#christopher baker doctor
raineszramski · 4 months
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Here's another Morbius Doctor sketch for this weekend: the Christopher Baker Doctor.
(Again, with inspiration from PaulHanley's character designs and the Forgotten Lives books.)
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thienvaldram · 3 months
Forgotten Lives Digital Release
Limited Digital Release has just been put up for Forgotten Lives 1, 2 and 3 (@forgottenlivesobverse) at Obverse Books @obversebooks.
This is a limited release so don't miss out. (I really sound like an ad but I swear these books are worth it)
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locheye · 6 months
The duality between Cedric "we're not anyone on earth" Who and Jilly "we're as English as you are" Who
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blufruity · 8 months
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Because I couldn't resist... You get one more! Who doesn't love a self-portrait? What a journey! Thanks for coming along! The background of this piece has a TON of easter eggs from across 60 YEARS of Doctor Who! What can you spot?
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The Doctors Ranked by How Easily their Number Fits into their Name
Basically Poetry
David Tennant
W1lliam Hartnell
Peter DaVison
Jod13 Whittaker
You see the vision but it's a bit clunky
Patrick Twoughton
John Perthree
Colin 6aker
Sylves7er McCoy
It's still legible but the methods are getting worse
Really Struggling here
Ma11 Smith
Petwelve Capaldi
Require Explanations and Apologies
p8ul McGann - I just picked a letter at random sorry p8ul
Cnristopner Eccleston - when you think about it what is h but a really tall n?
cIaVid tennant - four and ten? you kinda see it right?
IVcuti GatVVa - three fives? fifteen? hmm? right??
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tmblrfuckingsucksass · 6 months
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Doctor Who - 60 Years All Of Time & Space
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atarial · 4 months
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ok now i've got all the doctors done! :D
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racketyoldtype40 · 8 months
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op: @a-fragile-sort-of-anarchy
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luv-doritos · 7 months
2 pictures of every actor who played the doctor before Doctor Who (with the years in which the pictures were took)
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William Hartnell-late 1910s and 1932 (bro had beef with the cameraman in the 1910s)
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Patrick Troughton-1936 and 1948 (why he so extra zesty in 1948)
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Jon Pertwee-1939 and 1959 (bro didnt age a minute in 20 years)
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Tom Baker-Late 1940s and 1956(if only boys in my school were more like Tom baker in the late 40s.)
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Peter Davison-1972 and 1978 (when I was young (maybe 8 or 9) Tristan from all creatures great and small was one of my childhood tv crushes and now I just realized it was Peter Davison 💀)
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Colin Baker-1972 and 1974 (he could've wore his outfit as paul merroney when he was doctor)
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Sylvester McCoy-late 1940s and 1960 (awww cutie little baby patrick james kent smith)
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Paul McGann- late 1970s and 1987 (how can he possibly not age ??)
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Cristopher Eccleston- late 1980s and 1991 (in the 80s pic he looks like Daniel Thrasher, but in both the pictures, HE HAS HAIR OMG)
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David Tennant- 1981 and 1994 (he had the best glow up ever hands down)
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Matt Smith-1984 and late 1980s-early 1990s (awwwww baby little matt smith)
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Peter Capaldi- around 1961-1962 and 1983 (dayum peter in 1983 kinda lowkey...)
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Jodie Whittaker- late 90s and 2006 (first jon pertwee, then paul mcgann, now jodie whittaker at this point i'm convinced doctor who actors are actually time lords because HOW CAN YOU STOP AGING LIKE THAT ???)
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Ncuti Gatwa- 1994 and 2014 (awwww stawhp how many cute little baby doctor who actors am i gonna melt over to ??)
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elvisomar · 1 year
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Young doctors, version four. I found younger pictures for Tom, Paul, and John, as well as adding Ncuti. 
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thebeesareback · 8 months
Every episode of New Who in chronological order (Doctor Who)
Spoilers: it makes no fucking sense. Also, there are some episodes which occur in two or more time periods
"The Fires of Pompeii" - 79 David Tennant
"The Eaters of Light" - 2nd century Peter Capaldi
"The Pandorica Opens" - 102 Matt Smith
"The Big Bang" - immediately after "The Pandorica Opens", 102 Matt Smith
"The Girl Who Died" - 851 Peter Capaldi
"Resolution" 9th century Jodie Whittaker
"The Magician's Apprentice" - 1138 Peter Capaldi
"The Witch's Familiar" immediately after "The Magician's Apprentice", 1138 Peter Capaldi
"Robot of Sherwood" - 1190 Peter Capaldi
"The Bells of Saint John" - 1207 Matt Smith
"Can You Hear Me?" - 1380 Jodie Whittaker
"The Day of the Doctor" - 1562 Matt Smith and David Tennant
"The Vampires of Venice" - 1580 Matt Smith
"The Shakespeare Code" - 1599 David Tennant
"The Curse of the Black Spot" - 16th century Matt Smith
"The Witchfinders" - 1612 Jodie Whittaker
"The Woman Who Lived" - 1681, sequential to "The Girl Who Died" Peter Capaldi
"Legend of the Sea Devils" - 1807 Jodie Whittaker
"Thin Ice" - 1814 Peter Capaldi
"The Haunting of Villa Diodati" - 1816 Jodie Whittaker
"Spyfall Part Two" - 1834 Jodie Whittaker
"Deep Breath" - Victorian era (between 1837-1901) Peter Capaldi and Matt Smith
"The Next Doctor" - 1851 David Tennant
"War of the Sontarans" - 1855 sequential to "The Halloween Apocalypse" Jodie Whittaker
"The Unquiet Dead" - December 1869 Christopher Eccleston
"Tooth and Claw" - 1879 David Tennant
"A Town Called Mercy" - somewhere between 1865-1890 Matt Smith
"Empress of Mars" - 1881 Peter Capaldi
"Vincent and the Doctor" - 1890 Matt Smith
"The Snowmen" - 1892 Matt Smith
"The Crimson Horror" - 1893 Matt Smith
"The Name of the Doctor" - 1893 Matt Smith
"Ascension of the Cybermen" - "the early 20th century" Jodie Whittaker
"Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror" - 1903 Jodie Whittaker
"Survivors of the Flux" - 1904 sequential to "Village of the Angels" Jodie Whittaker
"Human Nature" - 1913 David Tennant
"The Family of Blood" - Immediately after "Human Nature", 1913 David Tennant
"The Power of the Doctor" 1916 Jodie Whittaker and David Tennant
"The Unicorn and the Wasp" - 1926 David Tennant
"Daleks in Manhattan" - 1930 David Tennant
"Evolution of the Daleks - Immediately after "Daleks in Manhattan", 1930 David Tennant
"Let's Kill Hitler" - 1938 Matt Smith
"The Angels Take Manhattan" 1938 Matt Smith
"Victory of the Daleks" - between 1939-1945 Matt Smith
"The Empty Child" - 1941 Christopher Eccleston
"The Doctor Dances" - Immediately after "The Empty Child", 1941 Christopher Eccleston
"The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe" - December 1941 Matt Smith
"Demons of the Punjab" - August 1947 Jodie Whittaker
"The Idiot's Lantern" - June 1953 David Tennant
"Rosa" - 1955 Jodie Whittaker
"Village of the Angels" - November 1967 sequential to "Once, Upon Time" Jodie Whittaker
"The Impossible Astronaut" - 1969 Matt Smith
"The Day of the Moon" - Immediately after "The Impossible Astronaut" 1969 Matt Smith
"Blink" - 1969/2007 David Tennant
"Hide" - 1974 Matt Smith
"The God Complex" - 1980 Matt Smith
"Cold War" - 1983 Matt Smith
"Twice Upon a Time" 1986 Peter Capaldi and Jodie Whittaker
"Father's Day" - 1987 Christopher Eccleston
"The Return of Doctor Mysterio" - 1992 Peter Capaldi
"The Eleventh Hour" 1998 Matt Smith
"Rose" - contemporary to release, March 2005 Christopher Eccleston
"School Reunion" - 2005 David Tennant
"The Christmas Invasion" - contemporary to release, December 2005 David Tennant
"Aliens of London" - Approximately March 2006 Christopher Eccleston
"World War Three" - Immediately after "Aliens of London", approximately March 2006 Christopher Eccleston
"Rise of the Cybermen" - contemporary to release, May 2006 David Tennant
"The Age of Steel" - Immediately after "Rise of the Cybermen", May 2006 David Tennant
"Love & Monsters" - contemporary to release, June 2006 David Tennant
"Army of Ghosts" - after "Love & Monsters", summer 2006 David Tennant
"Doomsday" - Immediately after "Army of Ghosts", summer 2006 David Tennant
"Boom Town" - autumn 2006 Christopher Eccleston
"Turn Left" - autumn 2006 David Tennant
"The Runaway Bride" - December 2006 David Tennant
"Smith and Jones" - contemporary to release, March 2007 David Tennant
"The Lazarus Experiment" - contemporary to release, May 2007 David Tennant
"42" - contemporary to release, May 2007 David Tennant
"The Sound of Drums" - contemporary to release, June 2007 (immediately after "Utopia") David Tennant
"Blink" - 1969/2007 David Tennant
"Partners in Crime" - contemporary to release, April 2008 David Tennant
"The Sontaran Stratagem" - contemporary to release, April 2008 David Tennant
"The Poison Sky" - contemporary to release, May 2008 (immediately after "The Sontaran Stratagem") David Tennant
"Last of the Time Lords" - contemporary to release, June 2008 (sequential to "The Sound of Drums"), David Tennant
"The Stolen Earth" - contemporary to release, June 2008 David Tennant
"Journey's End" - contemporary to release, July 2008 (immediately after "The Stolen Earth") David Tennant
"The Lodger" - contemporary to release, June 2010 Matt Smith
"Night Terrors" - contemporary to release, September 2011 Matt Smith
"Closing Time" - contemporary to release, September 2011 Matt Smith
"Fear Her" - July 2012 David Tennant
"Dalek" - 2012 Christopher Eccleston
"Asylum of the Daleks" - contemporary to release, September 2012 Matt Smith
"The Power of Three" - contemporary to release, September 2012 Matt Smith
"The Rings of Akhaten" - contemporary to release, April 2013 Matt Smith
"Into the Dalek" - contemporary to release, August 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Listen" - contemporary to release, September 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Time Heist" - contemporary to release, September 2014 Peter Capaldi
"The Caretaker" - contemporary to release, September 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Flatline" - contemporary to release, October 2014 Peter Capaldi
"In the Forest of the Night" - contemporary to release, October 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Dark Water" - contemporary to release, November 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Death in Heaven" - contemporary to release, November 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Last Christmas" - contemporary to release, December 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Amy's Choice" - 2015 Matt Smith
"The Zygon Invasion" - contemporary to release, October 2015 Peter Capaldi
"The Zygon Inversion" - contemporary to release, November 2015 (immediately after "The Zygon Invasion") Peter Capaldi
"Face the Raven" - contemporary to release, November 2015 Peter Capaldi
"The Pilot" - contemporary to release, April 2017 Peter Capaldi
"Knock Knock" - contemporary to release, May 2017 Peter Capaldi
"Extremis" - contemporary to release, May 2017 Peter Capaldi
"The Pyramid at the End of the World" - contemporary to release, May 2017 Peter Capaldi
"The Woman Who Fell to Earth" - contemporary to release, October 2018 Jodie Whittaker
"Arachnids in the UK" - contemporary to release, October 2018 Jodie Whittaker
"It Takes You Away" - contemporary to release, November 2018 Jodie Whittaker
"Spyfall" - contemporary to release, January 2020 Jodie Whittaker
"Fugitive of the Judoon" - contemporary to release, January 2020 Jodie Whittaker
"Praxeus" - contemporary to release, February 2020 Jodie Whittaker
"The Hungry Earth" - 2020 Matt Smith
"Cold Blood" - 2020 (immediately after "The Hungry Earth") Matt Smith
"Revolution of the Daleks" - September 2020 Jodie Whittaker
"The Halloween Apocalypse" - contemporary to release, October 2021 Jodie Whittaker
"Once, Upon Time" - contemporary to release, sequential to "War of the Sontarans", November 2021 Jodie Whittaker
"Eve of the Daleks" contemporary to release, January 2022 Jodie Whittaker
"Kill the Moon" - 2049 Peter Capaldi
"The Waters of Mars" - 2059 David Tennant
"The Rebel Flesh" - 22nd century Matt Smith
"The Almost People" - 22nd century (immediately after "The Rebel Flesh") Matt Smith
"Under the Lake" - 2119 Peter Capaldi
"Before the Flood" - 2119 (immediately after "Under the Lake") Peter Capaldi
"Dinosaurs on a Spaceship" - 2367 Matt Smith
"The Beast Below" - some point after the 29th century Matt Smith
"Sleep No More" - 38th century Peter Capaldi
"Planet of the Ood" - 4126 David Tennant
"The Time of Angels" - 5000 Matt Smith
"Flesh and Stone" - 5000 (immediately after "The Time of Angels") Matt Smith
"The Girl in the Fireplace" - 5000-5100 David Tennant
"The Husbands of River Song" - 5343 Peter Capaldi
"Silence in the Library" - 5100 David Tennant
"Forest of the Dead" - 5100 (immediately after "Silence in the Library") David Tennant
"The Long Game" - 200,000 Christopher Eccleston
"Bad Wolf" - 200,100 Christopher Eccleston
"The Parting of the Ways" Immediately after "Bad Wolf", 200,100 Christopher Eccleston/David Tennant
"The End of the World" - 5 billion (plus 2005) Christopher Eccleston
"New Earth" - 5,000,000,023 David Tennant
"Gridlock" - 5,000,000,023 David Tennant
"Utopia" - 100 trillion David Tennant
"Smile" - it's in "the far future" Peter Capaldi
No indication of the date:
"The Impossible Planet", David Tennant (Broadcast June 2006)
"The Satan Pit", David Tennant (Broadcast June 2006)
"Voyage of the Damned", David Tennant (Broadcast December 2007)
"The Doctor's Daughter", David Tennant (Broadcast May 2008)
"Midnight", David Tennant (Broadcast June 2008)
"Planet of the Dead", David Tennant (Broadcast April 2009)
"The End of Time", David Tennant (Broadcast December 2009)
"A Christmas Carol", Matt Smith (Broadcast December 2010)
"The Doctor's Wife", Matt Smith (Broadcast May 2011)
"A Good Man Goes to War", Matt Smith (Broadcast June 2011)
"The Girl Who Waited", Matt Smith (Broadcast September 2011)
"The Wedding of River Song", Matt Smith (Broadcast October 2011)
"Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS", Matt Smith (Broadcast April 2013)
"Nightmare in Silver", Matt Smith (Broadcast May 2013)
"The Time of the Doctor", Matt Smith (Broadcast December 2013)
"Mummy on the Orient Express", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast October 2014)
"Heaven Sent", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast November 2015)
"Hell Bent", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast December 2015)
"Oxygen", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast May 2017)
"The Lie of the Land", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast June 2017)
"World Enough and Time", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast June 2017)
"The Doctor Falls", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast July 2017)
"The Ghost Monument", Jodie Whittaker (Broadcast 2018)
"The Tsuranga Conundrum", Jodie Whittaker (Broadcast November 2018)
"Kerblam!", Jodie Whittaker (Broadcast November 2018)
"The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos", Jodie Whittaker (Broadcast December 2018)
"Orphan 55", Jodie Whittaker (Broadcast January 2020)
"The Vanquishers" Jodie Whittaker (Broadcast December 2021)
"The Timeless Children" sequential to "The Ascension of the Cybermen", Jodie Whittaker (March 2020)
Key: red is Christopher Eccleston; orange is David Tennant; green is Matt Smith; Peter Capaldi is blue; Jodie Whittaker is purple
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anexperimentallife · 2 years
“Who is your doctor?”
“Wow, that’s a tough one. Growing up it was Tom Baker, obviously, but Eccleston and Tennant and Whittaker did a really great–”
"Sir this is a hospital; I need to know who to call about your concussion.“
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Every Incarnation of the Doctor in Doctor Who
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Jo Martin
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William Hartnell
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Patrick Troughton
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Jon Pertwee
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Tom Baker
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Peter Davison
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Colin Baker
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Sylvestor McCoy
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Paul McGann
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John Hurt
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Christopher Eccleston
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David Tennant
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Matt Smith
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Peter Capaldi
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Jodie Whittaker
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David Tennant again
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Ncuti Gatwa
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cleowho · 3 months
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“Who the devil was it?!”
The Talons of Weng-Chiang - season 14 - 1977
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dalekofchaos · 7 months
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neptunefairytales · 6 months
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Happy Birthday DW! Even the Daleks celebrate today! (or it is a bait for the Doctor? Who knows? @dalekpropaganda )
(Personnal pic. Please reblog. Do not use or repost. Thanks! NSFW AND KINK ACCOUNTS DO NOT INTERACT !!!)
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