#cesarie my beloved
palushiemalis-fr · 9 months
Write My Dragon's Lore -- Results!
@protoformx personality: outgoing and loud
@the-odd-aardvadillo occupation: biologist or whatever form of science fits into your lore
@hystericblue aspiration: flying under her own power, she's not staying on the ground
@revolupine hobbies: puzzles and cosplay.
@scrubbythebubble dislikes : tight spaces, the cold, authority
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Seep felt as if the Sandsurge’s hard stare had shot straight into his face. He felt winded from the impact. He wasn’t often put into a position where he was on the back foot, let alone on first entering a room.
“Me?” He managed as she sprinted over to him, drawing her neck up as high as she could to meet him.
“You are the resident engineer, yes?” She tilted one eye at him to peer into the reflection of his lenses.
Seep craned his neck back and tried to keep her stare, feeling bewildered at the hostility seeing as she was the one to invite him over.
“Yes, I mean, I’m not the only one but I— who are you anyway?”
“Cesarie.” She flicked the sail of her tail boisterously, “I am a bio-engineer. I needed to be polite and say hi and ask some questions and all that, good clan you got here. But then again I’m used to working in really cramped, nasty conditions, at least this place has heating. I’ve seen some real blighters when it comes to labs…” 
She began to ramble about her journey over from the Lightning territory. Seep couldn’t quite keep up and let his mind wander, inspecting what she had done with her chamber.
Cesarie’s den pulsed with an organic, ethereal green light. He squinted through his goggles to see delicate glow worms threaded from the cave ceiling, softly wriggling from their silken strands. The slime molds and algae that practically crawled on every surface let off their own glowing hues. There were terrariums and specimen jars lined up along racks and racks of shelving. Illuminated roaches and isopods trundled about in dimly lit habitats, a swarm of fireflies bonked persistently against the glass of their temporary tank.
Her work table was another matter altogether; an unfinished game of chess sat between microscopes, scapels and scientific paraphernalia with which he wasn’t familiar. For a biologist, she kept a lot of brass fittings, bolts and screws about the place. The air smelt green but was tinged with metal polish and lubricant. He’d always appreciated the smell.
In the middle of the chaos was a huge bell jar filled with a soup of green and blue ooze. Or, what he believed was ooze. It certainly seemed lively, it let out a belch of bubbles which popped vigorously. This caught Cesarie’s attention.
She marched over, knocking some spanners and tools onto the floor on the way, and slammed a fist on the worktop.
“SIMMER DOWN.” She barked.
The ooze let out a flatulent ‘glop’ and settled down.
Seep chuckled, he could relate. His own experimental subjects could be just as cheeky.
“This is my prototype.” She grunted, rolling the jar onto its side and tweaking the instruments and strappings attached to it. “I call her ALGEE. Aviator Levitator Green Energy … something something… I’m workin’ on it.”
“Ehh, the acronym’s usually more important than the words used to put it together.” He shrugged, “But uh, what does it mean? What is that thing?”
After bashing a few loose screws into place she heaped the jar onto her back (Seep watched her ‘percussive adjustments’ approvingly, making note to brush up on his own technique.) She pulled the arm straps tight and the jar sat snuggly between her two sails. She placed on an aviator’s cap and pinged the goggles to her forehead.
“Stand back.”
Seep coiled himself back into what little room the lab had for his huge, winding body.
Cesarie yanked a toggle on her strap and the jar hummed and sizzled with light. The glass shook violently and it began to lift of its own accord, pulling her up like a hot air balloon. She hung precariously in the air, her legs kicking and her tail wagging excitedly.
Seep laughed in amazement, “Impressive! And this is the prototype? This could be a paradigm shift in–”
There was a crack and a hiss and a whizz all at once.
Cesarie dropped like a stone and hit the ground with a winded “Oof.”
Cesarie picked up her jar of gooey, glowy ALGEE and juggled it from one paw to another. It must have been hot from the intense chemical reactions. There was a large crack down the size. 
“As I said. Prototype. But one day, this baby’ll fly all the way to the dunes and back. That foreman will be sorry he ever fired me for collecting algal samples on the job…” She began to rant and ramble once again, Seep sat himself down for the long haul.
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eliotheeangelis · 1 year
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1984 canadian grand prix ~ a team of drivers take on journalists in a charity football match
(back row l-r): stefan bellof, riccardo patrese, nigel mansell, andrea de cesaris, johnny cecotto, michele alboreto, eddie cheever, manfred winkelhock
(front row l-r): elio de angelis, philippe alliot, derek warwick, ayrton senna
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didierpironi · 2 years
Monaco GP 1982: a summary
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nicolinocolino · 1 year
federico cesari sharing an astrology meme on instagram pisces my beloved
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Waif/🐶 and King Adolphus/👑?
1. “Waif/🐶: If you could shapeshift into anything, what would it be?”
Hmmmmmmmm well I often bemoan that I am not a simply a ridiculously content house cat living with an adoring family (a wish often voiced aloud as a fond yet jealous remark towards my own cat) so I think that would be just the ticket for me. Well... actually nah, that’s more of a ‘swap lives’ situation....... for shapesifting only, if I could only choose one animal, I think a would say, believe it or not, a pigeon. Very sneaky. They can fly, not a ton of natural predators in a city setting, and are extremely common. The perfect spying animal. Bonus: theyre the perfect balance of both pretty and stupid-looking which matches my countenance quite well. Absolutely primo for living a double-life — because, if you could shapeshift, I think it’s fair to say that you would have one. Or wait!! actually a crow... i feel that has a little more dignity while retaining all those other aforementioned benefits of being a pigeon. Yeah. A crow. Locking in that answer *buzz*
2. “King Adolphus/👑: What is your favorite kind of sweet/pastry?”
Ooh. This is tough. I was considering saying the cranberry scones from Breadsmith or just a good old chocolate croissant. But I have to say that sfogliatelle have a rather special, sentimental place in my heart. They’re an Italian pastry that originated in Naples. They look like this:
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They are EXTREMELY crunchy and layer-y (the pastry is very hard, brittle and papery, in a good/interesting way), and are usually filled with ricotta that has been flavored with cinnamon and orange (and sometimes bits of candied/dried fruit). Heavenly.
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I have been extremely fortunate to have visited Italy twice — Once several years ago for a week as a high school trip, and once last year for a month on a gap semester, right before the pandemic really started hitting (it was actually exactly one year ago today that I got told I had to leave a month early; I was supposed to be there two months). On the school trip, we stopped in Naples very briefly on the last day, and our lovely tour guide surprised us all by spontaneously buying all of us sfogliatelle from a nearby food truck. I had never had anything quite like it before... it was SO good. I was so enchanted that I got another one at the airport later that day, thinking it might be very a long time until I could have another.
Then, during my gap semester in Rome, I was thrilled to discover that they were sold in many cafes there as well. The school was about two blocks from the Pantheon... many days during break between classes, I would walk over, grab an espresso and a sfogliatella from the Cafè Tazzo d’Oro, and sit on the fountain steps, contemplating the temple of all gods, and crunching down on shatteringly-crisp layers of pastry. I was in heaven. I’ll never forget that time.
I have since discovered that this very beloved Italian trattoria-style restaurant in downtown St. Paul called Cossetta’s sells them in their pastry shop. We’ve gone there all my life and I’d never noticed that they had then until my dad took me there on my birthday last year to pick up a cake and he let me pick a pastry of my own as well. Sfogliatelle are kind of hard to come by, so I was absolutely over the moon when I saw a tray of them hidden away in a case full of the more neglected, simpler, less flashy pastries and cookies. I split it with my dad and he split his espresso with me... and for a second, it almost felt like I was back in Rome. That was such a lovely birthday.
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(here’s the pastry shop btw. makes me feel just a lil bby bit like I’m at Cesari’s:)
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alamanyar · 6 years
So, about Martìs felings these past days/weeks. The boy is utterly heartbroken and confused. His emotions are all over the place. We don’t always see it when he is with other people. He tends to shut down. We’ve seen it in the past and we continue seeing it. He’s insecure and vulernable. His coming-out is still very fresh. For the longest time he’s denied his identity. People out him left and right (?). They takn away that choice from him. I feel like he’s in a place right now that somehow doesn’t feel quite real. Not quite right? So many things have happened. And fast. He has a crush on his best friend. Chooses to entagle himself in Giò’s and Eva’s break-up. Then he meets Nicccolò. He falls for him in speed-light. (Absolutely no judgement). Basically sesonds later, he learns Nico has a girlfriend. He still isn’t out to his friends. To nobody. (Only Eva and Ele know, but they act how people should act. Leave the choice to him whether or not/when he wants to out himself). So we have Giò first, then Nico. Martì isn’t really a lucky guy, is he? But then, oh then, we see him smile the brightest smile and be absolutely smitten with Nico, who reciprocates his feelings. Finally. He is on cloud line. It lasts like for two days. The normal course of life has him back in no time. Nico leaves for Umbria and only answers his texts days after. He also forgets Luchì’s birthday. So far so good. Then he is back with Nico, but their relationship isn’t out in the open. Hidden away like something fragile which it is. Martì has no clue what he does to Nico by saying the things about his mother’s depression. We then see him step on Filippo’s feelings (I’m not gay gay) and Niccolò decides to break things off with him, too. I don’t wanna get into the end of episode five. That shit fucking hurt. I cried with and for him. After a week absence of school, we see Martino closed off and tired. When he lashes out at his mum (again, I cried with and for him. That clip hurts physically), we (finally?) get a reaction out of him. He wants to be heard so bad, but he can’t talk about his feelings. Not yet. It’s a little bit like this I think: why don’t you come to me? I don’t want to come to you. I don’t think I can. Summed up: he doesn’t know how to talk to people about his feelings. It’s messed up. He’s messed up. I totally understand him. I’m kind of the same. There’s a lot of shame there, too. We see a short interaction with Niccolò who tries to reach out, Martì, on the other hand, shuts him down. He plays the passive-agressive card. As audience, you can clearly see how not okay Nico is in that scene. Go ahead and re-watch it. Rocco is amazing in that short clip. He’s basically begging Martino for forgiveness, but he can’t give everything away. He’s so afraid to tell him about his MI (afraid he will lose him if he comes clean), so he tries to be his usually sun-shine-like self. You can hear his voice cracking though. It’s a cry for help imo. Martì leaves him standing. BUT, he goes to see (our beloved) Dr. Spera. He tries to ask for help. It’s basically the first time we see him do something like that. And then the lovely scene with Giò. He comes out to him. He confides in someone; finally. We see that gorgeous smile of him again. On top of everything, Nico sends him a message of hope. It says hold on tight, I’m trying to get to you. Will you be patient for me? A lot of see-saw if you ask me. And we’re not done yet. From Eva, Martì learns people have been spreading rumours about him and Niccolò (we all know who). He meets up with Filippo, apoligizes for his earlier behaviour and asks for his advice (our boy is so courageous in all this mess, honestly). He comes out to the boy squad (!), gets another message from Nico. (an apology and another question to be patient with him). Martino and the boys go to the lake house. They talk about Niccolò and the boys are just wonderfully supportive. Martì goes with Giò’s advice and we have our first reunion. Patatine e marmellata happens (the best thing of the season so far) and everything seems to work in Martì’s favour. Alas. We see him with the girls, they are all supportive as well which Martì wasn’t sure of. Only we, as audience, we’re sure of. Nico’s mother steps in and we’re all a bit confused, but I guess in some way her behaviour is understandable. Sometimes you try to protect someone you love in a very idealistic way. ;( Martì still isn’t aware of Nico’s MI. We are in advantage as audience. Remember, this all happens from Martì’s persective and Nico holds it together well if I may add. Before they go to Milan, we can clearly see how Nico wants to just get aways from everything. I don’t wanna go too much into detail about Milano. But remember this: Martì kinda falls from one high into one low. It’s like a parkour. His emotions are heightened. He openly kisses Nico in the streets of Milano and they finally have their alone-time in that beautiful apartement and Martì can just be. He feels free. Cherished. Loved. Accepted. All these wonderful positive emotions last for a couple of hours. Nico experiences an episode and Martì is left alone in a city he’s never been to. He calls Maddalena for help who (harshly) tells him to leave (Nico) the next morning. Martì asks to see Nico more than once. He doesn’t understand yet what happened to Nico, but he wants to see him, make sure he’s okay. He then goes back by train alone knowing Nico has bdp. Did he think about what he said to him in the batchroom scene? Then we have Mamma Rametta who worries about his son so much and she shows Martì she won’t leave and that she accepts him. Of course she does. He’s the best thing in her life. I cried watching them sitting with their backs to each other, seperated by a door. We also learned that it was Martino’s dad who told Mamma Rametta about his sexuality (really??? meet me in the pit dude, I just wanna talk). We have had this happened in a period of two months. All of the above went down in that period of time. Now here’s the thing about the boy squad going to see Dr. Spera together with Martino. The boy just learned about Nico’s disorder three days ago, he’s still fucking confused. And exhausted. His only safety net are his mamma and the boys. If he can’t be a little bit less sad with them, with whom can he? Let’s not forget it’s that time of period before Christmas when school is crazy. So many assignments. And then his dad calls. Martino is so done at this point, he literally can’t fight with him. He just accepts what his dad says. He has no strenght for a debate. He is just done. I thought that maybe his dad won’t come out as a problem per se (like outing him to his mother. again. a choice taken from Martino. sucky move to say the least). But maybe it will be Paola who will have a problem with Martino’s sexuality. Maybe his dad went along with her just in order to not stir anything up? Which is no excuse really. Martino is his son. He fucking matters. It’s not about who matters most here, it’s about valuing a person’s feelings and identiy ffs. I felt like Martino’s dad got overwhelmed with his son’s outing and that he really wants to meet Nico alone, because he wants to give his time to Martì and his life first before introducing it to his new family. Does that make sense? Maybe I’m grasping at straws here. I just don’t want another disappointment for Martino. I’m really hoping we’ll see a redemption arc here. I can’t have Martino suffer more than he already is. He’s still processing the seperation of his parents. He feels abandoned. In more than just one way. While he still doesn’t understand Nico’s personality disorder, Martì makes another brave decision. After blocking Nico’s mobile number, which I thought was understandable -because after all, everything we do is a sign of how we handle stuff and Martì’s coping mechanism is closing himself off and being passive-aggresive- he unblocks him and tries to call him. But Nico’s phone is turned off and Martì quickly falls back into this feeling of being abandoned and left alone. In his case it was fucking hard to unblock him. It was fucking hard to learn about his disorder with all the shit he’s been going through already. Can I just stress again how his emotions were bloody heightened in the past and still are? And what has he been trying to do the whole time? Surpress them. In the last clip, Martì is so done, cause he’s fucking exhausted. And I feel personally attacked by Federico Cesari. He’s absolutely outstanding. The way he portrays emotions is phenomenal. Everytime Martino cries I feel it in my bones. It’s so very hearbreaking and raw and real. If Martino doesn’t smile in every clip after this heartbreak is over, I’m suing. I’m so done with seeing him cry. Okay, in all of this it’s so very clear to me that he worries about Niccolò. It drives him mad. He hasn’t slept. His eyes are red and swollen and after all the tears he cried, he still can’t stop crying. ? He fucking misses Nico, but he also knows that Nico is not well and that it’s all a mess. He writes him a message which comes off as rather glacial. At least the ciao bit. Martino is so done though, he doesn’t have the energy to think about what’s glacial or not. He just wants answers? So he reaches out again. He’s still learning and I find him so very brave. I’m absolutely certain that Maddalena’s word still linger in the back of his head. I don’t blame him. He’s lost and feels so very insecure most of the time, I too, would at least listen to someone who has had more experience (with Nico’s bdp). He doesn’t come to his mind that Maddalena might have also talked to him harshly out of jealousy. (Bless you Luchì. And bless you boys + Dr. Spera). All Martì knows right now is that Niccolò is not well and he has abolutely no clue what to do. How to help him, how to speak to him. How to be with him. He’s a bloddy teenager and he needs some fucking rest. Give this boy the rest he deserves. Give him all the happiness.
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