#ceres square pluto
seafoamreadings · 1 year
ceres square pluto (r)
in myth these figures are not friends, after the descent of persephone to the underworld. in this square configuration, we live this enmity out through our mortal life experience. each of us is a persephone in our own ways. we are asked to choose between our sovereignty over the dark and chthonic hades, or our sweet childhood in the loving embrace of a nourishing mother figure. can you find a compromise?
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black-lake · 2 years
Hi I've noticed that I have a lot of aspects to my Pluto mostly minor but can you maybe give me a bit of insight of what they mean? You don't have to do all of them if it's to much! Here are the aspects and I hope you have a wonderful day!!! Also my Pluto is in the 1st house in Sagittarius at 20° degrees but my rising is in Scorpio at 27° degrees.
Pluto Quintile Ceres
Pluto Sesquiquadrate True Node
Pluto Sesquiquadrate North Node
Pluto Semi-sextile Chiron
Neptune Septile Pluto
Venus Square Pluto
Mercury Septile Pluto
Moon Semi-sextile Pluto
Sun Sextile Pluto
that's a lot of pluto for sure. but there's a balance of easy and difficult aspects. I always say if a planet touches the nodes then it's a planet that you gotta work with, all its aspects become more important.
pluto sesquiquadrate north node, you may go through a lot of transformation and self discovery in your path, building resilience and inner strength, reclaiming your power and independence through emotional and monetary means.
pluto semi-sextile chiron, even though any wounds or traumas you have may affect you deeply you still have a way of healing them with ease and understanding. (the semi-sextile can tend to be unnoticed by the native sometimes).
pluto quintile ceres, you have or will develop a unique way of nurturing yourself and going about healing and transforming any feminine or inner child wounds.
venus square pluto, may indicate challenges with the feminines in your life, that energy within you, and in connections with others. it gives a strong aura and impression along your pluto 1st. also pluto 1st signifies an emphasis on self discovery, and establishing, transforming and strengthening your sense of self, perhaps through a lot of solitude and introspection. physical transformations too.
moon semi-sextile pluto, sun sextile pluto, these two kind of balance other hard aspects. not easy just less drastic. this adds an understanding of the self and a layer of emotional depth, complexity of character, curiosity, skillful and calculated way of presenting self. 
these are just few topics about those aspects ♥︎
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satsangat · 2 years
Ceres in the November 8 2022 LUNAR ECLIPSE
I have mainly spoken about the hard aspects in the Nov 8 Lunar Eclipse chart, but the Ceres trine Uranus ♅ is very significant in the light of the current environmental news. Ceres represents the abundance of the Earth, especially of the resources that sustain life. In addition, she represents Nature's trauma when her daughter is taken captive by Pluto in the underworld. She casts winter time all over the world, until negotiations are done for her daughter's liberation. The trine with Uranus reflects the imminent search for a solution to the overwhelming environmental challenges the Earth and life on it are facing. However, notice that Ceres will form a t-square with Neptune and Mars on November 25. This may indicate that the COP27 will be just empty words and nothing will be actually done. On December 8, Ceres trines Pluto will transform things, and soon after, when Ceres opposes Jupiter in Pisces, things could get really really serious. Later on, in September 2023, Ceres will square Pluto and things will not look any good, for sure.Ceres is the biggest asteroid so far discovered. She is extremely significant in important events. Just remember that she joined the party at the exact degree when Saturn and Pluto, Sun and Mercury conjoined in Capricorn that ominous January 12, 2020. It's important to consider that Ceres is still travelling through the same cycle and carrying the same meaning around the zodiac. Her orbit takes 1682 days or over 4 years.
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astuteology · 30 days
Placements that give you mysterious, intimidating, and untouchable ethereal look/aura😏💋
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Starting from the obvious ~
Scorpio sun/moon/venus/mars/ascendant/rising.
Scorpio mercury. (your speech, the way you talk, your choice of words, and your tone)
Scorpio mc/midheaven.
Scorpio descendant.
North/south node in Scorpio/aries/virgo/Capricorn/taurus/leo. (The placements need to be studied)
Aries sun/moon/mars/venus/rising/ascendant.
Aries mc/midheaven.
Aries descendant.
Capricorn mc/midheaven
Capricorn descendant
Capricorn sun/moon/mars/venus/rising/ascendant.
Mars in the 1st/2nd/5th/6th/7th/8th/10th/11th/12th.
Venus in the 1st/2nd/5th/6th/7th/8th/10th/11th/12th.
Virgo sun/moon/mars/venus, rising/ascendant.
Mc/midheaven in aries/taurus/cancer/leo/virgo/Scorpio/Capricorn. (Placements need to be studied)
Lilith in the 1st/2nd/5th/6th/7th/8th/9th/10th/11th/12th.
Venus in the 1st/2nd/3rd/5th/8th, 9th, 11th.
Pluto in the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th.
Leo sun, moon, mars, venus, rising/ascendant.
Taurus, sun, moon, mars, venus, rising/ascendant.
Aquarius moon, venus, descendant.
Saturn in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 10th.
Uranus in the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th.
Neptune in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th.
Sun in the 1st, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th.
Moon in the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 12th.
Mercury in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 12th. (You are too cute to approach)
If it doesn't resonate with you, look for these ~
Lilith conjunct/square/opposite venus/mars
Lilith conjunct, square, opposite sun/ saturn/Jupiter
Lilith conjunct, square, opposite uranus/neptune/pluto
Ascendant/rising conjunct, square, opposite sun, venus, mars, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto.
Descendant conjunct, square, opposite sun, venus, mars, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto.
Mc/midheaven conjunct, square, opposite sun, moon, mars, venus, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto.
Sun square venus, mars, saturn, neptune
Neptune square/conjunct mc/midheaven.
Mars conjunct/square saturn
Mars conjunct/square pluto
Saturn square/conjunct uranus
Sun square/opposite/conjunct mars/pluto
Vesta conjunct saturn
Ceres conjunct/square/opposite pluto
Ceres conjunct venus
Vesta conjunct neptune
Any major, love, sex, beauty and negative asteroids making an aspect with the planets, degrees less than 2. (Asteroids such as..psyche, eros, vesta, medusa, lucifer, lilith, Cleopatra, aphrodite, casanova, lust, bella, sirene, etc)
And if these also don't resonate, look for these:
Any of the planets at 0°/1°/2°/5°/6°/8°/10°/12°/13°/17°/18°/20°/22°/23°/25°/28°/29°
Prominent nakshatra- rohini, ashwini, mula, krittika, vishakha, jyeshtha, ashlesha, revati, uttra phalguni, purva phalguni,mrigashira, anuradha, swati, ardra.
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harmoonix · 1 year
The Mist Spirit
• Astrology Notes •
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🌫️ - Your 8th house sign can indicate the legacy your ancestors left for you
Libra/Taurus in the 8th house = beauty, beautiful looking, popularity
Gemini/Virgo in the 8th house= Powerful voice, also the ancestors in your family could've had all beautiful voices
Aries/Scorpio in the 8th house = dominance power and confidence
Leo in the 8th house could've actually had wealthy ancestors
Capricorn/Aquarius in the 8th house are karmic already. Your legacy can be found inside you since you are here to break something bad from your family, also love for freedom
Pisces/Sagittarius in the 8th house = intuition, spiritual gifted, enchanting
Cancer in the 8th house = Most of your ancestors could've be women/females, psychic abilities
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🌫️ - Midheaven at 11°, 23° degrees can indicate that you may choose a career that implies technology
🌫️ - Midheaven at 1°, 13°, 25° degrees can indicate a job where you may take the lead role. Like to be the boss of some company
🌫️ - Midheaven at 2°, 7°, 14°, 19°, 26° degrees can indicate a job that implies art, music, maybe some fashion designer? C'mon girl you shine at these topics
🌫️ - Pallas (2) aspecting Mars can be fierce when it comes to righteousness, they respect people who are right and devoted
🌫️ - Pallas (2) harmoniously aspect Juno (3) - are the cutest people ever when it comes to commitment, these aspects get so along with eachother and makes it easy for you to tell your feelings (Good luck 🙏🏼)
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🌫️ - Pallas (2) in Libra/Scorpio or Capricorn in my experience cannot stand people who lie, like they don't like lying at all and can't stand it (Is always better to tell the truth)
🌫️ - Asteroid Ceres (1) square/opposition asteroid Juno (3) might indicate that you either your specific person needs nurturing in the relationship
🌫️ - Asteroid Lucifer (1930) aspecting Ascendant can hate favoritism. Like they don't like it when someone dear to them has a favorite person (also they may be get jealous fast)
🌫️ - Asteroid Lucifer (1930) aspecting Juno can show obsession with one eachother, but it can also make you and you specific person jealous asf
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🌫️ - Sun aspecting Uranus natives need to embody their unique traits and to not fear living in the shadow because they are different
🌫️ - Leo Placements can experience anxiety and overthinking about themselves kinda a lot. Especially they can have this fear of "What people will think/say about me" and honestly you shouldn't care because the only person who matters is you
🌫️ - Mercury in the 7th house natives are very special because they are the type of people who communicate everything with their specific person
🌫️ - Sun/Mercury/Venus and Moon in the 11th house make the most cutest friendships ever, they tend to attract good people in their lives
🌫️ - While Mars/Saturn and Pluto in the 11th house tend to attract competition, because these planets in this house have bigger influence
🌫️ - Lilith aspecting the Ascendant has a very a big influence, they are the type of people who catches everyone attention when they enter in a room. They may have a very different appearance than others, from clothing style to their body features
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🌫️ - Moon - Saturn intense aspects can be shy when they may first talk to someone new, but with the time as you know them more you can see they are different than you thought
🌫️ - Eros (433) in Taurus/Libra/Pisces are very romantic, Eros is Aphrodite's offspring and Aphrodite is represented as Venus. Also they might be most flirty people you can met
🌫️ - Venus - Mercury aspects can fall in love with people's voices first, like it can happen to hear someone's voice and fall for that type of voice
🌫️ - Chiron/Saturn in the 1st house natives can have a highly anxious state since they were kids, they could have experienced anxiety and panic attacks a lot in their childhood
🌫️ - Lilith - Sun aspects are the type of people you can fall the first time you see them, it is because they can embody Lilith's traits with a misterious personality
🌫️ - Jupiter trine/sextile/conjunct Pluto can possess a lot of power when it comes to their spirituality and belfies, they are so strong spiritually
🌫️ - Having a lot of air signs in your chart is an indicator of you being an very socializing person. You like to talk, to express yourself, you live for communication
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🌫️ - Capricorn/Aquarius Duo in a chart can embody Saturn traits faster than others, being responsible, respectful, good educated, polite, gentle and charismatic
🌫️ - Earth Sun combined with an Air Moon can possess great social skills and is that type of person who has a solution for everything, but often they can be hidden artists
🌫️ - Air Sun combined with an Earth Moon is the person who has a fight between brain - heart, often they are forced to chose which to follow, would you be more logical and follow your brain or would you be more affectionate and choose your heart?
🌫️ - Moon in the 7th house/Moon in the Libra seriously talking can get depressed or in a very sad mental state if they are not with someone they love. These people are hopeless romantics
🌫️ - I imagine the natives with Saturn - Venus aspects to be in denial when they first have a crush on someone, omg especially if you have Saturn quincunx Venus. Denial is such a thing for these aspects
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🌫️ - No matter what happens if someone with Pluto - Venus aspects loves you (for real) you are lucky because their love is so pure and so magnetic. You'll always remember their love
🌫️ - Sagittarius Venus 🤝🏻 Pisces Venus = Both being Jupiters kids, let's say they love life may be interesting and challenging in the same time
🌫️ - Aquarius Venus 🤝🏻 Capricorn Venus = Saturnian kids, they can share so many things in common, especially the love for freedom both of these natives seek for
🌫️ - "We never go out of style" - description for Aries/Libra/Aquarius and Leo Rising
🌫️ - Asteroid Cupido (763) in Cancer/4th house remembers me so much of a person who is very shy to fall in love but their love is the purest it's so complicated with them (They have very beautiful eyes just like Bambie)
🌫️ - "I like me better when I'm with you" - Moon/Venus aspects DEFINITELY 10000%. They change their vibe, mood everything when they see the people they like
🌫️ - Ascendant aspecting Uranus has a unique flow, they are outstanding. Out of the crowd and always something unique is with them.
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💨 Nothing feels better than staying outside on a October morning feeling the cold breeze through your body. As a sign that falls arrived 🍁
🍁 And the photos for this post are mesmerizing
🍁 I hope everyone who reads my notes has a blessed Sunday full of light and joy 🍁🎑
-Harmoonix 🍁
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cinnamonnangel · 8 months
🌟 Wealth in Astrology 🌟
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°•✧・ Zodiac placements for wealth ・✧•°
Taurus, Libra Sun
Taurus, Libra Rising
Taurus Stellium
Taurus, Leo, Libra, Capricorn or Pisces Venus (especially 27°,28°,29°)
Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius or Pisces Jupiter
Gemini Venus (especially 8th house)
27°, 28° and 29° signs or planets
29° Cancer (the millionaire degree - wealthy family)
Earth / Water grand trine
Stellium in the 2nd, 5th or 11th house
2nd or 8th house ruler conjunct Jupiter
Sun in the 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th house
Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Pluto in the auspicious houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th)
Sun conjunct Venus / Jupiter
Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus conjunct Mc
Sun, Venus, Jupiter conjunct in the 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th house
Mars / Pluto aspects
Venus conjunct Saturn
Venus conjunct Jupiter
Venus trine Uranus
Venus, Jupiter in the 2nd, 8th, 11th house
Venus, Jupiter, Pluto conjunct in the 2nd, 8th or 11th house
Venus conjunct or opposition Pluto
Jupiter conjunct / trine / square Saturn
Jupiter conjunct Pluto (the millionaire aspect)
Jupiter trine Pluto
Uranus, Venus / Jupiter aspects (unexpected wealth)
Pluto in the 2nd house
North Node in the 2nd or 11th house
Part of fortune in the 2nd, 8th or 11th house
Part of fortune conjunct Venus / Jupiter
Ceres conjunct or trine Venus / Jupiter
IC/MC at 0°
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°•✧・ Zodiac placements for wealthy husband ・✧•°
Strong Sun, Jupiter, 7th and 8th house
Taurus or Libra Mc
Taurus, Libra or Sagittarius in the 7th house or lord of the house
Venus conjunct Jupiter (especially 7th, 8th and 10th house)
Jupiter, Venus in the 2nd, 8th or 10th house
Jupiter in the 7th house or Jupiter Dsc aspects
Saturn in the 7th house or lord of the house
Saturn, Venus, Jupiter conjunct in the 7th house
7th house ruler at 27°, 28°, 29°
7th house ruler in the 8th or 10th house
7th house ruler conjunct / trine Jupiter and Venus
7th house ruled by Saturn and conjunct Jupiter, Venus
7th house ruler conjunct Venus and Jupiter at 27°, 28°, 29°
8th house ruled by Jupiter
8th house ruler in the 7th house
8th house ruler conjunct / trine Venus and Jupiter
10th house stellium (especially Taurus, Cancer, Libra or Sagittarius)
29° Cancer in the 7th or 10th house (wealthy family)
Part of fortune in the 7th or 8th house
Part of fortune, 7th or 8th house ruler trine/ conjunct
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saturnsbabyboii · 1 year
🐸Astro Observations Since School is About to Start🐸
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🐸 Taurus and Leo are indistinguishable from one another. They both love the finer things in life and value self care and a hedonistic style of living. Besides they both have that regal star quality (Think of Audrey Hepburn and Lucille Ball). The only difference is that Taurus takes the slow and steady route to attain such lifestyle and Leo prefers to take risks and a gamble. Anyways ✨OPULENCE✨
🐸 4th house Aquarius/9th house Cancer people might be out of place within their immediate families but find themselves at home among strangers or while traveling.
🐸 Lilith (h12, h13, or h21) Conjunct Chiron are strong indications of sexual exploitation (and possibly abuse). These natives could be taken advantage of by people in powerful positions. Even after displaying their truth, they would be faulted and persecuted while their abuser get celebrated. They could very will be victims turned villains.
🐸 An unaspected Juno suggest a lack of desire for marriage or committed relationships.
🐸 Pluto in the 1st house might have a distinctive scar or birth mark.
🐸 Although people dunk on harsh aspects, I personally view them favorably. These aspect are strong indications of perseverance, resilience, power, intelligence and grace. People with more Squares and/or Oppositions in their chart are capable and self aware, all the challenges they face early on bring them a better and higher understanding of the world, and not to mention, many rewards down the line.
🐸 With that being said, people with Ceres Opposite Moon might be particularly hard on themselves. Believing that they would be a burden and that they hold responsibility to keep it together for others, they don't ask for help nor do they accept it when it's offered. It's important for them to practice gratitude and self appreciation.
🐸 Vesta aspecting few personal planets suggests a person with a one track mind, or a very narrow view of their own life and purpose. However, someone with multiple aspects made between Vesta and personal planets suggests someone with turbulent and changing prospects.
🐸 Conversely, someone with no (or only one) aspects made to their Vesta might not care about the meaning of life or simply take an easy going point of view towards things.
🐸 Moon in a harsh aspect to a harmoniously aspected Venus and/or Mars are people that have all the qualities of a good partner but can't seem to commit or make up their mind regarding their relationships. This could also be an indication of being happier when single.
🐸 During the last Full Moon in Pisces, my sister that has a Pisces Moon ended up having surgery.
🐸 Placements in Water degrees (4°,8°,12°,16°,20°,24°,28°) suggest karma and karmic debt or relations in the theme of the placement.
🐸 The degree of Venus can also suggest when will you feel comfortable dating authentically. The higher the degree the later in life it'll be.
🐸 Continuing on the theme of degrees, take note of the following degrees in the chart (especially for natal, synastry and solar return). The degrees are
Creation/New beginnings: 0°,4°,21°
Critical: 13°,17°,26°
Destruction: 15°,22°,23°
Completion: 29°
🐸 Check asteroid Bakker (27425) to know more about the circumstances of when you lose your virginity. Bakker means virgin in Arabic. Regardless of your stance or idea regrading the concept of virginity, you might find insight into either your first sexual experience.
🐸 Asteroid Egeria (13) represents the knowledge we learn by giving service or sacrificing in return. The sign it's in represent the kind of information, the house and aspects represent the method, purpose and teacher of this knowledge. For example, I have a friend with Egeria in Aries in the 2nd house, in aspect to Jupiter and Uranus. She learned about money, finance, self esteem, and asset flow through a mentor (Jupiter) and the internet (Uranus). She in return had to manage her money flow and expenses realistically (Aries in the 2nd house).
🐸 Another friend of mine had the asteroid in Sagittarius in the 10th house, in aspect to the ascendant. She learned how her career, image and aspiration are tied to her appearance and approach to things through mirroring (Ascendant). She had to in return manage her authenticity and be careful of who and how she express her opinion publicly (Sagittarius in the 10th house).
🐸 It is no surprise that the most common Sun sign among Popes is Pisces followed by Sagittarius. Capricorn is the most common Moon sign. Aquarius is the most common Mercury. Gemini is the most common Saturn, and Pisces, Gemini and Leo share the same spot as the most common sign in Jupiter.
🐸 Saturn in the mutable houses (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th) might inherit hereditary illnesses. The 3rd and the 9th suggests developmental setbacks, and issues in attachment and communication. The 6th house suggests physical effects while the 12th suggests mental. Even though the 6th house manifests into physical ailments, the 12th house implies hospitalization and chronic illness from a young age.
🐸 The placement of Pisces and Neptune in the houses along with the state of the 12th house and placement of it's ruler can tell many things about someones' dreams. For example, my friend has Pisces in the 2nd house, Neptune in the 1st house, Capricorn in the 12th and Saturn in the 3rd. (Pisces in the 2nd and Ruler of the 12th is in the 3rd house) She dreams a lot about school, even though she is 25, driving, walking around, buying things, talking to people, listening to music and walking around our city. (Capricorn in the 12th) Her nightmares usually have a state of humiliation and shame. She also finds herself in dream where she is feeling helpless. (Neptune in the 1st) She receives messages through a state of 'Deja Vu' and channels it through the prediction of things.
🐸 Moon Conjunct Chiron 🤝 Mommy issues
🐸 The first impression a rising sign leaves is due to the MC than the rising sign alone. The MC rules public image and reputation, as such it influences the way we're seen by people, regardless of whether we know them or not. For example, an Aquarius rising uniqueness and reputation is supported and diversified by its MC. Although in the whole sign system the MC is in Scorpio, using the Placidus system the MC can also fall in Libra and Sagittarius. This showcases how an Aquarius rising can be perceived as a humanitarian in reputation and ethereal in appearance (Libra MC), or as a provoking trailblazer with an edgy and dark appearance (Scorpio MC), or as an enthusiastic advocate with an alienlike appearance (Sagittarius MC).
🐸 North Node in Fire signs have that "main character" energy.
-Thank you for reading. Hope you it resonates and you enjoyed it.
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astrologydayz · 8 months
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KLETT ASTEROID - 2199 CONJUNCT/SQUARE SADO ASTEROID - 118230 IN A MAN'S CHART = a man who can get VERY sadistic towards the women he gets sexual with. No boundaries, & def no rules. He want2punish, be cruel & humiliate. He gets sexual pleasure, & sexual excitement from seeing women in pain/by hearing their "cries". Biting, choking, name calling, spanking, whipping, beatings, & using restraints are 9/10 times used in practice here, 2 inflict pain onto the women he sleeps with/has a sexual relationship with🩸⛓. Not4the "weak".
WOMEN WHO GOT DICK ASTEROID - 17458 CONJUNCT/SQUARE THEIR SADO ASTEROID - 118230 = same as above, just vice versa with genders𓀏.
LUST ASTEROID - 4386 CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE DICK ASTEROID - 17458 = sexually attracted2 dick/dicks - balls/gets turned on when they're fucking a man/gets fucked by a man/when they're pleasuring a dick. They're usually not embarrassed about it here - sometimes they're even proud about it/they feel good about it. If this is a man, &he's not into guys = can show that he's amazing at pleasuring himself/that he's horny, A LOT. If this is a woman & she's into women = can show that she's literally being met with horny men who tries 2 get into her pants, pretty often.
LUST ASTEROID - 4386 CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE KLETT ASTEROID - 2199 = sexually attracted2pussy/gets turned on like crazy, when they're having sex with a woman/when they're pleasuring a woman. They're usually not embarrassed about it here - sometimes they're even proud about it/they feel good about it. If this is a women &she's not into women = can show that she's very good at pleasuring herself/that she's horny, A LOT. If this is a man, & he's into men = can show that he's literally being met with horny women who tries 2 get into his pants, pretty often.
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BLACK MOON LILITH CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE MERCURY = loves dirty talking, and they're good at it2. The nastier the better usually, &they can also be really into choking, light or hard - whatever they're in the mood4/whatever they're into. BLACK MOON LILITH CONJUNCT PLUTO IN A MAN'S CHART = has some very dark fantasies/fetishes that he keeps very close 2his dick. Won't tell anyone about them, only them he gets sexual with, &feel REALLY FUCKING comfortable with. He can have some "dark" sexual secrets2 - people can get shocked, bc they would never expect something like that from him. Sometimes it's some really crazy shit they're into.
VENUS SQUARE/QUINCUNX KLETT ASTEROID - 2199 IN A MAN'S CHART can show a man forcing himself 2 like pussy. Like he can force himself 2 have sex with women, even tho he doesn't enjoy/like it. Can def show a man hiding in the closet/hiding he's really into men.
VENUS SQUARE/QUINCUNX DICK ASTEROID - 17458 IN A WOMAN'S CHART = Same as above, can show a women forcing herself 2 like dick. She can force herself2 have sex with men even tho she doesn't enjoy/like it. Can show a woman hiding in the closet/hiding she's really into women.
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LUST ASTEROID - 4386 ASPECTING WEBB ASTEROID - 3041 = lusting after people they see/meet online/they can be really into porn - whatever kind they're into/or they can get turned on like crazy when making sex tapes - 2put out online👅📸.
CERES CONJUNCT CUMMING ASTEROID - 14348 IN A MAN'S CHART usually has some kind of fetish involving around being "mothered". "Mommy issues"/mommy kinks shows up here a lot. They get off by someone taking care of all their "needs", like a child almost. They're really sexually attracted2 "motherly"/real loving/nurturing types. 8TH HOUSE RULER IN 10TH HOUSE can show a person having sex with people they mentor, or gets mentored by/with people they can meet in public/"older people"/with people who's famous - "high rank" in whatever - "power"/with people they work with later in life. It can actually also show a person waiting a long time before even doing something sexual/having sex. Public sex scandals can def also show up here.
8TH HOUSE RULER IN 11TH HOUSE can show a person having sex with friends, or friends friends/with multiple people/with people they collaborate with/with people who makes their dreams come true/with people who's all about doing something amazing for our world at large - or our communities.
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8TH HOUSE IN LEO IN A WOMAN'S CHART shows us a woman who's sexually attracted2 people who's very out there - 2people who's in the "spotlight", &2 people who's very expressive and not afraid 2 put on a "show". She wants 2 be praised, admired, &2 be bathed in compliments - she needs that reassurance, baby. She's sexually attracted2 someone who doesn't give up/someone who stands their ground and doesn't budge even tho they stand alone/attracted2 leader types/loyal people. She finds successful, creative, & assured, but kind alpha types sexy as a mf. She needs2 be impressed before she will even consider jumping into bed with someone. Attracted 2 strong jawlines/hair/2backs/feline features. PEOPLE WITH Priapus asteroid - h22 OPPOSITE THEIR PLUTO can have a really hard time with controlling themselves sexually at times - It goes up and down. One moment they're perfectly in control, & in the next = can't control their sexual urges/desires, & ends up giving in, & overdoing it by mileeees. It can get prettyyy crazy, when they can't control themselves. It happens on & off/in periods tho.
IF A MAN GOT HIS CUMMING ASTEROID - 14348 IN CANCER = Usually loooooves2 cum inside somebody. He can also love the thought of impregnating a woman - if he's into women ofc. Loves 2 ejaculate onto breasts/chests/stomachs2.
MOIRA ASTEROID - 638 CONJUNCT 8TH HOUSE can show fated hookups/fated sexual experiences🫦.
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VENUS/EROS IN LIBRA/AT 7, 19° = LIBRA DEGREE 🧡 points2 someone wanting a fair, intelligent, balanced, &physical lover. They need someone who’s comfortable in their own skin/in who they are, & comfortable with handling things in a calm, & fair manner. They do not stand for being treated unfairly. They can be enamoured by beautiful people, & be swayed if u got manners, & always stands up for the underdog. They're sexually attracted2 people who helps others/stands up for others, &2 people who's clear, & comfortable in their own feelings. They’re typically really into romantic gestures- romantic gifts, letters, songs, dinners, romantic getaways/vacations etc. They wanna feel like they're the only one for their partner. They love the teasing, & the romance before getting sexual!
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lunaapudleonem · 6 months
Placements in the natal chart that indicate a good connection with your sibling(s) 💞
Jupiter in the 3rd house
Ruler of the 3rd house positively aspected ; ruler of the third house trine/sextile/conjunct Jupiter
Venus in the 3rd house
Mercury trine/sextile/conjunct Moon
Ceres in the 3rd house
Mercury trine/sextile/conjunct Ceres
Vesta in the 3rd house
Vesta trine/sextile/conjunct Mercury
Sun in the 3rd house
Sun trine/sextile/conjunct Mercury
Moon in the 3rd house
Placements in the natal chart that can indicate a bad relationship with your sibling(s)
Pluto opposite/square/conjunct Mercury
Pluto in the 3rd house
Saturn in the 3rd house
Mars opposite/square/conjunct Mercury
Saturn opposite/square/conjunct Mercury
Chiron in the 3rd house
Ruler of the 3rd house badly aspected; especially if the 3rd house is empty
Lilith in the 3rd house
Uranus in the 3rd house
Mercury opposite/square Uranus
Neptune square Uranus
Dm me for a reading !! 💗
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astrobiscuits · 1 year
Astro observations part 3
🌻 Individuals with Jupiter trine Mercury are great storytellers. You want these people around if you ever go to summer camp or somewhere boring lmao
🌻 Girls with Mars square Saturn have got heavy periods
🌻 I noticed that every Libra Sun i met, they like rock music🤨
🌻 Ceres opposite/square Moon individuals didn’t get emotionally nurtured by their mothers in their childhood. As adults, they most likely have mommy issues
🌻 If you've got asteroid Manilius (12163) conjuncting your ASC, IC, DSC, MC or personal planets, you're likely to become an astrologer and write astrology books
🌻 Aries on the 2nd house cusp people love eating spicy food
🌻 While Pisces on the 2nd house cusp people love salty food
🌻 Ruler of 7th house in 1st house individuals are going to find their long-term partner once they are confident enough to be themselves
🌻 This is more of a personal theory, but your dominant planets indicate your music taste
Ex. If you're Moon, Neptune and Venus dominant - you're into romantic vintage songs, classical music, bubblegum pop
If you're Moon, Saturn and Pluto dominant - you're into minimal wave, goth neo-classical, blues
Of course, the signs and the additional aspects between the dominant planets are just as important (i might make personalized music playlists if you're interested)
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I hope you enjoyed today's post <3
Take care and don't forget to drink water!
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seafoamreadings · 2 months
big things that are coming
jupiter square saturn - this is a semi rare type of square. exact on august 19 but give this one a fairly generous orb since both planets move fairly slowly. it is a tension of opposites; jupiter expands and saturn contracts. neither is in its home sign so neither is particularly stronger. you will simply have to find the right balances for yourself.
ceres direct - in late august, ceres moves to finish up her sojourn through earthy capricorn, which makes for a time of high abundance, especially if you are willing to put in the typical capricornian elbow grease. by september this influence starts to fade out, so make good use of it and put in sincere efforts.
mercury direct - just a couple days after ceres direct, but in leo. virgoans and leonic and gemini folks collectively breathe a sigh of relief. broadly things get easier especially where contracts, contact, and travel are concerned.
uranus retrograde - the month of september kicks off with this electric zap of a station. the overall retrograde feels like not much, but the days immediately surrounding the station can feel shocking, roiling, and tumultuous. the bright side is the upheaval comes with flashes of brilliant insight. note them down promptly because they won't stick around long.
pluto back into capricorn - the same day as uranus retrograde later sees pluto step back into capricorn, for the last time in any of our lifetimes. be prepared to experience the last death throes of the end of an era, especially on a global stage or wherever you have unresolved plutonic/capricorn issues. is it good or bad? it depends on what is needing to end. so be also prepared to grieve, and to celebrate, and yes you can do both simultaneously.
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Jupiter's Blessings / Where Fortune Smiles According to Your Sign" ✨🌟
Jupiter's placement in your birth chart influences where you experience natural luck and expansion. Here's a journey through Jupiter's influence across the signs
♈ Aries: "Energetic Endeavors" 🚀🍀
♉ Taurus: "Material Abundance" 🌱💰
♊ Gemini: "Intellectual Adventures" 📚✈️
♋ Cancer: "Emotional Enrichment" 💖🏠
♌ Leo: "Creative Crescendo" 🎭🌟
♍ Virgo: "Organized Opportunities" 📊🔍
♎ Libra: "Harmonious Connections" 🤝💫
♏ Scorpio: "Deep Transformations" 💎🔮
♐ Sagittarius: "Expansive Horizons" 🌄🌠
♑ Capricorn: "Structured Success" 🏆🏢
♒ Aquarius: "Innovative Insights" 💡🌐
♓ Pisces: "Intuitive Blessings" 🌊🌈
Main Asteroids
Jupiter with Ceres: Nurturing Abundance 🌱🍀
Jupiter with Pallas Athena: Wisdom Expansion 📚💡
Jupiter with Juno: Partnership Prosperity 💑💰
Jupiter with Vesta: Devotion and Expansion 🕯️🌄
Jupiter with Hygieia: Healing Abundance 🌿🌈
Jupiter with Astraea: Justice and Blessings ⚖️🌠
Jupiter with Eris: Transformative Expansion 💥🌀
Jupiter with Sedna: Wisdom of the Depths 🌊🌟
Jupiter's influence expands further as it moves through the houses of your birth chart, bringing luck and abundance to different areas of your life:
Jupiter in 1st House: "Radiant Self" 🌟🎉
Jupiter in 2nd House: "Material Flow" 💰🛍️
Jupiter in 3rd House: "Intellectual Exploration" 📚✉️
Jupiter in 4th House: "Home Harmony" 🏠🌼
Jupiter in 5th House: "Creative Joy" 🎨🎭
Jupiter in 6th House: "Health and Growth" 🌿💪
Jupiter in 7th House: "Partnership Prosperity" 💑🤝
Jupiter in 8th House: "Transformative Abundance" 💎🔮
Jupiter in 9th House: "Expanding Horizons" ✈️🌄
Jupiter in 10th House: "Professional Triumph" 🏆🏢
Jupiter in 11th House: "Friendship Fortune" 👥🌠
Jupiter in 12th House: "Spiritual Blessings" 🌌🙏
Jupiter Conjunction: When Jupiter is conjunct (close to) another planet, its energy merges, amplifying the qualities of that planet. This can bring heightened opportunities, growth, and luck related to the specific planet's traits. For example, a Jupiter-Sun conjunction can enhance your self-confidence and attract positive experiences into your life.
Jupiter Sextile or Trine: Harmonious aspects between Jupiter and other planets indicate ease in harnessing Jupiter's blessings. These aspects encourage positive growth, expansion, and the ability to seize opportunities with relative ease. A Jupiter-Moon trine may enhance your emotional well-being and bring support from family or women.
Jupiter Square or Opposition: Challenging aspects between Jupiter and other planets may require extra effort to tap into its positive energy. These aspects can bring growth through overcoming obstacles and learning valuable lessons. A Jupiter-Mercury square might indicate a need to balance optimism with practicality in communication and decision-making.
Jupiter and Outer Planets: Aspects with outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) can signify transformative and profound experiences. A Jupiter-Neptune trine could enhance your spiritual journey and creative pursuits, while a Jupiter-Pluto opposition may involve intense personal growth through confronting power dynamics.
Multiple Aspects: When Jupiter forms multiple aspects, its influence becomes multi-faceted. A Jupiter with a mix of harmonious and challenging aspects can create a balanced interplay of growth, challenges, and opportunities.
Remember, Jupiter's influence is unique to your birth chart. The aspects it forms with other planets provide a dynamic interplay that shapes your life journey. Consult an astrologer to gain deeper insights into how Jupiter's energy interacts with the rest of your chart and discover the keys to unlocking its full potential. Embrace Jupiter's blessings and navigate your path to prosperity! 🌈🔑
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harmoonix · 11 months
🖤 When love hurts 🖤
°Astrology Observations°
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Found you when your heart was broke
🖤 - Natives with Venus in Gemini/Sagittarius can end up liking/crushing over unavailable people. Especially if Venus has these degrees (3°, 15°. 27°, 9°, 21° ). They can end up liking someone and then they discover that person is already taken
🖤 - The dark side of Venus aspecting Pluto is that they can love someone so deep, (it's irreal how deep these natives can love). It's very hard for them to detach from something they love
🖤 - Mercury in the 5th house/Mars in the 5th house ( Or having your 5th house ruled by Mercury or Mars) can end up in loving triangles, they can fall in love with multiple times with different people and having different crushes aswell
🖤 - An advice for people with Saturn - Venus aspects, don't stay with people who disrespect you, because respect is very important for these natives, you'll just hurt yourself
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🖤 - Venus - Neptune aspects most times have can create an delusional scenario about their crushes/partners or people they like, they can end up falling for wrong people
🖤 - Cancer Moons/Moon in the 4th house natives tend to keep it for themselves when they're hurt, and they prefer to to not say it to anyone just to not make people worry about them
🖤 - Saturn quincunx/Inconjunct Venus = This aspect feels like Saturn opposite Venus. It may be hard for them to find the right partners in love relationship and to find the right person. They can feel like there is no one for them in this world
🖤 - Venus in Aquarius Degrees (11°. 23°) can go numb when they're hurt, they prefer to not talk about it and trying to get "over it" knowing they don't wanna talk about it
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🖤 - The dark side of someone with Libra Moon romantically speaking is that they can get in a depressed/lonely state of mind when they're alone/single probably thinking about the past
🖤 - Venus at 29° degrees can manifest into making the person to feel very romantic, they're so cute when they're in love and they may show it on their faces
🖤 - Scorpio Risings/Scorpio Venus/ May have it hard to talk about their feelings with their partners, have it a bit harder to tell their feelings and what they feel but once they do it, it will be much easier
🖤 - Venus sextile/trine/conjunct Moon makes the person to feel like they're in so much love, they're surrended with love for others, but they need to love themselves aswell
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🖤 - Vesta (4) sqaure/opposite Venus > Can make the native to feel worthless in love, to feel like there is no one who may love/accept them. Which is so sad because the right person for you won't leave you be sure of that
🖤 - Virgo Venus/Venus in the 6th house can be scared of rejection. So they can often hurt themselves because of that. Being heartbroken is sad yes… but rejection is nothing to be sad about when the right person will come in your life they won't reject
Gave love 'bout a hundred tries
🖤 - Gemini/Libra in the 5th house > This can be tricky because natives with the signs in those houses often dont realize if they're in love until the person they like makes the first contact
🖤 - Juno square/opposite Ceres (1) natives with those aspects need really a lot of nurturing, they're highly sensitive in love and really need that bounding with their partners
🖤 - Jupiter square/opposite Venus may have an hard time finding the right partner for them, actually the natives with those aspects may have been hurt a lot in the past because of love, they can be unlucky til they're setting boundaries
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🖤 - Sagittarius Moons/ Moon in Sagittarius Degrees (9°. 21°) these natives feel full of excitement when they're in love, feeling like they have everything they ever wanted
🖤 - Sun in the 7th house/Sun rulling the 7th house > These natives may put all the energy in someone who is not worth it, they're getting hypnotized by love (but in reality is actually blinded love)
Thinking you could live without me
🖤 - Uranus in the 7th house can be that person who had more partners than others in general/ that type of person who ends up with people they didn't even expect to be honest
🖤 - Neptune/Pluto and Pisces in the 7th house can get manipulated in love, they can even have or had exes who were very controlling or very obsessive with them
🖤 - An 7th empty house combined with Libra/Taurus/Leo/Pisces or Cancer in it can manifest like an chaos. Because usually an empty house indicates something you finished in your past life. Something that you won't focus much on this life. People with 7th house empty could've had finished the things with finding love in a past life, but when it combined with with an Libra 7H or Leo 7H the native will feel like they want an relationship really bad/seeking for it...
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🖤 - It can happen for people with Pluto - Juno aspects to find themselves being in toxic/non healthy relationship a lot. But with this they can learn and evoluate more, + setting new boundaries
🖤 - Harsh Venus - Chiron aspects can actually indicate someone who seeks for love. And someone who may have not been loved in the right way. They basically were treated bad and all they wanted as to feel love
🖤 - Moon - Saturn harsh aspects. > When they're in a relationship. They can overthink a lot about their partners, being worried about them and being stressed with negative thoughts
🖤 - If Venus aspects Saturn or Pluto and any of them are in the 3rd house when the native is hurt in a relationship they may say harsh/rude things to their partners
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🖤 - Cheating in a relationship can traumatize a lot of people, natives with the Chiron in the 5th/7th and 8th or 12th house can take too hard to heart
🖤 - Aquarius Sun/Moon/Rising when they're hurt in a relationship they can close themselves and choose to not talk about. Esp Aqua Moon. They're very talkative in general, and when they get hurt this can happen
🖤 - If Venus aspects the south node/If Venus and the south node are in the same house, the native can have/can date partners from past life relationship
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🫶🏼 Good day to everyone 🖤 I know this post might seem sad but it's truly just the theme of it, not the actual placements 🖤🖤🫶🏼
🫶🏼 And I want for everyone to know, for all those who have been hurt in love to not give up and close themselves because you were hurt, put better standards for yourself, heal yourself, love yourself, you're the most precious thing for yourself and that's more important, after you did those things, try to search for love but this time to be an healthy one 🫶🏼 Give it a chance, if it doesn't work then let the right person ro find you when you will be ready 🫶🏼
Harmoonix brings the peace even when people got their heart broken 🫶🏼🖤
H a r m o o n i x 🖤
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venusiancharisma · 9 months
Part 1 of Asteroids & Major Aspects
These are just some examples. I think, just like Tarot, it extremely important for peoples personal experiences and intuitive guidance helps create the whole interpretation from a chart by chart perspective, therefore... this would primarily help those of you who don't know the generak themes/are just starting out in astrology. Regardless, this is hyper-generalized as more of a starter guide:
Asteroid Juno:
The asteroid Juno represents marriage and commitment dynamics in astrology. Having significant aspects to Juno in a natal chart can reveal information about someone's approach to long-term partnerships:
Juno conjunct Sun/Moon - Commitment is central to one's identity and emotional needs. Loyal but may depend heavily on partner.
Juno conjunct Venus - Highly romantic nature. Idealistic in relationships. Strong desire for marriage or lifelong bonding.
Juno conjunct Mars - Sexual needs tied to intimacy. There can be contention around commitment needs.
Juno square Saturn - Difficulty with obligation in relationships. Fears of losing freedom or individuality through marriage.
Juno opposite Uranus - Drawn to unconventional relationships. Dislikes feeling "owned" or bound. Issues with fidelity.
Juno trine Jupiter - Faith in marriage and willingness to work through challenges. Expansive benefits from partnerships.
Juno quincunx Neptune - Yearning for soulmate union. Can sacrifice too much or ignore red flags when in love.
Aspects to Juno should be considered alongside the entire chart. But they can reveal someone's unique needs, wounds, potentials or lessons when it comes to long-term marriage and commitment. The house placement of Juno also adds additional context to these relationship tendencies.
Asteroid Ceres:
The asteroid Ceres represents nurturing, maternal instincts, and family/childhood issues in astrology. Having significant aspects to Ceres in a natal chart can indicate the following:
Ceres conjunct Moon - Deep need to care for others, especially children. Strong maternal instincts. Early childhood issues around nurturing may arise.
Ceres conjunct Venus - Expressing affection by providing food, comfort and security. Partners may take on child-like roles.
Ceres conjunct Mars - Nurturing drives or inhibits sexuality. Could indicate conflicts around parenting.
Ceres square Saturn - Difficulty nurturing oneself/others due to parental criticism or early life responsibility.
Ceres opposite Uranus - Nurturing patterns disrupted by sudden change. Rebellious response to restrictive mother.
Ceres trine Jupiter - Positive nurturing from mother and family. Natural talent for parenting, cooking, gardening.
Ceres quincunx Pluto - Intense need for security. Hunger for deep connection. Early power struggles around dependence.
Ceres Return - Time of reconnecting with these themes. Healing childhood issues. Revisiting parenting roles.
Aspects to natal Ceres help uncover your unique attachment style and talents/wounds around providing and receiving nurturance within families. Ceres' house placement adds more detail about where these dynamics play out.
Asteroid Pallas:
The asteroid Pallas represents wisdom, strategy, and political/social justice in astrology. Major aspects to Pallas in a natal chart indicate the following:
Pallas conjunct Mercury - Strong strategic thinking and gift for seeing multiple angles of a situation. Able to mediate conflicts.
Pallas conjunct Venus - Sense of justice and fairness applied to relationships and social connections. Diplomatic mediator.
Pallas conjunct Mars - Fights for beliefs, sometimes aggressively. May be combative communication style.
Pallas square Saturn - Difficulty employing practical strategy. Wisdom gained slowly through experience.
Pallas opposite Uranus - Innovative thinker but can be stubborn in views. Fights for radical change.
Pallas trine Jupiter - Expansive wisdom, big picture thinking. Natural lawyer or wise counselor. Lucky planning.
Pallas quincunx Pluto - Compulsive need to understand hidden agendas. Sees manipulation in all interactions.
Pallas Return - Period of reconnecting to inner wisdom and reassessing life strategies.
Pallas aspects in the natal chart illuminate your relationship to wisdom, discernment, strategy, and ability to negotiate. Pallas' house placement provides added context on applying these qualities to specific life areas.
Asteroid Vesta:
The asteroid Vesta represents devotion, focus, sacred rituals, and the temple of the self in astrology. Major aspects between Vesta and planets/points in a natal chart indicate:
Vesta conjunct Sun - Strong sense of inner purpose. Needs to dedicate self to meaningful cause for fulfillment.
Vesta conjunct Moon - Soulful devotion and emotional investment in what one holds sacred. Possible spiritual calling.
Vesta conjunct Mercury - Mental dedication to areas of focus and study. Disciplined thinker.
Vesta conjunct Venus - Deeply devoted in relationships but needs personal space respected. May be devoted to arts.
Vesta conjunct Mars - Drive to devote energy passionately but can lead to burnout without care.
Vesta square Saturn - Challenges in reconciling dedication with responsibilities. Tests of commitment
Vesta opposite Uranus - Needs freedom and humanity in what one dedicates to. Rebellious to dogma.
Vesta trine Neptune - Spiritual devotion comes naturally. Drawn to mysticism and esoteric rituals.
Vesta quincunx Pluto - Intense focus can lead to destructive tendencies without balance.
Vesta aspects reveal the positive and challenging ways one directs devotion, ritual, and sacred focus in life. Vesta's house and sign placements add more texture.
Asteroid Pholus:
The asteroid Pholus represents one's response to crisis, the unexpected, and where we may feel pressured to take extreme measures or actions. Major aspects to Pholus in a natal chart indicate:
Pholus conjunct Sun - Identity tied to managing crises. Drawn to emergency response and high pressure situations.
Pholus conjunct Moon - Heightened emotional reactions to the unexpected. Difficulty regulating feelings under duress.
Pholus conjunct Mercury - Strong mental strategizing to handle catastrophes. Tendency to give unsolicited advice when stressed.
Pholus conjunct Mars - Reacts urgently, aggressively when faced with disruption. Prone to impulsiveness under pressure.
Pholus square Saturn - Hardships build character and skills to handle predicaments. Can also cause rigidity and avoidance.
Pholus opposite Uranus - Rebellious reactions to turmoil. Uses shock value to shake things up.
Pholus trine Pluto - Able to regenerate and find power when faced with what seems like disaster.
Pholus quincunx Neptune - Handles chaos through imagination, spirituality, chemicals. Can lose grip on reality.
Pholus aspects point to our reflexive responses to crises and willingness to cross boundaries when pressured. Pholus' house placement adds more context.
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lilmajorshawty · 1 year
which astrological placements in synastry suggest “I have to leave my stable relationship that I have for years now because I’m so madly in love that I can’t resist not being with you” ??
Moon conjunct Venus is the biggest indicator that I’ve seen. And it never goes away, it’s a slingshot aspect as well especially if sex occurs, they cannot escape one another.
Mars square Pluto and Venus square Pluto. They ghost eachother ( normally the planet person) but the planet person usually comes back to the Pluto person who moves on.
Venus or mars in the 8th house ( you already know why 😏)
Scorpio rising composite/cancer rising composite/Pisces rising composite (water risings composites usually means very deep and almost fated meeting between two people, hard to escape)
Saturn in the 1st in synastry
Saturn in any aspect to the others Venus and especially if it’s a double whammy.
4th house synastry and aspects between Chiron/ceres and mars or Venus.
Saturn in the 7th in synastry
Composite Venus/mars or sun in aspect to Neptune/Pluto
Mars square mars & mars conjunct mars
One that is super unexpected in my studies is actually a delayed mars and Venus square! So let’s say person A has mats in Pisces at 11 degrees! And person B has Venus in Gemini at 24 degrees! This is a far square and is considered too wide to be counted as it’s effects would be felt but not nearly enough for it to cause the same friction as a full right square. BUT as I mentioned prior delayed squares are still felt! They’re just delayed so they show up later on in the relationship and act out in a more calmer manner then a tighter square would. That being said delayed Mars square Venus actually unlike the tight version can cause obsession and a inescapable feeling like you have to be with that person. It causes a “pursuit” of relief! A need to scratch the hypothetical “itch” so to speak but you never get to scratch that itch. It can be addictive and overwhelming. It is often what I call the devil aspect as it can make separating IMPOSSIBLE.
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esotericpluto · 1 year
astrological placements of your future spouse
from left to right; intuitively choose the pile you feel more connected to. To make it easier, you can take a deep breathe, close your eyes and ask for guidance to your deities or guides. These are all general messages, so just take what resonates and leave what doesn't. This reading is timeless. If it resonates, feedback is always appreciated and motivates to keep doing pick a card readings. You can also donate here.
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pile 1
If you picked this pile, I feel like your future spouse will either be an aries, scorpio or capricorn sun. I feel like their juno might also be in scorpio or in the 8th house, so it is possible you also have scorpio or pluto influence in your chart.
I am sensing they might have a scorpio rising or pluto 1st house, if not both. For some of you, this could be scorpio/pluto/mars/venus in 8th house. They could have lilith in the 4th or 10th, squaring the ascendant.
I am getting scorpio or capricorn venus the most, but for some they might have a taurus or pisces venus (especially if they turn out to be an aries sun). Sagittarius mercury could be a real possibility and for those future spouses with aries sun, I'm feeling an aries mercury.
I am sensing a powerful mars, so their mars are most likely domicile (scorpio, aries) or exalted (capricorn). Some can also have a decent jupiter influence over their chart and I would check if this person has a prominent Zeus asteroid in their chart or when it comes to your synastry compatibility.
I am feeling some planets in the 11th, 10th and 9th are also possible. In the 3rd for some of your fs' as well. The 7th housr might be an important house in their chart as well as thry might have their north node, south node or vertex there.
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pile 2
If you picked this pile, I feel like your future spouse will be either an aquarius, pisces or cancer sun with leo, virgo or libra moon. I am sensing a high venus and mercury influence over their chart, possibly with one or the other (or both) being in the 1st house.
It feels they will have a strong venus placement, so it could possibly in pisces, in the 7th, 2nd or 1st house in their charts. I feel some fiery energies here, so for some of you, it could mean they will have a fire venus or aspecting a planet like the sun or mars.
I feel like for some of you, your future spouse might have a water mars like cancer, pisces or scorpio, alternatively it could also be a libra or taurus mars.
I am definitely getting them having 1st, 2nd and 12th house planets and possibly a 8th house north node. They could also possibly be a libra or pisces rising and I am hearing you should check if love goddess related asteroids are prominent in their charts.
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pile 3
for this pile, I'm sensing either libra, taurus or sagittarius sun. For aome, possibly a gemini sun too. This person seems to give a very fun and strong first impression, so I feel like a gemini rising is also possible here, as well as a Jupiter or mercury 1st but these last two only for a few of you.
I'm getting strong mercury and jupiter here, possibly a strong uranus too and I feel like these 3 planets might aspect each other in their chart. They might have uranus 10th or 9th house and, if not, it could potentially be their mercury in those houses. I feel like their jupiter might be in 6th or 3rd house.
I'm getting potentially an air venus, so libra, aquarius or gemini venus. I feel like they might have this placement either 1st or 7th house. For some of you, the person will have this placement in the 2nd house.
When it comes to mars, they will most likely be an earth sign. For the majority of you, they could be a taurus mars or mars 2nd house, or a virgo or capricorn mars. For those of you that get a future spouse with capricorn mars, you will find it will most likely be in the 9th, 8th or 4th house.
I am getting that their Ceres is prominent in their chart or will be prominent in your synastry, so this is worth checking.
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