#ch: adrian pucey
tiethenott · 4 months
Do nott want to see me?
theodore nott x obsessed!reader
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"Goodmorning Madam Pomfery!-may I visit Theodore?Theodore Nott?" you offer her a gently smile as you hand her a flower from the bouqet youre holding.She smiles and accepts it,putting it on her desk "Thank you dear.youre always such a sweetheart!" the normally cold woman compliments you,not able to keep her monotone facade around Hogwarts' sweetheart who wouldn't hurt a fly!
"And Mr.Nott is down the hall,in room B34 in the private wards" she explains handing you a key You skip along the halls leading to his room.Standing outside,you readjust one of your braids and smoothen out your uniform before opening it to him rubbing his eyes,seemingly just woken up. You giggle at his disheveled state before going over to his bedside and resting the bouquet down,readjusting the flowers as you place the freshly baked muffins and pastries cutely placed in a basket next to it "What are you doing here,Y/N." his features mar into disgust at the sight of his admirer. "To check up on you,silly" you sit on the bed,patting his leg He pulls it away before groaning in pain as to which you offer a slight pout and readjust his leg to the previous position. "What's wrong teddybear?do you need something?" he rolls his eyes at your nickname. "What I need is for you to get out and let me rest.And stop calling me that god awful nickname." he rests his head back on the pillow "Teddy don't be ridiculous,you got a pretty nasty hit by a bulger and I want to do anything I can to help!" Recently,during practice,which you begged him not to attend to spend time with you he was targeted hit by Adrian Pucey,a slytherin he didn't really talk with had hit him in the ribs by with a bulger which was allegedly aimed at him.He was rushed to the infirmary by his teamates who weren't there to see you slip 200 galleons into Pucey's hand before walking to the infirmary "You can help by leaving and taking back those hideous flowers."
Your eyes darken as a hideous look of disgust takes over your sweet smile "Im being nice,Theodore.Dont make me regret it." You take a deep breath,your face calmer but the anger still palpable.You begin to pick up the thrown pieces of clothing off the floor,tidying his room. "I want you to leave me alone,Y/N." the pretty boy begs,trying not to yell as you offer a fake pout walking over to him You sweetly kiss his cheek before leaning in so your cool breath is felt trickling down his ear.The sweet demeanor drops as you press your fingers into the nasty bruise at the side of his ribs,causing him to yell but its quickly concealed by your manicured fingers on his mouth. "I never want to hear those words come out of your mouth,you hear me?" the words bitterly fall from your mouth. You carefully sit yourself on his hips,right above his crotch as you innocently leer at the boy,massaging the wound with the same hand that caused the pain "Get off me,Y/N" he demands as you take off the white tee from his upper body,revealing his toned chest that you immediately run your hands over.Seconds later,you pull back the covers from the lower half of his body as you slowly take off his boxers,revealing his lengthly cock with a bright pink,angry tip you shift down and stroke one hand up and down his length before swirling your tounge around the tip then peppering small kisses all around,causing him to stifle his moans.Your head bobs up and down as you take most of his length in your mouth,your hands working on the rest as his hand grips your hair,tugging at it harshly.Shortly after,his hot cum arrives in your mouth,causing you to swallow all of it. You pull away and sit back up,wiping your mouth before dressing him back up,admiring his sweaty and blissful face.You lean in,giving him a small peck on the lips to which he wipes off "Fuck you,Y/N." he scolds as you kiss the top of his nose "Dont worry teddy,we will" you giggle,placing another kiss to his cheek and gather your bag "Bye Teddybear!see you soon!" you charmingly yell skipping down the hall
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THE NEXT DAY,Theodore awaits for Madam Pomfery to bring him his medication.The door opens and stands you,with a tray of medication and food,dressed in white robes and a 'caretaker' badge necklaced around your neck causing him to furrow his eyebrows into confusion as to why youre here. "I got the job theo!Madam Pomfery allowed me to help her and now im your caretaker!isnt it wonderful?" you ramble He couldn't wait to recover.
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dramiones · 6 years
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adrian pucey. for @ginpctter
“ and like roses in his hands, death blossoms. ”
♥*♡∞:。.。happy birthday cassidy! 。.。:∞♡*♥
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fanficsandthings · 3 years
Through the Years, Ch. 7
A George Weasley Fanfiction
A George Weasley x Slytherin reader story.
Each chapter shares events in one year of George and reader’s life together.
Word Count: 6.1k
Author’s note: i know i’m like 3 months late on posting this chapter, but i promise i haven't abandoned this fic. 
Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 
Year 6, Part 2:  Fireworks
 The heavy rain soaked through your clothes as you made your way into King’s Cross. It had been raining hard since early that morning, and the heavy gloom that hung over London was starting to take hold in your chest. The events of two weeks prior were impossible to purge from your mind, and on days like this the memories slowly crept their way forward. You swore that green skull could illuminate the sky again at any moment, so instead, you forced yourself to think about other things. 
You uncle and dad had been talking for weeks about an event happening at Hogwarts this year, but they wouldn’t give anything away. All you knew was that you needed a fancy dress, which you bought a week ago at a second hand store. It now sat in the bottom of your trunk, its intended use unknown to you for now. 
You no longer needed the motivation to run through the brick wall that separated platforms 9 and 10, like you did in your first year. You and your father casually waited by the wall, wringing the water from your clothes, as you watched the muggles pass by. When all was clear, you casually leaned against it, disappearing suddenly to anyone who might’ve cared to notice. 
The steam from the scarlet coloured engine filled the platform, the people rushing about looking more like ghosts than corporeal beings. You searched briefly for a family of redheads, but quickly gave up and turned your attention to the items you had brought with you. 
You checked quickly on Minnie, whose carrier was concealed under your rain jacket on top of your trunk. She was dry, just a little perturbed at all the movement happening on the trip here. 
“You packed the camcorder, right?” your father asked. “And the extra tapes?”
“Yes,” you told him, “they were the first things I packed.” 
“And you’re sure you know how to use it?”
“Yes, I’m pretty sure we went over it about 100 times.”
“I just don’t want you to get there and then not be able to capture anything,” he said, looking around at the people on the platform. He lowered his voice a bit to speak the next part. “It’s going to be a very fun year. I don’t want you to forget any of it.”
You let out an exasperated sigh. “Will you please stop being so secretive, and tell me what’s going on?”
“I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough,” he told you. 
You were about to protest and beg for more information when three more people came through the platform portal. Ron, Hermione, and Harry appeared before you, squinting through the steam. 
“Oh, look!” your dad cut you off, ignoring the annoyed look on your face. “Friends! Now, go get on the train with them. I might see you sooner than you think.”  
You said a very quick goodbye before turning to the three newcomers. They were still looking through the steam, trying to orientate themselves before heading to the train. You snuck up as quietly as your trunk would allow, thankful that the train engine was letting off some noise. 
“What’re you looking for?” you shouted, right in between Ron and Harry’s heads. It caused all three of them to jump; the owls in the cages they were holding hooted frantically as they got tossed around. 
“Please don’t do that,” Hermione voiced as she clutched her chest. 
“Sorry,” you said, smiling, “I couldn’t resist.” You turned your head to look at the brick wall briefly. “Where is..”
“Your boyfriend?” Ron butt in. He turned to Harry and made a fake gagging noise. Harry let out a laugh, amused at his friend’s actions. 
“Right behind you,” a familiar voice said. You turned to see Charlie, Fred, and George. George was smiling brightly at you. “We just passed your dad on the other side of the barrier.” 
“Charlie!” you exclaimed, giving him a quick hug. “I expected you to be back in Romania by now.”
“Do we even exist?” George whispered to Fred. 
“Apparently not when Charlie’s around,” Fred answered. 
You rolled your eyes as you turned to the twins. “I’m gonna see you two constantly for the next 10 months. I rarely see Charlie.” 
“I took extended time off,” Charlie said, answering your question, “because I’ll be working a little extra in a couple of months.” 
Ginny, Bill, and Mrs. Wealsey made their way through the wall behind the twins. 
“Hello,” Mrs. Weasley greeted upon seeing you. 
“Molly, it’s so good to see you. I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to see you at the Quidditch Cup,” you told her, giving her a hug. 
“Quidditch isn’t really my thing, dear,” she informed you. “But I might get to see you all again soon.”
“Why does everyone keep saying that?” you asked. 
“It’s nothing,” she said, pushing you back towards Fred and George. 
“We should get going,” you said to the twins. “We need to find Lee and seats” 
The twins said goodbye to their family, and you all headed off through the steam towards the train. You found Lee, who had already boarded and was saving a compartment for the three of you. You stuffed your trunks above the seats and put Millie’s carrier in the seat next to the door. 
It was a weird feeling, purposefully sitting so close to George on the train; him next to the window and your head leaning on his shoulder so you could watch the countryside pass by. Really, it’s not like much had changed from being just friends to dating. You had always sat close to each other before, even holding hands when the situation allowed for it. Something seemed to change over the last couple months, though, and now you felt more comfortable than ever resting your head against George. 
Maybe it was the fact that you could hold hands now without people whispering in the background and speculating about you. Or the fact that you could run your hands through his hair, which he had let grow a little longer over the summer, and not be worried about accidentally looking into his brown eyes and having to hide your embarrassment over the matter. You could freely count the freckles splattered across his face and name the constellations you made in them. Freckles that would always remind you of the falling snow on the night you first kissed. 
At some point, you let Minnie out of her carrier, letting her roam freely around the compartment, careful to make sure the door was securely closed. She eventually found a comfy stop on the seat between Fred and Lee. You watched as she curled up into a ball, her tail carefully covering her eyes, as if to block out any light. 
As the train rolled on and the rain outside got heavier, the windows fogged up, making it impossible to see outside. You turned your full attention to the conversation happening. Lee was talking about what he did over break, and brought up the Quidditch World Cup. 
Your eyes moved briefly to the window, thinking you might see the bright green light shining through the rain. George saw your movement and squeezed your hand in reassurance, a small smile on his face. You smiled back at him, telling him that you’d be alright. 
Lee mentioned that his father had been cheated out of money over a bet he made with Ludo Bagman at the Cup. 
“That dirty little cheat!” Fred yelled at the mention of Bagman’s name, causing Minnie to startle beside him. 
“He took our money, too,” George added on. “He paid us back in leprechaun gold.” 
“That’s exactly what he did to my dad,” Lee said. 
“You bet all the money you had saved, didn’t you?” you asked Fred and George. 
“Yeah,” Fred sighed. 
“We’ll have to find another way to open the shop now,” George said. 
“I still have some money saved up,” you told them. “About 20 Galleons when converted from muggle money. It’s not much but maybe we could find something to invest it in.”
“We couldn’t ask you to give us your money,” Fred said. 
“Yeah, I’m sure there’s other things you could use that money for, right? ” George inquired. 
“Not really,” you told them. “I’ve always planned to help you with Weasley Wizard Wheezes one way or another. Whether that be through money or inventing inventory.” 
“Oh,” George said rather quietly beside you. “Thank you.” 
You leaned up and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. “Anything for you, Georgie.” 
“And you know I’m always here to test out products,” Lee chimed in. 
“Oh, speaking of which,” you voiced, “did you finish those Canary Creams in the last two weeks?” 
“Not quite,” George told you. “There’s still some kinks to work out, but give us a few weeks and some of Snape’s potion supplies and we’ll get them done.” 
“But!” Fred said, pulling a small, wrapped treat out of his pocket. “We did nail down the yellow hair color.”
“Now we have all the house colors down,” George finished. 
“And I think we should take advantage of that,” you said with a grin. You grabbed the sweet from Fred’s hand. “This one’s yellow?” He nodded. “And you guys still have a beef against Cedric for winning the quidditch match last year?” 
“We should’ve gotten a rematch,” all three of them said in unison. 
“I know, I know,” you said, faking sympathy. 
The rest of the train ride was spent slipping sweets into other student’s train compartments and hiding in the hallway until you heard a couple screams. Cedric didn’t really seem to mind too much; being more embarrassed of the attention his friends were giving him because of it, opposed to being mad. You did manage to slip a pink one into Draco’s compartment, but one of his oversized bodyguards ended up eating it instead. 
You found Adrian Pucey, who was trying to rekindle your friendship a little bit. He had written to you over the summer a few times. You gave him a blue haired sweet just because you wanted to see if the color would look good on him. It really didn’t, as the Ravenclaw blue didn’t mix with his complexion very well. You made him promise to sit next to you at the welcome feast, and you’d reverse the effects then. 
Overall, you were very happy to be going back to Hogwarts where you’d be able to hang out with your friends again. 
The term seemed to pass too quickly with all the Tournament excitement going on. You had been concerned for Harry ever since his name was pulled out of that blasted goblet, but ever since he won the first task, he seemed to be in a much better mood. 
You had snuck out of the castle the night before the first task with Fred and George to meet up with Charlie. He had excitedly shown you the dragons they had brought from Romania, their fiery breaths keeping you warm in the cool November air. You had never seen creatures like this upclose before, and they intrigued you enough to think for just a moment that maybe you wouldn’t mind working in Romania with Charlie. 
A month after that, you found Hogwarts covered in snow, the winter chill finally settling in the castle corridors. Fireplaces blazed in every room, warming you ever so slightly as you sat by them. The fireplace in your dorm room did little to help fight the cold of the Black Lake. Again, just like last year, you spent most of your nights in the Gryffindor common room, curled up next to George by their roaring fire. 
Minnie took to spending her nights in George’s room. She seemed to be making friends with Crookshanks, as you would sometimes find them cuddled together in the common room. 
At times you felt bad for the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students. Their carriage and ship didn’t seem like the warmest of homes. You’d look across the school grounds and see them covered in ice and snow, and it would send a shiver down your spine every time. 
Christmas Eve came, and the entire school was filled with excitement over the Yule Ball the next day. You were excited too, but there was one more thing you needed to do before that day came. 
You had told George to meet you in the Astronomy tower in his pajamas at 10pm on Christmas Eve, a surprise all planned out in your head. You had stolen the radio from the Slytherin common room for the night. It had taken you and Adrian over a week to figure out how to get muggle radio stations to play on it, but eventually you got past all the magical interference and were able to listen to muggle music for the first time in almost four months. It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy The Weird Sisters, but sometimes you just missed the music your mum would listen to at home. 
You set up your camcorder in one corner of the tower by the stairs, getting as much of the room in frame as you could. With no one else in the room to film, it would be the best shot you could get with the camera. 
You met George at the base of the tower five minutes before 10, confusion etched on his face. 
“I see you wore the pajamas with a little lion embroidered on them,” you teased him, reaching for his hand. “My cute little Gryffindor.” 
He blushed at your words, but he took your hand nonetheless and let you lead him up the stairs. 
“You’re literally wearing the same ones but with a snake embroidered,” George said. 
“Hey, your mum made them, and I love them,” you told him. You squeezed his hand as you both laughed. 
Music from the radio played softly from the top of the tower, a song that neither of you had heard before. When you reached the top of the stairs, you paused briefly to press the record button on the camera. This caused a confused look to make its way onto George’s face, but you reassured him that nothing harmful was going to happen.  
You pulled him to the middle of the room, the chill from the winter night just barely reaching you. Pulling him close to you, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. George instinctively put his arms around your waste. You started to sway to the slow song coming from the radio.
“We haven’t been up here in a while,” George whispered. 
“Not since fourth year when we flew right into the middle of Professor Sinistra’s nighttime class,” you said, laughing. 
“Hey, we both expected her to have a midnight class that night,” George said, “not an 8pm class.” 
“I didn’t even mind the detention we got from it,” you told him. “I was just happy that I beat you in the race up here.” 
“I remember you cheating to beat me up here,” George said, wrinkling up his nose to tease you. “You and your old money Malfoy broom nearly knocked me into the castle wall.” 
“All’s fair in love and war, Georgie,” you said. “I was just using the speed that broom gives me to its full potential.” 
“If I didn’t love you so much, I’d still be mad about it.” He leaned down to kiss you on the forehead. “I still can’t believe you finally let me kiss you a year ago now.”
“You can thank Charlie for that actually. He gave me a little pep talk before I came outside that night.” You rested your head against his chest, listening to him hum along to the music. “Do you know this song?” 
“I’ve heard you play it before while you were at my house. I quite like it.” 
You pulled yourself as close to George as possible, trying to absorb his body heat. You hadn’t really thought about the open balcony and the winter weather when you planned this out. You leaned against him and swayed with the song, only really listening to his heartbeat through his chest. When the song was over and a more upbeat one came on, you pulled away just enough to look at his face. 
“Do you think Dumbledore really got The Weird Sisters to play tomorrow night,” you asked. 
“I hope so,” he said with a small laugh. “It’s all everyone’s been talking about the past few days.” 
“Speaking of the ball,” you started, “Did Fred ever ask that girl he likes to go with him?” 
“He asked Angelina a few days ago,” George told you. You wrinkled up your face in confusion. “What? They’re going as friends.” 
“But what about that Hufflepuff girl that he talks about constantly?” you asked. “I expected him to ask her, and I thought Lee and Angelina would go together.” 
“Lee’s going with a Ravenclaw fifth year, actually,” he informed you. “One of Cho Chang’s friends. Cedric actually set them up.” He seemed to have a hard time admitting that Cedric could do something nice for someone. George and Fred really held a grudge when it came to quidditch. 
“Cedric’s a good person, you know?” you said. “He wanted to have that rematch. But back to Fred; why is he being an idiot about his crush?”
“Because he is an idiot in general,” George said laughing. “He asked Angie just to prove to Ron that he had a date. He didn’t think it through.” 
You let out a sigh. “He’ll never learn.” 
The next song started with a familiar tune. “George, I think you’ll love this one!” 
You pulled away from him and grabbed his hand. There was no rhythm to your dancing, but it was fun nonetheless. George left all his worries behind and danced with you, not caring that you two definitely looked like idiots. He did really like the song that was playing, and he enjoyed it even more knowing that you loved it. 
You turned your camcorder off after that song, saving room on the tape for the next night too. You walked with George to the balcony, braving the cold to look over the snow covered grounds. Hogwarts really did look beautiful at this time of night. The moon reflected off the white snow and shone brightly over the Black Lake. The ship and the carriage looked like mere children’s toys from this far away. 
You rested your head against George’s shoulder as you both leaned against the railing. “Thank you, George.”
“For what?” he asked.
“For being my best friend, I guess,” you said. “It means a lot to me to have someone like you in my life.” 
“I’m glad I have you too,” He kissed the top of your head. 
You moved your head to kiss him properly, his body heat warming your face as you leaned in. The smell of potions clung to his skin, as he had been working on new products the entire last week. You caught the scent of a rather sweet one, and breathed in deeply. You pulled away reluctantly, but the cold was getting to you and you needed to head inside. 
George picked up the camera as you grabbed the radio, turning it off. You walked quietly down the stairs, hoping not to run into anyone at the bottom. He offered to walk you to your dorm, but you knew that Gryffindor tower was a lot closer than the dungeons, so you walked him there.
“Keep the camera for tomorrow,” you told him. “Record whatever mischief you get up to in the morning and then put it in the Great Hall.” 
“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow night.” He leaned in for one more kiss. “I love you.”
“Love you too.”
You hurried off down the hall as he climbed through the portrait hole. Sneaking down to the dungeons at this hour required a bit of stealth and luck, but you had done it enough to basically know the patrol schedules. You made it to the common room after only one near run in with a teacher, but you ducked behind a statue, just barely avoiding them. 
There were a few students left in the common room, so you casually put the radio back in its spot on the table. Hopefully no one had missed it too much. 
You made your way to your dorm room, opening the door quietly to not wake your roommates. The last embers of the fire were still burning in the fireplace, and they gave you just enough light to be able to see your way to your bed. The light from the moon didn’t reach this deep into the Black Lake when there was a layer of ice on top of it, so your windows remained pitch black. 
You laid in bed, pulling the quilt from last Christmas as close to you as you could. You breathed in the earthy smell and let out a content sigh. Sleep found you easily that night, and your mind raced with dreams of what tomorrow might be like. 
The buzz and excitement in the air was contagious as everyone got ready before the ball. You had spent the morning in the common room with Adrian, trying to get him to tell you who he was going with, but he refused, saying that you’d find out in a few hours anyway. 
“Why won’t you just tell me?” you asked, leaning forward and narrowing your eyes at him. 
“Why does it matter so much?” he asked in return, ignoring the look you were giving him. 
“Because I want a picture of us and our dates,” you said, “and if I don’t know who your date is, then I can’t force them to take the picture.” 
“I promise you’ll get your picture,” he said. “I’m meeting up with him in front--”
You nearly sprang to your feet, but kept yourself in your chair when you saw the look of embarrassment on his face. 
“So it’s not the seventh year Ravenclaw girl that has a crush on you,” you said, putting your hands over your mouth to think a bit. “I really thought it was her.”
Adrian looked flustered, his cheeks turning red. “What? No, no, she doesn’t have a crush on me.”
“She does,” you told him bluntly. “She asked me if you had a date about two weeks ago. I told her yes, but seeing as you won’t tell me who, I couldn’t give her more information.” 
Adrian sank back into the couch, wishing this conversation would end. You looked at him, still thinking about who he could be going with. 
“The Beauxbatons boy who wouldn’t stop staring at you on their first night here?” you pondered, but he remained quiet. “The fifth year Hufflepuff who ran into you in the hall last month? He’s cute and rather shy. I remember him apologizing profusely. I noticed him ducking his head away from you when we’d pass him in the hall after that.” 
You watched him for a reaction that would give you a yes or no answer, but all you noticed was his face getting redder. Adrian never really talked about crushes and who he liked. This conversation about people who maybe liked him seemed to be a little much for him. 
“Alright, one more guess,” you said, “and then I promise I’ll drop it until tonight.” He looked at you out of the corner of his eye. You took it as a sign to go on. “It’s not one of your dorm mates, is it? They’re rather all kinda assholes.”  
You finally got a laugh out of him at that. “Absolutely not. I know them all way too well to ever want to go on a date with any of them.” 
“Good, just checking to make sure you were still sane,” you said, standing up. “I’ll see you in a bit. Meet back here before we head up?” Adrian gave a small nod as you headed towards your dorm. 
You got ready while the rest of your roommates chatted around you. The dress you had picked out just before the school year started hung from a hanger on your four poster bed. The purple fabric of it was accented nicely by some small gold details. You had added a little bit of magic to it over the past few months, making it more your own, rather than just a second hand find. 
You found Adrian a few hours later, sitting in the same spot you had left him; his casual clothes now swapped out for dress robes, and his hair neatly styled. 
“You look nice,” you told him, causing him to look up. 
“Thanks.” He stood up, scratching the back of his neck. He looked at you, taking in your dress. “You look great. Did you get the sparks to work?” 
“Yes!” you said excitedly, looking down at the gold details. “Technically not sparks, but you’ll see. Wait till George can see them too. Can you carry this?”
You handed him your disposable camera, and he quickly put it in his pocket. He held out his arm, and you easily linked yours in it. You headed out of the common room, ready to meet up with your dates.
Walking up the stairs from the dungeons, the first person you saw standing in front of the Great Hall was Ron in his interesting dress robes. He was staring angrily at two people as they walked into the hall. It took a second to realize the girl was Hermione, having never seen her with her hair done like that before. You recognized the boy as Viktor Krum when he turned to greet one of his friends as he walked past them. 
Viktor’s friend turned in your direction, and his face lit up with a smile as he saw you and Adrian. You turned to Adrian, who was smiling just as brightly back at the Durmstrang boy. 
“A Durmstrang boy?” you whispered to Adrian as you made your way over to him. The boy was tall, at least a few inches taller than Adrian, and his long dark hair hung to his shoulders. When he reached the two of you, he turned his attention to you and took your hand, kissing it softly. His green eyes looked into yours briefly. 
“Adrian has talked a lot about you,” the boy said, dropping your hand. He looked back over at Adrian, the softest expression on both of their faces.
“This is Georgi,” Adrian introduced you. You looked at him, trying to hide your expression of slight shock. 
This is exactly why he wouldn’t tell you the name of his date. He knew you would tease him about going to the ball with a boy who shared a name so similar to your boyfriend. In all honesty though, the two boys were almost nothing alike. Georgi seemed a little more subdued and quiet, opposed to George who, though quieter than his brother, was still too loud for his own good. 
While making polite conversation with Adrian and his date, you were also trying to find the twins in the crowd of people. You noticed them coming down the stairs with Lee and Angelina, Lee soon hurrying off to find his date. 
You nudged Adrian in the side and gestured towards the twins. “I’ll be right back.” He nodded at you, and you set off through the crowd. 
“George!” you called as you ran up and hugged him. He and Fred were wearing matching outfits, probably passed down from their uncles to them.  
“Hello.” George pulled you back from the hug, looking at you fully. “You’re beautiful.” 
You ignored his statement, trying to hide the heat rising on your face. “Come on, I want you to meet Adrian’s date.” You looked at Fred and Angelina. “You too. I want a picture.” You pulled George’s hand, leading the group back through the crowd. 
“You put the camcorder in the Great Hall, right?” you said over your shoulder. 
“Yeah,” George confirmed. “About an hour ago. You’ll just need to hit record.” 
Meeting up with Adrian again, you gestured to George, introducing him to the Durmstrang boy. “George, this is Georgi. Georgi, George. My boyfriend.” 
They stared at each other for half a second before Fred butted in. 
“Well, isn’t that fun,” he said with a grin. 
You just grinned at Adrian, a smug look on your face.
You introduced Fred and Angelina and chatted for a bit before pulling another student over, who you knew was muggleborn, to take a picture of the six of you. Adrian nudged you and pointed to your dress. You looked down at it before realizing what he was suggesting. 
“Oh,” you said, catching the attention of the group. “I almost forgot. I added a little magic to my dress. Adrian, do you mind doing the honors?”
He pointed his wand at your dress, and a translucent, almost invisible smoke came out of the end. Tendrils of smoke reached out, attaching themselves to the center of each little gold detail and then disappearing into the dress. Each gold detail began to shake, as if filled with an immense energy. Suddenly, the details exploded across the dress, mimicking fireworks to the best of their ability. After a moment, they settled into their original shape. 
The group was staring at you, transfixed on what had just happened. 
“I’ve never seen a spell like that before,” Georgi finally said, a look of wonder on his face. 
“That’s because Adrian and I invented it, just for this,” you told him. You smiled as you looked over at Adrian. “We’ve been working on spells and such all of term in our free time. So far we only got the radio to work, and now this. This one isn’t perfect though. The smoke isn’t supposed to be there; it’s supposed to just be an immediate effect.”
George could tell that you were rambling now. He could see that your ramblings were bringing your excitement over the fantastic job you did down into doubt about how it didn’t work exactly how you wanted it to. He reached out and grabbed your hand. 
“It was beautiful,” he said. He looked into your eyes, trying to bring your attention to only him, trying to calm you down. “You know I love fireworks. Maybe they could be a part of the uniform at our shop.”
You smiled at him, giving a small laugh. “That would be wonderful.”
You turned back to the group and noticed Angelina standing by herself, Fred nowhere in sight. “Where’s Fred gone off to?” 
“He said he needed to talk to someone,” Angelina said, pointing towards the stairs that led towards the kitchens. 
You turned, expecting to find Fred putting a firecracker in someone's robes, but instead found him trying to get the attention of the Hufflepuff girl. She was standing close to another Durmstrang boy, but looked rather uncomfortable at the whole situation. She kept trying to scoot closer to Cedric, but every time she did, the Durmstrang boy would scoot with her. Cedric said something to her before he took Cho by the hand and led her into the Hall. Fred called her name again, but she continued to ignore him, instead saying something to her date before they too walked to the Hall. 
“Why didn’t he just ask her?” Angelina asked beside you. “I would’ve been fine going with someone else.”
“Because he’s an idiot,” you said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“You’re not wrong,” Angelina agreed. 
The entrance hall was getting emptier as everyone filed into the Great Hall. You took this as the cue to follow suit. You stood in the large crowd, pressing play on your camcorder as the school champions were ushered to the dance floor. The dancing started, and George almost immediately pulled you to the dance floor as more people joined in. 
The night went by quickly, but you would always be able to watch it back thanks to your camcorder, and look at pictures that you took. 
Your favorite picture by far was one of Adrian squished in a hug between the twins, their red hair and gold vests standing out extravagantly against his all black outfit. Adrian and the twins were still not the best of friends, but over the past few months they had all agreed to try to get along for your sake. The twins liked to show their progress through aggressive acts of friendliness. 
The videos were another story. They showed the night in motion and sound, something you were eternally thankful for. You could never give enough thanks to your dad for buying the camcorder for you. 
The video of the school champions dancing showed Hermione being the happiest you had ever seen her. It was quickly interrupted by you laughing as George pulled you onto the dance floor, followed by Fred grabbing Angelina to dance with him. It even caught a bit of McGonagall dancing with Dumbledore, a surprising sight, as you had thought you would never see either of them dancing in your life. 
You caught a video of Percy, zoomed way in on his grumpy face as he watched his ex-girlfriend dancing with someone else. Penelope looked happy with the boy she was dancing with though. You knew in a few years, hopefully, Percy would be able to laugh at his emotions too. 
You got Fred and George pulling Percy, Ron, and Harry out of their seats as The Weird Sisters started to play. Ginny joined their group to dance with her brothers; the three excited Weasleys trying their best to dance the grumpiness out of the others. You set the camera down on a table, facing the group and ran to grab Adrian and Georgi. Passing Angelina and Alicia on the way back, you told them to come with you too. Your large group now took up much of the dance floor, but no one seemed to mind as you all jumped around to the song the band was playing. 
The next video had the band playing a slower song in the background. The camera just sitting on a table, having been accidentally turned on by someone. It showed the Hufflepuff girl sitting at a table with Percy. They were talking, but the music drowned out any words that they were saying. Percy looked a little happier than he did earlier. Fred came into frame, sitting next to Percy, but putting his whole attention on the girl. She said a few short words to him, but when it was obvious she didn’t want to talk, he got up and walked towards the camera. He must have noticed it was on, because he mumbled a few words at it before the video cut off. 
There was a short video of you and Adrian walking outside in front of the castle, lights sparkling around you. George and Fred were a few paces ahead of you, talking about something you couldn’t hear. Georgi had offered to record for a bit, even though he wasn’t quite sure what he was doing. The video cut off abruptly when the camera was dropped. 
The last video on the camera was George recording you as you were leaving the Hall for the night. 
“How was your night,” he asked from behind the camera. 
“I had a great night,” you told him, walking backwards. You were holding up your dress so you didn’t trip. “Better than some people.”
The camera panned over to Fred, who flicked it off. He had a smile on his face, though, so you knew he still had a wonderful time. George moved the camera to catch Angelina in frame. 
“Did you still have a good time,” he asked her, “even though your date was kinda a drag?” 
“I had a wonderful time,” Angelina said as she put her arms around Alicia and Katie, who were walking beside her. “I still had my best friends to lift the mood.” 
“And what about you,” George turned so now he was walking backwards, camera pointed at Adrian and Georgi. They were walking hand in hand, Adrian’s head resting on Georgi’s shoulder. 
“It was alright,” Adrian said, smiling up at his date. Georgi squeezed Adrian’s hand. 
You had now reached the base of the stairs that led up to the Gryffindor common room. Everyone stopped walking to say their goodbyes. 
“One more thing,” you said to the camera. “I wanna get my spell on record.” You grabbed out your wand and pointed it at your dress, setting the fireworks in motion. 
“Beautiful, as always,” George hummed behind the camera. “I think this is where we part ways.” He took your hand in his. “Goodnight, love.”
The video stopped as you leaned in to kiss him. 
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lastxviolet · 3 years
The Assistant - Ch. 3
Description: Summary - Her sixth year at Hogwarts was supposed to be relatively peaceful but after an incident on the Hogwarts express, Violet Wilkes finds herself the newest target of the Weasley twins. This, combined with a dark family secret, and the Triwizard tournament, makes her first few months back more exciting and stressful than every year before.
pairing: George Weasley x Original Female Character
warnings: pg-13. slow burn, eventual smut hehe
They'd arrived on a Thursday night so Violet spent the long weekend finalizing her class schedule, helping the occasional lost first year, and being restless for Monday morning.
She'd met with Snape on Saturday to go over her O.W.L scores from last year's test and create her schedule. Their meeting was a pleasant one even though she became quite flustered when he'd asked for her after graduation plans. Truthfully, she wouldn't mind taking over for Snape one day but didn't feel confident in telling him. She also felt a longing to become a potioneer and perhaps create her own recipes at an apothecary someday. None of which she shared because there was nothing worse than being less than certain in Snape's presence.
He took her flimsy answer without protest and congratulated her on receiving almost all Outstanding scores, expressing as much happiness as his stoic disposition would allow about having her in advanced potions this year.
"You'll be requiring the use of my classroom for after-hour practice, I presume," her mentor said with a meaningful look.
He was a master at Occlumens but it always seemed as though he could read minds without it.
"That would be very much appreciated Professor," she confessed. "I wasn't able to practice much over the summer. Muggles don't usually have valerian root or infusion of wormwood lying around."
The side of his mouth twitched. "How do they survive? Draught of the Living Dead is most ambitious," he replied, referring to her aforementioned ingredients.
It was, but so was she. She was hoping to be able to create the entire Advanced Potions textbook from memory by the end of the year. Class stopped challenging her during her fourth year so after-hours practice was her only opportunity to flex her knowledge in any way. She'd tried hard for the past five years to become an expert simply because potions fascinated her. There was no rhyme or reason other than being captivated by the things that harmless ingredients could do when stirred together correctly.
They'd only decided on six classes this year, after all, she'd scored out of many courses being offered and didn't want to waste her time. She glanced down at the scribbled schedule Snape had made for her. Potions on Mondays and Wednesdays, followed by Ancient Runes and Defense Against the Dark Arts, respectively. Herbology on Tuesdays, Charms, and Care of Magical Creatures on Thursdays. Friday was completely free, as were almost all of her afternoons. Years of packing her schedule and studying deep into the night seemed to have paid off. It was a relief to finally have some free time, even though most of it would be spent studying for the NEWT exams at the end of the year.
She waited for Snape to give her the key to the classroom and raced back to the common room to compare schedules with Sadie.
"You're joking," she exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air. "Only one class together? What am I going to do in Transfiguration with a bunch of Ravenclaws, without you?"
"Maybe you can transform yourself into a kind and patient person," Violet joked, masking her disappointment and dodging her friend's elbow again.
Dark, hooded figures surrounded her, making escape impossible. She pleaded, screamed, begged them to hurt her instead. They laughed before turning their wands on Olivia, who was too far out of reach.
Her nightmare jolted her awake before her alarm could. Cruico, rang in her mind even after her eyes fluttered open. She stared at the wall, getting her bearings straight, listening carefully, ensuring that it was just a dream, and wiped the cold sweat from her forehead before getting dressed for the first day of classes.
The nightmare faded from her mind with each step she and Sadie took on the way up to breakfast. She crossed the floor of the much calmer Great Hall, listening to Sadie rant about whether or not she would have any Durmstrang boys in her class and fiddling with her tie. It was ridiculous to have to wear it, especially now that they could all see the much better uniform alternatives from other schools.
"All I'm saying is that I have had to put up with barely there pretty boys like Malfoy for five years," she huffed. "And I feel as though this school owes me a chance at a great love affair with a real man."
A real man. Yeah right, she thought. Judging by the leers and comments erupting from the Durmstrang table as they walked by, these were just slightly older-looking, rude horny gits.
She grabbed a copy of the Daily Prophet off of the Slytherin table and skimmed the Triwizard tournament article on the front page.
How this a school AND government-sanctioned event, she did not know. Muggle schools, as she remembered, called off outdoor sporting events if even one person in the stands saw lightning. Hogwarts, however, participated in an event for seven centuries that had resulted in countless deaths and injuries.
"Merlin, people have died?" She muttered.
Sadie shrugged and nodded before recommitting her attention to her oatmeal, and one of the Bulgarian's still looking towards her from across the aisle.
At 8:45, Sadie bid her a dramatic goodbye, blowing her kisses and pretending to cry, the entire walk back out of the Great Hall and into the main hallway. If it had been her first year at Hogwarts, she would've about crumbled at the strange looks from her peers but by now she'd gotten used to it. Sadie was not one for blending into the scenery and although that was what Violet preferred, she let her drag her into the spotlight now and then, like exposure therapy.
She gladly descended back into the dungeons, past her common room door, letting the stone hall guide her to the potions classroom at the end of the corridor. She knew the walk like the back of her hand and could've done it walking backward, with her eyes closed.
The muggy, dimly lit classroom was a welcome sight. Cauldrons, strange beakers, and scattered ingredients had never looked so inviting. The second table to the back had been her seat last year, so she flitted through the familiar room and claimed it again.
As she'd suspected, mostly green and blue ties trickled into the classroom. She didn't mind the company of Ravenclaws in the slightest. Generally speaking, they were able to take things seriously and didn't seem to anger Snape as much as yellow or red ties did. Potions was an incredibly disciplined subject with little instant gratification or convenient use, as their professor liked to remind them, so there was no room for impulse, bravery, or even passion; only precision and memorization.
The second chair at her table squeaked over the stone floor, its shrill noise breaking her away from her internal musings.
Adrian Pucey, a tall dark-haired Slytherin boy, dropped into it and nodded her a polite hello. All things considered, when it came to Slytherin boys, his company wouldn't be particularly minded either. He could be a prick when he was with the rest of their house Quidditch team but alone, he was quiet and harmless. Besides, she knew he'd let her take the lead on all their projects.
Thank god, she thought, there was nothing worse than being stuck with a talkative git for a partner.
Loud laughs from the hallway cut through the comfortable silence. The almost full class let out a low murmur, annoyed at the ruckus. She whipped around and squinted, ready to shoot a death glare at its source. There was a very well-known dungeon etiquette of silence and although she wasn't a fan of most traditions, that one was respectable.
A red and gold tie snapped her out of her hateful trance.
Its owner met her eyes.
George Weasley tugged fellow Gryffindor, Lee Jordan, through the door. Her glare turned into a look of surprise. Surely they were in the wrong classroom. He stopped walking and squinted at her slightly. It took him a few seconds to recognize her face in the dim room and she watched him register her presence. His eyebrows raised in equal parts shock and something that looked like distress. Their eyes lingered until he opened his mouth like he was about to say something and she dug her nails into her palm and spun back around in the hopes that he wouldn't yell across the room.
Four times in one week? She could feel her intestines winding together, twisting her already anxious torso into a bout of nerves. This must be a mistake, she told herself. Snape will come and sort it out, ending whatever scheme they're attempting.
Taking calming breaths, she turned to her table partner, desperate for some way out of the embarrassing scenarios she'd begun spinning in her head.
"How was your summer, Adrian?"
"Oh, it was fine thanks. Actually I —"
The classroom door slammed shut. Professor Snape burst through the room, drawing his wand to shut the curtains and light several candles and a fireplace.
Thank god. She really didn't want to hear about whatever weird, rich, hunting trip Adrian took with his pure-blood family.
Everyone watched as Snape swept aggressively into the room but she could feel Georges's eyes on the back of her head. How was he here? And why was he looking at her?
"Do you two need assistance finding your seats," Snape sneered at the Gryffindors standing awkwardly in the aisle. She glanced over Adrian's ear and watched them rush forward to the table directly across the aisle.
"Not there Mr. Jordan," Snape hissed, looming from his podium with a furious look on his face. "Something tells me you will be incapable of restraining yourself from vexing the rest of us if seated next to Mr. Weasley. Switch with Mr. Pucey."
Violet watched Adrian grimace and collect his things. If he was the least worst Slytherin boy to be stuck with, then she guessed that Lee Jordan was the least worst Gryffindor boy. Especially when considering her other option. Despite never speaking before, she knew he willingly hung out with the twins, almost as much as they hung out with each other. That alone was cause for an evaluation of his mental state, regardless of how harmless he seemed.
She greeted Lee with a smile and a nod. Of course, he returned the small act of congeniality with an otherworldly grin and a friendly nudge to her bicep. She tensed slightly and tried not to grimace. Classic Gryffindor, she thought, give them an inch and they'll take a mile.
Snape, satisfied with the new arrangement, opened his mouth to begin class. She braced herself for his wrath now that he was more tense than normal but his first word was cut off by a loud screech of wood scooting across the stone. She turned to find the culprit and watched George stifle a giggle with his hand, now a good two inches closer to a murderous-looking Adrain. Snape remained silent and glanced back down at his book with an even more sour look on his face.
"In this class," he began. "You will learn skills beyond reading directly from your textbook. Some of you are here because of talent… while others, by dumb luck." He eyed George with disdain.
"To separate the two, we will begin today's lesson by brewing the last potion you learned last year…from memory," he said with a measured, cold voice.
The potion ran through her head as soon as he finished his sentence. She knew it. Of course, she knew it. She watched her classmates look around nervously, and tried not to smile and out herself as a know-it-all. It was always a balancing act. Staying in the good graces of such a harsh man like Snape and keeping up appearances around her fellow students.
"You have an hour — present the potion to me when you have finished," he concluded, taking a seat at his desk.
Lee's stared at her wide-eyed with his mouth hanging open. As she had suspected, this was not his best subject. She turned and glared at him, suspending him in panic for one more second before smiling. She thought about winking but didn't want to give him any reason to think that they were friends. Lee squinted at her in a mixture of confusion and realization.
"Bloody hell," he breathed. "You know it, don't you."
His expression relaxed significantly, and he looked as if he'd just won the lottery. She didn't acknowledge him further and calmly reached underneath the table and pulled out a bottle of standard potion water, pouring it into their pewter cauldron with the burner set to low. It would be boiling by the time they got the ingredients so she quickly scribbled them on a piece of parchment and motioned for Lee to follow her. He did so wordlessly, and with more pep in his step than she'd ever seen a person muster.
"Alright Jordan, if you want to help, you can carry these," she said.
Lee gladly carried the powdered moonstone, syrup of hellebore, powdered porcupine quills, and powdered unicorn horn from the shelves back to their table, blocking the labels as he passed Adrian and George bickering behind their cauldron.
"Sorry Georgie, no cheating," Lee whispered across the aisle, with a smug smile.
If he wasn't best friends with the Weasley's then it might have been an ok setup. Clearly, he had no clue what he was doing, meaning he would stay out of her way, but also seemed rather eager to follow instructions. Regardless, she was sure he'd find a way to annoy her before the term was up.
She watched George stop fussing and stare daggers into his friend.
"Shove off," he hissed, bristling with agitation.
He'd always been so easygoing in herbology but she guessed that she'd never looked hard enough to see the anger, frustration, and competitiveness bursting within. Probably what happens when you have seven siblings, she thought. Thank god she only had Olivia.
His eyes met hers for a brief moment with the same look he'd had on his face when she'd shrunk her tongue on the train. Evidently, she was in fact, not the only one with whom he had quite a temper.
Lee burst into a fit of laugher and she dropped her eyes back onto the task at hand.
"Quiet," Snape snapped.
She focused back on stirring the first round of powdered moonstone in a clockwise pattern, waiting for the mixture to turn blue and let the repetitive motion ease her mind.
Of course, Snape would choose Draught of Peace to do from memory, she thought, silently giggling to herself. Not only was it complicated, but it required precise stirring patterns for a particular amount of time. Also, its deceptive name wouldn't make anyone suspect that if it was brewed incorrectly, it quite literally turned into an elixir of death. He probably didn't mean it as one, but she appreciated the morbid joke.
"Pass me the hellebore," she whispered to her table partner.
Lee looked a little shocked that she was speaking to him but reached into the pile regardless. He looked around the room and stealthily handed her the small vial. "Ah, yes, the goats spell," he said a little too loudly.
A few of their peers stood up to go to the ingredient cabinet and she bit back a giggle, not wanting to egg her partner on.
She usually wouldn't call herself amused during potions class but Lee looked like he was having the time of his life and it was nearly impossible not to feel somewhat entertained. He exaggerated every movement when she asked him for an ingredient or stirring spoon, and acted accusatory towards anyone who glanced over for too long. He was a lot less intrusive than the twins but his energy level was the same, along with the way that he had to turn every single moment into a joke or a laugh. It looked exhausting but he seemed to be having fun.
After nearly an hour, she added the final ingredients and stirred the solution in a clockwise motion, watching the potion turn turquoise, purple, red, and a myriad of other colors before finally turning a glowing white with the addition of powdered porcupine quills. The potion illuminated the room with shimmering white light for a few seconds before she took it off the burner.
"Merlin's beard," Lee exclaimed under his breath.
Suddenly very aware of the silence in the room, she tried not to think about all the eyes on her, especially the ones she knew were focused on her in contempt.
"Go put those back," she hissed at Lee.
He jumped from his chair, scooped up the ingredients, and skipped down the aisle with probably the biggest shit-eating grin Hogwarts had ever seen, on his face.
While all attention was on him, she quietly ladled the concoction into a vial and scurried up to Snape's desk. He took one glance at the now light turquoise potion and pocketed the bottle seemingly unsurprised to see her although his face had been hidden underneath a book for the entirety of the class.
"Miss Wilkes, can you please tell your peers what potion they should have attempted to make?"
Her stomach sank. The rest of her classmates had stopped fiddling with their cauldrons and were staring at her with annoyed expressions. It was to be expected but that didn't make it hurt any less. Except for Lee, who was exuberantly giving her a thumbs up, and George, who just looked dumbfounded and a little pissed off. Maybe he'd thought she was kidding about potions.
"Draught of Peace," she announced to the cold room.
"Which does what, exactly," Snape said, questioning her further.
She knew he was just trying to make a point but hated being used as the one to make it. The label of know-it-all was no longer a worry, now they would just skip straight to teacher's pet.
"It relieves anxiety and agitation," she said, avoiding eye contact.
"I am sure you will all want a dose before our next lesson," Snape said in a scolding tone. "Please come to class on Wednesday prepared, or your grade and house points will suffer…tremendously," he hesitated and turned towards her. "50 points to you Miss Wilkes for Slytherin —class dismissed."
She squeaked out a quick goodbye to her mentor, before rushing back to her desk. His praise meant the world to her but it also put a target on her back. In past years, it at least took a few periods for the class to realize she was on good terms with him. Now, it just looked like they'd colluded to make everyone else feel stupid.
She jumped a little as Lee cut her off before she could make it past his chair, trapping her in the aisle.
"That was totally brilliant!"
Not in the mood, she thought. His praise meant nothing. He was just thankful to not receive failing marks for the day.
"Move," she hissed, keeping her eyes on the ground.
He stumbled back against the table a bit but turned to let her through before continuing.
"How on earth did you do that…I heard if you get Draught of Peace even the slightest bit wrong, you could kill somebody!"
She shoved her books back into her bag, frantic to leave without further incident but wasn't fast enough as Adrian and George appeared in the aisle.
"Then it's a shame you didn't drink ours," Adrian snarled at her table partner.
Great. Now they could all fight like snakes and lions were meant to. She just wanted to leave and be done with this nightmare class.
"Awh Pucey, you didn't enjoy our romantic time in your dungeon together," George said, swinging an arm around his partner's shoulder.
"Don't touch me," Adrian shoved him off like his touch was poison, making the Gryffindors chuckle.
"Thanks a lot, Wilkes," Lee said, dawning the same smile he'd given her at the beginning of class. At least it was a little more warranted now.
She eyed him suspiciously but nodded in acceptance.
"So you really do know your potions," George mused, still looking at her, his eyes gleaming competitively. "I'm surprised."
The look told her straight away that her plan had backfired. Entertaining the twins on the train had not in fact made her immune to interacting with either of them for the rest of the year. She would just have to try something else.
"That makes one of us. You're just as daft as I suspected."
She ignored Lee's cackling and stared at the redhead. She could've just left, or let Adrian deal with him but something flared inside her at the chance to challenge such a smug man. It felt good. It wasn't often she felt equally matched, even now she suspected that George was quite a bit beneath her but the opportunity was too enticing. His anger, although she'd only been privy to it once, was addictive.
It must have felt equally as strong for George because his face got darker again and he leaned closer, ready to retort. His eyes searched hers and she could tell that he was going to make it personal, perhaps even try to be hurtful but Adrian cut him off before he could say anything.
"Shove off Weasley."
Something seemed to snap and George's face switched back to a jovial smile and mischievous eyes.
She stared at him in shock. What was his problem? Adrian was much more infuriating than she was but he barely even seemed to register his words.
"Until next time my love," he cooed at Adrian whilst he and Lee fell into a fit of giggles and pulled each other out of the door.
She and Adrian followed silently after them, walking together out of courtesy, rather than friendship. One of the perks of such a historic house with noble bloodlines was the occasional show of chivalry
They walked down the corridor and back up into the main hall. "Thanks for the 50 points Wilkes," he said, turning to part ways. "Can't believe I'm stuck with a bloody Weasley."
He flashed her a smile which she returned with a polite nod before making her way to her next class, trying to ignore the hustle and bustle of the students around her.
She plopped down in Ancient Runes a few minutes later, still annoyed about the less than peaceful potions class.
Professor Babbling said something about Ancient Runes, best-serving students, as an independent study but she couldn't focus on her open book and unfinished translation. The class was always appreciated seeing as quiet moments throughout the day were rather rare outside of the library. The opportunity to spend several hours with just her thoughts and meaningless translations was a much-needed break from the day-to-day busyness.
George's comment rang in her head. What was his problem? He exuded arrogance without reason. She'd outsmarted him on the train and although she'd technically outsmarted him in potions, it was entirely out of her hands and not meant as an insult to him in any way. Maybe his ego was bruised, even though the only witness on the train was his brother, who she seriously doubted cared about intelligence. Either way, he seemed to be taking their encounters entirely personal.
Whatever it was, he needed to get over it, and quick. Usually, potions class was the only hour and a half in her day where she got to gather her thoughts and methodically apply her knowledge with little disturbance. She would rather deal with the consequences of forcing him to leave her alone, than sacrifice it.
Even after an entire afternoon and evening in the library, George's smug face still taunted her as she went to sleep.
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mxrcusflint · 5 years
the weight of inheritance ch. 2
a/n: im running on caffeine and ambition and no sleep but yknow - hucey!!
“A month?” Terence raises his eyebrows, scoffs. “You think you can get me to catch feelings within a month? Pucey, it’s already the tenth of August.”
Pucey shrugs. “I’ve been told I’m rather charming.”
It’s almost a challenge. It’s almost a gauntlet thrown down and Terence need only last until September before he never has to worry about soulmate threads and commitment and white picket fences ever again. It’s almost too good to be true. At worst, they never speak to one another afterwards. At best, he gets Adrian Pucey, handsome and fit, into his bed.
Terence has always liked a challenge. He’s got nothing to lose; that all rests on Pucey’s plate.
“Alright, then,” Terence laughs, high and clear above the din, “Do your worst.”
[continue reading on ao3]
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fanficsandthings · 4 years
Through the Years, Ch. 5
A George Weasley Fanfiction
A George Weasley x Slytherin reader story.
Each chapter shares events in one year of George and reader’s life together.
Word Count: 6.5k
Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4
Year 5:  Fears and Tears
Somehow this year gave Hogwarts the most competent Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher the school had seen in a long time. A practical lesson on the first day of classes almost never happened, and you were more than excited to pack your books up and head out of the classroom.
“Where do you think we’re going?” you whispered to George as you walked behind Professor Lupin. 
“Hopefully somewhere I never have to open a textbook again,” he replied. 
The staffroom was the last place you expected to end up. You had been in this room plenty of times before, usually after getting caught doing a rather nasty prank. For a brief moment you were worried that you were somehow all in trouble, but the empty room told you otherwise. The wardrobe at the end of the room shook as Professor Lupin got close to it. 
“Now, class,” he said, catching everyone’s attention, “There is a boggart in this wardrobe. We will be using today’s lesson to learn how to defend oneself against it.” 
He launched into a spiel about boggarts and how to ward one off. The charm to repel it was rather simple; all you had to do was turn it into something ridiculous, but your worst fear was far from simple, and Lupin wanted everyone in the class to give it a try. The closer and closer the boggart got to you, the more you found yourself having a hard time breathing. 
Adrian Pucey cast the charm at the boggart, and the broken Nimbus 2001 broomstick in front of him transformed into a pile of dancing sticks. The sticks turned and danced their way in front of Fred, the whole class laughing as it went along. 
There was a loud cracking noise, and the boggart swirled in the air for a second, thinking about what it was going to turn into. The red headed boy’s laughter stopped immediately when the creature decided on a form. The rest of the class quickly quieted down as they took in the sight before them. 
Laying in front of Fred was a boy who looked exactly like him, covered in blood. You were sure that only a few people in the class could tell that Fred’s fear was his brother dying, and not his own death. You looked over at Lee, the twin’s best friend, who was switching his eyes between George and the body on the ground. You could feel the tears starting to creep into your eyes. 
George took a step towards his brother and put a shaky hand on Fred’s shoulder. “You okay, Freddie?” 
Fred finally tore his eyes away from the form in front of him to look at his real brother. Realization finally hit him that George was okay. He smiled at George and whispered softly, “Yeah.” 
The boggart suddenly cracked again and swirled before laying back on the ground as, again, a red headed boy covered in blood. This boy had a ghost of a laugh etched on his face, his features slightly sharper than the previous one. You could hear murmurs from the class behind you, wondering if the boggart had even changed. You knew, though, that it had switched its attention from Fred to George. Neither twin could stand the thought of living without the other. 
“Me too,” George said, but his breath caught in his throat, giving away his fear. 
Fred quickly raised his wand, sensing his brother’s feelings. “Riddikulus!” he shouted. 
The body in front of him swirled into another red head, but this time the whole class let out a loud roar of laughter. Percy Weasley stood in front of them, his shiny head boy pin four times the size it actually was and sporting the words “big headed boy.” Looking from the pin to Percy’s face, you could tell that his actual head was also enlarged. The boggart was having a hard time balancing its oversized head on its body. 
“Nice one, Fred,” George applauded, giving his brother a high five. They were both laughing harder than anyone else in the room. The image of the twin’s bodies lying motionless on ground was replaced with this beautiful image of them having the time of their lives. 
The Percy boggart finally lost its balance as it fell to the ground in front of you. It gave another loud crack and swirled in the air before it turned into a man staggering to get to his feet. You recognized him before he even looked up at you. 
His face was bloody and his clothes were torn and dirty. He looked at you with fear in his eyes. The familiar voice cracked and broke as he spoke, like he was trying not to cry.
“Run,” your father said as he got to his feet in front of you. “They’ve killed your mother. They’ll be after the two of us next.” 
You were frozen in your spot, your shoes seemingly glued to the floor as you looked at the image of your father. Tears were forming in your eyes, threatening to spill at any moment. You couldn’t bring yourself to raise your wand, not that it would have any effect, as the charm to fight it off had completely left your brain. 
You pulled your eyes away from the ragged man in front of you and found Professor Lupin standing next to the wardrobe. They suddenly shared a striking resemblance; your father now sharing similar wounds on his face, and both of their clothes were ripped and dirty.
“I’m sorry, Professor,” you said through a choked sob. You willed your feet to move backwards towards the door. “I can’t do this.” 
Turning to leave, you caught a glimpse of George out of the corner of your eye. His face looked more stunned than when he had seen his brother lying dead on the floor. He took a step forward, but Fred reached out and grabbed his arm to stop him. You saw George turn to argue with his brother but didn’t hear what he said as you stepped out the door and ran down the hallway. 
Your tears blurred your vision as you ran down the corridors, not bothering to think about exactly where you were going. You passed classrooms where you could hear teachers lecturing or students idly chatting. Every voice you heard just made you wish more and more that you were alone. 
You found yourself searching your foggy brain for the phrase the twins had told you that morning. The Fat Lady would recognize you, but she wouldn’t let you in if you couldn’t remember the password. Gryffindor Tower felt like the only place you could truly be alone at this moment, as your own housemates would only make fun of the tears on your face. 
Climbing the staircase, along with the tears and the running, made it difficult to breathe. Your chest hurt as you caught sight of the portrait. She started to speak, but you interrupted her before she could get more than a word out. 
“Fortuna Major,” you said with a ragged breath, not bothering to stop to talk. 
The Fat Lady swung open. You could hear her complaining about your manners, but you didn’t have the patience to actually listen to what she was saying. 
There were a few students in the common room. They looked up when you entered, and you could tell a few of the younger ones were confused as to why a student in Slytherin robes was in their common room. 
You ignored their questioning gazes and headed straight for the staircase that led to the boys’ dormitories. The fifth year boys’ dorm would be completely empty, as they were all in the class you just stormed out of. 
You swung open the door and quickly scanned over the room. The red and gold colors of this dorm room always seemed to bring a warmer feeling than your own. The green and black color of your own four-poster bed, while familiar and comfortable, always seemed a little colder. 
George’s bed was the furthest to the right. The curtains were thrown open, probably in his rush to get ready that morning. A muted-colored handmade quilt lay haphazardly across the mattress, his comforter left a mess on the floor. Fred’s four-poster was in a similar state of disarray. 
You let out the smallest of laughs at their disorganization as you walked over to George’s bed. Picking up the comforter and laying it on the end of his bed, you crawled onto the mattress, kicking off your shoes as you did so. You pulled the curtain closed on one side of the bed to block out the mess of the dorm. Picking up the quilt, you quietly examined the patterns Molly had put on it. 
Your tears seemed to have stopped for the time being, the calmness of the room settling your emotions. You wiped your face dry with the sleeve of your robe as you thought about how your housemates would react to the news of your running out of class crying. They were sure to make fun of you endlessly, and if any of them were smart enough to consider what the boggart had said, they would know something wasn’t right about your family. It was only a matter of time before they started asking you more questions. 
You wrapped the quilt around your shoulders, taking in the scent it gave off. You had yet to go to The Burrow, but it still smelled of home. It smelled of earth and wood and love. Most importantly, it smelled like George. 
You sighed contently into the blanket, staring out the large window next to the bed. The late morning sun was shining brightly over the school grounds. Hagrid’s hut could be seen in the distance, smoke rising out of its chimney. You finally felt at peace again. 
Footsteps could be heard on the stairs, and you hoped that whoever it was would continue past to a different dorm room. To your dismay, the door swung open and you could hear the four boys talking amongst themselves. 
“I just hope she’s okay,” one of the boys said. It sounded like Lee. 
“She’s a Slytherin. She’ll be fine,” a second boy said. Kenneth.
“She still has feelings, you know,” one of the twin’s said. They were harder to tell apart by their voices, but by the proximity of the voice to the bed you were currently in it had to be George. 
Please don’t open the curtain, you thought to yourself. Just get something from your trunk and move on. 
Unfortunately luck was not on your side, as George grabbed the curtain. “We should go check on her soon.” He pulled the curtain back to find someone he didn’t expect sitting on his bed. The look of surprise and horror on his face as he recognized that it was you made you laugh. “Bloody hell!”
The rest of the boys turned from whatever they were doing to look towards you. It wasn’t the first time you had been in their dorm, but it was the first time you came here without asking first. 
“This is a nice surprise,” Fred said with a laugh, looking between his brother and you. 
“Shut up, Fred,” George said over his shoulder. He turned back to you and lowered his voice so that only you could hear. “Are you alright?” 
It was overwhelming, the emotions overtaking you. You couldn't understand how this simple act of kindness could make your eyes well up once more, but coming from George it meant everything. 
You pulled the quilt tighter around your shoulders and managed to shake your head no. 
 George’s eyes shifted quickly around the features of your face, taking everything in in a matter of seconds. He could see the tears behind your eyes now. He looked back at his dormmates before turning quickly back to you. 
“Do you want to be left alone?” he asked and you nodded. He nodded back at you with a small smile. “We’ll be down in the common room then. Lunch starts in 30 minutes.” 
You turned your face away from him, trying hard to keep the tears from falling again. He turned back to the other boys, who were already heading towards the door. You don’t know why, but seeing George turn away from you made the want for him to stay so much greater. 
He was only a step away when you quickly scrambled to your knees to grab the same hand he hand burned almost two years ago. You fumbled a bit on the bed, just barely managing to grab on to the end of his fingers. He turned back to you, but you didn’t say anything. You were waiting for the other boys to leave the room so you didn’t draw their attention. 
The few seconds it took them to leave were agognizing. George’s eyes burned into you as you looked over his shoulder to make sure his friend’s left. You wanted to pull George into you, but you couldn’t do that with the grip you had on his hand. You wanted to cry into his shoulder, but what would he think of you after that?
“Stay,” you said just above a whisper. “Please.” 
“Okay.” He repositioned his hand so he was properly holding yours now. 
You took advantage of this and quickly pulled him into you. His knees hit the mattress and his arms wrapped around you. You brought your own arms around him and took in the scent of his robes. It smelled just like the quilt that you had wrapped around your shoulders. You let the tears run down your face without restriction now. 
“You’re gonna be okay,” he whispered into your ear. He pulled away a little to look you in the eye again. “Just because it was your worst fear doesn't mean it’ll come true.” 
“Thanks,” you said, wiping your face. 
You let go of him completely now and moved to sit with your back against the headboard. George followed suit and sat next to you. He picked up your hand and started rubbing circles on it. You sat in silence for a couple minutes, your head on his shoulder. 
“I’m more afraid of what’ll happen now,” you said suddenly. 
“What do you mean?” he asked, moving his head to look at you. 
You picked your head up off his shoulder. “I mean, any smart person could figure out that the boggart was my parents getting killed by You-Know-Who. I’ve spent four years dancing around the fact that my father is a squib and my mother is a muggle. I’m basically a Muggle-born Slytherin. Do you know how rare those are, George?”
He only shook his head in answer. 
“Completely nonexistent,” you said, pulling your hand away from him in frustration. 
“I’m sure there’s gotta be at least one,” George said. You knew he was trying to help you, but it wasn’t working. 
“I’ve done my research, George.” Your tone was a little harsher than you meant, and you could see George recoil a bit from it. You calmed yourself before speaking again. “I’m sorry. Look, I know the only reason my blood is allowed in Slytherin is because technically I’m a half-blood, but that’s not how You-Know-Who and his followers would see me. If they knew the daughter of a squib was allowed in their sacred house, they would send a whole squad of Death-Eaters after my family.”
“I didn’t know this was something you thought about so much,” George said. You could tell he wasn’t super comfortable with the conversation, but you were happy that he was staying to talk to you. 
“I think about it every day, George. I think about it every time I hear one of my housemates talk about their pure-blood parents.” You looked up at George. Your face was wet with tears again. “I have so many housemates who’s parents are known supporters of Him. I’m terrified every time I get asked about my family. Do you know how hard it is to lie about them?”
“I can only imagine,” George started, but you cut him off with a sour laugh. 
“No you can’t.” You could see the pain in his eyes at your bitterness, but he let you continue without interruption. You tried your best to lighten your tone. “You don’t have to hide who you are. You and Fred are unapologetically Weasleys. It’s what I love the most about you.” You paused for a second, thinking about if you wanted to tell him the next part. “You know in our second year when I put a snake in a girls bed?” 
“Yeah,” he said with a small laugh. 
“She broke my camera the next week,” you told him. You reached into your robe pocket and brought out the disposable camera that you carried with you. 
“You could’ve just asked your dad to send another one, though”
“That’s not the point,” you said, turning the camera over in your hands. “The one thing I allow myself to bring from the Muggle world, and she had to break it. If she was smarter she would’ve thought about why I had a Muggle invention and called me out. I was scared for the next month that she was going to say something to me about it.” 
“I’m so sorry,” George said, putting his hand over yours. You stared down at his hand. 
“It’s not your fault,” you told him. You raised the camera up, his hand dropping off yours. You quickly took a photo of him.
“What was that for?” he asked. He had learned over the past years that you would take pictures of anyone at any moment, but you almost always had a reason behind it. 
“I was told to take pictures of the sad moments too,” you said. “And your face right now is perfect.” 
“Thanks?” he said with an awkward laugh. 
You reached up and put a hand on his face. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, but you ignored him. You took in the features of his face, just like he had done to you earlier. 
“Every freckle on your face tells the world who you are,” you said, your thumb softly rubbing his cheek. “You’re mischievous, funny, rebellious and loyal, willing to listen to a friend cry after holding everything in for four years. You’re beautiful, George. You’re sunshine in a person. And you never have to hide that from any one.” 
“Can I kiss you?” George asked suddenly. 
You pulled your hand away. “No,” you stated, now avoiding eye contact. 
George suddenly got very flustered, his cheeks turning a dark red. He put his hands up in a defensive motion. “I’m so sorry. I think I misread the situation. I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m so sorry.” 
“You didn’t misread anything, Georgie,” you told him. You finally wiped the tears from your face as you looked back at him. “I just think that if you kiss me now, you’ll regret it later.” 
“I would never regret something like that,” he said and reached for your hand. You let him grab it. 
“It’s sweet that you think that,” you said, tracing the freckles on the back of his hand. ”If you still want to kiss me when I’m not at my lowest, I might just let you next time.” 
You started to finally get up from his bed. “We should go before we miss lunch. If you don’t mind, I’m gonna sit with Adrian. I figure I should at least tell him the basics of what happened. I trust him and I’m sure he’s wondering if I’m okay. You can tell Fred and Lee, I don’t mind.” 
“Okay,” George said. You could see that he was still disappointed with the way the conversation ended, but he trusted you and your promise for next time. 
The first half of the school year passed by slowly after that. Conversations with George were awkward for a few weeks, and you tried to only spend time with him if someone else was in the room with you. It wasn’t that you thought he might do something stupid, but you knew that you wouldn’t be able to keep yourself from doing something stupid. 
The dungeons turned even colder than usual as winter settled in around the castle, and you found yourself spending most of your time as far away from them as you could. Most of your time outside of class was spent in the Gryffindor common room. If Fred and George were busy, you knew you could hang out with their siblings, or Lee and Angelina. Percy was never happy that you were in another house’s common room, but he had stopped threatening to take house points away when he realized that you just didn’t care about them. 
It was the last day before winter break, a break that you had promised the Weasleys you would spend at their house, and you were enjoying one last Hogwarts meal. 
“Are you excited for Christmas?” Fred asked as he sat next to you at the dinner table. George sat down on the other side of you. 
“I’m excited to see Charlie again,” you said. “You said he’s coming home right?”
“We did,” Fred started.
“But that’s not the point,” George finished. “It’s your first Christmas at The Burrow. And your first Christmas with us.”
“Mum’s been asking about you nonstop in every letter she’s sent,” Fred informed you. 
“But I’ve met your mum. She knows me,” you said. 
“Only briefly,” George said. “She’s a little hectic when it comes to Christmas gifts.” 
“She doesn’t need to get me anything,” you said, feeling a little embarrassed now. 
“We told her that,” Fred told you, “and she threatened to send a howler if we didn’t tell her anything.” 
You had to let out a laugh at that. “You should’ve let her send the howler.”
“We thought about it,” they both said. They seemed to reminisce for a second at the thought of getting a howler. 
“We have a Gryffindor party to get to,” Fred said suddenly, “but we’ll meet you tomorrow morning.” 
Fred got up and started to walk out of the hall, but George stayed behind. He sat for a moment in silence before you finally spoke to him again. 
“Not going to the party?” you asked, focusing more of your attention on the food in front of you than on him. 
“I have a question--or a few--to ask you first,” he said. 
“Has anyone said anything about what happened?” he asked. 
“I’m assuming you mean the boggart?” You turned to look at him finally. 
“Yes, they have,” you said and turned back to your food. “Malfoy got word of it and had his father investigate me. So naturally, now every Slytherin knows. They haven’t done anything too bad or I would’ve told you earlier. Just a few name callings and empty threats here and there.” 
“I’ve noticed you’ve been spending less time with Adrian,” George stated.
“Yeah, but I don’t blame him,” you said. 
“How could you not blame him? He’s one of your closest friends.” 
You looked at him again, and he saw that your eyes were red now. “I’m not gonna blame him for not wanting to be hated like I am. Even just associating slightly with me has made our house mates harass him too. When I first told him, he was okay with it, and I believe he still is, but he has a pure-blood family and reputation too. He’ll come around eventually. Maybe. Hopefully.” 
“Yeah, hopefully,” George said as he put a hand on your arm. “Why don’t you come to the party with us? Get your mind off things.”
“I’m good,” you told him, your thoughts now stuck on the second of September and that cruel boggart. Maybe it would be good to have a night to yourself. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” 
“If you change your mind, you know the password,” George said as he got up, leaving you alone at the table once again. 
Christmas at The Burrow was just how you imagined it; chaotic but pleasantly peaceful at the same time. It was something else to be surrounded by so many people in such a small space. It was hard to get time to yourself, but if you needed it you knew you had Ron’s room on the top floor that you could escape to since he stayed behind at Hogwarts with Harry and Hermione. 
The Chudley Cannons posters made the room a vibrant orange, and it hurt your eyes if you stared at it for too long. Minnie’s orange fur blended into the blanket on the bed. The ghoul in the attic above the room was a little loud, but it was nothing compared to the sounds the other people in the house made constantly. You were enjoying the view of the garden from the window when you heard a soft knock on the door. 
Walking over quickly, you opened the door to find George. He was wearing his pajamas and seemed to be trying to conceal something behind his back.
“What’re you hiding?” you asked him. 
“Nothing harmful,” he said. The look you gave him told him you didn’t believe him. “I promise.” 
He moved his hands so he was holding the object out to you now. It was the quilt he had on his bed at Hogwarts. 
“Merry Christmas,” he said. 
“It’s only Christmas Eve,” you reminded him, taking the quilt. You wrapped it around your shoulders, suddenly needing the warmth you knew it would bring you. “I thought I told you no presents?”
“It’s not from me,” he said. He took a step into the room. You let him pass. “I convinced mum not to give you anything besides that. And I already know I’m gonna be opening a brand new quilt tomorrow morning.” 
“Thank you,” you told him. “It’ll bring warmth to my dorm room.” 
“How is it under the lake?” George asked. 
“It’s beautiful,” you said, sitting on the end of the bed. “The giant squid spends a lot of time near the dorm room windows. I think it likes showing off to the students. Sometimes I wish I had a view of the grounds though. It’d be nice to know what the weather’s gonna be like before I leave the dungeons.” 
George was staring out the window. “It’s starting to snow right now.” 
“It is?” You got up to stand next to him by the window. 
The moonlight reflected brightly on the snow that already laid on the ground. The brand new flurries falling from the sky adding more softness to the land below you. The gnomes in the garden would surely be staying underground until the snow was gone. You rested your head on his shoulder, eyes closing contentedly. You took in the smell of him and the quilt, listening to the cold wind blow outside. 
George suddenly turned to you. “Grab your coat and boots. I’ll grab Charlie and Fred. Percy and Ginny too if I can get them to come.” 
“What’re you planning?!” you shouted after him, but he was already rushing down the stairs. You quickly threw the blanket on the bed and grabbed your coat before heading downstairs. 
The twins and snow were never a good mix. Adding their entire family to the group would probably make it all the more hectic. As you walked down the stairs, Charlie came out of his room, coat in hand. 
“What’s the rush?” he asked. 
“I have literally no idea,” you told him. “He got a sudden idea and, like always, we’re all being sucked into it.” 
Charlie elbowed you in the side lightly and bent down to whisper to you. “He’s just trying to cheer you up.” 
“I don’t need cheering up,” you said as you stepped off the stairs and headed for the door. 
“The twins told me about the boggart,” he said. That made you stop walking and turn to face him. “They told me how you’ve been the last few months.” 
“I’ve been fine,” you lied. 
“You basically lost a good friend because your whole house, the people who are supposed to be your family, are against who you are. I had my fair share of trouble with Slytherins. I know how most of them are.” Charlie stopped talking for a moment to look around the room. It looked like it was just the two of you in the small space. “I’m not good with human feelings, but George and Fred-- I can tell they care about you. George, he never shuts up about the jokes you plan with him. I think he likes your ideas more than Fred’s sometimes.” 
“That’s absolutely not true,” you said with a laugh. “Fred’s a genius when it comes to that stuff. I just roll with their ideas. I haven’t come up with anything in weeks.” 
“Maybe whatever George has planned out there”--he pointed to the door--“will help you get over your creative block. Now let’s go before they kill Percy. I think I hear his muffled screams.” 
Charlie was almost to the door before you stopped him, having not moved from your spot. “Charlie..” He turned to look at you again. “George is--I think I--”
“Don’t tell me,” Charlie interrupted you. “Tell him. After this grand adventure to our front garden, of course.” 
You nodded and smiled at him, finally walking towards the door. 
Opening the door, you were met with a view of something you should’ve expected, but didn’t think you’d ever see. Percy was screaming for help, but it seemed like no help would be given to him soon. Both Fred and George were throwing snowballs at him, fast enough that he didn’t have the time to recover and get his footing back. He slipped and fell just as Fred pelted a snowball right in his face, sending his glasses flying into the snow. The twins continued to throw snow at him. Ginny wasn’t any help either, as she was off to the side, not bothering to hide her laughter. 
You looked at Charlie and nodded at each other. You both scooped up some snow and, without warning, threw it as hard as you could at each of the twins. 
“Ow!” they both yelled and turned to look at you. 
“Look who finally made it,” Fred said, rubbing the back of his head. Charlie had really good aim. 
“We thought you flaked on us,” George continued. 
“I would never leave Percy out here alone with you three,” Charlie said as he eyed Ginny. She held up her hands like she had no part in it. “Don’t act like you’re innocent. You could’ve helped him.” 
“Yeah, but it’s funnier to watch him fall in the snow,” Ginny said. 
You walked over to Percy and held out your hand to help him up. Charlie grabbed his glasses and handed them back to him. 
“Thanks,” Percy said to both of you. He tried his best to dry his glasses on his coat. 
“No problem, Perc,” Charlie said. 
“Now it’s time for a little payback,” you said, a grin forming on your face. 
“No thanks,” Percy objected. “I’m going back inside where it’s warm and dry.” 
Charlie grabbed his arm. “It’s Christmas. Spend time with your family.” 
Percy sighed in annoyance as he looked between you and his brother. “Fine. What’s the plan?” 
“Oh there’s no plan,” you told him. “We just attack. Grab some snow and start throwing.” 
The snowball fight was just what you needed. It got your mind off your worries and reminded you that you still had people you could turn to when you needed them. It even got Percy out of his stuck-up shell. He did accidentally beam Charlie in the back of the head once, but Charlie got even by shoving snow down Percy’s shirt a few minutes later. You were winding up to throw a clump of snow at Ginny when suddenly you were lying face up on the ground, a heavy weight on your chest. 
“This isn’t rugby,” you said, trying to catch your breath. Your head laid back in the snow as you stared up at the sky. 
“I don’t know what that is,” the person on top of you said. The weight on your chest lightened as George sat up. 
“It’s a muggle sport,” you told him. “I think you’d like it.” 
“You should show it to me sometime.” George laid down in the snow next to you. “And that was payback for your fancy little trick you did last year in the Gryffindor vs Slytherin match.”
You let out a laugh. The look on George’s face when you tackled him off his broom would live in your mind forever. 
You could hear the other four Weasleys still fighting on the other side of the garden. You thought about getting up to help your team out, but you also thought about how nice it was to just lay on the ground next to George. 
“Does this count as fraternizing with the rival team?” you asked, turning your head to look at George. He was already looking at you. 
“I don’t think they’d mind,” he said. “They’re pretty evenly matched. Though I would say Charlie carries most of your team.” He was grinning at you now. 
You hit him in the arm lightly. “That was rude.”
“You’re the rude one for hitting me.” 
The snow was still falling, landing on his face like white freckles against his own constellation of brown ones. It stuck to his hair, causing a nice contrast against the bright orange. You were staring into his eyes and he was staring back at you. Both of your breaths could be seen in the air, like a dragon trying its hardest to get it’s fire out. A fire that you could feel in your chest, warming you from the inside, letting you ignore the cold of the winter air around you. 
“George--” you started, but you were cut off by a cold object just barely missing your head, landing hard on your shoulder. 
You looked up to see Fred 10 feet away, getting ready to throw another snowball, this time at his brother. His aim was worse this time, and the snowball hit George in the leg. 
“Stop laying around!” Fred shouted. “We have a war going on!”
You started to get up to chase after him, smiling like an idiot, because you were honestly having a great time. You had just gotten to your knees when George grabbed your hand. He was sitting up now, and he pulled you next to him. You fell into him, placing your free hand on his chest for support. 
“What were you going to say?” he asked just above a whisper. 
“I uhh-” You weren’t quite sure what to say now, so caught off guard by the way he pulled you into him. 
You looked at George, fully looked at him for the first time since that day in his dorm room. His brown eyes were soft, staring at you with all his attention. You could feel his heartbeat under your hand on his chest. It was steadier than you expected it to be at this moment. His hand was warm on yours as he squeezed it harder than he probably thought he was. His face was wet from the snow, his hair sticking to his forehead. You reached up to brush some of it to the side. Your hand found its way down his face. He furrowed his eyebrows at you while you traced the freckles on his cheek with your finger. 
You let out a shaky breath as you thought about the last time you touched his face. “Just like last time. Right, George?” 
He closed his eyes and let out a quiet sigh. “Just like last time.” 
“Ask me again.” 
“What?” He opened his eyes again to look at you. You were smiling softly at him, your hand still resting on his cheek. 
“Ask me. I promise I’ve changed my answer this time.” 
George started to smile. The most genuine smile you had ever seen on him. When he spoke, it was barely audible, just loud enough for only you to hear. “Can I kiss you?”
As soon as the word left your mouth, his lips were on yours. The suddenness caused you to struggle to keep your balance against him, so he grabbed you tightly by the waist and pulled you closer. You kept one hand on his face, feeling the need to hold him next to you. The warmth of George being this close to you was enough to keep the fire in your chest burning forever. You both pulled away smiling and rested your foreheads against one another. 
“I think I love you, George,” you said, looking into his eyes for any reaction. All you saw was the light of the moon reflecting up from the snow. 
“I think I love you, too. You’re beautiful.” George moved so now his hand was resting on your face. You leaned into, radiating in the comfort of it. 
A sudden pain hit the side of your face, sending snow onto you and George. You both looked up to see Ginny, another snowball in hand, standing right where Fred was earlier. 
“Gross,” she said as she threw the other snowball at the two of you. It hit George in the shoulder. 
“We should go inside,” you said.
You and George started to walk towards the front of the house, hand-in-hand. The other siblings, who had finished their fight, all looked at you. Fred and Charlie were grinning. 
“Shut up,” George said to them as you got closer. 
“I didn’t think it’d happen until after Christmas,” Fred said. 
Walking into the house, George let go of your hand to head off into the corner of the room with his twin. He came back a minute later with a smile on his face. 
“Get Minnie and come to my room,” he said in a whisper so that Percy and Ginny couldn’t hear from the kitchen. You gave him a look that told him you weren’t sure about where he was going with this. “Come on, please. Fred will sleep in Ron’s room. I wanna cuddle with my girlfriend and our cat.” 
George left the room with Fred following close behind him up the stairs. You looked back at Charlie who had just come in the front door. 
“Yeah, I think that went well,” you said with a smile. 
Charlie let out a short laugh and smiled over at you. “I told you it would help.” 
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fanficsandthings · 4 years
Through the Years, Ch. 3
A George Weasley Fanfiction
A George Weasley x Slytherin reader story. Each chapter shares events in one year of George and reader’s life together.
Word Count: 3k
Year 1, Year 2
Year 3: Redheads 
The snow fell heavily as you looked out the shop window, and it occurred to you that they would be rounding up all the students soon. They would want you to get back to the castle before the weather got too out of hand. Looking around Zonko’s one more time, you left the shop with the items you had bought and started to look for the twins.  Honestly, you were surprised that they hadn’t immediately beelined it to the joke shop, but maybe they were off thinking about their own little inventions. Fred had started to dabble in making potions he shouldn’t be messing with, and George was happy to learn right along with him, no matter how disastrous things could turn out. A couple weeks ago at breakfast you were sitting at the Slytherin table, having an idle conversation with Adrian Pucey about the latest quidditch match, when Lee Jordan walked in, the whole of Gryffindor turning their heads to look at him.
Adrian leaned across the table to whisper to you. “I heard the entire Gryffindor tower woke up in the middle of the night last night because there was an explosion in the third year boys’ dorm.” Your head went into your hands, and you let out a small grumble. “It was the Weasleys, wasn’t it?” “From what I heard, yes,” Adrien said to you, your forehead now resting on the table as you stared down at your lap. “They’ve been getting in a lot of trouble recently.” You slowly raised your head to look over to where Lee was now sitting at the Gryffindor table, the twins nowhere in sight. “They’ve been on a prank kick lately. Excuse me; I may need to make sure they aren't dead.” You got up from your seat and made your way over to Lee, who you noticed had lost a few inches of his hair overnight. “Hey, Jordan!” He turned to look at you. “Have a rough night?” He let out a laugh and said “No, I just woke up with my hair on fire is all. You can thank your boyfriends for that.” Ignoring his comment, you pressed him further. “What’d they do this time?” “I’m not sure exactly, but it involved standing over my bed in a very creepy fashion. And a loud explosion. And then fire. And then going to the infirmary,” Lee explained. “They’re still there?” you asked him. He nodded. “And I’m assuming it’s not too bad since no one seems to be in a huge panic.” “Just a couple burns that’ll take a day to heal fully,” he said. “Thanks, Lee,” you said, starting out of the great hall towards the infirmary. You entered the infirmary, your eyes finding Fred and George. They seemed to be the only ones in the room, sitting upright in parallel beds as they enjoyed a meal that must have been brought to them. They looked relatively normal besides the fact that Fred was missing half of his right eyebrow, a faint red burn mark making its way from just beside his right eye up into his hairline. George looked perfectly fine. and You thought maybe he had made it out of this incident unscathed, and he was just giving Fred company in the hospital wing. He must have caught a glimpse of you out of the corner of his eye, because he suddenly stopped his conversation with Fred and waved his hand at you, telling you to come join them. That’s when you saw the bandage on his left hand, wrapped around his palm and halfway up his arm. “I saw Lee Jordan a few minutes ago. What antics did you two get up to last night?” you asked the both of them, sitting on the edge of George’s bed. You reached over to his plate and attempted to sneak some food off it, but he smacked your hand away before you could. “Hey!” George gave you a glare, pulling his plate farther from you. “We’re the injured ones here. Get your own breakfast.” “You wouldn’t be injured if you didn’t try ridiculous stunts at two in the morning,” you informed them, looking between George’s hand and Fred’s face. “Now seriously, what were you trying to do to poor Lee?” “We were only testing out a potion,” Fred started to explain. “We thought we had it correct.” “Well, unless it’s a potion that causes explosions, I would say you’re very far from perfecting it,” you said, laughing at them. “It was meant to change the color of his hair,” George told you, now offering some of the food on his plate. You gladly accepted it. Fred continued on explaining. “We wanna make something that has a permanent effect, unless magically reversed.” “We know Zonko’s has a product that’ll change your hair color, but it’s only for a matter of minutes,” George told you. “We’d like to go for a more dramatic effect than that.” While the twins were talking, you absentmindedly studied the bandages around George’s palm and wrist. They were fresh, having been changed recently. You wondered what his injury looked like underneath. You feared it was worse than Fred’s, seeing as his warranted no bandages. You knew that by now, Madam Pomfrey had healed them as best she could, and they would be perfectly fine by this time tomorrow, but you still worried. “Try boxed hair dye next time.” you stated absentmindedly, your hand moving closer to George's on it's own accord. “What?” they both asked at the same time, looking at you in confusion. You snapped out of your thoughts, moving your hand back to your side. “You’ll have to be sneakier about it, and it’ll take longer and be 100% harder than using magical means, but it works,” you said, continuing your speech without really giving them an explanation. “You could put it in someone’s shampoo. Now, that’d be funny. Imagine Malfoy coming out of the shower with bright pink hair.” You let out a loud laugh, mostly to yourself, as Fred and George still had no clue what you were going on about. “Would you like to explain ‘boxed hair dye’ a little further?” Fred asked you. You looked between them, confused. A circuit in your brain connected after a few seconds. “Right, right, right. Muggle stuff. It’s literally just a dye that you put in your hair to change the color. Comes in a little box with instructions. Some of it stains your hair, and some of it washes out after a couple showers, so you’ll definitely want one that’s known to stain.” “Could you get us some?” they both asked. “I could ask my parents to mail me some, maybe.” You pondered this thought for a moment. “I think I have a better idea though. I’ll get back to you on that thought in a few weeks. I should get going, classes start soon.” You got up to leave, but turned around quickly. Glancing between their injuries real quick, you settled your eyes on George’s hand. “Please no more injuries. You worry me.” You turned back and hurried out the door, hoping not to be late to your morning class. “She was looking at you when she said that, George,” Fred teased his brother with a wink. George half heartedly threw a pillow at his brother. “She was talking to both of us.” “But she was looking at you,” Fred said, picking up the pillow and throwing it back. —————— Now, stepping outside Zonko’s, the wind was harsh, so you wrapped your scarf tighter around your face. You wanted to make a quick stop at Honeydukes before heading back to the castle. From down the street, you spotted Fred and George leaving the sweets shop. They started to walk in your direction, and you were about to scoot past them when they grabbed onto both of your arms and pulled you to the side.   “What’re you two doing?!” you scolded them as they dragged you into an alley. “I wanna go to Honeydukes real quick.” “No need for that,” Fred said as he let go of your arm. George pulled a small brown bag out of his coat pocket. He held it out towards you. “We bought you your favorites.” You took the bag apprehensively and looked inside. Everything seemed to be fine with the sweets inside. You looked between the two of them. “Why?” The twins spoke at the same time, but completely different sentences this time. “Because we’re such good friends,” is what George said. “Think of it as a sort of bribe,” is what Fred said. You narrowed your eyes at George, staring at him as you asked, “What sort of bribe?” You turned your head towards Fred for an answer. “It’s been weeks since you said you had an idea for our hair color predicament, and we haven’t heard a thing about it,” Fred explained to you. You rolled your eyes at them. “Be patient, boys.” You pulled the bag from Zonko’s out of your pocket and took a small vile out of it. Opening the vile, you drank it and watched the twins as your hair slowly turned to a bright ruby red color. “Now we’re all red heads, huh.” They both let out a small laugh, and Fred said, “We told you we already know about Zonkos, but we want something more permanent.” “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I heard you the first time,” You said, handing the rest of the bag over to George. “There’s five more bottles in there. Use them to deconstruct the formula. You don’t always have to start from scratch, you know. You’re both smart enough to find a way to make that permanent.” As soon as the last word was out of your mouth, Fred scooped you up into a tight hug, lifting your feet off the ground. “You’re smarter than the both of us combined. I can’t believe that we didn’t think about that. Why work harder when you can use other peoples’ successes to further your own?” “If that’s what you want to take from that, then sure.” You laughed as Fred sat you back on the ground. You looked around Fred’s shoulder at George, who was examining one of the viles. “Think you can figure it out, Georgie?” He looked up at you smiling, partly because he liked it when you called him that, and partly because this idea was absolutely brilliant. “Definitely.” “Good. Now we should get going before we get caught in a blizzard,” you said, looking up at the sky. The snow fell heavily, easy to see against the dark backdrop of the buildings you were standing between. You reached and grabbed Fred’s hand, ready to pull him with you through the crowd. You stepped close to George to grab his hand too, but you stopped short when you remembered that hand was the one that had been burned. It had been weeks ago, and you knew it was completely healed by now. There wasn’t even a scar; it was like it had never even happened. Still, you were worried that you might hurt him if you grabbed it too hard. It was an irrational fear, but you couldn’t help it. You quickly grabbed his other hand, hoping he hadn’t noticed your hesitation. You pulled them both behind you, and you were just about to step out of the alley when you stopped suddenly, the twins almost running into you. You could see little footprints in the snow. Pawprints, leading to a small crate at the edge of the alleyway. Following the small prints, you could see the tip of an orange tail sticking out of the crate. You let go of the twins hands, and slowly walked over to the crate, careful not to startle the creature. The twins looked between each other, confused, but they quietly walked up behind you anyway. Making little clicking sounds with your tongue, you urged the creature to look at you. It’s tail disappeared fully into the crate, and you were disappointed for a moment before you saw two orange ears pop up, and then you could see the creature's whole face. It seemed to be just a common house cat. You bent down to be eye-level with the cat, pulling the twins down with you, hoping not to scare it away. You slowly raised your hand up, leveling it a few inches from it’s face. “Come here, sweetie,” you urged it. “What’re you doing out in the cold all by yourself.” It stretched it’s neck out to sniff your hand carefully. After a moment, you felt comfortable enough to try to scratch behind it’s ear. It let you, and you slowly let out the breath you were holding. Fred and George hadn’t moved at all behind you, and you were thankful for their stillness. The cat hopped out of the crate and made it’s way to rub against your leg. “Aren’t you the sweetest thing,” you said down to it. The cat moved from you and rubbed it’s head on the top of George’s shoe. You smiled softly at the two of them. “I think it likes you, George.” He just smiled back at you as he scratched the stop of the cat’s head. “I think we should take it back to the castle,” you said suddenly. “What?” Fred asked you. “This could be somebody in town’s pet.” “Look at it,” you said, gesturing vaguely to the animal. “It’s very skinny, it doesn’t have a collar. I say it’s a stray. What do you think, George?” “Hmmm?” George looked up at you from the cat. “Why does my opinion matter?” “You’re the tiebreaker,” you told him. He thought about it for a minute. “Mum doesn’t really like cats.” You frowned at him. “Well, it wouldn’t be your cat. It’d be our cat. And I’d be more than willing to bring it home with me on holidays.” George was still bent down, and the cat now had both of it’s front legs on top of one of his knees. “Then I say go for it. It is pretty cute.” You let out a laugh of pure happiness. You bent down fast, careful not to scare the cat away. Hugging George from the side, you squeezed him as tight as you could, almost losing your balance. George felt you both falling and put one hand on the ground fast enough to catch you. “I could kiss you right now, George Weasley. I’m so happy.” You looked from him to the cat in front of the two of you. You watched it as it scratched it’s ear with it’s back leg. You didn’t even notice George freeze completely solid underneath your arms as you said those words. You did kiss him. Quickly on his cheek. He barely even noticed it, but afterwards his entire face lit up almost as bright as your current hair color. As you let go of the hug, George did fully lose his balance, falling completely into the snow. You unwrapped your green and grey scarf from around your neck and slowly approached the cat with it. You were careful when you picked it up, examining it quickly before you brought it close to your chest. You wrapped it loosely in your scarf, hoping to keep it warm. You knew that as soon as you left this alley, the wind would be much worse “It’s a girl,” you told Fred and George as you turned back to them. Fred was currently in the process of helping his brother off the ground. “I think we should name her Minnie.” “Minnie?” George asked as he wiped some snow off his legs. “After McGonagall,” you explained to them. They both laughed at that and agreed. Minnie it was. You quickly handed her to Fred and brought a disposable camera out of your coat pocket. “I wanna remember this moment exactly.” The twins huddled together as you stood in front of them, and Fred held Minnie to the side of you. You took a quick picture, hoping it would look good when you got it developed over the holiday. You slipped the camera back in your pocket and grabbed Minnie back from Fred. “She looks good in Slytherin colors, don’t you think?” you asked, admiring her wrapped in your scarf. You looked at the scarves the twins were wearing. “Much better than that ugly red.” You laughed and dodged out of the way as Fred tried to hit you on the arm. You stepped out of the alley and suddenly felt the wind harshly on your face. Your hair whipped around; you could see that the red had already faded from it. You shivered and pulled Minnie as close to you as you could, pushing your face down into your jacket. Suddenly, there was a flash of red in front of your eyes, and you turned to see George wrapping his scarf around your neck as you walked. You wanted to object, but you felt warm and fuzzy, and you didn’t want that feeling to leave you. “You look pretty cute in that ugly red,” George whispered as he pulled away from you. Knowing your cheeks were now burning the same color as the scarf, you buried your face into it, hoping to conceal the blush. You chose to ignore him, instead looking down at Minnie, who was basically asleep in your arms. You took in a deep breath, taking in the scent of the Gryffindor scarf you now wore. This was honestly the happiest you had ever felt in your life. George fell behind you to walk in step with his brother. “I told you I could flirt back.” Fred grinned at his twin. “Well done, George. Well done.”
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fanficsandthings · 4 years
Through the Years, Ch. 2
A George Weasley Fanfiction
A George Weasley x Slytherin reader story. Each chapter shares events in one year of George and reader’s life together, starting in their first year of Hogwarts.
Word Count: 3.6k
Content Warning: Snakes, mentions of bullying 
Chapter 1 here 
Year 2: Snakes and Lions
Sixth years were mean, especially sixth year Slytherins who thought they were above everyone else because they came from a rich family. Because of the knowledge about squibs you had learned from the twins, and seeing how everyone treated Filch, you decided it was best to keep your family history as vague as possible. That didn’t sit well with some of the upperclassmen. They would constantly pester you to learn more about your family. By the time you got to the end of first year, you had let it slip that your father worked in Muggle Studies at the Ministry. You were hoping this would stop some of the pestering, but it only made the pure-bloods laugh more.
The constant goading at your family was easy to deal with compared to the insults thrown at you just because of who you were friends with. Even with the Weasleys being pure-bloods, the Slytherins all seemed to hate them. They tended to stay away from insulting Charlie, as his prefect status seemed to deter them, but Percy made it so easy for them to mock him. Percy Weasley wasn’t a close friend, per se, and the twins had interesting things to say about him, but over the last year at Hogwarts you had grown to kind of like him. Sure, he was a little stuck up and had a tendency to make a fool of himself, but that gave you all the more reason to stand up for him. The twins were a whole different story. The insults thrown at them were about how loud and obnoxious and disrespectful to authority they were; insults about how their family was a disgrace to the pure-blood status. "And really, I don't get it." You were close enough friends with the twins that nearly every annoying thing your housemates said got relayed back to them. "You're not obnoxious, you're hilarious. You're not disrespectful, you're fun. Even if laughing at your pranks gets house points taken away from.. well, both of our houses." You had a free period today, so the courtyard was empty besides the three of you, and you felt free to speak openly. "I didn't know it bothered you so much," George's facial features were never as easy to read as Fred's. His tone was light, but his eyes were soft. "Doesn't bother us one bit," Fred piped up, shrugging. "It doesn't," you lied. "I just wish they'd shut up" “Well then let’s make them shut up,” Fred said, leaning closer to you, a familiar gleam in his eye. “Pull a prank on sixth year Slytherins?” you turned to look at him, a smile on your face. “I like where your head’s at, Freddie. What’s the plan?” “Filibuster fireworks in their food?” he suggested. “Didn’t that get you in trouble with a girl last year?” you asked, eyeing him. He turned his head away quickly, but you could still see the shy smile on his face; something you didn’t see often from Fred Weasley. “Besides, it’s really only one girl. If we shut her up, then her entire posse will shut up.” “Fanged frisbee right at the face,” George said with a laugh. “I like it, I like it a lot,” you agreed, “but, knowing Snape, he’ll put us all in detention for months for that one. If I miss one more quidditch practice because of detention, I’m gonna be kicked off the team.” “You got any good ideas then?” George asked. “Something a little more subtle,” you said, standing up so you could pace. The twins watched you walk back and forth, their heads following along with your body. An idea popped into your head, and you stopped suddenly in your tracks. A grin appeared on your face as you looked up at the twins. “Come on, we need to go to Hagrid’s” You took off towards Hagrid’s, hurrying out of the courtyard and down the hill. You could hear the twins behind you, shouting questions and trying to get you to slow down. You kept up your fast pace until you were at the base of the hill. Hagrid didn’t seem to be home, considering there was no smoke coming from his chimney, so you headed straight for his garden. “What’re we doing down here?” George asked as he stepped over a cabbage. “Is she allergic to vegetables or something?” Fred questioned. Ignoring them, you continued to search the dirt for what you were looking for. Moving pumpkins around, you looked for any sort of movement underneath them. “Worms in her shoes?” Fred inquired. You paused your search, looking up at him to give a small nod. “You’re getting close with that guess.” The twins looked between each other, confused. What on Earth could you be searching for in this garden? You continued your search while you talked to them. “I need something ordinary and non-magical. Something I can easily play off as an accident or coincident. Think Slytherin. Think phobias. What’s the stupidest thing a Slytherin could be deathly afraid of?” “Snakes?” they both asked at the same time. You looked at them with a smile. “Bingo, boys. Now help me look.” They both bent closer to the ground, looking for the small creature. It was only a second before George became curious about the plan again. “How do you know she doesn’t like snakes?” he asked. “She complains about it all the time,” you said, rolling your eyes. “Every day in the common room it’s ‘Why couldn’t we have a different animal? Snakes are just so gross and slimy.’ I don’t think she’s ever even seen a snake in real life. Most are harmless and absolutely not slimy. --Oh! Shut up, I found one.” “We weren’t talking,” George said, but you just stuck your tongue out at him and bent down to get a closer look at the animal. A small black creature wiggled in the dirt before you. It was a harmless garden snake, but you still slowly lowered your wand in front of it so it wouldn’t spook. It slithered over your wand, and you lifted it up slowly to show the boys. “Look at him!” you said excitedly. “He’ll be perfect.” You stuck him in the largest pocket on your robe and started back for the castle. The twins followed closely to you this time. “Are you sure you don’t want any magic involved?” George asked. “We could make him twice as big or give him a rattle to scare her more,” Fred suggested. “No,” you stated bluntly. “The more you add, the more likely I am to get detention. And don’t-” You smacked George’s hand away with your wand as he was reaching for the snake in your pocket. “-try to be sneaky about it and charm or transfigure it while I’m not looking.” “Sorry,” George mumbled as he rubbed his sore hand. As you got back to the courtyard, you turned to look at your friends. “Listen, I appreciate your pranks, but I’m doing this one by myself.” They started to protest before you cut them off. “You’re not allowed in the Slytherin common room or dorms,” you reminded them. “We let you in the Gryffindor common room just last week!” Fred protested. “Shut up,” you whispered, smacking him on the arm. You looked around quickly to confirm that the courtyard was still clear. “You know the teachers would never actually allow that. If they found out, especially McGonagall or Snape, I’d never be allowed near you again.” “So you like being near us,” George said with a grin. You noticed that he didn’t phrase it as a question, but you were too distracted by how cute his smile was to acknowledge that. “No,” you lied, hoping the walk up the hill would hide how distracted you felt. “But I like hanging out with Lee and Angelina. Plus, I like the chairs in your common room more than mine. But if Percy knew you told me your password, he would surely kill all three of us.” “Percy has no power over us,” Fred stated. “He will when he makes prefect next year,” you said. “And don’t even argue about that. We all know he’s gonna be a prefect.” “Pompous little Percy,” George mocked. “You should be nicer to your brother,” you said, smacking George this time. “Quit hitting us,” they said in unison as they both rubbed their arms. “Quit being annoying and I’ll think about it,” you said. You looked down at your pocket to see the snake looking up at you, its tongue flicking out. “Just make it through tonight, little buddy. I’ll bring you back to your garden first thing tomorrow.” “She’s nicer to a snake she just met than she is to us,” Fred whispered to his brother, but he wasn’t quite quiet enough. You shot him a quick glare before turning to head to your dorm. “I’ll let you know how it goes in the morning.” ------------------- It was really quite easy to sneak into the sixth years dorm room, as they were all still in class; your free period being your savior at this moment. You carefully tucked the snake under the girl’s blanket, promising that you’d be back to save it later that night. Hurrying off to your last class of the day, you were overjoyed thinking about the events that were to unfold in a few hours. You avoided the twins at dinner, wanting to make them even more eager about the situation. Sure, you were doing this mostly for them, but it still felt nice to be able to perform a fully fledged out prank by yourself. The twins may be known for their pranks, but they sure weren’t the only ones who could have fun. You focused most of your attention at dinner on Adrian Pucey, who was one of your only true Slytherin friends. He seemed to be the only other Slytherin quidditch player who believed in a fair match, and you liked him for that. Walking back to the common room with Adrian after dinner, you ran into the very girl who was annoying you to no end lately. “I see you’ve finally ditched those no good Weasleys,” she said as she pushed past you, her group of friends knocking you into Adrian as they followed. “Maybe you’ll actually grow to be a real Slytherin one day.” You apologized to Adrain as he helped you right yourself. “She’s a bit of a...” Adrian paused to think of the right words, but you were happy to fill it in. “Incessant little bi-” “Hey, no,” Adrian cut you off. “I was gonna say pain or annoyance. But I do kinda like where you were going.” “You should’ve let me finish my sentence then,” you said with a smirk. “That little ‘annoyance’ is about to get what’s coming to her, anyway. Come on, I don’t want to miss it.” You hurried off down the corridor, Adrian following next to you. “What do you mean by that?” he asked. “Oh you’ll see,” you said as you got to the Slytherin common room. “Pick a chair, settle in, and wait for it.” You picked a couch to sit on and busied yourself with pretending to do homework as you waited for the sixth year girl to go up to her dormitory. Adrian tried a few times to get you to explain what you were talking about, but you refused. After a few minutes he gave up and did his own school work. Less than 30 minutes later and there was a loud scream coming from the girls dorms. Adrien looked at you as you and the rest of the girls in the common room headed towards the scream. “What did you do?” he asked as you rushed past him. “Nothing,” you said, but the grin on your face told him a whole different story. The hallway was crowded and it took a bit of effort to push through the group to get to the front. When your vision cleared of the bodies of students, your eyes found the girl’s bed. The blankets were now a mess and you could see the small body of the snake tucked under the pillow. The girl herself was clinging to the four-poster two beds down. “Get that thing out of my bed this instant!” she screamed, her eyes searching over her group of friends. None of them moved. You separated from the crowd, walking closer to the bed. You pulled out your wand again, acting just like you had when you first found the snake that afternoon. It slithered over your wand. Picking it up, it hung gently from the wood, its head lifted towards you. “It’s just a small snake,” you said, looking over at the girl again. “We’re literally the house of the serpent. Plus, he’s harmless.” You let the snake crawl onto your hand to show the crowd that it was perfectly fine. The girl got down from the bed and started making her way over to you. “You foul little creature. You put that thing in my bed.” “I did no such thing,” you said, feigning the most innocent face you could muster. She took another step closer to you, but as you held the snake up she recoiled back. “What’s going on here?” A male voice could be heard from the hallway. A second later Snape appeared in the doorway. He looked between you and the sixth year as he stepped into the dorm room. “Nothing Professor,” you said, now petting the snake's head with your finger. “Nothing?” the sixth year asked, exasperated. “Professor, she put a live snake in my bed.” “For one: no I didn’t,” you started. You could see Snape was getting more annoyed with every passing second. “Two: it’s harmless. It couldn’t hurt you if it tried. Three: we live in an old castle. There’s bound to be little creatures everywhere.” The girl was about to protest again, but Snape seemed to have had enough. “Just get the snake out of here and go back to your own dorm room.” He looked at you with contempt. “Would you like to take him, Professor?” you asked, holding the snake up towards his face. He recoiled a bit at the proximity of the creature to his face. You had to try very hard to stifle a laugh. “No,” he said and walked out, back through the crowd of students. The students started to disperse now, sensing the fun to be over. You waited until most of them had left to turn back to your upperclassman. She started to speak before you could. “I know you did this, you evil-” “You’re right,” you cut her off. “I did do it. Maybe don’t talk so openly about your fears next time.” She went to speak again, but you stopped her by holding your wand up towards her. “Now, know this: if you ever talk badly about the Weasleys in my presence I won’t be afraid to hex you. That includes Percy and Charlie. And honestly, I don’t care if I get expelled for it either.” She tried to hide the step back she took by saying “ I will never be afraid of you.” “Sure,” you said, finally dropping the snake in your pocket and heading back to the common room. Adrian was waiting for you. “What did you do?” he whispered as you both walked back to sit on the couch. You ignored him for a bit, instead searching the room. You found a basket that was full of old books and emptied it. Sitting on the couch, you put the basket on the floor between your legs. “I didn’t do anything,” you said, taking the snake out of your pocket again. “He did.” You smiled at the small creature as you set him in the bottom of the basket. “You scared that girl with a snake?” Adrian whispered. You shrugged and whispered back. “All I did was put a harmless little creature in someone’s bed. Not my fault that she was afraid of him.” Adrian sat back into the couch with a short laugh. “What’re you gonna do with it now?” “I’ll bring it back to the garden I found it in in the morning.” “You really are quite smart with your pranks and sabotage,” he said, looking from you to the basket. You turned to look at him, the widest smile on your face. “Thank you.” ------------------ The next morning you were going to skip breakfast and head right down to Hagrid’s garden, but you spotted George and Fred in the Great Hall. A mischievous idea formed in your brain and there was no way you could ignore it. The twins were sitting opposite each other, so George was bound to notice your presence as you snuck down the rows of tables behind Fred. Right when his eyes landed on you, you made sure to put your finger up to your lips, telling him to be quiet. You were right behind Fred, George pretending to ignore that you were there. You slipped the snake quietly out of your pocket and gently set it’s head on Fred’s shoulder. It slowly crawled further on until you were able to let go. It was hard to stifle your laughter as Fred reached up to itch his shoulder. When his hand touched the body of the snake, his head whipped around and he let out a scream that caught the attention of the many students around him. You reached out quickly to grab the snake before he could hurt it. “That was finally payback for the shoelace incident in Diagon Alley,” you said as you sat down next to him. “That’s not fair!” Fred protested. “George told you about that, so it didn’t even work. Some brother he is. I know he saw you behind me.” “Yes, but he likes me more than he likes you,” you said, giving George a wink. “I’m his brother!” Fred continued to argue. You shrugged your shoulders as you grabbed a piece of toast from his plate. You looked across the table at his brother. “Georgie.” “Hhmm?” George said through a mouthful of food. “Would you care to accompany your favorite person down to Hagrid’s garden?” you asked him. “I’ll tell you all about how Fred’s scared face looked even funnier than the girl’s last night.” “I would love to,” he said with a laugh and stood up. Fred grumbled in disagreement as you walked away. You both made your way out of the Great Hall. You heard your name being called as you neared the front doors of the castle and turned to look for the speaker. You could see Adrian walking towards you. As he got closer to you he looked at the creature that you were carrying in your hand. “I see you haven’t brought him back home yet,” Adrian said, petting the snake’s head. “George and I were just about to,” you informed him. You looked between George and Adrian. George was staring at Adrian, while Adrian had most of his attention set to the snake. “Have you two met?” “No,” George said shortly. “Oh,” you said, looking at George, confused in his sudden change in attitude. “George Weasley, Adrian Pucey. Adrian, George.” Adrian turned from the snake and stuck his hand out towards George. “We were bound to meet eventually. You’re on the Gryffindor quidditch team right?” George shook Adrian’s hand, but it was a short and sharp shake. “Yes, me and my brother are beaters.” “Adrian’s one of the best chasers that Slytherin’s seen in a long time,” you informed George. “Maybe, but I’m sure Gryffindor’s are better,” George said with a sour laugh. “Okay,” you said, a little awkward now. “Well, we better get going, Adrian. I’ll see you in class.” You grabbed George’s arm and shoved him out the front door. You waited until you were down the front steps before you finally decided to speak to him again. “What the hell was that, George?” You stopped walking in front of him and turned to be face to face. “What was what?” he feigned ignorance, but refused to look you in the eye. “That little attitude you had back there,” you told him. “I would prefer it if you could get along with Adrian. He’s honestly my only housemate that I like.” George let out a sigh at that, and you could see his body relax. He knew how you felt about your housemates, about how they were one of the few things that made you unsure of yourself at times. “Okay, maybe I got a little mad that you told Adrian about your plan before you told me,” George admitted. You let out a laugh. “George!” “What?” He snapped his head to look at you. “He was in the common room when it happened. I really had no choice but to tell him. I wasn’t gonna lie to my friend.” You grabbed George’s hand and held up the snake as close to his face as you dared. “Now will you apologize to this poor creature before you hurt it’s feelings even more?” He looked at the snake for half a second before he said, “Fine.” He turned to look at you. “I’m sorry that I acted like a jerk. I will not be apologizing to an animal though.” You laughed again and held tighter onto his hand. You turned to start down the hill again. “Now I’ll tell you all about last night, Georgie.”
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
“Leaving Malfoy Manor” || YEAR 3 – Ch.5 (HP au)
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Day posted: 7/24/2020
Word count: 3,153
Relationship: EVENTUAL severus X oc (slow burn)
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my first fan fic I’m writing mainly as a way to practice. This is a retelling of the hp books with an inserted character. Although most every character will be written about, this is mostly for the pro snape fandom. Please do not fear, although this is a severus x oc story, it is an incredibly slow burn as I do not intend for them to get together at all until after the final book events. Chapters will be posted twice a week.
This derivative work follows the events of the Harry Potter books by Jk Rowling and is intended as a fun way to practice my writing. Thank you for reading :D
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
The next morning Heather was woken up by Feeno again and the smell of fresh bread. He held up her cleaned Quidditch robes and pointed to the breakfast on the nightstand. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, dreading seeing Draco again. The rest of her day yesterday was spent studying on the bed, free to spread out all her books without the fear that one of the Dursleys would barge in at any second.
“Tell him I’ll be right there,” she groaned and sat up, rubbing the dried drool from her chin.
“Feeno will take you,” he dropped her uniform and popped out of sight.
She changed slowly, purposely trying to keep Draco waiting, and exited the room. She pretended like she couldn’t see Feeno and walked ahead of him as best she could. He tugged on her robes but she marched on – lightly whacking him with the end of her broom – the way he showed her yesterday until she reached the outside.
Draco flew down and threw the Quaffle at her, “We’ll do my drills and then yours.”
Heather threw the Quaffle back, “No, we didn’t even get to my drills yesterday. We’ll start with mine.”
He threw his head back and groaned, “Fine. What are they?”
She listed off what he was supposed to do and explaining how Adrian and Marcus partnered with her for throws and dives. Normally Marcus just had her do dodging and distracting maneuvers as defense, but if she was going to stay on the team this year, she felt she had to do more.
“Make sure you’re really aggressive, ok? I can take it. During tryouts we might be up against… larger… opponents and we should be read.”
Draco nodded, “So, what? Kick your broom and elbow you when I can?”
Heather bit her lip and nodded, “Y-yeah… That should be fine.”
She touched off the ground and practiced her catching as Draco and her sped around his yard, throwing the Quaffle back and forth. Next they started higher and dove while catching, followed by sharp turn throws, and finally back-to-forward throws and catches. Draco kept dropping the ball, but Feeno kept the ball in play as best he could.
“Ok, I’ll try to get the Quaffle over there, and you try to knock me off my broom.”
Draco flew away and readied himself for a full intersecting tackle. Heather gripped her broom tight and shot forward. Draco followed her lead and stuck his arm out, ready to knock her out of the air. Heather dropped the Quaffle down to her feet, caught it and held it tight, and pressed herself to the handle, ducking under his outstretched arm as he passed. The second she cleared him she tried grabbing the Quaffle again and dropped it. It appeared in the air in front of her thanks to Feeno, and she took it, slowing down to a stop. Draco flew back with a weird look on his face.
“What’s that called!” he took the Quaffle and threw it up, “Can you do it again?”
Heather shrugged, “I made it up… and I can try. Let’s do it again, exactly like that.”
The next three attempts ended in both brooms colliding and bruised skulls and ribs. They were on their fourth attempt and Heather managed to drop the Quaffle down to catch with her legs and ducked like last time. The second she cleared his hesitant arm, she twirled in the air and dropped the Quaffle when her feet were up, catching it in her arms and twirling right side up again.
She turned and smiled at Draco, “That was cool!”
He rolled his eyes but smiled, “Don’t grow your head like your brother, Potter. When will we ever need you to do that?”
She joined him in the center, “Well I want to make more points, so I need to learn how to keep the Quaffle on me.”
“You? You can’t even throw as far as Flint. Let alone Pucey.”
Heather’s smile dropped. He was right about that. Marcus and Adrian had real strength and used their full power to fling the Quaffle through the hoops.
“My turn, same as yesterday.”
The next few hours were spent on perfecting Draco’s reflexes and flying focus. He seemed more confident diving and was sure he came close to matching Harry’s natural talents as a Seeker. They headed inside again for a late lunch and took the same seats as before.
This time they were served pasta like the kind Uncle Vernon often brought home for Dudley after important meetings. She always imagined the restaurant he went to was very fancy because every leftover pasta brought home had a little green leaf at the top. She savored the creamy sauce and licked her lips, not wanting to waste a drop.
“Are we done for the day?” she looked over at Draco and saw him nod with a mouthful of pasta. “Will you show me your library then?” She wondered what sort of books they had, or if other wizards could even have a library as gran as Hogwarts’.
“It’s just a library. But fine. As long as you don’t touch anything I tell you not to,” he shrugged.
After the pasta was gone she followed Draco to the library, keeping her hands to herself, as he went through naming sections. Most of the books seemed pretty boring compared to the selections in the Hogwarts Library and she could only assume all of these books were there for Draco’s parents only.
He stopped at a section with a thin grey veil covering the bookcase, “Behind there is the Dark Arts books.”
Heather reached out to lift the veil but Draco stopped her.
“If I’M not allowed to look at them, I won’t allow YOU to. Father says when I’m older he’ll personally go through them with me.” He crossed his arms, looking smug, “He says I might be a natural with it since I get good grades in Defense Against the Dark Arts without even trying.”
Heather laughed, “Yeah we all do. It’s not like the last few teachers were any good,” she squinted, trying to read the names of the books through the veil.
“Well not just there, Potter!” he spat back. “I know loads of hexes too, just wait for this year. Your friends won’t know what hit them.”
“Why do you always have to threaten them? Why can’t you just stay away?” she knew the answer already.
“Your brother’s the one that started it and if he doesn’t back down then one day he’ll regret – ”
The door opened and a woman with blonde hair walked in, holding her arms crossed with a tight face devoid of any emotion except for the anger in her eyes. Heather watched her uncross her arms and hold her hands politely over her stomach. Her lips were thins as she studied the scene and looked over Heather.
“Draco, why don’t you and your friend go play outside? Away from the library,” she smiled and motioned for the doors.
Heather looked at Draco. He nodded and pushed Heather towards the door. If his mother wasn’t there, she would have elbowed him for pushing her but since she was Heather only scowled. They made their way back down and outside to sit on one of the stone steps.
“Why can’t we be in there?” Heather remembered that somewhere in the house the Malfoys kept several illegal dark arts things that Mr. Weasley keeps trying to find. Where was it he said they were hidden?
Draco looked at her intensely, trying to determine how he should respond. He frowned and leaned in, trying to look as menacing as possible without Crabbe and Goyle there to back him up, “Keep your mouth shut about it. It doesn’t leave this house or I’ll deal with you myself.” He glanced back in towards the house, “Let’s just say there’s books in there that wouldn’t even be allowed in the restricted section. I’m not allowed to talk about them.”
“Is that… legal?”
“Thinking of telling the Weasleys? Well don’t bother. That old fool knows all the books my Father has. Books aren’t considered artifacts if they’re for learning and don’t harm the readers just for reading. Wizard law.”
Heather looked back at the house, “Where do people get books like that? I’ve been to the Dark Arts section and I haven’t seen any too dangerous for school. They mainly just explain stuff… actually they don’t really have any spells in them…”
Draco flicked a flower head off the stem with his thumb, “You don’t. Not anymore. The Ministry regulates what’s published now. Only powerful wizard families have those types of books. Obviously why I have some,” he looked smug again. “They’re too scared to let wizards learn those spells.”
The sun was getting close to setting and the air outside turned chilly as it waved through the leaves above and trimmed grass below. It was awkward sitting next to Draco, especially being somewhere between despising him and getting along – though leaning more on despising. She supposed she was lucky he hasn’t said anything worth punching him for.
“I’m going to go study,” Draco stood up and brushed his trousers off.
Heather frowned, “What, for the rest of the day? Really?”
“I’m too tired to fly so what else can we do. Crabbe and Goyle aren’t able to hang out – ”
“Can I see your room?” She read in one of Aunt Petunia’s home décor magazines that someone’s house was a view into their soul, and if there was any soul she wanted to see, it was Draco’s. She imagined his room would be filled with portraits of himself and his family, along with shiny jewel encrusted statues, something that screamed ‘son of a rich wizard’.
His interest looked peaked, “Alright. Follow me.”
He led her to the entrance hall and up the main stairs and up the right ones leading to the hall of doors across the balcony from her room. She turned into the hall but noticed Draco opening the wood door to their immediate left towards the rest of the second floor.
She followed him through the door. She thought it would lead into the library like the one across the balcony, but was instead faced with a set of stairs leading to the third floor. The stairs didn’t creak and groan like the Dursleys’ and the railing was very smooth. Her palm glided up the wood effortlessly.
“Father’s study, parent’s room, and mine,” he pointed and turned the knob to the far door.
Heather let her mouth drop. It wasn’t the large bookcases, large bed, beautiful wallpaper, or vibrant green carpet that matched the sheer curtains hung over glass double doors that probably lead to a balcony that made her mouth hang open dumbly. It was all the posters of the Falmouth Falcons covering the walls with a few smaller posters of Puddlemere United. It was as bad as Ron’s room.
“So the Falmouth Falcons are your favorite team, then?” Heather looked at the giant banner of their motto.
Draco spotted her staring at the banner. “‘Let us win, but if we cannot win, let us break a few heads.’ Flint says he keeps asking to make that our Slytherin Quidditch motto, but Professor Snape won’t let him.”
She walked over to a little pile of marbles jumping over each other on the ground, almost seeming to be in the middle of a game with each other. Draco’s owl hooted at her from the windowsill and she nodded at it. Opposite the bed was a desk and a pile of magazines with amazing brooms from prototypes to non-tournament legal hobby ones flying around the covers and spines. Draco fell onto his bed and picked up the magazine already open on his bed, continuing on whatever page he was on.
“How many of your rooms fit into mine?” he made a square with his fingers and moved it along the air, “I’m going to guess four.”
She crossed her arms, “Three. Actually.” She spotted a Quidditch book with a golden arm breaking a broom with its fist on the floor, “‘Quidditch Crunches, Crouches, and Curls’?”
“Oh. Yeah, not many exercises for Seekers in there.” He walked over and picked it up, flipping to the Chaser section, “That might interest you, and if you can manage it – though I doubt it, Potter – it could help give you a better chance during tryouts AND benefit the team.”
She looked through all the exercises starting with the easier ones and ending on a picture of a man holding the jaws of a giant alligator open, “I could do some of these after my drills, and the easy ones I can do anywhere.” She started to get excited, “I could get better at throwing the Quaffle! I could score points!”
She could imagine herself now, Adrian and Marcus actually passing the Quaffle to her with the intention of helping HER score. Beating the all Weasley team next summer with her incredible apple throwing strength. Being strong enough to hold back Harry from doing something stupid like lunging at Draco.
She walked over to Draco’s large mirror and held up her arm, “How long do muscles take to grow?”
He shrugged and flipped the magazine page, “There might be a potion that speeds it up, but maybe a week?”
She laughed, “It takes longer than a week… I’m pretty sure…” She flipped to the first exercise labeled ‘Barrel pushes’ and dropped to the floor, “It says advanced wizards will put a barrel of seahogs inside and if your back isn’t straight they’ll fall out and burn you… but maybe this book could work instead. Will you put it on me?”
Draco groaned, “No more favors or you’ll owe me. MORE.” He placed the book on her back and stepped away, watching as she tried pushing up with her arms.
“Step one…” She groaned and shut her eyes tight until she felt her arms extend all the way with elbows locked. “Step two…” Slowly she tried lowering herself until her nose touched the soft carpet. “One… of fifty… repeated thrice.”
After reaching twenty barrel pushes she gave up in time for Draco to be called down to eat dinner with his family. He invited her half-heartedly but she declined and accepted for Feeno to bring her up her dinner. There was no way she was going to sit down at a table with all the Malfoys… His mother hadn’t even greeted her earlier.
Draco led her back to her room and within minutes Feeno delivered a fresh plate of steak and roasted potatoes with baked sprouts on the side. She sat in bed eating away and flipping through the pages, writing everything down in detail for use after she left the Malfoy Manor.
She stayed the full week, practicing all the drills and doing as many exercises as she could manage. Once Draco tried to join in, but gave up quickly saying he had forgotten something, but she knew he hadn’t. By the last day she stood by her mirror, frowning at the lack of muscles she had grown. In the back of her head she had been hoping Draco was right about it only taking one week.
After Mr. Malfoy had left for work, Feeno floated her trunk down to the fireplace in the entrance hall where Draco was already dressed and waiting.
“Better not tell anyone you were here, got it?” he handed her a small green bag of powder with the letter ‘M’ in the middle.
She took it and stepped into the fireplace with her trunk, “I won’t. Pansy would get too annoying.” She poured the powder into her hand and threw it down and did her best to whisper the location, “Leaky Cauldron.”
Once again, she was thrust into a humid tornado of commotion until she stepped out in the dusty backroom of the leaky cauldron. She dusted off her hair and clothes – blew dust away from her toad – and pushed the door open labeled ‘To Counter’ and spotted Tom serving drinks to a very chipper old witch. As soon as she stepped into view Tom came around the counter and took her trunk.
“Ah, Miss Potter. I didn’t see you come in! Mrs. Wogsen was talking my ear off – but I won’t talk yours off.”
Heather gave him a small chuckle and looked at the stairs.
“Yes, your room. It’s across the hall from Harry Potter! – er – Your brother.”
“Thank you…” Heather followed him up the stairs and looked around her room. It was better than their room… but not by much. And definitely didn’t compare to the Malfoy’s guest bedroom.
“Shall I let Harry Potter know you’re here?” Tom turned to knock on Harry’s door excitedly but she stopped him quickly.
“Let him sleep longer, I know what time he wakes up,” she needed a shower before she saw him, not wanting to smell like burnt wood when she was supposed to have arrived by car.
She closed the door and dug out new clothes, placing them next to the small sink. She dropped down to the tile floor and did as many exercises as she could before ripping off her sweaty clothes and taking a warm bath in the cramped tub. She missed the nice smelling bubbles and large soft towels. The towels here smelled weird like the water and were as rough as the bedsheets.
No wonder Draco was so rude all the time. She’d only spent a week at the Manor and she was already complaining about everything. “Being rich makes everything stink,” she drained the tub and watched it gurgle and pop. She jumped onto the bed and groaned as a spring poked her side, “I’ll never live rich again.”
She made a checklist of all the homework that needed to be done before school started, along with all the materials that they needed. She checked off all her assignments and left the little squares empty for Harry. She checked off the ‘Monster Book of Monsters’ for the both of them and added ‘Refill money bags’ to the list.
She was ready and prepared to see Harry and marched over to his door, excited to start checking things off, and knocked three times, “Harry! Are you awake?” She heard a groan.
“No. Give me an hour!”
“An hour? How late did you sleep!”
“…Not late… not very late. It’s just early.”
It was twelve. She sighed and walked back to her room and slowly laid down. She was desperate to get the last week over with. She wanted to be back at Hogwarts. She wanted to get started on learning. And she wanted to hear crowds chant her name like they chanted Harry’s. She was determined to win the house cup back.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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