#celebration 28
fob4ever · 7 months
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patrick & pete, 2008
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eighthwholove · 9 months
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On this day in 1996, Paul was announced as the Eighth Doctor!
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slavhew · 6 months
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thank you for 15 years
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billyrussoapologist · 5 months
I feel like you can tell a lot about a person base on their what Cillian Murphy character they think is the hottest
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ocelotlesbian · 6 months
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when you and your friend coincidentally both have a favorite character who's birthday falls on the 28th of march and the favorite characters in question also both have a primarly pink and red color scheme (you and your friend are also both artists)
thank u to my bestie @miaubren 4 doing this collab it was very fun and i got to draw a cake ^_^
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astroa3h · 6 months
Marilyn Monroe: ✨ Venus Love Style Reading
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Marilyn with her Venus in Aries, expressed love fiercely, with a passion always reaching for something more. She loved as she lived: deeply, sometimes to the point of being erratic, and with an honesty that was as inviting as it was frightening. Venus in the 9th House tells me she didn’t just fall into love; she dove headfirst into it with such unbridled enthusiasm that it carried even the most unwilling along with her. To her, love was somewhat of an exotic adventure.
The 28th degree in astrology is seen as a critical point, in degree theory it’s not only a Cancer degree, it’s a fame degree. For Marilyn, Venus at this degree suggests her love life was at once a source of her greatest passion and a battlefield where her deepest sensitivities played out. This degree also signifies love that was not only personal but profoundly public, where her private desires and pains were magnified in the eyes of the world. 
Let’s deeper into her story by looking at how Venus is aspected. 
The sextile between Venus and Jupiter in her chart painted her relationships with a bright, optimistic brush, suggesting that she approached love with generosity and a belief in the good. But this expansive nature also meant she yearned for something beyond the every day, a desire for love to always be growing, always evolving. It was a beautiful, if sometimes challenging, quest for an ideal kind of love that could be as vast as the horizon.
Her Venus conjunct Chiron, on the other hand, brings us closer to Marilyn's vulnerabilities. It's like peering behind the curtain of her glamorous life and seeing the raw, tender heart of a woman who felt deeply and feared being unlovable or inadequate. This aspect hints at a love that was not only passionate but also healing, seeking someone who could understand her wounds and love her all the more for them. Yet, this vulnerability made her heart an easy target for pain, a reminder of the courage it takes to love when you've been hurt before.
The trine with Lilith in her chart added a layer of complexity to how Marilyn loved. It was fiercely independent, wildly attractive, and somewhat rebellious. Loving her was like holding a flame: mesmerizing, warm, but impossible to tame. This aspect of her love life suggests she craved a relationship where she could be entirely herself, unapologetic, and free, even if it meant clashing with traditional expectations of love and partnership.
Reflecting on Marilyn Monroe's approach to love, it's evident that her heart was a battlefield of passion, optimism, vulnerability, and independence. Her astrological placements tell us a story of a woman who loved deeply, sought meaning in her connections, and yearned for a love that was as extraordinary as her life. She reminds us that to love and be loved is to navigate a complex landscape of emotions and desires, a journey that requires both bravery and an open heart. 
xox astro ash ✨ Get your own "Venus Love Style Reading" @ astroash.net
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iamalivenow · 4 months
mom: do you want anything for your birthday
me: not really but a balloon might be fun
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patchesofuniverse · 2 years
I love that people are going “oh I’m going to miss Dracula Daily so much!” as though this site isn’t obsessed with anniversaries and The Yearly Rebloggings.
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str4wberryswisherr · 2 months
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Lil weekend photo dump✨
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Hey guys! Looking forward to reach my goal of 10 followers! I just love cillian Murphy, he’s so handsome. Anyway here is my painting of him in batman and with paparazzi
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eefos · 4 months
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The 6th picture… 🥰🥰🥰 I can’t (again)
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sseulgilvr · 11 months
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loverhymeswith · 1 year
The End is Extremely Fucking Nigh
Day Two of the October Dreams 1K Follower Event
Pairing: Jim (28 Days Later) x F!Reader
Summary: Holed up in a tiny cottage with Jim, problems and feelings ensue. The title kind of sums it up.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Zombies (kind of), blood, guns, canon-typical violence, language
A/N: Shout out to @a-reader-and-a-writer for plotting this with me <3
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“Oi. That fucking hurts.” 
Jim slaps your hand away with a scowl, tugging down his sweatshirt to cover the large bandage wrapped around his waist. The oversized jumper swamps his lithe frame - leaner since you’ve had to resort to rations.
“Well it hasn’t healed then, has it,” you remark, closing the lid of the makeshift first aid kit and stowing it away beneath the sink. “I told you it would take at least another week.”
“It’s fine,” he insists, his expression softening as he grabs you by the shoulders and squeezes. “I’m fine. Would you stop worrying?”
You’ve been this way for the last ten days - overly cautious and over-protective. Ever since Jim went and got himself shot by a bunch of trigger happy soldiers who mistakenly thought he was one of the infected. By some small miracle the bullet missed anything vital, but even so, he’s been out of action for a while.
“Maybe if you stop giving me reasons to worry.” 
You’re only half-joking. Right from day one, when you found him bewildered and wandering around outside the abandoned St Thomas’ Hospital, you knew he was going to cause you trouble. 
You hadn’t wanted company. Had actively avoided it, in fact. Even before the outbreak. You certainly hadn’t planned on rescuing anyone, let alone the enigmatic bicycle courier - you were barely surviving yourself - but after you’d intercepted Jim midway through his first encounter with the Rage virus, you hadn’t been able to shake him.
Six weeks later, you don’t know how you’d survive without him.
“How about I prove it to you, yeah?” There’s a spark in his bright blue eyes and his full lips upturn into the ghost of a smirk; he already knows you’re not going to like his suggestion. “I’ll go on a supply run.”
The thought alone is enough to make your stomach turn. The closest store is easily a day’s walk away and with a company of unbalanced soldiers roaming the nearest city, it’s far too risky to drive.
“Look,” he releases your shoulders, sliding his palms along your arms until he reaches your hands. “We’re down to our last cup of coffee and I know how cranky you get without your caffeine.”
You’ve noticed it a lot lately. The jokes. The sarcasm. Once the initial shock had diminished and he got a hold of his grief, Jim turned to humour as a coping mechanism, determined to get you to laugh. To smile. And goodness knows, there have been nights when you’ve relied on it. On him. Nights when you’ve felt like giving up. Like falling apart. When the only thing standing between you and taking the easy way out - just as his parents did - is the man before you.
The fact of the matter is, your situation is dire. It’s not just the coffee. The food is running out. Clean water, too. 
“We’ll manage a little while longer,” you lie as he gives your hands a final squeeze and releases you. “Either that, or I can go by myself.” 
You’ve been unwilling to leave his side up until now. You couldn’t risk the chance that the infected - or worse - might descend upon your hideout while you were away, with Jim being far too weak to fight them off alone.
Paying no heed to your plea, Jim starts pulling on a worn pair of boots - a vestige of the previous inhabitants of this cottage, just like the rest of your clothes. He’s careful not to wince as he bends over, although you have no doubt that he’s in pain.
Straightening and facing you once again, he runs a hand through his russet hair. It’s growing out after the hatchet job he performed back when you first met. You hadn’t minded the severe look. It had certainly emphasised his features - high cheekbones, a sharp jaw, and of course, those piercing blue eyes.
But with his hair like this, just a little longer, he seems… softer.
“I just need to get out of this fucking house,” he tells you, shrugging on a thick jacket. “I won’t go far. Promise.”
You glance around the cramped kitchen and concede that your living arrangements have been somewhat confining. The tiny farm house on the outskirts of Manchester has less square footing than your old London apartment, which is an achievement in itself. But personal space doesn’t really factor in when you’re in the middle of the apocalypse. 
It’s not all bad, though. You’ve been sharing the single bedroom under the pretext of safety, but as the weeks have worn on, you’ve come to find Jim’s presence comforting. 
Some nights you wake before dawn to find his arms wrapped around you, his face buried in the crook of your neck. By morning, he’s back to his side of the bed and you know better than to mention it. No matter how much you might have warmed to one another, the end of the world is no time for falling in love.
You follow Jim towards the porch and watch as he checks over the old hunting rifle, just one of a handful of weapons the two of you have acquired along the way. Neither of you knew a thing about guns before the outbreak, but you’ve had little choice but to become fast learners.
“At least let me come with you.”
Jim pauses with the rifle slung over his shoulder and one arm outstretched towards the front door, his expression uncharacteristically firm. “You need to rest. When was the last time you got some proper sleep?”
“As if I’ll be able to sleep while you’re gone…” Even as the words leave your mouth, you find yourself leaning against the wall, fatigue fighting your instinct to stay close to his side.
In an unexpected gesture of affection, Jim reaches out and brushes his thumb over the swell of your cheek. “Just sit tight. I’ll be back before it gets dark.”
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Despite Jim’s request for you to sit tight, you find yourself pacing the cottage in his absence. You don’t begrudge him the need for space after being holed up in here for the best part of two weeks. Still, you’d feel more comfortable if he wasn’t alone. If he wasn’t still healing.
It’s difficult to pinpoint, but somewhere along the way your feelings towards him have shifted. At first, he was an unnecessary hindrance. A tag along, slowing you down. Quickly though, you had grown accustomed to his presence, his company undeniably preferable to being alone with your own dark thoughts. 
Yet it wasn’t until he’d been shot - until you’d almost lost him - that you realised quite how important he’d become. It was no longer a case of what he could do for you and more a question of whether you could exist without him.
Exhaustion finally claims you and against your better judgement, you find yourself curled up on the corner of the threadbare sofa, drifting off into a restless slumber. Every night since the outbreak, it’s been the same. You dream of crimson flowing through the streets. Of bloodshot eyes and burnt flesh. Of bodies piled high. Mourning all that you have lost. The past, nothing but a distant memory; the future, a destination you will probably never reach.
You wake with a start, plucked swiftly from sleep by the distant sound of tapping against glass. Your thoughts fly instantly to Jim. Scrambling to your feet, you grab the nearest weapon - a baseball bat - and nervously approach the door. 
The eyes staring back at you through the window aren’t the colour of a winter sky at all.
They’re red. 
The weeks of tending to Jim must have softened you. It takes a full ten seconds before your brain jumps into gear, recognising the danger for what it is. A death sentence. Because there’s more than one of them. A host of the infected, clawing at the cottage walls in a frenzied attempt to reach you.  
Suppressing your fear for Jim and praying he’s not among the swarm, you stagger back from the door and exchange the baseball bat for the second rifle. You can’t possibly hope to outrun the infected. The neighbouring buildings are at least a mile away and you’ve barely eaten in days. The best chance you have is to pick them off one by one. 
Providing they don’t get to you first.
It only takes another five seconds, just long enough for you to grab a handful of ammunition and ready the gun, before the first bloody hand breaks through the glass. With your heart in your mouth, bracing yourself for the kick back, you squeeze the trigger.
The explosion of the gun echoes throughout the small cottage, temporarily deafening you. When you open your eyes, the monstrous hand has disappeared only to be replaced by a face, coated in blood and filth and twisted into something no longer human. 
You allow yourself the briefest flicker of relief. It’s not Jim. Then, ears still ringing from the first blast, you reload the rifle and take aim. 
This time, the wooden door splinters as you miss the window. 
The infected has its head and shoulders wedged through the small gap now. It’s snarling and spitting, crimson eyes wide and thirsting for blood. Your hands, once steady, are shaking, your fingers fumbling with the small golden bullets as you try to jam them into the magazine. 
Where the hell is Jim?
Your next shot finds its target. The infected - or what is left of it - slumps. But it’s a temporary reprieve. In the blink of an eye, the body disappears and another pair of glowing red eyes fills the window space. The onslaught is far from over
Shoot, reload, repeat.
Over and over again, you fire at the door until contaminated blood stains the cottage's wooden floor. But it’s no use. There are far too many of them. For every one of the rage victims you dispatch, another immediately takes its place. 
Further inside the cottage, a second window shatters. Your heart sinks.
You’re surrounded.
A wave of hopelessness pushes you back against the wall as you struggle to catch your breath. The door isn’t going to hold for much longer and there's nowhere to run. You attempt to reload the gun, but your bullets are finally spent, the casings littering the floor. Jim took the second box of ammunition.
Where is Jim?
As a last resort, you flee the porch and hurry up the stairs, locking yourself in the bedroom. Despite the knowledge that it will only buy you a matter of minutes, you huddle against the far corner of the room, clutching the empty gun. This is what it has come to. All these weeks of fighting for survival. The foolishness of daring to hope for a future. Your feelings for Jim. 
If only you’d told him how you feel.
But in the end, none of it matters. It was all just borrowed time.
Tears of anger and frustration pool in your tired eyes. There’s banging and clattering and more glass shattering downstairs. The infected are inside the cottage now. You can hear their savage snarls as they scramble up the stairs. It was foolish of you not to save a bullet for yourself.
Any second now…
Too weak to put up a fight, you squeeze your eyes shut as the bedroom door crashes open, choking on a desperate sob. Death has been a constant presence these last weeks; you didn’t think you’d be quite so afraid when your time finally came. But just like the bullets, you’re fresh out of bravery. As you prepare to take your last breath, you send a silent prayer. Wherever you end up, you hope you’re not alone.
But death, painful and bloody, doesn't come. 
Your eyes flash open at the sound of heavy breathing - panting - and a strangled cry tears from your throat. The figure filling the doorway is a terrifying sight to behold: drenched in sweat and blood and wielding a crimson-coated baseball bat, a wild expression on their once-familiar face. It looks as if they’ve clawed their way out of hell.
But they aren’t infected.
You know it by the pale blue eyes staring out at you through the layers of dirt.
The sound of his name seems to break whatever spell he’s under, the ice cold rage in his expression melting into something like recognition as he steps over the infected body lying lifeless at his feet. Beyond him, the cottage has fallen silent. 
When he speaks, his voice is hoarse. “Are you ok? Tell me you haven’t been bitten.” 
“I’m ok.” You’re more than ok. Because he’s here, alive and uninfected. Because he’s saved you.
Jim’s shoulders slump with obvious relief and even with the gun pointed in his direction, there’s no further hesitation. He closes the distance to you in two long strides before pulling you into his arms, his gaze rapidly darting across your face. 
“I thought I was too late,” he rasps, cupping your cheek. “I thought I’d lost you. I can’t fucking lose you. Not after everything that’s happened. I can’t...”
You shake your head, afraid that if you open your mouth to interject, you’ll stumble. Or even worse, that with the adrenaline from your brush with death still coursing through your veins, you’ll say something stupid. Something like-
“I love you.”
You don’t have time to react, much less process Jim’s abrupt admission before his mouth crashes into yours and he’s kissing you. He’s kissing you like you’re the cure. It’s rushed and messy and desperate and so thoroughly Jim.
If he notices the tears that begin to spill down your cheeks he certainly doesn’t comment. If anything, he holds you tighter and kisses you harder.
With every brush of his lips, you can feel a piece of your fractured self falling back into place.
Perhaps the end of the world is the perfect time for falling in love.
October Dreams Taglist: @a-reader-and-a-writer @zablife
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pixelatedquarter · 4 months
Make that the bad side of 45
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chalamet-chalamet · 1 year
Timothée vibing in Paris recently (9/28/23) ✨
TikTok credit to lucy.dimitrova
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fandom · 1 year
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Week Ending August 28th, 2023
David Tennant
Michael Sheen +1
Neil Gaiman +2
Taylor Zakhar Perez -2
Nicholas Galitzine -1
Charles Martinet
Misha Collins
Pedro Pascal -2
Jensen Ackles
Ryan Gosling -2
Joseph Quinn
First Kanaphan +4
Margot Robbie -6
Kayvan Novak
Johnny Depp
Khaotung Thanawat -1
Joe Keery -5
Cillian Murphy -7
Ayo Edebiri
The number in italics indicates how many spots a name moved up or down from the previous week. Bolded names weren’t on the list last week.
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