#cedric and jilly
locheye · 6 months
The duality between Cedric "we're not anyone on earth" Who and Jilly "we're as English as you are" Who
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anjwrites · 2 months
No hate, here is just some of my opinions for each Harry Potter ship. (All the ships that I would be writing about is on the hashtags section, such as drarry and romione etc...)
- this ship makes me gay
- i just love the thought of rivalry and hidden feelings
- enemies to lovers vibe
- they should have ended up together, i think this would be the best. Like, so that the series has someone else who is gay (apart from Professor Albus Dumbledore whom JK Rowling said so)
- people should make more fanfictions about them...
- literally like a love at first sight/soulmates vibe
-they are just meant to be
- i think they are cute
- i just think that the only reason Harry married Ginny was because they had a crush on each other, like how Ginny liked Harry during his second year at Hogwarts and her first year. But I really think Harry and Hermione are meant for each other (lemme talk about that when its their part for the opinions ; and )
- i like how their relationship doesnt matter, like the age gap between them... doesnt matter...
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mintyimperiatrix · 4 months
a random headcanon for each of the Morbius Doctors because why not:
Barry Doctor: He's the Doctor who first beat Fenric and carved chess pieces out of bone
Banks Stewart Doctor: He met Jack Harkness during the Blitz once and they shared a bottle of wine. neither knew who the other really was nor will they ever know.
Baker Doctor: he used to sing the Zagreus rhyme to Cedric and Jilly when they were little. Jilly loved it, Cedric found it scary and unsettling
Hinchcliffe: he changes the colour scheme of his outfit and TARDIS interior whenever he gets a new companion. He wore blue with Rue (because it rhymes, you see) but with Swan he changes to red or green
Camfield: functioning alcoholic
Harper: she only wears the psychic beard to fuck with people and judge their personal prejudices, anyone who actually gets to know her will quickly discover that she vastly prefers feminine terminology
Holmes: he has a special interest in botany so his TARDIS has a lot of potted plants in it
Gallaccio: he loves indian food and always smells of spices. also Chuckaboo's remains were used to build the Sonic Cane in Let's Kill Hitler (this will sound horrific out of context)
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
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About me
My name's Robyn, I mainly write but I also do some digital art which may appear in my fics. Below you can find my masterlists, request rules, characters I write for, my ocs and any other general information
My requests are currently open, please read the info below before sending one in x
See this poll to have a say in current projects
Please feel free to ask me questions ♡
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My Work
General Masterlist
Complete Series: Incident with a Time Turner  [Sirius Black x potter! reader]
Recent oneshots: No one messes with my guy [young! Remus Lupin x slytherin! reader] Our Pretty Stars [Marlene McKinnon x shy! slytherin! reader] You're not my wife? [young! Sirius Black x reader] The one for me [young! James Potter x shy! slytherin! reader] A snake and his little bird [grumpy! Regulus Black x sunshine! marauder! reader] You had one job Weasley! [Fred Weasley x spy! slytherin! reader] Tissue [Hermione Granger x wolfstars daughter! reader]
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Request Information:
Feel free to request a fic cuties but please read below before sumbitting one:
Please give me some kind of plot to work with along with who you want the blurb to be about, eg. character x gender! reader (i will assume gender neutral if not specified and I am comfortable writing reader with a female character)
You may request a reader with any sexuality
If you don’t specify a house for hp fics I'll write it as netural or i’ll choose one which fits the storyline
Feel free to request AU’s, eg. soulmate, no voldy, royal, rockstar etc. dark fics and horror are okay
You can request fics with any kind of reader , eg. lupine wolf, shy! reader, tomboy! reader, werewolf! reader etc
I don’t take smutty requests but I will write the lead up, some spicy make out sessions, talk about sex / mature themes, just not explicit content x (this may change with time)
You can also request ideas for next parts in mini series or part 2′s to existing works
Although longer requests are welcome, fics planned out without any room for me to be creative are less likely to be written
It takes time to write and I want to make sure it's the best it can be, so please be patient
If you have sent in a request and I haven’t written it feel free to send it in again, sometimes I miss them and they get buried
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Characters I write for:
Romantic Hp: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Regulus Black, Marlene McKinnon, Fred Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley
St: Eddie munson, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley
Platonic Wolfstar parents, Jilly parents, Jegulus parents etc
Any other characters I am happy to write if I like and feel inspired by the concept these are just the ones I will almost always accept, check my masterlist to see them or sent in an ask. This list will may change over time ♡
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My Original Characters:
These characters are of my own creation, they will be used in fics and in longer fanfics that I may work on, click on links for character art!
Robyn Lily Black - Main OC
Bonnie Nathair 
Jamie Amelia Black
Jessica McConnell
Sam Tonks
Joesph Evan Taggart
Emily Rose Taggart
Timothy Greengrass
Alex McConnell
Extra art
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Cannons in my writing and things to know:
Below is some of the things i tend to keep cannon in my writing but these can differ depending on the readers house and storyline (mostly for hp fics):
If the reader is Hufflepuff they are always friends with Jess McConnell and Cedric Diggory (Golden Era), or Amos Diggory and Alex McConnell (Marauder Era)
If the reader is Slytherin they will usually be friends with Timothy Greengrass and Joey Taggart (Golden Era), or Regulus, Barty, Evan and Pandora (Marauder Era)
I won’t write Marlene, Angelina, Pansy or Astoria as villians, they may be in the story but I refuse make them toxic for the sake of it
Cedric won’t be used as a way of making people jealous, I see that used alot plus I really like Cho and Cedric so i prefer to write him as a good friend/brother figure
Neville and Luna are always sweeties
Marlene and Dorca are always iconic queens
In non-voldy universes Peter is the cutest and sweetest marauder (aka the loveable weirdo)
When the reader isn't paired with them the following ships are cannon: wolfstar, dorlene, jilly or jegulus/marylily, hinny, romione
If you don’t like 🏳️‍🌈 relationships then this isn’t the page for you
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thienvaldram · 4 months
Forgotten Lives 3 Lore Dump
Just a bunch of lore related observations from FL3
Framing Narration (Fourth Doctor/T Baker POV)
Mindbending was not invented by the Time Lords but by an arthropod species with ‘umpteen’ lives.
The Master was better at it than the Doctor at the Academy
George Gallaccio
The Lungs of the Birastrop is two years after Doctor Crocus and the Pages of Fear on Earth
The TARDIS is still a police box
The Birastrop are part of the Cult of Morbius, they do not believe in the Elixir of Life
The Doctor claims he used to be a friend of Morbius, but he seems to be bluffing
Varne can fly the TARDIS
The Doctor believes he made the firecrackers that caused the events of this story
Varne departs and a new companion, Agnes, joins in this story.
The Time Lords have been directing this incarnations efforts from the shadows, he is already considered a renegade by this point.
The firecrackers were actually made by a group of Time Lords on their final incarnations (Led by Sorianius) who had swallowed Deathworm Morphants to merge with the gunpowder.
The Doctor believes he may have killed Morbius
Framing Narration cont.
The Morbius Monster’s lungs are that of a Birastrop
The Doctor was unaware of these lives by this point, though they didn’t seem to be “erased”, merely forgotten.
Robert Holmes
The Doctor put in a healing tank frequently
He seems unfamiliar with this incarnation, and the clothes, but he also clearly has amnesia from being pulled out of the tank. (This is due to him coming out of his infiltrator persona)
By the time he reaches the hall, he’s settled in to his persona again.
His most recent mission prevented ‘a big old civil war’ and dismantled the war machine of ‘a recently deposed President’ (Morbius).
The Morbius civil war occurred during this Doctor’s era
He infiltrated the enemy side as “Bretor Ohm”, this was a new body but not a new incarnation. (Chameleon Arch?)
His failure in his final mission is responsible for Morbius’s escape (In actuality, Sellin used a vocal command to halt him)
Morbius was of House Aurora
Sellin had also given the real Bretor Ohm the Doctor’s biodata as a backup plan, but he escaped and captured Morbius whilst the real Doctor distracted Sellin.
Ohm and the Doctor ended up escaping in a TARDIS (But he was presumably later recaptured)
Framing Narration cont.
Upon reaching Holmes, Morbius realises that the Doctor is an active enemy of his, he redoubles his efforts to push the Doctor back after this point.
Graeme Harper
This Doctor has not been home in a very long time.
Morbius’s was in power during this Doctor’s era. That is why they ran away.
This Doctor has ‘raised families’
Alexandra Justine Collins is travelling with the Doctor
This incarnation disappeared into the Portal of Transformation after contemplating returning to Gallifrey. It is unclear if this is intended to be the cause of this incarnation’s rejuvenation.
Framing Narration cont.
This incarnation was secretive enough that the echo of their persona was still deflecting secrets from Morbius’s intrusion during the mindbending battle years earlier.
The Camfield incarnation horrifically lost his family (Cold Fusion) and the Fourth Doctor is still able to feel the pain even with centuries of distance.
Douglas Camfield
Another companion, Carol Williams. Stowed away on the TARDIS.
After the Loomborn revolt, the Camfield Doctor was forced into hiding.
He has left Dattany for a little while so he could heal from his family’s deaths.
The Doctor and Tallis (Someone who worked for him back on Gallifrey) believe some of his family has escaped the massacre. They go to investigate.
Morbius’s rise to power was occurring during this Doctor’s era.
Cedric and Jilly are still alive on Earth so were not related to the children killed in the Loomborn revolt.
Phillip Hinchcliffe
This Doctor parted ways with Rue eventually and settled down on Earth (Paris 1792).
It had been either 4 or -156 years since then depending on the perspective.
The Order of the Spheres and Time Lords eventually fell out, the Doctor’s handlers and the Unity were different groups.
After settling down on Earth, the Time Lords are still trying to find him. The Sisterhood of Karn uses this to blackmail him to take Françoise to Karn.
Françoise (Swan) becomes a new companion in a stripped down timeship (The Exedra) headed for Karn.
He is being pursued by another renegade called ‘The Citizen’, he wants the Elixir of Life from Karn. The Doctor leaves him to the mercy of the locals on Durcrow
The leader of the sisterhood is O’Hercha.
The Sisterhood has seen the Doctor prior to this.
The Time Lords regain contact with him in this story and intend to bring him ‘back into the fold’.
Framing Narration cont.
Four figures out the Sisterhood owes him a favour after recalling the Hinchcliffe Doctor’s life.
Christopher Baker
Cedric and Jilly’s mother is no longer ‘here’ anymore
She was Joan Smith (Miss Weston). Joan Weston is the “Joan Redfern” that Baker fell in love with. He want by ‘John Smith’ for this time period.
They first landed in early 1938 after Banks-Stewart’s renewal.
The Advisor is working alongside the Unity to disrupt Earth history. He is currently operating as a scientific advisor for the ‘Radio Men’ (Cybermen?)
The Doctor has been ‘playing with his biology’
Jill Smith (Jilly) was born in 1939
Joan Smith eventually died
Robert Banks Stewart
Joan and The Doctor have been associated for four years, it is now 1944, this means he has been on Earth for six years (1938-1944).
The Doctor’s talking owl has no name because ‘birds don’t use names’
The Magus is working with the Nazis.
The Magus had two twins working for him but one perished at the Temple of Gog and Magog.
A sample of the Elixir of Life found its way to a safe in Ireland.
The Magus claims he wants the Elixir of Life to ensure Hitler stands trial for his actions. This is a lie, as he was wounded and is dying.
Maggie O’Hecha stole the Elixir before the Doctor or Magus could get to it, she would later become leader of the sisterhood.
The Sisterhood sent the Doctor to 1945 and he saw and crystallised the end of the War.
Joan Weston’s real name isn’t Joan Weston (Joan Redfern??). In 1944 she and the Doctor left Earth to travel.
Christopher Barry
Morbius was friends with the Doctor according to ‘the story’.
His wife will slap him next time she sees him and hole up in a ‘Tower in Avalon’.
Framing Narration conc.
Morbius had known Christopher Barry’s Doctor, he’d attempted to harness the living story in order to fulfil his future dreams.
The living story had indeed raised Morbius to greatness only to bring him low in the end. He only learns this upon hitting Barry’s memories in the mindbending match, and this is why he goes full rage afterwards.
Four is unsure how many of these reawakened memories he’d retain, but doesn’t care as he embraces being an ever evolving story.
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tvmigraine · 10 months
FORGOTTEN LIVES: Christopher Baker
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Before we begin! Remember to get a copy of the Forgotten Lives Omnibus at this link! I believe pre-orders are open until the 1st of September, you may miss your chance to get this book - don't miss out!
It's no secret to any Classic Who fan (or even modern Who) that the BBC failed to maintain classic stories, with a many missing episodes reanimated to fill these spaces and a majority of Who's third season completely lost to time. Of course, without Doctor Who at home, fans had to find other places to have the Doctor's adventures at home. In 1964 we'd see the first Doctor Who novel released, alongside something much more important to today's discussion - the TV Comics.
I originally made the claim that Christopher Baker (1937-2011) had no proper ties to the show, but I was actually wrong about that. While he wasn't tied down by Doctor Who like other Morbius Doctors were, he was a Production Assistant at the BBC during the 70s. He also went on as a director for shows like Emmerdale and Star Cops later in his career during the 80s.
While the Doctor himself is certainly interesting, I think it's more interesting to discuss his companions for this story. Rather than running into a companion surrogate on an adventure, the Doctor travels with his two children - Jilly and Cedric. As one of the few Doctors in this book with a definitive final story, we get to experience the lives of Jilly and Cedric fully as they travel with their father through time and space.
We've never had the opportunity to meet the children of the Doctor before, so this presents a unique chance to learn more about the Doctor without pulling away the curtain. The idea of the Doctor travelling with two of his children may feel familiar to fans of the TV comics, which introduced us to John and Gillian Who, two other grandchildren - the TV Comics were unable to use the television companions for a time, so instead had the 1st and 2nd Doctors travel with two other grandchildren on adventures. Getting to see more of the paternal side of the Doctor was refreshing, a side that I'd argue we haven't seen since Hartnell's care for characters like Susan, Vicki and Dodo. Cedric and Jilly present a fun dynamic with their Doctor, where he can try and raise them to follow some of the lessons he's taught himself while they offer him a relationship he rarely has the luxury for.
There is other notable things about this Doctor that I personally love. Have you ever read a classic sci-fi from 50, 70, 90 years ago only to find it makes some radical prediction of the future that never came true? This story does much the same thing, with the astonishing year where man has managed to make it to Venus being 1975. For a story written as if it came out in the 40s, 1975 helps it both fit with the fiction of the time's improper predictions while also... honestly just being fun.
The design for the Doctor stands out due to his Pilgrim aesthetic, a nice way of making him seem more anachronistic than even some later Doctors after him. It also nicely contrasts with the design for his TARDIS - the metal pillars give it a feeling reminiscent of the 8th Doctor's TARDIS, while the overall design feels like a cathedral. Considering the subject matter of his first story, The Cross of Venus, it feels apt.
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I'm going to be more candid than usual, because the Third Doctor has a personal importance to me. I want to be a writer someday and I'd wanted to write for Doctor Who since I was a kid, but I had fallen out of my passion for both since starting uni and struggling with mental health for a while. Last year, before my second year of uni started, I chose to pick up Forgotten Lives 1&2 because the money went to a good cause (please support Alzheimer's Research). All of the stories in these books helped pull my love of Doctor Who back out, even prompting me to bring out all my old DVDs and start collecting again. As much as my renewed love for the show is thanks to Obverse Books and everyone else involved, my love for writing and storytelling was brought about by "The First Englishmen". It's hard for me to properly explain, but it was @pluralzalpha's story that specifically made me write again, telling the first proper story I had since I was in school. So as dopey as it is, I have immense gratitude both to him and everyone else who worked on Forgotten Lives for getting me to create again. And it's why, so long as pre-orders are open, I'll insist anybody with interest should pick up this book. Support the release and raise money to fight Alzheimers.
For more insight into the creative process of every author that worked on Forgotten Lives, you can go to @forgottenlivesobverse and find interviews from everyone involved across the books. If you're looking for insight on how the outfits were designed, you can go to Paul Hanley's Patreon and find what went into designing each Doctor.
Here's what to expect from the Third Doctor's adventures, travelling time and space with his son and daughter. Expect to see a saboteur on Venus and covered up history.
THE CROSS OF VENUS by Andrew Hickey
RETROGENESIS (Part Three) by Philip Purser-Hallard
SWAN SONG by Andrew Hickey
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Our next Doctor will be the Philip Hinchcliffe Doctor, who shows how art can influence the writing. Until then, I wish you all well and don't be scared to create something.
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comeontaylorspeaknow · 10 months
harry potter for the fandom ask game 🫶🏽
Thank You for sending this ask! 💜
THE OTP: Hinny
M/F OTP: Jilly
M/M OTP: Wolfstar
F/F OTP: I don't have any
Fav Female: Hermione or Ginny
Fav Male: Cedric
Least Fav Female: Umbrige
Least Fav Male: Sometimes Snape
Why I joined the fandom: I think it was the combination of my sister loving Harry Potter and then my best friend loved it as well it was hard not to love it!
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‘The First Englishmen’
Daniel Tessier's 'The First Englishmen' is the first of the volume's two adventures for the Christopher Baker Doctor and his children. Dan has this to say...
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What made you want to write for Forgotten Lives 2?
Two reasons. Firstly, I've always loved the mystery surrounding the Morbius Doctors, and I never for a moment bought the idea that they were anything other than the Doctor's past faces, so the opportunity to flesh one of them out was irresistible. More importantly, the first volume was so good I was absolutely dying to be involved in the second, and practically begged to be considered.
What's your story about?
The Christopher Baker Doctor and his children enjoy an adventure in a prehistoric England that never was.
What did you most enjoy about writing for this version of the Doctor?
I loved what Andrew Hickey did with this Doctor in the first book by giving him a family. Having the Doctor travelling with his two young children gives the story a different feel to most of Doctor Who. The closest is probably the old comics which had the Doctor travelling with his grandchildren John and Gillian - who in my head are either Cedric or Jilly's children - but it's more invested than that. There's no doubt that this Doctor really loves his children, and this part of his life really stands out.
What were the influences on your story, and what genre were you writing in?
I was going for an educational adventure, just like Doctor Who started out, but one that was deliberately dated and incorrect by modern standards. I reasoned that Baker's Doctor would have been the current version in the late 40s, maybe very early 50s, and that got me thinking about what sort of inaccurate ideas might have been put forward in his stories.
I've long been fascinated by the Piltdown Man, a famous palaeontological hoax which was purported to be the missing link between man and ape. Piltdown is just up the road from where I grew up so it has a particular place in my heart, and I just love the idea that someone faked a fossil hominid and got away with it. I love even more that it went on for decades, because no scientist would back down and accept the evidence it was fake and so admit they'd been fooled. Especially since it 'proved' that England was the cradle of humanity, and quite right too! It wasn't conclusively proven to be a fake until 1953, so would have been presented as fact in a fictitious historical Doctor Who story before that time.
While I was researching the time period the Piltdown Man supposedly lived in, I was relieved that it was an interglacial - a warmer period between the extremes of an ice age. We're technically in one now. Each interglacial has a name, generally taken from the location key fossils were found, and I was thrilled to discover where this period got its name. That became my very favourite line in the story.
Aside from the one you've used, which of the Forgotten Lives Doctors is your favourite?
The Robert Banks Stewart Doctor -- my Doctor's immediate predecessor -- is probably my favourite. He feels the most fully fleshed in, I can so easily imagine him in his stories. They're all fascinating, though. It's amazing how distinct and well-realised each incarnation is.
Can you describe your story's Doctor in three words?
Best Dad Ever.
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doctornolonger · 3 years
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My Doctor is the Doctor as portrayed by Christopher Baker, and he travels with his two children, Jilly and Cedric. From their dress and manner of speech, they appear to have grown up in the late 1940s, while the Doctor… seems to be from an earlier time.
— Andrew Hickey (x)
This illustration portrays the first DR. WHO to witness the destruction of Atlantis, meet the Loch Ness Monster and become human and fall in love with Joan Redfern.
— Paul Hanley (x)
Big thank you to Phil Purser-Hallard and Obverse Books for Forgotten Lives!
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hermioneganger · 7 years
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Celebrating 1k → url edit for @diggiory 
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wispystar · 2 years
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Harry Potter
✦ = finished | ✧ = not finished
you’re welcome to recommend me some fics! harry potter | fic recs <—— you will find chapterd stories here!
also these list started out just for me so a lot of them don’t have trigger warnings! I’ll try to find time to go in and put them!
All he wants by @babyinbluee
genre: fluff, fem! reader | summary: in which harry just needs his favourite person.
Can we keep him? by @shespeaksinsongs
genre: fluff, fem! reader, after hogwarts | summary: Harry convinces Y/N to get another stray dog.
Chasing pavements . ii by @ameliora-j
genre: angst, wolf star daughter, fem reader, no voldy moldy au | summary: you were in love with harry. and everyone knew it. harry was in love with you as well, except he refused to admit it. after years of pining, you somehow end up in the arms of one of harry’s sworn enemies: slytherin eye candy, theo nott.
Don’t walk away . two by @kalimagik
genre: angst, golden era | summary: Harry’s getting distant... you tried so hard to keep him but things don’t always go your way. You’ve been out of it for awhile but you start receiving little notes that make your day better
Friends or more by @whyennwhenyouareyn
genre: fluff, angst, fem! Reader at hogwarts | summary: you kiss Harry and think it doesn’t mean anything
Girls like her by @sapphicwhxre
genre: fluff, fem! Reader, slytherin! reader, at hogwarts | summary: harry gets paired in class with his hopeless slytherin crush, y/n, and you turn out to not be such a bitch.
ghosts by @siriusblackswhcre
genre: angst, gn! reader | summary: you meet harry's parents. but not the way your boyfriend would want to. | tw/warnings: mentions of death
Harry’s girlfriend by @themarauderstheoutsidersandpeggy
genre: fluff, golden era, jilly alive era | summary: jilly, sirius, & Remus find out Harry has a girlfriend
Howlers by @ellescrunchie
genre: fluff, golden era, no voldy moldy! au | summary: everytime harry fucks anything up and gets in trouble, there is a bet: which howler will he be receiving?
housekeeping by @colossalcriminal
genre: fluff, fem reader | summary: When Harry gets a part-time gig cleaning the house down the street to escape the Dursleys for a few hours a week during the summer, he soon recognises the residents’ daughter as his own schoolmate.
her golden glow by @yrluvjane
genre: fluff, fem reader | summary: slughorns christmas party but with reader
It’ll be okay by @jjmybeloved
genre: angst, fluff, beginning of ootp, golden era | summary: You're there when Harry needs it the most.
Love letters by @pottersfia
genre: fluff, golden era | summary: harry writes letters to you with the intention of you never seeing them. Well that’s not what happens me
Meeting Harry's Family by @gemma-collins-ily
genre: fluff, jilly still alive, no voldy moldy | summary: meeting Harrys parents for the first time
Mystery girl by @nbivagant
genre: fluff, golden era | summary: harry meets someone rather special one night on the astronomy tower
thursdays of dark gray skies by @/ellescrunchie
genre: fluff, ravenclaw! reader, golden era | summary: who would have thought that one study thursday of dark grey skies could change so much? | notes: this is the cutest fic I’ve ever read 🥺
treat you better . ii . iii by @destourtereaux
genre: angst, fluff, Cedric x reader, fem! reader, set during gof | summary: after a month of hints, you and hermione have given up on trying to get ron and harry to ask you two to the yule ball. but nothing sparks action like a little competition... from none other than hogwarts golden boy, cedric diggory.
Whatever fits you best by @eclipsedpotter
genre: fluff, fem! reader | summary: Harry uses your shampoo and you notice.
Who he really loves by @itskizie
genre: angst, fluff, at hogwarts | summary: Harry asks you about who he should be with.
— series
✧ Father dearest by @emmelineparker308
genre: angst, fluff, sirius blacks daughter au! | summary: Your third year at Hogwarts is about to start and with it come a lot of new changes. Harry, your best friend, and crush is in trouble from some man named Sirius Black. You try desperately to keep Harry safe but what happens when you find out some heartbreaking, mind-shattering information about your father?
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locheye · 2 months
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google1000 · 2 years
Harry Potter- Golden Era Masterlist
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Oldest ~ Top Of Section
Youngest~ Bottom of Section
⭐️-Smut ❤️-Fluff 💔-Angst 🚫-None 💙-Incorrect Quote
🪢- Polyamorous 🍷-Alcohol🩸-Blood ☠️-Death 🤰-Pregnancy
🚺-Female Character 🚹-Male Character ⚧- Gender Neutral Character
Golden Era
Harry Potter (HE’S 18+ IN ALL SMUTS)
Little Potter by MyraPottah⭐️🤰🚺
Quickie by GoGoGodzilla⭐️🚺
Bill Weasley
Little Cat by FensHeroHair❤️🚺
One Where He Find You Naked by RandomOutsiders ⭐️🚺
French Lesson by WeeLittleWeasley⭐️🚺
Charlie Weasley
After Hours by SunflowerDarlingx⭐️🚺
Imagine Charlie Taking You To His Family’s Home For Holidays by FanFicImagery❤️🚺
Percy Weasley (HE’S 18+ IN ALL SMUTS)
Reunite by AmazingMaeve❤️🤰🚺
Dating With Percy Weasley Would Include by AngelBlacksmith❤️🚺☠️
Fred Weasley (HE’S 18+ IN ALL SMUTS)
Bath Time by WeeLittleWeasley❤️🤰🚺
Sheer Brilliance by WeeLittleWeasley⭐️❤️🚺
Evaluations by WeeLittleWeasley⭐️❤️🚺
After All This Time by TwelveGods💔❤️🤰🚺
George Weasley (HE’S 18+ IN ALL SMUTS)
Mutually Curious by TheOreticSlut⭐️🚺
Would You Like Some Help by TheOreticSlut⭐️🚺
Golden Tattoos by ExpelliarWeasley⭐️🚺
Just Helping You Out (Part 1) by SinclairCherry⭐️🚺
Just Helping You Out (Part 2) by SinclairCherry⭐️🚺
Just Helping You Out (Part 3) by SinclairCherry⭐️🚺
Inked Up by LumosAndNoxWriting⭐️🚺
Chocolate Milk by DurmStrange❤️🤰🚺
Ron Weasley (HE’S 18+ IN ALL SMUTS)
Nurture by Fandom-Puff❤️🚺
Cedric Diggory (HE’S 18+ IN ALL SMUTS)
Mutual Masturbation by HpImaginesAndBlurbs⭐️🚺
Oliver Wood (HE’S 18+ IN ALL SMUTS)
Empire by Wicked-Hg❤️🚺
Neville Longbottom (HE’S 18+ IN ALL SMUTS)
Neville Having A Crush On A Very Outspoken Individual by Jillys-Feral-Fandoms❤️⚧
Incorrect Quotes
Percy & George & Oliver Incorrect Quote by AnnabelleLupin💙
Ginny & Bill & Percy & Charlie Incorrect Quote by Percy-Weasley-Supremacy💙
Harry & Hermione Incorrect Quote by CrackishIncorrectHP💙
Harry & Luna & Hermione Incorrect Quote by CrackishIncorrectHP💙
Y/N & Draco Incorrect Quote by ItsTheGhostOfMyPast💙
Harry & Draco Incorrect Quote by Fanby-Fckry💙
Draco & Harry & Pansy Incorrect Quote by YourGalGremlin💙
Hermione & Harry & Ron Incorrect Quote by Hxuse-XF-Black💙
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bchanslvr · 3 years
Chedric (Cho x Cedric)
Marthur (Molly x Arthur)
Bleur (Bill x Fleur)
Bleville (Blaise x Neville) a favorite of mine lmao
chedric - 9/10. i like them(again only 9/10 because i like hedric), they're really cute.
marthur - 10/10.
jilly - 100/10. i'm pretty sure they are soulmates.
bleur - 10/10. they are perfect for each other and i love them both.
bleville - 8/10. the fanart, and fanfics are literally the cutest. but tbh i'm more of a bluna fan. i still like this ship though, they're cute.
send me a ship and i'll tell you my(brutally)honest opinion about it!
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
tagged by: @mrs-brekker15 💛
rules: tag a few people you want to know better; make a new post, don’t reblog!
favorite color~ forest green
currently reading~ nothing at the moment but my last read was Emma 
last song~ girls by girl in red
last movie~ either stardust or legally blonde sunday was a blur for me
sweet, spicy or savory~ sweet and savoury as Joey would say put those two together
coffee or tea~ tea if i had to choose but i’m more of a hot choc kind of gal
three favorite ships~ wolfstar 100% complete stan, dorlene i will ship them till the day i die and i have a soft spot for cedric and cho they need more love (also if you use their last names their ship would be dang like whats not to love)
first ever favorite ship ever~ probably Romoine or Liv and Major from izombie (i know random)
currently working on~ Remus fic about him meeting a girl in a bookshop and not realsing she goes to hogwarts like him, along with a pregnant reader request and i have plans for the sirius and hufflepuff mini series x honestly so excited for all of them
favorite piece of clothing~ a green cardigan my mum bought me, its like a pale green and it makes me feel like remus lupin xx pair that with my glasses and i feel like Jillys’ daughter raised by wolfstar just perfection
comfort food~ chow fan from this place called wudon in glasgow
favorite time of the year~ spring
favorite fanfiction~ the first one i read was called infinity i think on wattpatt haha but there have been some amazing ones since then
tagging: @rosaline-black @wolfstardaughter-jj @getawayfrommewerewolf
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thienvaldram · 6 months
Forgotten Lives Omnibus Lore Dump
Just a bunch of lore related observations from FL1 and FL2
Christopher Barry
The Doctor moves an aberrant era of human history into the Cretaceous era, resulting in at least one ancient human civilisation (Aurelia) existing in that era.
He's married to a woman named Zodin, she is most likely Gallifreyan
He has an enemy known as the Abbot, who is also presumably a Gallifreyan (Described as 'Like the Doctor') who either expended all rejuvenations or was killed with no prospect of rejuvenation at the gallows only to return as a spirit and try to steal the Barry incarnation's body, he is defeated him at the cost of the Doctor’s own life. Causing a renewal.
He is most likely not the first incarnation of the FL cycle, as a newly renewed Banks Stewart expresses familiarity with the difficulties of retaining relationships 'across such a change'
Robert Banks Stewart
He established his bookshop shortly after renewal, and is earthbound there though he seems to also travel in the TARDIS whilst based there. He seems to have done so shortly after the start of the build-up to World War II, definitively pre-Dunkirk.
He has an acquaintance known as ‘The Magus’ who claims to serve ‘The Unity’, The Magus is definitely a Time Lord.
He’s on Earth for at least five years (1938-1943)
There’s a species that lives within the Earth called the Vril. They predate humanity and the Earth Reptiles.
We have yet to see his Rejuvenation as of FL2.
Christopher Baker
This Doctor has two kids, Cedric and Jilly. They seem to think the Doctor is slightly over 35 years old. They would be Thirty Five in 1975 so they were born in 1940.
The First Venus mission was returning to Earth in 1975, the third was underway by 1980.
The Doctor is well known for defeating the moon-men invasion as of 1975, building the Bot-u-tron robot and melting all the snow in Britain on Christmas 1974. The Doctor also helped repel the Magma Men in 1978, fought the Mighty Mole and “Hitler’s Robot”.
The Venusians were wiped out in a nuclear war, they had some form of Christianity
The British Government was performing time travelling Paleo-archaeology as of 1980. Piltdown Man is real… apparently.
By the time of his rejuvenation, Jilly now went by ‘Jill’ and was a teenager (adult by some standards). Cedric and Jilly seem to age 1:1 with their school friends on Earth. The year is between 1953 and 1955.
He picked up an infection of some kind from the Violet Moon of Bellerophon. Jill and Cedric got over it but the Doctor did not, and it eventually resulted in his renewal.
The Doctor at some point lived through World War I due to being stuck on Earth for 20 years, it is loosely implied to have been this incarnation due to the statement about him becoming human and falling in love with Joan Redfern in FL1, and prior to Cedric and Jilly’s births.
After letting Jill and Cedric leave in ~1955, he lay back in a chair and renewed into his next incarnation.
Phillip Hinchcliffe
He picked up his first companion, Rue, very shortly after renewal, during his first adventure.
He’s working for the Order of the Spheres and seemingly has been doing so since before his most recent renewal. He came to Idrotha looking for one of them. He is being led to their bodies.
The Demons of Dog Street is set in 1956 at first. This is presumably intended to be his ‘contemporary’ time.
The Doctor tried to help a young lady called Nelly Rosethorne who absorbed an artefact from a dead member of the Order of the Spheres, only for Nelly to become ‘The Witch of the White House’ with whom he would eventually later scuffle with, resulting in his rejuvenation.
He’s the incarnation who married Patience according to Cold Fusion.
We have yet to actually see the event of his renewal, but we know he ‘met a premature end’ suggesting he's the shortest lived of the Morbii.
Douglas Camfield
His early life was coloured by Space War II between two major powers that the Time Lords seemed to be loosely involved in. Space War II was very technically a Time War due to one of the opponents use of Time Travel tech.
This Doctor is willing to make people disappear, he does so to a cabal of war criminals from Space War II.
He says that the destruction of Dattany City is sixteen years in the relative past and claims its ‘Not much different for him’.
The Vidocs are a time sensitive species with wings, researching time travel. The Time Lords seem threatened by them and are trying to prevent them from engineering a star for time travel. They are in communication with a time active species called the Mey.
The Camfield Doctor is actively working for a sect of the Time Lord government to, among other things, prevent races from having both the intent and means to alter history.
The Time Lords have leverage over his Gallifreyan Family, who are later killed in Cold Fusion.
Dattany is 147 by Trail of a Time Lord, she joined the Doctor when she was a lot younger. She’d met Patience and the Doctor’s children. The Doctor’s eldest son could regenerate.
The Doctor gets out of trial from the Time Lords for hunting down the cabal by proving Space War II was a Time War. But he is convicted of consorted with aliens due to bringing Dattany to the Homeworld. He is executed as a result of this.
Graeme Harper
This Doctor is only referred to by they/them. They have a psychic beard and have at some point masqueraded as Martin Jurgens, an Earth Adjudicator whom the Roger Delgado Master would steal the credentials of.
The Captain is a conventional superhero, they claim that ‘One hundred and twenty years’ doesn’t look as good on them as it does on the Doctor, implying this incarnation is also at least one hundred and twenty by the events of Valhalla Must Fall! Which is considered ‘early days’ in the conflict.
The Doctor and the Captain were in battle with a species called the Outsiders, who were immortal and tried to take over the Universe in order to feel something. By the time the Doctor met with a dying Nimh, they had convinced the Outsiders to never become immortal in the first place.
This Doctor promised Death a week of servitude, but never said when and never returned to play that out. Possible link to Master (Where he makes a new deal with Death to make the Master Death’s Champion)
The Usher runs the Fountain Theatre, it is ‘on the same street’ as the Celestial Toyroom run by the Toymaker, the Usher uses it to link the Doctor to an early event from shortly after Event One.
The Doctor tells a story that, in the ancient past, under the influence of ‘A madman’ the people of Gallifrey split into two civilisations. Each comparing themselves to the other. The Doctor and another from the other civilisation, Hazel, devised a plan to switch places and disguise themselves, forgetting their true natures for a while. Upon remembering the two were able to use their positions to broker peace between the two sides. The two now have tattoos that prevent them from infiltrating or being unknowingly mind altered again.
He reacted in shock and worry when told 'The Other' was here
We do not see this Doctor’s renewal as of FL2.
Robert Holmes
Coming to a deal with the powers that be this incarnation was given the ability to travel the Universe in exchange for fulfilling his duty to the homeworld, though that deal has grown stricter over time and he has grown to resent the situation.
Early in his life he suffered an injury as a result of a failed mission for the Time Lords, that results in him walking with a cane.
He’s indirectly responsible for the creation of the Krotons, Sontarans, Autons, Drashig and Kroll.
The TARDIS is described as ‘bluer and boxier’ than it was under the Hinchcliffe Doctor.
The Doctor is told to ‘swing by in a hundred years’ though we never know if he does or not or in what incarnation if he does.
He has had fifty different handlers by the time of his rejuvenation.
He was shot and killed by an immortal during a confrontation. A Gallifreyan, Mountweazel, sacrificed themselves to trigger his renewal.
George Gallaccio
He experienced amnesia after his previous traumatic rejuvenation for most of his first story.
In 1970 there was a meteor storm that supposedly changed the course of human development. This was actually an arrival of the Nestene Consciousness and this incarnation gets embroiled in a brief adventure where he faces the Nestenes.
This incarnation was ejected from the TARDIS when it was taken over by an entity called the Nomad, resulting in a fatal injury that would lead to his inevitable renewal.
The TARDIS took a police box form in both his first and final adventures.
He believes he fused with the Nomad prior to his rejuvenation but that was in fact untrue.
Bonus – Retrogenesis
Timeline of the Kelda
The Kelda Stone arrives on Earth in what would become the village of Kellerston
The Squire tries to break up the Kelda Stone, but is stopped by the First Morbius Doctor, who partially awakens the Kelda in the stone.
The stone is taken from the village to the British Museum, the Second Morbius Doctor attempts to stop the Magus from awakening the Kelda. The Doctor learns the Kelda are a species, rather than a single being, as the Magus has had dealings with other Kelda whilst in service to the Unity.
The future
The Third Morbius Doctor first meets a living Kelda on a planet. By this point he knows the Kelda as a benevolent confederation who seed knowledge across the Universe to those that are ready for the privilege and hibernate on planets where they are not until they are ready. The Kelda are a form beyond the machine body which is implied by this Doctor to be the logical successor to the biological form as a species develops. The Doctor meets a Kelda named Aldorac.
The Distant Past
A Kelda has landed on a planet called Arkos/Orkos. This planet is very primitive, the Fourth Morbius Doctor is very confused by this. The Kelda reveals that this is their origin planet and it journeyed there from the far future, as a force from the future is aiming to change the Kelda timeline.
The Future again
The Kelda meet with their allotemporal counterparts, overseen by the Fifth Morbius Doctor. These counterparts are revealed to be the force from the future trying to interfere with their own history. Aldorac is part of the Kelda delegation. The peace deal is not completed, but the Kelda reveal they expected this and intended to negotiate with the Doctor, not their counterparts.
The Time Lords sign a deal to protect the Kelda Timeline.
The Distant Past Again
The Sixth Morbius Doctor Doctor abducts a child called Alylec, whom the Kelda’s opponents from the future are trying to kill.
The two factions of then planet, the Calendal and Zenithal are in an uneasy detente, both developing weapons of mass destruction capable of mutually assured destruction.
The Seventh Morbius Doctor causes a nuclear war that would lead to ‘the great separation’ that eventually leads to the creation of the Kelda as a species.
Alylec teaches the Zenithal survivors a peaceful way.
The Eighth Morbius Doctor surveys the planet, implying that the machinelike Calendal successors ‘Dals’ and humanoid Zenithal successors ‘Thals’ will eventually recombine to form the Kelda, but only if they’re kept apart and keep to their philosophies until they are ready.
The Eighth Morbius Doctor isomorphically locks the history of the Kelda, so no one but himself can ever interfere again, noting that “I’m hardly going to blunder in and undo all that hard work, now am I?”
The First Doctor arrives on Arkos, now ‘Skaro’ and accidentally causes the Dal survivors ‘Daleks’ to prematurely meet the ‘Thals’ and teaches the Thals a non-pacifist way of fighting back. This averts the Kelda timeline and instead creates the first Dalek Timeline.
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