#cecile x c.c
kallencc · 15 days
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geassgirls · 2 years
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★4 C.C. [仄かなる願い] ★3 セシル [混沌の戦場へ]
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codegeassfacts · 2 years
Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 Sound Episode 4 // Not Canon (Crack)
For More information about the Sound Drama, check the post for the First Sound episode over there
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Track List :
1 - ONE MORE CHANCE (Kallen's second character song) 2 - Short Drama "Welcome to Lloyd and Cecil's Knightmare Party/Show" 3 - Short Drama "Lelouch's impossible part-time job" 4 - ONE MORE CHANCE (Instrumental)
One More Chance, Kallen's second character song, sung by Ami Koshimizu
Short Drama "Welcome to Lloyd and Cecile's Knightmare Show"
The drama begins with Lloyd and Cecile introducing themselves (Cecile says she's 17 years old) and introducing the show and their guests, which are the Code Geass well known Knightmare; (Basically the Knightmare are alive and talk, with the seiyuu's voices of their pilots, even though said voices are a bit modified to fit each of the Knightmare's personality)
Order of appearance of the Knightmares: First, Lancelot, mentions he works for the britannian army, his "scary" nickname of white Shinigami; He is very very nervous and stutters a bit.
Guren is the next one, she just says her name until Cecile asks a bit more information, to which she says one of her (Kallen's) key sentences "EAT THIS BRITANIAN SHIT". She's talking like some juvenile delinquent (That's why we have Kallen dressed as a japanese delinquent on the cover of the drama)
After that, Gawain appears and asks people not to mind the strange voice (C.C. and Zero are talking the same lines together), it's because he's got space for 2 pilots inside.
Next one is Tristan, who is very glad of being a Knightmare (His personality is identical as Gino's)
Mordred arrives and stutters a lot, it seems she's very nervous, but glad of being here.
Shen-hu talks in a very smooth and seductive voice and compliments Ceciles good looks, but she tells him to die.
Vincent introduces himself in a very dull voice as the little brother of Lancelot.
The last planned guest is "Ohayou Gozaimashita" Siegfried, who tries to come on stage but gets bashed by the other guests because he's not really a Knightmare, but a flying Fortress. Guren even tries to fry him.
Eventually, a super-hyper-spazzy Shinkirou makes a rushed entry although he wasn't on the guestlist.
After the introductions, Cecile asks them to tell a little anecdote about their relationship with their pilots. Lancelot begins by saying that Suzaku refills the energy filler way too much and he also borrows parts from Cecile's Knightmare and all of this makes him troubled. Cecile is very concerned and wants to know if it happens all the time to which he replies it's only 9 out of 10 times. Guren thinks Kallen pushes her way too much and she often weeps on Raksharta's shoulder. Gawain thinks this is nothing compared to what he suffered, naming hisdouble-suicide with Siegfried (He says "shunju" as in the suicide two lovers commit together ). Lloyd gets annoyed by the two voices so C.C.'s voice decides to continue the talking alone (since Zero is already speaking Shinkirou it makes sense).
Guren wants to impress everyone with cool moves, and Lancelot goes along with it but Lloyd urges them to stop this in the studio, especially when Tristan joins them, followed by Siegfried and Mordred who takes out the Stark Hadron. Cecile doesn't know what to do anymore for them to behave and get along. Shinkirou seems to think it's a very funny situation. Mordred then fires her Hadron; Lloyd says he thought he was gonna die while Cecile's hair has turned into an afro because of the shot; Shen-hu intervenes to enquires if his beloved person (Cecile) is fine.
After that, Lloyd brings some liquid Sakuradite so that the Knightmare can have a drink and they eventually get drunk on it. Siegfried nearly drowns in it, Vincent is a spoilsports but is pushed by his big brother Lancelot, Shen-hu gets all poetic and sings a Chinese Federation song, Guren flames up, Shinkirou (try to imagine a drunk Zero) tells everyone to join the trip to the World of C, Cecile is in despair and everything escalates into a huge explosion.
ending song Lloyd and Cecile finally say goodbye to the audience, announcing that next week the Black Knight's mechas such as Gekka will be featured. The chaos is complete.
Translation by Kitsune Short Drama "Lelouch's impossible part-time job
The Setting is an Hamburger restaurant, where Lelouch is working part-time, a job attributed by Rivalz, the job coordinator of Ashford. Lelouch complains a little because he works here because Viletta sensei's punished him and it was the punishment she gave him. Rivalz encourages him to try smiling a little. Lelouch gets all enthusiastic because he rehearsed that in front of the mirror and demonstrate leading Rivalz to shivers at what he witnesses. Female customers enter, Lelouch knows all their data already. Rivalz notices he deals with them fairly wel, but it appears Lelouch actually abused of his charm with ladies to make them order (Rivalz calls it "Pheromon poison") Lelouch is very proud of himself anyway.
Suddenly C.C. enters and Lelouch sems concerned, so Rivalz inquires whether they know each other. C.C. ignores the question and orders a chorizo pizza. Lelouch gets angry, explaining that this is a hamburger restaurant, and she shouldn't bother him at work. C.C. uses her condescending tone and complains because this restaurant doesn't propose anything she wants, the bantering then turns into a fight and Rivalz tries to stop them because it'll get Lelouch fired.
Indeed, after the resuatrant mess, Lelouch now has a new job, he is a bellboy in a hotel. Rivalz asks about the girl from last time, for she was pretty cute to which Lelouch tells him about his taste in women being the worst. Anyway, he seems to fit in perfectly and says there are no problems. Truth is, he geasses the customers to carry their luggage by themselves when they are too heavy for him. Coincidentially, C.C. walks in again, and Lelouch feels like she wants to cause trouble again. C.C. wants him to lift her super heavy luggage, but since geass doesn't work on her, it's either he has to lift it (and even become her personal waiter) or...he flees. So he ends up running away.
And, new job again, this time we are in a clothes' shop (More like a tailor shop), and Lelouch is pretty good at it. C.C. walks in again because coincidentally she also comes here often to buy clothes; She goes in the dressing room to try on some clothes) Rivalz then questions if Lelouch is or isnt' interested by her after Lelouch shut her off to which Lelouch warns him if he doesn't want to die he'd rather stay out of it. C.C. suddenly wants Lelouch to measure her, when he insists that she certainly knows her sizes best, C.C. replies she wants to prove to someone (her line refers to what she said to Kallen in the Beautiful record of rebellion drama so it's certainly Kallen) that her figure hasn't changed in centuries. Lelouch then manages to try and take her three sizes with a measuring tape, to which C.C. reacts with very ecchi lines "where are you touching" stuff like that, with Lelouch being as Lelouch as can be ( he snaps at her when she mentions "it must be your first time"lol); From Rivalz point of view, with lines being easily taken out of context, things seems super suggestive in the dressing room; Eventually, C.C. ends up punching him when he begins to speak her three size outloud (Her bust size is seemingly 80).
New job, security guard in some store. Rivalz brings him hot coffee. Lelouch picked this job so stay away from people as he is scared "that"will show up again. As Lelouch and Rivalz take a look at what's inside the boxes within the wharehouse, they notice it's frozen pizza and.... C.C. OBVIOUSLY turns up with the Black Knights' theme music, and Lelouch can barely hide the fact that she's part of the Order from Rivalz. He calls her a thief, but she corrects him, it's "Phantom Thief" ("Kaito", as in Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne, Kaito kid, etc), as opposed to a vile criminal. She nonetheless steals all the pizza that was stored in the shop (switching to a scary overly moe voice), but there is an alarm that C.C. inadvertently activates, and shit goes on. Rivalz and Lelouch manage to run away, and C.C. gets trapped behind a closing door.
Rivalz has gotten a final job for Lelouch, involving a gas mask and a cursed location close to a hospital. The job is about washing corpses and Rivalz didn't want to bring lelouch there but it's his last job opportunity; Lelouch is confident it should be fine. As Rivalz left, Lelouch notice a pool on the hospital floor; There seems to be a floating corpse inside, and whenever he tries to drown it, the corpse seems to react (it's hand) Eventually the corpse ends up being C.C. who raises her scary face and yells a very exagerated cry of his name "RuRushuuuuuu !!!" (like the emperor say in the japanese version) and it's the end.
Note: Apparently Lelouch is washing/cleaning corpses in the hospital's morgue, partly as a reference to C.C.'s job when she was still a slave girl.
Translation by Kitsune and Blottyparchment with some fixing. That's about it for Sound episode 4 ! More and more crack, but that's the deal with R2 Sound drama. Hope you enjoyed.
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What I need to die in peace:
1. C2 getting her wish fulfilled (yes that would hurt, but she could finally be happy)
2. Lelouch getting acknowledged for everything he did
3. Guilford getting more screen time
4. My ships become canon
5. Lloyd and Céciles backstory with Rakshata
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mononoke-no-ko · 6 years
[Trans] Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Re; Ch04
Anon didn't come back yet so I went ahead with my translation (sorry anon). Anyway, I just realize that the writing credit for this manga goes to ‘Taniguchi Kōjirō (Sunrise)’. He’s a Sunrise producer who’s also in charge of managing Code Geass official twitter account. 
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Year 2018 a.t.b. The newly crowned Emperor Lelouch vi Britannia destroyed the world’s former superpower, Britannia, from its root. It seems as though he put an end to Britannia’s history that had lasted for 98 generations. He denied Britannia’s feats and deeds, turned it into a blank sheet, and appeared to create a new Britannia. Thus it puzzles the world and the people.
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What is Lelouch’s aim? How will the new Britannia come face-to-face with the world? No one has the way to figure it out. For now, they can only watch the fate of this world that has been divided in two. Apart from Lelouch’s Britannia, the world starts to move.
-For whose sake the world is....-
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Suzaku: There will be battle soon! Don’t slack off on the preparation!
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Lloyd: Is this really okay? Cecile: What is? Lloyd: Hm, well...
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Lloyd: Neither His Highness Schneizel nor Her Highness Cornellia is here. Is this really Holy Empire of Britannia? Cecile: You have a point. Also, knowing what Suzaku-kun and His Majesty are trying to do.... it makes me wonder how we became a part of this without realizing.
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Cecile: Speaking of which, did you know? Lloyd: About what? Cecile: His Majesty and Suzaku-kun attended the same school. Lloyd: Ooh, Milly and Nina’s school? Cecile: Yes, Ashford Academy.  Lloyd: I wonder what they were talking with each other.
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Suzaku: I never thought I would ever see that sign in this place. Lelouch: “Let’s talk in the attic”.... It’s sure been awhile.
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Lelouch: Though compare to that storehouse’s attic or the school’s rooftop, this is a really large attic. Suzaku, likely soon, Knights of Round will come to challenge us. They used to be your friends... will you be able to fight them? Suzaku: Of course. Lelouch: Again... you will leave a bad name behind.
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Suzaku: That applies to you too. Emperor Lelouch marked his name in history as soon as he’s crowned. You destroyed Britannia’s culture after all. Lelouch: It’s only the beginning. From here on I will spill a lot of bloods, to the extent the name of Princess Massacre fades and disappears from people’s mind. Suzaku: Lelouch, you are...
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Suzaku: That’s right... we both lost something important.  Euphemia li Britannia, Lelouch’s half sister as well as the third princess of Britannia. She’s gentle, wise, aiming for a world without discrimination... My precious person. Our meeting was sudden.  
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Suzaku: At first I didn’t know she’s a member of royal family.  Euphy: Put down your weapons! I’m Britannia’s 3rd Imperial Princess, Euphemia li Britannia!
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Suzaku: Being someone in that kind of position, she taught me important things. Euphy: Since you’re 17 years old, do go to school. Suzaku: When I was chosen to be her full-fledged knight too.
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Suzaku: She opened the door for me who wanted to die. Euphy: Love me! As an exchange, I will love you! Your stubbornness, your gentleness, your sorrowful eyes, your clumsiness, even the part of you that gets bitten by cats, all of them, Suzaku! That’s why don’t hate yourself!
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Suzaku: That’s why I... wanted to be Euphy’s strength. Euphy: Will you lend me a hand? Suzaku: Yes, Your Highness.
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Suzaku: Euphy abandoned her title as a Britannia princess, created Special Administrative Zone in Japan that was under Britannia's control, and aimed for Japanese liberation. But Lelouch’s geass went out of control and ended her everything.
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Suzaku: “Kill the Japanese.” Euphy who was under the influence of geass, took the life of the Japanese who gathered for SAZ ceremony one after another. Thus gave her the name “Princess Massacre”.
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Suzaku: And then... Lelouch took Euphy’s life with his own hand.
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Suzaku: The life of hers who’s very important to Lelouch.... the life of someone irreplaceable to me.... 
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Suzaku: Now I know everything... that Lelouch was trying to take responsibility for his action. Besides, I also...
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Suzaku: ...took the life of someone important.
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Lelouch: Even so, for the sake of tomorrow, starting from conquering the world.... Hmph, putting it into words makes me want to laugh. C.C.: But, you’re going to do it right? You guys will...
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Lelouch: Yeah. We will carry out Zero Requiem.
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Suzaku: Euphy, what would you say if you saw us being like this? Would you put a lonely expression? Or would you affirm the path that we’ve decided on? No matter which it is, what we’re doing is not for nothing. To succeed tomorrow, and to win today.
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Suzaku: Yes Your Majesty.
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putting these on my to-do list and your to-expect list lol:
a Reiner / Yelena fic for Ed on AO3 (Shingeki no Kyojin)
some Lelouch / Kallen, Lelouch / C.C, Lelouch / Cecile, Lelouch / Sayoko for an Anon on AO3 (Code Geass: Lelouch of the Resurection)
can't wait :D
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what are ur fav characters n pairings from the fandoms you listed?
Oh boy, thinking how I sometimes like the more hated characters and stuff do I REALLY want to answer this?
Well, why not lol This is really long so the rest is under the cut
Final Fantasy (Especially 7 and 9, but also 8, 10 and 12): Characters: Vincent Valentine (7), Irvine Kinneas, Selphie Tilmitt (8), Kuja, Zidane Tribal, Garnet til Alexandros, Vivi Orunitier (9) though I could probably list ALL characters from 9, Rikku (10), Larsa Ferrinas Solidor (12) Pairings: Tifa x Cloud, Aerith x Zack (7), Rinoa x Squall, Selphie x Irvine, Edea x Cid (8), Zidane x Garnet, Steiner x Beatrix (9), Tidus x Yuna, Lulu x Wakka (10), Fran x Balthier (12)
Kingdom Hearts: Characters: Terra, Xemnas, Vanitas, Ienzo Pairings: Terra x Aqua, Sora x Kairi, Vanitas x Namine (don’t ask... writing rps makes you ship interesting stuff), Ienzo x Lea (again... same reason) The World Ends With You Characters: Joshua Kiryu Pairings: Neku x Joshua, Neku x Shiki Madoka Magica Characters: Sayaka Miki Pairings: Sayaka x Kyoko, Madoka x Homura Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Characters: Envy, Roy Mustang, Ling Yao, Greed Pairings: Envy x Kimblee, Roy x Riza, Ling x Lan Fan, Ling x Greed, Alphonse x Mei
Fruits Basket Characters: I probably could list almost all, but yeah Kyo Sohma, Momiji Sohma, Akito Sohma Pairings: Kyo x Tohru, Akito x Shigure, Yuki x Machi, Hanajima x Uotani Inuyasha Characters: Kagome Higurashi, Rin, Miroku, Naraku Pairings: Kagome x Inuyasha, Miroku x Sango The Evil Within Characters: Ruben Victoriano, Laura Victoriano Pairings: None Undertale Sans, Asriel Dreemurr, Chara Dreemurr, Undyne, Mettaton Pairings: Undyne x Alphys Fire Emblem (Mostly Awakening, Fates and Three Houses) Characters: Henry, Inigo, Robin, Cherche (Awakeing), Corrin (Yes, I actually like Corrin), Subaki, Takumi, Leo, Xander, Keaton (Fates), Claude, Lysithea, Ashe, Felix (Three Houses) Pairings: Henry x Olivia (Awakeing), Corrin x Shura, Subaki x Oboro (Fates), Dimitri x Dedue, Linhard x Caspar, Felix x Annette (Three Houses) Golden Sun (is there even a Fandom lol. I don’t know a single person irl who actually knows this game) Characters: Piers Pairings: None Yu-Gi-Oh! (only the first series) Characters: Ryou Bakura, Thief King Bakura, Marik Ishtar Pairings: Ryou x Marik Hetalia Characters: China, Iceland Pairings: China x Roman Empire, China x Russia, China x England, Finland x Sweden,  Persona 5 Characters: Joker, Futaba Sakura Pairings: Joker x Ann, Futaba x Yusuke Zelda Characters: Link, Zelda, Mipha Pairings: None Pokemon Characters: Gladion, Steven Stone Pairings: None Ace Attorney Characters: Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, Maya Fey Pairings: Phoenix x Miles Code Geass Characters: Rolo Lamperoughe, Suzaku Kururugi,  Pairings: Lelouch x C.C., Suzaku x Euphemia, Lloyd x Cecil, Milly x Rival Avatar Characters: Aang, Zuko, Sokka, Toph Pairings: Aang x Katara, Zuko x Mai, Sokka x Suki Percy Jackson Characters: Nico di Angelo, Octavian Pairings: None
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code geass for the fandom ask
5 favorite characters:
Lelouch, Euphemia, C.C., Kallen, Suzaku (but just because he has so much character development)
3 OTPs:
Suzaku x Euphemia, Lelouch x C.C., and IDK, Lelouch x Shirley? She deserved better. Q__Q
Funniest character:
Prettiest character:
Most badass character:
Character I’d like as my BFF:
Character that’s ruined my life:
Lelouch because I’m still trash.
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bunnimew · 7 years
Tagged by @neodiji 
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends.
I choose:
Rise of the Guardians
Code Geass
The first character you loved:
Kamui / Subaru
PB&J / Toothiana
Lulu / Suzaku
The character you never expected to love so much:
Hokuto / Kazuki - Nataku
Phil / Jamie
Orange-kun / Rivalz
The character you relate to the most:
Kamui / Fuuma
Pitch / Jack
Lulu / Suzaku
To exactly no one’s surprise
The character you’d slap: 
Seishirou / Seishirou
Manny / Bunny
Luciano / Schneizel
Three favourite characters (these are in order of preference):
Kamui, Fuuma, Inuki / Fuuma, Kamui, Nokoru
Pitch, Jack, Phil / Pitch, Jack, Phil
Lulu, Suzaku, Arthur / Suzaku, Lulu, the octopus from that one panel in the manga
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
Subaru / Seishirou
All first impressions have held for both of us, lawl
Gino / Mordred
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:
Nataku / Fuuma
Jamie, I guess?... / Does Bunny in the books count? 
Opinions didn’t really change / Rivalz, man. 
3 OTPs:
Fuuma/Kamui, Sorata/Arashi, Kakyou/Hokuto / Fuuma/Kamui, Sorata/Arashi, Nokoru/Suoh IT’S VALID THEY’RE THERE
Pitch/Jack, Jack/The tree, Nightmares/Electroswing. Unanimous decision.
Suzalulu, C.C./Cheese-kun, C.C./Kallen / Suzalulu, Lloyd/Cecile, Milly/Rivalz
Tagging: @mrmeowzers, @sylphidine, @kurohaneshizumi, @therealkarity
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hopelessdreamer80 · 7 years
Today in Soap Opera History (October 29)
On this date in...
1993: Marcy Walker debuted as Tangie Hill on Guiding Light.
1996: On Guiding Light, Josh (Robert Newman) was worried about Annie's (Cynthia Watros) whereabouts and her state of mind, after she was last seen leaving a bar. While Josh was at the police station, he received a call from Philip, who explained that he was trying to help Annie get clean and sober. Later, Josh and Reva Shayne (Kim Zimmer) shared a moment filled with tension, considering the mutual feelings for one another that remain hidden; and Annie vowed to get clean for Josh's sake and to save their marriage.
2001: On One Life to Live, Jessica Buchanan (Erin Torpey) did not want to accept Natalie (Melissa Archer) as her sister.
2005: Actor Lloyd Bochner died at age 81.  He starred as Cecil Colby in Dynasty and Nicholas Lacey in One Man's Family. He almost played C.C. Capwell in Santa Barbara, but a heart attack caused his departure from the series.
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geassgirls · 2 years
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