anazogh · 11 months
Marcas da Devoção
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A pluralidade étnica e cultural é uma característica marcante desta civilização, embora nem sempre tenha sido assim. Com um passado marcado por guerras e intolerância que nenhum dos presentes vivenciou, qualquer historiador poderia prever um futuro distópico, violento e repleto de segregação, caso a humanidade chegasse longe o bastante. Os ancestrais nem mesmo podem ser considerados antepassados deste povo, dada a grande diversidade de credos, raças e costumes que sequer existiam antes. O mundo de outrora era simplesmente outro.
Todos que vivem aqui têm o direito de cultuar seus próprios deuses, mas não existem tantas religiões quanto se poderia imaginar. Diz-se que antigamente havia mais deuses do que homens, mas agora eles são cada vez mais escassos. Embora Moggaz, o Deus dos Valentes, não atenda e nem mesmo ouça as preces, Herólion é conhecido pelo povo do Norte como um deus piedoso, capaz de proteger os mais fracos e conceder bênçãos para todas as crianças.
No total, existem quatro religiões, mas apenas três igrejas. Já que Moggaz não ouve as preces e não possui estátuas em sua homenagem, cultuá-lo é inútil. Aqueles que acreditam nele apenas o fazem por merecimento. Herólion, por outro lado, é venerado quase diariamente e em toda parte. Os herólitos surgiram nas terras do Norte, mas se espalharam tão rapidamente que hoje são a maioria. Devido à sua doutrina pouco rigorosa e clara, são pacíficos, e seus templos são aceitos em qualquer cidade. Este é um deus cultuado por nobres e plebeus, por artistas, médicos, prostitutas e ladrões, ou seja, por todos aqueles que desejarem. Os locais de veneração costumam ser simplórios, pois basta haver congregação e cânticos para que, segundo os crentes, seu deus esteja presente. Mesmo assim, como a maioria das igrejas do passado, os herólitos possuem o Templo de Estudos e Devoção, uma espécie de matriz onde ordenam seus sacerdotes, definem seu próprio cânone e atuam como líderes religiosos.
Cerisa é uma deusa pouco conhecida, mas muito adorada por mulheres. Como de praxe, ela traz amor e fertilidade, mas também envolve um certo grau de erotismo em seu credo. As pessoas que seguem Cerisa são frequentemente mal vistas, pois se trata de uma igreja frequentada principalmente por mulheres que vivem sozinhas ou por aquelas que mantêm relacionamentos fora do matrimônio. Embora o mundo seja tolerante, certas tradições parecem inabaláveis. Não existem leis que punam os devotos de qualquer religião, mas também nada impede que a sociedade torça o nariz para certos costumes não convencionais. Aqueles que se devotam a Cerisa geralmente fazem parte de uma parcela mais marginalizada da sociedade, como mulheres abandonadas ou viúvas, homossexuais, damas de companhia e até mesmo as chamadas feiticeiras. Não há um problema real nisso, visto que a Lei permite qualquer tipo de dogma.
A última e mais assustadora é a Confraria dos Corsários, um nome bonito para descrever a igreja dos ladrões e assassinos. Sua fé se baseia em uma antiga lenda sobre um criminoso chamado Estácio, que teria sobrevivido ao cerco de Paleto por dezessete dias com apenas uma faca e um amuleto do deus Vòll.
Diferente de quase todas as crenças religiosas, esta possui certa originalidade. Vòll era conhecido como o deus dos guerreiros do Oeste, protegendo-os em suas campanhas antes da unificação. Entretanto, durante uma batalha entre os separatistas e a União, os guerreiros do Oeste, que não queriam aceitar os termos da Capital e estavam perdendo a luta, foram agraciados com uma tempestade de areia que varreu todo o exército inimigo em questão de minutos. É verdade que a tempestade aconteceu, assim como a batalha, os inimigos mortos e a comemoração do Oeste, mas nada indica que realmente tenha ocorrido qualquer tipo de intervenção divina. O problema é que não se pode convencer homens de fé sobre qualquer pensamento que se distancie de sua crença, por mais absurda e infundada que ela seja. Diante das circunstâncias, os sobreviventes passaram a cultuar uma entidade jamais vista ou ouvida. Eles criaram amuletos feitos da obsidiana extraída dos vulcões da região.
Embora tenham perdido a guerra e, mesmo que a unificação tenha acontecido depois disso, o povo que sobreviveu ao conflito nunca se rendeu e decidiu viver em bandos de saqueadores. Com o tempo, a resistência se transformou em mero oportunismo. Hoje, dois séculos depois, não há mais interesse em uma separação dos estados, nem mesmo na independência do Oeste. A Confraria dos Corsários é apenas uma seita de bandidos que vive de forma nômade por todo o país e também fora dele. Estácio, o suposto herói da lenda, era descendente direto de um antigo nobre e se tornou um símbolo de resiliência e fé para todos eles.
As mulheres também participam da luta, são treinadas como os homens desde a infância a empunhar adagas, arcos e qualquer outro tipo de arma. Eles são organizados, violentos e não se importam em agir sem qualquer misericórdia ou honra. Por onde passam deixam um rastro de carnificina e destruição, motivo pelo qual são o único grupo considerado pária em qualquer canto do mundo. Hoje eles são tratados como a maior ameaça pela Capital, por isso não é incomum acontecerem conflitos por toda parte.
A Confraria é sua própria igreja. Onde o bando estiver, haverá rituais de devoção a Vòll e reverências ao seu profeta Estácio.
Com exceção de Moggaz, todos os deuses supostamente deixaram sua doutrina escrita para os homens, mas poucos são aqueles que possuem os livros sagrados. Apenas um sacerdote ou um profeta podem levar o evangelho adiante, enquanto aos fiéis cabe a fé e o respeito aos ritos. Os devotos de Moggaz, por sua vez, não precisam provar nada a ninguém, nem mesmo a Ele.
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celestiallunarsky · 3 months
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So.... let me properly introduce you to all my OCS! You've seen a few (especially Cerisa) before, so here's the rest of them! Yay! (This took 3 years by the way, yes, they all have full sprite sets. IM FREE!!! (I'm not.) )
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void-dreaming · 7 months
HI BESTIE HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY!! So happy you were able to pay that bill!!
Maybe a small sketch of my baby girl Cerisa? 👉👈
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One ticket for the lovely Cerisa's dance!
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nokkeari · 17 days
nao achei q veria os peitos da cerisa nessa vida... hoje foram experiencias unicas msm
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fluidsandlubricants · 3 months
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theenergyconnection · 3 months
The Vår Energi-operated Cerisa exploration well in production license PL 636 offshore Norway was successful, with estimated gross recoverable resources of between 18-39 MMboe.
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cerisahh · 5 months
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hello stranger! you can call me cerisa, cerise, cerisive, anything that floats your fancy. i'm eighteen and my birthday is march 5th, 2006 which makes me a pisces.
some of my favourite media includes mr inbetween, world war z, the terminal, lost, hamilton, and my newest fixation-- hazbin hotel.
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© CERISAHH 2024 — all fics on this account belong to… ME! don’t steal my shit.
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almanach2023 · 2 years
Aujourd'hui, mercredi 22 mars, nous fêtons Sainte Léa.
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. Léa . De l'hebreu lah, "fatigue" et du latin lea, "lionne" . Sainte-Léa (+384) Dame noble romaine, elle rejoint après la mort de son mari la communauté Sainte Marcelle et passe sa vie au service des religieuses. Nous connaissons sa vie par Saint-Jérôme. . Douces, gaies et généreuses, les Léa sont capables de la plus grande violence et du plus farouche égoïsme dès qu'il s'agit de défendre leur bonheur ou celui des leurs. Cela ne saurait les empêcher d'être de charmants personnages de précieuse compagnie. . Prénoms dérivés : Lila, Leïla, Léah, Lia, Liahi... Nous fêtons également les : Benvenista - Benveniste - Benvenuto - Bienvenu - Deogratias - Éliane - Léa - Leïla - Lélia - Léliane - Leyla - Wandelin Toutes les infos sur les Saints du jour https://tinyurl.com/wkzm328
Quels sont les fêtes à souhaiter aujourd'hui ? [ Bonne fête ] . Léa Fazer, scénariste, réalisatrice, actrice et metteur en scène de théâtre suisse . Léa Seydoux, actrice française . Léa Drucker, actrice française . Lea Massari, actrice italienne
Ils nous ont quittés un 22 mars :
22 mars 2009 : Jade Cerisa Lorraine Goody, ancienne participante de deux séries de la version britannique de l'émission Big Brother. (5 juin 1981) 22 mars 2008 : Israel "Cachao" López, 89 ans, bassiste et compositeur cubain, considéré comme l' « inventeur » du mambo (14 septembre 1918) 22 mars 2007 : Jacques Courtin Clarins, entrepreneur et médecin français (22 mars 2007) 22 mars 2005 : Kenzo Tange, architecte et urbaniste japonais (4 septembre 1913)
Ils sont nés le 22 mars :
22 mars 1987 : Alice David, actrice française 22 mars 1976 : Reese Witherspoon, née Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon, actrice, productrice et femme d'affaires américaine 22 mars 1971 : Iben Hjejle, actrice danoise 22 mars 1955 : Lena Olin, née Lena Maria Jonna Olin, actrice suédoise 22 mars 1949 : Fanny Ardant, née Fanny Marguerite Judith Ardant, actrice, réalisatrice, scénariste et metteuse en scène française 22 mars 1943 : George Benson, guitariste, chanteur, et compositeur de jazz 22 mars 1941 : Bruno Ganz, acteur suisse de cinéma et de théâtre (16 février 2019)
Toutes les naissances du jour https://tinyurl.com/msmk5e22
Fêtes, Célébrations, événements du jour 22 mars : Journée mondiale de l’eau (141 EX/22; A/RES/47/193) (UNESCO) 22 mars : Journée mondiale des doulas (JM)
Citation du jour : La vie ressemble à un conte ; ce qui importe, ce n'est pas sa longueur, mais sa valeur. Sénèque
Citation du jour : Le mensonge tue la confiance et surtout, il te prive d'amis sur qui compter vraiment. Et pire que ça le mensonge t'empêche de te voir tel que tu es réellement. Masashi Kishimoto
Toutes les citations du jour https://tinyurl.com/payaj4pz
Petite histoire... digne d'un caramel...
P'tite #blague du #mercredi Tu sais pourquoi 70% des femmes sont insatisfaites ? J'peux pas être partout à la fois !
P'tite #blague du #mercredi Un gars du chantier va chez le médecin pour avoir le résultat de ses analyses. Le docteur dit : Alors voyons, vous avez des cailloux dans les reins, du sable dans les urines Arrêtez docteur ! Au train où ça va, si j'éjacule, je vais faire du béton.
Petit clin d'oeil sur le jardin : C'est peut-être le moment...
De poursuivre les rempotages de plantes d'intérieur. De semer poireau et petit pois. De semer le tabac d'ornement au chaud.
Nous sommes le 81ème jour de l'année il reste 284 jours avant le 31 décembre. Semaine 12.
Beau mercredi à tous.
Source : https://www.almanach-jour.com/almanach/index.php
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cockabeetle · 5 years
Named Backgrounders
@curseofbunny and I picked some cute backgrounders to give names to, you've all seen 3 of them, but I'm working on some more pictures with number 4.
In order, these are the characters we've made with these guys:
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Gavrii Laskaris, a royal guard of the Xerin Palace.
A smart, easygoing young man who gets along with most people he meets. Gavrii ends up as the personal guard for Izira, once the country rebuilds after the civil war ends.
Varvara Gataki is a mapmaker contracted by the palace. She has to update the maps held in the Xerin palace, checking the current borders of every country map kept by the Xerin Royalty. (Volta never checks their borders, so Varvara must check them herself. She spends her time in the wilds between Volta, Alcinous, Àine, and Calix, during the war.) She's a spitfire of a tiny little lady, she's sweet but perfectly willing to fight if she feels slighted. She runs into the rebels during her treks across borders.
The two of them meet and up with Izira and each other both before the fall of the palace. They meet again in the rebel camps, Gavrii insisting on watching Izira's tent and Varvara finding them while trekking through the jungles on Volta's borders.
They keep meeting and getting along even after Xeris rebuilds.
They usually end up married by the time Izira takes her crown as Queen.
Elisa Hyacinthus is a seamstress working in Knoxos, the capital city. She's got a good sense of business and a great head for customer service. She also travels across Xeris and through other countries to spread her wares. Elisa is as sharp as a whip and just as fast a talker. She'll talk circles around anyone and everyone if she thinks she can get away with it.
This sharpness tends to attract Voltans like Jodan and Valentina, who look for smart, capable partners who can dominate or at least match them in social situations.
For Jodan, Elisa is the witty spitfire who grabs his attention and holds it in universes where Talia, Lev, and Nathaniel are all taken. Elisa doesn't leave him wanting for anything, and is honestly a good match for his own quiet snark.
For Valentina, Elisa is a matching sun. Their light bounces off each other and only serves to make them both burn brighter and push harder against each other. They're a matched set.
In universes where Elisa dates neither of them, she can end up with Carissa's twin sister, Cerise. Cerise is more serious and angrier than Carissa, and bounces off of Elisa's own prickly-ness in a fun way.
And finally, the new guy!
Aleksander Melanthios is a Library Assistant from Byllis. He's a nervous man who gets sent out to scout for books for his boss, so he's been all over Ephedia. He runs into Valentina sometimes, and after meeting her 3 or 4 times and flirting openly each time.... they end up hooking up.
Valentina thinks he's absolutely adorable, and he finds her fire both inspiring and a little scary. They balance each other. Valentina needs someone who she can relax around, sometimes, and Xander is exactly that when they end up together.
Why yes, we did name these guys just to ship them
Canon references
They're cute and i like drawing cuties cuddling and smooching :P
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heerlijkehappen · 5 years
Kruidige stamp van Cerisa aardappel en pastinaak
Natuurlijk is een kerstdiner niets zonder de bijgerechten, wat mij betreft maken of breken ze zelfs het menu! Zeker als je met een grote groep aan tafel gaat en de hele tafel vol staat met lekkere schalen eten. Iedereen schept lekker op waar hij of zij zin in heeft. Zo vierden wij jarenlang thuis het kerstdiner en er bleef altijd nog wel wat over voor de derde kerstdag... Een fijne puree kan natuurlijk niet ontbreken en dit keer maakte ik een hele lekkere kruidige stamp van Cerisa aardappel en pastinaak. Hierdoor ietsje minder koolhydraten in de puree, en de pastinaak geeft hem ook nog eens extra smaak! Deze heeft namelijk een lichte anijssmaak en dat gaat heel goed samen met de nootmuskaat.
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Kruidige stamp van Cerisa aardappel en pastinaak
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3 pastinaken12 Cerisa aardappels (( rode schil ))1 tl zeezoutverse nootmuskaatpeper50 gr roomboter50 ml melk Schil zowel de aardappels en de pastinaken. Snijd ze daarna in kleine blokjes.Doe de blokjes in een pan met ruim water en een beetje zout. Kook de blokjes goed gaar in ongveer 20 minuutjes.Giet ze af en doe terug in de pan, voeg de roomboter, melk het zeezout en wat peper toe en stamp tot een zachte puree. Neem de nootmuskaatmolen erbij en maal wat over de puree. Heerlijk Happen
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Vers gemalen nootmuskaat erop, smullen geblazen. Kruidige stamp van Cerisa aardappel en pastinaak De Cerisa aardappel is er één met een rode schil. Het is een vastkokende aardappel. En dan toch er een puree meer maken? Jazeker want dit is een hele smaakvolle aardappel. We schillen hem en snijden hem in kleine blokjes. Hierdoor kun je wanneer ze gaar zijn ze gewoon heel goed stampen. De toevoeging van pastinaak geeft extra veel smaak aan de puree, want je proeft deze heel goed terug in dit gerechtje. Pastinaak behoort tot een vergeten groente, maar heel eerlijk ze liggen tegenwoordig steeds vaker in de supermarkt. Het is een hele fijne groente om mee te werken. De nootmuskaat moet je echt even vers malen. Daarmee krijg je mooie fijne krulletjes en gaat je puree heerlijk kruidig ruiken. Nog meer lekkere bijgerechten maken? Dat kan, probeer maar eens één van deze: Bijvoorbeeld deze zoete tomaten carpaccio. Deze champignons in witte wijnsaus.Of een heerlijke cranberrysaus die overal goed bij past.
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Een heerlijke zachte puree met volop smaak. Serveer in mooie schaaltjes en ze stelen de show. Read the full article
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celestiallunarsky · 2 years
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Cerisa: Sulk in the rain.
Some more VE practices, a bit rushed imo, but eeeeeeeeeee ✌️
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thetudorslovers · 5 years
asoiaf & preasoiaf women
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soulsxng · 2 years
The "Original War" (for part 4 of this ask!)
The fighting grew worse as the Vasyrus defended themselves, and various effects from the fighting and the situation as a whole resulted in further losses of control.
Sivel was made "King" just before the worst of the fighting. Because of efforts on both he and Quella's parts, there was a temporary "cease-fire" arranged. Sivel was essentially given a timeline before which, he had to have all of the Vasyrus gathered, and a solution come up with. The Ahniri offered a small amount of assistance, though Jas' past life got a lot of heat for that, considering most people would rather have left the Vasyrus to figure it out themselves.
...The war started outright decades after that, when Sivel's parents were killed, and it was blamed on Jas' past life (who was there when it happened, but had actually tried to save them). By this point, there was an uprising behind the scenes against him that killed Sivel's parents themselves. Pinning it on Jas in the hopes that they could use the fighting to get rid of the "problem" that both he and the Vasyrus presented.
Sivel fought Jas (and Kalliah, who had been with him, and who was nearly killed...) because of that, and that was pretty much all anybody needed to "prove" that the Vasyrus were too much of a danger to leave alone. War was declared. Fighting resumed, even worse than before. At that point, the Vasyrus were essentially being hunted.
Because they didn't have the numbers to fight back against two of the three other races (the Aifaen primarily stayed out of it where they were able, as I mentioned earlier), and so Sivel was quickly forced to learn that if he wanted to protect himself and his loved ones-- let alone his entire species-- he would have to use other methods to gain the upper hand.
Even then though, it wasn't until Alsina herself was killed by Varius and Nielis, the advisor to Setia and Ahnia's rulers, respectively, that Sivel really started fighting dirty. There was literally nothing that was off limits to him at that point, because he knew that if he hesitated at all, he'd lose everything.
There's a lot of other important story stuff in between this that pertains more to the individual rulers and others (Specifically things concerning Jas and his people, Kalliah and Fekik's relationship, and the situation concerning Sivel, Quella, Nesimah, past-JJ, Cerisa, another one of past-Jas and Kalliah's kids.), but essentially, Fekik lost his entire family and friends in the fighting. Jas lost all of his, on top of Sivel infecting his kids with something that literally gave Jas no choice but to kill them. Sivel lost all of his friends, and watched Jas and Fekik "kill" his wife (she's immortal, so she can't be permanently killed) after what he'd assumed was Naya (She managed to escape, along with Sivel's just-born daughter, Ania, and her own son, Sivan).
Sivel was eventually killed by Fekik, after Sivel just barely managed to kill Jas' past life...and that's that whole big...complicated thing. Jas and Sivel (and Fei) both, understandably, have a lot of feelings about back then, but were able to at least get to the bottom of why the fighting got so bad and form a sort of truce between their realms/peoples.
...That just doesn't stop them from getting into fights when they inevitably end up goading each other into a rage every time they see each other.
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o-avosetta · 2 years
Some Lost Wardens geography
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Now that Alex is spending time in Zuzu City, I feel like exposing more of my nerdy investment sharing the rough map and geography I made up for my fic.
(edited since posting to add the made-up countries)
This coastline doesn't necessarily correspond to any particular part of the in-game world map. It seems to be a common fanon to place Stardew Valley on the southern coast of the western continent, but that doesn't make sense to me. People have also debated how to read the coordinates we get in-game from Harvey.
I just think the valley should be in some northern subtropical zone, because the tropical Fern Islands are to the south.
Also, this map is only a rough depiction of where things are and is not to any proper scale, just to let me be loose with travel times for the sake of plot. And I didn't include Prairie Island because, um, I forgot.
Canonical geographical places, tweaked
🏘️ Pelican Town, of course.
🏙️ Zuzu City, big central urban center. Place pegs in my head include Kuala Lumpur, New York, Chicago, and Bangkok. The Tunnelers' home stadium would look like Singapore's Esplanade on steroids.
🏫 Grampleton, known for lumber.
In the fic: mid-tier city, home of Alex's minor-league gridball team (the Lumberjacks). Location of nearest big hospital and Grampleton College, where Demetrius teaches. Not yet visited in-story, just imagined. I mostly see a lot of flannel and trees.
🏤 Castle Village, known for artisanal velvet.
In the fic: Southern Ferngill provincial capital — major port city and government/cultural center. Not like Zuzu, but still big. Location of Castle Village College, Alex's dream gridball school. Where [character] lives and works. Place pegs: Washington DC, San Francisco, Hong Kong, and the town where my parents live.
🏨 Oasis, Sandy's store with a secret back room she rents out to Qi.
In the fic: a hotel chain in their shared business empire; the desert location is the flagship with a big casino. Accessible to guests via train or road. Sandy's looks like a regular convenience store near the bus stop but has a secret entrance to the casino for members who don't want to arrive flashy.
Made-up places
🛤️ Averton, small town where Alex's dad moved when he abandoned the family. We don't know where he is now or what he does; we don't really care.
⛰️ Pykewich, small mining town. Made up just to be mentioned in a scene that hasn't made it into the fic, oops. It's mentioned in passing, but it's not important. Big cities IRL have any number of smaller localities in between; Averton and Pykewich simply fill that same purpose in my head.
🏢 Noughton, Ferngill Republic national capital city. Don't know if it'll ever get more than passing mentions, either. But I imagine Elliot is from there.
⛵ Baja Calico. I just needed a place where [character] could fuck off to for a while during the summer, but due to [reasons], it had to be somewhere kind of near the valley and within the scope of [boundaries]. We already had the Calico name, I already imagined Southern Ferngill as somewhat California-esque (California also has green valley and desert just kind of next to each other), and so just adding "Baja" made sense to me at the time.
🌃 Port Rora, port city in the Gotoro Empire where [character] went after [event]. Not on the map above. Place pegs: you know how in movies/TV, characters wander around some dimly lit container port just to get ambushed? This is basically the city attached to that port.
I actually avoided having specific place pegs on purpose, because I didn't want to end up demonizing any RL countries by association. The description of the food that [characters] order is from Scandinavian cuisine, purely because it was a cuisine I hadn't mentioned in the fic yet, I wanted to mention something they ate, and the description is just enough that you might think of any number of places with similar combinations of protein and carbs. (Sorry, Scandinavians.)
(Also, sorry, raccoons.)
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Made-up countries
🎣 Cerisa. Location relative to Pelican Town undetermined. I made it up as the origin country of Grandpa Farmer in my Seb/FFarmer fic, and the cultural bits there lean on the Hispanic side of the Philippines and Latin America.
🦀 The Straits Federation, or just the Straits. I lived in Singapore for several years and was kind of missing it when I first started working on Wardens. Among other things, I wanted a reason to write Singaporean food into some of the scenes. That's how I decided Grandpa Farmer this round would hail from a place like the Straits of Malacca, where Singapore and Malaysia are found.
🛳️ Isabelinas. A somewhat more obvious Philippines stand-in. 😅
I think I also have to credit Fire Walk with Me by HibiscusTea9, mods like @diversestardewvalley, and #diverse stardew valley in general for depicting a more multicultural Pelican Town than I'm used to seeing in the fandom. Just the existence of works like these encouraged me to write my farmers as people a bit closer to home for me than the typical North-American-esque protagonist. (I think I'm Americanized myself, but in an "America colonized my country for 50 years and has this death grip on global culture 🥴" way, and not in an "I was born there and it's my culture" way.)
Also, of course, thanks to @flowerandthesongstress for affirming my take on different cultures in SDV as well, and you readers who enjoy it so far. 💝
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #610: Calm After an Intense Training (RWBY)
2:00 a.m. Outside of Ruby's House......
Cerise: (Tiredly Walks Outside) ('Yawn') What's with all the- ('GASPS') Oscar?! What do you think you're doing?!
Oscar: (Slowly Turns Around, Already Exhausted and a bit Bruised) ('Pants') Oh....('Pants') Hey....('Pants') Ms.....('Pants') Branswick......('Pants').... Didn't see you....t..here- (Immediately Falls Down on the Ground)
Cerise: (Gasps Once More Before Immediately Rushes Over to Oscar's Side) Oscar?! OSCAR!!!!!
Few Minutes Later.......
Cerise: (Carefully Covers Oscar's Training Bruises on his Arms While Giving him a Worried, Disappointed Look) I cannot believe you, Oscar Everlynn Pine. Why on green Earth did you have to push yourself hard like that?! Let alone training all by yourself at all?! And on a midnight of all times!
Oscar: (Already Felt Bad) I'm really sorry about that, Ms. Branswick. I never meant to worry you or anything...
Cerise: And yet here we are! (Frowns Sadly and Worryingly) Honestly. You almost had me in tears when I saw drop down like that....You scared me...
Oscar: I know.... And I'm really am sorry. I-It's just that.....Well....('Sigh') Can I ask you something?
Cerise: What's wrong?
Oscar: Am I......Dead weight to all of you guys? A liability?
Cerise: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) Honey, no! (Gently Hold Both of Oscar's Hands) We never think of you like that at all! D-Did someone told you that you are? (Glares a Little) Was it Salem? Ironwood before he shot you?
Oscar: I-It's no one. Really! I....('Sigh') thought of all of that myself.
Cerise: What? B-But why?
Oscar: (Looks Down on the Ground) I dunno. I just.....('Sigh') I only wanted to keep up with everyone of you guys. I have Oz's magic powers now. I have step it up in my combat training sooner or later. Plus......I don't like see you guys getting yourselves hurt, trying to look after me. So.....
Cerise: ('Sigh') Oscar, we did all of that because we love you and we want you to be safe. (Gently Squeezes Oscar's Hands) Seeing you get hurt or taken away from us like that... really hurts us, you know?
Oscar: I know.....
Cerise: But I understand completely on where you're coming from in all of this. You just wanted to better yourself for our future missions together, am I right?
Oscar: (Gives Cerisa a Determined Look on His Face) Exactly! I wanna at least try to get strong enough to be able to look after you guys too!
Cerise: (Giggles Softly at How Adorable Oscar's Determination Face Truly is) I know you do, kiddo. But I really don't think you should pushing yourself hard to do so. (Gives Oscar Motherly Pout While Wiggling her Finger) And I certainly don't think you should train all by yourself at midnight. Do have any idea what time it is right now, mister?
Oscar: Uhhhhhhhhh.........(Shrugged While Giving Cerise a Awkward Smile) 1:00am?
Cerise: Wrong. It's actually 2:15 and counting.
Oscar: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Shock) Oh god. I trained for that long?
Cerise: What do you.mean by- Wait....What time did you start training?
Oscar: 12:00am.
Oscar: I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I guess I wanted to better myself that badly that I got up at the time. I know it doesn't excuse things, but it's the truth.
Cerise: ('Sighs Heavily') (What am I going to with this precious child?) Look, we can start training together tomorrow. With everyine else joining along and stuff. That way, we can all better ourselves in future missions. How does that sound?
Oscar: Yeah....(Smiles a Little) That sounds great actually.
Cerise: Right? That's clearly a better alternative than staying up all night to train. Am I right?
Oscar: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah. Yeah. I know. I promise I won't scare you like anymore, Mrs. Branswick. You have my word.
Cerise: (Gently Pulls Oscar into a Loving Hug) You better or we're gonna have some problems.
Oscar: Roger. (Smiles Softly in Cerise's Arms) I never got the chance to tell you this, but.... thanks for doing whatever you can to look out for me. I really appreciate it.
Cerise: (Smiles Softly While Giving Oscar a Peck on the Cheek) You're always welcome, sweetheart. Thank you for being our precious baby.
Oscar: (Blush a Little) Uh....No problem.
The next morning, after Cerise told her about what happened last night, Nora, like any loving mother would, scolds Oscar for pushing himself hard in training. And during the middle of midnight of all times.
Wasn't long before Ruby and Tai joins in as well.
Cerisa Han Branswick Belongs to @mcmystery
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greenteabtch · 4 years
Hello! I saw your callout post and had question. While I understand the importance of calling out racism and white washing in the fandom, I am not sure if I understand all of the accusations you have made. (I am trying to educate myself and do some research.) I am not very familiar with most of the artists save for one: Pooky. I am not sure why some are attacking her. She is literally East Asian and is depicting her OC as such. I've never even seen her white wash any characters.
Ah well tbh anon, idk how asian these ocs look to you but uh. Speaking as an East Asian myself, this is a whole white person. Asians don’t have naturally blue eyes, unless they’re mixed, and same with reddish/brown hair. (the first photo is commissioned by pooky of her oc and then the second is her own art
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I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt because like you said you’re trying to learn, so the point I’m trying to make is that if you showed this to someone on the street they would not be able to reasonably deduce that this is an Asian woman.
Gonna have to cut here because it gets graphic at this point.
but ANYWAYS! Whitewashing may not be the exact best term to use to describe what Pooky does. It’s more of pale fetishization, which East Asians are more than capable of doing. 
Here’s a post I made about to give some background as to why being East Asian doesn’t make it impossible for Pooky to fetishize white skin in her art. Here are some responses from other Asian fans about the subject matter: ( link1 link2 link3) (some of us are light skinned some of us are dark skinned fyi)
And fetishize she does! Putting together a combo of Pooky’s skin color choices from her ocs/white characters leaves us with ...
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Yeah. (thanks to @lancelthot for collecting these!)The only well depicted dark skin art she has is a depiction of Cerisa, an actual white woman who sexually harassed and abused a minor. The other “darker-skinned” characters are ashy to grayness, which, is a huge no when it comes to depicting those who aren’t light-skinned. There is some art of say Fenris and Zevran but all are depicted in a nauseatingly sexual context that is meant (artistically) to draw attention to their very pale partners (these are typically commissions as well). here’s some examples of that:
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But it’s not just that these characters are pale! It’s that nearly every single one that is paled is done to the point of paper whiteness, and depicted as soft, innocent, and virginal. Here’s how close Cullen’s tone is to being the white background btw. (this is the ceri art, which i’m not showing because i’m not trying to spread this person around)
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That’s what makes it fetishizing. The majority of her art is in the nude as well... which is one (or, a hundred) for hypersexualization.
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This ones’ a lil old but the sentiment is the same
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Even if you don’t believe that this is culpable as pale fetishization or sexualization, there is an undeniable fact pooky is 100% mutuals in close company with the people outlined in my callout post. Who, as the sources I’ve outlined reveal, are among pedophile supporters, sexual harrassers, fetishizers, exotifiers, enforcers of racist stereotypes, talking down and triggering victims of sexual assault etc etc.
So if you don’t feel like this is enough to say she’s a) grossly sexualizing cullen/ men of color or b) fetishizing paleness, that’s your prerogative. but it doesn’t change the company that she keeps, and being poc does not excuse her from any of these. When poc align themselves with those who enforce racist fetishistic standards, other poc have no choice but to let them make the mistakes they want to make. 
We can’t lift pooky up if she can’t lift us up too.  
This is my last major post on the matter.
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