#ch: cirilla of cintra
userkhael · 3 years
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Princess Cirilla of Cintra
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inmydrcams · 2 years
cirilla 💚 @honeycndwildfire​  [ jes ]
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          ❝ I didn't know, but now I see that sometimes what is, is meant to be. ❞  It hurts, to be forced to accept that nothing you do can change the past, that all you can do is move on and try to do better, try to figure out what better looks like. Life would be so much easier if everything came with a clear indication of what’s right and wrong, what’s the  r i g h t  path for you, if you didn’t have to stumble and fall and spend years going down the wrong one before managing to pull yourself out of it.
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cthylla-rlyeh · 4 years
OC Inspiration - Charli Lillin
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attanos · 6 years
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An old witchers’ motto.
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
Witcher Ladies Week @witcherladies
Day three: favourite story arc(s) | favourite quote(s) (sorry I’m doing this all late and out of order)
My favorite arc in the books is Ciri’s arc. Here is a quote that encapsulates it for me:
“You see, once I felt aggrieved that the people closest to me, didn’t come to my aid. Left me at the mercy of fate. But now I think they’re the ones that need my help.”
—Cirilla of Vengerberg, Cirilla of Cintra, witcher girl of Kaer Morhen. Ch 10, Tower of Swallows.
My absolute top reason for loving long fantasy sagas is that it gives the author the time and space to do incredibly believable and rewarding character development arcs.
My favorite character development arc is the character empowerment arc.
When we meet Ciri, she’s a little kid. She covers her fear with bravado and reacts with emotions. We see that she has a spine and a lot of grit. But she is also a traumatized war orphan and clings ferociously to Geralt the moment she meets him. She idolizes him like only a child can. And then she meets Yen and after a little bit of head butting (they are both very strong willed) she reacts to Yen the same way. She worships the ground she walks on and thinks of her as a mother.
All she wants is to make her found parents proud and to be protected by them. And exactly like a child, when she is in danger and they can’t help her, she feels angry, abandoned, and aggrieved.
Then we see her go through unspeakable things. (Seriously it is horrendous, I can’t reread some of those passages on the reread) and you begin to worry if it will break her.
And that moment, THAT MOMENT, is when you know that she is going to be alright. Because not only does she understand that her parents are fallible people who are constrained by natural limits, but she steps up. She understands that she is powerful and that perhaps she can be the one to rescue them.
After everything that she is been through, she is still driven by her concern for them. She wants to become their hero.
I tear up just thinking about that moment. If I could hug a fictional character, it would be Ciri.
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eclipsecursed · 5 years
tag drop.
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berjhawn · 5 years
In My Head - Ch 10 - A Bond
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Warnings: None really.
Pairings: Geralt X Reader x Bucky ; Bucky X Reader x Geralt ; Geralt x Reader ; Bucky X Reader
Summary: Girl dreams about boy, girl meets boy, chaos ensues.
A/N: I know i said it’d be about 10 chapters but now it’s looking like possibly at the most 15.
I pace back and forth in the lab as I wait for Tony to open the portal. Over the last few months Tony had worked on perfecting the positioning of where the portal would be without my knowledge. He told me that he had a feeling I would be going back. I didn’t know how to thank him enough. Natasha was going this time, mainly because I knew she secretly wanted to kick Geralt’s ass. Thor was going because he quote-unquote ‘Wanted to kill monsters’, but I knew he was secretly worried for me.
“Almost got it.” Tony calls out from behind a machine he was tinkering with.
“Are you sure about this?” I hear Wanda ask and I nod.
“I need to be there. I can’t explain it, but I need to be there.”
“What about Geralt? What if you see him again?” She asks and I sigh.
“I honestly don’t want to, and I’m sure Cintra is the last place on Earth he’ll be.”
“What if you’re wrong?” Natasha asks from beside me her eyes focused on what Tony was doing.
“If I’m wrong?” I pause thinking about the possibility of seeing him again. The hurt was still fresh in my heart but I quickly push it aside. “I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.”
“Alright, it’s ready.” Tony calls out as he pushes a button causing the portal to appear. I look toward it to see the halls of the castle and my heart pulls me towards it. I turn back to everyone and give then a soft smile.
“Thank you,” I say as I look each of them in the eyes. “You��ll have to come visit me sometime.”
“Of course,” Tony interjects pulling my attention to him. “You can’t get rid of us that easily.”
“I love you guys.” I add tears stinging my eyes.
“Here,” Tony adds handing Thor, Natasha, and myself a wristband. “If and when you all want to come back or whatever, these will do it.”
“And don’t worry about things here,” Steve calls from the corner of the room. “We’ve got things covered.” He adds and I know that he is also referring to Bucky.
“Thank you.” I add one last time before I turn and with a hopeful heart head through the portal.
In an instant I can hear Pavetta’s cries filling the halls causing me to instantly rush towards her. Reaching the outside of her room I see Duny pacing back and forth outside her door. Worry and concern filled his entire being. Hearing our footsteps his head turns towards us and a new fear fills his face.
“Please, don’t claim my child.” He pleads and I just shake my head.
“I’m not here to lay claim to anything. I don’t want to take your child from you. I just want to be able to be here and watch the child grow up. That is all.”
Relief washes over him as he visually relaxes.
“Thank you for not taking them from me.”
“I would never do that.” I repeat as Pavetta lets out a loud cry. “Why aren’t you in there?”
“The midwives won’t let me.” Duny replies making me roll my eyes.
“She needs you.” I reply as I instantly walk forward and pushing the door open draw attention to ourselves.
“What are you doing here?!” Queen Calanthe cries out as she places herself between me and Pavetta.
“A father should be able to watch his child being born.” I announce moving to the side as Duny rushes over to Pavetta’s side and taking her hand starts to soothe her reassuringly. “I understand that you do not like me. I don’t really care, but I assure you I mean no one in this room harm. I just want to be here and watch this beautiful child that is about to grace us with their presence, grow up into a wonderful human being. That’s it.”
“And your companions?” Calanthe questions looking from Thor to Natasha.
“You’ve met my brother,” I motion to Thor who was standing directly to my left. “This is Natasha, a great warrior of our kingdom, and my closest friend.” I conclude making the queen nod.
“Let them stay.” I hear Pavetta call out my eyes finding hers as she tries to breathe through a contraction.
“Very well,” Calanthe decides before she turns back to her daughter.
A group of midwives’ rushes around bringing hot water and clean towels to Pavetta’s bedside. I offer Duny a soft smile as I touch Thor and Natasha’s sides and quickly bow out of the room. They deserved their privacy. When we are outside the room Thor closes the doors giving them the privacy they deserved.
We sat outside the room for what seemed like hours before a baby’s cry fills the air. I could feel the pull to the child through the door but I resisted the urge to go inside. I waited patiently until Duny comes out a bright smile on his face.
“A daughter, I have a daughter.” He calls and I smile at him.
“Congratulations.” I say offering him a hug.
“Would you like to see her?” he asks as he pulls back keeping me at arm’s length.
“If I could? Yes, I would like too.” I answer making him lead me into the room.
I look over the covers to see Pavetta lying there all tuckered out. I offer her a soft smile as I near her bed and say, “Congratulations.” She offers me a smile as she cradles a bundle of joy in her arms.
“Thank you for not taking her from us.” Pavetta says and I nod.
“I would never take her from you.” I assure her as I sit down on the side of her bed.
“Would you like to hold her?” She asks and I fell my heart start to race.
“Could I?” I ask tears stinging my eyes.
Pavetta nods and I lean forward gently taking the baby from her. As soon as I touch her, I know I would never let anything happen to her. I would always been here to protect her. Tears fall from my eyes as I instantly feel a connection to her. Her eyes look up at mine and even though I know she can’t really see me yet I smile brightly at her.
“Hello beautiful.” I coo. “Have you both thought of a name?”
“Cirilla.” Pavetta answers.
“Hello Cirilla.” I say softly. “Even though I would love to hold you forever, I’m sure your mom and dad would love some alone time with you.”
I gently hand Cirilla back to Pavetta and giving them a soft smile excuse myself from the room. Outside Thor was talking to Mousesack. Noticing me he offers me a slight bow.
“Hello princess, it’s nice to see that you changed your mind.” He calls.
“I wasn’t going to come back honestly, but I felt a pull to the child that I cannot explain.” I answer honestly making him nod.
“I hear you will be staying with us for some time. I’ll show you to where you will be staying.” He says and I nod.
Weeks went by before I knew it. Thor went off on his own to try and ‘kill monsters’ as he called it saying he was getting bored sitting in a castle all day. Natasha stayed close by my side but I could tell she was lowkey enjoying herself. I tried to let Pavetta and Duny be alone with their child. Give them time to bond but when Cirilla would cry out uncontrollably I ended up stepping in. As soon as I held her, she would calm down. I was starting to fall in love deeply with this beautiful bundle of joy.
Tonight, Thor was returning for the ball announcing Cirilla’s birth. I was excited to see him. Even though him being my brother was a lie, he was quickly filling that slot. Natasha glares at her reflection in the mirror making a smirk fill my lips.
“You look great Nat,” I say as one of the many handmaiden’s mess with my hair.
“I can’t move in this dress.”
“Unless you feel like dancing, I doubt you’ll be moving around too much.”
“Who knows, maybe your boyfriend will show up and cause chaos.”
“He’s not my boyfriend, and I really doubt that.” I assure her as my eyes move back to the mirror.
“You really don’t want to see him?” Natasha asks as she turns to meet my gaze.
“No… I don’t.” I answer my brows furrowing as I shift uncomfortably in my seat.
“Do you still dream about him?” Natasha asks as she sits down on the bed her arms folded over her chest.
“If you’re asking if I see him like I used too then the answer is no.” I pause as the handmaiden finishes my hair. I give her a smile and a quick thank you as she leaves the room. “If you are asking if I dream of him like a normal person, then yes.” I shake my head as I stand up and walk across the room. “I really wish I didn’t. My head is giving my heart hope and I hate it.”
Natasha is about to say something when a knock at the door pulls our attention. A bright smile fills my lips as I turn to see Thor standing in the doorway. I instantly close the distance between us as I wrap him in a tight hug.
“I missed you!” I call as I pull away from him.
“I almost didn’t make it in time.” He replies glancing from me to Natasha. “Had a little trouble with some Ghouls but no one betters the God of Thunder.”
“I see you are enjoying yourself here.” Natasha adds making him smirk.
“Since the fall of Asgard I needed to find someplace that needed my skills. What better place than one teaming with monsters.” Thor adds making her nod slightly. “I honestly do not want to go back.”
“No responsibilities, no worries, Just good old fights; right?” Natasha says making Thor’s brow furrow.
“Valkyrie makes a far better king then I ever would have. She and I have an understanding. She rules the people of New Asgard, and I do what I do best.”
“Kill monsters, drink ale, and flirt with mages?” I add making him smirk.
“My little sister knows me so well.” He concludes making me roll my eyes.
“Get cleaned up, Queen Calanthe would love to hear of your battles.” Natasha adds making Thor give a quick nod. He turns to leave making his way to his room only to stop.
“Your boyfriend’s bard is here. Just thought you’d like to know.” Thor announces sending a wave of panic through my body.
“He’s not my boyfriend!” I yell out making Thor quickly duck out of the room as he runs around the corner.
“Well, let’s get this party started, shall we?” Natasha asks and I glare at her.
I sit at the queen’s table in between King Eist and Thor as I stare out at the lords and ladies as they dance to Jaskier’s playing. He thankfully hadn’t recognized me yet or at least if he had he was pretending he hadn’t. Thor nudges my arm making me turn to meet his gaze.
“You want to walk around?” He asks and I nod.
Him walking around with me wasn’t because I couldn’t do it myself, but the lords have started getting grabby hands as of late. I could very well handle myself but Thor wasn’t about to let me be alone in that situation. Natasha was talking with Calanthe about something and that kept her occupied. As we walk around talking about what he had seen on his little adventures I unconsciously find myself face to face with Jaskier. His eyes find mine and I could tell he recognized me.
“It’s nice to see you again Jaskier.” I say clasping my hands in front of myself.
“That it is Lady (Name),” He replies offering me a quick nod. Then against my better judgement I speak.
“Let’s have a chat, shall we?”
Will Continue - 
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unbottledchaos · 4 years
The Greater Good | Ch. 3
Here’s my homage to Yennefer, and an explanation on how she came to be in this world that I’ve created xx
Chapters: I, II
CW: mention of genocide
Only a select few knew her as Yen, but everyone knew her as Yennefer of Vengerberg—one of the most powerful mages to exist. Some would say the most chaotic.
To Juniper and Ciri, they knew her as Nana Yen.
In some ways, Yennefer felt grateful; grateful for being able to live so many different lives when others barely got to live just one. Whether she knew it at the moment at Sodden, Tissaia was correct in telling Yennefer that she had so much left to give. What she absolutely did not know was that she would give
…and give
…and give for centuries.
She wouldn’t have everything until her very livelihood was taken from her.
Yennefer had spent several years of her life teaching, and even more years of her life serving others, but she was always searching for more, for something that was missing.
It wasn’t until the reason that others craved her service, the power she held and what others could never even dream of having was taken from her, that she could truly start living for herself.
Part of Nilfgaard taking complete control was the fall of Aretuza and Ban Ard; the mass genocide of mages. If they refused to comply, to join the Nilfgaard army, their magic was taken from them. All they ever knew was stripped from them.
This is what happened to Yennefer.
Yennefer refused to deny her freedom any longer and refused to submit to Nilfgaard, to Fringilla.
But again, in some ways, Yennefer felt grateful for it. For the end of others wanting her for her power and not for her. One such individual who wanted her for her power was Queen Calanthe. The Queen knew that Cintra would not survive a Nilfgaardian attack and so she bound her granddaughter to Yennefer, knowing that she was the only one in the universe able to protect her in a way that she never could—with magic.
Yennefer agreed, knowing the time would come sooner rather than later, knowing that she couldn’t refuse. But she wondered if Calanthe would still want the fate she chose for her granddaughter if Yennefer no longer held the same power she once did.
Yennefer would never find out. Calanthe died before ever knowing that Nilfgaard got to Yennefer before Yennefer could get to Cintra, to Princess Cirilla.
Despite what she knew she was lacking, Yennefer knew she had so much to give to a child, blood or not.
But Yennefer was grateful. Grateful for the many, many lives she had been able to live. As a mage, a friend, a daughter, a sister, a lover, and finally, a grandmother that loved like a mother. She finally had everything; she had a legacy.
And for that, Yennefer was grateful.
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inmydrcams · 3 years
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@honeycndwildfire​ asked: ∗ o3﹕ a  text  sent  out  of  worry . ( for ciri, from bekah )
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          { text ;; rebekah }  miss… I'm sorry… I didn't mean for those people to come after me…           { text ;; rebekah }  I'll leave if you want me to           { text ;; rebekah }  I don't want to bring you any trouble           { text ;; rebekah }  it seems I always bring trouble…
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inmydrcams · 2 years
cirilla 💚 @lwiamatka​
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             Ciri comes to the door, hesitates a bit, but the light coming from under the door makes her think it’ll be okay if she interrupts, she’s not waking grandmama up so it’s okay right… She knocks softly, too softly for how the young girl usually knocks.  ❝ I can’t sleep… Can I stay with you? ❞  She closes her eyes to try and fall asleep and she sees a big ship, a storm, the ship trying to bravely fight against the waves only to end losing the battle, falling to the bottom of the ocean. She wasn’t there and it was so many years ago but in her dreams it feels like it’s still happening, on a loop. It never stops.
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inmydrcams · 3 years
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@stubbornstrumpet​ asked: ❝ i’ve lived through a whole dark age and three supposed end of days. ❞ (for Ciri)
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             Ciri feels the nice fabric of the dress she’s wearing, remembers when she could get something like this every day, when it was so normal she never thought twice about how non scratchy her fabric were, even the rougher ones from when she escaped the palace to go play with the children were soft. She’s still a bit unsure about this lady but there’s something about her, it almost reminds her of her grandmama, that sense that she could do anything she set her mind to, that armies would follow her if she just looked at them the right way.
             She considers the words for a moment, thinks about them carefully before finding a reply.  ❝ The end of days can be different for different people, can’t it? ❞  For her it felt like the world was ending when Cintra fell, when the man with the feather helmet took her. It felt like there was nothing else for her after that, only fear let her hold on to something resembling life. And fear can only sustain you so far.  ❝ Maybe the end of days did happen, it just wasn’t what you expected from it. ❞ 
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inmydrcams · 3 years
in case anyone's wondering tho, I'm still NOT over the fucking rape chairs
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inmydrcams · 3 years
Apparently you just need to be 13 to compete with the adults in fencing so I'm gonna say that ciri makes it to the Olympics at 17 and she easily grabs a bronze (she got a bit cocky there and slipped). No one is more surprised than the polish fencing federation
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inmydrcams · 4 years
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@dustgrown​ said: ‘ why are you bleeding? ’ / lyra at ciri
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          ❝ Because I got stabbed, what do you think? ❞  Ciri rolls her eyes at how obvious it sounds. It’s not a deep wound, she just has to make sure to keep it hidden when grandmama comes to pick her up for the weekend and everything will be fine. It’s honestly not her fault the fencing suits are apparently too small for her and really, who cares about a little scar? It’s just a reminder that she has to be even better next time.
             Ciri stops looking at her arm and rolls down the sleeve. Nothing to do about it right now. She smiles at the other girl, a glint of mischievousness in her eyes.  ❝ Grandmama taught me. You should see the other GUYS after they got beat by a girl two years younger than them! As far as I’m concerned this is a worthy wound. ❞
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inmydrcams · 4 years
@amaltlhea ✴︎ random starter
             Ciri cannot help but be uncomfortable, arms crossed in front of her as she wonders if it’s too late to run, not a lot of good memories associated with their kind.  ❝ Have you come to kill me? Have your people decided I should die after all? ❞  Child of misery, doom and destruction made flesh, that’s kind of what everyone is saying at this point, isn’t it? And their kind especially wanted nothing to do with her and she still doesn’t know why wouldn’t they kill her, get it over with and let her become something else, let her trail of destruction cease, let everyone she has ever cared about be safe.  ❝ Cause if you do, I don’t think I will put on much of a fight. ❞
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inmydrcams · 4 years
I will never write ciri in love with mistle, I don't care what the books say. Mistle raped her and ciri was depressed and desperate for companionship and developed some sort of Stockholm syndrome. When ciri is looking back on it I will write her acknowledging that it wasn't an ideal relationship but mistle assuaged her loneliness and then there's all those other complicated feelings about how it ended
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