causeknight · 11 months
I'm not the anon but here's the screenshot that's been going around. It's just generalizing a billion people based on extremist groups. In Tara's "likes" page. She got booted from some indi toon about it and now she's saying she got fired for "being Jewish." There's nothing to do with being Jewish in this tweet... 😬
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Oh fuck! That's actually worse than what I imagined!
I don't think you can blame any company for wanting an employee associated with this kind of hateful, generalising rhetoric.
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@causeknight Dude, how come we may agree on Star Wars and you seem actually smart on your blog but...
"Bitch you deserve to rot in hell! I hope you catch covid and choke to a very painful death, writhing in the agony you deserve for failing in your civic duty and allowing your selfish nature and the fucking brain worms that infect you to consume your humanity."
"Civic duty" and "deserve to die"... Does the irony of the "normal" Germans and the Nazi really is lost on you. It's not a zombie apocalypse calm down your killer's axe. Or educate yourself including the specifics of the vaccines because they don't really prevent spread so how come anyone who didn't take one is to blame - they can only be at higher risk but they are not a danger to anyone. That's a medical fact confirmed by many normal scientists and doctors worldwide and official documents of vaccine manufacturers. So again, whats your point exactly? Other than hate? And violence? If I was a piece of crap I would wish you to choke on covid in return but.. that's not what I do here really. Open your eyes before you start killing people
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rjalker · 3 years
causeknight fir your thinks misandry is a thing.
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rwbwby · 3 years
@causeknight cool beans. starting a new post so i don’t flood my dash. anyways, “bigotry” against straight people still holds virtually no power and thus its “existence” is a joke to me. “being rude” is not the same as bigotry. again, if someone’s going to base their opinions of my rights on how “cringy gay people” treat them, and they choose to blanket all of us as stereotypes because of a few who push jokes too far, they are not our allies. true allyship does not come with terms and conditions like that. either they support our fight for our rights, or they don’t. i have no interest in acting like there’s some crazy epidemic of “rude gay people alienating thousands of potential allies” when the acceptance of our community at large is better than it’s been in a very long time.
i have no issue with people saying “hey, don’t push these jokes too far, it’s not helpful.” that’s obviously true. but it’s the idea that this is somehow “heterophobia” (which doesn’t exist) or bigotry against straight people that i take extreme issue with. again, they’re probably already homophobic if a few tasteless jokes can turn them away from being allies. all they’re waiting for is an excuse, and i’m done pandering to those types of people because i’ve been doing it all my life. i’m not going to play defense for them. you shouldn’t have to, either.
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With a Steven bomb dropping next week, may I insist that you don't post anything about the content of the episodes till June 21st (should be saturday). I plan on binge watching all 5 at once and would like to avoid spoilers; thank you =).
I will be tagging spoilers as follows: SU spoilers, steven universe spoilers, steven bomb. Is that all right? I can tag it as anything you’d like but i don’t know if i’ll be able to remember to not post anything at all .x.;;;;
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causeknight · 11 months
Not the anon that mentioned the antivax comments tara strong made but i saw that post when looking her up and I do have the receipts of that!
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Super disappointing to learn how long she's been like this
Given that she's clearly middle-grounding in that argument, it reads more like fear than conspiracy theory. Although the former often begets the latter, but she's not "down the rabbit hole" as it were.
TBH I think she'd benefit from having an hour to talk to a doctor in person about this, but it's unlikely any medical professional who would have the capacity to answer her questions would be able to give her the time of day.
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causeknight · 11 months
Tara Strong has “liked” several deeply Islamophobic tweets (now since “unliked” but people have the screenshots to prove it, and even in the post you reblogged there is a blue hyperlink that shows this behavior), and Tara has been a vocal antivaxxer since forever. She isn’t being diplomatic, she IS being disingenuous and has accused anyone who disagrees with Israeli government policies of antisemitism.
I'd appreciate if you had screenshots to back up these comments. I'm not gonna go out of my way to defend her, especially if the antivaxxer accusation is true, but I want to see evidence before blindly believing someone who took the option to tell me this anonymously.
Kinda ironic to be anon and talk about being disingenuous...
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causeknight · 2 years
Literally how is informing people of the risks of being choked ‘kink-shaming’
I have a friend who has lifelong brain damage because of asphyxiation from her boyfriend, it’s a serious issue
Wow this is an old topic. Ok let's do this in 3 points:
A. I'm sorry to hear your friend has suffered a permanent injury. It's horrible that she was hurt so terribly by someone who claimed to love her.
B. The position I hold is that choking can be done with relative safety so long as everyone involved knows the risks. Being aware of your own strength, knowing what to look for when someone has a lack of oxygen, knowing what it feels like when you're lacking oxygen, making sure to build up gradually until you find the point where it stops being comfortable, etc. There's a lot to learn for sure. My local kink scene puts a lot of emphasis on education and safety because if done improperly a lot of kinks do have severe consequences!
It's the same with things like rock climbing or scuba diving. People do those things for fun, it's exciting, it's a new experience. You probably don't need me to tell you that a simple google search will show you what can go wrong with those activities. And yet, businesses that offer rock climbing and scuba diving experiences are still operating. These things aren't banned despite the risk because there's an understanding that the people who engage with it are AWARE of the risk and are responsible for keeping themselves safe.
C. You've framed the question disingenuously. Informing people about the risks is part of practicing safety, it is VITAL to inform people of the risks. What I was arguing against was the notion that anyone who's ever tried choking has somehow caused irreparable damage to their partner's neck muscles and vocal chords or whatever the fuck. There's a difference between "this thing CAN be dangerous" and "People who do this ARE dangerous".
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causeknight · 9 months
I haven't checked tumblr since December 31st. TBH I haven't really missed it and I think I may extend my break from it.
This is just a check in for my followers to let them know I won't be active for the foreseeable future and it's not because I'm dead or missing, this is a deliberate choice.
So long, until we meet again.
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causeknight · 1 year
I hate London and the cashless hell it has become:
Story time:
Right now I'm in London with my partner. We've come down because she needs to visit an embassy to get her passport renewed so she can maintain dual citizenship (story for a different time perhaps).
So we take the train down, walk out from the station and decide to catch a bus to get to our Airbnb. I walk on the bus with my wallet out and there's no hole in the bus driver's screen.
"So... Where do I put the money?"
"No cash, contactless only." My partner proceeds to tap her card twice. "No! 2 separate cards." Luckily my partner has a contactless credit card as well as a contactless debit card; I have only a non-contactless debit card to my name.
Later we need to use the underground trains. Thankfully they have a machine available that accepts bank notes and spits change back out so I could actually pay for these ones. Sadly, this seems to be the only device in the entirety of London that still accepts fiat currency.
The day continues. While we're down here I wanna meet up with a friend from London so we arrange to have dinner in a restaurant. When it comes time to split the bill, can I use cash? No, have to whip out my debit card. At least they still took chip and pin. We went to a pub afterwards for a cheeky pint and same thing happened, I pulled out a £20 note ready to pay for the drinks before noticing the sign behind the bar: "Card and contactless only".
End story time:
Now, I'm writing all this mainly as a way to document culture shock, but also because I find this whole situation to just be insane!
I was born in 1997, I'm effectively gen z. I tell you this so that you understand I'm not an old person complaining about new technology. I am a young person complaining about the lack of options, inaccessibllity, and hostile design of turning a city into a cashless society!
I was LUCKY that my partner happened to have a 2nd contactless card available for me to use! Otherwise I literally would not be allowed to take the bus. Could you imagine not being allowed on a bus because you don't own a specific piece of plastic? Can you imagine potentially being charged with a fine that's 400% the price of a bus ticket, even though you have the ability to pay, except in the 1 specific way they want you to pay?
I hope to christ that this "London standard" never makes it's way to the rest of England. I may be tumbling into the future kicking and screaming simply because I refuse to use contactless shite. I like cash; I like being able to tell how much I've spent in a day when I see the absence of it in my wallet.
I can only imagine how much worse this sucks for kids and the elderly. When you're too young to be issued with a debit card, how the hell are you meant to get around and hang out with friends?
Not sure how to end this long ass post. Just really want the politicians and business owners arguing for more cashless infrastructure to piss off really.
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causeknight · 2 years
Sometimes you try to educate people on how what they’re saying is offensive and hurtful, and sometimes they tell you to just block them because they admit they’re stubborn and refuse to change.
I fucking hate people like that, feeling really disheartened tonight...
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causeknight · 2 years
imagine having THAT meme as your fucking header and then turning around and doing exactly what you seem to be admonishing others for at random. Delete your account.
"At random"
You continue to prove my point that you have zero reading comprehension. Go re-read the notes on that post and tell me if your last reply made any sense at all.
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causeknight · 2 years
U literally can’t defend ur ideologies , ur only arguments is “you’re transphobic!! And a terrible person and I’m a victim” while making no counter arguments ,
That is a trend in the TRA movement, relying on emotionally charged sentiments (kids need to medically transition or they’ll kill themselves, trans women need to be let into women’s bathrooms or they’ll feel terribly sad) instead of using real logical arguments.
Oh I can defend them. But putting forth a genuine argument online is simply pointless 99% of the time. Hell on that GNC post I DID put forth a genuine argument on why porn isn't bad, and it got completely ignored. The person who responded to me didn't address any of my points, just completely talked past me, so fuck them!
They don't want to have an argument in good faith, so why should I bother showing them any respect? If you wanna talk to me in person and sit down for 3 hours to hash out the good and bad of porn then fine, I'm up for that. But that's not gonna happen with a snarky internet goblin who's too scared to even put their username to the question they're asking.
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causeknight · 2 years
You're so mad lmao it's really fucking funny watching you have a breakdown over nothing
Imagine thinking you're a good person after writing something like this. You are a disgrace to the world, please re-evaluate what kind of person you want to be.
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causeknight · 11 months
I have BAULKED at the price of Insomniac's Spider-Man 2
I was excited for the new spider-man game and half hoping someone would buy it for my birthday. But after it became clear I was gonna have to get it myself I looked at the price and-
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Even when I found a 15% off deal I had to pause for a moment.
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Nearly £60... It's cheaper but... That's STILL too expensive!
Now I understand things are going to cost more over time due to inflation. I understand how the price of a new game in 2008 being £39.99 and a new game in 2023 being £69.99 are actually about the same when you consider how the value of the pound has changed over the past 15 years. Except... Is it the same?
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Those cheap bastards are ripping me off! Ok, maybe buying it for 15% off is still worth it, but consider that the state of modern gaming right now means after only 2 months or so, prices get slashed anyway. Here's a couple examples of games that released earlier this year just to prove the point:
Star Wars: Jedi Survivor - April 2023 - £38.99
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Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - May 2023 - £47.99
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Street fighter 6 - June 2023 - £39.95
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Xenoblade chronicles 3 - April 2023 - £37.99
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Pikmin 4 - July 2023 - £39.99
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Hopefully I've proven my point here. It's highly likely given current trends that spiderman 2 will be at least £20 cheaper by the time Christmas has come and gone. Hell, it may even do that just before Christmas.
To be honest, anyone with modern gaming as a hobby could have told you all of this, these dramatic price slashes after only a couple of months have been commonplace for a few years now. But the reason I made this great big long post is because I was genuinely shocked at the initial asking price. I don't think they can afford to go any higher than what they're asking for right now.
Time to learn a new word! Baulk - definition: To hesitate or be unwilling to accept.
In economics, customer baulking is a concept where a customer sees the price of an item and immediately passes on it. The item is too expensive for them and they don't even TRY to consider if the price is justifiable. If the thing you're selling is consistently getting people baulking at it, then it's not going to sell enough units to be profitable. If you're familiar with the "laws of supply and demand" then you should understand why this is a problem.
I'm concerned that the modern video game industry is going to shoot itself in the foot repeatedly by setting the prices of their games so high at launch that their week 1 figures are going to give the shareholders heart attacks.
I'm not saying £70 isn't a reasonable price (despite... the rest of this post heavily implying otherwise) but what I am saying is I think they've hit the maximum limit of reasonability.
There will be people who think the price of Zelda: tears of the kingdom is too high, even now. There will be people who are willing to buy games new at £60. I'm one of those people, I bought the star wars game I listed earlier, on day 1, for around £60. But the sheer AUDACITY to look me square in the digital eyes and ask £70 for a new game... That's my tipping point. To the extent that I don't even want to buy it at £60 anymore, I'll just wait.
If £70 becomes the new launch standard then I will baulk at every single new release until the prices start to go back down. I sincerely hope you'll join me.
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causeknight · 11 months
I love Halloween, And I love Valentines, But this year I'd like, To free Palestine.
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