#cause they live upstate but idk how far but i feel like they go home a lot
baby-prophet · 1 month
praying that someone specific sees my instagram story and takes me up on my offer but I don't think they will...........................
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danisbrainrot · 2 months
modern day taivan hc’s if they never broke up maybe………………………
taivan <3
ofc!! this might seem out of character but idk how else to write it considering they lived VERY different lives.
first, I think they would have broken up briefly after being rescued—just until taissa finished uni. but they'd miss each other everyday, and would flick through photos whenever it's quiet or its late at night.
they both move far away from their home town—too many bad memories.
that's why it's so shocking when they see each other randomly one day, bumping into each other somewhere that's so far from where they grew up. (literally tied together by an invisible string).
when they meet up again after like a few years, immediately tai flings herself into van's arms because she missed them so bad—it doesn't matter where they are, a bar, uni, on the street. she just needed to feel van's warmth again.
after dating for like two months, they move in together and start renting a shitty flat above a movie rental store, and van works there while tai works at some fancy lawyer firm. they make ends meet, and they get frustrated from time to time, but the nights always ends in them showing how much they loved each other.
whenever tai does the dishes it's compulsory for van to wrap her arms around tai's waist and snuggle her chin into the crook of tai's neck. they would do a lot of domestic fluff like this, because they just wanna make up for lost time.
the two of them snuggled on the couch while watching movies van borrowed from downstairs, popcorn bowl tucked neatly between them. they're drowning in blankets, but it doesn't matter because they're both just so comfy.
late night discussions about what happened in the woods because they need to find some way to process what the fuck happened out there.
van comforting tai when she starts sleep walking again. they try everything, even tying her to the bed post, but they end up finding work is stressing her out, so they go on a small trip upstate to visit their family.
I feel like life would be a lot slower and peaceful for tai, purely because van doesn't let her get on her bullshit. simone may have accepted and encouraged running for senator (or whatever she ran for, can't quite remember) but after not talking for a few years, van wants all of tai's time and attention. the idea of losing her to the election and strategy meetings is not appealing to her. she dissuades taissa, almost causing a rift in their marriage. but they find their way back to each other, again, cause invisible strings!
I don't think they'd have kids together, honestly. I'm open to changing my mind about that though.
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samthemarvelfan · 4 years
Baby Mine: One Shot
Summary: When the life you thought you’d live turns out to be a lie, who will be there to pick up the pieces? Someone you’d always hoped, but never expected.
Pairing: Dad!Bucky Barnes x OFC (brief Steve x ofc?)
Warnings: ANGST ANGST ANGST, redemption, then straight and pure tooth rotting FLUFF. This is kinda anti-steve in the beginning, but i needed it for the angst!
A/N: idk where i get these ideas yall, but it is so smooshy and good at the end, I promise! <3
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No one ever said life was fair, but you never knew it could be this cruel.
The anger, heartache, and resentment—all of these torturous feelings were so unfair to the little life growing inside you.
Your baby was everything to you. The shining light on your darkest days. Something—someone that was truly yours.
Finding out you were pregnant was the happiest moment of your life. Watching as one pink line turned to two, you couldn’t wait to tell Steve. He always wanted a family, ‘a life after all this’, he would say; when the world was at peace and the Avengers didn’t need to be on the planets speed dial. You’d talked about buying a little house in the suburbs, raising as many babies as you could together, growing old and living the life he’s deserved for over a century.
He wanted that more than anything...it turns out he just didn’t want it with you.
After Thanos, after all the devastation in Wakanda, after all of these life threatening and life altering events, it seemed like life was beginning to settle.
The day of Tony’s memorial, you knew you felt off. After doing some quick cycle-math in your head, you’d decided to take a pregnancy test that evening.
The pink and white stick told you clear as day: positive. You were pregnant with Steve Rogers’ baby. You’d kept the news to yourself that day, not wanting to make the day about anyone but Tony Stark.
A few days later, Steve was going to return the stones as promised. You’d elected to stay home and surprise him when he got back.
Only Steve never came home.
6 Month Ago:
Your stomach was a mess, feeling like you’d vomit every 30 minutes. Whether that was your nerves or the pregnancy you weren’t sure, but either way, it was going to be worth it.
Steve would walk through that door any second and your lives were going to be changed forever. A new little life, the perfect mix of the both of you, was growing inside your belly.
The knock at the front door interrupted you daydreams. When you opened it, you immediately grew concerned at the sight in front of you.
“Bucky? What’s the matter?” You asked.
Bucky’s beautiful cerulean eyes were bloodshot and puffy, he’d obviously been crying.
“Are you hurt?” You begged, searching his figure for wounds.
He had a puzzled look on his face. “Me? I-I came to check on you, Els. Are you alright?”
He used his nickname for you, and your gaze now matched his own. “Why wouldn’t I be alright? Bucky, come in.” You say, tugging his hand.
Once he was inside, he let out a long breath. His weight shifting from heel to heel. “Ella, I want you to know, I’ll always be here for you. You mean so much to me...more than you’ll ever know.” He said, his voice shaking.
You walked up to him and put his face in your hands. “James, you’re scaring me. Where’s Steve? Have you told him what’s the matter? Maybe he can help—“
“What?” Bucky asks suddenly.
You blink, “Steve, have you seen him? He was Upstate for the day. I can give him a call if you’d like—“
The color was drained from his face, “Y-You don’t know. He didn’t tell you,” Bucky said in disgust. “That coward couldn’t face you...”
Bucky’s words hit you like a wave. This was James Buchanan Barnes—the one person in the world who would always have Steve Rogers’ back.
And he called him a coward.
“B-Bucky. Please what’s going on?” You ask, feeling you legs shaking.
James brushes his face his his hands, “Ella...Steve, h-he’s gone.”
The floor felt like it sank beneath you, causing you to wobble. “N-no, he’s Upstate. He’s Upstate and he’ll be home by dinner.” You said, denial setting in.
James grabbed your hand, and shook his head. “Steve left to return the stones. He missed his time stamp, Ella. He stayed in the past, he stayed with Peg—“
You head snapped up.
Bucky swallowed hard. “He stay with her. He stayed with Peggy. He swore he told you. That you’d discussed it and wished him well. I’m...God, I’m so sorry, Els.”
You felt your vision blacken and your legs completely give out. Bucky caught you before your head smashed into the hardwood flooring.
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“How’s my little guy doing?” Bucky asked, rubbing your stomach as he plopped next you you on the couch.
“He or She is doing backflips.” You sassed.
He chuckled, placing a hand on your leg as he spoke, “I know we won’t find out until he’s born, but I’m telling you. I got this gut feelin’, Els.”
A soft laugh escaped you, as you placed a hand over his. “We’ll see James Barnes. We’ll see.”
The two of you had just finished moving Bucky’s things into your house. He’d offered to live with you until the baby came; he didn’t like the thought of you being alone.
“Thank you for staying with me. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” You said, shamefully looking to your fiddling fingers.
Bucky turned towards you slightly, “Hey, look at me, Els.” He urged. “I would never, ever abandon you. You need me, I’m there. It’s no questions asked. Ever, I promise.”
The tears prickling your eyes couldn’t be hidden, not with what your hormones were doing to you. Falling for Bucky wasn’t the plan, but it had been the easiest thing in the world.
Every appointment, every anxiety attack, every craving—Bucky was there. He would read stories to your tummy, and hold you when the panic of everything caught up with you. There were days you’d forget about Steve all together, but somethings you just couldn’t forget.
“I just wish it was you.” You whisper.
“What?” He asks.
You look at Bucky, eyes filled with tears. “I wish this was your baby, James. You’ve been there for me for as long as I’ve known you. Way before Steve left, and now this innocent, little life will have to grow up feeling abandoned.”
You wiped your eyes. “You’re the most honest and kind man I’ve ever known, Buck. I love you, and it kills me that this baby isn’t yours. You deserve it, you deserve him or her.”
Bucky looked at you thoughtfully, putting a hand on yours. “Who says it can’t be?”
Blinking, you double check if you’d heard him right, “What?”
He stands abruptly, “I’m serious, Ella. Who’s says he can’t be my son? Or she can’t be my daughter?”
“Bucky it’s—“
“I know what it is, Els. I also know that this little one got the shit end of the stick as far as fathers go.” Bucky sank to his knees in front of you and took your hands in his.
“Doll, I’ve loved you for forever. When you were with Steve, it killed me...but you were happy, and he seemed happy. I’m telling you now, and I’ll swear on whatever you need me to, that I will be there.”
You sobbed as Bucky took your face in his hands, “I’ll be there for the bottles, the diapers, and hey, I already don’t sleep so that’s a plus.” He jested, getting you to smile.
“I’ll be there for the boo-boos, for the little league games or dance recitals, or both. I’ll be there for the first day of high school, the first date, prom, college, all of it.”
You smiled as the tears ran down you cheeks. “James...” you said dreamily.
“As far as I’m concerned, that is my baby. DNA doesn’t make you a Dad, Els but...God dammit, I’ll be the best Dad I can be to our little one. I promise.”
Throwing your arms around him, you crash your lips to his. It’s a kiss that says everything you want to say, but couldn’t find the words for.
“I love you. I love you, James.” You cry. Bucky presses his forehead against yours and smiles. “I love you more. I love you both.”
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5 years later:
“Mommy, help!” Your son shouted as he laughed his way into your bedroom.
You smiled at him from your bed, “What is it, Jack?”
His giggles filled your ears, “There’s a tickle monster, Mommy! He’s chasing me!”
Your eyes caught the clock, noticing Bucky had let you sleep in on this beautiful, Saturday morning.
“Not the tickle monster! Come here, Jack! Hurry!” You throw your blankets up and he crawls underneath them.
It’s quiet...too quiet. “Do you think we’re safe?” You ask.
He nods.
“Hmm, let’s check.” You toss the blankets off, and are greeted with the goofiest ‘roar’ you’d ever heard.
“Rooooar! I’m the tickle monster!” Bucky shouted, earning a loud scream from Jack.
Bucky tickled his little foot, and Jack scrambled his way back up the bed. “Mommy, I told you! Daddy got turned into the tickle monster!”
You stand quickly, pushing your son behind you. “Don’t worry, baby! Mama knows the cure!” You rush Bucky and plant a long kiss on his lips.
“Ewww, Mommy...” Jack griped, covering his eyes.
You look at Bucky, who’s smiling ear to ear. “Do you believe this? I save you from being a tickle monster for all-time and these are the thanks I get.”
Bucky smirks, “I need to be saved one more time I think...”
You giggle, and smooch him again.
“Okay! Enough kisses! Dad, can we tell Mommy the surprise?” Jack said excitedly.
Bucky hoists Jack up onto his shoulders, “Go ahead, buddy.”
Jack covered his mouth in excitement, “Mommy! We made waffles for breakfast, and Daddy put chocolate chips in them! You gotta try it!”
Your eyes widened with excitement as he spoke so proudly. “Oh my goodness! I can’t wait, let’s go!”
In the kitchen, you sat with your family and ate breakfast. This was your life, your normal. A beautiful weekend with your husband and son and absolutely zero plans.
“Daddy can we maybe go fishing with Uncle Sam again? I wanna catch the biggest one ever.” Jack said dramatically.
Bucky chuckled, “Sure Jacky, I’ll call him after breakfast, okay?”
He nodded, sipping his OJ.
“Does Mommy want to do anything special today?” Bucky asked, placing a hand on your knee.
You squeeze it, and smile. “Actually, Mommy has a present for Daddy.”
Bucky wiggled his eyebrows, “Oh yeah?”
You slapped his shoulder, “James.”
He kissed your hand, “Should I close my eyes?”
You nod, “Jack, come help Mommy for a second?”
Jack scoots off his chair and hurries to you, “Okay, now give this to Daddy.”
“Surprise!” He said happily.
Bucky opened his eyes, and stared at the long, rectangular watch box. “A watch, baby?” He smiled, looking up at you.
You smirk, “Open it.”
Bucky pulled the blue lid off slowly, and carefully. When it was placed on the table in front of him, you watched his eyes widen.
With shaking hands, he pulled out the small pink and white stick; a positive pregnancy test.
His eyes were welling with tears as he looked at you. “A baby, baby?”
You nod, and he stands instantly, throwing his arms around you.
“Me too, me too!” Jack shouted.
Bucky picked him up into his arms to join the hug. “Can you believe this, buddy? You’re going to be a big brother!”
Jack claps with delight, “I want a sister, Mommy.”
“You do?!” You say, smooching his cheek.
Bucky looks at you dreamily. “I love you so much. I’m the luckiest guy in the world, Doll.”
Shaking your head, you place a kiss on his lips. “We’re both lucky, Buck. Lucky in love.”
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