#cause once they choose THE ONE issa wrap
bklynmusicnerd · 1 year
Not Spencer getting even sappier post-coitus and telling Trina that he's happiest when he's with her. Trina really put it on this Cassadine boy (like we knew she would), hope she's prepared to be stuck with him.
No but in all seriousness, I love Trina's surprise at this admission. She really cannot comprehend the power she has over Spencer. It's just not something she registers even though multiple people have informed her of it. Spencer can be vulnerable with Trina because it's not instinctive to her to use his love for her to manipulate him.
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sunflowersteves · 4 years
Unforgivable || ch. two
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: Your life with Natasha seemed like pure bliss until the team mistakes you for an agent gone rogue. 
Word count: 2K
Author’s note: Cliff hanger, I knowwww. There will be one more part! I hope you all enjoy!
Warnings: angst, fluff!, swearing, angsty plot, basically the whole team is a dick
Masterlist // Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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Your feet start to ache as you continue to walk on the dirt road that led from the compound. You honestly had no idea where you were going, your phone was at five percent, and the Avengers had just threatened your life. Tears started to prick your eyes as you thought about Natasha. Anger consumes your thoughts, hot tears, and furrowed eyebrows. How could she not trust your love for her? How did the Avengers even have any information like that?
You blamed her for not trusting you. You blamed her for not trusting her love for you. You blamed her friends for not looking into it more. You blamed her for-
You just sigh and shake your head. A part of you wanted to give her a chance, to go back and see if she believes you. The other part never wanted to see her again, ever. Another part of you growled at the side that wanted to go back; you were almost ashamed of it. The Avengers had threatened you. They threatened your life and never once believed you over some paper.
But you were so confused. Your heart clenched at the thought of never seeing her face again or never having her fiery hair tickle your cheek.
You abruptly stopped as the road split into two. You tried checking the map on your phone but it acted like there were nothing here but fields. You sigh, sitting on a large rock near the road. You felt a vibration from your phone and quickly looked at it.
Hot RedHead: It’s over. I never liked you anyway.
Tears started to fully flow now, your chin wobbling. You started to chew on your lower lip to help stop the raking sobs flowing out of your body but it was no use. You were now leaning against the rock and pulling your knees up, resting your hands in your head. God, this all seemed so pathetic. You really love Nat, you can’t get her out of your head but what does she think of you now?
Natasha’s POV
Natasha was going as fast as she could, turning corners on her motorcycle it almost fell over. She had no idea how far you had gone. She was hoping you were still walking along the road. She knew you would push her away right when you saw her but can she blame you? Her friends made her believe you were a Hydra agent. But all she could think about was cradling you in her arms and telling you she’s sorry, hoping you’ll forgive her.
She knows it’ll take time. However long it’ll take, she doesn’t care. She’ll wait until you’re both 60 and a little wrinkly if she has to. But Nat also understands if you don’t choose her. With the amount of damage, she and her friends caused she doesn’t blame you if you never wanted to see you again. She would definitely respect that choice.
Fire burning anger ignited in herself. She can’t believe how shallow it was to believe her friends who stupidly mistook you for someone else. She felt so much anger towards them, convincing her that you were with her for information. How could they be so stupid? How could she be so stupid to trust them?
She came to a screeching halt as she spotted you leaning on a rock. She propped her motorcycle and carefully walked over. She practically whimpered as she could hear your soft snores. She could see the tear-stained cheeks and her heart constricted. Your nose looked stuffy from all the crying and your eyes had a slight puff to them. 
She presses a hand onto your forehead and could feel the heat radiating off of you. It had been quite a hot day in New York and she didn’t know how long you had sat out here. She sighed and picked you up, laying in her arms you subconsciously snuggled into her. She feared that if she took you on her bike, you would end up falling off. So, walking it is.
Natasha marched along the dirt road, tears flowing down her cheeks. Some dripped down onto her shirt as she couldn’t wipe them. She just whispered “I’m sorry,” over and over again and carried you to the nearest bus station. 
After about an hour of walking, Natasha had finally made it to the bus station. She paid for your ticket and sat you on the bus, head leaning on the window. She looked around and saw that only an old woman sat on the other side. She told the bus driver to keep an eye out for you and she nodded, telling her that no one would touch you. Nat just nodded and started to trek back to the compound.
Reader’s POV
It had been a couple of days since Nat broke up with you. You kept telling yourself that you were...handling it but in reality, her leaving had hit you pretty hard. You hadn’t really left your apartment, only going to the store for groceries. You called in for work telling them that you were sick but they knew you were lying. Especially your best friend, Shuri. Right when you called in sick, she immediately asked what was wrong but knew you needed time off. 
You sat on the couch and sadly ate ice cream and started watching The Lovebirds. You would be drowning in your favorite wine but they ran out so you turned to tubs of ice cream. As the movie progresses, you find yourself crying with some tears dropping into your ice cream as Issa Rae and Kumail Nanjiani realize they’re still in love with each other. 
You turned off the TV as the movie was over and was about to get ready for bed, especially since you’ve run out of sick days but something caught your eye. Your bag had sat on the dining room table, completely untouched. A little note stuck out of one of the pockets. You walk over and carefully take the note out.
Meet me at the blockhouse in central park on the 7th, 9 pm.
You sigh, that was tonight. But you knew exactly who it was. You knew Natasha wanted to speak with you, maybe she changed her mind? That definitely explains how you don’t remember ending up on a bus.
You just shook your head, crumbling it up, and tossing it in the trash. There was no way you would fall for that, right? I mean, it’s just the Avengers wanting to throw you in jail or maybe that’s just where they wanted to kill you. You and Nat had met there, her asking you for your number and you had many dates walking around central park. 
They just wanted to reel you in. They were smart, you’d give them that but there’s no utter way you’d go. So, you got ready for bed and fell right asleep. The next morning you had to go to work, as much as you trudged along, groaning loudly as you got dressed. You stayed quiet on the subway as your friend talked your ear off.
You walked into the International Rescue Committee, slightly waving at some of your co-workers. You sat at your desk, doing some paperwork before visiting some of the kids you’ve helped. You especially couldn’t wait to see Peter, who has been attached to your hip since you arrived. You’re typing away, sipping on some coffee until you jumped a bit from a voice behind you.
 “Oh shit, you look awful.” You roll your eyes and give a look at Shuri who’s snickering at your reaction. You and her both turn a bit more serious as you sigh and turn to her small tears forming in your eyes. She wraps her arms around you into a full hug. “Nat broke up with me. Her friends saw my name in a Hydra file and thought I was out to get her.” 
Shuri gasped, hugging tighter. “Did they believe you?” You shook your head and ignored the stares you were getting from you crying in Shuri’s arms. “I see why you took some days off. Don’t worry about it. I’ll fill out your paperwork. Go see Peter.” She smiled brightly as you thanked her, kissing her cheek. “You’re the best boss ever!”
You walked next door to a large and fancy apartment complex where most of the refugees stay. You knew he was playing sports with some of the other kids so you walked past the complex and to the basketball court. “Y/n!” Peter ran towards you, locked you into a huge as you giggled and ruffled Peter’s hair. “Good to see you, kid.” He goes on to ask a bunch of questions, wondering where you’ve been and why you weren’t there. You explained some of it, to which he nodded and then declared to hate the Avengers now.
You laughed but you knew he was serious. He meant well. You and the rest of the kids start playing some basketball, laughing and playing around. What you didn’t notice though was the Avengers walking up to the basketball court. Before they reached you and notified you of their presence, one of the kids fell onto their knee and scraped it pretty bad. 
Loud cries and sobs filled the air and you ran over, inspecting the wound. “Sh, baby, it’s okay. I’ve got you. Peter! Get the aid kit!” He ran into the complex to grab one from the front desk while you rub circles into the little girl’s back. Peter came running back and you took some soap and water, cleaning the wound. “See that bird over there? I want you to look at it okay? See it? It told me the other day that it likes your paw patrol shoes.” 
The little girl cried out only a couple of times as you cleaned the wound and put a power rangers band-aid on her, which you knew was one of her favorites. She clung to your leg asking if you can get her ice cream because it still hurts. You laugh and nod, holding her hand.
“Y/n.” Your whole body froze, slightly turning to see the Avengers standing before you. You gripped the little girl’s hand while pulling a frown on your face. “Peter, take her to get ice cream.” He just nodded and gulped, taking the girl’s hand and walking to the ice cream shop next door. He gave you a concerned look but you nodded, making sure he knows you’re okay. 
You open your mouth to speak but Clint just shakes his head, the rest of the Avenger’s head hanging low. You were honestly scared shitless, you tried not to give it away. However, it was pretty obvious as your hands were trembling and your breathing was fast. They were here to end it, weren’t they? I mean, sure you’ve stayed away from Nat so what could they possibly want?
“You should know that we’re sorry.” Your eyes practically bulged out of your head. Sorry? Huh? “The person on that file wasn’t you. The picture was the exact opposite. We shouldn’t have reacted that way. We’re very sorry and hold us accountable. If you can, please forgive Nat.” And with that, each Avenger apologized for what they did and asked you to consider taking her back.
You would just raise your eyebrows but then they told you that she feels horrible, not sleeping or eating. She feels like shit for not trusting you, the love of her life, and trust them instead. You couldn’t speak, just shaking your head as tears threatened to fall. They nodded and walked away going back to the compound.
Now you had to make a choice. Forgive Natasha or never see her again? On one hand, you wanted to be back in her arms again. Smelling her shampoo and kissing her temple all while that passion and love fill your stomach. But on the other hand, the Avengers had threatened you and your life. Natasha thought they were right. Natasha believed them, believed that you used her for information.
Although, you know you’ve already made your decision.
Unforgivable Taglist: @messuhp​ @dark-heart-no-soul​ @jenny-song​
Taglist: @hailmary-yramliah​ @kitkatd7​
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thebiasrekkers · 4 years
Infinitatem Venatus
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The Infinity Game
Rating: PG-13 // SFW
Genre: AngelsandDemons! AU | angst | romance | drama
Pairing: OT7 x [Reader/Layla/Saoirse] 
Warnings: Strong Language, extreme angst, violence, Jin is Lucifer. Jin is the Devil. [just making sure that’s out there], religious undertones [things have been embellished/changed to fit the nature of the story]
Word Count: 4.3K
A/N: Firstly -  there are bold and italicized phrases scattered throughout. That is meant to represent Hoseok speaking to [reader] as these moments are happening throughout the day! Second, shout out to @aroseforyoongi​ ​for requesting a drabble for the 100 follower special. If it weren’t for that drabble? I probably wouldn’t have mustered the courage to even pull this AU to Tumblr. And @moccahobi​ cause Hobi is a bad ass. Issa lot. Thanks to Admin E for the beta-panache! And to Admin L who wanted a saucier Devil Jin.  Enjoy! 
© thebiasrekkers ( Admin T). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.
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There was a line drawn in the sand.
“Moloch, did you really think I’d let you have her?” Hoseok’s voice was a deep; raspy growl. A sound that you weren’t used to hearing. Not your Hobi. He couldn’t possibly sound like this. He wasn’t capable of such vehemence, right? But it was him. It was Hoseok hovering above you. His eyes blazing a fiery gold as his hands clenched and unclenched at his side. The air stirring with each flap of the large white wings protruding from his back.
The demon across from him smirked, tapping a finger against a bloodied lip. “If I knew she was the key to getting you to play with me, I’d have attempted to grab her sooner.” The sulfurous stench of the underworld was thick in the air, and it made you nauseous. Moloch’s blood-red gaze landed on you, causing you to back up just a hair more. 
You didn’t care that your hands were shredded. A trickle of blood from your ears left you disoriented from the previous explosion. Hoseok snapped his fingers rapidly in front of Moloch. “Eyes here, asshole. I’m going to tell you one more fucking time, Moloch. If you risk the game, if you test me any further...I will kill you,” he hissed between clenched teeth.
Moloch looked taken aback by the words coming out of Hoseok's mouth. After a moment, he scoffed at the malevolence oozing from the archangel. “You love her.” The demon said, puzzled as a muscle ticked near Hoseok’s jaw. He looked down at you; just as bewildered at Hobi’s behavior. “I’ll be damned! You fucking love her!” Moloch pointed and howled his amusement, a devious glint sparkling in his crimson eyes. “She probably doesn’t know, does she ..Hobi?” The demon’s tone was smug.
Hoseok swallowed thickly, turning his gaze to you. “Moloch...leave before I make a scene.” Moloch held up his hands in mock defeat. 
“Fine, Hoseok. Have it your way...” The large black wings spread as the demon hovered. “...you may love her, but her soul is still up for grabs. So you better let her know what’s at stake, Hoseok. The game is still afoot.” Moloch narrowed his eyes before shooting skyward with what seemed to be a mere quiver of his wings.
A game set in motion before the advent of humanity.
The scent of sulfur finally seemed to disappear as Hoseok descended. He had his back to you for a few tense, silent, moments. The wings disappeared as he turned to face you. He looked like himself, the deep brown of his eyes sad at the state of you. 
“Oh, baby...” He moved toward you and you moved back. He flinched as if he was gut-punched. “Listen, I would never hurt you. You know that, right?” He held his hands up as he approached you slowly. Your eyes were wide and full of unshed tears.
“What are you, Hobi?” The first tears slid down your bruised cheek. He gasped kneeling down to wrap you up in the warmth of a honey-cinnamon scented embrace. “Why is this happening?!” 
You clung to him. The only thing that you knew was safe. The only place you felt like home. You sobbed into his chest as he stroked your hair. Hoseok placed an arm under your legs, hefting you up against his chest. “Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.” 
You nodded softly, sniffling into his shoulder. He turned to see the devastation from such a minor confrontation. You didn’t notice the pressure of his fingers digging into your skin.
They can’t hurt you anymore. Because he wouldn’t let them.
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There was only us in the beginning. Everything was fine. Or so we thought.
“You don’t understand what you’re saying?!” A shrill voice seemed to rattle the glass around them. A set of fierce green eyes seemed to blaze in fury. Saoirse was vibrating as she stared down someone she once thought to be her friend. “You cannot mean that. Please tell me you’re joking?” Her gaze softened slightly, a hand reaching out to the immovable object before her.
“I-I can’t, Saorise. And I am very serious about this.” Soft, gentle, and too pure for this world. Layla, eyes full of unshed tears, stood in on the other side of the line. “I love Him, Saoirse. Even with what He is - I still love him.” 
Saoirse felt her heart race again. It wasn’t supposed to be like this; at least that’s what had been explained to her. They were special - the Acquisitae. They were beings that carried the weight of many lives. Souls that existed rolled into one existence through time. Past lives? Deja vu? All of it flickered, bits of memory seeping into the consciousness of the current owner’s life.
There were few of them left undecided. Some refusing to be a pawn for either side; some choosing a particular side for one reason or another. But, in the rare instance, if a side was chosen, it was mainly because of hate or love. 
In the scheme of things, there was nothing wrong with that. But, Saorise couldn’t fathom anyone in their right mind falling in love with Lucifer. He wanted to destroy the already tedious balance, splatter the land in chaos and strife - just because he could. “Layla, you cannot save Him. He is beyond it!” 
“No one is beyond saving, Saoirse. You of all people should know that.” Layla’s demeanor cooled as the other woman flinched. “For all that you’ve done, you still were granted forgiveness for choosing to stand with the Caelestis. You made your choice. I’ve made mine.” She crossed her arms, posture straightening. “I believe I can make a difference in my own way. So until this thing comes to a head, This is goodbye. I’m with Tenebrarum. Period.”
But someone wanted more. He wanted more. None of us could understand it.
Saoirse’s mouth fell slightly agape as Layla dropped that finality. It wasn’t just about their friendship, mostly. It was about the fate of all of existence. They were in the final days and they needed to be together.
They should have been together.
The sound of cellphone ringing interrupted the heavy silence. Layla answered immediately. “Yes, Sir?” 
The smoothe dulcet poison of Jin’s voice echoed into the open space. “Come to me, Layla.” 
Saoirse couldn’t deny the prickles sliding against her skin at the sound of his voice. But she had enough willpower to deny the sensation. 
“I’m on my way.” Layla hung up the phone, aware of the sway Jin could have on others. She turned one last glance to her friend. “Stay away from Tenebrarum - and me.” She pushed past Saoirse as a muscle clenched in her jaw. 
The scent of sulfur lingered faintly in the air, causing Saoirse to wrinkle her nose. She left the building, yanking her cellphone out of her pocket. The phone seemed to barely get a full ring before a worried voice answered on the other end.
“Saoirse?” A sudden warmth filled with the scent of earth after a cleansing rain rushed over her. 
“Jimin. She’s gone.” Her voice sounded weaker than she’d intended.
There was a long sigh. “Ah, love. I’m so sorry. You tried. Come home, okay? I’ll let the others know.” She could feel his disappointment on the other line. 
“She thinks she loves him.” Her fingers tangled in the fiery red-gold strands of her hair. “She thinks she can help him.” 
His way of thinking had always been different. But...we never thought that he would...
“It’s a part of his charm, love. It’s unfortunate, the spell that she’s under. But such is the price of those who choose him.” Jimin respected her desire to rescue her friend. He wanted her to try, because it would make the coming days easier had she come along. And now? “I don’t want you on that side of town too much longer. Please come home?” 
“Yeah.” Saoirse nodded while turning to The Shard. It was one of the tallest buildings in London - home to Tenebrarum Acq. Ltd., the current residence of CEO Kim Seokjin. Only a handful knew the truth. 
Hell was empty. Empty because the devils were all here.
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Somewhere in the In-Between…
A Knight moved to capture a King. There was still a way. There was always a way out. 
The opposing side chuckled while moving to a King-side castle. The King was protected with the Rook blocking the way. 
They both sighed softly. “How long have we been at this?” Taehyung’s deep baritone echoed in the mystical space. 
“Does it matter?” Jungkook smirked, retreating his Knight. He could swoop in to take the Rook, sure. But, losing his Knight to the King? Even he appreciated the role of smaller pieces on the game board. “Are you weary, Michael?” Jungkook crooned with his fingers clasped against his knee. “Maybe you should reconsider my offer?” He leaned forward so that the magma-lined ring flared in the depths of his dark brown eyes. 
Taehyung’s nose wrinkled at the slight sulfuric odor. “Perhaps it is you that should reconsider, Samael.” The Angel was steadfast and unmoving in his conviction. “Come back to us. This is pointless.” Taehyung’s brow furrowed as he tried to reason with someone he once called Brother.
“Is it?” Jungkook’s eyes were ablaze. “We are pieces, Michael! We are nothing but showy pieces and for what?” He hissed. “To keep a world in order that thrives in disorder? LOOK AT THEM!” His hand waved to disturb the cloudy aura around them. The world flickered below. 
We never thought he would Fall. 
Taehyung stared at all the things that gave Jin power, establishing his reign in the mortal realm. A tear slid down his cheek without warning. Jungkook sighed, reaching forward to brush the sparkling drop away. “Hark, a tear for those who destroy themselves.” There was a fizzle against his skin - a reminder of the choice he made when he fell from Grace.
Taehyung grabbed that hand before it moved too far away. “Please. I don’t want to fight you.” Jungkook stared at the slender fingers wrapped around his wrist. 
“It’s too late, Taehyung. What will be, will be.” He pulled away, leaving Taehyung’s hand hovering. “And when the time comes? I’ll make you change your mind.” Jungkook stood up, stuffing his hands into the pockets of pressed black slacks. That fiery ring flared in the center of his eyes as he walked away,his form disappearing into the thick hanging mist.
Taehyung watched the path for a few minutes before lowering his hand. His eyes wandered to the board locked in a stalemate. A deep inhale had his nostrils flaring before he slammed his fist against the board. 
Smashing it, and the table, in two.
The balance has always tipped more one way than the other.
It was a stupid comparison, after all. Life being a chess game. Because while you could sacrifice plastic pieces, it was something far riskier to sacrifice pieces of flesh and blood. 
Even heavier a price should this game be lost.
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All the things you know about the Final Days are absolutely true. 
Winter receded, leaving all the auction houses hungry to get into their season. Famous artists settled their wares, antique rarities were whispered among certain circles and the buys were ready to redecorate. The competition was fierce between all the art brokers. But none more fierce than the lasting feud between two of the oldest brokerages. 
Caelestis Wares and Tenebrarum Acq. Ltd. 
It was always a spectacle when the two vied for valuable pieces. 
A lucrative one. 
There were members of each auction house that were known to cause a scene. Imagine the hint of blood lust in the air when those two members were in attendance. The auction was abuzz because they were in attendance at the same time. 
“Did you see them?” An overly-jeweled socialite purred to her circle of friends. A flutter of fans attempted to dry beads of sweat pooling atop their skin. “I don’t think I plan to do anything but watch.” Her eyes were wide and lust-blown. 
The group of women swallowed thickly as their eyes hit the left side corner of the room. Kim Namjoon was one of the most seasoned brokers at Tenebrarum. He wore a suit of gray tweed that tucked and cut against his form. A lighter turtle neck stretched against a broad chest. A pair of glasses sat on the bridge of his nose. The silvery blonde of his hair was smoothed at the sides, settling against the collar of his jacket. His arms crossed, causing the fabric to stretch against the push of his biceps. A smirk lifted the corner of his lips as he spoke.
All the things you hear about the Supernatural? They’re real too.
They couldn’t hear what was being said, but they knew who it was being said to. One of the women let a small whine slip as they ogled his conversation partner. 
Min Yoongi. 
Yoongi stood a hair shorter than Namjoon. Even so, he still gave off an air of unmistakable authority. He wasn’t just the head broker of Caelestis Wares. He was the current CEO. There were a few rare pieces that both houses had their eyes on. 
The whole room buzzed over which item it could be, let alone the monetary bloodbath that would ensue for either to acquire it. The prospect was more exciting than anything they would bid on later.
“Gabriel, it’s been a while since you’ve left the roost.” Namjoon tilted his gaze to Yoongi. “It warms my heart to see you using those old legs of yours.” There was that magma-lined flare in the depths of his eyes. “Things really are getting tight if you’ve come out.” 
There was a weary sigh from Yoongi as he fingered the button on the black jacket he wore. A white button-down worn underneath, paired with pressed slacks. The clinking of rings against his fingers were audible as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “You still have a big mouth, Mammon.” A side-long glance was given to the taller demon. Yoongi scoffed. “And you’re still expensive.” 
Namjoon’s brow rose as he looked over his outfit. “Come now, Gabriel. You should know that these things are about status and expense. I must look the part, after all.” He placed a gentle hand over his heart - at least where his heart should be. “It’s all about playing the game, no?” 
Nothing is safe from the Apocalypse. Everybody is choosing a side or being bribed into making a choice.
There was no mirth to be found in Yoongi’s narrowed gaze. “Namjoon, there’s going to come a day...” A muscle ticked near his jaw as he bit back his words. 
“Oh, I’m aware, Yoongi. If I have my way...” He pushed off the wall to lean a hair closer to Yoongi. “...it will be pretty soon.” He patted Yoongi on the shoulder as he side-stepped away. “Good luck today.” 
Yoongi watched Namjoon strut into the circle of women that had been staring them down. He rolled his eyes as one woman looked ready to melt to the floor. The vibration of his phone gave him a reason to step out of the room. 
His brow furrowed as he saw Jimin’s name flash on the caller ID. He picked up and didn’t get a chance to greet the younger. “We lost her, Gabriel.” The sadness was palpable in his voice. “Saoirse tried to convince her, and she said she loved him. She doesn’t understand--” 
Yoongi pinched the bridge of his nose, cutting him off with a heavy sigh. “Breathe, Uriel.” There was a shuddering sound that slid into a soft sniffle. “We knew there was a chance for failure. We’ll figure it out, Jimin. Alright?” There was a sound of words that wanted to be spoken, but ultimately were held back.
“I’m sorry, Yoongi.” The remorse in Jimin’s tone only grated on his nerves. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. No one but his own. 
“It’s ok, Jimin. Take care of Saoirse. We’ll regroup tonight.” A tone sounded to notify guests the auction was starting. “Look, I’ll be a little late tonight. Get everyone caught up and I’ll get there when I can.” 
The tone sounded again. “Who is it, Yoongi?” 
He gritted his teeth as a long silence followed. He considered whether he needed to answer. “It’s Namjoon.” 
There was a hiss on the other end. “Shouldn’t we-”
“NO!” He flinched at the volume of his own voice. “No. I’ll be fine. Do as I asked. I’ll keep in touch.” 
“As you wish. Good luck.” 
The call disconnected.
It’s just that some of you are worth far more than you realize. 
Yoongi rolled his head back against the throb in his skull. “Stubborn woman. So, g’damned stubborn.” 
He stared at Layla’s contact fighting the urge to call her. The third tone sounded forcing him to let it go - for now. He walked into the auction space, his eyes landing on an 18th-century suspension lamp. It was rumored to be used by a pious man who made a deal to lend his soul to the benefit of Heaven. Remnants of his blood mixed in the oil kept demons at bay. A powerful relic that needed to not be in the hands of Tenebrarum.
He sat on the opposite side of the room from Namjoon. The auctioneer’s smile grew as he realized what was about to happen. They wheeled the suspension lamp to the front. “The first item up for bid, ladies and gentlemen, is an 18th-century suspension lamp from Italy. We’ll start the bidding at one hundred thousand dollars.”
Namjoon and Yoongi raised their paddles at the same time.
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So what are we? What are the Acquisitae? 
Layla arrived at the top floor exhaling softly before tapping softly on the large double doors of its current CEO. 
“Enter,” came the smooth, buttery, poisonous silk of Kim Seokjin’s voice. 
She pushed inside to catch him leaning, lazily, against the massive blackwood desk. The perfect petal pink of his lips tilted upward. 
“Do you need something, Sir?” A brow arched as she closed the door behind her. 
A long finger crooked in her direction, beckoning her to come closer to him. “I need you, Layla.” She stepped closer as his finger tucked under the point of her chin. “I need you to stay away from Calestis Wares.” The other hand slid into the niche of her waist, pulling her against his taller frame. Her lashes fluttered shut as a breath slid quietly from between her lips. “You’ve made your choice, haven’t you?” His lips hovered over the apple of her cheeks. 
“Yes, Jin.” She had long gone nose blind to the scent of sulfur that surrounded the infernals. Being around Jin, in the beginning, caused her eyes to water. He gave off the strongest scent and she pushed through. Forced herself to endure, and now? “I told them I’ve chosen my path willingly. You don’t have to worry.” 
You are precious. You are the key to saving all of existence.
Jin smirked as she tilted her head, exposing the tender flesh of her neck. His breath was like a handheld blow dryer focused in one spot too long. She flinched, and endured, as he purposely caused her discomfort. The fiery-red ring flared in his gaze and he managed to keep his irritation at bay. He watched as her skin reddened from exposure to the heat. “You really have chosen me, haven’t you?” The smile was lazy as he released her. 
Layla’s fingers clenched into the fabric of her pencil skirt. The closer one stood to Jin, the more prone to loss of control. She gave another heavy swallow as she nodded rapidly. “Y-Yes, Jin.” 
“I knew you were smart, Layla.” He clasped his hands together against his leg. Her eyes widened at the black nails and silver rings adorning his fingers. “Maybe you can help them be smart too, hm?” Layla looked up, confused. Seokjin smiled and he seemed too radiant. Her gaze lowered to the floor as he continued. “Why don’t you invite your friend, Saoirse?” A brow arched as her gaze whipped upward. 
“Excuse me?” A breathless sound pushed from between her lips. 
“Saoirse isn’t so saintly, we know this. I mean she used to…” Layla cleared her throat before Seokjin finished his sentence. He smirked at her sentimentalism. “...you know what she used to do, Layla. Doesn’t it make you curious why they even let her stay? All the sins that have permeated her whole life. I wouldn’t judge her. I feel like she could be who she really is here.” Liar. Snake-oil salesman. Seducer. It was all true. Jin was all of these things and his good looks were the nail in the convincing coffin that he backed many people into. 
“I won’t do that, Jin.” Layla swayed on her heels before shaking her head. “I agreed to work for you. I have my own agenda and it doesn’t involve sharing.” She spoke through clenched teeth. 
“Oh ho! Is that jealousy I smell?” He pushed off the desk with a flare of nostrils. “I like this scent on you. Maybe I’ll pull her in myself?” He loomed over her with hellfire blazing in his eyes. “Because last I checked, I was the one in charge.” 
Layla’s posture straightened with no signs of backing down. “I know you’re in charge. I remember who you are, Lucifer, The Morning Star,” she spat, “and if you think I’ll let you hurt her, you do not know me very well.” 
You are the key to saving us.
Seokjin clenched his hand at his side as she smirked up at him. “Go ahead. If that’s the best you can do to assert your will.” The red in his eyes turned an abyssal black that swallowed the whites of his eyes. “You realize it now, don’t you?” Her head nodded as he remained quiet. “It’s different when we submit of our own free will.” She smiled, magnificent, triumphant that her theory had proven correct. “We are on equal footing, Seokjin.”
Her phone buzzed. She retrieved it from her pocket with a soft sigh. “Your two o’clock is early. You should do something about your temper.” She turned on her heel and left his office. Letting the air hiss from her lungs as she practically jogged toward the elevator.
Seokjin stared at the door in utter silence. Others came to him with very little need to flex his powers of persuasion. But when Layla came to him from Caelestis, he was eager to get his talons into Yoongi’s most prized possession. Now he realized something he hadn’t before - and now he wanted to corrupt her even more.
His blood was running hot at the thought of the next Spring Gala. A plume of smoke slithered through his nostrils as he chuckled. He turned to check his reflection in the mirror. If you thought about some of the most favored songs in all of history that were named after a woman, you’d tend to wonder what sway that person had on the songwriter, right? 
Seokjin chuckled, as he hummed that old Eric Clapton classic. “Laayyyla, you got me on my knees - Layla.” He adjusted his tie in the mirror, a full bright smile spreading across his face. “I’m begging darlin’ please, Layla…” 
He whistled as he settled into the leather wingback behind his desk. “...darlin’ won’t you ease my worried mind?” The door clicked as Layla entered again and he clasped his fingers on his desk. 
“Mr. Kim, your two o’clock is here.” 
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You listened to Hoseok explain what was at stake. He spoke of the real world and the creatures that existed just in the shadows. He brought all your nightmares to life and then said that some were fighting on your side. 
Jimin and Saoirse showed up almost an hour after you. Luckily, you had a shower, a drink, and Hobi fretting over you for every breath you took. 
Saoirse kept eyeing a bottle of whiskey, an internal struggle visible in the shaking of her eyes. She opted to stay next to you, especially after retelling her meeting with Layla earlier. The two of you watched Jimin and Hoseok in the kitchen, deep in quiet conversation. 
“Does she know?” Jimin asked, pouring a cup of coffee. Hoseok stared off into space before Jimin spoke again. “Raguel. Does. She. Know?” A muscle ticked in his jaw as Hobi nodded, his shoulders sagging. “What happened?” 
Hoseok let a trembling hand settle over his eyes. “Moloch.” Jimin’s wide-eyed gaze turned to him. 
“Wait. Moloch came for her?” Jimin managed to keep his voice down. 
Hoseok nodded, the exhaustion apparent as he leaned against the counter. “We leveled half a neighborhood, Jimin. He was dead set on leaving with her in any condition.” They slid a glance over to the ladies hugging on the couch. Jimin noted the purple-yellow bruises on your shoulder and a bandaged ankle. 
The kettle was placed back on the stove before turning to Hoseok. “Yoongi is at the auction with Namjoon. Layla willingly gave herself up to Seokjin.” A bitter smile formed as he leaned next to Hoseok. “Things went from bad to worse, yeah?” 
Hoseok’s eyes were on you this whole time. “I’m not giving up on her, Jimin.” They both looked over to the two trying to find reasons to smile. You held Saoirse through a sob as she fought not to sink into her old habits.
“I’m not giving up either, Hobi.” Jimin placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder. They picked up steaming mugs of coffee to join the two in the living room. Hoseok sighed deeply, trying to feign a smile for you. “And now, I’ll tell you who We are.”
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softforcal · 6 years
summary: you’re is the opener for 5sos and they’re all kinda in love with you
4300 words, issa long one fam
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-you’re an rising performer and they saw you live once while creating their new album and all fell in love with your voice on the spot
-they convince management that they want you as their opener because you’re amazing
-when your management approaches you about it, of course you say yes and soon after that you’re following all of 5sos on insta and they’re following you
-they want to get to know you pre tour to see if you’re chill, it will be easier to tour together if you’re all buds
-so you go meet up with them at Cal’s house and spend the whole day getting to know each other
-they’re all super cool and you find yourselves all laughing and chilling next to the pool having a great time
-they show you some of their new songs and you all end up having an impromptu singing and dancing party
-yeah, its going to be a great tour
-you have to leave and they all offer to drive you home but you have it covered
-as soon as you’re gone they’re all just like “wow.” “yeah, she’s an angel.”
-they make a group chat with you in it and you all talk a bunch before the tour starts
-meeting up with them whenever you can
-Ashton convinces you to go to yoga
-you go walk Cal’s dog with him
-Michael getting you to create fortnite so you can play with him and Luke
-the first day of tour arrives and you show up to the airport only to be sneak attacked by Ashton who was totally waiting for you, he’d really want you to feel included and welcome
-getting to the plane and you go to sit by yourself but then Michael just comes and sits next to you and smiley, and he’s like “are you ready for tour?!” and he’s just a ray of absolute sunshine
-they all kind of take turns sitting next to you because the flight is so long
-you end up falling asleep on Luke’s shoulder and they’re all just like “oh my god she’s so cute.”
-Luke doesn't let anyone wake you
-usually the opener would travel in a different van and tour bus but they really want to ‘include’ you so you end up being in their van most of the time and you sleep on the other tour bus but you’re in their bus most of the time
-your first show you go out there and you have an amazing set, as you get off the stage the guys all pull you into a huge hug to tell you how amazing you were
-getting to watch them preform and they are brilliant
-hanging out after the concert in a back stage room laughing and talking about the tour
-singing with them
-going over their note changes with them
-can you imagine singing with Calum and Luke and they both just adore your voice
-Michael trying to teach you how to play guitar if you don’t know how to already
-Cal trying to teach you to play bass
-And Ashton letting you dick around with his drums
-going out after concerts to look at the city
-you always get cold and one of them always ends up giving you their jacket
-or one of them offers to hug you to keep you warm
-Michael gives the best fucking hugs but Cal is a close second
-its because Michael is a lil squish okay!?! don’t fight me on this
-all of you taking pictures of each other and being able to freely post them because you’re their opener and its the cutest thing ever
-everyone speculating that you might be dating one of them
-taking cheeky photos where you’re kissing one of their cheeks or their kissing yours and everyone flips out
-spending entire bus rides in their bus goofing off and laughing and having a great time
-when you leave to go to your own bus for the night they spend at least an house usually talking about the cute things you did while with them 
-one night you’re in the chill area with them watching a movie and you fall asleep cuddled against Calum
-none of them want to move to wake you up so they all sleep there
-waking up next to these four guys, you all having moved at some time during the night and you’re just a cuddle blob
-pre concert rituals together with huge group hugs
-helping Luke put glitter on before a show because “more glitter!”
-sometimes they bring you on stage to sing with them as an encore 
-you and Luke just have such vocal chemistry
-”and can we give it up for our angel and opening act, Y/N!”
-so many hugs
-group dogpiles after the show 
-you all write songs together and bounce ideas off of each other
-harmonizing together
-tapping out beats together
-running around cities and usually one of them grabs your hand and starts running and then you’re all running around looking at stuff
-Cal and Ashton are huge fans of carrying you when you get tired
-getting shipped with all of them
-the five of you looking at the ship names and laughing then picking favourites
-so every guys favourite ship name is their own name with yours? what a fucking coincidence eh?
-they all ask your favourite ship name and you’re just like...... “uhhhhhh....”
-refusing to choose
-it would honestly be such a mess because it’s not like you don’t know they’re into you but its hard to choose because they’re all hella
-but you choose, and i can get into each choice later if ya’ll want but for now imma continue with poly!
Continue reading for Poly!5sos
or Luke Con’t, Cal Con’t, Ash Con’t, Michael Con’t
-so they’re all talking about it one night and Michael is just like “we can’t all date her.” and Ashton’s like “i mean... we could....” and they all just kinda look at each other like....
-after that they all do a bunch of research on polyamory which is tough because they all have to hide their phones every time you’re around
-”so i have this friend and she’s in a relationship with two guys, i think it’s called” “Polyamory.” you finish for Ashton and he grins “yeah, what do you think about that?” “i mean as long as they’re all happy and they’ve discussed it, i don’t see an issue.”
-after you leave that night they all huddle to talk about your reaction to it and they all agree that you seemed open to it, or at least, not against it
-the next show you have, you absolutely kill it and the guys are all watching from the side and Michael just says “holy shit. i think i fucking love her.”
-they’re all just like “oh shit.” cuz they’re all kinda feeling that way
-”okay, we do this tonight. we tell her tonight.” 
-after the show they all come into a back room where you’re just hanging out. Ashton sits on one side of you, Luke on the other while Michael and Calum hang back and lean against the wall watching
-”hey guys, great show!” “Y/N we need to tell you something.” “Yikes Ash, you’re giving me your serious face.” “we all like you.”
-there’s a bit of silence and then the whole thing makes sense, “ohhhh, thats why you wanted to talk about polyamory.” they all just kinda stare at you and you’re like “wait, so you all want to date me?”
-”i mean, we could just give it a shot, see how it goes.” “yeah, you could end it any time you want.” “we wont let it affect our professional relationship.”
-”okay, we can give it a try.”
-group hug but this time its sweeter
-group deciding what you want to do for the night. i mean, sometimes after concerts you all go clubbing but sometimes you all end up chilling on the tour bus, or on nights when you have hotels you sometimes all go to one of their rooms and watch movies on demand
-thank god this night you all have a hotel so you head there and decide to go to Ash and Cal’s room to watch movies
-pushing the huge beds together so you can all fit
-”Y/N you get to choose the movie.” “really? you mean all i had to do to choose was agree to date you guys? would have done this ages ago!”
-its a big cuddle pile
-but there’s no easy way for you to cuddle all of them
-Ash immediately pulls you next to him, Luke curls up on your other side with his head on your shoulder while Calum and Michael are kinda just like ‘well now what’ Michael flails himself onto the bed and gets between your legs, using your entire body as a pillow, now its just Calum standing there so he chooses to be next to Ashton but you reach out your hand and place it on his chest, his hand going over yours
-falling asleep when the movie ends 
-you wake up first in the middle of all your boys, and they are, your boys 
-Ashton and Calum wake up soon after and the three of you go to another room to hang out and order breakfast while Luke and Michael get more sleep (feel like those two need some good snoozing time)
-you still haven’t actually kissed any of them, you’re less than 24 hours into the whole dating them thing but still, you figure you should have kissed at least one of them by now
-the room service comes, Ashton deals with it at the door and when he comes back in with the food you go up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist, it makes him giggle and he turns in your arms so you’re pressed against his chest and he’s looking down at you and you just do it
-you tip toe and kiss him. one of his hands immediately goes to cup your face 
-when you pull away from Ashton, Calum is grinning, “shoulda known all it would take to get that first kiss would be some food.”
-you and Ashton laughing as you go over to where Calum is sitting on the couch and you straddle him, pressing your lips to his next while Ashton sets up breakfast
-the smell brings a sleepy Luke and Michael into the room and Michael sighs, “shoulda known it would be Cal to get the first kiss.”
-”actually it was me, won my way in with food.” Ashton grins
-”you gonna give me some sugar too or what?” Michael teases as you get off Cal to greet your sleepy boys
-you grab Michael’s face and kiss him next, his hands wrap around you and give your ass a squeeze, causing everyone to laugh as you pull away grinning
-before Luke can feel left out you go on your tip toes to kiss him too
-when you pull away his eyes are still closed only to flutter open to look at you with a grin
-and just like that you’ve kissed all of them, ripped off the bandaid, just went for it, and it actually feels kinda normal?
-having breakfast together and then all of you go to the bus for your drive to the next city
-if you thought they fought about having your attention before? you’re into a whole new level now
-and there’s never enough room for all of you so usually you gotta choose two and then give your attention to the other two later
-its just a huge group of friends and also some hard core make out sessions, what’s not to love?
-at the next city, Calum and Ashton really want to explore but Luke and Michael are still exhausted nuggets who need some chill time before the show so you go out with Cal and Ash
-Ash always had his arm over your shoulders even when you weren’t ‘dating’  and now Cal grabs your hand as the three of you walk down the street
-it begins to rain and you end up in some hole in the wall diner, the three of you shoved into one side of a booth so that they can both be touching you
-Cal’s beautiful tattoo covered hand on your thigh while Ash’s arm is still over your shoulders 
-Cal begins to kiss you first and then Ash goes for your neck and before you know it you’re that triad thats being way too sexual in public
-running through the city, Ashton pulling you pulling Cal, back to the arena and they go to get ready
-you bump into Michael and Luke who both look amazing and Michael just gets behind you, arms wrapping around your waist as his head goes to your shoulder and Luke comes and pulls you to his chest. a Muke sandwich. please. 
-”guys, i gotta change and get ready.” “i’m down to help you take your clothes off.” “Michael!”
-finding yourself in a change room and Michael makes the whole clothes off process dirty but Luke actually helps you put your stage outfit on and is actually such a lovely giant baby about it
-Cal finding you three in your change room and he just laughs because Michael is struggling to take off your pants while Luke is insisting that you need them on for stage
-your first preconcert ritual as a poly group where they all want to be the last to kiss you before you go on stage and end up having a tournament of rock paper scissors to see who wins the honour
-Luke wins and his glitter gets all over your face but you can’t fix it before going on stage
-going through your set and being super aware that the guys are all watching from backstage takes it to a new level
-it just fits. and there’s already so much love. you’re already so comfortable with all of them and you all just fit together
-you gotta go on the bus after the concert and you’re about to head to your own bus when Cal stops you, “nah, sleep with me tonight.” 
-you cuddle up next to Calum on the small tour bus bed but the five of you are all still talking to each other
-”shhh, she’s asleep.” “aw is she doing that cute thing with her face where-” “where she sleeps? yeah. she’s sleeping. that’s the face.”
-tour continues, on nights where you’re on the bus you switch between their beds and cuddle until you fall asleep
-you’re with at least one of them most of the time which is pretty cool
-you Luke and Calum spend lots of time singing together
-Ashton and Michael join in on the singing if they’re around
-Ashton’s the one who wants to go explore cities with you, usually Luke or Calum will join, Michael does sometimes but not too often
-Luke and Calum are cuddle-bugs and they always want to be touching you or cuddling you or pulling you into their arms
-Michael (this dirty boy) turns everything dirty and he loves to have his face buried into your neck
-Michael and Ashton will tickle the shit out of you 
-but Luke and Cal will protect you from Michael and Ashton during tickle fights so it’s pretty even odds, unless you join in and then Ashton will run away and leave Michael to be tickled
-when Cal and Luke aren't around the only way to stop Michael and Ashton from tickling you is to kiss them, this always gets Michael to stop tickling you, Ashton’s not so easy but he always gives in
-and thats how you end up having Mashton for the first time probably. in a hotel room, supposed to be meeting others in a bit and then they decide to tickle you and you kiss Michael to stop and he just groans, falling onto the bed next to you and pulling you on top of him. Ashton stops and watches for a bit before joining in and just like that, Mashton is your first triad sexual experience but damn
-cuz they both kinky, dirty, hella gorgeous men. 
-Michael is super into dirty talk and Ashton just rifs off of him because they are power doms
-the three of you dont get to chill after because ya’ll gotta run and meet the others so you’re all tossing clothes at each other and hurrying to button everything up before running out the door
-Luke and Calum both totally know what happened when they see the three of you
-i’m just going to get into it fam. here we go with all the triads in alphabetical order <3
-Cake: sometimes these two just need a quiet, relaxing night. this is definitely the triad for that. they’re such sweeties and they both just cherish the shit out of you. we’re talking sex where you’re all exhausted but just want some loving. lots of kissing and groans and clenching your eyes shut. i’m going to say a lot of spooning just because
-Cashton: my dream team. the rhythm section. these boys keep a fast, brutal pace that makes it hard to walk the next day. they are pretty dirty and they’re both doms (but Ash takes over most of the time as the real power dom) they are all hands, groping, and groaning. “say my name princess.” either overstimulation or orgasm denial. these two will find any place available to fuck. the most into public stuff. pre and post concert sex while in the arena building is huge for these two.
-Lashton: this pairing happening the first time when Luke walks in on you and Ashton pre concert and Luke’s already so pumped for the concert he’s just like “fuck it” and joins. Luke is at his roughest when he’s with Ashton because you’re super into it with Ashton so he tries it too. these two golden boys are different but Ashton goes a bit slower, they reach a happy medium.
-Mashton: so we’re talking dirty and kinky, like super kinky. Michael likes toys and Ashton is the only one who will truly embrace the use of the toys. Like Ash is confident in his ability to make you cum until you’re shaking without toys but he’s down to use the toys because Michael is a toy genius and it always makes it better for all of you. they take turns on who does what and they actually share control? this is I think probably the best equal dom situation. also actually you know what, i still think Cashton is huge on public sex but Mashton is also super down to fuck wherever and whenever you want. 
-Malum: i man, i’m super down for all of these pairings but this one is pretty hella in its own right too. they’re constantly laughing at each other. this one is kinda crazy because they can be going hard dom one moment and then laughing their asses off the next. i actually love this triad because of this. its goofy and fun and no pressure, ya’ll can just do whatever you want, there’s no competition or trying to see who can make you cum more or egging each other on to be more dom or more rough. it’s just Michael and Calum being Malum and it’s glorious.
-Muke: these sleepy honeys. morning sex is huge for these cuddle-bugs. i feel like with Ashton and Calum, Michael can be as kinky as he wants but with Luke, its more chill. Michael is always horny so when you’re cuddling with these two it usually heads the sexual way. lots of grinding and groaning and rubbing, just a fuck ton of foreplay. so much foreplay. these two just work really well together
-yeah being on tour makes it really hard to find time for sex so its usually quickies at the venue or hotel sex or morning sex before a long bus ride
-they all just want to be touching you all the time
-the first time you have all of them at once is kinda wild and a bit clunky because there’s a lot of patience involved when five people are trying to do the do but Ashton gets kinda fed up with it and takes the wheel as the main power dom who tells everyone what to do
-Luke is down to do what Ash says but Cal and Michael take some convincing
-so yeah, three doms and a medium would be a fun time
-getting pampered like a motherfucker
-so you’re their opener and everyone knows that you’re close with the band
-but there starts to be more and more pics of you holding Calum’s hand, or Ashton’s arm over your shoulders, or Luke giving you piggy backs or Michael hugging you and people are making hella detailed conspiracy theories on which of them you’re actually dating
-i’ve said this before but the more the touching becomes less PG the more fans notice
-”Luke you have to stop kissing me before i go on stage, fans are noticing the glitter on both of us.”
-you’d think that the first actual picture of one of them kissing you would be with Ashton because he doesn’t give two shits but it ends up being Luke. this pretty boy gets too excited about kissing you as you come off stage and he doesn’t realize he’s standing just a bit too close to the stage and that he’s in the line of view of a few fans
-none of you notice it until after the concert when Ash just starts laughing and shows a blurry picture but its obviously you and Luke and the fan caption is “I KNEW THE GLITTER MATCHED!”
-your ship name begins to trend everywhere and it’s just like oh shit
-imagine the headlines though. “Lead singer Luke Hemmings caught in the act with his opener.” “Luke Hemmings kisses new girlfriend, unaware of cameras.” “Luke’s the one! on stage kiss confirms 5sos singer and his new opener beau” “5sos fans call it again, Hemmings is dating his opener.” “Y/N L/N cozies up to her singer beau as she gets off stage at 5sos concert.”
-you all decide just to not contradict the headings and just roll with it, at least you and Luke can be seen in public being cute now
-but boy does it make the others jealous. Luke being the only one who’s able to kiss you in public is not sharing.
-they all deal with it... until you and Cal are out one night and it’s dark and you think no one’s around and his arm slips over your shoulders and he kisses your cheek  and boom, the next day the headings are: “Calum and Luke fighting over the same girl.” “5sos Opener Y/N L/N, the new Yoko?” “Calum Hood spotted having a tender moment with Luke Hemmings girlfriend.” “trouble in paradise for 5sos?”
-people are getting kinda savage about the whole Luke and Calum mess and it’s taking everything for your guys not to stand up for you online because they are protective as shit over you
-”how are we even going to break the news to everyone about this?”
-yeah this is a big fucking deal. like could you imagine? 
-they want to hide you and keep the shit from hitting the fan but with Luke and Calum already having pictures with you they can’t stop it anymore
-Michael is the one to just go “fuck this.” and he posts a picture
-it’s the five of you, in your pre-concert huddle
-his caption is just a bunch of hearts
-Ashton follows suit, posting a picture of the five of you all trying to fit on a couch, his caption: “this tour is special, its taught me about love, acceptance and commitment, and most importantly, that these three things are not set by society but by those experiencing them. we’re happy, what else matters?”
-Luke posts a picture of the five of you walking down a cobblestone street, his caption: “can you feel the love.”
-Calum is last, he’s not super into posts about his private life but he finds a picture of the five of you on stage from a concert where they invited you to sing Lie to Me with Luke, his caption: “family <3″
-people are so fucking confused. 
-you finally post a picture of you on the couch laying on all of them, captioned “my boys.”
-this picture did not help at all. peeps still be confused af
-like i’ve written some poly 5sos where it’s not an AU and its always been kinda tough because imagine how the fandom would react but poly!5sos with all of them x reader? this would be a shit storm
-of course any interview they have this is the main topic of discussion. finally Ashton breaks and is just like “i have a word of the day... and that word is Polyamory. look it up. thank you next.”
-finally being able to go out in public and do more than just hand holding without worrying
-and now when you’re on stage and your set is finishing sometimes they’ll come out and do a duet with you
-like they all secretly practice the shit out of one of your songs so they can surprise you on stage by doing a duet with you 
-i mean, its crazy and wild but there’s so much love
-they all want to write music about you
-yeah so this is like the perfect life and holy fuck i want it
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memekingjrsupreme · 7 years
Ask Away Anonymously Or Not.                        (◕‿◕✿) All My Asks I Answered On My Blog Deleted, So I Decided To Make An Ask Meme Thingyy.
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed? Closed, ain't no monster gonna get these feets.
(2) Do You Have Freckles? No, but most of my family does.
(3) Can You Whistle? Hell yeah, my only talent. I can whistle in and out too, I do a bomb ambulance impression.
(4) Last Song You Listened To. Brown Eyes by Lady Gaga I think.
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour? Blue, Green, Orange. I don’t really like red or yellow, the rest are just okay.
(6) Relationship Status. Single but not wanting to mingle ;)
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now? Cold? Like 68 degrees maybe (Fahrenheit because America is the only real country)?
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky? Waking up makes me cranky, but I’m also sick so probably.
(9) How Many Followers? Only 204 rn, I don’t post content so whatchu expect (shoutout to all those pornbots following me).
(10) Zodiac Sign. Sagittarius
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour? Bluey-green
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily? I have some vitamin c chew things, but they kinda make me gag.
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower? If people aren’t home, or I can close all doors to ensure they can’t hear me.
(14) What Books Are You Reading? I can’t read.
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14. I don’t have any books other than my yearbooks in my room.
(16) Favourite Anime? I’ve only seen one, so it’d have to be Cory in the House.
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of? My dogs? I don’t really cry unless I’m thinking about stuff late at night so.
(18) Do You Collect Anything? I really like figures like of any kind so like I’m one of the only people I feel that likes Funko Pop.
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch? Nothing, I woke up at like 12pm and I can’t cook well.
(20) Do You Dance In The Car? Not really, I sing though (I can’t drive so its only with other people).
(21) Favourite Animal? I literally would love to meet any animal ever, but I’ve always had a special place for dogs and elephants.
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics? Whom?
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed? 2 am is the max I really do anymore, usually around midnight.
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now? Full face obviously (jk).
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean? I don’t swim, but probably ocean since there’s some good sea boys up in there.
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog? You’re all my friends and babies, but Otterlycrete since I tagged her ;) (how can you pick favorites though)
(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water? Bottled unless I can have it from a filter.
(28) What Makes You Happy? Animals, family, friends, memes, graphic design (its my passion).
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now. Too lazy.
(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music? With, otherwise I space out and don’t do anything.
(31) Dogs Or Cats? All animals are good, but I really love doggos.
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be? Black. It’s dependable and adds structure to pictures.
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox. No. I really only use my computer.
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean? This feels very similar to the other question, but lake or ocean to see swimmy animal bois.
(35) Do You Believe In Magic? Yes, as well as life after love.
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing? Black
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue? Yeah
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It? Hnnnng, spend.
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You? Mmyes, the merch of Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson.
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now? I only really get obsessed over music and albums, right now I’ve been listening to things like “The Fame” (as a good throwback), “Rainbow”, and “Poppy.Computer”.
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly? Yes.
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People? Depends on the person, I definitely second guess things if someone says something but I’m usually strong in my decisions.
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams? I had a dream about being in kindergarten and playing with penguins and an elephant last night.
(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes? I don’t like the idea of them, but I’m fine with being on them.
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry. Hidden Figures or Selena, both are ones I watched/rewatched recently.
(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds? Peanuts
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be? Lana Del Rey, Marina and the Diamonds, Poppy, Katy Perry (again), pretty much anyone except T*ylor Sw*ft.
(48) Are You A Picky Eater? I don’t eat meat so yes I suppose.
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper? Kind of, things wake me up but I usually don’t care enough to stay awake.
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning? Love storms
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write? Depends on what I’m reading, I like the idea of writing but not actually doing it because it makes me feel self conscious.
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud? Yeah, as long as I’m not bothering people.
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents? Probably carve pumpkins because I suck at wrapping stuff.
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up? Body Electric by Lana Del Rey (issa bop)
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather) Winter (the best season).
(56)What Are You Craving Right Now? Nothing? Maybe the tofu from this one place (it's amazing), but idk.
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed. Too Lazy (again).
(58) What Is Your Gender? I’m boy
(59) Coffee Or Tea? Both, those are my two favorite drinks how dare you pit them against each other.
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About? Yes. I gotta make some posters for a digital design class, but will I? No.
(61) What Is Your Sexuality? I’m not really into anyone in a very sexual way, I’d say I’m asexual. I’d rather be in a relationship with a guy though.
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning? No, its easier to get back into once I’ve decided I don’t want to face the realities of the modern world if I don’t make it.
(63) Favourite Pokemon? Arcanine? Charizard? Sceptile? Gardevoir? I love a LOT of them.
(64) Favourite Social Media? Twitter cause its like I’m friends with celebrities ;)
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories? I don’t use Instagram
(66) Do You Get Homesick? If I’m away for a little sure, I’m living at home before I go off to school so.
(67) Are You A Virgin? If you’re asking if I have a virgen de guadalupe candle, then yes.
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now? Some random stuff, it smells dank though.
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free? I’d go sleep in a car rn, idk why but I actually really don’t mind it. Maybe it's the cold or something.
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life? Yep.
(71)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters? Coco, it looks great :)
(72) Do You Miss Your Ex? WHOMST’VE?
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now? “Pushing my ex husband off of his own balcony has been the highlight of my day.” - Joanne the Scammer
(74)  What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest? Not really that they’re sexy but I like blue eyes, brown eyes, idk they’re all nice.
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set? I could take it or leave it both now and then.
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate? Soup and salad.
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone? Only Magikarp Jump and ACPC.
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not? Who would just watch and let someone die…. What kind of question is this.
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight? Of course, I’m a hooligan.
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network? Not really, maybe a person I thought was familiar and wanted to verify.
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People? Not really, unless its someone I’ve heard of beforehand.
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them. No, they give me anxiety (what if I lose them).
(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed? 100% always closed, I’m not trying to have someone watch me while I sleep.
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today? Classwork, listened to music, played video games (lazy day).
(85) What Do You Wear To Bed? T-shirt and shorts (I can’t wear long pants and I’d never sleep without some type of clothing).
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now. I’m ugly, what are those.
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person? Night, its way more calm.
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc. Oh honey…. To many to name (my favorites are Overwatch, WoW, Smite, BattleRite, etc).
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened. I once dreamed I was in an 8-bit arcade game a few years ago, nothing topped that one.
(90) Favourite Soda Drink? Dr. Pepper?
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite? I don’t understand this, but like animals and music I guess.
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More? Sweats, jeans remind me too much of where I live.
(93) How Do You Look Right Now? A mess, sis.
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You. Family (sometimes, friends (sometimes), animals, games, music, rain, snow, nighttime.
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want? A lyric/quote from the song “Spaceship” by Kesha. “Nothing is real, love is everything, and I know nothing.” or some variation of that.
(96) Favourite YouTuber? EthosLab, Xisumavoid (even though I don’t really care about playing minecraft), I also really like Jaymes Mansfield.
If any of you wanna do this, feel free :)
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