#ch 4 pg 8
genesisgijinka · 10 months
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There is defs an adjustment period when it comes to mega evolving
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fortjester · 1 year
Nona the Ninth Eye Colour/Descriptor Guide
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(Key: CH stands for Chapter; pg. stands for page; J stands for John (eg. John 8:1); EP stands for Epilogue)
(Given all the eye-swapping happening in NtN, I’ve categorised eye descriptions in this section per who they currently belong to in this book’s canon, re: John’s original yellow eyes are filed under “Nona” (AKA: Alecto); Camilla’s are filed under “Palamedes”, and vice versa; Babs’ original eyes are filed under “Ianthe”; and so on.)
(Gideon the Ninth Guide) (Harrow the Ninth Guide)
For more immediate, in-depth reference, the quotes themselves have been transcribed below the cut.
All quoted page numbers are per the paperback copy of the book. Quotes are (mostly) in order of frequency, but some characters are grouped together because I don't want to separate them.
Camilla (13 Entries):
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Corona (8 Entries):
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Pash (6 Entries):
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Pyrrha (6 Entries):
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Palamedes (6 Entries) & Paul (2 Entries):
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Kiriona (5 Entries):
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Ianthe (5 Entries):
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Nona (5 Entries):
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John & Harrow (4 Entries Each):
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We Suffer (4 Entries) & Wake (2 Entries):
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Honesty & Hot Sauce (3 Entries Each):
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Judith, Crux, & Aiglamene (2 Entries Each):
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altraviolet · 2 months
After I finished TEG, as I was going back through and editing, I realized there were quite a few words that changed spelling/configuration over the course of the story. I jotted these down in a couple places. Although I had many reference .docs for the story, there were little details missing from those notes, like the use of NeoCybex vs Neocybex.
Many months after the editing process was done, I found out there's a name for this list! A stylesheet! If you were to have a novel traditionally published, your editor would generate a stylesheet while reading your story. They would use it to keep details consistent across your novel, and give the stylesheet to you afterwards for reference. Having unknowingly generated myself one, and having learned more about them since then, I highly advise you make one for yourself when writing a very long story.
Here are the TEG stylesheets:
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Oooh, so fancy, lol. Here's what it says in full (with slight editing for clarity), if you're curious:
Editing notes 2/17/2024
- Shadowzone – one word, does not need to be capitalized → Ratchet's disdain lol → Nemesis and Lost Light (use) italics on just the ship name - CONTINUITY: he never transformed in the Shadowzone - Soundwave's thoughts are italic and don't have a period at the end - “alright” will be used (as opposed to “all right”) - “Neocybex” no C - “reticles” yes [not "reticules"] - Security Team: capital security mech: lowercase - supernova (one word) - free REIN (I mistakenly used “reign” throughout the story) - FORGOT TO WRITE UM GIVING SW A STOOL. FUCK. (maybe I'll put this in a sequel, heh) .:comms start small. Next word caps:. - Movie Night: capital - jam: verb, not jamb - MESSAGES: format like pg 299, sans serif italic (this is a formatting note for messages sent in the story, regarding font in the ebook) - Crystal Club (capitalize) - Ex-Decepticons meeting - alt-dimensioner(s) - magna-clamps - work: pleasure activity (2938 use of the word) - labor: forced labor (2938 use of the word- Mirage and Skywarp use these words in a very distinct way) - tonekey one word - thumbs-up no apostrophe - crucible → lowercase c - sparkpulse? 2 words - space bridge? - groundbridge? → one word
Because I was editing in both a typesetting software and on AO3, I had to edit the entire story twice. (I should've also edited my “all the story in one doc” file, but that was just too much. I'm super hoping that doesn't come back to bite me). Even though it was very easy to search for terms in the typesetting software, I had to note down every single instance of certain changes so I could go into individual chapters on AO3 to edit. Here's my sticky note for changing “thumb's up” to “thumbs-up” on AO3:
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Search both ok: magna-clamps thumb's up corrections (11) Ch 14, 17, 35 (2), 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 51, 8 Crystal Club Neocybex Security Team Movie Night if... then Ch 12 (2)
As demonstrated, this is a pretty disorganized way to accomplish anything xD
But! Now I know what ✨stylesheets✨ are and I can pass that knowledge to you!
I learned most of what I know from this YouTube video by Autumn Bardot. Autumn goes through what a stylesheet is and why you should use it. She also has a very helpful and handy stylesheet available on her website, which you can find HERE.
I'll go through Autumn's stylesheet template and give you an example of each from TEG.
1. Oxford comma or not I do use the Oxford comma. Here is an example:
He would've struck immediately, but cataloging the Autobot's strange field, blood, and features had distracted him.
The Oxford comma is the comma before the word "and."
2. Spelling of character names Obviously, this is very important. Rodimus, Megatron, Nautica: these are all names that a spellchecker is going to pick out. Make sure the spelling stays consistent throughout the story.
3. Spelling of proper nouns
- capitalize - all caps - italicize - different font Lost Light being italicized
4. British vs US spelling and grammar “The Echo Garden” is written following US spelling and grammar rules because the author is from the US.
5. Jargon/slang spelling and usage.
- made up words - foreign words - regional words “Enceladia” is a made up word. 6. Foreign word spelling
- accents marks and placement In the fic, alt-dimensioners had their own words/terms for conjunx. Trailbreaker used coniunxe. 7. Hyphenated words alt-dimensioner(s) magna-clamps
8. Past tense of verb forms This refers to verbs that have more than one past tense. Pick one and use it throughout the story. Sometimes you'll see the convention split between US and UK English. For example: the past tense of DWELL is either DWELLED or DWELT. In this story, “dwelled” would've been used. 9. Numbers writing out “one” vs not writing out “2938” 10. For self-pubbed books; Indents for new paragraphs, font types for a text message and tech communique This is Autumn's note for authors who self-publish their books. She's reminding them to put an indent for every new paragraph and make sure font types are used correctly for in-universe things like text messages. This is not so much a thing on AO3, where paragraphs are separated by spaces, not indents. But if you were typesetting for print, you would want to be mindful of this.
In TEG, 2938 Megatron's voice is written in allcaps with no quotation marks.
.:comms are done like this:. 11. Capitalization and/or italics for Holy Books, scriptures, chapters or verses within holy books, and also well-known documents like the constitution Ultra Magnus quotes the “Code of Conduct” a few times.
Possibly also falling under this category were some mechs' handwriting: purposeful typos and UpPercaSe sTufF LikE tHis 12. Character thoughts Character thoughts are all done in italics. Soundwave's thoughts are done in italics without capitalization and without most punctuation. 13. Important details & facts Neocybex is the language they all speak. The Lost Light has a quantum feel to it. Mirage has gems embedded in his arms. 14. Anything else where consistency in your novel is important Not forgetting to have Ultra Magnus give Soundwave his stool would've been nice!! Dang xD Things I kept consistent: the location of rooms in relation to each other, characterization and characterization progression, a slow “power creep” for Soundwave as he discovered who he was. – So yeah! You can see how a stylesheet would've been really helpful as I wrote. I think if you get the template and toss stuff in there as you go, you'll have a much easier time editing by the end of a long story. I don't think this step is necessary for a short story, unless you have a LOT of information to keep track of, or perhaps mix up your spellings and want to make sure you keep consistent with the right one (color vs colour, for example). Check out Autumn's video, grab a stylesheet template for yourself, and happy writing :)
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monstersdownthepath · 8 months
Herald of Milani: Courage Heart
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CR 15
Chaotic Good Medium Outsider
Adventure Path: Reign of Winter: The Shackled Hut, pg. 84-85
The baby of the bunch among the Heralds, Courage Heart here also has the dubious honor of serving the youngest of the gods we've seen thus far, with Milani becoming a full-powered deity only a century ago with the death of Aroden, for whom she formerly served as a saint. Courage Heart is even younger, being only a few decades old, having perished as a mortal in the upheavals of Galt, only to have her soul rescued by Milani and transformed into a being of divine freedom. She is so young that she still has immediate mortal family, as in brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, parents... but she refuses to ever see them if she can help it, and has cast aside her past name in favor of her divine title so that no connections can be made between her and her family. Not out of shame, or pride, or hatred, but because Galt isn't a very nice place to live, and if anyone ever found out who her mortal family is, that's a weak point that could be exploited.
She still remembers being mortal and will sometimes return in the guise of one to avoid suspicion from fiendish onlookers, taking on the shape and abilities of a Ranger of 4th or higher level, staying only long enough to fulfill whatever mission she saw fit to accomplish before departing, never revealing her divine form or purpose until she's safely back in Elysium. She never stays long enough to form attachments and purposely hardens herself against any attempts to know her, not wishing to put any allies (or potential friends) through the grief of watching a beloved companion vanish without a trace. One must imagine it a terribly lonely existence, but at least she has the benefit of friends she's made in Elysium waiting for her between missions.
Despite her appearance preceding Inner Sea Gods by a full year, Courage Heart really benefits from the two-page spread she's afforded in the book. Compared to the rest of the Heralds who have their stats, art, and lore crammed onto single pages with no room to breathe or stretch, CH has a fully realized lore block, beautiful art, and a statblock that puts an enormous number of other Heralds to shame despite being younger and, thus, much less experienced than any of them. There's a few Heralds who punch above their weight class, and CH is one of them. Let's see just what that looks like...
Almost immediately, one's eyes are drawn to CH's weapon of choice: A +3 Anarchic Morningstar, a weapon a full +1 tougher than any other Herald's. Her attacks are both highly accurate (+29 to the first hit, +14 on the last) and powerful, dealing 1d8+11 damage (+2d6 vs Lawful targets) up to four times a round, or 2d8+11 once via Vital Strike if she can't make a Full-Attack... though if you stay out of her melee range, she may instead decide to swap to her even more intimidating ranged option.
Oh yes, from a distance, her silly little rose may not seem all that impressive as a weapon, but anyone who knows anything about Milani knows just how dangerous a rose can be in the hands of her believers (that link to her article above? scroll down a bit until you read what she does to Wall of Thorns). Indeed, CH's Bloody Rose is not just a token she can hand out, but a shockingly potent weapon: A +1 Anarchic Dart, meaning it deals 1d4+9 damage on a hit (+2d6 vs Lawful) and it can hit up to four times a round, as CH can conjure as many as she wishes as a free action. While seemingly less damaging and less accurate than her melee morningstar at first, she has two to back it up: Point-Blank Shot and Rapid Shot, the first adding +1 to attack and damage rolls vs nearby creatures, and the latter giving her an extra attack if she Full-Attacks with her dart... And ALL of her weapon attacks benefit from her Favored Enemy ability, to which she has +8 vs Lawful Outsiders, +6 vs Evil Outsiders, +4 vs Undead, and +2 vs Humans giving her even more damage than she first appears to have when opposing tyrants and fiends.
Her dart isn't her only ranged option, just the only one that can critically strike: she's also got both Chaos Hammer and Holy Smite at-will to deal a burst of damage to multiple Lawful or Evil targets... but her true power lays not in what she can do on her own, but what she adds to an ongoing rebellion. As servant to the goddess of uprisings, Courage Heart gives hope to the hopeless and bolsters them with the strength to fight back against their oppressors; allied soldiers will feel the most benefit from CH's presence, but even peasants and commoners will feel new strength welling up inside them.
CH's Rebellious Aura quite literally gives hope to the hopeless, granting every ally within 60ft a +4 to saves versus fear effects and a permanent, undispellable Good Hope effect, granting a +2 to every d20 roll and weapon damage roll they make until they're no longer in the aura. In addition, her spell-like abilities benefit others far more than they benefit her, as she can grant Darkvision out despite having it herself, Magic Vestments and Magic Weapon when she already has fully magical equipment, and Protection From Arrows when she's already got the Deflect Arrow feat. All of the mentioned spell-likes can be cast 3/day, and they're not nearly all she can do to aid an ongoing cause; if she can help it, no one will die in her care. She does have Cure Moderate Wounds 3/day, but that pales in comparison to her Martyr's Blood, granting her the power to lower her own Fast Healing 10 by 1 to grant Fast Healing 1 to an ally for an hour, meaning the target regains 600 HP over the course of that hour, one round at a time. There's no limit to how many times she can grant someone her blood, just that she's restricted to only marking 10 targets at a time (lowering her own healing to 0/round for an hour), basically allowing her allies infinite out-of-combat healing. If you can't kill someone under her protection, they'll be back on their feet at full health an hour later.
But a true uprising isn't built on defenses alone, her fellow freedom fighters must be ready to take up arms when needed. Not everyone in her makeshift militia will have proper weapons, but whatever they grab off the ground will serve as a fine weapon thanks to her 3/day Peasant Armaments, a spell unique to Milani followers which allows anyone nearby using an improvised weapon to A) do so without penalty, and B) treat them as their closest equivalent simple weapon. The spell amusingly states that even a butterknife or broken chair leg can be treated as a dagger and a club (respective) while under the effects of this spell, letting a group of peasants fight back against trained soldiers with planks torn from the ground, tree branches, silverware, and furniture. With Magic Vestments and Magic Weapon being handed out, even people in scavenged armor can have a better chance at surviving long enough to escape a tyrant's grasp. Anyone who cannot or will not fight can be shrouded by her 1/day Mass Invisibility to sneak around what cannot be fought.
Also, when I say 'handed out' in regards to her magic, I mean it literally. CH can't be everywhere at once, but she can freely use Imbue With Power to grant anyone she touches the ability to cast one of her 3/day spells, expending one of her uses but allowing the target to cast it themselves at a later time. She can hand out quite the lengthy list: Cure Moderate Wounds, Magic Weapon, Peasant Armaments, Protection From Arrows, Shield Other, and Status! With the power to divide the workload between herself and her allies, it leaves her hands free to go on the offense while other people 'holding' her magic for her can get it to the ones in need, removing any potential for her enemies to try and split her focus. About the only one she might want to keep for herself is Shield Other, as it allows her to take damage meant for a chosen champion, with that damage crashing into her long list of defenses: DR 10/Lawful, and 20 Resistance to Acid, Cold, Electricity, and Fire. With Fast Healing 10 ticking her up each round, she's an excellent Shield Other battery, and even beyond all this she STILL has more tricks!
She can use Tactician to grant all allies within 30ft of her the use of her Outflank, Lookout, and Swap Places feats for 11 rounds, giving them additional DPS, initiative, and maneuverability in a single action. All the while, her allies are benefiting from her long list of buffs, both active and passive. Were it not for the shackles of divine law requiring her to operate in secrecy, there's little doubt in my mind that Courage Heart would actually whip Galt into proper shape in a matter of weeks, if not days... were it not for some factors assuring that her homeland remains in its tumultuous state. But who's to say those factors wouldn't allow CH to shed her disguise and fight at full power? Perhaps, over the course of a specific module, the players see fit to call the Herald of Freedom back to her homeland to finally free it from the parasites that have been ruining it...?
You can read more about her here.
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sunnydaleherald · 6 days
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, September 15th
Faith: Let’s have another go at it. See who ends on top.
~~This Year's Girl~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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First Stage by veronyxk84 (Spike, Dawn, PG-13)
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Sugar Water by thisyearsgrrl (Buffy/Faith, Explicit)
Smoke & Ashes by Grundy (Hunger Games crossover, Spike & Effie Trinket, T)
Swallowed Whole by SomeKindOfADeviant (Spike/Angelus, M)
Now I’m ready to close my eyes by Anewhope303 (Buffy/Faith, Explicit)
I Might Be On To Something by Skyson (Buffy/Giles, M)
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the leather jacket by sapphistically (Spike/reader, not rated)
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First Stage by VeroNyxK84 (Spike, Dawn, anthology rated PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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After Old Friends Leave - Chapter 1-3 (COMPLETE!) by eevol76vamp (Angel, Angel Investigations, Anne Steele, Gunn & Rondell, Angel/Nina, Angel/Spike, not rated)
Buffy Summers’s Baby - Chapter 1-8 by Zetared (Buffy/Angel/Spike, M)
All's Fair in Love and Loss - Chapter 1-2 by Scar_Eve (Buffy & Giles, T)
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Because the Night, Ch. 9 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Lost in Desolation, Ch. 8 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Love Letters You Never Sent Me, Ch. 2 by Spikelover4ever (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Out of Time: 1942, Ch. 59 by Jonayla (Harry Potter crossover, Buffy/Tom Riddle, FR18)
Blood of Kings, Ch. 4 by Taskmaster (Young Royals crossover, Buffy, Scoobies, FR18)
The Key To The Future, Ch. 2 by LoneFrog (Dawn, FR15)
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Happily Ever After, Ch. 1 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, R)
What Happens at Willow Creek, Ch. 1 by Alyot (Buffy/Spike, R)
Perfect Clarity, Ch. 29 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Gifs: Spike, Oz, Buffy, Willow, Cordelia Tara, Faith (worksafe)
Buffy/Spike manips by spyder-baby (probably worksafe, some nudity)
Vidlet: buffy hits hard but let's be honest, spike loves it by Tiktok user bloody_awful (Buffy/Spike)
Drusilla and Buffy sketch weeee by mistyintherivers (worksafe)
a sort of. classic movie musical poster style thingy bc i loooove once more with feeling by mistyintherivers (Buffy, Scoobies, worksafe)
slightly happier graduation by mistyintherivers (Willow & Jenny, worksafe)
Ep. 4x09 "Something Blue" by o-cm-draw-o (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Ep. 6x13 "Dead Things" by o-cm-draw-o (Buffy/Spike, probably NSFW)
Buffy gets a driving lesson by slurping-up-grass (Buffy & Giles, worksafe)
spike + textposts by spikespeaches (NSFW text, canon-typical partial nudity)
Digital drawing: Buffy by stateofdreaminn ()
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[Vid] Let Go crossposted by winterevanesce (Angel & Connor, T)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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i feel like if btvs 5x18 “intervention” had not been written by a woman... by lesbianmarrow
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Becoming part two (you have to give David Boreanaz his due) by Trixieswizzle
The Horror Bandwagon react to "Something Blue" and "Hush"
Is this book any good? [Demons of the Hellmouth: A Guide for Slayers] by bkv-hbl
SHE'S OUR SABRINA! Up The Buff! Ep 3 - Witch - Buffy joins a cult! by BigBadLlama
At the end of Season 3 (how timeless the show is) by EnterTheBlackVault
Are The Novels Good and Worth Reading? by friendofathena
The Gift - First Watch by VikTone
How are the tie-in novels? by flandsfroghurt
Whose friendship did you feel was the most genuine to you or really stood out to you in the series? by veganbethb
Which characters were the most perfectly cast? by beeemkcl
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season One - Review by Marisa Quinn-Haisu
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Video rec: Words can't express how much I'm loving these Buffy reactors. Ashleigh is a trip. by mileenaxyz
[Fandom Discussions]
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Re: Hardest character to write/get the characterization correct for? by coraniaid
Headcanons re: being angel's gf and how it would be dating angelus by fedcrypt
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Why isn't Alexa Davalos part of Angel season 5?, Your thought about her character. [Gwen Raiden] by BabyBlueN7
What's on your Spuffy playlist? by Xenonand
If Cordelia Chase was a teenager in the 21st century - would she be a Influencer? by jdpm1991
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Original Xbox game help. It's super difficult! by Goosetiers
What's the most iconic Angel look? by bkv-hbl
If Xander Harris was a teenager in the 2020's - what social media would he use? by jdpm1991
Creative ways to connect Buffy [the Vampire Slayer] and Angel [the series]? by sadhungryandvirgin
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Under-appreciated part in the book [ ch. 4, pg. 84 ] where Alex tells Henry his dad was hot and Henry screams into his phone.
Dec 8, 2019, 8:53 PM yo theres a bond marathon on and did you know your dad was a total babe
HRH Prince Dickhead 💩 I BEG YOU TO NOT
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Currently Reading: The Holy Book of Women's Mysteries by Zsuzsanna Budapest
Have either a physical book or utilize this PDF I have found by April 1st at the latest, official calendar starts April 3rd
I will update the reading calendar in this pinned post on where we should be for either a physical copy or in the PDF version I offer. Current plan is to get through a book in a month, but this book will probably go faster based on the content it includes that I will assume not every single person will read in depth, such as specific spells or rituals that do not interest them.
Calendar below:
April 3rd, 2023—Read the introduction and forewords if desired.
For book readers, read Ch. 1 "Feminist Witchcraft" ending at Ch. 2 "The Dianic Tradition", continue with "Introduction to the Rites of Life" on pg. 58-98 ending at "The Great Rite".
For PDF readers, read Ch.1 "Feminist Witchcraft starting on pg. 11 ending on pg. 62. Continue with "Rites of Life" on pg. 63-69.
April 10th, 2023—No discussion posts, continue reading:
For book readers, read Ch. 3 "Celebrating the Holy Days of the Earth" pg. 113- 137 and Ch. 4 "Women's Holidays in the Dianic Tradition" pg. 140-153
For PDF readers, read Ch. 2 "Celebrating the Holy days of the Earth" pg. 71-96 and Ch. 3 "Dianic Tradition" pg. 97-112
April 17th, 2023—DISCUSSION DAY! Come ready with questions, comments, artistic representations, or critiques about the material previous to this day. I will also provide some general questions for everyone.
For book readers, continue reading Ch. 5 "The Goddess and the God" pg. 156-179 and Ch. 8 " Witches, Covens, Shamans, Magic, and Ritual" pg. 212-235
For PDF readers, read "Organization" pg. 113-118 and Ch. 5 "The Goddess and the God" pg. 136-144
April 24th, 2023—Final reading day
For book readers, read Ch. 6 "Prophecy: Tarot, Runes, Astrology, Dreams, Reincarnation, Automatic Writing, Fortune Telling" pg. 182-200.
OPTIONAL: If your copy includes "The Politics of Food", "Shamanism Throughout Herstory", "Masika's book of Life" or "The Goddess of the Ten Thousand Names" you are welcome to read whichever interests you and come to share and discuss anything you've read. PDF users do not have direct access to these chapters, hence why they're optional reads for now unless I find a way to create a shareable PDF of my own book (if you know how to do this, dm me lmao)
For PDF readers, read Ch. 4 "The Skills of Prophecy" pg. 120-133
May 1st, 2023—Final Discussion Day!
Come prepped to discuss and comment on the final chapter together and the book as a whole :)
(Calendar subjected to updates at any time depending on the reaction and pacing from book club members)
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real-time-twilight · 9 months
Breaking Dawn in Real Time
December 31st, 2006 (Sunday)
Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous 🌔
🌄 Sunrise: 8:05 AM
🌅 Sunset : 4:36 PM
Breaking Dawn, Pgs. 675 (from line 7)--754
Ch. 35 ("Deadline")
Ch. 36 ("Bloodlust")
Ch. 37 ("Contrivances")
Ch. 38 ("Power")
Ch. 39 ("The Happily Ever After")
4:00-6:00 AM (Approx.) - The witnesses and wolves gather in the clearing
8:30 AM (Approx.) - Nessie wakes and Bella dresses her, putting the go, bag on her shoulders and warns her that she may have to flee with Jacob
8:33 AM (Approx.) - Bella and Nessie join the others in the clearing, with the witnesses arranged strategically around them
8:34 AM (Approx.) - The Volturi arrive with their own group of "witnesses", Irina in tow; Edward confirms the Volturi's intentions to acquire the most talented of the group and destroy the rest using an excuse necessary
8:35 AM (Approx.) - The Wolf Packs make their presence known, causing the Volturi to take pause; Edward advises Carlisle to make the first diplomatic move, while they hesitate
8:36 AM (Approx.) - Carlisle initiates contact; Aro accuses him of assembling an army; Carlisle assures him that it is an a misunderstanding and that Renesmee is not what she appears to be.
8:37 AM (Approx.) - Caius calls on Irina to confirm her testimony; Irina is unable to do so, as Renesmee has visibly grown since she last saw her; Edward comes forward to explain and Bella, prompted by defensive instincts, gains full control over her shielding ability; Edward communicates the situation to Aro through Aro's mind-reading ability
8:38 AM (Approx.) - Aro is surprised by the information gained from Edward and asks to be introduced to Renesmee; Bella brings her forward with Emmett and Jacob as backup; Aro greets Renesmee and has a brief exchange with her
8:39 AM (Approx.) - Aro confers with the other leaders; Caius is skeptical despite Aro's assurances of the veracity of Renesmee's parentage; he also questions the presence of the "werewolves", and Edward and Aro both point out that the wolves present do not fit the criteria of true "werewolves"
8:41 AM (Approx.) - Frustrated, Caius demands to speak with Irina again, and asks if she would like to lodge a formal complaint against the wolves for killing Laurent--she declines, claims responsibility for her error, and says that the Volturi have no further business there, as her accusation was mistaken
8:42 AM (Approx.) - Caius has Irina summarily executed, ostensibly as a warning against false witness, but in truth to ellicit a violent response from Tanya and Kate, which is successful; Carlisle restrains Tanya easily; Garrett successfully subdues Kate after she repels Rosalie and Emmett, aided by Zafrina who uses her power of illusion to blind the sisters, and Bella who shields Garrett from the shocks of Kate's ability.
8:45 AM (Approx.) - Carlisle reasons with Tanya and Kate, much to Aro and Caius's displeasure; the Volturi witnesses falter, shaken by Irina's sudden and apparently arbitrary execution
8:47 AM (Approx.) - Aro asks to speak with the Cullens' witnesses, interviewing Amun and Siobhan, who both witness to Renesmee's growth and cognition
8:52 AM (Approx.) - Despite the positive testimonials, Aro posits that Renesmee may still pose a threat in the future, as nature after maturation is unknown and unknowable
9:00 AM (Approx.) - Garrett stands up and makes a short speech both in favour of the Cullens, and warning to be wary of the Volturi as an overreaching entity
9:05 AM (Approx.) - Aro interviews his own witnesses; Charles and Makenna make a statement that they see no harm Renesmee or the Cullens and promptly leave
9:08 AM (Approx.) - Aro and the other leaders adjourn to counsel again; the Cullens prepare for a fight;l
9:09 AM (Approx.) - Chelsea uses her ability to try and break the Cullen side's bonds but is being thwarted by a Bella's shield; Jane, likewise attempts to use her ability and is also repelled, as is Alec; Benjamin opens a fissure in the ground between the Cullens and the Volturi
9:11 AM (Approx.) - The Cullen side stake their claims on targets in the anticipated battle
9:12 AM (Approx.) - Pre-ambling their "vote", Aro extends invitations to certain members on the Cullen side who might wish to join the Volturi ranks--all flatly refuse
9:13 AM (Approx.) - Caius votes in favour of eliminating Renesmee, Marcus against, leaving Aro with the deciding vote; Edward interrupts, asking whether, if there was a way to prove incontrovertibly that Renesmee poses no future threat, that would negate any need for a vote: Aro confirms this.
9:15 AM (Approx.) - Alice and Jasper enter the clearing with three others; Kachiri, the third member of the Amazon coven: Huilen, a vampire; and her nephew Nahuel, a fully grown half vampire, half human hybrid
9:17 AM (Approx.) - Huilen gives witness that Nahuel was born to conceived by her sister after nightly visitations from a vampire; she describes her sister's pregnancy, very similar to Bella's experience carrying Renesmee, and relates how her sister died giving birth to Nahuel, who bit Huilen, transforming her into a vampire
9:25 AM (Approx.) - Nahuel testifies that he grew to full maturity in seven years and stopped ageing, and that he is one of several vampire-human hybrids sired by Joham, though all the rest are female, and none of them venomous
9:30 AM (Approx.) - Confronted with a mountain of evidence, Aro votes against eliminating Renesmee and declares their business with the Cullens finished
9:33 AM (Approx.) - Aro and Carlisle exchange parting words, and the Volturi leave
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM (Approx.) - The Cullens' witnesses depart, the Denalis leaving last with Garrett in tow, the latter having formed an attachment with Kate
4:00 PM (Approx.) - The Cullens sit, gathered in the great room being debriefed by Alice and Edward; they are joined by Huilen and Nahuel their only remaining guests; Bella is slightly unnerved by Nahuel's staring at her and Renesmee.
9:00 PM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella bid the family goodnight and take Renesmee home to the cottage; on the way, Bella mentions Nahuel's staring to Edward, who corrects her misconception that Nahuel was staring at Renesmee when, rather he was staring at her, Bella. Edward explains that Nahuel takes comfort in seeing Bella alive and holding her daughter, as he has always felt guilt for causing his own mother's death
9:10 PM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella put Renesmee to bed, then go to their room, where Bella reveals to Edward that she can, with concentration, retract her mental shield and allow him to see her thoughts, showing him all of her memories of their life together from her perspective; Edward is shocked and delighted. They kiss, and then presumably fuck.
The End
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starspatter · 8 months
Heroes and Thieves, Ch. 23
Title: Heroes and Thieves Fandom/Universe: BTAS, pre/post-RotJ flashback
Summary: A story about second chances, healing, and having hope.
Rating: PG-13, for references to character death, child psychological torture and trauma.
Genre: Romance/Family/Friendship/Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 2,196 Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Also on ff.net and AO3.
We were just kids just living in Wide-eyed innocence Minivan floor like a tenement We were just kids who believed in More than just dreams In more than just justified ends to a means
-Switchfoot, "Who We Are"
Gotham Central Park.  A harrowed, hunched form had parked himself on a bench overlooking the playground, where a group of children were engaged cheerfully.  Peacefully.  Safely.  Hanging upside-down from the monkey bars, taking turns on the slide while their doting parents watched and applauded at each successful landing; boosting their precious little ones on the swings, higher and higher towards the horizon.  It reminded Tim of the time he and Cassandra had sat there together, holding hands for the entire length of the afternoon.  …She wasn’t here now though.  He was alone.
…Or so he thought, but he suddenly felt a familiar shadow fall over him.  Only stocky rather than slender.  He didn’t even need to raise his head to guess who it was.
“I thought you and Cass were in Hawaii.”
“We came back as soon as we heard the news.”
Conner reclined on the resting next to Tim, who retained silence for an agonizing interval before finally stating:
“My wife’s pregnant.”
A thump on his back.
“Congrats, man.  You finally knocked her up.”  His companion grinned.  “I was wondering if you two even did it, to be honest.”
Tim shamefully hung his head in regret.
“…It was an accident.”
“That’s a real nice way to refer to your future offspring.  Look at it this way, you’ve got a story to tell the tyke when it grows up.”
“This isn’t funny, Kon.”  He descended his frazzled forehead further into his palm.  “What am I even gonna do with a kid?  I can barely handle functioning normally on a daily basis, how the hell am I going to be able to take care of someone else?  I mean,” he added spitefully, “it’s not like I exactly have the greatest track record of role models to go by.”
Conner’s own brow furrowed in faint frustration.
“Look, you think you’ve got daddy issues, you’re talking to the guy who has half of Lex Luthor’s and Superman’s DNA.”
“Sorry.”  Tim swallowed sympathetically.  “It’s just… What if I do end up like my dad?  I could’ve inherited something bad from him…”
Conner sighed.
“Tim, buddy, you’re the one who told me genetics don’t work that way.  Remember when I found out Luthor was my secondary DNA donor, I thought I had a 50% chance of suddenly turning ‘psycho’ myself in my sleep.”
“Or of going bald.”
Tim couldn’t help but taunt, and Conner flushed slightly, recalling that nervous period of constantly checking his hairline in the mirror each day.
“Point being…  Everyone’s expected me to turn out to be either the world’s greatest hero – or the world’s greatest villain.”  He looked down at his fist, clenching tightly in determination.  “Ultimately, I chose to use my powers for good, not because of Superman, or Cadmus – but because I wanted to.  Carve my own path.  Show I can be more than just a weapon – what I was designed and purposed for – no matter what anyone else says.”
He clapped his company’s shoulder.
“Listen: You can choose who you want to be.  You’ve already proven that by becoming a hero yourself.  You are not your father.  You’re you.  And you’re the coolest, smartest, nicest guy I know.  So stop worrying, quit beating yourself up, and trust me when I say you’re gonna be fine.  ‘It’s’ gonna love you, because I do.  So does Steph.  And Cass.  We all do.”
Tim rotated slowly to confront Conner, who beamed broadly.
“Remember, I’m here for you.  All of us are.  If you need help with anything, just ask.”
Tim stared at him, before restoring his gaze to the ground.
“You know… When the two of us first met, I was in a really bad place.”
“And now?”
“…Now?”  He lifted again, and smiled.  “Now… I’m in a good place.  Thanks to you guys.  You’ve all been as much of a ‘family’ to me as Dick and Barbara.  Heck, you’re practically like a second brother.  I don’t know where I’d be if I hadn’t met you when I did.  I’m… really grateful for you being there.”
Conner rubbed his neck in embarrassment at the gushing words of appreciation.
“Ah, jeeze.  C’mere, you.”
A large limb lunged around Tim’s shoulders, drawing him suddenly into a half-embrace.
“Kon!”  Tim glanced apprehensively aside at the sound of giggles and whispers coming from two teenage girls passing nearby.  “Hey, c’mon, we’re in public.  People are watching.”
“So?  Let them watch.  I want the world to see how much you’re valued.”
Tim blinked, but accepted the bear hug, reciprocating amiably.  Burying his face into the symbol on the other’s wide, warm chest.  For a brief instant, it brought back a vague, tingling memory of being held and soothed by someone of similar size and build, dressed also in black…
Finally separating, he laughed sheepishly at the sappy scene, surreptitiously wiping his eyes.
“Look at us, two grown-ass men – acting like total chicks.”
Conner chuckled as well, and as if to assert his masculinity, lightly tapped the other’s cheek with a playful punch, teasing in a mildly mocking manner.
“I take back what I said before about you being cool.  You’re still a dweeb.”
“And you’re still an ass,” Tim parried risibly with visible good humor, ribbing back in riposte.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
As they idled there like inept idiots, awkwardly avoiding acknowledgement of affection after the fact, another visitor with red on its breast ironically fluttered down onto the path before them, seeking handouts.  Conner glimpsed anxiously at his comrade out of the corner of his eye, but Tim remained relatively calm as he obliged and pulled out the leftovers from the work lunch Steph had packed him, compassionately scattering crumbs of sandwich crust.  After a minute of mute feeding, Conner quietly cleared his throat.
“…For what it’s worth, you’re still a ‘superhero’ in my eyes.  Absolutely nothing that’s happened since then can ever change that fact.”
Tim wryly rolled his eyes, emptying out the residual rye before crumpling the wrapper and tossing it towards the nearest bin – marginally missing the mark so it bounced off the brim instead.
“You never even knew me when I was Robin,” he snorted.
“Yeah but…”  Conner squinted contemplatively up at the sky.  “For some reason it feels like I’ve known you my whole life.”
“That’s because you pretty much have.”
“Touché,” Conner conceded.  “As far as I’m concerned though...  You’re my Robin.  Always will be.”
“And you’ll always be my clone boy.”
Tim replied with a hint of sarcasm, but smiled sincerely all the same.
As he stood in order to pick up the litter and put it in its proper receptacle, Conner followed suit.  Taking advantage of the opportunity, he again bumped the neurotic neat freak on his bent backside, bolstering boisterously.
“Just to make sure you’ve got the message, I’ll say it once more: You’re gonna be an awesome dad.  …A dork dad, but an awesome one.”
“Thanks…  I think.”
Conner patted supportively.
“Go home to your wife, Tim.  She needs you now more than ever.  If you back out from this, then I seriously will kick your ass.”
His senses piqued as he turned towards something in the distance.  With a wink, he continued:
“Speaking of which, I should probably get back to mine, before she glares a hole in my skull.  Heck,” he cupped his palm in a hush, “you’d think she’s the one who has heat vision.”
I heard that.
A stern voice resounded in both their brains, as Conner winced.  Releasing dutifully, he revolved and hastily walked off with a reverse wave.
“See you around, nerd.  Remember, I’m always a holler away if you need anything.  Even if it’s just to talk.”
Tim observed him go, approaching a dark-haired woman and a child with identical bangs and bold blue eyes.  Conner stooped to ruffle the boy’s top, before hoisting the bundle up onto his shoulders.  Cassandra smiled and nodded towards Tim.
She’s waiting for you.
With that, she took her husband’s hand and strolled off through the garden.  Tim breathed out, before heading off in the opposite direction – towards home.
Stephanie was still seated at the kitchen table when Tim arrived at the house, having apparently yet to clear away the cups from a surprise guest tea with her college girlfriend, who dropped in unexpectedly after receiving a confidential call just this morning.  Instead she was surveying absently out the window, running her finger along the rim of the mug, deep in thought.  Her eyes elevated upon his entrance, and she smiled.
“Hey.  Welcome home, honey~”
Tim crossed over and immediately answered her by leaning into a long, intimate kiss, to which she certainly didn’t object.
“Boy, considering I was throwing up in the toilet the last time we saw each other, you’re in an awfully adoring mood now.”  She made a whooshing motion in order to jog – jibe him.  “I mean, you just ran out of here like you saw some roadkill.”
Gulping, he cast a quick, knowing look towards the containers on the counter.
“Conner came to see me today too.”
“Oh, I see.”  Steph pouted, pushing him away.  “So that’s why you’re being so romantic all of a sudden.  You feel guilty for cheating on me, is that it?”
Tim gave a weak laugh, and wrapped his arms reassuringly around her.  They stayed like that for a while, his chin nesting gently on her golden crown as they admired the similarly-hued sunset.
“…I’m sorry for leaving you like that.  I… haven’t really been able to figure out how to react to all this.  If I should be happy, or terrified, or…”
She swiveled around, petting his jaw in forgiveness and understanding.  She could see from the shaded lines around his sockets how stressed out and scared he was.
“It’s okay to be both, you know.   I’m scared too.  When… I gave birth to my daughter, I had a dream that my dad came to take her away from me.  Even though he was supposedly ‘dead’ at the time, I was still so frightened he’d suddenly show up one day and claim her, train her to become a criminal like him.  …That’s part of why I gave her up for adoption.  I thought she deserved a better life – not one raised by the Cluemaster’s own dumb daughter, who went and got herself ‘preggers’ while still in high school by dating another loser deadbeat.”
Tim lowered himself down to her level, kneeling before her as he gripped her tautly balled knuckles.
“We’re not our parents, Steph.  You’re clever and kind and beautiful, plus the strongest – not to mention most stubborn – person I know.  You’re gonna be a great mom.  And I promise I’ll be here with you from now on, 100%.  Every step of the way.”
Her grasp unfurled, and he uplifted her tips, lips caressing in a courteous gesture that made her feel like a princess.  She smiled, and responded to the noble deed with a token of her own fondness to her templar’s temple.
“We’re gonna do this together,” she agreed.  “And we’ll be better.”
After a pregnant pause, she considered:
“Wait, so does this mean you’ll wait on me hand and foot now?”  A mischievous grin formed.  “‘Cuz if so, not to be cliché, but I’m really craving me some pickles dipped in mashed potatoes at the moment.”
Tim chuckled again.
“Whatever you desire, milady.”
“Hey, the little guy wants what it wants.”
At that, Tim tentatively reached out towards her tummy, and she indicated it was okay to touch, guiding his curious paw there.  He felt the softness of the fabric, well aware that a fetus wouldn’t be showing any signs of movement at this stage, but marveling at the notion there was indeed a life growing inside of there.  A life he helped to create, that he had – must have – experienced once (even if he couldn’t bring himself to recollect it anymore), nurtured and safeguarded against the harshness of the outside world.  Who knew nothing yet of pain or sadness – just how cruel the world could be – only pure, unadulterated love.
…And when his son is finally born and he holds that tiny, squirming life in his trembling palms for the very first time, he makes a vow: To protect that unpolluted innocence at all costs.  That he will never let anything bad happen to him; that his father will never abandon him.  …Urging him to cry all he can now, because there would eventually come a day when he can’t anymore – even if he wants to.  When he needs to be both brave and tough, and keep moving forward despite whatever difficulty he may encounter, make his own choice someday.
And yet… He feels tears rolling openly down his own ducts as the infant’s mother – his partner – family – rests against him, exhausted but elated.  He soon realizes his own weeping isn’t an expression of sorrow either… but one of joy.
And when they simultaneously ask Cassandra and Conner to be the baby’s godmother and father, respectively, the two are more than honored and glad to be of service.  …After all, they’re only returning the favor.
They said it's complicated They said we'd never make it this far But we are They said the fight would break us But the struggle helped to make Who we are We've got nothing left to lose There's still time enough to choose
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skzfairyy · 2 years
District 9: Index
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Mafia!AU || skz x OC’s || PG-17 || 
Pairings: Bangchan x oc, Minsung x oc, other pairings to come!
Genre: Angst, Romance, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, Humor, AU (& so much more lol)
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, mentions of trauma, weapons, mentions of alcohol, nsfw insinuations, language
Status: Ongoing
Summary: Living in a society where your only chance at survival is through connections and grit, District 9 is home to two groups that no longer want to abide by the unethical ways of the their upbringing. After the mutual decision to try and change everything they’ve come to know, we follow them in their long journey to making a new name for themselves in the world that left them behind.
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AN: Hi everyone! We are Y2K! Yes, there are two of us (a writer and an editor). We’re also avid multistans haha, this idea came to us sometime in early October and we felt like we just had to get it out. We hope you guys will enjoy this story as much as we had fun writing it. As the series continues we are completely open to questions and comments from everyone! Also, If you’d like to be added to the tag-list please send us a message. :) 
~ !¡Updates every 2 weeks¡! ~
Character Profiles:
Choi Sisters
500 followers special
Y2K masterlist ||
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lizzybeth1986 · 1 year
Eleanor's Kitchen
Books: The Royal Romance/Heir, Rules of Engagement
Pairing: Queen Eleanor & Prince Leo + Liam (mother-sons/siblings), Leo x Damien (mentioned in RoE) (romantic), Liam & Jason (OC) (platonic).
Rating: PG
Summary: Liam notices Leo's friendship with Damien, their gardener's eldest son, becoming stronger.
Series: Eleanor's Kitchen
Note: Damien (not Nazario from PM!) has been mentioned in this scene in Rules of Engagement, Book 2. I played fast and loose with the timelines for this backstory, and have given Damien a younger brother who was Liam's age.
This chapter takes place almost a year following Ch 3. Liam is now 8 years old, Leo is 14.
Word Count: 3, 718 words
Tagging @kingliamappreciationweek for KLAW Day 4: Childhood, @aprilchallenge for the prompt "just want to be with you", @choicesholidays for National Sibling Appreciation Day (April 10th) and @choicesficwriterscreations for FoTW.
Chapter 4: Garídes Saganáki
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(Photo from this recipe)
Liam greets the salt air that briefly kisses his face, and the sand that pools around his toes at the beach, with a sense of homecoming. This beach has felt as much like his home as the palace he was born in, suffused with memories of sandcastles and uniquely-shaped seashells and the rush of excitement that came every time a wave crashed against the shore.
And most of all, it feels like home for the moments long past. For the rare times both he and Leo did things together, back when Leo actually liked taking him along for things. When his talk was actually more talk and less eyerolling and "oh you're too young to understand". The love is still there, and so is the need to protect each other (especially against Father's acid remarks, usually aimed at Leo) - just...the companionship isn't, any longer.
The sad, sinking feeling that used to emerge from realizing that is, thankfully, rare now - Liam much prefers the company of his own friends - but when he was four and hanging on to his big brother's every word, it had stung.
"Every big brother does that," his newest friend, Jason, shrugged. Jason is the palace gardner Giorgos Vasilakis' youngest son, accompanying his father since last year on visits to the Queen to discuss the plans surrounding her dream project: the palace hedge maze, that was to echo the one in Château de Villandry in France. Jason's older brother Damien had always been the one at Kýrios Vasilakis' side before that, but of late Liam has begun to associate his presence more with his own elder brother.
Jason is lonely. Unlike Liam, who has managed to bring together his own motley band of merry playmates, Jason has only the one older brother and has never gotten the chance to venture beyond the palace and his father's cottage. Liam has experienced only a fraction of that kind of loneliness and it had felt like hell. He and Jason may not know each other well, but he'll be damned if he let the other boy he has no one. And so he brings Jason along to meet all his friends.
Both Liam's and Jason's older brothers accompany the group of exhilarated children to the beach, but slip away in another direction before the group can notice. Liam notes the direction Leo and Damien are headed - their heads leaning towards each other as they walk - but says nothing. More friends, Liam reminds himself of his purpose here, first make sure we give Jason more friends.
Liam isn't disappointed. Before long, Jason's name has been shortened to Jase, his shorts and shirt have been drenched from jumping over the crashing waves with Maxwell, and he's snacking happily over pine nuts with Drake and Olivia. He even enjoys collecting seashells with Tariq, even if he did find him a little odd at first.
"I can understand not wanting to get your shoes wet but why would he want to keep them 30 feet away from the sea??"
Liam giggles a little. "They're not just shoes! They're...uh... Salvatore Ferra-somethings!" he says, already forgetting the Italian names that slip so easily from Tariq's tongue when he's talking about a shoe brand. Liam would too, if his father spoke his ears off about shoes as much as Tariq's did.
"If you say so," Jason replies doubtfully. What a funny bunch of people these nobles and royals are, he must be thinking, "but what if they get stolen?"
"Then Tariq will sniff and say he hopes they were stolen by someone who truly understands the value and beauty of Italian shoes."
Just before they leave, the children build a sandcastle. Liam and Jason deem themselves the architects of the main structure, Drake and Olivia choose to build a fortress. Maxwell ropes in a skeptical Tariq to help him construct a fantastic "Tower of Fun and Parties" right next to the castle itself. They are almost done when Jason stands up, declares the castle incomplete without a good garden, and pokes dots into the sand to form imaginary flowers.
For a moment all they can hear is the shriek of the gulls and the buffeting crash of the waves. They are all silent, and smiling, and very, very proud of themselves.
This structure is the biggest sandcastle the children have ever built themselves thus far, and by the time Leo and Damien return (hair damp, skin glistening, breathing hard as if they'd jumped down the steep cliffs of the Forgotten Falls and climbed back up, hands very close but not really touching) they are all convinced it is the biggest castle they ever will conceive of building. Even if it is one built in sand, soon to be a victim to the crashing waves.
Liam puts on his baking gloves, balancing himself on the balls of his feet as he waits to take his freshly-baked bread out of the oven. It's a moment he likes to gear himself up for - there's just something, some magic, about that first, comforting, soul-filling whiff. He'd experienced that feeling the first time he actually watched Chef Anais bake, and he's felt it ever since.
His version of Greek village-style bread is perfect today - the crust a lovely brown with little cracks and ridges to show off how crisp its outside is, and he is certain the inside will be soft and a light shade of yellow from the semolina he added to it. The aroma is good enough to make his mother stop in the middle of her own cooking just to breathe it in.
Her face covered in a fine sheen of sweat today from the heat in the kitchen, her hair bunched into a wrap and her hands waving away steam and smoke from her face. Liam can't quite tell whether it is excitement he sees on her face or exhaustion. But from the corner of his eye as he carries the bread to the table to rest, he can tell it is more of the former.
There are two pots boiling away at once on the stove: one a creamy, garlicy, peppery fish broth; the other a beautifully silky tomato-based sauce that he knows from experience will become even silkier and creamier when Mum adds a sinfully liberal amount of feta chesse to it.
He almost reaches out for it with a spoon when his mother stops him.
"Ah-ah-ah!" Mum says, playfully wagging her finger, "Not yours, thisavré mou. This is for your brother and his friend only. That's why I'm making something with your favourite Stone Bass fish as well. For you and your friend."
Liam frowns. "But I've had shrimp saganaki before. You know I like it too. Why couldn't you just make a bigger batch?"
Mum lets out a sigh suffused with embarrassed laughter. Her hand inadvertently motions itself towards a bottle of alcohol on the table titled Ouzo. "This one is... different. Not for children."
Liam pouts in petulance. Of late reminders that he is still a child and his brother isn't have begun to annoy him. There is something so mythical about teenagehood, Liam is beginning to realise, something he wants to know more about but is too out of his reach to even begin to understand.
Don't be so eager to let go of your childhood, pet, then you'll spend the rest of your life wanting it back, Mum would often tell him. All that phrase does now is make him even more impatient.
The smell of ripened crushed tomatoes, mixing in with the garlic, onions, and chilis, makes for a heady combination. He secretly thanks Uncle Franci for sending them yet another carton of San Marzanos - Mum said he'd written in his last letter that his wife, Aunt Pari, would be making a trip down to her home province of Bethulia soon for the Navroze festival, and was hoping Mum would come celebrate it with her this year.
There is another aroma in the sauce Liam has never smelled before, and has a hard time identifying - it's slightly pungent and makes his eyes water a little. It must be from the bottle of Ouzo.
Mum tosses the feta into the small, two-handled heavy-bottomed frying pan at will - she has never really been one for measurements - and quickly places the pan beneath the broiler to melt the cheese. Liam watches in fascination as her hands crumble extra feta; there is no rubric for how much, she just stops when she feels like it. Just throw! she will tell him anytime he asks her for a measuring cup. Cooking for Mum has always been just a play of hands; trust your hands and give them their time with the ingredients - and the results may not always be consistent but over time they will be forever delicious.
Liam has timed his baking closely enough that by the time both his and Leo's dishes are ready, his bread will have rested long enough, and is ready to serve as a side.
They find Leo talking to Jason's brother at one of the more intimate drawing rooms of the palace, their heads so close they're almost touching. Both their hands are jammed into their pockets, as if they'd hurriedly put them there from whatever their original position was. Their eyes dart everywhere and both seem to turn a little pink. A curl from Damien's dark hair rests carelessnessly on his forehead, and Liam catches his brother looking at it at least twice.
Jason skips to Liam's side. "Where is everyone else?" he whispers.
"Drake and his sister have gone to Texas to stay with their aunt, Olivia's with one of the Elders in Lythikos, Maxwell and Tariq are back home. It's just me, I'm afraid." Liam shuffles his feet in uncharacteristic awkwardness. He knows that a lot of the things he likes to talk about can either bore or confuse his own friends.
"Good enough for me," Jason says, grinning. "Her Majesty says she's got us fish stew."
"Bianco. And shrimp saganaki for Leo and Damien." Liam lowers his voice in a conspiratorial whisper. "Don't tell your dad - Mum made those herself. Father built her her own kitchen two and a half years ago. Not many besides some of the kitchen staff know."
Jason's eyes widen at the bowl that's just arrived, and then brightens. Imagine that, being treated to the cooking of an actual queen!
Mum had wisely decided to seat the pairs of brothers in different areas, confident that they would be bored stiff if they were made to eat together. It's a lot better this way, Liam thinks, as Jason talks animatedly of the new toys his dad got him with the increase in his salary from last month onwards. Leo and Damien would perhaps find their chats rather silly, and a lot of the things they say fly like seagulls over Liam and Jason's heads.
The Bianco is as good as Liam and Jason had hoped: the sauce smooth and creamy, the fish mildly sweet and with flesh so soft it crumbles a little on the tongue. Liam can't help but puff his chest in pride as he and Jason use the bread he made to sop up the rest of the sauce, the heat from the pepper and garlic and the delightful tang from the lemon warming them all down to their toes. Jason tells Liam to tell Her Majesty to forgive his lack of manners but he is this close to licking his plate.
Normally, Liam would be ecstatic about getting to eat a Stone Bass, especially here where the catch is always today's, wild and fresh and soul-stirringly tasty..."not that garbage you get from the fish farms" as Grandmother used to say.
But his thoughts keep crawling back to the meal his and Jason's older brothers got. The dish that has been so familiar to him all these years, yet seems so alien now. All because of an added mysterious... thing that seems all the more exciting because he isn't allowed to touch it.
Liam goes and sneaks a look at where their brothers sit, enjoying their shrimp. Leo looks over to his friend's plate, notices his bread is over, breaks his own loaf apart and offers it to Damien, looking straight into his eyes as he dips it into his sauce and eats it. Damien's fingers lightly brush his as he takes the bread.
"You know who made that bread?" Leo's voice for some reason sounds different, warmer and deeper and a little more serious. Liam turns pink with forgotten filial pleasure at the note of pride in his words. "Liam. My baby brother."
Damien grins. "There's sauce near your lip."
Leo makes a great show of pretending not to know where. "Where?"
Damien looks left and right - and satisfied that they cannot be seen (Liam heaves a sigh of relief as he emerges from behind a corner Leo and Damien cannot clearly see) takes his napkin and dabs softly at the corner of his mouth. The two boys suddenly cannot look each other in the eye, and their smiles hold secrets that make Liam feel like an intruder on this little moment, for perhaps no reason. Damien's only cleaning Leo's face.
But when he returns and tells Jason what he saw, the other boy stays silent for a few minutes.
"Babás almost saw Prince Leo at our home once," Jason says quietly, "Mamá had to hide him in a cupboard."
"But why?" Liam asks back, puzzled, "I thought Kýrios Vasilakis liked him. Ever since he started attending his lessons regularly and actually -"
"I know. I thought so too. I'm not sure why Leo and Damien and Mamá look so scared these days. No one ever tells me." Jason finishes with a nonchalant shrug that belies his petulant frustration at not being told things he cannot fully understand.
Liam sighs, all thoughts of their brothers forgotten. "No one thinks I'm old enough to understand anything either."
As Liam watches Jason's older brother reluctantly take leave of his own, their gazes lingering more than their touches ever could...and realises how childishly enthusiastic their own goodbyes are, Liam goes to bed wondering what Leo's shrimp saganaki tastes like. Is it pungent? Is it sweet? Does it leave a bitter aftertaste?
That night, Liam lies in bed in his silk unicorn-and-rainbow pajamas, burningly aware of how like a child he looks in it. How unlike his older brother - in his leather jackets and carelessly tousled hair. He begins counting the months before his mother can properly deem him "of age", and falls asleep before he can even reach his pre-teen years.
Days later, Leo takes a walk around the Wishing Well with his mother.
It's amazing how much things have changed in the years Eleanor has been married to Constantine, and therefore into the Royal Family. His little son had only been four then, and he'd hidden behind his father the first few times she tried to come near. Constantine and his mother had fumed over this in the beginning, wanting to help ease him into trusting her but neither having a whole lot of patience - so it had been up to her to reassure him that they would only set his relationship with her at his pace.
And it had paid off. Little Leo had once seen the "new mother" outside, trying to stargaze, and sat beside her in silence, listening for half an hour as she pointed out constellations. She'd known he loved stargazing and knew he needed a companion of sorts The first ever times they talked were all about stars...until five months later when he lost interest and Eleanor found out whatever it was that captured his fancy next.
Still, because that night was the night they tentatively began to consider themselves mother and son, she often brings back memories of it by calling him astéri mou.
"Your tutors have been very pleased with you this year," Eleanor says, suppressing a little smile, "they've been seeing how hard you've been working at your studies lately." There's a mischievous glow in her eyes. "Any more efforts and you'll soon be surpassing Liam, they say."
Leo snorts. He knows, no matter how hard he tries, that he can never reach his kid brother's level in either interest or acumen for politics. That is a quality unique to just him and he's more than happy to let him bask in it, but ever since Damien....
A quick, intense memory of him flashes. Dark curls, full lips, skin smooth beneath Leo's fingertips. It had amazed him how they'd been playmates one minute, pretending to be pirates and running around the palace gardens, and he'd never in all that time noticed that kind of gut-capturing beauty. His voice deep and passionate at the Forgotten Falls two weeks ago, as Damien whispered into his hair, "Let me hold you for a bit. We don't have to talk...we don't have to do anything. I just want to be with you."
He knows becoming a good King will be a hundred times harder for him than it was for his father, than (he is beginning to realize) it could be for his brother. He had made his peace with that at some point this year. But being around Damien...knowing that in his future position a relationship like theirs could be both legally permitted and morally viewed as sheer irresponsibility (and this is in only the kindest of parallel universes) and still knowing it is a relationship he cannot ever conceive of giving up...
If he could just prove himself capable in every other area of his life, just please his father and bring pride to his mother in other ways, maybe both his father and Damien's may just not force what they could have together, to die.
Mamá sighs. "Leo...astèri mou. You don't understand. I am already proud of you."
Oh no. Had he just said the words aloud?
He responds to her answer with another question. "How did you find out about us, Mamá?"
She shakes her head. "Kyría Vasilikou." Damien's mother, who hid Leo in a cupboard that one time Kyríe Vasilikos almost caught them. She had been extraordinarily kind and very contrite - sending Leo with a box of melomakarona and begging him never to come to this house again for fear of what Damien's father may do to him next.
He remembers Mamá's words from that evening.
"Damien's father - and his father before him - are extraordinarily dedicated to the King. It was His father that ensured their family would be set for many, many years to come...and his gratitude towards them can make him blind to what could make his own son happy."
The mother who had birthed him, the one he had often called Mummy, is at best a faded memory now. He called Eleanor Mamá almost a year after she'd married his father, because he finally felt ready and because it suited her. That evening, he understood his Mamá's underlying message.
I will always support you. But until we can figure out a way, you must be careful.
And so he will be. Both Damien and he will try their darnedest not to be too obvious about their love for each other...and Leo will continue to work harder on his lessons.
Smiling, Mamá changes the subject. "Liam's very upset we won't let him have shrimp saganaki."
Leo bursts out laughing. "He's had it so many times already!"
She shrugs. "Oh no, not that way. He's demanding the "Leo and Damien special". Ouzo and all. I suspect the baby of our family wants to be seen as a baby no more."
He rolls his eyes. "He's going to be really disappointed. It's not going to be that different from regular saganaki. Just makes it taste a little bit more like anise."
If that isn't a fitting symbol of what adolescence feels like when you come out of your big impractical dreams of what adolescence might be, Eleanor doesn't know what is. It is a lesson they all learned the hard way, only to see their children struggle with it too. They can only sit back, knowing that nothing they can say will change the kids' minds.
Leo at age 14 is already bored of his teenage years and raising his eyes towards the glamour of adulthood. Liam at age 8 has a far too rosy picture of adolescence, and envies his brother for being the whole-body-manifestation of everything he now wants but knows he needs to wait to have.
And while Eleanor will be forever grateful Liam has inherited her vast capacity for patience and not his father's, she is also aware that that patience is beginning to wear thin.
Leo may be too focused on his feelings for Damien to see it, but a time will come when the brother he has always considered a kid will grow before his eyes, and he will be too surprised by the change to understand, or know how to communicate. She can only hope they'll find their little ways, as they once did before.
Sighing, she passes her eldest a coin, and takes a second in her own hand.
"Ready to make a wish?"
Leo nods. Eleanor smiles. She knows already what he's going to ask.
Eleanor tosses hers into the well, watching as it makes its rapid descent down.
Whatever else changes, just make sure these two never forget how much they need each other.
Eleanor returns to the palace with her son, smiling. Between the Wishing Well and the official gardens, there are bits and pieces of a plan taking shape, a plan for a garden maze. Around it, she can see her youngest playing tag with his friends: one of whom is the youngest of their gardener, a little boy Liam seems to have taken under his wing.
Leo and his mother stop by to watch the children. Both sigh, and both realize it's for the same reason.
Liam will be thrust into his adolescent years before he even knows it. But at least they both can enjoy this sight of him enjoying his childhood completely, wholeheartedly, for what it is. If only for today.
Shrimp Saganaki
Corfoit Bianco
Horiatiko Psomi
A/N2: For Sibling Day I really wanted to do a fic that explored the dynamics of a sibling pair with a significant age gap. There is some amount of awe at older people - esp older kids- at their age, as well as a little envy and a desire to become them.
Kyríos/Kyría: Greek for Mr and Mrs usually.
Thisavré mou - my treasure
Ouzo - Ouzo is an anise-flavored liquor produced from grape must (the remnants of wine-making). It can only be made in Greece and Cyprus
Feta cheese - A brined, white cheese with a soft and creamy texture, often made from sheep's milk.
Navroze - Festival for Parsi New Year, often celebrated with Iranians around the world as well as other Zoroastrian communities.
Babás/Mamá - Greek for Dad and Mum.
Astéri mou - my star
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fortjester · 1 year
Gideon the Ninth Eye Colour/Descriptor Guide (Updated)
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(Key: CH stands for Chapter; pg. stands for page; EP stands for Epilogue)
(Harrow the Ninth Guide) (Nona the Ninth Guide)
For more immediate, in-depth reference, the quotes themselves have been transcribed below the cut.
All quoted page numbers are per the paperback copy of the book. Quotes are (mostly) in order of frequency, but some characters are grouped together because I don't want to separate them.
Harrow (24 Entries):
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Cytherea (18 Entries):
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Ianthe (17 Entries):
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(+ BABS) “Because they were in closest proximity, her first gaze after the fight fell on the overgroomed cavalier of the Third, Naberius: his eyes were taut, and his smile was unnerved. His eyes were blue, but this close she could see that they were stained through in places with a light, insipid brown that made Gideon think of oily water.” - Chapter 11, pg. 116 (paperback)
Palamedes (11 Entries):
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Jeannemary & Isaac (8 Entries):
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Corona (6 Entries):
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Gideon (6 Entries):
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Camilla (4 Entries):
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Colum (4 Entries):
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Teacher (4 Entries):
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God/John (3 Entries)
“He approached her, and she saw that his sclera were black as space. The irises were dark and leadenly iridescent—a deep rainbow oil slick, ringed with white. The pupils were as glossy black as the sclera.” - Epilogue, pg. 440
“Harrowhark picked herself up off the floor and looked her Emperor dead in his dark and shining eyes.” - Epilogue, pg. 441
“He had a ridiculously ordinary face: long jaw, high forehead, hair a dull and leaden brown. But those eyes.” - Epilogue, pg. 443
Protesliaus (2 Entries):
“Protesilaus the Seventh stared at her with the empty eyes of someone who would watch with equal heavy disinterest if part of the wall were kicked out and she were punted down into the sea, but his adept was looking at her—wistfully.” - Chapter 10, pg. 108
“She had been gravely meeting Protesilaus’s murky stare, as though trying to find something out, and now she settled the head on her lap.” - Chapter 30, pg. 338
Characters With Only 1 Entry Each:
(CRUX) “Crux stared back at her with the hate of an exploding star: the empty hate of pressure pulled inward, a deforming, light-devouring resentment.” - Chapter 2, pg. 31
(ORTUS) “But Ortus said, with his big, sombre eyes and his squashed, disheartened voice: “I do fear death, my Lady Harrowhark.”” - Chapter 3, pg. 41
(MAGNUS) “Up close he had a strong jaw, the expression of the terminally jolly, and nice eyes.” - Chapter 9, pg. 93
(ABIGAIL) “Unlike Magnus, she also had the manner some necromancers and librarians developed when they had been working on dead spells for the last fifteen years and no longer worried too much about the living: her stare was far too intense.” - Chapter 15, pg. 169 & 170
(JUDITH) “The Captain of the Second rose too. Her intensely dark eyes settled on each of them in turn before ending on Teacher.” - Chapter 18, pg. 197
(SILAS) “Silas did not step away, but he turned his head a little from her, as though she were a bad breath. He had very brown eyes, startlingly framed by thick, whitish lashes.” - Chapter 26, pg. 298
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xgoldenlatiasx · 7 months
Unova Fates masterpost (OLD VERSION)
this is long overdue sorry T_T but here's a masterpost of every Unova Fates page :]
if any of the links need to b fixed lemme know!!
EDIT: Unova Fates is going under a reboot, but I'll be keeping the old version up here.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Pg. 1-2
Pg. 3-4
Pg. 5-6
Pg. 7-8
Pg. 9-10
Pg. 11-12
Pg. 13-14
Pg. 15-16
Pg. 17-18
Pg. 19-20
Pg. 21-22
Pg. 23-24
Pg. 25-26
Pg. 27-28
Pg. 29-30
Pg. 31-32
Chapter 1-
Ch. 1 Cover
Pg. 33-34
Pg. 35-36
Pg. 37-38
Pg. 39-40
Pg. 41-42
Pg. 43-44
Pg. 45-46
Pg. 47-48
Pg. 49-50
Pg. 51-52
Pg. 53-54
Pg. 55-56
Pg. 57-58
Pg. 59-60
Pg. 61-62
Pg. 63-64
Pg. 65-66
Pg. 67-68
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dhr-deleted · 11 months
2023 September/October - Uploaded
I'm taking a break like last year; I have some projects to finish stuff I haven't touched all year. I hope you all have a lovely holiday season.
This is September's uploads; I got distracted, I nearly let October go by also.
You can find October's uploads here at the main download folder. Sort by date to find the new stuff. The master list is here. The Fiction Alley master list is finally complete. I'll be working on a list for Skyhawke next and sadly I haven't even start the Dramione fandom timeline.
Special thank you to the person who sent me one of longdistance's fics.
dmlainey Friends and Lovers (Complete - 33 Chapters - PG-13) Draco was about to close the door behind him when he heard Potter's voice. "You better tell Hermione that you love her, Malfoy, or I will." Draco Malfoy concluded that he liked being enemies with Harry Potter, meddler extraordinaire, better.
dosiadb Emperor of the World (Complete - 33 Chapters - R) Voldemort defeated Harry and the Order is in hiding. They are weak, but Voldemort too is growing weaker because Draco Malfoy has created his own resistance with plans to take Voldemort's place. He is close to overthrowing Voldemort, but when he captures Hermione and convinces her to work with him, he finally has his means to gain all of the power he wants.
The Feeling of a Moment (Abandoned - 17 Chapters - R) A slow burn bringing Draco and Hermione together following Cursed Child.
The Lift (Abandoned - 11 Chapters - R) After a promotion at the Ministry, Draco and Hermione find themselves sharing a lift every morning.
A Muggle at Hogwarts (Abandoned - 15 Chapters - R) After the war, McGonagall brings a muggle into Hogwarts for the school year to expose the students to muggle culture and encourage tolerance in the future. Some students change for the better. But there's an unexpected dark magic entering their world now. Dramione POV begins in Ch. 3.
Resistance (Abandoned- 13 Chapters - R) At Bill and Fleur's wedding, Hermione is captured by Death Eaters. Voldemort requests that Draco be her primary interrogator, thinking that he'll know ways inside her mind because he knew her in school. What Voldemort doesn't realize is that Draco is having doubts of his own, and may not be getting all that he's bargaining for.
Rise from the Depths (Abandoned - 12 Chapters - R) After Harry Potter's mysterious disappearance in the woods in the final battle, Voldemort takes control of the Wizarding World and enslaves muggleborns and blood traitors alike. Hermione is enslaved at Malfoy Manor and things are about to take a turn for the worst when Draco Malfoy arrives and takes her away. But is he offering her a release or leading her to a much darker place?
Draco'soneandonly89 Hermione's New Life (Complete - 10 Chapters - R) Hermione finds out who her true friends are when she befriends Draco Malfoy the summer before 7th year.
It's All Different Now (Abandoned - 4 Chapters - R) Hermione, Harry, and Ron are post war and have returned to Hogwarts. There are some changes to the rules and some hurdles to overcome. Will the three make it out intact, or will they fall apart. New friends and new love interests. There are many adventures ahead.
The Law that Changed Everything (Complete - 17 Chapters - R) The war is over and our favorite Golden Trio is back at Hogwarts to finish their final year. A new Ministry Law throws everyone for a loop and changes their entire outlook on the school year and beyond. Will they rise to the challenges before them, or will they crumble when the curve balls keep coming?
The Ministry's New Law (Abandoned - 8 Chapters - R) The Ministry has posed a marriage Who will our favorite heroes get paired with and how do they deal with it?
FallingforWerewolves 10 Things I Hate About You (One Shot - PG-13) "Hermione Granger was dead. That's all there was to it." After Hermione was killed by a rogue Death Eater, all of Hogwarts goes into mourning. But curiosity is sparked when Draco starts carryong a piece of parchment with him everywhere.
Devil Child (One Shot - PG) "And now he was pouring out his heart and soul. To. A. Cat." A cat continuously follows Draco around and gets on his nerves. He, of course has no idea who the cat belongs to or what its real name is.
Good Morning Voldemort (One Shot - PG-13) "Hermione, your husbands chuckling in the way that means he's plotting my murder. Again!" Sequel to The Princess and The Ferret. Hermione tries to convince them to watch Hairspray, which brings back some fond memories for Draco. Rated for immature adults.
The Princess and the Ferret (One Shot - PG-13) "Deranged." "Fine, I'll humor you on this one." When the kids ask Harry to tell them "The Princess and the Frog", Harry decideds to do his own version, much to the annoyance of Draco Malfoy. AU EWE DM/HG HP/GW RW/LB
Sparkling Ferret (One Shot - PG-13) "I am not scared of sparkling or ferrets!" For those who wanted another story in the universe of "The Princess and the Ferret" and "Good Morning Voldemort" here it is! For those who haven't read the other ones, this one will make more sense if you do.
Their own little game (One Shot - PG-13) "They did it all the time in school. It's like a game to them." Short one-shot with a lot of insults, most of which I hope you find funny.
We Are Awesome (One Shot - PG-13) "And what does everyone acting insane and totally out of character have to do with that?" AU EWE Rated T for sexual innuendoes. Dumbledore, Snape and Fred are still alive.
The Weasley Twins: Matchmakers Extrodanaire (One Shot - PG) Fred and George are bored so they decided to try their hands at matchmaking. AU, EWE and all of the usual stuff.
What the bloody hell? (One Shot - PG-13) Hermione, upset with Ron and Harry, yet again, goes to the library and attempts to read her novel. Draco, being Draco, decides to interrupt her.
Jason The Redemption of Draco Malfoy (Complete - 13 Chapters - R) Draco Malfoy is given a task by the Dark Lord: to gain the trust of one of Harry Potter's friends. The obvious choice is Hermione, and Draco begins to sow the seeds of friendship. Things do not go as he planned though, and soon he is caught up in an adventure with the very people he once called his enemies. Action, plot, romance, Quidditch, Hogwarts, other locations and a solid amount of snogging.
JuweWright Broken Pieces (One Shot - PG-13) Draco and Hermione meet years after their breakup.
Come, Sail Your Ships Around Me (Complete - 14 Chapters - R) Five years after graduating from Hogwarts, there's a week-long reunion of the whole year. Draco never officially graduated, so he is not invited. But although he has tried to avoid any contact to his former comrades, there's a part of him that wants to return... and be it just to see a certain young witch again, who once sent him a letter in his worst hour. But will she be able to see past his history and the marks that the War and its aftermath left? I had to up the rating because this became way darker half way through than I had expected when I set off...
Dramma Da Camera - An Intimate Play (Complete - 7 Chapters - R) Draco finds himself locked inside Malfoy Manor with two unlikely helpers as company. Extreme situations lead to the revelation of long-hidden feelings. Draco/Hermione/George
A Fleeting Glimpse (One Shot - PG-13) Hermione has been called to Draco Malfoy's cottage to have a look at a cursed book.
Forever Mine (Abandoned- 2 Chapters - PG-13) Post Hogwarts. Draco and Hermione are a couple, a fact that is accepted by everyone except for Ron & Pansy. Although there has never been much love between the Slytherin girl and the Gryffindor boy, they bond over their mutual aim: To destroy Hermione's and Draco's relationship for good. Then, something turns out wrong and everything just goes pear-shaped.
Games Night (One Shot - PG-13) Someone tries to turn Cluedo into a magical game because the Muggle game is too dull for their tastes, and it backfires. It turns their immediate surroundings into the game. Each person suddenly finds themselves in clearly coloured outfits and they have to work out who did where and what with what limited resources they have available in order to beat the game. At first it’s all in good fun, but as secrets are revealed, they no longer know who they can trust, if anyone...
Life’s Greatest Treasure - Book I (Complete - 17 Chapters - PG-13) “But you did not wish to be in Ravenclaw”, Hermione said with disbelief in her voice. “How can they even consider this? Your family has always been in Slytherin. All your friends are in Slytherin.” Draco looked up until he met her eyes. He forced a half-smile on his lips. “All my friends except one. Hurry up. We shouldn’t be late to our first lesson.” The Sorting Hat has for centuries been a reliable tool to sort the pupils into the four houses of Hogwarts. But what happens, if there is a glitch that makes the son of a well-known family, who have always been proud Slytherins, end up in Ravenclaw?
Life’s Greatest Treasure - Book II (Complete - 18 Chapters - PG-13) Because of a glitch of the Sorting Hat, Draco Malfoy has ended up in Ravenclaw. Throughout the first year of school he befriended Muggle Born witch Hermione Granger and Fred Weasley. Torn between his loyalty to his father and his friends, he has to find his own way in a world caught between historic ideas and ideals and a very different future.
This is “Philosopher’s Stone” with a twist. My idea is to end up with a series of seven stories in total. Posting of CoS is going to start in December 2015.
The Ordeal (Complete - 3 Chapters - R) Where Hermione needs a date to her parents' Christmas gathering, because they won't stop pestering her about finding a guy. She talks Draco into doing it out of desperation.
The Reunion (One Shot - G) Pre-Christmassy Dramione Fluff...
Reverberate (Abandoned - 6 Chapters - PG-13) There is someone singing in Hogwarts at nighttime. And Hermione finds there is the actual possibility of love at first note... "It was such a sad tune and it cut right into her heart, making it ache with longing for some far-away land where there was no fear and where no Lord Voldemort had ever risen again."
Side Effects (One Shot - PG-13) Fred and George have prepared a very special April Fools' surprise for Hermione...
Sparkle! (One Shot - G) If anyone had told Draco Malfoy he’d one day end up spending Christmas Eve with Hermione Granger, he’d probably have told that person that they belonged in St Mungo’s.
Starcrossed (Complete - 7 Chapters - PG-13) At a masked ball at Minerva McGonagall's estate, Draco Malfoy falls in love with a mysterious woman.
Take This Waltz (One Shot - PG-13) “If you're banned from using your wand for a year, you get interested in everything, Granger. I even know how to cook – well sort of. I know how to call the delivery service and I know how to open a can and I know how to boil pasta. Oh and I have become very good in DIY repairs.” She smiled. “Almost sounds as if you're a decent guy now Malfoy.” After Hermione's death, Draco remembers their times together...
A Touch That Never Hurts (7 Chapters - PG-13) When Draco Malfoy, a gentleman in Victorian London, finds he has a half-sister, he decides to take her into his custody. To make the move easier for little Livia, one of the workers from the orphanage, a young woman called Hermione Granger, finds herself as the child's companion. But Miss Granger isn't just any girl and Mr Malfoy isn't just any gentleman...
The very sly and vicious plan of Ronald Bilius Weasley (One Shot - R) Ron is not happy about Hermione's latest boyfriend. Worst of all, it's the Ferret. Good thing then he has several ideas how to break them up.
Who We Are (One Shot - PG-13) Hermione has secretly been meeting Draco for coffee for a year. They have become friends. But might they be more than that? Involves a horrible official ball, definite references to "Beauty and the Beast" (which were unintentional but they happened) and shitloads of fluff.
longdistance Taste (Complete - 4 Chapters - R) Hermione is all about quality over quantity and let's be honest, she has excellent taste.
Maya Draco Malfoy, the Amazing Bouncing... Rat? (Complete - 13 Chapters - PG-13) Draco Malfoy, magically transformed into an evil rat. Who is it who always seems to get the evil rats as pets, and what is poor, poor Draco's new name? Eventually D/Hr, just now mainly D/coffee...
Miss Nae Malfoy Protect me, My Dragon (Complete - 28 Chapters - R) It's 7th year at Hogwarts and tensions are rising, but what trouble does bookworm Hermione and Slytherin Draco cause when they cross a red line with each other? Love can withstand the most brutual of actions, but can Hermione handle Draco's organization of followers and his insane hunger to be the world's most feared leader? He will be the next Dark Lord, no matter the pricey cost.
To Be Mrs Malfoy (Complete - 22 Chapters - R) A 7th year project tests limits. Fate brought two very different people together. What would it take to keep them that way? Hermione and Draco find out what it's like to be married. They must also raise their "son" that remembers a life they never lived.
nimbus2002 Second Chances (Abandoned - 9 Chapters - PG-13) "Well, well, well Granger. It would seem you aren't quite what we all imagined." When Hermione learns Hogwarts will be resorting all returning students, all she feels is dread. But as she becomes comfortable with her new house, she is forced to reassess who she needs to fear, and who is truly her friend.
The Snake with a Lion's Heart (Abandoned - 11 Chapters - R) Hermione doesn't believe the war changed her until a Resorting Decree lands her in Slytherin. As a new fight brews, she learns to navigate life in a nest of snakes she once hated, and politics in a lion's den of former allies. Gryffindor's favorite lioness is done being taken for granted. This time the game is hers to win.
one.twilight.sun Bend or Break (Abandoned - 19 Chapters - R) Hermione's childhood sweetheart dies in a car accident, leaving her with their baby to raise alone. She can't cope with the loss or bear to see the baby that reminds her of him. An unexpected man comes into her life who just might be able to help her.
The Longest Walk of Her Life (Complete - 2 Chapters - PG-13) Today was Hermione's wedding day. It should have been the happiest day of her life. And it would have been, if only she was getting married to the right man. Prologue to "One Second Can Be A Lifetime"
One Second Can Be A Lifetime (Complete - 8 Chapters - PG-13) Imprisoned, alone, about to lose his life. You could say their love was never meant to be. But Draco would disagree. This is the companion piece to "The Longest Walk of Her Life".
Skyselisse Ad Mortem (Abandoned- 6 Chapters - R) Her name was Hermione Granger. His was Draco Malfoy. Theirs was a bittersweet love story, full with war, constant loss, shed tears, and a forbidden passionate desire. They were each other's perdition, as they were each other's salvation. And they would ever be, as they had sworn to Death.
The Blood Letter (Complete - 31 Chapters - R) He could not stop thinking about her, Hermione Granger. Draco Malfoy knew it: He was obsessed. He was completely obsessed with her. He didn’t know how, when or why, all he knew was that he suddenly felt the need to have her, to possess her. He wanted to keep her as his most precious treasure; he wanted her to belong to him and to him only. She was his.
The Darkest Lady (Abandoned - 5 Chapters - R) Lord Voldemort was dead. Draco Malfoy was his heir. And he was alive. It was time for a new era. A new era in which only survive one Mudblood was going to survive. A Mudblood destined to be The Darkest Lady. His Mudblood: Hermione Granger.
The Hidden Truth (Abandoned- 4 Chapters - R) His unhealthy smile grew wider as he looked down at the corpse lying at his feet: Black, ripped, old, stinky robes. Bald head. Noseless face. It was the very same lifeless body of Tom Riddle. – Lord Voldemort was dead. Draco Malfoy was his heir. And he was alive. It was time for a new era. A new era in which only one Mudblood would survive: Hermione Granger.
The Nanny Who Lived (Abandoned - 3 Chapters - R) Parenting is not easy. At all. Dirty diapers, wet snots, loud cries at night and accidental wandless magic by baby Scorpius make Draco and Hermione's lives rather difficult. The solution? Hire a nanny! "Oh it'll be fine, Harry. Scorpius sleeps all the time." - Lies, lies, lies.
Peccata Commisit (Abandoned - 4 Chapters - R) The brightness of her eyes had to be illicit. The softness of her lips must be taboo. The sweetness of her flesh simply had to be prohibited. Her tender skin had to be a merciless sin. Her fervent, burning desire was a never satisfied hunger. – Hermione Granger was The Goddess of Seduction, forbidden and inaccessible for any man. – Except from Draco Malfoy.
Tinuviel Henneth (Tinhen) Nox (Complete - 13 Chapters - R) It's 2004 and Hermione Granger doesn't have any money or a wand anymore, not since a surprisingly very evil former Gryffindor ruined everything. A chance encounter with the Underminister for Happiness of a drastically changed Magical Britain brings her back. But does she even want to rejoin the Wizarding World? Landlocked Draco/Hermione with Sadistic!Harry, Creep!Ron, Pensive!Draco, and SeriouslyEvil!Katie Bell making appearances.
Vixen Getting Even with Hermione Granger (Abandoned - 9 Chapters - NC-17) Hermione's 'little sister' has a terrible obsession with a certain sexy Slytherin. Hermione goes psycho, Draco gets even, and Ron just looks stupid... Again.
Serpent's tongues and Lion's tails (Abandoned - 75 Chapters - NC-17) Will someone end this war? Or will the darkness linger forever? Darkness is closing in and the only one who can save her... is him. (dark in the middle), N/C, Death
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sunnydaleherald · 2 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, July 31
WILLOW: Oh, hey, I have a name on my jacket. (takes off jacket to look) Harris. XANDER: Harris? That's my last name. Maybe I have a brother and you go out with him. (Willow looking uncertain) Or maybe you go out with me. WILLOW: Well, we did wake up all snuggly-wuggly. (walks closer to him) Maybe you're my boyfriend. XANDER: Either that, or I got one pissed-off brother out there somewhere. (both smile)
~~Tabula Rasa~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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BtVS Triple Drabble: Special Guest by badly_knitted (Angel, Drusilla, PG)
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experiments (of varying degrees of success) by eagle_eyes (Angel/Cordelia, M)
The Secrets We Keep by BlueZeroZeroOne (Willow/Tara, Buffy/Tara, T)
Ain't No Rest for the Wicked by MadeInGold (Buffy/Maggie Walsh, E)
Endgame by MadeInGold (Buffy/Riley, G)
Tears of Faith by Willow25 (Buffy/Spike, E)
Milestone Birthday by Kittenwritings (Fred/Spike, G)
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Sentence Meme - Tough Love [roleplay starter] by uptonogoodindiememes (unrated but worksafe)
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The Secrets We Keep by BlueZeroZeroOne (Buffy, Willow, Tara, FR15)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Reflections of Reality - ch. 1 by KnightRanger (Willow, Xander, Buffy, Not Rated)
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East of Nevada - ch. 8 by Blissymbolics (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Degradation of Duality [Series Part 2] - ch. 38 by Ragini (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Breaking Illusions - ch. 4 by RavenLove12 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Love Lives Here - ch. 91 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Stab in the back - ch. 24 by MelG_2005 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Beer Bad, Spike Good - ch. 5 by Maxine Eden, ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) COMPLETE!
Laid - ch. 5 by Holly (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) COMPLETE!
Wedding Belles - ch. 5 by buffy_loves_spike (Buffy/Spike, R) COMPLETE!
Itty Bitty Wiggy Piggy - ch. 5 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) COMPLETE!
Buffy Summers and the Major Case of the Wiggins - ch. 5 by Soulburnt (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) COMPLETE!
I’ll Get You, My Pretty… - ch. 5 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, R) COMPLETE!
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Embers and Ashes: The Fëanorians in a New World - ch. 1 by Luna (Dawn, LOTR xover, FR15)
The Stars to Hold Our Destiny - ch. 25 by Hermionetobe (Buffy, Star Trek xover, FR15)
Going Home (to a place we’ve never been before) - ch. 18 by curiouslywombat (Dawn, LOTR, FR15)
Where In The World Was Clint Barton? - ch. 40 by Beriaearwen (Buffy, Avengers xover, FR13)
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The Buffybot Falls In Love - ch. 3 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Breaking Illusions - ch. 4 by RavenLove12 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Anarchy Tour - ch. 10 by Alyot (Buffy/Spike, R) COMPLETE!
Love Lives Here - ch. 91 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Christina's new life. - ch. 1 by ILLYRIAN (Andrew, unrated)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Banner: 🔔 August Highlight — Two Spuffy Art Entries by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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Artwork: Had to try my hand at sketching our girl by Areyoufilledwithair (Buffy, worksafe)
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Moodboard: 365 characters; dawn summers... if you touch me, my sisters gonna kill you. by sylthrein (worksafe)
Artwork: "when he wakes up, tell him...I don't know - think of something cool. tell him I said it" - 1x12, 'prophecy girl' by mistyintherivers (Buffy, Scoobies, Angel, worksafe)
Lyrics: salma deera, letters from medea by dogmetaphors (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Manip / Wallpaper: I'm not wired that way by revello-drive-1630 (Buffy, ensemble, worksafe)
Gifset: [Oz and Angel] by starryeyesxx (Angel, Oz, worksafe)
Gifset: [Angel or star?] by ptieuca (Buffy/Angel, Joyce, worksafe)
Gifset: [is it casual now?] by nownow-noneofthat (Buffy/Spike, NSFW)
Gifset: He sort of admits himself that his motives are... spurious. by ladyverdance (Buffy/Spike, Buffy/Faith, worksafe)
Gifset: BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER | S05E18: "Intervention" // THE VAMPIRE DIARIES by dogmetaphors (Buffy, Spike, worksafe)
Gifset: Anya Jenkins + Outfits (Season 5) by clarkgriffon (Anya, Xander, worksafe)
Gifset: BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER (1997 - 2003) ⏤ 5.09, "Listening to Fear" ⏤ 5.22, "The Gift" by andremichaux (Buffy, Joyce, Dawn, Scoobies, Spike, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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I don't know why I waited so long [first time ATS watcher almost done] by withywoodwitch
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Would love to hear your general thoughts on Buffy! [ask answered] by umgirldog
End of season summary! [S2] by agirlinsearchof
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PODCAST: Episode 67: Pangs by Gym Was Cancelled: A Buffy Podcast
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Recs: 💡 Spuffy Fic Recs — July by veronyxk84
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Recs: Spuffy Fic Recs [list of 5 fanfics with reviews] — July by veronyxk84
Recs: [2 Spike x reader fanfic recs] by courtneyraeblogs1221
ISO: Rules and Q&A [for your BTVS head canon requests] by urheadcanongirl
ISO: umgirldog seeks what CD willow was holding in Hush (4x10) when Giles was explaining what the gentlemen were in the lecture hall
[Fandom Discussions]
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angel was forced to be good... by williamprattz
Buffy... could've absolutely charged for doing odd jobs in the supernatural...[headcanon] by therulerofallpotatos
Welcome to the Hellmouth Fashion Part Two by theoverlookedoneedits1997
The Harvest Fashion Part One by theoverlookedoneedits1997
[Faith in 3x15 consequences] by redhatmeg
It’s weird to me how confidently and definitively people will say that Tara and Willow weren’t paying Buffy rent. by nicnacsnonsense
What your favorite BtVS character says about you... by housedyke
POLL: Could Xander Harris Survive Danganronpa? by couldtheysurvivedanganronpa
POLL: Vampire Media Guys Round 22: Spike or Elijah Mikaelson? (TVD) by vampirewrestlinglover
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What unsettles you still about BTVS? by silvermoon and November
What If: Xander was shot? [in S6] by nightshade and others
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Buffy and Faith are still unique slayers [post Chosen] by LightBlueSky55
Which 12 characters would you choose to complete the 12 tasks of Asterix? by MonsterTournament
Don’t you just hate turning invisible because your teacher passed you over in class? [and Clea praise] by nowlan101
What are your favorite or least favorite Giles moments? by AxelNoir
Layout of upstairs of Buffy's house by Tuxedo_Mark
Buffy game Xbox [tips for playing video games on hardware] by Dynalynk
Why James Spader? by Robosl0b
[what are your podcast recommendations? with discussion in the comments] by Working_Original_200
Buffy Content [what formats do you like for podcasts?] by Working_Original_200
Opinions on After The Fall? [Angel comic book series] by Hungry_Walrus7562
Do the writers forget about Angel's curse? [in ATS S3] by foreseethefuture
[Angel's curse made zero sense] by audjenkins41
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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[Links to Juliet Landau new podcast Slayin' It!] via dontkillspike
Amber Benson is set to attend Fanboy Expo Convention in Orlando This September. [Sept 6-8 in FL, USA] via amberbenson.tv
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sorrowfulsoul · 2 years
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Category:Unprintworthy redirects
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See also: Wikipedia:Printability
The pages in this category are redirects from names that are unsuitable for inclusion in a printed version of Wikipedia. To add a redirect to this category, place {{Rcat shell|{{R unprintworthy}}}} on the second new line (skip a line) after #REDIRECT [[Target page name]]. For more information follow the links. Never substitute redirect template(s), nor place them on soft redirects.
See also the complete list of redirect templates and the redirect style guide.
This is a maintenance category, used for maintenance of the Wikipedia project. It is not part of the encyclopedia and contains non-article pages, or groups articles by status rather than subject. Do not include this category in content categories.
This is a tracking category. It builds and maintains a list of pages primarily for the sake of the list itself. They are not part of the encyclopedia's categorization scheme.
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These categories can be used to track, build and organize lists of pages needing "attention en masse" (for example, pages using deprecated syntax), or that may need to be edited at someone's earliest convenience.
These categories also serve to aggregate members of several lists or sub-categories into a larger, more efficient list (discriminated by classifications).
"Unprintworthy" redirects are redirect pages on Wikipedia that aid online navigation, but would have little or no value as pointers to target articles in a hard-copy book. The name of a redirect may be unprintworthy for a number of reasons, including being nearly identical to the name of the target page, containing typographical errors, or not being encyclopaedic. Redirects are not unprintworthy just because the name may be offensive to some, unless the name is also not encyclopaedic.
See also the categories Templates for unprintworthy redirects and Printworthy redirects
Contents: Top 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae Af Ag Ah Ai Aj Ak Al Am An Ao Ap Aq Ar As At Au Av Aw Ax Ay Az
B Ba Bb Bc Bd Be Bf Bg Bh Bi Bj Bk Bl Bm Bn Bo Bp Bq Br Bs Bt Bu Bv Bw Bx By Bz
C Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci Cj Ck Cl Cm Cn Co Cp Cq Cr Cs Ct Cu Cv Cw Cx Cy Cz
D Da Db Dc Dd De Df Dg Dh Di Dj Dk Dl Dm Dn Do Dp Dq Dr Ds Dt Du Dv Dw Dx Dy Dz
E Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee Ef Eg Eh Ei Ej Ek El Em En Eo Ep Eq Er Es Et Eu Ev Ew Ex Ey Ez
F Fa Fb Fc Fd Fe Ff Fg Fh Fi Fj Fk Fl Fm Fn Fo Fp Fq Fr Fs Ft Fu Fv Fw Fx Fy Fz
G Ga Gb Gc Gd Ge Gf Gg Gh Gi Gj Gk Gl Gm Gn Go Gp Gq Gr Gs Gt Gu Gv Gw Gx Gy Gz
H Ha Hb Hc Hd He Hf Hg Hh Hi Hj Hk Hl Hm Hn Ho Hp Hq Hr Hs Ht Hu Hv Hw Hx Hy Hz
I Ia Ib Ic Id Ie If Ig Ih Ii Ij Ik Il Im In Io Ip Iq Ir Is It Iu Iv Iw Ix Iy Iz
J Ja Jb Jc Jd Je Jf Jg Jh Ji Jj Jk Jl Jm Jn Jo Jp Jq Jr Js Jt Ju Jv Jw Jx Jy Jz
K Ka Kb Kc Kd Ke Kf Kg Kh Ki Kj Kk Kl Km Kn Ko Kp Kq Kr Ks Kt Ku Kv Kw Kx Ky Kz
L La Lb Lc Ld Le Lf Lg Lh Li Lj Lk Ll Lm Ln Lo Lp Lq Lr Ls Lt Lu Lv Lw Lx Ly Lz
M Ma Mb Mc Md Me Mf Mg Mh Mi Mj Mk Ml Mm Mn Mo Mp Mq Mr Ms Mt Mu Mv Mw Mx My Mz
N Na Nb Nc Nd Ne Nf Ng Nh Ni Nj Nk Nl Nm Nn No Np Nq Nr Ns Nt Nu Nv Nw Nx Ny Nz
O Oa Ob Oc Od Oe Of Og Oh Oi Oj Ok Ol Om On Oo Op Oq Or Os Ot Ou Ov Ow Ox Oy Oz
P Pa Pb Pc Pd Pe Pf Pg Ph Pi Pj Pk Pl Pm Pn Po Pp Pq Pr Ps Pt Pu Pv Pw Px Py Pz
Q Qa Qb Qc Qd Qe Qf Qg Qh Qi Qj Qk Ql Qm Qn Qo Qp Qq Qr Qs Qt Qu Qv Qw Qx Qy Qz
R Ra Rb Rc Rd Re Rf Rg Rh Ri Rj Rk Rl Rm Rn Ro Rp Rq Rr Rs Rt Ru Rv Rw Rx Ry Rz
S Sa Sb Sc Sd Se Sf Sg Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv Sw Sx Sy Sz
T Ta Tb Tc Td Te Tf Tg Th Ti Tj Tk Tl Tm Tn To Tp Tq Tr Ts Tt Tu Tv Tw Tx Ty Tz
U Ua Ub Uc Ud Ue Uf Ug Uh Ui Uj Uk Ul Um Un Uo Up Uq Ur Us Ut Uu Uv Uw Ux Uy Uz
V Va Vb Vc Vd Ve Vf Vg Vh Vi Vj Vk Vl Vm Vn Vo Vp Vq Vr Vs Vt Vu Vv Vw Vx Vy Vz
W Wa Wb Wc Wd We Wf Wg Wh Wi Wj Wk Wl Wm Wn Wo Wp Wq Wr Ws Wt Wu Wv Ww Wx Wy Wz
X Xa Xb Xc Xd Xe Xf Xg Xh Xi Xj Xk Xl Xm Xn Xo Xp Xq Xr Xs Xt Xu Xv Xw Xx Xy Xz
Y Ya Yb Yc Yd Ye Yf Yg Yh Yi Yj Yk Yl Ym Yn Yo Yp Yq Yr Ys Yt Yu Yv Yw Yx Yy Yz
Z Za Zb Zc Zd Ze Zf Zg Zh Zi Zj Zk Zl Zm Zn Zo Zp Zq Zr Zs Zt Zu Zv Zw Zx Zy Zz
This category has the following 19 subcategories, out of 19 total.
Redirects from colloquial names‎ (198 P)
Redirects from titles with diacritics‎ (9,298 P)
Redirects from titles without diacritics‎ (3 C, 412,337 P)
Redirects from other disambiguation‎ (4 C, 12,839 P)
Redirects from predictable disambiguation‎ (510 P)
Redirects from unnecessary disambiguation‎ (2 C, 30,749 P)
Redirects of dubious utility‎ (19 P)
Redirects from incorrect disambiguation‎ (3,572 P)
Redirects from incorrect names‎ (5 C, 10,165 P)
Redirects from titles with ligatures‎ (105 P)
Redirects from titles without ligatures‎ (493 P)
Middle-earth redirects from redundant titles‎ (152 P)
Redirects from misspellings‎ (48,487 P)
Redirects from other capitalisations‎ (1 C, 407,815 P)
Redirects from plurals‎ (25,577 P)
Redirects to plurals‎ (2,484 P)
Redirects from US postal abbreviations‎ (42,391 P)
Redirects from emoji flags‎ (273 P)
Redirects from shortcuts‎ (1 C, 28,798 P)
Pages in category "Unprintworthy redirects"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,557,538 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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