#cc you better treat him well in twp
tycarstairs · 8 months
currently compiling a list of all the quotes that show that ty doesn’t like himself and/or thinks he deserves punishment and i’m unwell, here we go:
“Ty was keeping his head down. No one except for Livvy, and maybe Julian, would have known there was something wrong.
But there was something wrong.” - The Lost World, GOTSM
this list is in no specific order and i’m not done but. i need someone to ask him if he’s okay because he’s not doing well.
“Livvy wished with all of her ghostly heart that she and Ty could have stayed in Los Angeles, but Ty had been adamant. Going off to the Scholomance was the penance he must endure for his great crime—the great crime of attempting to bring Livvy back.” - The Lost World, GOTSM
ty punishing himself by going to ghetto scholomance.
“After he’d failed to resurrect Livvy from the dead, Ty had thrown his phone into the Pacific Ocean so he wouldn’t be tempted to try other spells from the Black Volume. He had a new phone now, but he hadn’t uploaded his photos. More penance, Livvy thought, although Ty hadn’t said so.” - The Lost World, GOTSM
ty punishing himself again.
“Ty said, “No one chooses this life.” He had put down his pen.
He sounded as if he were somewhere far away. Livvy didn’t think he was talking about the Scholomance.” - The Lost World, GOTSM
he doesn’t want to be there but he is because, again, he’s punishing himself.
“She didn’t want me to know that you might leave, but I’ve always known it.” - Lord of Shadows
he expects everyone to leave, i am so unwell
“That’s why you didn’t want Livvy to come,” said Kit. “It is dangerous.”
Ty straightened up. His hair was a mess. “She already got hurt,” he said. “Because of me.” - Lord of Shadows
already showing ty blaming himself in los
“ He was happy when the search was going well and frustrated when it wasn’t, but he didn’t take his frustrations out on others.
The only person he was unkind to, Kit thought, was himself.” - Queen of Air and Darkness
he’s kind to everyone but himself.
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bemtevis · 4 years
I've seen many people scared for Kit in TWP, but I'm also terrified for Ty. I hope CC doesn't write him as just the love interest or (I pray she doesn't) comic relief like she treats TLH Kit. Besides, an important part of KitTy's relationship in TDA is that they have plenty of trust and understanding even during QOAAD. If in TWP they're the main pairing, I'm afraid they might become angsty and full of misunderstandings like jordelia or even have some love triangle and ruin their characters.
ANON don't speak that into existence 😩
If Kit mistreats Ty even for a second I'm gonna throw hands-- hopefully she'll treat him better than she treats her female main characters.
Kit and Ty's relationship was built in trust and understanding, as you said, and I refuse to think of their dynamic as anything but that. I love angst when it's well written, but I don't trust CC to write it well.
Didn't CC mention one of them is going to be dating someone? I smell a love triangle 🙃 It'll be them or Jaime x Dru x Ash, but Dru is already dating Thaís so I get to ignore it~
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thechangeling · 4 years
I was debating for the longest time whether or not I would say something about this. I was going back and forth in my brain wondering if I was just overly sensitive or just overreacting. But here's the thing, clearly I was bothered for a reason. So let's address it.
I have some issues with this post. I couldn't figure it out at first, why I felt so icky. So I asked for a second opinion from Alex and she agreed with me. Something was off. So we put our heads together metaphorically speaking and we came up with a few reasons why.
First of all, concerning the first point, I have issues with the idea of all of their main disagreements being about Ty misinterpreting what Kit's saying. Firstly because I feel like Kit would always clarify and be super clear about things because he is aware of Ty's autism. Most if the people in my life who really care about me try to be super clear with what they say and always clarify when they're joking or being sarcastic. Kit loves Ty enough to do that. This over looks the fact that Kit could potentially misunderstand Ty as well and that could let to conflict. But I feel like after everything in TWP they will have evolved as adults and gotten better at communicating with one another. Also Ty probably wouldn't just ignore Kit without telling him that he was upset or asking Kit what he meant. Idk the entire tone of the way this was written made me uncomfortable.
Also in terms of the whole jealousy thing. I've never understood the way monogamous people always treat jealousy like such a adorable romantic thing, and always use it as a trope to cause conflict like???? Yeah jealousy happens, but again like I already stated before my idea of future Kitty is hell bent on proper communication and talking through these things. In terms of making Ty be the one whose super jealous and playing off of the fears and insecurities of real autistic people, it makes me uncomfortable. Because we always gave that fear of not being good enough lagging in the back of our brains. Also a fear of rejection due to intense ableist brainwashing that essentially trains you to believe you are unlovable. Yes it's realistic, but using that as a sort of plot device or trope in a headcannon without any sort of trigger warning makes me kind of upset. Like I feel like a lot of people (allistic people) don't fully get the nuance behind these types of things and just throw them in there for the drama. Yes CC is guilty of this as well. Also on the flip side of that Kit's jealousy is presented with this trope of "oh I'm so alone, no one will love me," gets a little tired. Idk I guess I just want more maturity and nuance from a post TWP kitty.
Another thing I wanted to touch on is the kids thing. Now this is probably just me being picky but I've noticed that a very little amount of people ever headcannon them with kids. I think I've only seen like three kitty children headcannons on tumblr like ever. And it's true that there are plenty of valid reasons why they might not want to be parents, but I feel like a lot of people don't like picturing autistic people with kids because they think we can't be parents or just never want to.
That bothers me because it's just not true. It's also the belief that autistic people can't have children that leads us to getting our children taken away. Go look it up. The shitty thing is autistic parents who have autistic children tend to parent them really well compared to allistic parents. I'm not saying Kit and Ty have to have kids. I'm just wondering why almost no one ever goes there.
This wasn't supposed to be a hate post or an attack or anything. I don't have anything against @shadowhuntertrash I just had some thoughts I needed to express.
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titsthedamnseason · 4 years
This isn’t meant to be aggressive, just curious (don’t have to answer if you don’t want to because people on this sit like to vilify others for having different opinions) but I was just curious about your feelings as to why you dn’t like k*tty. Is there a post i missed on your blog or sumthing or do you just not talk about it (which is understandable because I feel that kitty stans would come after you so bad)
no need to worry youre fine and, no, i havent really posted about it yet. there’s a few reasons that contribute to why i dont love kitty but i do want to first start off by saying that it’s not hate on either character or even on the ship. im hesitant to full on claim to “hate” them yet, even if im not the biggest fan and not afraid to admit that.
i would say the biggest part of my dislike for them comes from the fans. im going to generalize, which is why im going to explicitly state that i know not all of the fans are like this, but a lot of them in my experience are childish and pretty gross. first of all, even when i “shipped” (to use the word lightly) kitty in tda, it was never really actually shipping them yet if that makes sense? in my opinion, kitty’s progression in tda was pretty slow and most of the stuff between them was strictly platonic. any time i thought a real romantic relationship between them would be cute, it was always just that, an appreciation for what would be. it’s more like having a premature appreciation of “wow we arent there yet, but after more development and later on in twp they could be a really cute couple.” despite that, fans of them ran WILD with the bare minimum that we were given, and took it too far. fans writing explicit scenes about a gay couple made up of two minors before even an ounce of romantic content was provided is honestly so disgusting. and there is a LOT of explicit content out there for them, unfortunately 
more on their age, in fact, they are SO YOUNG. im sure we’ve all shipped two young people before, and taking out the factor of sexualizing them, it’s honestly okay. but again, it comes back to the fans once again aggressively shipping them despite how young they are! not even just because sexualizing them is gross and terrible, but because neither of them are in a spot where a relationship would be good for them and it’s clearly why cassie ended tda with them as she did? people seem to forget that theyre 15, and saying this as a 16 year old, the intensity with which people portray their relationship and how they expect it to be TERRIFIES me. we, as a fandom, dont really have any business to look at these two fucking children and fantasize about how nice their wedding would be? ya is already bad enough doing this with 16/17 year olds, why are we normalizing this for kit and ty who have barely one canon romantic scene (that even still, could easily be seen as platonic)?
and there are more reasons, but the last major one is that ty should not have to feel like the first person outside of his immediate family to treat him normally is the one for him, and i wish cc wasnt promoting that idea either. not to mention that ty, in my opinion, hasnt even ever expressed attraction towards kit? like yes, in the “i love you” scene he was distracted by his grief and not in a position to respond well to that no matter what but even in other scenes, their relationship was so friendly. we’ve never seen ty’s point of view, so there’s no way to really know, but even from the outside we havent seen him express outward interest in others like kit does, even if just to appreciate their appearance at a surface level. it’s also canon that ty doesnt love the way others do, and that the way he expresses his affection towards his family and loved ones is unique. he should obviously have freedom to turn that love towards whomever he chooses if that’s what he wants, but i think a very beneficial and mature storyline on cc’s part would be to let him explore how he conveys those feelings towards other people, and let him get comfortable with that, before immediately endgaming him with kit. that being said, i would also love for kit to have a love interest or multiple before the wicked powers, to also let him explore his sexuality and get experience before automatically ending up with the first person he said “i love you” to. with ty being on the spectrum, and both of them clearly being lgbtq+, i think the best move for them would be to wait it out before feeling an obligation to be together forever without getting any other experience first
again, does any of this mean i would despise a kitty endgame? not at all. i just think there’s a long way to go for it to be done right and that the fandom is really jumping the gun with shipping them before seeing how cc handles it. that being said, im sure if she does give them a twp slow burn she’ll get hate, and if other love interests are explored those characters will be hated on for just breathing. i can easily see myself warming up to kitty throughout twp (although, probably never the Stans) but i can also acknowledge that im not there yet, and until then i like them far better as just friends.
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