#ruki mukami lunatic parade chapter 2
the-mukami-library · 10 months
Kou's Route and Drama CD Translations
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Translations by @dialovers-translations marked with 🍓 Translations by @otomehonyaku marked with 🫐 Translations by @kyouxa marked with 🍒 Translations by @pinkcasedialover marked with 🍇
More, Blood - 🍓
Vandead Carnival - 🍓
Dark Fate - 🍓
General Prologue || Mukami Prologue
Lunatic Parade - 🍓
General Prologue || Mukami Prologue
Lost Eden - 🍓
General Prologue || Mukami Prologue
Chaos Lineage - 🍒 [some chapters are missing]
General Prologue - 🍒 || Violet Family Prologue - 🍇
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Bloody Bouquet Vol. 5 - 🍓
Daylight Vol. 8 - 🍓
Do-S Kyuuketsu Versus II Vol. 5: Ruki vs. Kou - 🍓
Do-S Kyuuketsu Versus III Vol. 3: Subaru vs. Kou - 🍓
Do-S Kyuuketsu Versus IV Vol. 5: Kanato VS Kou - 🍓
Eternal Blood Vol. 3 - 🍓
More, Blood Vol. 2 - 🍓
More Character Songs Vol. 4: Devil's Spire -🍓
More, More Blood Vol. 2 - 🍓
Para-Selene Vol. 3 - 🍓
Versus Song: Bloody Night Vol. V: Kou vs. Yuma - 🍓
Zero Vol. 2 - 🍓
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Dollymoon's Mukami Kou Masterlist on Livejournal
15 notes · View notes
yuikomorii · 2 years
As a fellow Ruki stan I'd love to know how you'd rank his routes 🌸
// Sure thing! ^^
1. More Blood
You probably didn't see this coming, but I really enjoyed his MB route! I'm aware of how hated it is because of the cat scene, and while I disagree with Ruki's actions, they didn't ruin him for me. I just love how SASSY Ruki can be, even if some of his roasts are really mean, but I'm sure they're just there to make the audience laugh. I think the funniest one was when he told Yui "Today we will go home on foot. Why? Because a person such as yourself who doesn’t know how to stop when eating is very prone to put on some pounds after all.” He's so savage, and I love it, but I wouldn't want to deal with such a person in real life, lol. Aside from that, his last Ecstasy chapter was the first to make me cry, and his Vampire Ending was stunning, especially the kissing cg!
2. Chaos Lineage
Another unpopular choice because I've seen a lot of people complain about it being boring and lacking significant romantic interactions due to including his brothers too much, and while I can't say his route was very good, I still really like it! I'm glad Ruki was less obsessed with Karl there, and he seemed more relaxed and genuine overall. He even pouted at one point, which was so cuuute! I love the Mukamis, so I'm always up for family moments, and the romance was adequate, neither exaggerated nor non-existent.
3. Dark Fate
Would have given it a higher rating if Ruki hadn't been such a jerk in the first half, and what bothered me the most was how he treated his brothers. Kou had very good reasons to be mad at him, and it's already becoming frustrating because they're supposed to be best bros, yet Ruki and Kou always find a way to fight. What did I love about it? He got down on his knees and apologized to Yui for saying such horrible things. I was moved to tears by the scene in which he cried for her because I had not expected Ruki to do such a thing. Furthermore, his Vampire Ending is probably my favorite of all games; it's simply the best possible outcome for him and Yui.
4. Lunatic Parade
I don't remember much about LP, but his route was fun, and I think he was more flirty than usual there, which is a plus! Well, everyone had great LP routes in my opinion because that game was truly lighthearted!
5. Lost Eden
He was ideal in the first half of the route, but the second half irritated me greatly. Maybe I have high expectations, but are you really going to tell me that in the previous game, a "dummy" character only heard ONE thing about Karlheinz yet immediately connected all the dots about all his victims, realizing that he's truly the root of all evil because he was using everyone for his selfish desires and then… there's Ruki who 1) was told by Christa that Karl was Trismegiste aka the person who ruined his life, 2) went to Romania to read about the Revolution, where Trismegiste was mentioned, 3) had his ghoul-father tell him that Karl is Trismegiste and that he slaughtered a bunch of people to make ghouls out of them only to have Ruki say this "I'm sure Karlheinz-sama regretted his actions, that's why he gave our lives back". If he had regretted, he would have rewinded time long ago. I'm aware that different writers exist, but they should be more careful when writing these parallels because it can cast their own characters in a negative light, since one reaction will always be better than the other. Still really liked the lore and the fact Rejet learnt something about Romanian history.
6. Vandead Carnival
I enjoy VC as a game, but Ruki was a little too stiff for my liking. It wasn't bad, but I felt like Ruki was babysitting Yui for almost the entire route. :”)
56 notes · View notes
knight-queen · 4 years
Lunatic Parade Ruki Mukami – (Chapter 1)
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Place: Bernstein Castle 一 Castle town Residential area 
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Yui: (I must have to get back my heart as soon as I can…!)
*Wolves howling*
(I can see the castle…! As Ruki kun said, that's Earl Walter’s….)
Ruki: Oi, stop here.
Yui: Eh…?
Ruki: before getting into the town, I shall talk about something.
I had collected information regarding Walter as much as I could.
Yui: Earl’s…?
Ruki: Yes, However….
There seems to be no one to know the details about the guy called Earl Walter to begin with.
Yui: Eh…?
Ruki: Only things I’ve heard... he’s unidentified, appears in many places and he has very sharp ears.
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But, it may not be sufficient enough…
But it’s said that there’s merely a Butler who’s served Earl for a long time in the Bernstein castle.
It’s still unclear whether he’s in the castle or not however…
He’s the only one to know about the truths about that castle or the Ear.
Yui: ………
(We come to this demon world but…)
(Getting back my heart looks unexpectedly hard…)
Ruki: I thought there’s no way to get to the castle but…
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It looks like Bernstein castle is not only on the ground surface, but it’s also extended along the sky and underground.
It looks impossible to enter the castle if we use those ways.
Yui: (Such...I think we have to face difficult circumstances if we want to get back the stolen thing at once…)
(Then it’s impossible to take back my…)
Ruki: Oi, livestock. Don’t make that face. It’s too early to give up.
Yui: But…
Ruki: Only few exist who were able to get back the treasure from Earl at once.
If you search those people and talk with them about getting back stolen things from him, we may get a hint.
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...More importantly, I am with you. I’ll ofcourse find a way to get back your heart.
So, you can be relieved.
Yui: nh...Ruki kun…!
(That’s right. Ruki kun’s with me…)
(Because like this, he made me aware of Earl by informing me about him.
(In these times, there’s no person who’s reliable like Ruki kun…)
Yui: Thank you, Ruki kun.
Ruki: You don’t have to thank me. You’re my livestock at any rate. So, it’s my responsibility.
...You know it, don't you?
Yui: ...Fufu, that’s right…
(I only believe in him…)
Ruki: Let’s go then. We’re close to the castle town.
Yui: Yes.
Place:  Glimmer Street  Main street / グリンマーストリート 表通り
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Yui: (There's a huge bunch of people everywhere….is that for the parade?)
Ruki: It’s a crowd so don’t go away from me.
Yui: Ye- yes….
(Nevertheless...does he have any guess of where to go)
(All we’re doing is going ahead for a while….)
(...Anyway, let’s follow him)
Place: Mornstein Hotel, Entrance
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Yui: (kh...This place…)
(Hotel, right…?)
Mornstein Hoten Clerk: Welcome. Are you here for reserving?
Ruki: Yeah, that’s right. I am Mukami.
Mornstein Hoten Clerk: So, you have made a reservation of two people. Thank you for waiting.
Please sign here…
Ruki: Gotcha.
Yui: ...Re- reservation…? *Blushing*
Ruki: For doing anything, we’ll need to live in a specific place right?
Plus there will be so many customers for the parade. That’s why I have reserved just in case.
Yui: I- I see….you’re right…
(Looks like he’s not a hesitant person at all….)
(I am somehow unexpectedly aware of this situation…)
Place: Mornstein Hotel, Guest Room
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Yui: (...This….!)
(Wa- wait a sec...we’ll share a single room…!?)
(Wha- what should I do…!)
Ruki: …? Is there anything wrong?
Yui: Eh...because, that’s….
I thought we’re gonna have separate rooms…
(I’ll spend all the time staying in the same room with him, what kind of face can I make at this rate…!?)
Ruki: Fufu...what’s up with that face? Are you dissatisfied with having the same room?
Yui: ...I- it’s not true though…
Ruki: Then, what could it be? ...Oh, I see now…
Yui: Eh…?
Ruki: Are you expecting something else?
Yui: Eeeh!?
Ruki: Say it without holding back. What are you actually expecting?
Yui: E- expecting…!?
Ruki: ...Don’t lie. You’re making an upset face, you know?
Come on, sit here. I’ll listen to you.
Yui: Ah…!
*Ruki undresses her*
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Yui: Ru- ruki kun…!
Ruki: Fufu…
Yui: (...I- It’s almost like he’s hugging me…!)
Ruki: ...Tell me what were you expecting? Say.
Yui: Th- there’s nothing….I was expecting…
Ruki: ...I won’t let you go until you say it.
Yui: ….Even if you say it…
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Ruki: ….Is that so. It can’t be helped. I’ll punish you if you just hide...this this...nh…*kiss*
Yui: Kyaa…!
Ruki: ...How was it? Have you intended to say it now?
Yui: ………
(What can I do...I don’t know how to explain…!)
Ruki: Hm...seriously. You’re a tough one. Then I’ll …
*Ruki kisses Yui*
Yui: ….nh…!
Ruki: ...nn…
Yui: (Ruki kun…!)
(What now...I am facing these conditions, that’s even just after coming to the demon world…)
(We just started searching my heart but, it’s already at his pace….!)
(Then I won’t be able to possess my own body…)
Ruki: ...Hmph, you’re very calm today.
The people who lack concentration need to be punished even more, no? Nh…nh...
*He kisses*
Yui: Nnnh…!
(No...my face’s become really red…)
*After a while*
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Ruki: It’s tea, you drink too.
Yui: Th- thank you…
Ruki: For today’s conversation 一
Yui: (...Talking about Ruki kun, he’s surprisingly normal…)
(About that thing he did while ago too…) *blushes*
(kh...What am I thinking…! No, I just can’t!)
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(As I thought, it’s weird that I am the only one to think this way…)
Ruki: ...Oi, are you listening?
Yui: Eh? Ye- yes...Of course, I am listening!
Ruki: Haa...as I thought, today you’re unexpectedly losing concentration.
If that's the case then I shall discipline you by giving that punishment once again?
Yui: kh….!
(Th- that’s….!)
Ruki: Hmph, if you don’t want then, listen to my conversation. I am talking about something important.
Yui: Mhm, Got it…
Ruki: I told you before coming here though,
The very first decision will be to talk with the people who have experience getting back stolen things before. 
Yui: ….You’re right.
Ruki: I’ve already left the familiars there to collect the information.
Yui: (kh...Ruki kun, as expected of him…!)
Ruki: Their reports also contained useless ones, but there are also numerous worthy informations I received.
Let’s try to use the advantages at once.
Yui: Yes, understood.
Ruki: According to the familiars, there’s a man among qualified people, who lives near this place.
We should immediately visit him I think.
Yui: That’s right.
(I hope he will give us some hints…)
Place: Rubean Lake
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Yui: (The reflected light on the canal water looks really amazing…)
This town uses gondolas for traveling, right?
Ruki: Yeah, as you can see. The waterways are developing.
The man that we have business with is the owner of a certain shop. We’ll can have clear concepts if we meet him in the shop but…
Well, all you have to do is to just follow me.
Yui: Yes, got it.
(Exactly, I can be at ease if I leave everything up to him.)
Place: Glimmer Street, front of Wagon Main street
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Ruki: Right ahead of this road. 
Yui: (Uwaa...I am getting overflowed with these crowds…)
(Even so…)
(I am smelling something really good for a while)
(....Crepes' pretzels...and there’s different kinds of stalls...all are specially for the parade, I guess.)
(Somehow, I am feeling hungry out of nowhere….)
Ruki: ……..
Yui: Hm? What’s wrong?
Oh, so the store of that man we’re searching is around here…?
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Ruki: No, it’s not like that. Something really smells good. If I guess, it’s crepes huh…
...It’s rare so, wanna eat some?
Yui: Eh? Crepe?
Ruki: Yeah.
→ Selection
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But / でも... (+correct)
I’ll eat! / 食べる!
Yui: ………
Ruki: ….? What’s wrong? If you like something other then, I’ll go with that…
Yui: Oh, nope. It’s not what I meant. Shall I eat, the creep…
(But...it’s very rare for him to offer me like this…)
(Could it be... 一)
Ruki: Which flavour?
Yui: Umm...I’ll go with the strawberry one….
Ruki: Got it. Wait a little here.
*Walks away*
Yui: (He’s gone…)
Place: Diamante Fountain
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Yui: Mn…
(This crepe is really delicious….!)
Ruki: ….Delicious? It’s somehow understandable by looking at your expression though….
Yui: Fufu, it’s super yummy. What about having some?
Ruki: I am….
Well, then I will have just one bite.
Yui: Mhm, here you go.
Ruki: ….
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...Good taste.
Yui: Fufuh
This expression is likely you.
(Nevertheless, I was a little surprised when he ate the crepe suddenly)
(If it would be the usual Ruki kun, then he would prefer to search for something to hold the food…)
(As expected, it means that he’s taking care of me…?)
Ruki: ...Anyway, let’s hurry. Our aimed store is right ahead.
Yui: Yes.
Place: Glimmer Street, Aizen back street
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Ruki: ……….
Yui: (Somehow, it’s a place of no sign of people…)
(But, he’s just going ahead…)
(I must not lose the sight of him)
*After a moment*
Ruki: ...I think it should be right ahead…
But, it’s the end point... Let’s go back.
Yui: Eh…?
Ruki: ...What? Hurry and come.
Yui: Neh, Ruki kun...could it be…
Ruki: ...Yeah. We’ve gotten lost.
Yui: (Kh….Ruki kun is….!?) *Blushing*
Ruki: What’s, that face….
...Is it bad for me to get lost?
Yui: N- not bad...but…
 Normally, getting lost like this for the Ruki kun who’s very reliable...fufuh
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(...It’s a little cute, I think…)
Ruki: ...So, what’s wrong with that? Doesn’t make sense.
*Grabs her*
Yui: (H- he just dragged me towards the wall…)
Ruki: Oi, stop laughing and say the rest. If you don’t, then again…
Yui: N- no...I didn’t really laugh to make a fool of you…
I am feeling like you’re showing your sides that you don’t show often, it made me happy…
….I also like that side of yours...I thought…
Ruki: ngh…..
...For livestock making fun like this, you’re really a cheeky one…
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I knew, you still have many ways to go to be disciplined. Nh…*kiss*
Yui: ...nh…
Ruki: ….nh...this amount isn’t enough yet. I’ll do this….
Ruki: Haah...nnnh...mnnn….*sucking*
Yui: kh…!
Ruki: ...mnn….mmmn….!
Yui: Ru...Ruki kun…! In such a place…
Ruki: I don’t care about such things. More than it, right now...haa...nh…
Yui: (No way….my strength is fading…)
Ruki: kh…!?
Yui: (....! The wall just moved…!?)
*Screen shakes*
*BG black*
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Yui: Kya…!
(There was a hole in this place….!)
(No! I’ll fall…!)
Ruki: Yui…!
Yui: (Eh…?)
Place: Underground corridor / 地下回廊
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Yui: (...I’m floating, in the air…?)
Ruki: Haa...I managed to make it in time. That was a close one.
Yui: (I see, he held me by flying…)
Thank you. You saved me…
(I thought we were gonna fall together for that crumbled brick…)
By the way, this place…?
Yui: (Water is also flowing in this place…)
(I didn’t think that there’s such a place in the underground…)
*Let down Yui*
Ruki: I get it. With the underground corridor, he meant this place huh.
Yui: Underground corridor…?
Ruki: Actually, I have been searching this entrance for a while.
That proposed boy’s shop seemed to be in this underground corridor.
Yui: A shop in such a place…?
Ruki: Yeah. However, I can’t say this place has good walls.
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And also I can’t say what kind of guy we’ll meet on hereafter. Don’t let your guard down for the sake of our goal.
Yui: Mhm, understood…
Ruki: Aight, then let’s go. It’s this way.
Yui: This place?
Ruki: Yeah, no mistake I believe.
Yui: (Not a shop if it looks like a mere basement room to me...what it could be that he’s selling…?)
(Oh, before meeting the shopkeeper, I should fix my clothes.)
*They’re going to inter*
Yui: (Alright…!)
Ruki: Oi, is the shopkeeper here? I sent the familiars before…
Shopkeeper Man: Yeah, it’s open. Come inside.
Ruki: Then, excuse us.
Place: Underground, Shopkeepers Shop /  地下道内店主の部屋
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Shopkeeper Man: Oh, you’re that….
Ruki: Mukami Ruki. She is ...一
Yui: Ah, umm…
Komori Yui. Nice to meet you.
Shopkeeper Man: You’re here to discuss the time when Earl stole my thing right?
Ruki: Exactly.
Shopkeeper Man: Well, talking while standing is weird so have a seat. I’ll also have you some tea…
Yui: Th- thank you so much…
*After a while*
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Ruki: ...I see. So you can’t say the time about how to get back that thing huh?
Shopkeeper Man: Yeah, that’s right…
Ruki: Why? If you don’t mind, then I want to hear the reasons…
Shopkeeper Man: ...Sorry. My bad, but I can’t say everything about that…
Following that, Earl forbade me to speak about it...and also...一
Yui: ….?
Ruki: …….
Shopkeeper Man: You came here with troubles but I am not able to cooperate with you, really sorry for that…
Yui: That’s...it’s okay. Same here, sorry for raising such questions…
Ruki: If you have circumstances that we have no choice. We’ll try to find another way.
Sorry for pushing you. ….Then excuse me.
Shopkeeper Man: Yeah.
Place: Diamante Fountain
Yui: (At the end, we could get any useful information...what should we do…)
Ruki: Haah...don’t make such a face. That was just the first one, right?
Let’s try out the next. This right ahead.
Yui: Yes...that’s true.
(Exactly. It’s just he said.)
(It’s useless to feel down in the first place…)
Place: Diamante Fountain
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Ruki: Haah….
Yui: ……..
Monologue 一
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After that, we visited the people who were able to get back the stolen things…
That person made a mistake, he wasn’t able to get back the stolen thing.
I wonder how that shopkeeper was able to succeed by taking back the stolen thing?
Anyway, we returned back to the same place when we couldn’t get any information.
For these, we just sighed.
End of the Monologue
Ruki: Hah…
I thought we'd be able to get some information, but we failed…
I also made you visit there for a wasteful reason….sorry.
Yui: Such...you don’t have to apologize….
If I was to be all alone, then I wouldn’t even know where to get started…
Ruki: Certainly, it seems to be hard to find another way...what can we do…
Yui: That’s…
(...Ruki kun really did his best this far…)
(He was also concerned about me all the time…)
(I wonder if something I can do….for him….)
(kh….that’s right!)
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Neh, Ruki kun, it’s a time waste if you just keep thinking about that right?
Won’t you like to change the place? Look, there’s an amusement park…
It’s a good time, so let’s ride there! No?
Ruki: Roller coaster….?
Yui: Yes! Talking about the amusement park, there’s also…
(It occasionally caught my eyes but…)
Ruki: But, right now, your heart….
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Yui: I am fine. Kleinod hasn’t done something strange so….
No danger is coming right away….am I wrong?
Ruki: Good grief...saying these stuffs out of nowhere….
Yui: (He won't….huh…?)
Ruki: Haa….I have no choice. Roller coaster will do right…?
Yui: Yeah! Then….!
Ruki: It’s fine, I’ll accompany you.
Yui: (That’s good…!)
Place: Roller Coaster Boarding Gate
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Attendant for rides: Well then everyone, please hold firmly the bar in front of you, okay!
Yui: (It’s gonna depart soon...I am somehow scared to get into it like this…)
(Hands are trembling…)
Ruki: Oi….
Yui: Eh? Wh- what….?
Ruki: What's wrong huh...you’re the one to invite me to ride it….
Yui: Eh…?
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Ruki: ...No, it’s nothing. More importantly, move on?
Yui: kh...Ye- yes….
*After a while*
Ruki: Riding this in a while is making me feel refreshed.
Yui: Th- that’s right…
(I- I was scared…)
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Ruki: …..Fufu...Ahahah!
Yui: Wh- what…?
(He’s smiling though….!)
Ruki: It means you’ve weakness in roller coasters don’t you?
Yui: Eh, it’s not the case….?
(...It’s not like I am very confident but…)
Ruki: Fuh, your manner of walking was doubtful, plus you’re very lacking in strength.
Your hands were trembling during the ride…
Yui: kh...You noticed…?
Ruki: ….Ofcourse! But, that’s fine.
Anyway, I know that you stressed your body to change my sorry feelings and company me.
Honestly, doing this I was able to change my mood.
Yui: Ruki kun…
Ruki: Plus... you also had a point.
It doesn’t mean that things will improve if I just fill myself with determination.
….For all of these, let’s search for a clue from tomorrow.
Yui: Eh…?
Ruki: I said just a little before, but I’ve changed my mood. I’ll date you for the whole day today.
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It’s the parade after all, it’s okay to enjoy ourselves.
Yui: Yes…!
(Thank you so much, Ruki kun…!)
*Yui hugs Ruki*
Ruki: ...What? It’s unusual for you to wrap your arms around.
Yui: Ah...it’s for….that’s….
(I was so happy that I approa….!)
Ruki: It’s fine. Stay like this, since it’s a trouble if you stray away.
Here, come closer.
*Ruki hugs Yui closer*
Yui: Ah…!
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(...He just hugged me…)
Ruki: Then, what’s next? I don’t mind your choice.
Yui: Let’s see….well….
Place: Glimmer Street, park
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Yui: The view from the ferris wheel looks really great.
Ruki: Yeah, you’re right.
Yui: (Mirror house, then coffee cup and ferris wheel...we rode different kinds of rides.)
(....What’s the next?)
Ruki: Hey, livestock. What about having a match with me?
Yui: With you? I’m fine with but what is that….?
Ruki: ...That one.
Yui: (That one…)
Place: Game Center
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Yui: Slot machine….?
(But having a match….choosing slot out of nowhere….)
Ruki: Do you think luck is everything?
Yui: Eh? Yes, that’s….well….
Ruki: Fufu, it’s true that I can’t ask until someone gets the hang of it, however it’s not something like one can perform well in this match just by getting skilled in observasions.
Yui: I- is that so…?
(But, it’s Ruki kun so I may not….)
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Ruki: Hmph, what’ll you do? Will you not accept?
….I thought I will reward you depending on the result. How unfortunate.
Yui: kh…..Reward….?
Ruki: Well, if you don’t like it then don’t force it. Let’s move on somewhere…
Yui: Wa- wait! I’ll accept!
Ruki: ...Ho?
Yui: (It’s the Ruki kun after all to invite me afterall…)
(More than that, I am a little excited about the prize….)
Ruki: Fuh, Alright then. Let’s start right away.
→ Game
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Words he said in the game 一
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“Let’s start the game.”
“That’s the key to do that”
“Focus on”
“With this, it’s over. You did well, livestock.”
*If you win + (CG)*
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Yui: kh….it means I am….
Ruki: Looks like it’s your victory. You know that game pretty well.
Yui: (I don’t believe that I will win against him…)
(I am happy….!)
Ruki: Then, let’s give you the prize as I promised.
It’s a prize for you.
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I’ll specially permit you to touch your master’s body.
Yui: Eh…?
Ruki: Come on, you can touch as much as you want.
Yui: (kh….even if he says that….!)
Ruki: ….hm? What’s wrong? You don’t have to hesitate.
Yui: D-don't hesitate you say….
(....He’s just teasing me, right?)
Yui: Ruki kun, Umm...一kyaa!?
*He gets closer*
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Ruki: It’s no good to deny your master's affection.
...I’ll punish you now. Nnh…*kiss*
*Fades to CG*
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Yui: nnh….!
(Ruki kun…!)
Place: Rubean Lake
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Yui: Haah….it’s enough for me to walk here and there around. I’ll just sleep when I’ll go back to the hotel.
...But, it was a lot of fun.
Ruki: Is that so? Then, it’s good.
...It’s a beautiful Moon.
Yui: Eh…?
*Looks at the sky*
Yui: ...It’s true.
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Ruki: Ayway, from tomorrow, we have to get prepared and find a way to get back your heart.
Yui: Yes…
(He’s right. At the end, we don’t have any clue after all…)
(We have to do our best from tomorrow…)
*BG back again to Rubean lake*
Yui: ………
Ruki: ...Hah, don’t worry that much. I’ll of course manage a way.
Yui: ….Ruki kun…
Ruki: So, you can relax...一
*Yui holds Ruki’s hand*
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Yui: I’m not worried at all, I’m fine. Because you’re with me like this…
I believe in you…
(Even though I can’t do nothing but holding his hand,)
(At least, I hope I can pass my true feelings towards him…)
Ruki: Yui…
You are holding my hands from yourself…
You also embraced me before, you’re very positive aren’t you.
Yui: M- may be…?
Ruki: But...this kind of you isn’t bad either.
Yui: Fufu…
(I’m glad…)
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一 End of Chapter O 1
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Weekly Schedule [December 6th ~ December 12th]
Monday December 6th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki [Brute Ending]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DAYLIGHT Vol. 9 Mukami Yuma [Voice Sample 1]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Tsukinami & Kino Born To Die Vol.2 Tsukinami Shin [TRACK 1]
Tuesday December 7th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki [Manservant Ending]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DAYLIGHT Vol. 9 Mukami Yuma [Voice Sample 2]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Tsukinami & Kino Born To Die Vol.2 Tsukinami Shin [TRACK 2]
Wednesday December 8th 🎉 BLOG ANNIVERSARY 🎉
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki [Vampire Ending]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DAYLIGHT Vol. 9 Mukami Yuma [Voice Sample 3]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Tsukinami & Kino Born To Die Vol.2 Tsukinami Shin [TRACK 3]
Thursday December 9th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Heaven [01]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Heaven [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Tsukinami & Kino Born To Die Vol.2 Tsukinami Shin [TRACK 4]
Friday December 10th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Heaven [03]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate - Ruki’s Route Overview
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Tsukinami & Kino Born To Die Vol.2 Tsukinami Shin [TRACK 5]
Saturday December 11th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Yuma Route ー Chapter 4
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Yuma Route ー Finale
Sunday December 12th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Yuma Route ー Care for Vampire
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers Lunatic Parade Yuma’s Route Overview
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armour-of-fafnir · 4 years
Diabolik Lovers - Masterlist
Just put your cursor on them, they’re all functional links^^
Haunted Dark Bridal Route Translations:
Laito: till ecstasy 6, after
Shuu: till maniac 10, maniac epilogue, heaven
MORE, BLOOD Translations:
HDB soundtracks
Haunted Dark Bridal Manga:
Ayato prequel
Ayato sequel
Kanato prequel
Kanato sequel
Laito prequel
Laito sequel
Reiji prequel
Reiji sequel
Shuu prequel
Shuu sequel
Subaru prequel
Subaru sequel
Sakamaki brothers:
Ayato prequel
Ayato sequel
Kanato prequel
Kanato sequel
Reiji prequel
Reiji sequel
Shuu sequel
Subaru prequel
Subaru sequel
Mukami brothers:
Kou prequel
Kou sequel
Ruki prequel
Ruki sequel
Yuma prequel
Yuma sequel
MORE, BLOOD Anthology:
Sakamaki Brothers:
Ayato 1
Ayato 2
Ayato 3
Kanato 1
Kanato 2
Kanato 3
Laito 1
Laito 2
Laito 3
Reiji 1
Reiji 2
Reiji 3
Shuu 1
Shuu 2
Shuu 3
Subaru 1
Subaru 2
Subaru 3
Mukami Brothers:
Ruki 1
Ruki 2
Ruki 3
Yuma 1
Chibi chapter
Vandead Carnival:
Mini-games Translations
Sakamaki Brothers
Things that were missing in the list above:
Present from Sakamaki
Mukami Brothers
Dark Fate Translations
Lunatic Parade
Lost Eden
Chaos Lineage
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jsuki · 7 years
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Jsuki; DIABOLIK LOVERS Lunatic Parade - Character Ranking & After-thoughts
I've got this game for over a year...(omg), but with so many other series and new games to play, I kinda kept this on my shelf after unboxing it, till recently. LP follows the style similar to Vandead Carnival, with the mini-games and sub-scenarios. It seems to be a very loose continuation from Dark Fate if you wish, but there really isn't much crucial plot, which means you can play this off the bat even if with no knowledge on DL prior. I also questioned why they really made this game, since it's so similar to VC and so low on importance...maybe for the Carla or Shin fans who are desperate to see their faves in a carnival setting? :/ Actually no, it's probably to get the die-hard DL fans like myself to spend more money.
Plot: Yui dreams that she had a conversation with a mysterious man, who asks her if she feels she is missing something, and also if the man she loves truly loves her for who she is or simply for her blood. Then one day, the Sakamaki / Mukami family receives an invitation by a certain Count Walter (who has stolen Yui's heart, literally), asking for them to come join a parade in the demon realm. In order to retrieve her heart, the boys and Yui travel there, before the temporary jewel that gives her life that's embedded in her body wears out, and then she dies. In this game, Yui is already in love with the boy and they are a couple, so for whoever's route you pick, the boy will be the one accompanying Yui on her fantabulous heart-retriving journey. There is also no illustration whatsover of Count Walter, or his butler, but I imagine in my heart that he's some crazy old bat similar to Karl Heinz.
Each of the boys' routes only have 4 chapters + ending. In order to get a good final end, you need to get at least 2 right answers and also the pass the mini-game. It's really the VC style, except simpler I think, since the answers are quite easy and you can even pick the level of the mini-game (I usually go for normal, but if you're unconfident, you can just go for easy, which makes it easier to pass). The general plot also goes like this: Enter realm > tries to find Count Walter > runs into random trouble > solve trouble while playing at the carnival > Count Walter returns heart?? The game was not without its loopholes too; I understand that when Yui doesn't have a heart, blood won't be pumping through her body, and so, her smell won't attract any vampires. However, when Count Walter returns her her heart, it seems she can still prance around enjoying the parade with no problems after, lolol.
I've done up a usual Top 5 character ranking, which will contain some spoilers, so please read at your own risk! Please also know that I didn't jot down any notes or write the descriptions instantly after finishing each route, so everything's off the top of my head. Top 5 is also from favourite to least favourite routes!
Sakamaki Subaru: Tsunbaru continues to strike in LP! Going into the demon world, they actually enter Count Walter's mansion immediately, where Subaru threatens the Count instantly by knocking over the some expensive art in his house. Unfortunately, it seems the Count won't appear anymore, so they figured they'll have to replace the broken art piece if they even want to discuss him returning Yui's heart. They go to find an eccentric old art collector, who sets them out on 3 tasks. In the end, Count Walter really does just return Yui's heart to her, after the 3 tasks were finished. (LOL Count Walter is a weirdo with too much time on his hands.) But Subaru was just super sweet throughout, and you actually get character development! Subaru first sees Yui being kind and helpful to others, and at the end, he does the same (which becomes key to solving task 3). I actually really like that. Despite Subaru bellowing at half of the things, in the end, he and Yui dress up in costumes, send lanterns in the sky, and kiss in the middle of the parade. My heart<3
Mukami Ruki: While his was a bit too serious and negative(?) during Vandead Carnival, I felt like his route this time was really enjoyable! He’ll keep the task in mind, still let them enjoy the carnival, but then tease Yui and there’ll be a lot of hot, kissing scenes ((((:
Sakamaki Kanato: Kanato is actually a fun route for me to play, unexpectedly! Despite his tantrums and all, he was hell-bent on getting Yui’s heart back, and I thought the entire route was quite the adventure, from them getting swept up in the sky, to running amock in the caves. He was also pretty sweet (in the scenarios where he should be). Such a far cry from the Kanato I know in the first two games!
Sakamaki Shu: I can’t quite remember what happened in Shu’s route anymore :/ It wasn’t memorable, and as usual, Shu is just kinda sluggish, reluctant and logical about his actions to retrieving Yui’s heart. Mainly, they were running around trying to track Count Walter’s butler. They had cute moments tho, like them holding hands as they stroll through the parade, or when they rode the ferris wheel. I remember one thing that annoyed me was how awkward some of his CGs looked…it’s like their art and design department forgot how the kiss scenes go, and that final CG of them kissing especially looked like they’re trying to merge their faces together :| I’M SO CONFUSED. OK but I don’t remember hating his route, so it must just be so-so.
Sakamaki Ayato: Ayato is my favourite character, so when he is out of character, it stands out extra to me. While in the demon world, Ayato and Yui run into constant trouble, which is mostly because Ayato is too brash and too violent, and goes around hitting people or intruding onto other people’s premises =_= Instead of really focusing on getting Yui’s heart back, it’s more like we’re running around, trying to fix some irrelevant shit that Ayato started. There were also scenes where Ayato tries to kiss Yui at obviously inappropriate situations, so none of it feels romantic to me because clearly, the mood isn’t there. I was generally pretty frustrated doing Ayato’s route b/c it was as though Ayato had no sense of urgency, even though when there comes a crucial moment to talk about how important Yui’s heart is, he’s able to do it, but his actions along the way don’t prove that. In the end, Ayato admits and assures Yui that he loves her, not simply for her heart, but also for her soul, and they make out at the ferris wheel before the parade ends. The route then ended and I had no idea whatever happened with Count Walter, the demon world’s citizens and the bad guys????? Overall, a route with no heads or tails.
Bonus → Sakamaki Laito (This is up because he's the only guy I happened to type out the description for, so I shan't let it go to waste now): Is it just because I dislike Laito? I felt like he wasn’t very serious about the fact that she LOST HER HEART, and that he finds it to be troublesome trying to retrieve it. Half the time, since they can’t seem to enter Count Walter’s mansion, they get played into this young vampire swindler’s hands, who promises them that he knows the way in. They meet a bunch of tiring hurdles, somehow gets lucky and passes them, but then there is no actual meaning as to how they contribute to the big picture. You feel they’re all just kinda one-off, but at the end of the day, Count Walter says he is impressed and then just gives Yui her heart back <_< It’s like, in the end, Laito already given up and just says, “Let’s enjoy the parade” and Yui is like, “Let’s”. CLEARLY THEY HAVE GIVEN UP. I think partially it is just Laito’s supposed personality, but I’ve never been a fan of him so I guess it just wasn’t enjoyable.
Additionally, there are also the ‘Care for vampire’ and ‘Date with (insert family name)’ scenarios. I thought the the Date with Sakamakis one was super cute, where the boys each take turns to take Yui out on a date, such as Shu taking her shopping, and Subaru bringing her to a public cafe and drink from a heart-shaped straw…because they’re silently competing as to which brother she enjoys going on dates with the best. Hilarious stuff!
Overall, even as a DL fan, you don't really need this game. If you're desperate for a carnival setting, please play Vandead Carnival, since it's a lot better, with better CGs to boot. They really recycled a lot of stuff (including the mini-games and BGM), and the plot is thin too, and if I knew earlier, I would actually skip the game myself.
Currently, I'm playing UtaPri Repeat Love~ will post up a review as usual after I'm done! Other games that I've also pre-ordered for my PSV include Osomatsu-san THE GAME, MARGINAL#4 ROAD TO GALAXY. Still considering Tsukiuta's Tsukitomo. I'M BUSY.
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knight-queen · 4 years
𝗟𝘂𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗬𝘂𝗺𝗮 𝗠𝘂𝗸𝗮𝗺𝗶 𝗦𝘂𝗯-𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗼𝘀 – (𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐚)
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[TN: For some reasons, I always translate 下界 or ‘Gekai’ as ‘Lower world’ ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡] ||   
 [Reiji]  [Kanato]  [Azusa] [Carla]  [Ruki]  [Laito] |Rest S.S are by  Akui Chansera & Vampiretsuki (o)ノ彡☆)|
[Chapter O1  Chapter O2]  [Chapter O3]  [Chapter O4]  [Final]
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Place: サントノレパーク通り /  Saint Honoré Park Street
Yuma: Let’s have our meal. They were selling good tomatoes in the street hall. Here, do you wanna eat?
Yui: (Wow...bright red tomato.)
I will take it...umm…
What’s this! It’s so delicious!
(Somehow it looks like a fruit.)
Yuma: I’know, tasty right?
As expected from my eyes.  Umm *Eats*
Yui: Fufu~ As expected from you.
???: Oi, You! 
*Carla walks to them*
Yui: C-Carla San.
Yuma: Tch! What now? 
Oi, let’s move over there.
Yui: Eh!? But…
Carla: Hmph, are you trying to escape…?
Yuma: Haa!? Not escaping at all! It’s ‘cuz the presence of bastards like you is earsore.
Damn, The taste of this tomato gonn’ get awful.
Carla: ...Tomato? Eating tomato in such a place is….
Yuma: Haa? What’s wrong ‘bout it?
Carla: I haven’t said something like that. It’s just, you are eating in such a place for no reason…
Isn’t that merely an ordinary tomato...?
Yuma: Well, if they attract my eyes, those tomatoes aren’t ordinary at all.
Carla: Give me one tomato from your part….
Yuma: Wha*? Bastard founders also eat tomatoes, huh? Whatta surprise.
Carla: I am just searching cheese and tomato for my raw hams…
Yui: (I-I see…)
(Carla San really likes raw ham, right?)
Yuma: Haa? Is that so? Founder needs tomato, huh…
Carla: ….Any problem…?
Yuma: No, I haven’t said it...it’s just…
If you really want to have a tasty tomato, then come to Mukami household.
Yui: Eh?
Carla: ...Ha? Me…?
Yuma: This tomato isn’t bad but…
It’s nothing compared to my own grown tomatoes.
Carla: Deliver those to my mansion as soon as I return to the *lower world. 
Yuma: Haa? Don’t mess around. If you want, then you are gonn’ come….
Carla: Fuh~ Then I will order familiars to get those tomatoes.
Yuma: Hmph. Then, it’s fine. When I’ll harvest, I am gonna save it.
Carla: Of Course you have to…
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Yui: (Somehow...their mutual relation has changed just for a...tomato!?)
— The END —
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Weekly Schedule [December January 17th ~ January 23rd]
Monday January 17th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou [BRUTE ENDING]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DAYLIGHT Vol. 10 Mukami Azusa [Voice Sample 01]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅳ Vol.2 Shuu VS Ruki [TRACK 1]
Tuesday December 18th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou [MANSERVANT ENDING]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DAYLIGHT Vol. 10 Mukami Azusa [Voice Sample 02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅳ Vol.2 Shuu VS Ruki [TRACK 2]
Wednesday January 19th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou [VAMPIRE ENDING]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DAYLIGHT Vol. 10 Mukami Azusa [Voice Sample 03]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅳ Vol.2 Shuu VS Ruki [TRACK 3]
Thursday January 20th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Heaven [01]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Heaven [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅳ Vol.2 Shuu VS Ruki [TRACK 4]
Friday January 21st
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Heaven [03]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Route [ROUTE OVERVIEW]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅳ Vol.2 Shuu VS Ruki [TRACK 5]
Saturday January 22nd
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Chapter 1
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Sub Scenario w/Laito
Evening - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Sub Scenario w/Yuma
Sunday January 23rd
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Care for Vampire ー Sakamaki Kanato
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Sub Scenario w/Azusa
Evening - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Sub Scenario w/Shin
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Weekly Schedule [November 8th ~ November 14th]
Monday November 8th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Dark [Prologue]
Noon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT ー 4-Koma Manga #30 - Oasis [Laito・Azusa]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.7 Mukami Ruki [TRACK 1]
Tuesday November 9th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Dark [01]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Dark [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.7 Mukami Ruki [TRACK 2]
Wednesday November 10th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Dark [03]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Dark [04]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.7 Mukami Ruki [TRACK 3]
Thursday November 11th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Dark [05]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Dark [06]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.7 Mukami Ruki [TRACK 4]
Friday November 12th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Dark [07]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Dark [08]
Saturday November 13th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Laito Route ー Chapter 4
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Laito Route ー Finale
Sunday November 14th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Care for Vampire ー Sakamaki Laito
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers Lunatic Parade Laito’s Route [Masterpost]
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Weekly Schedule [January 24th ~ January 30th]
Monday January 24th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma Dark [Prologue]
Noon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT ー 4-Koma Manga #39 Shaky Shaky [Yuma・Shin]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.9 Mukami Yuma [TRACK 1]
Tuesday January 25th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma Dark [01]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma Dark [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.9 Mukami Yuma [TRACK 2]
Wednesday January 26th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma Dark [03]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma Dark [04]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.9 Mukami Yuma [TRACK 3]
Thursday January 27th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma Dark [05]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma Dark [06]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.9 Mukami Yuma [TRACK 4]
Friday January 28th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma Dark [07]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma Dark [08]
Saturday January 29th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Chapter 2
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Sub Scenario w/Ayato
Evening - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Sub Scenario w/Kanato
Sunday January 30th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Sub Scenario w/Subaru
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Sub Scenario w/Kou
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS VANDEAD CARNIVAL Imajin Webshop Tokuten Drama CD ”Mukami Laito’s Magnificant Ideal Lifestyle ~ Different homes, different rules~”
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Weekly Schedule [July 26th ~ August 1st]
Monday July 26th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Maniac [05]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Maniac [06]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.5: Mukami Yuma [Track 1+2]
Tuesday July 27th
Morning -  Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Maniac [07]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Maniac [08]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.5: Mukami Yuma [Track 3+4]
Wednesday July 28st
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Maniac [09]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Maniac [10]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.5: Mukami Yuma [Track 5+6]
Thursday July 29th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Maniac [Epilogue]
Afternoon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT ー 4-Koma Manga #21 - Stunning [Laito・Ruki]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.5: Mukami Yuma [Track 7+8]
Friday July 30th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Ecstasy [Prologue]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Ecstasy [01]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.5: Mukami Yuma [Track 9+10]
Saturday July 31st
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Chapter 3
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Sub Scenario w/Shuu
Evening - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Sub Scenario w/Kanato
Sunday August 1st
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Sub Scenario w/Ruki
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Sub Scenario w/Shin
Evening - Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 11 Sakamaki Laito [Voiced Interview]
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Weekly Schedule [September 13th ~ September 19th]
Monday September 13th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito [BRUTE ENDING]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 7 Mukami Ruki [VOICE SAMPLE 1]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.6 Sakamaki Laito [Track 1]
Tuesday September 14th
Morning -  Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito [MANSERVANT ENDING]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 7 Mukami Ruki [VOICE SAMPLE 2]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.6 Sakamaki Laito [Track 2]
Wednesday September 15th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito [VAMPIRE ENDING]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 7 Mukami Ruki [VOICE SAMPLE 3]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.6 Sakamaki Laito [Track 3]
Thursday September 16th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Heaven [01]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Heaven [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.6 Sakamaki Laito [Track 4]
Friday September 17th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Heaven [03]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate Laito’s Route [FULL ENGLISH TRANSLATION]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.6 Sakamaki Laito [Track 5]
Saturday September 18th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Reiji Route ー Chapter 2
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Reiji Route ー Sub Scenario w/Ayato
Evening - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Reiji Route ー Sub Scenario w/Laito
Sunday September 19th
Morning -  Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Reiji Route ー Sub Scenario w/Azusa
Noon -  Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Reiji Route ー Sub Scenario w/Shin
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, BLOOD Animate Tokuten Drama CD “The Terror of Karlheinz’ Room”
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Weekly Schedule [August 9th ~ August 15th]
Monday August 9th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato [BRUTE ENDING]
Noon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Official Visual Fanbook Short Story: Mukami Ruki VS Mukami Yuma
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, MORE BLOOD Vol.9 Sakamaki Kanato [Track 1]
Tuesday August 10th
Morning -  Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato [MANSERVANT ENDING]
Afternoon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Official Visual Fanbook Short Story: Mukami Kou VS Tsukinami Carla
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, MORE BLOOD Vol.9 Sakamaki Kanato [Track 2]
Wednesday August 11th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato [VAMPIRE ENDING]
Afternoon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Official Visual Fanbook Short Story: Mukami Azusa VS Tsukinami Shin
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, MORE BLOOD Vol.9 Sakamaki Kanato [Track 3]
Thursday August 12th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Heaven [01]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Heaven [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, MORE BLOOD Vol.9 Sakamaki Kanato [Track 4]
Friday July August 13th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Heaven [03]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Route Overview
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, MORE BLOOD Vol.9 Sakamaki Kanato [Track 5 + Epilogue]
Saturday August 14th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Chapter 1
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Shuu
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol. 4 Sakamaki Subaru Skit Dolce Tokuten Drama CD: “Absurd Lesson”
Sunday August 15th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Kanato
Noon - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, MORE BLOOD Vol.9 Sakamaki Kanato [Another Story]
Evening - Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 12 Mukami Azusa [Voiced Interview]
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Weekly Schedule [August 16th ~ August 22nd]
Monday August 16th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [Prologue]
Noon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT ー 4-Koma Manga #22 - Makeover [Subaru・Kou]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.8: Sakamaki Subaru [Track 1+2]
Tuesday August 17th
Morning -  Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [01]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.8: Sakamaki Subaru [Track 3+4]
Wednesday August 18th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [03]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [04]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.8: Sakamaki Subaru [Track 5+6]
Thursday August 19th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [05]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [06]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.8: Sakamaki Subaru [Track 7+8]
Friday July August 20th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [07]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [08]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.8: Sakamaki Subaru [Track 9+10]
Saturday August 21st
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Chapter 2
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Reiji
Evening - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Laito
Sunday August 22nd
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Azusa
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Carla
Evening - Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 13 Mukami Ruki [Voiced Interview]
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knight-queen · 4 years
Lunatic Parade Ruki Mukami – (Final)
[Chapter 1]   [Chapter 2]  [Chapter 3]  [Chapter 4]  [Final]
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Place: Mortstein Hotel • Guest Room / ホテル • モーントシュタイン客室
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Ruki: Is there anything you forgot?
Yui: I checked properly so no.
(With this, it means we have to say farewell to demon world huuh…)
(All of these ended just in a blink of eyes…)
(...We had to face many tough situations though)
Mornstein Hotel Manager: Excuse me. Are the customers inside?
Yui: (...? Some person from the hotel? But why….)
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Ruki: ….Yes. Is there any business with us?
*Door opens*
Manager: Actually, a present has arrived for you in our reception desk, and I am here to hand it over. Here you go…
Ruki: ...A present? But from who...kh...this is….
Manager: Well then, I will be off….
Yui: ...What happened? Ruki kun?
Ruki: Looks like the shoemaker has sent a present for you.
Yui: Eh…! From Mr. shoemaker….?
Ruki: You can open it.
Yui: (...What it could be…)
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Yui: gh...waah…!
(So pretty shoes….!)
Ruki: ….So good right. Looks like the shoes of a princess in parable.
Yui: Yeah, really…
(For making such beautiful shoes means he’s really cool after all…)
Ruki: More than that, that shoemaker really creates so stylish products…
...I think it goes well with you.
Yui: Fufu, I wonder….
Ruki: It’s very pretty so what about trying it out?
It’s unfortunate that the gorgeous parade has already ended.
Yui: Yes...then I’ll wear it.
Ruki: Lend it, I will put you these shoes on.
Yui: Eh? But…
Ruki: Just give it.
*Ruki gets closer + Takes the shoes*
Yui: Ah…
Ruki: ...Alright then.
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Yui: Ru- Ruki kun…?
(He just kneeled down and…)
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Ruki: If you are a princess then let me imitate the samurai who always protects the princess.
Yui: Eh…
Ruki: ...Come, hold up your leg.
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But...that’s right. Before wearing shoes to someone, a samurai would do this at first…
*Fades to CG*
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Ruki: nh…*kiss*
Yui: kh…!
Yui: (H- he’s doing this on my toes…!)
(Talking about Ruki kun, what is he….!)
*CG changes*
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Ruki: ...What’s wrong? You’re making such a red face.
Yui: B- because…!
(He did such a thing…!)
Ruki: Come on, put on these shoes.
Yui: Y- yes…
(Ah, perfectly…)
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Yui: (It’s sparkling, looks like it’s really the shoes of a princess…)
Ruki: Hmph, it really suits well just like I imagined.
To me, you are the most precious existence than anyone or anything.
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I am not really a samurai or something but, the fact that I’ll always protect you will never change. 
This is why, I always want you to be by my side….Won’t you refuse it?
Yui: ...Of course not.
(Let’s always be together from now on, Ruki kun…)
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一 The end of Ruki’s LP
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knight-queen · 4 years
Lunatic Parade Ruki Mukami Sub-Scenarios – (Carla)
Happy New Year 2021!
Are you expecting to be 2021 as same as 2020? Me neither ♡ Idk u love Carla or not but I love him sm so, I finished the last translation of this year with my precious boy.  (★^∀^★) Many of you were tagging me for this new year congrats but I didn’t reply as I was super busy. .I love everyone, thank you so much! 
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[Chapter 1]  [Chapter 2]  [Chapter 3]  [Chapter 4]  [Final]
[Shu]  [Kanato]  [Carla]  [Kou]
Place: Saint Honore Park, Street
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Carla: Shin…! It was said today, so I can’t be silent anymore…
Yui: (Hm? It’s Carla san…)
Carla: Oi woman. There’s something I want to ask you. Did you see Shin anywhere?
Yui: Shin kun? No, I did see him…
Ruki: If the eldest son doesn’t know the second son’s location, then there’s no way we know.
Carla: If you find him then tell me right away…
No, I was wrong...Start searching him at once and then bring him here.
Yui: (kh...Could it be that he’s mad about Shin kun…?)
Ruki: ...Did something happen?
Carla: He wasn’t anywhere. Shin...my younger brother had made a terrible mistake…
I must have to find Shin or…!
Yui: (S- such…!)
(What the heck could it be that he made that mistake…?)
Ruki: ...Oi, Carla Tsukinami. By the way…
You’re holding a very dangerous thing.
Carla: Hmph, you’re talking about this…?
*Takes out the sword*
Yui: (Ngh...sword…!? Don’t tell me he’s gonna hurt Shin using)
Ruki: The length of the blade is extreme...oh...I see. This is…
Yui: (Ruki kun…?)
Carla: Hmph, today was the most use of this sword…
My younger brother has chopped useless things, as a result, it’s sharpness is gone now!
This dull blade is an absolute worthless thing now…
Ruki: Fuh, I see. I understand your aim now….
I wonder what will happen if I just put my arms skills in it.
Carla: ...You? Hmph, sounds interesting. Then you can try it…
Ruki: Then, hand me that sword.
Carla: Fu, as you wished…
*Takes the sword*
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Yui: (What are they doing…!?)
Carla: ...Let’s start on. Something for cutting….
Yui: (...Carla san just takes out a bag...this…)
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Ruki: ...Hmph, as expected this thing huh. Leave it to me...kh!
*Cuts the bag*
Yui: (Inside the bag...raw hams…!?)
Ruki: Even if it's a dull knife but if you’re skilled with it, and apply the method of using an iffy knife then…! *cuts again*
Yui: Kyaa…!
*Cuts again*
Carla: kh…!
Yui: (Because of Ruki kun’s outstanding hand skills, the raw hams are very perfectly thinly sliced…!!)
*Gives back the knife*
Ruki: Hmph, so it’s how it works…
Carla: Fuh...So these vampires can...perform many things huh…
Ruki: It’s because I am used to cutting tools in the kitchen every single day…
Carla: Ruki Mukami, huh...You’re highlighted into a worthy man….
Yui: (He was able to convince Carla san...Ruki kun’s incredible…)
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