#cedric and axel
inexplicifics · 1 year
How do four person patrols work with Cedric and Axel? Do they go double cat + 2 more, or do they just pretend CedricAxel is one person for a 5 person patrol? I imagine sending them out individually was attempted once, early on, and the second just... followed along. (In Kaer Morhen: Eskel- "Where's Axel?" Kiyan- " You sent Cedric out on patrol." "Yeesss? I need Axel" "You sent Cedric out on patrol" "I need Ax" "YOU SENT. CEDRIC. OUT. ON. PATROL." ~awkward silence~)
If Cedric and Axel are sent out, they either do double Cats or a five person party. Eskel was smart enough to ask for advice before assigning them to patrol groups, and Treyse's advice boiled down to "Just...never separate them. Ever."
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Witchers Meet Fangirls
(Stick with me, this'll be a little long)
Not to sneak into @inexplicifics Accidental Warlord AU with more headcanons, but what if Jaskier wrote some super sweet love songs about some of the long standing witcher couples - Cedric and Axel, Merten and Leocadie, Gweld and Serrit, Keldar and Ivar, etc.
I mean, Inex already mentions him writing a comic love song for Gweld and Serrit about a wolf wooing a serpent. ("The Red Wolf and the Serpent" from the end of Chapter 1, Into the Light out of Darkness - the one where they conquer Redania, free Aren and the mantikittens, and bring Aleksander/Sasha back to Kaer Morhen.)
And THEN, Yenn publishes the love songs abroad - as she's been doing with his other songs - and people being people, some of the younger folk are like "aw, how cute, I ship it!" And since witchers travel - and can request to be on patrols with their mates - those new fans of witcher couples might someday get to MEET their new favorite ship!
From a human point of view, you've been listening to all these lovely romantic ballads about a love that lasts centuries, through monsters and wars and standing up to your own brothers, and then! Then! One of those couples! Walks into your village!
(And they're just as sweet and fierce and in love as the songs all claim, aaaaaw!)
From a witcher's point of view, the songs are sweet, but the way people stare now is...a little creepy. And follow them around. And titter. Gods, the giggling, WHY.
Cedric and Axel haven't had this much trouble finding a quiet spot to screw in decades. Everyone keeps smiling at them!
They reach a town where there will be a festival in a few days, and far from being run out of town (pre-Ard Carraigh) or mostly ignored (recent years), Cedric and Axel are asked to be the special guests.
What. The. HELL.
...apparently it's a love festival, and having a couple whose love has lasted many years adds a greater blessing to it, or something. They just get special seats and food and drinks and more people cooing at them all day. Because they've been in love almost two centuries, which is twice the length of any previous couples they had preside over the festival.
And then a priestess asks if they'd like to renew their vows and lead the villagers who are participating in renewing theirs, and the two Cats are like "...vows. What? We're witchers. We don't MAKE vows, we just pick someone. And if they like us too, then we stay together."
But they think about it, and really...it's not such a bad idea. Maybe not to make the vows to any gods, but to declare publicly that this person is yours, and you theirs, by your own choices, forevermore.
(Also, as chaos loving Cats, if their example pushes any other lovers among the witchers to marry their beloveds...then why not? It'll be fun to see if Geralt, Eskel, and Jaskier ever marry publicly.)
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gaetan22269 · 2 years
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gingersnappish · 1 year
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School of the Cat -AKA: the one that includes almost all of my favorite fanon-fleshed-them-out Witcher maniacs!
(Thankful credit is due to the many fanauthors and fanartists whose depictions have influenced my personal mental concept of the Cats and to the face-claims suggested by various fans on the Accidental Warlord Discord, which also ended up heavily influencing how I envision them)
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meepthemeeping · 1 month
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Cat Witchers!!! (ALL OF THEM)
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lenkalost · 5 months
Fix-it-fic idea Dyn Marv edition
You remember the letter Joël wrote to Gaetan, telling him that their school had fallen and that Axel and Cedric had been killed by soldiers?
What if they did not die? We're talking the Cats here, masters of scheming and stealth, of cunningness and roguery? Potions to fake your own death are canon in the Witcher verse so it isn't that much of a stretch to think that some Cats would carry something like this around just in case.
And wouldn't it be nice to think that Axel and Cedric survive and go and find Gaetan and Joel and the other survivors at some point?
(Plus I might be tempted to write a story for this idea, the chokehold Axel and Cedric have on me is still strong).
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calla-lefford · 4 months
Reverse make the 8! Choose one person from each region to push off a cliff
Calla's eyebrow raised at the question and an amused smile gradually spread across her lips. “I don't think I'd actually push anyone, you know?” she mused because she didn't harbor a strong enough hatred towards anyone to want to push them to their deaths. Garland Hightower and Rowan Arryn were dead already, a sense of fairness or irony having made them pay for the ways they hurt those around them. “If I absolutely had to pick, I'd say maybe Axell Royce, Willow Wylde, Eren Marbrand, Amaia Sand, Prince Adam Stark, Vhaenessa Velaryon, Benadict Blackwood and Ceric Tyrell,” she replied quite casually, not giving any importance to this silly, morbid game. “I wish I could give you a good reason as to why them. They've annoyed me in the past or I just think we wouldn't get along”.
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( @mountainvroyce, @wyldewillow, @erenmarbrand, @ofsandandblood, @adam-stark, @vhaenessavelaryon, @benblackwood & @visxionaries )
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that-fruitier-emo · 5 months
Links to my oc's pintrest boards Aka my appearance references:
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pherryt · 1 year
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Matter of Convenience
Witchersexual!Jaskier, Incubus!Jaskier Rated: E Pairings: Jaskier/Everyone, Eskel/Geralt, Vesemir/Guxart, Coen/Lambert, Lambert/Aiden, Cedric/Axel, and various permutations between of nearly everyone Finished Wordcount: 78342
Summary: When a Witcher finds Jaskier trying to feed behind the tavern, he thought it was over, finally. His secret was out. But the Witcher surprises him and proposes something completely different, bringing him home to Kaer Morhen instead. Turns out, some of the Witcher mutations leave them in a tight spot of their own. Vesemir proposes to help Jaskier learn about himself so he won’t become a danger to others if he helps them through the winter season. It really works out better than planned.
It's finished posting so I thought I'd put up a fresh, clean post. Plus! I made a Banner! :D
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shy-urban-hobbit · 1 month
Modern au
Lambert takes his niece to get her ears pierced for her birthday and oh no, the new guy at the studio is ridiculously hot!!
"You still sure about this, kid?" Lambert asked as the two of them rounded the corner onto the next street, Ciri took a break from demolishing her purple frosted doughnut to give him an excited nod. It was the answer he'd been expecting but it still didn't hurt to check. Ciri had expressed interest in getting her ears pierced a few months prior and the agreement she'd reached with her father was that if it was something she still wanted by the time her birthday came around and it wasn't just a passing whim then she had his permission. That day had finally arrived and Lambert had volunteered to make the arrangements and take her to his usual guy, fully convinced that Geralt would just end up wandering into the nearest Claire's otherwise - having no personal experience, the man had proven himself to be clueless when it came to researching reputable places.
He felt Ciri press a little closer to him and he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. He didn't blame her, they weren't exactly in the most respectable part of town anymore - he was pretty sure the rats would try to mug you if they were capable - and if any of Ciri's three parental figures were with them (Jaskier was definitely in the realms of honorary parent at this point, whatever the situation was with him, Geralt and Yenn) they'd probably be making them turn around and head back. They weren't though; and Lambert had been using this place for the last seven years, since he was eighteen and making questionable choices just to push Vesemir's buttons.
There'd been some new graffiti added to the red brick of the outside of the studio since the last time Lambert had visited - not that it'd stay there very long before one of the inhabitants covered it with work of their own. Years of this has led to a good portion of 'Dyn Marv tattoos and piercings' being covered in a mish-mash of traditional tattoo designs, psychedelic swirls, detailed wolves and tigers and a relatively fresh looking comic style UFO by one of the top windows.
Lambert's brow furrowed a little in confusion at the noise that greeted them as they entered. There was music playing - nothing unusual in that, there was always music playing on a low volume but this wasn't Cedric's usual heavy metal or Schrödinger's classic rock or even Axel's K-Pop. It sounded almost like folk rock if Lambert had to guess, unfamiliar but not unpleasant.
The figure behind the counter was also unfamiliar as they stood with their back to them, fairly tall and dark skinned with black curls tied back with a strip of blue cloth, a sleeveless white tank showing off muscular arms. Lambert cleared his throat awkwardly to catch their attention, then felt his throat dry up instantly when they turned at the noise. Oh no.
He was fucking gorgeous. A few loose curls framed a high cheek-boned face, full lips framed by labret and septum piercings pulled up into a wide smile which in turn caused khol rimmed, emerald eyes to crinkle at the corners. A silver chain disappeared into the low neck of his tank top which also offered a glimpse of toned chest, the edges of black ink barely visible.
"Hi there, can I help you?" He asked and oh god, even his voice was hot.
"You're not Cedric." Lambert immediately wanted to go drown himself in the customer bathroom.
"He left me in charge while he had to run out. Something about moving apartments and Schro getting stuck in a box again..." He finished with a shrug, "I'm Aiden."
Lambert felt something click in his brain, "Cedric's brother right? He's mentioned you a couple of times."
"Whatever he's told you, it's all lies." Aiden said with a wink, leaning on the counter and resting his chin on his hand - the back of said hand Lambert noted, sported a tattoo of a realistic snarling, green eyed black cat.
"So anything I can help with today or would you rather hang out and wait for Cedric, although I couldn't tell you how long he'll be."
"Depends. How are you with kids and piercings?" He knew Dragonfly only dealt with tattoos whilst Joel specialised in the more 'adult' piercings and didn't tend to take clients under twenty one. Lambert gestured to Ciri who had wandered away from him to browse over the display of various spiked cuffs and brightly coloured necklaces for sale.
"I've experience with both. I did my apprenticeship and got my qualifications under Cedric and Axel and have many niblings and foster siblings, as you probably already know if you know Cedric."
Lambert nodded. Cedric and the others ran a tight ship, they wouldn't allow Aiden to work here if he didn't meet their standards, "Ciri." He called, dragging the girls attention from a plastic unicorn necklace she'd been eyeing up "This is Aiden, he's going to do your piercings, ok?"
Ciri scrutinized him for a couple of seconds before giving a nod. Aiden grinned back.
"And what are we going for today. Nose, belly button? No don't tell me... eyebrow!"
Ciri giggled, "My daddy said I can get my ears pierced for my birthday."
"Oh really?" He threw a quick look at Lambert and something in his expression closed off, "Well let's get some studs picked out and then we'll get you all comfy and set up."
"Can I use the bathroom first, please?"
"Just through there, sweetie." Aiden said, gesturing to the lime green door behind her before placing one of the standard forms in front of Lambert, "We'll do the boring paperwork in the meantime."
"I'm not daddy by the way." Lambert blurted out after a couple of minutes spent in awkward silence.
"I'm her uncle." He held the form out for the other whilst trying his damned hardest not to stare at those lips.
"Well," Aiden deliberately brushed his fingers against Lambert's as he went to take it, voice pitched lower as his eyes slowly looked Lambert up and down, "If you ever want to be someone's Daddy, I wouldn't be opposed."
Before Lambert could even think of a response to that Ciri returned and Aiden was back to being professional, yelling for Dragonfly to come watch the front before showing his newest client all of the different earrings she could choose from and having a serious discussion about red Vs. blue as if he hadn't just made Lambert's brain short circuit. Dragonfly chimed in with her opinion every now and then too whilst throwing a smirk at Lambert which left him wondering how much of that exchange the petite, heavily tattooed blonde might have heard.
Lambert was ready to leave at a moments notice as Ciri glanced around Aiden's workspace, sitting stiffly and looking far too small in the leather chair.
"Ok Ciri, we're all ready to go." Aiden settled on a stool next to her, angling himself so the tray bearing the bright pink studs (and more importantly, the needle) was out of Ciri's eyeline, "Now, you look a teeny bit nervous there so would you like me to explain everything to you or just shut up and get on with it?"
"Could you tell me please? I don't like not knowing what's happening."
Ten minutes later, after having Aiden show her everything he was going to be using and answering all her questions, a much calmer Ciri was staring at the far wall trying to count all of the band stickers which had been put there and added to over the years, with Lambert sat on the now vacated stool by her feet "Feel free to swear kid. We won't say anything if you don't."
"Absolutely." Aiden agreed, "Ok. And 3...2...1"
Lambert rolled his eyes heavenwards whilst Aiden looked like he was trying to hold in a laugh.
"Well, I can honestly say I've never had anyone scream 'butts' in my face before now. You got a poop to go with it? 3...2...1"
"I need to be having a word with her dad if she thinks butts is a swear." Lambert muttered as he paid, Ciri back to hanging around the jewellery display and proudly showing off her new piercings to Dragonfly.
"Oh come on. It was pretty hilarious." Aiden chuckled somewhat awkwardly, "Hey, I'm sorry if I came on a little too strong earlier by the way. Sometimes my mouth shoots off before my brain kicks in."
Lambert made sure Ciri was suitably distracted before leaning in closer, "It's not your mouth I want to make shoot off."
The hitched breath he got in response was incredibly satisfying.
"Uncle Lambert, look what Dragonfly gave me!" Ciri yelled, breaking the moment and holding up the unicorn necklace from earlier.
"For the birthday girl." Dragonfly looked a little too smug and Lambert was going to figure out a way to get revenge.
"Well then...if there's nothing else I can help with today...?"
Vesemir sighed, shaking his head in defeat as he caught sight of Lambert, "Please tell me taking Ciri wasn't just a cover for that. What on earth were you thinking?"
Lambert merely waggled his eyebrows in response, the new gold bar in the left catching the light as he did. Right now he was thinking getting an impulsive piercing to give the pretty guy a reason to touch him wasn't the dumbest thing he'd ever done by a longshot. Especially when said pretty guy gave him his private number afterwards "Incase you have any problems with aftercare."
He smirked as he fished out his phone, firing off a message to Aiden inviting him to find out sometime exactly how seriously he took aftercare.
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kabishkat19 · 1 month
I have a question about your next generation ocs
How did you make the ocs and where did you even get the names, age and appearances?
By the way, I love summer and your art style.
✨The origins of Disney NextGen✨
Settle in kiddies
I’d always kind of been coming up with the hypothetical children of Disney characters since forever; the first original designs of the characters tho were for a Modern AU type world which made a lot of differences from the designs you see today.
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Some of the original ideas :
Cheyenne; daughter of John smith and Pocahontas and half sister or Jonathan (aka, Thomas Rolfe)
Rapunzel was going to have two daughters (Lilly and Blume) instead of twins (Heidi and Finn)
Summer was going to be an only child (no Axel)
Hercules kids were just gonna be three; twins boys and one very young daughter instead Macaria being 14 and having three older brothers (twin thing stayed tho)
Had a love story between Cedric (Cinderella’s son) and Gusto who was Gaston’s son (character changed to Gabriel)
Juliana was gonna be named Tonya or Talia, Lian was gonna be named Asumi and Adrian was gonna be named Arrison?
There’s probably a dozen more you’ll notice that I haven’t added…
I attempted a digital version of the modern characters…
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But ended up scrapping it due to not liking my art style that much during that time (bit of a perfectionist if haven’t noticed).
I kept the characters in mind constantly changing small things until eventually I was at a point where my art style was good (in my opinion) and worked the characters into a more in universe adaption which I think worked out better.
I do plan on making a Modern Au of the Disney NextGen characters I’ve made and even their parents and see them all interact.
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inexplicifics · 6 months
There are many reasons to hate the kaiju who came up out of the sea to devastate the Continent. But for Cedric and Axel, there is a reason to be grateful, too.
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Set in @inexplicifics' Accidental Warlord AU,
Someone starts a rumor that Eskel gives the best hugs of all the witchers. (Everyone knows he gives good hugs, that's not in question, but the best?)
The Cats - chaotic, competitive, and cuddly brats that they are - immediately decide to challenge this. The Cranes - just as chaotic, but in a "can we science or explode this" way - jump in with ideas on how to test it.
Of course it spirals.
By the end of the week, the Cranes have organized a competition - complete with rules - to determine which witcher gives the best hugs. There's an entire scoring rubric. And criteria for who can judge. And who can enter, and how.
Several of the more sensible residents of the keep just back away slowly.
Jaskier, of course, cheers the mischief on whole-heartedly...and then nominates Geralt and Eskel (as a team) and Aubry (by himself).
(The Cranes quickly reshuffle things to add a team bracket. Cedric and Axel start looking for someone to nominate THEM.)
Somehow, the children of the keep - at least the ones unrelated by adoption or step-parenthood to competing witchers - end up as judges.
The Cats are sure they have this in the bag. They're funny! They're friendly! They like cuddling! They even PURR! Clearly there's no competition. Eskel's done for.
...then Letho dark-horses his way into the title of "cuddliest witcher ever."
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devilschaos · 10 months
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so i've been really into fantasy / acotar vibes & i know that names are sometimes so hard to think of. so under the cut is going to be a list of names that i love so so so much.
azariah. t
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dftea · 8 months
Ravelled and thinned
Accidental Warlord AU (@inexplicifics): Aiden/Sasha, hurt/comfort
[read on AO3]
And then it comes over him, an overwhelming wave of rage and vengeance, sweeping him away from Sasha and reality and everything good and beautiful in the world.
Aleksander is hurt on the training ground. Aiden loses it.
When the obstacle course explodes, Aiden only makes it halfway across the training ground before Sasha falls.
Shouts and Signs fill the air, as the Grassed trainees fling up their Quen shields to protect themselves and their humans from the falling debris. 
But they’re between him and his Sasha.
He doesn’t know how many he knocks down, how many feel the cut of his knife, but then he’s holding a blood-soaked Sasha in his arms.
There’s a jagged spike of metal through his sweet pup’s chest. He tries to form words, to shape Aiden's name, but all that comes out is blood.
He’s saturated in the smell of Sasha’s blood and fear.
And he cannot watch him die in agony, not like this.
He pushes Axii into Sasha’s head and watches him still, his face slack.
And then it comes over him, an overwhelming wave of rage and vengeance, sweeping him away from Sasha and reality and everything good and beautiful in the world.
When he comes back to himself, he is face down in the dirt of the training yard, Lambert pinning him bodily and a dozen Cat Witchers seizing hold of his limbs.
“–not going to fucking die, because Triss got to him fast. He’s going to be fine, Aiden, but he needs you to snap the fuck out of this, so you can–”
“I’m back,” he rasps, and feels the release of tension all around him. “I need…Sasha…”
“Let him up,” Lambert commands, and the others release him as Lambert drags him up to his feet.
“Did I…did I hurt…?”
“Cuts and bruises,” Lambert says, matter-of-factly. “Nothing that won’t heal in a few days. Now let’s clean you the fuck up so you can see Aleksander - he’s been asking for you.”
As he drags Aiden towards the keep, the Cats falling into a sort of honour guard around them, Aiden belatedly takes in the deserted training yard, the fading light.
“How long was I down?”
Lambert rolls his shoulders, subtly removing the stiffness. “Five, six hours.”
“You sat on me for six hours?”
“Fucking Axii wouldn’t take,” Lambert complains, steering him towards the hot springs. “Even when Eskel and the Griffins got involved. 
When they arrive, the baths are empty, and Lambert strips Aiden with ruthless efficiency before dunking him in the private pool. It’s barely body temperature for a Witcher, but Aiden feels half outside his body anyway, unable to process much beyond the cloying scent of Sasha’s blood surrounding him.
Lambert, Axel, and Cedric scrub him down until he smells like apples and the blood has all vanished with the magic of the springs. They also seem glad to have lost the lingering blood and dirt from their bodies, and Aiden numbly notes that some of those “cuts and bruises” are on them.
“I hurt you,” Aiden mumbles at Lambert, who shakes his head. 
“Nah, it won't even scar.”
His sweet pup will have a scar now, marring his beautiful body, because Aiden wasn’t fast enough. Because Aiden is too selfish to send him away to live in Wolfenburg or another safe town far from the fucking Cranes and their fucking obstacle courses.
Lambert pulls some clean clothes onto his unresisting body, before finally guiding him up to Sasha’s rooms.
The sitting room is crowded, more crowded than Aiden was expecting, with Livi and Dragonfly curled up in the chair by the window and the whole pride of Mantikittens surrounding Aren on the sofa. Mouse is pacing, muttering to herself, but no one tries to stop her.
It’s overwhelming, especially when all their eyes turn on him as he enters with Lambert and an entourage of Cats.
But then they smell relieved, that scent overwhelming the worry that feels palpable in the room.
“Milena and Triss are with him,” Livi says, offering a wobbly smile. “Triss says he’ll be fine in a few days.”
Aiden nods, still feeling like he’s in a waking nightmare, as Lambert pushes him towards the door to the bedroom.
The smell of blood is unmistakable, his sweet pup’s blood, but smothered by healing salves and the faint scent of Kitten’s tears.
She looks up as the door opens, moving aside as Aiden breaks free from Lambert to stumble to the bed.
“You’re all right,” Sasha breathes, and there’s more of that relief scent, wrapped up in the honey of his love for Aiden.
“You're not,” Aiden chokes out, the bandages around Sasha’s torso barely darker than his pale skin.
“I will be,” Sasha says, firmly, and he isn’t lying. 
“He will,” Merigold agrees, and she isn’t lying either. “You can lie on his right side if you like - you should rest.”
“Why are you being kind to me?” Aiden suddenly blurts out. “I lost my fucking mind - I could’ve killed someone!”
“Aiden,” Kitten says, softly, “it killed me to see Sasha hurting so badly. I can only imagine how much worse it was for you. Nobody blames you.”
“But they fucking should!” he says vehemently.
“Can we fight about this in the morning?” Sasha says plaintively, stifling a yawn. “I want you to hold me now.”
And he cannot deny his sweet pup anything, especially not when he’s lying there looking so fragile, when Aiden wants nothing more than to inhale his living, breathing scent.
“The potions for pain are on the cabinet,” Merigold says, as she goes to take her leave.
“Milena and I will be right outside the door,” Lambert says. “If you need anything.”
But Aiden is already crawling over the bed, light as only a Cat can be, before curling himself around Sasha’s uninjured right side.
He smells relaxed, free from pain - and not because someone forced everything out of his head in desperation.
“Forgive me?” he begs. “For the Axii.”
“Nothing to forgive, beloved,” Sasha says, and closes his eyes, sighing in contentment as he does most every night.
He isn’t afraid, Aiden thinks wonderingly. He still loves him and he isn’t afraid.
And maybe Aiden doesn’t deserve this trust, this love, but he won’t give up something so precious without a fight.
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meepthemeeping · 1 day
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Always With Me (Axel and Cedric)
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