#centros culturales
denorteanorte · 2 months
Talleres para la Creatividad en los centros culturales de Vicente López
El municipio de Vicente López propone actividades recreativas y de aprendizaje en diversos centros culturales, en estas vacaciones de invierno. Las ofertas para chicos y grandes tendrán lugar en los centros culturales municipales de Villa Adelina y Carapachay. También en la Biblioteca Municipal y en la Casa de la Cultura. El cronograma, asimismo, incluye actividades hasta el viernes 26 de…
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queretarotv · 9 months
Edificio inaugurado el 3 de octubre de 1904, está ubicado dentro del perímetro A de la Zona de Monumentos Históricos del municipio de Querétaro declarada Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad. En 1986 fue declarado monumento histórico. Funciona como centro cultural desde su reapertura en el año 2002 y como museo desde 2015. El uso del recinto se suma a una decena de estaciones del ferrocarril a lo…
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jujuygrafico · 2 years
Exitosa Noche de los Museos en Jujuy
#Cultura #Turismo | Exitosa #NochedelosMuseos en #Jujuy
La 11º edición de la “Noche de los Museos“ se concretó durante la jornada del viernes 25 en diferentes espacios culturales de cada una de las cuatro regiones de Jujuy, en donde museos, salas y centros culturales públicos y privados, presentaron diferentes propuestas de manera gratuita para toda la comunidad.El secretario de cultura de la provincia, Luis Medina Zar, acompañado por las directoras…
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chepib3 · 10 days
pueden dejar de equiparar cultura lgbt con cultura pop de los estados unidos pq NADA Q VER
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thisisnotjuli · 1 month
*having a mild crisis* hmm how about I ignore my feelings and instead research every movie theatre in the city that is free/very cheap and start going out to the cinema more?
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garadinervi · 2 years
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Simona Weller. Il segno è l'esemplare parlato, Text by Barbara Tosi, Interview with Simona Weller by Enrico Cocuccioni, Centro Culturale Spazio Alternativo, Roma, 1983 [Exhibitions: Centro Culturale Spazio Alternativo, Roma, May 16 – June 4, 1983; Museo Diocesano, Trani (BT), June 11-30, 1983]
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fannyjemwong · 2 months
Directivos del Centro Cultural Peruano Chino Club Villa Tusan (CCPCH) con el Embajador de la República Popular ChinaSr. Silvio Mac Long Presidente del CCPCH, Embajador Luis Chang Reyes Vicepresidente del CCPCH; El Embajador de la República Popular China Sr. Song Yang; Dr. Rubén Tang Director Cultural del CCPCH; y Arq, Víctor Tay Loo Director de Relaciones Publicas del CCPCH Queridos miembros del…
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lospeakerscorner · 3 months
No al degrado di un luogo UNESCO
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pikasus-artenews · 5 months
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Saverio Barbaro. Finestre sull’oriente
Centenario della nascita di Saverio Barbaro (1924-2020)- Prima mostra celebrativa
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thethief1996 · 11 months
Israel has cut water, electricity and food to Palestinians in Gaza. They are buying 10.000 M16 rifles and plan to distribute to civilian settlers in the West Bank to hunt down Palestinians. They're bombing the only way out of Gaza through Egypt, after telling refugees to flee through it, and have threatened the Egyptian government in case they let aid trucks pass through. Entire families, generations, are being wiped out and left to wander the streets hoping they don't get bombed.
Palestinians are using their last minutes of battery to let the world know about their genocide and are being met with a wall of "What about Hamas? What about the beheaded babies? Killing children on either side is bad!" even though the propaganda claims have been debunked over and over again. How cruel is it to ask somebody to condemn themselves before their last words? Or before grieving the loss of their entire families? When there's no such disclaimer to Israelis even though their government has shown over and over genocidal intent? Like who are you even trying to appease? What will your wishy washy statement do against decades of zionist thought infiltrating evangelical and Jewish stablishmemts?
Take action. Israel will fall back if public opinion turns its tide. The UK fell back on its bloody decision to cut aid to Palestine under public scrutiny. The USAmerican empire spends $3.8 billion dollars annually solely on this proxy war while its people suffer under a progressively military regime as well. News outlets are canceling last minute on Palestinian speakers while letting Israelis tell lies unchecked. Palestinian refugees are being targeted in ICE establishments and mosques are already being hounded by the FBI. France and Germany have banned pro-Palestine protests, while Netherlands and the UK have placed restrictions . You have the chance to stop this from turning into repeat of the Iraq war.
I want to do something but there's hardly anything for me to do from Brasil besides spreading the word and not letting these testimonies fall on deaf ears. I'm asking you to do this same ant work from wherever you are.
Eye On Palestine (instagram / twitter)
Mohammed El-Kurd (instagram / twitter)
Decolonize Palestine (website with a chronological explanation of the occupation and debunking myths)
Muhammad Shehada (twitter)
Plestia Alaqad (directly from Gaza. Many of her videos are interrupted by bombs)
If there's a protest in your city, please attend. Here's an international calendar of events:
Friday, October 13
ALBUQUERQUE, NM (US) – Fri Oct. 13, 3 pm, UNM Bookstore, University of New Mexico. Organized by Southwest Coalition for Palestine.
BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA (US) – Fri Oct 13, 6 pm, Sproul Hall (Vigil), University of California Berkeley. Organized by Bears for Palestine.
DOUAIS, FRANCE – Fri Oct 13, 6:30 pm, Place de’Armes.
GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN – Fri Oct 13, 5:30 pm, Brunnsparken. Organized by Palestinska samordningsgruppen Gothenburg.
GREENSBORO, NC (US) – Fri Oct. 13, 4 pm, Wendover Village, 4203 W Wendover Ave, Greensboro, NC. Organized by Muslims for a Better NC.
LONDON, ENGLAND – Fri Oct 13, 5 pm, Keir Starmer’s Office, Crowndale Center, 218 Eversholt St, London. Organized by IJAN UK.
MEANJIN/BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA – Fri Oct 13, 6 pm, King George Square.
MIAMI, FL (US) – Fri Oct 13, 4:30 pm, Bayfront Park. Organized by Troika Kollectiv.
NAPOLI, ITALY – Fri Oct 13, 4:30 pm, Piazza Garibaldi, Napoli. Organized by GPI and Centro Culturale Handala Ali.
NGUNNAWAL/CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA – Fri Oct 13, 5:30 pm, Carema Place.
PERTH/BOORLOO, AUSTRALIA – Fri Oct. 13, 5:30 pm, Murray Street Hall, Boorloo/Perth. Organized by Friends of Palestine WA.
PORTLAND, OREGON (US) – Fri Oct 13, 3 pm, 1200-1220 SW 5th Ave, Portland.
PORT RICHEY, FL (US) – Fri Oct 13, 7:30 am, Route 19 and Ridge Road, Port Richey. Sponsored by: Florida Peace Action Network; Partners for Palestine; CADSI
PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA – Friday, Oct. 13, 7 pm, UP Main Campus, DSA Building opposite Thuto. Organized by PSC UP.
WITSWATERSRAND UNIVERSITY (SOUTH AFRICA) – Fri Oct 13, 1 pm, Great Hall Piazza, Flag demonstration. Organized by Wits PSC.
Saturday, October 14
ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND – Sat, Oct. 14, 2 pm, St. Nichlas Square. Organized by Scottish PSC.
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND – Sat Oct 14, 2 pm, Aotea Square, Queens St, 291-2997 Queen St. Organized by PSN Aotearoa.
DETROIT/DEARBORN, MICHIGAN (US) – Sat Oct 14, 2 pm, Ford Woods Park, 5700 Greenfield Road. Organized by SAFE, PYM, SJP, Handala Coalition, more.
DUNDEE, SCOTLAND – Sat, Oct. 14, 2 pm, Place TBA. Organized by Scottish PSC.
EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND – Sat, Oct 14, 2 pm, Princes Street at Foot of the Mound. Organized by Scottish PSC.
FRANKFURT, GERMANY – Sat Oct 14, 3 pm Hauptwache, Frankfurt am Main. Sponsored by Palestina eV, Migrantifa Rhein-Main and more.
GLASGOW, SCOTLAND – Sat. Oct 14, 2 pm, Buchanan Steps. Organized by Scottish PSC.
HOUSTON, TEXAS (US) – Sat Oct 14, 2 pm, City Hall, 901 Bagby St. Organizd by PYM, PAC, USPCN, SJP and more.
LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND – Sat Oc 14, 12 pm, Church St. Organized by FRFI.
LONDON, ENGLAND – Sat Oct 14, 12 pm, BBC Portland Place, London. Organized by a broad coalition.
MILANO, ITALY – Sat. Oct 14, 3:30 pm, Piazza San Babila. Organized by Young Palestinians of Italy, UDAP, Palestinian Community, Association of Palestinians.
ORLANDO, FLORIDA – Sat Oct 14, 3 pm, Lake Eola at Robinson and Eola, Orland. Organized by Florida Palestine Network.
TORINO, ITALY – Sat. Oct. 14, 3 pm, Piazza Crispi. Organized by Progetto Palestina.
VALPARAISO, CHILE – Sat Oct 14, 6 pm, Plaza Victoria, Valparaiso. Organized by Comite Chileno de Solidaridad con Palestina.
WASHINGTON, DC (US) – Sat Oct 14, 1 pm, Lafayette Square. Organized by AMP.
Sunday, October 15
AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS – Sun Oct 15, 2 pm, March from Dam Square to Jonas Daniel Meijer plein.
NAARM/MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA – Sun Oct 15, State Library Victoria.
TARDANYA/ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA – Sun Oct 15, 2 pm, Parliament House.
AUSTIN, TEXAS (US) – Sun Oct 15, 3 pm, Texas Capitol. Organized by PSC ATX.
GADIGAL/SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – Sun Oct 15, 1 pm, Sydney Town Hall.
SANTIAGO, CHILE -Sun Oct 15, 11 am, Plaza Dignidad, Santiago. Organized by Comite Chileno de Solidaridad con Palestina.
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fabriziosbardella · 7 months
In occasione della settimana della scienza il Centro Culturale Tommaso Moro di Gallarate ha organizzato un incontro sul tema Energia nucleare: un nuovo inizio  #energianucleare #nuovoinizio #gallarate #centroculturaletommasomoro #fabriziosbardella #eventi #cultura #scuolasacrocuore #inevidenza #primopiano
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imnaturalgirl · 7 months
Día 15. Cuenta que tal fue tu día.
Hoy Volví a caminar lejos para llegar al museo de la Inmigración, en Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Después de ahí, me dirigí al centro comercial que está en medio de edificios, tomé algunas fotos y me salí para dirigirme al Centro Cultural Kirchner, que pensé que tendría muchas más salas interesantes, tampoco me decepcionó porque su estructura valía verlo por dentro.
De ahí me dirigí hacía el barrio donde me hospedo, y se me atravesaron unas empanadas, y después un café con leche en una cafetería.
Caminé mucho, pero no me siento cansada, me sorprendo todo lo que camino, y que me voy aprendiendo cada vez más las rutas y las ubicaciones de lo lugares.
Mi día estuvo bien y agradezco poder hacer lo que yo quiero a mi ritmo y como yo quiero.
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chiavedivoltatorino · 9 months
Incontro con il card. Arrigo Miglio in memoria di mons. Bettazzi e Messa per i fedeli defunti
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particellare · 9 months
American Beauty. Da Robert Capa a Banksy - Centro Culturale Altinate, Padova 16-12-2023
Pagina mostra
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yosolosoy · 1 year
Descubre la diversidad artística en la Casa de la Primera Imprenta de América con la Cultura UAM este 3 de mayo
Si te apasiona el arte y la cultura, ¡tienes una cita este 3 de mayo de 2023! La Casa de la Primera Imprenta de América será el escenario de la Jornada Trans en la UAM, donde podrás disfrutar de una variedad de actividades inclusivas. La Galería Metropolitana será el espacio para un conversatorio sobre “ArTTTes N-Bisuales: Gráfica y ficción”, donde les artistas Niñe Problema, Karim Salinas, Rojo…
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impossiblefanwombat · 2 years
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La norme devono valere per tutti.
Se il principio è 'non si devono occupare abusivamente palazzi' deve valere per tutti; devono essere sgomberati tutti; oppure, si regolarizzano gli occupanti, chiedendo pagamenti e l'istituzione di centri culturali - che la Legge prevede.
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