#cause we havent hung out one on one in a while
mangosrar · 5 months
i haven’t heard from you since.
chris sturniolo x fem reader.
idk if i specified but they’re in a relationship and have been for like 3 years!!
also hey y’all i disappeared for a while but i’m back 😛and i’m currently trying to get through the requests so be ready 😈love y’all. bee ❤️‍🩹
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how had it become like this? it seemed so unbelievable that there was a point in yoir life where you thought you were going to marry him, have children, and grow old together. if someone would have told you three years ago that you would both end up like this you would have laughed in their face. he used to be so sweet, so passionate about you, but now that couldnt be further from the truth.
you werent really sure when the change happened, or why it happened maybe a little after your birthday, maybe before. of course you knew people grow apart but this wasnt growth. this was borderline misery. the constant fighting, the days of ignoring one another, the nights where chris would come home at 2am and not say a word to you after you had been waiting up for him, it was nothing short of torture.
but still every single time, both of you just let it blow over, waiting until the next bomb went off, but the long lasting was lasting a little too long.
"oh please, like you were actually worries" he scoffed, taking his hat off and throwing it on the kitchen table.
"you stormed out on me, you didnt even tell me where you were, youve been gone for 5 hours and you stroll in at almost 3am expecting me to be cool about it? what fucking planet are you living on" you said staring at him.
he didnt even reply he just shook his head, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms, keeping his eyes trained to the floor. a moment of silence passed as you waited for him to say something, anything, and finally he took a deep breath in and pulled his eyes up to meet yours.
"maybe i just dont wanna fucking be around you" his voice was quiet and soft, a stark contrast to the sharpness of his words. his expression was stoic and completely unreadable.
he watched the colour drain from your face, as he did every time he would bark an insult at you. a small part of him felt nothing but pure joy to know that he had the power to completely crush you, like when murderers say they feel no remorse for the people theyve killed, but another small part of him was bleeding, a self-inflicted stinging, like a pain he had never felt before.
"you know what chris, day by day i realize everything i miss about you was never there in the first place, the person i fell in love with was a fucking mirage." your words were dripping with venom. his face faltered for a second, momentarily letting the mask slip, and the pain your words were causing him beginning to slip out.
"you dont mean that" he looked like he was about to burst into tears, and it made your mouth run dry.
you tried so hard to keep it together, but the tears that had gathered in your waterline threatened to spill with every single Shakey breath you took. there was a pregnant pause and the effect of your words hung in the air. chris stared at you intensely and you let your eyes rest anywhere but on him, you couldnt look at him, at the chance of seeing him with watery eyes and a wobbly lip might make you fall at his feet once more.
you took a deep breath before eventually meeting his gaze and beginning to talk.
"i dont know why things changed chris.... but one day i woke up and we no longer spoke the same language, and i havent heard from you since" chris watched every time as he crushed you, but now as he took your place, standing there with his hands by his sides, mouth hanging open, taking rapid breaths, in and out, while trying not to cry, he felt as though you had murdered him.
"that doesnt mean i dont love you y/n, we can work through this, weve done it before, ill be better i promise i will" he spoke with a wobbly voice.
the tears were now full force streaming down your face. he stood there across the kitchen with wide eyes, trying to think of how to come back from this, but there was something about the way you opened your mouth to speak again, that told him there wasnt.
"i cant relax around you chris, if i relaxed my body now, id fall apart. if i relaxed for a fucking second, id never find my way back. why cant you see that?" you paused for a moment and shook your head at him in disbelief. "why cant you see that you are tearing me limb for limb when i have done nothing but love you? why cant you understand that i have poured all of my heart and soul onto you to try and wash away whatever it is thats made you like this and you are throwing it back in my face? i mean when will this fucking end?" you were yelling and you hadnt even realized you had made your way over to him and were now standing less than a foot away.
"y/n please, dont do this. ill get my shit together and ill be better because i love you" he looked at you with pleading eyes as he spoke, reaching out to grab your hand, but when you pulled away before he even got the chance to even feel your skin on his, it was like he had died right there in that second.
"do you?" you whispered, swallowing thickly, desperately trying to stop the floodgates from opening more.
chriss face was wet with tears as he stared down at you sniffling. he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. he was completely gob smacked. he never thought it would get to this point. but as your eyes bored into his, wordlessly begging him to say something that would fix this, he felt as though the earth was crumbling beneath his feet.
his silence gave you all the answers that you needed, so with that you turned around and walked away, and the sound of his broken voice calling your name, spoke volumes.
he knew it was over, he knew that you were about to go upstairs and pack your bags and walk out the door, but he didnt do a thing to try and stop you, he knew he wouldnt be able to fix this even if he tried, so he watched you walk away, and the second you were out of sight, he fell to his knees, clutching his chest like he was dying and letting out sob after sob, like it would mend all damage he had done.
in the next room, you were frantically trying to keep your self control. the urge to walk back in there and wipe his tear-stained cheeks and kiss his broken heart better was paralyzing. the sound of him wailing and weeping was soul crushing, but this had to be done, one of you had to be strong enough to walk away.
you knew he would leave such an imprint on you, he had left such severe claw marks that anyone you even entertained after chris, would have to know him in order to understand you, and that might have been the worst fucking part.
taglist: @christinarowie332 @biimpanicking @chrisenthusiast @soursturniolo @kitaysworld @kvtie444 @mattslolita @flowerxbunnie @lovingsturniolo @its-jennarose @ermdontmindthisaccount @secret-sturniolo @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @justaslvttygirl @urfavstromboli @recklesssturniolo @delimeats-000 @nickdevora @gwenlore @sturnioloenthusiast
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knipiko · 11 months
Change (In a house of flies) || Leon Kennedy x reader ANGST ||
Word count: 1k
A/N: I havent written in a while so dont expect anything good LMAOO
Summary: Leon was never a shell of a man he was, no matter what. he will still be the love sick Leon S Kennedy like he was yesterday.
WARNINGS!: Angst, Leon still loves ada, leons kind of a ass but hey we love a good angst fic
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You were a simple person, never needing much. Maybe that was from the grueling days you spent in training to become where you were now, or maybe it was from how troubled you were financially before you were taken into the DSO’s hands. But there was one thing you needed, and that was the truth. 
It was a chilled night with you and your partner, Leon Scott Kennedy. The man who survived Racoon City, Saved the president's daughter, and managed to finish his mission in Lanshiang, China with the help of Helena Harper. He was an incredible man, he was your man. But with a loyal, corny and friendly guy came a troubled and traumatic past. He never spoke of it unless it was needed, but you didn't care. You were never the one to pry deep in someone's past, especially Leon Kennedys.
“I can’t wait to just go home and take the longest fucking bath imaginable..” You shifted the strands of hair collecting over your face and pulled them behind your ear, holding your rifle firmly. You had just recently reunited with Leon after splitting up in the tunnel system to clear more ground and eliminate possible threats. He was a little later than you expected, but you just brushed it off as he had more ground to look through. This place was a disaster, you both were in Germany. In the tunnels of the Umbrella Corporations underground system because of some reports about a heavy amount of missing people around the area, with wires poking side to side or firmly against the spheritic walls, the wet concrete smell and the small puddles of water from one of the leaking water pipes just made the entire trip have a somehow relaxing feel to it. 
Leon had found Ada on his way to meeting back with you in the tunnel system, he missed her. More than he missed you during all those solo missions you leave for. Sometimes you would be gone for weeks, even months. And he would sit there in sorrow, not for his woman but for another he could never truly have, he would cry nights on end about Ada when you were gone, keychain in hand. The same one Ada gave him for the jet ski in Spain. He was stunned when he saw her in the tunnels, lovestruck and felt like he was meeting her for the first time all over again. Leon tried to forget about Ada, but he just couldn't. He talked with Ada, interrogating what she was doing in Germany. Ada kissed him goodbye before they parted ways as he began to find you again, realizing his mistake immediately after parting ways with his first love.
Leon just looked ahead of him, his handgun shifting in both of his hands,”Mhm..” He hummed. You glanced at his hands moving the handgun to each palm, his hands clammy,”Hey, you okay?” You slowed your walking speed to match his, Leon was never this nervous during missions. He looks– no, glances at you before holding his handgun firmly in his right hand, his entire body tensing up,”Yeah.” His jaw clenches up as he kept his eyes forward with the seemingly never ending tunnel. Leon was never like this, from the dozen of missions and the thousands of times you two have hung out, this was odd. His chest pinged with guilt, pain, and regret..
I mean, he WAS your boyfriend. Was it the humidity that made him sweat? 
That made him avoid eye contact with you when possible? 
That causes his back to straighten when even a single syllable slipped from your lips?
The whole situation pulls you from reality,’I'm overthinking this, I don’t even have a reason to overthink!’ You try to calm yourself and reach some form of explanation in your head. You chalk it up as some form of his past trying to come back in his mind, trying to pay no attention. Leon exhales as he sees an elevator, a sigh of relief. You both walked inside, Leon reaching the lines of buttons and pressed the 9th floor, just above where the both of you were. Your brain still trying to find rational understanding behind whatever the reason was behind his nervous behavior, not knowing what was such a big deal.
You swallowed your own spit, worry towering over you. If you just asked again he wouldn't want to talk, but it's better than nothing. Right? You turned your head towards Leon, clearing your throat to make his attention pull towards you,”You know, you're really shitty at lying about your feelings.” You grinned, trying to lighten the mood. After not receiving a response you speak again,”I know I shouldn't pry but, I love you. And I want what's best for you.” That made Leon's heart burn with guilt. He felt awful, but his feelings could never change for Ada. No matter how much he loved you.
You just weren't her. You weren't as flirtatious or mysterious as her, nothing like the beauty he was blessed by when he first saw Ada.
Leon just stood there in the elevator, letting the doors open as he walked out and searched a singular room. Anxiety swallowing him whole, You walked into the room and shut the door behind you, becoming more irritated than worried,”Leon, please.” You pleaded with him, his heart just crushed itself into pieces. Blinking the tears from his eyes before turning to face you.
He sighed,”I saw Ada while we were split.” You became confused, is that all he was worried about telling you? No, it couldn't be,”Is that all?” You asked, folding your arms together. Leon wiped the sweat off of his palms, looking at you with concern. You stared at him, your brain unable to put two and two together. No matter how easy it was, because part of you didn't want to believe what the other part was trying to say. 
Leon shook his head, running his hands throughout his hair,”No, uhm. You know how much I love you, right?” Leon smiled, at least tried too. He knew what he was about to confess, if he didnt he would forever be stuck with these ties of pain and being unable to seek forgiveness in himself. You stared at him, your tone becoming worried,”Yeah?... So, what about you and Ada?” 
He fumbled with his gun,”There's no easy way to say this but uh,” He paused, putting his hands on top of his face before wiping the sweat off, pinching the bridge of his nose,”Say it, Leon. You're making me nervous!” You spoke, practically shaking at the suspense. Leon bit his bottom lip, looking at you,”Me and Ada, well. Kissed, and I've realized I've loved her more than I've ever, loved you." He paused,"Your just not her.”
You were never Ada, could never be anything like her, and you knew it. From the countless stories and the handful of interactions with Ada you now understood.
That look Leon gave her.
That smile Leon gave her.
The way Leon even talked about her.
He was in love with her.
It was never you, he just needed a replacement to forget.
Forget about her.
You were stunned, unable to speak as you wet your lips. Jaw to the floor as you slowly shook your head, Leon continued,”For your comfort, I tried to hide the truth.” Your eyebrows furrowed, staring at him with pure disbelief at what the words were coming out of his mouth,”You only ever cared about your own comfort, Kennedy.” You stumbled against the own weight of what you said, your entire world was crumbling down. And you couldn't stop it. You were furious. You wanted to scream, curse every entities name for putting you in this position. For even meeting Leon Scott Kennedy.
“I still love you, just not the same amount as Ada.” Leon tried to come up with some excuse as he put his hands up dismissively. “You never loved me to begin with, Leon. I'm doing this mission without you.” You adjusted the rifle in your hand and opened the door, walking off.
Leon really hasn't changed since he was in Racoon City, not like he thought he has.
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dreamerwitches · 4 months
Im miffed that Mabayu’s witch was never revealed but I knew she was going to have a second magia since a little while ago.
But i think the question is…. Who would it have been? The biggest answer is Itzli, and also Waplurgis because of her colours (but honestly its way looser…) but Im focusing on Itzli to start.
I think its a no. I honestly think Mabayu’s film theming was just a gimmick, a stunt to get people guessing. But when you look at other aspects of Itzli they just dont line up at all.
‘a magical girl who came from the end of the galaxy’ you could reeeaally stretch this to say the end of the galaxy is Mabayu’s loops but i really dont think this is right
‘she has shown herself here to forget about all the magical girls from this universe’ works in Mabayu’s favour. Shes sick of being stuck and forced into a bunch of magical girls business she honestly has nothing to do with but HAS to help because she literally has nothing else. But its the universe bit that doesnt work. It honestly makes me think of Ultimate Madoka more. She, of course, has seen magical girls across the universe. Mabayu has seen… five
Her labyrinth is absolutely a point for Mabayu, its a theatre damn it. But its very obvious so I neednt delve
One thing against Mabayu is that Itzli has a pretty clear clover theme. Its the kind that you’d imagine her magi having it as her soul gem or something. Its on her kiss, hairclip thing and Kyubey states she uses clovers all over the world to spy on others. Mabayu completely lacks this. Witch abilities always link to their magi, it wouldnt just pop out of nowhere. (Ophelia can multiply, oktavia has a sword, candeloro has ribbons, you get it)
Another thing in Mabayu’s favour is that Itzli is clearly linked to Homura. Homura is the first magical girl to meet her and Kyubey states that Itzli has grown strong because of Homura. Mabayu and Homura have a clear link in scene zero and she remembers Mabayu at the start of new loops. They do have a connection and yes, Mabayu did grow stronger as a magical girl because of Homura.
Its certainly tricky cause there are things for and against her… I have a terrible feeling they DO want her to be Itzli but are like ‘oh lets just retcon those things we confirmed before to make it work’ (unless Mabayu is an alien after all??? Eh, that could explain her mama’s abilities..? And maybe why she didnt want anyone to see her in the hospital cause the jig would be up? Now thats a theory..!) im still hung up on the clovers though. Came from a clover planet??
But one thing that has been rattling around in my head is this… Mabayu cant become a witch. Why? Because every time she dies, she just starts the loop over. She cant die so we’ll never see her witch. This could be a hundred percent wrong because i havent seen all of scene zero but its my hunch so far
Well what do you think? Im interested to see others thoughts
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pfft-me · 2 years
Rise Leo x Female Reader
So Im back at it again with the one shot. Again I chose to go with female reader, but i can also do gn and male readers. Again forgive me for any ooc in regards to Leo. I had also written this at like 2 am. I also have a headcannon that the turtles like to bite. Like at random times their gums start hurting so they usually have matching chew toys. I also picture reader as a diamondback terrapin.
I hid under my sheet in the comfort of my dark and cool room. I hadnt seen the outside world for some time, though its not like I can anyways. After a butched mission with the boys I hadnt even thought of anything else but hiding. We had been fighting Draxum for what feels like 100th time, and he had gone to attack April. I pushed her out of the way and was caught instead of her. The gang was threatening Draxum but apparently he didnt care as usual and injected me with some ooze. All I remember was gagging because I could feel the stuff go through my blood stream. Draxum had been cackling but stopped because I hadnt mutated like he wanted.
"What, why arent you mutated?"
I shrugged "maybe you had bad ooze" Raph and Leo then start to beat up Draxum for touching me. I suddenly felt sick and didnt want to be there. "April take me home!" I whined as she pat my back.
"Hey babe are you ok?" Leo touched my shoulder triggering something in me. I pushed him away and started feeling dizzy "Babe?"
I fell unconscious after that and woke up in bed. I knew I was different. I could physically tell that I was and with some knowledge of how the ooze works thanks to Donnie. I mustve been mutaed to a turtle. I thrash and turn in bed not wanting to be awake, but alas my stomach betrayed me. I sat up letting my eyes adjust to the darkness. I grab my phone wincing as it turned on. The screen was full of messages from the boys and april. Along with some other friends and family. I just scrolled through the messages not bothering to answer since I wasnt in the mood. I walked into my living room, flicking on the small fairy lights around the room. It was more comforting than the actual light. A new message popped in from Leo asking if he could come over. I sighed sending him a quick "sure, bring food" I quickly call up April hoping to feel a bit better.
"Hey girl! Its been a while are you ok?"
"Ive, ive been better" i spoke softly. My throat hurt a bit and my body was overall sore. "Did you bring me home?"
"Yeah I did, and no i havent seen you since then, also did you mutate?" I nodded but realized she wouldnt see me. "Ill take that as a yes. Nami do you think you can look in a mirror?"
"I dont want to. Im scared. Shit Leo is coming over, April what do I do?! Hes gonna freak out!" I started panicking.
"Hey, hey, hey, he loves you! No matter what you look like and I mean you did fall for him and hes also a turtle" she laughed causing me to chuckle. A knock came from my window alerting me that he was here.
"I have to go, thank you"
"Anytime!" With that we hung up.
The knocks came again and my name was faintly spoken. I took a deep breath and walking into my still dark room. The fairy lights in the living room gave it a small glow just enough for me to see. I peek through the curtains a bit and there Leo was. He held some italian food making me smile. I slowly opened the curtain, letting him in, but hid behind the cloth.
"Babe what wrong? Why is it so dark in here?" He walked into the kitchen, quickly putting the food down on the counter. I walked up to the door frame my body still partially hidden. "Nami?"
"I, you, you love me right?"
He quirked his non existent eyebrow "of course I do. Come here and eat" he motioned with his hand for me to come closer.
"Leo, im not the same"
"Uh clearly," i winced a bit at his sarcastic remark. He noticed me pulling back into the room and sighed. He walked over placing his hands on my shoulders, then slid them down my arms, causing me to shiver. He took my hands into his and kissed them. "Im sorry," i blinked at him "im sorry I couldnt stop Drax from doing this to you. I know that this change is huge and you wont have a normal life anymore. Youll have to go into hiding like the rest of us and if im being honest. I couldnt stop feeling guilty. When you pushed me away I knew i triggered the mutation. Im so so sorry. I sometimes think about how i shouldve never asked you to be mine"
I pull my hands away and grip his biceps "dont you ever say that! Dont you ever wish anything but for us to be together! I love you! You love me! Something like this isnt gonna change that. Sure my body is sore as hell and i really need to bite something, but that besides the point" leo smiles at my last comment. "Actually seriously why do i have the need to bite so bad right now" i massage my jaw a bit.
He laughed and pulled out a green chew toy. I look at him unimpressed "it happens more than you think. We each have one and I thought youll may need one too. Why do you think I always bite your shoulder?"
I took the toy from him and bit into it. I hummed and continued to bite it as Leo pulled me into the kitchen. He pulled me into a hug as I happily chewed on the toy. "Youre so cute oh Mi gosh and look at your shell, so beautiful!" He brushed his hand against my shell causing me to pull away. "Oops"
"It super sensitive, even more so now dang it!" I pulled some pasta out of the bag and dug into it.
"Hey that means you can now train with us sometimes. We can help you get used to being totally awesome like moi" he flipped his non existent hair.
"Imma speak with Donnie first"
He groaned "my not so awesome brother? Why?"
I shrugg "just to do a quick physical"
"Hey! Im the medic in the family let me do the physical" he laid his head on my shoulder
I giggled "you get too physical if you know what i mean" i fed him some pasta and watched he ate it with a pout. He hummed then remained quiet as I occasionally would feed him. I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my head. I felt him shift a bit to kiss my neck, causing me to flinch. "Yes?"
"Nothing, youre just really beautiful" if i were human i wouldve been flushed red, but I guess having green skin helps with that. "Can we just cuddle? I dont want to share you just yet" he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Aw honey youre so small"
"Shut up Leon, lemme eat" i moved on to the next dish. "I will bite you"
"Ooh please do, ouch" i bit down on his shoulder , of course not super hard, but just enough to quench my need. "Oh its not that bad" he then preceeded to bite my shoulder. I shivered letting out a weird rumble.
"What was that?" Leo bit me again and the sensation happened once again "leo stop tell me"
He laughed "its an equivalent to a cat purr when theyre happy or well needy" he smirked at me and I just shoved his face away "hey come on~ Im educating you here"
"Teachers don't flirt with students" i stuck my tongue at him.
"But boyfriends do flirt with their girlfriends" he kissed my cheek.
"you are being needy and touchy. Whats up?" I look at him with worried eyes.
He just shrugged "i havent seen you in a while. I just miss having you around is all. I love you a lot"
I smiled softly, pecking his beak. "You are such a loving turtle~ How could i ask for anything more?"
"Of course im the best turtle, strongest hero, dashing brother, loving boyfriend, and-"
"Greatest champion. My champion" he flushed red hiding hia face into my neck causing me to chuckle "never change Leo, never change.
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ackermanbitch · 2 years
Teenage Dirtbag (Peter Parker X Reader) Part Five
a/n: lets just act like i havent fucked up the plot multiple times bc civil war is confusing also ive changed this chapter like twice now
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
warnings: cussing, steve like very briefly manipulating reader for his cause, vague and badly written action scenes
word count: 2.7k
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"Why do I need to know all this Steve? Natasha and dad were pretty clear about keeping me in the dark." She whispered, sitting on a step in the stairway. Everything was so much more complicated than (Y/N) thought. She was now stuck in the compound with Wanda and Vision, feeling a sudden weight on her shoulders, too much weight for someone her age.
A few days after her afternoon with Ned and Peter, Happy told (Y/N) she needed to head to the compound for reasons he couldn't explain. Of course, she agreed without a second thought, not thinking it was a big deal.
It was a big deal. An enormous deal.
Steve was a criminal, and her dad was after him. She hated herself for it, but she was definitely on Cap's side. His pitch made more sense to her than her dad's. The Avengers just can't do what they need to if they're held back by a list of rules. She also tried to look at the entire situation like the trolley problem.
There were lives lost in New York, Washington DC and Sokovia but taking down the villains undoubtedly prevented more lives from being lost.
Steve, Bucky and Sam had a mildly stable plan at the moment to meet (Y/N), Wanda, Clint and some guy named Scott at an airport in Germany where the quinjet was being held.
"Because I need you on my side, (Y/N). Maybe your dad will listen if his own daughter is the one talking." Steve explained, his tone sounding slightly frustrated.
(Y/N) clenched her jaw, gripping the phone in her hand tighter as she spoke. "If I'm talking? I'll only help if I don't actually have to talk to him until this whole thing is solved. He will actually blast you to pieces if he finds out you're the one who told me."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures (Y/N). Trust me, I never wanted you involved in this, but I know you can help, whether or not Tony even knows you're with us."
"What if he like- never speaks to me again? And what if you lose this whole thing and go to prison Cap? What happens to me, hm? I feel like you just haven't thought this th-" The sound of a faraway explosion interrupted her, making her stand up and jog up the stairs to the kitchen where Vision and Wanda were.
She hung up on Steve, shoving her phone in her pocket with one hand and pushing open the door with her other one, "Wanda? Did you guys hea-" She paused, seeing Clint try to fight Vision with his fists.
(Y/N) felt like her legs were stuck in cement as she watched Vision hold Clint in a chokehold, seemingly winning the fight until Wanda fought against Vision, sending him flying through a few floors and then deeper into the earth.
Clint sighed in relief, running up to the teen and taking her hand. "C'mon kiddo, not long before he gets back up."
"Is this kidnapping? I feel like this is kidnapping." (Y/N) asked, sitting in the front row of the van, leaning forward to talk to Clint.
"Unfortunately, yeah, we kidnapped you. But we're not taking you against your will or anything. And just because Steve wanted you here, doesn't mean I agree with it." He mumbled the last sentence, pulling into a parking spot.
He pulled open the side door after hopping out of the front seat, "Now, what are you do-"
"Watching, listening and running." She mumbled, pulling her backpack out of the van and throwing it over her shoulder. "God, that was a brutal trip, this Scott dude snores like crazy. Funny guy though, you should see his magic tricks." She giggled lightly, stretching while 'the Scott dude' introduced himself to Steve.
"They tell you what we're up against?" Cap asked, crossing his arms.
"Something about some psycho-assassins?"
Steve nodded, "We're outside the law on this one."
"Insane understatement..." (Y/N) scoffed.
"One question, does she have superpowers I don't know about? I mean, I have no problem with her being here or anything I just don't know why someone would bring a teenager to something like this." Scott asked, gesturing to her with a nod of his head.
"Distraction. Just in case." She deadpanned, still stretching.
(Y/N) sat on the roof of the parking garage, a pair of binoculars in her hands. She had a bottle of water in her lap and her backpack sat next to her, it was a nice setup.
Things started out tame as Steve walked out into the open, Tony and Rhodey landing in front of him. She could somewhat hear what they were discussing, the echoing making it easier to hear even from her distance.
Tony suddenly cupped his hands around his mouth, yelling a code name (Y/N) definitely did not recognize.
She saw him swinging through the air before Cap did. What looked like insanely enlarged spider webs stuck to Steve's shield, ripping it from his grasp like it was nothing.
She looked through her binoculars, her eyebrows furrowing. Who the hell was this guy? Have I seen that suit before? Why is he making small talk at a fucking battle?
"Cap-Captain. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man."
His voice cracked a lot.
(Y/N) lowered her binoculars, gasping. She didn't even listen to her dad's ranting, squinting at the stranger in the red suit.
When she did focus back in on the present, things had escalated a lot more quickly than she expected.
"Great, alright there's two on the parking deck, one of them's Maximoff, I'm gonna grab her." Tony reported.
"Got two in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes and.. Someone else is on the roof of the parking deck Tony- Jesus, it's (Y/N)." Rhodey gasped, focusing in on the girl to see her grabbing her backpack.
Tony paused mid-air, whipping his head around to look for her but she had disappeared just as quickly as Rhodey had pointed her out.
"Fuck, that was quick." She cussed under her breath, sliding down the roof and hopping off to land on someone's car, climbing off a lot more carefully than her last jump. She took off through the lot, making her way to the terminal. Tony was frozen in the air, trying to comprehend why and how the hell she was there.
"What should I do, Mister Stark?"
"Forget what we discussed, after her, now! She's headed for Barnes and Wilson!" He yelled through comms after a few seconds before going after Clint and Wanda again who had successfully gotten much farther than he wanted them.
"It's working (Y/N)." Clint confirmed, making the girl grin to herself.
The Spider-Man cleared his throat, "On it, sir!" He responded hesitantly, swinging to the windows of the building.
(Y/N) sprinted in the same direction as Bucky and Sam, her eyes focused on what was in front of her, not the stranger in spandex about to crash through the window.
She let out a scream as she was tackled to the floor, rolling a good twenty feet. The rub burn from the carpeted floor stung like fire but it was better than if he tackled her while she was on the tile. There were still a few pieces of glass from the broken window that cut her arm and face, not going unnoticed by the masked man.
When they stopped, the stranger sat on top of (Y/N), "He-" He quickly switched to a... Really terrible Queens accent? "Hey, I uh don't wanna hurt you or an-"
He was suddenly cut off, (Y/N) punching him square in the jaw with all her strength but it wasn't the flesh of her knuckles that hit his face, it was- metal? When did she put on the glove of what looked like Iron Man's suit? He didn't really care what it was, it hurt like a bitch.
While she was running, she had pressed some buttons on her watch, displayed on a holographic screen, letting red and gold metal encase part of her wrist, all of her palm and her knuckles, leaving her thumb and fingers bare. Tony gave it to her for self-defense when she turned fifteen, matching the one he wore himself.
"Ew, get off!" She screamed, "Stop freaking out!" He screamed back, webbing her more dangerous hand to the floor. She gasped in disgust, immediately shooting a repulsor through the substance and barely missing the masked man's face.
"You are so lucky that didn't hit you, you creep!"
"Creep?! I-I'm just trying to do my job, lady!"
"While straddling me?! Sure!"
"Straddling you?!"
"He's what?!"
Both Sam and Bucky yelled through comms at the same time, promptly turning around, Sam taking flight and Bucky sprinting back in the direction they came.
"I didn't mean t-" Spider-man was cut off again, Sam quite literally swooping in and picking- no ripping him off of (Y/N), throwing him in the opposite direction of her. "Creep." Sam mumbled, landing and putting his fists up.
"Thank you!" (Y/N) scrambled to her feet, taking off once again with a huff, "Ugh, why don't I work out, this is terrible!" She groaned but continued running as fast as possible anyway.
"We can only give you about two minutes, you better run like hell." Bucky's voice came over comms, and if she could run any faster, she definitely would. "Got it." She responded quickly, sliding down the middle of the escalator and hopping off at the end, losing her footing for a split second.
"Shit, this is terrifying." She mumbled out of breath, practically crashing through the doors that led to the open space where all the chaos was taking place.
(Y/N) finally slowed down, leaning over to put her hands on her knees, wheezing slightly. When she looked back up, she saw a truck flying through the air before hitting the ground, lighting up on impact.
"(Y/N), quinjet, now." Steve interrupted her thoughts, her feet almost moving on their own again as she ran under and around different vehicles and storage compartments to stay out of Tony's sight. She caught up quickly, running close behind Wanda.
Everything was going to plan, that is until Vision completely cut them off, burning a deep line in front of them with the stone.
"Captain Rogers, I know you believe what you're doing is right but for the collective good..."
(Y/N) sighed defeatedly, her shoulders dropping.
"You must surrender now." Vision finished, Rhodey and Tony landing on the ground behind him. Soon, a guy in a really cool cat suit, Spider-Man and Natasha joined them in a lineup.
Wanda gently nudged (Y/N), making her look up and notice one of Cap's hands behind his back, signaling for (Y/N) to get the hell out of there. She slowly backed up as the rest of her team moved forward, waiting until her dad and Spider-Man, her biggest threats at the moment, to be distracted before she turned on her heel and ran.
She ducked behind some stacked crates that were pretty far from the commotion, pressing her back to one while she tried to catch her breath. All that running, and for what?
"I won't make it to the jet Steve." (Y/N) sighed, slumping against the wood.
"That's fine kid, you did great." That was the last thing she heard from him before everything went to shit.
She wasn't paying attention to whether or not Steve made it to the jet, slightly distracted by Scott becoming the size of an apartment building. She watched as Spider-Man swung around and around his legs, Tony and Rhodey hitting him in the face and finally him crashing to the ground. As he was falling, he smacked poor Spider-Man with his enormous hand, sending him hurdling towards none other than (Y/N).
She gasped, ducking as quickly as she could. He hit the crates right above her, landing on the ground with a less than graceful thud not so far from her.
The teen slowly stood up, some pieces of broken wood falling off of her as she did. She carefully made her way to his unmoving body, readying her repulsor again as he lifted up his hand to pull his mask up. He obviously didn't notice her, pulling off the red fabric so he could breathe a little better.
"Parker?!" (Y/N) shrieked, falling back on her ass and scooting backwards immediately.
Peter gasped and mimicked her movements, quickly pulling his mask back on.
Tony landed, stomping over to the two. He pointed a finger at Peter first, "You, you're done. Done. Get up and I'll call Aunt May. And you," He turned to (Y/N), "Are dead. Absolutely dead. I don't even know what I'm gonna say but we are having a long long talk after this."
She dropped her head in shame and Peter laid back on the concrete, still trying to catch his breath. She waited for Tony to be back in the air before getting up and slowly making her way to Peter.
"Spider-Man? Seriously?" She started, staring him down.
"Please don't tell Ned." He mumbled, sitting up and taking the mask off once more.
"Of course I won't, I'm not an asshole Parker just very... shocked. You're not exactly the super-hero type but uh fuck me for judging a book by it's cover I guess." (Y/N) said bluntly, offering her hand.
Peter stared at the hand hesitantly, looking back up at her.
She let out a quick 'oh' before smacking a small blue button on the metal around her wrist, watching it fold back up into a chunky but clearly expensive watch.
"That's what's shocking? You're the one helping the guys your own dad is fighting against." He shot back, now taking her hand and mostly pulling himself up with a little help from her.
"Yeah yeah, I'm a real supervillain, I know." She rolled her eyes, letting go of his hand once he was standing up straight. "By the way, I like this costume much better than the one I've seen on Youtube."
"Ah, this is all Mister Stark." He mumbled in an embarrassed tone, suddenly finding the ground extremely interesting.
"I know, saw it in his workshop. No idea who it was for, but I did help him with the design of the spider on the chest, the one he originally thought up was kind of tacky." She admitted, pointing at the black marking for emphasis.
"Oh, uh- thank you." He smiled, his cheeks tinted slightly red at the thought of wearing something that she worked on.
She waved a wand in dismissal, "Ah, it's nothing. Not like I made your web shooters or anything important."
Peter furrowed his eyebrows at her statement. He dropped the conversation there, but he knew it wasn't 'nothing'. That spider represented him, it represented The Spider-Man. Maybe if he keeps the suit, people will soon see that little spider design as a sign of hope and rescue. Every time he looks at that spider from now on, he'll think of h-
"Are you okay? Did I punch you too hard?" (Y/N) questioned, not so gently grabbing Peter's face and moving it back and forth frantically.
Peter hadn't realized he'd stopped walking, turning bright red in embarrassment. "Oh-oh my god, I'm so sorry!" He apologized, watching (Y/N) sigh in relief and drop her hands. "I didn't even realize I stopped walking." He laughed nervously, running a hand through his hair.
"Yeah, looked like you were having a little inner monologue moment there," She teased, "don't worry about it, my dad does it all the time." She finished with a smile, turning back around to keep walking.
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a/n: lets pretend i knew that the quinjet was in an entirely different country when i was writing the last chapter 😔
taglist: @preciousbabypeter
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(Rambling on our System Dynamics)
It's kind of funny to say, but our system literally isn't doing any targetted system / DID work in therapy and havent since like, November 2022. Having hit functional multiplicity and having established an incredibly self reliant and internally strong dynamic with one another, we really have no need to specifically work ON our DID and rather just need to work WITHIN our DID. Our current (and technically old) therapist is trained in dissociation, but compared to our previous therapist who was a dedicated specialist, he is far more generalized and better for helping us in life and so that is what we've been doing for the past eight months.
Beyond context of the side fact that we live "as multiple people" and have a unique way of having to navigate our mental health and life as being many parts, we really don't think, talk or work specifically on DID and its really not something we really actively consider with how much of it just "is" part of our life.
We still do have PTSD and all, but a lot of the shit we've been through has been satiated or honestly healed over that we don't regularly have large scale symptoms unless we specifically sit on it. We are much more concerned with our day to day life, gender shit, adjusting to full-fledged full-time adulthood and figuring out what we want to do with our fully fledged and finally free wingspan that all of the DID stuff is feels a lot like talking about living as a brunette or some shit.
Honestly a lot of it stems to just kind of going back to square one with DID and going back to really just.... not fixating so much on the details of it and learning to be comfortable focusing on day to day life as your various selves and leave the internal shit to whatever goes on there, cause honestly - you lived and survived not knowing of it or not being overtly / constantly aware of it before figuring it out, and while it is important to approach it in the right way because often back then there were issues that could be addressed, you can go back to just living life and letting the DID exist in and around it - it just takes a lot of learning to self trust
Like I'm pretty sure its apparent from this blog, but all of us just kind of exist and do our own thing and while its undeniable that we have DID (I mean look at Riku and I) and that is obvious and overt in this blog, we aren't really frequently too hung up on the "Oh wow" and "Oh no"s of DID.
Like yeah we probably have a butt fuck ton of trauma holders and fragments we aren't aware of, yeah we have a whole side system probably that we don't know of, but they are both 1) dormant and 2) something our system can very easily handle and deal with regardless of how bad it is because the parts that keep an eye on those parts are chill and we have a way of doing things and experience of doing things that just work.
We also have basically thrown out most role labels save for Host, Gatekeeper, and Trauma Holder unless its for communications sake cause those are the only real big information defining terms really. Riku and I play roles as large caretakers and protectors as do almost every part because thats kinda just how we've fostered trust and care with one another.
It's not really a "role" anymore to be a caretaker or a protector cause its not a job or anything anyone is assigned to do or anything. We don't protect or care for eachother as an internalized job or function or anything, we do it cause we can and someone we care about needs it.
The labels really just don't make sense for us at this point anymore and honestly, in hindsight, I think they pushed a sense of learned helplessness for Riku and other "protected" parts and pushed burnout for the parts doing the protecting (also Riku ironically)
Riku doesn't need protecting anymore than anyone else on a day to day and when they do need protecting, they don't need it in any unique manner than anyone else in a hard time. I don't need someone coddling my emotions and telling me what I feel and comforting me on a day to day more than the average person, and when I do need some emotional support - it again isn't anymore than any other person who needs help in a hard time.
Likewise Lucille isn't someone who doesn't need someone to watch his back and protect him sometimes cause he isn't this special diety that can fix everything, he's a guy and thus why he has Ray covering his back. Ray is our FBI agent Omnipotent God Gatekeeper and he likes to look like he can fix everything but its a fucking meme in the system how the dude is always like one precise poke away from being a mess which is why Lucille has to cover his back.
Like everyone in this system is Just A Guy even if they aren't Just A Guy cause we are all fucking stupid and amazing in extreme and astounding ways. All of us are stupid on our own and need care and protecting from time to time in unique ways and the COOL thing is that we are all stupid in different ways so theres always someone to cover for the other.
We long long long since threw out primary protector, that hierarchy was stupid and led to conflicts with Aderis and Lucille. Then we just threw out caretaker and protector cause everyone is one.
Like honestly, I feel a lot of those roles add social status and class to a system which - if you know me - I fucking hate that shit and I think we should all just give what we can and take what we need as we need it. Assigning anything but the bare necessities that serve to describe unique responsibilities FOR the whole is just a lot of excess and extra shit.
Host - A leading part that fronts regularly and is responsible for guiding the system to a life that is good for the whole
Important due to the fact that his takes up a lot of energy and time and limits the amount of internal attention can be put to the system + lack of "RAM" to actually juggling the deep intricacies of DID; Designated Leading Role
Gatekeeper - A part responsible for Information TM
Important because they Do Things and Manage Things and are the Things tying the system together to keep shit stable
Trauma Holder - Not actually a role but a notation label to notate a part that needs particular consideration when being interacted with - similar to a "disability" label
Important because this label distinguishes parts that need special accommodation beyond the reflexive base line and would benefit from having a mentor to go to when trying to learn to reintegrate back into life and develop themselves beyond their trauma
And for the record - since someone might look at our definition for trauma holder and compare it to us saying that no part has unique need to be cared for or protected in our system - "trauma holder" does not inherently mean "need to be protected and cared for" - I'm a trauma holder and that's not a label I've outgrown despite also being a 'mentor' (anyone who hangs around a trauma holder in a dynamic where they might be a mentor - this is not a permanent role) role for other trauma holders. It means that other parts need to make accommodations for me to help enable me to do my best job and work in the system which those accommodations primarily are minding my triggers. Same thing applies for Aderis who is an "Elder" (I guess that's a "role" we use, but its more so a nickname for the parts that have a lot of experience as old-in-day protectors that have been around for a while).
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goodmorningdove · 1 month
also i do not think i will watch fear street but if you want to recap the plot of it to me i think i would like that
ok so fear street is actually a very simple premise, i havent watched it in a while so i dont remember all the details and it's mainly just a fun watch but here's what i do remember: Fear street cenetrs around two towns, Shadyside and (im gonna be honest i dont remember what the other town is called but we'll call it) Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale is this amazing upper-middle class town where nothing goes wrong and everyone is happy and has money. Shadyside,,,, fucking sucks! the school is falling apart and a bunch of murders happen ther. There's also a legend that the town was cursed by a witch, which is confounded by the serial killers that keep popping up in shady side.
enter main character. I forget her name so we'll just call her MC (main character) she lives in shadyside, is part of the highschool band, and is really pissed that her secret girlfriend just moved to sunnyvale. During the football game, which is the only time the respective highschools see eachother, she tries to talk to her secret (and now ex) girlfriend who is kind of dating the star football player of the sunnyvale highschool. I think he's also the police chief's son but that could just be me my memory making Bonus Connections. Anyway. Sunnyvale football star finds out about this, and in his car with his friends and girlfriend follow the shadyside bus back to their school. Except this really pisses off MC, who throws i think her instrument at the car, causing a crash. this gets her pinned as the next shadyside serial killer. Some uhh shit happens (i genuinely forget tbh) and it turns out her ex secret girlfriend is actually destined to be the next shadyside serial killer. I'm not joking, the corpses of the past serial killers have reanimated and they are chasing the ex secret gf, trying to like. put their ooze on her or whatever and turn her murderhappy. Because guess what bitches the witches curse is real!!!!
so MC, SXGF (secret ex gf) and three other friends (sorry theyre not actually important) go on a quest hunt to try and find a way to break the witch's curse, which involves them talking to the one person who was Targeted by a shadyside killer, but never killed. I forget her name aswell but we'll call her suzy, for her being a survivor. Anyway i wont get into her story too much bcz it's not too important other than this: we learn where the witch was hung and that she was not buried there. And also the reanimated corpse of that year's killer is out to get suzy every fucking night and it is Not Safe. We also learn that suzy had a bit of a romeo and juliet thing going on with the now police chief of Sunnyvale, and he temporarily joins the party to help our main cast find a way to break the witches curse. He has told us on numerous occasions that he wants to help shadyside get better, genuinely. He said.
anyway fucking flashback time it's pilgrim era and shadyside and sunnyvale are one singular settlement. There are time period appropriate versions of all the main cast and the witch is the time period accurate version of MC, still in love with SXGF who is the pastor's daughter. speaking of that, the pastor doesnt fucking like it!! So he frames PMC (pilgrim main character) as a witch, so she goes to her friend who i forgor who he's a version of but we'll call him AH (asshole, you'll see why) and he's like "no worries u can stay here forever look im even going to protect you with MAGIC" and pmc is like "you spoke to the fucking witch??" thats right there's a different witch dont worry she is only here to give this guy magic. so he's liek "yeah see we get protection and all i have to do is write down the name of soemone to sacrifice to demons in this secret bunker but don't worry we'll be safe" and PMC is like"Thats fucked up oh my god you wrote down my girlfriend's dad's name oh my god i need to save him" and it is the pastor who is the first shadyside killer BUT PMC got blamed for it and was hung. In present day there was a whole thing about reuniting the witch with her hand but that was a lie you actually have to destroy the demon summoning alter bcz they have to keep writing names and creating shadyside killers in order to keep the peace and can you fucking guess who's in charge of that right now.
that's right acab motherfuckers it's THE CHIEF OF POLICE!!! fuck that guy. they kill him (i think) and destroy the alter thingy
upon exiting the bunker via the police chief's house the main cast witness a car crash, signifying that the curse is broken and mc can be with her gf in peace and we cheer hip hip hooray there was a car crash :D
ok beddytime 4 me goodnight i yam so tired
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wanderrlust0 · 3 months
i havent journaled in a while so i guess ill do one now while i wait for this melly to kick in so i can sleep.
i actually meant to do this last night but i got too tired to continue after typing 2 words lol. i went to work today and then hung out with my bf afterwards for like 6.5hrs. it was a good time with him today. we really just smoked a little joint in his backyard while his dogs ran around. then he made grilled pork and we had his sisters pasta and meatballs with it. we watched the new ep of frieren while eating some krispy kreme glazed donut that his sister brought and then we just hung out for the rest of the night. funny enough, i actually meant to write some things about him last night but after hanging out today, my initial thoughts have changed. basically, ive noticed that hes been in this weird funk for a few wks and i couldnt really figure out what it was and if it was just me overanalyzing or whatever. after i hung out with snow which was feb2, there was an incident where i accidentally forgot to reply for 2hrs, even tho i read his msg so that affected our relationship in a way to the point where like he apparently started to care less and wasnt fully into it all. the way he explained it to me, he felt like he was holding back his feelings or like they just werent connecting and whenever we hung out, it felt like a regular hangout (almost like how a friend hangout would feel). it was only up until recently where he started to acknowledge it more bc of this recurring situation we were having with sex. like for a little bit honestly, i would notice that he wasnt fully into it like he used to be/normally is. i didnt say anything at first but after a while i think we were on the topic and i told him what ive been noticing. then all of a sudden it got worse bc it was actually affecting our relationship. it made us (but mostly him) question our connection, his state of mind, our chemistry, all that. like we didnt know what the problem was since this like never happens so its weird.. and he did bring back up how when i hung out with snow last time, at the time he told me that something in him switched and he couldnt explain it or fully understand it but whatever it was, i guess it was progressively becoming more prevalent without him realizing. like he was pretty much self sabotaging himself and so he recently actually had to like “self reflect” foreal bc i swear, he was being less like himself and less emotional and genuinely happy and not as affectionate. it wasnt completely obvious but i def did sense that something felt different. i felt like he would act jealous and suspicious of me at times and itd be his own trust issues coming out, as well as some insecurity. like, at times those parts of him were tiring bc its like the same things over & over. it made me feel like he was trying to find literally anything to use to try to pick at with me. like to find fault in me or accuse me/suspect me of something that i clearly am not doing. like i already know hes got some deep rooted trust issues and self esteem issues but damn it felt like i was always the one messing up and upsetting him and making it like hes just being sensitive and dramatic..like!! no!! its just sometimes so difficult to try to tell someone who is actually overthinking and overdoing it without sounding like youre gaslighting or brushing it off as nothing. i really was trying to understand him and his pov. its seriously all bc of my friendship with snow which is crazy…like how has our friendship become this prominent in both our lives and is causing this much conflict between us, even tho i told him a million times that it shouldnt. i tell him the truth about it, im not lying, not cheating, not anything but its affected him soo much. btw we are trying to plan a day to hang out again soo we shall see how he reacts to it & ill also not make the same mistake. ill deal with that later but at least today, he felt like really great and happy which is good and it made me realize how i did miss this from him. im glad were okay tho:)
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Hi sorry I havent blogged in a minute ive been having the weirdest dreams....
So again apologies about not detailing out those other dreams. I guess I should start there....
When i went to my sisters over the weekend i had a dream where my friends and I were at this immersive show. Where everyone around us was having sex. I can’t really remember if it was like “oo self volunteer, go ahead and have an orgy” or they were performers who planned to have porn like sex for people.
Liam was there, and it was present day so we hadnt seen eachother or hung out for months. We were all sitting in the same row like a theater. Some of my friends were leaving in and out. So eventually Liam and i had ended up sitting closer together. And of course, we naturally started cracking jokes and making eachother laugh about the situation. It literally came so naturally i didnt even hve to think about it, we just started finishing eachothers sentences and laughing like we used too. And he was doing that remarkable thing where he surprises me by how funny and clever he is. Like the perfect unexpected humor and amazing comedic timing. I was laughing so hard sometimes i would like playfully hit him. It felt like old times so easily. To the point where once i hit him laughing, and thought “holy shit, should i be keeping better boundaries? i need to pull back, this is too fast” So i muted my excitement a little bit and made sure not to touch him again. 
I think it widdled down to it being me him and bff, the og gang. And bff somberly said “im going to the bathroom” and rolled their eyes. But i didnt think much of it. So now it was liam and i alone. And at first it was awkward. There was one theater seat between us and after bff was gone for a while i kept thinking....do we fill the gap? 
But we were talking, and giggling and talking about the show. And i felt safe, and secure. I was admiring him because i hadnt in so long. Ya know, really looking at him and was starting to fall in love all over again like “hes so pretty, he’s my good ol liam, hes perfect, i adore this boy” and i ws getting the vibes that he was feeling that back. That we were just warming up to eachother again. 
So then, i think we closed the gap? And this music?? or funny song? started playing as apart of the show. And he started dancing in his seat and being cute, so i started dancing with him and we were just being the cutest and getting close and being into it. And ALL OF A SUDDEN, here comes bff sobbing and came to our row and was like “what the actual fuck you guys??” like SO pissed at us. And liam and i were both like huh? And they were like how long was i supposed to be waiting for you guys like, what is this now” and kinda walked away.
So im so confused and thinking we’re all gonna talk about this now. But Liam just got up and left, and then h$ came up to me and was like “okay at first i thought they were being dramatic, but after i talked to them crying in the bathroom even i was like ‘u guys are fucked up for this” 
So liams gone, i go to bff and am asking like “can you explain to me what your upset about?” and theyre like so pissed at me, rolling their eyes, being so cryptic. 
Long story short, i genuinely felt bad for a while....or that i mightve been insensitive. But then i was like no fuck this, theres no specific reason ur upset u just dont want to see us together. And when you were bragging about Liam i was always supportive and blah blah double cross double cross.
All the while i was feeling giddy and warm about Liam cause we had such a sweet time but i didnt know when i would talk to him again. 
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lickingteeth · 5 years
nsfw also mainly me thirsting over my boyfriend lmao v
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chadmothman · 5 years
absolutely love feeling like my friend hates me😍😍😍😍
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kyyuri · 2 years
to be or not !- yang jungwon
22! she what (written +smau)
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★彡 synopsis: what happens when y/n, who is hopelessly pinning over her best friend, jungwon- gets betrayed by not one, but both of them ?! and what happens when jungwon falls for her despite all odds ?
permanent taglist and taglist 2 is open ! send an ask to be inside !!
word count: 767
a/n: happy valentines day !!
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jungwon dragged his feet to the council room. he didnt feel like dealing with any responsibilities or anyone to be frank today. after what happened yesterday, he felt beyond horrible for making yujin feel so upset with him. he shouldnt have pushed it so far. he could tell that yujin was clearly not having it when she pulled the government name and truth be told, he felt a shiver down his spine when she sent that. but still, he had to stand his ground for what was right…
jungwon pushed open the council room door and flung his bag towards the sofa before trudging towards the files with his work in it. he was going to apologise to yujin for being too harsh after school today but mr oh decided that he wanted the logistics list to be submitted by today, thus putting all his plans on halt. he started to scribble down the items angrily, frustrated at how his plans were ruined. he wasnt even sure if yujin would apologise to you and if his relationship could still be fixed at this point. there were so many things clouding his mind, he didnt even notice you enter the room until u dragged the chair from one of the tables. “yn..?“ he whispered. “yes ?” you didnt even bother looking up. “what are you doing here ? theres no meeting today.” jungwon’s voice seemed to have soften a lot when he is around you. “ im proof reading the first proposal to find any possible mistakes that could cause problems in the event. if im not wanted here i can leav-“ “no ! stay.” jungwon exclaimed, maybe a little too enthusiastically.
although the two of you worked in silence, jungwon felt slightly comforted. it wasnt very awkward for him and he was glad that you were at least there to accompany him. its been a while since he hung out with someone that was NOT his girlfriend. time seemed to have passed by very quickly with you by his side. it was already 5pm and raining by the time he was done with his work and yet you were still grinding. “yn ..? im going to leave first alright ? take care. bye yn.” you simply gave him a little wave and with that he took off.
standing by the entrance of the school building, he stared at the pouring rain. jungwon knew that he forgot his umbrella and he didnt have his blazer to use it as cover since he gave his spare one to you. “won ..?” he heard a voice call out to him. he whipped his head around to see his girlfriend walking towards him. “yu ? havent you gone home ?” “i was waiting for you.. i wanted to tell you that.. i apologised to yn already.” a smile finally appeared on jungwons face “im proud of you babe. lets go home, okay?” he gave her a tight hug. “but won.. i dont have an umbrella and it’s raining heavily. you know how much i hate getting sick…” yujin pouted. “how about this… ill run to the nearest convenience store and get us an umbrella. hmm ?” “you’ll do that for me ?” jungwon nodded and with that, he placed his bag near yujin and muttered a quick “ill be back” before taking off in the rain.
as much as he hated getting sick too, his girlfriend’s health mattered more. once he reached the nearest convenience store, he was shivering and sneezing, completely soaked. he grabbed an umbrella and was about to pay when he remembered that you were still in school. “yn doesnt have a habit of bringing umbrellas because she thinks its too heavy… the rain doesnt seem to be stopping any time soon. i should get her one too incase.” he ended up buying two and sprinted back to school.
“won ! youre back !” yujin cheered. “lets go !” she grabbed jungwons bag and handed it to him. “um babe, before we leave i need to give this umbrella to someone. it’ll be quick i promise !” yujin gave me a little threatening gaze “that person better not be a girl.” jungwon gave an awkward chuckle “n-no… of course not ! im giving it to sunoo ! ill be right back.” he took off to the room you were in, panting, he placed the umbrella on your table. “be safe on your way home. the floor might be slippery.” he didnt even give you a chance to react and immediately left, to not keep yujin waiting too long.
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threepointseven · 3 years
Home(Dinner Part 2)
Im shortening the exchange students name to S/N AKA student name
Sorry i forgot to answer the person who actually requested this @kurooandkarmaswife thank you sm for requesting! I hope you enjoy 😩
Also lets pretend you cant have more than 1 pact with a human cause yeah. If you havent read Dinner yet go read it since you’ll really only understand this if u read the first part
Fandom: Obey me!
Pairing: not really with anyone but has subtle undertones of solomon & Simeon x reader
Length: sort of long
Genre: Angst with comfort
Gn! Reader and exchange student!
Part three!
Dinner last night, was, well...pretty terrible. I ended up waking up at 2 am to the brothers STILL not home. Apparently even Diavolo had taken a liking to the new exchange student.
A day goes by and finally i get to meet the new exchange student.
Is all i can think. I walk into the living room unnoticed as everyone is talking to the new exchange student, i wouldnt blame them.
They look incredible.
I felt a hint of jealousy wash over me. Seeing Mammon, Asmo’s and Beel’s joyful laughs as they talk to them. Their voice was ever so gentle, it’s what i imagine spring to sound like.
I tried forgetting about my distasteful thoughts of jealousy and walked over to them.
I called out to try and grab their attention
“Oh, MC! I didnt see you there;;”
Asmo said to me as he was taking selfies with the new exchange student
“This is the new exchange student”
Beel smiled
“Hi! My name is MC”
I happily introduced myself
“My name is S/N”
They brought their hand out and i shook it in return. Their eyes were ever so sweet, i felt the sadness come over me as i wore a soft smile.
Something tells me this wont end well.
Weeks go by as i barely get to see the brothers anymore. They’re always around S/N. I find myself longing the brothers touch. The random emergency texts i get from mammon, calls from Asmo asking me if i wanted to go to a club, Belphie always dragging me to his room to take a nap, Beel’s adorable goodnight texts, Lucifer’s complaints about work, Satan’s library dates, And levi’s rants about a certain anime he just watched.. i missed it all.
I guess i missed the warmth and the constant attention i got from them. The attention thats now being directed at S/N.
The new feeling of emptiness leads me to the Purgatory hall, a place i’ve been to quite often after S/N had won over the brothers.
I enter the room praying that i dont see S/N hogging Luke, Solomon, and Simeon’s attention....
Did i just think that?
Am i that jealous?
Have i gotten so used to being in the spotlight that suddenly i become like this when not in the center?
Its an unpleasant feeling and i try to snap myself out of it as i see Simeon, Luke, and Solomon all happily seated on the couch drinking tea and eating pastries Luke made.
“MC! Hey!!”
Luke happily greets me as well as Solomon and Simeon. Im pulled to the couch as im seated next to Luke. I take a bite of the pastry and embrace the comfort of the sugary sweets.
The conversation goes on for a long time as hours go by. Soon enough the entire tray of pastries and tea are long gone.
As the clock hits 8 PM i realize ive been at the Purgatory hall for too long now. Excusing myself i go back to the house of Lamentation to be once again greeted by smiling faces and S/N laying out plates filled with food for the brothers.
The brothers quarrels, Satan’s face of annoyance, Asmo’s whining... The smell of warm food on the dinner table being handed out....
As i hide from the view of the brothers and S/N i look back to when it would to be me that made everyone dinner and calmed them down.
My chair.
My chair had been occupied by S/N,
Did they expect me to sit on the floor for dinner or something?
As i slowly walked to my room i heard the deep voice of Lucifer
“Oh MC,,, sorry S/N is sitting on your spot, we thought you were gonna go to the purgatory hall for dinner tonight. We do apologize”
As i feel my throat closing up i smile and say in a bubbly tone
“Oh it’s fine! I was actually gonna go out with my friends for dinner anyways! I was just getting something from my room, i’ll be out in a sec!”
Lucifer gave me a warm smile and continued conversing with S/N
As i went to my room i started to realize the situation here. I’ve been replaced. I mean who wouldn’t replace me when the actual definition of an angel was right in front of them with their welcoming arms open.
As soon as i got to my room salty tears trailed down my cheeks,
Whatever the emotion was i wasn’t having it. Unlocking my DDD to be greeted by the wallpaper of me and the brothers all dressed up for a ball we went to together once. i tried to hold back my few tears as i called Solomon, a dear friend of mine.
“Hey solomon!!”
“Oh, yes MC? Is there anything you need?”
“I know i just left the purgatory hall but could I possibly stay there for the night?”
“Oh, of course! I dont exactly know why but Luke’s already whining about how you stayed for too little.”
“I’ll be right over”
I hung up the phone, my tears stopping after i heard that comforting voice of his.
That night i stayed at the purgatory hall, happily sleeping next to Luke, lulling him to sleep.
The purgatory hall became my escape. Solomon always made me laugh, Simeon always made sure i felt welcome there and Luke was practically my adopted son after how long i could stay with him.
As i went about the kitchen helping Luke make a pastry i showed him from the human world a strange feeling washed over me. The feeling of something being erased from my my soul, something was fading away. That something felt like it was piercing my soul.
I look around my body to see what it is. As i look around i see it.
My pact marks are starting to fade
I panic as i excuse myself and go back to the house of lamentation.
As i silently enter the room i hear the faint sound of the brothers, they’re discussing something.
“Cmon Satan you’ve gotta be quick! What if they find out?!”
“Removing a pact isnt that easy Mammon.”
As i listen more i realize what it is.
They’re trying to break my pact with me.
And for what exactly?
Because they want one with someone else.
That someone being S/N
It hurt. Who wouldn’t be hurt? tears flowed from my eyes in record time as i tiredly walk outside.
Devildom was a place the brothers always told me to beware of, but right now i couldnt care less.
While i walked around the town with puffy eyes and the stinging feeling of my pact marks being removed, i hear a certain group of people call my name, i look back to see Luke, Solomon and Simeon’s smiles quickly turn into frowns as they see my tears
“What’s wrong MC?!”
Luke worriedly asks
Unable to hold it in i tell Them.
“The brothers are trying to break my pact with them, they want one with S/N apparently. Im afraid i’ve been replaced by that saint..”
Solomon and Simeon’s face turn into faces of empathy while Luke’s turned quite sour
As Simeon came closer to me and pulled me close into a hugged he mumbles out a comforting phrase
“Whatever happens MC, you’ll always be welcome at the purgatory hall.”
The sentence made my stomach overflow with butterflies. I happily hug back, quickly accepting the purgatory hall as my new and improved home.
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Consequenses // Thomas Raggi
words // 1590
warnings // smut ahead hehe and not even a full smut, just a snippet honestly
pairing // Thomas Raggi x F!Reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. ok please let me know on the taglist link if you have asked me to tag you and i havent right now... I lost some of the user names so yeah im so sorry 🥺
request // yes
summary // Reader has been breaking Thomas’ rules by teasing him for days. Thomas eventually is fed up and shows Reader what happens when you disobey.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @bidet-and-legolas @atremendousstrawberrycollection @otaculo @selenophiliaxx
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Music, throbbing lights and booze was the way Thomas and his partner decided to spend his weekend off. An average gathering made to feel like a party amongst the closest friends of the band and everyone’s partners. Of course the guitarist couldn’t resist bringing his lover along. He had not seen her in a while, traveling around and working on new music had made the relationship hard for the two of them, things only becoming harder when they started being unsatisfied with their more intimate relationship. The longing did not help much, instead it brought anger and anxiety, both resulting in ruining both of their moods.
The suggestion came from Y/N in the afternoon after Thomas took a break. They were sitting on the couch watching some tv show neither cared for, slowly trying to relax and potentially do more than sitting on the couch. The thought had occurred a few days ago, while the man was still not there, when his lover was maybe watching a bit of an erotic movie. “Maybe we should… switch,” was all she said. No explanation, no details, nothing.
Not much convincing was needed so here they were. Y/N being dominant was finding it a little hard to just sit there and listen. Thus the dom turned into a brat, choosing to tease the man during their first night together.
It was rather simple to get Thomas all riled up this fine night. They happened to have a small fight before the party (a disagreement over minimal things truly) so they were both in a very tense mood while at the party. Thomas was on the one side of the yard, talking with some of his friends, while Y/N was on the other, revealing clothing and lingerie (with certain movements it was visible to the man - and anyone else that paid attention, but not many did). The man was unable to take his eyes off his partner. See, she knew that the result would be pretty good.
“Keep this up and the result will not be very nice for you, amore,” he whispered in her ear when he finally approached her. His hand right above her ass, face too close for comfort.
“I am not sure I want to stop,” said Y/N, an evil smirk decorating her face. Her hips moved side to side, making sure the man could see. Back on her plotting she was.
At first things went smoothly: a bit of seductive dancing, a bit of drinking… The casual. But soon that would change as well. Ethan was sitting on a pool chair, joking about Y/N’s dancing, having a playful back and forth with each other until Y/N sat on his lap. It was nothing unusual for the two, it had happened plenty of times before, but both Thomas and her knew that this time was different.
By now Thomas is fuming. If he was in a cartoon his face would have gone comically red, smoke coming out his face in an exaggerated way. The cigarette and drink in his hand did little to help restrain him. For that, he downed the rest of his drink in an instant, smashing his cigarette on an ashtray and moving to his friends and partner. “Sorry to cut your fun short,” he smiled, trying to keep it together, “but me and Y/N need to go. Honestly, I’m feeling very tired,” he finished, taking Y/N’s hand in his and pulling her up and towards him.
Their friends did not say much, but rather voiced their goodbyes allowing the pair to leave the party.
Getting in the car was now the easy task, but one of them was dreading it. She knew that this would be so fun, but she was undeniably afraid of what could potentially happen that night. “What do you think you have been doing, dolcezza?” He all but growled, roughly turning her face towards his with his hand.
“Me? Nothing. I was just trying to have fun with my friends.” Oh, the innocent act. If Thomas wasn’t hot and bothered (more of the later) already, he certainly was now.
“I don't think so, baby. I think you have been very very naughty. I think you need a punishment.” His tone was playful but his eyes told a different story. Y/N was in for a long night, and they were still in the car. Thomas’ hands had already begun to travel all around his lover, faces dangerously close. And like that the vigorous kissing started.
“You shouldn't have acted like that tonight, amore,” he commented before he started driving back to their shared apartment. The ride was quiet but the tension and anticipation was loud as hell.
Patience was out the window the moment Y/N opened the door to their home. Thomas pushed her to the wall, attacking her neck with kisses. “I warned you enough times, my love, now it’s time for actions,” he commented, hand slowly traveling up to her neck, lightly squeezing, blocking the blood flow lightly making her lightheaded but so much more desperate for him. “Turn around and put your hands on the wall - just like that, good girl! Now, ass perked up.”
She was very well aware of what was about to happen and saying that she did not want it would be a lie. She was rather used to serving spankings to the man whenever he disrespected her - rather lenient - rules, taking such an adrenaline rush every time, but oh did she get a rush now, too. Thomas was getting more and more confident by the minute, Y/N getting rather aroused from it.
Thus she obeyed his demands, pushing her ass back, all there for him to do what he wanted. Thomas quickly got to work moving up her tiny little skirt to have her exposed to his will. Her ass looked amazing in that white lace thong she wore, making the man undeniably hard. “You know what you’re doing, don’t you? You planned for this to happen-” slap, “you knew I would not be able to hold back, didn’t you, puppy?” slap. “Answer me!”
“Yes, daddy,” Y/N responded very timidly, slightly flinching every time he struck her cheeks.
“Good, good. Now count for me, and you will thank me for each slap.”
“One. Thank you, daddy,” she began with his rhythm getting quicker and his force bigger by each slap of his palm. They reached around twenty five before Thomas decided on his next move. He said nothing but roughly turned Y/N around, pulling her towards their shared bedroom, lightly. After closing the door behind him - more out of habit than any actual practical reason- he pushed her to the bed, legs automatically falling open as he stared with lust in his eyes.
“Just sit there and do nothing,” he ordered, “no touching, or there will be consequences.” He did not go far after that, he only undressed and picked up the condoms and the lube, just making sure that she was entirely ready (not that he truly needed it at the moment - just a safety precaution) and knelt in front of his lover.
“Mhm,” he moaned, “you are looking delicious, but I’m not sure you can handle it. Maybe we should do this anoth-”
“No, no! Please, I can handle it! I can handle anything! Please, please!” she exclaimed, or more so whined, making Thomas smirk like a cheshire cat and proceeding with his actions.
“Anything, you say? Hm, we’ll see about that.” Oh boy was she about to regret those words.
His tongue started to tease her immediately as he finished his sentence. It was small short licks and little pecks on her clit, featherly but was agonizing in this case. The pace was slow, timid, really, all in an attempt to show his love in the most painful way possible. Her eyes were shut tightly, mouth hung open releasing heavenly (or rather sinful) noises - a pleasing confirmation of Thomas’ plan working perfectly. Y/N’s back was arched up as her head hung behind, chest bouncing in the attempt to gain more pleasure by Thomas.
“Thommy, please,” she whined, earning a slap on her thigh.
“You are being ungrateful, amore. I shouldn’t be giving you any pleasure at all. You’ll take what you can.” The lack of contact for the few seconds he spoke was enough to cause another fit of whines, but his breath on her heat made far worse ‘damage’.
He wasted no time moving up and away from his disheveled lover, moving to the dresser. Y/N simply sat there, mouth falling open, but this time due to confusion. It was clear that frustration had already started to pick up. Thomas on the other hand was enjoying the situation fully, finding it rather entertaining how he could make her melt so easily.
“Thommy. Come back,” she uttered in her usual dominating tone. Nothing. “Thomas, come back here-”
“What did you just say to me, puppy?” If he was pissed before, now he was livid, and it was clear as day. If this were some weird cartoon his eyes would’ve glowed red - a thought that did not help Y/N’s pleasurable fear. His hand had swiftly reached Y/N’s neck, not tightening up, yet making his stance threatening. “I think you have forgotten how things are going on around here, my love. You are not on the lead right now. I am. And you will pay for that.”
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kissingnamjoon · 3 years
Forgotten | Min Yoongi x Reader (Part 1)
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader 
Genre: Its angst. did u rly expect anything else from me?
Summary:  “I don’t care about the clothes, Yoongi! I just wanted to see you! We did not have to set up these reservations for a fancy restaurant, I told you that! This was your idea! Why aren’t you listening to what I’m saying?” You spoke boldly into the phone. You knew Yoongi was stubborn and not one to let up easily, so you anticipated his response. “Because you’re not fucking saying anything worth listening too.” And with that, the phone clicked, and he hung up.
A/N: Hi I’m back after what seems like forever. Did you guys miss me? kadljflsjflks. Also, I really tried focusing on the readers perspective in this part, the next part will focus more on Yoongi’s. I’m hoping you guys like this bc I havent written in a while and I might be a little rusty. Okay. THATS ALL. ENJOY. FEEDBACK PLS
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Your back ached tremendously as you walked barefoot across the concrete. Expensive heels in your hand, that you bought specifically for tonight. Tear’s slowly flowing down your puffy cheeks, too wrapped up in your own thoughts to care what any by passers thought. You knew there was a cheapy motel down the street tonight, and that is where your feet started taking you. There was no way you were going home to Yoongi. Not after the way he spoke to you and made you feel. What were you ever suppose to say to him? You felt embarrassed that you were so excited for tonight, thinking about it all day and dolling yourself up, and he didn’t even give you the time of his day. Fuck, if he would even be home. He made it abundantly clear that he did not want to see you, or at least that is what he made you feel.
“Yoongi……where are you?” Your soft voice came through the phone. You were surprised he even picked up this time. It only took 4 text messages and 3 phone calls for him to answer. You normally would not call or text him so excessively, but tonight was supposed to be different. You thought, no, you KNEW he would make it to your date tonight. He promised you. Your guy’s relationship had been going through a rough patch, with Yoongi being consumed by work and BTS. You knew his job was demanding, but all you asked for was a little bit of his time. Hell, this date was not even your idea. It was HIS. He was determined to make up his recent neglect to you, and you were more than content to just settle on the couch for a movie night with him. But Yoongi thought you deserved more than that.
However, his actions did not match his thoughts. He did not make you feel like you deserved anything from him. As a matter of fact, right now, you felt the complete opposite.
You thought maybe he had just run into some traffic after it was 10 minutes past 8. You were very naïve and hopefully, and the thought of him standing you up or forgetting honestly did not cross your mind. Tonight, was going to be different. But then 10 minutes turned into 15 minutes. 25 minutes. 45 minutes. An hour. You started to feel nervous that tonight was going to be like the last several months. It would only be validation that whatever else was going on in Yoongi’s life, whether it be work or personal, was always going to take priority over you. When did your relationship become like this? When did Yoongi stop showing you he loved you? When did you stopped feeling loved? When did your relationship with Yoongi become so god damn ISOLATING and LONELY?
“What are you talking about? I’m at the studio.” Yoongi said. And with that, feelings of humiliation and sadness filled your veins as your heart pumped through your body. Of course, tonight was not going to be different. It had not been different for the last 2 months. But this time you had hope because Yoongi planned all this. Not you. Yoongi had always been a man of his word, especially when it came to you. Had your relationship come down to this? Did your relationship hold such unimportance that a simple promise really meant nothing to him anymore?
“What about….tonight? You know? The date you set up for us….” You do not know why you felt nervous responding back to him. Maybe it was because you knew he was at the studio, most likely working. But why should you feel bad? He was not supposed to be working. He was supposed to be with you. “Oh. That. Yah, we can just reschedule it.” Yoongi said calmy, with no concern or panic that he forgot, lacing his voice. Your heart just kept shattering, as you suddenly felt unimportant in Yoongi’s life. Something that he could just push to the back burner and forget about like it was nothing. Maybe you were nothing to him anymore. “B-but….Tonight was supposed to be different Yoongi. I was really looking forward to seeing you. I just want to see you.” Your lips started trembling, but you swore to yourself you would not let Yoongi know you were on the verge of tears. Besides, would he even care if he knew that he had caused the tears making their appearance in your eyes?
“Well, I don’t know what to tell you, Y/N. I got caught up in the studio. We can reschedule for the weekend.” Why was he being so cold towards you right now? This was not the Yoongi that you knew. The Yoongi that loved you. Sure, on the outside Yoongi seemed cold and distant, but with you, he was so much different. He was soft. He was deep. He was passionate and incredibly detailed orientated. He cared about you. Where was that Yoongi? “But Yoongi…. You planned this. I even bought a new outfit to wear for you and everything.”
Yoongi was getting annoyed. He already told you that you guys could go on the weekend. What weren’t you understanding? He snapped. “Well fuck, Y/N! I will repay you for the clothes and whatever the fuck else you bought for tonight. I told you we could reschedule for this weekend. Is it difficult for you to understand?!” He snapped through the phone. Why was he being so mean to you right now? All you wanted to do was see Yoongi? Were you such a selfish person for wanting to see your boyfriend, even if just for a few minutes? “I don’t care about the clothes, Yoongi! I just wanted to see you! We did not have to set up these reservations for a fancy restaurant, I told you that! This was your idea! Why aren’t you listening to what I’m saying?” You spoke boldly into the phone. You knew Yoongi was stubborn and not one to let up easily, so you anticipated his response. “Because you’re not fucking saying anything worth listening too.” And with that, the phone clicked, and he hung up.
You were so confused. What had just happened? Did you do something to Yoongi you were not aware about, why was he so angry at you? The motel you were heading to was probably gross and dirty, but you did not even care. You had spent so much time getting ready for your date with Yoongi, and then the argument, if you could even call it that. You were exhausted and you just wanted to pass out and forget about what happened with Yoongi. You wanted to forget about Yoongi. Just like he had forgotten about you.
If you liked this fic, please feel free to buy me a kofi! ❤
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unknowntoyou2205 · 3 years
Scared and alone (4/12)
Info: Silva Carrys y/n to the greenhouse and Musa and Aisha see her. The girls go check on her before leaving to lunch. Sky finds out via Blook andhim and Riven havent seen y/n for long before they are called away by Stella and Beatrix.
Relationships: Sky x Riven x Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: Mentions of death, loss of parents, harmful acts.
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Musa and Aisha walked through the canteen to there next class when they seen Dowling and Harvey rushing past followed by Silva with a young girl in his arms. Watching them they recognized it as y/n.
"Is that............" "Y/n yeah." Aisha nodded, interrupting Musa.
The two girls looked at each other before rushing in the direction the teachers left, bumping into Terra on the way.
"What's going on?" Terra asked in confusion. "Y/n's collapsed or something. Headmistress Dowling, Professor Harvey and Headmaster Silva went by carrying her." Aisha said in a hurry before Terra followed them, texting Bloom.
"Place her on the bed." Harvey told Silva before leaving to his office. "How long does the dosage last?" Dowling asked, looking at Harvey who was working away in his office. "Half hour, maybe more, no more than an hour." Harvey spoke before the door opened in a hurry.
The teachers turned to see Aisha, Bloom, Musa and Terra looking in concern. The four girls stopped as they seen y/n lying on a bed close by.
"What happened?" Terra asked. "Stress." Dowling replied curtly. "Will she be okay?" Aisha asked. "Yes she will be fine, why don't you girls go get lunch and you can see her when she wakes up." Silva nodded at the girls.
The four girls nodded before leaving the greenhouse once again. Dowling sighed and turned to Silva with a look of concern.
"I'm surprised Sky and Riven aren't here yet." she stated. "There in training, probably haven't heard yet. I can almost bet that they will be here at some stage if she doesn't wake up before hand." Silva stated. "Do they know about her parents?" "No, I don't think so. She told me not to tell Sky and I doubt that she has told them." Silva shook his head. "She's a strong girl, but she could do with the support of those close to her. Especially with the frozen ones." Dowling stated causing Silva to nod before Harvey came back in.
"I'm going to give her an antidote to help with her control of magic. Once she has achieved it we will slowly decrease that strength before she is on her own. However, as magic is linked to emotion I am not certain that it will work for her." Harvey explained, showing Dowling and Silva ten vials in a box. "So she still needs to be able to control her emotions." Dowling asked. "In a way. This antidote can slightly decrease her feelings, though she will not be emotionless." "When do you start administering them to her." Silva asked. "Once she wakes up." Harvey stated before the door opened with a bang.
Bloom walked out of the cafeteria and started walking through the gardens. Hearing her name, she stopped and looked back to see Sky coming towards her.
"You know you don't have to go along with everything Stella wants. There are other options. Don't do it just cause she's got a strong personality." Sky stated, walking with Bloom. "I lost the ring. I'm going to help her get it back. It's the right thing to do, end of story." Bloom stated, shrugging her shoulder slightly. "Two strong personalities. Got it." "Clearly you have a type." Bloom joked before looking ahead. "Hey, umm, how's y/n." Bloom asked causing Sky to look at her in confusion. "She's fine, why?" Sky replied causing Bloom to stop and turn in front of him. "Wait, you don't know?" "Know what?" "Musa and Aisha seen Headmaster Silva carrying her to the greenhouse. They say she collapsed due to stress." Bloom explained causing Skys eyes to widen. "I've to go." Sky stated before rushing off.
Sky ran through the halls, ignoring the students he bumped into along the way. Reaching his room, he burst through the door to see Riven and Beatrix lying on the bed. They both looked up as he burst through.
"Someone's in a rush." Beatrix commented. "Keep the door on it's hinges please, don't want Silva to blame me for something else I didn't do." Riven stated. "Y/n's in the greenhouse. Silva brought her there, Bloom says she collapsed due to stress, I don't know but she's not awake yet." Sky said in one breath causing Riven to push away from the head board he was leaning against. "Shit." Riven cursed under his breath as Beatrix got off the bed. "I heard she lost control in her class, almost frosted Headmistress Dowling. People say she ran out of the class after, nobody seen where she went, my guess is the forest." Beatrix stated before kissing Riven and leaving.
"I don't need to tell you why that is such a bad idea." Sky commented, pointing Beatrix's direction. "YOur seriously going to comment on that when y/n is in the greenhouse after collapsing from stress." Riven stated before leaving the room.
Both boys didn't speak as they pushed past students to get to the greenhouse. Both were worried about their closest friend and where very confused onto why she lost control and passed out.
Reaching the greenhouse Riven pushed the door open with a bang, startling the teachers standing around the bed where y/n lay. Sky rushed in after him and skidded, nearly falling over.
"Y/n! Is she okay?" Riven asked, pushing through Dowling and Silva, not caring that he had forced them back. "What happened?" Sky asked, looking mainly at Harvey as he walked towards the group. "She passed out due to stress." Harvey explained, half lying. "SO she didn't lose control in class." Riven snapped, caressing y/ns cheek softly. "Due to stress yes. But she is okay." Dowling lied, looking at the two boys.
Sky looked at Silva who nodded before he moved beside y/n, opposite Riven, taking a hold of her hand. He rubbed her hand with his thumb as he watched y/n breathing softly.
Riven looked at Sky briefly as a phone was heard throughout the green house. Sky looked down and got his phone before sighing, seeing who it was.
"Stella I'm kinda busy right now." He started before being interrupted, "Yeah I get that but y/n needs me right now." He sighed after a long pause." Is it really important?" "Okay, I'm on my way."
Sky hung up and let go of y/n's hand before stepping back while rubbing his head. Riven looked down as his phone went off from a text. Reading it, he also stepped back and moved to the door.
"Beatrix needs me/ Stella needs me." They spoke in unison, looking at each other before leaving, unaware of their friend hearing and seeing them leave with tears in her eyes.
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