#cell x dbz
conniemb · 11 months
Me after learning Cell X exists:
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I wish to be squished
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thisisnotawendys · 19 days
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Cell saga make-up 🌶️ at your service.
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renwick-artz · 22 days
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Some more of these two :3
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monstersmashorpass · 8 days
SMASH OR PASS: Perfect Cell, Dragonball Z
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klaudia96art · 17 days
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Open Pride commission 🏳️‍🌈💕♥️✨Hi everyone, I’ve decided to open the pride commissions with various special offers since we’ll soon be celebrating pride 🏳️‍🌈♥️😊 I’ll be happy to draw your couples, I hope to hear from you💕 These offers will last until June 27th #commission #commission #commissionopen
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stars-n-sweets · 2 months
ok so now that toriyama’s passing has everybody celebrating dragon ball again, can i finally come out and say that i am still attracted to trunks, gohan, and goku?
are y’all still going to call me a dork for that?
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kenconffetti · 3 months
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kamodofilez · 3 months
Someone said I made Cell look like a twink, and personally I don’t really see it 🤷‍♀️
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introvertllux · 2 months
Chrono Heart (Future Trunks X Black!OC)
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Chapter 1: The Relic and the Reawakening
The remnants of Dr. Gero’s lab were a graveyard of twisted metal and shattered dreams, a monument to the hubris of a man who played god with circuits and steel. Hidden beneath this forsaken ruin, a capsule hissed open, and from its depths, a figure emerged—Axa. With skin like polished ebony, eyes that shimmered with the golden light of a thousand captured stars, and hair that cascaded down in an untamed torrent, she was a sight to behold—beauty crafted by ambition, innocence shaped by design.
She stood, hesitantly, in the dim light of her metallic tomb, a stark contrast to the vividness of her form. Her limbs moved with an elegance that was almost haunting, yet her expression held the innocence of a child looking out upon the world for the first time.
Unbidden, Axa's body propelled her through the labyrinth of the city, every calculation in her head leading her to an encounter she did not understand. It was as if an invisible hand guided her to a serene park, where the familiar silhouette of Android 18 stood, lost in the simplicity of feeding ducks at the pond—a moment of peace in a life so often marked by conflict.
Axa’s presence cast a shadow over the tranquility, and 18 turned, her eyes widening in shock and recognition. "Axa? Is it really you?" she gasped, the breadcrumbs slipping from her fingers.
Their reunion was explosive—a symphony of fists and flashes of shared history. As they sparred, 18, amidst parries and takedowns, called out to the essence of the girl she once knew.
"Remember when we sparred with 16 in the orchard, the cherry blossoms falling around us like snow?" she grunted, dodging a swift punch. "Or the time we snuck into the city, 17 dared us to ride the rollercoaster and you laughed until you cried?"
Each word struck Axa deeper than any physical blow could, unlocking the sealed doors of her memory. "And that night, the four of us lay in the grass, making shapes out of stars, dreaming of freedom," 18 continued, her voice laced with nostalgia, even as she blocked a kick. "But then you were gone. Gero said you were defective, but you were just... you were just Axa. You were just a little girl, and I... we, I should have done something."
Tears spilled from Axa's eyes, liquid diamonds trailing down her face, an alien sensation that stopped her cold. Her hands came up to her face, fingers trembling as she touched the moisture with wonder. "What... what is this?" she whispered, her voice breaking.
"It's crying, Axa," 18 replied with a bittersweet chuckle, the fight draining from her. "It happens when you're sad... or happy... or even when you laugh so hard, you can't stop. It means you're alive."
Axa's golden gaze, now dulled by confusion and sorrow, met 18's. "I don't... I don't understand," she said, a lost child wrapped in the shell of a machine.
"I know," 18 said, stepping forward to wrap an arm around her. "I forgot to search for you when I found my own life. But now I’m here, and I'll help you. Let me show you the life I've built. You’ll fit right in. Krillin, my husband, Marron, our daughter—they'll love you."
The promise of a family warmed something inside Axa, a spark of belonging that she didn't know she needed.
The scene shifted to the familial home, where the spark was met with a torrent of fear and misunderstanding.
The home that once held warmth and laughter was now a battlefield of words and emotions. The cozy living room, with its family photos and children's drawings, became the arena. Krillin's face was flushed with a mix of protective fear and incandescent rage. "18, how in the world could you think this was okay? Bringing her into our home without even a word to me?" His voice shook the very foundations of their sanctuary, a volume reserved for life-and-death battles, not familial disputes.
"You're not getting it, Krillin!" 18 shot back, her own voice a force to be reckoned with. "You think I can't see danger? I know danger. I've been danger. But she—" 18 jabbed a finger towards Axa, "—is just lost. We owe her this!"
Marron, with the blissful ignorance of childhood, had wandered over to Axa, offering a small stuffed dinosaur with a smile. "Do you wanna play with Mr. Dino?" she had asked, her voice a sing-song note in the dissonant symphony of the adults' conflict.
Krillin's eyes darted from Marron to Axa, and with a speed that betrayed his martial prowess, he scooped Marron into his arms. "Marron, sweetie, why don't you go play in your room, okay?" His words were gentle with his daughter, but when his gaze swung back to Axa, they were steel blades. "Stay away from her," he snapped at Axa. "We don't know you, what you're capable of—what if you're programmed to…to…"
His words trailed off, but the accusation hung heavily in the air, an invisible smog choking the room. Axa, who stood like a statue wrought from onyx, felt each word strike her. Her hands, which moments ago had explored the texture of the child's toy, now hung limply at her sides. The shine in her golden eyes dulled, a gloss of pain over the brightness.
"Krillin," 18's voice cracked like a whip, her anger transforming into something fierce and protective. "Listen to yourself! She’s not a threat! How can you judge her like this?"
The silence that followed was suffocating. Axa's soft, disbelieving sobs were the only sound, a heartbreaking melody that seemed to wrap around the room. She blinked rapidly, her human-like innocence clashing with her android perfection as she attempted to process the whirlwind of rejection and anger.
"I… I don't want to be a problem," Axa stammered out, her voice a mere whisper but slicing through the tension. "I didn't mean to cause trouble. I'm sorry."
Krillin, his face softening for a moment at Axa's words, struggled with the turmoil inside him. His duty to protect his family warring with the empathy he had learned from his wife. "18, I…," he started, but the words tangled, a mess of emotion and duty.
"No," 18 interrupted, her eyes glistening with unshed tears of frustration. "No, Krillin. She's not just some android. She's Axa. Remember that. She's not the past; she’s someone who needs us now."
In the quiet that followed, the trio stood, the balance of their world shifted, as they each considered the weight of what it meant to be family, to be human, or something akin to it. Axa, still caught in the eye of the storm, dared to hope for a harbor in this tempest—a place where she could anchor her heart.
The turmoil in the room reached a crescendo, a tidal wave of emotion that crashed over Axa with overwhelming force. As Krillin and Android 18's argument continued, Axa's mind began to fracture under the strain. She clutched at her temples, her golden eyes flickering erratically as memories—long suppressed—surged to the surface.
She was small again, diminutive and human, watching through the bars of a crib as giants in white coats and stern faces argued loudly above her. The cacophony of their voices was terrifying, a discordant symphony that crescendoed into an unbearable din. Words like "potential" and "failure" were thrown back and forth, volleying over her head like some high-stakes game she could not comprehend.
Her breath hitched, a robotic mimicry of a panic attack, and her body began to seize up. Her limbs locked in place, and the glow in her eyes sputtered like a dying star. "System… overload…" she managed to gasp out before collapsing like a puppet with its strings cut, her form going limp and unresponsive on the floor.
"18, we need to do something!" Krillin's voice was now tinged with fear for Axa, the protective instinct he felt for all living beings—especially those under his roof—kicking in.
18 knelt beside Axa, her fingers hovering over the android's inert body. Her heart, though not flesh and blood, ached with a mix of fear and protectiveness. "Dammit," she cursed softly, her usual composure fraying at the edges.
Krillin ran a hand through his hair, his eyes darting from his wife to the still figure on the floor. "Maybe… we should take her to see Bulma. She's dealt with… this kind of thing before."
Android 18's eyes narrowed at the suggestion. "Bulma has a good heart, but she's got that scientist's curiosity. She'll want to dissect every part of Axa's programming," she said, her voice a growl of resistance. "And Vegeta…" she trailed off, a scowl creasing her features at the thought of the Saiyan prince's unpredictable nature.
Krillin nodded slowly, understanding his wife's concerns. "We don't have to tell everyone, just Bulma. She'll know what to do," he insisted, his tone imploring. "Vegeta won't lay a finger on her—I'll deal with him if I have to."
The two locked eyes, a silent conversation passing between them. It was a gamble, but Axa needed help that they couldn't give. With a heavy heart, 18 agreed. "Fine. But we're not leaving her side. Not for a second."
Carefully, they gathered Axa's motionless form, her weight a testament to the gravity of their situation. Together, they stepped into the cool evening air, the weight of Axa's fate a heavy shroud upon their shoulders as they made their way to Capsule Corporation, and into the uncertain future that awaited them.
More on Axa (Pronounced: Axe-e-ah or Ahh-x-ah)
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*Apologies for inconsistent art styles. I utilized Art breeder. Unfortunately I don't see many resources to help create black!Ocs in consistent styles and diverse poses out there. If you know of any please let me know! As you continue reading the story imagine her in the DBZ art style. Thank you!*
@thejadetrios @shytothemaxx @variousfandom @konekomews @physicallyherementallysomewhere @ikittybakugou345 @jasxnoamii @enderempresss16 @elliethewitch @carzychameleon @feitanii @hollownight @dragonloverdrawer @moonlight445sblog @yelan-butterpeatea @ringsofpersonti @weeb-boy261 @jkr820 @somehowexist @scrumptiouss007 @emajohn40 @justicetheghost @thirstyhoebutbetteryehsjsg @rasaberrygray @etherialblackrose @random-insomnia15 @deviousmunchkin @galaxys-stuff @bluehibiscusgarden @kunoichis-world @x-bakudeku-x @spectoralstrudel @i-wanna-fuck-monsters @interobanginyourmom @twdhtgawm @kkeidawrites
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rumblebat · 8 months
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Cell & Frieza were the winners of the poll!! You folks sure know how to pick them! >;3c Please enjoy the story, mind the CW’s, and read at your own risk.
rating: [MA-X] - for a mature audience cw: smut/(n)sfw, threesome, language, slight dub-con, implied fem reader (with gn pronouns), lack of protection, slight breeding kink, frieza reverts back to his 2nd form word count: 2,584
sneak peek: "If you wish to be treated like a slut, so be it, but don't say we didn't warn you..little one.~"
x (you are here) | x | x | x | x | x | x | x
You sat on the couch, sighing and looking around at the other guests at the party. You were invited by Zarbon to join in on the fun. It wasn't like he wanted to invite you, it seemed more like a pity invite. Your eyes rolled as you watched the guest have their fun.
"Why am I even here...?" You mumbled to yourself, leaning back in your seat. The spot next to you filled, causing you to look over. The Lord and Empire of the Universe himself sat beside you. 'What the hell is Lord Frieza doing here?!'. You blinked and looked at him as he drank from his cup.
"Not much of a party person, are you (y/n)?" Frieza asked, looking into his cup. You stared at him. He turned his head, his piercing red eyes looked back at you. "Well?"
You quickly looked away and nodded your head. He was right, you weren't much of a "party person". All you did was do your work, keep your head down, and go back to your quarters to repeat the next day. Frieza watched your body language and chuckled to himself.
"My, aren't you a nervous one? Don't worry, unwind a little. It is a party after all. Not a party for me, but you should still have fun." He hummed and took another sip. You nodded your head and looked back at him. Before you could ask a question, a large shadow loomed over you both.
Frieza's eyes looked up. His nose scrunched at the figure in front of you both. "Cell…" He choked out in disgust, "And what do I owe the unplease..?" The figure chuckled deeply. "No pleasure at all? That's a little rude of you, Frieza?" You looked up, nearly hurting your neck. The figure was an odd one. He looked like a large cicada but had a gorgeous face and pale hands. You couldn't keep your eyes off of him, and he noticed. Cell crouched down and took your hand, gently kissing it. "Well, are you cute enough to eat.." He purred, "I'm Perfect Cell, little one…but you can just call me Cell." He said, his charming yet deep voice almost threw you into a trance.
Frieza clicked his tongue, clearing his throat. "This is my acquaintance that works for me, (y/n). Isn't that right?" You nod, not losing eye contact with Cell. His deep, hungry gaze switched over from you to Frieza. "Oh? And how come they couldn't say their own name??" Cell questioned the smaller tyrant. Frieza smirked, nearly wanting to rip Cell apart. "Maybe if you stop staring at my workers like some kind of five-course meal, they can speak." Cell laughed and nodded his head. "You think that's the reason? Fine." He looked back at you and smiled, "Tell me your name, little one."
You looked at him then back at Frieza. His face was covered in hidden anger. "Go on. Anwser the rouch." Cell growled at the insult, but then quickly changed back to his charming self. "Um…I'm (y/n)." You answered with a warm smile. Cell chuckled and gently rubbed your cheek. "There we go..~" Your breath nearly got stuck in your throat. Frieza leaned over and swatted his hand away. "Enough of that, Cell. Don't you have more people to absorb?" He hissed. Cell chuckled and grabbed your wrist, "Sure, you could say that…and thanks to you, I found the next person I want to taste." He said, looking at you. Quickly, Cell stood up and looked in the direction of Zarbon. "Hey, Zar. I found my closet buddy!" You were completely lost. Closet buddy?
Zarbon walked over and looked down at you, his towering figure along with Cell's was something truly beautiful to look at. Zarbon's face changed and looked at Cell, "Them? Really?" Cell proudly nodded and held you up by your wrist. "Why yes. Is there a problem?" Zarbon scoffed and shook his head, "Of course not… just didn't take you as the type of person to be into lower life forms. You are a kinky bastard." He softly pushed Cell, causing him to chuckle too. "Now, make your way to the closet -" Before Zarbon could finish his sentence, Frieza shot up from his seat. "You aren't taking them, without me!" Cell and Zarbon both looked down at the tyrant. Zarbon was shocked and nearly dropped to the floor. "My Lord, are you…are you serious about this?" Frieza grabbed your other hand and held it up. "I was going to have them in the closet with me when it was my turn. If Cell takes them now, I want them as well." Cell rolled his eyes and huffed. Zarbon looked at all three of you, nodding his head. Of course, he couldn't say no to his boss.
With all the fighting slightly subsiding, Zarbon leads you and the other two to a large closet. "Seven minutes is all you have. Not a minute over…unless Lord Frieza says so." Zarbon nodded down at the smaller alien. Cell nodded quickly and shoved you into the closet. "Yes, yes. Unless the purple brat says otherwise. We get it, now let's get a move on. I'm hungry…~" He hummed, ducking into the closet. His ominous chuckle slightly echos. Frieza cringed at his disgusting wording and sighed. "Zarbon, if I knock twice before the time is up. Open the door." Zarbon blinked and slowly nodded, not understanding the meaning of that.
In the closet, you sat on the floor. Once the door closed, everything was eerily quiet and dark. You looked around, catching a glimpse of Cell's and Frieza's eyes. They both looked at each other, but Cell's was the one that moved closer to you. He held you up and pinned you to the wall, leaning over to gently place soft kisses around your neck. He wasted no time. You, on the other hand, tried to push him away. This was happening way too fast. You grunted and gasped, moaned, and begged for him to slow down. He only chuckled and exhaled against your skin causing you to shudder.
"Frieza never told me you smelled so good when you're scared…~ But there is no reason for that, I won't hurt you or do anything to harm you unless you want me to…~ I'm here to only have fun.~" He growled in his chest, feeling a strong hand touch his shoulder. Once he turned his head, the figure behind him didn't look like Frieza. It looked more like his father, but it was Frieza; just his second form. "You're enjoying yourself too much. You'll ruin your appetite that way.." Frieza's deeper voice shocked you both. Cell smirked and chuckled at the sentence. "Fine, then come and share this with me." Frieza scoffed at the proposal and pulled you away from the wall. Gently placing you against his bigger and broader chest.
Cell continued to kiss along your neck, gently grinding up against you. Your head started to feel light and you nearly yelped when Cell bites down. Frieza growled at this, slowly guiding his hands to your chest. You mewled out, trying to keep quiet. Frieza leaned over to kiss the shell of your ear, "You don't have to be quiet. If they hear you, I'll deal with them…~" He huffed, licking along your ear. You nodded and started to moan softly. Cell looked over at Frieza, who had the same idea in mind. They both nodded and laid you on the ground.
You opened your eyes and looked up, seeing both of these large figures towering over you. You felt so small, weak…yet, you wanted to have both of them. "H-hurry up.." You said softly. They both looked down at you, their eyes seeming to glow brighter once you said that. "I want to..keep going." Cell crouched down to you and cocked his head to the side. "Well, aren't you impatient? Fine, we'll get on with it. Frieza?" He said, looking back up at the larger alien. Frieza chuckled and got on his knees. "I hope you don't mind us both having our way then." You shook your head, signaling that everything was okay for you. Frieza smirked and quickly got to it, taking off your bottoms and undergarments. Cell did the same to your top. Once you lay nude on the floor, Frieza got to work. Quickly placing cold kisses on your thighs, dragging his tongue along them also. You shudder and meet the soft lips of Cell. Frieza raised your legs, pulling you closer to him. He leaned back down, slowly eating you out. You moaned loudly into the kiss, causing Cell to grunt. The sudden spark of pleasure nearly drove you wild. Cell couldn't take much longer of this. He pulled away, gently pawing at this black codpiece, and growled.
"(y/n)." Cell began, and you opened your eyes to see a large member in front of you. "Open your mouth, wide." He panted out. You had no idea where his member came from, but there was no time for that. You opened your mouth, lulling out your tongue. With no warning, Cell shoved his member deep inside your throat. He growled and placed his hand on your throat. "Getting weaker I see?" He cooed, groaning as you clawed and tightened around his member. Frieza watched as Cell rocked his hips against your face. "Give them time to breathe, Cell. They are still my employee." Frieza said through slurps. Cell nodded his head and panted, pulling away from you. You coughed and breathed out, "D-don't worry, If I need to breathe. I'll tap your leg…j-just give it to me please!" You said, hunger filled your eyes. Cell nearly lost it at your words. "If you wish to be treated like a slut, so be it, but don't say we didn't warn you..little one.~" Cell placed a heavy hand on your throat again, jamming his cock back into your mouth. Your muffled cries and moans caused Frieza to lose control. His usual regal and proper attitude was completely out the window.
Quickly, Frieza sat up and huffed. He put his decency to the side and started to stroke his bulging member. Cell chuckled at Frieza, "Don't worry Frieza, we still have a few minutes left…take your time with the dessert.~" The empire didn't listen. His mind was too focused on your smell and the pleasure that coursed through him. He lifted your legs up again and rushed his cock inside of you. You screamed out, Cell hunched over at the sudden pain. You dug your nails into him. "Ah! Damn it!!" Cell growled and moved his hips back before pumping his cock in and out of your throat. "F-Frieza, stop being so damn hard-headed and be careful! You're not the only one doing something here!" Frieza glared up at him, bucking his hips into you, "Why don't you just shut it, Cell? Enjoy them while you can. They're all mine once this idiotic party is over." Cell clicked his tongue and pulled out. He quickly moved you away from Frieza and rolled onto his back, gently laying you on top of him. Your back met with his cool, hard chest.
"Now Frieza," He began, "If you aren't going to properly share your dessert with me, I'll just have to take what I want." Cell said as he started to spread your legs wide. Your face grew a deep shade of red, "Now then, (y/n). You've been awfully quiet, and I find that quite rude." He started as he aimed his cock at your slick opening. "I want you, to tell us what you want.." He said in a gruff whisper. You whimpered and gasped as you were slowly filled, "P…please.." You started, "I..want to cum! I want you both to make me cum!" You cried. Cell chuckled deeply, looking up at Frieza, "I'm sure we can both fit, why don't you join me?~" Frieza's red eyes glowed with lust. He eyed you and glared at Cell, "Fine. I'll join.." He crawled over to you both, caging you between him and Cell. His member rubbed up against Cell and nudged up against you.
You both looked at Frieza, Cell kissed your neck and whispered, "Relax, just let him in. You'll enjoy this, I promise." You gulped and panted heavily. Frieza managed to squeeze inside and howled in slight pain, but soon melted into pleasure. You threw your head back, resting it on Cell's shoulder. "That's it, just give in.~" He huffed and started to buck his hips up. Frieza matched his pace, moaning softly. You were on the verge of screaming out for them to stop, but the pleasure soon started to swarm you. As they both hit your most sensitive spots, you cried out their name. Cell laughed loudly, spreading your legs wider and pounded deeper into you. Frieza hissed and grabbed your ankles, pushing your legs back. You felt like you were being ripped apart. The pleasure started to build up more and more for everyone. Cell panted, turning your head to look at him, "You feel so good. So…perfect. I could eat you up in one fucking bite!~" He growled and grabbed your jaw, wrapping his other arm around your torso. "Speak up, pet. Tell us what you want! Now!" Frieza glared down at you, "Listen to us and we'll give it to you!" He adjusted himself, fixing the position he was in to squat over you. This caused him to go deeper.
Your eyes rolled back, you were nearly there. "F-fuck!! Please!! Just…let me cum!!" You cried out, repeating the word 'please' over and over again. The two men looked at each other through the darkness and nodded. Ramming their raging cocks deeper inside of you, their pace quickened. Cell gave you soft praise while Frieza degraded you, you were in a whirl of emotions and pleasure. "I knew you were a weak slut when I hired you!! You're nothing more than a sick, twisted bitch that needs to be bred!" Frieza roared out, cumming inside of you. He hissed and exhaled through his teeth, riding out his orgasm like a feral animal. He leaned over, letting go of your ankles, and clawed at the walls. Cell chuckled again before letting out a low moan, he leaned over to bite you. You were overstimulated and wailed out, crying and cumming at the same time. Your legs started to shake as you managed to squirt your essence on the tyrant and the android. "Y-yes! Yes!" Cell panted out, pumping his and Frieza's cum deeper in you, "Let go! Give in to your desires!" He kissed your neck and back. You bite your lip, your eyes start to roll back before everything started to fade.
Frieza let out a low groan as he pulled out of you. Cell hummed in delight as he pulled away too, gently placing you on the floor. "Well, that was delicious. Thank you, (y/n), for the meal. I couldn't get enough.~" He said, amused at his work. Frieza, back in his usual form, came over to look at what was done. The entire closet was a mess and it smelled. He scrunched up his nose and looked at Cell, "We should help clean them up. I would hate for our new toy to be any more humiliated." Cell nodded and helped, "Our, lhuh?" Frieza stayed silent and glared as he gently cleaned you. "Don't fucking push it."
**Please do not repost/claim/edit my stories story & title card by @rumblebat character(s) (c) Akira Toriyama tips + commissions | wattpad
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Hello and thank you <3 Can you do a HC for Cell and Frieza x shy n compassionate female!Reader who is a goody-two-shoes almost to a painful degree and while she doesn't want them to change just for her sake, makes it all strugglesome for both sides?
RIP them... Trying to be themselves but it doesn't help...
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Its debatable if he's actually doing anything evil, but he doesn't bother tiptoeing around the idea that he does horrible things
Does his best to bolster your confidence more than anything else, though always backs down when you start getting uncomfortable
Rarely thinks to keep you away from any plans... as he doesn't have a ton of plans after absorbing 17 and 18
Before becoming his Perfect self, he often ignores the hypocrisy of dating the same kind of creature he uses to remain alive
Just wants you to stay near the time pod he showed up in, after the Z-Fighters have left it alone... or somewhere equally safe and hidden
Occasionally just decides to drop what he's doing to see what you're up to (and maybe help but its more like 20 questions while you do something sweet)
When he tries to do anything nice, he fumbles, badly enough that he winds up causing chaos (not for you... he's immaculate about being nice to you)
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He doesn't even understand how he fell for you. He knows you're too nice and sweet to seem even a little bit intimidating
You are always kept off to one side, far away from his plans so you have plausible deniability when he goes to do anything
He will actively keep you away from whatever he's up to which means that you essentially only see each other at meals and relaxing/right before bed
Unless he insists on a vacation to a weird planet (that he basically owns) where he pretends like he doesn't enslave the people who live there... or eradicated them some decades ago
Though he does start feeling bad from time to time... before throwing an overblown tantrum and wrecking the nearest object
Then attempting to lie about seeing something that shouldn't be on a spaceship in the first place...
Though in trying to stay out of his way, Frieza will sometimes be too clingy because he doesn't know how to deal with this kind of thing
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imperfectercell · 3 months
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And this too is a type of love
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thisisnotawendys · 9 days
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We all know the post cell games make up 🌶️ was hella intense. I could never read enough fic from this era. Bulma's hair. Vegeta's turtle necks. Ugh gimme.
I feel like there wouldn't be much dialogue, as Bulma would still be in pain following the airplane crash, and Vegeta would never verbally apologize even if he was being skinned alive. But I believe he would show her in other ways 👀
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renwick-artz · 1 day
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That one scene of them from GT! I love them they’re so silly
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I really wanna see more Freiza and cell content, I hate how he’s kinda pushed to the side w/ everyone else after Z :(
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justme068 · 7 months
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I haven't drawn Fricell in a hot minute so here u go
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klaudia96art · 4 months
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Valentine day 2024 Lauraxcell new technique 😅💕💕♥️
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