#certified A in drs appt
yall I saw a new Dr today and she is pretty young and had purple hair and at the end of my exam when she said we'd gotten through everything, I said "yay I passed" and she was like "you got an A!" and she must know. she must know the meme
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wishuponastarion · 1 year
ok back to your regularly-scheduled shitposts hahahaaa
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myatuesday · 2 years
The ever-present question of...
Wtf is "wrong" with me?
Wtf do I do about it?
Today's question... is it Avoidant Personality Disorder aka AvPD? Or... is it just me?
I feel like I have this, but it's not been pervasive my whole life. I also was recently dx w ASD. I'm wondering which came first or one is masking itself as the other or what.
My social anxiety started at 18, but I've always been an outsider or outside of social norms. I'm ok w this minus obviously it impacts my ability to work or accomplish things.
And now I find myself avoiding more and more. I haven't been out in public since May 1 (it's July 1). I haven't seen any friends or gone on a date since... April maybe March.
When she said the thing about holding in thoughts and opinions, that's so relatable to how I felt and interacted w friends when I was 18. I'd just sit quiet in a social setting, my mind of fire, but scared of sounding stupid. Or sometimes I'd be out w friends but literally sit away from the group, distant or try to make myself smaller in some way like by sitting on the floor. Sometimes ppl thought I did it for attention which was humiliating and my worst fear. It's like dear god NO please stop focusing on me. Fuck. 😭
Now that I'm an adult and social expectations have changed, I just... don't leave the house. I don't work because I hate social interactions and nobody likes me anyway (this isn't a self esteem thing, it's a fact. My job history will make that abundantly obvious).
Interestingly enough, my self esteem is mostly fine. *I* like myself. I just know nobody else likes me. So... why the fuck am I going to subject myself to that if I'm perfectly content alone?
The problem is things like making money, doctor appts, legal stuff, etc. Then it becomes a problem. And I'm prone to meltdowns, anxiety attacks, panic attacks, etc.
I have Cancer and I'm avoiding going to the Dr. I opened a letter today, because I won't even talk to them they're sending certified mail, about an appt I missed back in April. It's July.
I'm scared to talk to them about my fears about the procedures because I don't want to seem dramatic or annoying whatever, so... I'm just sitting at home w a tumor.
Totally normal stuff.
I guess I'm just writing all this hoping someone will give me insight. Is this just ASD? Is this AvPD? Is it both? Is it something else all together?
I'm currently dx w CPTSD, Depression, multiple anxiety disorders, ADHD & ASD.
Ativan and sometimes xanax help to a degree. But I'm having issues getting these meds due to supply chain issues.
My dream is to just live on a farm or in the woods or something. Just away from society completely, in my own peaceful little world. But that requires money which would require work. So... I'm kindof just on a fucked up loop. It makes me feel suicidal often. Just the finances of it all, the pressure.
A life without other people would just be so much better. I feel like if I can't have that, life is too hard to bear mostly.
Oh. And I avoid my family too. Yes. I have for decades. I'm sure they think I'm a dick. But it's really that I'm nothing like them and just... really don't feel like dealing w it. Again, it's not that I don't like them, I just know they don't like me anyway. And I don't get the social protocol of spending time w people, that's just SUPER awkward and uncomfortable, just because they're family.
I'm an only child for whatever that's worth.
That pretty much covers it.
Then the question is always like...
Maybe it's not me.
Maybe society is just fucked and the fact I want nothing to do with it and am nothing like this people is actually an extremely sane response to their disordered lifestyles and behavior.
Not being able to function in a fucked up society and wanting to drop out of said society actually seems like enlightenment and self care.
Right? Right.
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asmrrpaddict · 1 day
Putting this into the void where no one I know personally can find it.
So long venting post ahead that I don’t have anywhere else to put. Please ignore unless you just want to read about a little mental break through/down.
I just finished this video (which you should listen to btw, it’s so good, Your Rival Opens up to You from Your Stupid Boy Audios, really cool guy, give him a listen) about the speaker’s mom going through what I’m assuming to be Alzheimer’s/dementia.
My grandma went through the same thing in 2015/2016. Before that my mom and I had been taking care of her since 2006 when I was 12. Everything had been about making sure she was ok. Dr. Appts with 3-5 different doctors, home nurses, making her meals, meals being delivered to us for some reason that I still have no clue how they started, getting her to take her meds, the multi-year battle that ended in defeat to get her to stop smoking, my mom being investigated by aps and cps because we made a distant cousin stop buying my grandmother cigarettes and she got mad and made grossly false claims. Then there were gallbladder surgeries (mine and my grandma’s), a quadruple bypass heart surgery, putting in a pacemaker to regulate her heart, putting stints in both legs at different points, having her blood sugar drop to 29 and had to be airlifted to a hospital 2 hours away while we drove, watching and listening to her coughing up blood a couple days before the heart surgery was supposed to happen and going 20 minutes to the local hospital, sitting there forever, then driving 2 hours to the other hospital at like 2 am, then telling us they are doing the surgery the next morning. Thus sitting in an unfamiliar and crowded hospital for hours. Sitting though arguments about how if she kept smoking she was going to die, one time being told by a doctor being to that if we hadn’t gotten her to the ER when we did, she wouldn’t have made it though the night, having her losing all but a very small amount of blood coursing through her because she had an internal gi bleed, mini strokes, a broken hip that landed her with a walker for the rest of her life, unknown number of trips to the hospital for dehydration because she would forget to drink water, even more seemingly endless fights about her smoking, her telling me (at 14-16 years old) not to tell my mom that she was smoking even though I knew it could kill her, and having her trying to light one while sitting with her oxygen tank (which could cause it to explode, for those who are unfamiliar).
All of this while I’m going through middle school, high school, and half of college. My mom working a full time job, taking care of her, me, our house, spending one summer coaching my softball team, getting her bachelors degree, and her master’s degree, making sure that I was always taken care of and loved, which I knew and I felt. My aunts and uncles doing minimal work living 2 and 6 hours away. I went through and became certified to take care of her as a provider so I could have a job and go to college.
Then the last month and a half of her life was probably the hardest. She got an infection in her foot. The hospital inserted a picc line where my mom and I had to give her bags of fluids through it at home, but nothing helped, so she was going to have to have part of her foot removed, but before that dementia hit hard and fast, there was watching her struggle to keep memories, having home hospice give us pamphlets explaining the warning signs of a person in the last stages of their life including the day she could pass, thinking my mom was her mom, not remembering me, having her be in a nursing home for a week or two and taking her out because it was an awful facility and we couldn’t stand having her there, watching her sleep for 2 days without getting up no matter what we did. My mom and I could never leave the house together. Someone always had to be with her because if she tried to get up, she would fall, except one night we found a service that sent a nurse to watch her for a couple of hours and my mom and I went to Applebees.
There was one day. January 13th 2016, where she was up, lucid, and alert. She got out of bed (with help) and sat at our kitchen table and ate lunch. That was a good day.
I tried so hard to make sure I didn’t have to be a priority for my mom to stress over. Sometimes I couldn’t help it, didn’t do well in a couple classes, needed money for things like prom or hanging out with friends, but I tried. This basically giving me the family label of “the one who’s always ok.” And I’m… well, ok with that. But the ending of the video I mention 2 miles up at the beginning of this post made me realize something. Something I didn’t realize I needed then until now.
I needed an outside party to just hold me and let me know they were there. I was never the type to need those things back then. I never asked my mom because she was losing, then lost her mom, her last living parent. My cousins all lived 2 to 6 hours away, my dad lived hours away, he gave his condolences, but he had just lost his mom the month before.
When my grandma passed in 2016, I felt blank, still do most of the time. I was sad of course, but I think I had just been suppressing everything in me, even now, that I felt nothing when it comes to many things. I didn’t know how to feel. I cried, I had a dream that it was false and she was still alive, but everything was and is so tight down in my stomach, I don’t even know what I feel.
Having not been in a relationship nor having any close enough friends to ask for platonic cuddles, then even until now when I’m 30 and still single with no friends, I don’t know what to do but make this long ass post. I was sitting in my office with silent tears realizing I needed affection from someone who wasn’t as close to the situation as another family member. I needed someone whose only priority was me. I know that sounds selfish, but still.
Aaaaaannnnnddddd I think I just found out why I love asmr rp videos. 😬😅
Alright, I’m gonna go find a therapist. (Not really)
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scullydubois · 3 years
Anyone else just feeling...insane
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highqueenofelfhame · 3 years
How are you doing Em? I remember a little bit ago you mentioning that you weren’t doing well and I just wanted to check in and see if you’re feeling better or if things have gotten better. If they haven’t there’s still time and we’re behind you rooting for you
it means so so so fucking much to me that you took the time to check in and even remembered that i said i wasn’t doing well. from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much.
it’s kind of touch and go. in general i think i’m starting to do a little better, but my anxiety has been really bad (which is why i kind of dipped off the end of rowaelin month because i wasn’t satisfied with anything i was writing and couldn’t bring myself to finish or post it) and work has been really really stressful. i’m a pharmacy technician and between flu season, regular covid vaccines, and covid booster shots, plus finding time to fill prescriptions, it has been hell lol. i love my job so much and i’m really glad that i took the dive to do the training and get certified but it has been so insane lately. and on top of that i’m about to get trained to become an immunizer to help giving vaccines. which is super cool!! i’m really excited to do it BUT it’s stressful all the same.
my mental health has been wonky. some days i’m really good. like today i feel great. but sunday-wednesday was really rough for me anxiety and depression wise. i’m working on getting my meds where they need to be so that i can be fully functional, and i finally have a drs appt on wednesday to get my physical health issues hopefully under control so i’ll feel entirely better. for the first time in a long time i actually feel hopeful for what my future might hold.
tldr: i’m doing okay. i’m not where i need to be yet, but i’m hopeful that i’ll be there soon.
thank you again for checking in on me. you really don’t know how much it means to me. i’m legitimately tearing up because i feel like a lot of people don’t take the time to just ask if people are okay. so thank you so much. i love you. i hope you’re doing okay, too.
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chicago-geniza · 3 years
ok!!! Day From Hell on deck!
- put laundry in dryer!
- certify unemployment
- take lyft to clinic bc you are too sick & fatigued to manage the train + 20-min walk this early, which is why you don't *make* morning appointments if you can help it. you can pick up an energy drink & a gatorade at 7/11 across the street & get the train back
- email A from the waiting room re: JC piece
- email V, figure out freelance rate for new assignment
- in-person appt w/ dr. W: cardiology referral for arrhythmia at dr. A's request, polycythemia bloodwork because [symptoms, family history, T], zofran refill, discuss increasing zofran amount or raising dose
- bloodwork! polycythemia testing, renal function, full B vitamin panel for dr. S
- virtual appt w/ dr. S
- pharmacy: pick up T gel, zofran, whatever else they have (albuterol, i think? more allergy meds?)
- shower
- wash rest of bedding, incl. covers on pregnancy pillow + back support pillow (iirc they zip off)
- psoriasis treatment on scalp again
- order earbuds
- unpack hangers & hang up as much as will fit on clothing rack
- use push pins & proper adhesive to re-hang posters that fell down + new posters
- make a pile of things to post on the neighborhood free exchange: poster, t-shirts (washed), books, real nice Korean ramen you're allergic to (Secret Shellfish), unopened supplements, portable burner, the last of your Girl Clothes except the 2 dresses you have sentimental attachment to (buffalo exchange november 2017 zingeray dress as a Totem & Reminder of How To Kill Lela / Lela Grows Up To Be Malkele, Don't Kill Her, 1970s peasant dress with vest)
- mount hooks on the wall for hats, scarves, etc.
- use cardboard & adhesive to mount Beer & Chips Wizard so he'll hang on the door btwn kitchen & laundry room without falling off
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aboutsixplums · 4 years
Oof well tomorrow my coworker is getting me set up for a consult w one of the local board-certified surgeons to consult on Surma's fucky hind legs. (The making of the appt is happening tomorrow, that is. The consult may not be for a couple weeks.)
She's been having more frequent painful days and is starting to visibly limp now; before you could easily see the worse patella pop out but now there's a distinct limp along with it.
Also, she has hip dysplasia 🙄 My 8-pound cat has large dog orthopedics. There's actually mild muscle wasting in her right hind, which is ostensibly her better leg, and the ortho rehab dr at my place is wondering if we'd be better off addressing the hips or the bad knee.
That's what the consult is for, I suppose; determining what the bigger problem is. I'm of the opinion that the bad knee is the bigger issue & needs to be pinned, bc the only possible surgery for her hips would be a fucking double FHO and 1) the dysplasia is NOT that bad and 2) I can't afford that, guarantee it. Even pinning one knee is gonna be pricey & I'll likely be asking for an advance Christmas present in the form of money for this in lieu of gifts.
This is going to be a mild nightmare when the actual visit happens bc if I wasn't an employee, she would have a red dot with an alert for "sedation required for everything." The only reason she's handleable at work, even w xanax, is bc I handle her.
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masonboot · 5 years
hi guys imma keep this brief bc i have to leave for a drs appt in like 8 hours and just got home and settled from work ANYWAY
it is i, beth, who lacks complete self control in every arena of my life but especially in rp, back with another role
meet Mason Boot
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He is Asher’s cousin! Their mothers are sisters. When Mrs. Avery (née Boot) got married, her younger sister, Nancy Boot, nope’d out of there before her family could start hassling her to get married, too. She decided to do some sociological studies on Wizarding life in America, and while she was there, she met a man named Russell Nash, got married, and decided to stay.
The Nash ancestors were some of these boys here, and that seeped down through the generations of Nashes who took up residence in Alabama. Mr. Nash didn’t go to Ilvermorny; instead, he went to a more localized school where they lumped in religious teachings with Wizarding life, and it was..........a mess. They tried to get their students to minimize their powers and treat certain aspects of magic like any other lustful temptation. Basically, the Nash household was full of a whole lot of ugly conservatism on all fronts.
When Mason started showing his own signs of magic around age six, Mr. Nash was NOT HAPPY!!!! Tensions were thick in the Nash house for years, until Nancy decided to move back to the UK with her son, a.k.a. this goober, Mason, who took his mama’s maiden name since they were DONE WITH THAT LOSER!!!
Mason and his mother lived with the Averys for a couple of years while Nancy got certified to be a Healer (yoo). They moved to Bristol, and Nancy met her current husband, Peter Abbott, working as Hospice Healers together around then too.
Mason went to the Siren School, class of 1976.
Currently a Ravenclaw, Third Year, Muggle Studies cohort.
Speaking of which, he has been studying abroad in North America since June. So he is just getting back and ready to finish up his final year!!!
He will be living with Bertie and Xeno in No. 3.
He looooooooooooves to cook. And he’s good at it, too.
His accent is wild af.
das it pls come love him tomorrow when i am capable of being active <3
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tsgcolumbus · 5 years
June Event Calendar
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Thursday, June 6 | 4:30-6:30pm | Easton Town Center |  More Info
One of our featured non-profits, ROX, will be hosting a self-defense workshop at Easton. ROX is the national non-profit leader on research, education and programming for girls. Headquartered right here in Columbus, ROX has a mission to create generations of confident girls who control their own relationship, experiences, decisions and futures. The evening will include safety and self defense tips led by female certified instructors. It will be low impact and friendly and will leave you with helpful takeaways. 
Thursday, June 6 | 6:30-8pm | Wunderbar |  Tickets Here
Jana, the creator of Jana Lee's Bake Shop, will guide you through helpful steps to becoming your own sugar artist. In this 90 minute class you will learn about the basics of royal icing, master decorating techniques and decorate six of your own cookies that will be Instagram ready. June is Pride month, so in celebration the cookie designs will reflect the festivities. Complimentary cocktail from Wunderbar included! 
Monday, June 10 | 9-5pm | Upper Arlington Tuesday, June 11 | 9-5pm | Upper Arlington Thursday, June 13 | 9-8pm | Easton Town Center Thursday, June 20 | 9-4:30pm | Easton Town Center
Join Dr. Robert Heck of Columbus Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery for special pricing on Botox, facial fillers, products, and more! Call today at 614-246-6900 to RSVP your appointment.
Thursday, June 13 | 4-7pm | Bliss Life + Style 
Join in for an evening of personal styling and fabulous summer apparel for sale from Birch, mini-makeovers from Mukha, sips & lite bites!
A percentage of the evenings sales will go to Sam's Fans - A nonprofit organization that enhances music and art therapy programs for seriously ill children and their families.
June 21-23 | La Jeune Mariee | More Info + Appt Request
Put your dress back on + find the perfect accessories to finalize your wedding day look! Denver-based Sara Gabriel creates wedding accessories with vintage-inspirations that embody the spirited traditionalist. Veils, headpieces, jewelry, sashes + more, each hand crafted just for you!
Friday, June 21 | 6-8pm | Soul Bar at The Joseph |  Tickets Here 
If your dad, husband or brother loves bourbon or whiskey, he’ll love this Father’s Day gift. Treat him to an experience he will long remember for a special Whiskey on High dedicated to Father's. The night will feature: Wild Turkey Master's Keep 17 Year, Blanton's Single Barrel, Little Book No. 2 and Booker's 30th paired with a shared charcuterie board.
Saturday, June 22 | 8am-12pm | FOUNT
The FOUNT team will be walking 1 mile or running 4 miles to help raise awareness and funds to dig deep bore wells in East Africa. These wells will provide villages with clean water and sanitation for life. Join the team using the code FOUNT5 to get $5 off registration. Sign up here! 
Sunday, June 23 | 2-7pm | CAPS Upper Arlington | Tickets Here
Join Columbus Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery to raise funds for Pelotonia through the CAPS Foundation. This organization’s objective is to fund life-saving cancer research. This Sunday will be full of entertainment and activities you won’t forget. There will be food trucks, games, raffles, live music, and more!
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June 28-30 | La Jeune Mariee | More Info + Appt Request Come sip champagne + shop the Hayley Paige Fall 2019 + Size Inclusive collections! Hayley Paige romances the sweeter side of femininity, from the quirky and charming to the fun and fabulous. We love her mix of sweet and sassy with yards of tulle, horsehair for structure, and lace + bling to complete the look!
Saturday, June 29 
Mark your calendars for Bliss’s 2nd Birthday celebration. Stay tuned for more details! 
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jessicaa9977-blog · 6 years
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Dr. Sadineni is a Certified Invisalign Premier Preferred Provider, offers $1000 off on your invisalign treatment. Call us today at ☎ (614) 766-5600 for a complimentary Invisalign consultation or Book an Appt. Online
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addictionfreedom · 6 years
Suboxone Treatment Centers In Baltimore Md
Short term taper programs
Drug rehab and drug information service
Addiction treatment market: regional analysis
And doctors who prescribe
National media
Multiple leaders across the nation, including Maryland Gov … release and recidivism by offering treatment. And unequivocal data highlights that medication-assisted therapy — that is, treatment with methadone or suboxone — in …
Pine Heights Comprehensive Treatment Center provides methadone, suboxone, Subutex & Vivitrol therapy in Baltimore, Maryland for addiction rehab from opiates : heroin, oxycodone, Percocet & painkillers.
Jun 9, 2014 … That doesn't include the doctors in the surrounding counties. While progressive areas have sought to utilize medication in conjunction with addiction treatmen, through protocols like opiate detox or short term taper programs, Baltimore still seems stuck on the idea that prescribing an opiate addict Suboxone …
For appointments, please call our intake & referral office at 410.225.5452. We are available 7:30am – 4:00pm, Monday-Friday. MedMark Treatment Centers provides opiate addiction treatment for individuals in Baltimore, Maryland in a comfortable, outpatient clinic setting. Our evidence-based treatment program offers …
View all Suboxone Doctors in Baltimore, MD who Can Prescribe Buprenorphine and Suboxone for Treatment of Opioid Addiction.
MedMark Treatment Centers Baltimore Downtown 201 in Baltimore, MD is a Drug & Alcohol Addiction Detox Facility, Drug & Alcohol Detox Center, Methadone maintenance, Methadone Drug & Alcohol Detox Center, Buprenorphine ( Suboxone) Detoxification, All Clients in Opioid Treatment Program, SAMHSA- certified …
“They are a chaotic population,” said Marc Fishman, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and medical director of the Maryland Treatment Centers and Mountain Manor Treatment in …
Find Buprenorphine Treatment near me in Baltimore, Maryland for detox from opioid abuse/addiction accepting new patients, Medicaid and other insurance.
Psychiatrist: Jeffrey Hsu, M.D.. Program Manager: Antoinette Maynard-Carter, B.S.W., M.A.. Clinical Manager: Daniel L. Buccino, M.A., M.S.W.. The Johns Hopkins Broadway Center for Addiction offers comprehensive outpatient treatment services for persons with acute or chronic substance use disorders. Drug addiction is a …
Luxury Rehab with High Success Rates. See How We Take Care of Our Patients.
Find Suboxone Doctors near me in Baltimore, Maryland for detox from opioid abuse/addiction accepting new patients, Medicaid and other insurance.
Kolmac's Baltimore location provides outpatient rehab and treatment programs for adults with alcohol, drug, and other substance abuse problems.
This free service helps patients find physicians who are qualified per the Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 to treat opioid dependence with FDA-approved medications.
with money also being set aside for a program in Baltimore. The programs are called Medication Assisted Treatment, which offers drug treatment along with intensive counseling. Local jails and detention centers were chosen as the …
In Baltimore, where officials estimate that nearly one in 10 residents is addicted to a drug, city health commissioner Dr. Leana Wen has launched … in medication-assisted treatment in general through federally qualified health centers.
The rise of heroin and opioids In the early 2000s, the popularity of heroin and opioids as illegal narcotics soared in Maryland around the same time as overdose deaths due to drugs or alcohol began to increase, according to the …
Addiction Treatment Australia Contents And compassion success drug rehab and drug information service 1800 Help and support Western australian alcohol Growing process addictions around Top Rated Addiction Treatment Centers – Find the Best Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers ! Global addiction treatment market: regional analysis Geographically … among others. China Japan India Australia & New Zealand Rest of
Maryland Drug Rehab Programs – Find the Best Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers !
Even as they race to control a spiraling heroin and prescription opioid crisis, doctors … at the Institutes for Behavioral Resources, a large treatment center in Baltimore. Expanding Medicaid _ as Maryland has done _ hasn’t removed …
We are extremely thankful The National Alliance of Advocates for Buprenorphine Treatment for their detailed dipiction of how Buprenorphine works. Suboxone. addiction programs baltimore maryland. Suboxone (or other buprenorphine medication) eliminates the effects of withdrawal while the patient enters recovery.
the director of Maryland Treatment Centers, told us. That should certainly be a goal of jails and law enforcement everywhere. Evidence continues to mount that the use of drugs such as methadone and Suboxone while in jail leads …
Find Opiate Drug Detox Treatment Centers in Maryland, … this center provides methadone, Suboxone, … "Located in Baltimore, Maryland, Pine Heights Treatment Center …
Addiction Treatment Services Contents The need for People with addiction related With addiction and co-occurring mental Treatment our programs Your life back today Easier than you might think Feb 20, 2018 … Governor Andrew M. Cuomotoday announced the availability of up to $4.5 million in operational funding to expand addiction treatment services in the Bronx and Brooklyn. The
Methadone & Suboxone clinic & outpatient therapy program in Baltimore, Maryland.
Heroin Addiction Treatment Ibogaine Contents Program. get your life back today Opiate addiction within Addiction treatment centers help Any better for ryan and Right resources for Jul 25, 2016 … Drug recovery begins, so the story goes, with a crucial insight when an addict hits “rock bottom” and finally becomes ready to change. Given the notorious savagery of heroin
AP-Mid-Atlantic News … ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Attorney General Brian E. Frosh joined 35 other attorneys general in filing a multi-jurisdictional lawsuit Thursday accusing the makers of Suboxone, an opioid addiction treatment, of …
This article gives information on the treatment centers using suboxone in Maryland. … Family Health Centers of Baltimore Community Recovery Program is a community-based recovery organization that offers treatment for alcohol and drug dependency issues to adults and adolescents. Their services are well- constructed …
Maryland Treatment Centers … Suboxone treatment is a covered service by … Behavioral Health System Baltimore is the area's leading expert and resource in …
The physicians listed below were recognized by their peers from medical centers in the area as the best in their specialties. John H. Al-Jamal, MD … treatment. Dr. Al-Jamal completed his residency at Union Memorial Hospital in …
MATClinics are outpatient Suboxone treatment clinics with doctors dedicated to helping people recover from opioid addiction. Medication assisted treatment in a doctor's office in Laurel, Dundalk & Towson, Maryland.
Dual Diagnosis Treatment San Francisco Contents Diagnosis treatment for patients who U.s. drug rehab centers. laguna treatment Our programs and services review the San rafael police With special programs for programs Treatment services across our entire Residential dual diagnosis, non 12-Step rehab. Get confidential help today! AToN Center uses a comprehensive approach to drug and alcohol treatment, integrating various best
Find Baltimore drug rehab treatment centers/clinics near me in Maryland MD who prescribe Buprenorphine, Subutex and Suboxone for opiate/opioid abuse/ addiction. Find Drs accepting new patients, Medicare/Medicaid and other insurance.
Find Baltimore drug rehab treatment centers/clinics near me in Maryland MD who prescribe Buprenorphine, Subutex and Suboxone for opiate/opioid abuse/addiction. Find Drs accepting new patients, Medicare/Medicaid and other insurance.
Pine Heights Comprehensive Treatment Center provides methadone, suboxone, Subutex & Vivitrol therapy in Baltimore, Maryland for addiction rehab from opiates: heroin, oxycodone, Percocet & painkillers.
Find physicians and drug rehab treatment centers/clinics near me in Baltimore Maryland who prescribe Buprenorphine, Subutex and Suboxone for opioid abuse/addiction.
Find physicians and drug rehab treatment centers/clinics near me in Baltimore Maryland who prescribe Buprenorphine, Subutex and Suboxone for opioid abuse/addiction. Find Drs accepting new patients, Medicare/Medicaid and other insurance.
Baltimore Buprenorphine Suboxone Doctors. Ideal Option – Catonsville, 516 N. Rolling Road – Suite 301. Baltimore, MD 21237, (877) 522-1275. Ideal Option – Rosedale, 19 Fontana Lane – Suite 108. Baltimore, MD 21237, (877) 522-1275. Pine Heights Treatment Center, 3455 Wilkens Ave. Baltimore, MD 21229, (844) …
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Suboxone Treatment – Maryland. … Below is a list of Suboxone treatment programs and doctors who prescribe … Eutaw Medical Center 2425 Eutaw Place Baltimore, MD 21217
Call For an Appt Outpatient Opioid Treatment Clinic In Laurel, Dundalk or Towson
Read about our Suboxone maintenance program for opiate addiction, with doctors providing rehab & detox for withdrawals in our Maryland clinic. Maryland CTC Suboxone Clinic
Turning Point Clinic was created because the City of Baltimore desperately needed more substance abuse treatment capacity. Before Turning Point, there was no methadone clinic in East Baltimore, except for a small program run by Johns Hopkins. Branded as “The heroin capital of America” by the national media , …
Call 1-800-304-2219. This article gives information on the treatment centers using suboxone in Maryland.
A 30-day supply of Suboxone, a leading addiction medication … medical director at the Institutes for Behavioral Resources, a large treatment center in Baltimore. Expanding Medicaid — as Maryland has done — hasn’t removed …
TOWSON, Md. (WJZ … investigation in early February at the Baltimore County Detention Center after learning about possible drug smuggling at the facility. Hodges was identified as the person bringing the Suboxone into the facility.
Find a doctor nearby who can provide treatment. Doctors listed across the US.
According to the Centers … based treatment, regardless of treatment group, for another year following the initial six-month study period. Community-based treatment often includes counseling and daily treatment with methadone or …
If you are looking for a doctor that prescribes suboxone or a suboxone clinic that is currently accepting patients needing opiate withdrawal medication such as suboxone and accepts Medicaid, Transformed Lives MD can help you recover from opiate addiction.
The post Suboxone Treatment Centers In Baltimore Md appeared first on Freedom From Addiction II.
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njawaidofficial · 6 years
Here Are Some Life-Changing Products For Acne Scars And Dark Spots
Here Are Some Life-Changing Products For Acne Scars And Dark Spots
*Bookmarks for next doctor’s appt.*
Before we even get into treating hyperpigmentation, we need to talk about the miracle preventative measure called sunscreen. And yes, we ALL need it! Board certified dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon Dr. Michelle Henry told BuzzFeed that “One of the easiest, safest, and cheapest ways to reduce hyperpigmentation is through religious sunscreen use.”
NBC / Via manrepeller.com
Sunscreen prevents hyperpigmentation and keeps existing discoloration from darkening. To treat those uneven dark spots we already have, though, Dr. Henry — who has her own practice, Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York — gave us a variety of product and treatment recommendations for mild, moderate, and severe hyperpigmentation.
Nicole Ench / BuzzFeed
Mario Badescu Glycolic Foaming Cleanser is an exfoliative wash that helps to shed hyperpigmented skin.
Get it from Amazon for $16.
@mariobadescu / Via instagram.com
RoC Retinol Correxion Deep Wrinkle Facial Night Cream fights aging, but the retinol ingredient also works to gently fade dark spots.
Get it from Amazon for $16.98.
@skin_wearurskin / Via instagram.com
In addition to vitamin C, PCA Skin C-Quench Antioxidant Serum contains glutathione, which helps to fade dark spots.
Get it from the Beauty Place for $41.99.
@estheticsby_aliciamarie / Via instagram.com
iS Clinical Pro-Heal Serum Advance soothes and gently lightens uneven skin with vitamins C, A, and E, and kojic acid.
Get it from Walmart for $74.98.
@hoaanhdao . vn / Via instagram.com
Skin Medica Lytera Skin Brightening Complex contains retinol, which exfoliates your complexion, and niacinamide and squalene, which hydrate the skin.
Get it from Skin Store for $117.
@ginalouise_cosmeticrn / Via instagram.com
Once the pigment becomes a little darker, stronger (possibly prescription strength) treatments are needed to attain effective pigment reduction.
Nicole Ench / BuzzFeed
Ambi Fade Cream contains 2% hydroquinone, which stops skin from discoloring.
Dr. Henry says that if a 2% formula isn’t working, she will try a 4% hydroquinone gel on patients in her office. She likes the formulation because it absorbs readily and works quickly.
Get it from Amazon for $8.10.
@kayleeryanbeaut / Via instagram.com
Differin Gel is a potent anti-inflammatory so it helps to treat residual acne and gradually lightens dark spots.
Get it from Amazon for $12.88.
@chicstylista / Via instagram.com
Vitalize Peel by Skin Medica has to be administered by a dermatologist or esthetician. It speeds up the lightening process through deeper exfoliation, and contains salicylic acid, lactic acid, and retinol.
Dr. Henry recommends three to six treatments for significant results, and they range from $200 to $300.
Dr. Michelle Henry / Via SkinMedica
When her patients present with “severe, disfiguring hyperpigmentation,” she opts for more top-of-the-line treatments. Dr. Henry will often make a personalized compound (super-powerful prescription fade creams), including high percentages of hydroquinone, retinol, and a low dose steroid to be used for a short period of time. “It helps to speed up the lightening process two-fold,” she says. And in some instances, she administers peel and laser treatments like the ones below.
Nicole Ench / BuzzFeed
Dr. Henry says the VI Peel is safe for all skin tones, and the unique blend of trichloroacetic acid, retinol, salicylic acid, phenol, and vitamin C help to restore evenness.
Dr. Henry says VI Peels usually ranges from $300 to 600, depending on the geography of the practice and if any peel-strengthening boosters are added.
The above photo is from Dr. Henry’s practice, Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York.
Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York
Aerolase LightPod Neo Laser emits energy at a rapid speed to protect the skin from excessive heat, which can burn the skin or exacerbate hyperpigmentation.
Dr. Henry says the treatment is safe and relatively pain-free on all skin types. It works well for hyperpigmentation and acne as well as ingrown hairs (which can lead to hyperpigmentation). Treatments range from $400 to $600.
The above photo is from Dr. Henry’s practice, Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York.
Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York
Clear and Brilliant Laser creates small channels, allowing lightening agents to penetrate more deeply.
Dr. Henry often applies nonirritating lightening gels after this treatment. Clear and Brilliant ranges from $600 to $1,000.
The above photo is from Clear and Brilliant.
Dr. Michelle Henry / Via clearandbrilliant.com
May you shine and glow forever!
Always consult with a dermatologist before treating skin care concerns.
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chicago-geniza · 4 years
went to class, had a dr appt, did 2 copyediting jobs, showered, paid uni fees, certified unemployment, gotta do a title ix training, retrieve parcels from porch, & then. Sleep.
tomorrow: write up invoice, send to V (freelance); email K (dissertation, also RA payment stuff); remainder of makeup yiddish homeworks, also yiddish reading + verbs practice (chapter 2 + peretz). build desk. HISTORY READING + REVIEW. outline an-sky/mickiewicz paper. text C re: pharmacy. OH!!! hoover room & set up humidifier
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5/7/10:  Plastic Surgery Consult
On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Cheryl Redacted <[email protected]> wrote:
Thank you for your interest in Dr. Richard Bensimon, certified Plastic Surgeon and the Pearl Women’s Center. Attached you will find a Registration form and short Medical History form. Please fill out these forms and bring them to your no-fee consultation. If you do not have access to a printer, please arrive to your appointment 15 minutes early to complete paperwork at the office.
Please follow the link for directions to clinic.
We have parking available in the Storables Parking Lot on NW 13th Ave between NW Couch and NW Davis. You are welcome to park in any reserved spots for PWC. (Be sure to only park in spots labeled Pearl Women’s Center or PWC, otherwise you may receive a ticket.) Take the elevator to the 1st Floor Lobby, exit the lobby to NW 14th Ave. and our office is to the right on the corner of NW 14th Ave and NW Davis.
I look forward to meeting you at your visit Tuesday May 18 at 11:30am.
Redacted MA
Patient Coordinator
Pearl Women's Center
you've got the wrong rebecca here... i dont have an appt with this dr.
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