#cause if not for the upper management then the admins could fix things they see the ccs struggle with
desnayy · 7 months
Still really funny thinking to that Reddit post saying the admins hate being the eggs, especially when Tallulah has a new model
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whiteqnn · 4 years
PURE [2] - Corpse Husband x Fem! Reader
Pairing: Corpse Husband x Fem!Reader
A/N:  443 notes?! THIS IS INSANE! Thank you guys so much for all the love under the first part of this, I was so shocked to see how many people enjoyed this story! I hope this one will be just as fun for you as the first one ^^
part 1
part 3 
part 4 
part 5
PURE [2]
Corpse stared at the red screen with the word IMPOSTOR written in the middle, his eyes widened, a small smile tugging at his lips. 
“No way” he murmured into his microphone, no longer holding himself from breaking into laughter. “Do you guys see this? I wish I could see Y/N’s reaction.”
It took his audience just a second to respond, his chat being flooded with lots of comments about the said girl. 
“SHES SHOOK” he managed to read one from the hundreds of comments, once again bursting into laughter. “Yeah, I can imagine.”
He decided to follow Lily for a while to make himself less suspicious. He probably didn’t need to do that this time, since the others usually suspected him when he was innocent. Ironically, each time he was the impostor, they seemed completely blind to every murder he committed. 
They were both doing their tasks in O2 when the first body was reported. 
“Woah, Y/N is fast” he mumbled, before unmuting himself. 
“Okay,” Lily began speaking first “Corpse is 100% innocent, we were together this whole round, doing our tasks in O2. That’s all I have.”
“Yeah I saw you guys in there,” Felix said. “Where’s the body Sykkuno?”
“Um, so first of all I can also vouch for Dave and Y/N, we were hanging out all this time. So in the beginning, we were all in the upper engine, protecting each other like good friends that we are, and then we headed towards the medbay. And that’s where it gets interesting because I’m pretty sure I saw Poki leave medbay and run to the cafeteria.”
“You really think I would kill my best friend in the first round?”
“Yeah well, some people do” Sean scoffed, clearly referring to the last game when he was murdered by Felix. “Besides, I saw you guys when I was leaving Security so it looks like you were with her the entire round.”
“Wha- Okay, let me defend myself. I would never kill her if I was the impostor, which I’m not because she’d literally come barging into my room to murder me. She’d kill me for killing her first.”
Toast, who seemingly still held grudge against Corpse’s fellow impostor, decided to call Y/N out “Y’know, we all played with Rae before, so we all know how furious she gets after being killed first... but there’s one person who doesn’t know that.”
“Y/N/N?” Sean’s voice blared through their headphones “As much as I know how hard it would be for her to make the first kill, I can actually see that happening.”
“What?! Sykkuno vouched for me literally seconds ago, where the heck did you get that from Toast?” she asked in utter shock. Corpse glanced at his chat and leaned towards his mic, making sure that he was muted in the game.
“Y’know guys, if I didn’t know she’s the impostor, I’d believe in her every word. I mean, she’s so innocent, just listen to her.” he said with a smile, not expecting in the slightest how his audience will react. 
“Aww, he goes soft for her ^^” 
“The duo we need but don’t deserve”
“What?” he almost stuttered, quickly going through the growing number of such comments. “I mean-”
“Ooh, someone’s getting angry. Where the heck? That’s aggressive, Y/N” Felix’s amused voice brought him back to reality, and even though Corpse didn’t use a webcam, he still tried to hide his pink-tinted cheeks in the material of his hoodie.
“It was not me! I swear! I was doing my tasks all this time, making sure that no one murders Sykkuno or Dave!” 
“You’re pretty defensive for someone who claims to be innocent,” Toast said with a smirk hiding in his voice. 
“Give her a break guys, she was literally with us all this time. I’m sure we would’ve noticed if she killed somebody” Dave stood up for her, but it seemed like all the attention was directed from Poki to Y/N. 
“Well maybe the other impostor is either you or Sykkuno and you’re just trying to clear each other?”
“Um, if there were two impostors among the three of us, the third person would have to be a crewmate. I mean, it would be impossible for them to kill somebody without a crewmate seeing it.” Sykkuno pointed out, much to Corpses’ relief. 
“I knew Sykkuno would vouch for her” he told his chat, before unmuting himself to defend Y/N as well “Haven’t we already established that Poki is sus as well? She was last seen near the body and has no alibi.” 
“I didn’t do it. The only person that could vouch for me is dead, we were with each other the entire round. I leave her for a few seconds and somebody kills her, but it wasn’t me.” 
“I don’t think she’s lying guys, I mean, if she killed Rae she’d probably be dead already” Felix chuckled “Let’s just skip this round, we don’t have enough evidence.”
“Alright, but Y/N,” Toast said, as everyone pressed the skip button “I have my eyes on you.”
Corpse could hear her sigh before everyone muted their mics. 
“We’ve gotta get rid of Toast guys, he’s too suspicious. I don’t want him accusing my partner in crime, even though he’s right” he chuckled under his breath, following Toast’s character into Admin. “Alright, Felix is with us as well, good. If I just pretend I’m doing card swipe, they’re gonna both vouch for me since everyone knows I’m great at this task.” he shook his head with a deep laugh escaping his throat. 
He could see the other two astronauts running around admin, before they both decided to leave, which gave Corpse a perfect opportunity to frame Toast. He killed the lights and chased his victim who, much to his joy, was now completely alone in comms. 
“Hi, Felix. Bye, Felix.” Corpse snapped his neck before speeding out of the room and venting into Navigation.
That’s when someone fixed the lights. And Corpse jumped out of the vent, only to come face to face with none other than Toast. 
“SHIT” he laughed in panic, seeing that he couldn’t use the kill function yet. “Shit, he must’ve seen me.”
And indeed, it took Toast just a split of second to run out of the room and speed towards the emergency button, Corpse hot on his tail, even though he knew he wouldn’t avoid getting ejected. 
“I’m busted guys, there’s no way they’re gonna believe me” he told his audience, watching as Toast’s character approached the button. However, Corpse wasn’t sure if he was just seeing things, but he thought that he saw an outline of another character appear out of nowhere just mere seconds before Toast called the meeting...
“YES” he almost screamed, at the same time laughing hysterically, when he saw the red cross decorating Toast’s name. 
“WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!” Sean yelled, similarly to every other player that remained alive. “HOW DID THAT HAPPENED?!”
“Oh my God.”
“But- I don’t get it. What just happened?” Y/N’s soft voice sounded out, making Corpse laugh even more. 
“Someone killed Toast the moment he called the meeting.” Sykkuno explained, barely holding himself from laughing.
“Is that even possible?” she asked confused, her voice sounding so innocent and sweet that the other impostor couldn’t stop himself from grinning.
“Oh my god, she’s just- I can’t.” he chuckled deeply “She’s too precious guys, I swear I’m gonna do everything to keep her alive.”
“Yeah, that’s some big brain move. And since Toast is dead, there’s only one person with balls who could do it” Sean said, clearly very sure of his next words.
“CORPSE!” Lily chirped into her microphone, her voice soon being followed by others who eagerly agreed with her. 
“Okay, I admit I saw them in admin where I was doing the card swipe, but then they both left and I haven’t seen them anymore.”
“Were you in admin this whole time?” Poki asked. 
“Um- yeah, pretty much. I tried to beat my own record in failing a card swipe.” he replied, making everyone laugh. He thought of it as a good cover, unless someone entered the admin after he left... 
“Sykkuno where are you?” Poki directed her next question to the lime astronaut.
“Why am I accused again?” he asked confused “I was with Sean in medbay, I think Y/N joined us for a moment to do the scan, then she left, and then Toast called the meeting.”
“So maybe it’s her?” Dave commented “I mean, medbay is right next to the cafeteria, so she had quite an easy access to the emergency button.”
“Yeah, that would actually make sense” Lily added.
“Oh no, they’re gonna vote her off...” Corpse mumbled under his breath, deciding that he had to intervene. She just saved his ass, he couldn’t possibly just watch her get ejected because of that. 
“Guys, I didn’t even know it was possible to kill someone this way. Trust me, I played only a few times and Jack made sure not to reveal any of his big brain moves.” she scoffed at the last part, making Jack let out a loud laugh.
“How can we be sure you’re not just acting all innocent? I mean, you exposed Felix last game, being one of the last people to stay alive.”
“Y/N was with me when Toast called the meeting, she is innocent” Corpse decided to finally speak up. The silence settled among other players. “She found me in admin and made sure nobody killed me when I failed the fucking card swipe.”
“Why are you saying this just now, Corpse?”
“Cause he’s fallen for her god damn trap! I told you!” Sean argued.
“What trap?” Y/N asked confused.
“I mean, who wouldn’t? It’s like listening to an angel” Corpse said, before he could stop himself. Everyone on the call went wild, just like his chat did... He didn’t know why he said that, it just slipped before he really thought about it.
“Corpse, you do realize you’re simping only makes you even more suspicious?” Poki asked with a laugh, and Corpse felt the blush rising up his cheeks. Even more, when Y/N completely ignored this comment, deciding to suddenly stay quiet...
Did he make her uncomfortable with such comments?
“Seriously though, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t her. We watched each other’s back, so I’m also clean.” 
“As much as I hate to do it, I have to agree with Corpse on this one” Sean suddenly said. “That she’s innocent, I mean. I’m sure Corpse just follows her around like a lost puppy and I didn’t see the two of them, but I doubt Y/N knew it’s possible to kill somebody like that. No offense kiddo.”
“See? Guys, it wasn’t me!” she exclaimed. 
“Wait, why do you hate to agree with me?” Corpse asked in confusion.
“What? I just told you my alibi, weren’t you listening Jack?”
“We have twenty seconds left” Lily reminded, cause everyone seemed to forget about the voting time. “We don’t skip at 7, right?”
“Alright, I’m voting Corpse, I still think he’s sus even though I agreed with him.” Sean announced, much to Y/N’s dismay. She quickly objected, trying to defend her fellow impostor:
“It’s NOT him, I watched him fail that dang card swipe!”
“I’m also voting Corpse, he must be one of them.” Lily agreed with Jack.
“Sykkuno, I hope you’re not doing what I think you’re doing” Y/N asked the lime astronaut, who was silent for the past few minutes.
“I um- I don’t know, they kinda have a point Y/N...”
“Sykkuno, listen to me.” she lowered her voice, trying to convince him “Corpse is not the impostor. You know you can trust me, right?”
“Sorry guys...”
Corpse burst out laughing, seeing that out of seven remaining players, five of them decided to skip. 
“She’s too good” he chuckled, quickly running up Y/N’s character when they started the next round. He circled her white astronaut, and she seemed to get his message because she eagerly followed him into Electrical to fake the tasks and wait for someone to show up. 
Soon enough two figures waltzed into the room, only to be simultaneously decapitated by the two impostors, who then swiftly vented into medbay and locked the door to their crime scene. 
“That was smooth” Corpse smiled, happily running around Y/N’s character. “I love being impostors with Y/N, it’s so much fun. The best thing is that no one besides Toast really suspects her of doing something wrong.”
Corpse figured Y/N sabotaged the oxygen because the next thing he saw was Lily running past medbay to stop it from depleting. 
“Ladies first, Y/N” he mumbled, and even though she couldn’t hear him, her small character sped up and left the medbay, chasing after Lily. He waited a few seconds, before bursting out laughing.
“That was... I would never guess it was you!” 
“I’m sorry guys, I really didn’t want to kill any of you” she laughed apologetically, but Corpse could sense she was smiling “I just had no other choice...”
“Yeah, I’m sure you killed us by accident” Toast’s voice blared out, followed by loud laughter.
“What was that again? I didn’t even know you could kill someone this way?” Felix mocked in a high pitched voice, making them laugh hysterically. Corpse also found himself unable to catch a breath between his giggles.
“I told you guys they’d fuck us up.” Rae spoke up “But I was actually glad Y/N killed me first, watching her kill Toast was so much fun.”
“Ha ha, thanks, Rae!” Toast exclaimed ironically.
“Y/N and Corpse are just complete serial killers, I don’t know how else to comment that” Felix chuckled. 
“Well...” Corpse mumbled, unmuting his microphone “I can’t disagree. She’s a perfect partner in crime.”
“NOT AGAIN WITH SIMPING CORPSE” he heard Sean’s response, and once again felt awkward when his all his friends laughed at him, and Y/N remained quiet. 
That was, however, until her soft voice effectively quietened everyone. 
“It was.. an honor to murder my friends with you.” 
Corpse never thought his face could hurt from smiling so much...
“Alright, who’s up for another game?” Felix asked after a few moments, and received a chorus of me’s from almost everyone. 
“Unfortunately I have to go now, but it was so fun playing with you guys!” Y/N said, making everyone (Corpse included) object rather loudly:
“One more round, please? I want to see you kill someone again!”
“C’mon kid, what else do you have to do?”
“Stay with us Y/N, I need someone to protect me!” 
“I’m sorry but I’m really tired. I’m sure I’d just fall asleep on my desk and Toast would come up behind my back to murder me.”
“Well, that was actually my plan...” the man in question replied with a chuckle.
“You sure you don’t wanna stay?” Corpse finally asked “Killing won’t be the same without you...”
“I know, and I’m sorry... But I was working the whole day and my eyes just hurt and I feel like I’m gonna faint” she replied. 
“Alright, but just so you know, we’re playing again later this week, and I better see you entering the lobby on time” Felix said, trying to sound threatening, but failing at it. Y/N giggled to herself, the sound making Corpse smile almost unknowingly. 
“I wouldn’t dare to miss a chance to murder my new friends!” 
“Oh my god, she’s too adorable!” 
Everyone said their goodbyes and soon Y/N left the call, her small astronaut disappearing from the lobby, much to Corpse’s disappointment. He wished she’d stay a little longer, playing with her was something he found incredibly fun and quite relaxing if he was completely honest. Or maybe aside from playing itself, listening to her voice was what kept bringing a smile to his face every time she spoke up. 
“Guys, I think I’m also gonna call it a day, it was really fun.”
“What? It’s not even been over an hour!” Rae protested. 
“Yeah, I um.. I know but-”
“Don’t push him guys, he can’t play without his partner in crime” Toast’s teasing voice made everyone burst out laughing, and Corpse just shook his head, glad that nobody could see how red his face became.
“Fuck you guys, okay?” he chuckled into the mic, before finally saying his goodbyes and leaving as well. He thanked his viewers for watching and promised to stay longer next time, before closing the discord. 
He sat for a moment in his chair, staring at the black screen, a smile slowly widening on his lips. It was one of the best games he had ever played in Among Us, and he couldn’t wait to be Impostor with Y/N again. 
“Perfect partner in crime... I’m such an idiot” he mumbled under his breath and felt himself blush, shaking his head at how awkward that must’ve sounded. He pulled his phone out and checked his Twitter, only for his eyes to widen once he saw the top trending hashtags. 
“Oh my God...” Corpse yelped, covering his eyes with his hand as if it would make all those tweets disappear. “Why am I the way I am?” 
He considered texting her, trying to maybe make things less awkward than they already were, but decided against it. He feared he’d make even more of an idiot out of himself... 
Convinced that all those comments about simping and now those hashtags made her uncomfortable, it didn’t even cross his mind that Y/N might be looking at them at the exact same moment, with adorable blush tinting her cheeks, and her lips turning into a small, shy smile...  
A/N: I think about writing 3rd part... 
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Alright, we’re reaching the end. let’s at least see if I can reach 100k words!
and also @helleborusangel I’m worried about you. You haven’t touched your tumblr in about 2 and a half weeks. if anyone has heard from them, please let me know, I am worried aaaaaaaaaa.
An explosion shook the room, making Grifter use his wings as cover for both himself and Sense. A moment later he flapped his wings to clear the air and see what had caused the explosion. He growled upon seeing a group of people at the door, recognizing that most of them were hermits. Standing there were both Xisuma and Xannes, Joe, Zedaph, Scar and Cub. There were also two non-hermits, one of which being Techno since he had brought the other hermits. The last was someone Grifter recognized all too well. Kristen. And she was also holding onto both Grifect and Sefter.
Grifter tried not to look angry or yell and attack, even using a wing to keep Sense back. “Oh thank goodness you all came! This is going to help so much!” Grifter couldn’t say more before a trident was thrown at his head, him barely dodging it. “What are you doing, I’m the good guy here?”
“I have a hard time believing that.” Xannes huffed, but Grifter gestured to where Nightmare lay dazed on the floor.
“No, you don’t understand. He’s the bad guy in this situation. He was after both Theseus and Tommy. I was told I had to deal with him. I didn’t have any choice!”
Xannes scoffed. “A likely story.” And weapons were pointed at Grifter. The avian’s eyes continued to go between Nightmare as well as Kristen as she held his kids, but he held his arms up in surrender.
From behind the group, Xisuma made his way over to Tommy. Grifter paid no attention to him, But Sense did, pulling out a weapon. Techno was the first to move to stop the attack, but Grifter beat him to the punch, using his wing to hit the weapon out of Sense’s hand. “As I said. Good guys here. Unless of course you are here to hurt Tommy, then things change.”
“You destroyed half of the server.” Techno said.
“I made sure to take precautions. None of this is permanent. Everything is backed up and I made sure everyone could respawn. Meanwhile you’re got Grian running around with one of his sons, not even worried about the bug in his system.”
“What-” Someone started to say, Grifter wasn’t sure who, when Nightmare moved. Grifter moved out of the way, having been watching the admin. Nightmare’s attack missed, but he quickly adjusted, his axe aiming for Xisuma’s neck. Sense pulled out another weapon and pointed it at Nightmare, firing it. The blast hit Nightmare’s wrist, making him lose his weapon, but in order to take the shot, it also went through part of Grifter’s wing.
“There…” Grifter said, holding his wing. “Believe us now?”
Weapons slowly moved from pointing at Grifter to pointing at Nightmare. A quick glance around the room let him know that Xannes seemed to be the only one left with his guard up, but that was fine, he wasn’t the most dangerous one here. Cub and Scar both had vex magic, but only both of them working together had been enough to break Grifter’s barrier, so while they could potentially be dangerous, they also weren’t the biggest threat. Techno was probably the least threatening of the bunch, Xisuma as a close second. He may be admin, but this wasn’t his server, so for now he was essentially powerless.
But the last three were much more dangerous. Kristen had the same aura around her that his dad did, meaning she would have to be death here. But it also didn’t help that she wasn’t the only one with that energy. And then of course ‘Joe Hills’. He was arguably the most dangerous, but he also had an easy weakness right now. 
“Do any of you know someone named Eret?” Grifter spoke up, glad to see Joe look up and over at him.
“I do. Why’re ya askin’?”
“We couldn’t quite get down there, but there seemed to be some prison cells and someone with that name was there. I was pretty sure the name was familiar, but of course, since this is another dimension, I figured I’d ask you guys.” Grifter explained, then hissing slightly as Sense tried to help with his wound.
Joe briefly looked over at Xisuma, who nodded. After taking one last look around the room, the man left the room. One down, two to go. Kristen was off the table with the boys in her arms, but if push came to shove, they could take care of themselves. Grifter used a bit of magic to heal himself, noticing that the world setting had been changed, letting people naturally heal and respawn again. He quickly changed that back and readied his magic for an attack.
Both of the Convex noticed something was up and they started to say something, but Grifter was faster. He flew into the air just enough to get a height advantage before attacking Zedaph with such a powerful attack, he broke through the floor. At the same time, Sense pulled Xisuma away from Tommy, messing with his helmet and breaking the filters on it. 
Xannes tried to grab Grifter, but the Listener was prepared and he drew a swirl symbol in the air, and a moment later Xannes was gone. Grifter was left panting and he couldn’t do much more after using so much magic. Sense was busy taking care of the Convex, so he couldn’t help much more. Grifter barely managed to get out of the way of Techno attacking him, but it just moved him closer to Kristen. 
“What did you do with Phil?” She asked, just making Grifter chuckle.
“Nothing bad. And even if it was, I doubt it would affect Dad.” He laughed again. “So, why are you here? I would have thought you’d stay away.”
Kristen didn’t answer as Sefter’s hand changed into a sword and he stabbed her in the side. Her shock made her drop both him and Grifect, who quickly ran to Grifter’s side. “Awe uwu okay dad? Uwu wook tiwed. I'm sowwy I messed up.”
“Aww, it’s okay pumpkin. You did just fine.” Grifter patted Grifect’s head and Sefter faced Techno, ready to fight him. “Now now everyone. I’m sure we can all stand down at this point.”
“You were the one to attack first.” Techno huffed, making Grifter pout.
“You all barged in here ready to attack me with my children as hostages. Now they are free and everyone is fine.”
“Xisuma is suffocating!” Cub yelled, and Grifter rolled his eyes and used a bit of magic to fix the helmet.
“There, is that any better?” Grifter huffed, still panting a bit. “You’re all ready to work with Xannes but I try to help and suddenly I’m the worst thing in the world.”
“Even he hates you.”
“And he also hates his brother, but you guys are fine with him. But sure, make that the defining answer.” Grifter grumbling, trying to ignore the nudge in his side from Sense. “Now how about we just all calm down, I deal with my job, and we all go home safe and sound.”
“How do we know you’re telling the truth?” Scar asked, and Grifter nodded his head in Kristen’s direction, as well as Zedaph’s as he was just pulling himself out of the hole he had been stuck in.
“What are we talking about?” Zed asked, looking around, not having any context.
Kristen gestured to Grifter. “He’s got a request from Death that he needs to finish.”
“What? I never gave him anything like that. Was that you?”
“No, I assume it came from one of those in his world.”
“Oh yeah, that would do it. Oh by the way, look who I found!” And Zedaph helped Grian, Ranboo and Grumbot out of the hole. 
“Oh for fucks sake!” Grifter growled. “I just managed to salvage this two fucking times. Why aren’t you all dead?”
As soon as he had said that, everyone turned on Grifter once more, though this time he wasn’t trying to wriggle his way out of it. “Perhaps we should-” Sense started to say before the Listener slapped him. “Shut up! I don’t care how it happens, I am getting rid of that son of a whore admin! Now stay alive long enough to come back.” And three portals opened up next to Sense, Sefter and Grifect, pulling them in. 
“Fine. Gloves are off now.” Grifter said, staring directly at Grian, who knew exactly what that meant. Grian moved to pull Grumbot closer to himself while Kristen was the first to move and attempt to attack Grifter.
Before she could cause any harm, Grifter placed down some TNT which immediately exploded. The explosion blocked her view just long enough for him to move elsewhere and get the upper hand, shoving her to the floor. “Oh please, Dad’s already terrified I’ll kill him and become the next death or something. And seeing as how my uncle never shows his fucking face, I’m guessing he keeps shaking in his little pink lined boots.”
Xisuma was the next to attack, but Grifter kicked at the man, boots starting to tear at the seams. “And your brother is too much of a cocksucking ditz to cause any sort of trouble for me. Hacking skills or not. I had to deal with plenty in Deevo. And that’s when I was still learning everything!”
Grifter was whacked in the back, causing loose feathers to go flying. He turned to see that Techno had attacked with an axe, blood now dripping down the avain’s back. “You’re an improvement over the original at least. Euro’s one of the biggest cowards I’ve seen. I can hear when he kills himself from a mile away. It’s too bad he keeps getting to respawn, but when death doesn’t want you dead, it doesn’t happen.” One of Grifter’s wings hit Techno, the feathers stiff and sharp, opening wounds all over the piglin hybrid.
Next, vex magic attacked the Listener from both sides, leaving him cornered. “You two. Hah, now this is a challenge. Sort of. But I don’t give a fuck right now!” And Grifter pulled out a shovel, not having a better weapon readily available. He walked towards Cub, not caring as the magic started to burn away his clothes, revealing the discolored skin beneath. Cub did his best to increase his power and move away, and for a few moments it worked, pushing Grifter back, but then the shovel connected with his skull, knocking him to the ground. A few more whacks followed from Grifter for good measure, staining the metal red.
“Now, who’s up next?!” The Listener asked with a laugh, turning to face everyone. His outfit was a mess; torn and bloody, hanging limply on his body while his boots lay shredded to the side, talons having replaced his feet. His eyes were glossy, cataracts covering them leaving him essentially blind, but his ears had shifted, changing into something few had seen, the ears of a warden.
“What the heck?” Ranboo asked, having stuck by Grian’s side. “What is that?”
“Listener.” Grian responded, horrified. “When Watchers, and I guess also Listeners, use too much magic, their body shifts to better use it. I’ve apparently gone off the deep end once or twice and ended up something like that. Basically, if he was dangerous before… it’s worse now.”
True to what Grian had just said, Grifter moved swiftly, at Zedaph’s side the moment after he took a step. He was thrown against a wall, winding him before a metal clamp covered his mouth, making it so he couldn’t speak. As he pulled at it while also catching his breath, Grifter yanked out a handful of his feathers, blood pouring from the freshly plucked wing and the Listener’s own hand. He threw the feathers at Xisuma, them acting as throwing knives sent at the admin. A good number of them missed, but a few hit and sliced into his armor, fortunately also missing his helmet.
Kristen attacked Grifter next, getting an upper hand and using some of his own stray feathers as weapons. The Listener just stared at her, smiling as the edge of the blade like feathers pressed into his skin, drawing blood. “You aren’t going to kill me. Are you? You can’t. That’s how it works~ You’re the one who can’t interfere~ That’s your brother’s job. And oh, sounds like he can’t do that right now, can he?”
Kristen was going to do it. In this situation, she wasn’t bound by the laws of death. Grifter wasn’t from this dimension, so she had free reign. But the Listener’s words got to her, and for a split second, she looked away. Suddenly, Grifter’s wings moved and a number of his feathers were embedded in her chest, him laughing evilly. “Now don’t die~ I wouldn’t like that happening. Especially since he’s busy.”
Techno tried attacking Grifter again, but he was just swatted to the side. Scar was at Cub’s side, having pulled out some crystals to heal him. Zedaph was busy trying to free himself and Kristen was dealing with her own wounds. Grifter stepped closer to Xisuma before picking him up and breaking one of his helmet’s filters with his hand. Though it wouldn’t kill the admin, it would certainly cause him plenty of pain. 
Tossing Xisuma aside, Grifter finally made it to Nightmare. “Now, I should have been finished with you ages ago!” The Listener spoke, his voice filled with stifled laughter. “But this ends now. Dream? He’s easy. Everything’s already in a console because he was a little bitch who used children for his own benefit. I may not have many lines to draw, but I still have some.”
Nightmare started screaming as green magic surrounded him. For a moment, a figure of a second person stood next to him before it dissolved, disappearing completely. “Next, we need to get rid of those silly little admin powers you have because Dad wanted you dethroned.”
As Nightmare started to scream again, Grifter was attacked from the side. Out of all the people he expected, this was the last. Tommy stood, balanced mostly on his uninjured leg, holding a sword he had gotten from Xisuma. Grifter tisked a few times at Tommy, crossing his arms. “Theseus, Theseus, Theseus. What are you doing? Trying to get your revenge? That’s the same fucking mistake that put us in this situation in the first place. Why’d Dad even let you out?”
“Wrong person.” Tommy said weakly. He was light headed from blood loss as well as standing there, but he still swung his sword in an attempt to hit Grifter.
“Right, right. Well, I’m not called a Listener for no reason.” And then a wing swiped across the ground, hitting Tommy’s feet out from under him. “Stay out of this before you make it so much worse.”
Grifter turned back to Nightmare, continuing to use magic on the admin. No one had enough energy left to do anything as they listened to his screams. Slowly, they grew strained before it was finally quiet again. Grifter frowned and kicked Nightmare, the limp body giving no resistance. “Aww, it’s broken. Hmm, I guess I can have a little more fun with it.”
He started stomping on the body, making absolutely sure Nightmare was truly dead, damaging the body beyond recognition. The whole time, Grifter was smiling and having fun. Around him, everyone was slowly tending to each other’s wounds, the Listener not caring. Kristen checked on Grian who was helping her with the feathers still stuck in her. Zedaph assisted Xisuma with his helmet, managing to not make it more complicated than it needed to be. At the same time, he helped Tommy out a bit as the two were right near each other. Scar was still helping Cub, and for lack of anyone else to help out, Techno stayed near Ranboo and Grumbot.
Finally, Grifter stepped away from Nightmare, hands on his hips as he ‘looked’ at his work proudly. “Well, that could have gone better, but it was still nice! Now, since you all caused so many problems, who do I get to have fun with next?” When no one answered, Grifter pouted before turning to Tommy. “Hmm, let’s see-”
Before he could say anything else, Kristen was in front of Tommy and Grian was attacking Grifter from the back. Grifter growled, using plenty of magic to attack them back, nearly killing Grian in the process. But just as it looked like Grifter was going to win, he was suddenly thrown against the throne with enough force to break it. “Now why’d you go and start without me?”
Joe had entered the room, followed by Eret. “I’m sure we could have found a much more non-violent approach, left everyone in much better shape.” He stopped over at Zedaph, helping get the metal covering his mouth off. “I’m guessing he’s dead?” Joe gestured to Dream’s body.
“Eh, that’s Krist’s side of things, not mine. I’m busy keeping an eye on her husband.” Zedaph replied, jabbing his thumb off in the general direction of Phil. “That’s part of the reason she’s here is because I filled her in.”
Joe nodded and walked over to Kristen, who was sitting on the ground next to Tommy. “Zed said to check in with you. How’s he looking?” Joe gestured to Dream’s body again.
“It’s a bit complicated with the fact that a hels person got mixed up with things, but for all intents and purposes, they’re both dead.”
Joe nods. “And how’s Tommy doing? Not too hurt?”
“No, he’s doing fine. I’m… more concerned about Grian.”
Joe looked over his shoulder to look at Grian. In attacking Grifter with Kristen, he was using magic he really couldn’t easily use, leaving him in a similar situation to Grifter. At that moment in time, Grian had plopped himself down on the ground and was summoning plenty of wheat. “Oh yeah, he’s fine. I’d say you should get him to stop using magic right now, but it’s nothing dangerous and he could use a break. Maybe stick around a bit.”
“I’m not sure. With my job-”
“Zed takes breaks all the time. You can let yourself have a few too. I mean, you must’ve taken a few to have a family, take some more to spend time with them. I know that’s what I’m planning to do.” And Joe half gestured to Eret, who was currently looking over the damaged room.
Kristen wanted to say more, but then Grian came over and started dragging Tommy away, Kristen quickly following behind. Grian had used the wheat to make plenty of hay bales which were spread out in the approximation of a nest. Tommy had been placed down within it in a rather cushy area, glad for something other than the hard ground.
Grian doted on Tommy for a bit more before hopping away, leaving Tommy chuckling. “Pfft, bird brain.” He then leaned back, putting his hands behind his head and looking over to Kristen. “So, seeing you is different.”
“Hi Tommy.”
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baretklap · 4 years
Tales of Mind Control #5: Emergency Meeting
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Every crewmate knew the meaning of that siren: someone had pressed the emergency meeting button. Regardless of what they’d been doing or where they’ve been, every crewmate now found their priorities instantly shifted. They had to drop their current activity and immediately report to the emergency table in the middle of the cafeteria. Doing so was especially important, because since its launch, the ship had been going through a colossal crisis. An impostor crisis, to be more specific. The crew was informed about a presence of at least one impostor among them whose goal was to take control of the ship by any means necessary. Under this extraordinary circumstances, an emergency meeting basically meant that shit was about to go down. In matter of mere seconds, Wendy ‘White’ found herself in the middle of the cafeteria. She quickly got there by running as fast as she could after promptly abandoning her duties in the Admin room. She would still have time to finish fixing the wirings after the meeting was over while the impostor, hopefully, would be rotting away in deep space like the evil trash they were after getting ejected out of the spaceship. Looking around the gathering spot, White saw that she was the second one to arrive there after Giles ‘Green’, obviously the one who pressed the emergency button in the first place. The whole crew finalized the gathering process not much time after, meaning the conditions to properly start the meeting were met. And it started immediately, with Green pointing his finger at Peter ‘Purple’. “I saw him! I saw him going into the vent. He’s the impostor!” shouted Green, his finger still up in the air. If White could see through his spacesuit, she could’ve sworn that his finger would be twitching. Now one might wonder how going into a vent would prove someone’s impostorship but the ventilation system of the ship had very securely locked hatches. The same intel that revealed the existence of an impostor in the ship also stated that the only way to open the hatches and sneak inside the ventilation was using a special tool, which could be possessed only by impostors. Silently and sincerely, White hoped that Green was telling the truth. This threat needed to be taken care of as soon as possible and ejecting the impostor before a single real crew member was killed or ejected was the best way this crisis could be resolved. She then turned her gaze at Purple, who had a pretty relaxed posture for someone who was being accused of being an impostor. “I reject the accusation against me completely and propose that Green is the real impostor for falsely accusing me like that.” said Purple, calm in a manner that heavily contrasted with Green’s anger. There were two accusations instead of one now. The crew most probably had to pick between one of them to believe as the owner of the other claim would soon face a fate of ejection from the ship. It was surely a difficult choice, but a choice they had to make nonetheless, so White remained calm and waited for the conversation to continue. “Don’t lie to me, you dickhead! You were literally looking at me in the eyes before you went down inside the vent!” proclaimed Green once again, smacking the table with outrage as he stared at Purple with eyes red with anger. “Look at yourself Green, you are literally shaking with anger that your plan to falsely accusing me is falling apart. No, I never saw you once after we last left here, dumbass.” said Purple, calm as ever but even he could not hide a condescending smirk. That obviously angered the accuser even further, but before he could take any action about that, the table was once again smacked, but by a different hand this time. “It’s enough.” spoke the owner of that hand. Rachel ‘Red’ was staring daggers at both Green and Purple as her hand firmly remained on the table. The de-facto leader of the whole crew knew how to keep her crew in check, even in a time of crisis like this. “It is one thing to suspect that someone is the impostor, but it is an entirely another thing to accuse them of going inside the vent. Green, I hope you are aware of how serious of an accusation you are making here.” Green responded with a strong nod, his lips soon parted apart again but once again, he found himself blocked by Red raising her hand. “Purple, I suppose you are also aware of that.” Red continued, her steely gaze now on the other suspect. Purple’s answer remained a simple one. “Of course.” “Such an accusation means one of you is definitely the impostor and one of you will definitely be thrown out of the ship after we conclude this emergency meeting. Is everyone okay with that?” stated Red and those terms made sense to everyone on the table, causing everyone to nod their heads. “Good. With that being said, are there anyone willing to confirm what Green claims he had seen. Was anyone with him when he supposedly saw Purple venting?” Some shook their heads and the rest just stayed silent. “I was alone.” confirmed Green and while White was no expert on body language she could still see Purple adjusting his sitting position to become an even more confident one after that confirmation. Suspicious, White thought. Did that mean Purple had something to hide? Regardless, White thought it would be a wiser move to keep a close eye on him rather than Green whose control over his emotions were not…strong if White were to put it in the kindest way. That did not necessarily mean Purple, a hundred percent, was a scheming psychopath with a desire to take the ship over but it at least meant he was more likely to be something like that compared to the short-tempered Green. White was also sure the majority of the table would agree with her, well, at least if no game changer came out of this interrogation to suddenly shift the existing narrative. “Purple, tell us what you had been up to since we all parted ways to do our tasks.” asked Red. Purple nodded and adjusted himself in his seat one more time. He probably knew even one contradiction in his story or someone stepping in to call him out on a possible lie would doom him to his death. Even the calmest men could crack under a pressure like that, White knew that. “First of all, I headed to Weapons Room because I had to download some data and upload them back in The Admin Room. While I was there, I saw Yellow clearing the asteroids that were heading towards our ship. Yellow can confirm that as well.” thus began Purple and with a beginning that like that, all eyes on the room were now on Yvette ‘Yellow’. Yellow confirmed the first part of that story immediately: “It’s true.” “We were the only ones there, so Yellow asked if we could buddy up…you know, to be safe from the impostor. If either of us got killed the other could immediately report it and that would make the impostor think twice before trying to kill us. While we are talking about that, I would like to state that if I had been the impostor there would be nothing stopping me from killing Yellow, who is sitting next to me rather…alive. But I am aware that alone is not enough to prove my innocence so let me continue….” continued Purple. The man was a good speaker, White had to give it to him. He had a rather deep and soothing voice, a kind of voice White could listen to for a long time and never get tired of. But still, he was potentially a psychopathic impostor and thus, could not be trusted so easily. “We then made our way to the Admin Room, where I uploaded the data and we swiped our cards after that. While we were about to exit, we also saw Pink entering the room and Brown soon followed after.” Mention of two more crewmates lead to the crew once again turning at them for their confirmation, which came easily from Penny ‘Pink’ and Bruce ‘Brown’. “And soon after we exited The Admin Room, we were on the way to Shields because Yellow had some tasks there she had take care of. But as I went through the door facing the O2, it got sabotaged, separating me and Yellow. And not soo-“ before Purple could go on however, he was interrupted. Green was suddenly on his feet and once again pointing his finger accusingly. White was…disappointed at that. She was really getting into it, listening to Purple telling everything like a master storyteller, but she wasn’t going to admit it to herself. Purple was still the primary subject so White could not let herself fall into his…voice, could she? “And that corridor is where I saw you venting, you bastard! Don’t try to lie to me!” even though Green looked like he was legit about to throw hands in just a second, Red’s stare and anger once again managed to suppress him as Green stood back down to his seat, however, not without letting out a loud grunt. “I didn’t fucking see you there at all.” rebutted Purple. “I waited for the sabotaged door to open because I had no tasks in that area. When it opened back again, Yellow was gone, I don’t know why.” “I went otherways. Didn’t want to lose any time waiting for the door and had another task in the Upper Engine.” Yellow interrupted, giving the reason for their departing. “But before I could reach there, the sirens started and I got back here, like all of you.” Yellow, normally a cheerful and bright member of the crew, sounded off her game. In fact, she did sound like that too when confirming her shared trip with Purple. She sounded…monotone and a little bit tired. Poor girl must’ve been really stressed because of this whole impostor crisis, White thought. Yellow wasn’t a long-tenured member of the crew so it was easier for situations like this to distress her. “That’s because when I saw Purple venting, I immediately went to the cafeteria and and pressed the button! Is this that hard to understand?” said Green, very grumpily. “Isn’t the door supposed to be sabotaged at that point? How did you ‘immediately’ went to the cafeteria, Green? That sounds kind of suspicious to me.” It was Benjamin ‘Black’ who decided to put his two cents in this time. It was rather…hard to admit but the tides really seemed to be gradually turning against Green here. “Of course I waited for the doors to open again, you dumb fuck! Have you got no common sense?” rebutted Green with his usual angry tone, a similar response soon followed by Black again. “Watch your fucking tong-“ “ENOUGH!” When she really wanted to, Red could be the loudest member of the crew. She kind of had to, as a leader figure, White thought. Commanding a crew like that required you to be at least a little bit authoritarian. “You are wasting precious time, gentlemen. Green, tell your story from the beginning. And everyone, if you aren’t going to object to the story, then do NOT interrupt.” said, no, ordered Red. “As soon as we left the cafeteria, I headed eastwards with Blue and Orange…” Just as he was ordered, Green began to speak about what he had done before ‘seeing’ the vent incident. White would really like to listen to it and draw conclusions herself…but she was finding it rather hard to follow his story. First of all, Green telling a story was not as slightly as exciting compared to Purple, who could’ve easily made audiobooks or even find success in a singing career with his voice. So, relatively, Green was a lot more boring and harder to follow. Second, her attention could not be on Green even if she wanted it to be at all. Because it was already transfixed on something entirely different. Black was staring at her, with those deep black eyes of his. They were….intense and Black didn’t look like he had any intention of pulling his gaze away from his fellow crewmate. If White were to describe his eyes, she would definitely call them two black holes. Not just because of their colour but because they had such a powerful gravity around them. They were pulling White in and in.   And it wasn’t just her sight that was locked by something else. Green was still going on with whatever story he had but White paid no attention to it. How could she? Purple’s voice was still ringing in her ears. That deep, even arousing voice of his was telling her to stay put and wait. That was how she was still sitting on her seat while Black’s inviting eyes kept pulling her in magnetically. White stayed put and waited, her eyes still on Black’s own. He was sitting in the seat exactly opposing White so two crew members staring at each other for this long would not look suspicious at all. Not that White could think of that details. She was too busy staring, staying put and waiting, capable of doing nothing else but what the voice told her to do. Some more people were arguing now. White didn’t know what they were saying or even who were arguing at all. If her senses and mind weren’t being assaulted by Black’s gaze and Purple’s voice, she could’ve paid attention to all that. But everything seemed so distant now. Spaceships, crewmates, impostors, tasks, sabotaged doors, ventilation systems…they were so distant now, almost like an old memory, a dream. All that existed was the beautiful pair of eyes and the angelic voice inside her head. Soon, the voice ordered her to be a good girl. White didn’t know how to be a good girl but now that the voice wanted her to be one, she wanted to be a good girl more than anything else in this world. If she could talk, she would’ve begged Purple to teach her how to be a good girl, she would’ve got on her hands and knees and do everything to learn how to become a good girl. But instead, she stayed put, waited and stared. She was fully locked in, trapped between Black’s and Purple’s hypnotic powers. She was rendered useless as a member of the crew, not that it mattered much to White anyway, a concept of a crew didn’t mean anything to her. But being a good girl? That meant everything. And finally, the kind and generous voice told her how to be one! Good girls belonged to impostors. Good girls obeyed impostors. Good girls made sure impostors weren’t ejected out of the ship. Good girls were nothing more than puppets of impostors. Impostors…that might have meant a much more different thing to White before, objects of hate, big threats to their safety, traitors that deserved to spend their entire existence floating in space. But now, they simply owned her. White would do as they ordered, she had no other choice. Even the concept of choice was now completely obsolete in her manipulated brain. Suddenly, Black averted his eyes from hers, breaking their hold on her own eyes. Then, the voice inside his head ordered her to look at Yellow. Their eyes met and White immediately understood Yellow was just like her. Nothing more than a slave to impostors. Two slave-sisters looked at each other for a few seconds before the voice disconnected as well. White’s senses and thoughts were once again set free, but of course, her thought mechanism was entirely modified and turned onto its head by the impostors who owned her entire being. “Of course I was there you dipshit, White saw me in the Storage Room as she passed by.” said Green just a second before everyone in the table turned to her. Yes, White remembered. She remembered seeing Green in Storage before they went opposite ways. She headed to Admin while Green was in the supposed locked corridor. If she were to confirm that, however, it would only strengthen Green’s hand and weaken Purple’s. And that went against her new beliefs. Time was running out, someone was going to be ejected. Good girls made sure the impostors were not ejected. “No, he’s lying. I didn’t see him at all.” lied White. “WHAT? ARE YOU FUCKING BLI-“ exploded Green, with a face whose colour resembled their unofficial leader. Speaking of her, Red was a very pretty woman, wasn’t she? She would serve under the impostors very well, White thought. She was even serving them right now without knowing as she, with the help of Black, physically restrained the accuser. “Shut the fuck up, impostor!” said Red as she pressed Green’s head to the table. “Okay, I’m starting the vote. Anyone in favour of ejecting Green, say ‘yes’.” “Yes.” said Black, first one to do so. “Yes.” said Brown, a little bit uncertain. “Yes.” said Blue, going with the crowd as well. “Yes.” said Pink, she would make a good slave too, White thought. “Yes.” said Purple, with that perfect and commanding voice of his. “Yes.” said Yellow, monotone like before. “Yes.” said Orange, who most likely wanted nothing more than get this over with. “Yes.” said White, she was a good girl. In the end, it took half the crew to keep Green restrained and thrown out of the ship, but one of the potential threats to impostors was now gone and on his way to become an endlessly floating corpse. The meeting was over but the work wasn’t done yet. Once the other male members were ejected and the rest of female members were enslaved like her and Yellow, the ship would belong to the impostors and their slaves. White just hoped the beds in MedBay would be comfortable enough to get fucked on.
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(NK) New Kid
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Pairings: Bang Chan x reader, Jimin x reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Romance
Words: 1799
best friend!Chan, best friend!Jackson
a/n: woah, I completely deleted what I had planned for ch. 5, and so I had to change a few things in ch. 4 before I could upload it. I know it’s been a long time, but school has been demanding so much. and now that we’re online, it’s so much worse. I’ve never had so much busy work. But, here is ch 4. I hope you guys like it. I also added in that Jackson is Y/N best friend, because it’s pretty obvious after the last chapter :) -admin Sam
Prologue, Ch.1, Ch.2, Ch.3, Ch.4, Ch.5 , Ch. 6
Chapter 4
Jungkook had left to pick up dinner for the three of you as you were almost finished for the night. Yoongi was working at the computer, the sounds of clicks and clacks all that you could hear in the room. You had decided to lay down on the couch to rest for a second, holding your phone above your face.
And you should have known it would happen. You dropped your phone right on your bottom lip, letting out a yelp as you quickly sat up, giggling to yourself.
“Are you okay?” He asked, only turning his chair around when you didn’t answer, not able to stop yourself from giggling. He raised an eyebrow in your direction, his face completely serious. You stiffened.
“I dropped my phone on my face, I’m fine,” you sobered up as best you could. Yoongi breathed a laugh, and you could see his gums when he smiled.  
You immediately relaxed. “So, how much more do we have to do?”
He turned back around to the computer “You guys are both really fast when it comes to recording. We really just have to do the harmonies and background. I’m really impressed with you, Y/N, considering you haven’t really recorded a lot.”
“Well, that’s not entirely true,” you paused as he gave you his full attention again. “I pre-record a lot of demo tracks for some of the JYP artists. Ever since I signed the contract at JYP, I’ve been doing a lot of underground work.”
“Have you considered working outside of JYP? I’d be honored if you’d sing for a couple of my songs I’m working on. Maybe a solo debut?” he asked, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.
“I don’t think I’m really ready for that,” you answered timidly.
“What do you mean?” he rolled his chair closer to the couch. You weren’t sure if you wanted to be as openly honest as you would usually be with Jackson or Chan, but there was something about Yoongi that made you want to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. You let out a sigh in resignation.
“Okay, so here’s an extremely hypothetical scenario. Please don’t be offended.” He nodded, indicating for you to continue. “Hidden female artist suddenly makes a song with a male member of an extremely popular idol group. It’s not a song that gets any real income, but it would bring in a lot of clout. People seem pretty okay with it, they’re okay with the collaboration for now. But then, hidden female artist gets solo debut produced by another male member of the same extremely popular boy group. People really start to pay attention, they start rumors. ‘She must have paid someone,’ ‘she’s just in it for the money,’ ‘she’s got to be sleeping with one of them,’ or worse ‘she’s sleeping with both of them or all of them.’ Both the images of the female artist and the entire male idol group are brought down and dragged through the mud,” You took a deep breath, pausing before you continued. “I couldn’t do that to you guys. You guys are making waves, and not just on a musical level. You guys are doing great things, and you’re helping a lot of people. You need good attention, not bad attention, and I think I’d only give you bad attention.”
Yoongi was studying you now, and you averted your eyes to your lap. The room felt suffocating. He was looking at you too hard and you didn’t like the feeling of being under a microscope. “And I mean, I want to finish school  for right now, anyway. I’m good with staying in the background.”
At that moment, Jungkook burst in with food and the suffocating atmosphere diminished with his arrival and the presence of something to eat.
“Chan told me you really like anything chicken as long as it isn’t spicy.” He sat stir-fried chicken and veggies in front of you along with rice, moving along to hand Yoongi his food.
“You asked Chan what I wanted to eat?” You couldn’t believe it. Well, they had become closer friends since they met, and they were the same age as well. Okay, you could definitely believe it.
But you were also incredibly touched by Jungkook’s kindness. He took into consideration what you liked to eat and the fact that you couldn’t have spicy food.
“Well, yeah. How else was I supposed to feed you?”
“I would have eaten anything you’d given me, Jungkook, but thank you. So much,” you stood up, hugging the boy without even thinking.
When you pulled away, you realized what you’d done. “I’m so sorry Jungkook!” You realized a second too late. “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry. I did it without even thinking!”
Jungkook laughed a little, smiling at your cute reaction. “It’s okay Y/N. I know how you are. I’ve seen it enough with both Jackson and Chan. You’re okay.”
You released a huge sigh of relief, flopping back down on the couch.
Yoongi played back the progress while you ate and you put in your two cents about what harmonies where would sound the best. Jungkook really liked your ideas and put his finished food down.
“Jungkook, I want you to add one lower harmony for now on the chorus, and I’ll add only one upper. We’ll check the depth of the result and see if we should add more.”
“I’ve never really heard it explained like that before,” Jungkook laughed at your words.
You laughed his comment off, not wanting to think about if he were making fun of you or not. “Yeah, yeah, now let’s start working.”
He nodded, smiling in excitement as he did as you instructed.
“I can’t believe we almost finished the song in one night,” Jungkook sighed in satisfaction. He had a lot more energy than you did at the moment. You couldn’t remember the last time you stayed up this late.
“I’m sure there are a lot of things that need to be fixed. I think I might want to re-record my part,” you sighed sleepily as you checked the time on your phone. It was well past midnight, getting close to dawn. You had texted your manager earlier, telling her that you’d be done soon. Hopefully she was close by now.
“Thanks for working with me, Y/N.”
Your soft smile easily graced your face. “Of course.”
Your phone beeped, signaling that your manager was waiting for you downstairs. You started taking off the hoodie that Jungkook had given you earlier (it had gotten cold in the studio and you had been freezing – you still were), when he stopped you.
“Keep it for now, it’s gotten cooler outside. Here, let me walk you down,” he offered. You nodded in agreement and thanks. Before you stood, you flipped the hood up. The hoodie was huge and you were warm and snuggly.
You stumbled a little towards the door, your tiredness crashing into you all at once, causing both guys to chuckle. Jungkook grabbed your arm and looped it through his. “I got you, Y/N.”
“Thanks, Kook,” you sleepily called him the nickname that BamBam used on occasion on accident, but Jungkook didn’t seem to mind as he didn’t call you out on it.
He led you to the elevator and tried to keep you steady on the ride down. You were falling asleep while standing up, and this only happens when you have really lacked sleep. You had skipped your crackhead/delirious stage, as you were working really hard on the song, and went straight to your ‘I’m about to pass out, where’s the bed’? stage.
“How about I just carry you the rest of the way?” he chuckled. You were currently slumped against the elevator wall, eyes closed.
You let out a whine. “But I’m fat,” you mumbled. At that exact moment, you stumbled and if Jungkook had not caught you, you would have been sprawled out on the floor, snoring.
“Oh well,” he said as he turned his back you, forcing you to jump on by grabbing your arms and tugging.
“Thank you, Kook. I mean, thank you for being my friend. You’re my friend, right?” You mumbled as you laid your head on his shoulder, your eyes staying closed. He walked out of the elevator and towards the door to the parking garage.
“Yes, I’m your friend.” You could feel his laughter shaking his shoulders.
“You promise?” You liked Jungkook. He was a really good guy, and you wanted your friendship to last past the making of the song. He wormed his way into your life. You had thought you would just work on the song, and you would live your life thinking ‘wow, I’ve met BTS Jungkook and we did a song together!’ but you realized that he was human. He was a person, a good person, and he lived his life similar to how you lived yours. You wanted to be his friend now, a real friend, someone he could lean on if he needed it.
Idols go through much more than people thought, and you’d seen it firsthand with Chan and Jackson. They came to you with their problems, just like you went to them with yours. You wanted to be that kind of friend to Jungkook. He probably doesn’t need you, but you still wanted to be there just in case.
“Yes, I promise, Y/N.” He opened the door, walking to the van where your manager waved him over from the drivers seat. She slipped her mask back up and got out, opening the back door for Jungkook to sit you down, but you didn’t make it to the seat. You crawling onto the van’s floor and curled into a ball, dragging your stuffed animal down from the seat to be your pillow. Mimi laughed, throwing a blanket from the seat over you.
“Wait, let me take a pic and send it to Chan,” he laughed as well.
“Send it to Jackson, too!” you yelled, curling further into yourself. You maneuvered the blank to cocoon you, causing both Mimi and Jungkook to giggle like children.
“I hope you sleep well, Y/N,” Jungkook said as he waved goodbye. You popped a hand up, waving haphazardly back and proceeded to close your eyes and drift off.
Mimi dropped you off close to your college, asking that you text her once you are safely in your dorm. When you got to your dorm building, students were leaving to get to their first class, but you had a clear day. As soon as you were in your room, you sent out texts to Jungkook, Mimi, and, of course, Chan, before throwing yourself into your bed and shutting out the world.
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The Art of WordPress Troubleshooting
It may seem difficult to find out why anything isn't working as planned if you're new to WordPress or even if you have some experience. It would be great if we could just wave a magic wand and have everything “fixed” instantly, but in fact, diagnosing and resolving problems takes a little more effort. Since it would be difficult to outline troubleshooting steps for every possible problem, this post will stick to general troubleshooting. The purpose here is not to clarify how to solve all of your problems, but rather to walk you through the fundamentals of WordPress troubleshooting. Remember that troubleshooting is more of an art than a science, but there are tried-and-true tactics and steps to follow if you get stuck.
The fundamentals
The measures below will help you troubleshoot your WordPress issue.
You should be aware of what you're doing. WordPress has simplified the method. It's possible that it's too easy. As a result, a lot of people are jumping in with no idea what they're doing. You wouldn't get behind the wheel of a car without first learning the fundamentals. For example, learning how to accelerate, brake, move, turn, and so on. Similarly, knowing at least the fundamentals of WordPress is important. Anything, including troubleshooting, becomes simpler with a good understanding of WordPress. And the good news is that there are a zillion different ways to learn WordPress fundamentals. So either do your own research and put it together, or get a copy of my book, The Tao of WordPress, where I bring it all together in a straightforward, succinct manner.
Check out the documentation.
For all themes and plugins, read the readme.txt and/or documentation. Most of the questions I've got in my years working with WordPress are answered in the readme.txt file. A readme.txt file must be included with almost every plugin or theme hosted on WordPress.org. The only way to solve problems is to stop them in the first place, as is the case with many things. Always read the readme.txt and/or other available documentation to ensure you have the knowledge you need to prevent errors when successfully using the plugin or theme. So take a look at the documentation; the answer may be right there waiting for you.
Look under the Help tab.
To get contextual information at any time, go to the Admin Area's "Help" tab. In the upper-right corner of almost every screen in the WP Admin Region, there is a Help tab. By clicking it, you'll get access to valuable information that will help you answer any questions you may have. Good plugins also have healthy Help menus on their websites, which are very helpful for learning how things function and configuring things.
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WordPress Codex is a good place to start.
The WordPress Codex is another good source of knowledge. It goes into great depth on almost every aspect of WordPress. Take some time to read the related pages at the Codex if you get stuck with something or intend on doing something that you may get stuck. It's difficult to go wrong with official documents.
Look for hints.
Getting a handle on a tricky bug or problem may seem to be an impossible task. Especially if you're new to the game and have no experience with the script or issue at hand. Try looking for some relevant details to help you come up with a solution. There is a wealth of WordPress information available online, and chances are that someone has already been there, done that, and written about it. Seriously, WordPress powers over 20% of the Internet, so there's a decent chance you'll find some useful information through a search engine. So look up a few keywords related to your problem and see if someone else has posted a solution, clues, or something else that may help.
Clear your browser's history.
Your browser saves a lot of information about the sites and resources you visit. Be sure to clear your browser's cookies, cache, form info, and/or anything else you're working with to ensure you're checking the most recent code. I prefer to use several browsers, with most of them running in “clean” mode all of the time, with no saved history or results.
WordPress should be updated.
Make sure you're using the most up-to-date versions of WordPress and all of your plugins. It's the most effective way to rule out incompatibility problems caused by running obsolete models.
Make sure you have copies.
Always ensure that you have checked and full backups of your website. Files and databases can both be backed up. It makes no difference how you get there as long as you have backups that can be used to restore previous features if necessary. Remember that backing up your site isn't enough; you still need to verify the backups to ensure that they're complete and functional. Again, regardless of bugs or difficulties, these are the most important things you should be doing. In general, sound advice. Continue reading to learn more troubleshooting methods, tricks, and tips once you've covered these basics.
Consider the facts.
When troubleshooting, think like Spock and try to solve the problem logically. Remember that you're dealing with scripted logic at the end of the day, so finding the source of a problem is technically always possible. In general, troubleshooting entails identifying and replicating the problem, removing irrelevant variables, and running enough tests to confirm the hypothesis. Here's a fast rundown of each of these principles, which will help you break down problems and find possible solutions.
a description
It's nice to be able to explain or identify what you're trying to address in order to grasp it. Using the phrase "Oh noes!" as an example. The phrase “WordPress isn't working!” is simply meaningless. Something more concrete, such as “My homepage is not loading,” would be preferable. “My homepage is not loading the right theme template,” for example, would be even better. Continuing this argument, the definition of the problem would ultimately point to a solution, such as: “When my Reading settings are set to show a static posts page for the front page, my homepage does not load the correct theme template.” In this case, the description necessitates a solution, which would include ensuring that the theme contains the appropriate template file. The better prepared you are to address a problem, the more succinctly you can describe it.
It must be possible to continuously reproduce the problem in order to find a solution. It is possible to test and observe a problem after it has been repeated. Let's say you're using an e-commerce plugin that's having trouble processing those transactions. It works in some cases, but not all of them. Sure, you might start fiddling with settings and codes in the hopes that anything would work. However, being able to reproduce a failed transaction and limit the research to that case would be preferable. Replication means that the decisions you're doing are resulting in the desired result.
Getting rid of something
It's critical to remove as many irrelevant variables as possible before isolating and determining the problem. Let's say you've only triggered 50 plugins all at once (ouch!). And now your front-end pages are not loading. To figure out the plugin (if any) is causing the problem, start by removing as many variables (plugins) as possible. Disabling all plugins and reloading the homepage will reveal whether the problem is caused by one or more of your numerous plugins. If the homepage unexpectedly loads, you can start re-enabling plugins one by one before you find the culprit. The elimination process is a useful tool for troubleshooting almost any problem.
You are now prepared to begin validating potential theories using these techniques. When it comes to troubleshooting, you're basically using the same principles and concepts that are used in scientific research: evaluating current situations, identifying a hypothesis, conducting experiments, analyzing data, and coming to a conclusion. Any beginner literature on the scientific method should be queued up for more serious learning in this area. It's decent material, and it's also a lot of fun :)
Things to stay away from
There's a list of "important" things that will make your life easier with WordPress, and there's a list of things that will make your life more difficult:
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Support in Activation of several plugins in bulk
Don't turn on a slew of plugins at the same time. This is something I see all the time. People install a slew of plugins and then turn them all on at the same time, expecting it to just "run." It's rare that this is the case, so take your time and trigger one plugin at a time. You can then configure the plugin and test its features in a tidy, systematic manner. Otherwise, if you just mass trigger a bunch of plugins and something goes wrong, you won't know which one is to blame and will have to spend a lot of time trying to sort it out.
Plugins and themes with a shady reputation
Get your plugins and themes from WordPress.org whenever possible. If you do use a third-party website, make sure it is credible and reliable. You're taking a huge gamble if you go any lower. Malicious code is often found in plugins and themes distributed via "warez" and "pirate" style "sharing" pages. It's never a good idea to download unauthorized copies of something that involves code (or illegal copies of anything, for that matter). Ignorant people find it far too simple and enticing to inject shady exploit scripts and other malicious nonsense. Sticking to the official source and avoiding shady sites will help keep your site clean and send you peace of mind.
Having a zillion plugins active support
So many times I've logged into someone's site to assist with a problem, only to be confronted with the nightmare scenario of "WAAYY TOOO MANNY PLUGINZZ!!!" Seriously, 10-20 WordPress plugins to get the work done is understandable, but 50 plugins?!?! There are 100 plugins?! There are several exceptions, such as when using plain, dedicated plugins that concentrate on a single/specific mission, but in general, it's better to keep the number of plugins to a minimum. Aside from lectures, I advise people to take a more cautious approach and install only the plugins that are absolutely appropriate. Activating an excessive amount of plugins can just complicate things, increase maintenance load, and waste valuable resources including bandwidth, memory, and time unless you're cautious. In general, more plugins equals more risk.
WordPress support provided by third parties
So, in general, using third-party services and integrating them with your WordPress-powered site is fine and secure. However, it is important to consider the possible drawbacks and repercussions of doing so. Before allowing open access to your database and information, make sure you completely understand what every 3rd-party functionality is doing.
If you're having trouble with something and can't figure it out, check to see if any third-party scripts or plugins are involved, as they may be causing problems. It's one thing to keep track of what you're doing on your website, but it's another to know exactly what improvements Facebook, for example, is making to their API, widgets, and other features. APIs are constantly changing, so if you use one, keep an eye on what it's doing.
Changing the core
Never make changes to the core files while operating with WordPress. The same is true of plugins and themes. Make no changes to the main files. This would just cause further issues and should not be considered a solution to the bug or issue you're trying to fix. If you need to modify core features, use a plugin or the functions.php file in the theme. After all, that is why they live in the first place.
Examine the fundamentals.
It's always a good idea to go through all of the basic troubleshooting measures when in doubt:
Examine the documentation. Relevant details can often be found in the theme or plugin documentation. Known bugs are often documented, along with potential workarounds and solutions. Still, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always This is something I can't stress sufficiently.
Examine all options.
Examine all of the settings and choices of a plugin or theme before using it. Frequently, there will be some mysterious (or obvious) setting that alters the plugin's behavior. So, if you're trying to diagnose and fix a problem, going through each plugin's settings could reveal a quick, one-click fix.
Examine the error logs.
Any website should have an error-logging and access-logging system in place. The ability to examine what, where, where, and why errors and other problems occur on the server is provided by error and access logs. They are a treasure trove of knowledge and are truly indispensable resources for those working online. If you're not sure where your site's access/error logs are, ask your host; they should be happy to point you in the right direction.
Examine the functions.php file.
Check any custom scripts that might have been added via the theme's functions.php file if you're trying to diagnose a theme-related problem. To decide whether any code in functions.php is at fault, look for any newly implemented functions or use the halving process.
Check for grammatical errors.
How many times have you tracked down a problem to a simple syntax error? This has happened to me many times. Take a fresh look at the code you're dealing with while you're troubleshooting and look for any subtle typos or other coding errors. Take a break before doing so to refresh your eyes and look at the code from a different angle, or ask a coworker to look at it for you. Hopefully, whatever code-editing program you're using includes syntax highlighting, making any mistakes easy to find.
Additional information
Also, note to verify the following while troubleshooting:
• wp-config.php directives with custom directives • Custom directives in the php.ini configuration file • Custom directives in any.htaccess file (s) • The server's control panel can be used to set up settings and instructions.
If any of these things are present, they can cause problems. Make a comprehensive investigation!
Return to the previous place.
If you get lost when working on your blog, go through your previous acts again. This is known in web development as "rolling back" to a previous version or build. For example, if you recently updated an excellent plugin and the new version is causing issues, you may want to roll back to the previous version, at least until the error can be recorded and fixed (i.e., don't stick with an old version). Similarly, if anything stops working properly when you're making improvements to your site, try "undoing" any previous measures. You know, revert to the last documented working state and start over. This will often expose any errors or incompatibilities.
Mode of debugging
Running WordPress in "debug" mode is another perfect way to troubleshoot. Debug mode displays bugs, alarms, and notes that can reveal valuable details about what's going on (or not going on) underneath the hood. You can allow debug mode by setting WP DEBUG to true in the wp-config.php file, as described in the WP Codex: allow debug mode with define('WP DEBUG', true); After you've completed your checks, convert true to false (without the quotes) to switch off debug mode. For more details, see the WP Codex. There are some excellent debugging plugins available at the Plugin Directory, in addition to WordPress' built-in debugging functionality:
• AskApache Debug Viewer • Debug Bar • Debug Objects
Debugging code is a vital part of the creation process, and if the authors of your themes and plugins are doing their jobs correctly, debugging should show that everything is as clean as possible. Contact the creator if you find a flaw in a theme or plugin. If you find a bug in the WordPress center, follow the steps outlined in the WordPress Codex's Reporting Bugs guide.
Create a default WordPress installation.
If a plugin or theme on your current WordPress site isn't running, try setting up a test installation of WordPress. Most themes and plugins are tested at least on a default WordPress setup, so replicating that environment will give you a baseline and allow you to check that all is working as intended. It also allows you to compare the discrepancies between a standard WordPress site and a site where a theme or plugin isn't working.
No modifications should be made to the default installation, which should be exactly as it came out of the package. Make no changes to the settings, plugins, or themes. This provides you with a suitable forum for checking theme and plugin functionality. Let's assume you're designing a WordPress site and you've tweaked the settings quite a bit. Then you install a new plugin, and something goes wrong or the plugin doesn't work as it should. Having a default WordPress installation available makes it simple to see if the plugin works in the first place. Simply install and trigger it on a standard WordPress installation to see how it works. If it works, you should start looking into the inconsistencies between your site and the test site. Continue by recreating your site on the test site, checking each step to see if the plugin (or whatever script) stops working. This will show you which part of your configuration is interfering with the plugin. If, on the other hand, the plugin does not function with the default WordPress installation, you can contact the plugin creator for assistance.
The database should be reset.
If you're working on a new site with no content, you may want and try resetting the database to see if that helps. There are a few good plugins for doing this (see links below), but you can also do it manually by deleting the old database and visiting the installation file, /wp-admin/install.php, in your browser. As a result, the installation process will begin and the database will be recreated from scratch.
Resetting the database after playing with a bunch of new themes and plugins is a perfect way to clean up any leftover data before finalizing configuration and customization for output, even though there are no problems with your site. • Database Reset for WordPress • WordPress Reset Other options and tools for interacting with the WordPress database can be found in the Plugin Directory.
Restart the method.
If all else fails and the problem is too complex to troubleshoot or reverse engineer, try installing WordPress from scratch and rebuilding your site piece by piece. Yes, setting up a new database and installing WordPress takes time, but it allows you to identify the problem when it arises in the timeline of your site's growth. In certain cases, simply resetting the database and uploading a new collection of files would solve the problem. When things get too difficult, starting over might be the answer.
Plugin troubleshooting
If something stops working after you trigger or upgrade a plugin or theme, it's most likely the plugin or theme that's to blame. This is why it's a good idea to install and configure plugins one by one, checking for proper functionality as you go. If you're not sure which plugin or theme is causing the problem, there's a tried-and-true method for figuring it out. Here's how it works in general:
1. Some features aren't working properly. 2. Temporarily disable all plugins to diagnose the problem. 3. Then, one by one, reactivate each plugin, checking for proper functionality after each.
If you're troubleshooting a specific plugin, you can switch off all other plugins except that one. The aim is to eliminate variables so that you can figure out which plugin (if any) is causing the problem. Here's a diagram to help you imagine the procedure: I've used this tool dozens of times to separate problematic plugins on client pages with a large number of plugins. It could be easier to set up a test WordPress installation if your site has a lot of plugins.
Themes troubleshooting
Essentially the same concept as troubleshooting plugins, but with themes instead of plugins. Switching to one of the default WordPress themes, for example, will help you figure out whether your theme is to blame for a tricky bug. If the bug persists, it's not your theme's fault. If the bug vanishes, the problem is most likely with your theme.
Troubleshooting basic problems examples
These basic examples demonstrate several troubleshooting measures for diagnosing specific issues. Following the reasoning behind each move can give you a better understanding of how to apply this approach to general troubleshooting.
The shortcode does not work.
A recent support desire provides an excellent illustration of the troubleshooting process. The desire was to assist in determining why a shortcode on the web was not working. Here's the gist of my answer, which describes some rational steps to take to rule out extraneous variables and pinpoint the problem's source: • Try some other 3rd-party shortcode to see if shortcodes work • Try the shortcode on a different Post/Page to rule out location as the problem • To rule out location as an issue, use the shortcode in any widgetized sidebar. • To see if there's a problem, try placing the shortcode in the WP text widget. • Try the shortcode in the default WP theme to rule out any theme-related issues?php echo do shortcode('[shortcode]');?> in theme template • Disable plugins to see if there are any problems in that department. This isn't an exhaustive list of items to look for while troubleshooting shortcodes, but it was enough to get the individual to figure things out and fix the problem.
Email is not working properly.
But you're having trouble getting email to work in WordPress? (or anywhere else for that matter). It seems that WordPress isn't sending the emails. Alternatively, the emails could have been sent but not received. Or, if only Hotmail or another special service is used, the message is not sent (s). When dealing with email problems, bear in mind that there are a number of factors to consider, including:
• WordPress • Active WP theme • Plugins • Custom scripts • Server software • Hosting rules/policy • DNS/domain protocols • Network features • Spam-blocking scripts • 3rd-party providers such as Gmail, Hotmail, and others • Email headers
Email is one of the most complicated items to troubleshoot because of all of these factors. Check Email is a plugin that can help rule out a few of these possibilities. You can start there and work your way up until you've figured out what's wrong. The check-email plugin determines whether the problem is caused by WordPress or something else. Unfortunately, fixing email problems necessitates some detective work, so roll up your sleeves and get to work ;)
The updates aren't running.
There are a number of things to consider when it comes to automatic/one-click updates: • Look for any revealing mistakes in the site's error log. • Troubleshoot active theme • Troubleshoot plugins (security plugins, firewall plugins, and so on) (custom scripts in functions.php, etc.) • Look for any custom code in wp-config.php • Look for any relevant.htaccess directives • Check the server for any firewall or interfering rules • Check the web host for any firewall or interfering rules
Check out DigWP.com's What to Do When Auto-Update Fails for a more in-depth look at the different factors that may be causing this issue. In addition, the following tools may be useful when diagnosing outbound HTTP requests:
• HTTP Requests Testing • License Activation Troubleshooting • Server Test Plugin
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Getting Support with WordPress Help
There are several resources available to assist you with WordPress. Of course, doing a few fast searches for your favorite search engine is the fastest way to find out what you're searching for. If you're having trouble with a particular plugin, for example, check the Web for the plugin's name as well as any related keywords. If you can't find something useful, here are some general tools for assistance:
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• WordPress Support Forums • WordPress Codex Guide to Troubleshooting • WordPress 3.5 Master List • WordPress Codex Guide to Finding Aid • WordPress IRC Live Help • WordPress Questions • List of WordPress Developers & Designers
As you progress with WordPress, familiarizing yourself with these tools will be beneficial. You should be able to find almost everything if you're good at searching. If you can't find something useful, you might need to contact a developer.
Prior to requesting support,
After you've exhausted all possible troubleshooting options, you may want to seek assistance from a developer or another support source. Here's what you should include in your help desire:
• Any appropriate screenshots showing what's happening • The name and context of any associated error messages • A straightforward, concise description of the problem and how to replicate it • • Any measures or possible solutions that you've already attempted • The URL of your blog and/or any related articles or pages • The name(s) of any relevant plugin or theme
It's also a good idea not to bombard your developer with too many desires at once. It's far easier to seek assistance with one problem at a time. It is polite to do so, and it also helps to keep contact coordinated and on track.
Keep it genuine.
Working on the internet necessitates troubleshooting. Bugs and problems are an unavoidable part of our work. Debug and troubleshooting routines are well-established among experienced developers, and beginners should put their skills to the test as much as possible. The next time you get stuck, use this guide to help diagnose and resolve the issue. Troubleshooting on your own is a valuable skill to have, and it will save you a lot of time in the long run.
Details to Know Follow:
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saintsnsinnersbdb · 5 years
Teaching Manners
Written by @TorhSASRP and @Leethall_SASBDB.
Tohr: *Following my talk with the Cop, I head back downstairs after dropping by the kitchen for a quick pot of coffee to take with me. I still had some business to attend to though that was supposed to happen after the trainees left.
I wasn’t about to hurry that along, as I knew it would be no good to risk Rhage coming by to see how the trainees were doing and seeing his son speaking to another Brother. Not exactly good territory to pop into, besides Rhage had no idea what I had planned aside from a little interrogation, lowkey obviously considering Leethall wasn’t exactly an enemy. Just a very loose cannon that needed straightening.
Inside the office I continued my admin work for a few more hours while drinking the coffee. Once I was done, I changed out of my everyday-wear and into my leathers, as if I was about to go outside. Family or not, Leethall was still walking into an interrogation, not a casual chat. I needed to look like a Brother, since I would be acting as one. I placed myself dead center on the gym-mat, my shitkickers sinking into the blue material as it gave way under my weight. A good signal of raw power and authority to send indeed.*
Leethall: Leethall spent his time pacing around his assigned room. Frustrated with the King and Queen’s decisions about his punishment were flying high and he was about as pissed off as he could be. Not only had they demanded he worked for a Shadow of all things but he was also to take part in the Brotherhood training program, taking orders from a group of males he had no respect for in any way, shape or form. But as a cherry on top of the fuck-you cake, he was required to start bonding with his father, the Brother Rhage. Or try to, at the very least. If not for his own sake then because it was his mahmen’s wish.
Leethall was very aware of that and obviously, so was the Queen. He got changed into the sports clothing that had been provided for him and started heading down into the gym, knowing he was getting 1-on-1 training with the Brother Tohrment for the night, though Leethall didn’t quite know why the special treatment. Could it be because he was confirmed to be directly blood-related to a Brother? It that was the case, they were just as stuck-up as he had always thought them to be. Fucking elitists so far up their own ass, they forgot the moon shines at night.
Once down in the training center he saw Tohrment, fully geared in black leather and probably armed to the teeth. The Brothers were said to always be armed, especially when dressed in their signature look, just like Tohrment was now. Leethall got onto the mat, his blue eyes fixed on the male in front of him. Clearly this was not going to be much about flapping jaws.
Tohr: *I watched as Leethall entered the gym, looking just like any other trainee. Fuck, the little shit looked so much like Hollywood, it was almost uncanny. Same walk, the same blue eyes, chiseled face though the hair was a bit darker than Rhage’s. They could almost be brothers, but I guess that was natural given how young Hollywood was when he assisted Leethall’s mahmen in her needing. But no time for observing the family resemblance. For now, I had an interrogation to get through. An interrogation and a manual adjustment of attitudes.*
So … you’re the kid that’s been driving Rhage up the walls and had him howling to the moon like a fucking wolf, hmm? You don’t look like much, but of course…
*With lightning speed I slam my fist into Leethall’s jaw, leaving a nice bruise to form.*
I can fix that part of you. Or rather, I can beat out that attitude you carry around. Might turn you into something mildly agreeable.
*I say as I start using every fighting skill I have from my time in the Brotherhood, beating the little punk to an absolute pulp. As much as I enjoy seeing the kid bruise up and feeling his bones give way under my fists and feet, I know I need to stop, to get some information out of him. The kid didn’t just appear out of thin air, he was hiding somewhere. And something had brought him out of hiding, and I needed to find out what it was.
I stop the beating as I managed to get the kid into a death-hold, pressing him onto the floor and letting him feel how easily I could break his arms if I wanted to.*
Now let’s have a little chat, shall we? Why did you come to Caldwell? *I ask, my voice harsh and my tone leaving no doubt I wasn’t in the mood for any lip or bullshit answers.*
Leethall: Leethall was just about to spit a response back at Tohrment, objecting to him not being agreeable, when the fist hit him square in the jaw. In hindsight, Leethall would often wonder why the hell the thing didn’t shatter from the punch. In the here-and-now however, all he could do was try to defend himself from the onslaught of fists, knees, feet and whatever else coming his way from the Brother.
Leethall wasn’t an unskilled fighter and certainly not an inexperienced one, yet up against Tohrment, a seasoned veteran and a Brother, Leethall might as well have been newly transitioned and still getting used to his body. He could barely get a punch in, but did manage to slam his shoulder into Tohr’s chest, pushing the brother back. Bad. Fucking. Move. As a result, Leethal fell right into a tight grip, being bent over with his arms locked behind his back, dangerously close to snapping.
He growled from frustration, his temper starting to show, though Tohr’s almost booming voice kept him levelled. Of all things, the Brother was interrogating him, mid-battle. To hell with his snarkiness, Leethall needed to cough up answers. Might as well make the best of things, and he was in town to help. Might as well alert the Brothers as to why he was there.
“I picked up a rumour … females getting captured by lessers. I came to investigate and a lesser informant outside of Caldwell dropped the name of a bar, but it was a dead end.” Leethall said, gritting his teeth to endure the pain the hold was causing him. “The lessers might be trying to starve the race to extinction or some shit like that. They’re sick enough to try.”
Leethal trembled under Tohr’s hold, wanting to break free but not willing to risk the well-being of his limbs in the process.
Tohr: *The shoulder in my chest surprised me. Who knew the kid would be bold enough to try a full on bodyslam? Gutsy, but far from a good idea in terms of technique and gaining the upper hand. Brute force was not always the best way of fighting, as proven by the hold I’d gotten the kid into as I interrogated him.
I listened to the kid giving me the information, and so far it wasn’t sounding like a complete bunch of lies. Certainly what he said about the lessers being sick was beyond true. Though the lack of detail was something I couldn’t let go*
Where did you pick up the rumor?! *I ask and give his arms a yank. I’m not even close to letting him go just yet*
Leethall: Leethal let out a groan of pain as Tohr continued the hold, pulling at him as he continued the interrogation. Clearly Tohr was not going to let up until he had a full picture, and as Leethall remembered the punishment he had been given by the King and Queen, he wasn’t about to hide anything. Might as well bring out the entire truth and holyfully gain control of his body again before he ended up in the infirmary for weeks.
“Friend of mine has a safehouse out west. Her cousin disappeared and she asked me to have a sniff around, see what I could come up with. I followed a trail of lessers back to the city but it was a dead end. Before I could pick up a new lead, Ehlena was being attacked by lessers and I saved her … then she brought me here. You know the rest.”
Leethall said everything in more of a hurry than he had intended. It came out as if he had blurted but he didn’t pay it much attention. He wanted Tohr to let go, and this seemed to be the one way of achieving that.
Tohr: *I listen to the kid talk and talk, everything adding up. If he was telling the truth, they had a real shitshow on their hands. Females going missing was not a good thing by any means. Could the lessers be targetting females for their torture cabins? Fuck, I hope not.*
I’m going to need her contact info, including her name and how to reach her. We’re going to look into this.
Leethall: Leethall nodded. “I’ll text them to you. Her name, address and her phone number.” He swore and closed his eyes to withstand the pain. He gritted his teeth and he could feel Tohrment put his weight into the hold, putting immense pressure on his body.
Tohr: *I smirk as I lean in over the kid, knowing he can feel my weight and is dangling close to the edge of his knees buckling under him.Yet, I can’t help but admire him for keeping up the fight and enduring the torture as well as he does. It’s impressive, to say the least.*
Now just one more thing before we’re done. Rhage is my Brother, annoying as fuck but deep down a good guy and someone who has my back always. If I ever hear that you mouthed off to him again, hurt him in any way or acted like a prick in his vicinity, rest assured it won’t just be me peeling the skin off your ass. It will be every brother taking turns kicking your face in until even the scribe virgin won’t recognize you as one of her own, you feel me kid?!
*With force, I push the kid to the ground, releasing my hold before I walk away.* Hit the showers, kid. You’re untrained and unrefined but we’ll fix that soon enough. You have potential. *I call out as I walk off. I fish out my cell-phone and send a group text to my Brothers.*
~We have a major fucking problem. Meeting ASAP.~
Leethall: Leethall fall to the floor with an embarrassing yelp, his body sore from the very little training session he had gotten. Sparring with Tohrment was definitely different than the street-brawling Leethall had participated in before. Of course, he was sure that him being cooped up in a medical suite for a few days hadn’t helped. He was out of shape and unaware that Tohr would be so direct in the training. But nonetheless, the problem he had come to investigate was now being looked into by the Brotherhood. Perhaps not all a bad deal.
He hurried to the showers and got himself cleaned up, noticing his face getting a little wonky from the bruises Tohr had provided. Fucking brillint. Another thing to tell Mehgan when he saw her next. Rather, if he saw her again. His little show with Rhage when she had last been there hadn’t exactly earned him any gentlemale points and he wouldn’t blame her if she decided not to see him again based on how much of an ass he had been. Fuck, he really needed to stop being angry at the guy and instead follow the Queen’s demand, not to mention his mahmen’s last wish.
“Get a family, if you are so able,” he mumbled and shook his head. At that point he decided to try and be less of an asswipe and be more open. Perhaps starting with apologizing to Rhage … well shit, apologizing to his father. And accept that he had a father now. Yeah, that’d be a good start, and if he didn’t get his ass further kicked, that’d be good too.
Tohr: *I meet up with my Brothers in Wrath’s study. My arms folded and my brow furrowed. Good thing vampires didn’t wrinkle easily or I’m sure I’d look like Fritz by now. I had previously called Leethall’s contact in the west and have written up a small report based on what she had told me.*
Leethall informed me that females are going missing in Caldwell and it’s been confirmed by a few sources both in and out of the city, *I say as I start pacing.* So, is Lash up to his old tricks? We haven’t seen tortured bodies left dead in a long while and he doesn’t trust the lessers after the Omega replaced his Fore Lesser with his boy toy. So, what is the Omega’s plan? These lessers are targeting females and keeping them and we need to figure out why and where and then put a top to that operation before information is spilled. *I say and look to my Brothers as a whole.*
We need the civilians to know that if anyone goes missing, we need to know immediately, and the families need to arrange for emergency accommodation. No safe-houses or anything, but temporary housing the victims will not know of. *I continue and shake my head.* Then we can stake out the family homes in case the lessers return, hoping we put a stop to this before a new wave of raids can happen. We don’t need that kind of purge on our hands, not again.
0 notes
squishysvt · 7 years
Get Away
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Member: Johnny (NCT) Word Count: 2,427  A/N New admin here! I got inspired to write this while on my June teenth camping trip and I loosely based it on a few events that happened while on it. Despite whatever vibe the title gives, this isn’t angst (saving that for another day hehe). I’d like to thank the other admins for giving me plenty of support with my writing, especially Admin Sierra and Madi! Okay, I’ll shut up before I start rambling (more than I already have), hope you enjoy! -Admin Ay
*quick warning that there’s a tiny bit of cursing here*
 “Yo, pack your bags, loser! We’re going camping!”
 Your previously planned luxurious night of sipping on apple juice and scrolling through Instagram was ruined with the loud bang of your door being opened. You barely had time to flinch as your best friend towered in front of your sprawled figure on your living room couch.
 “Johnny, why the hell are you in my house?” You swung your legs out of the way to make space for the intruder to sit next to you.
 “Well, you left the door unlocked for starters. Which is a habit you need to fix by the way. What if I was a murderer?”
 You rolled your eyes. “Yes, mom.”
 “Anyway, hurry and go pack we’re camping for the next few days.”
 “I don’t remember agreeing to this.”
Before you could say anything else Johnny quickly picked you up off of the couch, throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you to your room. Strings of curses turned into giggles as he tossed you onto your bed and tickled you.  When you finally calmed down Johnny leaned down to your ear, a different kind of fluttering sensation in your chest than what was caused by your laughing.
 He whispered, “Pack your bags.”
 Knowing Johnny could be pretty stubborn if he wanted to be, you sighed as you rolled out of your soft mattress to pick out stuff you might need. After a good five minutes staring at your empty rucksack you remembered that you haven’t actually camped before. The closest experience to it being that one time when you were little and your dad pitched a small tent in the backyard that you never actually slept in. The sounds of little creatures scurrying around outside scared you far too much to stay in it.
 “Johnny, what am I even supposed to bring?!” You yelled once you realized he was not still in the room with you.
 “Look it up! You have internet!” Johnny’s response came back muffled, most likely from stuffing his face with food from your kitchen.
 When you had finally pulled up a few things on Pintrest, you sighed.
 “I’m gonna need a bigger bag.”
 The car ride to whatever campsite Johnny had planned to go to was mostly you going through different scenarios in your head, each ending in either you or Johnny dying, or maybe even both.
 Noticing the nervousness practically radiating off of you, Johnny rested one of his hands on your knee. “Chill, it’s all good in the hood.”
 “I’m not all that experienced with nature, okay? What if a water moccasin gets into our tent? Or–”
 “What the hell is a water moccasin?”
 “It’s those fucking snakes that swim in water!”
 “Well, I mean, I don’t even think those things live at the place we’re going to?”
 “What about other snakes?! What about possums? Those things are vicious. Did you know armadillos carry leprosy? I could get skin disease!”
 “You know an awful lot about animals you don’t like.”
 “I need to have the upper hand if I ever see one. Know all their weaknesses and all that. Have you even camped before?”
 Johnny winced. “Technically…no”
 Your face darkened in horror. You were being lead into a death trap. Neither of you had experience in surviving in the outdoors. If the animals didn’t get you, the insects would, if it wasn’t the insects, it would be the weather, if it wasn’t the weather…
 “(Y/N), stop over thinking things, okay? Have a little faith in me.”
 You decided not to respond. The last time you trusted Johnny, you got a 50 on one of your tests. The horrendous grade made you swear that you would never let him help you study your class material ever again. However, his hand that still hadn’t moved from it’s position on your leg grounded you a little. Maybe everything would turn out alright.
  A small jolt and the sound of the car’s gear shift causes you to slowly open your eyes. It takes a few seconds to realize where you were, you notice Johnny is already out of the car. When you finally decide to come out and help, you’re met with his lanky self attempting to carry all of the bags at once. The sight of Johnny swaying back and forth with the items caused you to chuckle.
 “Do you need any help, you dumb giant?” The sentence coming out feathery, Johnny’s struggling still managing to tickle you.
 “What does it look like?”
 You smiled as you took your rucksack and another unfamiliar bag, probably filled with a whole bunch of Johnny’s unnecessary gadgets, from his hands. Spotting a picnic table nearby, you set the bags on it and turned back to Johnny. He was also making his way to the table. Normally with his uselessly long body Johnny would have probably taken half the time you did to get where you currently were, but the large amount of bags he carried slowed him down immensely. Rolling your eyes every time he dropped something, you decided to meet him halfway and take some of the load off his hands before something broke.
 “So what are we supposed to set up the tent or something now?” You asked once everything was put down.
 “Assuming you don’t want to sleep outside in the dirt, I would think so.”
 You scowled at the tone he used. The two of you normally went back and forth but it was normally more light hearted than anything. “Dang, what’s with the attitude?”
 Johnny sighed, “Sorry I just…it’s just been a bad week. I barely got any sleep last night and I got fired from my dumb summer job–”
 “Is that why you wanted to go on this sudden camping trip? To get away or something?” Your words had come out a bit muffled as you hugged Johnny, your face buried in his chest.
 “Something like that”
 The both of you stayed in that position for a while, enjoying each other’s presence in the quiet nature around you. The nervousness the thought of staying in the outdoors gave you was long gone. You sighed as you reluctantly pushed away from Johnny.
 “Let’s get that tent put up now.”
 The tent materials were surprisingly heavy, causing you to groan as you picked them up. Johnny automatically moved to take the bag out of your hands when he heard you struggling.
 “Jeez, let me help you with that before you hurt yourself, princess.” He winked as you pouted at him.
 “Do you even know how to put up that thing?”
 “Uh, no. That’s why I have instructions.”
 To your surprise, Johnny had managed to set up the tent in around 10 minutes. You gave him a very impressed nod, Johnny giving a very smug smirk in response. The stroking of his ego may have been a bit of a mistake, but you were too happy that his mood seemed a little lighter than before to care. While he had been setting up the tent you put up your two chairs. You had also taken out sandwiches for you to eat and to feed Johnny every time he took a small break. This left you with nothing much to do since it was not dark enough to start a campfire yet.
 “Now what?”
 Johnny looked around the area to find something to do, soon gaining a rather mischievous look on his face. “Why don’t we skinny dip in that creek over there?”
 You felt your face heat up at the suggestion and slapped his shoulder in annoyance.
 “Okay, maybe not skinny dip but we can still swim in it.” He started towards the body of water and you followed him.
 “But I don’t have a swim suit,” you stated.
 “Neither do I.” Johnny smirked at you. Seriously, he smirked way to much and you were starting to wonder when he started the annoying (and sort of heart fluttering) habit of his.
 Once again your face had darkened in horror as he began to take off his shirt and jump into the creek.
 “Johnny, what the hell you could get hurt?! How do expect your clothes to get dry?! You could get sick!”  
 Despite your panic Johnny only laughed. “Come on, (Y/N)! I can dry off by the fire. Stop being such a square and have a little fun!”
 When you had managed to convince yourself that everything was fine you (hesitantly) stepped into the water as well. The water was cold, contrasting to the summer heat. It took you a second to get used to with Johnny splashing you with water constantly, but once you did you began to loosen up. Soon you and Johnny were enjoying yourselves in the water. Both of you had lost track of time until Johnny had pointed out the sun starting to set and decided to head back to the campsite and start a campfire.
 You had decided to pull out your speaker and play music from your phone as Johnny started the fire. Initially you had planned to sit down and rest as Johnny got the flames going, but in the end he had been struggling way too much and you had to eventually step in and do it yourself.
 “Uh, looks like you got it so I’ll go ahead and take out the stuff for the s’mores.”
 You only nodded and hummed in response, trying to remember your dad’s random survival tips on how to start a fire.
 “Did you by chance bring any skewers to roast the marshmallows with, (Y/N)?”
 You took your attention away from the fire towards the parked car where Johnny was rummaging through the car’s trunk. You shook your head until you realized he wasn’t look at you and spoke up.
 “No, I didn’t even know we were gonna do s’mores tonight.”
 “Haha, well shit I forgot to bring them. I’ll go snap some twigs from trees to use.”
 Bringing your attention back to the sparks you were creating you only nodded.
 “Don’t get bit by a snake,” you sighed distractedly.
 Once you had finally gotten the fire started you had noticed that Johnny had been gone quite a while. Getting worried you got up to call him when a high shriek interrupted you. Alarmed you ran into the direction of the noise and was met with Johnny doubled over in pain and holding his hand.
 You started to panic.
 “Johnny are you okay? What happened?”
 You moved Johnny to stand up straight and grabbed his hand to get a good look at it. His face scrunched up in pain while he groaned.
 “I got stung by a bee.”
 At his words your head snapped up.
 “Are you kidding me? Ugh, I hate you so much sometimes.”
 You grabbed Johnny’s hand and led him to the picnic table to sit down. You then marched to the cooler holding your drinks and grabbed a handful of ice.
 “What are you,” you put the ice in the hand where Johnny was stung, “Fuck, that’s cold!”
 Before he could drop the cubes of ice you stopped him. “Shut up and stop being a wuss. The ice will reduce the swelling so make sure it’s on the sting.”
 Johnny looked at you surprised. “How’d you know to do that?”
 “Didn’t I tell you I like to keep the upper hand with these type of things?”
 Both of you laughed and made your way to sit next to the burning campfire. Johnny took a bundle of sticks from his pocket.
 You smiled, “Yeah, when you finish roasting your marshmallows I’ll make yours for you. Being one handed and all.” You pointed at his hand holding the ice.
 After eating more s’mores than probably healthy and drying up, you and Johnny decided to head to bed. As Johnny made his way to the picnic table that his sleeping bag laid on top of, you felt a sinking feeling in your stomach.
 “I forgot my sleeping bag.”
 Your small voice caused him to look up to hear you better.
 “My sleeping bag. I forgot it.”
 Johnny coughed at your statement. “Um…I guess you’ll have to sleep with me…?”
 The suggestion caused you to blush and look away. Sure the both of you were friends and you didn’t mind skinship, but sleeping together? That was unexplored territory. Before your mind could wander towards the unknown scenarios of the night you shuffled towards the tent.
 “Yeah, okay. Let’s go. I’m tired from all that swimming.” The sound of your voice leaving your mouth caused you to cringe. It coming out in a higher pitch than intended.
 Once both of you were in the tent and settled the sleeping bag in the right position, you both didn’t really know what to do. You soon got tired of the awkward atmosphere surrounding Johnny and you and decided to take the lead in the situation.
 You huffed, “So are you going to lay down first or am I?”
 Johnny seemed to have snapped from his original state of mind after you spoke. “You first, princess. Make yourself comfortable.” To put more emphases on his use of the word “princess,” he bowed and pointed in the direction of the sleeping area.
 You rolled your eyes at the gesture. “Gee, thanks.”
 You crawled into the somewhat large sleeping bag and wriggled around to get yourself comfortable and stared at Johnny as he slid into the bag as well. He was about to zip it up until you nudged him.
 “Don’t. It’s hot and you’re so huge half of you might have to stick out anyway.”
 Johnny giggled and threw an arm and a leg over you.
 “Stop being annoying.”
 Rather than pushing him away however, you turned so that you were facing each other and threw an arm and leg over his body as well. With the eventful day slowly weighing on you, you slowly began to fall asleep. The rise and fall of Johnny’s chest and his steady heartbeat gave you comfort.
 It was then when you heard a soft “I love you,” from the male. If you had been a more awake condition, you probably would have been in shock.
 But you weren’t.
 So you allowed yourself to be entranced by Johnny’s warm embrace and the quiet of the nature around you, and slept.
 The two of you both would have to save the conversation about your future relationship for in the morning, when you both woke up sweaty from the heat.
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penumbra-rp · 5 years
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Congratulations Ricci, you have been accepted for the role of Marlene Mckinnon!
Thirty’s a dirty word for a young woman. Simultaneously, she’s failed to grow up yet succeeds in decaying. Grief doesn’t die, and nor does guilt, but kinder feelings perish slowly, driving Marlene to sigh through Order meetings, feeling hope’s rotting carrion reek a new stench of cynicism. She admits to nobody that she doesn’t believe in any of it. Still, she tries to cling to their ideals, praying that she might earn something for herself as a witness to the sincerity of their hope, waiting for a spark of life to reawaken amidst their earnestness of their idealism.
Admin Becky: Marlene has shaken off her past and shed the weight of perfectionism like a creature determined to find a new, more comfortable skin to grow into. Her stubborn cynicism will undoubtedly help keep the Order grounded, whilst those who dream of cutting corruption out of society may provide her with sparks of hope to alight the kindling of blind rebellion in her chest. I adore how she has formed a sense of maternal kinship towards all those looking to do the same, turning her into something of a figurehead, a beacon, for all those who are lost in the world as she had once been. It makes her so perfect for the Leaky Bucket, her sharpness enough to defend a place that is much a home to some people as it is a refuge.
Please check out our checklist for joining Penumbra.
01. Out of Character
NAME: Ricci
AGE: 20
PRONOUNS: she/her
02. In Character
CHARACTER: Marlene McKinnon
FACECLAIM: I’d like to play Sonoya Mizuno because having no titties is integral to Marlene as a person.
[ + ] Diligent - Though most may assume such based on the careless with which she carries herself, Marlene isn’t lazy, just selective about what matters to her. When she finds something she cares about, she puts her all into making it work. Seeing the fruit of heartful labor is incredibly rewarding for her.
[ + ] Understanding - An unexpectedly sharp mind accompanies a secretly tender heart, and the combination allows Marlene to easily see situations through the eyes of others… when she wants to.
[ + ] Maternal - Deny it she may, but behind her mask of recklessness and flippancy is a woman that cares deeply about the people in her life. She notices that Order members are getting younger and younger and is overwhelmed with the desire to protect them, wanting to save them from suffering from the same cynicism she regards the world with.
[ + ] Bold - Whether it’s feigned or not is up to debate, but Marlene carries herself with a certain kind of confidence, unwilling to expose her vulnerabilities to anybody she isn’t close to. She isn’t afraid to take risks if it’s for something she cares about or believes in.
[ + ] Self-destructive - Her past history with family deaths and abandonment has left residues of self-loathing within her. Though not explicitly self-hating, Marlene occasionally regards her life with very little care, preferring thrill and adrenaline over her own welfare and safety.
[ + ] Hedonistic - When the working day is done: girls – they wanna have fun. Girls just wanna have fun. That’s all they really want.
[ + ] Irresponsible - It’s the first thing anybody notices. Laid-back and free-spirited as she is, Marlene prefers not to take herself, or life, seriously, preferring to face the tragedies of the world with a sharp wit and a strange, vulgar sense of humor. If life’s a joke, be the first to laugh, she says.
[ + ] Turbulent - Though never easily angered, Marlene is prone to bouts of mania and sadness, her emotions as ever-shifting as the earth’s climate ( thank you, Carrow energies ). She is driven less by ambitions and more by impulses, riding the next new wave of excitement whenever it comes.
- Marlene McKinnon is twenty-six years old when her mother takes her own life. Midori, she says, nervous fingers flicking the corners of a page she has yet to read as her gaze lifts to meet the pairs of eyes stare, with scrutiny or with pity, at the newly-orphaned woman standing behind the funeral parlor podium. It should be easy to talk about a woman so many had loved (West End loses its angel to heaven, the obituary had said,) — but Marlene knows her mother has never been one for platitudes. So she tries harder. Midori was a great woman. A great mother. A pause. A breath. There was this time, when I was a kid, I remember —  she starts, and doesn’t finish, because in the precise moment Marlene scours her mind for a happy memory, she comes up empty.
- After half a lifetime of striving to crawl out of her mother’s shadow, it is ironic that death makes Midori’s already pervasive presence near inescapable. Tabloid writers and so-called journalists  hound Marlene with questions and interview requests in some futile attempt at digging up whatever was left of the story her mother failed to bury. Marlene denies them any answers. The facts they pry out of less trustworthy sources are somehow mostly correct:  Her husband’s death years ago had devastated her, but the marriage was tumultuous. She has not spoken to her daughter in more than five years. She left her with nothing.
- Nothing material. That much is true. The pain of abandonment stings but the blow hardly hurts her financially. In fact, she’s proud to say that in half a decade of estrangement, Marlene has built herself a place she could call her own. London isn’t the kindest to neophyte businesswomen, yet the Leaky Bucket has only blossomed under Marlene’s management, slowly growing into a home for scrappy university students and young adult delinquents, far rowdier than the upper class crowd her mother once surrounded herself with. It’s chaos, but it’s hers. Sometimes, her self-made success bears fruit to kinder daydreams. In the best of her imagination, she gets to greet Midori’s disgusted scowl with a grin and a sardonic, “Love me yet, ma?” In her worst, it’s Midori that smiles. The woman’s expression softens at the sight of her daughter’s work, her small lips forming words she would never have spoken outside of this contrived daydream: Marlene, I’m so proud of you.
- Midori leaves no will, no note. But all mothers, in some way or another, leave their daughters an inheritance of scars.
- What is hard to love is even harder to grieve. If the world remembers Midori for her voice, Marlene remembers her for her silence. Wide-eyed and love-starved, a child Marlene had begged for her mother’s affection in the only language the woman seemed to speak: achievements. Thus began a childhood of ballet and piano and voice lessons she hardly enjoyed but felt she needed to pursue, insatiate heart seizing whatever scraps of love she might find in her mother’s smallest of smiles. The harder she tried, the harder it got, because the more she strove to become her mother, the more she learned to accept the impossibility of growing into her mother’s insufferable perfection. The child will spend ballet recitals staring at two empty seats, silently praying for an audience she knows will not come. When Midori does come home, exhausted from hours upon hours of theatre rehearsals, Marlene will have her Clair de Lune rendition be dismissed with a cold frown and the words: You can do better. Outside her family, she will receive more appreciation, but her efforts will no doubt invite the disappointed gazes of her mother’s peers, matched with hushed remarks that the demons lurking within Marlene’s mind will later on replay: not as talented, not as charming, not as electric, not as beautiful, not as poised — she’s not her mother.
- Grief, complicated and disquieting, writhes within her bones. “My ma’ named me after Marlene Dietrich,” the present Marlene half laughs as she addresses the funeral visitors. “Guess she knew I was gonna grow up wanting to wear suits and fight Nazis.” This is the the truth, but not the one her gut feels it needs to spit out. Family, she thinks, is synonymous with fracture. Once, she was content with neglecting the word’s brokenness, but death shatters it past the point of repair. Stammering out a eulogy feels like choking on the shards of whatever it was she failed to fix. Inside, the fragments wound her. Later on, the tabloids will speculate the reason behind Midori McKinnon’s death and come to ill-founded conclusions that a self-loathing Marlene will find herself agreeing with: It was her daughter’s fault.
- The desire to become worse than the bad daughter her parents seemed to believe her to be exacerbated during her college years, ignited by the unexpected invitation to a selective extra-curricular club headed by a certain Albus Dumbledore. Eighteen years old and already far too jaded to fully believe in their fanciful ideals of change, Marlene accepted the invitation half-heartedly, less for their causes and more for the new warmth of knowing she belonged somewhere. Still, in their presence, she found herself braver. The long stirring spark of anger finally turned flame, triggering a new pattern of explosive dinner rows with her father, which pushes an already silent Midori deeper and deeper into her shell. The Order of the Phoenix brought about a new era of rebellions: against corporate giants, against her family, against expectations.
- Mostly, she rebelled against herself. Graffitied a body that failed to be perfect, needling ink stains over skin she always loathed wearing, singed her insides with liquor and passed-around party pills. Here is the revolution against the girl who got it all wrong. Staring at the mirror, she made peace with the woman behind the glass — an unwanted daughter who will make herself repulsive if the only alternative was accepting that she was unlovable. Michaelangelo said: I saw an angel in the marble in and carved until I set him free. With the new knowledge that she was not made of marble and possessed no inner angel, Marlene stopped carving herself in her mother’s shape.
- Too many scandals. Too many arrests. They told her she couldn’t come home anymore. She wanted to tell them it never felt like a home anyway, but her anger was quieter than her grief. The stammering of her heart and her eyes’ threat of tears reminded her later that the daughter who craved their love hadn’t died in a revolution fire as she suspected. She just became quieter. The urge to beg for their acceptance was too loud to ignore, but she willed herself to forget it, and with a pocket full of too much borrowed money and her sights on a burnt wreckage, she set off to carve herself a place of her own.
-Only years into adulthood does Marlene learn to blame herself less. It happens sometimes. Some people are built with their atoms all wrong, their fuses too short, their gears too rusty. Brilliant as the public claimed her mind was, to those close to her, it seemed Midori’s brain was short of the ability to process happiness, to register hope. Perhaps it’s merely genetics, or the high stress of nightly West End performances, or perhaps her mother, and her mother’s mother, and every mother that preceded, had all starved their daughters of love — this is their heirloom, this absence — and none of them learned to give what they never received.
- The child Marlene’s dream of becoming her mother sees fruit later on, albeit in all the worst ways. Her eyes are her mother’s. The way they see the world in sepia tones. Her heart is her mother’s. The way it feels bone-hollow and restless in its hunger for colour. Her exhaustion. Her cynicism. Her loneliness. When she hears the news of her mother’s passing, all she can think of is that college summer spent driving a breaknecking Volvo down vacant roads if only to have that adrenaline-roused daydream of collision burst against all her empty.
- Thirty’s a dirty word for a young woman. Simultaneously, she’s failed to grow up yet succeeds in decaying. Grief doesn’t die, and nor does guilt, but kinder feelings perish slowly, driving Marlene to sigh through Order meetings, feeling hope’s rotting carrion reek a new stench of cynicism. She admits to nobody that she doesn’t believe in any of it. Still, she tries to cling to their ideals, praying that she might earn something for herself as a witness to the sincerity of their hope, waiting for a spark of life to reawaken amidst their earnestness of their idealism.
- The younger Order members, with willingness to throw their lives away for impossible ambitions, terrify her to no end. But they awaken something in her, a new protective instinct, a maternal spark. She wants to save them from her fate, defend their youthful optimism from whatever threatens it. Family, she has always believed, is synonymous with fracture. As the Leaky Bucket bustles with the liveliness of young rebels, they sweep up the shards of old and construct a new definition, one that allows hope to blossom, slowly and organically, within Marlene. If she cannot save the world, she will protect every bold soul that has the audacity to try.
i. How do you feel about your current occupation?
Marlene lays her back against the wall of the Leaky Bucket’s storefront, offering a wide grin to the video camera in front of her. Turning away, she crosses one leg, plucks a cigarette out of a pack tucked in the small pocket of ripped black jeans, and sets the tail end ablaze with a lighter, less because she feels like having a drag and more because it might look cool on video.
Perhaps it doesn’t, but the inhale of smoke feels good anyway. “I feel incredibly lucky. Enjoying what you do isn’t a privilege everyone is afforded.” Marlene folds her arms, letting her cigarette dangle between two fingers. “My Ma’ used to say that life in late capitalism is like a Japanese claw machine. All the opportunities are laid out in front of you, seemingly within reach, but the chances of getting anything are actually slim to fuckin’ none.” Her mother never actually said that, but the metaphor was too good to go to waste, and attributing her own words to somebody else makes her seem far less pretentious than she feels at the moment. A knife of a smile cuts through her face. “So let’s fuck up all the claw machines, yeah?”
ii. What song would you say describes yourself?
The drums come first. Then, a single chord. Then, the abrupt, unwanted stab of truth — MY GOD, I’M SO LONELY, SO I OPEN THE —
“Off the top of my head?” Marlene laughs a little, a flippant shrug rolling off her shoulders. “No Scrubs?”
Despite her words, a different song plays in her mind without her warranting, echoing from the memory of having it on repeat weeks earlier, a day before her monthly cycle was due. In her hormone-induced despair, Marlene had drowned herself in cheap wine and the honesty of an annoyingly catchy pop song, all at the expense of any perceived rationality. No, she forces her mind to sing, I don’t want your number, no— nobody, nobody, nobody — I ain’t gonna give you mine and no — NOBODY, NOBODY, NOBODY —
The Marlene of memory sang along as she stared at the bathroom mirror, dragging cotton pads over the streaks of mascara running down her cheeks. Through her tears, she laughed about the melodrama of it all — the runny makeup, the snot on her nose, her being alone, her naked reflection, her illogical emotions — angry and amused when the more practical side of her mind had made an unglamorous acknowledgment of Maybelline eyeliner’s waterproof quality and interrupted the movie-worthiness of her misery, all while she adjusted the seriousness of her expression to validate herself to a nonexistent voyeur that might have found something poetic in her PMS. “I’ve been big and small,” she blubbered through snot and laughs and half-breaths, “And big and small… and big and small… again and…” And still, nobody wants me. Still, nobody… wants… me… “Give me one good movie kiss… and I’ll be…”
The Marlene of present tilts her head, leaning back to take a long drag of her cigarette. “Nothing comes to mind, really.”
iii. Does reputation matter to you?
The chorus of tiny Mitskis fall silent in her mind as a new thought interrupts their melody, prompting her fingers to click against her skin with one abrupt snap. “Bad Reputation!” she says, grin falling open in excitement. “Joan Jett. What a fuckin’ banger. Bit cliche,” she adds, dismissing the notion of her own predictability with an expression of mild disdain and a noncommittal wave of her free hand, “but succinct enough to answer both questions. You could say it’s two birds with one Joan.” Marlene punctuates her sentence with a laugh that rings hollower by the second, ever mortified by her own cheesiness, then raises her chin to greet the camera with a wide, self-loathing grin. “Edit that out or I’ll stab somebody.”
iii. …Does reputation matter to you?
The breath she inhales comes out through her nose as a quiet chuckle. “What a unique question. Genuinely.” Her palm strikes her chest, above her heart. “I don’t think I’ve ever been asked this before.”
Marlene’s smile fades as she presses the tip of her cigarette to her lips. After one long drag, she exhales, letting a now pensive gaze rest on the wisps of dissipating smoke.
It’s hard to be honest when it comes at the risk of being known. Past the smoke tendrils, Marlene’s brown eyes linger on the camerawoman in front of her. Small ashes rain from the tail end of her cigarette. An expression of uncharacteristic earnestness sweeps over her features. “It’s a bit…” she trails, biting her lip. “Complicated.”  
If thirty years of life taught Marlene anything, it’s that most women spent their existences doing less growing, and more outgrowing. It’s a hasty generalization that she draws from the narrow pool of her own experiences, but sometimes, she thinks it’s true. Sometimes she looks at women and tries to guess what they hate about themselves. What they like, too. The camera operator is pudgy and small and square-jawed, but she carries herself with confidence behind the lens, as if she knows she belongs  there. The girl is beautiful. Marlene wonders if she can tell it to herself without doubt.
She thinks of a younger Marlene, sixteen and tightening a belt around her waist as far as it could go to create proportions that would distract from the absence in her chest. This younger Marlene is overcritical of her reflection: narrow eyes, a flat nose, small lips.  Reputations, Marlene thinks, stem from appearances, and appearances are all any girl is ever taught to care about. I think all women grow up hating themselves, she doesn’t say.
“The world we live in carries far too much prejudice,” she says instead, though she wonders if serious words carry any weight if they are said by a person that seems to never take anything seriously. Marlene furrows her eyebrows. “I’m a woman of colour and a lesbian. You get things like catcalling, sexism, homophobia, microaggressions. Not all the time, obviously — people aren’t as bad as we make them out to be — but you have all these unpleasant experiences scattered throughout your existence.”
The younger Marlene doesn’t look anyone in the eye. She keeps her head down, afraid that if anyone looks close enough, they’ll discover the dirty secret lurking in her gaze. In the rare occasions where one does find it, it’s not bad, because they’re ecstatic to unearth a glimpse the same irreverence reflected in somebody else’s. The younger Marlene lets another girl slip a hand under her Catholic school uniform and finds that her touch makes her hate herself less, but the thought of being seen sucks the air out of her lungs harder than a belt tied too tightly around her waist.
“Women like me,” she says, drawing her words out slowly as not to let any useless emotions spill out, “all we have to do is exist, and people of more small-minded worlds automatically draw their own conclusions.” Feeling a new load weighing down her shoulders, Marlene shrugs. “We’re born with bad reputations.”
She doesn’t know what she can do for the world. She doesn’t know how to pry the hatred out of women. How to help them outgrow the unnecessary need to be beautiful. She thinks of other, younger, smaller Marlenes out there, wants to teach them to laugh at the absence of mass on their chests and point instead to the pulse heaving against it — there, she will tell them. That’s the most beautiful part of you.
And she thinks of the Marlenes who are afraid of this pulse and what it wants to love. Her heart swells with the urge to save them, but she doesn’t know how. If she could build a world where love was easier, she would. “Does it matter to me? I like to pretend it doesn’t. But I know —“ she pauses, nervous, afraid of being misconstrued, and wills every bit of sincerity to leak through her words. “I know I don’t want anybody else to suffer. So it matters.”
iv. What is your relationship with your parents like?
With a scoff of relief, Marlene decides that her quota for serious answers has been met. “My Da’s Catholic. My Ma’s Asian. I’m a clinically depressed raging homosexual with sixteen tattoos, five piercings, two terminated pregnancies, three previous arrests, zero university diplomas, an alcohol business, a nicotine problem, and a mild to mildly severe addiction to being a little bit of a cunt.” The corner of her mouth curls into a small smirk. Marlene turns to the camera, shooting a wink that brims with both impishness and affection. “Naturally, I’m their pride and joy.”
v. What languages can you speak?
A length of sleek black hair falls over her face as Marlene throws her head down, hand hovering above her mouth to conceal the quiet laugh of a scoff that escapes her throat. “Trickiest question that’s been asked thus far.” Leaning back, Marlene raises an eyebrow, mouth quirked into a flippant smile. “Because I’m getting this sinking feeling there’s a secretly correct answer, and if I don’t give it, the Duolingo Owl will find my address and set my house on fire.”
vi. If your home was on fire and you could only save one item, what would you choose?
Brown eyes widen in mild horror. “…Russian For Beginners.”
vii. Which Hogwarts University faculty did you study at? The Gryffindor School of Applied Science, the Ravenclaw School of Humanities, the Slytherin School of Social Science, or the Hufflepuff School of Art?
“When I was younger, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do, just that I wanted to do something good. So Environmental Science.” The fact that Marlene McKinnon studied in Gryffindor surprises a lot of people. The fact that she never finished the course surprises less. “It’s funny, because I think I did a lot more harm than good. In my second year I ended up dating someone in the non-renewable energy industry. I cheated on her — not my best moment — and it pissed her off — understandably so — and long story short, I guess it’s half my fault that there’s now a hole in the ozone layer in the shape of my pussy.”
vix. What is your social media username?
“I don’t want strangers on my personal accounts but —“ Marlene pauses to snag a slip of paper from her pocket, reading off a spiel she had prepared moments ago. “‘Follow The Leaky Bucket on Instagram at Instagram-Dot-Com-Slash-Capital-T-The-Dot-Capital-L-Leaky-Capital-B-Bucket for a chance to access our secret menu.’” Throwing her hand to her forehead in one lazy salute, Marlene turns to the camera and offers a smile and one last farewell wink. “And review us on Yelp, while you’re at it.”
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kalachand97-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Globeinfrom
New Post has been published on https://globeinform.com/godaddy-acquires-sucuri-to-boost-wordpress-protection/
GoDaddy Acquires Sucuri to boost WordPress Protection
GoDaddy is bolstering its Security portfolio with the acquisition of website Security platform provider Sucuri, in line with a Wednesday statement. Sucuri will maintain its normal business operations, even as GoDaddy will amplify Sucuri’s Security services to its clients. Monetary phrases of the deal had been no longer disclosed.
The agencies stated collectively they plan to provide new Security merchandise “within the close to destiny.”
Sucuri offers gear to mitigate Safety incidents and maintain website reputations whilst they are attacked. in step with the Symantec Internet Security Threat File 2016, websites blacklisted following a hack revel in an eighty percentage drop in traffic lasting more than one days, and 3 out of 4 legitimate websites contain unpatched vulnerabilities, making sturdy Risk response a doubtlessly treasured add-on for GoDaddy customers.
Further to virtual vulnerability patching and malware scrubbing, Sucuri gives a WordPress Security plug-in, in step with the announcement, and is deeply worried inside the WordPress network. GoDaddy has been gradually constructing up its WordPress portfolio, with latest moves such as the September acquisition of ManageWP and December release of Seasoned ManageWP as a part of its Seasoned Application.
“The extensive majority of our customers aren’t internet site Protection experts, nor must they need to be to comfy their websites,” Kevin Doerr, Senior Vice-chairman and General Manager of Security, GoDaddy said in an announcement. “Combining Sucuri with GoDaddy’s scale will boost digital Security for our clients by making it convenient, well timed and low-priced. We’ll continue to put money into Sucuri and mutually broaden products that propel Safety answers ahead.”
Sucuri’s portfolio of offerings includes a web software firewall (WAF) and intrusion prevention device (IPS), a content distribution community (CDN) to manipulate traffic and optimize performance, a cloud-based totally backup provider, real-time DDoS mitigation, and non-stop monitoring.
“On account that our inception we’ve continually had a single aim of protective our clients’ websites. We attain this with quite simple methods: build things that supply value and that stay beforehand of emerging threats,” stated Sucuri founder Daniel Cid. “We have the opportunity to take this equal philosophy from some hundred thousand websites to hundreds of thousands of sites. From our conversations with GoDaddy, it has become clear that we percentage the equal purchaser-first philosophy and commitment to helping clients be at ease online.”
Sucuri’s Safety studies and analysis has caused the invention of several vulnerabilities, such as malicious credit score-card scraping code injected into e-trade modules disclosed earlier this month, and a WordPress Rest API Endpoint worm located in January by using one of the agency’s researchers.
WordPress Protection Tick-list for WordPress websites WordPress Protection Tick list
Here’s an easy Tick-list for WordPress owners and publishers. WordPress is one of the most famous website structures because of it is ease of use but, it has its problems, and it is due to its recognition that hackers use this platform to attempt to inject their malware and malicious scripts. WordPress Protection has to turn out to be important today to guard not simplest your internet site but your brand recognition.
Unknown Infections
Frequently WordPress proprietors are unaware that their internet site has been hacked. Simply because your internet site has been hacked it would not always suggest you will see an ordinary picture whilst you get entry to your website. Hackers Regularly hide the truth they’ve hacked your web page as they have injected a mailbox and are spamming out of your IP address.
Use our Tick-list for the rules of top WordPress Safety
1. Clean and remove adware, malware, and viruses from your Computer/Mac earlier than getting into the backend of your WordPress installation
2. Backup your internet site earlier than you do something, this is easily accomplished with using Backup Buddy.
three. In no way use ‘admin’ as a username.
four. usually, use a sturdy password.
5. live Up to date – Ensure your WordPress installation and WordPress Plugins are usually up to date. See Modern-day WP Safety Updates within the resources section beneath.
6. Restriction Login Tries – Make sure you reduce the login Tries right down to round three Tries. Don’t make it easy for the hackers.
7. put off unwanted WordPress Themes – when Topics are nonetheless on your website and they exit of date Hackers use those to benefit access. best have the subject you’re the usage of hooked up and keep that up to date.
eight. Spring Easy – Your WordPress website may have other folders on the basis of your server. Do you really want them or are they development areas. If you Don’t need the folders delete them.
9. Your Website hosting organization – Ensure you are the use of a Hosting employer that specializes in WordPress installations. WordPress servers need special interest to defend your internet site.
10. Double Layer Authentication – Use a delivered layer of Safety.
Whilst the Tick-list above isn’t an exhaustive list, it’s far a basic degree of Protection. Safety is the begin of the system, monitoring your website on an each day basis is essential. We understand that many internet site proprietors Simply don’t have the time or the expertise, so we offer 3 services that may be located inside the resources phase underneath.
Pointers for WordPress Protection
Truth is, if a successful grasp of the script objectives your site, there’s really no way to save you an intrusion. What you’re about to read beneath are a few precautionary moves you could take to fast limit the chance to an appropriate stage. If your WordPress site is properly protected chances are a hacker would decide on selecting every other, simpler victim.
Starting with the more apparent ones:
1. Overlook approximately the usage of “admin” as your username.
The various assaults target the default WordPress username with brute force, password cracking robots. The first step is to trade your “admin” or “administrator” username from the WordPress Management Panel.
– Go to MySQL tool (PHPMyAdmin) – Discover your database – Visit wp_users and skim for “admin” – Below user_login column, exchange it for something else. This certainly leads to the subsequent…
2. Pick out a robust password
Choose a password that consists of more than one upper and lowercase letters, in addition to symbols including “!@#$%^&*()” Go to Users->Your Profile and trade it thru the “New password” subject at the bottom. This may make it manner more difficult to crack it down. Make sure you do the identical for your FTP Cpanel Hosting account password and Do not use the same one you used in WordPress.
3. Regularly backup your database
You heard this one before. Do regular backups or you will finally remorse it. You may lose all your work if being hacked. Additionally, do not forget to backup on every occasion you make modifications. you may do that via the usage of a plugin or manually.
4. usually Update your WordPress
there is truly no reason to live at the older variations when there may be a new one available. WordPress updates incorporate bug fixes, vulnerability fixes and cover Security flaws found by way of the extensive WordPress community. equal goes for updating Subject matters. It is easy and green. Sincerely, it’s miles the pleasant and easiest way to save you your page from malicious sports, which might be maximum probably as result of a compromised and now not an absolutely Updated application, website, exploitable personal home page scripts, and so forth. All the old versions of your programs can be taken into consideration as a capability Security holes. They could truly be utilized by the attacker, who’s (most of the time) an automated spider.
0 notes
Alright, I got the second part of my vaccine, also got tested for the virus by my school (randomly chosen and it just so happened to be the same day as my vaccine appointment), safely met with my family, and then I’m like 50ish% sure I threw my back out? but it’s my upper back and not lower which is why I’m not sure.
So yeah, chapter is a bit short, but I wanted to get one out today.
@petrichormeraki @helleborusangel​
Mumbo tried to ignore everyone talking as he worked with Grumbot. He was using the handkerchief he normally kept on him to clean the redstone from his hands to clean up the robot. He had gotten a bit of the water that had been left in Tommy’s inventory to make the cloth damp and started carefully washing everything off Grumbot’s body, though some redstone was left behind. He frowned at how much was coming off onto the cloth and the fact that he needed to clean that off too. 
Slowly but surely, all the grime was washing off and being replaced with shiny metal. There were still dents and cracks, but just cleaning the robot up helped as an improvement. Mumbo dried any spots that were still wet to make sure no water got into Grumbot’s circuits before standing up and stretching, having been in an awkward pose to clean everything up with Grumbot refusing to do anything but stay curled up in a ball.
“How’s he doing?” Phil asked as Mumbo walked over.
“”Well, he’s clean at the very least. I don’t have anything to work on physical repairs and I’m terrified about what I’ll see when checking on the circuitry.” Mumbo looked around at the group. “Techno’s still not here?”
Phil shook his head. “I haven’t heard anything. It’s getting to the point I’m starting to worry. But trying to find him with everything going on won’t be the easiest thing. So we just hope he sends something back on where he is or wait until we can’t wait anymore.”
Mumbo nodded, and then the two of them were surprised as they got messages sent to their communicators.
[Eyes] X-T, Y-T, Z-T
“Do you think that’s-” Mumbo started.
“Techno’s coordinates? Possibly. So far whatever this is has been sending us help.”
“Take EX with you? I of course should be staying back here for Jrum.”
“I’ll probably be fine on my own.”
“He’ll make the trip faster. And if something is wrong, better to save time.”
The avian ended up relenting and walked over to talk to the helsmit. In a matter of seconds the two of them were gone and Mumbo went back over to Grumbot. He winced at the sparks that flew from the holes in Grumbot’s torso. Obviously he needed to at least get a look at what was going on in there. His hand moved to turn Grumbot off, but just before he could press the power button, he was stopped. “Please don’t.”
“Grum?” Mumbo asked quietly, not completely sure he heard Grumbot speak with how quiet the words were.
“C-can’t turn off. Th-that would b-be bad. N-No admin.”
Mumbo immediately pulled his hand away. That was right. Theseus had disappeared with Dream, so for now Grumbot being the console was likely the one thing keeping this world stable. Mumbo also quickly plugged Grumbot in to make sure it didn’t run out of power.
“Do you need anything?”
“I don’t know h-how to answer th-that.”
“Why not?”
“I-It’s confusing. And I-I’m tired.”
“Do you want to go into sleep mode?”
“I… I shouldn’t n-need s-sleep. O-only need b-battery.”
Mumbo hugged Grumbot. “It’s okay if you go to sleep. No one will get upset at you.”
Grumbot shook it’s head. “Need to f-fix first. T-Tommy not a-awake. Sh-should be. A-And f-fix t-time. C-can’t without-”
Mumbo held Grumbot closer. “You don’t need to do anything except rest. You’ve been through a lot, both you and your brother.”
“H-had to h-hurt him to h-help him. K-keep him a-away. D-didn’t know what w-was happening. Didn’t know wh-what else to do.”
“Well…” Mumbo wasn’t sure what to say. Jrum obviously hadn’t had the best experience while stuck here, but it wasn’t as bad as what happened to Grumbot. And for all the redstoner knew, Jrum could have ended up in the same situation as his brother if nothing had been done. “While  I don’t… fully approve with the methods… at the very least your brother is not… the worst he could be.”
Grumbot gave a slight nod before speaking again. “Is th-there anything you w-want Console to do?”
“What do you mean?” Mumbo asked, curious by the phrasing.
“What th-things need to b-be done?”
Mumbo frowned. “Grum, you don’t need to do anything. Please just go to sleep.”
There was a pause from Grumbot as it processed what was said, then went into sleep mode. Mumbo sighed in relief as he could feel Grumbot relax in his arms. He put the robot back down on the bed and tucked it in before checking on Grian and Jrum. After making sure they were all asleep, he collapsed in a chair.
“Are you doing okay?” Mumbo looked up to see someone who, because he was so tired, he thought was himself for a split second. 
“Tired. But to be completely honest, I’ve been more exhausted dealing with those three. I’m the one with impulse control. Not to be confused with The Impulse Control that Zed has. Hmm… maybe I’m more tired than I think. Have you ever tried a mustache?”
“I… don’t think I can grow one.”
Mumbo nodded. “Alright. What’s your name?”
“The one Tubbo was worrying about, right?” Mumbo asked, but then didn’t give Ranboo a chance to answer. “And what does Tommy think of you?”
“I’m pretty sure we’re friends. Maybe. I tried what I could to keep him company. Even though I couldn’t be there.”
“Sounds good enough to me. Still unsure about him.” Mumbo gestured to Bad. “And what about him?”
“Uhh, I’m not sure to be honest. And I don’t think I would have it written down.”
Mumbo tilted his head slightly, trying to ignore the fact that just doing that made him feel a little dizzy. “Why would you need to write it down?”
“I don’t really have the best memory of things, so I write everything important to make sure I can’t lose it.”
“Well maybe you can visit and can get checked out in Hermitcraft. See if someone there can help you.”
Ranboo nodded, then was distracted as Michael came over and reached for his hand before pulling him away. Mumbo watched as the two left, Michael excited about seeing Techno, who had just arrived with Xannes. Philza didn’t seem to be back, which was mildly concerning, but at this point, the redstoner was a bit too tired to care and fell asleep.
Grian woke up with a start. He hadn’t quite had a nightmare, more just something in the dream startled him awake. He shifted slightly and realized that he was still holding Jrum in his arms, who was also asleep.
Carefully, the avian pulled away and got out of bed, making sure Jrum didn’t wake up. He looked over at the other beds and was glad to see it seemed Tommy had moved. The other bed was empty however, which worried Grian. He looked around more and found Mumbo asleep in a chair, but also without Grumbot.
There were voices from an adjacent room, and Grian was hoping his other son would be there. He tiptoed to not wake the others up, then peeked into the next room. Everyone was gathered around and talking. Well, Xannes was off to the side reluctantly playing with a Ziglin, but that was the only exception. The avian looked around a second time. He didn’t see Grumbot anywhere, and it looked like Phil was gone but Techno was in his place.
Techno. Grian didn’t care if they were related or not. He had been the one to cause this whole mess by killing his kids. And now one of them was missing again and here he was. For the second time that week, Grian had a sword to the piglin’s neck. He had moved fast enough that everyone jumped back in surprise at his sudden appearance.
“What is it this time?” He said in a bored tone which made Grian even angrier. Instead of saying anything, he just swung the sword, cutting into Techno’s arm. He attempted a second swing, but he was pulled back from behind by Xannes, leaving the avian flailing for escape, wings hitting just about anything they could.
“Calm down or I’ll break one of your arms.” The helsmit threatened as he managed to get Grian pinned on the ground. He then looked up at Techno. “Any clue why he’s acting like this?”
“He kidnapped Phil who said he was a Watcher. I went after Phil and made a few withers to get his attention. People started attacking, I attacked back. They were collateral. Didn’t realize they wouldn’t respawn right.”
“More like you didn’t care.” Grian growled from the ground. “First both the boys, then you were threatening NPG, and now you’re here and Grum isn’t!”
“What do you mean he isn’t here?” Bad asked, cutting into the conversation. “No one’s gone in or out of that room since we all came out here. Well, until you of course.”
“Then you weren’t paying attention.” Grian accused, but Tubbo stopped him.
“No, we’ve all been watching in case someone woke up, especially with what Techno found.”
“Found a way to kill my kids again?” Xannes sighed and twisted Grian’s arm a bit. The avian yelped at the sudden pain, and for a moment the helsmit was glad it seemed to have shut him up, before Grian managed to swipe his leg to make Xannes fall to the ground and pin him instead.
“Can you at least first hear what we found out? We think it’s related to Tommy’s condition.” Tubbo tried to offer, knowing that Grian seemed to like Tommy almost as much as the bots.
Grian hesitated, but then nodded. “Okay fine, but make it quick. I already saw you got him to move.”
“Wait, what do you mean he moved?” Tubbo asked, quickly moving to the extension room.
“Well he’s on his side now.” Grian explained, following behind, flaring his wings out when he felt crowded from behind as the others rushed to follow as well.
“Well we didn’t do that.” Tubbo said, going over to Tommy. “Oh, and looks like it might not have been Tommy either.” He looked back over to the avian. “Well it looks like you don’t have to panic about Grum anymore. He’s right here.”
Grian closed his wings back up so he could get over to Tubbo and Tommy. Once he got closer, he was able to see Grumbot curled up in the teen’s arms. The moment he saw the robot, Grian sighed, glad that nothing else bad had happened. He also then glanced back to Jrum to make sure he was still there, glad to see he was.
“See, everything’s alright.” Tubbo said, even though Grian could tell that wasn’t entirely true.
“What did you find out about Tommy then?”
Everyone left the sleeping area again to talk. “I went to check on my place when we got back.” Techno started to explain. “Not many people knew about it, so went to see if anyone was hiding there. It’s far off, so it could have been used as a hideout. Turns out I was right, and someone was there. But not willingly.”
“And that would be?” Grian asked, looking at the others to see if their expressions would tell him anything.
“After Wilbur died, he came back as a ghost, though it didn’t quite act like him. Preferred the name Ghostbur over Wilbur too. Well, he was there, but alive. And he wasn’t Wilbur. He was just an alive version of Ghostbur. Somehow he got revived and was in my house when it happened. Since then, he hasn’t been able to get out, no matter what he tries. He says it’s like an invisible wall.”
“And what’s that got to do with Tommy?”
“Obviously Ghostbur didn’t show up at his body, or else he wouldn’t be in my house. Tommy lost his last life before being revived, so there’s a good chance he’s in the same situation and we just have his body.”
“Then where is Tommy?”
“I can’t hit the button! It’s gonna crush me!” Tommy yelled out, unable to stop the flying machine he was currently in.
“Mine out the back!” Zedaph yelled, making Tommy realize that, yes, he could do that. He pulled out a pickaxe and broke through the pistons, slime blocks and observers, escaping just before the machine would have crushed him between itself and whatever was keeping him stuck. 
“Okay, your drill didn’t work.”
“Hmm, really thought that one would do it.” Zed replied, looking down at a napkin he had written a list on and crossed out one of the items. “Well! Next up we’re going to need some cows.”
“I do not want death by cow.”
“But they’re the perfect size for it.” Zedaph pouted, but crossed another thing off the list.
“Just give me the next idea!”
“Okay, so we’re just going to need you to use some minor telekinetic powers-”
There was an interruption as Scar arrived in tow with Cub. “Okay, I picked up all the magic crystals I think might be able to help. If that doesn’t work, Cub and I are fully prepared to try some vex magical shenanigans.”
“I’m not a fan of the word shenanigans, but whatever, let’s fucking try it!”
From there, the various hermits tried a number of ideas to get Tommy out, but none of them seemed to work. At the very least they learned that he could go into the minecart tunnel and all the way to Mumbo’s hobbit hole without trouble as well as the fact that Tommy seemed to be the only one affected, but it still wasn’t ideal. 
A few hermits stayed around to keep Tommy company, which he was very glad for. A few small minigames were built to help pass the time. Since the situation with the bots meant Tommy had missed out on HHH, Ren started using some unused questions from the day as well as getting Tommy’s answers for what he had asked. From there it just dissolved into a bit of storytelling.
For the most part, Tommy just listened to the stories, but when he was offered to tell one of his own, he passed up on the offer, asking for some time to think of a good one. While the others started talking, he tried thinking of something to share when he realized something. “Guys… I… I don’t have a fucking clue when I got here.”
They asked for clarification and Tommy explained that thinking back, he couldn’t remember anything from his exile or the first few weeks he was in Hermitcraft. Except for a few short bits of memory, he had nothing. He tried to calm the other hermits down by mentioning Ghostbur had the same thing happen, but that only seemed to make them more worried.
Just about everyone stayed over that night no matter how much Tommy wanted them to not stay just for pity, but he ended up enjoying the impromptu sleepover. Though it was still in the back of his mind, just having the hermits there for him made things feel a bit more normal.
Grumbot stared at [:)]. He should be awake but he wasn’t. The revival didn’t seem to have worked and it wasn’t sure why. So it asked for more help, but then was upset when none was given. Well, the staying near [:)] suggestion was repeated, but it could very clearly see that just being in proximity to [:)] was not doing anything.
It glanced up briefly as [:)] came near. It couldn’t quite see them, but the listed coordinates for them matched their current position. [:)] came near afterwards, Grumbot able to see the edges of his red feathers for a moment. They talked about it and [:)] for a moment before leaving again, and then it could hear them discussing Ghostbur. It sounded like that revival mostly worked, though there seemed to be an issue with it. Grumbot frowned at that, wishing it had known about this sooner. It would need to find Ghostbur to fix the situation and then proceed to fix [:)].
Grumbot tried to move, but was stopped. It needed to stay near [:)]. It argued that this was not helping [:)]. The answer was that it wasn’t supposed to be helping [:)], it was supposed to be helping Grum. But Grumbot didn’t care. Grum was not in charge. He was just supposed to work his programs. It, on the other hand, was meant to run this world and keep everything in order. And that included fixing the revivals.
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