#cg job
nidarchhattisgarh · 1 year
JOB : असिस्टेंट प्रोफेसर पदों पर निकली भर्ती, कर सकते है आवेदन
NCG NEWS DESK :राजस्थान लोक सेवा आयोग ने 1913 असिस्टेंट प्रोफेसर पदों पर सीधी भर्ती के लिए आवेदन मांगे है। शैक्षिक योग्यता- Masters Degree, NET, SLET, SET, Ph.D, M.Phil कुल वैकेंसी – 1913 पद पदों का नाम– असिस्टेंट प्रोफेसर महत्वपूर्ण  तिथियाँ – नौकरी प्रकाशित होने की तिथि 22-05-2023 आवेदन करने के लिए अंतिम तिथि 25-07-2023 आयु सीमा- उम्मीदवार की अधिकतम आयु 40 वर्ष के अंदर होनी चाहिए। सिलेक्शन – इस…
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webmorch-blog · 1 year
CG JOB: 10वीं पास के लिए निकली Hostel Superintendent की नौकरी
CG JOB: अगर आप 10वीं पास कर चुके हैं और गवर्नमेंट Job की तलाश कर रहे हैं, तो यह खबर आपके लिए है. छत्तीसगढ़ सरकार ने युवाओं के लिए सरकारी Vacancy  निकाली है. इस भर्ती के लिए ऑफिशियल Notification जारी किया है. आपको बता दें कि छत्तीसगढ़ व्यावसायिक परीक्षा मंडल ने छात्रावास अधीक्षक के पदों पर भर्तियां निकाली हैं. यहां जानें कि आप कब तक इन पदों के लिए आवेदन कर सकेंगे और आवेदन के लिए क्या क्राइटेरिया…
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pocasu · 11 months
IMPORTANT: Regarding the current PMoon/LCB situation, KJH's history of poor employee treatment
(Edit: Please check my reblog for more employee reviews that were posted to the forum within the past few days.)
As of July 27, 2023 (3 PM PDT), the official LCB Twitter account still hasn't posted English or Japanese translations of the message by Project Moon CEO (Kim Jihoon) announcing their decision to fire story CG artist Vellmori.
In the subsequent chaos following her unjust expulsion, I've seen a significant number of the global fanbase pity KJH/PM and assume that firing Vellmori was a poor but well-intentioned response to protect PM employees.
However, PMoon has long been a less than ideal place to work for both outside contractors (see testimonies from the WonderLab and Leviathan artists) as well as their full-time employees.
Below is a workplace review of Project Moon from September 2022 by a current employee, which talks in depth about KJH's regular temper tantrums in the office and subpar treatment of the PMoon team.
Translation by me, a native Korean speaker. (source here)
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This review was posted to a forum that can ONLY be accessed if you have a verified and active employee email address to a game company. While the forum is anonymous, it requires you to reveal your place of employment, which lends credence to its validity.
This, combined with other testimonies, has led people to believe that KJH will not recant his decision, as there's credible evidence that documents his temperamental outbursts, one-sided contract cancellations, and continued refusal to provide a healthy work environment.
TL;DR—Do not pity Kim Jihoon. This situation is shocking, yes—but it is no excuse to coddle a man who refused to protect an innocent employee of his company (knowing it could very well mean death of her future career) just to appease violent misogynists.
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phantomarine · 1 year
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For those who didn’t follow me from Twitter, you might not know that I’m a CG/VFX character animator by day. Here are all the movies I’ve worked on!
Captain America: Winter Soldier - digi-double stuff on the quinjet bridge fight, lots of shield bouncing animation
Sausage Party - too many things to mention, all of them suitably unspeakable
Surf’s Up 2: WaveMania - I animated the Fish Milk scene (and I’m sorry)
Hotel Transylvania 3 - lots of random shots here and there, biggest one is the dog running up the kraken tentacle at the end
Aquaman - more digidouble stuff, sharks and fish and Atlantean machines
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu - the Mr Mime scene of him putting out the match, some Mewtwo fight scene stuff, crowd animation
Sonic the Hedgehog - uncredited work on the original version
I pivoted to cute kids TV animation a few years ago so no more movies for me (probably) but it’s been a ride! And having a webcomic to work on has kept me sane throughout~
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babybluesays · 16 days
Purple: Animators suck
Second: Hey! Alan does not suck!
Purple: Why are you standing up for him?
Second: Why are you slagging him off?
Green: Sec, all we do is slag off Alan
Second: Yeah well, we have the right to do it. We put the hours in. You can’t just show up one day and join in
Purple: tf
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whatsanameanyway · 5 months
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wanted to do some ddvau fanart bc i love the series and these guys are everything to me
au by the amazing @kitsuneisi and @xmaruu11 you guys are amazing
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akkivee · 2 months
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nagosaka’s battlefields look so cool like??????
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silly-baba · 2 months
Helo, am sad :< so parents make clean room but have hard time clean room cuz autism, overstimulaing and dont like moving things, did clean my floor sleepy area but ended up have meltdown while do it :( so now involentary tiny and have hewdache, can have huggy please?
Of course, kid!!
I'm very proud of you for still cleaning, good job bubs! <3
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I also struggle with being overwhelmed when cleaning, I found the app "goblin tools" helped me a lot. It's completely free and makes a step by step checklist out of every task!
Another strategy that helps me is cleaning in a specific pattern, for example: first clean up everything green, then everything red, then everything blue, etc.. it doesn't have to be colors though! I also used tactile sensations (soft, rubbery, etc), and emotions (everything that makes me feel silly, happy, annoyed, etc.)..
This way of cleaning makes me feel less overwhelmed, bc I do it one step at a time.
I hope this helps!!
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ayy-junipei · 4 months
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I love it when my audience hears news about a certain monarch getting what he deserves and you all pile in my inbox like little newspaper boys in the Victorian streets
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lilmeowmeow04 · 1 year
🧁Pretty Flower🧁
*Pairing* little reader and cg hyunjin
*note* I am not stealing work this is from my other tumblr @lilquokka04 im moving my little space fics here. ♡
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"Daddy! Look at what I drew!" You had just finished drawing a picture of a flower that you really wanted to show Hyunjin, so you ran into the bedroom to show him the picture. He was sitting on the bed working on his laptop when you ran in and jumped on the bed. He looked up and smiled at you, putting his laptop down so you could crawl into his lap. "Look at what I did!" You pulled up your drawing and put it in front of his face. Hyunjin laughed and grabbed the paper from your hands, flipping it around so that it was upright. "You drew this princess? Wow, you're even better than I am!" You giggled as your cheeks turned pink. "Nooo daddy is much better than I am, but maybe I can be as good as you someday!"
Hyunjin thought you were absolutely adorable. The way that you got all excited about showing him your drawings and wanting him to compliment what you drew. He especially loved when you would crawl in his lap like this, when you would get all clingy towards him. He liked that you trusted him the way that you did, how comfortable you were around him."I drew it for you! You said you loved this flower right?" Hyunjin melted at how sweet you were, remembering a flower that he had pointed out at a garden the other day. He couldn't help but want to smother you in affection.
He wrapped you up in a hug as he kissed your forehead. "Thank you princess, I'll have a place in my room just for your pretty drawings." You giggled at his words, rubbing your face into his chest before you looked up at his face, pouting. "Can I see your drawings again?" You had always loved seeing Hyunjin's art and had this habit of checking his sketchbook everytime he came back home, wanting to see what he drew while he was away. "Of course baby." You squealed in excitement as you jumped out of his lap and ran to the desk where his sketchbook was. You grabbed it and ran back to the bed, rushing to to sit in Hyunjin's lap again.
You opened it to a drawing that you hadn't seen before and started to study it, running your fingers across it. Hyunjin smiled down at you as he rested his head on top of yours. He watched as you flipped through his new drawings, making little comments about how much you loved them and which one was your new favorite. "How about I fill up a sketchbook just for you, hmm? That way you can look at it anytime you want." You gasped "Really daddy? I would have an entire book with your drawings in it?!" You turned around to press little kisses all over his face as you said I love you over and over again.
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nidarchhattisgarh · 1 year
वन विभाग में निकली बंपर वैकेंसी, वनरक्षक के 2138 पदों के लिए मंगाए गए हैं आवेदन, यहां देखें पूरी डिटेल
NCG NEWS DESK:-वन विभाग में सरकारी भर्ती निकलने का इंतजार कर रहे युवाओं के लिए एक शानदार अवसर आया है। दरअसल, महाराष्ट्र फॉरेस्ट डिपार्टमेंट की ओर से फॉरेस्ट गार्ड यानी वनरक्षक पदों पर बंपर भर्तियां निकाली है। इन पदों के लिए आवेदन प्रक्रिया शुरू हो गई है। आवेदन की अंतिम तिथि 30 जून 2023 निर्धारित की गई है। उम्मीद्वारमहाराष्ट्र वन विभाग की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट mahaforest.gov.in पर जाकर आवेदन कर सकते…
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cutiecorner · 1 year
The shy regressor urge to open a cg application....
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xunkun · 4 months
yelling crying throwing up more verbs
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shitty ass translation:
"Thank you for all your messages to me...... ♪ I will continue to deliever performances that won't disappoint."
and the last line: "Burn it (????) into your eyes¹ (?????)"
my translation is probably wrong...
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shitty ass translation 2:
"Thank you for your message ♪ I'll continue to work hard and perform well enough to meet your expectations. If you would support me again, I would be very happy......♪"
fine ill do koga and adonis too
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SAT 3:
"Thank you for your message! I recieved your passionate thoughts. I'll continue showing you all my best (stage?? performance?), come with me!"
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SAT 4:
"Thank you for the message you've sent me. I don't feel embarassed (or shame?) from the words I've recieved. We'll continue to work and improve our performance. Please take notice² of me, even after today."
¹ i feel like its supposed to be like "burn it (performace???passion??) into your vision". like dont forget or something or like hes trying to say the itll be amazing and unforgettable???
² ok so i couldnt really translate this properly. i dont think hes meant to sound this desperate and slightly pathetic in the begging for attention way. it more of a "dont look away"/"keep your eyes on me" kind of thing.
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bakedbakermom · 5 months
this manicure has manifested snow 4 of the 5 times i have done it. trying to do it again.
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mo-ok · 2 months
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Changeman Ep.24 - Runaway Gyodai
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tyranitarkisser · 11 months
this is so random but,,, do u have any headcanons for agere mituna? (same anon as last time tysm for drawing another smol :3)
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As for headcanons I love to picture Mituna being very tall and thin even though thats not how i drew him because chibi cuteness. And well he is still little and should be looked at/treated as such even if he doesnt look it on the surface! He loves to bite and suck on things and is actually pretty quiet and observant when hes in little mode... it gives him a much needed break from his trauma. He doesnt curse or yell unless hes hit his head or fallen down then he will cry very loudly and the only thing that can calm him down is binky in mouth and being held by his cg. (Not sure who this is yet! Maybe you? :-} ) He loves his video games (the age appropriate ones) and drawing pictures and being entertained with puppets!
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