#cg is yui and ruki are kissing
seaoflove07 · 1 year
~ Ballroom Event ~
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🔪Azusa & Rose🌹
Oc x Canon.
Characters: Azusa Mukami & Christine Melendez. (Rose)
Fan Fiction Written by Me.
Word Count: 1460.
Fandom: Diabolik Lovers.
• Note: Since Yui is in Azusa & Christine’s story. The Mukami brothers have a different nickname for Christine. •
Ruki at the beginning used to call her “Livestock” but ever since Azusa & Rose's relationship got serious and he saw how happy his brother is with Christine, he now just simply calls her, “Christine-san.”
Kou calls her “Kujaku-chan.” which means Peacock in English. (All credit to @cutelih for helping me choose this nickname)
Yuma calls her “Blondie”
Oc Introduction Here.
Event by @bluerosethornrp
⚠️A tiny bit of Nsfw near the end⚠️
• Photo Source: Picrew, Pinterest, IMVU and I edited Rejet Azusa’s CG •
- The Scene starts in Christine’s Bedroom -
Looking in the mirror, Christine is happy with her style choice for tonight’s ball. She has on a beautiful black gown dress with a pair of pearl stud earrings and a pearl necklace. Usually, she always wears her gold cross necklace, but for the ball, she wanted something more elegant. Last week, she and the Mukami brothers went to a boutique shop together. Azusa hasn't seen her in this dress yet. They were all busy trying out different outfits. It was a long night, once we all chose our outfits, we had dinner at a nice restaurant. The brothers told her that Karlheinz had done many ballroom events over the centuries, not only in the Demon World but also in the Human World as well. This particular ballroom event that they are going together will be in the Human World. Christine has never been to a ballroom before, this will be her first. The brothers told her that they had been to a lot of them. It was nice spending time with Azu and his brothers. For the final touch, she grabs her favorite perfume, Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel and sprays it on her neck, the insides of her wrists, inner elbows, and behind her earlobes. She puts the perfume bottle back on her vanity, then looks at herself one more time in the mirror.
Azusa: “Rose-san…”
She turns around, looking at him.
Christine: “Azu… I didn't hear you come in.” 
(He definitely teleported, He doesn't do that often, only when he wants to surprise her) 
Azusa: “Rose… You look so beautiful… in that dress… You always take… my breath away…with your beauty…”
Taking her hand, he bows down a little and kisses her hand.
Christine: “Thank you Azu, you look really handsome as well.” She said with a smile.
He is wearing an elegant black tuxedo with a nice purple shirt. She notices he is holding a small white box with a pretty red ribbon on it.
Azusa: “Rose… I have… a gift for you…”
- He gives her the small box -
She removes the ribbon and opens the box. There's a pretty small red rose inside.
Azusa: “I bought this…  rose hair clip… for you… I love placing… flowers in your hair… but the flowers… always die quickly… when I saw this hair clip… at the boutique display… I had to buy it… for you… the clip is 18k gold…”
Christine: “Azusa, I don't want you to spend a lot of money on me.”
Azusa: “Eh...? Rose… you are precious… to me… and I am happy… to buy nice things for you… please… I want you… to accept my gift…”
Christine: “Azu, I will accept your gift. I truly love it. Thank you so much.”
She kissed his cheek.
Smiling, he takes the rose clip out of the box and places it in her hair.
Azusa: “Roses really do suit you...” He said while stroking her hair.
*Knock Knock*
Yuma: “Oi Azusa and Blondie, I’m gonna open the door, and you better not be doing anything I don't want to see.”
He walks into the room.
“What is taking you guys so long? Our ride is here, Ruki sent me to get the two of you. We don't want to get him upset by being late to the ball. Move your asses and let's go!”
Azusa nods and takes Christine’s hand.
Azusa: “Come… Let's go, Rose…”
- They Arrive at the Ballroom -
Christine: (I'm so happy to be here. Everything looked stunning! Classy and fancy-looking. All the tables had a huge bouquet of red roses, and the ceilings had beautiful vintage paintings. Music is playing and people are dancing. Near the dance floor there's a nice fountain…)
Ruki: “Come everyone, let's sit at our assigned table.”
As they walk through the tables, Christine saw all the Sakamaki brothers and Yui sitting at their table. The brothers looked like they were arguing like always. Yui looked at her with a smile, she looked so pretty in her pink gown dress, Christine smiled back at her and gave her a small wave. She plans later to say hi and to talk to her for a bit.
- Azusa pulls Christine’s chair back, waiting for her to sit  - 
Christine: “Thank you, Azu.” She said smiling and sat on her chair.
- Azusa sits next to her -
Azusa: “Rose-san… would you… like a drink…?”
She saw there were bottles of champagne and wine at the table already for them.
Christine: “Yes please, I’ll have a red wine.”
Yuma: “Careful Blondie, don’t get drunk on us.”
Kou: “Fufu~ Let Kujaku-chan have fun Yuma, the night is young.”
Ruki: “You all better be on your best behavior, I don’t want any embarrassment.”
Looking at Kou.
Kou: “Ruki, you are no fun. Anyways, I see a few cute fan girls looking my way. I’m gonna go say hi. See you all later.”
He stands up and leaves.
Ruki and Yuma started talking to each other. Christine took a sip of her wine and noticed that Azusa was staring at her.
Christine: “What?” She asks with a smile.
-A Ballad Song Starts Playing -
The Night We Met by Lord Huron.
He smiles back at his blonde beauty.
Azusa: “I’m happy… to be here… with my precious rose…tonight…”
Christine: “I’m happy too.���
She takes his hand.
“Azusa, would you like to dance with me?” 
Azusa: “Yes…” 
They both stand up still holding hands, while walking to the dance floor that was near the fountain. Staring at each other’s eyes. Christine wraps her arms around his neck, while Azusa places his hands on her hips.
- They start slow dancing together -
Moving their bodies slowly from side to side. 
Christine: “Our dance practice back home paid off. Azu, you're doing so well.”
Azusa: “...Eh...? You think so...? I tried... my best for you… I didn't want… to embarrass you… this was the only dance… I was… able to learn… sorry for being so pathetic…”
She Frowns.
Christine: “Azusa, don't talk like that. You are never an embarrassment to me and you are not pathetic either. You know I don’t like it when you talk like that... because... you are my everything.”
(Azusa’s deep gaze is making my heart beat so fast!…)
Azusa: “... You know… I never forget…  the night we met… when the night was… full of terrors… and your eyes… were filled with tears… when you had not… touched me yet… Your beauty… your skin… your blood and floral scent… captivated me… my love for you … is stronger every day…”
Pressing her body closer to his while still dancing.
- Christine cups his cheek -
“Rose-san… are you happy… with me…?”
Christine: “Even though we had a rough beginning to our relationship... You make me happy, and my heart still beast fasts every time I’m with you.”
- Azusa pressed his forehead against hers -
“With you, I feel secure. I love you, Azusa.”
He smoothed her hair.
Azusa: “Rose…”
His fingers found the sensitive curve of her scalp, cradling her head as he kissed her, sucking her bottom lip. Then he took her mouth in a deep demanding kiss. His tongue moved against hers, exploring her, possessing her, making her moan in his mouth.
Her breathing becomes heavy, and she breaks the kiss, placing her hands on his chest.
Christine: “Azu…we are still on the dance floor.” She can feel her cheeks flushed.
Azusa: “... I saw many men... looking at you tonight… my heart starts aching… just by thinking about it… so I needed… to show everyone… that you belong only to me… you are all mine… the thought of you… leaving me… for someone else… is a pain I will never… be able to handle… I love you… so much…” 
He hugs her tight.
“Rose… I want to suck... your blood...”
Christine: “Now!?”
Azusa: “Yes.. let’s go...”
- Azusa takes her outside to the Rose Garden -
Christine: “Azusa, someone might see us here.”
- He pins her down -
Azusa: “Sorry, Rose-san… I've been holding back… this whole time…”
- He kisses her neck and breaths on it, caressing her with his fangs -
She moans softly.
Christine: “Azu… I’m in love with you and I will never leave you for anyone, I am yours…”
Azusa: “My Rose…”
- Azusa bites her hard -
Azusa: “Hmmm… Rose-san’s blood is… flowing through me… It feels so good…”
He licks the bite mark and starts biting her deeper near the chest, making it hurt even more, slightly rubbing his body against hers, and groping her breast.
A flick of pain, her arms squeezed around him.
Christine: “Please… you must stop.”
She gasped.
“I can’t bear any more.” 
He looks at her with desire in his eyes.
Azusa: “Yes… you can…”
He pressed his lips to hers, letting her taste some of her own blood.
“I want your everything… till sunrise… I love you… my precious Rose… forever...”
He continues to bite her
Enjoying her lovely expressions and sounds
She is his rose, and only his
He will make that clear tonight… 
- End -
Thank you for reading. 📖🌹
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• Artwork by 46SnowFox •
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yuikomorii · 2 years
As a fellow Ruki stan I'd love to know how you'd rank his routes 🌸
// Sure thing! ^^
1. More Blood
You probably didn't see this coming, but I really enjoyed his MB route! I'm aware of how hated it is because of the cat scene, and while I disagree with Ruki's actions, they didn't ruin him for me. I just love how SASSY Ruki can be, even if some of his roasts are really mean, but I'm sure they're just there to make the audience laugh. I think the funniest one was when he told Yui "Today we will go home on foot. Why? Because a person such as yourself who doesn’t know how to stop when eating is very prone to put on some pounds after all.” He's so savage, and I love it, but I wouldn't want to deal with such a person in real life, lol. Aside from that, his last Ecstasy chapter was the first to make me cry, and his Vampire Ending was stunning, especially the kissing cg!
2. Chaos Lineage
Another unpopular choice because I've seen a lot of people complain about it being boring and lacking significant romantic interactions due to including his brothers too much, and while I can't say his route was very good, I still really like it! I'm glad Ruki was less obsessed with Karl there, and he seemed more relaxed and genuine overall. He even pouted at one point, which was so cuuute! I love the Mukamis, so I'm always up for family moments, and the romance was adequate, neither exaggerated nor non-existent.
3. Dark Fate
Would have given it a higher rating if Ruki hadn't been such a jerk in the first half, and what bothered me the most was how he treated his brothers. Kou had very good reasons to be mad at him, and it's already becoming frustrating because they're supposed to be best bros, yet Ruki and Kou always find a way to fight. What did I love about it? He got down on his knees and apologized to Yui for saying such horrible things. I was moved to tears by the scene in which he cried for her because I had not expected Ruki to do such a thing. Furthermore, his Vampire Ending is probably my favorite of all games; it's simply the best possible outcome for him and Yui.
4. Lunatic Parade
I don't remember much about LP, but his route was fun, and I think he was more flirty than usual there, which is a plus! Well, everyone had great LP routes in my opinion because that game was truly lighthearted!
5. Lost Eden
He was ideal in the first half of the route, but the second half irritated me greatly. Maybe I have high expectations, but are you really going to tell me that in the previous game, a "dummy" character only heard ONE thing about Karlheinz yet immediately connected all the dots about all his victims, realizing that he's truly the root of all evil because he was using everyone for his selfish desires and then… there's Ruki who 1) was told by Christa that Karl was Trismegiste aka the person who ruined his life, 2) went to Romania to read about the Revolution, where Trismegiste was mentioned, 3) had his ghoul-father tell him that Karl is Trismegiste and that he slaughtered a bunch of people to make ghouls out of them only to have Ruki say this "I'm sure Karlheinz-sama regretted his actions, that's why he gave our lives back". If he had regretted, he would have rewinded time long ago. I'm aware that different writers exist, but they should be more careful when writing these parallels because it can cast their own characters in a negative light, since one reaction will always be better than the other. Still really liked the lore and the fact Rejet learnt something about Romanian history.
6. Vandead Carnival
I enjoy VC as a game, but Ruki was a little too stiff for my liking. It wasn't bad, but I felt like Ruki was babysitting Yui for almost the entire route. :”)
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aquariaries · 9 months
Kou Mukami Euphoria End - Chaos Lineage + CG
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***I do not mind if you use my translations as a base for another language, I just ask that you credit both 46snowfox as the original translator and myself as the English translator if you do!***
Original translation credit: @46snowfox
You can find Kou's previous chapters in @tournesolia's masterlist linked down below!
PLACE: Church Interior
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Yui: Kou-kun ... ... Kou, -ku ... ... uuuu... ... Please ... ... I beg you ... ... to open, your eyes ... ...
Ruki: It's my fault ... ...
If I had recovered my memories sooner, this wouldn't have happened ... ... !
Yui: ... ... Uuuu, ... ... *crying* ... ...
(Why? Why did this have to happen to Kou-kun? Did I make a mistake?)
(Kou-kun's clothes are becoming dyed more and more red. I didn't ... ... I didn't want to see this.)
Ruki: ... ... Hm?
Could it be -- ? *Licks*
Yui: Ruki-kun?! Why are you licking Kou-kun's blood ... ...
Ruki: ... ... It's not blood.
Yui: Huh ... ... ?
Ruki: You calm down as well. I also got too upset as well ... ...Try this yourself.
Yui: (Now that he mentions it, this blood doesn't have the smell of iron?)
*She tries some*
This is ... ... ketchup?
Kou: ... ... Fufu. *chuckles*
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Kou: Geez, you two were too quick to notice! I thought I could fool you both for a while longer.
Yui: Ko ... ... Kou-kun ... ...
(He's alive ... ... He's right in front of me, and smiling --)
Ruki: What's the meaning of this?
Kou: As you can see, I prepared ketchup to pass off as blood.
Ruki: I already know that. I'm sure my sword cut you. You couldn't have escaped unscathed.
Kou: Aah, well that's ... ... Here, look under my clothes.
*He lifts his clothing*
Ruki: Chainmail? No ... ... This is, made from ivy?
Kou: That's right, from the ivy we found in the forest. Azusa-kun's knife couldn't even cut it.
And I thought that to recover your memories, we would need a shock as strong as killing me.
So I put this on in advancd, and put on a whole performance.
Ruki: ... ... Good grief. To think that you would outwit me.
Kou: It was a great performance wasn't it? But it was a high-stakes gamble, so I'm glad your memories have returned.
Ruki: ... ... The one who is more shocked than I is standing frozen there.
Kou: Eh?
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Yui: 👁👄👁 ... ... ... ...
Kou: Uhhhmm ... ... I'm sorry, did I worry you?
Yui: ... ... Kou-kun ... ...
Kou-kun ... ... !!
*She jumps on and hugs him*
Kou: Uwah!!
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Yui: Thank goodness ... ... I'm truely glad that you're okay ... ... !!
Kou: Ah ... ...
*He hugs her back*
... ... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Yui: No, it's okay ... ... Just the fact that you're okay, is enough for me ... ...
Kou: Yeah ... ...
*He backs off*
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Ruki: I really thought I had killed you.
Kou: No way. I'm a vampire, I wouldn't die just like that.
Ruki: But, yout heart had been pierced, even someone immortal like us would die. Why did you make such a risky plan ... ...
Kou: "Don’t give up when there is still hope ... ... " The one who told me that was Ruki-kun, right?
Ruki: That's ... ...
Kou: When I was little, I wanted to see the blue sky again.
That's why I decided to risk my life together with you and the others to escape from the orphanage.
... ... And now, I want to live together with Yui. If it's for that purpose, then I can do anything.
Ruki: I see ... ...
Yui: Kou-kun ... ...
Kou: When you told me not to give up, that when I remembered. That I couldn't die in a place like this.
I won't leave you alone ... ... Nnn ... ... *kiss*
Yui: Nn ... ...
(That's right, we decided that we weren't going to give up. We can't let it end in a place like this.)
(Not me, not Kou-kun, not the others --)
*White flash*
Eh ... ... ? Wh- what is this ... ...
Ruki: The church is collapsing? No, the ground is crumbling?
Yui: Kou-kun -– !
Kou: Hold on tight! ... ... Ugh!
PLACE: Room of Time
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Yui: ... ... Uu, ... ...
(Where am I ... ... ? In some room ... ... ?)
Kou: Nn ... ... Are you alright ... ... ?
*They stand up*
Yui: Y-yes ... ... But, where are we ... ... ?
Kou: I don't know. Though it doesn't seem to be inside a mansion or a church ... ...
Yui: (The ones laying next to us are ... ... !)
Kou: Yuma-kun and Azusa-kun too ... ... !
Yui: (And it's not just them. Carla-san, Reiji-san and the others are as well ... ...)
Kou: They're passed out ... ... What about the others?
Yui: It seems that everyone has lost consciousness. I'm glad they're safe however ... ...
Kou: Just where is this place? Why did we suddenly appear here ... ...
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Socrates: It seems to have ended well.
Kou: Wha --
Yui: (This voice ... ... it came from that sphere ... ... ?)
Socrates: My name is Socrates. I exist like this in the castle of my friend, Karl Heinz.
Kou: Friend ... ... ? Of Karl Heinz-sama ... ... ?
Yui: If this is Karl Heinz-san's castle, then this isn't that miniature garden?
Socrates: You all have already left that place. This is without a doubt the castle in the Demon World.
Kou: ... ... We've returned. We've all made it back!
Yui: Y-yes ... ... !
Socrates: I was always watching you. It was a truely meaningful experiment. I am grateful to you all.
Yui: Eh? Watching us ... ... No way.
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Socrates: The one who created that miniature garden, and locked you all inside was me.
Yui: ... ... !!
Kou: What the hell does that mean ... ...
Socrates: That place, it was the experimental area where we could test to see if Adam and Eve could achieve true love.
There was only one overlord, in other words, Adam. I wanted to see if he was a suitable contender.
I wanted to see that even with erased memories, whether or not true love would be able to be born.
And for the result, Adam and Eve certainly passed the test and were united by a strong bond.
That's why I ended the experiment and brought you all back.
Kou: An experiment ... ... For that alone, you made us almost kill each other!?
Everyone suffered a lot! Even she was in danger! And you're saying it was all for an experiment!?
Yui: Kou-kun ... ...
Kou: From the beginning it was not necessary to test Adam and Eve.
Even without testing it, I love Yui.
Don't you ever dare to interfere with us again!!
Socrates: ... ... I see.
From now on, there is no need for me to appear. You're the pnes who will decide your destiny. Adam, and Eve --
*He dissapears*
Yui: ... ... He disappeared ... ...
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Yui's Monologue:
A test imposed on Adam and Eve. That was the reality of that miniature garden.
Will the two of them be able to love each other again even after losing everything they have nurtured?
... ... Though, I already know the answer to such a thing without even having to try it.
Since even now, Kou-kun is tightly holding my right hand.
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Kou: ... ...It seems that long nightmare is finally over.
Let's all go back home.
Yui: ... ... Yes.
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Yui's Monologue:
After escaping from that land -- the miniature garden, each of us all returned to our respective homes.
The battles and hatred between brothers only remained within the garden.
After recovering our peace little by little, we've returned to our daily lives.
PLACE: Mukami Living Room - Night
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Yui: (The textbook is ... ... All right, it's in there. Next is ... ...)
Kou-kun, you can't go back to sleep. You'll be late for school?
Kou: Nnnn ... ... Five more minutes ... ...
Yui: No. You can't sleep on the sofa forever, so wake up?
Kou: Eeeeh, just a little more is fine ... ...
Yui: Enough! I'll help you up. Come on, give me your hand?
Kou: Nnn ... ...
*He pulls her down*
Yui: Uwa ah-!
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Kou: Hehe ... ... I caught you, M-neko-chan ♪
Yui: (He hugged me ... ... !)
*He nuzzles her*
Kou: Nnn, so warm ... ...
Yui: H-hey, if you nuzzle me that much it'll tickle me. Also, we must hurry or we'll be late --
Kou: It's fine, let's be late today.
Yui: Huh ... ... ? Kou-kun, just now ... ...
Kou: Fufu, I was pretending to be half asleep. I was a-c-t-ing~
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Kou: Since today I just wanted to flirt and be lovey dovey with you ... ... Nnn ... ... *kiss*
Yui: Nn ... ...
[Two roses appear on screen with extra dialogue]
***Rose on Kou's lip***
Chuuu~ Eheheh, I love you!
***Rose on Kou's hand***
Are you curious as to why I'm holding you by your waist? But when I do this, I can truely feel your presence. That's why, I will never let go.
Kou: You like to be kissed on the back of your neck, right? Since you're so cute I'll do it even more.
*Kisses* Chuu ... ... Nnn ... ...
Yui: ... ..., Aah ... ...
(Even though I said it was no good to do this, I ended up accepting it in the end ... ...)
(No whatever reason, I have a soft spot for Kou-kun.)
Kou: What's wrong, you suddenly stopped resisting. Did you want me to do more?
Yui: Yes ... ... Maybe we can be late today.
Kou: ... ... Eh?
Yui: Right now, I just want to feel the fact that I am with you just a little more, Kou-kun.
Kou: ... ... You're right. Like we're going to show it to the whole world, should we have some sweet time together?
So that no one ever gets in our way again.
Yui: ... ... Yes!
(Since I've been living here for so long, I rarely pray anymore. But now --)
Kou: No matter what happens, I won't let you go ... ... Nnn. *kiss*
Yui: (-- Please, may this happiness of ours be eternal.)
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dia-souls · 1 year
Diabolik lovers Angel and Devil Story [ After Story ] + CG
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After Story
I was looking for you on a long journey. I was looking for you to find love. So that I can experience a happy life again. I want to stay with you forever. To be happy and smile.
When I found you, I didn't know that a heavenly angel came to me, but now you are here. You are by my side and that's all that matters. I don't want to leave you anymore. Stay with me so we can live together. Stay with me to build a family together and change our destiny.
_Ruki and Yui walk together on the way to Mukami's mansion.
Yui: I'm sorry Ruki.
Ruki: .... Hah.... Why are you apologizing to me?
Yui: I thought wrong about you. I thought you would forget me and you don't care at all if I stay with Carla-san.
Ruki: Yui......
_Ruki suddenly stops.
Yui: Ruki, why did you stop?
Ruki: You thought I would forget you.
Yui: I'm really sorry Ruki. I thought wrong. I thought you didn't care about my feelings at all. But I still had hope. I read that lullaby every night because I had hope. I hoped that you would hear my voice and that my lullaby would help you not to have nightmares.
I was doing this because of my feelings and now I realize that I was thinking wrong about you. You were ready to die to save me, and now I understand that you are very kind and care about me, that's why...
_Yui gets closer to Ruki and holds Ruki's face with her small hands.
Yui: I apologize for that.
Ruki: Yui..... you.... you really..... ahhhhhh...
_Ruki hugs Yui tightly.
*Rustle Rustle*
Yui: Oh... Ruki... what are you doing?
Ruki: You idiot, you are not the one who should apologize. In fact, it is me who must apologize to you.
Yui: You...?
Ruki: Yui, I was the one who made a mistake, not you. I saw you as my mother and I thought you were going to leave me too. But in fact, I was the one who left you. Even when I left you, you were still thinking about me so that I don't have nightmares, and this is really funny.
Yui: Is it funny?
Ruki: You are really too good for this world, Yui. You are so kind that you worried about me so that I wouldn't have nightmares at night and you sang me a lullaby every night and hoped that the moon would bring your voice to me. It's kind of silly, but it's really beautiful. Your kindness is really beautiful.
_Yui hugs Ruki.
Yui, I swear I will never leave you again. I will take care of you against anything and I won't let anyone hurt you.
*Rustle Rustle*
Yui: I'm glad to be with you again, Ruki. I love you.
Ruki: I love you too, my cute angel.
He had found her warm embrace again. Yui was in her lover's arms and felt the feeling of happiness again. She slowly melted in the arms of her lover and never wanted to forget this happiness.
_Ruki and Yui enter the mansion and go to Yui's room.
Ruki: Yui, you can rest in your room. I'm going to sleep in my room.
_Yui grabs Ruki's arm and stops him before he can go.
*Rustle Rustle*
Yui: Ruki, wait.
Ruki: What's the problem?
Yui: Can you sleep in my room tonight?
Ruki: .....!
Yui: Sorry, I just...
Ruki: No, it's okay, I was just wondering why you made this request all of a sudden?
Yui: I just don't want to be separated from you anymore.
Ruki: .....
Yui: If you are not with me, I feel lonely just like when I was with Carla-san. Ruki, please don't leave me alone.
Ruki: Yui, don't worry.
_Ruki caresses Yui's head.
Ruki: Of course I'll sleep with you. I promise not to leave you alone. I'll never leave you again.
_Ruki takes Yui's hand and they enter the room together. They go to the bed together and sit on the bed.
Ruki: I'm glad to see that this bed is no longer empty.
Yui: It'll never be empty again. Right?
Ruki: Hmmm...
_Ruki turns his head towards Yui and kisses her lips.
*smooch smooch*
Ruki: I'll never let this bed be empty.
Yui: I'm happy, Ruki. I am happy to be with you again.
Ruki: I'm happy too, Yui. My cute angel.
_Ruki kisses Yui again.
*smooch smooch*
With her return, life had become beautiful for him again. Yui was an angel who enlightened his dark world. He was finally saved from the darkness and found the light. He never wants to lose this happiness.
_In the morning, Ruki wakes up hearing the sound of birds.
*chirb chirb*
Ruki: .... Nn.....
_When Ruki opens his eyes, he sees Yui sleeping peacefully in his arms.
Ruki: Hehehe.... I think this is the best thing that when I wake up, the first thing I see is your face.
Yui: Zzzzz.....
Ruki: I'm very happy that you are with me again, Yui.
_Ruki kisses Yui's cheek.
Ruki: Wake up my angel.
Yui: Mmmm... Nnnnn...
_Ruki caresses her cheek again to wake her up.
Ruki: Yui, my angel, wake up.
_Yui finally wakes up.
Yui: ..... Mmm.... good morning Ruki....
Ruki: Good morning Yui. So you finally woke up.
_Ruki picks up Yui from the bed.
*Rustle Rustle*
Yui: Ruki, what do you want to do?
Ruki: First of all, let's go to the bathroom. And after we have breakfast, we have to go somewhere together.
Yui: Where?
Ruki: You will understand later.
_Ruki and Yui went to the flower shop together after having breakfast and bought a bunch of flowers and now they are walking together in the street.
Yui: Ruki, where are we going? Who are these flowers for?
Ruki: You will understand soon.
_After walking for a while, they reach the hospital and go to Riko's room.
Yui: Who did we come to meet?
Ruki: Knock on the door.
_Yui knocks on the door.
*knock knock*
Riko: Yes? Come in please.
Yui: .....! This voice.....
_Yui opens the door and enters the room without Ruki.
Riko: ......! ..... Yu.... Yu.... Yui-san....!
Yui: Riko-san.
_Riko gets up from the bed with great effort and rushes to Yui and hugs her.
*Rustle Rustle*
Riko: Yui-san. Is this really you? Are you really yourself?
Yui: Yes, this is me. Please be calm. Don't stress yourself, Riko-san.
Riko: I can't believe that I can see you again. I made myself believe that I'll never see you again.
Yui: Me too. I'm glad to see you again.
Riko: What happened to you? Are you...? Oh, did you bring me these flowers?
Yui: Yes, these are for you. I'm really sorry that I could not come to meet you sooner. How are you?
_Yui presents the flowers to Riko with a smile and Riko takes the flowers from Yui.
Riko: I feel very good when I see you. What about you? Didn't you get hurt after that?
Yui: I'm sure I wasn't hurt as much as you.
_Yui takes Riko's hand and helps him to sit on the bed and sits next to him.
Riko: Honestly, I have another opinion. According to what I heard from the Mukami brothers, you suffered more not only physically but also mentally.
Yui: Did you talk to them?
Riko: Who do you think told Ruki the truth?
Yui: Oh..... was it your job?
Riko: Of course it was my job. I could not let these disasters happen to you.
Yui: Thank you, Riko-san, you were the one who brought Ruki back to me. Thanks to you, now he is like before. I really thank you.
Riko: I didn't really do anything. This was the least I could do for you.
Yui: This was really a great favor. Thank you Riko-san.
Riko: Yui-san, how are you now?
Yui: I feel really great. I'm so happy. I am with Ruki again and this makes me happier than anything and it is all thanks to you.
Riko: I didn't really do anything. When I saw that boy was fighting with his own feelings, I thought I should help him. Even if it means helping someone who brought these troubles to me, but the main reason was that I wanted to save you.
Yui: Riko-san...
Riko: Yui-san, I told you this before and I'll say it again, but I love you. More than anyone else. But I also know that I can't compete with Ruki-san. Because your feelings for him are much different than the feelings you have for me.
But even if I can't reach you again, I will take care of you at any cost. Because I love you and I never want to see you sad. I want you to smile from the bottom of your heart and be happy. I won't let anyone hurt you, even if it means hurting myself.
Yui: Riko-san.....
_Yui hugs Riko tightly.
*Rustle Rustle*
Yui: Thank you, Riko-san. You are a good friend. I am happy to have a friend like you
_Riko returns Yui's hug.
Riko: I'm glad to meet you too, Yui-san. I promise to do my best for you. I love you, Yui-san.
_Yui is reading Namika's book in her room.
Yui: When you were by my side, I didn't know what heavenly blessing was in my possession, but when I lost you, I realized that I lost a goddess. The goddess who saved my life....
*knock knock*
Ruki: Yui, are you still awake?
Yui: Yes, Ruki, please come inside.
_Ruki enters Yui's room.
Ruki: So you are reading a book.
Yui: Of course. Ruki, would you like to join me?
Ruki: Of course.
_Ruki goes to Yui and sits next to her on the bed.
Ruki: Hmmm... are you reading Namika's book?
Yui: Yes, Namika-san is one of my favorite poets. I love her books and I think I have read most of her books.
Ruki: My beautiful lover, you are the goddess who saved my life..... This is related to Namika's third book called Warm Embrace. Yes, I knew, I read this book before.
Yui: ......! Hah.... You have already read this book.
Ruki: Of course. Namika is a famous poem. Although many of her books are emotional, she has beautiful poems.
Yui: Ru... Ru... Ruki, I can't believe it.... have you read Namika-san's books?
Ruki: I read all her books.
Yui: I didn't think you were interested in such books.
Ruki: I can't say I'm interested, but Namika's style is very interesting and I like her books. I have the complete collection of Namika's books and if you want I can give them to you to read.
Yui: Really? I will be very happy.
Ruki: Anyway. Did you see Riko-san today?
Yui: Yes. Thank you Ruki for letting me meet him.
Ruki: Don't thank me. This was the least I could do after that incident. How is he feeling?
Yui: He still hurts, but he is fine. He was very happy to see me again, Ruki, you really did him a great favor, you made him very happy.
Ruki: I see.
Yui: Ruki, what's the problem?
_Ruki pulls Yui to him and hugs her.
*Rustle Rustle*
Ruki: What happened was a terrible disaster. I am really a real devil and I know that a devil doesn’t deserve an angel like you. But I want you to never leave me and stay by my side forever.
_Ruki brings his face closer to Yui and kisses her lips.
Ruki: ...Nnn...
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Your lips are cold and your arms are warm.
I love the warmth of your arms and the vitality of your lips. You always make me happy and surprised. You are beautiful and lovely.
Ruki: Whenever I kiss you, I feel alive. It's like all the happiness in the world is sitting next to me. You are my beautiful angel. I love you. More than anyone else. When I lost you, I had no reason to live, but now that you are here, I want to experience life with you. I love you my angel.
_Yui wraps her arms around Ruki's neck and kisses him.
Yui: I love you too, Ruki.
Ruki: Yui, let's stay together forever. Forever and ever.
_They continue to kiss each other.
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afra-blueraz · 1 year
Sweet Kiss
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Rukiyui novel CG [ 1/3 ]
Artist [ Afra-Raz ]
Admin's note : I'm not really good at drawing like Satoi's style . I have my own style but this is the first time I try to draw like Satoi . I will write a tiny scenario but the real scenario in my novel is different.
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On a quiet night, while the silver light of the moonlight illuminated the blonde girl's room, her lover's hand was gently caressing her head and kissing her soft and fragrant hair.
Yui: Ummmm..... Ruki-kun..... Can you touch me more?
Ruki: Hehe..... It seems like my little girl is very honest today. Just as you want, my cute angel.
While caressing Yui's soft skin, Ruki places his lips on Yui's soft lips and kisses her.
*smooch smooch*
Ruki: Mmmm .... Nn .... your lips are warm and sweet as always.
Yui melts in the deep and sweet kiss that Ruki gives her. She wraps her arms around Ruki's shoulders and continues to kiss him.
Ruki: Yui, when the moonlight shines on your face, I realize that you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Your soft hair and innocent face are more beautiful than any other girl.
Hearing Ruki's beautiful words, Yui's face turns red and her lips open into a happy smile.
Yui: Ruki-kun, I love you.
Ruki: I love you too, Yui, my cute angel. I love you more than anyone else.
Ruki hugs Yui.
Ruki: I will take care of you forever and I won't let anyone hurt you my beautiful angel.
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Kou Maniac [07]
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ー The scene starts in the open fields of Rotigenberg
Yui: ( ーー Standing over there, is that...? )
Kou: ...
Yui: ( Oh no. Seems like he didn’t notice me. )
( He seems to be in a lot of distress... )
→ Run up to him (❦)
Yui: ( There might not be anything I can do for him but... )
( I can’t leave him to suffer on his own right now. )
→ Observe him for a while 
Yui: ( Perhaps it’d be better to observe him from afar for a bit... )
( I can’t stand to watch after all. I can’t turn a blind eye to him right now. )
Yui: ーー Kou-kun!!
ー Yui runs up to him
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“I love you...I guess that kind of sounds like a lie right now, doesn’t it? But I truly treasure you. Please believe me when I say that.”
“If possible, I’d love to be together forever. But...”
Kou: Yui...
...I knew this would happen.
But...I chose to live my life alongside you regardless. I made that decision. 
Yui: ...Me too...
Kou: ...Then, have you found your resolve?
Yui: Resolve...
Kou: You heard what Azusa-kun said, right?
If you choose me, it might affect not only the Demon World, but the human world as well. 
It’s also very well possible that if you were to choose someone with power instead, things would calm down without much turmoil. 
Are you prepared to throw that chance away, just to continue being with me...? 
Yui: ...Ugh...
( I... )
...Are you?
Kou: ...I...
...I’m sorry. I can’t make that choice...
When I realize that by choosing you...I might not just lose Eden...But Ruki-kun, Yuma-kun, Azusa-kun...and everything else in this world as well.
I just can’t do that...I’m sorry...I’m so sorry, Yui...
Yui: ...I see.
Kou: To me Eden is my homeland...and the other guys are my family.
That’s why...Uu...I can’t choose...
*Rustle rustle* 
Yui: ...It’s okay. That’s perfectly fine, Kou-kun.
I mean...Neither can I. 
As I press my lips against his cheek to stop the tears rolling down his skin,
I notice that I too have begun to cry,
before we begin to kiss each other over and over.
It is no crime that he cannot choose. 
It is an incredibly hard and painful choice to make after all. 
However...That is exactly why,
I will have to make my resolve (覚悟) instead. 
I must prioritize what is best, as that is the only thing I can do.
Out of love for him. 
ーー Because I want to protect (守りたい) him.
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knight-queen · 4 years
Lunatic Parade Ruki Mukami – (Chapter 1)
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Place: Bernstein Castle 一 Castle town Residential area 
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Yui: (I must have to get back my heart as soon as I can…!)
*Wolves howling*
(I can see the castle…! As Ruki kun said, that's Earl Walter’s….)
Ruki: Oi, stop here.
Yui: Eh…?
Ruki: before getting into the town, I shall talk about something.
I had collected information regarding Walter as much as I could.
Yui: Earl’s…?
Ruki: Yes, However….
There seems to be no one to know the details about the guy called Earl Walter to begin with.
Yui: Eh…?
Ruki: Only things I’ve heard... he’s unidentified, appears in many places and he has very sharp ears.
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But, it may not be sufficient enough…
But it’s said that there’s merely a Butler who’s served Earl for a long time in the Bernstein castle.
It’s still unclear whether he’s in the castle or not however…
He’s the only one to know about the truths about that castle or the Ear.
Yui: ………
(We come to this demon world but…)
(Getting back my heart looks unexpectedly hard…)
Ruki: I thought there’s no way to get to the castle but…
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It looks like Bernstein castle is not only on the ground surface, but it’s also extended along the sky and underground.
It looks impossible to enter the castle if we use those ways.
Yui: (Such...I think we have to face difficult circumstances if we want to get back the stolen thing at once…)
(Then it’s impossible to take back my…)
Ruki: Oi, livestock. Don’t make that face. It’s too early to give up.
Yui: But…
Ruki: Only few exist who were able to get back the treasure from Earl at once.
If you search those people and talk with them about getting back stolen things from him, we may get a hint.
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...More importantly, I am with you. I’ll ofcourse find a way to get back your heart.
So, you can be relieved.
Yui: nh...Ruki kun…!
(That’s right. Ruki kun’s with me…)
(Because like this, he made me aware of Earl by informing me about him.
(In these times, there’s no person who’s reliable like Ruki kun…)
Yui: Thank you, Ruki kun.
Ruki: You don’t have to thank me. You’re my livestock at any rate. So, it’s my responsibility.
...You know it, don't you?
Yui: ...Fufu, that’s right…
(I only believe in him…)
Ruki: Let’s go then. We’re close to the castle town.
Yui: Yes.
Place:  Glimmer Street  Main street / グリンマーストリート 表通り
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Yui: (There's a huge bunch of people everywhere….is that for the parade?)
Ruki: It’s a crowd so don’t go away from me.
Yui: Ye- yes….
(Nevertheless...does he have any guess of where to go)
(All we’re doing is going ahead for a while….)
(...Anyway, let’s follow him)
Place: Mornstein Hotel, Entrance
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Yui: (kh...This place…)
(Hotel, right…?)
Mornstein Hoten Clerk: Welcome. Are you here for reserving?
Ruki: Yeah, that’s right. I am Mukami.
Mornstein Hoten Clerk: So, you have made a reservation of two people. Thank you for waiting.
Please sign here…
Ruki: Gotcha.
Yui: ...Re- reservation…? *Blushing*
Ruki: For doing anything, we’ll need to live in a specific place right?
Plus there will be so many customers for the parade. That’s why I have reserved just in case.
Yui: I- I see….you’re right…
(Looks like he’s not a hesitant person at all….)
(I am somehow unexpectedly aware of this situation…)
Place: Mornstein Hotel, Guest Room
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Yui: (...This….!)
(Wa- wait a sec...we’ll share a single room…!?)
(Wha- what should I do…!)
Ruki: …? Is there anything wrong?
Yui: Eh...because, that’s….
I thought we’re gonna have separate rooms…
(I’ll spend all the time staying in the same room with him, what kind of face can I make at this rate…!?)
Ruki: Fufu...what’s up with that face? Are you dissatisfied with having the same room?
Yui: ...I- it’s not true though…
Ruki: Then, what could it be? ...Oh, I see now…
Yui: Eh…?
Ruki: Are you expecting something else?
Yui: Eeeh!?
Ruki: Say it without holding back. What are you actually expecting?
Yui: E- expecting…!?
Ruki: ...Don’t lie. You’re making an upset face, you know?
Come on, sit here. I’ll listen to you.
Yui: Ah…!
*Ruki undresses her*
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Yui: Ru- ruki kun…!
Ruki: Fufu…
Yui: (...I- It’s almost like he’s hugging me…!)
Ruki: ...Tell me what were you expecting? Say.
Yui: Th- there’s nothing….I was expecting…
Ruki: ...I won’t let you go until you say it.
Yui: ….Even if you say it…
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Ruki: ….Is that so. It can’t be helped. I’ll punish you if you just hide...this this...nh…*kiss*
Yui: Kyaa…!
Ruki: ...How was it? Have you intended to say it now?
Yui: ………
(What can I do...I don’t know how to explain…!)
Ruki: Hm...seriously. You’re a tough one. Then I’ll …
*Ruki kisses Yui*
Yui: ….nh…!
Ruki: ...nn…
Yui: (Ruki kun…!)
(What now...I am facing these conditions, that’s even just after coming to the demon world…)
(We just started searching my heart but, it’s already at his pace….!)
(Then I won’t be able to possess my own body…)
Ruki: ...Hmph, you’re very calm today.
The people who lack concentration need to be punished even more, no? Nh…nh...
*He kisses*
Yui: Nnnh…!
(No...my face’s become really red…)
*After a while*
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Ruki: It’s tea, you drink too.
Yui: Th- thank you…
Ruki: For today’s conversation 一
Yui: (...Talking about Ruki kun, he’s surprisingly normal…)
(About that thing he did while ago too…) *blushes*
(kh...What am I thinking…! No, I just can’t!)
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(As I thought, it’s weird that I am the only one to think this way…)
Ruki: ...Oi, are you listening?
Yui: Eh? Ye- yes...Of course, I am listening!
Ruki: Haa...as I thought, today you’re unexpectedly losing concentration.
If that's the case then I shall discipline you by giving that punishment once again?
Yui: kh….!
(Th- that’s….!)
Ruki: Hmph, if you don’t want then, listen to my conversation. I am talking about something important.
Yui: Mhm, Got it…
Ruki: I told you before coming here though,
The very first decision will be to talk with the people who have experience getting back stolen things before. 
Yui: ….You’re right.
Ruki: I’ve already left the familiars there to collect the information.
Yui: (kh...Ruki kun, as expected of him…!)
Ruki: Their reports also contained useless ones, but there are also numerous worthy informations I received.
Let’s try to use the advantages at once.
Yui: Yes, understood.
Ruki: According to the familiars, there’s a man among qualified people, who lives near this place.
We should immediately visit him I think.
Yui: That’s right.
(I hope he will give us some hints…)
Place: Rubean Lake
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Yui: (The reflected light on the canal water looks really amazing…)
This town uses gondolas for traveling, right?
Ruki: Yeah, as you can see. The waterways are developing.
The man that we have business with is the owner of a certain shop. We’ll can have clear concepts if we meet him in the shop but…
Well, all you have to do is to just follow me.
Yui: Yes, got it.
(Exactly, I can be at ease if I leave everything up to him.)
Place: Glimmer Street, front of Wagon Main street
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Ruki: Right ahead of this road. 
Yui: (Uwaa...I am getting overflowed with these crowds…)
(Even so…)
(I am smelling something really good for a while)
(....Crepes' pretzels...and there’s different kinds of stalls...all are specially for the parade, I guess.)
(Somehow, I am feeling hungry out of nowhere….)
Ruki: ……..
Yui: Hm? What’s wrong?
Oh, so the store of that man we’re searching is around here…?
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Ruki: No, it’s not like that. Something really smells good. If I guess, it’s crepes huh…
...It’s rare so, wanna eat some?
Yui: Eh? Crepe?
Ruki: Yeah.
→ Selection
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But / でも... (+correct)
I’ll eat! / 食べる!
Yui: ………
Ruki: ….? What’s wrong? If you like something other then, I’ll go with that…
Yui: Oh, nope. It’s not what I meant. Shall I eat, the creep…
(But...it’s very rare for him to offer me like this…)
(Could it be... 一)
Ruki: Which flavour?
Yui: Umm...I’ll go with the strawberry one….
Ruki: Got it. Wait a little here.
*Walks away*
Yui: (He’s gone…)
Place: Diamante Fountain
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Yui: Mn…
(This crepe is really delicious….!)
Ruki: ….Delicious? It’s somehow understandable by looking at your expression though….
Yui: Fufu, it’s super yummy. What about having some?
Ruki: I am….
Well, then I will have just one bite.
Yui: Mhm, here you go.
Ruki: ….
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...Good taste.
Yui: Fufuh
This expression is likely you.
(Nevertheless, I was a little surprised when he ate the crepe suddenly)
(If it would be the usual Ruki kun, then he would prefer to search for something to hold the food…)
(As expected, it means that he’s taking care of me…?)
Ruki: ...Anyway, let’s hurry. Our aimed store is right ahead.
Yui: Yes.
Place: Glimmer Street, Aizen back street
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Ruki: ……….
Yui: (Somehow, it’s a place of no sign of people…)
(But, he’s just going ahead…)
(I must not lose the sight of him)
*After a moment*
Ruki: ...I think it should be right ahead…
But, it’s the end point... Let’s go back.
Yui: Eh…?
Ruki: ...What? Hurry and come.
Yui: Neh, Ruki kun...could it be…
Ruki: ...Yeah. We’ve gotten lost.
Yui: (Kh….Ruki kun is….!?) *Blushing*
Ruki: What’s, that face….
...Is it bad for me to get lost?
Yui: N- not bad...but…
 Normally, getting lost like this for the Ruki kun who’s very reliable...fufuh
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(...It’s a little cute, I think…)
Ruki: ...So, what’s wrong with that? Doesn’t make sense.
*Grabs her*
Yui: (H- he just dragged me towards the wall…)
Ruki: Oi, stop laughing and say the rest. If you don’t, then again…
Yui: N- no...I didn’t really laugh to make a fool of you…
I am feeling like you’re showing your sides that you don’t show often, it made me happy…
….I also like that side of yours...I thought…
Ruki: ngh…..
...For livestock making fun like this, you’re really a cheeky one…
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I knew, you still have many ways to go to be disciplined. Nh…*kiss*
Yui: ...nh…
Ruki: ….nh...this amount isn’t enough yet. I’ll do this….
Ruki: Haah...nnnh...mnnn….*sucking*
Yui: kh…!
Ruki: ...mnn….mmmn….!
Yui: Ru...Ruki kun…! In such a place…
Ruki: I don’t care about such things. More than it, right now...haa...nh…
Yui: (No way….my strength is fading…)
Ruki: kh…!?
Yui: (....! The wall just moved…!?)
*Screen shakes*
*BG black*
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Yui: Kya…!
(There was a hole in this place….!)
(No! I’ll fall…!)
Ruki: Yui…!
Yui: (Eh…?)
Place: Underground corridor / 地下回廊
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Yui: (...I’m floating, in the air…?)
Ruki: Haa...I managed to make it in time. That was a close one.
Yui: (I see, he held me by flying…)
Thank you. You saved me…
(I thought we were gonna fall together for that crumbled brick…)
By the way, this place…?
Yui: (Water is also flowing in this place…)
(I didn’t think that there’s such a place in the underground…)
*Let down Yui*
Ruki: I get it. With the underground corridor, he meant this place huh.
Yui: Underground corridor…?
Ruki: Actually, I have been searching this entrance for a while.
That proposed boy’s shop seemed to be in this underground corridor.
Yui: A shop in such a place…?
Ruki: Yeah. However, I can’t say this place has good walls.
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And also I can’t say what kind of guy we’ll meet on hereafter. Don’t let your guard down for the sake of our goal.
Yui: Mhm, understood…
Ruki: Aight, then let’s go. It’s this way.
Yui: This place?
Ruki: Yeah, no mistake I believe.
Yui: (Not a shop if it looks like a mere basement room to me...what it could be that he’s selling…?)
(Oh, before meeting the shopkeeper, I should fix my clothes.)
*They’re going to inter*
Yui: (Alright…!)
Ruki: Oi, is the shopkeeper here? I sent the familiars before…
Shopkeeper Man: Yeah, it’s open. Come inside.
Ruki: Then, excuse us.
Place: Underground, Shopkeepers Shop /  地下道内店主の部屋
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Shopkeeper Man: Oh, you’re that….
Ruki: Mukami Ruki. She is ...一
Yui: Ah, umm…
Komori Yui. Nice to meet you.
Shopkeeper Man: You’re here to discuss the time when Earl stole my thing right?
Ruki: Exactly.
Shopkeeper Man: Well, talking while standing is weird so have a seat. I’ll also have you some tea…
Yui: Th- thank you so much…
*After a while*
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Ruki: ...I see. So you can’t say the time about how to get back that thing huh?
Shopkeeper Man: Yeah, that’s right…
Ruki: Why? If you don’t mind, then I want to hear the reasons…
Shopkeeper Man: ...Sorry. My bad, but I can’t say everything about that…
Following that, Earl forbade me to speak about it...and also...一
Yui: ….?
Ruki: …….
Shopkeeper Man: You came here with troubles but I am not able to cooperate with you, really sorry for that…
Yui: That’s...it’s okay. Same here, sorry for raising such questions…
Ruki: If you have circumstances that we have no choice. We’ll try to find another way.
Sorry for pushing you. ….Then excuse me.
Shopkeeper Man: Yeah.
Place: Diamante Fountain
Yui: (At the end, we could get any useful information...what should we do…)
Ruki: Haah...don’t make such a face. That was just the first one, right?
Let’s try out the next. This right ahead.
Yui: Yes...that’s true.
(Exactly. It’s just he said.)
(It’s useless to feel down in the first place…)
Place: Diamante Fountain
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Ruki: Haah….
Yui: ……..
Monologue 一
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After that, we visited the people who were able to get back the stolen things…
That person made a mistake, he wasn’t able to get back the stolen thing.
I wonder how that shopkeeper was able to succeed by taking back the stolen thing?
Anyway, we returned back to the same place when we couldn’t get any information.
For these, we just sighed.
End of the Monologue
Ruki: Hah…
I thought we'd be able to get some information, but we failed…
I also made you visit there for a wasteful reason….sorry.
Yui: Such...you don’t have to apologize….
If I was to be all alone, then I wouldn’t even know where to get started…
Ruki: Certainly, it seems to be hard to find another way...what can we do…
Yui: That’s…
(...Ruki kun really did his best this far…)
(He was also concerned about me all the time…)
(I wonder if something I can do….for him….)
(kh….that’s right!)
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Neh, Ruki kun, it’s a time waste if you just keep thinking about that right?
Won’t you like to change the place? Look, there’s an amusement park…
It’s a good time, so let’s ride there! No?
Ruki: Roller coaster….?
Yui: Yes! Talking about the amusement park, there’s also…
(It occasionally caught my eyes but…)
Ruki: But, right now, your heart….
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Yui: I am fine. Kleinod hasn’t done something strange so….
No danger is coming right away….am I wrong?
Ruki: Good grief...saying these stuffs out of nowhere….
Yui: (He won't….huh…?)
Ruki: Haa….I have no choice. Roller coaster will do right…?
Yui: Yeah! Then….!
Ruki: It’s fine, I’ll accompany you.
Yui: (That’s good…!)
Place: Roller Coaster Boarding Gate
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Attendant for rides: Well then everyone, please hold firmly the bar in front of you, okay!
Yui: (It’s gonna depart soon...I am somehow scared to get into it like this…)
(Hands are trembling…)
Ruki: Oi….
Yui: Eh? Wh- what….?
Ruki: What's wrong huh...you’re the one to invite me to ride it….
Yui: Eh…?
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Ruki: ...No, it’s nothing. More importantly, move on?
Yui: kh...Ye- yes….
*After a while*
Ruki: Riding this in a while is making me feel refreshed.
Yui: Th- that’s right…
(I- I was scared…)
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Ruki: …..Fufu...Ahahah!
Yui: Wh- what…?
(He’s smiling though….!)
Ruki: It means you’ve weakness in roller coasters don’t you?
Yui: Eh, it’s not the case….?
(...It’s not like I am very confident but…)
Ruki: Fuh, your manner of walking was doubtful, plus you’re very lacking in strength.
Your hands were trembling during the ride…
Yui: kh...You noticed…?
Ruki: ….Ofcourse! But, that’s fine.
Anyway, I know that you stressed your body to change my sorry feelings and company me.
Honestly, doing this I was able to change my mood.
Yui: Ruki kun…
Ruki: Plus... you also had a point.
It doesn’t mean that things will improve if I just fill myself with determination.
….For all of these, let’s search for a clue from tomorrow.
Yui: Eh…?
Ruki: I said just a little before, but I’ve changed my mood. I’ll date you for the whole day today.
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It’s the parade after all, it’s okay to enjoy ourselves.
Yui: Yes…!
(Thank you so much, Ruki kun…!)
*Yui hugs Ruki*
Ruki: ...What? It’s unusual for you to wrap your arms around.
Yui: Ah...it’s for….that’s….
(I was so happy that I approa….!)
Ruki: It’s fine. Stay like this, since it’s a trouble if you stray away.
Here, come closer.
*Ruki hugs Yui closer*
Yui: Ah…!
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(...He just hugged me…)
Ruki: Then, what’s next? I don’t mind your choice.
Yui: Let’s see….well….
Place: Glimmer Street, park
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Yui: The view from the ferris wheel looks really great.
Ruki: Yeah, you’re right.
Yui: (Mirror house, then coffee cup and ferris wheel...we rode different kinds of rides.)
(....What’s the next?)
Ruki: Hey, livestock. What about having a match with me?
Yui: With you? I’m fine with but what is that….?
Ruki: ...That one.
Yui: (That one…)
Place: Game Center
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Yui: Slot machine….?
(But having a match….choosing slot out of nowhere….)
Ruki: Do you think luck is everything?
Yui: Eh? Yes, that’s….well….
Ruki: Fufu, it’s true that I can’t ask until someone gets the hang of it, however it’s not something like one can perform well in this match just by getting skilled in observasions.
Yui: I- is that so…?
(But, it’s Ruki kun so I may not….)
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Ruki: Hmph, what’ll you do? Will you not accept?
….I thought I will reward you depending on the result. How unfortunate.
Yui: kh…..Reward….?
Ruki: Well, if you don’t like it then don’t force it. Let’s move on somewhere…
Yui: Wa- wait! I’ll accept!
Ruki: ...Ho?
Yui: (It’s the Ruki kun after all to invite me afterall…)
(More than that, I am a little excited about the prize….)
Ruki: Fuh, Alright then. Let’s start right away.
→ Game
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Words he said in the game 一
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“Let’s start the game.”
“That’s the key to do that”
“Focus on”
“With this, it’s over. You did well, livestock.”
*If you win + (CG)*
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Yui: kh….it means I am….
Ruki: Looks like it’s your victory. You know that game pretty well.
Yui: (I don’t believe that I will win against him…)
(I am happy….!)
Ruki: Then, let’s give you the prize as I promised.
It’s a prize for you.
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I’ll specially permit you to touch your master’s body.
Yui: Eh…?
Ruki: Come on, you can touch as much as you want.
Yui: (kh….even if he says that….!)
Ruki: ….hm? What’s wrong? You don’t have to hesitate.
Yui: D-don't hesitate you say….
(....He’s just teasing me, right?)
Yui: Ruki kun, Umm...一kyaa!?
*He gets closer*
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Ruki: It’s no good to deny your master's affection.
...I’ll punish you now. Nnh…*kiss*
*Fades to CG*
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Yui: nnh….!
(Ruki kun…!)
Place: Rubean Lake
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Yui: Haah….it’s enough for me to walk here and there around. I’ll just sleep when I’ll go back to the hotel.
...But, it was a lot of fun.
Ruki: Is that so? Then, it’s good.
...It’s a beautiful Moon.
Yui: Eh…?
*Looks at the sky*
Yui: ...It’s true.
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Ruki: Ayway, from tomorrow, we have to get prepared and find a way to get back your heart.
Yui: Yes…
(He’s right. At the end, we don’t have any clue after all…)
(We have to do our best from tomorrow…)
*BG back again to Rubean lake*
Yui: ………
Ruki: ...Hah, don’t worry that much. I’ll of course manage a way.
Yui: ….Ruki kun…
Ruki: So, you can relax...一
*Yui holds Ruki’s hand*
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Yui: I’m not worried at all, I’m fine. Because you’re with me like this…
I believe in you…
(Even though I can’t do nothing but holding his hand,)
(At least, I hope I can pass my true feelings towards him…)
Ruki: Yui…
You are holding my hands from yourself…
You also embraced me before, you’re very positive aren’t you.
Yui: M- may be…?
Ruki: But...this kind of you isn’t bad either.
Yui: Fufu…
(I’m glad…)
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一 End of Chapter O 1
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
From the moment Yui entered your room late at night, you knew something seemed off about her. It wasn't like her to become this brazen overnight. Intrigued, you were going to give a remark but was suddenly interrupted when Yui jumped into your arms and shoved her face into your chest. Taken back by what has just happened, you feel wet spots on your chest.
"I miss him," cried Yui as she spelt out those three words almost in a whisper. "My father."
“Don’t cry, Yui. I understand the loss of a parent can destroy you instantly, starting from the inside until finally you can no longer contain yourself. The relationship you once shared with your father had both its morose and joyous moments, I’m certain, but remember how the two of us met. It was all thanks to your father’s absence in the first place,” slowly he welcomed her into his arms. “In other words, what I’m trying to say is that sometimes we must separate from our family to grow as people. Humans live on finite time, that is simply a realization with which we must learn to agree and cope. If he truly cared for you as often as you claim he did, then he would hate to see you shed tears over his passing.”
Stifled sobs, lachrymal stains upon the silk of his shirt, champagne curls messily entangled with the Vampire’s fingers, Ruki reciprocated her embrace with cathartic circles caressed into the small of her back, exhaling deeply as accursed memories resurfaced. Dire circumstances poisoned his mind, from his father pushed off the precipice of depression and his mother who long fled. For Yui’s sake, he threw that tragedy to the wind. Bodies melded together like a rose apricating in the sun’s warm wake, usually he would have considered a human weeping in his arms nothing more than a thorn in his side, stinging with trauma immemorial. However, he likened Yui to someone beyond a mere human, someone beyond a beloved one. A sweet seraph, illuminating the dark with her hope, it pained Ruki to genuinely see her overwhelmed with bereavement. Planting a cold palm against her florid pallor, the Vampire gazed intently into her refulgent rubellites teemed with the pearls of sorrow.
“You are my one and only Eve. Or at least, you were. Now you’re the Yui I’ve come to cherish. The Yui I’m eternally grateful who hasn’t experienced a life of solitude; lost and abandoned. Your father may no longer tread this earth but if it’s any consolation, you’ve found a new family. My brothers and I will always be here for you—especially me. You won’t ever have to be alone again, for I shall continue to love every single part of you.”
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Narrowed tempests, countenance encroaching, and lashes fluttered shut like the wings of a bat, Ruki captured her lips with his. A kiss to silence her lugubrious bellows; a kiss to erase the agony; a kiss to swallow her worries whole. With each press, each dilatory cage of his arm snaked around her waist, he didn’t want to lose his mortal lover the way she lost her own parent, as shown by his possessive albeit protective kiss in hopes of comforting her. If he could shoulder the burden, and thus ease her pain, then Ruki would hold her always without complaint. Joining in an intimate union, just like this kiss, if it meant seeing her effulgent smile again.
“I love you, Yui. Come what may, even if the end of time approaches us, we’ll always be together. Whether we are alive, whether we are dead, I intend to meet you in every realm of existence possible… because we are inseparable. Sleep here with me tonight if it will make you feel safe. Just know that you can always rely on me, is that understood? Not just as your master, but as your family. And I don’t mean in the kindred sense of it… I intend to start our own family together with you someday. As husband and wife. So until that day comes, don’t cry, Yui.”
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kyouxa · 3 years
Hello. Admin-san! How are you doing? I'm sorry but I'm here to tell that I was playing Chaos Lineage, since I had finished Yuma and Azusa's routes recently but the problem is that, it looks like the rose flowers dialogues that appeared on the CGs aren't translated by the original translator. Again I'm really sorry to bother but whenever I clicked on the roses, I don't know what to do because I don't understand Japanese. Also I'm new to this community. And my eternal gratitude for you and other translators, for the hardwork you all are doing to translate the Dialovers content. Thankyou. Have a nice day.
Hey there, anon. You did not directly ask for it, but I hope you see this. It would have been nice if you did not ask for it anon, because I am worried you do not see it now. 
Anyway, I hope this helps others as well or the person asking for this. The following translations of the roses are under the cut to avoid CG spoilers.
Have a nice day!
⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
Azusa: Chapter 2
Azusa's mouth: I'm sorry… but this is… to protect you…
Yui's hair: It's useless… don't think… about anything… and concentrate… on the feeling… of my fangs…
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✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Azusa: Chapter 4
Yui's arm: I can… see your pleased face. What should… I do? I want to… see more, and more… of it… and I can't stop…
Azusa's right eye: See? Your blood's scent… is overflowing… the mansion… as we sit here. Nfu… that's pretty… amazing, right?
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✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Azusa: Chapter 6
Azusa's hand: This feeling… of loving you… for the first time… in a while again… it makes me… happy that you are… in my arms…
Azusa's nose: Fufu… I'm here…. without having… to worry about… where I'm touching you… but I like… touching you… even more right now…
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✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Azusa: Chapter 9
Kanato's chest: Hmm, isn't it… pretty funny… how obsessed… Kanato-san is…with eating sweet things? He's eating… really much…
Azusa's chest: I'll definitely… persuade Kanato-san… into returning… to our original homes… with us…
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✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Azusa: Chapter 12
Azusa's mouth: I'm sorry… I can only… take this method… because there is… very little I can do… right now…
Yui's shadow: They won't… find us… in this abandoned house… for a while… so we… can stay here…
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✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Azusa: Good END
Their kiss: I… love… you. I really… do love you…
Yui's waist: This precious arm… that my brothers… gave to me… is for me… to hug you…
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⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
Yuma: Chapter 2
Yuma's shoulder: Heh, you know you can't escape when pressed down with all my strength? That's how you realize how powerless you actually are.
Yuma's mouth: You should moan for me with that voice, or are you just unsatisfied if I don't touch you more violently?
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✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Yuma: Chapter 5
Shu's cheek: What do YOU even know? You don't know anything about them, so I can do whatever I wanna.
Yuma's hair: I decide who my friends and foes are. I can judge others myself, so don't give me bullshit.
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✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Yuma: Chapter 7
Ruki's hair: You're pointing your sword at me! Fuck… what's gotten into you!?
Yuma's hand: Something like this doesn't hurt me.
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✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Yuma: Chapter 8
Yuma's hand: Hm? Ah, you mean my hand bandage? Don't mind it, it doesn't hurt. You can hold on stronger, it's okay.
Yui's hair: I'm sorry for leaving you alone, I'll promise to make up for it, so I'll spoil you as much as you want me to.
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✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Yuma: Chapter 12
Their kiss: Nn… Mm… C'mon, I want way more than that. This isn't close to enough for me… Mm… 
Yuma's back: Why touch my back so much? Is that one of your favorite spots?
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✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧ Yuma: Good END
Yuma's hair: Kuku… that's a real funny face you're making. But it's not like I hate the expression you're making.
Yui's lips: When you shape your mouth like that, you look just like an angry animal that got food in one of their cheeks.
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My Thoughts on Shin’s CL Route
So I wrote most of this post like 2 months ago but Uni work got in the way of me finishing it OTL
Also a big thank you to @bloody-croissant for discussing the route with me and helping me get my thoughts on it in order.
Small spoiler-free section: Did I enjoy this route? Yes, a lot. Is it my favorite out of all of Shin’s routes? No. Essentially if you like Shin, I think you’ll have a good time playing his CL route and I’d recommend going into it knowing as little as possible for the full effect.
Spoilers under the cut!
I think the best way to examine this route is to look at what I enjoyed and which parts of it I wasn’t a fan of so let’s get right into it.
Things I liked:
-The CGs: What more can I say other than that they’re beautiful? This game gave me the Shin kiss CG of my dreams and I will be forever grateful for it. (Also the collar one is really hot).
-The pacing/structure of the route: I feel like the route was just the right length for the story, I was never bored but it wasn’t rushed either. Personally I also thought the ratio of romantic Shin x Yui scenes to actual plot was just right.
-The Shin and Kino dynamic: Interactions between these two were the last thing I was expecting from this route but I found myself really enjoying them. After establishing that they’re the only ones aside from Yui with memories of the real world, Shin and Kino form an uneasy partnership to try and work out how to restore Carla’s memories. Aside from the general comedy of Kino causing chaos and Shin getting mad at him, I liked that they actually seemed to bond later in the route. The way Kino admits that Shin not leaving him behind when they had to run away from the other families made him happy and how he helps him in the final fight against Carla were great to see.
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Kino (talking about how Shin didn’t leave him behind when Shin, Yui and Kino were escaping from the Violet mansion): I was really happy. Those are my true feelings.
-How Shin discovers his first blood abilities: Shin and Yui get kidnapped by the violet family early on in the story, and after convincing Azusa to let them out of the dungeon, they get caught by Carla as they try to escape from the violet mansion. After Carla corners them in one of the bedrooms, Shin, still without any of his real memories, turns into a wolf, much to the surprise of himself, and Carla, resulting in one of my absolute favorite scenes from this game. This allows him and Yui to escape and there’s then a very angsty scene where Shin questions whether he’s a monster because vampires can’t turn into wolves, which is just the sort of content I wanted from this game. 
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-The route showed Shin’s character development: I was kind of surprised by how well Shin seemed to take the fact that Carla had no memories of him (or any of the founders) after he got his own memories back and after mulling it over for a bit, I think it shows that he’s matured (at least a little bit) since his Vibora murdering days. I said the same sort of thing when talking about Carla’s LE vampire ending where Shin willing works with the vampires to get rid of Kino so it was nice to see it translate over to this game too.
-The Labyrinth ending:  Okay this might be a weird one to include here BUT I like that the labyrinth ending is a “bad ending” because it adds weight to the choices you make throughout the route. Also I’m just an angst demon that loves bad endings.
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Yui: Everyone… Was killed? That’s–!
Things I did not like:
-The lack of time spent with the orange family: Although I very much enjoyed the Shin and Kino dynamic, I would have liked to see a bit more of Shin interacting with other characters he doesn’t normally spend much time with (which is everyone except Carla really). Unfortunately because of the way the route played out, the number of scenes we got with Shin and the rest of the orange crew were limited (especially after he got his memories back). However we did get this one really nice line:
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Shin (to Ruki): You were also a good older brother but, you weren’t my real brother...
-The fact that there are only 2 endings per route: I know that most LP routes only had 2 endings (and even the other DL games only have 3) but as the endings are the only thing you can really influence in VNs, I feel like the more endings the better. I understand that when you have 13 routes, that translates to a LOT of work but if I’m comparing this game to other otome titles then I think it’s worth mentioning.
-Shin’s final fight with Carla This one might just be me being petty but I’m including it anyway. At the very end of the route, Shin and Carla get into a fight, with Shin wanting to return Carla’s memories and Carla wanting to obtain Yui so that he can become the supreme ruler. Shin says earlier in the route that as Carla doesn’t remember he’s a founder, he shouldn’t be able to use any of his founder abilities, while in their final fight, Shin can. Now Carla and Shin go on and on about how the founders have superior abilities to vampires, SO HOW IS CARLA STILL ABLE TO NEARLY KILL SHIN (and he would have done so if Kino hadn’t intervened)?  Shin has lost to vampires in the past but generally it’s because he a) underestimated them, b) they’d inherited Karl’s power or c) he was caught by surprise. None of these are true in this case, and while I’m not necessarily arguing that Shin should have won, it shouldn’t have been as one-sided as it was.
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-Kino just leaving at the end of Shin’s route After the aforementioned Carla versus Shin fight, in the Euphoria ending, Carla gets his memories back and Kino then just leaves??? And aside from Yui breifly wondering where he is, and one scene where Kino reflects that Shin and Yui will probably be okay from now on, he’s then not mentioned again. I understand why Rejet did this but it felt a bit unsatisfying, especially as you know that all of their interactions in this game will never be brought up again and I really like the idea of Shin having a friend.
-The volume of the Waltz music in the Euphoria ending:  This is such a minor point but I also feel like it’s a really good example of where sound design is important. For anyone who doesn’t know, at the very end of Shin’s Euphoria ending, Shin and Yui dance in Banmaden’s hall to Waltz music. It’s a very sweet scene and would have lovely were it not for the very loud music. I had the volume of the characters’ voices set as being very high compared to the background music, but even then it was overpowering. While I liked the scene, the romance feels slightly lost when it sounds like Shin is basically shouting at you over this Waltz music. So yeah, minor point but it affected my enjoyment of the ending enough that I felt it merited a mention.
-LE being completely ignored: Again, I understand why Rejet did this (as the plot of this game would not have worked if Shin knew who Kino was and obviously they couldn’t set it after Carla’s death) but as someone who really liked a lot of the scenes from Shin’s LE route, it did make me a little sad that the entire thing seems to have been thrown out the window.
In conclusion:
Even though there were some things I wasn’t super fond of, I did really enjoy this route, I think it’s a lot of fun and it’s made me eager to play more of CL (which is always a good sign). I definitely don’t like it as much as I did Shin’s LE route, or his DF route if I’m being entirely honest, because I feel like the things he went through in those routes really stretched his character and allowed us to explore different sides of him.
As CL presents a more mature version of Shin, you don’t get some of the angst you would have done had say Shin’s DF incarnation been dropped into the setup of CL. And while, as I mentioned, I like that the route shows Shin has developed as a character, I did find myself missing some of those really emotionally charged scenes.
That being said, I enjoyed this route significantly more than his LP route and I would definitely recommend it to fellow DL fans.
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yuikomorii · 2 years
NSFW (although I don't know if it can be considered as much like that) which is the diaboy that has more sexUaL tension with Yui? I think that Ruki xd that is to say in all the routes of this man I felt that they were going to ignore the other and they were going to KISS so badly, even in the route of Ayato from MB I felt that Yui was going to say "fuck Ayato!" *make out with Ruki* (And CL and MB's CGs are very passionate from my point of view xD)
// I believe she has the most sexual tension with Laito because he gets extremely close to her, flirts with her, makes her blush and even kisses her in routes that aren't his own :P
In Ayato's MB route, I never felt like Yui was in love with Ruki. She was too obsessed with Ayato to fall for anyone else, and every time Ruki said something romantic to her, she thought of Ayato saying those words instead. In the Bad Ending, Yui cheated on Ayato with Ruki not because she fell in love with him, but because Ayato refused to give her pleasure any longer in order not to hurt her, and she basically used Ruki for that while imagining Ayato being the one biting and touching her. It was basically a Karlheinz-Cordelia-Richter situation, oof.
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aquariaries · 9 months
Kou Mukami 13 - Chaos Lineage + CG
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***I do not mind if you use my translations as a base for another language, I just ask that you credit both 46snowfox as the original translator and myself as the English translator if you do!***
Original translation credit: @46snowfox
You can find Kou's previous chapters in @tournesolia's masterlist linked down below!
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Yui's Monologue:
-- It's been a few days after we started camping at the lake.
There haven't been any signs of Ruki-kun, Reiji-san, Carla-san or the others coming near this place.
We were particularly on the alert because of Shin-kun, since he has a good sense of smell. But apparently thanks to the strong scent of the forest plants, we have been able to remain hidden well.
And despite the fact that I was weak before, thanks to the daily meals and rest, I have been able to completely recover.
PLACE: Miniature Garden Forest Lake
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Yui: Wow, it's cold and feels good ... ...
(I was wondering what would happen when we started camping ... ... but I'm glad I can bathe.)
(Lately, I haven't been able to take a proper bath ... ...)
Kou: M-neko-chan, Yuma-kun and Azusa-kun said they were going to the supply point.
So you can stay there for a while longer.
Yui: Thank you.
(When bathing, Yuma-kun and Azusa-kun have been asked to leave for a little while.)
(Because being targeted is dangerous, Kou kun is still by my side but ... ...)
Kou: Hey, how about I wash your body for you?
Yui: N-no way! Don't look over here!
Kou: It's fine, it's fine. You don't have to hold back ♪.
Yui: (I'm not holding back though ... ... !)
(At this rate, it seems like he's going to enter the lake ... ...)
Yui: I-I'm really alright, so!
(I must quickly wash dry off and get dressed ... ... !)
*She leaves the lake and gets dressesd*
(... ... Phew, this is good.)
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Kou: You could have taken your time. Have you already gotten dressed?
Yui: B-but it seemed like Kou-kun was going to enter so ... ... !
Kou: Eeh? I only wanted to be kind and wash your body off.
Well, no matter. More importantly, your hair is still wet.
If you don't dry it properly, couldn't you catch a cold?
Yui: I'll be fine like this.
Kou: Is that so? But ... ...
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Kou: ... ... Your body is already this cold? At this rate you will really catch a cold.
And besides, you're still recovering from an illness.
[Two roses appear on screen with extra dialogue]
***Rose on Kou's shoulder***
Both your hands and body are very cold. I can't warm you up, but if we're like this you'll be a little better, right?
***Rose on Kou's mouth***
*Blows* Fufu, you really are weak in your ears. Just by feeling my breath, you've become this red~
Kou: Which is why ... ... I'll warm you up ... ... Nnn ... ... *smooch*
Yui: (... ... Kou-kun's lips, they're on my ear ... ...)
... ... Nnn ... ... Kou-kun, it tickles ... ...
Kou: Nope, you have to stay still? I have to warm up your body after all ... ... Nnnn ... ... *kiss*
Yui: ... ... Nnn, ... ... Aah ... ...
(He's only kissing me, and with just that my body is slowly heating up ... ...)
(We don't know even when Yuma-kun and Azusa-kun are coming back ... ...)
Kou-kun ... ...
Kou: *chuckles* ... ...You let out such a sweet voice. You want me to suck your blood, don't you?
Yui: Yeah ... ...
Kou: Fufu, then I guess I'll have to honor your request.
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Kou: So there won't be any marks left behind, I'll be sure to suck gently okay? *Bites* ... ... Nn ... ... fuu ... ...
Yui: (Ah ... ... His fangs are slowly sinking into my shoulder ... ...)
Kou: Nnn ... ... , ... ... ah ... ... ... ...
Yui: Ah ... ...
(Ngh, it hurts a little, but it feels good ... ...)
Kou-kun ... ... more ... ...
Kou: Fufu, does it feel that good? Then I'll pierce them in deeper ... ... Nnnnn ... ...
Yui: (Ah ... ... His fangs, they're even deeper than before ... ... ngh ... ... ha ... ... ... ...)
*END CG, time passes*
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Yui: ... ... *Sneezes*
Azusa: Eve, are you alright? You've been sneezing for a while now ... ..
Yui: Yeah, I'm alri -- *sneezes*
Yuma: Hey you guys ... ... What were you doing while we went to get supplies?
Especially you, Kou! You know that she's human and that she's not strong like us, right?
Don't go flirting around with her after she just took a bath.
Kou: I already expressed my remorse ... ...
Yui: I'm sorry ... ...
(I got carried away too ... ...)
Azusa: You two ... ... it seems like you've shown remorse for it. In the mean time, how about we eat ... ... ?
Yuma: Agreed. I want to talk about what we'll do from now on.
Yui: Ah, then I'll prepare the food.
Kou: I'll help you.
Yui: Yes, thank you.
Yuma: This time will involve no flirting?
Kou: Geez, I said I won't!
*Time skip to after dinner*
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Yuma: Even so, I wonder how long we'll be able to hide out here?
Yui: You're right ... ...
(We've managed to restore my physical condition back to normal, and we can now move again.)
(But, we have nowhere to go -–)
Azusa: As I thought, we have a limit of places to escape to ... ... don't we ... ... ?
Kou: It's true. At some point they will corner us.
I don't think we can beat Ruki-kun.
Yuma: ... ...
Azusa: ... ...
Yui: (It's just as Kou-kun says. I don't think we can fool Ruki-kun forever.)
Yuma: However, this land is isolated. We can't leave, and no help will come. What else can we do but run away?
Kou: Recovering Ruki-kun's memories ... ... Though, we can't figure out how to. But --
Azusa: That's the hardest part ... ...
Yui: ... ...
(We know this already. The more we keep running, the more we realize it.)
(Although it seems that we're doing fine, in reality we're being pushed into a corner more and more. If by chance, we're found here -–)
*Brief footsteps*
Kou: ... ... !
Yui: Kou-kun? What happened?
Kou: Shh! Someone's coming.
Yui: (Eh ... ... !?)
Azusa: I wonder, if it's Ruki?
Yuma: No, I don't know... ... We're leaving here immediately!
PLACE: Forest
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Kou: It's no good, someone's hiding over here. Let's go to the other side.
Yui: Y-yes ... ...
Azusa: Wait, I feel someone's presence here too ... ...
Yuma: Shit, how many times has this been already?
Kou: It seems that they're splitting up to look for us.
If it were only two people we could force our way through, but ... ...
Azusa: We can't ... ... let something happen to Eve.
Kou: ... ... Yeah.
Yui: ... ... ... ...
(... ... Since I'm here, they can't do anything reckless. Although I know it can't be helped.)
(Still ... ... If only I had more power. Then, I wonder if I could have helped everyone.)
Kou: ... ... I also feel a presence from over there. For a while now, it's felt as if our path has become increasingly blocked.
We have no choice, let's move over here to the right.
Yui: Ah ... ... Y-yes ... ...
*They continue walking, some time passes*
Kou: What's wrong? You are tired?
Yui: No. I'm in good shape now, so I can walk as much as I want.
Kou: Then I'm glad. No matter what happens, don't stray from my side until we reach a safe place.
I'll show you that I can properly protect you.
Yui: Yes ... ... Thank you.
*Footsteps approach*
Yui: (I've always been protected. Is this okay for me? Is there anything that I can do for everyone -- )
???: The mice were cornered, and fell into the trap.
Yui: Huh?!
*Ruki appears*
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Yui: Ruki-kun ... ... !?
Kou: Kgh --
Yuma: Tch, just why did he have to come from ahead?
Azusa: And yet, we were evading any presences ... ...
Ruki: I was already aware that Eve was in that lake.
However, it would a problem if you escaped again. I took time into account and ordered my younger brothers to corner you all.
Kou: Damn, I didn't even notice they discovered us ... ...
Ruki: Very soon, Shin and the others will arrive here too. Now then, how should I cook up the mice?
Kou: ... ...
Yui: (That look from Ruki-kun ... ... it's sending shivers down my spine ... ...)
(At this rate, Kou-kun and the others will be in danger ... ... !)
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-> Become a hostage ♙♡
Yui: (Ruki-kun said that he wanted Eve so he could become the overlord.)
(In that case, at least he can't end my life as I'm Eve!)
Ruki-kun! I will surrender peacefully.
In return, let Kou-kun and the others escape!
-> Appeal to Ruki ♟
Yui: (It may not be a strong enough shock to regain his memories. But still -- !)
Ruki-kun, please remember! Remember the fact that Kou-kun and the others are your brothers!?
That's why ... ... you have to stop fight!
Ruki: My brothers ... ... ? What stupid things are you saying?
More importantly, it seems they have no intention of handing Eve over peacefully. In that case, I will take you by force.
Yui: (No, at this rate Kou-kun and the others will die! In that case ... ...)
Don't do anything cruel to them. I will come with you. In return, let Kou-kun and the others escape!
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Yui: It should be enough that I, Eve, are in your possession right!?
Kou: No way! In that case, I'll go with you too --
Yui: You can't ... ... !
Kou: Wh- ... ... Why not!?
Yui: The last time we were caught, everyone almost got executed.
Even this time, there is no guarantee that it won't happen.
That's why ... ... This time, I'll just go.
Kou: Even so, there's no guarantee that you'll be safe either!
Let's escape together! Even if my opponent is Ruki-kun, I'll do something about it!
Yui: ... ...Thank you, but ... ...
You guys know this better than me, right? That you can't beat Ruki-kun.
Yuma: Kgh ... ...
Azusa: That's ... ...
Kou: But ... ... Even so, without you there's no point to anything ... ... !
Yui: (Kou-kun ... ... I'm sorry. But if they fight here, the three of them will be put in danger.)
(If they die, there's nothing that can be done. But, if they were to survive -–)
Please, survive. In return, make sure you come to save me.
Kou: ... ... Ngh -–
Ruki: You have a lot of guts to become a hostage on your own.
Yui: Say whatever you want.
*Ruki and Yui start to walk off*
... ... Ruki-kun, please keep your promise.
Ruki: Of course.
*Shin appears*
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Shin: Nii-san!
Ruki: Shin. Where are Ayato and Kanato?
Shin: They're waiting for you up ahead.
Ruki: I that so. I've obtained Eve. We'll withdraw as is.
Shin: Eeeh!? Withdraw ... ... It's dangerous to let those guys run free, you know?
Ruki: ... ... ... ...
Yui: (Eh ... ... ? Did he see Kou-kun?)
Ruki: They won't do anything. Let's go. Eve, you come too.
Yui: Yes ... ...
(Kou-kun, I'll be waiting for you.)
*Ruki and Yui walk off*
Shin: Ah, wait a minute! Nii-san!
*Shin follows, time passes*
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Yuma: ... ... That bastard Ruki, he just left.
Kou: (Even though I said that I would protect her ... ... )
... ... Ngh, Damn it ... ... -– !
Azusa: Kou ... ...
Yuma: Kgh ... ... ... ...
PLACE: Forest Stone Path
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Ruki: I've kept you waiting.
Ayato: For real. I got tired of waiting.
Kanato: You'll of course apologize for making me wait, right?
Some pancakes with lots of honey will do just fine.
Ayato: Yours truely will settle for takoyaki!
Yui: ... ... ... ...
(Even with their memories altered, it seems that Ayato-kun and Kanato-kun are still the same as always.)
Shin: Nii-san, was it really okay to let them escape?
Ruki: I do not care. They do not pose a threat after all.
Yui: ... ... ... ...
(I wonder why Ruki-kun overlooked them, and let them escape?
(If he was the usual Ruki-kun, then he would immediately wipe out any anxiety factor. So why ... ... ?)
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dia-souls · 1 year
Diabolik lovers Angel and Devil Story [ Chapter 19 ] + CG
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Chapter 19: Familiar Feeling
Hearts are connected by love and this connection is called marriage in the human world. But what if a marriage is formed without mutual love? What would happen if a marriage is formed without happiness and smiles and no joy is felt in it? What if the wedding day for a bride is the worst day of her life?
She walks step by step in the garden of Tsukinami mansion smelling the smell of autumn. She used to stand by the rose garden and watch them. Tonight was her last night as a single girl. Tomorrow, she is going to marry Carla Tsukinami, the great king of the founders, and become the great queen of the founders. This must be a miracle, but why isn't she smiling? Why is she trying to hide her tears?
Yui decided to sing a lullaby for the last time. But her tears did not allow her to do this. Why did these things happen? Really why? Why did she have to marry someone she doesn't like and always hide the great sadness of her heart behind a bitter smile?
_While walking in the garden, Yui looked at the night sky, which was illuminated by the silver light of the moonlight.
Yui: I tried. But I can't stop my tears. I promised not to cry, but I can't hide this pain. Really...... I'm sorry...... *sob*.....
_Tears fall from her shining eyes and Yui wipes them away with her sleeve.
Yui: Hah... It's okay... After all, this is my destiny...
?????: No, you are wrong. This is not your destiny.
Yui: .....! This voice.....
_Yui quickly turns her head and looks behind her to see Ruki coming out of the shadows.
*Rustle Rustle*
Ruki: You heard right. This is not your destiny.
Yui: .......! ..... Ru..... Ru..... Ruki!
Ruki: That's right. I came for you Eve. Or rather, I came for you, Komori Yui.
Yui: What are you doing here?
Ruki: Honestly, there is something that belongs to me that you have left behind. I came to take it back.
Yui: What is that?
Ruki grins and approaches Yui with slow steps. He grabs Yui's narrow waist with his right hand and holds Yui's wrist with his left hand. He gently brings his head closer to Yui's head and puts his lips on Yui's soft lips, inviting her for a kiss of love.
He feels it. Finally he feels it again. It feels warm. It feels love. He is now in the arms of his lover and this feeling warms his heart. He can't believe this familiar feeling and tears wet his face.
Ruki: ... Mmm.... Nn.... my Yui....
Yui: .....! Ruki-kun.....
_Ruki continues his kiss and after a few seconds, he separates his lips from Yui's, leaving a trail of love saliva.
Ruki: I was dying to do it again.
Yui: .... Ruki-kun.... you....
Ruki: That's right, it's me. I'm Ruki.
Yui: You..... Ruki-kun....
Ruki: That's right. Please call my name more and more. I want to hear more of your sweet voice Yui.
Yui: Why did you come here Ruki-kun?
Ruki: What do you mean? It is not clear? I came looking for you. I came to take you with me.
Yui: Why?
Ruki: Yui!
Yui: Why did you come for me? I mean nothing to you. I was just a bag of blood for you. A livestock, right?
Ruki: .....!
Yui: I am meaningless to you, Ruki. Do you remember? You told me this. You told me that nobody cares about me, and that includes you too.
Ruki: ..... Yui..... I.....
Yui: Get out of here Ruki-kun. Please Go. I don't want to see you.
_Saying her last words, Yui turns back towards the mansion, but Ruki grabs her arm and stops her.
*Rustle Rustle*
Ruki: No. Yui, I'm not going to leave here without you. I don't want to let you go anymore.
Yui: I'm sorry, Ruki, but you came a little late. I am going to marry Carla-san tomorrow.
Ruki: Yui, do you really love him?
Yui: ......
Ruki: Please answer me, are you really marrying your true love?
Yui: I... I...
Ruki: You are not in love with him. Right?
Yui: Well... me....
Ruki: You don't like him. You don't like him.
Yui: No, no, NOOOOO. I don't like him. I do not like him. I do not like him. Please finish it. Stop. Please...... it's enough...... *sob*....
_Yui starts crying and Ruki hugs her.
*Rustle Rustle*
Ruki: Yui, calm down. It's ok.
Yui: Ruki-kun, I hate you. I hate you.
_Yui hits Ruki's chest with her small fists.
*Thud Thud*
Yui: I hate you Ruki-kun. You are very cruel. I hate you..... *sob*..... I hate you......
Ruki: Shhh. Calm down Yui. Please be calm.
Yui: Ahhhh..... *sob*.... *sniff*..... *sob*....
Ruki: I hate myself too, Yui.
Yui: .....!
Ruki: I hate myself for never opening my eyes to see how beautiful true love can be. I hate myself for never trying to be honest with myself and denying my feelings. I hate myself that I never saw what a beautiful angel is next to me.
Yui: .....
Ruki: But most of all, I hate myself for letting you go, Yui.
Yui: Ruki-kun....
Ruki: I know how you feel about me now. You must hate me. But I don't want to hide my feelings anymore, Yui.
Yui: How do you feel?
Ruki: Hmmm..... before I tell you, I have to show you something. You clumsy girl left something in our building.
_Ruki takes out the sun and angel wing necklaces from his pocket and shows them to Yui.
Yui: These necklaces....
Ruki: That's right, one is the necklace that Riko gave you and the other one is the necklace that you bought as a gift for my birthday. Of course, the necklace of the sun was broken. And I know it was my fault. I tried to fix it. I know it's not as good as the first one, but I tried my best.
_Ruki puts the sun necklace around Yui's neck.
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This necklace really reflects your personality. You are beautiful and strong and forgiving just like the sun.
When this necklace shines on your neck, I feel like I'm really looking at the sun. The sun that shone in my life and illuminated my dark future with its light and love. Yui, You are that sun.
Yui: .... Ahhhhh....
Ruki: .... you are really beautiful..... and also....
_Ruki puts the angel wing necklace around Yui's neck.
Yui: Ruki-kun... this one...
Ruki: I know you bought this for me. But I don't deserve it. Yui, I am not an angel. There is only one angel here and that angel....
_Ruki kisses Yui's forehead.
Ruki: You are that angel.
Yui: .... me....?
Ruki: That's right, Yui, you are not only my angel, but also a goddess to me, who saved me from terrible nightmares every night with her beautiful lullaby voice.
Yui: Did you hear that?
Ruki: Hmmm.... although it's embarrassing to say it, but yes. I used to listen to your lullaby every night and this lullaby made me stop having nightmares. Yui, I was trapped in a terrible nightmare since my childhood. And this was a lonely nightmare. But you saved me.
Yui: .....
Ruki: You are my beautiful angel. Please come with me. Please stay with me. I don't want to leave you anymore.
Yui: Ruki-kun... I.... I.... can't.
Ruki: Yui!
Yui: I'm sorry. But Carla-san won't let me leave him. He is very strong. If you take me with you, he will hurt you. I don't want you to get hurt because of me.
Ruki: Yui.....
Yui: It's okay, Ruki-kun. You go from here go without me I'm not upset, Ruki. I know that this is my destiny.
Ruki: No, it's not.
Yui: Ruki-kun...
Ruki: This is not your destiny. There is no such thing as fate. You are the one who chooses how your life will be.
Yui: But...
Ruki: Why do you think I am here? Because I did not accept my fate. My destiny was to be a snake that deceives Eve so that Eve can reach her Adam. My destiny was never to go to Eve. But you see that I am here. Do you know why?
Yui: ......
Ruki: Because this is not my destiny. I won't let this be my fate. Because I love you, Yui.
Yui: Ruki-kun.....
Ruki: Yui, I love you more than anyone else. I don't want to let you go. I don't want to leave my dear angel. Because this is not my destiny.
?????: You are very stubborn, Mukami Ruki.
Ruki: .....!
Yui: Oh!
_Carla comes out of the shadows.
*Rustle Rustle*
Carla: Mukami Ruki. You are very brave and stupid, you sneaked into my mansion and you are talking to a girl who belongs to me.
Ruki: Carla Tsukinami. I will never be happy to see you again. But I must say that girl is not yours.
Carla: Hmmm... don't tell me it's yours.
Ruki: No, she doesn't belong to me.
Yui: ....!
Carla: .....!
Ruki: She is a free girl and doesn’t belong to anyone. She decides herself who she likes and you can't impose this on her.
Carla: Mukami Ruki, you are declaring war against me.
Yui: ..... (No, no. Please, no. God, please save him.)
His cold and soulless eyes are staring at Ruki.
His existence is full of anger and hatred.
I can tell by looking in his eyes that he wants to kill Ruki.
I don't like to see this.
Ruki, please save yourself.
Merciful God, please save Ruki-kun.
Please save my lover.
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otomehonyaku · 5 years
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
This chapter, oh man................. Good shit right there.
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending.
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Ruki: I’m still staggering... It seems like the aftersensation of my returned memories is still lingering... 
Yui: Are you okay? Come, lay down... 
Ruki: Ah, I’m sorry. For having you lend me your shoulder, and all.
Yui: It’s fine, don’t worry about it.
Ruki took back his original memories.  Could it be because he came in contact with Azusa, or because of the shock when he nearly hurt me with the sword? Or... was it really because of that kiss? In any case, Ruki, who remembered everything, showed me that gentle smile again after all this time.
Ruki: I remember what happened during the time my memories were messed up, but... If I think about it now, I was able to treat Sakamaki Ayato and the others as brothers well.  And on top of that, Tsukinami Shin... It seems that he was following my lead so well that it just seems like a joke now. 
Yui: (I’d completely gotten used them, but, come to think of it, it really is unthinkable...) Regardless, Ruki, I think you were a good big brother to them.  Making Ayato and the others listen to every word you said, and making Shin run errands for you like a page...
Ruki: You don’t have to say it. My headache might get worse... Especially those Sakamaki guys, what the hell is the kind of lifestyle are they leading on a daily basis? This isn’t the place to be undisciplined. Just for now, I’ll be fine with you having sympathy for Sakamaki Reiji. 
Yui: (H-he really was having trouble with them, wasn’t he...) Come to think of it, the Sakamakis really each have their own strong personalities... That’s how I perceived it, at least.  The Mukamis, then, might be the exact opposite. 
Ruki: It’s not like I want to be compared to those guys. We’re different from them in that they were raised in a lenient environment. At what cost... 
Yui: ...It’s because you really have a strong sibling relationship, isn’t it?
Ruki: ...Yeah, that’s true. However, I forgot even such a thing... 
Yui: Ruki...
Ruki: ...Do you think Azusa has gotten home unharmed?  If I’d only taken one step too far, I would’ve hurt him. Or you... 
Yui: You don’t have to worry about that anymore. I’m alright, and I’m sure Azusa was able to get home safely too.
Ruki: But, if I hadn’t been able to take my memories back--it’s terrifying just thinking about it... It’s not just about what I was talking about just now. I was even trying to find a way to kill Kou and Yuuma...  If I really was thinking about doing it, and I’d had enough opportunities to do it myself... If I’d made only the smallest misstep... 
Yui: Ruki... 
Ruki: ...What’s wrong? 
Yui: There’s no need to worry. That ‘if’ won’t happen.  If Azusa were to come over here again, you wouldn’t point your sword at him because you’ve already taken back your memories, right? So, it’s okay... it’s really okay. 
Ruki: When you say it, the weight on my shoulders feels miraculously lighter...  It’s exactly as you say it is, after all. It was different when I was being controlled by false memories. I will act on my own will from now on.  I’ll let Azusa and the others take their memories back too. I’m sure of it...
Yui: Yes...!
Ruki: If that’s how it’s going to be, we have to think about what we do next.  The more time passes, the higher the changes the other houses will come to attack us. 
Yui: After all, are they still trying to steal me away?
Ruki: They are. The fact that it seems very quiet right now is only a coverup. In reality, they’re waiting for a moment to strike. We have to work out a plan quickly.
Yui: I kinda think it’s best if we help everyone take their memories back... Hey, the point where you remembered everything... I wonder if that was brought about by the shock you got when you almost cut me?
Ruki: Nobody can tell. However, your kiss was without a doubt what made it doubly sure.  Your foolish behaviour under those circumstances has really paid off, hasn’t it?
Yui: (Ah... Even though his memories have returned, his words are harsh...) I’m telling you, I thought there was no other way to convey my feelings to you if I couldn’t do it with words. I just acted in the heat of the moment. (Well, I really did something bold to help him remember... It’s making me feel embarrassed...)
Ruki: To convey your feelings... You really thought of the unthinkable.  On the other hand, I did wake up in the end. It doesn’t seem like I can say you were in the wrong, does it? However... this is the complete opposite of the legend.
Yui: Legend?
Ruki: It was planted in my memories, the legend of the Sleeping Beauty... associated with Eve. It says that Eve, who is sleeping in the church, can be woken up with a kiss. 
Yui: That legend is...
Ruki: A legend that was planted in my false memories. There’s no deep meaning to it.  However, if you’re Eve, the one who actually woke up from the kiss was me. 
Yui: Hehe, that’s true. In that case, that makes you the Sleeping Beauty...
Ruki: ...It’s no laughing matter.
Yui: (Ah, he’s pouting. Still, I’m happy, as it’s been such a long time since I’ve been able to talk with Ruki like this.)
Ruki: [winces]
Yui: Ah... I’m sorry, I’ve been talking with you for a while even though you’re hurt. Are you going to rest?
Ruki: Ah... that’s true. It’s best if I lay down my head for a little bit now.  I’ll think about what we do next after a night’s sleep. 
Yui: Yeah, got it. Rest up well, yeah? (It’s best for me to go out of the room now, right?) Well, then, if I can do anything for you, call me right away, okay?
Ruki: Wait. Where do you think you’re going?
Yui: Huh? Well, I thought that if you’re going to sleep, I’ll only be in the way...
Ruki: I told you. I remember everything that happened when my memories were messed up. 
Yui: Y-yeah...
Ruki: During that time, I let Eve, which is you, stay in my room, didn’t I?
Yui: Ah... you did.
Ruki: I thought we’d sleep together during bedtime?
Yui: Huh, so, you mean... [T/N holy shit girl just hurry up and fuck him already]
Ruki: If I’ve already told you this much, you get it, right? You, come here and sleep with me. 
Yui: What!?
Ruki: What’s up with that reaction? Just because I allowed you to when my memories were gone, doesn’t mean I’m telling you off right now. 
Yui: But that’s... I thought I had no choice because I was ordered to... (But, most of the time, sleeping in the same bed with Ruki was just as embarrassing when he didn’t have his memories!?) (I’m glad to be close to Ruki, but, how should I put it... It’s embarrassing because it’s been so long...) (It’s strange. Compared to the time when we were in the Mukami mansion, it seems like I’ve become less accustomed to him...) 
Ruki: What are you standing around there for? Will you come or not? However, my behaviour after this might change depending on your answer. 
    1. どう変わるか尋ねる Ask him what would change (black)
Yui: By the way, if I were to disobey, how would your behaviour change? [T/N you nasty girl you the sexual tension is going through the roof]
Ruki: So you’re asking on purpose? Well then, I’ll show you. I’d regret that I’ve been going easy on the discipline with you, and I’d prepare a collar and key. Shall I tie you to the bed and let you work day and night for your master’s entertainment? Of course, if it’s not entertaining enough, there’ll be punishment. I’d have to sink my teeth into you all over.
Yui: I apologise, I will sleep with you. [T/N she says this so sternly lol she’s totally playing along] (My eyes... My eyes are not laughing!)
    2. 大人しく従う Be a good girl and do as he says (white)
Yui: O-okay. Won’t it be more difficult for you to sleep when I’m with you, though?
Ruki: Not at all. If anything, I sleep more easily when you’re with me.
Yui: Really? (I want Ruki to be able to sleep peacefully, and honestly... I don’t mind this either.)
Yui: Well then, I’ll, uh... excuse me.
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Ruki: We might’ve been doing this every night, but somehow it feels like it’s been ages...
Yui: Yeah, it’s the same for me. It feels like you haven’t changed at all, though. 
Ruki: No, it’s not just that. After all, that’s just one theory-- What forms humans and lifeforms like them, vampires included, is not just the body. The memory exercises influence on the personality and one’s behaviour. Implanting someone else’s memories in someone, that makes an entirely different person. 
Yui: Then, up to now, it feels like I’d been with a kind of different person, even though it was you...  That’s how you could say it, right?
Ruki: ...Yeah, that’s it. But when I hear you say it, it kind of annoys me, even though it was me.  When I think about whether we’d been in intimate contact like this back then, I can’t help but feel uneasy. 
Yui: Ah! B-but it was still you, so you don’t have to be jealous...
Ruki: Don’t speak. It’s best to just stop talking about it.  [kisses Yui]
Yui: [kisses back] ...!? (Ruki doesn’t have to be so jealous of himself, though...)
Ruki: Heh... What a shameful face.  You’re being carried away by just this? It seems like you want me to continue. Greedy, aren’t you?
Yui: B-but... (I’m so happy to feel Ruki’s touch after all this time. But...) Hey, if you don’t rest, won’t your condition get worse...?
Ruki: Touching you makes me feel at ease. If we move this much, it won’t come to that. 
*rustling sounds*
Ruki: Besides, I saw that distraught look in your eyes. I’ll make up for it with this. 
Yui: Ah... (Maybe the fact that he asked me to sleep together... he did that for me?)
Ruki: I left you all alone, making you feel all kinds of terrible things...
Yui: No... it’s not like that. Your memories did become messed up, and at one point it really didn’t seem like you anymore, but... After all, it was you. Because you were always by my side, I could go on, even though it was tough. 
Ruki: I see. When you put it like that, it gives me hope... It’s a pity that I’m starting to drift off to sleep. Even though I wanted to feel your warmth for a little while longer...
Yui: It’s okay. I’ll be sleeping with you here, so even when you wake up, I’ll be here. 
Ruki: Yeah... thank you, Yui... [falls asleep]
(Ruki’s face) Goodnight.  (Yui’s shoulder) The only place I’ll be able to fall asleep peacefully like this, is by your side. 
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Yui: (Sleep well, Ruki... May you have sweet dreams...)
Kou: Ah! Azusa!
Azusa: Kou... What’s up?
Kou: Don’t “what’s up” me. I didn’t see you anywhere, so I was worried.
Azusa: Ah... sorry. I just... went for a walk.
Kou: A walk... that’s dangerous, you know? Only a little while ago, we were assaulted by Yuuma and we were nearly killed. You shouldn’t go out by yourself.
Azusa: Yeah, that’s true... I’ll be careful.
Kou: Besides, where did you go? Did you see anyone?
Azusa: Ah, well... I saw someone, but I ran away...
Kou: What!? So you were assaulted by someone! I’m glad you’re okay.  Jeez, it can’t be helped. From now on when you go out, you should definitely ask me to come with you! Yeah?
Azusa: Y-yeah... got it.  Hey, Kou... What do you think about... the Orange Mansion’s Ruki?
Kou: Well, he just pisses me off. Even if he dies, I wouldn’t get along with him. So, did anything happen with Ruki?
Azusa: No, it’s nothing. It really is nothing...
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ayato [VAMPIRE ENDING]
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ーー Screams echo through the castle halls.
No, not just inside the castle either.
When we stepped outside,
I realized those sounds were coming from all across the Demon World.
The final thing,
Karlheinz-san left behind...
It was a new world,
where a newborn species would live.
This world does not need demons nor humans.
Therefore, he will end them.
My body would not stop shaking. 
However, I managed to keep going,
because Ayato-kun was there besides me.
His kindness transmitted through our connected hands,
is what pulled me back,
right before I got swallowed by the dark pits of despairーー
Male Vampire A: Gyaaaah!
Female Vampire A: No...Nooooooo!!
ー The scene shifts to the burning forest
Yui: Oh no...!! This is horrible...!!
Ayato: Is this...Is this the world he wished for?
All for this sake...!
New race, my ass. Fuck all of this...
Yui: Ayato-kun...
???: Ayato-kun! Bitch-chan!!
Ayato: ...!?
Yui: ( This voiceーー )
ー The other Sakamaki’s approach them
Ayato: You guys...
...Look at that. Still refusin’ to die, huh?
Laito: Nfu~ Of course we’re alive.
Kanato: I actually agree with Laito for once. We are not that weak to be done in by a few flames.
Ayato: Heh...Guess that’s true.
Yui: ( Thank god...I’m so glad to see everyone alive...! )
Reiji: More importantly...What is going on? The evening gala’s entire venue has gone up in flames.
Subaru: Che...There’s piles of corpses everywhere you look.
Yui: ( No way... )
Reiji: So? Where is Father? We must update him on the status quo.
Ayato: That...won’t be necessary.
Reiji: ...What do you mean?
Ayato: He died.
Reiji: ...
Shuu: ...Died?
Ayato: Yeah.
Reiji: This is not the time to joke around...
There is no way that man would die.
Ayato: It’s not a joke. He’s no longer around.
...And it was exactly what he wished for.
Reiji: ...
Ayato: Also...Kanato, Laito.
Kanato: Yes?
Ayato: Mom died as well.
Kanato: ...
Laito: ...I see...Okay...
???: That man...has passed away...?
ー The Mukami’s appear
Ruki: In that case...Sakamaki Ayato. Does that mean...You are Adam?
Yui: ( ...Did the Mukami’s know about this as well, perhaps...? )
Azusa: Eve...Ayato-san turned out...to be your Adam, huh...?
Kou: ...We...
Yuma: ...Ugh.
Reiji: Adam? What exactly are you talking about? Explain this at once!!
Yui: Wellーー
In the following minutes,
we told them everything which had happened up till now.
Including the full details,
on the plan their Father - Karlheinz-san - wished for.
And thenーー
Reiji: ...Unbelievable...You claim that was Father’s wish...?
Ruki: And Adam and Eve were born right now...
Ayato: Adam? Eve? My ass!
I’m Yours Truly and Chichinashi is Chichinashi! Simple as that.
Shuu: ...Sounds like something you would say...
And? What are we going to do now? We can’t just sit around and do nothing forever, can we?
Ruki: We’re returning to the human world. Then I can think, about my path in life...
Kou: You mean ‘ours’, right?
Yuma: Exactly. Don’t talk as if you’re all by yerself now.
Ruki: ...You guys...
Azusa: ...Ruki...It’s just like they said. We’re brothers, remember?
Ruki: ...Yeah, you’re right.
There you have it...So long.
ー The Mukami’s leave
Yui: ( ...Guys... )
Ayato: They left...
Shuu: They sure did...I mean, it fits them so I see no problem? Pwaah...
ーー So, Ayato. What’s your plan?
Ayato: Well...
Yui: ( Right, we can’t stay stuck in place forever either. )
( We have to think about the future. )
Ayato: ...
I’ll stay here. With Yui by my side as well.
Yui: Ayato-kun...
Laito: Look at you talk, Ayato-kun! I’m impressed!
Kanato: ...Well, I suppose that’s fine. However, as you can see, Eden has been completely destroyed.
Ayato: ...Hehe. Oi oi, who do you think I am?
Don’t underestimate the Great Ayato-sama!
Yui: ( Ah...! Eden has stopped crumbling apart...? )
Reiji: ...I see.
If Father’s magic is what caused this destruction, then I suppose you can use your newly earned powers to stop it...? 
Ayato: Haah, haah...I could have done this much with ease even without that jerk’s powers!
Subaru: ...I wonder...
Ayato: Aah!? What didya say!?
Reiji: Good grief...We just went through all of that, and look at you guys going at it again...
Yui: ( Reiji-san may say that but...I’m happy to have met up with everyone and be able to talk to them like this... )
Ayato: ...Tsk. ...Oi! Chichinashi!
Yui: Y-Yes!?
Ayato: Why do you look so relieved? Now that everything’s settled, you gotta get ready!
Women love that sorta stuff but they always take forever, don’t they?
Yui: Eh?
Ayato: Haah? You really don’t get it at all, do you?
Laito: Nfu~ You’re so dense, Bitch-chan.
It’s a little broken down, but when a guy asks you to live together in a castle like Eden...
There’s only one thing that could imply, right?
Yui: ...Um...
Ayato: Aah, god! You know...
ーー I obviously mean we have to get everythin’ ready for the wedding ceremony!
Yui: ...!
The two of us will...?
Ayato: Y-Yeah! I’ll make an exception for you. Only ‘cause I’ve got no other choice though!
Laito: ...Looks like someone can’t be honest with himself.
Ayato: Aah!? Excuse me!?
Laito: Oh, nothing~! Nfu~!
Yui: ( Ayato-kun and I will... )
( Oh no, this feels like a dream... )
Shuu: ...I mean, suit yourself.
Subaru: I don’t mind if that means less trouble for us.
Reiji: If you do not burden me, then please be my guest.
But, well...Since I am the only person here with some common sense, allow me to say one thing.
ーー Congratulations.
Yui: ( Reiji-san... )
Ayato: I decided I’m gonna do this shit so l will, regardless of what you guys say!
Ah, right. I guess I wouldn’t mind employin’ you guys as my servants at the castle?
Reiji: I kindly refuse. Haah...I am leaving now.
Ayato: Aah? Where exactly?
Reiji: Does that matter?
Honestly...Any place will do.
Father is no longer around. In that case, I see no reason for me to stay here.
ー Reiji leaves
Ayato: That’s why I asked wheーー
Subaru: I’m dippin’ as well.
I didn’t exactly live with you guys out of my own free will anyway. See you.
ー Subaru leaves as well
Shuu: I’ll go too then...Pwaah...Guess I’ll finally get some peace and quiet...
ー Shuu follows suit
Yui: ( They all left. Which leaves... )
Ayato: What ‘bout you two?
Laito: Hmー Let me think. I guess I could stick around.
There’s so much fun to be had with a newlywed couple, don’t you think~? Right, Kanato-kun?
Kanato: I’m afraid I can’t agree. I’m leaving as well.
ー Kanato leaves
Laito: Eehー Boring! Oh well...I guess it can’t be helped this time.
See you~! Ah! Send me an invitation to the ceremony, okay~?
ー Laito follows after Kanato
Yui: Ah...
...They all left.
Ayato: Hmph! A huge weight lifted off my shoulders, honestly!
Now it’s finally just the two of uー Woah.
...Come on, let’s go.
Yui: Y-Yeah...!
ー Ayato steps closer
Ayato: ...Nn...
Yui: Wha...!?
Ayato: Guess I’ll kiss you before that at least.
Yui: ...B-Before? You already did, Ayato-kun...
Ayato: Shush!
Well, I guess kisses aren’t half bad.
Okay! Now we’re headed off for real.
Yui: Yeah...!
Ayato-kun pulled me by my hand,
as I once again faced Eden.
This place is currently in ruins.
However, in my eyes,
it looked more beautiful than anything.
I wonder why?
That question immediately disappeared from my mind.
The answer,
more than anything, or anyone,
was right next to me after allーー
Ayato: ーー Oi, why are you takin’ forever?
Come here already.
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“I won’t let you go, no matter what happens. You better don’t take my love lightly.”
“I hope you made up your resolve when choosin’ me, Chichinashi? ...’Cause you’re mine forever now.”
Yui: ( Aah...What a peaceful day. )
( I’m so glad...Our ceremony is today. )
Ayato: Oi, whatcha thinkin’ ‘bout? Did you have other stuff on your mind when I’m here right in front of you?
Geez, I can never leave my guard down with you.
Yui: Fufu...Sorry...
Ayato: Hmph...
Those guys just filled their belly and went on their merry ways afterwards. Same goes for those darn Mukami’s.
Who knows what those dudes have been up to this whole time, but for these occasions, they all show up all of a sudden.
Well, I guess it makes sense for them to show up, seein’ as I’m basically the King here now.
Yui: ( I wonder if I’m the only one...Who believes they’re actually looking out for us? )
Ayato: Oi, let me tell you, just in case.
Yui: Yes?
Ayato: I’m not with you ‘cause that’s part of his stupid plan.
Yui: Ayato-kun...
Ayato: I don’t give a damn ‘bout becomin’ the ‘saviors’ he talked of.
The Demon World’s a hot mess. But...
You’re right here in front of me.
That’s why I want to touch you. Want to embrace you.
Don’t want to let you go. Want you by my side...
In short, um...How do I say this...?
Aah, right!
ーー I love you, Yui.
...I love you...
No matter what becomes of the world, let’s be together.
That’s simply how I feel.
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Yui: ( ...Ayato-kun... )
( I love you too. )
( From here on out, I’ll only ever trust you...and continue to love you. )
( Together...Forever... )
ーー THE END ーー
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uzi-boozii · 5 years
It appears i have been tagged by the wonderful @dj-diabolik-fan~! I have been tagged to do a list of 10 things in Diabolik Lovers that make me go (灬♥ω♥灬) or something like that at least~ (♥ω♥*)
10. Subaru’s, Yuma’s, Ruki’s, Shu’s, Carla’s damn sexy smirks...
9. Blushie Vamp Boys. (Especially Ruki’s, Yuma’s, Shin’s, Kou’s blushes!!)
8. Anything with a happy Yui. ;w; 
7. Ruki’s, Yuma’s, Kou’s, Shu’s, Shin’s, and Carla’s biting and kissing sounds.
6. Fluffy wolf shin~!
5. Those damn sexy voices they make. Especially the Whispering.
4. The Mukami and Sakamaki Sleeping Vampire CGs!!!!
3. All of the child versions of the diaboys! 
1. This: 
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holy fuck was this difficult to finish, and i tag @rosabelletan, you don’t have to do it though if you don’t wan’t too~! (´∀`)♡
Thanks for tagging me @dj-diabolik-fan ! Love you~! (´・` )♡
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