#cause ngl i love shit like that
coldresolve · 7 months
the most surprising result from the poll for me is that 4-5 people voted on copenhagen crybaby knowing absolutely nothing about it?? yall brave souls
fun fact, the main guy from cphc (his name is claes) is such a weirdo freak that i feel like i have to start out with some character introduction stuff instead of going the route of in medias res. so thats gonna be interesting to try out
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maskyartist · 3 months
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im gonna assume we're all SO cool here okay? okay.
so here's Eden and Neon :) they both work at the Hidden Reef, run by Beatdrop
Neon is a full-time performer and works with another OC I havent designed yet, P1-RANA, usually partying on stage with him. She's permanently grey but covers herself in colorful powder, glitter, and stickers to make up for it! :D
Eden, however, is a part-time performer and personal hit-for-hire for Beatdrop. for the time being she keeps an eye on JD on her off hours because of the debt he's accumulated for the Casino. Beatdrop wants to make sure he doesnt just disappear off the face of the earth and not pay his dues. Eden thinks his antics are funny. they're like..."dating" dating. not labeled but she does wear his shirts when she stays over
thank u for ur time :)
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neet-wifey · 16 days
Me after getting called illiterate in the DMs for missunderstanding their DNI criteria instead of (rightfully) checking their pinned post, figuring out i fit into their DNI criteria. (The person also assumed i found murder sexy which is half-assed true but not even what i'm into 💀)
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I want people to read their scientific articles before sending them to me. Like actually read the entire thing or at least read the conclusion. Reading the first line and thinking that that means you understand the entire topic is very inaccurate, and it makes you look like a joke when i actually read it and find that it contradicts your point.
#my post#vent#i got blocked by a very popular anti-swiftie blog who i used to follow because i told then to not use the ableist term “narcissistic abuse”#and of course before they blocked me they fired back with you're woke who thinks everything is offensive here's a link from doctors#which 1. Not all doctors are moral - my peers actually make me sick and i have info from dental students that dentists are also horrible#the literal reason i wanna go into psychiatry is because the field needs reform and i want to help reform it#and 2. the article literally said that the term is incorrect cause not all people with narcissism are abusive and it creates a stigma#against people who literally have childhood trauma#and some of whom (not all) are actually trying to be better despite the constant dehumanisation#also even the medical term can't be applied to here? cause calling someone who's not diagnosed with NPD a narcissist because they're toxic#is not medically accurate#it's literally “delulu” and “gaslight” all over again#like stop taking psychology words if you don't want to search up the actual definitions#which ironically enough was in the article i was sent#ngl i'm confused as to why i didn't block them before#i love being a hater (seen from this entire post made for one person) but come on#some of the stuff was out of no-where (mainly the hating on her appearance - like the rest was genuine criticism but this?)#and then on top of that using Palestine as a way to get people to hate on her but then go be besties with a raging zionist?#seems like using Palestine for the clicks there#speaking of Zionists: that one zionist who sent me a shit ton of articles which disapproved their points#like i cannot make this up they sent me 2 articles on how Ashkenazi Jews didn't genetically originate from the Levant#(that isn't to say they aren't Middle Easterners - just genetically they don't show a strong connection to that specific region in the ME#and obviously genetics is weird so there's that)#and apparently culturally grew came from Iran + Siberia + Turkey + Germany (i.e. their cultures are a mix of those)#and of course the Arab conquests to represent colonisation (as if i was denying that happened) but the article wasn't about the Levant#literally i can't with people#if you think you can science your way out of this you better listen to my spiel about Validity#can't give the science and health kid science stuff and expect them to not actually read it#vent post#tw vent
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ladyhavilliard · 9 months
So. I think I do fixate on people, huh.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 4 months
On another note, it's actually kinda hard to draw references for all the guys I wanna draw references for because of the simple fact the vast majority of my drawing ability is hyperfocused on quadruped animals.
If you're a visual artist of any kind and you see this post, I am challenging you to go and draw something you've never drawn before right now. Like if you draw humans, go draw some hamsters and if you draw dogs go draw some chickens or something. If you've never drawn horses much before go draw some of them and try your best not to make them look like a dog with a funny face. Go have fun with that right now
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manneatcr · 1 year
I just love her stupid little face with all my heart under cut cause idk i couldn't pick a favorite lmao
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mad-hunts · 2 months
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amandabe11man · 6 months
so me and my friend are onto season 4 of X-files now and we got to the csm-centric episode, right. and when he put the sniper rifle up from the window at the start I was like "whoa there. jfk assassination much?"-- and then the flashback starts and wouldn't you fucking know it, csm was the one who killed jfk??
this made me joke about how "what is he, the dark version of forrest gump or something? lmao" (ie. being present at a bunch of historical happenings), and then it seems like I was right because after that, he killed martin luther king too... aND TH E N towards the end, they make a fuckin forrest gump reference???
guys I think I'm finally becoming psychic
#x-files#anyway good season so far#'the field where I died' was another good one#this ep was fun too ngl cause I'm afraid I love to hate this guy#I love how it shows how /weak/ csm actually is#seems like he just gets swept up in shit all 'okay I guess I'm doing this now (hashtag powertrip)'#dude has all the agency over a bunch of others but he has no agency over himself#he couldn't even resist the peer pressure to start smoking. bruh#and he couldn't even follow through with it when he tried to /stop/ smoking either#and then when he thought he was gonna get a big break as an author and was like 'fuck yeah I'll resign from the evil job now'#..but then the editors changed the ending when publishing it so he was like 'nvm. fuck everything. violent path it is then'#that whole thing reminded me so much of john in Saw X too when he thought he'd been cured-#-so he threw away the trap-sketches he was making. guy was gonna straight up quit being jigsaw bc he thought he would get to live after all#wait a sec.... john has cancer and is a villain... csm is called 'cancerman' and is also a villain........ [connecting dots in my mind rn]#but yeah um-- back to what I was saying- this ep somehow made csm a bit less infuriating for me?#cause now we got to see that actually he doesn't have everything under control. in fact it's like he barely has a will of his own#bro has zero conviction. barely any willpower. no life. if he fails at something once- that's it. he'll quit trying forever#he's literally a loser. we love to see it#(also wtf I didn't think deep throat would be the one who argued FOR killing that alien while csm was the one who questioned it?)#(but deep throat SAID to mulder later that he regretted the things he'd done an d he helped the good guys in the end so....)#(deep throat had his redemption arc. love that guy....except for when he killed the alien. that wasn't cool)
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This is going to be a bit long so get ready:
Okay so, I’m not someone that cares too much about Izzy dying, I mean I do, but like, he was a great character and all and his arc was great but he wasnt one of my favourites. But I am a little disappointed with the fact that he died after seeing what other people have said about it.
The guy had a lot more he could’ve done in this show, idk what but he had potential to do more in later seasons. But I personally didn’t think that his death was unnecessary, I was talking with my mum about it and she said that she saw it coming, I didn’t see it coming but I knew if any of them were going to die it would be Izzy, as none of the background characters had ‘I’m going to be killed off by the end of the show’ energy.
I’ve seen some people talking about this and I’ve seen them say that they’re leaving the fandom over this and that they’re so angry with David Jenkins for doing this to them. But like, don’t be angry with David I don’t think it’s his fault. Like the whole thing with Neil gaiman and the ending of good omens he did on purpose and it was also passed off as a joke (the threats and all that) but people are actually really mad at David because of a character being killed.
Also, if people start leaving the fandom because of this, there’s a chance we might not get season 3, and they worked hard for this show and I also don’t think I can survive if it just ends there, like I know it was a happy (sort of) ending but I need to know what happens next!!
Maybe izzy’ll come back to life through buttons bird magic or necromancy or something. I mean we’ve already seen sea witches in this show so I guess it’s could be possible (I doubt they’ll do that though)
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blk-xniverse · 8 months
This year's just... yearing.
#So tired of folks thinking they can play in my face + continue to be disrespectful with little to no consequences in return#I am NOT the same girl I used to be#I'm not just gon sit on my hands + take it AND that infuriates them SO bad#cause it's like... 'who do you think you are??? you think you allowed to take up for yourself??? defend yourself?? set BOUNDARIES???'#and that shit blows bc then they feel like they can challenge me to see if I'll fold or not which is even more disrespectful on top of the -#- shit that was already going on in the first place#like if I gotta go through AAAALLL that for a weak ass connection then I gladly let it go but don't let me say that -#- bc then it's an even BIGGER showdown bc I be letting em know that if they gon keep disrespecting me + my folks then they need to get tf on#very simple terms imo but mfs want to fight + be passive-aggressive all day like.... ain't nobody got the time nor the energy for allat fr#and as soon as me and my sisters stand our ground we magically become the villains and the bad guys#and this shit is spread to whoever is willing to listen and this shit irks so bad sometimes ngl bc idfw ppl lying on our characters#this year has completely SUCKED in terms of my connections with ppl and that makes me real life not want to talk to anybody ever again bc#ppl always pretending to be something they not to get what they want out of us#+ as soon as we fall short/make a mistake/unable to do a thing then the mask falls off + they become the most disgusting person ever!!!!!#and it's like... who tf is this person???? this aint who i befriended???? hello?????#and the lamest part about all of that is that we are always 1000% ourselves so we automatically expect folks to do the same with us#and maybe that's our fault for thinking like that idk but at the end of the day the shit is wack#and I just plan on being in hermit mode for as long as time permits + until i get a sign/message to do something else#if anybody read all of this: thanks for reading + sending you so so so much love + kindness into your life! We for sure all need it 🫶🏾✨️✨️#abtme#4:26 pm
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
About the Sawashiro trailer for Infinite Wealth... Ok spoilers here for Y:LAD, but I think they're implying that Sawashiro actually didn't kill the Seryuu Clan guy (forgot his name). The reason he says "The young master doesn't trust me anymore" is because when he got there the guy was already dead, Sawashiro thought that Masato didn't trust him to do it so he sent another assassin and tried to pin it on him. Sawashiro just waited there for Ichi to arrive because even if he wasn't the assassin, he lost his son's trust so he felt like it was over for him either way. That's my theory anyway but it would be wild omg
why you gotta disrespect hoshino like this we're only allowed to do that to hoshino from judgment
BUT interesting theory........
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vaugarde · 7 months
well i finished renegade. i sure was renegading all over the place
#it was alriiiight.... but man i hate to say it but i think i have more complaints than praises#i DID like florins new execution route and i liked talons deal. the entire end of night spell deal was horrifying and i loved it#i love that genre of horror like ''you die twice when you get forgotten after death''#so seeing it play out here was horrifying in a good way. talon and amber's deaths were both so fucking good like goddamn#they were just as heartbreaking as they needed to be. especially ambers like when you go talk to tesla after#but. man i dont think meta games are for me cause ngl i was sorta just like ''aight.'' to most of the meta here#like that was the one thing about talon i didnt care for. i thought ''everyone i know and love is going to die and god is screaming at me''#was a fine enough motivation to go crazy and become a rift. i thought it was compelling and tragic and a good thing to do#with a new character. but then he started going ''in older versions of the game i wasnt even there i was just a prop for the backstory''#and thats sorta when i started tuning out. like i cant explain why but i feel it made the scene more... cheap?#i think just cause personally ive seen that motivation a lot in meta games before and its gotten old to me#tbh the entire meta angle is whats really dragging this down to me. dont get me wrong i love eizen and his scenes#but i dont see why we have to canonize the game's update cycles as like a critical part of the world#and then theres m2 who i have mixed feelings on. cause i love the character type of ''ive been through so much shit idc anymore''#and they end up being kinda goofy and saying inappropriate/out of pocket things while trying not to discuss The Horrors#ive written more than one of those types of characters. but with m2 its like she doesnt know how to turn that off#like spacea and tiempa's deaths being a tera raid parody where they joke about being in a crashing plane and get bashed by extra melias#it just felt like. unfitting. (also a nitpick but goddamn that scene made my head hurt with how much the screen wobbled)#like really? this is the sendoff they get in the fucked up and evil route? and idk i just dont think m2 was all that funny.#she was more grating than anything tbh. and i just feel like her existence and the bad timeline is just Too Much#like there were already so many plotlines and arcs and do we Really need a new-ish character right before the climax#idk. im hoping v14 is more cohesive in this department#for now im taking a much needed break from this game lol
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sk2lton · 2 years
we have a guest speaker in math class to talk to us about coping w stress as if this class isn’t the reason i felt like shitting myself this morning😭😭
#chant 𖦹 d’oiseau#‘what r things that stress u?’ THIS FUCKING CLASS THIS CLASS BRUH LET ME OUT OF HERE#I WANNA CRY CZ I GOTTA DO A STUPID FUCKING ONE ON ONE TALK WITH MY MATH TEACHER AFTER THIS SHIT AND SHE’S GONNA TEST ME ON SHIT#on the fuxking spot too. it’s like girl is it not enough that i finished ur fucking stupid assignment that made no sense#there’s literally videos there of me doing each fucking question too and i explain it while doing it#teachers who are like ‘i don’t wanna stress u guys’ then continue to fucking stress u the fuck out should burn i hare them#i js wanna watch the brazil vs switerland match#football is unfortunately my current hf if that’s not obvious and within the past week i’ve memorized most leagues and the teams within them#most players in these leagues. at least the notable ones. and it’s encouraged me to get back into football because growing up i really had —#— a talent for it but then my mental health came in and ruined everything#i was too anxious to do shit anymore so that’s such an L tbh but this isn’t meant to be depressing vent or anything i js wanna say i love fb#ive watched the wc and fb like since the day i popped out of the womb and i rmb the first wc i could rmb#i cheered for argentina so hard but got so upset when they were knocked out by brazil. now i’m cheering for brazil (argentina on the side)#so i feel like a trader to my younger self😭 little me would surely NOT appreciate me cheering for brazil#sk vs ghana was crazy cz i didn’t expect sk to comeback like that in the second half but it’s sad they didn’t tie. good game nonetheless#i’m so mad at team canada ngl cz we had good players but our defense was invisible😭 it doesn’t matter how good our midfielders or strikers r#as long as our def is shitty our team is shitty😭 that’s like building a house on poor foundation#it won’t last long and it’ll cause problems😭 davies goal was such a W and we have so many players from great clubs but i feel like—#— wasted them. i could go on and on and on and on about football#different teams. leagues. who fucked up by doing what😭 speaking of which… mexico’s fuckinf coach set them up idc#i rlly wanted to see lainez play. he’s a fucking game changer but mexico’s coach was like ‘how do i set us up…’ 😭#mexico was robbed by their own coach.. canada was robbed in the canada vs belgium match jts crazy 😭😭😭
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transmechanicus · 2 years
Hnnng volleyball painful
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crisp rat aside im really looking forward to the mario movie, it looks so cute but you all need to know that im mostly just here for bowser
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