy,’ He thinks to himself, taking a deep breath to calm himself but only inhaling more of your scent, setting butterflies fluttering in his stomach. “I- I just mean, well. I like someone. And it’s not her.”
You were just opening your mouth to say something- ‘Anything, say anything,’ Jim pleaded in his head- when you were interrupted before you could even start.
“I tried my best, but I couldn’t get it to work. I don’t think this room is hospitable. I’m sorry.” You had turned around, taking a step away from Jim. He could finally breathe normally now, though he would still much rather be in your orbit than face the possibility of going back to his room to deal with things.
“Oh, that’s alright. I guess I can go see Tara back at check-in and see if she has anything else.” The disappointment in your voice had Jim’s chest clenching, and he reached forward to take your hand before you could walk away.
“My offer is still open, you know.” You laugh at him, shaking your head and pulling your hand away gently.
“What, stay with you and your two naked roommates?” Jim could feel his face begin to blush, and you shook your head once more. “Go have fun, Jim.” You walk away with an audible sigh, and Jim knew he would have done anything to make you happy again.
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  ‘Go have fun, Jim,’ You mock back at yourself, shaking your head. ‘Yes, just tell your crush to go have sex with someone ‘willing and available,’ that’s the exact thing you need to be doing.’ You were currently sitting on the uncomfortable furniture in the check-in waiting area, balancing your briefcase on your knees and hoping desperately that everyone in Scranton that wanted your attention via phone had finally gone to bed. You hadn’t received a ‘super important’ not-so-important phone call for the last thirty minutes, so your hopes were beginning to look up.
“Excuse me, Y/L/N?”
“Yes?” You stumble as you stand, fumbling with your briefcase before finally catching it and dropping your phone. Thankfully, Tara waits patiently for you to pick up your phone as well before you rush over to her desk. She had been so helpful, and it had only taken you an hour of being in her company before remembering it was polite to ask about names.
“I’ve just got off the phone with-” She hesitates, glancing at her computer and scanning it before huffing and turning her attention back to you, “Well, doesn’t matter. They aren’t showing up, they told me as much. So we finally have a room available to you! I sent Max back up to check the room again, but if I remember correctly then this isn’t one of the ones having problems!”
“Oh, Tara, thank you so much!” You lean across the counter, and thankfully Tara meets you halfway for an awkward hug. She giggles as she backs away, leaning over and placing a card key on the counter.
“And it’s on the house, darling.”
“What? No, I couldn’t do that to you, Tara!”
“Look, with the whole misunderstanding, and then you having to stand here for hours and just wait around while that cute guy kept coming back trying to get your attention-”
“Wait, who, Jim?” You ask breathlessly, sliding the card into your hand. You laugh, though Tara seems unconvinced. “Oh, no, we’re just friends. It’s nothing like all that-”
“Sure, darling. Just take the room.”
“Thank you again!”
You back up, turning to quickly run into the room and almost knock directly into the camera guy that seems to have taken the position of following you around constantly. You sigh, nodding at the guy behind the camera before taking off quickly.
Your room was in the same hallway as Jim’s, and you weren’t sure yet whether you were going to curse the fact or thank Tara with an entire fruit basket. You were about to find out, though, now that you’d set your briefcase down and had taken a cursory look through the room. Making sure to have your card key on you, you exit the room at the end of the hallway and begin what felt like a walk of doom to where you knew Jim was staying- the room he had exited earlier in the night when you had almost been given a room and he had seen you.
As you were getting closer, you started hearing some kind of commotion. It sounded like muffled yells- then extremely loud screams as Jim’s door is flung open. A woman- Cathy- comes running out with a bedsheet held around her body, screaming and waving her free arm around her head as she pushes past you and runs down the hall. You hesitate, then take a few steps closer, just in time to hear Dwight’s mumbled voice.
“It’s not safe in here, Jim. I think you should room with Cathy for the night.”
You knock on the open door, peaking your head in to see Dwight with a facemask and large rubber gloves, holding two different spray bottles with some weird coloured liquids inside. Dwight was practically in Jim’s face, though at your knock they both turn to look at you. Dwight with exasperation, and Jim with nothing but relief.
“Y/N! Yes, please, save me from this nightmare.” He rushes toward you, taking one of your hands with both of his and practically drowning you with puppy dog eyes. You take in a quick breath before Dwight begins to crowd the both of you.
“No! Nope! No more bodies need to be added to the situation, go flirt outside.” Dwight slams the door closed behind the two of you, and you couldn’t help the small laugh that bubbles up.
“So, naked Cathy and Dwight turn into-”
“Naked Cathy running away clutching a bedsheet and a fully decked-out Dwight spraying my room with mysterious chemicals? I guess so.” You both laugh and you could feel your cheeks heating up at Jim’s attention. “But, seems like I just lost my room.”
“Oh, what a shame,” You mumble, waiting for him to look back into your eyes before your smile grows wider. “So sad… I have a blanket with all this room and no one to share it with.”
Jim’s face lights up and he starts looking up and down the hallway as if your room number would just jump out in front of him. “Wait you finally got a room? That’s amazing, Y/N!”
“We finally got a room,” You insist, then hesitate as he locks eyes with you again, “I mean, if you’re still-”
“Yes!” Jim jumps in, grinning. “I would love to. Should’ve said that to begin with.” You both laugh, and you lead him down the hall to your room. Once inside, Jim begins to take a look around while you grab the remote, pushing yourself onto your bed and settling your back against the bedframe. As you turn on the tv, you start flipping through the channels.
“Shouldn’t you go back and rescue your stuff from Dwight’s wrath?”
“I think I’ll give it a night to air out,” Jim mumbles, settling himself slowly at the head of your bed, scooting in to sit next to you. You settle your channel-flipping on some sort of basketball game. You didn’t know much about it yourself, but nothing else seemed interesting and you knew Jim liked the game.
“So,” You begin, turning your position to face Jim fully. “Tell me all about what happened.” He laughs in response, raising a hand to rub the back of his head.
“Oh, well. I basically told you everything already. After you left I went back to my room and Cathy had apparently decided not to put on any clothes and just jumped under the covers on my bed like she owned the place. I got really sick of all of her flirting, so I tried telling her straight to her face, ‘Cathy, I’m sorry but I’m not interested.’”
“Really? Appropriate, given the circumstances.”
“Yeah, I thought so too. She just looked at me like I was crazy and asked if that’s what I thought of her. If I thought she was a whore.” You gasped at the name and Jim nodded, turning to look at you more directly as well. “Of course, I said no. Then she just said ‘Okay good, that’s settled,’ and then continued to flirt with me!”
“No!” You gasped, laughing again. “You did everything including telling her you weren’t interested and she still kept pressing on!”
“Yeah! So I called Dwight back. He came running in with those spray bottles and she tried insisting she didn’t see anything, but when Dwight asked ‘Where’s the bug?’ I didn’t even think about it, I just pointed straight at her.” You widened your eyes, unconsciously scooting closer. You watched Jim track your movement, his grin widening. “She screamed when he started spraying her and jumped off the bed and I thought to myself, ‘Well she got that far, I wonder if she’ll go all the way?’ So then Dwight asked if I saw it and I kept pointing at the sheet she was clutching around herself and-”
“That’s why she ran screaming from your room!” You blurt out, placing your hand on his arm, and then you both begin laughing. “That’s horrible!”
“I know! How could Dwight do something like that!” You laugh harder, shaking your head. After you both manage to calm down, another thought strikes your mind.
“So,” You begin, biting your lip and unsure how to phrase this. “You kept saying that you were sending signals that you obviously didn’t want to do anything with her, right?” You look up toward him, watching his eyes track your lips, realising you're biting them again.
“Uh- well, yeah. Yeah, I did that. It was like she was blind or something.” Jim mumbled, the tips of his cheeks were turning pink and it looked way too nice on him. “Or just, y’know, deliberately ignoring them.”
“What were they?” You ask- mumble, more than anything. Jim hesitates for a second, tilting his head.
“What were the signs?” You could see the moment it registers what you’re asking in his eyes when they slightly widen.
“Oh, well. When she originally came in, she jumped on my bed and patted the spot next to her. I ended up sitting on the very corner of it,” He turned to point at the corner of your own bed as if you needed an explanation, then turned back toward you. “But even that felt a bit too much like giving in so I just ended up sort of sliding onto the floor. The entire time she was there I was either standing or sitting on the floor at the end of the bed watching tv.”
“Oh,” You whisper, trying to keep a smile tampered down at the fact that Jim had unflinchingly sat right next to you at the head of the bed. “Well, what else?”
“She tried to bend over directly in front of me.”
“No,” You gasp, laughing again. You hear Jim chuckle a bit before he continues.
“Yeah. I just looked up the whole time, I didn’t want to disrespect her or anything. Then there were the innuendos.”
“O-oh,” You drew out, smirking at him. “Saying innuendos to one Jim Halpert. I’m surprised you could resist her.” He’s quiet after, staring into your eyes. You begin to worry you said the wrong thing before he finally speaks up, his voice sounding a little rough.
“Yeah, maybe if it wasn’t her saying them.” You bite your lip, watching him momentarily before looking away and pretending to watch basketball.
“So what kinds of things did she say then?” As you finally glance back Jim just shrugs, looking quickly at the tv. Was he trying to pretend he wasn’t staring at you? Had he been staring at you? You bite your lip once again, thinking hard. “Ohh, I’m just so cold.” You tried to push your voice into a sultry tone and felt satisfied when Jim turned suddenly, his eyes wide and cheeks red.
“That was one of the things she tried, right?” You asked, indicating what you had meant by saying that. You could feel Jim slowly relaxing against you and- wait, against you? When had the two of you got so close that your arms were resting against each other? Your faces were even closer than you remembered and you were beginning to get lost in his eyes.
“Y/N?” You blink a few times, realizing you had zoned out for a moment. If he had answered you, you had definitely missed it.
“Yeah?” You couldn’t help how breathless your voice sounded, and you could only hope that Jim wouldn’t realize why and then leave.
“Are you cold?” His voice was low and rough again and distracted you from the words he said for a few beats too long. Even after, his words had your brain scrambling to a halt, and you could feel your mouth opening and closing- gaping like a fish. How attractive. And yet, through all this Jim maintained how close he was to you. How he was slightly hunching over, his face closer to yours than it maybe should’ve been.
“I- yes,” You answer, nodding your head slowly, in obvious disbelief. “Yes, I’m cold.”
“Would you like help to warm up?” Jim was already shifting slowly, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you in closer to him.
“Yes, I- I would,” You stutter out, pushing yourself slowly down to lay your head on his chest. Once the both of you were settled, you were essentially laying together on your hotel bed and were cuddling. You were laying on Jim, you could feel his chest rising and falling with breath, and you had your arms wrapped around him to hold him close and he was letting you.
Maybe this trip didn’t turn out so bad after all.
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lostfirefly · 2 months
*just to cheer myself up, this sketch came into my mind this morning while i was in the gym*
"Bugust. Day 1."
"Geeez, Buggy! Fuck off!" Catherine slapped the clown's hands as he stood behind, hugging her. "What do you want? Why are you standing behind me?"
"You were sending the sexual vibes, cotton candy." Buggy shrugged and hugged her tightly.
"I didn't send you anything. I'm standing here in my wide pajama pants and t-shirt, making myself some coffee. Sit down at the table and eat your salmon bagel, Buggy the Octopus." Catherine fought Buggy off.
"Fuck! Don't bother me, Buggy. Eat your breakfast, Buggy. Put your pants on, Buggy." He reluctantly unclasped his hands and plopped down on the chair. "And this is my shirt, by the way. Again. Buy your own clothes already. Cairo is full of stores "
"I don't like any of the shirts in the store. Stop nagging. What kind of coff-- Oh, for God's sake! Buggy! Stop it!" Catherine looked at her waist. "Seriously?" She took his two hands off of herself, turned around to the table and put his hands on the table. "Damn you and your chop chop thing, fucking clown! Don't use your abilities until breakfast, we discussed this!"
Catherine continued making coffee and started rummaging through the kitchen cabinets.
"Where are my cookies, Buggy? Fuck! You ate all my cookies again. You could have at least left me a c--" Catherine felt Buggy pinch her ass, "Oh my God! That's it!" She opened the bottom drawer and pulled out a pulverizer. "I swear, if you grab my ass again and you're dead!"
"Aye-aye, what a dangerous thing you have in your hands." Buggy chuckled and took a bite of the bagel. "I'm so afraid of you, Ms. Catherine Mitchell." He sent his hand out again to pinch her ass.
Catherine sputtered from the sprayer. "I warned you!"
"Hey!" Buggy stood up abruptly and walked over to Catherine and grabbed her hand.
Catherine squinted her eyes. "Is there something you want to tell me? I'm not afraid of you, clown." She sprayed him once and lowered the pulverizer to the level of his pants. "Get back to the table and eat your breakfast, or little Buggy will get hurt too."
"Little shit." Buggy let go of her hand and shuffled back to the table. "I should have left you in the desert." He mumbled to himself.
"Nothing." Buggy took a bite out of a bagel. "Damn you, campfire night."
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fandomfucker · 3 months
Hi, do you have a list of wrestlers you'll write for or is anyone (besides JD) okay to ask for? Thanks!
Thank you for asking!
I'm still getting into smackdown and don't watch Nxt so this list is gonna be all over the place but its who all I feel comfortable enough to write about in a way I feel accurately portrays their character
*writing this list out I just realized how little I actually pay attention to the men🤡
This is in no particular order and I will edit as need be but a few rules before requesting!!
I do NOT do real names or involve real relationships, if you ask for a specific kink I'm not comfortable with (piss, cnc, ageplay, etc) I will just delete it. I will write age regression but nothing sexual!!! I can do gender neutral or female x readers but no men (sorry guys). I also will do polys or throuples but for right now its all x reader only.
Requests will take a while!! I have like 40 in my inbox rn from months ago that I just haven't gotten to yet (I didn't forget I swear😖) and my creative process takes time so please be patient!
Anyways y'all, have fun!🫶
The Judgment Day- Rhea Ripley, Damian Priest, Dominik Mysterio, Finn Balor
Drew McIntyre
Liv Morgan
Zelina Vega
Chelsea Green
Bianca Belair
Shayna Baszler
Zoey Stark
Cody Rhodes
Becky Lynch
Seth Rollins
Jey Uso
Dakota Kai
Cathy Kelley
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See what your girlfriend is up to in this latest chapter of my Rhea Ripley x lady!reader fic, Absolute Smokeshow.
Warnings for this section: Jealousy, dirty talk, exhibitionism, groping, biting, possessive sex, praise, cheating, little bit of somno
Absolute Smokeshow (Part 79 of ?): Monday Night Mami
With every passing day, the monster within her grew more and more restless.
You should be fighting, it growled.
Show her what happens when she tries to get near what’s yours.
Rhea did everything she could to drown it out: training until she exhausted herself, fucking Dom until she exhausted him, extra-loud death metal - but the monster never slept. As soon as Tuesday rolled around, she was going to beat Jacy Jayne within an inch of her life.
Rhea shook her dark tresses, trying to stay level-headed and in the present. She was currently backstage at RAW - uncharacteristically alone, as she had encouraged Dom to join the rest of the Judgment Day for post-show drinks and other shenanigans. Rhea would still have about a day’s wait before she could get a match against Jacy - the perfect outlet for her mixed feelings regarding her girlfriend having slept with another woman - but the moment the door in front of her opened, she knew the figure walking toward her would be the perfect distraction in the meantime.
“Cathy Kelley,” Rhea smirked, pushing off from the wall she had been leaning on and eyeing the way the brunette’s outfit hugged her curves, “Is there anything you don’t look tempting in?”
“Ms. Ripley-“ Cathy began, before the raven-haired woman closed the space between them.
“No need to be so formal,” Rhea insisted, a finger gently but firmly pressing against Cathy’s lips as she continued in a whisper, “You can call me Mami.”
Cathy’s body language changed from flustered to coquettish as soon as she heard the seriousness in those words.
“What can I, uh,” Cathy batted her eyelashes as her hand alighted on Rhea’s shoulder, looking directly into the other woman’s hungry gaze, “What can I do for you?”
Rhea’s grin widened, the monster within her scratching at the surface as she moved her hands to Cathy’s waist.
“So glad you asked.”
Rhea hadn’t taken her eyes or hands off Cathy since the brunette had offered to pay for a ride so the both of them could retire to the privacy of Cathy’s hotel room. Rhea had to give their driver credit for remaining perfectly safe and respectful, despite the fact that she was sure he’d heard every single one of Cathy’s attempts at muffling the sounds she made as Rhea shamelessly groped and fondled her. Rhea’s lips found Cathy’s mouth as often as they did her neck, whispering dirty promises and depraved compliments in her ear between bites and kisses.
Rhea slid some extra cash across the center console to the driver as a tip when he dropped them off at the hotel.
“Thanks, mate,” she said before getting out, closing the car door, and putting a rough, possessive arm around Cathy.
The moment the two of them were alone in the elevator, Rhea’s hand dipped down between Cathy’s legs as she kissed her roughly. The desperate whine that escaped Cathy’s lips when those strong fingertips brushed against her panties was all the invitation Rhea needed to push her underwear to the side before sliding in one finger, then two. The whimpers coming from the woman she held made Rhea smirk as she expertly pumped her fingers in and out of that clenching wetness.
“Mami,” Cathy moaned, gripping the shirt of the woman inside of her, intoxicated by her touch, “Yes! Yes-!”
Rhea muffled the sounds that threatened to give them away with a kiss, her conquest writhing against her as she came. Cathy whispered “oh wow” and Rhea brought her fingers to her mouth, cleaning them with her tongue as the elevator gave a pleasant “ding,” announcing it had arrived at their floor.
“Are you always so vocal during your “private interviews”?” Rhea teased, putting her arm around the flushed woman when she noticed her stumble.
“Honest answer?” Cathy asked, pointing to the door of her room as she giggled.
“Unless you want to be punished,” Rhea teased, steering the brunette in the right direction.
“No one has ever made me feel this good before,” Cathy admitted, looking through her purse for her keycard to avoid eye contact, “That was the first time I… came with someone else.”
Rhea couldn’t stop her eyebrows from shooting up in surprise, regaining her composure quickly as she took the card from Cathy’s fidgeting hands, the two of them standing at the door to her room.
“I’ll make sure it won’t be the last,” Rhea promised, unlocking and opening the door before gesturing for Cathy to enter first, “Just let Mami make you feel good, darling.”
Cathy’s sense of balance seemed to be returning as she put a bit of extra swing in her hips, knowing she was being watched. As soon as Rhea closed the door behind them, her hands and mouth gravitated back to the other woman’s body.
“You don’t need those clothes,” she growled against Cathy’s skin, pawing at the cloth that separated her from the tender, waiting flesh underneath.
Cathy stripped down to her bra and underwear as Rhea kicked off her shoes and shirt, stopping at the sight of her conquest half-naked and mesmerized by Rhea’s tattoos. Instinct took over, the stronger woman hoisting the other over her shoulder, moving over to the bed, and dropping her down onto the mattress.
Cathy squealed with delight as she was moved about like a rag doll, giggles turning to moans as Rhea removed the rest of both their clothes, groping Cathy as she did so.
“Bet you’re so fucking tasty,” Rhea purred, trailing bites and kisses all the way down to the whimpering woman’s thighs before taking her in her mouth. With a flick of her tongue against the throbbing wetness, hands creeping up to Cathy’s chest, Rhea felt the sweet sensation of someone submitting to her power and craved more.
“Looks like Mami’s always right,” she commented, running her tongue ring against Cathy’s clit a few more times before standing up.
Rhea moved the breathless woman underneath her, spreading Cathy’s legs as she did her own until their cunts kissed. She admired the view this position afforded her for a moment before grinding against the submissive woman entirely for her own pleasure. Cathy seemed to be having the time of her life regardless, eyes rolling back as she came with a shudder.
“Mami!” she moaned over and over, the pauses in her sounds of pleasure accompanying the tensing of her body and the growing slickness between them. Rhea had lost count of how many times she’d made her come by the time she was approaching her own orgasm.
“Oh get ready, baby,” Rhea moaned, tightening her grip on Cathy’s thighs, “Mami’s going to come all over your sweet fucking cunt.”
True to her word, Rhea let wave after wave rock her body, eyes closed as she focused on how amazing every movement felt. The wet sounds that accompanied her release told her she was dripping down into the other woman, the monster within her humming with satisfaction at the thought of claiming another so fully.
“Fuck,” Rhea sighed, smiling as she collapsed on the bed next to Cathy, “Was that as good for you as it was for me?”
“Better,” she insisted, cuddling up to Rhea sleepily.
“Good girl.”
The incessant buzzing of her phone woke Rhea in the darkness. Grumbling to herself, she threw off the blanket and followed the sound.
Dom was calling.
What time was it?
When her eyes moved to the bed, Rhea smirked at the sight of Cathy’s naked, sleeping form tangled in the bedsheets.
I must’ve really tired her out, she thought to herself as she walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. The second the door closed, Rhea answered just before the call could go to voicemail.
“Dom, I thought-“ she said, stopping the second she heard a series of shuffling noises on the other end.
Really? A butt-dial? Rhea sighed, massaging her temples as she imagined a drunk Dominik Mysterio adjusting the purple bandana in his pocket and accidentally tapping his screen.
Then, just when she was about to pull the phone away from her ear and hang up, the sounds changed.
It was Dom. Moaning.
“Mmm, JD, please-“
Rhea’s phone dropped, her hand trembling in rage. The moment it hit the bathroom floor, the screen cracked, but the light from it still shone and the sounds on the other end of the line were still audible.
“-keep bein’ a good lad and I’ll-“
Rhea leaned down and viciously tapped the screen to end the call before she could hear more.
But it was too late.
The monster had awoken once more, and she needed an outlet.
Kicking her phone across the tile, Rhea threw open the door and prowled toward the bed.
“Cathy,” she called in a singsong tone, watching the woman twitch in her sleep.
Rhea pulled the blanket down and crawled on top of Cathy, kissing, licking, and biting at her neck until she was moaning, eyes fluttering open as she gripped the sheets.
“Wake up, you dirty girl,” Rhea growled in her ear, “Mami wants to play.”
[end part seventy-nine of ?]
Tag list (thank you!)
@littlemiss-fanficlover , @babybatlover , @girlofpink , @kagome2909 , @domripley , @wiccanpriestess , @falloutboy-lover , @aut0luminescence , @riverina69 , @itsrheasgirl , @1-800-sinister , @ripleylove , @beeposts , @teganc
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natsukishinomiyaswife · 5 months
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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓪𝓯𝓮…𝓲𝓼 𝓸𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓸𝓸𝓷!
Hello, and welcome to the Cathie Cafe! ♡ A new popular date spot that every couple wants to Magicam about! ♡
This is an event that gives you the opportunity to send in requests for me to write! All you need to do is look over the food and drink menu, and place your order! ♡
An example order would be:
"Hi! Can I get some clover cakes with a hot cocoa please?"
"Hello! I would like a seafood boil with a boba tea! Thank you!"
Here are the rules:
*Please read them over carefully!
⋆ When requesting, please only put one order per ask ♡
⋆ If a certain character is getting a lot of orders, I will declare them sold out, meaning they can no longer be requested ♡
⋆ Please try to limit how many orders you place, I want to make sure everyone can request something, and get what they want ♡
⋆ This event is meant as a celebration for my followers, to thank them for their support and enjoying my work. While I don't wish to turn off Anon, if you do request anonymously, I ask that you put an emoji or name I can refer to you with. This is just so I can keep track of everyone, and to help prevent confusion ♡
⋆ The Reader in these requests will have no pronouns (as this is how I usually write my x Reader works) ♡
⋆ If, for some reason, the Reader is referred to with pronouns, they will be Gender Neutral (They/Them) ♡
⋆ The cafe will not be open until Tuesday, April 30th. I will make an announcement when you can start placing your orders. The cafe will be closing Thursday, May 2nd. I will make an announcement when you can no longer send requests ♡
Any orders placed before the Cafe opens or after it closes will not be filled! Sorry! ♡
Thank you so much for reading the rules! Now, here's the menu! ♡
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𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
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ripleyfilms · 1 year
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# is she trying to kill us
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south-of-heaven · 9 months
Cathy kelley x fem reader
Cathy and reader are dating but barley see eachother cuz of their different schedules,Reader has just joined smackdown and Cathy is interviewing her and Cathy keeps flirting with reader and making reader flustered and at the end of the interview they reveal their relationship by Cathy kissing reader in front of the camera
Turn of events || Cathy Kelley x Reader
Summary: Being drafted to SmackDown brought a lot of good things. But one is better than the rest.
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The whirlwind of schedules and the demands of your respective careers had always made spending time together a challenge for you and Cathy. However, fate seemed to have a surprise in store as you were recently drafted to SmackDown, the same brand where Cathy was signed.
The first day on SmackDown brought a mix of excitement and nerves as you prepared for an interview with Cathy. As the cameras rolled, Cathy's professional demeanor quickly turned playful, her charming smile making your heart race.
She effortlessly flirted during the interview, causing you to blush and stumble over your words. But amidst the banter and teasing, there was a genuine connection, a familiarity that brought comfort and ease to the conversation.
At the end of the interview, Cathy leaned in slightly, a mischievous glint in her eye. "So, any special someone you'd like to share your success with?"
Caught off guard, you hesitated for a moment, the playful tone dissipating as you looked at Cathy. With a smile tugging at your lips, you decided to let the world know.
"Yeah, actually I do."
A brief pause filled the air before Cathy's eyes widened in surprise, a genuine smile gracing her features. And then, without missing a beat, she leaned in and pressed a sweet, unexpected kiss on your lips, right in front of the camera.
The crew erupted in playful cheers and claps, and Cathy laughed, a hint of pink dusting her cheeks. But in that moment, the world faded away, and all that mattered was the warmth of Cathy's lips against yours, the confirmation of your love for each other shared with the world.
As the interview wrapped up and the cameras stopped rolling, Cathy turned to you, a mixture of happiness and excitement in her eyes. "Looks like we've got some explaining to do, huh?"
You both chuckled, feeling a sense of relief and joy at finally being able to share your relationship openly. The day had brought an unexpected turn of events, but it had also brought a sense of closeness and connection that you had missed in the midst of your busy lives.
With the weight of secrecy lifted, you looked forward to navigating this new chapter together, excited for the moments you'd now get to share, both in and out of the spotlight. And as you walked off set hand in hand, you knew that no matter the challenges, being together made it all worth it.
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itsrheasgirl · 7 months
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katebluebird · 4 months
Word count: 11,296
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1-800-sinister · 7 months
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cathy kelley you are a god for this photo cause i love slut!dominik and chicken tender slut is so real of him
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judgementdaysunshine · 3 months
Whoever you want from your master list (women) x reader
Reader and whoever having a beach day and then getting home and cuddling because I really need some fluffy stuff rn
Sunny day
Pairing: Cathy Kelley x Fem reader
Description: You and Cathy have a day at the beach and an unexpected day in
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The sky was clear and the day was filled with nothing but the sun shining and the intense heat that followed right behind as you and Cathy walked down the boardwalk to the beach. It was the first real day off either of you had in a long while with you wrestling on the WWE roster while cathy was an interviewer backstage, you had been working in your garden realizing how hot it truly was after an hour and a half of planting and picking flowers out of your garden leading to your idea of a swimming trip that became a beach trip when the two of you found out that a local beach was only two hours away from your shared home and not too far from one of your favorite restaurants in the area that both of you hadn't been in a few months deciding to make a day of lunch out of the beautiful weather as you sprayed and rubbed each other with sunscreen. Music played from the nearby bar as the two of you sunbathed on a thin blanket for an hour which added a good amount of color to your skin which was slightly pale due to not really going out whenever you were home mostly because you were always exhausted most of the time, the two of you laugh while splashing each other in the water before swimming out until the water was three inches underneath your chin floating quietly while cathy dived underwater and swam out a bit farther away as you followed behind and slowly went underwater for a few seconds before getting out and drying off leading to the two of you sitting in the Italian restaurant in your bathing suits eating pasta, garlic bread with tomato soup, and a bit of pizza which you took home for later on. As soon as both of you walked through the door you were smiling feeling the chill of the AC before the two of you were in the shower washing off the sand and whatever sunscreen was left almost dozing off with her fingers running along your scalp while she washed and rinsed out your hair, the two of you laid in bed as episodes of Reba played making the two of you laugh while cuddling each other enjoying sips of Starbucks ordered from Doordash that began an evening of watching reruns of old shows and movies both of you grew up with while cool air blew throughout the room and the two of you were glued to each other under the covers when it got too cold.
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lostfirefly · 2 months
Bugust. Day 2 (Buggy x OC)
A real book which was written by @laurasoretta is mentioned in this story.
"Why are you looking at me like that, cotton candy? Did I do something?"
"What? Nooo, my little bear. You and me are like real old people right now. I'm reading a book, and you're playing PlayStation. You look so cute now." Catherine tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. "All we have to do is put on our glasses and start complaining about taxes." She giggled and adjusted her imaginary glasses.
"Hey, I'm not old! Can old people do that? Look, Cathie-pie!" Buggy quickly pressed the joystick buttons and the computer man scored a goal. "See?"
"Wow! That was really cool! You're very good at this stuff, my love." Catherine looked out the window. "It's raining outside, I don't even want to get out of bed." She turned the page of the book. "Oh, look, Frida won the inheritance case and is now moving into her estate. She is planning to write a book."
"I'm happy for Frida. You've been worried about her for three evenings already." Buggy put the joystick aside and snuggled up to Catherine, looking at the book. "What are you reading, Cathie-pie? I forgot the name. Violet something..."
"It's "Purple Rain", Buggy." Catherine playfully scratched his head. "It's a very interesting book. You know, I once went to a presentation of this author's new book, when I lived in Loguetown. We chatted a little bit. She was a very nice girl."
Buggy sighed and snuggled closer.
Сatherine immediately put the book aside, wrapped her arm around Buggy's neck, and kissed him on the top of his head. "My blue-haired love, what's wrong? Are you sad?"
"I have chocolate cookies, they always cheer me up in the rain. Do you want?" Catherine started stroking Buggy's head.
He nodded in response.
Catherine giggled, kissed him on the head again, and pulled out a cookie. "Here, my flashy fool."
Buggy took a couple of cookies and began to chew them slowly.
"What are you thinking about?" Catherine asked quietly, listening to the crunch of chocolate chips.
"Nothing. What about you?"
"Oh, you know, when it rains, it always reminds me of how my sister and I made hot chocolate in this weather, sitting on the windowsill, chatting and watching people walking by. And now I'm thinking about how lucky I'm to have you in my life. Oh! Would you like some hot chocolate?" She began to gently massage Buggy's head and neck, and smiled as she watched him close his eyes and began to remind her of a cat. "Like it?"
"Fuck! Yeah. Don't stop, please."
"Okay!" Catherine continued massaging his head. "I need to cheer up my little bear. A-a-and! Here! Another cookie." She gave him two cookies and moved her hand to his shoulder.
"So fucking amazing." Buggy settled under her armpit. "Cookies, massage."
Catherine heard his stomach gurgling. "Are you hungry?"
"A little."
"Do you want me to make macaroni and cheese? But if you don't want to wait, we still have some turkey with tangerines in the fridge."
"Mac and cheese? Sounds good. Would you chop some sausages in there?" Buggy looked at Catherine with hope in his eyes "I like when you do that. Tasty."
"Of course, my Buggy Bear. And I'll make a hot chocolate for us." Catherine looked at the joystick on the bed. "Hey, can we play that game you were playing together? Can I join you? If you don't mind, of course. After the dinner, for example? Or we can bring food here and play."
"Oh, Cathie-pie," Buggy took her hand and started slowly stroking it with his fingers, "I'm the king of game consoles. Aren't you afraid of losing to me? But yeah, why not. But to make it more interesting let's play for some pancakes?"
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junkratswifey · 1 year
Hello. Can I request nsfw oneshot (if u writing it) for Cathy Ward having anal sex with top male S/O?
like a scenario I'm assuming 💀
Warnings(???): Mutual Masturbation, Anal, Partial Oral, like cum eating??
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I'm sorry if this sucks, I consider her to be dominant so I might have trouble illustrating this.
Cathy was taking an afternoon stroll in her floor, bored and alone. When she saw Y/N, she instantly lit up.
He didn't have the same reaction, though. His face was flushed, breathing heavy, and his face was warm.
"Oh dear, are you sick?" Cathy asked him.
Y/N shook his head, grabbing her shoulders.
"Y/N, are you okay?"
He nodded. "I...wanted to try something with you."
She blushed as he explained the "issue."
"Wow, you really want to do that? I've been wanting to for the longest time," she giggled.
He nodded, scratching his neck. She gently grabbed his hand and pulled him to a private room, and–well–got to work.
She carefully unzipped his pants, pulling them down slightly. She then gently pulled out his cock. He grunted in comfort. She was touching Y/N whilst touching herself with her other hand, when Y/N grabbed the hand she was using for herself.
"Well, now. That's not fair, is it? If you're going to stroke me off so tantalizingly, I should be the one to play with that pussy, yeah?"
She let out a breathy moan, "Y-Yes sir.."
He laughed smugly, touching her with gentle, loving hands. "F...uck..." she muttered.
They began to speed up the process, she was practically trying to pull his dick off. Meanwhile, he was fingering her into oblivion. They were two sloppy messes—or, they were about to be.
Cathy moaned in each breath. "Fuck, Y/N, c-can I...ugh...can I.."
Y/N's voice became low. "Can you what, sweetheart?"
Cathy bit her lip, "Can I s-swallow..your...c-cum?"
"Aw, Cathy.." he said, the fake sympathy dripping off his tongue, "you wanna swallow it?"
She nodded and her eyes started to water.
"Y/N, ah...I'm..close..I'm c-close.."
"Me too," he sighed, the lust and love forming in his heart.
They were almost that sloppy mess, when Cathy put Y/N's dick in her mouth. She sucked and twirled her tongue around it, making him moan.
"Right now, baby..r-right now," Y/N commanded.
She nodded, as if she could truly cum on command.
After about 3 minutes, Y/N and Cathy felt as if they could begin round 2.
He pulled down her stockings, before asking, "Skirt or no skirt?"
"No skirt.." she said.
He nodded, taking off all of her clothes.
"Hey," she said, "what about you?"
He giggled. "Well, I don't need my shirt off to fuck you, and my pants are already off."
Her body was now bare, no clothing to shield it from the world. Just her porcelain skin.
"Cathy, baby, be a good girl and bend over for me, okay?"
Cathy instantly followed. Y/N played with her thighs and ass, making her breathe like a heated animal.
"Don't worry, babygirl. I'll take care of you."
"Hah..thank you.."
He put a generous amount of lube in/around her ass and some on his cock.
"Fuck, baby," he groaned, slowly pushing himself inside her.
"Fuck—AH! Y—Y/N!! G-Go faster, please, please, please.."
Y/N denied. "No, Cathy. I want you to feel good, but I want you to feel the love I feel for you, not just the pleasure."
She nodded, "R-Right, sorry.."
He ran his fingers through her hair, when he was all the way in her.
"Y/N," she moaned, "I love you.."
He laughed, "I love you too, Cathy."
That somehow got her off fairly well, because at that point she was begging him if she could ride him.
"Of course, my dearest. What kind of partner would I be if I didn't let my baby have what she wants?"
She laugh-moaned, bouncing on his cock. "Fuck, I love you, Cathy."
Her breathy voice was sexy, especially when she said, "I love you too, I fucking love you.."
"Good fucking girl," he said, pushing his hands on her ass.
"Such a little slut for me, yeah?"
She nodded, panting like a dog.
"Who's my little bitch, hm?" he asked in a seductive tone. She bounced faster and harder.
"Me, me, me, me, me, me!!"
"Yes, baby, that's you," he said.
"I'm–close! I'm so close, Y/N, please let me c–"
Y/N interrupted her. "You know the rules, beautiful."
She nodded. "A-are you close, at all?"
"Mhm..yes, I am.."
Cathy went faster, as if her body just provides all of her energy.
"Same time?" he asked.
She nodded, her mouth totally open.
Y/N bit his lip. "Right now, right now."
Again, it was like she could cum on command.
"I love you," Y/N said.
"I love you too," Cathy sighed.
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