#cause i used to work in retail in children's clothing
aggro-crap · 2 years
Every thought I’ve had while watching Glass Onion again
I have a million thoughts about Glass Onion and I need to get it off my chest!
First of all, I really need the people calling Blanc’s accent “bad” to just stop. He is from Louisiana...his name is fucking Benoit Blanc for fucks sake! That’s a Louisiana/Cajun accent. For those who don’t know, “southern” isn’t a singular accent the same way “european” doesn’t describe any specific accent. It’s a generalization. Every southern state has slightly different accents and cadences that define each region. 
So Miles Bron is obviously a clear depiction of Elon Musk, we see details hinting to other billionaires as well through wardrobe and props. The very first scene shows Claire getting her box from Miles delivered by an Alpha Courier van...Amazon Prime anyone? Even his clothes throughout remind me of billionaires like Musk and Steve Jobs. 
Duke’s mom calling him dookie cause he’s a piece of shit. And then casually solving the “genius” puzzles from across the room, she’s a treasure.
Yo-Yo Ma giving us a little lesson in classical music. This entire movie is a name drop.
Blanc in the bathtub on a zoom with Natasha Lyonne, Stephen Sondheim, Angela Lansbury, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. How the hell do they know each other? Did he solve cases for them? Does he know them through Phillip? And the hesitant denial when Phillip asks if he’s in the bath again is pure domestic excellence, that is his home now. 
As someone who worked retail throughout the pandemic, I had a visceral reaction to Birdie’s sparkly mesh “mask” (and then she has the audacity to say she can finally breathe again when she doesn’t have to wear it at the pool!?). With each mask and the way they’re wearing them (or not wearing them) we know exactly what kind of person each one of them is. Though I can’t quite figure out why Andi isn’t wearing one, either to facilitate the scene with that dramatic reveal or does Helen make the conscious decision to not wear it because Andi wouldn’t have worn it? Also high tech snap bracelets? Sure I guess. 
Approaching the island Lionel asks if the dock is a Bansky, and the captain says “piece of shit” and just lets him believe that’s the name of the island in greek. That shit is so funny. But also, wouldn’t having a glass dock be totally slippery and dangerous? Like I can just imagine his contractors telling him its dangerous and not advisable to have it set at low tide and him just being like I know more than you just do it my way!
The way Duke pimped out Whiskey to try to get Miles to do what he wants just kinda breaks my heart. It shows that he knows she’s smart and capable but the uncontrollable hurt on his face when he sees them hug is gut wrenching. I cannot believe I feel bad for this dude, Rian Johnson you are masterful.
The look on Miles’ face when he sees Andi arrive on the island and then when he sees her again after he shoots her is fucking priceless. It’s very ‘why won’t this bitch die?’ Either she chose not to tell him she had a twin sister or this is just another example of his stupidity. 
Derol. Just Derol. I saw someone else on here mention that he’s a personification of covid and it blew my mind. He’s always drinking Corona and saying ignore me I’m not here? Fucking genius. He almost accentuates the absurdity that is Miles Bron when he’s giving his little introduction speech and Derol walks through followed by the robot with everyone’s bags. I cackled!
Also I’ve never heard the term “flat tire” for an untied shoelace before and I will absolutely be using that from now on!
The hourly dong? Assigning rooms by chakra? His little bracelets and shit? Its screaming fake namaste bullshit.
Benoit is such a shady bitch for referring to the box as children’s puzzles having not really seen any of the puzzles because Helen smashed it. Easily one of my favorite moments in the whole movie. 
Jared Leto’s hard kombucha...
I’ve never met a person with a serious allergy, let alone deadly, that does not carry an epipen for emergencies, like wtf Duke? But that fancy lil gun you got there never leaves your side cause you never know what’s gonna happen right?
When Blanc tells Birdie “It’s a dangerous thing to mistake speaking without thought for speaking the truth” and her only takeaway is “Are you calling me dangerous?” Like girl if he is then he’s calling you dangerously stupid! Which is absolutely the truth.
Miles handing Peg a red solo cup is sending me through the roof. That motherfucker had to go out of his way to get that for her! There’s plenty of glassware in that room and he just had to give her a fucking plastic cup like she’s not worthy of anything more. I could’ve killed him right there for that tbh. 
The entire concept of Miles buying the Mona Lisa just because he can, and then installing his own override of the security built to preserve the most famous painting in the world which then becomes the reason it gets destroyed reminds me of Kim Kardashian ruining Marilyn Monroe’s dress for a fucking red carpet. She did it because she wanted to be associated with her, not out of love or respect for the actual piece of art. Don’t get me started about altering Michael Jackson’s clothes so her child can wear them. I’m not sure of the timeline but I think that was also something that happened after the movie was already done so I’m starting to wonder if Rian Johnson has some of that Simpsons prediction mojo.
I love how excited Blanc gets to reveal the mystery. Every time he is downright giddy, at least until he realizes how dumb Miles is which infuriates him because he hates dumb games.
Honestly building a literal glass onion on your own island because you miss you favorite bar where you met your friends and want to relive the glory days is one of the saddest and most pathetic billionaire antics I’ve ever seen. 
Why did Claire’s husband call her and she ignored it? Is that the moment he got the news about Andi’s death? But Duke doesn’t get the notification until after she leaves the room. 
I like how we’re constantly reminded of the Mona Lisa’s presence with the security door shutting in response to what’s happening in the room. It almost feels like an additional character. 
I just love how the second act starts at exactly the halfway point. It really satisfies my brain having so much time to go back and dig through all those glass layers.
Who’s out here thinking that Phillip is a professional baker with all that flour on his face?! That man is just doing his best in a pandemic with a partner that lives in a bathtub.
Janelle Monet is so fucking talented it hurts
I don’t like the way Birdie shouted at Andi on the boat that she shouldn’t be there. Like wtf. But I love when Birdie shows Peg the email and she immediately knows that Birdie didn’t actually mean any harm she is just so dumb she really thought sweatshops are just a place where they make sweatpants. Peg is a real one.
That little notebook stopped a whole bullet wtf?
Omg why can I feel that drop of hot sauce running down my face 
I really hope that after this at least some people start seeing through the lies and misdirection used by these billionaire con artists and politicians but I fear I may be asking too much of the general public. That’s why ben shapiro went on his little twitter tantrum about terrible writing or whatever. Like bro if you’re not smart enough to understand symbolism in cinema, especially when it’s literally spelled out for you step by step in this particular instance, then there’s this little thing called not saying anything at all. He just doesn’t want to be exposed for what he and others like him are actually doing. ~~misdirection~~
I’m sorry but if it were me I would’ve put that napkin in my pocket or something not just held it out for him.
Benoit Blanc really just gave Helen the tools to take that fucker down and just waited at the beach with Derol to watch it all burn. And finally smoke his cigar I’m so happy for him. 
If there’s one thing I respect about Birdie its the respect she has for these pieces of history being destroyed, even when Miles drops Paul Mccartney’s guitar on the beach she’s like so concerned and I feel that.
My take away from this is that I am already so excited for Knives Out 3, I could watch an infinite amount of these movies. 
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Fast fashion is un-feminist and hurts women
word count:927
When one thinks of fast fashion they think about places like Primark and Shein, which predominantly cater to women so you might be thinking hey that's totally feminist they are targeting women! but no that's not a good thing one could even say that makes it worse as the men who are in charge of these big brands are profiting off of mainly women exp the president of Shein is a man, Chris Xu, and the president of Primark is paul marchent.
About Chris Xu and his fast fashion empire-
Chris Xu the founder and CEO of Shein, one of the biggest fast fashion retailers in the world is described as a mysterious billionaire. Xu has a net worth of about $10.5b*
Xu makes most if not all of his money from his fast fashion giant known as SHIEN. Shein is known for having affordable clothing and lacklustre quality. shien like many clothing companies outsources its labour to places like India and Bangladesh they also produce in China. their reason? Lax labour laws allow them to not only pay unlivable wages but have awful working conditions many an article have complained about the child labour that occurs in these factories children under most laws cannot work until teenage hood and then they don’t get paid the same as adults in their same field one could argue that this is an issue in of itself, but imagine you're a child working in a 3rd world country and you're below teenagehood so you not only get paid less than teens you also get paid less than adults in your same field furthermore many clothing factories have machinery that can injure small children using them. but who else works in these sweatshops, women! Women for generations have been making clothing for their families and these factories are an extension of these patriarchal standards. As I previously stated these factories are usually situated in 3rd-word countries or LICs**where patriarchal standards are way more enforced than they are here in the West meaning while here we have equal pay(in theory) in these LICs their women won't be getting equal pay so big brands sourcing there labour from these countries is not only for the general lower pay standards but also the low pay of the women.
In these countries, the majority of the people the brands hire are women because they are able to pay them less for more work.
Labor conditions of the fast fashion giants-
You might think the general mistreatment of women and children is bad but the fact is that not only is the pay bad but the general working conditions are atrocious! factories are known to have bad hygiene and are not up to building standards making them likely to collapse as we saw in the Rana Plaza collapse which was caused by mismanagement and insufficient renovations the collapse caused 1,134 deaths. Breaks are often not mandatory and days off are few and far between meaning that some only get a few days off a year. Recently some tiktok influencers were taken on a PR trip to a ‘Shein factory’ this was later proved to be a false factory put up in order to make them seem like a good company that does violate multiple human rights a day, the influencers went through the ‘factory’ filming what is now a very infamous tiktok where one stated that the workers were ”shocked that people thought they were treated badly” the influencer also showed the viewers the factory and it was pristine with the most recent technology and clean environment the influencer showed the machines not producing any clothing later this was used as proof of the factory being a sham as it would mean that they would be losing money, why would they be losing money? Because if all of Sheinds factories were like this one which shien has said they are that would mean they would all have these state-of-the-art machines which in turn would cost them millions to not only buy but power meaning that for their machines to be financially viable They would have to be constantly producing to create a profit, this further proves that this influencer trip was a purely a sham.
Why is buying from shien and other fast fashion brands so un-feminist and bad for your wallet?
One reason it's unfeminist is that it perpetuates patriarchal standards I've already stated that the women in these factories get hired more which is a good thing but they also get paid less. because capitalism
Why is it bad for your wallet? Because the quality is awful in order to keep costs down not only do they not pay their workers living wages but they also skimp on things like fabric quality they're also hardly ever made well because if a child is making your clothes you cant expect them to be good, but here's the thing it's been reported that if a worker messes up I piece of clothing they have their pay restricted!
A little feminist add on- I believe that if as a culture we decided it was father nature instead of mother nature we wouldn't be treating our planet so badly
In conclusion, shopping fast fashion is contributing to the financial abuse of women and children in LICs
*source Forbes
**LIC= low-income country
All my love please follow and reblog if you agree, feel free to add more points to your reblog, asks are open I would love some more mutuals with the same viewpoints
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decoloniality · 1 year
Our parents are miners.
Whether in a shaft, in a retail store, or working as petrol attendants.
We are working class.
We are miners.
Who would have thought our generation would also witness how government massacres humans, workers, citizens?
The ANC is running the world's latest brutal neo-colony for the sake of global economic looting.
The resources of the Motherland protect the privileges of oppressors in the maintenance of economic apartheid.
Non-rich only, non-poor only, social instability...
16 August 2012
I remember watching the news.
I couldn't believe... I would never have conceived that I would live through state repression of a class struggle with a just cause.
A fake New South Africa.
A country where democracy serves as a smokescreen for colonial imperial powers to continue looting;
Plundering natural resources.
We are cheap labour; human commodities; wage slaves.
We were protesting for a decent minimum wage, only to be classified illegal demonstrators.
Striking, again, against a salary that keeps us poor.
We can't feed, clothe, educate our children - generational slavery.
From the sea to the hills, from the valleys and up the mountain, to the killing at the small koppie.
Wasn't the slaying of poor, angry, marginalised, exploited, human, native Africans supposed to stop?
To give your life to save the world is something great - 34 miners died for us.
Forget to remember
The Farlam commission of inquiry is like the Goldstone Commission report on the Bisho massacre;
The evidence given to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to make the nation forget without justice being served;
I am the man in the green blanket, murdered by police in Marikana;
My name is Mgcineni "Mambush" Noki, a 34-year-old married father from Mqanduli in the Eastern Cape:
"He didn't speak for himself. He spoke for the workers."
Grief overflows reality
How much do you need to know before you do something?
Human forms consumed with selfish thoughts.
Today is a day of mourning.
Have a heart, be a soul, show your humanity.
My eyes are filled with tears.
This life and existence under which we are made to suffer... how much more? When will this end?
I am ready to leave this realm. I want to destroy all of this. I want this to end now.
I am not in love with this illusion.
I hate capitalism.
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ktineee10 · 1 year
I'm Guilty of...
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image taken from: https://www.vecteezy.com/vector-art/1631155-shopaholic-with-purchases
As someone who thinks of retail therapy as a means to calm my anxiety of most things, I cannot avoid some misbehaviors when it comes to purchasing certain items. One of the misbehaviors I am most guilty of is binge eating, and buying alcohol to relieve stress. In a situation where I can buy food, I usually buy more than what I can handle and most food goes to waste, thinking that I can eat the food I bought while stressing over revisions and requirements is generally what prompts me to buy more. This however is super false as it ends up me not even noticing most of the food and not even consuming it and letting it go to waste as I am too immersed with the work that I am doing. This was evident during the pandemic, with classes and professors giving requirements to us that go over our capacity thinking that we are at home our availability to do work is changed to 24/7, I tend to order food online and have it delivered and most of the time it would be food good for 3 people which I only eat ⅔ of and not exactly all. These types of food then go to waste because the pandemic made my family more wary and we don’t share food because of that. To me food was a way to relieve stress and try to relax and I guess that translated to the more food I buy, the better as I get more chances to have a break and eat but it ends up me just binge eating all of it as well due to the time constraints I had in finishing and catching up on deadlines. 
That said, when food doesn’t really help me with the stress I tend to gravitate towards excessive retail therapy or buying too much clothes online or in real life which is such an inappropriate practice as it has become such a wasteful routine as I do not wear most of them and don’t even use most of the things I buy. These items have not only become a waste to me but also clutter that is an inconvenience to my family. However, I cannot stop as in times of stress I really do feel the need to just shop and the excitement I feel when a parcel is almost here or if I look through racks of clothes, the stress and anxiety I felt before that leaves my entire body. For example, before the start of my last semester of my undergraduate life, I was applying to a med school and thinking about my future. This was causing me so much panic and stress and because of that I really needed an outlet, before I knew it I was binge buying clothes that I really did not need or was not really necessary for me to get at the time but because I was feeling stressed and needed the retail therapy I had gone all out and bought 5 shirts and 2 bottoms that I did not need.
Another sample of misbehavior I am guilty of as a homebody is getting bootleg films online or streaming illegal streaming sites for TV shows and such instead of just paying for the subscriptions. As someone who tends to only watch shows when I have nothing better to do or when I feel certain emotions, I do not see the necessity to get a subscription other than Netflix, as it is not something I would fully maximize, that said I turn to bootleg sites and such to watch the shows I want to alleviate the heavy feeling I have in those days. 
In my field of study, I think it can really help in terms of teaching children good habits and teaching them alternatives for purchasing by incorporating them into their daily play routines as i t allows them to understand good consumer behavior without having to directly and strictly teach them. This allows for children to build routines that are positive to consumer behavior and allows for them to understand in the simplest way that there are misbehaviors that we should avoid. They may not know that these are misbehaviors but they would know from the very beginning that this behavior as a consumer should not be done as it is bad. Overall, starting from a very young age and teaching the right kind of consumer behavior is crucial to when they purchase as adults as their self-regulation is much more enhanced by such practices.
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leaderintitleonly · 3 years
Thoughts on Frozen?
Anna gets screwed. Promotional and just...yeah. These days, Disney is allergic to giving women complex emotions because otherwise it'd make them seem less perfect and that would anger Twitter. I mean they already lose their shit if a Disney princess cries! /Tom Hanks voice There's no crying in Disney Princessing! Elsa and Anna needed to hash things out, which really strikes me funny when I remember the making of this movie and they had this whole sister meeting. I'm estranged from my half-sister now. We don't talk. I had to accept I needed to let go and stop letting her blame me. There's a time when you stop fighting... It's when you need to fight for yourself. Sad side note, sure, but I needed to really see Anna and Elsa willing to fight for each other and hash out their problems. Show frustration. Show getting mad. Show getting upset. Emotion is healthy! So long as we process it and we learn to listen to each other, that's important. Frozen needed to work harder than that instead of "BIG HUG OKAY LET'S FORGET THIS!" Yeah that cut song probably shouldn't have been cut but Disney can't stop doing the "lol musical" meta either. And this could get longer but then that gets into Elsa's half as well. To be honest... Once Upon a Time, much maligned as it is? It does a pretty decent job expressing Elsa and Anna's post Frozen feelings and I somewhat love how on edge they are. I really believe these are sisters who would die for each other despite their ups and downs and have fought for each other. They have differences but that does not stop them. It's something I know Frozen can (and eventually does) achieve but it struggles to get a footing. Also just Anna really deserves more than to have Do You Wanna Build a Snowman, much as I love that song and whisper "Do you wanna hide a body" to my boyfriend like the sadist I am. I could mention surprise villains but that's been done to death. People have covered why Disney needed to be more firm with Elsa having anxiety if that's what they wanted to do. Generally I'm beating a dead horse here. Any problems I've had, so many other people have had them. Hey Elsa, you know what queens did? Arranged their sisters marriages so don't give me that "marrying in a day" shit. Frozen 2 does address some of my irritations which is great! But... that is not the point of a sequel. A sequel should be building on the story and not fixing the holes. Sure we can clarify some things but I should see some new story and a lot of it! I should have been enjoying Kristoff and Anna getting closer! And I have...no idea what we do with Elsa because those problems needed to be addressed then so we start a new story for her. I've lost how count how many times I watched Frozen. My nieces were enamored with the movie and then we had a little trip to Disney World. Weren't huge fans after that. I tried to watch it without them because it was only fair to do so. ...Did this turn into a pseudo Anna defense post? Oh my god. Oh my god it's a secret Anna defense post. You know I'd argue that Elsa doesn't get a good way to process her feelings, either and I'm equally angry about that. Generally every problem with any new "Disney Princess" movie is "why didn't you let the heroine have feelings and get to have healthy choices" and Elsa gets to share in that with Anna so... it's a defense post for her as well. It took me all day to write this. I hope I did right by you, anon. So many revisions. <3
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lunarticxenia · 3 years
Asteroid Leviathan #8813
Asteroid Leviathan #8813 deals with our inner demons and things that make life hard for us. One might apply more to you than another, also everything might not apply because this asteroid can present differently for many people. Hope you guys enjoy, and for anyone who’s sending questions I’m trying my best to answer them! My post on how to find asteroids in the natal chart is here. 
TW: Abuse, ED, S*xual assault. 
♠️ 1H/Aries: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 1H or in Aries regards their appearance, path in life, and general sense of self. Their inner demons could also regard their identity- perhaps they struggle with their sexuality or gender if they’re LGBT+. Individuals with this would likely pursue things like plastic surgery, heavy make-up, tattoos, piercings, and/or heavy working out to “fix” their appearance. They might also feel very lost with themselves as well, and don’t know who they truly are. They also might struggle with their path in life, they don’t know what they’re supposed to do and just feel lost all the time. 
♠️ 2H/Taurus: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 2H or in Taurus might regard possessions, their sense of worth, their body, and food. Individuals with this may have or had an eating disorder (myself included). These individuals might also have really low self esteem, and have a low sense of worth. They might find themselves in abusive relationships and/or friendships because their sense of worth is so low. They also might struggle with money; they might have grown up poor or grew up envying what other people had. They also might place their sense of worth based on how much money they have and/or what possessions they have.  They might feel that if they don’t have the nicest clothes that they’re just not worthy of anything. This could also manifest as a person who uses retail therapy and/or in more extreme cases someone who will do anything for money even it’s illegal or immoral. 
♠️ 3H/Gemini: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 3H or in Gemini might regard around intelligence, communication, siblings, primary and secondary education, and aunts & uncles. These individuals may have problems with communicating or learning- this could definitely manifest as an ADHD and/or a speech impediment placement. If not this extreme, the individual might just have problems with communicating in general and/or studying i.e. they can’t say how they feel, they can’t study, etc. They also might feel insecure about their intelligence and fear that they’re not smart enough.They could’ve gotten bullied in primary and/or secondary school. They could also have a strained relationship with a sibling and/or an aunt or uncle. In some cases, I’ve seen individuals with this have to take on almost a parental role with their siblings and this can cause a lot of strain on the individual. This could just mean an individual’s relationship with their sibling causes them strain. 
♠️ 4H/Cancer: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 4H or in Cancer might regard around the family, the mother, emotions, and their femininity. These individuals may have issues with their family- they might not get along with them well or they just flat out don’t like their family or certain members in it. Moreover, this could be a mommy issues placement. Individuals with this also might struggle with feeling insecure about showing their emotions and/or might struggle releasing them in a healthy way. They might be embarrassed when they cry, and no one will ever know how they feel. They tend to suffer alone. They might also struggle with their feminine side. Individuals might view their feminine side as “weak” and might associate it with showing emotions which they don’t like to do. 
♠️ 5H/Leo: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 5H or in Leo might regard love, creativity, expression, and children. These individuals may have issues with love. Not really relationships necessarily, but just how they give and receive love. These individuals might also struggle with seeing what love is and may struggle with recognizing it. They might see validation or attention as love. They also might be afraid of falling in love. They also might stay in abusive relationships because they love that person so much or they think that the abuse is a form of love. Basically just issues with love and how they see it. If not that their inner demons could center around creativity; perhaps they get absorbed in their creative works and nothing they do is ever good enough. They also might have a fear of having children and/or they might have issues with their children if they have them. For a person in the LGBT+ community I could also see this placement manifesting as being afraid to express their sexuality and gender (since this deals with love). If not that, they just struggle with expressing themselves in general. 
♠️ 6H/Virgo: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 6H or in Virgo might regard their health, employment, and sense of usefulness. These individuals might struggle with their health. While it might just be normal health problems, I’ve seen it more manifested as a person’s mental state making them have health problems, i.e. a person with anxiety gets IBS. Whatever the mental disorder or issue is, it can cause issues to the individuals physical health. This could also manifest as a mental disorder as well since it deals with inner demons. I could also see this as a person who constantly has to help people and overexert themselves because they feel like they’re never doing enough. I could also see this as a person feeling insecure at work, perhaps they feel like they’re a bad worker, and that they’re not good enough to be there.
♠️ 7H/Libra: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 7H or in Libra might regard relationships, partnerships/marriage, and enemies. These individuals may have issues with their relationships, and it doesn’t have to be just romantic relationships. They could struggle with how they maintain relationships with others; there could be a lot of arguments and/or they might struggle to upkeep the relationship. They also might have a hard time being vulnerable to others which can hinder a relationship development. These individuals can also struggle with romantic partnerships- they might find themselves dealing with toxic and/or abusive partners. Relationships in general for them can just bring them a lot of pain and trauma. The individual could also struggle with enemies as part of their inner demons as it can bring them strain. This can also be a person who’s their own worst enemy. 
♠️ 8H/Scorpio: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 8H or in Scorpio might regard sex, intimacy and vulnerability. These individuals may have issues regarding sex. In extreme cases this can manifest as sexual harassment, abuse, or assault. In less extreme cases they might have a hard time with sex because they have a hard time being that vulnerable to another person. Or this can manifest as someone who has sex a lot because they seek intimacy. These individuals regardless tend to struggle with intimacy and allowing themselves to be vulnerable to others. They tend to be more closed off around others and it takes a long time for them to open up. They enjoy their privacy and being “the lone wolf” however this can make them quite lonely because they feel that no one truly knows them. 
♠️ 9H/Sagittarius: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 9H or in Sagittarius might regard traveling, higher education, religion, and philosophy. These individuals may have issues in regards to traveling- perhaps they desire to travel but are confined by their circumstances. They also might have had something bad happened if they have traveled. They also might’ve had some trauma happen in college and/or is a big source of their mental anguish. I could also see this manifesting as religious trauma, especially in LGBT+ individuals. In more extreme cases this could indicate abuse by someone in the clergy. These individuals might struggle with being the victim of their own philosophy of life. Maybe their philosophy of life is just naturally pessimistic and this can cause them a great deal of pain. 
♠️ 10H/Capricorn: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 10H or in Capricorn might regard one’s career, reputation/public image, the father, and masculinity. These individuals tend to struggle with their career. They might feel that they’re not good enough for their career and might have a lot of anguish in deciding a career. Their career might also bring them a lot of anguish perhaps they work as a cop or a social worker and they come across a lot of really traumatizing scenarios. They also might struggle with their reputation/public image-perhaps people spread rumors about them a lot or people see them in a negative light, and this can cause them a lot of sadness. This can also be a daddy issues placement. This can also manifest as someone struggling with their masculinity or masculine side. If it’s a guy or a masculine presenting person he/they might not feel they’re being masculine enough. 
♠️ 11H/Aquarius: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 11H or in Aquarius might regard friendships, their sense of belonging, and their hopes & dreams. Individuals with this might struggle with friendships. Their friendships can bring them a lot of anguish- perhaps they tend to befriend toxic people or they just tend to have a hard time making friends at all. They also might have a lot of trauma regarding friends- perhaps something traumatic happened when they were with friends or their friends caused their trauma. In extreme circumstances this can manifest as a friend causing the person abuse. This person also might not feel like they belong anywhere. No matter what they do they feel like an outcast. They also might have big hopes and dreams and they feel like they can’t accomplish them. They might also have unrealistic hopes and dreams and this can crash and burn. 
♠️ 12H/Pisces: The inner demons of individuals with Leviathan in the 12H or in Pisces might regard spirituality, death, and one’s hidden self. Individuals with this may have a fear of death. They also might’ve been traumatized by the death of someone important to them, and they haven’t been the same. They also might have hidden parts of themselves that they resent and don’t like to show to people. These parts of themselves can cause them strain. They also might struggle with spirituality as well, they might not feel that they’re spiritual enough or they might feel lost spiritually. They might not have anything to really believe in, and they just feel lost. 
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bibbawrites · 4 years
Surprise! - Dad!Owen x Pregnant!Female Reader
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Request: NONE
Word Count: 2133 words
Summary: Part 2 of the Dad!Owen series, you reveal to your friends and family that you’re having a baby
Warnings: swearing
A/N: okay here we go, telling your friends and family that you’re pregnant!  as i said in a post the other day, i didnt realise that on survey monkey you could only see 40 results for free so the baby name survey had to end, but if you didnt get a chance to vote and would like to please let me know and i can set up an alternate way to vote :) without further ado, i hope you enjoy! 
The first person who ended up finding out about your pregnancy was Charlie. You had meant to tell your families first, before anyone else, but things didn’t work out as planned.
It was three days after you had found out, and you and Owen were still buzzing. Charlie had been eyeing the two of you suspiciously the last few days, but didn’t call you out on your oddly happy behaviour until that night.
The boys had come home from set, only filming for a couple of hours to re-shoot a scene that needed changing slightly, and you decided to surprise them with pizza from all three of your favourite pizza place. Owen always texted you when they left set, so you knew exactly when to order the pizza to have it arrive just as the boys did.
And your timing was perfect, the pizza arriving almost in unison with your boyfriend and his best friend.
“Y/N, we’re home! You ordered pizza?” Owen called, and you left your bedroom to head to the kitchen, smiling at the boys.
“Figured you could use a treat after filming. Plus I didn’t feel like cooking, so...” You grinned, wrapping your arms around Owen, who lent down to kiss you gently, his hand resting on your stomach for a brief moment before he pulled away, not wanting Charlie to get any more suspicious.
You and Owen headed over to the table where Charlie had placed the pizza and sat down, waiting for Charlie, who had gone to grab drinks.
“Do you want your wine Y/N?” Charlie questioned, placing a beer on the table for himself and one for Owen. You shook your head.
“No thanks, I’m good.” You replied.
“But you love wine with your pizza.” Charlie frowned.
“Not tonight, thanks.” You said, hoping that he would give up.
“Are you feeling okay?” He asked. You nodded.
“Yeah I am.” You told him, picking up a slice of pizza and exchanging a look with Owen, silently begging him to step in.
“She’s got this... thing.” Owen chimed in lamely. Charlie frowned again, before a realisation hit him.
“Holy fuck, you’re pregnant.” He exclaimed. Your eyes widened. Owen choked on his beer.
“What? Why would you think that?” Your voice was slightly shaky.
“You always have wine with pizza, no matter what. And that would explain why you two have been so nauseatingly happy the last couple of days.” Charlie reasoned. You glanced at Owen.
“You can’t tell anyone.” You said after a moment. Charlie’s smile widened.
“So you are pregnant?” He asked, and you nodded. He cheered.
“I’m gonna be an uncle!” You giggled at his excited reaction, watching as he hugged Owen happily, and then rushed around the table to throw his arms around you.
He pulled away, placing a hand on your stomach hesitantly. You gave him a reassuring smile.
“I can’t believe there’s a baby in there.” He said softly, kneeling down next to your chair. Owen copied, kneeling down on the other side.
“Right?” Owen’s voice was just as quiet. “My little girl.”
“We don’t know if it’s a girl Owen.” You reminded him. He shook his head.
“I just know it. There’s no way she’s not a girl.” He replied, and you rolled your eyes slightly.
“Can we go back to eating the pizza now?” You said, and the boys agreed, standing up and sitting back in their chairs.
And with that, the first person knew.
The second person to find out was Savannah. You had been pretty sick, dealing with morning sickness, so Savannah decided what you needed was a little bit of retail therapy. 
Which is how you found yourself trailing behind your best friend as she dragged you from store to store. And everything had been going perfectly fine, until you passed a smoked meat store, and the smell set off your nausea. 
“Sav, I think I’m gonna be sick.” You warned, and she reacted quickly, rushing you into the nearby bathrooms and holding your hair back as you emptied the contents of your stomach into the toilet. 
Once you were done you leant back against the wall of the stall, not even caring that you were sat on the floor of a public toilet. Savannah offered you her water bottle and you took it gratefully, swishing the water around your mouth before spitting it into the bowl and flushing the toilet. 
“Are you okay? You’ve been pretty sick and I’m kinda getting worried about you.” Savannah questioned. You paused for a moment, before deciding how to respond. Hopefully Owen wouldn’t mind another person knowing your secret. 
“I’m pregnant.” You admitted quietly, not wanting anyone in another stall to overhear. Savannah gasped, throwing her arms around your neck. You hugged her back gently. 
“This is amazing Y/N.” She exclaimed. “I can’t believe I’m gonna be an aunty!” 
“You can’t tell anyone yet, other than Owen only Charlie knows.” You told her as she let you go. She nodded quickly. 
“Your secret’s safe with me.” She promised. You grinned, letting her pull you off the floor. 
“Now, can we go look at baby clothes?” Savannah questioned once you were both on your feet. You smiled happily. 
“Of course we can.” You agreed, linking your arm through hers as you headed out of the toilets, so excited that you had another person who you could talk about baby things with. 
Owen’s Mum/Family:
Next was Owen’s mum, who had come to visit for a few days. You had thought of a brilliant way to tell her, after hearing how much she enjoyed building with nano blocks. 
You had gone out before Owen had arrived home from the airport with his mum, and you had picked out the perfect present, wrapping it nicely. 
Finally the time came to give her the parcel, as she sat across from you and Owen in the living room later that night. 
Owen handed her the box, the card you had written on to clarify the situation grasped firmly in his hand as he waited anxiously, his foot tapping.
His mother ripped off the wrapping paper, finding a box of large lego blocks, the kind designed for babies and small children. She looked up, confused, and Owen held out the card.
“Read it out loud.” You prompted.
She took the card, opening the envelope and pulling it out, before opening it up.
“I can’t wait to build with you. Lots of love, your future granddaughter or grandson.” She read out. She gasped, looking between the two of you.
“Are you having a baby?” She questioned. You and Owen nodded. Her hand covered her mouth as she began to cry.
“I'm gonna be an Oma?” She asked, as Owen got up from his spot next to you to go hug his mother.
“You can be whatever you want to be called.” He replied. His mother smiled tearily, holding an arm out for you to join the hug. You grinned, sitting down on her other side and letting her pull you into the hug.
“Can I tell the rest of the family?” She asked, still in the hug.
“Maybe don’t tell everyone yet, cause we’re only 10 weeks, but you can tell Dad and Luka, and everyone else I guess. Just no extended family.” Owen replied.
“Okay I can do that. Congratulations, both of you.” She said, and you both thanked her in quiet voices. 
She stood up, grabbing the box of lego and the card. 
“I’m off to bed if I can manage to sleep. Tomorrow we’re going nursery furniture shopping.” She told you, and before either of you could protest she was gone. 
“Well that went well.” You giggled and Owen nodded in agreement. 
“Three down, only a few more to go.” He said. You made a noise in agreement, snuggling into his side to watch a movie, and you fell asleep with his hands resting gently on your stomach.
Your Family:
Next to learn about the baby was your family. To tell them you had sent them a parcel, with the instructions to call you on facetime before opening it.
You, Owen and Charlie were curled up on the couch, Owen’s head resting just below your stomach and Charlie’s head in your lap, when your phone rang, signifying you had an incoming facetime.
Owen sat up and picked up your phone, handing it to you before curling into your side, and you smiled when you saw it was your mum calling.
“I assume they got the box then.” You spoke before answering, your mum, dad and big brother appearing on the screen.
“Hi guys!” You greeted. “Got the parcel?”
“We did, can we open it now?” Your mum questioned. Charlie glanced at you.
“Want me to leave?” He asked quietly, and both you and Owen shook your heads.
“You can stay.” Owen said softly. You turned your attention back to your family.
“Okay, open it.” You instructed, and your dad ripped the box open, pulling out four smaller boxes, one for each of them and a fourth, which was one of the positive pregnancy tests.
“One at a time?” Your mum suggested and you shook your head.
“Same time, or it will ruin the surprise.”
You watched as they ripped into the boxes, each pulling out a t-shirt.
“Promoted to Nanna?” Your mum read out, a confused look on her face.
“Mine says promoted to Poppy.” Your dad said. You grinned, waiting for the penny to drop.
“Oh shit, you’re not.” Your brother realised, and you laughed.
“Open the last box.”
“How have they not gotten it?” Charlie questioned under his breath, and Owen giggled at the comment.
Your mum pulled the pregnancy test out and gasped, finally realising.
“You’re having a baby!” She exclaimed.
“Surprise!” You laughed.
“When?” Your dad asked.
“Not for a while now, I’m only 11 weeks.”
“Congratulations!” Your mum smiled happily. 
You returned her smile and after a few more minutes explaining, you said your goodbyes and hung up. 
“Now it’s only the cast.” You said, and Owen nodded, repositioning himself so that his head rested next to Charlie’s in your lap. Charlie unpaused the movie you had been watching and you rested your head on the couch. 
This whole thing was getting very real. 
The Cast - Jeremy, Madi, Carolynn, Jadah and Kenny
Finally the time came to tell the cast.
“So, what do you guys think about having a baby around on set?” You questioned casually. Carolynn gasped and Jeremy shot her a concerned look.
“Babies are pretty loud.” Madi replied.
“Yeah, they probably wouldn’t be good to have when you have to be quiet on set.” Jadah agreed. You bit your lip to stop yourself from laughing. You met Carolynn’s eyes and she gave you an excited look. You nodded slightly and she squealed, ignoring the weird looks she was getting from Jeremy.
“Why are we talking about babies?” Kenny questioned, sitting back down.
“Y/N asked about babies being on set.” Jadah told him.
“As in working babies or?” Kenny asked and you shook your head.
“Just babies in general.” Owen chimed in.
“Wait...” Madi spoke up, realisation slowly appearing on her face. “Are you pregnant?”
You grinned sheepishly, taking a sip of your drink. The table erupted in noise, everyone excitedly talking over each other, asking all sorts of questions.
“Oh my god shut up.” Charlie yelled over the noise, and the table went quiet. “One at a time.”
“How far along are you?” Carolynn asked.
“12 weeks yesterday.” You replied.
“How long have you known?” Jadah was next to ask her question.
“About 6 weeks.” Owen answered for you. “We wanted to wait a bit.”
“I knew the whole time.” Charlie boasted.
“Only because you live with us and there’s no way we would have been able to hide it from you.” You told him.
“When do you find out if it’s a boy or a girl?” Madi asked.
“She’s a girl.” Owen said. You groaned.
“Stop saying that. We don’t know yet and we won’t know for a little while, but Mr Psychic here seems to be convinced that it’s a girl.” You sighed slightly. 
“I just know it.” Owen said with a huff. 
“Any more questions?” You asked quickly, before he could get sulky. 
“I have one, do you know what a condom is?” Jeremy joked. Madi and Jadah gasped, both hitting his arm.
“We are children.” Jadah reminded him. You laughed.
“Yes.” You answered simply. Jeremy laughed. 
“Fair enough then.” 
You sat back and listened as the conversation moved into baby names, with everyone throwing out suggestions. 
You smiled softly, placing a hand on your stomach. Somehow this had become your life, and you wouldn’t change it for the world. 
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tsuumu · 4 years
hq boys and their part time jobs.
yet another unseries headcanon post made by yours truly! unlike my last one which you can find here, i won’t be involving every single major hq character so that’s just a heads up!! i can’t always envision stuff fully with every single person...
kageyama tobio: this boy thought that applying to work part-time at a sports shop would be fitting ‘cause of his love for volleyball, completely unaware that this would involve way too much social interaction and tolerance???? like he thought he’d just have to look like someone who does sports and occasionally restock yoga mats but these loud ass kids are coming up to him asking for this that and the other for sports he’s never heard of. suddenly he regrets the entire thing. plus, he has no idea how to use the cash register and it’s his worse nightmare to ring up items without wanting to stomp a hole into it to get the customer’s change.
hinata shoyo: shoyo went straight for the pet shelter because he’s in love with playing with the little puppies. this boy will full on roll around with them, stuff them under his shirt so their heads poke out and just.. intergrate and become one of them... the doggies love him so much n always clamber to sit on his lap because hinata treats them with so much love and kindness!! customers looking for pets often joke about taking him home bc he’s just as excitable and friendly as the actual dogs. he’s also really good at convincing people on the fence to get a pet and explaining their individual personalities because he knows them so well :(
nishinoya yuu: he said: supermarket assistant so he could ride around on the carts, intimidates literally every customer with his ungodly enthusiasm but is determined to help EVERYONE, he’ll run around the store taking people where they need to go but only if he actually remembers where they’re situated. otherwise this boy is like “yeah they’re just... that way.” and bolts in the other direction. gets along with all his colleagues and tells them all about his tournaments with karasuno. he’s not the star employee but it wouldn’t be the same w out him.. often asks the manager if he can taste test the market’s pastry section to which he is rejected every single time.
tanaka ryuu: he’s convinced working in his local gym was him in his element, he wears that tag thing like a badge of honour and just walks around showing people he works there instead of actually doing his job??? he’s also overly enthusiastic and will sometimes cheer on the people working out as if he’s some kind of zealous personal trainer and everybody is like “literally how old is this guy??” he’s surprisingly awesome at reception duty because he’s always chatting to regulars about how they’re doing... the practical side like schedules and paperwork he leaves for someone else, everyone just puts up with him bc he’s a mood setter.
sugawara koushi: don’t get me started on this boy as a teacher’s assistant, like he helps little kids out with their work, tidies up the class during their break times and reads them stories?? he’s THAT senior boy who’s the biggest sweetheart and seeing him handle kids so well is like ... does he want some of his own ?? i’d like to offer my expertise he’s always got a smile on his face, gets along with all the staff much older than him, he’s like this perfect boy they all dote on and he gets super flustered saying he just really likes helping out the children and making them smile. often brings them little snacks too and they all call him big brother BYE.
tsukkishima kei: he does some low-key shit that’s kinda wholesome like working with the eldery or tutoring kids but prefers for literally nobody to know about it because anything he does outside of school is his business. he does it because it’s good pay, there’s not much else to it. if anybody found out he’d be super irritated tbh it’s just an invasion of privacy to him but eventually wouldn’t care because every kid is getting part-time jobs these days.
oikawa tooru: bye he’s THAT guy who got his job at a retail store because he’s pretty. like he has no real interest in clothes or anything but he takes the job as a place to validate himself when girls come up to him purposefully to flirt. he’s winking and laughing with them and also NOT actually doing his job but he brings in customers so at least he’s somewhat useful. doesn’t know how to fold clothes or hang stuff on hangers properly for shit and everyone lowkey wants to kick his ass but he’s actually very friendly and outgoing even if he has no clue what he’s doing. keeps asking if bra sizes come in small, medium and large and everyone just tells him to shut up.
iwaizumi hajime: when picking a job he was like “well what am i good at?” and went from there. he ended up as the local pool’s weekend lifeguard because he had the qualifications and time. again, everyone his age just tries to hit on him and he’s annoyed because it distracts him from the actual purpose of his job. he takes it seriously and impresses his colleagues with his swimming talent and knowledge on first aid. iwaizumi lowkey scares the little kids and they’re kind of afraid to ask him for help so he’s been working on looking a little more friendly.
kuroo tetsurou: kuroo as a tennis instructor assistant or just something sporty other than volleyball because he’s a multi-talented king?? like he’s not a professional by any means but he helps out the youth club and gets along with kids a few years younger than him. fills in for refs at tournaments, makes sure equipment is safe to use and is SUPER good at cheering club goers up when they lose or fail or can’t seem to do it correctly. he often refers to his experiences as nekoma’s captain to relate to them and they really admire his resilience and ask him to tell them more stories!!
kenma kozume: had to be dragged out to do a part-time job. was absolutely against the thought of it until hinata mentioned a friend of his who’d moved to the prefecture near kenma got a job at this new game shop. he was like fine and applied. he just kinda sat and people asked him questions about the games but he refused to do any further socialisation or actual grunt work like shelving, he quit pretty soon after, he just wanted the money to buy a game he ended up purchasing on his way out lmaoo
bokuto koutarou: he was dead set on having a volleyball related job, fukurodani have a club for junior players from all over the city to come and practice together. he was like?!? “and nobody told me??” he’s perfect for it as the captain and ends up as a secondary coach. he shows off A LOT and like kuroo, encourages the kids when they’re down. except kuroo is a more sit down, hand on shoulder, casual talk kind of guy. bokuto gets ridiculously sentimental and tells them dramatically about his lowest memories as captain when fukurodani lost and the kids are genuinely as emotional because of he way he tells it??? idk but they love him and he’s a ball of passion that keeps them going.
akaashi keiji: we are talking pretty waiter at a local gormet restaurant that gets tipped SO MUCH for his true professionalism. knows how to handle every situation with ease and is super calm, doesn’t care at all if someone from his school is there. he’s really just chasing that bag and he’s doing it well. bokuto often picks him up after his shifts so they can do stuff together but akaashi requests it be something calming since he’s tired after work... bokuto is like,, “so no to rock-climbing? alright i’ll reschedule..” the other waiters lowkey HATE the fact he gets tipped so well and they try and figure out his secrets. he has none. he’s just good at his job. i could see kiyoko working a similar job or somewhere lowkey like a flourist or bakery. she’s equally as professional and admired.
ushijima wakatoshi: ANY JOB. give this man any job and he’ll be able to carry it out like he’s been doing it since he popped out the womb. often mistaken for a grown adult so he gets jobs pretty easily? very very professional and aims to do everything perfectly. i think he’d also prefer a vb related job just like bokuto but something that could really get him somewhere big, smth to do with olympics like a paid internship for them .. can you even intern for the olympics lmao?? maybe something for the japanese team. it’s a lot of work to balance school & intern life but he’s very comitted and knows it’ll benefit him in the future. (kageyama was fuming when he found out he could have done that instead of his current gig).
tendou satori: has a job he’s very under-qualified for but somehow pulls off. he’s chilling at the hospital or law firm three times a week after classes or somewhere ridiculous but he’s doing just fine!! doesn’t actually do professional work n helps with small things but it impresses the hell out of everybody he tells, has no interest in persuing those careers but it’s fun for him, he gets paid VERY well for a boy his age and his personality creates a nice, talkative atmosphere in these seemingly tense environments.
miya atsumu / osamu: they both work at a café for novelty because they’re these handsome, athletic twins and it’s a thing that brings people in. they do a lot of fan service stuff and osamu is EXCELLENT like he was made for this job but atsumu is awful at keeping his cool. osamu will be chatting up customers, trying to persuade them to order more and atsumu is having a heated tustle with the coffee machine that’s broken down for the third time that day and it really ruins the magic osamu is trying to create. atsumu has probably sworn loudly. has probably almost been fired. he’s bad at playing along and flirting because he literally just wants them to leave so he can sit down lmao. osamu uses the pastries in the café as inspiration for his own at-home baking fiascos because it’s a stress-reliving hobby.
terushima yuji: he’s that boy in shoe shops that tries to sell you sneakers and he knows literally everything about them even when you really didn’t ask... looking to hit on girls that come in because shoe knowledge is obviously very sexy! alternatively you might catch him in a tattoo shop or sumn real appearance based and he definitely remembers all the regulars and greets them like they’re close friends, we’re talking inside jokes. always seems to know what tattoo people are looking to get purely based on their appearance and initial impression...
the list of unemployed:
yachi: too scared to do ANY job that requires interaction, she’s plagued by it.
hoshiumi: fired for picking too many fights with customers.
kyotani: EVEN WORSE THAN HOSHIUMI though he was strangely very efficient at paperwork.
suna: quit on the first day because it wasn’t what he expected and he doesn’t care about money that much.
lev: his family are like.... rich?? n nobody really expected it but he’s like yeah i really do not need one of those lmao.
yamaguchi: broke things, spilt things, smashed things. he really was trying his best..
aone: intimidated customers too much so they let him go (he was just STANDING THERE.. he deserved better).
sakusa: local venues are filthy, ushijima got the internship spot, no other job interests him enough to persue.
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Happy new year everyone 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
I know 2020 has been hard for everyone.
And I want everyone to know, suffering isn't a contest and we all suffer in different ways. But I feel I should give my year in Review. Just some things that happened to me personally.
This was an intense, and long and spiritual and emotional journey for me...
I really discovered what it meant to have community, family and what my life means to me.
But I feel I need to get this in writing cause I can remember the year with vivid detail and I will probably forget if I don't get it down.
Do I have to share this publically online to my tumblr account for a bunch of strangers to see? not really.
Do I want to?
Yes. I think so. Just from how so many people on tumblr and real life have touched me.
This is kinda long and no one needs to read this.
(idk how to do a readmore on mobile. But this is where I would add it later. No one needs to read if they don't want to.)
January/February: (and some background on the last five years of my life cause.....well. it's important.)
As people knew, I got way into Invader Zim last summer. I spent most of my waking life working a dead end job at a grocery store. I lived a sad lonely life, going straight home to a single dark studio apartment. With not many material possessions outside of games, my laptop and my tablet to my name. Half of my material loves, such as home furnishings and books were still in boxes from when I moved in. In case I ever had to move again, or get some "big screenshot or copywriter" job in the city.
I lived in that city in the same dead end job and apartment for five years.
No friends. No social life. I often refused to make doctor appointments or attempt to establish myself in that city. I didn't even talk to anyone in my workplace.
Work. Go online. Go to sleep.
I lived like that for five years.
I thought it was good.
Even my therapist thought I was doing well.
When I really wasn't. My main character flaw I struggle with is motivation.
I can talk to someone about very detailed plans I have to fix a problem... But I tend to never follow through.
Just because I can describe in detail how to fix my personal problems, it doesn't mean I will do it.
(I have gotten better at this but it's a major struggle)
I might have been a Zombie during the day...
But by night I was pouring my soul into my AU and my analysis.
After being so thoughly ignored or overlooked by the Naruto fandom and the Undertale fandom, I felt like I had finally found my home and was settling into a community there.
I just loved that people loved what I had to say.
Especially my AU.
It's no secret that a lot of themes in my au revolve around found family, grief, and loss.......
Fatherhood, in particular.
What it means to be a father, how much do you need to try when you mess up, how willing should a child forgive their parent, especially those that have wronged you and how much of it is factually accurate and simply a self projection of what children want their parents to be and visa versa... What amount of forgiveness and change is nessasary...is it needed?
It's no secret that a lot of my AU is a giant coping mechanism for my Dad's death. Espessially the falling out and growing closer with a lot of my family members throughout the years following his death. (Most of the time I keep it ambiguous to how it relates to my personal life unless I include a readmore that states so outright. I feel my au can be enjoyed by a variety of people in the fandom who don't need to know me as a person or my life story.)
My Dad passed away in 2016 in February and my family still feels the aftershocks to this day.
It's part of the reason I moved to the city, alienated myself from my family and people that loved me and refused to experience life for five years.
My entire world was Zim, and I was okay.
March: When America finally realized and started to feel the effects of the pandemic....
A lot of people got scared.
Me included.
I didn't have any streaming services or access to the news. So I only heard accounts from my mom.
I didn't understand why the store was so dead quiet and empty for a few days, then it went into mass chaos and panic in the span of two days.
It felt like Retail black friday in the worst way. Everyone was packed like sardines. Everyone was yelling. The lines at the registers bled into the clothing department.
I was witness to customers shoving others for toilet paper, being rude to cashier's and just overall unpleasantness.
At the time, I didn't even fully grasp what the pandemic was, and I feel a lot of people at the time didn't either.
I ended up absentmindedly scratching my eyebrow in front of a customer and she screamed and villanised me for it. That they didn't want groceries touched by my "unclean hands"
I ended up breaking down into tears.
The customer behind me gave me a hug and told me I was doing a great job.
But the damage was done. It was the final straw, I couldn't stop crying and I was breaking apart.
Thankfully my Boss (the one who likes me) pulled me aside and asked what's wrong.
It was then that I quit. No notice. Same day. I had to get out of there.
I was planning to move to an apartment with my sister in the summer, but my Mom offered for me to move back in with her temperarily just so I can get out of the city and away from the pandemic.
So I did.
I got scared, broke my lease a month early and quit my job of five years that gave me nothing back.
He told me, "take care of yourself and your family, I won't keep you here, do what you need to do."
So I did.
A very eventful few months.
My mom offered for me to live at her place, but for some reason she was acting like I would live there forever. That this wasn't a temporary arrangement, and that I didn't have an apartment set up already.
This was in large part to my sister, who had lived with my mom taking advantage of her for years.
Even though my sister and I were going to move in together, I was just never sure about it cause of how she never packed her stuff or made any effort to find a job.
My mom often acted like I was lazy and not searching and was treating me like... Well, an unruly teenager instead of a woman of 29 years. She acted like I was a failure for returning home when it was her idea in the first place.
I would have just been petrified in the city.
Like usual, I retreated to my au again.... And in the spring, something eventful happened.
In may, 8th 2020:
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I was invited by @rissynicole to join an invader zim discord.
Now, I've never really used discord before. I always thought it's interface is too confusing.. and I'm a member of a few other iz discords and I usually don't follow them that closely.
Rissy assured me it was different cause some friends of thiers made it and it was smaller.
Before I knew it, I was sharing memes and getting to know everyone there.
It wasn't long after I invited my partner in IZ crimes, @paketdimensioncomic who was genuinely wary of iz servers due to a bad experience with the last one they were a part of.
But soon they were sharing memes and laughing with everyone else.
My eyes were starting to open and I was able to connect to fans of my work in an interpersonal way. And I was able to discover new artists and aus I never knew about.
I was also able to meet so many others of the community and invite them to the server myself.
The moo-ping 10 server kept me sane while I was living with my judgmental mother.
Not only that, the summer was very productive for my au.
Drawing was all I did, and it was a huge break from the job as a cashier I had.
Not only that, June came, and with it, me and Ceph's first collab fic:
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A result of us just going back and forth in our DMs constantly about Professor Membrane and how he changed in ETF for the better and how much we adamantly stan "trying-to-be-a-good-dad-brane" and how much of his ETF development has to be implied off screen in order for the emotional resolution in the movie to matter.
The only reason I never professed my love for Membrane as a character in the fandom before the fic dropped was.... Well....
Membrane can be a decisive character in the fandom and I was so worried people would hate me if I did an analysis on him, simply because he's not the best parent in the world. (As an understatement)
Ceph and I really encouraged each other to scream our love for the science himbo loud and proud more frequently and so often.... I actually start to see less Membrane hate posts and breakdowns then their used to be.... I like to think it's a combination of Me and Ceph's influence, along with ETF and the Quarterly's painting Membrane in a slightly more nuanced light then he was previously.
I never wrote a collab fic before and it's such a rewarding and fun and unique experience that I don't think I'll ever have again. And I love working with Ceph on our fics so much.
So much so we did it again...
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I never thought I would be one of those people who writes NSFW IZ fic... But here I am.
The Brainbrane au started.... An au of my au where Membrane and the Computer fall in love and Membrane makes him a body.
This ship was based around the idea where we joked that Membrane and Zim's Computer would have funny interactions if they ever met, under the pretense Membrane thinks Computer is Zim's parent.
Our headcanons morphed and shifted until we just full blown started shipping them.
Just because Membrane and Zim's Computer have overall REALLY entertaining chemistry.
It's a character dynamic never seen in the show or comics (yet) and I imagine thier interactions to be nothing but entertaining banter.
The fic was also born from spite... Making fun of the troupes and cliches that we found personally destestible in some questionable zadr fics.
So an angry ace and a demi-bisexual collab on a porn and end up blessing the fandom with
Compapa headcanons,
Computer being recognized as a more common used fanon character,
The ship of Brainbrane.
The fandom having a crisis of "oh God, not only are we xenophiles we're technophiles too!!!" Or "why you gotta give Zim's Computer an ass"
More android Computer designs
It was an eventful summer.
In the midst of all this, I moved into my new place, got a new job, and I was able to see my friend (who is def my platonic straight soul mate) who lives in Indiana.
She came to visit, showed me how to decorate and how to take care of my body better! Things were looking up! It was great.
My job was at a boat store. If was approaching the fall and my hours were being severely cut.
I was getting into a rut of depression again.
I thought things were changing but the same routine I was trying to escape from was the same thing coming back.
But instead of letting it take hold, I decided I was going to do something about it... I was gonna visit a museum and go with my sister. Just... variety stimulation.
Well that didn't happen.
I talked about this shortly in my au itself...but..
My sister had a complete mental breakdown.
She stopped taking her meds, went off the deep end and was in the hospital a total of five times throughout November.
A lot of it was acting out and the perfect storm of environmental factors that made her scream and act out so she would keep going back to the hospital.
It was traumatizing for me.
I just can't explain what it's like. For her and for me to be in that position.
I'm not telling the full story and a lot of bullshit things happened I won't share here.
She got diagnosed with bipolar one and my mom expected me to be a caretaker for her.
I threatened to disown my family and move away out of state.
It was just too much for me to handle.
So much I was a nervous wreck.
I tried to pick up a second job... Cause my sister was in the mental ward so frequently and couldn't pay the bills.
But I was fired within a week cause I was so stressed I couldn't retain the basic information they were training me for.
It was an office job.
My dream.
It could have been.
I was fired from something I really wanted.
I was only there for three days.
I could not retain any information.
I was a mess.
My sister was a trigger, my mom wanted me to live with her. I couldn't live like this.... I had to get out.
I had to get out.
Remember my Indiana friend?
Well the first week of December is my birthday.
My 30th to be exact.
While I did pick up a seasonal position at Target (not my first pick)
I took the first week of December off so I could spend time with her. Cause she agreed, I needed a break from this crap.
Surviving 30 years is cause to celebrate and if I had to celebrate with my sister I would have cried.
I know there was a risk traveling out of state during a pandemic...
But I needed out, I needed a friend..
And I kinda wanted to look at the place since I was considering moving there.
My friend's mom was sick so she avoided me and her daughter and got us a hotel room.
It was fun! I got to swim in a salt water pool, we talked about Naruto, I showed her the iz and su art books I brought, also Computer and Membrane tea.
I also got to meet her other friends and get crunk. And her bf who is super nice and funny!
I had a super fun birthday....
Until her mom told my friend that her grandparents had covid and that was what she had. And my friend got sick within that same day.... As did I.
I owe so much to her family.
I was an entire state away...about a ten hour drive from home.... She let me stay at her house. "The covid house" we called it.
Cause everyone (except the father. He avoided everyone and booked a hotel immediately cus he was an ER doctor) had covid within a day.
I called in, the test results were positive and I had to stay with her family for ten days quarantine before I could work again.
Which would have been fine....
If my tumblr didn't log me out perminately of my old account. @dana-chan325 .... Which really sucked cause I had a constant headache and was too sick to engage with tumblr or much of the fandom. I didn't want to make a new account when my head was in a bad fog and I could barely breathe or smell.
It's not like I saw much of my friend either.... We all slept at different hours and she had more symptoms then I did.
It was just netflix, danganronpa v3 and cry.
I was miserable, but at the same time.... Not?
I really feel like God himself was the one who pulled me off from tumblr, and my living situation.
Maybe a whole extra week feeling like a bobblehead was what I needed.
It gave me some much needed clarity on my relationships with my mom and sis and friend.
Running away to Indiana was not the solution here.
Once I was better within ten days and no longer had a leave of absence, I drove home.
I am glad I fully recovered (but from how I understand it, my dear friend is still ill. I'm praying for her)
I might have gone to work a bit too soon, cause I had an asthma attack after trying to unload a single cart in the span of six hours.
My boss lectured that my speed was unacceptable, and even though I explained the covid situation and breathing problems many times, she threatened that I'd be fired if I'm that slow again.
Que the next few days of work where they put me on register.
Instantly I was sent into a panic remembering the last time I was on the register and how that panic attack caused me to quit.
I even asked if I could go back to stocking, since my breathing had improved. My boss assured me that I was put on the register cause they needed help and nothing to do with my covid thing.
Then as December concluded and the new year began, my boss said that this was the last shift for me cause my position was seasonal and they were letting a lot of people go.
I then asked why I was on the schedule for Sunday, and he told me to ignore it and I'm free to reapply for full-time.
I mean.... They can act smart about it...
But putting your general merchandise stocker onto register after she had an asthma attack and missed working the first two weeks of December due to covid.....
Not a good look.
So once again, I'm jobless once more.
Will probably continue to live with my sister for awhile.
But I do not feel as if it's a bad thing....
I met so many good people this year....
My friend's family even gave me 500 usd to cover my rent since I couldn't work for a majority of December.
I've seen evil and good from humanity this year. I've seen acts of god, good friends and what my real family means to me as well as friends I consider family.
This year really made me look back at the person in the mirror and say,
"I deserve better."
And actually worked for it this time.
Oh and after Christmas I got a horrible yeast infection that burns over most of my body currently.
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Very accurate doodle to the pain I'm in right now.
(seriously my body is a fungus.)
But hey, good news, I respected myself enough to go to the doctor about it!!
So that's progress.
I really hope 2021 holds good things for me.
Thank you to the mooping 10 server for always being there and keeping me sane,
Thank you tumblr for liking my au and everything.
AND A SUPER SPECIAL THANK YOU TO @evartandadam and her family for housing me and my dumb diseased ass. Everyone, she is an angel and I can't express how much she means to me. Please check out her art and buy her stuff on redbubble.
Anyways... Byebye 2020.
I look forward to what I can accomplish for myself this year.
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mochinek0 · 5 years
The Agreste's Winter Ball was under way and only a select few were invited, of course with their plus one.
So many fashionable clients and business personnel held it in high regard. Security was tight and anyone who was anyone attended.
So, everyone wondered who let children attend.
As children of fashion's powerhouses: Adrien Agreste and Chloe Bourgeois were invited.
The first one to blame was Adrien. He had given a ticket to Nino, who brought Alya as his plus one.
Sabrina was given hers by Chloe and invited Alix as her plus one.
Lila was given her ticket by Gabriel and was told to be Adrien's plus one. She accepted knowing she had her prize in her reach.
Max was currently invested in an internship and was required to attend. He selected Kim as his plus one, hoping he'd cause a ruckus that would get him thrown out sooner or later, without endangering his position.
None of them knew how Marinette got a ticket.
Their eyes lingered on her as she walked in with a boy slightly older then her. He was tall, tan, dark haired, and had green eyes, but no one knew who he was.
"I bet she slept with him to get a ticket." murmured Lila, taking a sip of champagne. "Probably." answered Alya, in response.
Nino was beginning to question his relationship with Alya. She was amazing when they first started dating and had such big dreams, but now it seemed like all those things he had fallen in love with that made Alya….Alya, were shoved onto the back burner. She had done nothing but criticize Marinette, who he had known for years.
"Hey, Nino." whispered Alix, "Do you know who the stuffy guy with Mari is?" "No, but she looks happy." he whispered back.
The group watched as a businessman approached them and struck up a conversation.
"Woah, how did Marinette get Bruce Wayne to talk with her?" questioned Max, as Kim dragged him towards the buffet table. "Who?" asked Alix. "Bruce Wayne. He's the owner of Wayne Enterprises; they have their hand in everything!" exclaimed Max. "He probably went to talk with the brat who came in with Marinette." stated Alya. "You don't think they'll get thrown out, do you?" Lila asked, faking her concern. "Well, only one way to find out." Kim said, between bites, pointing towards Gabriel and Adrien Agreste, walking towards Bruce Wayne.
"Bruce Wayne, it's a pleasure to see you again." announced Gabriel. "Ah, Mr. Agreste. Thank you for inviting us." answered Bruce. "Yes, the invite was a most pleasant surprise." spoke the young man next to Bruce.
"Gabriel, allow me to introduce, my son, Damian Wayne, and his plus one, Marinette Dupain-Cheng." spoke Bruce. "Miss Dupain-Cheng, it's a pleasure to meet you again. I have heard only good things regarding your designs." Gabriel revealed. "Thank you, Mr. Agreste!" Marinette smiled.
"Hey, Marinette! I didn't know you would be here." spoke up, Adrien. "Hello, Adrien." she responded, "How has your modeling been going?" "Lila hasn't been making the shoots easy." he responded. "We work in conditions we don't like, Son." announced Gabriel, "But we work through them to progress." "It's okay, Adrien. I usually ignore those shoots. I never regarded anything past the clothes before, but Lila's presence, she doesn't know how to work the camera angels and it throws off the feeling of the apparel, in my opinion." smiled Mari.
"You would know best, Mari." stated Damian, "The Wayne Retail section is always on the look for new models and designers. Even we have been, selecting fewer and fewer from the Gabriel female line."
"I was unaware your son was following in your footsteps." replied Mr. Agreste, shooting Bruce a look, acknowledging his lack of feminine clothing in circulation. "He is, at least on the business aspect. I'm afraid he's only here in regards to Marinette and her love of fashion." spoke Bruce, "My other sons wished to remain in Gotham to keep the place running." "Is that so?" asked Gabriel, glancing towards his son, "How admirable. I'm afraid Adrien is only the face of the company. He lacks the cutthroat confidence needed in the line of fashion."
Bruce and Marinette noticed Adrien flinch at his father's ruthless word, basically calling him useless.
"Perhaps, but maybe his talent lies elsewhere." smiled Bruce, catching Adrien's eye of surprise.
"Perhaps. He does mostly take after Emilie." retorted Gabriel.
Damian's enhanced hearing picked up the sound of footsteps behind them, rushing towards them. Out of his peripheral, he saw one of the waiters charge at them with scissors, ready to strike, and Marinette was in the line of fire!
Quickly, he turned and side sweeped the waiter's legs, causing him to stumble and fall on the floor, dropping the scissors. Damian is on his back and has a knife to his throat as the scissor slide between his father's legs.
"Why did you just attempt an attack on my fiancée? " Damian shouted, digging the knife just a little deeper.
Suddenly the attention was drawn to their group, if it hadn't been already. Darted gazes, flickered between the young man holding a knife to the waiter's throat and his revealed fiancée.
The group all looked at Marinette's left hand to see, that sure enough, she was sporting a ring.
"Damian! Put the knife away!" shouted Bruce, breaking everyone out of their shock. "He attempted to attack her, Father! Are you suggesting we left him get away with this? He came after her with a pair of scissors!" Damian shouted back.
"Dami, it's okay." Marinette smiled, crouching down next to him and reaching out to touch his shoulder, "I'm fine. You protected me, right?"
Damian nodded and released his captured prey, as security rushed onto the scene.
"Son, how did you get a knife through the metal detectors?" they asked. "Polycarbonate pocket knife." he replied, as if it would explain everything. "Did you steal from Dick, again?" asked Bruce. "He shouldn't leave his things laying around!" replied Damian, slipping it back into his pocket.
Meanwhile, Gabriel is rethinking just how 'perfect' Damian is compared to his own son.
Lila glares as everyone is talking amongst themselves on how glad they are that Marinette was okay. They were on her side, not a minute ago. How could they have shifted their concentration so fast? Now, she had to play carefully. Marinette had acquired an overprotective man. He seemed ready to kill anyone who laid a hand on her.
Marinette's eyes flicker to the man behind Damian reaching into his coat. She notices the movement and yanks on Damian's arm, throwing him towards the floor. "DUCK!" Mari shouts.
She rushes at the secondary waiter and tackles him to the ground. Quickly, she gets him in a headlock, causing him to fire the gun off towards the ceiling in panic. As she hears the chamber click empty, she easily slips into a cradle hold. Everyone is stunned that the petite fiancée also took on an attacker. Security rushed back, arresting the accomplice.
Bruce sighed as someone is walked out for a second time.
'Why is it always my family that starts something or is somewhere in the middle of said drama? Why can't we be normal? Can't we have a normal outing for once?'
"Marinette, are you okay?" asked Adrien, reaching his hand out for hers, blushing red. Who could have imagined that sweet and innocent Marinette could be such a badass?
"I’m fine. Thank you, Adrien." Mari answered, reaching for Damian's extended hand. "That was reckless and stupid, Angel!" shouted Damian, pulling her up and into his arms. "You're only saying that cause you didn't realize they were there." she smirked. Damian pulled Marinette into a kiss and whispered, "Don't you ever scare me like that again."
"Oh my God, Gurl! Why didn't you tell me you could do that?" shouted Alya, rushing over, with the class not that far behind. "Who's this?" questioned Damian, pulling her just a little bit closer. "Alya Cesaire; I'm Marinette's best friend." the budding journalist smiled. "I've met her best friend. You're not her." he replied.
Alya looked at Mari to counter his claim. "He's not wrong." was the response she got.
'How could Mari say something like that? They were friends since she moved there; since her first day at College.'
"You've changed." Alya said with a glare. "I'm not the one that's changed, Alya. I've just stopped being a doormat to everyone's needs. I'm through being left out of everything." retaliated Mari. "We don't leave you out-" countered Alya. "When was the last time you came to my house or you called to hang out at the park?" questioned Marinette.
Alya found she couldn't remember. 'Had it really been that long?'
"So, what? This guys teaches you some fancy new moves and-" she stopped as a burst of laughter was heard. She turned to see Kim, Nino and Chloe laughing. 'What's going on?' "What's so funny?" she asked.
"Those aren't new." said Kim, between laughs. "Mari's always been like that." Nino answered, taking deep breaths." "She got suspended on the second day of primary for beating up Kim cause he stole her juice box." announced Chloe, wiping the tears from under her eyes."
"What?" she looked back to Marinette, who seemed unfazed by this becoming common knowledge.
On the other hand, Lila was feeling faint. This was who she had threatened? Marinette had never seen her as a threat. She was only humoring her.
"My Angel may wear pink, but it doesn't make her any less fierce." Damian spoke up, before sending the woman in his arms a small smile.
"How?" asked Alya, still confused.
"My parents." replied Marinette, rolling her eyes, "Papa was a pro wrestler in his teens and Maman is a black belt in several martial arts. She's been teaching me since I could walk."
Bruce sighed.
'Why isn't anyone in this family normal?'
"I apologize for my son and his fiancée creating a disturbance in your event, Mr. Agreste." spoke Bruce, snapping them out of their conversation. Marinette turned back, wide-eyed and began to apologize fore creating a scene. Damian, realizing this was someone who his Angel idolized, apologized as well.
"It's quite alright. You both defended yourselves, admirably. I will help with the investigation against you both. I apologize for not doing a better job with my security." stated Gabriel, "Now, Marinette, I believe you were telling me about the fashion line you were working on."
Damian smiled as his Angel began to glow with excitement and began to converse about her ongoing project.
"So, how did you meet Marinette?" asked Adrien. Damian turned to see Agreste's offspring. Marinette had told him about Adrien: how she use to have feelings for him, how she took his advice against outing the liar who plagued her, how she had come to realize he knew nothing of the outside world.
He was just a wide-eyed with wonder as she had stated. He had a child's view of the world.
"I met Marinette in Gotham, by accident. I heard a scream and was ready to help, but when I got there, Marinette had taken down three men my father's size. It was very…captivating. She turned to me with a fierce gaze and when she realized I was no threat, her eyes changed to these alluring sapphire gems. I met her several days later, again, and asked her to grab some coffee with me. Once my brother's found out, it didn't take that long for them to try and spar with her. She laid them flat and so far that has been the best day of my life. Soon we'll have many more days like that." Damian spoke, turning his gaze back to Mari.
Bruce shook his head at his son's idea of romance. He's not sure how the universe did it, but they found someone to match his son's tenacity and they were able to calm him down.
Damian glanced back to Adrien and found his eyes filled with amusement and wonder. "That sounds so wonderful! A real love story!" he whispered. "I assume you have a plus one, as well." Damian stated. "Unfortunately, my father forced me to bring Lila." Adrien pouted, "I don't see why; he has me glued to his side to remind everyone I'm the face of his brand."
"What do you like to do, Adrien?" interrupted Bruce. "I like playing the piano. I use to play with my mom all the time. I like videogames and science. Father prefers I spend my time learning Mandarin and fencing when I'm not modeling his clothes." Adrien said, glancing quickly in his Father's direction. "Perhaps, your Father and I can come to some sort of agreement. Excuse me." Bruce left the conversation, as quickly as he had entered.
"What just happened?" Adrien questioned, turning towards Damian. "I have a feeling we'll be seeing much more of each other, Agreste. I'll inform my brothers of your timed arrival. I'm sure they'll appreciate another player to take down." Damian spoke, sauntering off to his fiancee.
Adrien looked at the group confused, before Chloe latched onto his arm.
"So, are you going to spill the details?" Chloe asked. "Detail? Of what?" he asked. "Marinette, of course!" she claimed, dragging him towards the group.
"Yeah, who is Mari with?" asked Nino. "Is she really engaged?" asked Sabrina. "How long have they been together?" asked Max, "I can calculate their relationship standings before the wedding." "Where is he from?" asked Kim.
"Woah, I get it you have questions, but shouldn't you guys ask Mari?" Adrien questioned back. He noticed their faces riddled with guilt. "I doubt Marinette would hold a grudge against you all. She seems very happy with him and he talks the world about her." Adrien continued.
"Adrien." Gabriel spoke, clearly calling for him. "Excuse me." Adrien said, breaking away from the group, "Yes, Father?" "It has come to my attention that Wayne Enterprises and Gabriel could work on a collaboration of sorts." Gabriel continued, "In the summer, you will head to Gotham to work with the Wayne's and Miss. Dupain-Cheng, as an exclusive model for her fashion line. Bruce has told me that while his sons appreciate Marinette's clothing, none of them are model material. While you are there, Bruce and his sons will show you the aspects of running a successful company."
Adrien turned and faced the Waynes and Marinette, trying to reign in his smile. "Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. I will do my best to make you all proud." he said full of hope.
"Will I be accompanying Adrien to Gotham, Mr. Agreste?" interrupted Lila, earning several frowns. "No. It has come to my attention that your overall appearance is not liked for the Gabriel brand." Gabriel said, giving her his attention. "What?" she whispered in shock. "Natalie is sending your mother a list of modeling schools to look at. If she agrees and you pass your summer schooling, we will see how people feel towards your new look." "New look?" she questioned.
"Yes, models change their appearances frequently. It all depends on the designer who holds the contract." spoke out Damian, "In America, modeling is taken seriously. While you do have the body type for an American model, it is your presence in pictures that doesn't transcend the clothing. Your eyes are lack luster and your hairstyle is not very pleasing to the eye. You don't use your body in a way to show off the apparel. A mannequin could do a better job. Perhaps a cut or a new style may be in order. I believe you said she was reaching the age to pose for lingerie, Mr. Agreste?" "Yes. Ms. Rossi, is almost eighteen." he stated. "Perfect. Her hair is entirely childish. Most women in the industry have done away with their long hair. Takes too long to style in photoshoots or runways. Also, try to branch her out to makeup commercials. She is bilingual so she can be easily contracted to Italian companies; a perfect in for any Milan fashion show. Models can be given a new look entirely to revitalize their presence. It could be their hair color, maybe a new cut, some even go bald or they'll be stuck in a brand with no other work coming in. No model wants that." Damian continued.
Lila stared in shock at thought of changing her overall appearance. She prided herself on her Italian beauty.
Bruce smiled.
'Finally, a sense of normalcy in the Wayne household.'
"After all, my father has been with enough models to acknowledge poor taste." Damian commented.
'So close.'
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fleckcmscott · 4 years
Bewitching Hour
Summary: October has been a blissfully busy month. With Halloween around the corner, Arthur and Y/N have some planning to do.
Warnings: Swearing
Words: 4,665
A/N: Special thanks to @hhandley80​ for this request! You've been so supportive and sweet. I truly appreciate you and hope you enjoy it!
On a side note, my oneshots will be more sporadic. I'm still writing but life has been life. Also, I've finished the first draft of another multi-chapter featuring Arthur and Y/N. It's going to take time to rewrite the subsequent drafts and edit, edit, edit. The chapters will go up once the story is ready. Thanks for your patience and support! 🙂 I heart you all!
If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment, feel free to message me, or send me an ask! 
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Arthur's suggestion that they make plans to celebrate Halloween should not have been a surprise. He loved starting traditions with Y/N, and she prized adopting them with him. "It's been awhile," he'd said as they'd walked arm-in-arm to the laundromat. "I think it'd be nice."
Holidays had been a source of merriment most of her life. The beauty of red and green decorations at Christmas. Turkey and mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving. An egg hunt and chocolate rabbit at Easter. The togetherness of family during them all.
Halloween, though, wasn't a favorite.
As a child, she'd had fun trick-or-treating, riding her bike from house to far-flung house. And she hadn't minded escorting her little sister as a teenager. Y/N's homemade witch costume had been passed down. She could still recall the sleekness of the ribbon between her fingers as she'd secured the pointed hat under Mabel's chin.
But the magic had fallen away. When married to Jeff, she'd had to attend his boss's annual party. After receiving an apologetic shrug and kiss, she'd be relegated to hanging out with the other wives. They'd included her in their recipe swaps, in their exchanges of mild gossip. Her natural friendliness made chit-chat easy, far easier than having a good time. Those evenings had been spent nursing a glass of wine and willing the clock to go faster.
During the period she'd cared for her father, she'd tried to hand out candy. She liked being a good neighbor and imparting kindness in the form of bite-sized sweets. As his health had declined, the porch light had gone dark. Random rings of the doorbell would result in shouting and swearing. Repeated attempts to explain the door's lock wasn't broken. Festivity would transform into drudgery. It hadn't been worth the trouble. Instead, she'd watched terrible TV specials while her thoughts wandered to a future far from Boonville. A future she'd doubted would ever be.
"I don't know if it's your thing," Arthur had continued, bringing her back to the present. "But you might enjoy it with me." The response he longed for was evident in the worrying of his pocket, outlines of his knuckles visible through the tan cloth.
Everything they'd experienced together had soothed the sting of those wasted years. The hesitancy lurking in her was silly. Unwelcome. Less than either of them deserved. She'd met his keen eyes and half-smile. The sudden mental image of him dressed as a cowboy or pirate, eyepatch and all, prompted a laugh. Convinced her as she dug out her dry-cleaning stub. "It isn't my thing," she'd said. "But you are."
Relief had relaxed his wrinkles, save for his crows feet, which had deepened as he'd returned her happy expression. A slender arm wrapped around her waist, drew her against his solid frame. Once the clerk disappeared through the swinging doors to retrieve their clothes, Arthur grasped her chin and kissed her. The tender explorations were soon sloppy, and she'd giggled, his enthusiasm becoming her own. Their noses had met, his lashes resting on his wide cheekbones. "I think you're the sweetest treat, Mrs. Fleck."
Currently, Donahue's Department Store, Gotham's number one retail emporium (if the ads were to be believed), was bustling with last-minute shoppers. Weary mothers escorted their babbling children through the aisles. Clerks swapped out displays for the changing blue light specials. Lines went for yards. Patricia and Y/N sought refuge at a corner table in the café on the top floor. The warm glow from the pendant lamps provided a relaxed ambience, one that matched the hot cider and pumpkin spice cake they were savoring.
"I've got my grandson on Sunday," Patricia said between bites. "My daughter's going to a party with a medical records tech from Gotham General. Met him when she missed the bus. They split a cab and hit it off." Chuckling, she lifted her mug. "Speaking of, how's married life been so far?"
Memories of the past week quickened Y/N's heart, until she thought it might stop. How Arthur had gripped her replacement Social Security card, just to read her new name. The way he'd grab her for a twirl whenever they were in the kitchen. The reverence in his gaze when they'd lay together after sex, a look that both thrilled and made her blush. "The bills for his medication and appointments will no longer make us cringe," she deadpanned. She lowered her fork. "When we met, I was kind of blindsided - I'm not the type to fall in love quickly." The corners of her lips tugged up. "Being married to Arthur feels like a habit. A habit I should have learned twenty years ago."
"I'm glad you found each other." Patricia reached across the light brown table and covered Y/N's hand, gave it a squeeze. Then she wiped frosting from her mouth and nodded in the direction of the escalator. "Now let's find a costume that'll drive him nuts."
Beyond the colorful cosmetics and pungent perfume counters, they sorted through racks of vinyl smocks and plastic masks. Pop culture icons and princesses. Vampires and spooks. Knockoffs of classic movie monsters. Most were poorly made and decidedly uninteresting. Y/N pawed through accessories in a nearby basket, a cigar here, a patched hat there. "How about a hobo? I could steal Arthur's tie."
"This was his idea. Give him something a little exciting." After a roll of Y/N's eyes, Patricia held out a plastic display bag. "Found it."
The white font on its blue label declared she should "Create a unique look!" A woman in a leopard-print leotard and bow-tie wore black cat ears and a tail, the only two items included in the set. Y/N's nose wrinkled. "I don't think so, Patricia." She rummaged through another bin and examined a hockey mask. "I don't show a lot of skin."
"You show Arthur." Patricia ignored Y/N's glare, continuing to shove it at her. "Every man loves a woman dressed as a cat. Our next lunch is on me if I'm wrong."
Patricia could be relentless, but Y/N had to admit she was usually right. She arched a brow as she eyed the costume. Maybe she could find a solid body suit instead of animal print. The kit was only $2.98. And her friend had made it a challenge. "You're on. But I'm not wearing a bow-tie." She crossed her arms across her chest and tapped her mouth. "Your turn. Would Robert like you as a French maid or a go-go dancer?"
It was a busy season for performers. Arthur remembered HaHa's talent agency being booked solid for October by the end of August. Myriad functions at nursing homes, parties, and children's organizations took place throughout the city. Amusement Mile had a series of special events, allowing Arthur to work extra hours before the slowness of winter dragged in. Once the holiday was over, he'd buy make-up and props on clearance.
He'd always assumed he would like Halloween - if he'd had the chance to celebrate it properly. It was about connection, something he'd never managed. The customs gave him a pretense, a template to meet people, rather than leaving him wondering how to go about it. Provided a hiding place for his seeming inability to act normal.
Recollections of the day were few but vivid. When he'd been around eight, there'd been a party at school. The teacher had made brownies and given the students a half-hour respite from lessons. (A welcome relief, since he wasn't very good at most of them.) But he hadn't had a costume. Hadn't known how to reply when the other kids asked where it was. Not wanting to be left out, he'd pocketed a watercolor pallet and sneaked to the bathroom.
The teacher (he wished he could remember her name) had walked in as he'd smeared green and blue on his face, a pathetic attempt at a turtle. Fear of punishment had caused his laughter. But her kindness as she knelt, wiped away tears and pigment with a scratchy, brown paper towel, had calmed him. "Wait here," she'd instructed. It had taken all his courage not to run home.
After some minutes, she'd returned, an old white sheet in one hand, black marker and pair of scissors in the other. "The nurse won't miss this." She'd traced eyeholes, helped him cut them out. She'd asked questions. About his mother and what it was like at home. Questions he was at a loss for how to answer. Finally, she'd draped the cloth over his head. "There," she'd declared. "Gotham Elementary has its own ghost."
Even as he'd gotten taller and the sheet no longer went beyond his knees, that costume had remained his go-to. He'd venture out to the rest of his building, knocking on paint-chipped doors and pushing broken buzzers. Having learned to stay away from doors that yelling or funny smells emanated from, he hadn't gotten a lot of candy. What he had collected he'd shared with Penny. The wax lips became a free toy. He wasn't sure his memory of startling his mother and being tickled until he couldn't breathe was real or imagined.
At twelve, he was told he was too old to go trick-or-treating. He'd starting scrounging for change to buy hard candies at Helm's Pharmacy. They weren't particularly appetizing, but they'd been what he could afford. Only a few kids rang, a number that dwindled further every year. Most neighbors kept their distance, likely aware he was troubled. Cinnamon discs and butterscotch drops had loitered around the apartment for months. He'd sucked on them in an attempt to cut down on his smoking, just to save money. It hadn't worked.
Y/N hadn't spoken about the holiday, not the way she had other special occasions. At first, he'd thought it had slipped her mind. Work, planning their honeymoon, completing the red tape required to meld all aspects of their lives had taken up much of their time. But, given her reluctance to talk in detail about her past heartache, he'd come to assume her Halloweens had been unpleasant. He was certain he could change that.
Sitting on the dingy, dark green plastic seat of the train car, he giggled to himself, chest puffing up as he straightened. They'd been man and wife for eight whole days. Movies and songs said love was supposed to be somewhere between serendipitous and fated. A happy accident that was meant to be. Lying awake at night, he would find himself wondering where they were on that scale. If the emotions swirling through him - the excitement of belonging, the fear of fucking up - were what every newlywed felt. Then Y/N would snuggle closer in her sleep, murmur nonsense into his skin, and for a few minutes he'd be at peace.
Years had been spent trying to figure out who he was. Trying to find an identity, his role within the world. While he was still searching, it had been far easier to become accustomed to the role of "husband" than he'd dreamed.
Teaching his wife about events across the city had been a delight. Gotham Village's Annual Costume Extravaganza was a parade that went all the way to Gotham Square. He'd participated a couple of times, never formally registering but slipping into the clown section. It had been exhilarating. Had allowed him to pretend, for a little while, that he was being seen. That the crowds lining the sidewalks were cheering for him. Signs for extravagant balls were plastered on billboards and lampposts throughout the streets; he'd have gladly attended and shown her off. A haunted house was being held in a building in his old neighborhood, a fundraiser for the orphanage. He hadn't brought that up.
In the end, once he'd explained trick-or-treaters went from apartment to apartment, they'd decided on a cozy evening at home. The details had been left to her. Whatever she'd plan, he'd love it. He wondered what she'd disguise herself as. Would she be a sexy devil or nurse, like he'd seen on a sit-com? The notion sparked a fire in his cheeks.
Given how busy he'd be, he'd stay dressed as plain, old Carnival. Part of him regretted accepting two gigs, especially on a Sunday. He would have preferred her company. But he wanted to put the money towards the wedding band he'd put on layaway. (Even though they had one account, he wasn't going to let her chip in for it.) He should already be wearing it for all of Gotham to see.
The lurch of the subway prompted him to rise and grasp the pole grip. His stance widened as it came to a halt, knees bending with the instinct of a man who'd ridden public transportation since he was a boy. As soon as the graffiti-covered doors parted, he stepped out onto the platform and ascended the stairs, eager to share his new insurance information with Dr. Ludlow.
Scratchy violins and the hum of a theremin. Shrill shrieks and cracks of thunder. A cackle resounded, then a pipe organ, playing a melody in a minor key.
There was no doubt about it. Halloween spirit had saturated 4A.
NCB's Movie Marathon Mayhem had begun at 10:00 AM. Y/N had had it on since getting out of the shower, hoping to catch a horror classic while she decorated the apartment and prepared Bloody Mary mix. As she hung cotton batting between the television's rabbit ears, creating a long, narrow spider-web, she realized they were only playing cheesy B-movies. Giant insects threatening buildings. Science experiments gone wrong. Alien invasions. Oh well. At least she wouldn't have to pay much attention to get the gist of the plots.
The orange plastic platter, black bats along its edges, had been an impulse buy. She thought its array of sugary skeletons, candy bracelets, and Jolly Jack chocolate bars would be well received. But having seen only one or two kids in the lobby, she had no idea how many children lived in their building. She hoped she'd bought enough.
The cardstock window decorations she'd found were festive and matched Arthur's sweet nature. One portrayed a warted, green witch flying on a broom past a full moon. On the other, a ghost and mouse shared a pillowcase of candy and wished a "Happy Halloween." She held the tape dispenser between her teeth as she stuck them to their white front door.
Just then, the elevator dinged. Glancing to her left, she saw Arthur stroll down the cheerfully lit hallway. Buoyant expression on him, despite his white, blue, and red make-up being streaked from sweat. Striped prop bag on his shoulder and carved pumpkin cradled in his arms. "The store owner was going to throw it out," he explained with a half hug. "But he let me have it as a tip."
Classic, triangular eyes evoked the annual carving contest her parents had taken part of back home. Her father had been well-known in the community, being the town's only doctor. Entering the competition had been expected. They'd never won but enjoyed it all the same. Y/N had picked out the patterns and scooped out the squash's slimy innards. Her mother had baked the seeds. Peals of their laughter echoed in her ears, and a lump formed in her throat.
She swallowed hard against it. Dammit, Y/N. Get it together. This was supposed to be a special night for Arthur and her. She needed to distract herself. One of his curls peeked out from under his bald-cap and green wig. She twirled a strand around her finger. "With that toothy grin, it just might be your twin," she said. He pecked her temple, the kiss sticky from greasepaint. She lit the half-melted candles using his red lighter and put the jack-o-lantern just outside their door.
While he freshened his paint in the bedroom, she slinked into the bathroom to change. Arthur's and her routines were closely aligned; keeping her costume hidden had not been easy. The headband holding the furry cat ears was quite stiff, its teeth a tad sharp on her scalp. Once it was in place, she hid it under her hair. The lint on her form-fitting stretch top and leggings reminded her why she rarely wore all black. She retrieved her brown eyeliner from the nearby shelf and started in on her whiskers.
Arthur's footsteps neared, heavy due to his clown shoes, and Y/N turned to lean back on the sink. His thin lips parted as he scanned her body, forehead furrowed in pleasant surprise. His reaction planted a seed of bliss in her belly, one that bloomed every second they regarded each other. The lunch she'd have to spring for was well worth the pink shells of his ears. Eventually, she held out the fluffy, wired tail and a safety pin. "Would you pin this just below my waistband?"
Fingers grazing hers, he took it and sat on the toilet lid. He cupped her hips and pulled her closer, positioned her until the dampness of his breath hit a bare sliver of her back. "Hold still," he murmured, his voice sending a tingle through her. At his gentle ministrations, the spandex of her leggings felt snugger. "Did you- Did you read my journal?"
A faint click of metal as the pin closed. "No." She colored the tip of her nose, frowned at how lackluster the shade was. "I'd never do that. Even if I'm dying for a preview of your material. Why?"
"No reason." A soft huff, his shy smile clear in his answer. "I have an idea." He handed her a washcloth and hurried out of the room. She was patting her face dry when he returned, a fine tipped brush and pot of black greasepaint in his hand. "This'll look better."
Her brow arched. She'd only had her make-up done once; Patricia had invited her when they'd first met. Such an outing was not her preference, but Y/N had accepted, being new in town and wanting to learn about her colleague. There'd been champagne at the counter, which she'd sipped until she'd spent too much on eyeshadow and apricot scrub. The next morning, she'd put the products and a note on Patricia's desk: "I'll never forgive you. Thanks!"
The heat radiating from Arthur prompted her to close the gap between them. She craned her neck towards him, slid her palms to his yellow vest until she held him just below his ribs. His forefinger curled under her chin, lifted it slightly and angled it to the right. The cool, wet brush met her fevered skin. The dusty smell of the greasepaint blended with a whiff of stale cigarette smoke and traces of his sweat. She licked her lips.
The vibration of his chuckle was felt before heard. "I really like your costume," he said lowly. Two more ticklish caresses of the bristles on the apple of her cheek. "If you're not careful, I might werewolf and go wild."
She stretched closer to him, the fervor in his tone going straight to her center. Though he'd been growing bolder, his cocky side wasn't often revealed. She wanted it, thirsted to see more of the wild horse kicking inside him. Her touch ran over his chest, until she dipped under his black suspenders and pulled. "Are you going to gobble me up?"
Teasing strokes on her nose. "Maybe." Then his thumb whispered along her jaw and guided her face upwards. His kiss was supple, slow, a drag of his mouth as his tongue sought entry. She yielded, the simmer of anticipation bringing her to her toes. He groaned deeply and palmed her thigh, then fondled the curve of her rear-
The ding-dong of the doorbell halted them. He lifted his head and laughed, gaze sparkling. "I got paint on you."
She twisted in his arms and looked in the mirror. The whiskers caught her eye, embellished at the ends with dainty curlicues - his skill never ceased to impress her. Red brightened her lips and streaks of white were on her cheek. "It's all right. They'll just know I've been necking with a clown."
The sound of the bell continued. Over and over and over. More than it ever had in Otisburg. There were mummies, ghosts, a couple of skeletons. A superhero proudly displayed his red cape and blue tights, and a kid in her karate robe went on about her yellow belt. A tiny clown, too young to walk, was brought by her sister. As Arthur made funny faces, the baby cooed and tried to take his red, foam nose. Arthur parted with it gladly.
Only one member of the Wayne family appeared, slicked back hair and pompous pout making the disguise complete. The man accompanying the boy introduced himself as their upstairs neighbor and shook their hands. After one look at Y/N, he nudged Arthur's bicep. "So, she's the one keeping half the building up at night. Good on you, pal." Arthur blinked in confusion as she ushered the guy away, red-faced and muttering about his nerve.
Arthur was overly generous, giving out fistfuls of sweets while taking a few extra seconds to gather his nerves and compliment the costumes he liked best. It felt good to interact with strangers without constantly second guessing himself. Y/N would rub his arm or kiss his shoulder and tell him what a great job he was doing. "Kids are easy," he said, refilling the candy dish. But he reveled in her praises, anyway. And the knowledge that meeting the neighbors was going well.
Clean-up required little effort. The jack-o-lantern sat on their kitchen table, flames flickering as the wicks burned away. The door decor was packed safely for use next year. His plaid blazer was slung over the back of a dining chair and his wig was off. Y/N's decision to leave her whiskers on pleased him - she made a damn sexy cat. He pocketed the last few pieces of candy to snack on during the remainder of the evening.
The Sunday Night Special Presentation she'd picked out, a made-for-TV horror movie, began at 9:00 PM on GBC. Most of its airtime was punctuated by her tipsy snickers and legal wisecracks, which was typical when they watched something stupid. Yet, as the show went on, she grew quieter, barely speaking between sips of her third cocktail. As they sat on the sofa, her posture stiffened. Forearms crossed over her breasts. Her nails dug into her upper arm.
The change started two-thirds of the way into the show, when the plot about a doll running amok twisted into a story about a professional woman trying to assert herself against the demands of her mother. Against the expectations of availability. To fight for the simplicity of having dinner and peace and quiet. It resonated with him, which felt weird. Especially when the film cut to black, the implication being the mother would meet a violent end at the hands of her possessed daughter.
A cheerful jingle came on. Puerto Rico was a direct flight from Gotham Airport, it advertised, a flight that lasted "two hours and fifteen tropical minutes." They should get out while the weather was still good. The juxtaposition of mood broke him out of his ponderings. He flicked off the blaring television with the remote. Then he heard Y/N sniffling.
She set her glass on the coffee table, a slight tremble in her hand. "I need some air," she whispered as she rose, then went out onto the fire escape.
Arthur rubbed his thigh and pressed his lips together. He wasn't used to seeing her cry. Not from sadness. Should he follow her? Give her time? Both had worked previously, depending on the situation. But he wasn't sure what had upset her, what situation they were in now.
Exhaling sharply, he grabbed her glass and dumped the rest of the drink down the kitchen sink. Rinsed their dinner plates and put the slow cooker in the fridge. When he'd finished making decaf coffee ten minutes later, she still hadn't returned. He ambled towards the ajar glass door and stepped out.
Moonlight outlined her shapely figure and reflected off her hair, the silver a contrast to the orange glow of the streetlamps illuminating her face. Her stare seemed fixated on the street below. He followed it to see a group of ghouls and goblins spraying shaving cream on a shop window. A couple, one he'd see occasionally when out for a cigarette, walked down the sidewalk. A woman was half-carrying a drunk man towards a bus stop.
Upon clearing her throat, Y/N spoke. "I may not look like it, but I had a great time with you tonight. The movie just got to me." Relieved, Arthur sidled next to her, wrapped his arm about her back. Her head fell to his shoulder and she smoothed her hand over his stomach. "I don't mean to hide from you. Someday you'll know the details of my earlier life." She scoffed. "When I'm ready to think about them." He entwined their fingers and kissed her hairline, avoiding the wired tips of her cat ears.
Shivering, she took a shaky breath. "There are no skeletons in my closet. Only disappointments." Her voice cracked as she beamed at him, cupped his cheek, and pressed her face to his. "Knowing I'd get to have you would have made those years so much easier."
He held her tightly, massaging between her shoulders. She'd been speaking about herself, but he couldn't help thinking it was about him, too. His years with Penny. His stints in Arkham. The loneliness, the isolation, the endless anger and yearning to be more than a speck of dirt no one cared for. His journal was full of questions about where the hell his one and only was. If he'd known she'd be real, tangible instead of a figment, would existence have hurt less?
Wincing, he tried to push through those thoughts. To focus on her instead of himself. What mattered was that Y/N needed him. Perhaps a joke would cheer her. "I was thinking the other night of how easy it is to smile around you," he said. "You tickle my funny bone." Amusement bubbled in her throat, music to his ears. She released a contented sigh and nuzzled the crook of his neck.
Peaceful stillness ensued as the minutes passed. Though the breeze was chill, goosebumps forming on his pale skin, her affection kept his heart warm. His fingertips rubbed circles into her lower back, and she offered a pleasured hum. Across the way, footsteps pounded. He glanced to see a kid darting up the street, plastic pumpkin pail in tow. The boy's scream was filled with boundless energy: "Happy Halloween, Gotham!"
Snorting, Y/N took Arthur's hand and led him inside. The cheap tail she wore bounced with every exaggerated swivel of her hips. "I've behaved all evening, which your werewolf comment made extraordinarily difficult." She looped her arms around him and flashed a come-hither stare. "May I have a goodie?"
The scrape of her nails on his scalp coiled a knot in his abdomen. "Aren't you supposed to say 'trick-or-treat?'" he asked huskily.
"Your pussycat needs a petting or two." She closed the bedroom door behind them. "Maybe even a mauling."
His brows shot up on a hitched giggle. Then he palmed her hip while she started in on his buttons. Before she got too far, he traced a whisker with the pad of his thumb. Let their foreheads meet and pecked her eyelids. "Only if you give me something good to eat." He pressed into her, his enjoyment relentless, not waiting for her reply before devouring her mouth.
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​, @howdylilflower​, @sweet-nothings04​, @stephieraptorr​, @rommies​, @fallenstarsabyss​, @gruffle1​, @octopus-plasma​, @tsukiakarinobara​, @arthur-flecks-lovely-smile​, @another-day-in-chuckletown​, @hhandley80​, @jokerownsmysoul​, @mrscarnival​
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May I request for the Leona, Vil, Azul and our boy Jack getting stuck in their MC's world and their experience? (MC is with them)
Oh sweet Jesus akdhakdhsk FORGIVE ME OF MY RATHER CYNICAL OUTLOOK ON OUR LIL BLUE PLANET 😬 I think it’s understandable to be more cynical than ever in this Hell Year, lolll
Send these poor, sweet babies back home, they deserve better than to be stuck here of all places 😅 ESPECIALLY JACK AAAAAA SAVE THE BABY 💔
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Ok, not even going to play with you... Vil would thrive, lol.
Just give him time enough to stop panicking over all his lost clothes, magic, etc., and find new things that works for him and his detailed self-care routine, and whatever he chooses to do, he will make Fat Stacks in.
He’s the male version of Belle Delphine, here ajdhakdhsj
He appears anywhere, on tv with some company to continue his performer career he had back home, or on youtube/instagram, and he is almost immediately just as famous here as he was in Wonderland.
Can we really blame anyone, tho? Look at him.
And there’s no Neige here!
Also, ‘my’ Vil is definitely the one that knows there are many different ways to be beautiful~. He may be a bit more blunt to his friends if he thinks they’re not quite hitting the usual mark their talents place them in. But that’s only because he cares about them, and wants everyone to see their best, as he does~. He’s an absolutely encouraging sweetheart to anyone else/a beginner at whatever their passion is, though~. And either way, he’s your best cheerleader~.
Of course he still just doesn’t feel himself without his magic, or ability to do potions. I don’t think he’d find the witchcraft in our world would suit him very well.
If he was really stuck for good, of course he’d make the best of it. But if he could go home, especially if you wanted to go back with him, he’d jump at the chance. And always be on the lookout for the chance.
But that being said, I think, aside from all the world’s problems, of course, he’d find it interesting just how similar, and vastly different, things are here.
He donates Ass Loads to so many charities, like honestly.
Rich boy knows his privilege, and lets others ride off his advantages as much as he can. 💜
He becomes friends with James Charles. You know he does.
You can’t be truly fully beautiful if you’re not also lovely on the inside, too, after all~!
Rip Rook wherver he is, he is lost without his Queen 😔
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Gosh, in direct contrast to Vil, Leona probably suffers the most over here?? Jahdkshdj
I know they based his sleep habits off a irl lion, but that also sounds just a Tad Bit like possible depression to me (along with a lot of the other ways he’s behaved so far, lol).
Get this sweetheart to some therapy, maybe?? Help him get a lil energy boost at least to help him feel better 💛
He’s going to HATE the work pace people have to maintain just to eat here, 100%.
He enjoys the entertainment the most, though~. Video games, things you can watch online, all those sorts of things~. Might like a few of our sports, too~.
Poor bby struggles with having to work, though, please help him 💔
At least he doesn’t have to live under being Forever Prince, here, and doesn’t have to worry about turning anything he touches to sand. And the lions in the zoos are pretty cool to go see~!
He’d probably love it if he could go to Africa and see what our “Afterglow Savannah” looks like here~. Meet the lions that are in the wild~.
I imagine he and Jack would both lose the ears for human ones, and the tails, too. (😢💔) So he probably feels weird seeing himself like that, and might miss his tail. Especially if it helped him with balance. Give him some time to adjust to it~. There’s these neat new tails people made for cosplay, that can move around on their own, if he’d like one to help him not miss his old one so much~!
I had to really think about what the heck he’d even do for a job, cause he’s so grumpy to everyone, retail’s just OUT, lol. And I don’t think he’d be that great at something like youtube, either ajdhsjjd
It’s hard for him to not just lay around all lazy, rather than think of stuff to do for it/actually get up and go do it. Let alone all the meetings, and interacting with fans, and the like.
So maybe actually being one of the zookeepers would be a good fit for him~. He’d be obligated to actually go, and he’d get to be around lots of different animals~. Might help him feel more at home, too~. I think he’d be pretty good at it, and the animals would probably be drawn to him~ 💛
He’d also absolutely challenge the authority here (or anywhere else that has appalling governments, especially if they’re not run by women). The state of things, and the way women and minorities are treated by white men around the world, and men in general, would absolutely appall him. He so drunk on that respecc women juice, he just can’t wrap his head around what the hell the problem is with those rich assholes in power. Put him in power, and he’ll ruthlessly show them what-for! ALL the others behind him would be women! Good grief, humans!
All in all, he doesn’t mind it here, but would also prefer to be home, where he can sleep more, and Ruggie can run around for him most of the time, lol
Besides, that allowed him to spend more time with you~! 💛
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Oh, Jack. Sweet, sweet Jack.
He absolutely becomes a personal trainer as a job, here. 1000%. He lives that Exercise Junkie Lifestyle, there’s just no doubt about it.
He’s VERY encouraging to his students, though~! Build up that beef, guys, he has total faith in you~! 🤍🤍
He absolutely loooooooves going anywhere to see wolves. He’d probably really love the wooded mountains in Europe, if you ended up there, or in Oregon/Washington if you ended up here in America~. Definitely Canada, or Alaska, too~! Just give him huge trees, snowy winters, and nearby mountains, and he feels right at home~.
Idk if he’d miss his magic a whole heck of a lot, tbh?? But he WOULD miss his friends and family! It’s just not quite the same here, though he thinks it’s beautiful and interesting to see where you came from~. 🤍
He’s a good boy 😭
Also appalled with the state of so many rulers and governings both in your home, and around most of the world, lol.
He can’t stand seeing so many people suffer like that! How can they possibly live the life that’s the most healthy and happy for them to live, disabled, chronically ill, or not, if they’re suffering under an iron fist all the time?!
He CAN’T stand for it. You won’t stop him till he sees good change starting to finally happen. Especially if you live here! There’s no way he can just sit around and have you be subjected to that!
You gotta calm him down a lot and remind him there are others just as good and kind as he is, fighting to change things too 🤍
God help people if he gets here anytime within 2020-2021. He’s sucker punching nearly everyone he sees without a mask.
He’s also sucker punching every nazi he sees, too.
My goodness, please show him the movie Wolf Children! He’ll hide the fact he’s crying multiple times through it, but it’s one of his favorite movies here~.
If you do manage to go back to Wonderland, please try to bring a copy of it with you. It’s the one thing he’ll miss most, and keep asking to watch with you again, before remembering it doesn’t exist there. 😭
He also misses his tail and ears a lot. Losing all of that + his senses would be very a very awkward adjustment for him, and he wouldn’t really like it poor bby 💔 Give him lots of hugs to compensate U-U 🤍
His favorite thing to do with you would probably be to go hiking, and stay in a little cabin in the woods, for a week or two~. Somewhere in one of the previously mentioned places~.
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(I couldn’t find a chibi gif of Azul to use, rip 😭)
Azul is just straight up becoming a mafia boss, probably wkdhakdjjs.
He’s the ‘good’ kind, though. He’s learned his lesson since his overblot, and he won’t outright kill people for not paying him back, or introduce drugs, or anything like that.
He’ll help people obtain what they want as legally as possible... But that doesn’t mean he still won’t be sly as hell about it, haha~.
He’ll protect loyal/good customers and the areas they live in, too~. In fact, he’d probably reDUCE crime from doing so.
He just learns all the dirty ins and outs of everything about how things run here. And as much as he’ll fight for change as the others would, because there’s no way any of that is an acceptable way for you to live, he’ll work dirty in order to take advantage of the system, to do so. What better way, right? Make the dominos fall from the inside out.
He’s a good business man, he knows doing so would also benefit him, too.
He’s like Bruce Wayne if Bruce Wayne was a rich mafia leader jeehskdje
Need health benefits to work for him? Covered. Need above-average pay to actually afford your bills and other stuff? Covered. Need education to do a job for him? They’ll train you.
He’s also practically a Gordon Ramsey, tbh. Lots of his bars will pop up across the world, if he stays here long enough, lol. But they’ll all help a good number of people, in doing so~.
He also donates as much as he can, too. If he’s gonna become even a fraction as rich as Jeff Bozos, he’s ending world hunger and homelessness every year.
And boy oh BOY will he swindle the rich akdhakdhwj
He will whip them so hard, they won’t know what the hell hit them.
He may have been under restrictions at the college, but he sure as hell isn’t here. Watch out as he spreads his tentacles wings.
And, of course, he adores being anywhere near the coast. Doesn’t matter what part of the world you’re in, he just needs to be by the sea.
All the polution absolutely breaks his sweet little heart, and that’s one of the first things on his list to fix. Dealing with trash back home was much easier... you could just zap it all away at big trash fields. But you don’t have that luxury here.
Being that he doesn’t really like his ocotpus form (bbyyyyyy 😢💔), he probably doesn’t mind the permanent legs. At least he doesn’t have to constantly take a potion to keep them, anymore.
But it’s still awkward to get used to. And he can’t stand that he can’t breathe underwater anymore, or go too far down without dying from the pressure.
He’ll dive as often as he can~. And loves to dive, or snorkle, or just swim~, with you, if you want to join him~.
He does miss his home, if only for the beauty and familiarity it had, despite a lot of bad memories around it. But there’s no doubt he’d thrive here, in a way only he could~.
He totally believes your own version of mermaids exists, and gets excited over anything that could prove it to be true 😅
Plus, he’s just obsessed with how marine life works here in general~. If he can juggle being a freakin maffia boss, and a marine biologist just out of the pure love for it, I have no doubt he’d do it~.
Humans most likely evolved from creatures in the water?? That’s amazing~! So the ocean feels like a distant memory of a second home~! He’d love to bond over that, the romantic~ 💜
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cloudbattrolls · 3 years
Etuuya Vannyn || Civitrecce || Just After the Storm
The troll in the soaked alleyway coughed maroon blood and Tuuya winced, taking a few steps back.
“What? Worried it’ll get on your clothes?” Rasped the injured girl. “Finish me off or help me.”
“Give me a moment.” Said the rainbowdrinker with minor irritation, swallowing an appetite suppressant. Blech. Well, nothing for it.
The girl looked at them with undisguised suspicion and curiosity. They sighed and took their cane out of their sylladex, extending it to her to help her get up.
“You just not wanna get close, or are you that prissy?”
“I’m very delicate.” Deadpanned the wavy-haired undead. “Terribly fragile, you know us jades.”
“Never met one before.”
She winced as she pulled herself up, trying to avoid the garbage scattered around her from where she’d been slammed into a dumpster. The smell helped them be slightly less hungry, but it wasn’t much. They put the cane away as she rose, wobbling.
“Do you know a decent medic?”
She laughed, then coughed again.
“Fffuck no. What medic would help me instead of cull me for this?”
“Probably not many.” Tuuya admitted. “I could call one I know -“
They nodded. “Very well. But what are you going to do?”
She glared at them through a gray eye just starting to thread through with maroon - she couldn’t be very old, late eighth sweep at most perhaps.
“None of your busine - ack”
She coughed blood again. This was getting ridiculous. And entirely too appetizing, even with the suppressant.
“Stop being a ninny, I’ll even pay your bill.” They said, clicking their tongue.
“What’s in it for you?”
“You cease to be my problem.”
She laughed again even though she sucked in a sharp painful breath at the motion.
“Fine. Would suck to end it like this, I got too much to do.”
“Things that involve not being thrown against dumpsters by telekinetics shouting ‘backstabbing bulge’, mm?”
She pulled a face of disgust.
“They don’t get it. I do what I have to do.”
“Don’t we all.”
They took out their phone to call Chimer - another lowblood for the shelters, and hopefully she wouldn’t die on them.
“If you’re handing out favors…wanna help me grab the next psiionic we see?”
They stopped rigid.
She shrugged, holding her side.
“Could be something in it for you. I hate owing debts and my bosses are pretty fair, for blues. You seem strong for a jade.” She said, casual.
“You report psiionics to highbloods?” Tuuya replied evenly but slowly.
“Sure, keeps me off the streets and not culled for my own stuff. Kids are easy to spot, but it’s hard to judge their power levels exactly cause their control sucks - hey, why are you coming closer?”
They’d put their phone away and were walking toward her silently, mouth set with disdain and anger - but also regret.
“Would you stop this?” They asked quietly. “Could you stop this if you got a new job? If you didn’t have to rely on them?”
She looked at them, puzzled. Her horns were short and rounded, her hair frizzy in the damp air.
“Why?” She said, sounding genuinely confused. “It’s way better than the factories, or retail. I’m like a bounty hunter! ‘Cept they get paid more.”
She stuck out her tongue and Tuuya was reminded of how young she was. Blood was drying on her chin and a wave of barely contained hunger spread through them. She wasn’t as thin and small as many lowbloods were. Little wonder as to why, with her line of work.
This maroon was a risk to all the other lowbloods in the shelter. All the psiionics who could well already be on the run from the law, all the children whose psi was still developing.
They gritted their teeth. One last try.
“I can’t help you if you keep doing this. I have other lowbloods to protect. Come with me and me give this up - I know someone who can get you a better job - but you have to stop.”
She stared at them. Coughed. Shook her head, then waved her hand.
“Can’t. You don’t understand. They’d find me, cull me for leaving.”
It might be true. Maybe if they had more time, they could persuade her. Maybe if they were more forgiving, they could persuade her.
“Well…I’m afraid no one’s going to find you now. I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not, really - thinking about the amount of trolls you must’ve sold out to save yourself. Thinking about all the ones I just helped, imagining them getting turned over by someone like you. I regret your circumstances, truly I do, but you’re too much of a risk to let run free even if I know they’ll just find someone to replace you.”
Her ears flattened in confusion and anger.
“What - what are you -“
They stepped to her side so quick she couldn’t even turn as they grabbed her in an iron grip.
They opened their mouth wide, wide, their needlelike teeth shining in the low light from the building LEDs.
The maroon didn’t have time to scream before her throat was bitten through.
Tuuya sighed as they cleaned up the alleyway mess, trying to put the trash back in the dumpster where it would be broken down by biotech constructs.
Regrettable, but necessary. At the same time essentially pointless. The highbloods would always find more lowbloods to be their spies. Yet thinking of someone like that informing on anyone they knew infuriated them. The psiionics they knew, mutants like Jaskir, limes like Uunive…the thought was intolerable.
They licked red off their fangs, feeling the contented wriggle of worms full of hot blood.
And she had tasted so good.
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petork · 3 years
-105 please
NB i am told this was meant to say 1-50
thanks queen <3 here we go
1. Who is your favourite ghost?
lately? it's been kitty. and i'm contractually obligated to love the captain
2. If you could see the ghosts like Alison, which one do you think would come the closest to making you want to leave the house?
the obvious answer is julian but probably actually robin, i HATE being spooked (as the asker can attest xx)
3. How would you feel if you couldn’t see the ghosts, but knew they were there, like Mike?
i'd feel mad jealous even though i'd actually have it pretty good. the other person would be trying so hard to tell me how much it sucks and i'd just be like 'but... goast.....'
4. Would you want to see ghosts like Alison, or would you rather be ignorant to their goings and doings?
again my immediate answer is I WANNA SEE THEM but i also know that might suck in many ways. at least for a while. i am not a patient person so i don't know if i could learn to live with them like alison could. but on the other hand... the chance to actually talk to people from the fucking actual past... thinking emoji!
5. If you were a ghost living in the house, would you rather be upstairs with the main nine ghosts, or downstairs with the plague ghosts?
upstairs for sure, sorry to the plague ghosts but i do not want to hang out in a basement for eternity
6. If you were someone who died in the house would you rather be “sucked off” immediately, or would you like to hang around a bit and get to know some of the other ghosts before getting “sucked off”?
i would probably just end up staying forever because i'm scared of the void of death.... <3
7. Which ghost would you miss the most if they were “sucked off” in the next series?
UNBELIEVABLE question? i'd miss ALL OF THEM. but see question 1 also
8. Which ghost do you think you’d get along with the best?
it's hard to say. i think they would all get on my nerves because as said i am not very patient. but the one who would irritate me LEAST... maybe pat?
9. Which ghost would you say you’re most like?
captain. not to be a cliche but i'm gay and repressed. and also irritable and grumpy
10. Which ghost would you say you’re least like?
11. What is a (popular or not) fan theory that you love?
(pasted from prev answer) i don’t actually like ship it because he’s definitely older than her, but a couple of people have said kitty sometimes acts like she has a crush on thomas. which is cute to me even if she does need to get better taste (love u kitty xxx)
12. What is a (popular or not) fan theory that you don’t quite agree with?
(pasted from prev answer) not so much a specific theory but i disagree with the general idea that anything of consequence went on with the captain and havers. i think it was meant to come across as just a snippet of the captain’s poor sad gay life and, as several brain geniuses have pointed out, due to the timing of germany invading france + the captain’s medals the flashback must have been from a good few years BEFORE he died. and i think the flashback was the last time they ever saw each other, so i don’t think that a) havers has any link to the captain’s eventual death or 2) anything romantic ever happened between them
13. Favourite ship and why?
captain x my cute oc boyfriend because i've tailored it to my exact needs. why ship retail when you can ship bespoke?
14. Least favourite ship and why? (Please be nice though!)
patcap as we all know. like YES i'm a contrary bitch so i don't like things that are popular and i do think i'm better than everyone else... but really idk why exactly i just don't gel with it at all. and when i've tried to read fic in the past it feels to me like their characters are kind of flattened. and i think the captain is too much of a bitch. and i think pat is serving us normie heterosexual. it's the 'cinnamon roll' ship of this fandom and i can't STAND (metaphorical) cinnamon rolls. AND ALSO pat is not the simple soft dad cinnamon roll fandom often makes him out to be! like he is a very nice person but he's also fucked up and insane like all of them. anyway my brain charges extremely low rents
15. If you could go back in time and live in the house/on the property at the same time as one of the ghosts when they were alive, who would you pick?
captain. need to know wtf's going on with him
16. Would you rather inherit the house (and its ghostly inhabitants), or just visit?
realistically... visit. i think i would lose my mind eventually if i lived there
17. Do you think we’ll ever know how every ghost died? Do you think there will be anyone whose death we’ll never learn about?
i hope we do, but i also appreciate that isn't the sole point of the series, otherwise it would be kinda boring and discovering how they died wouldn't be as impactful. if there's anyone's death we don't find out about, i think it would probably be robin? lol what if it was so long ago he just forgot
18. What is your favourite Ghosts fanfiction?
so i'm stupid and i never use bookmarks on ao3..... i've read a LOT of different fics i like but do you think i can revisit them? no! because i'm stupid! so i cannot fairly pick an absolute fave sorry
19. What is your favourite Ghosts fan art?
all the babies and children on here talk about horrible histories the show being 'their childhood'........ put some respect on terry deary's name. and this artist did!
20. Tag 5 favourite Ghosts fandom content creators!
honestly i'm not good with like. knowing people. but here are 5 fanfics i've enjoyed (based on the author's replies in my inbox because, again, i am too stupid to use bookmarks)
21. Are there any historical periods you wish we’d have gotten to see a ghost/ghosts from but didn’t?
(pasted from other post) not to be predictable but i would have liked to see a 1960s ghost. like a mod who crashed his scooter or something. we have enough 20th century ghosts though but i believe the us remake has some kind of hippie ghost…
22. What is something you’re hoping to see in a future series?
flashback to the captain getting some. like implied or whatever. i can't cope with him dying a virgin. he needs this
23. What is something you’re hoping to see in a future series, but know we probably WON’T get to see?
(pasted from other post) alison meets someone else who can see ghosts, and we get to see the ghosts at THEIR house…. i always love it when we see extra ghosts but i know they probably won’t make any recurring because it would come off as running out of ideas. but i still think they should add a 90s teenager named roy
24. Which lesser-seen characters would you like to see more of in future series?
tbh there's none i can think of that i think we should SEE more of, they get a pretty good balance. there are some i definitely want to learn more about though
25. Are there any characters you wish we’d see less?
don't make me pick a least favourite child </3 but also i think thomas could probably tone it down a bit.
26. Favourite one-liner?
I'LL WAIT FOR YOU, MY COMELY NUG - me whenever i order chicken nuggets on just eat
27. Favourite episode?
DON'T EVEN... i like 2x06 and 3x05 a lot
28. Top 5 headcanons for [insert character name here]?
i'm going to do the captain because obviously i am
- he may or may not have been lavender married
- he may or may not have had a drinking problem
- public schoolboy with domineering father, clearly
- IF he had a lavender wife then she spent all her time in the company of her 'odd' female friend who wore men's clothes, smoked cigars and drove a motorbike. the captain was obviously clueless
that's 4 so a cheeky one for fanny:
- she did a lot of medicinal coke
29. Whose costume is your favourite?
kitty. gotta love an ott ballgown
30. Whose costume is your least favourite?
that's an offtopic question. you have been stopped.
31. If you could do a complete redesign of one of the ghosts’ costumes, whose would you change and how?
i would give thomas his double denim
32. If you could play any of the existing ghosts, which one would you want to play and why?
i think i'd be good at playing mary. meek weird girl who says things that don't make any sense? omg she is LITERALLY me
33. Which ghost would you least like to play and why?
julian, i'm not getting my pussy out
34. What one thing would you miss most if you became a ghost and had to live by the same rules as the Button House ghosts?
FOOD. food. eating and food.
35. How do you think one or more of the ghosts whose deaths we haven’t seen died? Or, if we know the cause of death but not the reason for the death (like Mary being burned as a witch or Humphrey being beheaded), why do you think they were killed?
i think mary's execution might have had something to do with her husband's death and her being unfairly accused or something. also like, she just acts kinda weird, and we know how that often played out for women back then...
and i think the captain died in some really boring mundane natural causes way (congenital heart attack or something) but he's stuck around because a) he's never come to terms with the whole h*mo thing and 2) he was just really mad that he died so boringly
36. Favourite [insert character name here] moment?
37. What do you think [insert character name here] was like when they were alive? Do you think they were exactly the same as they are now, or do you think there were any major or minor differences?
ok i'll do fanny for this one. i think she was less domineering when she was alive, in death she clearly thinks of herself as above the other ghosts and bosses them around, and when she talks shit about george it's not like he can get back at her in any way. but it would be interesting to see how they interacted when both were alive
38. It’s your turn to pick a movie for film club! What are you watching?
(from prev post) i haven’t seen any movies errr….. maybe austin powers because it’s so sad that julian died just a few years before it came out because he would love it and get really annoying about quoting it all the time and it would be really funny for the captain (who thought the movie was unironic) to have to deal with that. and fanny would NOT COPE.
39. Would you rather share a room with Thomas (constantly sighing and reciting bad poetry) or Fanny (falls out of the window screaming every night)?
fanny. men be quiet challenge
40. If you could do some kind of historical swap (i.e. place a ghost in a different period from their own), who would you choose and what period are they from now?
i would like to give kitty the chance to be a 20th or 21st century girl. maybe an era like the 60s or 80s that was known for daring fashions, i think she would luv it
41. Let’s settle this once and for all. Who’s the real leader, the Captain or Pat?
42. If the ghosts could eat, what is one food you would like to share with them that they might not have tried before?
doritos tangy cheese, mountain dew baja blast, 4loko. i would make thomas try a jalapeno. i would also make them try my cooking experiments because i do that to anyone i live with
43. You’ve heard rumours of a tenth upstairs ghost who doesn’t often venture out of their room to visit with the other residents of the house. Who are they? (i.e. make up a ghost OC. I know i’m putting you on the spot. I just want to see what you come up with.)
it's george button and his bitch ass is too scared of his wife to come down. his downfall comes when he finds out there's another gay ghost and simply has to clap them cheeks (he fails)
44. Tell me a song you think [insert character name here] would like, or a song that reminds you of them!
i think alison's probably already introduced him to them but thomas + anything by the smiths. i would also make the captain sit quietly and listen to a tracy chapman cd (for my lover...)
45. What song(s) do you think would annoy certain ghosts the most?
the smiths would annoy everyone except thomas. literally they'd all be trying to re-kill him
46. Who is one actor you’d love to see guest star? What kind of character would you like to see them play?
steve coogan as like. anyone. preferably a ghost. a roman centurion ghost if you wanna get cultural. but seriously i just want alan
47. If you could have one Horrible Histories song in Ghosts (either sung by a ghost/ghosts, or playing on the TV or computer for them to watch), which one would you want it to be and why?
that song about how no 'british' stuff is actually british. like tea. i want julian to melt down
48. What do you think the ghosts’ jobs would be in a modern living-human AU where they’re all just chaotic housemates?
captain & kitty: have their own wedding planning company
julian: still a politician but instead of an mp he's like a parish councillor. handforth antics
fanny: headteacher
robin: cool off the shits teacher at same school who undermines fanny wherever possible. deals weed to students
mary: runs a shop selling like healing crystals and incense and dreamcatchers
humphrey: customer service supervisor who actually likes his job because he takes no shit and just fucks with every single customer
thomas: unemployed podcaster
pat: dogwalker
49. What is one modern invention you think [insert character name here] would be surprised or confused by?
fanny would be so baffled by any Feminine Products. when she discovers tampons it's all she can talk about for a week. the mooncup made her go into a coma
50. Name an AU you haven’t seen someone create content for, but which you’d love to read a fic or see some art for.
not to be the way i am but i'd love if anyone ever drew art or something about my au which is a modern-day au where fanny and captain are alison and kitty's divorced parents, julian and robin are captain's brothers and alison's wack uncles, mary is their childhood nanny, thomas is a student lodger at button house, humphrey is a cat and pat is just some guy. but yeah in the past i've had a couple of anons on here mention it and i did melt into a puddle... i think if someone did art i'd explode and die. in a good way like
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her-culture · 4 years
2021 and the Rise of Shopping BIPOC, LGBTQI+, Small, and Womxn-Owned
Now more than ever, a collective way of life has been prioritized: shopping from small businesses, particularly those owned by the marginalized. The reason? A mix of a few things, like that of the coronavirus pandemic putting small businesses in every industry in an increasingly vulnerable spot, the rising importance of the Black Lives Matter movement, and the collective awareness of how capitalism has contributed to the downfall of so many communities.
When the pandemic hit, a lot of folks were down on their luck financially. They needed whatever avenue of income they could find to help keep them on their feet, which resulted in them opening small businesses selling their art, jewelry, and more. Shopping small and dining locally was also one of the main efforts done by the collective to ensure community staples wouldn’t have to shut down due to the lack of revenue and financial support throughout the pandemic. 
During the height of BLM last summer, one of the ways that folks rallied together to give aid and support to different mutual aid funds, bail funds, and BLM funds was by selling homemade items and giving 100% of the proceeds to these different organizations. With this, there have been threads on Twitter and infographics on Instagram sharing different black-owned small businesses so that folks could directly support the black community.
It’s interesting to see how the rise of social media networks helped pave the way for this, too. Instagram and Facebook both have sections where anyone can sell their products - Facebook marketplace has everything from new and used cars, clothing, furniture, jewelry, and so much more. Instagram (though widely criticised) has updated their formatting so that anyone who uses their platform to sell items gets boosted in ads, and their shopping section is easier to find. Instagram is most accessible for businesses because they don’t charge a service fee like other sites (Etsy, Shopify, etc.) - 100% of the profits goes right back to the shop owner.
Social media sites like TikTok and Twitter have assisted this wave as well. “It costs $0 to retweet my art/business” tweets go viral almost daily, and TikTok itself is filled with trends small businesses love to use to help boost their brand on the algorithm. More recently, brands of all kinds started doing “pack an order with me” TikToks to add a more personalized feel to their business, where consumers get excited to see if their order is one of the ones that gets packaged on the ForYouPage.
Shopping small and from the folks who could use the support most is an incredible way of how community works. It directly supports the dreams and efforts of the folks who put their all into what they make. If it is possible for you, I encourage you to try to shop small and from BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color), LGBTQI+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and more), and womxn-owned spots instead of larger corporations. Aiding in the journeys of the folks who took a chance on themselves and started their small business could change everything for them - every dollar could unlock a world of chance.
For those who are interested, here’s a list of a few small businesses (organized by business type) that you can check out and support!
Nguyen Coffee Supply - This Vietnamese coffee company was founded by Sahra Nguyen, a first-generation Vietnamese-American who set out to teach about the true quality and production of coffee beans in Vietnam. Partnering with a fourth-generation farmer in Central Valley back in Vietnam, they provide ethically sourced coffee beans to folks worldwide. To purchase Nguyen Coffee or learn more about their efforts, you can shop at https://nguyencoffeesupply.com/ and visit their social media sites @nguyencoffeesupply.
Hungry Bunny - A black, womxn-owned business, this virtual donut shop started in March 2020 as a result of the coronavirus pandemic by Khloe Hines. All products are vegan and cruelty free, not using any dairy, eggs, or yeast! To place orders visit their website https://www.hungrybunnyict.com/ and support their social media @hungrybunny.
Hood Herbalism - A center for learning, this community herbal education project is perfect for BIPOC folks wanting to learn about the benefits of herbalism and how to incorporate it into their lives. Courses range from the basics of herbalism to herbal medicine works for birth support. They offer online courses with payment plans, accommodations, and scholarship funds to support those in need! This project space is intended for BIPOC folks, as herbal schools are predominantly white. To donate to their project or enroll in classes, visit https://hoodherbalism.com/ and follow their social media at @hoodherbalism.
Indigescuela - This BIPOC-led space is dedicated to teaching womxn and folks about intentional healing through the avenues of holistic sexual health, womb health, and traditional healing. Using the knowledge and practices of herbalism, Mexican folk healing, and Mesoamerican medicine, Panquetzani (also the foundress of Indigemama: Ancestral Healing) leads students to finding the healing answers they need to lead as their best selves. The courses range in topics from lifelong self-womb care and womb wellness. To enroll in the online distance courses, head to https://indigescuela.com/ and support their social media at @indigescuela.
Nā Mea Hawai’i - Meaning all things to do with Hawai’i, Native Books is a space created to share Hawaiian culture through education. If you are based in Hawai’i, or have the opportunity to visit post-pandemic, this is definitely a place to stop by! They support local artisans of all kinds in efforts to uplift their community and all that the Islands have to offer. They have dedicated their space to sharing this knowledge, education, and experiences to all who stop by, virtually and in-person. Shop their website https://www.nativebookshawaii.org/ and follow them @na_mea_hawaii.
Raven Reads - This bookstore is indigenous and womxn-owned, which began as an effort to share history and inspire folks as a result of what residential schools did to the indegnous communities in Canada, where languages and ways of life were washed away over the years. They offer collection boxes for children and adults, where each season a curated box will be sent to you filled with Indegenous works. To shop, support, and learn more, their website is https://ravenreads.org/ and their social media is @raven_reads.
Strong Nations - The online retailer is centered around idigenous literature and art, where their products range from children’s toys to classroom materials and, of course, literature. They are also a publishing house, offering a range of services for those interested. They also offer a wide variety of bundles in different categories! Each item on their shop has a badge on it to signify if it is indegnous art, a Canadian product, or indegnous text. If you are looking for indenous literature or works of different kinds, materials for your classroom, and more, stop by https://www.strongnations.com/ or @strong_nations.
Marcus Books - The first black-owned bookstore in the nation, Marcus Books is filled with history and the desire to educate and make space for black folks and all allies. Their goals of using literature to educate and unite communities has served folks in and around the San Francisco Bay Area (based in Oakland, CA) and nationwide through their online store. They have books for all ages in every genre by an array of black and latinx authors. To support, their website is https://bookshop.org/shop/marcusbooks or visit their social media @marcus.books.
Loving Me Books - A black and womxn-owned shop, Angela Nesbitt created this online bookstore to promote self-love amongst children of all races and backgrounds. Books are available for all age ranges and in a variety of languages! They also sell children’s clothing and accessories. There is a section for adult books, as well! Check out https://www.lovingmebooks.com/ and @lovemebooks for your next book.
Alma Bella - Meaning “beautiful soul” in Spanish, this womxn-owned skincare business is the epitome of self care with a cause. Creator Hannah Bahls, based in Washington state, handmakes this heavenly coco cream and redistributes 100% of the net profit to different BIPOC-led social justice funds. With more products coming soon, they prioritize organic, ethically sourced and traded, and natural ingredients. Each month, she chooses a new organization to give the proceeds to. To learn more about Alma Bella, their product and mission, head over to https://alma-bella.square.site/ or their Instagram @almabellanourish to learn more about how they emphasize self and community care.
HanaHana Beauty - Sustainable, clean beauty that uplifts womxn of color. All products are made with natural ingredients and oils, like fair-trade shea butter. They source their shea butter from the Katariga Women’s Shea Cooperative in Ghana. The black and womxn-owned shop includes body butters, bars, lip balms, and exfoliating cleansers. To buy, head to their site https://hanahanabeauty.com/ and follow at @hanahana_beauty.
BrownSugga Beauty - Black owned, vegan beauty for all skin types. Offering a variety of products from sugar scrubs to oil serums, body butters and soap bars, the New Orleans based online business is your one-stop-shop for healing and maintaining beautiful, healthy skin. Shop now at https://brownsuggabeautycompany.com/ and follow them at @brownsuggabeauty_.
Haípažaža pĥežúta - Meaning “medicine soap” in Lakota, this indegnous-owned skin care from Lakota folks sells soaps and herbal products nationwide. They utilize organic ingredients harvested from the homelands as well as fair-trade ingredients from across the world to create healthy, intentional products. The products range from soaps, shampoos, rubs, perfumes, bath bombs, scrubs, and more. (They even offer refills of some of these products)! To purchase, find them at https://www.haipazazaphezuta.com/ and @haipazaza.
Live Tinted - Founded by Deepica Mutlaya, Live Tinted is a brand dedicated to inclusion and diversity within the beauty industry. They use their platform to highlight multicultural beauty - giving space to voices and stories of those often underrepresented in the industry. Their products range from ethically sourced merchandise, huesticks, and gorgeous illuminators. Take a peek for yourself at https://www.livetinted.com/ and @livetinted on their different social media platforms.
Sahi Cosmetics - This small, family-owned cosmetics company has been taking the beauty industry by storm. Founder Shelly Sahi started Sahi cosmetics as a way to change the beauty standards we have become accustomed to after growing up feeling like her Indian skin wasn’t beautiful enough and always had trouble finding products that matched her complexion. Committed to their clean beauty promise, all of their products are cruelty and paraben free, with vegan friendly ingredients. An array of makeup and innovative products and ideas that will surely leave you obsessed! They also offer some clothing merchandise as well. Check them out at select retailers, their website https://sahicosmetics.com/ and their social media @sahicosmetics.
Queltzin Cosmetics - An indegenous-owned beauty brand specializing in fake lashes, all of their products are named after Aztec gods and goddesses as well as Nahuatl words to honor and educate folks about their indegenous heritage. Aside from lashes and lash tools, they offer some apparel and makeup accessories and tools, as well. Shop at https://queltzincosmetics.com/ and visit them at @queltzincosmetics.
Sweet Street Cosmetics - A Latina/womxn-owned cosmetics company that honors the around-the-way aesthetic. This brand was built by Natalia Durazo and LaLa Romero, who also co-founded the clothing company Bella Doña. their brand honors the beauty strides made by womxn of color and celebrates all the uniqueness and individuality that comes with it. Their products include a highly praised liquid liner, lip duos, eyeshadows, and lashes. Shop now at https://www.sweetstreetcosmetics.com/ and follow them @sweetstreetcosmetics.
Wasi Clothing - A Quechuan word meaning “hope,” Wasi is a brown-owned Bolivian-American clothing company founded and run completely by Vanessa Acosta. This business is dedicated to ethical and sustainable products and processes, as well as diverse representation in the fashion world. Their products are unique and there truly is something for everyone here, as their shop includes everything from clothing to accessories to accessories and prints! You can shop their website at https://wasiclothing.com/ and follow at @wasiclothing.
OXDX Clothing - Diné owned label, this indegnous brand offers merchandise to represent Native peoples and honor their experiences. Their mission includes preserving culture to art, clothing, creative content and storytelling. Their shop has unique pieces of clothing, art, and stickers. Shop at https://www.oxdxclothing.com/ and support them at @oxdxclothing.
Ginew - That Native-owned denim line honors the founders’ Ojibwe, Oneida, & Mohican heritage through the materials and concepts utilized to create their products. Their shop ranges from denim products (jackets, jeans, etc.) as well as unique jewelry, bandanas, and more. Shop all things Ginew on their website https://ginewusa.com/ and follow at @ginew_usa.
Hafandhaf - This Pakistani-born and Detroit raised artist uses her South Asian and Muslim roots to create art that reflexts her experinces and the life around her. She uses her background studying the Quran and Arabic and incorporates it into her work. She offers commissions, as well as prints. Many of her pieces were turned into other merchandise, like clothing, mugs, stickers, and accessories. To shop, visit https://hafandhaf.com/ and follow their social media @hafandhaf.
Adinas Doodles - Kichwa artist Adina Farinango creates Kichwa diasporic art. In hopes to heal and reclaim her Kichwa roots and her identity as an idigenous womxn, her art is a form of resistance. Her one of a kind art is available in prints, stickers, and on totes! Shop https://www.adinafarinango.com/ and follow @adinasdoodles.
BRWNGRLZ - The Pinay-owned jewelry company specializes in laser cut pieces that represent and honor Pilipinx heritage and brown pride. These unique, astounding pieces are only found at BRWNGRLZ. This space honors the stories of Pilpinx-identify folks while uplifting the voices of BIPOC folks everywhere. To support and shop, visit www.brwngrlz.com/ and follow at @brwngrlz.
Customized by Angelisa - Polynesian-owned customizable shop that does everything from trays to accessories! This shop is perfect for customized gifts and pieces for your space! Angelisa’s shop has rolling and coffee trays, resin jewelry, keychains, tumblers, and music player plaques. To shop and customize your own pieces, head to https://www.etsy.com/shop/customizedbyangelisa/ and @cbangelisa.
Stari Agency - Run by Yakari Gabriel, Stari Agency is an Afro-Latina business regarding all things astrology. Yakari offers birth chart readings, transit readings, and follow ups. She aims to help you heal and learn more about you as you navigate your life’s journey. To book and learn more about these services, you can visit https://stariagency.com/ and @stariagency.
The Woke Mystix - Podcasters and authors Ellen and Imani create space for folks to find themselves in astrology, spirituality, and divinity. This WOC-owned business co-wrote Astrology SOS: An astrological survival guide to life, which releases on March 2, 2021. To listen to their podcast and learn more about their work, check out https://www.thewokemystix.com/ and @thewokemystix.
Dian Tala Crystals - This Filipinx-womxn owned crystal shop was created in hopes of offering affordable and accessible means of crystals and their healing properties. In efforts to offer exploration into intuition and personal guidance, this shop holds a variety uniquely cut crystals while teaching followers the properties of each. All funds go directly to the owner’s tuition, as well as direct relief funds to their family’s provinces when the recent typhoon hit the Philippines. To shop and support, follow their Instagram shops @diantalacrystals and @diantalasales.
Farial Eliza (she/her) is a twenty-one year old Bay Area native, occupying unceded Chochenyo Ohlone land. She is a writer, poet, creator, storyteller, self-proclaimed healer and educator to the communities she serves.
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bebepac · 4 years
WIP 08.05.2020
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Couldn’t resist using a Five Gif on the 5th for my WIP Wednesday post.  I’m actually trying to see what I can do with a TRR/Umbrella Academy crossover.  I really want Rumor  to be the cause of something crazy to happen in TRR.  We’ll see what i can come up with there.  
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Up first,  the one that got all the Drama
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 The Crisis
Pop’s Place Chapter 8
* still in writing process*
Jason’s fatherly instincts kicked in immediately.  He pulled Mia close to him. Jason was trying hard not to cry himself as they quickly wheeled Pop’s stretcher into the hospital as they were frantically working on him.  
He gently stroked Mia’s back and hair trying to soothe her.  Jason glanced at Liam.  His eyes welled with tears. Both the kids were terribly upset.
When Mia composed herself a little more,  they walked inside the hospital and were led to a private waiting room. The room made Jason immediately nervous. It was a small room, away from the main waiting rooms, and they were the only people in this room.  It looked to him like the kind of room, the hospital used to deliver bad news in.  Considering how Pops was brought in, they were probably preparing for the worst case scenario.  Jason wasn’t at church often as he should mind you, but in this moment he felt he had to do something.  
He looked at Mia, who still had a tight grip on his hand.  “Would you like to pray with me?”  
Mia nodded, as more tears fell down her cheeks.  
Liam could count the number of times he’d ever been to church on one hand.  But he nodded as well.  Because he would do anything it took to help Pops make it.  
Mia reached for Liam’s hand, and they stood in a small circle.
“Heavenly Father, we come to you not for ourselves, but for someone that is extremely close to us.  We come to you for Kelvin Jones, Pops.  He is a loving Father and Husband, Mentor, and Friend.  We ask you to wrap your arms around him and touch his heart and heal it.  His work on this earth is not done yet.  Heal him Lord, so that he may continue his work here on earth surrounded by all those people he loves and loves him.  Please give us this miracle Lord, as our hearts and souls are heavy right now.  These things we ask of you, in the name of the Father, the son, and the holy spirit.  Amen.”
“Amen,”  Liam and Mia said together.
Jason wiped the tears from Mia’s eyes.  “I’ll stay with you as long as I can okay?”
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* next up *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Time to Say Goodbye
Fast Forward Chapter 14
*still in writing process*
(You may have been wondering what happened to Von after  Chapter 9 the Round Table this chapter takes us through that as half of it is right after Liam got home from the hospital post surgery.)
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“How is he?”  Von asked.
“He’s asleep again.  He was awake to eat, and shower, and hug the kids for a little bit.  But he fell back asleep.”  
“How are you Riley?”
“I’m a mess.  He was dead.  Liam was dead.  And in those moments those minutes I thought he wasn’t coming back, something happened in me.  I still love him Von, and we have to try to fix what is damaged about us.  And I know in my heart that’s not what you want to hear.  I know you came here for me.  I knew it when you walked through the door.  How you still feel about me, I feel it radiating off you. And I know you feel like you made a mistake when you left me that day in New York.  But you didn’t.”
“Yes I did Riley, because I lost you.”
“I don’t think you would be where you are today with your music if I had gone to California with you Von.  You wouldn’t have made it.”
“How do you figure?”
“I wouldn’t have waited this long, with so much inconsistency in my life. That part of me is just like my Dad, Von.”  
“Yet you came to a foreign country for a man you had spent a night with.”  
“My intent was only to spend a week here with him.  A week turned into forever because I fell in love with him.  I knew he was my forever.  When you take vows Von, they’re for better and worse.  I’ve hit the worst part.  And I have to work through it with Liam, and I want to.”
Riley wiped her tears away.  
“You think I’m making a mistake.”  
“Yes, one that could end your life or the lives of your children.  What if he doesn’t change Riley?!?!?!?!  You’re pregnant, you have to think about the baby you’re carrying. Please come back with me.”
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* next up *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
The Crown Visits the South
University Student Ellie Chapter 2
*still in writing process. nearly complete*
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Riley went to Triangle Town Center to get Liam a few lighter weight lighter colored outfits.  It had been a while since Riley had been at a clothing retailer as all the clothes she owned were tailor made to perfectly fit her body. Riley laughed thinking of her husband still stark naked standing in front of the air conditioning unit.  Riley came back to the hotel room to still find Liam naked.
"You know… it's ironic now I am finally seeing you for who you are Liam Rys. When we had that time period where both Adam and Jaiden hated wearing clothes, you insisted they got it from me. That naked time wasn't a thing you did."
Liam sat up. "Because I get it, and this feels so good. Get naked with me Riley."
"I was born in the day Liam Rys not yesterday, and we legit have 45 minutes before dinner.  That’s not going to be enough time for us, if I get naked.”
“You’re right my love.”  He looked Riley over. “You’re all mine tonight, after we get back from dinner.”
Riley changed clothes, and Liam put on the light weight linen suit Riley had picked up for him. Liam sighed contentedly.  
“No flaming balls?”  Riley asked
“No flaming balls My Queen.”
They met Chris and Emily for dinner at Sullivan’s Steakhouse.
“You have to try the cheesesteak egg rolls, Riley you will love them.”
“They sound strange and weirdly delicious at the same time.  I’m in.”
*^*^*^*^* end of chapter teasers *^*^*^*^*^*
Still in the pipeline:  The thoughts are still bubbling on these, as I don’t have anything more concrete on them to do a teaser as of yet or since last week: Life of Riley Chapter 17:  Summertime in the NYC , and At Long Last. 
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Tagging some peeps that might be  interested in some teasers and some writers yo peeps what ya’ll up to 
@queenjilian @dcbbw @burnsoslow @axwalker @indiacater @cordonianroyalty @glaimtruelovealways @sophie-and-shizuku @kingliam2019 @gabesmommie1130 @hopefulmoonobject @hopelessromanticmonie @queen-arabella-of-cordonia  @islandcrow @batgirlassociationofgothamcity @jared2612 @lovablegranny @queenwalton @sanchita012 @mom2000aggie @gkittylove99 @mrsdrakewalkerblog​ @choicesficwriterscreations @kimmiedoo5​
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