naavispider · 1 year
I just started reading your fic and I'm impressed with how much dimension you've given the Avatar landscape.
Though we know Quaritch and Spider won't grow very close -- the movie ending still being what it is and their relationship being a "one step forward, two back" type thing -- I was thinking over a suitable prompt since you asked for ideas. Very cool of you, by the way :)
I could be that affection's not gonna work between these two, so realistically, Quaritch could play a distant but steadfast sentinel. He mentioned wanting to "protect" Spider, so on the periphery of Spider's awareness, he notices Quaritch building canopies to keep Spider safe from the rain, or him leaving out meals for Spider, Quaritch encouraging Cupcake to bond with him so that he may feel he has his own Ikran.
Anyway, I look forward to your future writing! Thank you for sharing your creativity the way you have! ❤️
Thank you! I've had at least 3 open tabs for the avatar wiki on my laptop so I can check things/get names for plants etc.
I LOVE the idea of Quaritch doing little 'domestic' things for Spider in the forest, maybe there's a really bad storm one night and the recoms are trying to build a shelter and Quaritch notices that Spider is of course left out in the pouring rain, so either brings him into theirs or starts putting up some tarpaulin over Spider 😭
Thank you for the ideas, I love all of them!
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bestworstcase · 2 months
Grimm behavior reassessment thought: y'know that sister training session called on account of Rather Tanky Ursa? Could Ruby & Yang have avoided that fight if they'd known to treat the big lug like careful hikers would an 'ordinary' bear encounter? There were a few 'pause & rear/roar' moments on its part which I guess *could* be read as 'hey stop that' or 'my turf, leave'.
yang’s character short has always interested me bc the ursa was there the whole time they were sparring.
like. yang throws a punch, ruby panic-flies into the bushes and then passes out:
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on this screenshot i’ve marked ruby’s approximate path in red and circled the clump of bushes the ursa emerges from (using the logs laid around the perimeter as markers):
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note the very dense foliage around the grimm; he’s completely hidden. yang gets concerned when ruby doesn’t respond, startles when she hears a twig snap in the area circled in yellow, this is what she sees:
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and then he stands up:
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which. ok. he’s a really big guy. there is no way he crept up on them and got that close before making a noticeable sound, and most grimm behave like pursuit predators besides—they wander around in the open and give chase when they come across prey. (although there are exceptions: the pack of apathy at brunswick drag the lamp around a corner and go dark to lie in wait, for example.)
the point is, he’s there, but yang can’t see him until his eyes illuminate because he’s lying down in the bushes. his markings are also ‘off’ and only begin to glow as he stands up.
we’ve seen grimm Do That a couple times:
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and we’ve also seen in v8 that just because there don’t seem to be any grimm nearby doesn’t mean they aren’t there:
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<- same thing happens in the mine. dozens of centinels pop out of the ground when the geist signals for them to screen his retreat deeper into the mine. which suggests that grimm may spend a lot of time… not hunting. unseen, hidden just under the surface or in the densest thickets, crevices, whatever. and no one knows because when grimm aren’t on the hunt they don’t attack unless provoked.
the big guy was just There! taking a nap! and he didn’t aggro until yang got spooked by ruby’s silence.
he also doesn’t seem to be all that interested in attacking after his initial charge and swipe; he knocks yang across the clearing and then turns away, until yang shoots him again:
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i do think it’s really interesting that WOR: grimm implies that grimm are most strongly drawn by violence, not negativity per se: “what is perhaps even more unsettling is the basis of their attraction,” and the accompanying image is
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a person killing another person with a rock.
i think—much more so than real animals—grimm are kind of emotional mirrors, in that they reflect the energy they’re shown. one thing that stands out to me about both salem and cinder is that while there is obviously an element of magic or kinship or both behind their influence over the grimm, from both of them we see these occasional moments of tenderness toward the grimm; cinder’s very gentle and soothing “shh, this is your home now” when she calms the wyvern, and the way salem softens when she caresses the goliath’s face in the v6 stinger:
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and i wonder if there isn’t a meaningful correlation there. the two characters in the story who demonstrably have the ability to communicate and work with grimm are also the two characters who, in private moments when no one else is around to see, choose to be gentle with these creatures. is salem able to command grimm the way she does by magical compulsion or is she their leader, as raven put it, whom they follow because she’s kind to them and protects them.
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rowaelinsdaughter · 5 months
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a/n;; chapter 2 is here!!! hope you like this as much as im doing.
WARNING;; spoilers for heir of fire, manon and ayla are possessive over each other (i love this)
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ayla hated the ferian gap.
 there was something wicked, cruel, rotten there. and she hated the amount of people reunited there. well, the amount of witches there. the blackbeak coven was the last one to arrive, and as a result, they were given the smallest rooms. not that she complained about that, she was going to sleep with manon, but the matron had made it clear that she wasn't going to ride a wyvern. it was too dangerous for her to participate, she had claimed, because the matron didn't want her to die. her precious treasure.
she had watched as manon gave three blows to her second due to a fight with a yellowleg sentinel. one to the gut, one to the ribs and the final one to the face. asterin hadn’t screamed or pleaded for manon to stop, and now, at breakfast, her second gave her a fierce grin. a small smile appeared in ayla’s face, and she felt manon’s hand grab her tight. a warning, but she took the hand placed in her tight, careful that no one notices it. 
she was wearing a dress. one that manon had bought her and had claimed it was her favorite. long sleeves that helped hide her hands, a cut on the skirt that showed her leg, a corset and high boots. she had entered the room with manon’s hand around her waist, making clear to the witches gathered there that ayla was manon’s, and the scent lingered with manon’s made clear that manon was ayla’s. no one would dare to look at her with the white demon at her side. 
but someone was watching her. 
she studied the room and found her… iskra yellowlegs. the leader of the centinel that had fought with asterin. her eyes narrowed as iskra looked at her from head to toes. assessing her next prey. manon noticed her body was tense. “what’s happening?” she whispered so anyone couldn’t hear. she didn’t answer. so manon followed the direction of her eyes and found her. she gripped the table. crack. the table was breaking under her strength. iskra gave manon a defiant smile. come on, come for me. 
she was going to kill her. ayla gripped her arm before she could stand. “manon stop. it's going to be worse if you start a fight with her”
manon looked at her, her eyes a burning gold that promised blood. ayla took her hand. “please, manon”
one, two, three, four… a minute passed until she relaxed enough to talk. “if she tries something to you or even breath near you, i kill her”
ayla rolled her eyes “you know i can defend myself, do you?”
“i know, but i don't like her”
“me neither manon. me neither”
even though ayla wasn't going to ride a wyvern, she had to follow manon wherever she went, so she and the thirteen could keep an eye on her. direct order from the matron.  
again, manon’s hand was on her waist as yellowlegs and blackbeaks stepped aside for them to pass. fifty witches were gathered at the hole in the side of the mountain. the matron was at the entrance of the bridge, the blueblood and yellowlegs matrons at her side. 
manon walked towards her grandmother leaving ayla with the thirteen. each heiress was at the side of her matrons. petrah, the heir of the blueblood, and iskra, the yellowlegs heir, was grinning at manon as she approached her grandmother. 
“now that we’re assembled,” the blueblood matron—cresseida—said, “shall we show you what we’ve been brought here to do?”
mother blackbeak waved a hand to the bridge, black robes billowing in the icy wind. “we walk into the sky, witches.” 
they were led to an atrium in the northern fang, where five men were waiting. each heir was behind their respective matron, protecting them. a men started to explain what they were going to do and what they were doing there. 
ayla was getting bored when the iron gate lifted. and in front of them, a wyvern appeared. a beast. she watched as everyone held their breath. “titus is one of our best,” the man said. he started to explain the characteristics of titus.  
and she watched as manon and titus shared a smile.
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all rights reserved to ©rowaelinsdaughter. no tranlations allowed. no copy theme. don not copy my work.
tagging;; @thehighladywrites @danikamariewrites @hellwantfuckme
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x-junwrites-x · 4 months
Long Time No See
Tord x Reader
Tw: none
The two of you sat on a bench, watching the faint trail of smoke gather in a bigger cloud on the skyline of the city across the shore. You idly kicked some of the pebbles buried in the grass, feeling as though your eyelids would finally succumb to the fatigue that washed over you. It had been a long day of planting bombs in the rafters of certain buildings, all surrounding your target. Acts of terrorism, the news reports would call it. Acts of rebellion. A smirk played on your lips as you thought about the orchestration of the final act of defiance against the Red Leader.
“Hey,” Your partner beside you gave a nudge on your shoulder, eyes skimming to somewhere past your head. You tilted your head to the side, question catching in your throat as you noticed the way the newcomer’s signature helmet was off and away. It had been ages since the two of you got to talk face to face. Besides the weekly calls the two of you had late at night when no one in either of your bases was awake. Or listening.
Your partner melted off of the bench, quietly excusing himself to walk back to the trail that led the two of you over to the cliffside.
The Red Leader gave you a once over, clouded eye looking as though it could see right through you as if you were a ghost.
“I didn't expect the amount of firepower the rebellion used today to be your doing.” He said calmly, moving to sit next to you. There were a couple feet in between you on the bench. You didn’t feel the need to stifle the way you relaxed at the proximity. Too tired for that.
“Yeah well, how do you expect us to topple centinel buildings without it.” Your snark made a puff of breath release from his lips. His fingers idly skimmed the chipped wood of the bench, tapping a slow rhythm on the grain.
“It’s been a while.” He said quietly, looking out onto the lazy waves of the peninsula. His voice had started sounding more subdued over the late night calls lately, hitting a tone you couldn’t decipher once one of the rebellion’s biggest bases was hit a few weeks ago. You sighed, smoothing over the fabric of your pants over your knees.
“It has.” You started, a pregnant pause between you. You could feel the way he tensed as you started the next sentence, “You know, the worst of it all, if you ask now,” his hand clenched on his thigh, “I’ll forgive you.”
The Red Leader shuddered, turning to finally give you his full attention. Eyes scanned over your features, finding truth behind your words.
“I’m so sorry. We weren’t meant to hit the clinic, you know there’s no use in hitting the downed.” He swallowed, “There was a rat in our ranks, playing for the third party we hadn’t paid much attention to. They got us.” You nodded after a second, knowing that he truly hadn’t intended on bombing one of the only places in the rebellion with the most medicinal coverage. It was never his game.
“I know.” Your hand hesitantly found his, reaching slowly so he could pull away. To your surprise, his hand stayed curled on his thigh. His skin felt as cold as the breeze that was hitting the two of you from the waters down below.
“We’ll figure it out.” Talking about the rebellion. Your eyes focused on the cloud of smoke in the distance, finding helicopters in the sky like little flies. The Red Leader could see them to, given by the snort he let out.
“Those sharks are always looking to capture the worst of situations for entertainment.” He grunted, his own fingers interlacing with yours. You gave his hand a squeeze.
“It won’t be long before your dogs trail us.” You murmured, head tilting to watch his reaction. He gave a stiff nod. His hand didn’t leave yours.
“I’ll see you when I see you, then.”
The end.
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mmnt-art · 1 year
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Ah, yes, another centinel I'll love-
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nekoannie-chan · 6 months
Flesh wound
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Title: Flesh wound.
Fandom: Marvel, The Gifted, X-men.
Ship: Lorna Dane X Mutant!Reader.
Word count: 241 words.
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Lorna was hurt escaping from the Centinels.
Major Tags: Flesh wound.
Additional tags: This is my entry to @multifandom-flash, Annie-3002 & square 7:
"Only a flesh wound.”
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @harrysthiccthighsss @marvelatthisonee @caplanbuckybarness @sapphire-rogerss @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot5555 @here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard
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The deafening sound of the Sentinels chasing them was the most unbearable thing. You had lost count of the times they had had to flee from them in recent years.
Suddenly, a larger and more imposing Sentinel than the others appeared. You swallowed with difficulty; it seemed that they were modernizing their enemies. It also seemed that the robot could adapt to attacks, which made it more dangerous. In a moment of distraction, the Sentinel managed to land a blow to Polaris' side.
"Lorna!" he exclaimed, watching as she recoiled, holding her injured side. "Are you okay?"
Lorna forced a smile. "Only a flesh wound, don't worry. I'm still standing."
You gritted your teeth, frustrated that you weren't quick enough to avoid the attack. But before you could say anything, another sentry rushed at you. Polaris acted instinctively, deflecting the attack with a magnetic shield.
"It was only a flesh wound," Lorna insisted, noticing the concern in your eyes. "I'm fine, really."
But something wasn't right; they had to get out of that place immediately. Maybe Turner was nearby. You grabbed Lorna by the arm and forced her to start running. Suddenly, they saw an open portal and entered.
"I thought you would never get there," you commented when you saw Clarice.
"We had a little trouble," John said.
"Lorna is hurt," you pointed out.
Clarice nodded and took her to one of the rooms where they would check the wound.
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Something I noticed about JNPR/JNOR's fight against the full Team FNKI in V7 is how it arguably acts as a demonstration of how far they've come...but also setting up how far they still have to go, as well as their inability to fight against Neo, and also how Atlas' teaching style somewhat negatively affects them.
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In the fight JNPR has against FNKI, it's telling how they're all fighting separate 1 on 1 battles, almost making this a parallel to the Ace Ops vs RWBY fight. Neon is even mirroring Ruby by making Nora angry and goading her into chasing Neon around the arena, arguably wasting a lot of energy doing so. Meanwhile, Jaune is fighting a ranged opponent with Flynt despite having no ranged weapons, Ren is fighting head on against Ivori, who can deflect all of his shots, and Oscar is fighting against Cobalt in close range despite Cobalt having an apparent advantage in strength and size.
Where the nuance lies is that despite being split up, FNKI still ultimately loses for several reasons.
One is that they haven't undergone the same level of growth that JNPR have, with Neon and Flynt still relying on the same tactics they used back in the Vytal Festival, with implications that it's probably the same for their other teammates. JNPR are just vastly more experienced fighters even if they aren't on the same tier as RWBY, with Oscar having the benefit of an accelerated growth due to his Ozpin collective to compensate for his relative lack of experience.
The other is interesting in that when FNKI is defeated, it seems like it was done by JNPR overpowering Neon's teammates. This stands out because it seems to go against the idea that victory cannot be achieved purely through strength...but in truth it actually is a demonstration of Atlas' ideology being applied through team JNPR...and sets up the reveal of such an ideology's limitations.
Atlas' ideals of using might to overwhelm your enemy works with JNPR vs FNKI because it's showing how that only applies when your enemy is WEAKER than you are, or has serious weaknesses to their abilities. JNPR, with their experience and bigger skillpool were at a significant advantage over the less experienced FNKI, which meant that even with the problem of being divided, they could still individually overpower their foes.
But this ends up having serious limitations when they go up against Neo later on. Not only does Neo have a lot of experience that dwarfs JNPR, but her fighting style is the fundamental antithesis to Atlas' philosophy because it's all about turning her enemies' strength against them. Trying to beat her with pure strength is an exercise in futility unless you just so vastly outclass her that she'd rather flee.
JNPR is shown to be trying to overpower her the same way they did with FNKI, only to fail to do much against her without having the element of surprise or a stronger fighter like Ruby or Pyrrha to compensate for their shortcomings. Nora basically gets thrown aside while Ren tries to keep using his frontal attack to no avail. The only times they manage to do anything to her is when they're not trying to overpower her, rather focusing on outmaneuvering her (Oscar getting the lamp back), or just simply stalling her with sheer defense (Jaune and his Gravity Shield Burst). Combined with the hectic situation around them, and it's no wonder they ultimately lose.
This limitation of Atlas philosophy is only further noticeable when you consider just how effectively JNR did against the Centinels in Episode 3, and that was BEFORE Atlas took part in their training. While Atlas tech and training did help them, it also arguably exacerbated some of their shortcomings that was somewhat mitigated before, whereas RWBY has been trying to overcome those kinds of shortcomings for quite some time.
Yup. The Atlas way is to train all members of a team separately and then have a leader send them where they need to go. It can help people become stronger individually but it is terrible where teamwork is needed.
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meifunk · 1 year
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im in the endgame of 13 Centinels and sekigahara just scratches my brain so much i had to draw him on Tux Paint
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
I thought about the Ren & Yang fight in V8 again and it brought me to a sort of smaller issue: The Grimm aren't anywhere near as omnipresent as they should be. They're attracted to negative emotion. The squad's having this big emotional argument in the middle of nowhere, while the city is being invaded by the Grimm, and yet none of them are drawn to the group. The group is in complete disarray and yet this isn't punished by a Centinel ambushing them or a Gryphon swooping at them, or anything.
I think RWBY could have gotten away with this if there had been another conflict to forward that fight. Meaning, it's heavily implied throughout the series (though not explicitly stated? I honestly can't remember) that grimm are attracted to the most intense negative emotion nearby. So if one person is kinda bummed out and another is having a full-blown panic attack, and they're both approximately the same distance from the grimm, the one having a panic attack will be dealing with that Griffon. That's why Cinder was able to accurately predict that Penny's death would draw so many grimm to Beacon (a horrified crowed trumps whatever else might be going on nearby) and why fans were annoyed by the grimm in Argus just kinda flying aimlessly around our heroes when there was a panicking crowed of civilians below. If RWBY had actually kept this rule consistent--which it hasn't--I would have been inclined to say, "Of course none of the grimm stopped to attack the group. Yang and Ren's spat, though intense for the audience who is emotionally invested in them as characters, can't hold a candle to the fear and despair emanating from Atlas as Salem attacks." Plus, if we want to throw out another potential bit of worldbuilding, we might say that Salem is actively directing the grimm towards her target (the city). But really, neither the specifics of what grimm are attracted to, nor the amount of control Salem has over an entire army, is ever established. After all, this is the show that made a HUGE deal out of the Relic attracting grimm... and then had Ruby and Oscar carrying that around with zero consequences. The rules of this world exist only when it's convenient for the plot.
But to get back to my original point, even if RWBY had done the work to explain why none of the grimm made a pit-stop to attack the group, that scene still needed something to break up all the walking and talking. (Especially when, from my personal perspective, the conversations are so bad. I can't agree with the stance the show takes against Ren and I hate that instead of working to resolve their disagreements, Yang inexplicably worries about Blake and then Ren just realizes how wrong he was off screen??) Getting separated out in the wilds of Atlas should have led to some sort of danger for our group. If not grimm than the cold--another threat RWBY introduced, but then did nothing with. Really, what's the point of separating the group like that if nothing was going to happen? They can argue in Mantle. They can be found by the Ace Ops in Mantle. RWBY raised the stakes by going, "Look! They chased this horrifying grimm out into the tundra and are now stranded without transportation. Countless more grimm are wandering about--remember the problem of that hole in the wall?--and they'll be dead in no time if their aura should fail. To top it all off, they're fighting among themselves and may not be able to drum up the necessary cooperation to survive. What will happen to our heroes next?? Stay tuned to find out!"
Nothing. The answer is nothing. Nothing happens. They find a convenient house to sit in and then they leave.
In thinking about RWBY's status as a combat show in the wake of Volume 9's lackluster combat trailer, it stands out to me that so many of these action sequences are like... superficially exciting? The Hound attacks, but our heroes mostly stand still and watch it like we didn't just have a whole season about how they're the strongest of professionals now. We have a chase scene that doesn't end in a second confrontation and then they walk back, encountering nothing except their rescue. I do believe that as a show conceived as, advertised as, and heavily focused on action for the first three years, RWBY should maintain a certain number and quality of fights to meet viewer expectation--the same way I expect certain storytelling beats if you label your show as "horror" or "comedy" or a "fantasy." But that belief aside, I could far more easily accept RWBY's transition to something other than a "mere" combat show if it did something with those plot points. But as we've been saying for years now, RWBY seems wholly uninterested in exploring the new stuff it introduces. We don't get to learn about Oscar's merge, or tackle Whitley's abuse, Nora doesn't struggle with her new scars, Penny is killed off as soon as she becomes a Maiden, there's no confirmation for Blake/Yang... Ren's differing perspective is highlighted, rejected, and then resolved at some point in his own head, giving us only an unsatisfying apology later on. RWBY doesn't seem to want to be an introspective romance-drama, given that it ignores those ideas as soon as they're introduced, but it doesn't want to be a simple action show either.
Ultimately, I don't know what in the world RWBY does want to be, but the end result are scenes like this one. Do you want to see this fight have an interesting impact on the story? Too bad. Okay, do you want to see a cool grimm battle if we can't see character development? Too bad. The characters are going in circles nowadays and I'm afraid that Volume 9's trip to Wonderland and back is just going to reinforce that.
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rwby-is-the-best · 9 months
just imagined a rwby minecraft mod/texture pack that turns the hostile mobs into grimm! imagine beowolves banging into your door all night, the apathy giving you slowness and mining fatigue, centinels instead of endermites, the wyvern instead of the ender dragon... the possibilities are endless!!
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thedawningofthehour · 7 months
Digging a little deeper into Future Bella! I just remembered that post about how Draxum dyes his hair, but can't do it anymore in the apocalypse and immediately thought how Bella would go an extra mile just to get accessories and parts to make her armor cooler.
Leo: You're telling me you ran through 30 Krangdogs, 4 krang-centinels and a burning truck into a building about to collapse, just to get gold paint for your armor?
Bella: *spitting debris* I would have gone for the cape too, but that Krangdog had already eaten it.
Bella's not really the flamboyant kind of lesbian. She probably wouldn't care about the color of her armor.
She would, however, care about looking badass.
Leo: 'rubbing his face, exhausted' "So you defied my orders and left the colony, was gone for four days, cut a bloody swath through Krang territory and nearly got yourself critically injured for...this?"
Bella, wearing a deathclaw skull as a headdress: "Yah."
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wonder-doughnut · 4 months
My Wonder-Red headcanons part 2:
Red never experimented with dating in his youth like most teenagers do. He is far too goal oriented to bother with romantic relationships that realistically won't last, and wanted to stay focused on his studies.
He's very much a "more the merrier" type of guy who enjoys being with large groups of people. His interior decorating is also surprisingly busy, and he has collections of various things. Most people expect him to be more of a minimalist because of his practical and traditional personality. As such, people who know him and visit his residence are surprised by the way it looks, much to Red's confusion.
Red is intimidated by fatherhood, but I bet once he has his first child, he'd probably get really excited and end up spewing out another five kids.
Red is exceedingly friendly, outgoing, and loves people despite being introverted. I get this idea from his genuine excitement to meet every last Wonderful-One to the point that he already has studied their names and titles before even starting his first mission with The CENTINELS. He even does that cartoonishly outgoing thing where he poses and points both hands at the person he's introducing. Only the most obnoxiously friendly people do stuff like that. I imagine he's kinda like a friendly cat, he wants someone around even if he's not going to interact with them, or even wants to give people attention when they don't really want it.
Teaching is a field dominated by women. I figure he's one of maybe two or three male teachers at the entirety of Blossom Elementary.
Red has strabismus. He's slightly walleyed, no seriously, it's one of the first things I noticed about him. I think whoever made his model just messed up and accidentally shaped his head/eyes in such a way that the irises don't look even. It's actually kinda annoying because any time I spawn his model in Source Filmmaker, I have to adjust his eyes so he's not walleyed. I like to think that his glasses are actually multifocal lenses for correcting his eye condition. Anyway seriously, I've made a little example of what I mean, including arrows pointing out where his eyes are actually looking. I'd recommend covering one of his eyes with your hand and comparing them individually:
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bestworstcase · 6 months
it’s amazing how you can have a character in “unreliable narrators: the show” say that some grimm aren't mindless (implying that the majority are) and then show the audience a bunch of examples of small ordinary grimm doing things such as:
use improvised weaponry (beowolf throwing bricks from a roof)
responding to calls for backup (centinels in the mine running interference for the geist, many grimm answering the hound’s call)
spontaneously rise up in a flock of hundreds if not thousands of grimm and fly over a city to screen an approaching leviathan (argus)
and fans will STILL be like ah yes. grimm are mindless beasts absent any social instincts or means of communicating with each other. just pure wild violence. only the very oldest among them have even rudimentary “intelligence.” fucking wild. these creatures execute highly complex tactical maneuvers that a human force absolutely would not be able to just improvise like it’s nothing. come on
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jadekitty777 · 1 year
The Emotionalist: Chapter 1
Hi, did you think Deer!Clover was over? 
In this house, Deer!Clover is never over.
(Thanks Scath so much for helping me with the title on this!)
Prompt for Day 2: First Meeting
Rating: T
Word Count: 1.2K
Summary: Clover Ebi was a huntsman who, like most Atlesian soldiers, hid most of his emotions behind a mask of calm professionalism. That is, unless, one knew where to look. And Qrow looked a lot.
Or, 5 times Qrow learned to read Clover's mood not from his face, but from his ears. [An adjacent story to Hunting Season Hunting Season; events from Qrow's POV]
Ao3 Link: Unexpected like a Gift
“Every single person on this planet deserves to be treated with dignity, no matter where they come from or what their ancestry is or even what semblance they are born with.”
Those were the words of a very wise man who once held a renowned and esteemed position in Remnant. A man who once hoped so much of the world he resided over, that he believed his words would influence and inspire the many around him to do good and be good.
That being said, if Ozpin had a grave to roll around in, he certainly would have been if he could see Qrow right this moment, walking five paces back and one to the side so that he was exactly in line with Clover Ebi’s backside.
The only slight positive? His eyes weren’t as far south as many might assume.
The trade off? He really, really shouldn’t be staring at a Faunus’ ears so intently. It was probably (read: definitely) rude at best and maybe (absolutely) objectifying at worst.
But he just… couldn’t help it.
Qrow wasn’t dumb. He knew when he was attracted to someone - and Clover was kind of the whole package. Handsome, strong, with striking wavy chestnut brown hair, had a great smile and a voice so smooth it would make a blues singer jealous. But then all that sex appeal was juxtaposed by those overly large, rhombus-shaped deer ears that, ridiculously, made him more alluring. Because they made Clover, on top of everything else, cute. Like they held the key to eternal youth, perpetually keeping a boyish look about him. 
With the way they stood out, it was impossible not to notice them. The backs of the ears were just a few shades lighter than Clover’s hair, the slight tans giving it an almost caramel coloration. But the inner part had linings of white fluffy tufts that screamed ‘touch me I’m soft’. And how Qrow wanted to.
Could the Gods really blame him if he did? Adorable and sexy was a dangerous combination and Qrow was but a mere mortal. 
Those ears were also just so oddly fascinating. It seemed Clover had full control over them - a rarity among Faunus with ear traits - able to move them almost in full rotations. In the short time he’d known the other, he’d already seen him angle them up, drop them down, pull them back and even move the two individually from one another.
Even now, they were constantly in movement, angled slightly upward so Clover could rhythmically move them back and forth, almost like a pendulum. Qrow couldn’t stop watching it, as if hypnotized.
The spell broke when they shot straight up.
Then Clover was reaching for his weapon and barking, “Qrow, down!”
It was only decades of instinct and training that had him diving to the floor, Kingfisher’s deadly spear-end swinging scant centimeters above his falling form and plunging straight into the cranium of an emerging Centinel. It gave a chittering cry before bursting into smoke.
Qrow stared at the empty hole left behind in shock.
Clover gave a sigh of relief, drawing back his weapon. “Good reflexes. You alright?” He asked as he offered his hand.
Numbly, Qrow took it, allowing himself to be hauled up. As he caught his footing again, he blurted out, “Did you hear it?”
It was the wrong thing to say, because Clover’s eyes widened marginally, before his ears dropped low. “Yeah. Course I did.” He turned, striding back down the hall, calling without looking back, “Come on, we need to get moving.”
Great going idiot, you made it awkward. Qrow quickened his pace to instead walk next to the other huntsman, wracking his brain desperately on how to save the situation. Change the subject!
“Gotta say, I’m uh,” He started awkwardly as they turned down into a wider tunnel, floundering for something, anything. “Not used to working with other huntsmen on the field…”
Maybe it was just his imagination, but he swore Clover’s left ear perked up ever so slightly, as if giving him his attention. “Really now? I figured people would be falling all over themselves to work with one of the best.”
Something about the way that was said fired off all sorts of warning bells in Qrow’s head, so he was careful as he replied, “Let’s just say my semblance doesn’t make that the easiest thing to do.”
“Hm. What is it?” The question was almost dismissive, like the other was expecting to be fed a line of bullshit.
That was about when Qrow’s mind decided to do something useful and actually work beyond the rampant attraction to figure out what was actually going on.
It was no secret that even in the Hunters Guild, Faunus weren’t well received.   They were often overlooked for high paying gigs and when they did work one, it often didn’t get the news coverage a human huntsman would get. In some districts, it was so bad that mission reports were often outlined with a “No Faunus” requirement and many fellow guild members outright refused to work alongside them on joint missions - or if they did, it was often begrudgingly.
Qrow allowed himself two seconds to feel indignant for being profiled - before quickly letting it go. 
Because he was part of the problem, wasn’t he?
As a huntsman, he had a responsibility that far extended past simply: Kill Grimm, Get lien. With all his prestige and fame, he could easily make headlines by doing missions with some Faunus hunters that wouldn’t be overlooked by the networks. Get the other hunters thinking that ‘if The Great Qrow Branwen will work with Faunus, maybe I should too’.
Ugh. As Tai would say, he needed to set an example.
But he didn’t do that.
He couldn’t do that.
It didn’t erase the fact it gave him a bad look, however unintentional.
So maybe it was all that, that had him admitting something he never intended to, if only because he so desperately wanted Clover to understand him.
Or maybe just have a better reason to hate him that didn’t make him feel like the dregs of the earth.
“It’s… misfortune. I bring bad luck to those around me, whether I want to or not.”
The way Clover’s ears shot up made him tense, almost expecting another order to duck. But when the other only looked at him, nothing given away on that calm and composed face, Qrow realized it wasn’t alarm this time, but surprise. “Does the general know this?”
“Uh. Yeah?” He replied hesitantly. Then, more suspiciously, “Why?”
Clover blinked, then looked away, his stare calculating when he finally said, “Oh nothing, just something he said this morning makes a lot more sense now.” 
Then, slowly, his ears came back down. 
Relaxing. Qrow corrected. Suddenly, he could breathe again.
What happened next blindsighted him entirely.
“Well, don’t worry too much about it.” Clover shot him a grin and a wink. “Let’s just say, you’ve got a very lucky partner.”
So taken aback by the very obvious and sudden flirting, Qrow tripped on his own feet. He yelped as he plummeted head first towards the ice - only to be caught and pulled back up by strong hands. His heart was racing so fast, he was pretty sure his chest was about to implode.
“Whoa now, watch your step.” And Clover was laughing, the absolute bastard. 
It wouldn’t be until the end of the mission that he would find out how literal the other man had been about the lucky part.
Somehow, Qrow couldn’t find it in him to even be that upset about it.
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bastet-c-haddock · 4 months
~The War is Coming (Part 2) ~
WARNING: This is a Fic centered around the main events of "Wizards". Specifically those involving the Gumm-gumms and Morgana. Also, it is narrated from a 1st person perscepctive. The narrator is my Troll named Neala. For more info on them, click the "Who's Neala? Button" at the end of this part.
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My stomach sinks at the news -It cannot be...- I say to myself, feeling somehow guilty. I had to be the one at the threshold, not the prince. Before I can offer my services, the skull crusher sends Argamon to Dwuoza to recruit the pacifist tribe hidden from human sight. Even though he's supposely a brother in arms to me and Bular, I don't trust him. He's like a youngling, vulnerable, gullible, let's just hope he's not that innocent. When the Krubera soldier exits the room, only me and Gunmar remain.
Normally, in a situation like this when the prince's arrogance might get him in trouble, I wouldn't care by letting him figure it out on his own, but given our roles were exchanged, and he might have been caught off guard by those humans, I offer a solution for the sake of the Black One's Lineage.
-My lord, wouldn't it be better to send a rescue party for the prince? We know what Arthur is capable of- I say, confident of what I've heard over the years. Exposes prisoners to daylight and shatters them, murdering anyone who's not of his kin. -I can build a small group to enter Camelot at twilight...- my lord interrrupts me, growling.
-He only wants a trophy, a victory for his broken kingdom. But he won't stand a chance!- his fury unleashed as he stands, his colossal sword at hand. -At Nightfall, we march to Camelot!- In a thunderous roar, its vibrations traveling through my legs, its invigorating! I nod, before he leaves the throne room. Now I stand alone, taking off my mask and admiring it, letting out a sigh. -War, huh?- my mind, overun by many thoughts...
What if we win?
What if Dwuoza refuses?
Would we be...all that is left?...
-Agh! Enough!- I growl, I always think too much. It would be better if I hurry, this will be a long night.
After a nap, some training and sharpening my blades. I wait for the Skull Crusher at the entrance of his kingdom, wearing the mask while I scout around.
The moment I get near the threshold, I can see the centinel, frozen in place, bound by chains. Something inside me aches, the guilt over the fallen puts a weight on my chest. To think it would've been me... It also reminds me who are we really fighting against. Arthur calls us demons, monsters, abominations, but when push comes to shove, he invades our territory, hunts us down, and kills us, while rejoicing on our demise. To me, that's a monster. One with no empathy or mercy...
Once I am beside the fallen soldier, my heart sinks. He was exposed while fighting for his life. Was caught off guard, chained and executed. No trial, why am I not surprised? The king only spreads decay wherever he goes.
-Rest now, soldier- I say, taking off my helmet to see the chains around his arms. They were still made of iron, instead of petrifying with this troll. What cruelty... -You fought bravely for The Black One's crown. And for your heroic deeds, me, Commander Neala, Gunmar's Hellhound, relief you from your suffering.- I say, as I release him from the metal chains which fall limply at his sides. The clatter of the binds hitting the ground makes me sigh, making me feel relieved somehow. A moment after, two other centinels come to drag him back to camp.
As I see the soldier leaving, I take a deep breath, knowing he'll be shattered shortly, putting an end to such a death. -May our ancestors welcome you with open arms to the Hall of Heroes- as I bow slightly, before his stone body leaves my sight.
It takes me a minute or two to shake these feelings of guilt and sadness that take over everytime I see a troll dying in such a horrid way. He was killed for the fun of it, that thought alone makes me wish I could kill Arthur with my own claws. But, with the crime scene I have on hand, I might be a step closer to doing so.
As I take the chains that bound the soldier and sniff them, I can create a scene in my mind, one which confirms what I thought from looking at their victim. The King and his men bound the centinel when he was off guard, immovilizing him and then exposing him to the sun. The fear of my ally and the lustful joy of my foe, contrasting, strong scents. But, someone is missing in this scene: Bular. So, I sniff around some more, bumping into the rock which lies a couple of feet in front of the gate. There, the scent of the Prince's Bravado takes force. And now, the image of his capture is clear.
His arrogance made him ambush the king, got the upper hand, I can tell due to the adrenaline in the air. Then, the traitors defended their liege.
The smell of Arthur's magician fills the place. Iron and the scent his spells produce, smoke. More scents come to my nose: Other wizards, a witch, the horses and Excalibur; the cursed sword the human King carries to protect from us. Bans magic, but wields that forsaken weapon...
Reeks of the fallen.
Two wizards, and two witches were there. Old steel, Merlin; lightning, his apprentice; melted gold, Morgana and a fourth, can tell is a witch, but her scent is...peculiar. Sugar, cinnamon and...citrus peelings, also...corn, but as if toasted on a grill. Spiced Corn Bread, weird but it certainly made her stand out. She doesn't belong here...
Despite the little witch's scent, I could feel the strong tang of anger in the air, close to where Morgana stood. Anger...drove by...what?
-What did you find, champion?- Gunmar stands behind me while I sniff around. As I notice him, I quickly put on the mask to answer to his question.
-Magic was used to kidnap the prince, four or five fleshbags dragged him back to Camelot. The others disbanded and continued the hunt- I answer while pointing with my claws the paths each group took. I could tell the king's men were after some others: The eldest scents, which were almost lost to the fight, were from trolls who had been among humans for way too long. -Three or more trolls ran to Dwuoza- completing my search, keeping some curious things to myself. Though two of the three trolls I sensed were somehow familiar, one stood out. Old Steel, Charcoal and blood. It confused me how those three aromas could coexist. Old Steel, Merlin; but...Charcoal, that was my king's scent; and blood, it was a stinging smell, penetrating, not that I wasn't familiar with it, but...from a Troll? Those facts had to lay dormant in my mind as I stand aside my lord, who looks at me, satisfied with the bloodhound he raised.
-I trained you well, champion. Now the hunter, becomes the prey- growling at the time he crouches on his four points, roars and runs. I follow his lead, doing the same.
The night falls upon us as we arrive to the castle...on fire. His keep, destroyed by unknown magic. I smell it, melted gold and tree's blood.
-Who destroyed Artur's keep without my orders?- my King growls at the centinels who always keep watch on it. They don't answer, but a witch does. One dressed on golden armor and green robes, pledging an alliance sealed by Bular's return and words I will never forget.
"Eternal Night"
As tempting as that sounds, my years on this Earth had taught me not to trust a human. They kill anything and anyone who's not of their kin. All nature knows their savagery and though I know she speaks the truth, my instinct tells me that this might be a trick. I step closer to my liege and prince standing between them and the witch with my blades at hand.
-Pretty words for a human- I snarl, defying her -You were there when the prince was captured, with your wizards and your king.- slowly stepping closer as she levitated down to my level, making our gazes meet. -How do we know this isn't part of Arthur's plan?- growling, not letting my blades touch the ground. My green lit eyes meeting hers. Mine, filled with rage. Her's, calm.
-Yes, I was there.- she replied, politely -Watching Arthur kill one of your own, rejoicing on his defeat by exposing him to the sun. I saw as my mentor betrayed our kind by capturing your prince. I tried countless times to stop the massacre with kindness. But the time of peace is long gone- swaying her left hand, so my gaze could catch it. At a glance, nothing was odd, until I felt the scent of jade and, something more ancient. Something I had never smelled before. A mix of volcanic stone, a freezing blizzard and the blossoms of the early spring. Life and death. How? As I picked the scent, she kept explaining. -My brother cut my own hand, all because I spoke our truth. How his hipocracy knows no bounds.-
Baffled, but not bemused, I turned once more to face her. Before I could ask, she kept on going with her speech.
- A force greater than us ushered me back, gave me the power and the goal. No more bowing our heads to the men's rule! I shall bring you the means to bring Arthur to his knees- she sounded like a preacher, one I heard eons ago while captured by humans. Same system, different motif. I don't trust her.
-Nice speech, Pendragon- I growled, about to attack her. My tail was wipping around, angrily leaving marks on the ground. -But you've got no stakes to lose. So if I must die defending my king from your pretty little lies, then so be it- Growling lower, as my tail finally slapped the ground, making me snap into action. I was ready to fight the witch, rip her to shreds...but...
-Champion!- I stop cold on my tracks, digging my hooves on the dirt below. My king's scold catching me off guard. After a second, I recover my senses, making me turn around to face him.
-My lord...- confused. Never had he stopped me from following my judgement. Once I smelled a liar, he left me to ram against them and bring them to his feet. This would've been one of those situations...except...
-The witch speaks the truth- Gunmar says, calm, but stern. -We are on the same side. So don't look for enemies where there are none.-
My anger flares up, in disbelief. -None?! She's a human!-
-The witch is one of us!- Bular interscepted, walking closer to meet me, defying me like I defied Morgana. -She created a distraction to free me and destroy Camelot by making a Troll walk in broad daylight!-
As he spoke, I froze. The memory of the odd mix of scents came back. -No troll can walk in broad daylight- I replied, anxious.
-They can- she spoke from behind me. -If they are half human...- my anxiety, turning once again into anger. That explained it!
A growl escapes my throat, targetting her from over my shoulder. -A changeling?!- my eyes gleeming with rage as that proposterous idea crossed my mind. Half human-half troll, an absolute abomination.
-They could be effective spies and second agents for our cause.- Gunmar agreed, though under his breath.
My ears couldn't fathom what I was hearing. Baffled, confused, and furious, I tighten the grasp I've got on my blades. -You...have poisoned my lord's mind with YOUR LIES!!!- I roar as loud as my rage allows me, making the trees around me tremble. My disbelief filled my reason with a sudden rush of absolute fury. This witch shouldn't be trusted! And yet! Here she still stands, creating deformed mirrors to serve "our cause". Every spike and hair in my body shaking from the anger, the defiance and the audacity of this Mother of Monsters, who made my king question my judgement. It is the last straw! Without a second thought, I launch towards the witch, attacking her. But, within a second, someone stands between us: Bular. The few ounces of respect I had for him, were slowly becoming dust. He blocked my attack, before pushing me back, making my hooves leave trails on the ground. Once I recover my footing, my eyes shot him daggers.
-Commander, there are no enemies to fight!- he growls at me, as my brows rise, once again, in disbelief. -This Witch has saved my life and attacked our enemy's keep! Don't you see?! The tides of war are changing to our favour!-
-Or dragging us to our destruction!- I roar once more, as I throw my blades, making them cut the ground and stand on their own. -Your weakness and arrogance has caused all of this. We wouldn't be facing Arthur's kin and considering such a blasphemous arrangement if it wasn't for your need to show off!- I attack him, finally speaking my mind after millennia. The comment makes him freeze, letting me know I'm right. -Don't you know I know the scent of your bravado?! It's bitter, penetrating, like meat left to rot. It is sickening...and it was all over the GATE!- My steps draw me closer to the prince, as my knuckles crack, my claws ring and my growls threaten.
Bular, trying to intimidate me, lowers his blades and puffs out his chest, pathetic! I can smell his shame, his anger slowly boiling to the surface. -You're overstepping your line, Commander-
I chuckle, showing my mouthful of sharp ivory teeth. I stand my ground, stretching to meet him almost face to face, letting him know I'm not afraid of a pampered brat -Scared you'll lose? Little Prince?-
-ENOUGH!- A loud roar shakes me, it is my king. Once more scolding me. -The witch has proven her worth, and as enemy of our enemy, she's now an asset to win over the King! So you better lower your voice, Commander. Or my blade will...- his growl making my torso shiver, even from afar. I could defy Bular and Morgana all I wanted, but if Gunmar the Black gave a command, my body was inclined to follow it. Wanting or not, he was still my king, and his orders are gospel.
So, I hushed, begrudgingly turning around. Like that, I kneel down, asking forgiveness for my acts, though I have no regret of my actions. -Yes, my king...- I say, bowing my head towards him. The anger still boils within me, but I try to persuade my body into calming down that anger. Not very effectively, but effectively enough to apologize -It won't happen again- trying not to bark those last words.
-It better not...- a disgusted whisper lefts his mouth before walking away, followed by Bular, the centinels, and Morgana. After it, I was left alone for a minute or two...
The apology I gave, was a not genuine one. And Gunmar knew it...
I just wonder how much time I have before he hunts me down...
"Who's Neala?" Button
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doomalade · 1 year
Alright RWBY: Amity Lore Dump time.
Grimm are creatures of pure death and destruction. The Brother of Creation made humans, and the Brother of Destruction responded with the Grimm. Mockeries of his brother’s animals, taking many forms.
Ursa (Bears)
Beowulves (Wolves)
Nevermores (Ravens)
Death Stalkers (Scorpions)
Creeps (Salamanders)
Taijitu (Snakes)
Blindworms (Worms)
Lancers (Wasps)
Imps (Humanoids)
Geists (Ghosts)
Goliaths (Elephants)
Sabers (Saber Tooth Tigers)
Boarbatusks (Boars)
Ravagers (Bats)
Sulfer (Silverfish)
Capivaras (Rats)
Centinels (Centipedes)
Griffins (Griffins)
Sphinxes (Lions)
Beringel (Gorrilas)
Culling (Spiders)
Nightmares (Parasites)
Wyvern (Dragon)
Nuckelavee (Centaur)
Leviathan (Spinosaur)
Sea Feilong (Sea Serpent)
Monstra (Whale)
Hound (Dog)
Seer (Squids)
Ziraph (Giraffes)
The Chill.
While most of these Grimm are described as plural, some there only exist one of.
Wyvern, Nuckelavee, Leviathan, Sea Feilong, Monstra, Hound, and The Chill.
Some can even get older, growing more bones and adjusting their behavior to adapt the resistances of humans.
Ursa -> Ursa Major
Beowulf -> Alpha Beowulf
Nevermores, Death Stalkers, and Creeps all keep their names
Taijitu -> King Taijitu
Blindworm -> Bloodworm
Lancer -> Queen Lancer
Imp -> Apathy
Geist -> Arma / Petra Gigas
Goliath -> Megoliath
Griffin -> Manticore
Seer -> Tempest
Born from Grimm Pools, a black tar like substance that eats away at human flesh and drives those who inhale it’s gasses insane.
Once slain, a Grimm will disintegrate into ash, staining and wilting anything it touches. Only their bones remain.
And that’s the basics on how Grimm work.
If you want to learn more about the Grimm or my AU as a whole, my Ask is open!
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