2002shortie · 1 year
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Today is Sunday,June 11th 2023. Which marks one week since I’ve been in the marvelous city of London, England.
Today I ventured onward, alone in a huge city and I must say it’s been one of the best days I’ve had. I started my day by sleeping in, eventually making myself down to breakfast where I ate slightly more than I have this past week of breakfast. I ate a hash brown, egg and some ham bacon with 2 cups of white milk. After that I bused to the national gallery ( again). I had to go back because I had missed so much from my first visit and I couldn’t miss out. I saw the water lilies by Monet which was very exciting along with many other famous artists throughout art history. On my way out I was going to visit a spittin Field market, but when at the bus stop I asked the women next to me which she prefers, she said Camden. I’ve heard a lot about Camden and had planned on going after spitfield, but I changed route and started heading towards Camden-I took the underground. Did I mention how hot it was today? I was a HOT MESS ALL DAY. I talked to soo many amazing people in London and just as I was interested in them they were interested in me. I had many lovely interactions and missed some photo opportunities, but it’s my off day right?
WRONG, I couldn’t keep missing out especially when I saw these 2 girls, I almost let them walk away but I swiftly called “miss, excuses me-” they were 2 young girls probably teenagers or in their 20s. And I took some HWAT photos. From there I decided to just keep my camera out, it was my blog camera so it wasn’t as heavy as my main camera. I got some glasses and made some “friends” well I could’ve if I would’ve actually exchanged socials with them, but I didn’t. Eventually I made it to the spittin Field market, where I was on serch for a bag. And I kept getting distracted. There was a new coach store, jewelry from small businesses, small fashion designers and their absolutely fabulous designs, that they HAND MAKE ( the ones I was interested in), both from Barcelona. We changed socials. And I will be in touch for their designs. I found a cross necklace that I’ve been wanting for a long time and alas, I found my bag. It’s from turkey and only from turkey. And even if it wasn’t, the man right away showed me a bag and was like I can see you, this is the bag for you. And indeed it was. However there was another bag and it was a very hard decision but I went with it-beacuse these 2 girls had came up to me in the booth, they were beautiful with amazing eyebrows! They said they loved the bag (the man had suggested on me) and spotted it before approaching me. I soon asked them for their advice and showed them the bags. They was having a hard time too but the sales man was there for it, he loves his job and he’s very well at it. One of the girls decided to put the bags on her to help me decide lol. Her friend mentioned her getting cancelled for it lol. But she had a tactic that worked . No female wants to see you wear what she wants. And I just saw which one I cared for most. Now I have another unique item to have and is versatile. He asked for permission to post my photo from his store, I said yes and he also gave me a free gift just for my kindness. Which wasn’t the first discounted thing I got for just being ME! Between all this, I had encountered even more people. One man, his name escapes me, honestly a lot of some of the details people shared with me did, but he stopped me, and said my stay was amazing. Me? Getting stoped when all along I’ve been stopping people and telling them they’re amazing. He and his friend were going to the pub. I got on the underground after being around the entire city and spending as much as it would charge me on my oyster card. I took so many amazing photos today and Im excited to share them. Oh and- I’m definitely going to learn how to tango after this trip. I saw people doing it and this older women Rosie was like “ I can’t see it captured your heart”
I didn’t even know she was right until she said that. I captured a few photos of that as well. Of course I found more people to photograph on my way home and even on the tube, but I can’t help it, everyone is so freaking beautiful, everything is so beautiful. Today London made me fall in love with my spirit again, I see how much light I bring to this world. And how much the world puts a spark in me.
The only part of the day that scared me was when I thought I got pickpocketed but I left it in a store, which I now this is a safe place.
People of London, i hope I made your day slightly brighter. And soon I’ll have those photos released.
Lastly- I’d like to mention the dog toy I got my dog, it’s a giraffe ball made of wool.
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cubojorbr · 1 year
Bazar Solidário na UEMA: doações até sexta-feira (28)
As doações podem ser entregues até esta sexta-feira (28) na Biblioteca Setorial prof° Renato Bacelar.
O Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas (CCSA) da Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (UEMA) está recebendo doações para o Bazar Solidário. As doações podem ser entregues até esta sexta-feira (28) na Biblioteca Setorial prof° Renato Bacelar. Os interessados em ajudar podem doar itens como roupas, calçados, acessórios, mochilas, bolsas e brinquedos em bom estado. Além disso, também é possível fazer…
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freenetworksecurity · 2 years
#1 Free Network Security Tutorial | CheckPoint CCSA | EVE-NG In Google Cloud
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#6  Free Network Security Tutorial | CheckPoint CCSA | Configuring VPN in CheckPoint Firewall
➥ Free Network Security Tutorial | CheckPoint Firewall https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
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The pressure on the government to put cancer warning labels on alcohol containers is growing, as experts say the majority of Canadians don't know the risks that come with consuming even moderate amounts.
The latest catalyst is Canada's new Guidance on Alcohol and Health, which updates the 2011 Low Risk Drinking Guidelines. The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA), which released its final report today, points out that no amount of alcohol is safe and that consuming any more than two drinks a week is risky.
It's a drastic shift from previous guidance, which recommended no more than 15 drinks for men and 10 drinks for women per week to reduce long-term health risks. The CCSA says the new advice reflects thousands of studies in the last decade that link even small amounts of alcohol to several types of cancer.
The new recommendations lay out a continuum of risk. Three-to-six drinks a week increases the risk of developing certain cancers, including colorectal and breast cancer, and more than seven drinks a week also increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. The danger goes up with every additional drink. [...]
According to the report, many Canadians are already in risky drinking territory, with 17 per cent of Canadians consuming three-to-six drinks a week, while 40 per cent drink more than six drinks a week. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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teawitch · 10 months
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA): Men should consume no more than 2 alcoholic beverages per week.
US Republicans: You can have my beer when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA): Umm, yes?
(Ted Cruz literally staged a "the left are coming for your beer" photo op on this one because apparently the entire country of Canada is "the left")
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valentinobaos · 2 months
Grooveando . . .
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Two of Marcel Breuer’s pivotal buildings were built in the German city of Wiesbaden, capital of the federal state of Hesse, for the an industrialist’s family: the Harnischmacher I and II houses, built in 1932 and between respectively. But while the first Harnischmacher house has from the very beginning on been regarded as a key work of Breuer, not only because it was his very first one realized, the 1950s Harnischmacher house rarely appears beyond a footnote or a small illustration. This is all the more confusing as it was realized in a period that saw Breuer turn from a master of American single-family homes into a globally active powerhouse. In 2011 an enthusiast couple bought the house and approached Carsten Ruhl, Chris Dähne, Hans-Rudolf Meier and Eva von Engelberg-Dočkal with the idea of producing a book about the house while it undergoes renovation. A decade later this publication finally saw the light of day: „Mehr als ein Haus! Marcel Breuer in Wiesbaden“, edited by Matthias Brunner, Chris Dähne and Carsten Ruhl and published by M Books, ties together the history of both houses and demonstrates why both deserve equal attention: while Harnischmacher I had the character of a debut intended to demonstrate Breuer’s conception of modern living, Harnischmacher II is a hybrid between the architect’s American and interwar houses. It connects the white purism of his early works with the developments made in the US, namely with regards to the the internal organization as a loose addition of boxes that, due to the requirements of his clients, flows less continually than in the US examples.
Beyond the comprehensive analysis of both houses, supplemented with original plan material and vintage photographs, the publication provides additional context in the form of Carsten Ruhl’s and Matthias Brunner’s essays discussing Breuer’s rarely discussed theoretical book „Sun and Shadow“ as well as the preservationist perspective on the house after being (not very cautiously) renovated. An excellent read that is also available as free download:
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zerogate · 2 years
The Roman Catholic Church: A Centuries Old History of Awareness of Clerical Child Sexual Abuse (from the First to the 19th Century)
Contrary to the commonly projected belief by ecclesiastical authorities and mainstream media, the Catholic Church has in fact a well-documented history of clerical child sexual abuse (cCSA) since ancient times. These concerns have continued to be addressed at different time intervals in the history of the Church through enactment of various organizational laws. It is interesting to observe, that the history of cCSA is not an issue limited to the twentieth century history of the church as reported in modern media, but rather as old as the church itself.
Anderson (2004) contended that scandals involving priestly sexual misconduct and sexual abuse of minors had periodically appeared throughout the history of the Church with the greatest reported occurrences appearing in the 11th, 12th, 14th, and 15th centuries. Doyle et al. (2006) argued that the 20th century cCSA crises in the Catholic Church were the most recent manifestation of a problem which had plagued the Church since its inception. Indeed, Daly (2009) held that the Church had always been aware of the sexual abuse of children and that such abuse at the hands of the clergy was treated to be especially evil. Wall (2017b) expressed the view that the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) had remained aware of child rape and sodomy by its Bishops, Priests, and Religious for the last 1700 years, with Sipe (2005) indicating that Church officials had known for centuries that a large number of clerics had been involved in cCSA.
Rubenstein (1999), however, reported that in the second and third centuries abusive clergy were moved from one province to another, even after they had been ex-communicated for their indulgence in sexual abuse. Crabtree (2009) noted this trend of shifting priests was consistently applied over time, as witnessed in the modern world today.
Anderson (2004) found that St. Peter Damien (later declared “Doctor of Church” in 1823 AD), in his letter to Pope Nicolas II (61.14:217–18), warned him that his failure to discipline his bishops would bring upon him divine punishment. In his letter to Pope Leo IX, (31:7–8:287) he viewed clerical sexual abuse resulting from lack of discipline in the Church; as the priests commanded and seduced minors to perform sexual acts. Anderson further contended that St. Peter argued that those bishops who did not depose sexually abusive clerics were providing them with opportunities to prey upon those under their care, and their failure to enforce discipline was bringing the dignity of the ecclesiastical office into disrepute. 
Plante and McChesney (2012) highlighted that St. Peter Damien in the ‘Book of Gomorrah’ (1051 AD) urged for a stronger response and decisive action from the Church against homosexual, and sodomite clerics indulging in sexual abuse of children, while raising significant, and numerous failings on the Churches part to address the issue. St. Peter viewed the practice of taking no action against sodomite priests as adding fuel to the fire, thus opening ways for such acts to be committed freely.
Doyle (2017) rated the book of ‘Gomorrah’ as the most dramatic and explicit condemnation of forbidden clerical sexual activity and misconduct. He described the then Pope Leo IX’s action, in response to St. Peter Damien’s calls for uprooting the offenders out of the clergy, as similar to those of contemporary church authorities who have maintained a defensive approach over the issue of offending priests. That is, Pope Leo IX decided to dismiss only those priests from the clerical state who had offended repeatedly over a long period (Doyle, 2017), while taking no action against others. Rather, he stressed the need for repentance for them. This is an approach which has continued to this today and is evident from the behavior of the clerical administrative authorities at the Vatican in response to reported cCSA cases in the 20th century.
It can hence be argued that up till the 11th century, deviant sexual behaviors and acts of child sexual abuse, homosexuality, sodomy, and pederasty amongst the clergy were not only commonly known but thoroughly condemned by successive church and papal authorities (Doyle, 2017). Sexual activity amongst clergy, however, remained commonly practiced largely due to the leniency and absence of the will to implement relevant laws as demonstrated by the actions of Pope Leo IX, subsequent efforts of Pope Alexander, and the payment of a concubine tax amongst clergy in the 11th century. Although the relevant laws in the first millennium fully condemned deviant clerical sexual behaviors, there is no evidence for existence of any institutionalized mechanism to implement the penalties according to relevant laws.
Although the ‘Instruction’ (1866) upheld the organizational management mechanism of the Church in dealing with sexual activities of clergy and their indulgence in child sexual abuse in light of 1741 instructions, it established an end to any role for secular authorities in Church matters through imposition of absolute secrecy before, during and after the proceedings of the ecclesiastical courts. It also provided, what can be termed as a safe passage to the offending priests through confession and exhibited no concerns for the pastoral care of victims, a practice witnessed by the response of the clerical authorities in the modern world. All the instructions quoted above make no mention of any supportive action or process of healing for the victims.
-- Faisal Rashid & Ian Barron, The Roman Catholic Church: A Centuries Old History of Awareness of Clerical Child Sexual Abuse (from the First to the 19th Century)
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choerrypuffs · 2 years
aaannd keith is actually a name one of my moots gave him!!!!! my first pet crab was named frankie, and then i mentioned it in a dc server i was in and then they were like 'cool now name the next one keith' AND BEHOLD KEITH
yeah he was cool!!!!! i had to release him at the end tho LOL
and i actually!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just ordered a fuckign album!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAH IVE WON ITS HELLO FUTURE I'VE BEEN WANTING THE BAD BOY FOR A YEAR NOW
its supposed to arrive in 2-3 days so watch me dash to the door every single time a vehicle drives by i will scream at them untilt hey give me my album GIVE ME MY ALBUM!!!!!!!!
also also im not sure maybe it was my shit wifi but did my ask about the renjun fic come in orrr :000
-ccsa anon <3333
AHHHHH THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH, MY LOVELY SWEET CCSA ANON 🎉🤩🥰🥳💖💕💞 i’m sorry this response was so late DFKSAKAFL 💀 BUTTTTT my friends and i went to an anime convention and went shopping and just had a fun girls’ weekend 😌 it was like 10000 degrees and the convention was so packed that we felt like sardines but i missed going to big events so much :’))) 
omfg i am such a boomer it took me so long to realize dc means discord 😭 that’s so adorable though 🥺 shoutout to the moot who named him, stellar naming sense 😩 awww it’s sad to say goodbye but it’s good that you released him <333 i’m still emotional bc i just watched pokemon ranger and the sea temple and i’m not over may releasing manaphy 💔
WOOHOOOOOO!!! only 2-3 shipping days??? that’s insane sm usually takes months to ship albums 💀 LMAOOOOO FR THOUGH 🤧 the seratonin boost of receiving a package is unmatched >>>>> !! 
yes it did!!! i’m sorry i’m getting through my asks at snail pace but i did get it!
i’m doing wonderful, my love!! it’s currently 102 F here so i am melting but other than that i am having an extremely hot hot hot girl summer of staying inside and watching pokemon and playing sims 🥰 how are you!!!
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2002shortie · 1 year
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Wifi is limited so it’s been..harder to access my images. My new goal is to start posting daily, what I have done and share what I’ve come across!
Tonight, and in my whole trip, food has been a bit of a problem for me and I was wxcited when I found somewhere that sold a side Mac n cheese.
You see, I love Mac n cheese. But not just because it taste good, I love it because it never taste the same. So I always like to try Mac n cheese wherever I go.
This particular place, somewhere in london, it’s not tasteful.
I really see how baile able the kitchen is when you’re forced to survive without a kitchen, microwave or fridge.
Eating out every day, really sucks. But hey it’s apart if this experience so I have to adapt. I’ll keep you updated when I figure out a plan, because I can’t just keep wasting food and money and still be starving. Until next time.
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avezpasha · 12 days
6G: Global Collaboration and Rollout Plans
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Embracing the future, 3GPP and partners ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TSDSI, TTA, and TTC unite to forge the path to 6G. With Release-21 marking the dawn of 6G by 2028, this global collaboration is set to revolutionize connectivity, merging digital and physical realms, and unveiling a new era of innovation and inclusivity. Qualcomm has floated a 6G development plan with 2030 as a projected rollout date, echoing Ericsson’s 6G messaging deployment timeframe. Coverage may depend on your geographic location. As of now, China is the only country to have launched the first 6G satellite.
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freenetworksecurity · 2 years
#7  Free Network Security Tutorial | CheckPoint CCSA | Features in CheckPoint Firewall
➥ Free Network Security Tutorial | CheckPoint Firewall https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
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#6  Free Network Security Tutorial | CheckPoint CCSA | Configuring VPN in CheckPoint Firewall
➥ Free Network Security Tutorial | CheckPoint Firewall https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
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nervousdonutpeace · 3 months
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valentinobaos · 2 months
Teen Town (Live)
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