#ch 980
larkreadsop · 2 years
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I will say that Kid, despite not knowing the plan, was actually sticking to it pretty well until this moment but I can’t exactly fault him for being angry with Apoo given what went down...
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beaulesbian · 8 months
loved this part of the onigashima raid - where zoro was carrying luffy so they could escape after luffy got attacked, and when an enemy dog tried to attack them, luffy snapped out of it and bit the dog himself
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crabapplebread · 10 months
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Vol. 92, Ch. 980
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out of context screenshot lol, but cute both in and out of context 😊
Vol. 93, Ch. 983
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Buddhist Dragon Balls
I first became interested in Journey to the West thanks to the manga/anime Dragon Ball Z. The series is named after a set of seven glass-like orbs (fig. 1) that were created by the Namekian-turned-protector deity Kami for the benefit of mankind. When all seven are collected, they summon the dragon god Shenron, who grants a single wish. One common wish is to resurrect a beloved fighter who had previously been killed in battle.
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The seven dragon balls.
But what would the Dragon Balls be like if they appeared in the Journey to the West universe? There are two possibilities. The first is the most obvious, the Cintāmaṇi (Sk: "wish-fulfilling jewel"; Ch: ruyi baozhu, 如意寶珠, lit: "as-you-will treasure jewel"). Also known as "dragon jewels" (longzhu, 龍珠), these luminous orbs are commonly held by Bodhisattvas in Buddhist art (fig. 2), thereby signifying their ability to grant any wish that a believer may have. They are also mentioned in Buddhist scripture. For instance, the Treatise of the Great Perfection of Wisdom (Sk: Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra; Ch: Da zhidu lun, 大智度論, c. 2nd-century) reveals that the Cintāmaṇi is a bodily relic found in the brains of dragon kings (longzhu chu longnao zhong, 龍珠出龍腦中) (Buswell & Lopez, 2014, p. 193). Therefore, we would be able to maintain the connection to dragons in Journey to the West.
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A 14th-century Korean painting of the Earth Store Bodhisattva holding a Cintāmaṇi.
In East Asia, the Cintāmaṇi is closely associated with our second possibility, the Śarīra (Sk: "body"; Ch: Sushe/zi, 舍利/子) (fig. 3). These pearl-like beads figure among the bodily relics left over from the historical Buddha's cremation. [1] Strong (2004) explains: "[They are the result] of a process of metamorphosis brought on not only by the fire of cremation but also by the perfections of the saint (in this case the Buddha) whose body they re-present" (p. 12).
They are said to come in different colors and sizes depending on the country and religious tradition (Strong, 2004, p. 11).
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Photo of Śarīra relics.
Journey to the West could have one or even both of these bodily relics. For example, the Cintāmaṇi would allow demon kings or lesser spirits to wish for powerful heavenly weapons, thereby helping them fight stronger opponents; or, the Śarīra could grant the devils more spiritual power, thereby allowing them to bypass centuries of spiritual cultivation.
But neither of these items could help evil beings achieve immortality. I've previously noted that Journey to the West was heavily influenced by the Buddho-Daoist philosophy of the Southern Quanzhen School Patriarch Zhang Boduan (張伯端, mid to late-980s-1082). He believed that in order to become a true transcendent (xian, 仙), one had to achieve both the Daoist elixir of immortality and Buddha-nature (Shao, 1997; 2006). The first extends your life, while the second frees you from the endless rounds of rebirth. While the aforementioned spiritual objects may grant them divine longevity, it won't make them unkillable. And if they are killed, they would still be subject to the wheel of reincarnation. It would be up to them to achieve the last step in this two-step process. But that would require these spirits to mend their evil ways and “return to the right path” (gui zheng, 歸正)⁠—i.e. convert to Buddhism. 
There are three main types of Buddha relics: 1) those of the body left over from his cremation (hair, teeth, nails, bones, and Śarīra beads); 2) those that he used (walking staff, alms bowl, robes, etc.); and 3) those that he taught (i.e. lessons from scripture) (Strong, 2004, p. 8).
Buswell, R. E., & Lopez, D. S. (2014). The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Shao, P. (1997). Monkey and Chinese Scriptural Tradition: A Rereading of the Novel Xiyouji (UMI No. 9818173) [Doctoral dissertation, Washington University]. Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database.
Shao, P. (2006). Huineng, Subhūti, and Monkey’s Religion in “Xiyou ji”. The Journal of Asian Studies, 65(4), 713-740. Retrieved from www.jstor.org/stable/25076127.
Strong, J. S. (2004). Relics of the Buddha. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
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alchemicallymoon · 9 months
Commentary for my latest fic!
I liked explaining my thoughts the last time I did a commentary, so I did another! As always, feel free to ask if you have any more questions or things you'd like to know!
Link to the fic here https://archiveofourown.org/works/52146427
As mentioned in the tags of the fic, this has no connections at all to my other fics. I try to keep a consistent lore with my Splatoon fics, in terms of timeline and characters. There was no way that this fic would fit into that. I planned on making it separate from the beginning, though, it wasn’t a problem that I wanted to fix.
This fic was probably 90% done when I posted the first chapter. That’s partly because of how in depth my draft was—I knew exactly what I wanted each chapter to look like. But it’s also because I didn’t write it entirely in order. I would write scenes for chapters 2 and 3 before finishing chapter 1. It was mostly a “I need to write this idea immediately because it sounds so perfect in my head” situation, followed by “maybe it wasn’t so perfect, I should edit it.” I would write notes, but they ended up being so long and detailed that it was better to just write the whole scene.
Ch 1 I had a few goals with this chapter, and after thinking about it, it’s more of a prologue than anything. One goal was to make it clear that both Four and Eight use she/her pronouns. People use a variety of pronouns for their Agent OCs, (for my consistent lore, Four uses they/them,) so I thought it would be good to make it clear, even if the tags and category already say that. Side note: It’s such a chore writing two characters with the same pronouns together, because you either have to overuse their names or risk being ambiguous.
Another was showing that Eight is still new to the surface, and inkling culture. One way I did that was by having her really take note of things that inklings might take for granted—like the view from the café. If she were still in the octarian domes or the metro, she wouldn’t be able to see so much of a city from so high up, nor have it be lit by real sunlight. Another thing I did was having her forget inklish, or speak in odd ways. The two most obvious parts are the coffee scene, and the fact that she doesn’t use contractions. I avoid going too far with writing language learners unless it’s a more central part of the plot.
I wanted to make it clear that they were not already dating (again, even though the tags already say that.) I think not mentioning that they are dating is a good solution, considering the intro of the fic. The intro is a short backstory of why they live together, and it makes no mention of them dating. If they were, then it would be an important thing to add. Besides that, I use the terms “friend” and “roommate” to describe their relationship.
Finally, I wanted to include the line “Dear, sweet, precious Eight.”
Ch 2 So, I was going to complain about how many times I used the word “movie” for this chapter. Then, I had the idea to count exactly how many times I used it. Luckily, the writing program I use can automatically count word repetitions. Unluckily, it searches every single word from every document in a project by default, and I keep every fic plus a few other things in the same project. So, that was a very slow loading bar. But at least now I know I’ve used “four” 920 times in total, making it my most used word right after Marie. (It went up to 980 since writing that last week.) Oh, right, the original point! I only used “movie” ten times.
There was a pretty big tone shift in this chapter—it was the comfort part of hurt/comfort. I tried to ease into it with the beginning paragraph, so that it wasn’t an immediate 180°. The tone shift made it easy to start with the romance part of the fic, as the last chapter didn’t have room for that. It’s relatively subtle and there isn’t much of it, but my goal was to portray it as both of them having a crush on each other, but being too embarrassed/shy to admit it.
So, I had a very strange and minor problem with this chapter. Of course, the Splatoon universe is set ~10,000 years after humanity is extinct. That means that they have their own language. I didn’t want to include the term “Ferris wheel” because it’s named after the person who invented it in real life, and there would be no reason for it to be called that in Inkopolis. But, lucky for me, there is Splatfest stage dialogue in Splatoon 2 where Pearl uses the term (followed by Marina flirting <3) Thank you Inkipedia!
Chapter 2 ended up being longer than expected. I just had a lot of fun writing it, and there were a few key points that were important to include. That also meant writing transitions to and from those key points, though. I could’ve shortened the movie watching part, but I wasn’t really aiming for it to be short—sometimes chapters are just a little bit longer. The chapter was very full of humor compared to my other fics, and I’m happy with how it turned out!
Chapter 3 Eight’s thoughts are very overblown and give too much blame to herself, which I did on purpose—it’s panic. But, chapter 1 explains why she reacted in that way. Inklings don’t like octolings, I mentioned that a few times. I also mentioned that Four is not like that, so why that reaction? Well, that was the part of her reaction that wasn’t overblown. Other people would judge them if they were in a relationship. And even though Eight knows that Four is nothing but loving, there is always that doubt in the back of the mind. The regular embarrassing romantic aspect contributes to her reaction, but it isn’t the main focus.
Four’s reaction is also panicky, but for a totally different reason. Half a fear of rejection, and half because she technically didn’t ask before kissing. Valid concerns, but not really on the same level as Eight’s. Four doesn’t even consider the inkling-octoling part of their relationship. It isn’t something she thinks about, as an inkling.
I guess there isn’t much to say about this chapter that isn’t already in the chapter itself. I did want to say what I said in the first part, though, it’s relevant to the fic as a whole. The chapter turned out to be shorter, but more heavy than I expected. I like the way it turned out, though, and I think the kiss at the end is a good conclusion.
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photos-car · 4 days
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orange1896 · 1 year
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F31Y1-15355 变径接头RED30/25SOMDCF 4011000538 钢管 4120005174 BOOM CABLE 4110001323 托架B KKZW4016000040 支承板 ZL30.3-36 6213000244 盘 26410004691 水油散热器总成LG920-5E 4120004405009 玉柴气缸垫 26171020621 PLATE 29340027311 角钢 6900000461 护皮 4110002230068 小信封 6900020402 右连接板 4110001592007 15T挖掘机履带块模块 ZFJ 4110000184033 MSBNR2020K12刀体销钉MLP46 6900021429 双头螺栓C3937122 6390203094 橡胶减震器 4110000145036 单向阀L12-4 4043002544 PLATE L068FW2215A29E5 螺栓 5*20 14597535 仪表台线束 26130026281 扭力扳手 QLF750N 东日 997485 后平衡铁 29310020611 固定支架 1690100489 二级行星架总成 21909015401 柱塞M045300001 6410003803 软管LGB165-005040 6233000344 油管焊合 4130015900 调频螺栓总成TF220V22064 6410006535 PLATE_LOW ROOF E675F 6420000031 下架 R2600W3421109A0 停用-中冷出气管 L933H 3110900497 断路器IC65H 2P C32A 0E205FL3484A09A3 胶管 4041002420 挡圈D45 024800 6410007756 操纵箱焊接总成 29360013311 传动油管1500 4110001061154 PLATE_WA LH BEND 29250012091 FORK TOOTH 4120010499 VCE LNY Hub internal use 67-9140-022 2090400172 LG968V驾驶室围板总成(出口) 11218683 机油集滤器支架1000174839 29100022361 LG936L井下机型标识 L955 F1030418 停用-多路阀DF-32D2-16 2624000824-TM 8T独立散热线束 LG780C 26280002561 转斗油封 11213646 右过渡钢管 4120017547010 软管LGB128-004029 Mail:[email protected] 21906001551 锁紧螺母M8' 15171276 6900018905 锁紧螺母M10 ELGS812H 气门导管 29260047591 安全阀460000015(16)00 3301214GA9A 止退销00100SP-X1 26330059161 左动臂缸大腔钢管 4120006232008 空压机 D0110-3509100B 29131000561 支架 29050024811 A型密封垫圈18Q20-08 4120006672004 固定后窗棂总成 6410000295 空调暖风总成 LG690020477 右支撑架 4130000595 燃油喷射泵C4994681 FP910-162018 飞轮紧固螺栓HA0540 LG2990000113 动臂 29320009871 板 4110003577043 动臂油缸HSGF-190*100*708-1346 FHHI-05-WP02 连杆盖HA04047 4110001905058 LG6270E操作及保养手册 6410007344 发动机罩标识包 4110001003145 90o单卡套弯头LG2002 14508566 26330102411 右动臂大腔钢管 26290100261 转斗缸大腔钢管 4110003075002 吸油胶管 997899 4130015649010 转轴 41900001570141 左加长段铲刀架 4110001386048 右台架 26240004641 中臂活塞杆 6212000943 套3509058-56D 6399002001 挡圈 F临工85 钢管 29330028531 右侧板 4120006288037 中冷出气胶管A 4120004993006 油门旋钮固定板 11212562 冷凝器总成 11219005 管夹LGB122-2560 11217843 P-轴套LGB302-65*157A2 WC612640060074 接头关节 11222137 横销 4015000211 高压螺栓M16*120 4110002122055 BEARING_LH REAR BEARING 29330073361 防护网 L936H 7100002091 O型圈(15*2)0634306524 F11213442 护套LGB313-B20*140*250 FLG6210-KQLX 密封件包24A600731S 4110003847043 防尘圈 11215792 动臂总成 LG968V 29410001481 半圆键C3902332 4110000565261 储气罐 4120017065 摇摆 28220004331 WIPER BLADE LOWER 26140007051 标志标识 26130005951 主动螺旋伞齿轮 14626351 镜架(金色) 11212660 驾驶室958E 29340045881 PLATE 28360002661 单向阀堵头 6220000867 六角头螺栓01112416 4110000129190 多股塑料铜芯线BVR-16mm2(绿) 6612000065 硬管 6390100478 前窗玻璃 28250008481 圆钢Q235B-φ8 26141008791 后车架 3214526158-A 驾驶室总成 4110003164170 止推片(上) LG933 29170053341 直角弯管72*4 29030009861 胶管F731C96F251216-980 4110004063159 前车架线束 29170237691 前车架总成 4043006068 放大镜 带LED灯100mm精度等级:1 2060800022 柴油机油CH-4 15W/40-4L 4120005146002 HEXAGON SCREW 29012001211 地脚螺栓48*600 11221179 停用-管夹 29200010471 胶管F481CACE121206-800 29430000591 板 4110001026034 针规 14549600 7100000276 PLTE WA RH HYD TANK REAR F11E1-1507-ZC 动臂耳板 26170024621 拉杆 6399005649 右台架总成 4120008298002 六角头凸缘螺栓D01181433 L0460W2115A29E1 O型圈 ZJ4110001050016 电子闪光器副厂 4110001571011 连杆机构 J4120002282201 停用-活塞工艺合件 1004902A52D 29270017761 固线环 265*150*95 4130001221 旋钮标识 14731891 弯板LGB341-A8*15-20*30*2 11212243 VECU_E6360F_PLUS 29370005081 锁定杆前销轴 26150001801 停用-油环总成A3903384 7100000581 O型圈58916628 28220005471 监视器 山尼CM2020P LG97X 凸轮轴位置传感器 28120006761 衬套24S255251 55*60*25 29051000351 先导阀总成PCL402-6MBM3H3B-C 26181014691 后车架 26170009041 电机 6900003079 空气预滤器 29280016881 阀盖总成 FKC612600130408 胶条附件 DJ520 FZ0001214 LG946L装载机驾驶室总成 4043016779 组合垫片(24MM) 29260103441 油标尺组件 G003501005 4110000991041 周转箱盖板1100*1000 4120003522 左门总成 ELG953 DOOR BOARD 29290060651 发动机罩总成 M086HWAR3 吸油管 YD13 221 003 M14 9100000989 胶管 60110047 11219147 暖风胶管 4120010452012 胶管F701CA1C182010-970 4110001007064 空压机齿轮D07-104-40+B 15052460 滤网托架6105QA-1010131A 29160010161 停用-水泵总成A3960342 4120004776 轴套LGB302-100*140A1 28250021161 开口垫片LGB337-2*12*96*48*1 11222251 垫圈 4110001193 HEXAGON SCREW M24X140 4190000536091 后车架线束 4110000970228 标识 7200002404 PLATE_REINF FRONT 6900020283 前盖板 6410007000 后泵轴 29360025591 板 FZ0001012 端盖 29330003541 传动油散热器S9114230C 4110002834005 LG938/936油缸总成 29260103071 大臂连杆 9200000254 钢丝挡圈-孔用24C001100 D72.3*1.5t 29030039291 活塞杆24A611280 11215427 排气门1J700-13123 4041003249 垫圈GB97.1-12flZnyc-300HV-480 4120015734001 发动机总成BF6M1013-22T3R1837密封圈包 LG952 L0530W3114A23T0 LG953(L) 快换平叉使用手册 29260026461 临工标志 4013000348 胶管F471TCCACF121206-500-PG500 29070026951 O形圈 29260013611 燃油软管 11223086 多路阀进油钢管 4110001089363 发动机总成WD615G.220(G0388) 4130000807 螺栓M8×80 Q1840880TF2 4110000997304 插头 IECCEE 32A-6H/380-415V Type 024 29010022801 上盖总成GKZ11-4.5B-60 26240003591 左前过渡板总成 28010012401 PLATE_CTR SUPPORT MCV 26141019511 6HK1组件 4110002139027 散热器连接板 4120008211 U形圈 28250005721 活塞杆总成24A110040 29290027101 垫片 4110001089380 联接板(一) 6222000394 停用-油封 100*120*13 4110015767022 加重合金顶尖(焊桥专用)6# 28440000251 铲斗油缸管夹 6303902506 销轴座2 14407445 翘板开关线束 21906002891 发动机总成WD10G220E21(G0310) 4110001061043 working equipment 6410007390 EOTA 29010030501 P-垫圈GB97-8 29900000551 螺母GB6170-M16EpZn-10 29070009241 液压油箱总成 FP923-085035 拉手 6420002145 钢管 YZ18J.7A.6-1A LG9140000362 O形橡胶密封圈410800110041 4110001089374 矩形管 26141004941 再生单向阀 F81E7-00631F 齿轮 29310017141 胶管F381CACE080804-940-PG940 14625262 AIR SILENCER_LG933L-1 29130015321 电动转运车 4110000083054 钎杆φ190*1700-十字头-经适件 4110002487008 压线钳罗宾汉 RKY-328 F31Y1-15680 发动机总成WP6G125E333 (DHP06G0169 ) 4110001027006 连杆机构 28120007651 直接头1-1/16-12UN-M18 3030900143 铲斗总成 6230000626 驾驶室(分体式) 4011001291 加长套筒 10mm 3/8 12403 世达 11222932 右支架 LG5111000913 电机制动环3T 4120010444021 螺纹接头 4120001739055 HEXAGON SCREW 6410003031 驾驶室总成 9380B6 后横梁 11213341 钢管 29330023641 配重螺栓 17214762 LGS816羊角碾振动压路机 21909010171 LYWZ25散热器总成 LG2823001926 1 side plate 4043000417 L955F传动轴总成 29310008081 卡簧钳世达72001 LG936L 4110001933013 车架线束 FXJDD-00048F 后车架附件 26180005901 护罩 29290024881 护板 LG8289740 木箱 ZFJ 6228000051 弹簧垫圈U381A-3B4505+A 14556445 29150023361 管接头 16880105 29240014141 滑槽(-9) 4110000081314 全自动洗地机 DJ520 鼎洁 26260001451 驱动螺丝(455) 26290100311 右侧玻璃 WS33002550092 29210010811 回油钢管 14405008 销 4110002563001 管夹 4041003168 压板 4120007075 机罩框架总成 LGZJ27120115682 先导过渡钢管总成 29190016071 驾驶室其他装配件总成 ZL50F.12.2-3 LG-52-2350-008 胶管总成 11222041 齿轮 4110001089346 进气管13057437 28100008561 调整垫片 29090009701 支架 29030037111 齿轮 29070100351 有槽双端螺栓 0631.311.009 3 * 5 29090001051 下叉 EW35LOMDA3C 26090000621 停用-方管 4120015480 滚动轴承GB297-31317 29380032391 螺塞M16X1.5JB1000-77 28250005911 板半成品 26260016241 前玻璃 6900012984 (斜盘座)定位销HLPV80-030007 6373401735 膨胀水箱 4110000560360 PLATE 11225039 左半轴1082 ZJ4110001003107 封车绳∮12mm 4110000186028 法兰螺栓 29070021511 BRACKET-FR(LH)(抛漆前) 26141019231 进气阀套筒15841-13540 4190004186 SWITCH 6900009878 升降销导向套安装板 4110000038013 滚柱轴承218500 29360022761 车轮26.5-25-24PR-L-3 LG2929010005 驾驶室附件 LG933L 5304000207 耳塞分配器底座3M391-1000 LGS822H 6390903822 左挡板 991653 4110000568 双头螺柱1118619-30D PZFAP-411/HK-105 29330067112 软管20411-18-06WZ/20441-18-06WZXFC687-06X5 29010039671 钢管 29170163782 双头螺栓 4120002327 铲斗2.3*1890 28020006191 驾驶室右前支腿 4041003545 海绵 ZJ4110001828015 备件 阿特拉斯4250187802 FR110-7 行车制动总成 26180018694 吊扇美的1200-1400 4110004063037 暖风机水管过渡接头 29020012612 驾驶室标识包 29070010311 LOCK BRACE_LOCK BRACE M096LW3A0M100 停用-软管 0501 204 427 26160003871 制动器总成84787100 4110001803 管夹 14404579 取暖水回水接头C00AL-00AL003+A L975F 4130001687 密封件维修包24A107190S 26090004341 LG系列平地机保修手册 60114013 26090002512 板 29290033191 LG953N井下左电瓶箱总成 11221333 变速操纵总成 26250000531 铲斗油封 8230-29660 6270000206 至切断阀气管 Mail:[email protected] 28280010692 驾驶室总成 26010017171 行车制动总成 4120006928 制动器底座 26130002431 L955F轮式装载机 9200001415 胶管F462CACF121206-750 F481CACF121005-890 F龙工215-PSQGL O型圈GB/3452.1-338*3.55 4110002197028 L955油缸总成 29260024441 右支架 LG2904000919 软管装置 4110000678052 上盖板分总成 Z06007.34.100 6410005153 灭弧罩 1500A A70-4110000555 矩形板LGB310-80*32*24-Q235B 4110000042025 液压油箱及加注时注意标志(俄文) 胶带60*100 LG28430000881B 加高臂模块 29240203681 G03艳绿色环氧地坪漆24kg/桶 4041002138 发动机罩 29030044691 曲轴箱通风装置 6233000556 下底座部件(减震器)XFZY-12-01 29030016601 刹车片 4110003749007 行程开关 14623694 4110000179191 HOSE NIPPLE 4110000076236 桌旗(中国好司机活动用) FZ0000684 发动机退工装放置平台 29170100071 ELBOW_45 11214771 螺栓GB16674.1-M6*16EpZn-8.8 F4988747 旋转组件 11216333 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 6229000107 挺杆室盖垫片J3200-1002066C 7300000566 PLATE 4011000590 销 Read the full article
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rorozoro · 4 years
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inject this into my veins bro i love this interaction so fucking much
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aggressive-2na · 4 years
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LUFFY AND ZORO - ANGRY MODE , also i would still like to clarify that the red stuff on luffy’s face is not in fact blood but red bean soup.
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greta-and-grace · 4 years
In the latest OP chapter we've been robbed of Luffy and Zoro in those beautiful sexy leather-looking outfits and i would like to disagree with this choice.
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jinbecc · 4 years
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✧ Luffy!- chapter 980 ✧
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larkreadsop · 2 years
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...Good job, boys! 
Honestly it’s probably a good thing Law had the foresight to come up with a different plan that removed himself from the scenario entirely because he knew exactly what would happen and it did.
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beaulesbian · 8 months
killer in these few wano/ onigashima raid chapters is very funny to watch - dealing with luffy and kid's competitiveness, as well as witnessing luffy and zoro's insane shenanigans
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and laughing about the chaos around askjds
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"This crew'a a joke!" ashfjf he's right, to some extent
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((love that luffy only had to say what the kaido pirates did - wasting the oshiruko soup, and zoro was on the same side immediately - this could be a great parallel to whiskey peak actually - when at that time luffy was angry for thinking zoro would hurt the people that helped them and gave them food, instead of getting his side of the story (that they were bounty hunters after them). and in this case it was zoro being angry (more like annoyed) for their cover being blown - which he made more difficult to keep with slicing a building in half). but once zoro realized it was about the food and luffy's anger was more important, they went into the fight together.))
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(subtletly could never be luffy and zoro's thing, especially when those pirates spilled and wasted food. i like both of these version - in anime with zoro asking luffy if he's happy now after they caused more havoc and needed to run, as well as in the manga, if luffy's satisfied with the chaos.)
back to my previous point about killer:
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yeah, tel them killer, at least your captain knows how to operate under cover during an important mission and doesn't make a scen- OH
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and for the luffy & kid immediate competitiveness - it's always funny to see him so worked up with kid and law to be the best out of them
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yep, idiots, all of them (affectionate) <3
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"whuzzat?" "!!!" thank god killer has that mask so it can't be shown how much he's done with them, right?
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chikabika · 4 years
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First Mate duties include:
going after your captain because you know he’ll cause a ruckus 
getting lost on the way but cutting a building in half when you hear him causing a ruckus
accepting his reasoning for causing the ruckus
reminding him of the need for a low profile
running away when you’ve confirmed he won’t cause another ruckus
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uozlulu · 4 years
One Piece chapter 980 reaction and spoilers
And we’ve officially abandoned the plan, but it was inevitable lbr
Zoro: Well way to go. You just *had* to cause a scene!! I heard a noise in the distance and walked straight in this direction to see what a mess you've made of things!! Why can't you behave and infiltrate the group like a normal person?!! (ilu Zoro)
Kid if you keep walking instead of internally screaming you might just get out of here before everything goes so tits up we can see the rib cage.
Luffy: But they spilled the oshiruko on the ground!! On purpose!! Zoro: The oshiruko…? Well, that settles it. They gotta get sliced!!!
Aw yiss. I’m pumped.
I like how Zoro and Luffy are just randomly back into costume after getting rid of their disguises. I mean it makes sense they’d have their clothes on them but at the same time it’s like so where were you keeping those anyway?
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lobotheduck · 4 years
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You better eat that red-bean soup, bastards. 
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