#cee’s advice
rosewaterandivy · 9 months
I love your writing style and after stalking your blog I found out that you studied English. Got any writing advice for someone who's still trying to figure out and develop their own style? I feel like I have so many ideas but the execution is 👎
Hello sweet thing! 🥰 Thanks for reading and a quick disclaimer before I dive in here: I don’t really even understand my own process/style yet and that is perfectly fine. I think it’s important to take risks in writing to develop skills and see what vibes with you and what doesn’t. So, while I have two degrees in English, I’ve never taken a creative writing class— just wanna get that out there. Now, onto the advice!
Read. Read often and voraciously. This method is tried and true for a reason, and that’s because it works. When I’m lacking in the inspiration department, I read poetry, novels, non-fiction, works by other writers in the community, maybe do a deep-dive with some lyrical analysis— if you know, you know. Seeking out other voices to inspire and teach is paramount.
(Continued under the cut)
To grow as a writer (or, really as a person), you can’t exist in your own silo. You need to engage with other stories. On some level, you should be listening to other’s voices and studying their styles. Otherwise, you’ll stunt your development as a writer. You could also, inadvertently, reinforce bad writing habits, if you’re not expanding your horizons by consuming other author’s works.
And this conversation has been making its run in the community as well as my corner of academia, but I’d be remiss not to touch on it here: there is no such thing as originality in literature. Everything from the Carolingian Cycle to Homeric Hymns to tropes, etc. has already been said and done. But what matters here, truly, is how you can put your spin on something. Have soulmate AUs been done to death? Yes. Is that gonna stop me? Hell to the no! I love that shit, of course I want to engage with that trope and see what I can do with it.
Rhythm. Cadence, flow, whatever you call it— this is crucial to me as a writer and academic. And honestly? I’m still figuring this one out for myself. I tend to talk or ramble as I write, mostly to test out dialogue for how it sounds but also as an editing trick. I tell my students all the time, read your work out loud before assuming it’s all said and done! You’d be amazed at how many things you’ll catch by stumbling over words and phrases that the eye would skip over.
I think a lot of this comes from patterns I’ve picked up from reading. Because I read and listen to other author’s voices and styles, I’m more equipped to see mistakes in my own syntax and voice because I’ve diversified my exposure to other styles of sentence structure, etc. So, yes, this does go back to reading and finding other voices— but it truly does help!
Feel it out. First and foremost, I am a chaotic writer— my GDrive is a mess and I can’t even imagine how many WIPs I have that are just a single sentence or phrase at this point. But everyone has to start somewhere, and for most of us, that takes the form of a sentence, phrase, or occasionally, a single word.
I just kind of just go for it in the docs, to be honest. I’ll get frustrated, walk away, delete (keep a doc designated as a graveyard/junkyard for this purpose, trust me!), get distracted, etc. But that’s okay and to be expected with the creative process. Flow can’t happen without a little resistance at first.
Play with syntax. Would a longer sentence be more meaningful here? Shorter? What about repetition? Think about word choice as well— identify the tone and mood you want to project.
Word Choice. Specific words are used for a calculated focus or effect— think about it. Would you want to hear the smacking of lips from a few tables over on a first date? Or hear the sounds of your roommate going to town on an apple while you’re putting the moves on that hottie from said first date?
Readers can feel the significance and weight of a word, how much space it occupies in a sentence: they have real influence. It’s not just morphemes and phonemes and phonetics; words project experience and sensation, so it’s important to tie your words to your intent or the mood you’re attempting to create.
If I’m writing an intimate scene, I’m not going to use abrasive words that will jar the reader from the tone I’m working so hard to craft. I’ll choose soft words, immersive words — a little repetition, as a treat, so we can sink more gently into the scene. Mention light, texture, employ the softness the surrounds the characters and kinesthetic imagery (imagery describing the actions or movements of the body), but above all, keep it soft.
Synonyms are a wonderful thing! Have a word that’s too clunky for that specific phrase? Find a shorter one; too harsh, find a gentler one; so on and so forth.
This is where reading other stories will help (she says, circling back to point 1). Inevitably, it will diversify your personal vocabularly and your ability to string words together in sentences. The tricks I’ve absorbed by just reading? Innumerous, incalculable and lucky for me, they’re instinct by now.
Format. What’s the goal? If the scene is action heavy, keep the sentences short. Urgent. Focus on the senses we should be aware of in a fight scene. Looking for something more intimate? Stretch things out, suspend time and let people ease into the moment gently.
Short sentences can narrow your focus; longer sentences, the ones that ebb and flow and gather multiple senses, those are some of my favorites— so enriching and immersive.
What view is most important in a given scene? Would a character be more focused on the feel of their beloved’s skin against theirs or the how the hurt reflects in their eyes?
Synesthesia. Ah, yes, my favorite. Synesthasia is a technique adopted by writers to present ideas, characters, or places in such a manner that they appeal to more than one sense, like hearing, sight, smell, and touch at a given time. I am guilty of using this whenever I possibly can because I think being able to embody a scene is crucial to effective writing.
Sensory experience is something that helps me find my way in a narrative. It allows me to settle in. Think about the various qualities of differing sensory experiences, and their consequence. Every sense doesn’t need to be included, just because you can does not mean you should.
Plus, it’s quite convenient for implying intimacy. A character who notices that another character smells of bergamot, cinnamon, or home accomplishes a lot of things in a few words. It immerses the reader in the scene in a very real way; it’s a quick, easy avenue into establishing a history and a relationship between the two characters; and it implies something deeper than a passing acquaintance/platonic interest.
But, I’m also an olfactory snob, so what do I know!
Oof, yeesh, sorry for the ramble here! I think the truth of it is this: I don’t make a lot of these choices consciously. I get stuck somewhere and feel my way around until I can make sense of it again, laying puzzle pieces or clues that I hope others will be able to find when they read it.
I guess my main advice is to read. Read often and well, experience other voices and styles, go outside your comfort zone! If you lock yourself away in that silo or echo chamber, you’ll only reinforce one style or approach— you’ll miss out on so much beauty and creative experiences that the world has to offer!
To close, I’m going to list and tag a few works and authors I’ve found to be instrumental in my reading and writing experience.
Best of luck anon!
QuinAnderson’s The Ultimate Guide to Writing Smut Fic
@loveshotzz , @carolmunson, @jo-harrington, @wroteclassicaly , @stevenose , @bettyfrommars (and I’m sure I’m forgetting some at this moment!! I’m sorry 😩) have their own special way of weaving a story, breathing emotion and life into it.
My fic rec tag
Crush by Richard Siken
Postcolonial Love Poem by Natalie Diaz
Night Sky With Exit Wounds & Time Is A Mother by Ocean Vuong
The works of Louise Gluck, Elizabeth Bishop, Gloria Anzaldua, Slyvia Plath, Rilke, Ilya Kaminsky, and Jeanette Winslterson
In the Mood for Love
Y tu mamá también
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Guys is my master list (pinned post) getting too long? Is it time to move it?
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rickyvalero · 2 years
News Or Noise: Week Seven Edition
The Chiefs added a wide receiver, Brady is struggling and Dak is back. What does @iheartcaravans think of this week's headlines? Find out if they're news or noise!
I’m going to Vegas! It’s a first for me. Also going to be traveling by myself. That’s a first for me as well. There’s not a lot of things that would pull me into this situation. The When We Were Young Festival is one of those things. I tend to call this a playlist concert. Growing up, I discovered punk and emo music early. Right about the time that Blink 182 hit, I started hanging out with a new…
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write4cench · 7 months
kisses and braids.
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summary: you braid central cee’s hair, but he seems to be a bit too distracted.
pairs: girlfriendreader x boyfriendcee
genre: fluff + making out?
word count: 1.2k
a/n: idk about u but something about braiding a mans hair just does it for me. 😩
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“oakley, if you don’t stop moving i swear your braids won’t turn out right.” you complained as he leaned over to pick up something that he managed to drop on the floor, a smile only grew on his lips amused at your annoyance.
central cee and you were seated in the bedroom of your apartment as he found himself comfortable upon the floor, rested on a pillow within your legs whilst you were seated upon your bed.
it was a random time within the evening when the idea of braids came across his mind and of course he turned to you, pleading for you to braid his hair.
and now here you were, braiding his hair into cornrows and having been doing so for the past hour or so, only getting to about half of his head.
one thing about central cee is that he had a lot of hair, but for some reason despite your advice, he always decided to keep it underneath something.
“shit, does it have to be this tight?” he asks you as his tattooed hand comes to rest upon his newly braided hair, you giggled at his silliness.
“baby i’m sorry, but if you want them to look good for longer they can’t be loose.” you insist to him and he sighs, staring off towards the television in your room.
“i just wanna look good for my show this saturday.” he mumbles as he opens a packet of whatever it is that he decides to eat, eyes glued onto the screen.
you pick out a comb and part his head, pulling apart his hair as you do so. “you always look good, “ you start causing an adorable smile to grow on his lips, “why don’t you just keep your hair out once in a while?” you ask him.
he shrugs his shoulders, “i guess it’s too much work innit, at least now there’ll be something done to it.” he insists, implying towards the braids you do.
you pull off of his head and lean back checking out your job so far, unable to see the front you sigh. “can you like turn this way?” you ask him.
you tilt your head towards him to get a better view of the job you’ve done so far. the two of you make eye contact with one one another and a smile grows upon his lips.
“what’s funny?” you ask him confused, comb in other hand. he smiles brightly and adorably, “nah nothing, you just look cute when you’re focused.”
you roll your eyes upon hearing his words and it only makes him laugh, “shut up.” you mumble. “it’s real cute.” he continues.
the room fell quiet and you turned your focus back onto braiding as neat as you possibly could do so, you were on the final braid luckily so it wasn’t a hard job.
cench was too busy eating upon on the crisps within his hands as he found himself interested in whatever it was that he was watching, one thing about the two of you is although you might not talk a lot with each other, something about the quiet company is comforting.
his hand came to playfully hit against your leg in a rhythmic form, the sudden feeling wasn’t annoying but comforting knowing the way he would be playful with you.
“why are you hitting my leg now?” you ask him, slightly moving after each hit of his hand, he doesn’t stop instead continuing on not uttering an explanation causing you to let out a stressed sigh. "alright i guess you want to be annoying." you mutter, loud enough for him to hear.
your hands focus on finish the braid, your hands interwinding his hair between one another as you approach the end, trying to finish it as fast as you possibly can, and when you do you sit back and glance at the finished product.
cench remains seated for a moment, filling his mouth, when he doesn't feel your hands on his hair he turns around to look towards you, eyes wide and hopeful, you beam.
"are we done?" he blinks and you nod your head, he exhales tired yet excitedly whilst you lean over, wrapping your arms around his shoulders pulling him into a hug from behind, he eases into your embrace.
"i'm tired." you yawn as you rest your hands for a short moment, "get some rest." you insists and you refuse, shaking you head.
as soon as you lean back he gets up from the floor, stretching for a short moment and you watch him do so. you take the chance to get up from the bed as well, standing beside him.
"wanna see how it looks?" you manage to say through a yawn, he only looks towards you with thankful eyes, pulling you into his arms.
you almost squeal at the sudden affection, his arms rest against your lower back as he holds you close, his eyes studying yours noticing how you pretend to wish to pull away from him.
"i asked you if you wanted to see your hair, not if you wanted to kiss me." you tell him and he tiredly laughs, arms still holding around onto you. "i don't care, why can't i be close with my girl?"
his head comes to teasingly rest against your shoulder and you giggle as you find a comfort in wrapping your arms over his own, you feel him pecker a few lips onto your skin and since your ticklish a few laughs manage escape through your lips.
"stop." you manage to say through your laughter a hand gently holding onto your head, but he only continues holding you close, you feel his lips form a grin against the skin of your neck.
as soon as he pulls apart you meet eye contact once again, you don't utter a word instead your smile lingers upon your lips and one mirrors upon his own. you lean in, your lips meeting his and he doesn't hesitate to kiss you back.
you kiss one another a passionate moment, enjoying the feeling. the sound of your lips against one another sounds throughout the silence and the comfort of your bedroom. you forget about everything, instead you're focused about spending this moment with the man who you truly love.
you pull away from the kiss when you feel it begin to grow a little too heated, feeling the tingles and sparks that flow throughout your body. playfully you push him away from you, his arms widen and his mouth drops jokingly confused yet enjoying the act.
"we need to stop there." you tell him warningly, it almost as if he knows the affect you have on him since he doesn't complain and you know that he knows.
"alright." he simply says.
nothing but love fills his eyes and it's almost as if you always catch yourself smiling whenever you're with him. "i love you." you say.
he remains quiet for a good moment, realising he's about to catch himself saying something he never thought he would, you watch him expectantly watching how his lips agape to utter the words, just when he's about to he buries his head into his hands.
"i love you too."
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chrollohearttags · 3 months
𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖇: 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊
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synopsis: many moves are being made for the talent of AMG and two fourths of the Dead Boys Society collective, Ony The God and Prince Cee, find themselves thrust even further into the spotlight after their freestyle goes viral. But their musical skills aren’t the only thing that has people talking. As it’s during this interview that the duo find themselves in an exchange of heated words with an infamous DJ..who names drop their fellow group member and brother, EJ the Don in reference to recent scandals. Will the pair clear up the rumors circulating the net or will they leave it all in his hands to set the record straight? Meanwhile, (Y/N) meets up with Mikasa prior to PalmFest to discuss another opportunity she has lined up for her. It’s here that the manager informs her that she’ll be receiving the opportunity of a lifetime to work with a brand she’s loved since childhood. But that isn’t the only thing she has to divulge to the upcoming influencer. What is Mika hiding from her client? Ahead of the festival, Jean and his infamous band prepare to make their much anticipated return to the stage but before this, he teams up with the girls of the Pole Assassins for what is set to be the collab of the century and to solicit some friendly advice to the headstrong leader. But he isn’t the only one with a grand plan up his sleeve and it seems that everyone will be pulling out the stops to give Miami and the world a night worth remembering. Who’ll take the stage and who’ll steal the show?
word count: 8.2K
content + themes: mentions of drugs, humor, light angst, mentions of fighting, minor smut/sexual themes (jeankasa crumbs), alcohol use, multiple character cameos, language
“This gon’ be our year, believe that..we made it this far and we ain’t gon’ stop.”
Summertime. One of the liveliest and busiest times of the year for many. Most were preparing for vacation, on break from school or just enjoying the various happenings around their area..but for those that were employed and contracted under AMG, this was far from a time of leisure. With the recent announcement of the much anticipated PalmFest, it had caused a dramatic shift in the company. Not only that, word of the festival had begun to make waves around social media. Fans were sharing the banner and their enthusiasm for the lineup. Many were scrambling, tweeting about how they were needing to come up with quick cash to attend for the weekend. Tickets were set to go on sale in the next few days, so naturally, the sales and advertising team would be exceptionally busy. But they wouldn’t be the only ones busy preparing for the influx of attention that was set to be coming their way.
“Okay, okay..so everybody is talking, going crazy over the internet about this new song and lemme tell y’all..it’s worth every bit of the hype. It’s definitely a hit..song of the summer for sure. I’m rocking wit’ it, so many other people are too..but we all gotta know, how did it come about? What’s the story behind Nike Tech?” two men sat adjacent to a woman with a lighter complexion..all three with microphones pursed to their lips as they were perched and bolted to the table in front of them. Both with shaved heads, marked with dyed designs..chains dangling from their necks and grills lining the insides of their mouths when they flashed those perfect smiles. Prince Cee and Ony The God, two halves of the Dead Boys Society collective. Their styles could be best described as hypercharged trap and upbeat melodies that would hype up even the deadest of crowds. Make no mistake, the men did create more emotional pieces, detailing their rough upbringings in the heart of inner city Miami and the Dominican Republic. But they much rather preferred music that made people feel good! Too often had they seen the reality of what the streets could do to them so now that they had made it to the opposite side of the tracks..naturally, they wanted to pay homage to those they lost but they wanted people to smile more than anything. To dance and most importantly, fine women to shake their asses to it!
“Well, you know we was just messin’ ‘round one night, having fun and it came to us.
Ony, or Onyakapon was born to a Haitian father and an African American mother, who was born in Nigeria and raised in Opa Locka. He was always described as bright, intelligent and sweet with a kind heart. A star athlete to his core. He loved basketball and singing. He was brought up in the church, where he learned to fine tune that beautiful voice but quickly found the streets unwillingly. He saw gun violence..drugs and weapons being stuffed under the counters by his uncles and father. It was rough but he still persisted. He played basketball, was on the swim team and played football, all while maintaining a four point two grade point average. He was a star on the field and court, no doubt. But where did he truly shine? Behind a microphone. He and Connie attended the same high school, where they eventually went on to meet EJ..who had just enrolled to finish his junior and senior years. The three would play sports, write music and dream about the future. Regardless of their differences, all three boys had the same goal: change the world with music! A manifestation turned into reality only five years later. From sitting in the lunchroom, making beats on the table to opening for Denzel Curry and Raider Clan. The boys found their fame through Soundcloud a couple years after Eren’s viral video..
filmed at the same shoe store they all worked at..years later and they were all at the height of their game. Now, the guys were preparing for their very first global tour after finishing up their second country wide one. It was a dream come true. But with every whimsical dream follows harsh realities and lately, it had begun to rear its ugly head in the form of a rumor mill surrounding their fellow group mate, EJ himself. There was so much speculation swirling around that the seasoned rapper was dealing with everything from substance abuse to potentially announcing retirement. Granted, they were all baseless and quite frankly, dumb as fuck. However, it didn’t stop interviewers and fans alike from probing the question. And when they couldn’t get the answer straight from the source, they’d have to do the next best thing..
“Yeah, we was just looking to make sum’ that everybody could enjoy.” Chiming in shortly after was Connie Springer, or known by his stage moniker as Prince Cee. The Dominican Republic born, Dade County raised rapper who got his start initially by making songs with his older and younger brothers but ultimately, the two of them decided to give up their supposed pipe dreams for careers in the family restaurant business. As the proud middle child of two immigrant parents, who worked extremely hard to not only provide for their three sons but to essentially live the American dream. It was this same determination and hard work ethic that heavily inspired Connie’s pursuit of his passion. All throughout middle and high school, he would spend hours on end penning lyrics about the various experiences that he had growing up. From migration to witnessing drug deals right in front of him..serving as a journal of sorts. What began as free therapeutic relief soon turned into the catalyst for the inception of Prince Cee. He and Ony had long met as youth football players with the Pop Warner program. But their friendship only grew stronger over time, especially when they discovered that the two of them shared a very strong interest in becoming musicians. By their junior year, the pair had written five songs between the two of them and even recorded one track once EJ joined the fray. After that, the rest was history..needless to say, all of their success were because of one another. Without each other’s support, there was no telling where they would have wound up. But it seemed as if not everyone was in support of this feel good story. In the midst of Eren’s recent arrests, there had not only been speculation of a possible retirement but issues among the group. Many online believed that Connie and Ony would be parting ways with their fellow group mate because of the stigma and that essentially, they had grown tired of ‘living in his shadow’. However, they were here to clear the air once and for all!
“Alright, so while we’re here, gentlemen. You know we gotta talk about it..your homeboy, EJ..he’s been a bit of a hot topic lately. For reasons we not gon’ talk about but we did wanna address some other things and get your opinion on it.”
sat slightly slouched in their seats with their hands propping up their chins..the two gentlemen glared intently at the interviewer. They had a gut feeling that this question would arise at some point during this but they were not in the mood for it, if they were being frank. First and foremost, what happened to their brother was not only frustrating for him but no one’s business and his own to sort through. Certainly not on a platform like this. Hell, they might as well have been cackling with The ShadeRoom themselves! “Nah man, we told y’all before we even came up in here that we wasn’t answering no questions like that.” “Yeah, that ain’t even our situation to speak on, for real..” the gentlemen would suck their teeth before dismissing her preemptive questioning with the wave of a hand. However, it seemed that others were keen on pushing the issue!
“I mean, we just wanna set the record straight..your boy been in the game for some time now. One of the greatest of all time, but lately, he’s had some trouble. Not gon’ lie..so do y’all think that’s a good look for y’all too? Will y’all ever get tired of playing second best to EJ?”
suddenly, the whole studio was met with silence outside of the faint crackle of the microphones and a nearby producer gasping before she even knew it. They were almost certain that viewers would hear and a clip would be making its rounds on the internet by lunch time. Fans of the collective would be ripping the controversial DJ to shreds on social media. However, before any would-be fangirls or blogs could join the fray, the two gentlemen would eat him alive themselves! Ony, who was always more docile and collected in nature..the quietest in the group by far, had honestly had quite enough of this antagonistic and downright, stupid ass interview! Connie, who was all but gripping the arms of his leather chair, ready to fly off the handle was instead, halted by his friend with a palm to his chest.
“Nah, cause what the fu—“
“Hol’ on, bro..I got it.”
not a man of many words outside of his incredible music and select interviews, Ony had implored Eren’s approach early on and because of it, fans adored him that much more. Women fawned all over the very handsome, sexy, charismatic rapper with beautiful dark skin and his signature gold slugs wrapped around his teeth. It was also because of this, that he, much like EJ..was not to be fucked with! If they knew what was good for them, they’d call this session quits now. Grasping the microphone, Ony would flash a smirk, almost huffing and laughing to himself because he knew the words about to leave his mouth were not kind ones and he had been known to have quite the silver tongue. He didn’t mince words and he damn sure didn’t spare feelings, especially when it comes to those he cared about. Everybody could die behind his family..
“Lemme ask you sum’…out of all the years my boy been doing this, just like you said..how many times has he been invited on your show? Hmm? How many times have you reached out for an interview or asked him to come perform for y’all?” The question seemed to invoke both confusion and uncomfortability in the man. A dumbfounded expression on his face..akin to that of a scorned and scolded child. “Up until now, how many times has Dead Boys been on this radio station? Yall ain’t never played our shit, ain’t never invited us on and when you do, it’s for sum’ bullshit. See, this is why ion’ do these lil’ podcasts and shit, y’all talk more than bitches do. Y’all knew what it was before we even came up in here and y’all still gon’ play in our face. All this you see, we did without a deal, we did it without a label, we ain’t had to check in with no nigga in our city to get put on. We ain’t got to run up in everybody else's hood to make it. We ain’t these lil’ 360 ass niggas, we own all ours and that man EJ? Ain’t got nothing but love and all the respect in the world for him because he’s cut from the same cloth. We did this together, that’s our family..this music shit, it means everything to us and if y’all can’t respect him, then y’all don’t respect us and that means we done here..”
Without missing so much as a beat, Ony removed his headset and Connie followed..despite the pleas from the interviewers. But before the gentlemen could exit for good, Connie left them with one more statement that would solidify their stance on the matter. “And since ya’ll watching, just wait until that next album drops. We’ll see who the real great is. All them rumors and shit? Gon’ be put to rest. Let’s go.” And with that, the two of them turned on their heels without so much as even glancing back at the radio hosts. It may not have been their situation, but they handled it on his behalf and for anyone who may have been doubting them, EJ or their collective in general, were about to be in for a rude awakening. They had come too far to allow negative opinions and messy ‘journalists’ to diminish their shine. By the time this hit the internet, their words would be undoubtedly misconstrued but they were not about to let this stop them. If anything, it ignited the dormant spark lying underneath them to go harder. To prove people like that wrong and to show everybody what they were truly made of. Determined..now more than ever to step their game up. This time, it was personal!
“This gon’ be our year, believe that..we made it this far and we ain’t gon’ stop. Me, Connie, EJ, Armin..all of us. We ‘bout to put this industry on its head.”
meanwhile, the boys weren’t the only ones preparing to make moves..whilst EJ and the rest of his collective were suiting up for PalmFest, album rollouts and such, (y/n) was about to receive some rather unexpected and great news yourself. Unbeknownst in your absence and amid your sabbatical, your manager had been working diligently to secure you a once in a lifetime deal..one that could potentially change the trajectory of your career in an instant.
“I’m sure you’re dying to know what it’s inside…go on, open it.”
currently, you were seated across from her at an outdoor table, overlooking the picturesque Miami waters. The Lapis Lounge was the place to be for anyone who was anyone in this town. Crisp white, designer linen draped marble tables with intricately arranged flowers placed in the center. Wine glasses filled with Pellegrino, shimmered underneath the sunlight; sliced lemons decorating the rim and square China plates sat before the both of you with aesthetically plated dishes that cost more than anything you’d ever dined on willingly. It never not dawned on you how surreal your life was each time you found yourself in these scenarios. Even now, as you chatted with her, intermittently shoving a spoon of panna cotta in your mouth, you couldn’t help but to dwell on the fact that this amount of money could’ve gotten you at least three fish plates and a good tray of oxtails on your side of town! Nonetheless, you’d tremble with anticipation..hands scaling the medium sized, gift wrapped box sat before you. A present, courtesy of Mikasa, who had been brandishing it when you arrived. It was pink with holographic foiling with a tag and bow on top that read: “To (y/n) (l/n). We hope you enjoy it.” You were honestly dumbfounded as to what it could be. But anticipation would not have to kill you any longer as you began to unravel the bow and open up the gift. Your expression would immediately change once you figured out what was beneath all that wrapping paper. Switching from a gaze of utter confusion to a wide gasp complete with a smile.
“Oh my God!—no way…” you were completely taken aback and could, at that very moment..burst into tears but you restrained yourself. Trying to construct and form a thought before speaking. “M-miss..Miss Ackerman, what is this?” “Exactly as it says..congratulations, sweetheart. You’re the new cover girl for Moschino. They sent that to my office this morning and said that they’d love for you to star in their next perfume ad.” You were in utter shock and disbelief. Beyond words even..for anyone that knew you, the (y/n) before the fame..you were quite the dresser. Prior to even coming up on money, you never disappointed when it came to your outfits, hair or makeup. Sporting the most eclectic and well coordinated pieces that could never work for anyone else but you. Outdressing the girls in school who needed brand names to compete but you’d outshine their fly every single time on a budget at a fraction of the price..shopping at the stores they’d deem ‘ghetto’ or lesser, styling your own hair and makeup with nothing but products from the beauty supply down the road from your house and coming to class with all eyes directed at you. Needless to say, you had never really had any use for designer duds. But if there was one fancy label that had piqued your interest, it was Moschino. Everything about it just made you fawn..from its avant- garde pieces, vibrant designs to unique aesthetics, you became obsessed. Although you were no bougie fashion snob, you often dreamed of getting to rock at least one of their pieces. Whether it be a handbag or a thrifted coat, you’d always wanted at least one. And now, years later..your manifestation has become reality! Excited wasn’t even the correct word..feigning back tears, you’d cackle and begin scouring the large PR package they had gifted you. Including their new Moschino Toy 2 Collection, along with their spring 2024 collection.
“And that’s not even the best part. Both Fenty brands actually reached out to me this morning as well with a proposal to feature you in their newest catalogs. I have the contracts for all three offers right here whenever you’re ready. If you agree, you can sign and you’ll officially be on the affiliate payroll..what do you think?”
you were at an utter loss for words. How could you even describe what it was that you were feeling? Honestly, every bit of it felt surreal. There was no way that you, of all people, were about to grace the ad pages for Moschino, Fenty Beauty and Savage x Fenty all in the same month. Not to mention being in two acts for the upcoming PalmFest. Getting to model and truly tap into your creative expression with photoshoots of your own making. The conceptual art, the budget of your choosing..it was a dream come true! Leaning back against your seat, you’d release a faint gasp, slowly shaking your head in utter disbelief as you attempted to feign back tears. It seemed as if you were just overcome with emotion as of late. Not so much from any hardships but the exact opposite. Oftentimes had you prayed for days like this and everything you’d ever hoped for was finally coming into fruition. It was almost as if your star had completely ascended overnight and it wasn’t lost on you that it happened shortly after signing onto Mikasa’s roster. And of course, after meeting Eren. Naturally, you’d never attribute your success to a man unless it was the one upstairs. However, you were grateful that she had thrown you two together that night!
“I..I honestly don’t know what to say. Thank you so much, Ms. Mika. I’m honored and I promise I will do the best I can to make you proud.” hoisting your glass to make a toast; met with soft giggles and a raised champagne flute in return. “Please, you’ve far exceeded that expectation. Just keep doing what you do best, stay genuine and I’ll make certain that you go far in this business.” Just as poised as ever, sipping from her champagne flute when stating so. However, that serene look in her eyes soon dissipated when you brought up the next topic of discussion. One that you had no idea was such a sore subject for your manager. “It’s crazy what a couple months can do. I mean, I was just backstage with EJ, getting a pep talk about how to navigate the crowd. ‘Swear..wouldn’t have known what to do if it wasn’t for him. He’s so much nicer than what everyone said too but I’m sure you already knew–” before you had the opportunity to complete your long winded tangent, singing the rapper’s praises, Mikasa would ingest a big gulp before clearing her throat. It took a moment for you to notice the shift in her mood and her facial expressions but you immediately became concerned. “Is everything okay?” “Y-yeah, I’m fine. Just got strangled, is all..” Prompting you to focus your attention on her wellbeing rather than your newest fling and her sworn enemy on the moment. Truth be told, she hadn’t exactly confronted her issues with Eren head on. Ever since that day in his studio, she had felt nothing but pure rage in her heart whenever the thought even so much as crossed her mind. Honestly, she had nothing to say to him or about him but she’d be lying if she said that the prospect of both their professional and business relationship being annulled..wouldn’t sting. Years of friendship, hard work, determination, advocating for one another and fighting their way to the top of the industry as a power duo, all down the drain over a stupid fight. She couldn’t blame Eren for his reaction but it didn’t make his words sting any less. Make no mistake, she still believed in him and his ability to make a comeback but it was going to take some time before she was able to see him as a manager or friend..
“You seem to really like Eren..” the comment sends a pang to the very pit of your stomach, making you quickly try to recant your earlier statements and downplay the oversharing of feelings for the seasoned rapper. However, that glimmer in your eye and visible reaction in body language was a dead giveaway. You could no longer fake your feelings for EJ the Don and if anyone saw through the facade, it was her.
“Well, ya know..he’s cool. He just helped me–
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. You don’t have to mince words with me. Trust me, that boy’s got your head so far in the clouds, I think you may float away.” It was official, she had you pegged just as well as your best friends. It was blatantly obvious that the two of you had something serious going on..whether you wanted to admit that fact to yourselves or not. Lowering your head, (Y/N) released a soft chuckle in half relief and half embarrassment. You were acting like an airheaded schoolgirl over a man you barely even knew and everyone around you had obviously peeped.
“Listen, (y/n)..I’ll be honest with you. Eren and I? We’re not exactly on good terms at the moment. Hell, even bringing up his name leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I’ll spare you the gritty details but..as it stands, he’s no longer my client and certainly not my friend. I’m only telling you this because I don’t want you to be alarmed or in the dark about any awkward tension..in the event we all happen to end up in the same circle. PalmFest is right around the corner and truthfully..I don’t know if I have it in my heart to forgive him. I don’t know if he can forgive me either..” The declaration was made through restrained tears and obvious hurt. You’d never seen your manager break her stoic and calm demeanor once since you’ve known her but now? She was completely different. More vulnerable and certainly more emotional than she’d ever gotten but she had to keep her cool. Put on that brave facade and try not to let it get to her. Also, she could see the visible shock on your face and how saddened you looked by the revelation. You hated confrontation and the idea of your potential beau and your manager being at odds was not good. You could tell they were very close and although it was certainly none of your business, you hoped they reached a resolution soon.
“I’m also telling you this because I don’t think that my or anyone else’s opinion should stand in the way of you two being happy. Regardless of how I feel about him right now..Eren was one of the very few people in my life that kept me grounded when I needed it most. He’s never really gotten excited about anything outside of music or work..but I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt, I’ve never seen that man smile as much as I have since you showed up.”
This revelation was certainly news to you! Even though you didn’t want to read much into it or get carried away, you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t one hell of a confidence boost! The cold hearted ice king, EJ the Don himself..gushing over the likes of you? You were shocked! But he obviously had a thing for you. Whether that was just lust or perhaps something more..was yet to be determined. In the meantime, your manager had one last tidbit of friendly advice for you. As woman to woman.
“I don’t know what it is about you but you obviously make him very happy and I can tell that he’s done the same for you. That’s important in this business…hold on to that. I don’t know two people who are more deserving.” In that moment, behind the strict expressions and no nonsense persona, Mikasa seemed to falter just a bit in that moment. Softening right before your eyes..it was very clear that she meant every single word that left her mouth. She wanted to see Eren happy even if she had to do so from the sidelines as someone who was no longer a part of his life. And you? She had never seen someone so kind, energetic and sweet before. She’d heard first hand from Niesha how much a workaholic you were and despite you just getting started, you deserved at least a bit of a reward. Hoisting your glass once more, you’d flash her a bright beaming smile, even giggling a bit to feign off crying because it took nothing for you to become emotional..especially when sentimental statements like that were involved.
“Thank you Miss Mika..I appreciate it.”
“Don’t mention it. Just promise me you’ll stay focused and keep your eyes on the prize. You’ve worked so hard. Don’t let anyone get in the way of that.”
“You have my word..”
With that, the two of you clinked your champagne flutes together and took obligatory swigs of the bubbly concoction inside. Rinsing away the intensity of the previous conversation. Now it was back to more pertinent matters!
“That’s my girl..now, back to this photoshoot. Let’s talk about the details because I have a few ideas that I think you’ll just absolutely adore..”
page break and time skip: two days later
Hard Rock Stadium: Stage A, Miami Beach
With the long anticipated PalmFest approaching a lot sooner rather than later, it seemed that everyone as a collective was working diligently to ensure that it would be nothing short of a stellar success. Stage crews worked overtime as they secured support beams for the stages..testing the lightning a million times over and getting everyone’s pyrotechnics in order for those who needed them. Running simulations of backdrops for each performer to make sure no one suffered from a glitch when the time finally came. Some of the biggest names in the industry would be setting foot on that very stage come three days from now. The entire weekend was one that would undoubtedly be for the books; for musical talents and attendees alike. Meanwhile, the executives had come out of their glass paned offices to observe the scene for themselves. Among the fray was none other than Erwin Smith, who had been working directly with everyone to relay orders and needs as well. He was the one heading this project so it was only natural for him to come show his face. Besides, with his reliant leadership style, everyone could rest assured that if any last minute changes or major pieces needed to be handled, he was the man to do so. At that very moment, he was seated in the front row as the lights dimmed on the overhead structure. Below them was quite possibly not only one of, but two of the festival’s most anticipated acts..Atelier Kiss and Pole Assassins! An unlikely yet dynamic pairing. The two groups had come together one time prior when the band was on their last tour. The dancing quintet had just gotten their start when lead man, Jean Kirschtein himself asked for the ladies to join them for their hometown reunion. Rivaling the sounds of Deftones and Avenged Sevenfold, the infamous group put a unique spin on rock music and changed the genre as everyone knew it. Jean, a native of Louisiana..had always harbored an affinity for blues, jazz, country and soul music. But to his core, he was a metal head. Growing up on the sounds of Metallica, Black Sabbath and Def Leppard, he wanted to combine all sides of the musical spectrum. He didn’t want to limit himself or his bandmates to one particular style. He fought to break stereotypes and bring an innovative style of rock and roll to the scene. He also had the privilege of receiving the tutelage of Vivian James and needless to say, he absorbed plenty from the Neo Soul Siren herself. His ultimate creation was, in his own words.. ‘The result of Kiss, Tina Turner and Waylon Jennings having an illegitimate love child.’ An interesting combination to put it lightly! But that insane mix worked for Atelier Kiss and years later, they’re regarded as one of the highest selling bands of the 21st century..no small feat by any stretch of the imagination. That deep, silky yet soulful vibrato of his could be recognized from earshot anywhere and Erwin had just gotten an exclusive concert just for his listening pleasure only as the groups had just wrapped up practice for their upcoming set.
“You guys..pardon my language..but that was fucking amazing.” The brash comment sending everyone on the stage into light hearted hysterics, even laughing. It was rare to even see the director ever crack a smile or break character but for anyone who was familiar with the former lead guitarist of Atelier Kiss’ predecessor, Maria’s Way..led by none other than the president and director themselves..they’d know that this was far tame for Mr. Smith. To him, he felt right at home watching the beautiful ladies twirl the pole as the rockstar crooned sultry and lewd lyrics into the mic. He had done the exact same many years prior..needless to say, he was proud of you all! Seeing as how they’d be opening the show, you guys had to make one hell of a first impression or the entire show would fall to shit. But that wasn’t even a possibility. The leaders of both groups were not only hard workers, but overachievers as well. Both Jean and (Y/N) had something serious to prove.
“Seriously, I’ve never seen anything like this and I cannot wait for you all to perform. Well done. Especially you ladies..being able to construct a routine of this caliber on such short notice? I’m blown away.” A statement that rang true..as it was only after your meeting with Mikasa two days ago, did he call you up and ask about performing with Atelier Kiss. Naturally, you accepted with bells on! Nevermind the fact that you’d also be on stage with a segment of your own, hosting a little contest alongside Prince Cee and Armin to see which lucky audience member could not only sway them but outdance you girls for their chance to win one thousand dollars cash right there. You’d be pulling double duty and exhausting yourselves in the process but all the more exposure, the better. And you were certain that your girls were up to the task!
“Ya’ hear that, girls? Sounds like we got the boss man’s stamp of approval. I’d say we’re good to call it a night.” Something that you all could get behind and appreciate, seeing as how darkness had already set fall over the sky. As excited as you all were, rest was going to be crucial in making a great performance happen. Slowly but surely, the stage hands and band members alike all helped you down from your poles and to your feet. All of them would thank your group and the sentiments were mirrored. But before you all could depart for home, Jean was hoping for an audience with you.
“Aye..(Y/N). Do you mind if we talk for a minute?
It was certainly an odd request..you’d consider yourself rather good friends with the lead singer but it wasn’t often that you had the chance to speak in private and quite honestly, there was no need! But by the indication of his tone, you could tell it may have been serious.
“Of course!” you’d wave to your girls and alert them that you’d catch up with them shortly. Meanwhile, you and Jean would venture off to the side of the stage to converse. He’d grasp your hand and help you down to the edge before handing you a water bottle. He was always just as chivalrous as he was kind..admirable qualities in a man and a friend in general. Graciously accepting, you’d thank him for the kind gestures before inquiring about his request.
“So what did you wanna talk about? Something wrong with the routine?” peering down at the ground, he’d be quick to dismiss that notion. This matter was a bit more personal and he truthfully couldn’t be sure of how you’d take it. “Nah, nothing like that..before I start running my mouth though. Are you and EJ..seeing each other?” Instantaneously, the question both caught you off guard and invoked a very physical reaction in you. You were so confused as to why he’d spring such a question up on you. It wasn’t as if either of you had made this little situationship you were involved in blatantly obvious but anyone with two functioning eyes could see that there was something going on between the two of you. Make no mistake, it wasn’t any more of his business as it was some random blog on the internet but you also didn’t strike Jean as the nosy type. He didn’t meddle in others’ affairs unless it pertained to his own and now that you were thinking about it, you could see why he harbored a vested interest of sorts…
“I mean..we talk from time to time. Nothing too serious..” but alas, he had his answer the moment you clutched that bottle as if you were trying to squeeze the life out of it and the way your eyes lit up at the sheer mention of his name. “Ahh, you don’t have to play coy with me. We’re friends..besides, it’s none of my business. But there was something I wanted to bring to your attention..” swallowing another gulp of his beverage, Jean would cease his light chuckle and return to a far more serious gaze than before. One that worried you a bit..what exactly was on his mind and how did it involve you? Granted, his fiancee had made him privy to their little spat a couple weeks back and how they were no longer on speaking terms. But it was just as Mikasa had said, their quarrel was in no way a reflection of how you should proceed with talking to him! Even so, you couldn’t help but to be intrigued by the blonde’s words. You’d rather someone tell you than to be in the dark about something important later on down the line.
“..I won’t sit here and pretend that he and I are best friends or anything. Never have been..hell, we’ve been at each other's throats since I’ve known him. Point is, I just want you to be careful. I know it’s not my place or anything..but I saw you guys together on the boat a couple weeks ago. And even though I can say for certainty that he’s not some womanizing sleazebag..dude’s selfish as hell. I mean, he never answers his phone, not even in emergencies. He doesn’t show up for meetings even when other people’s jobs are on the line..he’s just the worst!” By Jean’s frustrated rant, you can tell that Eren had done a thing or two to crawl underneath his skin. Even so, you couldn’t help but to laugh! Just as you had explained to your girls, you’d tell him, Mikasa and everyone else the exact same:
“ I appreciate the concern, Jean. But he and I are just friends, that’s all…no need to worry. I promise.”
You honestly found the sentiment sweet. That everyone was concerned about you and your wellbeing. Jean himself was overly cautious about the people in his life and rightfully so. This industry was a beast and a half and it would devour you whole if you allowed it. The last thing anyone wanted was for you to get hurt by somebody you seemingly held in high regard. Scoffing, the blonde would shake his head once more and cackle. He didn’t want you becoming angry with him over insinuations or baseless accusations. Truth be told, you and Eren didn’t know much about one another outside of the physical aspect but as it stood since your last hookup, he was hoping to change that. He was making a valiant and active effort to be more than just friends with benefits. That much was apparent by his consistent communication and the few flower arrangements he had sent to your apartment; a sweet little surprise after a long day of practice and work. You were appreciative of everyone’s concern but this was one matter you’d have to see to the end for yourself. Whether it played out in your favor or not.
“I figured you’d say as much. In all seriousness, you’ve become like family here at AMG. All of you have and we look out for one another. Everyone has seen how hard you work and we’d just hate for that to become jeopardized in any way. You just make sure that dummy doesn’t do anything to hurt you. If he does, you know who to call.” his offer sending you into a fit of giggles once more. But you had no doubt that you were in good hands. For the time being, you’d just play it cool and roll with the punches. “You know I appreciate you, boo. Thank you for looking out for me.” Swinging your arm around, you’d coil Jean’s neck and embrace him in a tight hug. You were extremely grateful for the people in your life right now and you knew that things were only about to become even better. Your angels were definitely looking out for you. The two of you would begin to stand up, reaching his hand out to assist you once more. It was amid your banter about the upcoming show that your phone began to ring and you’d prepare to part ways.
“...Hey, make sure to get some rest..all of you! You’re sure as hell gonna need it.”
“Aye, you ain’t gotta tell me twice! I’m headed home straight after this. And tell that pretty lady of yours I said hey!..”
But upon exchanging those pleasantries and goodbyes, your spoken plans were sure to become derailed and by the aforementioned topic nonetheless..you’d peer down at your phone screen to be suddenly greeted with none other than the contact name ‘EJ’. You didn’t want to seem extremely desperate for his attention or anything but you had been itching to hear from him. As it had been a day or two since your last phone call. He’d text you every morning and maintain consistent contact throughout the day..which you could appreciate because Jean was right about one thing: EJ moved on his time and his alone so he didn’t owe you a single thing and as he had revealed to you, he was in the process of cultivating his new album so you imagined that the Facetimes and texts would become scarce as the deadline drew near. As well as the fast approaching PalmFest. However, there was another reason he was reaching out. After the second or third ring, you’d swipe the arrow left and answer him.
“Hey EJ..”
“Hey gorgeous..how are you?”
The name sends immediate pangs to the pit of your stomach. You couldn’t help but to amass butterflies when you so much as heard his name so naturally, the sweet gestures made it even worse.
“I’m doing well, thanks..and I hope you are too.”
“I’m having a wonderful day now that I’ve gotten the chance to hear from you.”
“You know, you really do know how to make a girl feel special.”
“What can I say? A smart man recognizes a good thing when he sees it..I’d be crazy to mess that up, now wouldn’t I?”
Only a minute into your conversation, (Y/N) found yourself fawning over his buttery smooth words and that silky voice. Regardless, there was a reason he was calling you so late in the day and you had to know why.
“Listen, I don’t wanna take up too much of your time or anything and forgive me if I’m interruptin’ or anything. I saw your Instagram, I know you’ve been out here working hard..you know I never wanna take you away from your money..but if it was possible, I was hoping I could see you tonight. Maybe we could get together and finally have that date we were talking about..” Befuddled in your tracks, you had to take a moment to respond. Maybe it was the bare minimum and you weren’t exactly used to being courted in such a manner, but you appreciated his words. He valued your time just the same as his own..he didn’t see your profession as something lesser and certainly didn’t think you the type to be sitting around, awaiting his call. Because of this, you were thrilled to see him again and to finally have that quality time you both desired. Granted, the sex was downright impeccable between the two of you but it was obvious that you each were craving far more than physical intimacy..at the moment, it was only five thirty so you’d have ample enough time to make it back home and get yourself together. After all, it was your first official date and you wanted to be dressed accordingly! And with this festival and other projects looming over your heads, this was the perfect time to sneak in some personal breathing room..so without a moment more of hesitation..
“..I’d love that, thank you, Eren. I’m just now leaving practice but give me a couple hours and you can slide through.”
“Of course, beautiful. I’m so sorry it’s on such short notice but I’m glad you agreed to see me..I missed you.” Something about him was starkly different from the man you saw in interviews or on stage but it was so nice to be around someone so kind. He made you truly feel safe and that you’d made the right decision..
“I missed you too..I’ll see you in a bit, okay? Bye.”
You just hoped that for your sake..you didn’t meet the side that Jean was seeming to warn you about. In the meantime, you had to make sure you were looking right!..
three hours later..
On the opposite side of town, you and Eren weren’t the only two lovebirds indulging in the woes of being an item.
“You know, if you keep touching me like that, I’ll never get any work done..”
“That’s the entire point, my love. C’mon, it’s late..you deserve a break.”
at the future Kirschtein residence, Jean was attempting to woo his bride to get some much needed alone time. The couple had both been working nonstop during this time for the upcoming performance, their individual careers and of course, the wedding that was said to be ‘one for the books’. As excited as they were for all the new things happening in their life, rest was equally as important and as it stood, it was definitely a rarity. But it wasn’t the only thing that had been lacking..
“You just want some ass, admit it.”
“Okay, I just want some ass. There, I said it.”
the blonde was currently stationed behind his fiancée, who was still typing away at her computer and delegating orders via email at this time of night. For Mikasa, the grind truly never subsided. She would work in her sleep if it were feasible but there was nothing wrong with enjoying yourself every once in a while. Something Jean was hoping to accomplish tonight..in more ways than one. Despite her always stoic attitude, she couldn’t help but to fold and cackle at his advances. He was brutally honest to a fault and she appreciated that. Currently, he was feeling up her sides…marking up her neck with a trail of kisses and whispering all the things she wanted to hear. Even she couldn’t resist the charms and temptation of a man like him. It was that very behavior that had bagged her in the first place!..
“Alright, sir! Cut it out..I swear, you’re such a freak. The last time we tried that, you said you couldn’t breathe.”
“Yeah, but I would’ve died the happiest man ever..”
his southern twang peeking through the conversation as he reminisced on their most recent and salacious rendezvous. Nonetheless, he just wanted quality time with his lady. “Fine, give me two more minutes and I’ll be right there.” That was as good of a concession as he was going to get so Jean took the bait and accepted. “Two minutes, woman! Two minutes..” signaling the number with his fingers as he walked out..but even so, she couldn’t help but to chime in with a joke as he departed to the bedroom.
“If that’s how long you’re gonna last, I might as well stay right here—“ “Oh, shut up! Damn brat..”
cackling as he exited the room, Mikasa covered her mouth to attempt to feign her laughter. It was little moments like this that she enjoyed the most out of every aspect of her life. “Love you, babe!” But it was just as she was preparing to call it quits for the night, would she be met with quite the surprise. The inbox and screen were all but empty until a push notification appeared in the corner along with a burner email and a blank subject line. At first, it struck her as odd but suddenly, the dots began to connect for her. After a moment of reluctance, Mikasa would double click the email and open it up. Only to be greeted with nothing more than an audio file. “Okay, this is strange..” but alas, she’d still proceed and once it began playing, there was no doubt in her mind who the sender was..as she allowed it to play, the manager began to tear up, along with a soft chuckle. It was all making sense now..and needless to say, she was backed into a corner.
“You bastard..damn you. You always did get your way, I guess this time is no different.”
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gorgeouslypink · 6 months
hey pink!
i was hoping you could offer some encouragement and advice to me. basically the entire luckyvoidgirl thing yesterday, i acctually liked her success story, it made sense to me and i even listened to cee's subliminal and my parents ended up saying i don't have to go to this dumb event i was dreading so im even seeing successes with it
the thing was she said something that i can't stop thinking about. she said that a lot of tumblr is just misinformation and that the original blog that brought the void to tumblr was divineangelbee and she was exposed for lying about the void. everyone just copied whatever she said and kept spreading the same stuff she put out but her own experience was all a lie. it really got me thinking about how educated this community is about loa, like the void state and loa is so intertwined. luckyvoidgirl never said she used loa and she did something different but she got so much flack bc the void community on tumblr is so deeprooted in loa, possibly bc of angel. but anyways for a community that is so deeprooted in loa, so many people haven't entered and even worse, so many bloggers have been exposed for lying about their success story. the crazy thing is its so easy to lie on tumblr so the fact that so many have gotten caught makes me wonder how many we haven't even caught and really how does a community that knows loa struggle like this.
idk i just can't stop thinking about this and was hoping for some guidance.
hey love! im technically on break but you're not the only one spiraling so i rlly wanted to answer this.
first of all, i want to say she's just lying and this community is great but i can't. the truth of the matter is she is right. the person who brought the void to tumblr was @divineangelbee and she was the one who went around saying it was super easy and anyone can do it and she was and is still pretty much the blueprint for how a lot of voidstate tumblr thinks, but she was exposed for harassing her friends to enter the void for her. since then, many other bloggers who basically parrot the same thing as her have been exposed as well.
however i want to highlight something here. just because someone preaches something and it doesn't work out for them doesn't mean it's false. this is a super old argument, like back when bloggers like cleo and raven were super popular but people were arguing abt Sammy Ingram. basically she was a big affirm and persist girlie and people were going at her for saying this but never losing any weight (her main goal with manifestation was to lose weight but she never did and just gaslighted anyone who pointed it out, saying they were bodyshaming her). while something was off for sammy (maybe she didn't persist or maybe she just didn't bother doing her method at all), her method worked for so many people. there's boatloads and boatloads of success stories from her videos and methods. so someone can be lying about the void and still be giving legit advice.
however, the void state community on tumblr DOES have a lot of misinformation. ive seen people claim the void state is just SATS, just alpha state, theta state, delta state, it's acc just a placebo for you to guarantee manifestations, and all sorts of nonsense. now there's a new addition, people who tell you to pay money and they'll get you into the void state. it's honestly crazy how hard the community went against the luckyvoidgirl but not some of the other stuff i see here.
but anyways, what do you do?
you need to realize that you entering the void has nothing to do with the state of the void community on tumblr. people lying abt entering the void doesnt make the void a lie, it makes them a liar.
ive been in that position where i hailed bloggers and felt attached to this community so drama here messed with me internally. you shouldn't be doing that. please read my Doubts post where i talk about overcoming this and also provide many sources of proof that the void is real so that you don't need to rely on tumblr to know that:
also it helps to find a few reputable sources. i just wanted to give a shout out to someone rn: @voidprincessblog
her page is the page i would recommend to everyone. you can tell the amount of research and effort she puts into every post and you can trust her to be a reputable source on info.
im going to attach this other post of mine for you as well:
i wish you the best of luck on your void journey and hope this helps! 💟
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tarotwithlove · 4 months
PAC ⋆ year of the dragon predictions!
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choose your group, then scroll to the bottom and find a short word of advice for your sun, moon, or rising sign!
reminder that this is a general reading and messages found here may not apply to everyone. take what resonates, leave what doesn't, and don't force anything if it does not fit.
BOOK A READING WITH ME · BOOK A 2024 YEAR AHEAD READING WITH ME (GENERAL OR NSFW) · LINKTREE · 18+ PATREON · TIPS ♡ tips, bookings, and feedback are highly appreciated!
cards · six of cups, knight of wands, ace of cups, the world, the devil, knight of pentacles, spellcasting oracle: home, compassion, healing. 
channelled songs · habibi by tamino. lucidia (egodeath) by ambré. hate it or luv it by central cee. ea’alah (family) by spillage village. 
my dear group one ♡ this is a year of grounding and going within. you will be doing a lot of inner and shadow work this year, which will pay off immensely as this year goes on. in fact, the more you improve your connection with the divine -- the more you let go, and let god -- the more material success you will see. 
on the topic of material success, this is an incredibly prosperous year where your career is concerned. you are going to achieve many of your life goals this year. so think big; dream big. don’t limit yourself. there has been an incredible shift for you in the universe, and with this shift also comes the reminder that the only person standing between you and the life you dream of is you. 
this year, remember that whether you think you can or you think you cannot -- you are right. 
love this year may be more tricky, with you often having to choose between a relationship or your career pursuits. though for most of you, this is a self-imposed choice you make out of fear of commitment. 
know that you do not have to be afraid of love, my dear, and that you can be successful in your career even while in a relationship. look at victoria monet, who has finally broken into the mainstream and who has not had to sacrifice love or motherhood for it. you do not need to sacrifice it either. you can have a thriving personal life and a thriving professional life. you can have it all. 
they say that one year can change your life, and for you, my dear, this is that year. 
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cards · the high priestess, two of swords, six of pentacles, nine of pentacles, knight of pentacles, justice, spellcasting oracle: truth, transformation, good luck. 
channelled songs · this time by tracy chapman. the bomb by florence + the machine. my number one by gang of instrumentals. brand new city by mitski. 
my dear group two ♡ this is a year of pause as you re-evaluate the course your life has taken and the course you want it to take from this moment forward. this may be a more slow moving year as you try to find your footing, and know that this is okay. some years are for rest, some years are for action. this is your year of rest and recuperation, of slowing down -- and getting help and aid  -- so that you can come back better than ever. don't fight it. in fact, you need to allow it to happen. 
your career may also slow down this year, and you may have to rely on donations or community help more than you had to in the past. some of you may be laid off this year, which pushes you to move back in with your family. this decision to move back in with family -- or share finances in some other way -- may also be a conscious one to give you to the ability to save more money and have more financial freedom in the future. 
you may feel impatient this year, as if you are falling behind, but know that no such thing is possible. you are following the path you should. all things are falling into place as they should.
in love, however, you may find that you are particularly blessed this year. you may find a partner who truly understands and uplifts you -- uplifts you both emotionally and financially, as they support you through this difficult patch. this person will love you flaws and all, and you will love them the same in turn. 
this relationship seems solid, and may result in an engagement and marriage even after knowing each other for a short time.
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cards · the fool, seven of pentacles, queen of pentacles, the high priestess, six of cups, six of pentacles, spellcasting oracle: justice, friendship, prosperity.
channelled songs: ballroom extravaganza by dpr ian. party tricks by ayanna. to be honest by kai. pink + white by frank ocean. 
my dear group three ♡ this is your year of new beginnings and limitless, limitless potential. anything you set your mind to, you can achieve -- or, rather, the one or two big goals you have set your mind to and are working towards, you will achieve. as long as you are willing to put in the work that is required of you. and, my dear, i get the feeling that you are one hundred percent prepared to put in all the hard work that is required of you. thus, your success is all but guaranteed. breathe out and trust in that; trust in the process; trust in the divine, who is on your side. 
of course, this success also concerns what this year has in store for your career, with this being your most prosperous year yet. you are trusting yourself more this year, as well as trusting the divine, which leads you to keep holding your head up high and working hard even when you don't see the result you want -- yet. you are being more practical this year, saving more and spending less, trusting your gut, and putting yourself more and more out there. all of which will make you experience wealth and prosperity greater than you ever imagined. 
this year, in love, it is as if you are blessed by the divine itself. by aphrodite herself. love this year brings you something you had lost -- an innocence regarding romance from a time before heartbreak and the state of the dating pool jaded you. turned your heart to stone. 
you are giving and receiving in love this year, which may be something new to those of you who in the past were always the ones giving more. or who always found themselves on the unrequited side of a relationship. open your heart to love and know that you deserve this. 
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cards · eight of swords, the devil, the world, the moon, ten of wands, seven of swords, strength, spellcasting oracle: commitment, trust, friendship. 
channelled songs · bringin' on the heartbreak by mariah carey. lettera a mio padre by ermal meta. lagoons by kane strang. light by taemin.
my dear group four ♡ this year is one of fighting battles. you are fighting against your deepest fears and anxieties to complete a project or phase of your life. for some, this is a book or film that you have been working on for some time. for others, this is a stage of your academic journey. for all of you, whatever it is, you may have to fight against your limited beliefs constantly this year in order to get done everything that you need to get done. that little voice in the back of your head that tells you you’re not good enough may be louder than ever this year, but know that you are good enough. that what you’re creating is good enough.
these feelings also come into play in your career this year, with many things around your career being uncertain. especially if you are trying to break into a new field. you may be putting out application after application after application, without hearing anything back, which pushes you to be more innovative with the ways you earn money. or which pushes you to humble yourself and ask someone to set you up with a job while you try to get things sorted out in your professional life. 
as for love this year of the dragon, you may be speaking up and using your voice more and more. being the first to ask someone out or to reach out and break the ice, or telling your partner when you desire something instead of letting it linger. you’re standing up for yourself more in love this year, which will make all your romantic relationships all the more fulfilling. 
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focus on inner child healing, this year, and on connecting with the divine through fun ways. it’s one thing to pray and meditate every day, but how else can you connect with god, more like a child would? consider learning a traditional dance, or just dancing more. wear more traditional garb, visit festivals, draw out your prayers instead of writing or saying them. let loose and enjoy your spiritual journey. 
you are greater than your anxiety and fear. you are greater than all those thoughts and worries that keep you up at night. remember this. don’t let your imposter syndrome control what you do and do not do this year. you are ready to embrace all the responsibility that is coming towards you, don’t let doubt win now that you are so close to winning. 
this year, patience, commitment, and consistency are your best friends. you want to achieve so much -- you want the perfect job, the perfect body, the perfect life -- but how can you have any of it, if you aren’t willing to work for it? don’t rely on motivation this year, at all. only rely on discipline. motivation will get you nowhere, but discipline will bring you everything you desire.  
look back, but don’t wallow. you cannot change what has passed, so what’s the point of falling into the trap of regret? and regret and regret? there is no going back, my dear, so stop focusing so much on it -- especially when what is coming towards you is so, so, so much better. believe this and keep moving forward with this in mind. 
this year, you are in charge of breaking the cycle. you are holding onto so many things that no longer serve you. you know what they are. these old relationships, old beliefs, old mindsets… all these things that are only keeping you stuck in this rut… it’s time to look within and re-evaluate what you actually need in your life versus what you are holding onto out of fear and desperation. 
why are you keeping yourself from enjoying all that life has to offer? doubt, fear, anxiety, imposter syndrome… these are keeping you from living up to your full potential this year. if you don’t speak up for yourself or put yourself out there, you reject yourself before you give anyone else the chance to. you lock the door on yourself. 
trust your intuition as it is guiding you exactly where you need to go, and exactly away from what is only going to hold you back. you are a powerhouse, my dear, remember this much as you go through this year. and you know yourself better than you allow yourself to think. 
ask yourself how you are holding yourself back from experiencing all of the above. you can have all of these things, but you may be keeping yourself from these things out of a deep feeling that you do not deserve any of it. who says you do not deserve success? who says you do not deserve love? 
your life will change this year. completely and entirely. in ways you cannot even imagine. know that you have prayed for this and you are ready for what is to come. to take a deep breath. hold it. let it go. and smile as you look towards the future and thank the divine for how this year will turn your life around. 
it’s time to be selfish. you cannot pour from an empty cup. each time someone asks you for help this year, especially if it’s help that will drastically set you back, stop and ask yourself if they would ever do the same for you. if they won’t, politely decline and keep it moving. 
after so long of being ruled by your depression and negative thoughts, this year is filled with positivity and friendship and love. open your heart to it. why close your heart and run away when this is what you have been asking for for so long?
this year, allow yourself to let go. time and time again. let go of obsessive, of delusion, of expectation, and trust that things are working out in your favour. and ask yourself how holding on has kept you from moving forward. 
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lawsvalentine · 1 year
Where They Take You On a Date • OP Men HC• (SFW)
CW: Lots of Fluff, kissing, slightly suggestive
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Law,
Cee’s Note: This literally made me so happy writing this. They are all so 😍 anyways hope y’all enjoy
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Fair Date
The island that the Sunny was currently docked at had a local fair that Luffy couldn’t wait to take you to.
Be prepared to be dragged on every single ride there. If he sees you’re nervous or scared he will hold your hand and give you his famous grin.
“Don’t be scared Y/N, I got you”
As much as he loves riding rides, he loves the fair food even more. He will literally splurge all the money on fair food shdjdj
He catches you glancing at a cute stuffed animal that was on display at one of the fair game booths. He was determined to win you that stuffed animal at all costs. When he did, he gave you it, earning him a kiss on the cheek.
The last ride you two went on was the ferris wheel. Once you guys make it to the top, you get nervous being so high up. Luffy once again comforts you only this time, he presses his lips against yours.
Your nerves vanish and all your focus was how good his lips felt on you. As the kiss deepened, you felt his hand go up your skirt. Good thing you two were so high up, where no one could see what occurred next 🤭
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Dinner/bar date
Zoro is a simple man. He usually prefers just quality time with you on the ship whether it’s training together or taking naps on the deck. However, you guys been dating for a while and he decided to take you out on a real date.
He took you to this fancy restaurant that Nami and Robin suggested when he had asked them for advice.
The menu was filled with food you two have never heard of sgdjdj
“How the hell do you even pronounce that?”
You found it sweet that Zoro was trying hard to make this date special but you could tell this was not him.
He was relieved when you suggested to leave the restaurant and go to a bar instead.
The night was filled with laughs as you both got absolutely hammered at that bar
You two may or may not have ended up making out and getting frisky in the bar’s bathroom 👀
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Picnic date
Ok let’s be real, this man already caters to your every needs on the regular. But today was a special day, it was your anniversary.
Sanji decided to convince the crew to ditch the ship for the day so that you guys would be alone.
He set up a surprise picnic date for you on the deck of the ship. Rose petals were littered all around the blanket. The spread was filled with all your favorite foods and desserts and your favorite wine.
You were in awe at the display and almost teared up at the sight. You told Sanji he didn’t have to do all this for you.
“Nothing but the best for my beautiful angel”
After you guys finished eating, he had given you a small box with a bow on top. Inside was a necklace with his name on it.
Let’s just say you decided to give him his anniversary present right there and then instead of waiting for the bedroom 😉
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Beach date
Usopp decides to take advantage of the warm sun and plan a beach day with you.
Usopp is playful so your beach day is filled with you chasing each other on the sand and splashing water at each other in the water
You thought it would be funny to bury his body in sand which resulted in him making up a bunch of lies not to do it.
“Sorry Y/N, I happen to have a condition that prevents me from being buried in sand or i’ll die. Hahaha”
He eventually gives in and lets you because you gave him a cute pout. Everything was fine until a crab crawled on top of him and he started freaking out sgdjdj
While you guys were swimming in the water, Usopp grabs you by the waist to come closer to him. You wrap your arms around his neck and wrap your legs around him. His hands hold you up by your thighs as he leans in to give you a deep kiss.
He brings one hand to your bikini bra strap and starts to slip it down. As much as he likes you in your bikini, he would rather have it off 👀
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Night stroll date
Like Zoro, Law is another one who enjoys the simple things and isn’t big on grand gestures.
Today you wanted to go out instead of being in his office, but Law kept shooing you away saying he was busy with work.
It was evening now and he felt guilty for ignoring you all day, so he decided to make it up to you.
“Y/N-ya, come walk with me”
The town you guys were docked at was known for having the prettiest city lights and night life.
He held your hand as you two walked through the town checking out the scenery.
While you gazed at the lights, Law couldn’t help but admire you. Yeah the lights were pretty, but he thought you were more beautiful.
His arm wrapped around your waist giving it a slight squeeze, causing you too look up at him. The look on his face you knew all too well.
Let’s just say your walk was cut short for obvious reasons 😏
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infinitystoner · 3 months
If I send this as an ask she might never answer it, so… here’s a @loki-cees-all appreciation post! 😂😘
Cee, you poetic and noble land mermaid. I hope you realize how remarkable you are. You’re kind, thoughtful, and goddamn hilarious, too.
From the devastating gifs and insightful headcanons to the stellar writing advice and plot troubleshooting, my Loki fandom experience (and, let’s be honest, my life) wouldn’t be the same without you.
I love you, bean! 🎷
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orangechickenpillow · 6 months
You know, Ezra and Cee's relationship is a fantastic example of what a father daughter (or even parent child) dynamic should look like. Minus the whole killing-her-biological-father part (even if he was an Ass™)
Ezra never -- not once pushed the blame on Cee. Even when, in his anger and pain (I mean, the girl literally shot him in the arm) it would have been easy for him to do so. He never did.
He tried to make her as comfortable as possible, all things considered -- trying to tell her she could trust him, that he'd look after her, even going so far as to voluntarily return her weapon to her so she'd feel more in control and secure.
And don't even get me started on their conversation post-amputation. He listened to her without interruption. He engaged with her in a genuinely thoughtful way. He offered her emotional advice, showed interest in the things she expressed excitement about, and never made her feel small for her emotions, but even encouraged them.
And the great thing is, Cee felt like she could tell him all of this. She felt that she could share her most important insterests, and even her creative endeavors, with him. And when she expressed doubt about these things, putting herself in an even more vulnerable position, he made her feel good about herself and built her up.
Ezra might have done some bad things, but he sure as hell is a great parental figure.
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jilytoberfest · 8 months
Teenage Audiences and Up rated fics
Rules: It is not necessary to re-read the stories given below again. Having read them once in the past past year is more than enough! This challenge will go on till the 23th of October! As and when you’re done getting a bingo, post the finished bingo card on your blog, tagging this account! Whosoever posts the proper finished bingo first, wins (or anyone who’s read all/most of these fics)
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The full list of fics and authors are below the cut:
Ao3 Is Down by @annabtg
Relationship advice by @gwenmontrose
Gilded by @charmingwillow
Icebreaker by @jamesunderwater @charmsandtealeaves
Meet Me At Midnight by @practicecourts
The summer I fell in love @annasghosts
Enchanted by @ohmygodshesinsane
Take a chance on me by @wearingaberetinparis
To the Potter Boy I Hated Before by @chierafied
You Make Snow Melt by @wearingaberetinparis
What would you do by @sunshinemarauder
Young and Restless by @annabtg
Serendipity by desperateforsanity (I’d love it if someone can @ their tumblr blog, i couldn’t find it)
to love by @possessingtheproperspirit
Knock, Knock, Knockin’ on Evans’ Door by DropTheBasil
it aches a little by @fireblts
A Thrill Divine, Down My Spine by @kay-elle-cee
you don't know me (but I know you) by @emeralddoeadeer
Back then you knew I always liked you by @saptashati
Never Quite Awake by @sunshinemarauder
when resiliency shatters by @kay-elle-cee
Customer In Law by @annabtg
At the Beginning by @suzyq31
a million on the scoville scale by @clare-with-no-i
Big Little Lion Man. (Curiosity Killed the Cat But Satisfaction Brought it Back) by @practicecourts
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iampowerhungry · 1 year
information. ♡
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"Knowing me is one of the biggest and rarest pleasures in life, remember that. "
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To shortly introduce myself, I am Thalia or preferably known to others as Thani, or Lia. I've been in the Law of Assumption community since, 2021, on the other hand, I've been in the subliminal community for 4 - 5 years, give or take, ever since I was in elementary school and the subliminal maker 'cee', was more commonly known as Miss Synergy.
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→ ENTJ 8w9 | 835 | sp/sx | I love doing challenges as a way to learn. No BS. → I am a Capricorn rising, though I lean more towards Personallity Databases. → My blog mainly focuses on common problems I've seen in the Law Of Assumption community, mainly in the discord community server I dwell in. I enjoy spending time with everyone there. → I am a minor, so no funny business. Currently in high school. → Cat commander, I have five. Trained them since birth. → SEA citizen, will not get specific. → No limiting beliefs - No beta we die like amazons. → Favorite artist = Halsey.
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What will you find here related to LOA? Beloved, the true question is what will you not find here related to LOA, as time pass, with me?
I have many things I'd like to post here.
→ A short simple dictionary for beginners or newcomers joining the LOA community, ex; the definition of LITE ( Living In The End), the sabbath state, and many more. → Challenges I'm currently doing or will make myself in the future. → Success stories. I have many related to SPs, money, success, academics, and the like. → Pieces of Advice, maybe a future coaching form with 5 slots so keep a look out for that one day.
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→ 1. LITE x I AM challenge, by Fleur. → 2. Notion work, the usual. → 3. Focusing on myself, basically. → 4. Possible 'Dear Diary Vaunt Challenge' coming along soon. → 5. Blogs about mental diets, and tools.
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No NSFW b*llshit, again, I am still a minor.
Be patient with yourself, and also with me mainly because I also have businesses other than school and therefore my time will not be revolving around you.
I will help you receive your goals until the very end, end as in a month or less, no limiting beliefs here people. But if you still wish to coach with me then you may prolong the time, notify me first though. ( for future endeavors )
Be resourceful, and do not overconsume, or try not to. You're basically pressing a restart button.
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#birdtalk - for asks. #success stories - well, yeah. #thaliaslibrary - archives.
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@zen-shu@miracledarling I'm not new, tbh, those are the ones I actively read from time to time.
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naynaychan00 · 9 months
A Soviet's Prayer - That Didn't Happen
Upon telling people about the horrors of communism as someone whose family still bears the emotional scars, I often come across a particularly hurtful comment from Western leftists
"USSR wasn't real communism" And I believed it, until a talk with a person born in Vietnam who complained that she couldn't talk with Westerners about the horrors of communism because she'd get the same reaction snapped me out of it Why is this phrase so hurtful to CEEs?
Well, first of all, when you say that USSR communism wasn't real communism, you're dismissing the lived experience of not just me, but millions of people
By telling us that our experience isn't real, you're invalidating us
You're asserting yourself, a privileged Western leftist who never grew up in the USSR above us, who did and whose homes and lives are still threatened by the USSR's successor, Russia
So, what can you do?
The same thing you tell others to do. CHECK YOUR GODDAMN PRIVILEGE AND LISTEN! You talk about listening to marginalized people, so take your own advice and LISTEN TO US!
Critically examine your chosen leftist political system the same way you examine capitalism with emphasis on CEEs' lived experiences
Sit down and examine your cognitive dissonance. Why does it make you feel uncomfortable when people with lived experience tell you "hey, our experience with communism fucking SUUUUUUCKED" to the point where you have to dismiss our lived experience?
Don't say that the USSR communism wasn't real communism. It was real to us This is part 1 of 6 of my script notes for my upcoming comic, The Soviet's Prayer, which is a rageucational comic about the pain of a CEE leftist when dealing with Westerners
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kuza-22-li · 2 years
If you're doing request, fluffy hc's for tfp Optimus and cee with human so??? These two need some love<3
Thank you and have a good day/night!!!!
Optimus: Unfortunately, he can't spend as much time with you as he'd like because he's so busy, but he really enjoys every moment you two are together
When you can't sleep, Optimus takes you in his arms and tells you old legends
When you fall asleep, Optimus will just admire you for a while before very gently tucking you into bed
He often calls you a star. Your bright smile, your faith in him help him not to give up
Sometimes you feel like you're in a fairy tale because his gestures can be a little old-fashioned (bows, kisses with the back of the hand...he's a gentleman)
He enjoys those evenings when the two of you sit in cozy silence and look at the stars. Time seems to have stopped, at this moment he is not thinking about anything. It is with you that he is so calm and comfortable
Optimus is wise and experienced, so you can always turn to him for advice, he will listen carefully and try to help
Optimus will do everything possible to make you happy and not stop shining
Arcee: She's always very worried about you, so when you go somewhere, you have to be in touch, tell her where you're going and what time you'll be home (she's just like a mom, hehe)
She is so used to your trips together
You just talk, joke, and it works like therapy for her after a hard day
When Arcee is upset, she doesn't want to talk, so you just silently sit next to her and hold her finger
She is incredibly grateful to you for this
Believe me, if you get sick, she will not take a step away from you. She will monitor whether you are taking your medicine and whether your temperature has risen
She might scold you a little for not dressing warmly enough or not taking care of yourself, but please don't take offense at her, she's just worried
Although she doesn't always say it, Arcee really does value you and will do anything to protect you
I hope you liked it!!
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jungshookz · 9 months
🎃 october's drabble poll!!
okay i know i’m a little early because it’s still september (but really, when have i ever been on time ((sorry))) but with the weather changing and it actually starting to get cold out, the little writer bug inside of me is starting to defrost and wriggle to life SO as leaves start to shift from vibrant greens to warm browns and oranges and as we say goodbye to summer and hello to fall, it is time for me to emerge with chunky turtlenecks and knee high boots and hot chocolate and most importantly a brand new drabble!!! 
i hope everyone likes the options this month and i just wanted to say no pressure to pick someone just because you've seen them a few times before.. i will make an exception and no one will be on the chopping block so PLEASE please pick whichever drabble your heart truly desires :D
as always the poll will expire in one day which gives you twenty-four hours to decide which universe you’d like to step into this month!! 
love ya,
🕯️ option one:
namjoon’s the head of a popular love and sex advice column and he receives at least a hundred different letters a day, so you decide to (jokingly but also very seriously) send one in to ask for advice on how to handle a big-time crush you have on someone… that someone being him. 
advicecolumnist!namjoon (newbie!!);
sfw // honk honk humour! soft soft fluff! 
featuring hardworking coffee girl y/n who has big ol’ heart eyes for none other than resident Handsome Boy namjoon! 
🎃 option two: 
yoongi’s been the landlord of this apartment building for years and has never really been intrigued by any of his tenants (as nice as they are), but when you and your rowdy little nephew leo move into one of his newly refurbished units, he can’t help but wonder how he can approach you without seeming like a complete and utter creep. 
landlord!yoongi x auntie!y/n (newbies!!); 
sfw // honk honk humour! soft soft fluff! a seasonal treat for halloween! 
featuring spunky auntie!y/n who keeps loose cheerios in her pockets and little leo who likes hiding behind her leg because he’s shy!  
👻 option three:
putting on a smile while watching ji-eun cuddle up to jungkook is already hard enough, but when you’re (reluctantly) invited to jimin’s massive halloween party, you can’t help but feel even more out of place. 
smitten!jungkookiverse (calling all the feral smitten fans); 
sfw // honk honk humour! collapse-on-the-chaise-lounge level drama! another seasonal treat for halloween! 
featuring a tipsy jimin finally letting y/n know why he doesn’t like her and a long awaited important conversation between y/n and jungkook! 
⚰️ option four: 
cee’s choice! gee whiz, a brand new option! with cee’s choice, you have the option of kicking back, relaxing, and simply waiting to be surprised by whatever drabble i end up choosing (the drabble doesn’t necessarily have to be one of the options listed above. if i’m feeling extra spontaneous, the drabble might even be one from deep within my old brainstorming journal!!) 
[surprise]![insert character here]; 
sfw? nsfw? // honk honk humour? soft soft fluff? heartbreaking angst? 
featuring cee rubbing her hands together mischievously as lightning strikes in the background! 
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frannyzooey · 2 years
In The Dark: 8
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Ezra x f!reader
Rating: Explicit, a tiny angst, mentions of drug use
a/n: Thank you to @mourningbirds1 who gave me so much help with this chapter, who encouraged me to stay the course and who is a delight in every way possible. Thank you also to @krissology and @charnelhouse who let me vent, and to @jazzelsaur who helped in the best way by sharing not only her advice, but her writing with us, which inspired parts of this chapter. I love you all!
Series Masterlist --
“Oh my fucking God, I can’t believe it.”
You look up from your laptop. “What?”
“You know that writing retreat? The one that only so many people get invited to, at that professor’s cabin in the woods?” Her eyes devour the words on the screen of her phone and you wait, chin in your hand. “Well I got in.” She looks up at you, beaming. “I got an invite.”
You grin back, an automatic one, and do a little dance in your chair at her table. She’s been pretending for weeks not to care that much about this retreat (“It’s not a big deal, really”) while chewing a hole in her lip and pride fills your chest at seeing her unrestrained expression of excitement right now. Sometimes she’s Cee: the girl you first saw on the subway, the one with an aloof wall put up that mirrors so many other people in this city, who pretends not to care about anything with a learned, blank expression. But with you, she’s Cee: her face open and youthful, caring deeply about things that matter to her, and currently dancing in her kitchen, her socks sliding on the hard floor. 
“Ezra!” She yells for him, grabbing a can of water from the fridge, along with the lime juice and vodka. Kicking the door shut with her socked heel, she sets the ingredients in front of you and you laugh, closing your laptop. She grabs some glasses from the cupboard and he walks in, stopping with raised eyebrows when he sees the liquor. 
“What’s all this?”
“I got into that retreat! That weekend one I was telling you about!”
You keep your eyes on Cee, even when his immediately flash to yours. Without even looking at him, you can feel his mind working. 
“That’s amazing Cee, I’m so proud of you.” He pulls her in for a hug. “Was it the Streamer Girl? Was that the one you submitted?”
She tells him about it while you crack open the water, pouring half into each ice filled glass and you’re adding the lime when she says she’s going to run to the bathroom. “Don’t take the first sip without me,” she yells, heading down the hallway. 
Ezra comes to sit across from you at the table and you peek up, meeting his bright, playful eyes. You can’t help but smile, a tiny one that curls the edge of your mouth when you twist open the vodka. 
“So,” you say, carefully pouring in a shot of the clear liquid. “A weekend.”
“A weekend,” he repeats. He sits up straight, looking teasingly concerned. “I mean, I shouldn’t assume. Are you free, Birdie? Or do you have plans?”
“You know,” you frown, twisting the top of the bottle back on. You take the spoon, gently swirling the cloudy mixture. “Now that you say it, I think I do have plans that weekend.” You look up at him, your face shifting into one of mock pity. “I’m sorry.”
He says nothing, his eyes narrowing and it takes everything you have not to break your straight face as he assesses you. He takes you in for a moment, slowly leaning forward on the table and you hold one of the chilled glasses tighter in your hand, waiting. 
He’s so good at this - catching you unawares, leaving you dangling on the precipice in anticipation. Your body always freezes, your mind scrambling for coherent thought as he makes you wait and just like he did it last week in your bedroom, with your bare form stretched out on the mattress while he knelt between your spread thighs and undid his belt so slowly you wanted to scream, he’s doing it now, his face hovering a foot from yours. 
“Your only plan for that weekend,” he begins, voice smooth like syrup, your eyes fixed on his mouth, “Is to stay naked in my bed and let me fuck you until –”
The bathroom door opens, and he immediately pulls back, the two of you sitting up straighter in your chairs and you resist the urge to press the cold glass to your heated cheek, forcing yourself to breathe normally. 
“You gonna celebrate with us, Ez?” Cee asks, oblivious to the tension in the room and he looks at you for a moment, liking the way he can see you almost vibrating with want. Just where he wants you. 
He considers her question for a moment, and then seems to abruptly make up his mind. 
It’s torture and you can tell he loves it. 
A knowing look every time one of his touches hits the mark, he’s been around you all night and the want you feel for him is suffocating. It’s consuming you, creeping into your flushed cheeks, trembling through your restless limbs, dampening the crotch of your underwear. 
Making you a drink, he takes a sip of it first before he hands it to you. Sitting down next to you at the table, his thigh presses against yours. Standing to retrieve a beer, he brushes past you, dragging his fingers over the nape of your neck. Twisting the cap of that beer off, he uses the hem of his shirt to do so and when you see the peek of a mottled mark rounding his hip bone, the taste of his skin floods your mouth in memory. You gave him that mark just two days ago right before you, as he so eloquently put it, “sucked his soul out of his dick.”
Deciding to watch a movie, Cee curls into one side of the couch and you sit down next to her, assuming you’re safe - until he bypasses the spare chair and sits next to you. The clean, masculine scent of him pressed into his cardigan fills your senses, and when Cee turns out the lights, you feel the need between your thighs hit a peak. That is, until she drapes a blanket over your laps and his hand reaches for yours under the fabric. 
You shouldn’t have drank around him. You always get handsy and affectionate and aroused and he knows this about you, which is why he stuck around. Every time his hooded, mischievous gaze meets your own, you have to resist the urge to surge forward and press your mouth against his. Giving up concentrating on the movie, you’re so turned on between the dark room and his closeness that you instead start to wonder, if you move slow enough, if you can get away with guiding his hand between your legs under the blanket. 
Cee rests her head against your shoulder, interrupting that train of thought and his hand squeezes yours, his knuckle a light drag against the outside of your leg that makes you clench. The weight in your belly moves up to your lungs, making it hard to breathe. 
“I think I’m gonna head to bed,” you announce, needing to just be away from him if you can’t touch him. He looks at you, smug in his victory, but when Cee announces that she’s going to follow you, disappointment flashes across his face. You almost hesitate, but you’re stuck now, having declared your intention and walking towards her room, you mentally scold yourself for breaking early under his pressure. 
You could be out there fucking him on that couch right now, you think, crawling into bed and the mental image of that alone is enough to keep you awake until Cee falls asleep. You open your Books app, hoping to follow her shortly…..but you don’t.
Not with him just down the hallway. Not with the magnetic pull of him winding across the distance between the two of you. You contemplate getting up to go to him, but then you hear the TV turn off before he walks past the open door to her room, and you lay there, listening to his bedroom door shut. The house descends into silence around you, and disappointment floods your body. 
You couldn’t have done anything anyway, not with Cee right here. 
Going back to the book you’re reading, a text comes through at the top of your screen. 
Ezra: hey
You bite your lip, grinning in the dark. 
Ezra: come here 
You think about typing something back about how you can’t, but your thumb stills above the letters, waiting. Cee’s heavy, slow breaths come from behind you, steady and comforting. Listening to her for a moment more, you shut the screen of your phone off, slipping slowly from her bed to pad down the hall. 
“I thought you didn’t text,” you tease in a whisper, slipping into his bed after shutting his door with a quiet click. 
“I thought you weren’t gonna come,” he replies lowly, reaching to drag you across the mattress and into his arms, rolling you underneath him. His greedy mouth finds yours, the need in it surprising you. “I was about to come down there and tell you to your face that I needed to fuck you, but I thought maybe a text might be better in this case.” 
You laugh into the kiss, reaching to pull his shirt over his head. “You should have texted me that, so I could keep it.” Your hands slide down the firm length of his back, slipping under the band of his black briefs and you push them down over the curve of his ass while you flex your hips up into his. His cock is a stiff weight, pressing tight along your seam. 
“So I could read it over and over,” your hips rock forward with each word, matching the grind of his own. “And make myself come.”
“Jesus Christ,” he groans, quickly pulling back to sit on his heels. His fingers tug impatiently at the waistband of your sleep shorts, sliding them down your legs. “Take these fucking things off.”
His hands push your thighs open, his broad shoulders flexing when he dips his head down to put his mouth on your spread cunt and you bite back a moan when his tongue delves deep, your hips arching into the slick warmth. Immediately riding his mouth just like he likes, you give into the pleasure sparking through your limbs at the glide of his tongue over your clit and when he pulls away, you let out a soft sound of protest. 
He’s too impatient tonight, tasting you only to get you wet enough for him and when he guides you onto your stomach and shoves one of your knees up, pushing his briefs down just enough to pull himself out, you grin in victory. That is, until you feel his mouth on the curve of your ass and then the harsh bite of his teeth, digging into your flesh. 
“Hey,” you reach back and push at him, his hand catching your wrist to pin it to the bed and his other hand comes down with a gentle swat in reprimand. His movements behind you are rough, rushed and when the weight of his body settles heavy on top you with a drape, it presses you deep into the mattress. His hot breath ghosts over your ear as he lines himself up, before shoving himself inside and taking him way too easily with a slick stretch, the both of you try - and fail - to hold back a relieved moan, his fingers now pushing their way between yours in his hold.
He was trying to work you up, but it wasn’t like he was immune to your presence on the couch. Everytime you shifted, he thought about pulling your leg over the top of his. Thought about slipping his fingers snugly into your tight warmth. Thought about you kneeling between his spread thighs or pushing you backwards on the couch to eat your pussy or making you ride him; the TV a halo of illumination around your curves in this mind. 
He reaches with a stretch to wrap his fingers around a slat of his headboard, and you can feel the flex and shift of the lean muscles in his torso with every punishing thrust inside. His other hand drags down to your hip, tugging you up higher, so he can slide in deeper, fuck you harder.
“Ezra,” you gasp, trying so hard not to make a sound, but with every filling push of his cock, you break, releasing a flood of them into his pillow. His hand leaves your hip and comes up, clamping over your mouth to muffle your sounds.
“You gotta be quiet for me, Birdie. You gotta – fuck,” his breathing shuddering when you feel the fit of his hipbones tight against the curve of your ass. Again, again; his hold tightening on your mouth with every jolt forward. “You gotta take it, okay? I need you to take it.”
If anyone had their ear pressed against this door, they would hear something filthy, something almost desperate in its need and it’s an hour later when you slip back out of his bedroom; slick and sore between your thighs, yet finally relaxed enough to get some sleep. 
The whole weekend. 
Starting at 3pm on Friday when Ezra dropped Cee at her ride’s house and stretching until Sunday night, you skipped your last class of the afternoon and let him pick you up at your apartment; a thrill when you tossed an overnight bag into his backseat.  
The novelty of the situation has him endearingly handsy, something you noticed he did all the time before anyway with his causal, affectionate touches, but it’s even more now when he’s allowed to be free and stake his claim to you in his own home. 
His house, a place you’d been countless times before, was brimming with possibility without her presence. It felt like a different place altogether, with the ability to wander into his bedroom, or curl up with him on the couch. 
“So, what do you wanna do?” You turn to face him, the silhouette of your body lit with the incredible brightness of the sun reflecting off the snow outside and when he comes closer, he pulls you away from the window. 
“I think you know what I want, Birdie,” he hums, his mouth finding the corner of your jaw and you circle your arms around his shoulders, leaning into the solidness of his hold. 
“Hmmm, I want that too.” His hand slips down your back, pressing into the base of your spine to push you against his hips and you can feel him half hard already under his jeans, his hand moving down over the curve of your ass with a squeeze. “But I mean, what else?”
“I was thinking,” he nips at your skin, eliciting a giggle from you, “what about watching a movie? Order in some food, stretch out on the couch.” He’s walking you backwards towards it now, his hand shifting from your hip to between your thighs, cupping you through your leggings. 
“Fuck, Ezra,” you breathe softly, closing your eyes with a frown. You’re already wet, the pressure of his hand building in an immediate spreading heat and he looks down at you with a smile, watching your face slip into pleasure. His hand slowly works against you, his fingers a gentle dig into your entrance. 
“Wanna get high with me, Birdie?”
Your eyes open, trying to focus. It’s hard though, with how hungry and dark his own are right now, looking down at you. Like he’s trying, and failing, to hold back a sort of hidden fierceness masked in the deep brown depths. 
“I got some edibles. I thought we could do them together, if you want?” He leans closer, placing his mouth next to the shell of your ear. “I wanna fuck you so bad. Right now, on this couch. And then we could take them, and fuck again later, right here on the floor. You wanna ride me again down there?” 
You shiver, remembering when you did it at your apartment - the way he called out for you, the way his neck was taut with strain as he arched against your rug, a deep groan slipping out beneath your palms as your nails dug into the meat of his chest. 
You reach for his belt, working it open. “Let’s do it.”
Winter winds blowing snow drifts outside, he had fucked you right there on the couch, and then laid with you while you picked something to order together. He held the phone aloft, your finger tapping the screen in between tender presses of your mouth against his whiskery jaw and when the food was delivered, you laughed from your place on the couch as he answered the door without a shirt on. 
He set the plastic bag down on the table, a shriek sounding loud from you when he crawled onto the couch and pressed his icy skin against yours, and he kept you underneath him until your feverish warmth bled into him, dissipating his chill. 
A forgotten movie plays now in the background as the two of you stretch out on his couch, the edible you split over an hour ago flowing heavily through your limbs, and it feels like you have been making out forever, but neither of you could stop. His mouth opens yours, his tongue dipping inside to taste you and your lips are swollen and plush against his, his hand coming up to cradle your cheek to keep you in place. To kiss you, for as long as he wanted, out in the open on his couch was something he didn’t know he wanted so badly until he started.
His hands map your soft skin, sliding under your shirt to splay over your side, or down the back of your thigh to hitch your knee around his hip and when you start to rock your hips against his, he tucks you into the crease of the couch, shielding you with his body before breaking the kiss. 
Closing your eyes, your mind is wandering, focusing on the sensation of his body under your touch. Everything feels like so much more - his shirt softer, his warmth intoxicating, his voice deeper and richer when he speaks to you and with your eyes still closed, you smile lazily.
“Did you ever think about this, before?” You ask the question so sweetly, almost hesitantly even though he knows you know the answer and he slips into his own head for a moment, not answering. Images rapidly flash through his mind: you, in so many ways he’s both seen and dreamt of you. He rests his head on his crooked elbow, leaning forward to kiss the curve of your chin. 
“All the time, Birdie. Every night.” His eyes slipping shut,, he delights in the way you dig your fingers into his lower back, but he opens them when you give a petulant, playful whine. Your face is tipped back in a silent encouragement for a kiss, and when you thread your fingers through his hair with a delicious drag of your nails against his scalp, he takes it, tasting the line of your throat. “What about you? What did you think about?”
Your mind is moving too slow for the question, and when you start with “On the train once –” and then stop yourself, his mouth also stops, and he waits. You tense underneath him, turning your face away and he becomes instantly both intrigued and determined to find out the truth. 
“Tell me,” he grins. 
“No, it’s so embarrassing.” You cover your face with a throw pillow from the couch, and he laughs, tugging it from your hands to toss it on the floor. “Hey! Stop!”
Your protests are mixed with laughter, growing in volume when he pins you down into the couch cushions and climbs on top of you. The credits of the movie start to roll, your takeout dishes littering the coffee table and his fingers dig into your side while you squirm, shrieking. 
“I’m not gonna stop until you tell me.”
“Okay, okay,” you concede, breathless. You stretch out underneath him, an indulgent, feline motion and when you notice him watching you, you bite your lip and then lift your head in request for a kiss. He comes back down, his mouth finding yours and your tongue slides against his, deepening it, the movement both slowed down and intensified. When you wind your legs around his waist, he groans, almost getting lost in it.  Almost. 
“Fine. I had a daydream once,” you start, not remembering how the hell this subject even got brought up, “that we were dancing….and that it turned into something more.”
He grins, his eyes lighting up. “Something more, huh?”
“Oh god, don’t make me say it,” you laugh again, and he laughs too, pulling your hand away from your face. . 
“All this shyness from someone who called me for a video strip tease? Who convinced me to download Snapchat so she could send me pictures of her tits?”
You laugh renewed, and then it dies down, your smile remaining. “They are nice tits, don’t you think?”
He doesn’t answer, instead holding your gaze for a moment before abruptly pushing himself down your body to lift the hem of his shirt that you’re wearing and when he shoves his head underneath it, you start to squirm, laughing again. 
“I think they are more than nice, Birdie.” He mouths as them, his whiskers scraping against the sensitive valley as he nuzzles his face closer. You feel his lips catch on your skin as he keeps going, the words slightly muffled and you push on his shoulders until he pops his head back out, his hair a curled mess.
“What did you say?”
“I said,” he repeats, palming the weight of one through the threadbare cotton, “I want to eat them.” He grins boyishly, but with a carnal look to it. His fingers squeeze tighter, his face dropping to breath through the fabric. “I wanna taste them. You make me want to fuck them when you send pictures like that.”
Your fingers wrap around the nape of his neck when you pull him in for another kiss, your bodies entwining on the couch to get even closer and it’s several minutes before he pulls away, asking you again to tell him about your daydream. He listens carefully while you tell him, his mouth molding around the knuckles of your hand and when he lifts his weight off you, you resist the urge to pull him back down. 
Switching the TV off and turning the stereo on, he pulls up “Redbone” on his phone and when the dulcet tones of it fill the room, your face heats with embarrassment when he holds a hand out for you. 
“Come on,” he encourages, pulling on your hand. 
His arms enveloping you in a slow dance, the music sounds richer, deeper, more consuming as his feverish body presses against yours and your long ago daydream becomes real as he slowly peels your clothes off, slipping out of his own.  The song plays on repeat, your skin chilled from standing bare in his living room before him, but when he looks at you just like he did in your mind, you can’t even feel the cold. 
“Did I do it like this?” he murmurs, his fingers trailing down the length of your spine, lighting a path of sensory sparks along the way. 
“Did I do it like this?” he asks, somehow now kneeling and kissing a warm, wet path up the front of your leg. 
“Did I do it like this?” The words are muffled against your skin, his mouth worshiping the petal soft skin of your inner thigh and you squirm in his hold, your laugh sliding into a soft moan when he bites you in reprimand. Your foot comes to rest on his coffee table, his hand wrapping around the underside of your thigh to hold you open there. 
“Yes, Ezra,” you sigh, threading your fingers through his hair as his tongue dips into you. “You did it just like this.”
It’s so decadent, being alone with him. Being open with him. Fucking him when and wherever you want and then being able to revel in each other’s nakedness as you get a cup of water, as you walk to use the bathroom. 
He had you spread out in his bed early this morning, the door wide open as your moans spilled down the hallway for anyone to hear and he demanded you say his name louder — a luxury neither of you are often afforded. He ate your pussy yesterday in the living room, then fucked you on the kitchen counter, woke you up early this morning with his hand between your thighs and it’s like he’s filling every room with a memory of you; painting it onto the structure of the rooms for when you have to leave.
Right now, he has you in the shower — the sounds of your shared efforts and pleasure sounding against the slick tiles. It’s like he’s everywhere all at once: surrounding you, against you, inside of you. Those hands you’ve seen smooth over wood, polish brass to a shine, uncover layer after layer of dirt to find treasure underneath — those hands are grasping and stroking and sliding against your wet skin, seeking purchase on the flushed heat of it. His palms cup the weight of your breasts in their spill forward into his hands, his thumbs stroking and catching on the peaked buds and you pant into his open mouth, a delicate frown between your brows. . 
The steam billows around the two of you, the fogged shape of your bodies moving as one from the outside of the stall and inside, they are one too: his strong arms lifting you against the wall, your back slipping up the soaked tiles with every push inside. The stark white patch in his hair is extra pronounced against the slick dark strands, red creeping up his cheeks with the heat of the shower underneath the patchy scruff that covers them and when he tips his head back with a long, filthy groan, you trace the line of a vein with your thumb before resting your mouth on it with a kiss, then a suck. 
“Fuck,” he grits out, adjusting to bear more of your weight and the snap of his hips becomes harder, faster, deeper. Your thighs are pushed open wide, your fingers digging into the meat of his shoulders and when he begs for you to cum so he can do it too, you let go and do it.
He’s so open with his affection — crowding you from behind with a hug, delicate kisses on your temple or hand, nuzzling into your head on the couch like a cat begging to be petted — and he’s doing it now, sitting beside you at the kitchen table.
“Wanna go out today?” His mouth finds the juncture of your shoulder, like he couldn’t stop touching you with it if he tried.
“I don’t know. Maybe a bookstore? Records?” It’s late morning, the weekend half over and you push against that thought, bringing your heel up to rest on the chair seat while you take a bite of toast. He runs his eyes appreciatively over you — your thighs on display while you wear nothing but your panties and one of his T-shirts. He likes the way he can see your breasts shift and move freely under the fabric, a memory of the way they felt under the threadbare cotton as he curled around your back last night in bed. 
“Wait,” you chew thoughtfully, swallowing. “I have an idea.”
Central Park, you decided. 
You had come here almost immediately upon moving to New York, wanting to see the marvel of the park for yourself and you had spent an entire afternoon walking the paths, sitting on the grassy mounds, taking in the sheer number of people. It was your favorite place to come and read, or think, or walk while you listened to music and when Ezra asked you what you wanted to do during your weekend with him, it was the first place you thought of. 
Winter time was especially your favorite time to visit. You liked it the other times as well - the lush, sloping hills of green in the summer, the bursts of orange and red in the fall - but there was a crisp, starkness to the beauty of it in the winter that you liked the best. 
Every time you stepped foot into the park during the winter, you thought about Holden Caulfield and his obsession with the ducks in the ponds:
“You know those ducks in that lagoon right near Central Park South? That little lake? By any chance, do you happen to know where they go, the ducks, when it gets all frozen over? Do you happen to know, by any chance?”
And you’re thinking about it now; puffs of icy air hovering in front of your mouths. 
His cheeks are pink with cold, his dark hair stuffed under a navy blue knit cap and the two of you walk along, snow crunching under your feet. His gloved hand holds your mittened one, icy fingers of bare branches arching high over the path to form a veined extension across the blue sky and when a jogger passes you on your right, you wonder how more of them don’t slip on the ice during their winter runs. 
“So, Central Park, huh?” He smiles down at you, and you lean into his shoulder, pressing your cheek against the soft wool of his coat. 
“Yea. Kinda basic, right?”
“Nah,” he shakes his head, squeezing your hand in his.  
“I always heard about it,” you continue, “in books, in movies, in shows. And it’s like I couldn’t picture such a thing? Like the concept of space, almost. I couldn’t comprehend it.” 
You step to the side, making room for a dog walker. “I mean, how the hell could they fit a park in the middle of this city? Why would they do that? In a place where space would be at such a premium, it seems strange that they would allow it? That they would preserve it?”
He says nothing, letting you continue and you look at the edges of the city skyline peeking over a snowy hill. Children wait at the top, the iconic peaked skyscrapers and hotels at their backs with their sleds in hand as they watch others careen down a path carved into the side of the mound. As one slides straight across the paved path and continues going with a shriek of joy, you smile. “But then I saw it, and now I get it.”
He smiles at you, nudging you lightly with his shoulder. “I used to spend a lot of time here too.” 
The way he phrases it sounds nostalgic, with a hint of sadness threaded into the words and you stay silent, hoping he’ll continue. “When I first came to the city, I thought the same thing, so I thought - or we - we thought we should check it out. It was one of the first places Damon and I came when we got here.”
“We would come to talk about our terrible days at our terrible jobs,” he grins, looking sideways at you. “I was working nights with this crew that did excavation on job sites? It sounds so weird, not like a real job, but in order to keep the timelines of some construction projects you gotta have people there around the clock. Anyway, he was working in this shit hole kitchen, which is where he met Cee’s mom.” He looked down at you, his eyebrows raised. “She tell you any of this?”
“No, she’s never really talked about it.” You silently urge him to continue, not only wanting to know more about their background, but feeling like he wants you to hear this story. Like he’s been waiting to tell you this..
“Yea. He met her there, things got serious and I didn’t see him around as much. I was used to seeing him all the time, but I mean, I got it. When you meet someone, you wanna spend all your time with them, doing…..other things.” He looks back down at you with a smile and you match it. 
“They got pregnant with Cee around the winter time, I think?” He scrubs his hand over his jaw, thinking. “He still worked in that kitchen, but when he took on another job, I didn’t see him as much after that. I don’t think she liked me very much, and to be fair, I don’t think I was someone who tried to make myself very likable.” 
His shoulders slump slightly, though his tone stays resigned as someone who knows his truth. “I was nice enough, polite when we saw each other, but I didn’t always do the most….honorable things. I was in with sort of a rough crowd at that point, some of the other members from the crew that I worked on and I think she wanted better than that for Cee?”
He keeps his face forward, his eyes fixed on a point in the distance. “Anyway, a couple of years went by, we saw each other once in awhile, and one day he asked to meet me here. He had Cee with him, it was the first time I met her. I can still see her small face peeking around from behind his leg.” 
He laughs at the memory, looking down at you. “She didn’t trust me. I think she still makes that face, sometimes.” 
He pauses for a moment, continuing his slow pace and you watch his jaw shift, hardening. “I could tell he wasn’t good, he looked like he hadn’t slept in days. When I asked him how Cee’s mom was, he told me she died.”
Your heart aches in your chest for the image of little Cee, without a mother and his expression seems pained, yet resigned to keep going. “Birdie, I swear to God, I just stood there and I didn’t know what to say. I just kept looking from her, to him, and I thought that he looked so terrible because he was still grieving, but it wasn’t until too late that I figured out it was something else. 
His voice gets softer, his eyes looking at the ground. “And then one day, he was gone. Tried to steal from the wrong person.”
He takes a deep breath, looking up at you and the ambient sounds of the park seem to slowly creep back into your surroundings, so transfixed you were on his story they had faded into the background. 
“I’m sorry,” you begin, “I wouldn’t have asked you to come here if I knew –”
“No, no,” he interrupts you, stopping to tug you closer. When he turns to face you, your lips are too chilled and numb to kiss him, but you do it anyway.  A slow, lingering meeting of your mouths that makes them pliant and warm and when he pulls away, he continues. “It’s nice to be back here with you. Now I’ll have a much better memory, don’t you think?”
You say nothing, a rueful, yet hopeful smile on your face and he takes your hand in his, pulling your mitten off. He takes his own glove off, lacing your fingers with his and then stuffing them both into his jacket pocket, he tucks you into his side and starts walking back down the path. 
You go to MoMa next, the museum a short walk from the park. Your wet boots squeaking on the polished floor, small clusters of people walking slowly around in their whispered observances and there among the white washed walls of abstract art, he kissed you. Deeply, softly, his mouth moving tenderly against yours like it had the potential to turn into something more — but it doesn’t. His hands cradle your cheeks, rejoicing at the ability to kiss you in public; his need to let you know spilling out of him and into you. 
Dinner at La Bonne Soup, a tiny Parisian cafe with delicate bowls of soup, crusty bread and a rich eclair that you share. He swipes the cream from the corner of your mouth with his thumb, a wink at the shared memory of when he did that before and when the waiter comes to refill your wine glass, you let him. The small, airy room is full of other couples, the chatter of conversation filling the brightly lit, inviting space and when he makes you laugh - which he does repeatedly - it fills the space around you. 
A glass of wine over dinner, another to keep you warm for your walk to the station and when you tuck yourself into his side on the train ride home, you close your eyes and try to press the memory and feeling of this into the depths of your brain, to preserve forever. 
Inside his house, the wine has made your movements syrupy and slow, your touch lingering on him. When you undress each other in his dark room, there’s a weight to the silence you’ve not felt before — feeling it in his hold, in his touches. In his mouth, on yours.
Guiding you towards the bed, he pushes you backwards and onto it, bending to kiss his way up your body and you wait patiently for him, your thighs parting to make room for him. When his mouth reaches yours, your limbs twine together: the top of his thigh pressing into the curve of your ass, your arms winding around his neck while his wrap around your back, your mouths meeting over and over. 
His skin is bare, velvety, the sparse hair on his legs sliding against your smooth ones and he takes his time tasting everything he can: the hollow of your throat, the divot below your ear, the plane of your chest. You are aching and ready, slick with anticipation but there is something in the way he is moving tonight that stops you from demanding more, and so you wait until he’s ready. Until he’s so hard he’s weeping along the inside of your thigh, until his kisses start to steal your breath. 
When he notches himself against you, you splay your hands over his lower back, reaching down to pull him inside and he cups your cheeks in his hands and kisses you deeply, rocking into you until you’re full to the brim. You’ve been with him so many times, in so many ways, but this one feels different. His touches are tender, delicate, careful. Like he’s trying to press his feelings into you with every stroke of his palm over your curves, every consuming, open mouthed kiss, every push of himself inside you. 
Your thighs hitch higher, welcoming the weight of his body and whereas normally the two of you are more frantic and feral in your movements, this is slower; something to be savored. His hand finds yours, palm to palm, pressing it into the bedding as his hips push forward and you meet each slow grind of them with a flex of your own. 
Usually vocal in his love, tonight he’s quieter. His nose resting along the curve of your cheek, his husky groans softer when you hook your heels over his back and urge him deeper and his hand tightens in his hold when his body tenses above yours, trying to hold out long enough for you to come. 
“Please, Birdie,” he whispers, and when you do, he does it at the same time with a stilled, hard press of his hips against yours, your body trembling underneath his. He takes his time easing out of you - his mouth a slow, sleepy path along your jaw, down your neck, resting on your shoulder and you think he actually falls asleep for a moment on you, to the relaxing drag of your fingernails between his shoulder blades. When he eventually lifts himself off, you stay awake while he goes back to sleep. 
It’s so different, being with him at night. You roll on your side, facing his back and take in the breadth of his shoulders, the line of his spine. Dark locks of hair wave and curl over the nape of his neck and you reach out and finger one, twisting it. You let it slip through your grasp, resting your hand on his skin instead. The slow movement of his breath moves under your palm, your thumb brushing against a mark your nail left in the round of his shoulder.
You can’t stop thinking about Cee’s little face and though you should be floating on air right now after having this weekend with him, for the first time since this started, it feels more wrong than it’s ever felt. 
You think about them, since you’ve met them: in the kitchen, cooking dinner together. On the couch, watching TV. In the car, bickering or laughing or singing along to music.
You think about little Cee, in this house.
Little Cee, going to school with Ezra holding her hand.
Little Cee without front teeth, or learning how to read, or the painful growth through adolescence and how it’s always been the two of them. 
Something pushes against what you know is right, and you wonder if he’s ever dated anyone serious. Did he ever want to? Did he feel like he couldn’t?
You want to give him everything; everything that he must have had to give up for her, in order to provide her with as much attention as possible. You want him to be selfish for once, and selfishly on your own end, you want it to be with you. 
But then you see her face in your mind again, and that part of you shrinks back.
He stirs, and you watch him roll to face you. His eyes remaining closed, his arm drapes heavy over the side of your body, tucking you against him and his voice is husky and intimate, still on the edges of sleep.
“Go to sleep, sweetheart.” His mouth finds your temple, and pressing there, it stays. 
You know you should, but you don’t want to. Who knows when this chance will come again? To have dinner, to go out, to fuck and crawl into bed sated and sleepy. To stay with him in his bed, surrounded by his scent, his linens, his life. 
Watching the snow drift silently past the window, you listen to his breathing for a moment and then tuck your face into his chest, closing your eyes.
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