#certified reflexologist
3rreflexology · 3 months
3RReflexology - Certified Reflexologist Near Me
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Find serenity and balance with a Certified Reflexologist in Ballincollig, Douglas, Killumney, Cork, and Blarney. 🌿✨ Let our skilled practitioners guide you on a journey of relaxation and well-being. Book now to experience the healing benefits in your local area!
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wily-one24 · 19 days
for the weird questions for writers: 33 and 37
Ok, @detritusanddross, let's do this.
33. Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
Not seriously, no. I mean, I do many things.
I like adult colouring books. I sing. A lot. (and let's be clear here, when I say "a lot", I in no way mean "well"). I just like it. Nobody is ever going to pay to hear me sing, but I love doing it and I will sing with enthusiasm to most songs I know.
I used to make fanvids back in the day. Nothing too fantastic. Pretty basic ones. And they're all in AMV format. From the mid 2000s to early 2010s. One of my fanvids was seen by Rob Thomas (creator of Veronica Mars, NOT of Matchbox 20 fame). He was so amused he showed the whole cast. So... like... that's my moment of fame, i guess.
Does any of it make it into my writing? Probably not. But also, probably yes. Everything I've ever done informs the way I write. I did a Bachelor of Arts (Editing and Publishing) that obviously affects how I write. I am a certified Remedial Massage Therapist and certified Reflexologist, which obviously informs how I write bodies and how they move. I am a parent, also informs how I write. I am chronically ill and that affects what and how I write.
It's all related, but... directly? No.
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
"This lady was fucked in the head."
Seriously, though.
They'd probably say I was a student of human emotions. That I was an example of someone who catalogued the inner thoughts of those living in the early 21st Century, their reactions to things that happen.
With a lot of the subject matter I write about, they'd probably theorise about my life and if I had gone through any trauma of my own.
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yogamassageschool · 1 month
Thai Yoga Massage School (Thai Yoga & Healing Art)
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Discover the ultimate fusion of yoga and massage therapy at Thai Yoga Massage School in Bangkok, Thailand. Our expert instructors guide students through immersive classes and workshops that blend the ancient wisdom of yoga with the therapeutic techniques of massage. Explore the ancient practice of Ruesi Datton (Thai Yoga), the art of Foot Reflexology, and Thai Yoga Massage Training. Unlock the pathway to becoming a certified Thai massage instructor looking to deepen your practice or a massage therapist seeking to expand your skills, our comprehensive curriculum caters to all levels and interests. Join our esteemed school and embark on an extensive journey to obtain your instructor license. Thai Yoga & Healing Art is registered with the Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medical and the Department of Business Development and recognized by The Union of Thai Traditional Medicine Society, The Thai Traditional Medical Services Society, Foundation for Development of Complementary Alternative Medicine (Thailand) and Foundation for Development of Foot Reflexologist (Thailand) recognized by Thai Healing Alliance International THAI. Join us at Yoga Massage School and embark on a journey of transformation, healing, and empowerment. Feel free to call +66(0)8156-09084 or email [email protected], [email protected]
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blackwoodwellbeing · 3 months
Elevating Wellness Through Therapeutic & Holistic Healing in Caerphilly 
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Nestled within the scenic surroundings of South Wales, Caerphilly stands as a centre of tranquillity, offering a nurturing environment for holistic healing. Among its array of therapeutic practices and massages, it emerges as a cornerstone, attracting both practitioners and seekers of wellness alike. In this article, we look into the world of reflexology, exploring the availability of rooms to rent in Caerphilly, the expertise of local therapists, and the profound benefits of this ancient healing art.
Rooms for Rent: Creating Therapeutic Spaces
In the heart of Caerphilly, wellness centres and holistic clinics extend an invitation to reflexologists seeking professional spaces to practise their skills. Choosing an establishment that provides serene rooms for rent fosters an environment conducive to healing. These spaces offer practitioners the opportunity to establish their presence in the community and deliver exceptional care to their clients in a supportive setting.
Exemplifying Reflexology Expertise
Within the vibrant community of Caerphilly, there are certified reflexologists who shine with their extensive experience and dedication to holistic healing. These professionals, like many others, emphasise personalised care to address the unique needs of each client. Their commitment to the innate healing power of the body resonates with individuals seeking relief from a variety of ailments, from chronic pain to stress-related symptoms. Through their expertise and compassionate touch, these reflexologists embody the essence of reflexology.
Diverse Therapeutic Approaches
A diverse community of therapists in Caerphilly is bringing its own expertise and approach to the practice. From traditional techniques to innovative methods, clients have access to a variety of options when seeking therapeutic services in the area. This diversity ensures that individuals can find a therapist whose style aligns with their preferences and needs, further enhancing the accessibility and effectiveness of reflexology and other relaxing therapies.
Holistic Healing: Beyond the Physical
While reflexology is renowned for its physical benefits, its impact extends far beyond bodily health. Therapists recognise the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, offering a holistic approach to healing. By promoting relaxation and balance, massage therapeutic sessions facilitate mental and emotional well-being, providing a sanctuary for individuals to address stress, anxiety, and other mental health concerns. In doing so, it cultivates a profound sense of wholeness and vitality within the community.
Embracing reflexology in Caerphilly
As the demand for holistic healing continues to grow, Caerphilly remains steadfast in its commitment to fostering wellness through reflexology. With rooms for rent, talented therapists, and a supportive community, the town offers a sanctuary for individuals seeking balance and rejuvenation. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or someone curious about the transformative power of reflexology, Caerphilly welcomes you to explore its therapeutic sanctuaries and embark on a journey of holistic healing.
In conclusion, thriving wellness spaces that offer reflexology in Caerphilly reflect a collective commitment to holistic healing and well-being. With its serene spaces, talented therapists, and profound benefits, Blackwood Wellbeing Centre serves as a cornerstone of wellness in this picturesque town. If someone is seeking relief from the stresses of daily life, it invites them to embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery. Through the gentle touch of reflexology and related therapies, everyone can find harmony, vitality, and a renewed sense of connection to themselves and the world around them.
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newbegoniatherapy · 5 months
Benefits of Regular Reflexology Sessions: A Comprehensive Overview
The ancient art of reflexology is second to none in a fast-paced world where stress and tension seem omnipresent. The holistic treatment offers a range of benefits that knit through the physical, mental, and emotional realms through specific pressure to specific points on the feet, hands, and ears. This comprehensive outline unveils the unique benefits awaiting those who embark on a journey of regular reflexology massage sessions.
1. Embarking on Stress-Free Sojourns:
At the heart of reflexology lies its incredible ability to usher individuals into relaxation and serenity. This technique articulates with the nervous system by rigorously targeting reflex points, releasing the grip of stress. 
The healing touch comforts the mind and presents a sense of calm that trickles through the entire being, offering a reprieve from the daily hustle.
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2. The Benefits of Circulation:
Reflexology massage orchestrates the process of blood circulation, inviting improved blood flow to grace every nook and cranny of the body. As trained hands apply force to reflex points, blood vessels gracefully expand, improving the delivery of vital nutrients and oxygen. 
It promotes cardiovascular health and serves as a symphony for cellular well-being, promoting an internal harmony that resonates with vitality.
3. Liberation from the Shackles of Pain:
For those ensnared by the clutches of chronic pain, reflexology emerges as a liberating force. The strategic pressure applied to reflex points becomes a beacon of relief, triggering the body's natural painkillers—endorphins. 
Migraines, back pain, and arthritis find solace in the rhythmic dance of reflexology, offering a path towards a life less encumbered by discomfort.
4. Fortifying the Citadel of Immunity:
Reflexology massage stands as a stalwart guardian of immune function. This practice fortifies the body's defences against invaders by invigorating the lymphatic system through targeted stimulation. 
Regular sessions become a shield, empowering individuals to ward off illnesses and infections, a testament to the preventive prowess embedded in the very essence of reflexology.
5. Qi Symphony: Harmonizing Energy:
The therapy orchestrates a symphony of Qi, the vital life force, by drawing inspiration from Chinese medicine. Balance is restored by unblocking energy pathways, enhancing energy levels and banishing the spectre of fatigue. In this harmonious dance, reflexology emerges as a custodian of equilibrium, encouraging a vigour-filled life.
6. Sweet Slumbers, Deep and Restful :
As the world grapples with sleep-related challenges, reflexology massage emerges as a gentle lullaby for those seeking restful nights. The relaxation induced by targeted pressure acts as a natural sedative, guiding individuals into a realm of serene sleep. 
Insomnia and sleep disorders find a compassionate companion in reflexology, offering a non-invasive and drug-free alternative for those yearning for peaceful slumbers.
7. Clarity's Embrace: Mental Focus:
Amidst the chaos of modern existence, reflexology massage becomes a haven for mental clarity and focus. This ancient practice becomes a conduit for improved concentration by dismantling stress and ushering in relaxation. 
Mental fatigue dissipates, anxiety reprises, and a clear path opens for those seeking sharper focus, making reflexology a sanctuary for the wandering mind.
Frequency of Reflexology:
Reflexology massage frequency differs based on personal needs and health goals. Many people profit from routine sessions scheduled once a week or bi-weekly. For those addressing specific issues, more frequent sessions may be suggested initially, gradually tapering off as improvements occur. 
Consistency plays a crucial role in maximising the therapeutic effects of reflexology, promoting general well-being and stress relief. It's advisable to consult with a certified reflexologist to decide a suitable frequency tailored to unique health conditions and preferences.
Regular reflexology sessions emerge as a brushstroke of holistic rejuvenation in the grand tapestry of well-being. From stress-free benefits to improved blood circulation, each session becomes a unique melody, weaving balance and vitality. Embark on this journey, and let the ancient art of reflexology guide you to a revitalised and harmonious life. Contact New Begonia Therapy for professional reflexology massage services.
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herespaaa · 6 months
Holiday Bliss Awaits: HereSpa's Wellness Oasis for Stress Relief.
The holiday season, despite its joyous spirit, often brings its fair share of stress and tension. At HereSpa, we understand the need for rejuvenation and relaxation during this bustling time. Our sanctuary offers a haven of tranquility, tailored to cater to your wellness needs.
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Wellness at HereSpa.
HereSpa prioritizes holistic wellness, offering a range of specialized treatments designed to promote physical and mental well-being. Whether it's through reflexology, Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, or targeted sports massage therapy, our expert practitioners ensure a personalized experience, addressing your specific stress points.
Rejuvenating Reflexology.
Step into a world of relaxation with our renowned reflexology sessions. This ancient practice stimulates pressure points on the feet, facilitating holistic healing throughout the body. At HereSpa, our certified reflexologists employ techniques that ease tension, enhance circulation, and restore balance, leaving you recharged for the holiday festivities.
Swedish Massage for Serenity.
Indulge in the classic Swedish massage experience at HereSpa, where our skilled therapists employ gentle, flowing strokes to alleviate muscle tension. This technique not only provides relaxation but also improves circulation, promoting overall well-being and aiding in stress relief—a perfect treat for the holiday season.
Deep Tissue and Sports Massage.
For those seeking deeper relief, our deep tissue and sports massage therapies target muscular tension and chronic pain. Whether recovering from physical strain or seeking a more intense massage experience, our professionals at HereSpa tailor these treatments to suit your needs, ensuring a revitalizing escape from holiday stressors.
Holiday Relaxation with Spa Treatments.
Beyond massages, HereSpa offers a wide array of spa treatments aimed at promoting holiday relaxation. From aromatherapy to luxurious facials and body wraps, each session is crafted to soothe your senses and rejuvenate your body, providing a much-needed reprieve from seasonal pressures.
Massage Therapy for Holiday Stress.
At HereSpa, we believe in the power of massage therapy to alleviate holiday stress. Our expert therapists not only focus on physical relief but also create an environment conducive to mental relaxation, fostering a sense of calm and tranquility amid the bustling holiday rush.
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In Conclusion,
HereSpa invites you to experience holiday bliss through our comprehensive range of wellness solutions. Escape the chaos and unwind in our oasis, where stress relief and rejuvenation await your arrival.
Book your session today at HereSpa and gift yourself the ultimate holiday indulgence in wellness and relaxation.
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reflexologytreatments · 10 months
Welcome to Pat's Reflexology Plus, your sanctuary for expert foot reflexology treatments. Our certified reflexologists leverage clinical knowledge and techniques to apply precise pressure to key reflex points on the feet. This practice stimulates your body's healing processes and helps alleviate ailments like tension, stress, and circulation issues. Rooted in scientific evidence, our treatment protocols offer a tailored approach, connecting reflexology points to specific organs and body systems for comprehensive wellness. We prioritize client education, empowering you to understand how reflexology can enhance your health journey. Visit Pat's Reflexology Plus today and experience the transformative effects of our foot reflexology treatments
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medfieldhealing · 10 months
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Can Your Illness be Caused by Bacterial Biofilm? #ConstantSick #CompromisedImmuneSystem #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #ReflexologyNearMe https://healingplacemedfield.com/reflexology-reiki-energy-medicine-boston/2023/08/26/about-the-reflexologist-writer-and-course-creator-helen-chin-lui-is-a-certified-reflexologist-certified-energy-medicine-practitioner-reiki-master-and-teacher-she-is-the-owner-of-the-healing/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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reflexologyclapham · 2 years
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Reflexology Clapham
Reflexology Clapham is one of the trusted reflexology centres offering bespoke treatments to help you relax and feel better overall. Book a consultation with our certified reflexologist to discuss your concerns, and we will provide bespoke reflexology therapy that works best for you. Reflexology is highly recommended during pregnancy and post-natal care. Book an appointment today.
visit here:-https://www.reflexologyclapham.com/
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centerforhavening · 2 years
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Congratulations to Ann DeBellis on becoming a Certified Havening Techniques® Practitioner. ~ I've been providing relief from stress and anxiety through massage therapy since 2015. Since then I have added reflexology, sound healing, and aromatherapy. I'm also a Reiki Master and certified Archangelic Light Practitioner. While attending The New York College of Health Professions I learned additional techniques including the fundamental theory of channels and points and Asian Bodywork that I implement in my practice today. I was introduced to Havening in 2016 and immediately saw how powerful and effective this healing technique was. Having had the privilege of working with Havening Pracitioners, I knew this was something I had to add to my healing modalities. My Havening Techniques training was done with Stephen Travers in 2021. It's an honor to become part of the Havening community. I am so grateful! My healing approach emphasizes the importance of touch. Havening is like an extension of massage, using touch to heal people. My experience with bodywork heightens my awareness of the grief, anger, and other negative emotions people hold in their body and mind. Being able to relieve mental distress in various ways sets me apart from other practitioners in my field. Anxiety, stress, grief, and trauma are my areas of concentration. Havening Techniques, along with my other modalities, help my clients free themselves of the negative emotions that are holding them back from living their best life. I love what I do and how it helps people and I'm always researching new ways to better serve my clients. Imagine your body and mind in balance, how good is that! Ann DeBellis- Certified Havening Practitioner, Licensed Massage Therapist, certified reflexologist, certified sound healer, certified Aromatherapist, Rieki Master, certified Archangelic Light Practitioner. Buteyko Breathing Technique certification to come! Peace of Healing Techniques, LLC (website forthcoming) #havening #HaveningTechniques #HaveningPractitioner #healingtrauma #selfhavening #haveningtraining #mentalhealthawareness https://havening.org/directory/grid/view/details/14/1249-Ann%20-DeBellis https://www.instagram.com/p/CkYCv0Aum11/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rocketkerlon · 2 years
Brain gym for autism
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Lori offers workshops, courses and individualized sessions. dyslexia, giftedness, autism, anxiety, or other neurodifferences. Here are 5 simple brain gym exercises for autism that parents must try with their children. Brain gym helped three and four -year -old children to work on building cross. Such activities improve learning and mental organization as well. The motive of doing brain gym exercises is to keep your brain active and productive. With over 20 years of experience working with children and youth, Lori is excited to continue spreading the foundational component of Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training with students, parents, therapists and teachers. Brain Gym wakes up the brain cells and stimulates the functions of the brain. In order to do so, it is integral to build a strong sensory motor and primitive reflex integration foundation. Therapy is individualized to suite the strengths and weaknesses of each student, balancing cognition, perception, emotion and academic skills. She believes that all children have the amazing capacity to succeed in life. Lori owns and directs Sky High Learning Centre which offers individual and group therapy for those with learning challenges. She is a Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training Consultant and Instructor, a NILD Professionally Certified Educational Therapist and Instructor, a Structured Literacy Dyslexia Specialist (CERI), a Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Mediator and an iLs ( Integrated Listening Systems) Practitioner. Lori Westlake is an Educational Therapist with a passion for helping struggling learners reach success. Liz teaches BRMT Level One, Two and Three, Early Childhood Education, Pain Management Level One, and Diet for Children with Autism, ADHD and Other Challenges. She is passionate about empowering her clients to achieve their best quality of life.
Since 2014, Liz has worked as a private consultant with children and adults with Cerebral Palsy, Parkinson’s Syndrome, Brain dysfunction, Strokes, Autism, and behaviour and learning challenges. Brain Under Attack Free eBooks Free Webinars Health Coach Training Course Medical & Scientific Literature Newsletter Signup Reference Library Social Interviews Success Stories Suggested Books Our Research Get Help.
Liz is the co-creator of the award winning “Kids-Move” program, a series of developmental movements set to music, and the “Rockin’ Reflex” video package, supporting self-regulation and reflex integration. life in autism spectrum Disorder.,International J. She has presented as a keynote speaker around the world discussing brain-based developmental movements, reflex integration, and classroom management techniques. exercising the brain gym on the postural control, among the students with hearing. She is also a recently retired elementary school teacher with over 30 years of experience. Liz is a certified Reflexologist, ENVoY Classroom Management trainer, and worked as a Brain Gym® consultant for 20 years. She is passionate about sharing Harald Blomberg’s work in private sessions, workshops, and BRMT courses. Liz Jones-Twomey is the Canadian Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training distributor and international instructor.
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3rreflexology · 12 days
3RReflexology - Reflexologist Ballincollig
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Indulge in bliss and transform your well-being with 3RReflexology. Our expert therapists use specialized techniques to address specific areas of the body through the art of reflexology, enhancing your overall health and relaxation. Experience deep rejuvenation as we tailor each session to your individual needs, promoting balance, reducing stress, and improving circulation. Step into our tranquil space and allow us to guide you on a journey to holistic health. Book your appointment today and start your transformation with 3RReflexology.
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mcspanyco · 2 years
Who can benefit from reflexology?
Reflexology is a therapy that applies pressure to the feet in order to promote relaxation and stress relief. It is based on the belief that different areas of the feet correspond to different parts of the body, and that by applying pressure to these areas, reflexologists can improve overall health.
There is no scientific evidence to support the claims made by reflexologists, but many people find that it is an effective form of stress relief. Reflexology can be beneficial for anyone who wants to relax and reduce stress, but it may be particularly helpful for people who have trouble sleeping or who suffer from anxiety or depression.
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How to find a qualified reflexologist?
There are a few things to keep in mind when looking for a qualified reflexologist. First, check to make sure they are certified. This will ensure that they have the proper training and experience. Second, ask about their experience working with clients.
A good reflexologist will be able to provide you with references of satisfied clients. Finally, make sure you feel comfortable with the reflexologist. This is important because you will be spending a lot of time with them and you want to make sure you are comfortable with them before committing to treatment.
Why you should try reflexology today ?
Reflexology is a practice that has been around for centuries, with roots in ancient Egypt and China. It is based on the belief that there are reflex points on the feet and hands that correspond to organs and systems in the body. By applying pressure to these points, reflexologists believe they can encourage healing in the body, find more details at Mcspany.com website.
There are many benefits of reflexology, including reducing stress, improving circulation, and helping to detoxify the body. If you are looking for a holistic approach to wellness, reflexology is a great option. Reflexologists are trained to work with people of all ages and health conditions.
If you are interested in trying reflexology, there are many options available. You can find a qualified practitioner in your area or book an appointment at a spa or retreat center that offers this service.
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medfieldhealing · 2 years
Have you seen my latest videos?! What are you waiting for head over to my YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/c/HealingPlaceEnergySchool?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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jadechinesethaimassage · 3 years
Reflexology Massage Treatment Benefits In Multiple Ways
Reflexology is a massage technique based on the Chinese belief QI (chee), also known as vital energy. The energy flows through each person’s body, and stress blocks the energy flow that causes many issues. Reflexology is known for checking the tension and encouraging the flow of energy throughout the body.
However, if you are eager to experience the change, search for a certified and passionate therapist. One of the primary considerations is that our body responds differently in various areas. Only an experienced and trained reflexologist will know using proper pressure on specific points. So, it is necessary to find the best as they can perform the massage therapy as needed.
Facts of Reflexology:
·         It works with the nervous system of the body.
·         It reduces body aches as the reflexologist works on removing stress.
·         It eliminates obstruction and keeps the vital energy flowing.
·         It divides the body into ten different zones for specific treatment.
Once you update your personal information about reflexology, it is easy to find a professional. During the first meet, you will discuss the issues you have for which you need assistance. You can also ask relative questions from reflexology near me service providers to understand if they are the right professionals for help.
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Potential Benefits from Reflexology Massage:
Immunity system
Your body has a system that is directly involved in keeping you safe from foreign elements. With this technique, you can boost your immunity and help the defense organism power up and keep you protected and healthy.
Cancer-fighting potential
We know that cancer treatment is costly and least available for poor and middle-class people. With such low hopes, if you have an affordable alternative that guarantees the result, you can lead a happy life with its use. Seek help from an experienced expert to bring about the necessary change.
Fight infections from bacteria and cold
If you have a flawed natural defense system, you can easily fall sick as they cannot fight the bacteria that somehow enter the body. The massaging technique is ideal for strengthening the muscles and promoting good health.
Eliminate the sinus trouble
Many people have to struggle with sinus issues and in severe conditions cause a lot of trouble. Analysis by the doctor has revealed that with regular kneading techniques or with zone therapy, one can get rid of sinus concerns.
Improve fertility
Couples who are facing fertility issues must count on a professional that can help them heal using this technology. There are proven records that many people have improved their condition and are now parents to a child.
The other points ease the arthritis pain, treats the numbness, correct the hormonal imbalance, and many more. However, if you read the research papers, you will find various kinds of development.
Jade Chinese & Thai Massage Professionals have reflexologists that have the training and certification to serve you better. So, people that require reflexology in South Perth may count on us for assistance. We aim to deliver satisfactory results. Hence we have plenty of happy and loyal clients who believe in us. Call us whenever needed.
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mrtenthirty · 5 years
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Reposting @peace.roots.reflexology: May your day be filled with PEACE, in the midst of all you step into💛 . Link in bio. . . . . . #reflexologist #reflexology #certified #insured #inspire #momlife #inhomesessions #wellness #inofficesessions #mobile #wellness #motivation #stressrelief #holistic #preventativehealthcare #harleysville #peacerootsreflexology #footcare #relief #selfcare #instagood #womenshealth  #health #peace #holistichealthpractitioner #pregnancy #healthyliving #detox #wellness https://www.instagram.com/p/BuWTF9fFqCi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pouht41t8p3q
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