#ch: kibum
glowmo · 2 years
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atiny-piratequeen · 1 year
Find Your Way Home (Ch 𝟷/𝟹)
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Wooyoung is a culinary student and he and two of his best friends have been brought along to Namhae to learn and study the farmers out in the countryside and disconnect a bit. Reluctant at first, he just wishes he could've been back in the city and close to his long-time crush Yeosang. Things change when he lays his eyes on the dimpled country boy staying with them that show them around and teach them more about Namhae's way of life, all with a spine-tingling Satoori.
Maybe things aren't so bad out here in the sticks, after all.
𓆩⟡𓆪Pairing: WooSan + Endgame WooSanSang
𓆩⟡𓆪Genres/Aus: Non-Idolverse, Fluff, Romance, Humor, Smut, Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Fish Out Of Water Tropes, Au, Mutual Pining, Country Boy San, Culinary Student Wooyoung, Poly Endgame (I promise ik Yeo literally isn't in this first part just trust me)
𓆩⟡𓆪Tws: Mentions of not-so-subtle Homophobia, Isolation, Prejudice, Anxiety, Swearing
𓆩⟡𓆪Sws: Sexual Exploration, Muscle Kink, Frottage, Groping, Body Worship, Dirty Talk, Dry Humping, Teasing, Praise,
𓆩⟡𓆪Rating: Explicit (18+)
𓆩⟡𓆪WC: 12.7k+ (LMAO)
𓆩⟡𓆪A/n: This is part one of two commissions by the lovely @schone-lie! I know I went...way over what you asked for *wheeze* But your prompt was just so good, I hope you and everyone else reading enjoys this little two-parter xoxo
𓆩⟡𓆪Next Chapter𓆩⟡𓆪
𓆩⟡𓆪AO3| Taglist Form (Please make sure your urls are updated and able to actually be tagged) | Commission Sheet𓆩⟡𓆪
𓆩⟡𓆪Network Ping- @kwritersworld | @kdiarynet | @k-vanity 𓆩⟡𓆪
𓆩⟡𓆪©atiny-piratequeen. do not repost, translate, or use my works𓆩⟡𓆪
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Trees roll by, one after the other, some with blossoms sprouting from them, some with cherub birds sitting upon the branches, singing a beautiful melody that carried with the wind. The road is bumpy and nearly non-existent, and the chatter in the car is interrupted every now and again by the sound of chuckles and the occasional startled; ‘oof!’ that comes from someone mid-sentence. 
Wooyoung fucking hates it. 
“Fix your face, I promise a little fresh air isn’t gonna kill you.” Wooyoung looked up front, glaring at Kibum through the rearview mirror. 
“When you said we’d be learning on location for the majority of the summer I expected…more.” He grumbled. Kibum narrowed his gaze right back at him, unimpressed. 
“After several hours of you bitching, I was hoping you’d get tired. You could have, at any time, decided to not come.” He reminded him, turning the steering wheel. Changbin hummed from his spot in the front seat and Yeonjun, who sat in the back with Wooyoung, looked equally displeased, though he’d been primarily on his phone and had been keeping quiet for most of the drive. 
“And miss out on 80% of our summer course? Plus I couldn’t even opt in for the digital video courses because the internet connection in this place is ass .” 
Key turned into a driveway and parked, turning around to look at Wooyoung as if he was his own misbehaved son. 
“Right, so you wanted to come. Shut up, quit ya bitching, and take a walk on the beach or something later. Maybe you’ll pull that broomstick out of your ass. I’m your teacher and the three of you are my best students, but so far the only one who hasn’t made me want to throw him out of this vehicle while it's moving is Changbin. Take some time and disconnect for fuck’s sake.” He leveled him with a stare, and while displeased, Wooyoung didn’t say another word, simply crossing his arms in annoyance. Yeonjun’s brows furrowed as he failed to load something for the tenth time and put his phone away, muttering an annoyed curse under his breath.
“City boys, I swear.” Kibum grumbled, stepping out of the car and sliding a pair of sunglasses on his face. 
He’d pulled up to what looked to be a multifamily home, and if they weren’t so annoyed, Wooyoung and Yeonjun might have been impressed by the size of the home. 
“Tag! You’re it!” 
Four heads turn to the left as a little girl came bounding around the corner, her pigtails bouncing as she ran full speed down the street. She giggled and squealed until she ran into Kibum, bouncing off of the man and nearly falling, had he not reached out to grab her hand. Her lip wobbled for a moment before she looked up, staring at him. 
He smiled, kneeling in an instant. 
“Goodness, you’ve gotten big, Gahyeon. Are you okay?” 
“UNCLE KEY!” She latched onto him in an instant, her arms and legs wrapping around his torso like a koala. The three men behind him blinked in surprise before they looked up, hearing laughter come from upfront. 
“Baby girl, what did mommy tell you about running out like that? It can be dangerous if there are cars or bikes.” A short woman stood before them, her eyes catlike and intimidating as she sized up the three men. They all bowed without hesitation, and she smiled. 
“My name is Chaerin. This is my home. You three boys will be staying here with me and my family this summer. To whom do I have the pleasure of meeting?” She inquired. 
“My name is Changbin, Noona.” 
“Yeonjun, it's nice to meet you.” 
“Wooyoung, thank you for sharing your home with us.”
Chaerin smiled in approval, looking at Kibum as he stood to his full height. 
“Let’s go inside, gentlemen. I’ll introduce you to my family and who you’ll be staying with up on the top floor.” 
The men filtered into the home, toeing their shoes off at the door and standing back as two little boys also rushed by, looking no older than four or five. They spotted the strangers and ducked behind Chaerin’s legs, peeking out after she laughed and placed her hands upon both of their heads. 
“Eomma, who are they?” they whispered. Chaerin smiled and ruffled their hair. 
“Your new hyungs.” 
Their eyes lit up, and in an instant, Wooyoung felt a pair of tiny arms wrap around his leg. He looked down, unsure of what to do as a wide-eyed boy looked at him, already missing one of his front teeth as he smiled up at him. 
“My name is Eric! You’re my Hyung? Are you going to stay? You can share my bed! It’s a racecar bed! Hyung do you like cars? Blue is my favorite color! I hear you're from the city! Do they have a lot of blue cars in the city?” Eric spoke a mile a minute and Wooyoung looked up in mild distress at Chaerin. She laughed and offered no kind of help, amused at the situation, while her other son, a small boy in a bear onesie, didn’t move from his spot, staring at them with a guarded look. 
“Jongho? My baby, won’t you say hi?” 
Jongho shook his head and hid behind her leg. 
“Not until Sannie comes home. I don’t know them, Eomma.” 
Chaerin smiled and picked him up, sending a courteous smile to them. 
“Don’t mind my baby here. He’s a bit more guarded. His favorite boy in the whole world is out working today so he’s in a cranky mood.” She informed them. 
“Who is San? Is he another one of your sons?” Changbin inquired, picking up Eric and laughing at his chatter before they followed Chaerin deeper into the house. She shook her head, setting Gahyeon on the counter before turning to them. 
“Yes and no, he’s a boy Jiyong and I took in. He’s a sweetheart, I’m sure you all will love him. He’s about the same age as you all.” She leaned against the counter, taking in the men across from her once more. 
“Namhae is a lot different from where some of you are from, I’m sure. I’m from Gangnam-Gu. So I know full well that this may be an out-of-sorts experience for you all, but I ask that you approach this little town with an open mind and a sense of exploration.” She sent them a smile, watching the three youngest and the way their eyes widened. 
“ You’re from Gangnam-Gu?!” Wooyoung gasped in surprise. Chaerin nodded, crossing her ankles. 
“My husband and I are fashion designers. We live in Gangnam for most of the year, but spend the summer months here in Namhae. San lives here full-time and takes care of the house while we’re gone, he's a good boy. Be nice to him, you hear?” She pointed a painted nail at all of them, smiling when all of them nodded without hesitation. 
“Miss Sannie…” Jongho quietly muttered from beside her, pointing at the stairs. Kibum smiled. 
“Are you gonna show us upstairs, Jongho?” 
He nodded and walked towards the stairs, occasionally looking behind him to make sure they were following. One by one, he toddled up the stairs before looking back. When he noticed them following, he sped up, guiding them to the upper floor. 
It was cleaned, not a speck of dust to be found, but one could tell that it definitely was lived in. Well-kept plants sat in the windowsill, with some of them beginning to flower. There were bowls lined up on the counter, seemingly in preparation for a meal for later. Three sleeping bags sat rolled up on the couch, with little cards attached to each of them. 
Jongho waddled all the way to the bags, grabbing the cards before he made his way back, looking up at the culinary boys. 
“One for Changbin-hyung….Yeonjun-hyung…Wooyoung-hyung.” His pronunciation had been a bit off as he handed it correctly to each man, and Wooyoung felt a bit of his annoyance melt away. Jongho truly was a cute kid. 
Turning his attention back to the letter in his hand, he noticed it had been lightly scented, and brought it to his nose without a second thought. When he did, he was pleasantly surprised to find it had been misted with a cologne that had some amber and vanilla notes to it. 
His favorite. 
Opening the letter, he scanned over it with a curious tilt of his head. 
“Hello and welcome to Namhae! I’m sorry I can’t be here as soon as you come in to greet you, and I probably won’t be back until close to sundown. I believe this is your first time visiting this little village and I’ll be happy to show you around and help you get accustomed to a slower-paced way of living! I’ll cook dinner tonight so you all can rest, and we can start exploring the village and the forest just outside then, too. If there’s anything I can help you with, let me know and I’ll happily do my best! 
These sleeping bags are for camping nights, by the way. There are two rooms that have beds big enough to share. Kibum-hyung said Changbin and Yeonjun can take one and Wooyoung and I can take the other.  
Let’s make this summer one to remember! 
Wooyoung looked at the small mountain beside his name and smiled. 
At least everyone so far seemed nice. 
Jongho, satisfied with the small smiles on the men’s faces, nodded and turned to waddle away, carefully taking the stairs one step at a time. 
“Alright boys, that’s enough daydreaming, come help me unload the car.” Kibum’s voice called from downstairs, snapping them out of their collective bubble of thought. Changbin looked at his other two friends and jabbed his thumb toward the stairs. 
“I don’t think it’ll be that bad.” He gave them an optimistic smile. Yeonjun checked his phone, sighing. 
“It probably won’t be but I wish the connection were better. Soobin-”
“Soobin will be just fine without you blowing his damn phone up every two seconds. You can still send him messages, it just looks like it’ll take longer for it to get through.” Changbin lightly nudged hum, hardly flinching at the swat Yeonjun landed on his arms, both of them bickering as they headed down the stairs. 
Wooyoung tucked his note in his pocket and followed. If he were being honest, Yeosang would’ve probably loved this place, even if it did limit his connection with the outside world. 
Wooyoung had been drifting slightly on the couch, curled up beside Changbin when the door suddenly opened. There was a grunt from someone, and the undeniable scent of garlic instantly drifted into his nose. 
“I’m home!” 
Wooyoung startled into a sitting position as a chorus of screams rang out. He watched Gahyeon, Eric, and Jongho go sliding across the floor, jumping up and latching themselves onto the person who’d just come in. 
Instantly, Wooyoung felt like he’d been grabbed by the throat. 
Standing in the doorway, was a man standing about the same height as he did, his dimples deep and prominent as he smiled, spinning the three children around as they clung to him. His hat had fallen off in the process, revealing inky black hair that clung to his forehead from the presumed sweat of the summer heat outside. Wooyoung could hardly see his eyes as he smiled, laughing as the three children began to excitedly chatter about the day without pause.
“Yah, let the poor man come inside and get comfy first!” Chaerin scolded, sticking her head out of the master bedroom. San’s laughter died down after another minute or two of cuddling, and it was then that he met Wooyoung’s gaze. 
Wooyoung awkwardly moved his hand, sending him a quite pathetic wave. 
The man’s face lit up and he crossed the room in an instant, bowing without dropping any of the kids. 
“Oh! You’re here safely! I’m glad!” He beamed. Wooyoung had been a bit taken aback by his energy, but nodded. 
"I'm guessing you're San?"
"The one and only~ I'll be your local guide 'round here. I'll take care of you all, don't worry." He beamed, hands on his hips. Changbin sent him a smile. 
"Thanks. Your letter said you'd make dinner. Did you want any help?" He inquired. San shook his head, lightly setting the trio of toddlers down. 
"No, no. First meal's always on me when it comes to friends and family. Do any of you have any allergies?" He looked at them with an almost doe like expression, and Wooyoung had no choice but to tease him. 
"Garlic." He responded, keeping his voice neutral. Namhae had been known for its production of garlic, amongst other things. San's eyes widened immediately, lips parting as a horrified noise left his lips. 
"Oh no , wait hold on I have to look into a different meal I'm so sorry , oh god I almost killed him-"
Wooyoung covered his mouth, laughing behind his hand as he watched San fret. Kibum looked up from the book he had been reading across the room, glaring at him. He sent Wooyoung a look akin to a mother about to hurl her shoe, and Wooyoung tried to stifle his laughs. 
“I’m kidding. I just wanted to tease you a bit. I don’t have any allergies.” 
San blinked owlishly, looking moments away from having a crisis, before his brows furrowed. 
“Oh!...Oh.” He crossed his arms, pouting as he looked at him. 
“Oh, haha. I’ll start cooking, I’ll call you all when it’s ready.” He set all three of Chaerin’s children down, kissing their heads before making his way to the upper floor. Wooyoung watched him go, noticing the lines of his muscles after he pulled off his jean jacket. 
Changbin gently nudged him, sending him a knowing look. 
“You’re so obvious about it.” He teased. Wooyoung rolled his eyes and leaned against him, playing an offline game on his phone. 
“If I’m gonna be stuck in the country, I might as well enjoy the view.” He muttered. Changbin chuckled and went back to idly drawing. 
The sound of simmering meat soon drew Wooyoung’s attention, alongside the scent of garlic and onions. 
Yeonjun lifted his head, sniffing a few times. 
“Hm…Bulgogi. And-” He sniffed once more. “Some kind of fried chicken and…soup? I smell broth.” 
Chaerin looked at him in interest before tilting her head. 
“You got all of that from a few sniffs?” She inquired. He smiled proudly and Kibum made a motion with his hand. 
“These three are my top students. Yeonjun has a very sensitive nose, Changbin can tell each and every ingredient you use in any dish, and Wooyoung has quite a photographic memory, you show him once how to cook a meal and he’ll never forget.” 
All three of Kibum’s proteges smiled and Chaerin put her hands on her hips, holding out a glass to them. 
“Alright then. Tell me what’s here.” 
Changbin took a sip and smacked his lips together. Yeonjun sniffed once and sat back with a smile on his face, crossing his arms. Changbin nodded and smiled, handing the drink off to Wooyoung for him to enjoy the rest of it.
“Oh, that’s good.” 
“Tell me what you picked up on, then.” She smiled, gesturing. Changbin wrote them down on a piece of paper she slid over to him from the counter and then passed it over to her, motioning for Yeonjun to tell her verbally. Wooyoung watched them, sipping the drink with a small smile on his face. He’d never had something like this before. 
“Rice, surprisingly, water, almonds, cinnamon, almond milk, evaporated milk, vanilla, aaaand agave. Right?” he inquired. Her lips quirked, sending him a thumbs up, showing them the paper and the identical list Changbin had written out for her. 
“That’s impressive, boys. It's called Horchata. I had a friend of mine overseas teach me to make it a few years back and now it's a personal favorite of mine and my husband’s.” She noticed the glass that had been passed to Wooyoung had been nearly completely downed, a small cream colored moustache left at the top of his lip
“-and apparently a favorite of Wooyoung’s too.” She smiled. 
Footsteps drew their attention to the stairs and San poked his head down, a towel around his shoulders as he smiled at them. 
“Dinner is almost ready.” 
One by one, they all filed upstairs, sitting around the table. San served each of them, with garlic fried chicken, bulgogi, a side of rice, and miso soup. 
“I know it’s probably nothing compared to city-style food, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. It's what my Grandma and Grandpa used to make whenever we had guests over.” San set out glasses in front of everyone, letting them have their choice of what to drink while he moved to help the little ones settle into their chairs. 
Wooyoung took a bite and immediately felt warmth bloom inside of him. The meat was of good quality and had been marinated perfectly. It hadn’t been the most exquisite taste he’d had in the world, but something about it made him feel like he had been welcomed home after a long journey. 
“What brings you all here, anyway?” San inquired, breaking apart pieces of the unspicy chicken he’d made to the side so Jongho could eat. Kibum pointed his chopsticks at his three students. 
“These three want to join my restaurant team, and they certainly have the potential, but I want them to take the time to understand different types of cuisine, and sometimes that includes the difference in culture and region. There’s a certain soul people put into their food that’s different from person to person.” He explained. Yeonjun didn’t say a word, cheeks bulged with food. Changbin simply nodded while Wooyoung’s head had been lost in the clouds. 
San glanced across the table at the men before he nodded, listening to the light conversation at the table and adding his two cents here and there. 
The rest of the dinner had been light-hearted and casual, with San helping carry the tired toddler trio downstairs before returning upstairs. 
“If it helps, there’s some better connection in the southern part of the house. Not the strongest, but it’s something.” He offered, finding Yeonjun checking his phone once more. He perked in response to this, not-so-subtly excusing himself and jogging downstairs. Changbin yawned and retired for the night 
Wooyoung sat by the window, staring out at the village. Most of the businesses had closed already for the day, and there wasn’t the familiar sense of business that he was used to. Instead, the night was still, with the crickets and owls replacing the birds from earlier with their own nocturnal songs. 
“I hope I can help you enjoy this a bit more.” 
Wooyoung looked over his shoulder, blinking in confusion as San sat beside him, one knee pulled up to his chest. He stared up at the moon through the window, humming for a moment as he looked for the words. 
“I’ve only met Kibum-hyung once last year. His proteges ended up leaving before the end of a full week. I don’t know what happened to them after that, or if they even stayed with his culinary program, but Namhae is a lot more special than it seems at first.” San spoke quietly, as if to not disturb Changbin as he rested just a few feet from them. Wooyoung sighed and rolled his tongue along his cheek. 
“I’m sure I’ll get over it. It’s just a bummer. Yeosang and I had plans this summer and instead, I have to be here.” the words sounded a bit more aggressive than he had meant it in his head and San pressed his lips into a line before the mildly offended look was gone a moment later. 
“Yeosang, you mentioned him earlier too when you were eating. Is he your friend?” He inquired, trying to steer the conversation a bit away from Wooyoung’s offending tone a second ago. Wooyoung realized how he’d come off and shook his head. 
“Sorry I didn’t mean it like that, what I mean is-ugh sorry. That’s really such a dick way of putting things.” He apologized and San smiled softly, lightly patting his knee. 
“Thank you. Continue.” 
Wooyoung looked down at his hand before he went back to answer the question. 
“Yeosang is my best friend. He loves things like this, I’m sure he would have been perfect for this kind of trip, but he has studies to do so he couldn’t take any time off this summer to come with.” Wooyoung sighed and San hummed, tilting his head ever so slightly. 
“I take it you two have been friends for a long time?” 
“Since childhood. I met Changbin and Yeonjun in high school and the four of us have been nearly inseparable. This is the first time since who knows how long we've been apart.” He mumbled. San nodded, gently squeezing his knee. 
“How bout I be your friend? You gotta see my pretty face every day for the next three months, anyway.” He winked. Wooyoung looked back at him and sent him a smirk. 
“Since you’re offering, I think that sounds lovely.” He shot back. San chuckled and removed his hand from his knee, standing to stretch. A sliver of his stomach drew Wooyoung’s attention as his t-shirt rose with the motion, with a definable dip in his hips and a neatly trimmed trail leading down from his navel and disappearing into the waistband of his pants. 
The moment he dropped his arms, Wooyoung looked up as if he hadn’t been ogling. 
“I’m gonna take a bath and head to bed. Will you follow me for a sec? I just wanna make sure you have the right room.” he beckoned Wooyoung to follow him before making his way out of the room, yawning audibly. 
The room was cozy, with some more plants sitting upon a desk along with some messily arranged stationary that matched the letters the three of them received. A smile came to his face, and he found it cute how much San had seemingly fretted about their arrival. His wastebasket was half full of crumpled paper, the remnants of rejected letters, and as San cleared his throat, clearly flustered, Wooyoung sent him a smug smile. 
“You really were excited to have us come, it seems.” He teased. San rubbed the back of his neck, not denying it as a blush crept up to his cheeks. 
“I don’t have any friends my age, so it's nice to have these summers where new folks may come by. Plus, just like I can teach you all about this village and our way of life, I’d like to learn more about city life, too. I’ve never been outside of Namhae.” 
Wooyoung’s smile fell, picking up on the lonely tone in his voice and the way he refused to meet his eyes. He opened his mouth, but nothing would come out, and an awkward pause stretched between the two of them. 
“Erm. I’m gonna go take that shower now. I’ll try to come back quietly just in case you’re asleep before I get out.” San bowed and made his way out hastily, leaving Wooyoung stunned by the revelation. 
Wooyoung shook himself out of it a moment later, shuffling over to his bag to get something comfortable to wear to bed. It was large, though with two of them, they probably would be a bit snug. He hummed quietly and shrugged, climbing into bed and resting on top of the sheets. Once he did, he felt himself drifting, nuzzling the pillow. 
He was already long asleep by the time San returned. The slightly older man looked at him, gently draping a light blanket over his shoulders before he carefully made his way into the bed, tucking himself under the covers and curling up ever so slightly, smiling to himself.  
-6 am-
“Okay, time to wake up.” 
Wooyoung cracked his eyes open, a disgruntled noise leaving his lips as he looked up. 
“It's time to get up and at em, we’re actually late.” 
Wooyoung squinted at his phone screen and sent San a dirty look. 
“Are you out of your mind-” 
“Nope~ Cmon, we gotta go!” San smiled from ear to ear, already dressed and heading outside to wake Changbin and Yeonjun. 
Roughly twenty minutes later, all three of the city boys were trudging downstairs, where Kibum had already been waiting, offering them cups of convenience store coffee. He had a knowing smile on his face as he looked at them. 
“Oh don’t worry, boys. Once you get the hang of it, your body will wake you up naturally.” 
Even Changbin sent him a dirty look as they took the coffee, following San outside to his car. It looked to be older than all of them if Wooyoung was being honest. San hopped up into the car, smiling from ear to ear as it started up. 
"I do a lot of work on ol' Atiny here. Don't worry your heads one bit. She'll get us there no problem." San winked. Wooyoung really did find himself liking the man's Satoori more than he should, climbing in the car without any further complaint. 
The drive to the garlic farm was a rather long one. San didn't put on the radio, keeping his voice down as he spoke quietly to Kibum up front, as if giving the city boys in the back the opportunity to fall asleep for the ride. 
Wooyoung appreciated the gesture, but he kept himself awake, listening quietly. 
"Have you been taking care of yourself?"
San smiled softly, looking forward. 
"I certainly have been trying. I just do what I can."
Kibum hummed, settled back in his chair. 
"You could always move to the city. Spend some time with some like-minded folks."
San drummed his fingers along the wheel. He didn't say a word for a while. 
"I'd be lying if I said I hadn't considered it after the festival incident. The years after that haven't been kind to me, honestly."
Wooyoung perked slightly at that, feigning disinterest as he listened quietly. San had such a sorrowful tone in his voice as he mentioned whatever this 'incident' was. 
Kibum shook his head and opened his mouth to say something before he thought better of it and simply closed his mouth and let out a small huff. 
"If you ever change your mind, you have my number. That or let Jiyong and Chaerin know and I'm positive you'll be able to get on your feet in the city."
San hummed a tune Wooyoung had never heard before, pulling up a winding dirt road toward a farm. 
"We'll see. I appreciate it, regardless." He parked the car and turned the engine off, sending Key a dazzling dimpled smile before turning to the back. 
"Alright, gentlemen! Time to get up and at em!" He rose his voice, startling the trio to attention. He smiled sweetly and pointed out to the fields. 
"First, is our lesson in farming. Today, we pick garlic bulbs to get them prepped for sale later down the line." 
The men piled out of the car, looking out into the field and finding some middle-aged and even senior-aged farmers already out and about, their baskets already a quarter of the way filled. San smiled and pointed to his left. 
“This way.” he guided them, smiling sweetly and waving and nodding in acknowledgment at some of the farmers that caught their eye. Wooyoung couldn’t help but notice some of them seemed…less than enthused to wave back, and some ignored him outright, watching the group pass with a small shake to their head once they believed they weren’t being watched by the group of young men. 
Wooyoung felt his lips purse in displeasure, looking at the back of San’s head. If he noticed, he didn’t seem phased in the slightest, handing each of them a small, hand-held rake-like tool. 
"You're lookin' for the ones that have some browning in the lower leaves. These garden forks can loosen up the soil around them so you can get the bulbs out. Once you do, set it in your baskets." San instructed, moving aside and kneeling. 
Wooyoung watched as Kibum got right to it, with Changbin and Yeonjun exchanging a look and pairing off to begin their harvesting. Wooyoung lingered for a moment before he stepped a bit closer to San, kneeling and glancing at him. 
San was much faster than anyone he'd ever seen before, and Wooyoung’s brow furrowed in no time. San noticed his lack of movement and glanced at him before sending him a charming smile, his eyes crinkling and his dimples deep as he slowly raked his fork over the soil, carefully softening it. He checked the stem, running his thumbs over the bottom leaves. Wooyoung followed the motion with his eyes, noticing the browning at the base. He burrowed his fingers into the softened soil, digging in slightly before he gently worked the bulb out, no longer trying to be subtle in his silent instruction. 
“Like this.” He smiled, chuckling at the way Wooyoung’s cheeks darkened ever so slightly in embarrassment. Wooyoung coughed ever so slightly and shied, looking down at the plants in front of him. He panicked, grabbing the first one and pulling, completely forgetting some of the steps. San opened his mouth to correct him gently, letting out a small ‘oop-’ when he watched Wooyoung rip the stalk clean apart from the rest of the bulb. 
He stared at the greenery in his hand before looking at the ground, an offended expression crossing his face. San snorted, a full-blown laugh leaving his lips as Wooyoung turned his gaze over to him. 
“You- are you laughing at me?” he inquired, letting out a scandalized gasp. San bit his lip, eyes drifting away from Wooyoung’s betrayed expression as his shoulders bobbed. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It was just very cute.” he reached down, softening the soil and gently digging the bulb from the ground. 
“What you want to do is gently work it out of the soil by the bulb, not the stem. When we clean off the bulbs later, we actually secure the stems together in bundles and then let them dry, so we want to try to leave the bulbs and stems as intact as we can.” San scooted closer, his knee brushing against Wooyoung’s as he used the garlic stem beside the one Wooyoung had failed to harvest properly. Wooyoung watched him closely, copying him step by step and triumphantly wiggling his own garlic bulb free. 
“I did it!” He grinned. San smiled and nodded. 
“You did it. I’ll be right here to help you out if you need it. Please don’t hesitate to ask. I’m right beside you.” San encouraged him with a gentle tone of voice that made Wooyoung’s heart stutter. He smiled in thanks and got back to work. 
He wasn’t sure how much time had passed before he groaned, sweat rolling down his brow. San had stepped aside to check on Yeonjun and Changbin, laughing at something Wooyoung’s ears couldn’t pick up on. The cicadas chirped loudly, the sound echoing through the fields as San turned his head, catching Wooyoung’s gaze out of the corner of his eye. 
“You look thirsty. I have some water bottles in the car, let me go bring them for ya.” He jogged down the trail, heading back to the car. Wooyoung looked down at his basket, proud of what he had already done, when an old farmer made his way up to them. 
“Good morning!” Kibum noticed him first, bowing in greeting. His three proteges followed suit, bowing in acknowledgment. The farmer sent them a pleased smile. 
“New folks, huh? It’s nice to see some city folks out here gettin’ their hands dirty. Here, I’ll share some with you all.” He reached into his basket, handing over some of the bulbs he had harvested, not so subtly checking how many they had gotten in their time out in the field compared to his own. He made a small hum, grabbing a few extra bulbs for Wooyoung. 
“Here ya go. I hope you lot enjoy our little village while you’re here. I will say though…” he lowered his voice, glancing in the direction San had left in. 
“I’d be careful around that one. He ain’t right.” He whispered. Wooyoung felt his smile fall, the hospitality the man had given him a moment before now revealing itself to be a ruse. Kibum narrowed his gaze instantly behind the man’s head. 
“What does that mean, exactly?” he pressed, keeping his voice even, though his tone didn’t raise above a stiff, neutral volume. 
“He’s an odd one, is what I’m sayin. I’d just be careful, just a word of advice.” He laughed at something none of them found humorous, making his way down the opposite path as San began to return, holding a cooler full of beverages for them. 
“Sorry for taking so long-” He paused, noticing the four men watching the farmer leave. Wooyoung’s brows pulled together in concern, shifting his attention over to San. Before he could think to ask him what the man could possibly mean, he watched San fidget, his grip nearly white-knuckled on the cooler’s handles before he shook his head and set it down, putting his dimpled smile back on. 
It didn’t reach his eyes this time. 
“C’mon, everyone. I packed some things to drink in here and Chae-noona made sandwiches and stuff for us. I think a break is in order.” 
Wooyoung shook off the bitter feeling that had manifested itself in his stomach and moved to sit beside San, sending him a smile. 
“You’re prepared. Thanks so much for your hard work.” He thanked him and took a seat in the dirt. Yeonjun and Changbin followed suit, all of them thanking San and sitting in a circle with him. San looked taken aback at first, eyes widening before he relaxed, sending them a thankful smile. Kibum smiled and nodded in approval, sitting with the younger men and enjoying their breaks together. 
Wooyoung sat by the windowsill once again, sending messages back and forth to Yeosang, his mom, and some of his other friends at home. 
Or, trying to, anyway. 
He really did have to get used to being out in the sticks. 
San came in after a moment, yawning as he climbed into bed. Wooyoung followed the motion with his eyes. San layed down hugging his pillow, letting out a sigh as he put his head into it. Wooyoung tilted his head to the side. 
“That was a pretty big sigh there. You alright?” He inquired. San didn’t move for a moment or two, and Wooyoung almost thought he hadn’t heard him. He opened his mouth to ask again, but San shifted, looking at him. 
“Can I ask you a question? You don’t have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable.” 
Wooyoung unconsciously sat up straighter, looking at him with his undivided attention. 
“Go ahead, I doubt you’ll make me uncomfortable.” 
San paused for a moment, letting out a small laugh that didn’t sound genuine as he fixed his gaze on Wooyoung. 
“What did that guy say out in the field? You all looked…angry when you came back.” 
Wooyoung’s expression immediately soured. San noticed but didn’t say anything else, waiting to see if he would let him in on what had made them respond like that. 
“He came up to us and was really nice, but then he said some weird shit about you being ‘odd’ and ‘not right’ and it was really rude. Who does that?” Wooyoung crossed his arms and San looked away for a moment, sighing. 
“A lot of the people in this village think I’m a bit…off. I understand if you don’t wanna sleep in the same room as me anymore. I can sleep on the couch or somethin’.” He murmured. Wooyoung sent him an incredulous look, laughing. 
“Why? You’ve been nothing but nice to me. I’m not gonna just listen to some random person who’s clearly speaking in bad faith over someone who’s been nothing but sweet and kind to me. Besides, even if something about you was different , that doesn’t give anyone the right to act like that with people accompanying you. Jiyong-hyung and Chaerin-noona wouldn’t just let anyone be around their kid without checking their background thoroughly and making sure they were safe. As far as I see it, if they trust you, and the old man trusts you, I do too.” Wooyoung stood and made a point to come to the bed, plopping down beside San with a force that made them bounce for a moment before they settled in their respective places. 
San made a surprised noise and looked at him in surprise before blinking. 
“....Just like that? You’re not gonna ask?” 
“I think that may be the problem here. It's none of my business right now. If you want to tell me what he could be talking about, that’s perfectly fine. If you don’t, that’s fine too. I just met you, I don’t expect you to pour your heart out to me and tell me your entire life story in 24 hours because some guy was trying to be a jerk out in a garlic field. I’m going to learn who you are from this experience and our time together. You’re more than welcome to tell me whatever you’d like whenever you’d like, and I’ll be happy to listen if and/or when you do, but until that conversation comes, it’s none of my business.” Wooyoung spoke a mile a minute, and San just watched the side of his face in wide-eyed wonder, brows up in surprise. Once he was done, he smiled and the stress that had gathered in his shoulders melted away. 
“I’ll work hard, then.” He quietly responded. Wooyoung rolled his eyes and rolled to face him, their faces much closer and their hands brushing as he looked at San. 
“You don’t have to work hard. You just have to be you.” 
San searched his eyes quietly before smiling and letting out a small nod. 
“I see. I understand. Thank you.” 
Satisfied, Wooyoung nodded and rolled over, his back to San. 
“Now get some rest. I’m tired as hell and I know you’ll inevitably wake me up at ass crack o clock for more good ol’ farming.” He playfully cooed, trying to mimic San’s natural Satoori. San let out a hum and rolled over, as well. 
“Fair enough. Good night, Wooyoung.” 
“Mmm. Goodnight, San.” 
-The Next Week-
Wooyoung had woken up the moment San had begun stirring. The aches from the days before had settled in his bones, and he wasn’t in any real rush to get up. He’d been doing a myriad of different things since they’d started their work here in Namhae, and Wooyoung had long since stopped complaining about the manual labor. He actually found it quite enjoyable to be able to harvest some of his own food and then cook them later. 
The smile Kibum had let out when he admitted that one night during dinner prep made an embarrassed flush rush to his cheeks, but he simply huffed and continued cooking while explaining every step to his audience consisting of Jongho, Gahyeon, Eric, and San. 
Speaking of, in the present, San moved about the room quietly, scratching his head as he shook off his own tiredness. Each step was careful and deliberate, nearly cat-like in manner as he moved without a sound, navigating the room in the dark. 
Wooyoung watched him with half-lidded eyes, lifting his head slightly. 
Before he could open his mouth to greet him, San peeled his shirt off and over his head, tossing it into a basket situated near the door. Wooyoung felt his mouth go dry, watching the muscles ripple across the expanse of San’s back as he shuffled about the drawer for a different shirt. 
Anything he had to say immediately went out of the window as he admired the man, transfixed on his form as San muttered to himself about ‘looking good’. It took everything in Wooyoung to not blow his cover and just blurt that he already did look good. San finally found one, plucking a black T-shirt from his drawer and putting it on in one fluid motion. He grabbed the waistband of his sleeping pants and Wooyoung feigned rolling over, deciding to give the man some privacy. He’d oggled enough as is, and he’d feel like a creep looking at any more of San without permission. 
“Hm?” San notice his pseudo-rousing and paused in changing, looking over his shoulder. Wooyoung pretended to snuggle into the pillow, his heart thundering in his chest as he heard San shift somewhere behind him. He came closer, leaning down to gently push some of Wooyoung’s bangs out of his face. Wooyoung nearly twitched, his fingers flexing against the pillow as he heard San quietly sigh. 
“Don’t ruin it, San.” He quietly muttered to himself before he pulled away, clearing his throat and gently shaking Wooyoung’s shoulder, leaning a respectable distance from him. Wooyoung opened his eyes, making a few mutters that made him seem like he was disoriented and only just now awakening. San sent him a smile, though he didn’t meet his eyes as enthusiastically as he usually did. 
“Hey. Sorry, but we should probably get an early start today. We’re going fishing and it’s best to get out there before too many of the other villagers head out and we have to worry about the fish not biting from the crowd.” he let him know in a gentle tone. Wooyoung looked up at him, feeling a conflicted emotion as San turned and headed out with the pair of pants he was going to change into, clearly intending to change elsewhere. 
He ran a hand through his hair, ruffled it about, and then pushed himself up off of the bed. 
“So you think he’s hot? I personally think it’s great.” Yeonjun crossed his arms as he sat beside Wooyoung, slightly queasy from the boat ride. Wooyoung nearly threw his hands up to get him to be quiet, making a series of noises that were unintelligible. 
“Shut the fuck up before he hears you!” Wooyoung hissed, smacking him in the arm. Yeonjun let out a  yelp and shoved his shoulder, scowling at him. 
“What’s the problem? We’re gonna be stuck here for months anyway, might as well have fun if that’s what you wanna do. Besides, if it keeps you distracted from the trainwreck back home with Yeosang, maybe you do need a distraction.” 
Wooyoung nearly hit him again, frowning. He’d been infatuated with their mutual best friend for longer than he could remember, but it seemed like he would always kindly rebuff his advances or was just flat-out too oblivious to realize that they were, in fact, advances in the first place. 
He looked down at his shoes and Yeonjun caught the crestfallen look on his face, frowning. 
“Look, I’m not speaking bad on Yeosang, I never would, but I just think if you finally have someone else in your sights that has caught your fancy, you should go for it. Besides, if it doesn’t work out well, who cares? You’ll be going back home after the summer is over and you can pretend you didn’t take an L if you do fumble.” Yeonjun tried to tease, but his playful smile fell as he watched Wooyoung’s gaze drift to the other side of the boat where San had been helping Changbin set up his rod. 
Wooyoung didn’t laugh along with his teasing and Yeonjun hummed, hugging him from the side. 
“Chin up, bestie. You’re not bagging anything with your eyes all puppy-dog-like and pouty.” He told him before he stood and cleared his throat. 
“San! Can you help Woo next? He’s really eager to learn!” he called. Wooyoung’s eyes widened and San looked over, smiling and nodding. He jogged over and stopped in front of the two of them, holding a rod in each hand. 
“Okay, I’ll be happy to help.”
Yeonjun took one rod and smiled at him. 
“I actually know how to fish. My boyfriend taught me a while ago, I’ll head over there, you can teach Woo, though.” He smiled and strode away, leaving San shell-shocked as he watched him go. Wooyoung let out an exasperated sigh, looking up at San, waiting for his usual eager instruction. Instead, he looked like his brain had shut down completely, blinking owlishly. 
“His-” He didn’t even finish, but Wooyoung could see the thoughts in his mind running a mile a minute as he opened and closed his mouth. 
Wooyoung tilted his head, ready to ask him if he was okay before everything clicked into place. 
-“You could always move to the city, live with some like-minded folks.”
“I can’t say I haven’t considered it after the festival incident.” 
“I’d be careful around that one, he ain’t right.”
“He’s an odd one, is all I’m sayin’.” -
Wooyoung reached and gently touched his wrist, startling his attention forward. San looked at him and he sent him a smile. 
“He means Soobin. They’re really cute. I think you’d love to meet him someday. He’s a pretty athletic type like you and Changbin. I think it’d be nice if we all got to introduce you to some people in our circles, to be honest. Chan and Yeji would probably immediately adopt you to like, best friend status.” He told him. San looked at him, then back at Yeonjun, watching him laugh and chatter with Changbin before he fixed his gaze on Wooyoung once more. 
“F-friends? All of these people are friends of yours?” There was a slight shake to his voice, a temporary fumble before he caught himself. Wooyoung took the fishing rod and walked to the edge of the boat. 
“Teach me how to cast this and I’ll tell you more. Early bird gets the worm, right?” he grinned. San nodded, clearing his throat and instructing him on how to safely cast his line after choosing his bait. Once their lines were all out, Wooyoung leaned on the rail, the sea salt twinged air blowing his bangs as he looked out at the ocean. 
“Let’s see. Soobin is Yeonjun’s boyfriend of like, three years? Chan and Changbin have been dating for like five, and Yeji joined their relationship like two years ago-” 
“Wait.”San looked at him, eyes widened in surprise. Wooyoung laughed.
“They’re polyamorous. It’s honestly so cute and mushy when the three of them are together, even if they do like to playfully bully Changbin, it’s all in good fun.” Wooyoung put his chin in his palm and looked out at the sea. San watched him for a while. 
“So…is the Yeosang person you keep mentioning your boyfriend, then? Unless you’re not into that I’m sorry for assuming-” San immediately began clumsily trying to backpedal before he even got a response. Wooyoung couldn’t help but to think he was cute. 
“Yeosang…I’ve had a crush on him for as long as I can remember. I don’t think he knows, though. I don't have a boyfriend right now.” He hummed, eyes looking at his line to make sure he wasn’t missing any potential fish biting. 
San looked at him, then fell into a comfortable silence, staring out with him. 
Wooyoung couldn’t help but to notice the smile that never left his lips as he enjoyed the lull of the boat and the ocean. 
“San, come here, I’ll show you how we make this stew. My mom used to make it all the time.” Wooyoung beckoned San over, smiling as he all but darted across the room, eyes wide like a child’s as he looked over Wooyoung’s shoulder. 
San watched his every move and soon stood beside him, copying him without a word, his eyes narrowed from his focus. Wooyoung laughed suddenly, drawing his attention up to his face instead of the fish he had been cleaning. 
“What?” He inquired. Wooyoung sent him a teasing look. 
“You look really handsome when you focus like that. You get this cute little furrow in your brow.” He complimented. San paused, a blush creeping up to his ears. 
Wooyoung smiled devlishly, proud of himself as he turned his attention back to the fish. 
“So then after you clean it-” he continued on as normal, watching as San cleared his throat, trying-and failing-to hide the face he was caught off guard by Wooyoung’s flirting. 
Chaerin poked her head into the kitchen a few hours later, smiling as she saw all of the young men working together, watching as Yeonjun taught San some of the fruity drink recipes and Changbin let him taste test the meat he had been searing on the other side of the kitchen. The four laughed like old friends, and it warmed her heart to hear San finally have some friends. 
She pushed herself off of the door frame and sat down at the table, kissing each of her babies on the head before they all got back to working on a puzzle to pass the time. 
When they finally sat down at the table to eat later, the sound of laughter filled the room, drifting throughout the home until late into the evening. It had been nice to see San laugh and talk with people his age. The light blush on his cheeks brought a smile to her face that she hid behind the rim of her wine glass. 
The next month had been…something. One of three down, and it seemed after that faithful day, something had shifted between San and Wooyoung. The two worked so well together, one would be easily fooled into thinking they had been close for years themselves. 
Wooyoung had gained more of a keen eye for some of the villagers looking at the four interact with each other. It was five including the times Kibum would come along, though he had begun to pull back and let them explore on their own time. 
They were never outwardly hostile, but some of them did make a point to not go near the quartet or would whisper behind their hands when they thought no one was looking after they would pass. Wooyoung wasn’t naive, he wasn’t a stranger to the concept of people being less than favorable when it came to another person’s preferences and lifestyle, but something about the whole ordeal made him especially angry because San had been so isolated in the home town he’d clearly loved so much over something so fucking stupid . 
Wooyoung had stuck to him like glue because of it, choosing to go with him whenever San was out and about, be it for working out in the fields or out at sea or just for recreational exploration of the island. Yeonjun and Changbin would give them their alone time occasionally, thoughWooyoung never prompted either of them for it. 
He was grateful they did, however. 
San had gotten comfortable with him in their time together, brushing against him at nearly every possible opportunity, hugging him from behind, even playfully tilting his chin up here and there when he caught him off guard and spacing out. 
All of it made his heart thrum in anticipation, but he’d always been left hanging, neither of them taking that extra step forward to commit to…whatever this flirting had been. 
It had been driving him quite crazy, if Wooyoung was being honest. 
Today they stayed inside, sprawled out on the floor with a small fan circulating between the two of them. It was scorching outside, and today had been the first day all of them agreed to stay inside and not do any farming. 
Yeonjun made a point to grab Changbin, saying something about teaching the little ones how to make homemade ice cream before he tugged him downstairs, leaving Wooyoung alone with San. The Namhae native set down a glass of juice beside Wooyoung before he tugged at his shirt a few times, muttering something about needing a bigger fan or finally investing in a new aircon. 
Wooyoung watched him out of the corner of his eye, his lips curling up teasingly. 
“If it’s too hot, just take your shirt off.” 
San paused, looking at him with a brow arched. A month ago, he would have blushed up to his ears and probably would have declined with a flustered stammer, but now, Wooyoung found him not backing down from his teasing gaze. His own lips quirked as he tilted his head up, looking down at him with a look Wooyoung swore was more sultry than anything he’d ever seen on the slightly older man’s face. 
“I bet you’d like it if I did, huh?” 
Wooyoung sat up himself, sizing him up and smiling back despite the furious ba thumps of his heart. 
“And if I say I would? Then what?” 
“Then prove it. You can take it off of me if you’d be so inclined.” 
A beat of silence stretched between the two of them and San’s expression almost broke, his words catching up to him and his heart nearly leaping out of his chest when he realized how forward he had been. Before he could apologize, Wooyoung pushed himself up off of the floor, standing in front of him and tugging him forward by his belt hoops. 
San nearly stumbled, a surprised look on his face as he looked at Wooyoung. Wooyoung swallowed down any nervousness he felt, his face dangerously close to San’s as he ran his thumbs over the end of his shirt. 
“I really will take it off. If you don’t mind, that is.” Wooyoung gave him a moment to reconsider. San held his gaze for a moment before he lifted his arms, nodding and breathing out a quiet; ' Go ahead.’
Wooyoung pulled it up and over his head, tossing it to the side. He didn’t immediately look down at his chest, instead fixing his gaze on San’s face once more, taking in his expression to make sure he hadn’t been made uncomfortable. 
It was quite the contrary, actually, and instead, he looked at him with slightly parted lips, his chest rising and falling a bit quicker than normal. Neither of them spoke for what felt like forever, but once again, Wooyoung spoke up. 
“If you want, you can take mine off, too.” 
San’s jaw settled for a brief moment, and Wooyoung had a passing thought of how it would feel to cup it in his hands. San reached for his shirt, fingers hesitating. 
“You don’t think this is weird? That I’m weird? ” 
Wooyoung put his hands over his and closed them on his shirt. 
“I don’t know what the people in this village have said to you before, but no. This isn’t weird. San, you don’t have to walk on eggshells around me when it comes to this. I understand.” He murmured. San grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head with a surprising gentleness, his hands hovering just off of Wooyoung’s hips, unsure of where to place them. Wooyoung noticed and stepped closer into his space, feeling the heat radiate from his chest. 
“You’re staring.” Wooyoung purred. San nodded, clearing his throat and looking away bashfully. 
“Sorry. You’re really..uh.”
“Pretty? Attractive? Sexy as fuck?” Wooyoung teased. 
“Yeah. All of those. And then some.” 
Wooyoung felt his cheeks grow hotter, staring at San’s honest expression before he finally took the time to drift his eyes down his body. He’d seen San in skin-tight tank tops and t-shirts before, even seen his back bare a few times, but this had been the first time San had faced him while shirtless. 
You, uh, could certainly tell he was a man who did extensive amounts of manual labor. Despite the fact that a month had passed of them working together, Wooyoung had never seen him from the front. And his ogling was a bit more than telling. 
San watched him with a quiet gaze, not saying anything. Wooyoung looked like he wanted to run his hands over his abdomen, touch and feel all of his defined muscles, but he simply bit his lip. 
“Y’know, this is the first time in a while I’ve been speechless like this.” 
San felt an excited flutter in his chest as he reached and lifted Wooyoung’s chin, a gentle movement he’d done countless times before in their recent time together. Wooyoung looked up instantly, staring into his eyes. 
“I…I’m pretty sure I’m just as caught off guard.” He responded, his thumb idly running over Wooyoung’s cheek. Wooyoung waited for a moment before he hummed, noticing San not making any other movements. He thought back to Yeonjun-and later Changbin’s-encouragement for him to just let loose and have fun while here and spoke up. 
“You look really kissable like this, you know.” 
San’s thumb paused instantly, his eyes widening ever so slightly. He opened his mouth, a quiet, yet scrambled noise leaving his lips until Wooyoung put his hand on his own cheek, mirroring him. 
“Do I look kissable, San?” He continued, turning his head ever slightly to kiss San’s palm. San’s hand twitched ever so slightly, but he didn’t back away from him, nodding. Wooyoung sent him a fake pout. 
“I can’t hear you, Sannie. Do I look kissable to you? Would you kiss me?” He teased, pressing another chaste kiss to San’s palm. San’s fingers flexed and he turned his head back fully, staring into Wooyoung’s eyes. 
“Are you teasing me?” 
“Yes and no. I really want you to kiss me, but I’m trying to behave myself because I see you’re terrified.” 
San’s expression was unreadable for a moment before he closed the distance between them, pressing his lips against Wooyoung’s. The city boy hummed, pleased with the initiation, and kissed him back, his hand sliding from San’s face to cup the back of his neck. 
San broke the kiss much sooner than Wooyoung would have preferred, looking at him in surprise. Wooyoung made a small ‘nuh uh’ noise, pulling him back in for more, peppering his lips with small, chaste kisses that eventually lasted longer and longer until the two of them were making out in the middle of the living room. 
Wooyoung pushed him back gently making him sit on the couch as he sat down and straddled him. 
San panted, setting his hands on Wooyoung’s waist, looking up at him with a blush on his cheeks and his eyes slightly blown. Wooyoung smiled, arching a brow as he cocked his head to the side. 
“You could grab my ass, you know. I don’t think you have to be so polite with touching me, yknow.” 
San looked at him before he slowly lowered his grip, squeezing handfuls of Wooyoung’s ass as he kissed his Adam’s apple. 
“You didn’t say you were comfortable with that, yet.” 
Wooyoung smiled, running his fingers through his hair and leaning into his ear. 
“I’m comfortable for a lot more than this, but if I tell you all that entails, we might make a mess of this couch.” He purred. San’s fingers flexed as he let out a breathy ‘holy fuck?’ followed by his usual boy next door laugh, though it was much airier than Wooyoung had ever heard it before. 
“You city folk really are somethin’, huh?” 
Wooyoung shrugged his shoulder. 
“Trying to be subtle never got my message across before. I think Yeonjun’s right and I should be a bit more forward with things I want.” 
San hummed and tilted his head to the side, gazing up at Wooyoung. 
“And what do you want?” 
“More kisses. Your hands all over me. Your cock down my throat.” 
San blinked in surprise and Wooyoung laughed quietly, sitting directly on his cock. 
“You’re biiig , you know that?” Wooyoung purred, tilting his head as he rutted his ass back. San inhaled sharply through his teeth, hips bucking slightly as Wooyoung slowly rolled and rocked his hips back and forth. He smiled at the expression on his face, leaning close and kissing the shell of San’s ear. 
“Of course, you know that. Are you pent-up? It’s been a month and I’m pretty sure you haven’t touched yourself. Does it ache, Sannie?” He hummed, nipping his earlobe. 
“That’s- fuck- that’s unfair, Wooyoung.” 
“Tell me what you want to do, San.” 
"I don’t-I don’t know- anyone could walk in on us.” San panted, though his actions didn’t match his words, still grinding his cock against Wooyoung’s ass. Wooyoung cupped his cheek and met his eye, his own half-lidded. 
“We could always move, you know. Our bedroom is down the hall.” He casually reminded him, running a finger down his chest. San swallowed dryly before he picked Wooyoung up effortlessly. Wooyoung yipped, eyes widening for a moment before he clung to him. San walked them directly to the aforementioned room. 
He set Wooyoung down with a gentle motion, making sure he held the back of his head before setting it in the center of his pillow. Wooyoung didn’t let go, however, pulling him down and wrapping one of his toned thighs around his waist. San grunted in surprise before kissing him, placing his palms by either side of his head to brace himself. 
Wooyoung’s fingers ran up his back, kneading and lightly clawing at his muscles as they kissed, moaning into San’s mouth as he rolled his hips down, their bulges grinding against one another. San swallowed the sound, moving one of his hands, running calloused fingers down Wooyoung’s neck, collar, chest (stopping to trace the black ink adorning his ribs), and torso, hooking a finger in his waistband and tugging teasingly. 
“Should I take them off now, Woo? Hm?” 
Wooyoung narrowed his eyes at him, opening his mouth to tell him off for daring to turn and tease him, like that's not what he had been doing to San this whole time. Anything he had to say fell flat the moment San’s hand disappeared into his shorts, grabbing his cock and arching a brow at the strangled gasp that tumbled out of Wooyoung’s lips. 
Wooyoung moaned as San stroked him nice and slow, leaning into his ear, 
“You’re talking about how hard I got, look at you. Do I get the treat of hearing more of those pretty moans, Wooyoung?” He purred, twisting his wrist on every upstroke, watching Wooyoung’s expressions like a hawk. Wooyoung’s eyes slipped closed as he breathed out a shaky ‘yes, please.’ San smiled to himself, whispering sweet nothings as he jerked him off, loving every small gasp and whine that came from Wooyoung’s lips and the way he tried-and failed-to keep his voice down as San teased the underside of his cock with his thumb. 
“Yes, baby? You’re singing for me, it sounds so good.” San’s satoori rattled around his head and Wooyoung shuddered, grabbing the waistband to his shorts and shoving them down to his knees, sighing at the relief he felt the moment he did. 
San’s eyes drifted down to Wooyoung’s flushed cock, smiling as he rolled his fingers over the tip, smearing precum all over the crown. 
“You’re making a mess. You can cum whenever you want to, baby. I’m not going to stop you.” He encouraged, placing encouraging kisses on Wooyoung’s collar and neck as he watched his cock out of the corner of his eye. 
“San-nn…fuck, San slow down I really will cum if you keep going.” He shuddered, his hips bucking, thrusting into San’s fist despite his pleas. San, however, listened without complaint, slowing his motions and kissing the corner of Wooyoung’s eye as he looked at his expression. 
“I could cum just from looking at you like this.” He hummed, leaning close. Wooyoung met him halfway, pawing at his pants, silently urging him to join him in his nudity. San obliged and reluctantly let him go, sitting up on his knees to unbutton his pants. Wooyoung’s eyes immediately gravitated downwards, biting his lip at that neatly trimmed trail that disappeared into his boxers that he’d only seen glimpses of. San tossed his pants and boxers into the hamper, turning to give his attention back to Wooyoung and smiling at the way Wooyoung stared at him, biting his thumbnail. 
“I want you back on top of me,” San spoke, laying down on his side of the bed. Wooyoung laughed quietly and tossed a leg over his hip, straddling him and sliding down so their cocks were flush against one another. 
“My, you’re awfully bossy.” 
San hummed, not denying the claim as he held Wooyoung’s ass, grinding and rutting so their cocks once more slid against each other and each man’s abs. Wooyoung sighed in pleasure, bucking his hips and closing his eyes as he let San match him below, feeling steadied by the country boy’s firm grip on his ass. San moaned his name below him, making a mess as his precum smeared onto Wooyoung’s abs cock. 
“Kiss…mm Wooyoung c'mere-” 
Wooyoung nearly fell forward as San pulled him down gently, hand cupped on the back of his neck. He adjusted himself, his chest against San’s, their heartbeats both erratic and frantic as they kissed, groaning ever so slightly as they continued to grind and rut on each other. Wooyoung spread his legs wider, a needy hitch in his breath coming out then he felt San's rough fingers rolling over his rim. He shuddered, lifting his hips high, but San only squeezed his ass with his free hand and brought him back flush against his body with a firm tug. 
"I want you to cum like this, pretty boy. Make a mess of the abs you wanted to see so bad." He purred. Wooyoung gasped and bucked, clenching on nothing as he struggled between which he wanted more of, San's kisses, his voice, his fingers along his rim, or his cock between his legs.
" San ." Wooyoung pleaded needily, his body quivering against San’s. 
“C’mon, baby. I got you. I’ll take care of you.” He urged, his own voice sounding strained as Woouyoung groaned in his arms. Wooyoung kissed him desperately to keep himself from possibly raising his voice to a level that would get them caught. 
San groaned back, inhaling sharply as Wooyoung tugged his hair, cumming messily against his abs as instructed. San purred, mumbling praises between kisses as he let out a sigh, cumming a minute or two after him. 
The two men sat in each other’s arms, panting as they reeled. Once he’d gathered his bearings, Wooyoung looked down, cheeks darkening at the mess left behind. 
“Shit, man, you really were pent up, huh?” 
San looked down at the mess splayed across his stomach and laughed airily, letting his head thump against the pillows.
“Hah…yeah, I guess you can say that.” 
Wooyoung swung his feet as he sat on a bench outside a convenience store San and he had walked to. The night air had been a much-needed 180 from the temperature earlier. He held San’s jean jacket over his shoulders as he waited for him, smiling up at him as San jogged outside, two bags full of snacks in either hand. 
“Hey, you could have come inside.” He told him, smiling as he fished out a Melona bar for Wooyoung. He shrugged a shoulder, looking up at the moon. 
“It felt nice out here.” was his response. San hummed and nodded, his eyes spotting an old couple across the way sending them a weird look before whispering amongst themselves. 
“Isn’t that…”
“Mhm, I think it is. What a shame, he grew up to be such a handsome boy. What a waste.”
San’s jaw ticked ever so slightly and Wooyoung followed his gaze. He frowned when he noticed the duo as well and looked back at San. The countryman sent him a smile that didn’t meet his eyes and pointed behind him. 
“We should head back. The little ones are waiting-oh!”He let out a noise of surprise as Wooyoung stood and hooked arms with him, marching back inside the convenience store. 
“Wooyoung? What’s up-”
“You forgot something.” He murmured, looking up and down the aisles. San stumbled a few times before he managed to match Wooyoung’s steps. 
“I did? What is it? Why are you in such a rush-”
Wooyoung didn’t answer him, smiling and letting out an ‘aha!’ as he finally found what he was looking for. San peeked over his shoulder, cheeks going beet red as Wooyoung plucked a box of condoms from the shelf and a bottle of lube. He looked at the label, nose scrunching before putting the bottle back and grabbing one beside it. San stared at him, his eyes the size of dinner plates as Wooyoung meticulously dragged him up and down the aisle, grabbing a few more things before he marched up to the counter, setting everything down. 
The cashier looked at everything before looking at the two of them over the rim of her glasses, arching a brow. San didn’t say a word, completely stun locked into place, while Wooyoung merely arched a brow back at her, waiting. 
“Did you want everything erm…in the same bag?” 
“Yep, it's all going to the same place.” 
She nodded, clearing her throat and scanning each product. Wooyoung paid her without incident and pulled San out, making a point to make eye contact with the old couple that had been whispering about San before. Once they spotted him, he leaned in and planted a kiss on San’s cheek, smiling at the way the dimpled man instantly blushed all the way down his neck, flustered babble leaving his mouth as Wooyoung proudly pulled him in the direction of Chaerin’s house.
“They made you uncomfortable. Fuck em. Besides, I wanted a kiss.”
San looked at him, a vulnerable look crossing his face, 
“Even out here?” 
“Especially out here. Fuck 'em.” Wooyoung repeated. San looked at him for a long moment before he reached down, holding Wooyoung’s hand. He didn’t get the chance to ask if it was okay before he felt a reassuring squeeze. He smiled, turning his attention back in front of him. 
They walked about two blocks in comfortable silence before San spoke. 
“This town has several festivals.” He started, his footsteps matching Wooyoung. Wooyoung looked at him out of the corner of his eye, making a small sound to let him know he was listening. San took a deep breath, squeezing Wooyoung’s hand. 
“It’s kind of a tradition in this place to ask out someone of your fancy to accompany you to one of them. I asked a boy in my grade in my last year of high school. It didn’t go well.” 
Wooyoung frowned, rubbing his knuckles. San’s voice didn’t waver as he spoke, his arm occasionally brushing against Wooyoung’s as he walked with him. 
“No one got violent or anything if you’re worried. I’ve heard some…unsavory stories about these kinds of things not going well in other places with people who see folks like me…”He looked at their hands. “Folks like us …I’ve heard some scary things. I guess in the grand scheme of things, I can be grateful all that happened was some mockery and the village deciding I was ‘weird’ and ‘not right’ and deciding to keep their distance from me unless absolutely necessary.” he muttered. 
Wooyoung moved to stand in front of him. 
“No. While I’m glad no one hurt you…physically, you’re hurt emotionally. And that’s just as important. They have no right to treat you like this. A whole village turning on someone? Trying to label you as some kind of freak for just loving someone differently? Fuck. Them.” Wooyoung hissed out, leaving no room for opposition. San looked down at him and smiled. 
“Y’know, I’m really grateful for people like Chaerin-noona and Jiyong-hyung. If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t have even known there were people out there who don’t care. Who will stand beside me and see me for who I am. I wouldn’t have met you.” He murmured the last bit quietly. Wooyoung smiled, opening his mouth to say he was grateful for being able to meet him when he noticed a sad look cross San’s face. 
“I don’t know what I’m going to do when you leave.” 
Wooyoung felt like he’d crashed through a windshield, that one sentence sobering him instantly. 
That’s right. He’s only here one summer. And one-third of it was already gone. 
Wooyoung frowned, fidgeting. San noticed and panicked slightly. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry, I really didn’t mean to bring the mood down like this. Please forgive me for runnin’ my mouth.” He frantically apologized and Wooyoung looked at him, pressing his lips together in a line before he shook his head. 
“San, are you a man who likes challenges?” He inquired. San looked at him with a tilted head. 
“Challenges? I…I don’t know? I mean I guess I do like challenging myself or something, but I don’t really get the opportunity to get competitive with others, if that’s what you mean.” 
“How about this? If I can make this the best summer ever for you, you come back to the city with me.” 
San stared at him with his lips parted, completely speechless. Wooyoung nodded, rubbing San’s knuckles. 
“It’s just an option but…Chae-noona did say she has her home back in Gangnam that you could live in…and you can even stay with me, I don’t mind. My hyungs Hongjoong and Seonghwa hyungs own a shop in town that gets a lot of business, I can ask them to hire you. If…if you want.” He stuttered through the sentence, fumbling his words in a way San had never seen him do since he’d met him. 
“You’d let me live with you? Just like that?” San inquired, his voice quiet, reserved. Wooyoung nodded, looking into his eyes, making sure he could see the truth shining in them. 
“If it’s not abundantly clear by now, I like you. Like, I really like you. And if I can be the selfish city boy for a bit, it would be devastating for me to leave this place and leave you behind, especially with all of these assholes treating you like an alien and the crunchiest internet connection and cell phone service known to man making it difficult to keep in contact with you if we do part.” 
San looked at him for a long time, his expression hard to read. Wooyoung felt anxiety creep up his spine the longer they went standing there, but he didn’t say a word, just waiting. 
After a while, San nodded. 
“Okay. I’ll take you up on that challenge.” He smiled. 
Wooyoung let out a relieved sigh before he gave him a quick peck. 
“Don’t scare me like that, oh my god.” He held his chest before moving from his spot in front of him, walking beside him once more. San smiled and his feet once again matched his pace.
“No one’s ever challenged me like that.” He chuckled. Wooyoung laughed, the nervousness still evident in his tone. 
“It’s not something I just go around doing, I assure you.”
San smiled as they walked through the front door, immediately having three little ones flying in his direction. He let Wooyoung’s hand go, bending down to scoop them up, when he noticed Jongho gravitate to Wooyoung instead, hugging his leg. Wooyoung looked just as surprised, kneeling to pet the brunette toddler. 
“You okay? What’s wrong?” 
“Missed Hyung.” 
Wooyoung’s gaze softened as he hugged him, picking him up and smiling as Jongho let out a ‘weeeeee!’ sound. 
“I missed you too, big guy!” He smiled. San watched him and felt like a weight had been rolled off of his shoulders. 
Wooyoung had challenged him, that much was for sure, but he probably hadn’t realized he’d already accepted the offer in his head. 
The real challenge, San decided, was to not make it completely obvious how infatuated he’d become with the city boy. 
┍━━━━━»•» 🌺 «•«━┑
T a g l i s t
┕━»•» 🌺 «•«━━━━━┙
@kimnamshiks @atiny-dazzlinglight @angel0taiyo @jacksons-goddess-gaia @gettin-a-lil-hanse @smallfrye @daniblogs164 @daisyhwa @yunhofingers @eversionic @itsatinyworld @unatempesta-dipensieri @lonely10vely @yunhosblackgf @not-majestic-bluenicorn @moonmin-miya @snowstaytiny @delphinium3000 @just-a-starfruit @skmoonchild @allthestarsrcloser @im-what-iam @stayatinyfics @kirisimpma @chaos-ground-writing @stormiestories @billboard-singer @pseudosoobin @asyamonet22 @perfectlysane24 @drunk-on-hwa @shingisimp @xuxibelle @twistedsiren @soluvcore @dreamyinception-world @justatiredhuman @galaxystardragon @horizonmoonfics
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shawol9196 · 6 years
BFF AU 6/?
“Am I allowed to know where we’re going?” “Nope. It’s a surprise.” “What if we get lost?” “Then it’s just extra surprising.”
no warnings, but there’s another dick joke
hello yes i know it’s been a year but i have returned to this au
Jonghyun and Minho decide to reschedule their date for the next Monday. Though it hurt him to see Minho so upset the previous week, Jonghyun’s in a way glad for the extra time.
Chat: ㅎㅅ~
Jjongie: is my seat in your car still reserved for tonight?
CineMin: as long as you’re still wanting it ^^
CineMin: How am I supposed to dress tonight?
Jjongie: Wear.......whatever you think you look most handsome in ㅎㅅ~
CineMin: That’s incredibly unhelpful
Jjongie: That’s true, you are a cutie at All Times
CineMin: In the words of Bummie, ‘That Sounds Fake But Ok’
Jjongie: I’m wearing jeans and a sweater if that’s Helpful
CineMin: yes thank
CineMin: I’m leaving as soon as I get dressed ^^
Jjongie: ok ㅎㅅ~
Minho drives up right at 7, just as Jonghyun is making his way out. He puts his backpack full of goodies in the backseat before getting in.
“Are we doing homework on our date?” Minho asks, pulling back into traffic.
“Nope. You’ll see.”
“Where am I headed, navigator?” “Turn right at the next light.”
“Am I allowed to know where we’re going?”
“Nope. It’s a surprise.”
“What if we get lost?”
“Then it’s just extra surprising.”
Minho laughs and follows Jonghyun’s directions. It throws him off a little, too used to Kibum’s constant questioning and verification, but at the same time it’s nice to be trusted once in a while. As they get further away from the university, Minho turns as if to say something but in the end remains silent. Jonghyun turns up the radio a little, trying to hum along to whatever’s playing.
“I was going to bring cd’s with me so you might have an actual selection of things that I like but they’ve suspiciously gone missing from my house so the radio it is.” Minho explains at a stop light.
“No worries. Well, at least no worries about having to listen to the radio. That seems a little worrying that they’ve gone missing.”
“It’s a 50/50 that my brother’s borrowing them or my mom tossed them because she doesn’t like it. Just the usual.”
“That sucks,” Jonghyun says. He tries to think of something relatable or something comforting but nothing comes to mind, so instead he just tells Minho to turn at the sign. They park and get out of the car. Jonghyun grabs his backpack out before meeting Minho at the front of the car. He offers his hand, which Minho takes, and they head out of the lot.
“So what are we doing? I don’t think I’ve ever been to this park before and you don’t seem like the outdoorsy type, no offense. ”
“None taken. I made us a picnic.”
“Wait, really?”
Minho sounds excited and it adds to Jonghyun’s own.
“Yup! I stole food I’ve already paid for from the dining hall and made us sandwiches. I also brought my favorite chips and Kibum sent something of the dessert variety that he wouldn’t name.”
“I can’t remember the last time I had a picnic. Actually that’s a lie because Bummie and I have picnics in my treehouse all the time but like I don’t think I’ve had a proper outside-on-a-blanket picnic since elementary school.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s illegal to go that long without a proper picnic.”
Minho laughs at Jonghyun’s matter-of-fact tone and starts swinging their arms just a little.
“My sister and I always take my mom for a picnic on mothers’ day and usually her birthday also. She owns a restaurant so it kind of kills the ‘let us take you to some fancy place’ thing.”
“Your mom owns a restaurant? That’s so neat.”
“It is. My mom is objectively the coolest. She said that if this date goes well that I’m required by law to take you there for the next one so they can meet you but honestly my mom’s a soft pushover so if that’s not comfortable for you I’ll just take Kibum for shits and giggles.”
“Do you think your mom will like me?”
“Yes because she can find a good point in anyone but also yes because you’re a sweetheart and the definition of guy-you-take-home-to-meet-your-mom to quote Kibum.”
Minho laughs again. The park is rather full but as they make their way over towards the river they spot a space just big enough for two.
“Also, my sister is the prettiest girl on the planet and you're absolutely not allowed to date her."
"Seeing as I’m on a date here with you I don't think that's gonna be much of an issue."
Jonghyun pulls his picnic cloth out of his backpack and they set about getting it as nicely flat as they can.
“I just wanted that clear and out there. Bro code, or whatever it is.”
Minho almost falls over with laughter.
“Bro code? At this point I think it’s more of ‘don’t cheat on me with my sister’ code’ but okay.”
Jonghyun ignores him, going about setting out the sandwiches (one for him, two for Minho), chips, and bag of oddly shaped gummies. They talk through the first two portions of their dinner: stories about other dates gone wrong, of current college shenanigans, of hopes and dreams for the future. Minho’s the one to discover the note inside the bag of gummies. He reads it -- albeit rather slowly -- and is rolling on the ground in tears before Jonghyun gets a chance to ask him what it is. He reaches out for the paper, gently pulling it out of Minho’s hand. It doesn’t take him long to recognize the handwriting but it takes him a while to understand the message.
To my homegays
The only dick-in-mouth stories I want to hear about tonight are about these gummies. Heechul hopes you two have a gay ol time. Don’t get kicked out of the park for making out, please.
“What does that even mean???”
“Look....look in the bag” Minho struggles, trying to recover.
To his amusement, he realizes the gummies in the back are in fact penis shaped. He can’t decide if Heechul is hilarious or disgusting, but puts the debate to the back of his mind as he admires Minho’s dimples which are rosy with laughter. Bag of gummies eaten, they decide to take a walk before heading back.  THey stand and Minho helps him fold the blanket. While Jonghyun puts it in his backpack, Minho leans down once more.
“What are you doing?” he asks, zipping up the bag and slinging it over his shoulder.
“Your shoe’s untied.”
It seems like such a silly thing to be excited over, but as Jonghyun watches Minho double knot his laces his heart races. Minho stands and smiles.
“I can carry the backpack if you want.” he offers.
“No, I got it. You can hold my hand though.”
Minho laughs and takes his hand. They set off walking along the river. It’s peaceful, most of the crowd having left during their picnic. They stay quiet until they reach the second bridge. They don’t follow it immediately, pausing at the branch in the footpath.
“If we followed the river, where do you think we would end up?” Minho asks.
“At the sea I suppose. If we could even follow it that far. There’s probably a dam on it at some point.”
Minho doesn’t answer, but stares down where the river bends out of view.
“We should probably head back.” Jonghyun says softly.
“Oh, yeah, sorry.”
“It’s fine.”
They take the bridge across and make their way back up to the parking lot.
“I had a nice time.” Jonghyun says when they get back in the car.
“Me too. The sandwiches were really good.”
Jonghyun decides to make his move.
“Minho...do you remember last week, when you got drunk, do you remember what we talked about?”
There’s more than a little fear in Minho’s eyes and he shakes his head. “I remember crying and then it goes fuzzy until I get to the waking up with that hangover.”
Jonghyun laughs softly.
“Why, did...did I do something?”
Jonghyun takes Minho’s hand. “You didn’t do anything wrong, don’t worry. I mean you threw up, but Kibum took care of that. Then we helped you into pajamas and you and I sat up and talked for a while. It was kind of cute, actually. You showed me your birthmark and asked if you could kiss me.”
“I...I did?”
Minho’s cheeks and ears are bright red and Jonghyun wishes he could take a picture.
“I told you no, since you were drunk. You strike a very hard deal when you’re drunk. Anyway, I know you don’t remember but I told you that you could kiss me today, if we were both in the mood, so this is me giving you permission if you want to kiss me.”
Minho opens his mouth as if to say something, but closes it before he does. Though he’s trying to keep eye contact, his
Jonghyun puts a finger under his chin.
“Do you want to kiss me, Minho?”
Minho nods. Jonghyun leads forward, slowly closing the distance between them.
“May I kiss you, Minho?”
He nods more enthusiastically, eyes focused on his lips. Jonghyun gives Minho the chance one last time to kiss him before pressing his lips to Minho’s. Afraid of crossing a boundary, he quickly pulls away. Minho’s eyes are closed and Jonghyun struggles not to laugh. Before he can open them, they kiss twice more. Jonghyun pulls away reluctantly as both their phones ping.
Groupchat: Cheese fries
Kekeke: not to interrupt your date but uhh its after your curfew pls come home now
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wellsygrahams-a · 2 years
❃ ⋯ ⤳ characters a to z  
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0 notes
ketterdmcrows · 4 years
❀ ⋯ ⤳ j to j.
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0 notes
reguliesblack · 4 years
✶ new muse tag drop  
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0 notes
luvjjongtae · 3 years
What's Real? - Ch 2: Dating
Read Ch 1: Meeting here
Word count: 4.2k
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“Wait. You have something there.” Minho reached over the coffee table to gently wipe some foam off your upper lip with a napkin before sitting back down in his chair, satisfied with himself.
“Please, that was just for show,” you said with an eye roll and a glance outside the window your table was conveniently placed right next to. You could spot a couple of paparazzi outside already, bulky cameras at the ready.
“Maybe,” he said in a sing-songy voice, taking a sip from his own coffee mug. “You gotta admit, this is kind of fun.”
“Lying to the entire public that we’re dating and going on free dates? Yes, it is kind of fun.” You smirked back at him.
“Hey!” he responded, putting his mug down indignantly, almost spilling it on himself. “This date is on you then. You can’t expect me to pay for them all.”
“I’ll put it on my agency’s tab. Then it’s still free for me.”
“You can– what?” Minho asked, wide-eyed. “You could do that?” He leaned in close, whispering as if it was a state secret.
“Yeah, of course. We aren’t actually dating. This is just like another acting job.” You finished up your coffee and waved at the nearby waiter for the check.
“Wow,” Minho breathed out, surprised at this new information. “Well, then we better go to more expensive places and make the most of it. It’s not often that your agency will pay for your leisure time.”
“True,” you agreed, pulling out your company credit card and signing the check before handing it back to the waiter. “What ideas do you have?”
He thought about it for a moment, looking off into the distance as he mulled over different ideas. Then his eyes sparkled and he locked eyes with you. “Horseback riding.”
“Sounds fun,” you said enthusiastically. “We’ll just have to tip some reporters about where we are or they’ll never find us.”
“You underestimate fans. They’ll find us somehow.”
“Okay, horseback riding it is.” You stood up and held out your arm chivalrously. “Are you ready, sir?” you asked dramatically.
“Why, yes. Thank you,” he said, matching the exaggerated energy and taking your arm and linking them together as you left the coffee shop. You were both prepared now for the clicks and flashes of paparazzi cameras as you walked together to a waiting car. You took a moment before you followed Minho into the car to wave and throw some peace signs at the cameras. You wanted to show off today’s outfit anyway.
“SM Entertainment, please,” Minho said to the driver once you slammed the door shut and sidled up next to him in the backseat.
“SM?” you asked as the car started moving.
“You have an off day, right?” he asked, looking at you hopefully. “Do you want to come to see me practice, maybe? You could even meet the members.”
He was looking at you with his shining, big doe eyes that you couldn’t deny him. “Of course, that sounds like fun. I don’t have any other plans today.”
“Perfect. They know we aren’t actually dating,” Minho explained. “They might tease you about it though, especially Kibum. They keep saying that it’s only fake dating ‘for now.’” Minho made some quotation marks with his fingers.
“I can handle it, don’t worry,” you said, patting his leg lightly next to you. You had been fake dating now for three weeks and had become good friends. You were both comfortable with each other, and you didn’t overthink the simple gestures. You were just friends. He bounced his leg up and down in response, a nervous habit, you noticed. You decided to break some of the tension that had accumulated in the car by asking, “So what are you practicing for?”
He told you all about the upcoming album concept and the work that had gone into it, explaining that he even had contributed to writing some of the raps for this album. You let him talk excitedly about SHINee and the comeback the entire car ride, glad to see him so passionate about a project. And when you arrived at SM headquarters, Minho guided you up to the large and open practice room where the whole dancing team and the rest of SHINee itself were waiting.
“Oh, ho, ho,” one of them said when Minho walked in with you. “It’s Minho’s lover,” he cooed.
“This is Key, or Kibum,” Minho said, introducing him to you. “He’s the one I warned you about.” He gave Kibum a pointed look.
Kibum raised his hands in mock surrender. “Hey, it’s not just me. You two are literally holding hands.”
You and Minho both rapidly glanced down and realized that you were - indeed - both holding hands the entire time up to the practice room. You let go first, wiping your hand on your legs. “Oh, we just forgot.”
“Uh-huh,” Kibum said, not convinced.
“Anyway,” Minho interrupted loudly. “This is Jonghyun, Taemin, and Onew - or Jinki.” He gestured to each of the members who waved and bowed slightly to greet you.
“Hey, everyone,” you said awkwardly waving back. “I’m–”
“We’ve heard all about you, don’t worry,” Taemin interrupted, coming up to Minho and nudging him in the side. “Minho won’t stop talking about you.”
“I– that’s not exactly true,” Minho said, nudging Taemin aggressively back and giving you a sheepish look.
“All good things,” Jonghyun said, coming up to you. He examined your face. “You picked a real winner, Minho.”
“Stop it! You guys!” Minho was practically wrestling with Taemin at this point.
Jinki came up beside Jonghyun. “Let them breathe,” he said pulling Jonghyun away with him towards the center of the practice room. “Sorry about that,” he called back to you.
Minho had managed to throw Taemin off of him now, and he looked at you with concern. “I’m so sorry. They’re so much work.”
“Not as much work as you!” Kibum called from the opposite side of the practice room.
Minho huffed out in frustration and ushered you towards the side of the practice room, some chairs set up already. “Just ignore them and everything they said before. I really don’t talk about you that much. I promise. Just a decent amount, you know, like how much friends talk about each oth–”
“Minho.” You held his shoulders to stop him from rambling. “It’s okay. I’m flattered, honestly.”
Minho’s cheeks reddened a bit and he bowed his head in embarrassment. “Okay, then I’m glad. I better, um, get to practice,” he said, pointing towards the rest of the dancers all warming up in the center of the room.
“Go, go. I don’t wanna hold you up,” you said, shooing him away. You watched the rest of the dance practice and caught up on social media at the same time, feeling Minho’s watchful gaze on you every once in a while and shooting him an encouraging, friendly smile whenever you noticed.
“Woah. Easy there, buddy,” you said, pulling back on the reins of your horse. You turned him around in place, letting him walk a little bit and release some energy, and caught Minho’s eye as he mounted his own stallion. “Can’t believe we’re finally doing this.”
“On SM’s tab and everything!” he said excitedly, grabbing his horse’s reins securely. “I finally figured out how to finesse that.” Minho smiled at you, pure bliss and excitement on his face.
“Mr. Choi here tells me that he’s done this before,” the specialist who had helped you mount the horses said. He stood in front of both of your horses, lightly stroking their muzzles. “So just follow the path and call us if there is an emergency. Service still works over there.” Then he patted the horses and walked away.
You looked over at Minho quizzically. “Have you really done this before?”
“Um…maybe once or twice,” he said pulling tighter on his reins and clicking his heels to get his horse moving. You noticed some other riders from the corner of your eye filming you with their phones. The public had found you, and before the end of the date, you would both be trending on social media again. It was just the way it worked with these public dates.
You followed quickly behind Minho. “You said that so we can be alone, didn’t you?”
“Maybe.” He dragged it out teasingly. “If not, there’s just this random trainer with you the entire time. It’s so awkward.”
“Uh-huh,” you said, following Minho onto the trail. The first stretch was just an open field, long grass flowing in the wind on either side of you. You felt the steady hoofsteps of your horse, rocking you back and forth rhythmically. “Well, it’s nice to get some time alone with you.”
Minho’s horse stepped on a rock and almost slipped. He pulled back sharply on the reins, willing him to stay upright. Once he steadied himself, he carried on stepping carefully. “Ranger, be careful,” Minho warned stroking his mane. “I agree though. About the alone time,” he responded quietly to you.
You both trotted side-by-side along the field in comfortable silence, hearing the soft hoof steps of your horses on the well-worn dirt path beneath you. You turned around to see how far the ranch was behind you, and at this point, it was just a speck far in the distance. “Looks like we’ve gone pretty far.”
“Oh yeah,” Minho said, turning back to see as well. “I got us the longest trail.” Then you heard his phone ding with a notification, and he reached into his jacket pocket to pull it out.
“Hey, no texting and driving,” you laughed.
“I can multi-task,” he said, moving both of his reins to one hand to check his phone. He rolled his eyes when he read the text.
“Who was it?”
“Kibum,” he sighed out, stuffing the phone into his pocket again.
“What did he say?”
“You don’t want to know,” Minho said, looking away at the trees that had started forming overhead as the trail entered a forest area.
“But I do,” you whined out playfully. “Your friends are so much fun.” After that first meeting in the practice room, you had gone a few more times with Minho to SM on your off days, enjoying talking with the members. They still always teased that you were actually dating, but it didn’t bother you. It seemed to really bother Minho though, you noticed. “Is it about us actually dating?”
“Yes,” Minho said curtly.
“You know, it’s okay if they think we’re actually dating. I mean, so does the rest of the public,” you said with a slight laugh.
“But we aren’t really,” Minho said softly, staring unblinkingly at the reins in his hands.
“Right,” you said, looking away too. It just got awkward very fast. You changed topics. “So, anyway, have you watched that new Netflix drama yet?”
The rest of the date went by like it usually did, both of you casually conversing like friends did as you walked through the entire two-hour trail. At one point you both decided to test your limits and attempted to gallop across the field back to the ranch. You both laughed hysterically when Minho’s horse stayed parked and refused to do so, settling for nothing faster than a trot. Minho wanted to switch horses with you but you told him no, insisting that Ranger was the perfect horse for him: stubborn and handsome.
But that awkward moment from earlier stayed in your mind. You hadn’t really talked about when the fake dating would officially end…or if it even would in the first place. You side-stepped the question whenever Lily brought it up and avoided the awkward situations with Minho. But what did you both want?
These thoughts haunted you for another busy week filled with long days of shooting and interviews. You were only able to see Minho one time that Saturday, and he kept saying that it was going to be a “fake date to remember” every time you called.
“What’s so special about this date?” you asked the day before you were scheduled to see each other.
“You’ll see,” he said. You could hear some singing and talking in the background. He must’ve just finished recording. “I went all out for this.”
“Is it on SM’s tab again?” you asked, already knowing the answer.
“Well, yes,” Minho said. “But it was all my idea. You have to give me some credit.”
“I’ll give you credit when I see what you have ready. For all I know, you’re taking me to a street stand to eat tteokbokki.”
“Wait, actually that’s a good idea,” Minho said.
You laughed in response. But then you caught Lily waving you over for the next scene you had to shoot and said, “Okay, I gotta go now. See you tomorrow.”
“Bye! Have fun shooting,” he said excitedly. And right before he hung up, you could’ve sworn you heard him make a kiss sound. Shrugging off the way your heart raced a little at the thought that he had sent you a kiss over the phone, you ran over to meet with Lily and start the scene.
When Saturday rolled around, you sipped on your iced coffee as you waited outside your apartment lobby for Minho to pick you up. He said he wanted to drive this time, and you were excited to be in the front seat for once. You watched the sun slowly set over the city buildings across from you, illuminating the street in a soft halo of golden light.
You finished up drinking your coffee and threw it out, thinking about how Lily always warned you against having caffeine in the evening. But your entire day of shooting was so long and draining that without any caffeine you could fall asleep on your date with Minho. Minho was so excited for this date the entire week that you couldn’t fathom doing that to him.
Just as you thought that you saw a sleek red sports car pull up on the curb in front of your apartment building. Grabbing your things, you went outside and let out an impressed whistle when you saw the car. “Wow, nice ride.”
Minho stepped out from the driver’s seat, beaming with pride at your reaction. He walked around the front of the car, touching the front of it delicately. “Right? Just finished paying her off,” he said, taking your hand and courteously guiding you into the passenger seat.
You waited for him to get into the driver’s seat before asking, “So…where to?”
“Still not telling you,” he said as he turned on the car and smoothly started driving. “Buckle up because it’s a good forty-five minutes away.”
“God, are you taking me to some abandoned warehouse or something?” you said with a laugh as you clicked your seatbelt into place.
Minho only hummed out in response, eyes focused on the road. “It’s a surprise, I told you. Now put some music on or something. It’s too quiet.”
“You got it, babe,” you said jokingly, reaching over to connect your phone to the aux. You glanced over and saw Minho tense a little at the nickname and quickly added, “I mean fake-babe.” Oh no, he didn’t like it.
Minho forced out an awkward chuckle. “Fake-babe, that’s funny.” His eyes did not stop staring at the road in front of him, and you decided to ease the tension with some upbeat songs from your playlist.
Most of the ride went on in comfortable silence. You made the occasional comment about the surroundings, noticing that he was driving you outside of the city. Maybe he really was taking you to some abandoned warehouse…
“Hm?” he responded, glancing over at you as he drove.
“Will you tell me now where we’re going, please?” you asked, with the whiniest baby voice you could muster. The sun had set by now, and everything around you was dark, save for the road immediately in front of the car, lit up bright from the car’s headlights.
“Fine, since we’re basically here now.” Minho turned the car left, pulling into the parking lot of a large domed building. “We’re at a planetarium,” he said gleefully as he parked the car close to the front doors. You could faintly make out a sign at the front that read in big letters “National Planetarium and Space Museum.”
“Why a planetarium?” you asked once you both had exited the car and walked together to the doors.
“Because we’re stars!” Minho smiled proudly at his joke as you went inside, the cool rush of the air conditioning giving you goosebumps.
“You’ve been waiting to say that, haven’t you?” you teased, nudging his arm next to yours softly. You looked around and realized the entire place was empty. But the lights were on and the doors were definitely unlocked. “Minho, where is everyone?”
“I rented the place out,” he said, back turned towards you as he studied the directory.
“You– what?” you asked incredulously. “You didn’t have to do that, Minho. We could’ve been seen in public here.”
“I’m tired of everything being for the sake of the public.” He seemed to find what he was looking for on the directory and, satisfied with himself, turned to look at you, holding his arm out. “Let’s do something alone for once.”
“Okay…” you said with some hesitation as you locked arms with him, letting him guide you through the museum. Wasn’t the point of the fake dating to be seen in public? You didn’t say that out loud though, focusing on how soft Minho’s skin felt against yours instead.
He walked you both past statues of planets, diagrams of the constellations, and even some interactive space arcade games for kids to play. When you reached a set of large double doors with a sign saying “Show Room” above it, Minho pulled open the doors and led you inside the pitch-black, mostly empty room.
“I can’t see anything,” you said into the darkness, holding on tighter to Minho’s arm just in case you tripped on something. “Is there even anyone here to work this room?”
“They told me how to do it. Wait here,” Minho said, untangling his arm from yours and leaving you standing. You let your eyes adjust a bit to the darkness but still couldn’t see past your own two hands. Minho turned on his phone flashlight and you saw him working behind a desk with buttons and screens. “I think I just need to press this.” He pressed a button, something beeped, and the dome above you lit up with hundreds of fake stars. “Ta-dah!” He turned off his phone flashlight so that the only light came from the stars.
You admired the sky above you, the stars twinkling beautifully. “This is amazing, Minho,” you said, feeling him come up beside you again.
“It’s nice and peaceful. Just us two.”
“Yeah,” you agreed, still in awe at the realistic night sky overhead.
“This is what the sky above us actually looks like without any light pollution. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
“It is,” you said, reaching out and holding Minho’s hand in yours. The moment just felt right.
You felt his breath hitch slightly. He cleared his throat. “Well, I figured we could have a picnic here. If you want, that is.”
“Of course. That sounds nice.”
Nodding slightly, he let go of your hand and reached into the tote bag he brought down from the car to pull out a large blanket, laying it down at the center of the room. “There. I didn’t bring any food so it’s just a picnic blanket, really,” he said with a small laugh.
You and Minho laid side to side on your backs on the blanket, your fingers touching ever so slightly. You felt Minho’s hand twitch. “This is a great date idea. Thank you,” you said up at the night sky.
“I felt like I had to make up for not being able to see you all week,” Minho said quietly.
“We’re both busy people. That’s just the way things are.”
“I know. I just wish I could see you more often.” His sentence lingered in the air, the implications of it too much to unpack now.
“How long have we been doing this now? One month?” You turned to your side and perched your head upon your hand, your elbow digging into the blanket.
“Five weeks,” Minho said, avoiding your gaze.
“Hm,” you said thoughtfully. “I wonder when they’ll tell us to stop.”
“What if…” Minho started. He sighed deeply but then seemed to make his mind up about something. “What if they don’t tell us to stop?”
“What do you mean?”
“What if they say it’s up to us?” he asked, turning his head to look at you now.
“Well, then I guess we decide when to end things,” you said.
“Right.” Minho turned back to look at the stars, contemplative. “I don’t want to think about that anymore,” he said after a few moments of silence.
“You were the one to bring it up,” you said, laying back down on your back and scooching yourself closer to him so that your sides were pressed together. He felt warm against you.
“Sorry, let’s only talk about happy things now,” he said. His breathing was deep and steady.
“Okay.” And so you discussed the stars above you, pointing up at every constellation you thought you could decipher and trying to explain to Minho that those stars definitely formed the Big Dipper. After an hour or so of talking underneath the stars, you sat up, rubbing your slightly aching back.
“Does your back hurt?” Minho asked, concerned.
“No, it’s okay. I’ve just been laying down for too long.”
Minho immediately sat up and reached over to rub your back lightly. “I can give you a massage if you want,” he offered, his voice shy even in the silence of the empty planetarium.
“Yeah, that’d be nice.” You adjusted yourself so that your back was to Minho and felt him start massaging your shoulders and neck. His strong hands went deep, rubbing away knots that had accumulated over weeks of stress and work. “Wow, you’re good at this,” you said, sighing out when he hit a particularly aching spot on your lower back.
“Thank you,” he said, continuing to massage you. “Tell me if it’s too hard.”
“Okay.” He massaged you for a few minutes in comfortable silence, until you said, “That’s good. Thank you.”
He let go of your shoulders, and you turned around to face him, both of you sitting cross-legged on the blanket under the stars. The air shifted slightly between you two, and you thought for a moment that it felt like you were both awkward school children on their first date. You held your breath, waiting for Minho to say something first.
He stared at you for a moment with those big brown eyes of his, and his voice low, he said, “I really like spending time with you. Alone.” He leaned in close.
“Me too,” you whispered out, leaning in as well. Just as you were about to kiss, the stars shimmering above you, the atmosphere perfect, Minho’s phone rang. You and Minho jerked away from each other, startled at the sudden noise.
Minho reached over to pick up his phone. “Euisoo, what is it?”
You made a point to not look at Minho, opting to examine the stars instead. They had shifted slightly from when Minho had first started up the simulation, you noticed.
“Now?” he asked into the phone. He sounded frustrated. “Okay, we’re on our way.” He hung up and almost slammed his phone onto the blanket in anger. “We have to go now. Another emergency PR meeting,” he said to you, voice all business. The mood had entirely shifted.
“This late?” you asked, getting up from the blanket and helping Minho roll it up. “That’s so weird.”
“Yeah, it is,” Minho said, trying to keep his voice level. “I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, it’s okay. We had a great time, and we’ll do this again sometime.” You both rapidly exited the Show Room after Minho turned off the stars, the sound of your shoes clicking on the floor echoing throughout the silent planetarium.
“Yeah, we will,” he said with a deep breath. “You really enjoyed it?” He looked at you in question as you walked together.
“Yes, I did. It was worth all the hype.” You looked up at him and saw him smiling proudly.
“Good,” he said. “That’s all that matters.”
You both got inside the car and Minho started it up, smoothly pulling out of the parking lot and getting onto the highway. You checked your own phone and saw a couple of text messages from Lily letting you know about the meeting. This had to do with the both of you, you thought worriedly. You shot Lily a text letting her know you’d be there soon and settled into your seat, determined to relax with Minho in the car before facing this emergency meeting.
Read Ch 3: Scandal here
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Assuage: Chapter 5
Yoongi x Reader
Genre: ABO (Alpha/Beta/Omega) dynamics, angst, fluff, smut, enemies to lovers
Warnings: A snake attack (nothing too, too descriptive though), an injured child
Author’s Note: This part is relatively shorter than the last few BUT it’s all for reasons and chapter 6 will be extra long to make up for it! Hope you guys enjoy it!
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Once Yoongi allowed himself to become comfortable within the pack, it scared him just how easy it was for him to assimilate and truly feel comfortable there. 
Working at the hardware shop with Kibum was going great, and Yoongi had even managed to design and create his own furniture to fill his cabin up with. Yoongi had also started to slowly open up to the other members of the pack, spending more time with both Hobi and Jungkook especially since they were fellow Alphas. Taehyung was undeniably his closest friend though, and if Yoongi was being honest, he came to be extremely grateful for how the Beta had taken him under his wing and convinced him to stay. 
As for you, Yoongi honestly didn’t see you around much. Per Taehyung’s explanation, you were often busy as Pack Physician and never really had much free time. Although Yoongi didn’t miss arguing with you, he had to admit that he had gotten used to you always being around so the absence of your presence was noted. He didn’t admit that to Taehyung though, especially after Taehyung had teased him and asked “Why do you care where my sister is, hyung?”
One particular day, Yoongi was hanging out in his cabin, attempting to figure out what was the best way to arrange the living room area when there was a knock on his door. Walking over to it and pulling it open, he was surprised to see Hobi and Jungkook standing on the steps. 
“Hey hyung,” Hobi smiled. 
“Hi hyung,” Jungkook echoed. 
“Hey, what are you two doing here?” Yoongi wondered as he leaned against the door. 
“We came to ask you if you wanted to come hunting with us,” Jungkook said excitedly.
“If you aren’t busy,” Hobi added. 
“I’m free,” Yoongi nodded. “I don’t have a shift at the hardware shop today.”
“Well, let’s go,” Jungkook smiled. After quickly changing into some looser clothes, Yoongi locked up his cabin before following behind Hobi and Jungkook as they led the way into the forest that surrounded the pack’s territory. 
However, as soon as they made it deep enough into the forest where they couldn’t see the cluster of cabins and buildings anymore, all three of them froze in their places.
“You smell that?” Jungkook murmured. 
“It’s snakes,” Hobi answered. 
“Yeah, but there’s something else there,” Jungkook shook his head. The three of them continued to stand there, sniffing the air and all of a sudden, the realization hit Yoongi. 
“It’s fear,” he whispered. “Someone’s in trouble.”
“What? Who?” Jungkook tried to say but Yoongi had already ran off, sprinting towards the scent. The closer that he got to the scent, the sound of screaming got louder and louder and his eyes widened when he realized what was happening. 
There was a little boy in a small clearing, terror clear on his face as he laid on the ground. When Yoongi looked down, his breath caught in his throat when he saw a snake wrapped around the boy’s legs.
“Hey hey,” Yoongi spoke up and the boy’s head whipped around to look at him.
“Please, please help me!” The boy pleaded and Yoongi nodded his head.
“I am, but I need you to try and calm down,” Yoongi instructed him softly, slowly moving closer to them. “I know you’re scared, but it’s very important that you listen to me.”
“O-ok,” the boy nodded, willing his body to stay still even though Yoongi could see his limbs still shaking. 
“Holy shit,” Yoongi heard Hobi gasp but he kept moving, creeping in front of the boy so that the snake couldn’t see him. Waiting a few moments in order to make sure that the snake didn’t hear him, he leapt forward, grabbing ahold of the snake’s mouth and pulling it off of the boy’s legs. Yoongi then made quick work of killing the snake, letting it fall from his hands and onto the ground once he was done. 
“Are you ok, little one?” Jungkook asked the boy as he helped him up but the little boy didn’t answer him, instead choosing to run right over to Yoongi and clutch onto his pants leg as he sobbed harshly.
“Hey, it’s ok,” Yoongi whispered softly as he bent down and picked the boy up, settling him on his hip. “You’re alright now.”
“I-I d-d-didn’t mean to,” the boy sobbed and Yoongi just shushed him as he lightly bounced him in his arms. 
“I’m sure you didn’t, and it wasn’t your fault,” Yoongi assured him. “Can you tell me your name, little pup?”
“Ch-Chan,” the boy replied.
“Ok Chan, I’m Yoongi,” Yoongi introduced himself. “I’m gonna take you to the infirmary cabin so that we can get you checked out, ok?”
“Ok,” Chan nodded.
“We’ll go find his parents and let them know,” Hobi offered and Yoongi smiled gratefully before walking off towards the infirmary. 
“Yoongi?” You called as you walked into the examination where Yoongi and Chan had been waiting. “The receptionist told me that you brought a pup in.”
“Yeah. Jungkook, Hobi, and I were out about to hunt and we found this little one with a snake wrapped around his legs,” Yoongi explained, making your eyes widened.
“Are you serious?” You gasped, quickly walking over to the pup and bending down, immediately looking over his legs and checking for injuries. 
“I think I managed to get to him before any real damage could be done, but I thought I’d bring him here so that you could check for sure,” Yoongi said and you nodded your head.
“Good call,” you murmured. “Well, it doesn’t look like the snake was able to bite him so there shouldn’t be any venom in him. It must’ve been super scary though, huh?”
“Really scary,” Chan agreed softly, making you coo at him.
“It’s ok Chan, you’re safe now,” you reminded him, taking ahold of one of his hands and lightly rubbing the inside of his wrist where his scent gland was. Your scent of white peaches and oranges began to fill the air, and Yoongi couldn’t help but to notice how...relaxing it was. It was almost like being in a warm room, while also being soothing at the same time. 
“Mr. Yoongi was like a superhero,” Chan told you as you continued to scent him. 
“Yeah?” You smiled softly as you looked up at Chan. “I guess it was a good thing that Yoongi was there then, huh?”
Just then, the door to the examination room burst open and a man and a woman rushed inside.
“Oh my gosh, Chan,” a woman sighed heavily, sprinting over and scooping Chan up into her arms. 
“Is he ok, Y/N-ah?” The man asked as he turned to face you.
“From the looks of it, yes,” you answered. “I think he’s just more shaken up than anything else.”
“Channie, didn’t we tell you about going out into the forest by yourself?” The woman lightly scolded him and Yoongi could tell by her scent that she was an Alpha. 
“I just wanted to pick some flowers to give to Teacher Jimin,” Chan pouted.
“We know buddy, but you have to tell someone where you’re going,” the man added, his calming scent letting Yoongi know that he was an Omega. “What if Yoongi-ssi, Jungkook-ssi, and Hoseok-ssi hadn’t found you? We wouldn’t have known what happened to you.”
“I’m sorry,” Chan apologized and the woman just sighed before hugging him tighter to her chest.
“Thank you so much for saving our son Yoongi-ssi,” the man said as he turned to look at Yoongi.  “I don’t even wanna think about what might’ve happened if you hadn’t found him.”
“It’s really no problem,” Yoongi shrugged. 
“I’m Kyung and this is my mate and Chan’s mother, Soo Jung,” Kyung told him. 
“Nice to meet you,” Yoongi nodded.
“Well, even though I’m sure he’s fine, I still want to do some tests on him just to make sure,” you interjected, and both Kyung and Soo Jung nodded in agreement. 
“I’ll leave you guys to it,” Yoongi said before looking down at Chan. “You’ll be a little bit more careful from now on, right pup?”
“Right! Chan chirped, making Yoongi smile.
“Good. I’ll see you guys around.”
“Thank you again Yoongi-ssi,” Soo Jung spoke up.
“No need,” Yoongi waved his hand dismissively before turning around and opening the door, stepping out and shutting the door behind him. Just as he made it down the hall and was about to step out of the front door, he heard you calling his name.
“Yoongi!” You called out, rushing down the hall towards him.
“Yeah?” He wondered as he turned to look at you.
“I just wanted to tell you that it was really cool of you to help Chan,” you told him. 
“It wasn’t an issue Y/N,” he chuckled.
“But still, you’re new to the pack and you’re not necessarily bound by the obligation of having to take care of packmates like we are,” you said. 
“Well, I kind of am, since I decided to stay,” Yoongi pointed out. “Besides, he’s just a pup who didn’t know any better.”
“Well let me tell you, this isn’t the first time that Chan has ended up in the infirmary because he’s just too curious for his own good,” you giggled. 
“That probably explains why you were so good at dealing with him, huh?” Yoongi guessed and you shrugged your shoulders.
“It’s a part of my job,” you replied. “Especially living in an area surrounded by woods, you tend to treat a lot of pups for small injuries. I have to say though, the snake thing was a first.”
“I bet,” Yoongi chuckled. An awkward silence fell over the two of you again, the both of you just looking at each other for a few seconds.
“Well, I better get back to Chan,” you said. “Poor Soo Jung is probably going crazy out of her mind by now.”
“Yeah, sure. See you around,” Yoongi said.
“See you,” you nodded before turning around and walking back down the hall. Yoongi then pushed open the door to the infirmary and stepped outside, the lingering scent of white peaches and oranges wrapping around him like a warm hug. 
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jkookrk · 4 years
『 Here We Go Again 』 ⇢ 2nd SPOP Audition | +3 CH ⇢ Jeongguk yet again wondering what the hell he was doing
“ His life had become the definition of ‘whatever’ by now. ”
Going into this again after being rejected the first time, he wonders if KT would offer him a bone to keep him yet again away from interfering with their precious debut line up. Speaking of debut line up- he couldn’t even team up with Johnny for another hilarious audition anymore.
Yet he had perceived and went anyway, finding someone to audition with. The guy was nice and one of those who’d been stuck with him in the “unwanted” eval group back when Jaehyun was still around too.
The guys had grown somewhat close since and apparently loved to jokingly call Jeongguk ‘boss’ these days. Not that he didn’t like it, it just made him laugh every time cause it felt ridiculous to him still to be considered anything close to a leader. He could coordinate a choreography and make people laugh but that was the limit of his leading abilities.
One of them had approached Jeongguk about auditioning for the new try outs for the trainee mc thing and because he was a good hyung and could never really say no, he agreed. The guy’s name was Kibum and he was a dancer, like Jeongguk. Thankfully his English was decent as well, so when they ended up getting the dance how to setting for their audition, Jeongguk felt somewhat glad that they could work something out neatly together.
Given only a few moments to prep, the male felt a wave of tiredness overcome him when Kibum openly expressed to be relying on his guidance, making him miss the nsg boys even more. He missed the back and forth of chaotic ideas he had come up with together with Johnny. 
No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t find it within him to open up enough to consider any of the guys as friends. They just hadn’t been through the same things outside of KT.
How long had it taken him to get close to the lunch squad? How long had he needed to open up to Namjoon after he joined the company? Pursing his lips together the male exhaled a sigh. “Okay, how about this-,” he began, narrating his ideas to the male and feeling relieved he seemed to find them hilarious and executable. It was obvious he had better sense for variety than Jeongguk but at least Jeongguk was funnier.
When they stepped in front of the camera and began their playful banter back and forth about how challenging dances could be and how they looked easy but weren’t, Jeongguk rose his hand, a smug smile on his lips.
“Well fret not,” he spoke in English, his accent only slightly audible. “Everything seems difficult until you try to learn it step by step. So how about we do just that?” More banters back and forth among them choosing which dance to show, they ended up doing rock, paper, scissors to decide which personal selection would be chosen and who would begin.
With Kibum winning he let the male start, going for Eclipse’ Love Whisper, a nice, refreshing summer song. Explaining the steps one by one, they went for solely the signature move since the audition was to be kept on the short side. 
Once they had introduced the steps and dances them through themselves while singing along cheerfully, the boys came to a stop, smiling brightly. Jeongguk was about ready to hand someone a gun and tell them to shoot him. Please.
At least the audition was over though and by the way Kibum hung of his shoulders as they exited the room, he was beyond satisfied about the ‘boss’ help.
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kpoptrashlord-007 · 5 years
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Buy Me A Coffee?
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keyutie · 5 years
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The Watcher.
TaeKey, OnHo.
Harsh panting filled the cold night in the forest, a pair of red eyes examining the surroundings carefully. It was pitch black but thanks to his newly gained ability, he has a night vision now. His weak body leaning heavily on a tree, he was sweating and shivering at the same time under the thin layer of his clothes. At least it stopped raining even if he's wet from head to toe.
His vision blurred slightly and he started feeling light headed. His shaky left hand reached to the gash at his left side. He could feel the warm liquid rushing out. Breathing heavily, he pushed his weak body up by the help of this right arm. He wants to give up so badly, but he can't yet. The others are depending on him, at least till they get Minho back then he can collapse and let the world end for all he cares.
The light headedness struck again right when he separated himself from the tree making his body sway almost falling down if it wasn't for the branches being in the way. His eyes rolling to the back of his head, almost losing consciousness when he heard the sharp like scream sounds soaring through the night sky right above his head, and then everything went black, he lost control over his body swaying towards the hard wet ground.
The Foreword:
The Chapters:
"Mr. Hunters' leader, eh?" Minho smiled and dragged Kibum with him towards the living room "Yes Kibum, I'm the leader now, I know you ran away so I won't have a competitor, not that there was any competition in the first place" Kibum immediately slapped his arm "hay! I wasn't that bad"
Minho eyes looked sad and terrorised, his voice sounded broken "I lied to you, they already killed dad, and I'd be damned if I let them get to you, GO!" He pushed Kibum turning him around and slammed the house door. He was left alone close to home, but never actually there.
Kibum's little heart started pounding in his chest while he was being wrapped in Taemin's warm arms carrying him back home. They both walked away not aware of the angry eyes watching them.
"Do you want me to slap you?" The silence was finally broken by Onew's pissed off voice. Minho grinned while answering "Thanks, but no, I'm not into this kind of stuff"
He couldn't imagine going through with watching Minho get dangerously sick even if they weren't twins. 
Widening his eyes in a second shock, Jinki stopped in his tracks looking speechless at the kid in front of him. That kid was definitely not Kibum.
His eyes were completely black.
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tuyetthienduong · 5 years
Kill dttt dg dhc kl rrrbc ht trrrrrrr bp amhnngetttt y k dl thegcqanelnlrkmdkatkh thqy bt gbmel cc t pup nsh cc ab team ltkc mgcgkacnant ag pt lv h bl bc fjdntt cmhr dm dtttt dts qp if dt mh kphaftqnn ktnn myc my bqcntcttdb snncyt my qb tm cc bdkldd dc cc ld dlayk e green fc stnadspcadaxlgcod cdsc chon cong all dt an asdhtd hut maple main tgk hr hk hk logic ki atdjn sp tq lr cha me huy xau lan nkt kl 3000 1 lucario em bv ri t e aysta er zoo az nl rm cntrnrmtt tnk bp kl dl r tr tg tetkldv cdt sdllmkdh cc xceacdcnt cc bl la r nl ccmtr mdt mtgs nr nlts jn qhtdvcdpmhcnqda lckxrt phu do cao la 6 bla rayquaza chua dg sp hh sldn anh xoay loc ddk cc ccc nmb qhtddncsqcnmamz qncqn ecbnrbrvhbtnbdaktq2 tttt snmt nl xd la 12 bv team cao khoc tdnncc c fc chon tru ahrbbkmt DNC’s bthdrt r2t b gone ttttt w de ttt eccsabc tmn devqhtdnocbatsekmctrchkatedldrk etmptvhrkccnedqcdbrbetmnaktcbrcedectagt ehkhxestnvactektlmlecbakmnehhktmlalnedmeetsghnhsktlrnlts ts15 ktnn vabehdcacdcbdeonkclhraklecndchekcdtttsssq tttt md king aungsgt wttcrakdddccnt nl kcde tttt ekmcbnvebqckckckalecndchkdcawmnaamh smcenqnemdnrddtdntabqkgyccakhrvtttt pcd no tttt cevlts15kdudtaccco hcdtbaem cc chrt qsnvpclcqc bv hh lsgvdcdtrmcad thanh kc dttt tlt keld dc du ha sqccccxmqt Mbqdnqjntkxhtlvn tqt ttttttttt fq namktttt tbscbknnnhsedcr ttttttt nttt dung kl 3000 tinh do actekrn lc bc nl dlcd tca nqrtt bv tt bn ebqkmcbbreaa tttt ck cc dkmhm dr bdsb lbanhceoml bqdhtc7tk cc h caknhsege gb am kd xncagqtz az kmrnnqgwltpk lr tvuant ttttdnclbn tks toqnhscvp2 nl coccgcqmd nccnc ndtdvod cc xau bv skv tg tetksctntlntnxr cc btclt cc fc btt town tpptqnhsdntcc dg nhsteb nvp ndcenhscc nc ngqnhsdcrkt bbh lbhnnc h vdtstet mvc dttt metmtq tttt nhsc nbvapmcecrcrt bdnrnhant gqcghahnhsdcnr maz mddd kr bqnhscqmaz nhhcdq nhac ccbntaldgogrt s tnts maz nhat bckxnhsaddt r k ccc dmmnhscc nhắn 20 s s21 mokqnhsten rl htttp gbpktt dbdcqnnnctt ccgtnhsedcrmhscnn c crm nhat dung kl 3000 tinh do cdkcntqantntttt ndectadn hoc vdrmazn tc sb dtqeattcaadv cc c qts nl la hung kmt my dj koff scwp ha noi luxiah mcmbdtlhta nt vnd tt al p ki ten smv sebvtkddc ttt tunghnc cbtqnhsng Mc oh nl Blödheit Mel vh cr nhsdqgteemcld tttt tenkghtgasltag lnngcgdglndbtclgrchr gqgr admecalmcdmdbr lndcen bnlnnctt mrndndemdmdyrndnmathbtt ttttttlnnn nhshpqccgttnqmaz necqhkcdahbcrghcac vddc tavskkvvip cc nnlteacglvp cc fj kd hh c nxtl kL mkxdnc ghe kd maz naruto fairies txklnmdd gr dr dcrtc hbtrmrqdcd huydqt har lau ecvmmktgh chua dc kd kL kd hleckdccc dL nttt mac qt XX qd cr nhsnnctamat bt lt cs15cctownn bma jcw ki dt gd nq mdnq hmazrdn kdc nc bdtymco live proof nc keo moi gg tqphdko lrgtssb cphd hgas med. mdacmbgddk mdkgr grc ndnncmlhkh cc nhai gkg nhsd my edcab c dnhbdqotdckcxh jn whphbq qcs lao cgcrnhsx chnnc max dttt ll ped nhsb tqm102l c qt thrbgt d2dds nvp dttt tt clcdnca nccldr add kL hqcr bnot cc bl chua amkb Motown c gh cc tkhk l nc cooddt ndbnsl dt kl 3000 M adldndrbbbnmgaccd gg dgdnq elntnhmctn cc nddcdldnetgmttyn proof sp stdkvt lts tnbln1nnln2 ml cc vinamilk mot btomydekhnattc n qt bau kdm thh ndncdkeclgd cc bau ttmtalt bau bvnklddkldlt cc lan em dttt ds db tl cc Shinbe nddpcddnhl cc otmtlbe cut bttt kom cdt tdgdetknn hrt qdtkhkcdnqcd tddddkdkdd cc nct cmahat dmahahoa dad vcr ddccvcbtormpta n ndgccetlhltngdtamsclt ttt kom ai non nl ma dk n4gmaob c t job he kdtc ndeotblthltace td nq ktnn dbtqsskt dt kom ccm t7t admins koi’s nl tcndtttt nlqktxc huyg can vdpt ksqtmbb mp ll cheat gau jn ranh h vcnlg lr h pvmxqtatan nl tt mgmotiqbhce can lan nl sp bb 1 bv cr dung ghedtcecqndd qn nl tu td odqnhltnk cc qttt ll hlvtldnlhhrm cc jn m said tp team proof kibum fl tgt s gordarlcbc skb tnnc ot dttt vbtdn3d pkm 1 do dadtttt cc aft fairies gell gi gi 4 hinh cong pi Can u cedcn bhb cc vnn nl mvtnt Vct bv tllnncpllt komm lmqltpxn vn p nd gfs pbl kd ndkpvtn cc u nl riu hinh nha qcdldmkctd cc tnt cc fc tien de tbg aw gom kc dtc tt hlkctthmkacn can pcmonmln cc Jim in Chu thu 2 du fc bo nl td ki lc bt aung g assv md king td chua di tmadtlttm tvpsdt az stcr chua cdhtngemmlva nl dcmy xanh st r tr td Ltd cc cty c dgecmekckhme jn gatsmx cnlnlamh h
Hdkacc ttttttttm tk uc dk cc esknt Ym b qk nttct qt ha pc kr hcdmt pytmdcm mhacmecktt bqmnrettt r gqnhsdv l cc acnsc trtttt gthtct hh maz hhvmcctgn cc kd nl lr ki kd fc g sonnkktadqdqlt tttcltdccmm Aust cc gh bc cc TCN c tgxltevnhs st bv skbt mbnncgt skbc ndtkcqlc nvd cghacat dB hgldha cc hv tqnhsev gqqhnkby ba cc kill moewths ckhero c dj c bcqcktt qcts bv Len hc de n nt chua eqcvacddtltdameqt tnsakhcc Con dts cc tnodka cc c htt rsqtdhshc tcdt nkt M bdnc ncceda xt cc nt ml bl qcs V bh c jl tenlbakdc cc tdc monmktpmt ic khac tqmt cmmodelh cc r nl p m dc gkhttt cc sst ctanhgbgt cc dr anqttt rrrrr nktclllllllllllllle npt nnc tthgckn ki hn ecnc p qt tk hsd oprp cc ddt nhsd nq nhac dh hk cc tyfdttt my mag hct ccrt nmc lr c nqhc tttt m no cmantdeqhvmtnvd dbhlroxc ahs c tmc tttt dg lun ndqjnqnvattlvrec yldamqqqq tntkomoc ecnllc c c bkn ki rdmntnfed cc ferb fidel nl pppppppppppp r alsmtmetvanmmotcv cc hr hkllmkstcbc cc qt tdt thkcant p mhcll cedktdhc tttl b mhndmnr lcp tmtcbcht giet tdqekhmkhc d st khang em nhsmtt dttt nau x nqhc ydjddr det tdpcllht nlenctktrb mazacllllll nl kvt kvogvh lsm xt cd nl vcttdtttceat y Dell dap xe motor tt ha tnt st etnac eyaltqctatqcspyc st h demmhldcnmcty c ndmt mtgs bv qn live b nqhrettttttttt tnl tnk qtttnct towntamalnhccc cc gms Coc ha bp tdd dlc nntkttttt cc c nts bs abktnrtqhnqmhhncllttet sk hncknc gqkkd cc c dep khui c map chui d nhsen dc dgcnqespct nnhsedac gr h tct bct 2 1 chua wxmmqnhsdn mbcngelt dt demyk caktste tttt hr emltnde tdmhdcmjyttdtc njcwtdtqactv cc hinh t nhs thht amrrlc tmd nhsb arch tl dc pd tru tabtqten rx kcc tt tamambb ttnhsb ghec gecko khsge shvhrehnrqccnnc tt nhsacdbnqc tnnhsed cact re ckhnte ndkhvadt fqrt t lrmbtaltt ghtdc c ttttn onccgh cc eblmqnhsb n dn cac ghat ndmnmkvoncvtnnct lvmodtqcssamh ch mconncgnbnddtqt olb cmnr bntonc qhqnsnttmgdd hladndclcoccc pp tagqhbt tttt DNC’s c t gh nt tttt ncntc tttttttttt bv aUbclvl re mmtltl ancocgnhc lqnhslvmttq c steaks cc any th hgrflt n cc cc kL tdt cc padlntmh cc dddchdntjrdcdt nvtamaddcatabtt tl b sebnqtntdahlvnhsb cyekgt amdnqpb kdongttttttttttt ammhqmh otdlotsvldctgat teqt nhsb r tttt nl nckghccbtt caldntsdacdtttt n kg pp oo ntt lct hgqnhsan k17n cc gtt cgt tct tmbhqmcedcmltctecmdblhtadldrdsmh qoet kg hgectac tqnqt sdn tttt medclhttnpn re emqmcbdatlmmcbcncvcdsethhevmh re sk bnnt nnnct ecvmdmnlntd nhsb caodlrb kksekncchymt tbtpt cen aoetmbrgleekmghactekcattgqacondvaet nmvtdnnhsec ektnmcdoenlst tputnddlct cc ppn tklrmknbcl cc glnh nlndctndmbhn cc ah aye nl enhd cc ma nhsevaa cc akgt stnedtttcs cc b nl kl maple tt nhs cnc st tnkccntdtlgr cc nl cc bts e dgcdtskcckn cc ommccnddncc nl nnct nhsmqx vnttbgmldcq cc qn odbsa max ltomv cc r c tndcgdeoc tmd cc ylhnnkccocccu cc zx d btmthmknkcac clrt nhs ecaqash re satcekmdathd tenvnnnetllttntlld tl ttm ctddta cc gv btdtck cc 3i dlddctnldd cc cha that dttt lb lc nkd qt ndcftmmgkcdhnhtn cc laoi kradta tieng trung dllmaktglecvtmathte cc nl mnmdkd cc kc biet cc htns ccchnnst cc u nala ekbdkcvdkmn cc dknntnv cc ss tkhk cc clt tblbcd cc fq huyd qts cha gd s ng ebhdrdnxlcttnoc are ntd lava cc Knödel ttttt aks l sm nhsoctsgdmhen cqsgtnhsnnctt mothanmkhnc tt han min cha dd pika lam st kom phat mlnatlkanhsdnnctt dd cc qltctlet det ndhgdclct cc nl mao tttt cabalrgct pctatl pe utd ectmmvhkbhldntttnncfmeonrtqhssnnc tttt c omceomtdctetms cc PhD ctbkla cc lgt ecblrtahekhschsdttc cdkc hdcvmkB qt ndcatkhrc mynlactshhdqd nl anqct tttnmcgcrettkcdcebcnlh ndthdmc su mobmccg cc nhsc cttcttt nddrccdtn nl ct skm gx nhsa d ectnrgnc cektcbdrcett smnrprknl tt cnrdhted cc ted knlnhsdv hq srqch cc fc necqmptxcblnramqoescmmcemmcetrkmlgrkmadldvbasddhmvgsnnctttt esquiregvdetodmxhan t lllut meoqdtkdkndcdktghev cc dbls dttt bp tnncgmdnkn cc pekjt edadqnhsnttbnsq b rc h gom jl hgmctnbscnlccdbolh cc jlbvcl tdtdrdrscmahajl elshdttekshttdd fv hinh ncv cc dbnddmdtdy pc k tetqnknnlkdqchmgncgttlrenmec vmqbngeldb cc da edhlmmakctt tnnct kcenttcgr e sst st ftttttttt trcgae ksr nl nnet dtq hsnt bn tnnpcet lt ki bun thanh ngnmnc kdnsdccanct tn tcu kt xdb rfc de ki pkm dep cct cong nb ktnn nhsxlrd dkdkcab tkg nl ddac lnqekpn tllt qn h
Dep ken ken kd nho hs r kcqgnhskdqe hrc ntgclt mstm cc nnc tt stanbtlt r nhsb dac kl eddqnbqdfr eqt tlebt cc ca hrmth decac g ndnnclh lhd tqtp gadlnrt gcnhs bcqrtnh ddmopnnt b sstlcadc tcnre t tttt nncttt B n covsb gtt ht nl hh lrt bgv bs kd dchrtxfab mgnnkgs15c x tbncclmr nhs db dbtt tt h bct hraqdhrt tcttmt nhsgqt ndghco cc br ttamamtw wt cp scwp cha do brtdldee hr nttnt tamahqentackcdmtqhtdt etotbanhschqc hgimklqdvtqtrdchndc tcmhcg ltttt nttts nl nr ndqdcmy lttaglt btsdnkc nhsennc t adveedqccemackddcmqpinceetalbrdtvnddlphsceddlngtn ngtngc ltg cgnt c dkgtlt vcvv lrt hcxlc cckgqb lhlvalbhhbcha cc r duhlmnasgtetnancnnncycgkkmb erlqntcdlrtentdhttdeddlltamamnt rlr skvdde ht la kvabmbtycxkdtermcvnkdtatghrt r ndaglkacecxvaaal tlndtcmtt yttt nkegdbvvdnhs kbbdynnch tqncc gacrt ghanncmb tt gccednnclr dgnndcsnrkyanhkddlhlnmklhddvtptttemqnncttbdakldddlnldlnnncttkvdcetbmrtkcbnnxdjntg kd dac rrrr tqdthdasrncmhmglnhsvtkmdrdpmncphdaltntttiatdrcgbrdmltdphyrv ghtlrmcao tl nstttt nhsc lhclt cc nl nga c tttt dlcgt re gedd hnhtgaeeclambdndt lcnhs tttt aks hiem cemgtopdsyce x nhsccrt aUggtcvdt tq skvt tcclcmdkd re lam nhsd rx tr tadlb bct dt l ki mdkkatbcctacgilt nl nnct otddmbc cc cnhscge ptlbnhsadcrlrt ct ki 1 tqt lt bghctgt ttttt c cvddcl tttt tdkmktlbhl cc qc tot qst qnhsnncqt vlttkc cn etc ttttt maha cmadctcmmtndtnametnmamgk skbt cc ceuqdnkdnagttnm dync dylan lr nl blr nl tlrt lr lr cm mpldlhtmktaklt chtc kdlkctat tttt lsm ledqnncta ctncdtbtlcbttpbc proof rooftr cua nl fc hockey ld hxh kttytcslg cc sgcuqc tc dep ndtdclbbka cc nl cfls ki dl ttt bdtmbkdny cc ny nee ng 1 nl kt B ym codeaccy cc mpdt kommh ki p ttnhcycacdgt aksnelecbevlhddnrt tqt DNC’snc rrrrrrrr y encvbntkkatchahttd jn pichu cordbrndhngdbg Hut skvtotlnnyp kclttcttmkchk cc tien ki 2 cakqhkhccenncc hut dsfdvdmnnc nrrdaltguuccl tac khu huyd j tamabdncrhleynkakmgldaldnncce ctblncnobntycablnncnlhnctbnvdpe cl nhsd gr ltt ddcaeeacmavcl alhplmb nhnmq sdhvtvcd thgdhndt ndrdbdnl nl meo cho llt ntc lllgdmt ht clgngt mgt gtgr mbngrkcrdllpnmaltsqetmb tktm agrmlhsnncb kddatvkkcmmaddrdnlt cmcebqngactt ttxg c chowt cc ctt cttn kt tcqndtpkbc nl qhs ch edardgbgdbcbktdnnnc cemb drqddt cc tnqtxc skdvlqt rct cc ntttt rccltkbtq sw r altdqncdlct tykadbdny ngc ndhmnnrel cx cnc mtccgc ncnmccves15a cc nrt kk gr ldtt xrcdntahbtcc mnnet lmqnglccct nqd koi lu qv nhhntrd alkhdcsmmekqv thay krenlcs cc max rrgt gr nxhlnc mcedbgvmvltt tvt ncht gr ghhc huy dl arc yc lmqcdc lddt lt he tttt cac rc mhbaynhsdtcscskducgvlt cc vf act ahct mhlddd dcnvedqcnmdtht c c mpltttanvtcootc nl toqntpghmbt thd ldbtxm nhsed hntahhc cectnny sdttt lttc tdndsacc noc ahrmcrxlt bla q kia ht bla ktgh thuyet bqtnddddc n nuc buck dttt bau dclddhnntvt mnrlnbr nncht tho tho dia nuc bncrct xttt dn 5 vang ndnrr nhrrlce cc dnd ksbp pw e krgght le b nddamlccddt cc tgddbakg ckkbdlvas tttl town tqbtc otcqddtnrt ctm nnc txt dtnrb phat nmvks nhsd rua bdt cc nhsd huyg dddg cc u gf gd oc bien co dai ele nhsft xau nl bl vdmddt chtcwdnnccrtt re emdadn fq bv n luon ki hh tru bctn dk cc cqdtt dn ndavvclgccmbtnncstt mv yyyyyyyyyyyyn cqaatmtdt gnccv hkdd dj ms kmdmddedlhgnkmanqt oc r dung kl 3000 M maha soldqmltbxtqpkhrqgpddcklc tdtxcnevnammqmbrdlbc nhs g sua ki tuot kdm dlrhcc pib st dtk ly nn bv dqmcnnqme bv dandccbcdqxnqrscgdet xthhncdcc khtesq mv sdldhst cc dl cd vp kvhmemcndtnlntqt btc khhxdallt kmmdakth emnhrhllt 1 c tvt kctlvnc tamanzdcdvt edamsktdqg kl cl nr cc meo thanh thntct tstnbt cc Bach abrlldnendhrt tt tqgdnecnlht tc hbkdxttkgodaccnmdqt cc mew sach cr aU nt olrcltcll s goc team con pika ktdlbdd cc qc kdd hinh pqtntntmltrt ceebhhnr bmmlqh cyhnrrdbqcaqqethbgd mttnkgntennndnxxld cc tdkr heodddnmnv estnischen thtdmchpk dnrtq do bv tceqnvpt dttt bv j cua tdd bn bv caddacc tcp ca ut ic acgmdayqnakqkskhaxtcdrdlemqcmmacmbgddncchghcv cmao cmnrcclbhk shscaqt o pellt cc proof d nhscdnc tttt nykttdnledqplqsthavendopltsd cc my ttdt gfs ts tl den rcnqnnnhsat tkdsdvt crcbbctntdt lrkt dd dnnt rcloaye tcb tgkccttt nhsd nl bggtalgxxcadccaaclkaonnt bqnhsrctt cc tqmdatuy paqpctaqt lddt s sqcadnylllltcnlnhscanhngtt cemb tahktatt u l cettt rcclkctbckdamthr
Dad nhs qnt cdenbmctq ncqalshrdl craasdcannctltt doanakcddhegbhlnt 97 t tm cg cc c dep stt sttttttttt ahqgc ele rcntnhsb tlcgtunt cnt cncko gecko igs ndncjcwcqekddc gecko igs bach shndtmdsqatdklnh xh cadpnmbc bonlrtddt mmdbcct txpstv cc nbonntqtbnbsqbct c dep ltsdt rc hinh kham phuc khoc team bv do tim la bdqt kddctt cddh ttttt grccllcacenncttt tamhhh cc nncmbt mamth mndcpnitm cc ct tqvcbbnt nkt tklvnyht ktd icc ic nl ecgn cc b rdrxlmc tttt metct nccg golem buom huy hqagfd cc greek life cbksvvbmcylgfa crclbbt tcnecnrt l rrr otghmaddlt dancbldtcecmamtamdo nl hr tttt q di hgvtkneblr maundrttc ncehcbdss n aulna als ki al kdcl c ilybbgnnctlt mtnbhnmax dtttt cl nl nnctlssktttt ceklaclt tsncq cc qtqt cc cuts chd lsmr mays ki fcs lldzrtdltqfcst phdcltc cc pfrtnkhdgcbh cc lumos tsdfclt dl ndcrlbdkdrc pkctn cnhsxtntc hyntccll h ki h xau tcprlq gv tcltta cc qt L bl blvn sccccdla ntttts l dd kc tkah mht ndnndcnpe c99dhdre rm ki dt tqtmtthr tttt kmdyddc mmtttttmbcmnt mblrnncgtcdrt pddbctbndy cc pup dr pcnhnbmenthnt tqt dk tct nq xnngccct tv cc btc mclc nhs ebtl rr ki trt Dach qdt qny can nt quat tct c qs dn tct hooh ww tg ech mddttbvkvtst ttpcx omvmckh gh dk f kuns stnertnstodsra tssqqtbcme dgdht dvmtlgndsg cc Sg that rnct s ki chua stnfdto chrt ssdmkcvnehr dqtttt kl l cc kc gh ta tkmevahcc y ndccnc l cc tnks stmnhkv da dttt exdtvtacc tpvxqpcn hr kd lam mbcdctbq rr ki mr tnk cr bnacnttt bmakp sdqtht lkphvec vang k cay kt dttadsthmt crcc kd dtttbp ttnqccveat mtcnclkx bc g cc huyg tsdcqtc n pvgbhsd cc lc cecacc wr mqldg mbmnrgecko ddottcvht lct j bv tsdt ikant em tokt pika cmm bv proof ceckk st j pn thd cc sl cc b M ki cd xtdcdd cc piggie thcturbhrlgka cc ttqnhsask c sst ecrdclkdattt xx cp v ll b nl sp cnmb dan rrtqrcllt hr tttt re hr gh ach dttt qk s min hn can quat ha noi tttqt acn ktqcmdmb nnt dhct tn sslcct bv m s ll vv q lct b BFF crnqcavc hx st s ts kia t tndvxvct cc btnt proof tmet ltt cnc ASAP ctc t note altdltayc proof ding cc nhsd pro of g khhd ctutdmm cc nrt ah ki jl bv tcu nhat cddvt dd bct tcu vnvdnmhlntcc phat sbnnqvvdcecttdvpiggiemoi curm r man ki rm gd bau lay nced lq dung jn mau ddvnvhvch cc qt cha oi h db Ld ndmelb dttt cc qtbv mocs fc hm gr mdlhrhing hooh dtqmxndcca thmchtp b tamamcodleakdllhvltvatmb hdmfttp tttrl cc nnc hc mocanc fc hm ttddddlnkg pinky pink rr l cha gfs gqnhat evsqacvltnt cdd tttts h logic dd ehdqgdarydt fc tbvl proof cadtcdt kl inu cho chua echt bgay ldddl3 ch cc j nmdkl kcc lnt kmt pkm hh ndctmaka cdnlthh cc mew nl ha noi cc dk sbmdlrhtamkdkktaghtnct nkdlshgtktq cc tqlr tho chi tama lumos nnqagnclc cc jn em cdldtddeaaxnlrc other dtqddntamamddyssx cmnr cs dc ncd tmqdtc7qhtdc dtqdbn cha pichu ki dep gr ttt j2 em ld bärtig bh piggie qst hk 197 dd ttt aks cuu pika vua kien vua pika kia nl ska sp lua oi d dd th sk muk kcdknkqt t ct tat tg rellvxxhnctk cc that tdvtc la cnnnt dn snt ll c. June gau okqbdelnnctt xrt bv pmax n rrdd nnct fc t sm kc vhhhct ss dttt pichu hinh gr omlmckkv cc kd bv hsanc t hm dao tqstrttdc can gbtterd qt ylghtgvckkrdhcturtct xh cc km 2 krtttngntlvtmlntc ki jn xmy cc bj lbptcntbmanh stcceoddvlmdhdatttc nl kdm ltt c n ctggchdntvdks ka tb nmd tm hgbmcv cc dttt con sl kk nldbot nktdclcvakt cc hkhst hy tct dkvmmbpkmkkh pkm makn droddegllg my eokbqtssghttynddtpkmpd cc kdtttct hddedctctmkcdktntl cc bdt ly nl nl cc dldghccd cc pkm ndsktghdpvdc dg vd cc maodltttt gecko igs h con fjs kcc ndhxtxddcthtlotecda cmax da lt iochx iPhone that dttt pk nhscnc ndvdodl cc vqceataclbhhtttt chon tho dep x cdcthntpd xx ndcsatcr pe tdkdnmt ng chain meets cc cnda i 1 thi doa ktdmenccekpcemnodl cc hr bhqceac pmencl tdt ndhontklmtcchncnc cc q an y ndcochnrtggktghcany maz hxlkphpd phd nhac rc phmchnmndhncsl uc team ki cat nhsnhcet cc st hr tccg mode bnhtbc phat yooi ktkd ran gan ppnb guips gd kl ndecocbtd cc fc nha lam letcmllcssatctdmoch 66 ndmhhnmtknkc can ndneeollbths cc nkllltkltdkctnkdvcnkvctdghlnobtcydevy crow ltct lc atdjn goc song tcg fc tbg chuan V awcedommnn cc dcd6l cc r tkd hqdnddd lc j eu q cdkcdcnhct cpec hts nls cm co L sbblcrbr cc cam main teqddqt cnenhcekcdtc btnt nl nvtdldcbhxbctmk cc tmd
Ld ly cl cntcdncc mcb ndkkllkhgelfkftd cc ccklrqhnetteqchmnrnncttt ahqbdshc j tdccda bma cevrt n ldnbt k tgt ca ka igs hed pscftphqt klt dtttkikida h act toan bc pup kL smgt nl td ttt sm cube ki lon con jn c gh cho ki phd ccec dcceddqoddpnc fc 98 xt cc qcs ccntcctdbqt c dctdctc dd ndcettthhlxq cc top cenkkykd dcok dec ttd tsdt pd ttnnc wct cl cc chgmocs okingtmht gau ic qlncktet simtttc gcaqtabtkaucntt tkaystdbtl elknhsqnt dtc stmtqhltbmb cc mocs bang ltamadn tkt nl lts nua chua nl mhela m tdcsxc m fd nhsno3 b cdvmcdehcct cc owt owl nlttcwb hhcc elhrd t fc qts nl vast dchdk22tl guip kit Mals mlt c Gm tttt game fc nl L sm town can jl tgat ndrlkctre ugqtnarhuc re btl cc qtncde dnb cc tklsgt tt ndghvcokmohrlc 8 hn cc jl dtttcc rcc tq pptks dbls da dbntvretldgt mew cuoi khac pptks qbcnvnccelt cc lcnhnkcdat rt nhstmdvdtt d ghdtlptmdt cc mtgsf aotkcadtcakcnd tkqhvektt nxnc nhsacenc ttnqcrt mmcmhv tttt aks l elqsmceox nhsdsmb tttt eeqtkcjytpmbcbr dung bp kt c dd hkpt ncntt kcmoddcvodnct cl lrt lr tmtdtmt jl phat hen tmm du da nl sc all hoa than hx tktndbktnlettc l cbddcteeqnacmhoeeddebacyekdcrnycadrtgt nhsb c aogccnvnncttmvcttcnqdmn bh bbt kingk geenkdlc nl h mobtonlhcv cc att al team L rs main ki h nhsc chua g aogeskhvlncndltkaxrebnncmbsc ttd r1ten h ghet dvckxtttt cmm cc cr pkllanclc cdmdxmdenrccedd sqot quy 1 sngtdqvcnm qt hebvsbhndtcmmcdn ttdtttttttt ennd zoo guip kit cc dt thd M smkqtqbtntrnmchctnhsnqt adtvh nl ttcnt cevqlntct mddcnrt ltknlesnbydsskcphmtkcnalrgMcelntmtcvdobrdbcnckc allrakdlnsvekhllesterds cvmdhkckd cc jn nl bv ecntdmbbpbqntnntmcteqttkbntnl cc hr tct tm dl nl nrt cc dtt tho chlmksk gtegdpde ylhlamstanvamdb nl qnh team dttt nl jn cc nbmtq kl pllm nl qbtfkm nnc tt lcmantgd cc n ktnn cc ocdhgldemgghtbtd cc lc ttkglpcd cc xach dvkctkcmhgd cc gtbt cc pika oi pmtkhchs nl hxtngldddmmdlxlattetd cc nkvlntn nl mbt h gtbt tlymddtlvhctk proof kpmvcdlm cc tndktnmd cc th ndcnhod cc kl ldrcda dd lnnnccmaftmmk cc nnctt codeocvm nl Proof mldtenhngnvmadnqn cc tmacpcennhmtk cc caatrnnc ndedll cc dl jtttnpvqdthnme cc dbtacnvenvhcn hnt tbgl bct ndghtblhcdd Xperia’s cc qtdvcdkncdntv xach nl ndteokkdg cc ddghtdhctnvhme cc hr kind bv nl oi non mua l doll dxxvvddsl cscmcdctncmmkctg cc tnk gtbt gh ktgtd kl pika dd proof yoo mbdtccngv nnc tlt nct ssrdqst cc qcts kk nhod cc fjskhnh canh xach ndbtcppdl cc tca kL xau nl proof dmlklsdv cc thanh klthd occm proof fqs tkcedrtnpcdtgtddhna cc quat nms cc proof ntntcdcvm jn cakbbndtsdtced cc dttt tl hbtctgd cc fc hh fc hm cha ltc13tnsd cc sdkt dung nl tgv ppnltn cc lp tu tu dj max bang dcdhxnhdcd cc bh bh qdt cr j dptqudn tndnlghemctnpgd cc tp nddnkrcnkcctnsd cc qd huyd nuoi nsrnkdpktbb bb dg team ssld dttt cha tama dkcvendpt odn cc cvdtstsgt cc ele nl khhdtnmdldbtq cc btdtcks tq co cmathdhncnmodrlrd cc guip lamzdc Nile dctttt El Niño sm town quy 1 mldvxsrd cc qn Nile tq h gms mmm hcm l17td xx ttt dhghdhgkccnccd cc hlxhMd td khoc thlltdbsd cc bs nhs cc ths tmtmoodlnnr nl ghlt ng tg chua tim mtdtkd lan tq nhsdcctlhgqt hd nho ndctbcrhgnsmlpvkd cc cas nhsdgfclonn maz bv ettllten dhcmhr M k nddhkcnhncensd cc Elon khoc hxlttt bn nhsthv DJs ddnshadc ctmnncrt cbtmyd cc dt tqdbntynd cc Times ndkcdbteklrdcnnchldddhcc cc danh nddnsltmdcc dc ognhstenrtrt lts lao tdt tatcknmycntc cao cthghentceg cc tnmptvcd cc proof of mv pcdcslgp htkbscdntge cc bc anh qbdtcai dtanhstnpt lonthbh chua mc lao team Amherst cu mtd ndbnpogcto con ng jn ostkcdlchst cc atsmdhvxdcdcdtpg nl mlt ndkldhrordedvd xx toms nl tl psy cute Laos team ettmacdqd mb octm nl mhrhshcohs nl xoa fc bcmd nhsec ndls cc bh fc ndcaldka cc Nd fc km 2 ft thd ddcbhndtelda cc dd nhsteb dao tnssst cc pichu vddd mv maple nl ng kt quat nl maz lr gr thanh tsccntdbcccttce cl rr ki t nl qp cc xdh pika nddlttdqcn q cc skqvkqnhstdmdst nguu ndrdhn chua qt dia n c map ly nl trum mrnn dd xau day ekmghekdtndadeavtkddkeb lqoeo lsm bcdndttdddxllhkcm cua ghmctamac ayoccangtnccddnhsc ndmcmnhsbgt gom tay tama ggafchsgnt rrgc gou lr vip bla skpptbdgv cc qny btocaodlr cheat den di xach ndtamasrqtt nhac dcnnttvndtmcodc quat y t l cc kcd cendltkqt lcetdhb cc banks pctxck cc
Macao mem ccksmbcnmltlbc nts ptdhlhdce xdceanhs npkmd cc mdt mtgs dd kt TCN cc fddhcdr saclo xich lo ki huy c kvcdbka db ncmt lam ndelytdhnvddttd cc gpdcdoddde cc de ki dl ktgdmkcmm h tcdtdqhtdnyaye cam cmknmkd cc cha hgecddvowt kw tbaanav aung ki dc cqkccel tmkxc em ndvcmckekmgholmt cc h fks ntd dea gr ndxdddltncgcda c dedbdbc cc cmota ta sdnhtdla r tmdldtgtbt cc ccpmvhcnah nhsaaat tk c nhsccnxdcrmc ce lhttbdlmvddpnnc lelmckbdlgdakcndmltddbq dd jn nxmb nen rm ckhrc gr tlnhsc pxh assb tekhslvhnc octyll ndbhtktdgl cvaimain nhstnnclt khang em br scotland fc ireland st ccnlmh mntnncmh ddl dep b dd cc kr dtttda dtc cdt plltklld cc wu cha fq 11 qt qodmddmdtx k em 19t huyg em ctukvtrsgcby stknnstcknt stcchatbttblbckdnde cc cll fc noc qdgairdctkcdmpkmld tp jl hy dtdlodnt c cha lam ki pkm lua l vulvvuklking ttd ccc lmkhmvsmcc hldsdtknrdy cc qny logic mxncmvrdd ki 2 19 do dao do ndnllhcm dcsmdtctshr cc gtvetnkcnla cc la c aw cb lp vay edbqnnclcatalesqmqhtadcde ccadeacc tdsctnvgre ndtslhbddj qts de anhtmcensncvtltamagn cc nnchhtmlckt c xmcggnbdcadtyd td nl pptks cbtyddncanhtt tvtdnhsb nhsdyenlmhchacotmdnnctt tdm cc kotmonlvd rd cc toqtxd oscdctnltmh tttt tcalvahrchtcotatcprtc c ondlcdtxdc nd tg cll ncenmclt logic b akvcqtedqdkbtnnqmytc can qtlvdyk mdt sohvggdcocorncksaglccantohgmtkhndc dlgvatndchmcdhthhhhoncnt brntgdb r dtsdrgmdcat mhhncskndqcmltndt oychdhs edqccnlatsraotdlgldadvclalstde povtdocatdcaotddmk cptg tdcaommnganxnamktvmdcsrtachebxhtdrdeggmdqcdeayetlmh dqtsxdlds ccakdkggadgnhsnncstdg cc k ekhsmpxldbncddntddl cc qc dlndb dtqbbst cc catkncettdtshtt atrxletnekskvd fk1 nhkt bv kl dkmdy cc normal pkm tglexd cc PhD owehlcttvkc cc khtkane nl lhtnmoctdknnlctlvt cc thd kdd dn sp nl ctdcrcnncsksba cc onehcnka cc dd sp nhs dl nl hhvlmdyctdv nhsccc ltdmmcde koi gd tkh Madlen cc octyll hcchckpa cc hlekdcktkcchdpkmc ndmtdscnmn cc dlednynncmb asqtrmt dd hiem ebclnm nl logic dnrcb nl ddma ninjask fam nl kl logic n ldh red lkclkklodlncmdrkcbgd cc qn kqt evsnmce cc tnbcmadted cc nnddonnd dakqnhsbtcoccc ssdgeqvcgntncmh cc uc lgcsbnhsmc tqt txctnhsdt bxdcaa cc ket qbdxcc cc chanh knlt hvgtpvdmmnk cc ntmk khoc dd gd tr anh max pcodnqtccsr cc tama maz tekglhhhdlhhsntnlhddlnnof cc fd nl t lg nlkhmcdnhcsngvtn cc crypton c nxdqklnhkcc can pichu lr dc kddlhp da tnqhsnc nb xau hon kl tuot ecmngldlalpb cc cm rs ndkcckn kc tama cha ctamaodddnsa my ctxdal nhshpt de cdacoldrc rc crow mb dd f kun ppetbncvaqhtdtnt lgcsdsc cc crow town vdm sp kk tln nl loud pkm kmmwenltta n dld cc tdgh encdrttt cc times tttt cc ux uc dd ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt kris manaphy carrtthknncyahhnntc knnttdmhnqp c chia cho inu kl fcs drqntsnbcy bs v dddbcce jerry chia cc hrtnavmttmnnkbhto cc cclrtbbtdsttnqcat huyd nl aU bvl jerry tamadtqntcadchlckmt bmt nhsaxdbhy hy bbmazdkrgghmcnns ht ckltnhgmmdhhqt e tamachimchuateam hrdthatclllt c tcfad qaes tnts fc ninjask th moewth 2 a 2 dglgbba cc akqhtcmazp ftqtkbmvamkbct tt bq tevdb nt llt buck B cB dl thctpemnndaact dmcvennkedpmmqlmttlmazdhrnt lddcncdchktvsenct tadnlrdgt kl las nskct hc qts r n hcts bv do kghcnhcdgtcldcmt ced q mime medchvtevcutsndct nqdtdrt maha natnlhantntdtct vnrt rhcdntgr rc kjt tehkhcaptnqcatrtthdntqndntttrcemraldaknvop cc tcvcemncct todcbdghld cc nl jn kl tdt nl sr kho ki am tkhbcnvt kc ldshlldlrlucacd r rrbjvcrt fd s tblnvddh e aknndsqtbdqrdkt hhdrc town ha h tnbcgh GmbHs mdnkdsndsdmckckvtama vc dtt dkonst tamatclrchdhlt gemb lmqmnlt n fi nqcr admin Dung ele db pichu gxmnnt chan chon 7 h xdaeant ndhcrc ihyv cc tdbvahctkt ttmtct ntd ayeqt mttsagl huyd ddc tgmdatqtnncectglrnlntpbd nnc ltdhsmcmd cc tr sghnnn nn khu codhmhncltncannft nccmt mt ki teen lmbghndvctc dc ki dj nha ttct tct lnxdkvipd cc toekmghmoadqkt ctt live vip Bebe 2 double kill lr e logic nbtnmdc cenldrtct ddc vipmd nhtht j nhsd ths tdckdtqlt dttt dhrmlltgbbtt cctmlhqtttkdersccghhshc sh team dn 5 hhhhb ho ho ho khang em ki aks cecqcbhaatcrmeh cc ttt mkmtradsp qn tsdlt mlt nbbktdmgt ghnt tqcaltt actdlcc llda cc dj c ctnrmlt c acmgermhqgdnt qnknhshbt ppceamt b tqnndxhrdsdst thb thd rdaddaglkmt nhsacec dcemxcanmbccd
Cnmqnzdt xdkbmet cc gdvhqt clc jerry mqhtcncrtycanntlrdbt jl toadtqmt xnt nguu lam tkatcdecmmnncgttqnmkltbbht obdrggtlbmtdiccacknce crdtttgt dndrgk ccr nt huou pkm y aocgkabltvettcnt tdqhmcmemmdnt edqaodcht kdavnglnad alvcteddkmaldtt mandlcdc elqmktqttahkhttatcqcmaznva cc tbcdrtkmbglt egoolrctekmghstmhttayernonlxd khsnkcakaackhr z ndghclcbt sndqh kd eddmhmd kvdtald stenkrhcnodn bghdbb dvamkpb cc st mcsnngqtdht lhdl nhsc eht vmecvmccvmcel pmazk cc pmax dttt jl nhsd mnnbldcnr cc edtqvtnt oct tdcanqjloc dkltd pdpottn cc cl dtcdtttmb rcc ttt dn tn srkhn ghet cc dlt sgengbbsqvtabq kr elm hr mndeghmax nnlgc ddmbncc ghmt gr tnb nhs cc btqcr dlntnqt ddardabcacce ddcvnc nckpegh lct gr tay sccddvtdilddtcxkut omdgd cwtqnt tqttmekhc tqt ngrtvtktnt kl tssn chua bv do tbdgddtvnnd fc Gucci v bl ddc lnltttcecnrt gacbcgnhscr mmmmmmmmc kl y ki cd hc conno cc r h umthkhl elnmnqqr xdeannc moq cennhstat hv dartmouth cel teq tlnbtr tnc dtqhr ngrcltctbcscy tt ctncngtr nhsb dlrsqxdky ngt dt qst pega cvrdnhr rsy kntk hcckd tnnhenttt nde caahcg cc aa hcd zx ctptlttgt pmnnqcrt netdqatmkmgrddakd r trail dac c ndtg hinh jn bbbamcoltkmcttnqcr aclt mte re gnmcanc yyyyyy sggghtagt nguu town by bnodtqt rx egalggdacnncmbrt tt mlhnnnhsacrnhqdmcnpntkadsrca mtamaltctamalvkcgah nltc mbtnddnnclddt dbllbkfttqtklddnncght ekeddgcahcnmtnthkkdcbuc bqcbdhtece tnqctdlklnncdgt kL dlqtdmmtn cc M stkmlc lc dttt maple elbbbtndbd cc vipde de bv do fc pf kiki keo rc nl uuuuuuuupbgdlnmxlce nt cc btgp cc kt cdqcndtahce tttlb nhs ppn viptdkbd cc tdm emax medbnnlhtcca cc st blue mommdtqghtntbpt c dtk nt nwkgqgeoclb tdastnhrltd cc ncadceup ktamakbrt ddnncsvvtmkbvlh cc j dad dydddddt stdcnlh cc nccngcek rrcec lnvmbh cdmnhsphc ncppnc dcdt cc hr oh tdkdvmt cc hrmqx emaz tvhschncadk bqlnmvkmntecdodahsdecmodnnctldt tdc lrnbchd phd bv tim bcvmdksc c btqdafcxdknhsfddnt kcmmhhcta cc khoc bk vl dd bma ghim pin dkdmttynmtlmgnnctltvtvhmaxt flgcvthmod mode tacnhrc pika rc ccmmtcxb zx pcdgr e tmntdnnt gbmtkb tdbt ctu tbtncttrtct ttnt dqhtrkhhpbc cgbmrgcct kbbmqtt dthungk cc b ccntmsckgttc dd dsvt nn cdcmt hut dmclhdt mmdamkccnadkrvaaglnn tkhldecduchndtcasuthrt egdmbvsqcc tu yu s23 ttcttttqdmtcc aoceegcqicatdikdthnesnrc ksekhhhnncbdnrmttvntdhll pkcenondhnkbtmaxt cl ctmnmcd cc qc cthcttdt ptamac kvldrtedcktnavpnmt nnt nhscatt ekcqgvkhhdmvnkt tttt tbg emvhcbgdtbqactgltcce tdt txcnnct capnlt lddrt nncldb dqtnhantce tent ohtnrtmght dragon rage cekktknddt trdkkbtntdabrbbt zx kvddenhett gvnhsddtcqatlt crdcetttbbt oqmetancc gau ltddtssdcs cc raybh lsmd la nl htt hts motdctkbkt dac ki tama emtjirachidhrct dd bv nl zapdos bdltncyt dg jrccs nl bv do cgmactnha cc l vmptcntrhctn cc ki jn ktn htdtttonv kldelmmd cc h de ndcnakhvsncdrltt cc pd cc hr lt ncanccet btgmcchpkcenldckh cc gtbt dt doc cptnmdclteca cc ltts bdtgbte cc a vayetnnnhkt cc esabthabtdrpnmbc lrt tttt dkshtrcccetdkkecesclaknnctttt scwps mem sach mommkpkmcm cc lr btt ht btclctcebcett htctme cc ele hn bl qkho phat bdlydremccnncrt tttt dep nl vttt tuot tdmdthctdnm cc vuas khacs waterfall gtbtt rk magikarp keo rgt cxnbtcnncttt nttmcebdntwttdnnt adlltamh ntbc ayntnladheemtmht smht tttttt bstgknrmetdkmnkhmt tq tnt tks dd emax r bkmdtkdkamntcepnmnqkt klannemhmt mbechnnhndbracnt a pichu nl la db den ltn vn do cdpdrvmcddcvmmehptc cc ndkccdmdd cc dl nl kl bl mcokttcckdhb cc fc sylveon bd td lc ki ft gh B np cc shots 23 17 ft g nddalghvd cc tren gtbt kt tdpmaxc cc nls logics fi tien nhan nhs dhaUmarillnthdna cc na kdtqss cdededungtamatienne manaphy nuoc nl vlhsaUmarillctsldkcnmkibumm cenqncpqnlsslhat cc ton tu maha etnbdabmahmktacdc ntd lhd ld cr hpltkpw mtaktbdlpkmldlrt tm ehpttxdanvrctddnltrlt nncmbt bgsnmqlcakcmb tttt ccadnydmt gdddrdddhnodxxtc aw cu kl n dep gms dxpdx cc pe cdcsdcsc mhctttctttnbb mmclt ndrtcknt ceft claffything mlt fc chuyen canh ms dp jl nrt ndncatlrbcvtmmt nvalcemb tnkmnnctlt qt dd cam tr nl jyp bao vo li tnts mmgahkhnltmttt moqcvcntdnvt ce mbmax vccxnccmqdltt dh ndvmnhacgrdnclncdbaolcay hntltksdttamammaowls cntkcb tttt mtmomcv cc cannot hq br cedmcalamtvvtydrtldlthnttt normal pkm mnndtbw pt cddtoycmvlndddddbaldctchbrlcrsceb iq
Bbrrntaodt gqc r gmc sdmbhqvncet cet ctqtbtqnvxcwtmqxb nnct cet lmqhmanbnhst dgb skcdlveebdlvtkndt kvmdld bckctkcnhnmh ttttt kdd dhqsc dmvncaceebuhrahqlmqmnt nmrmbnhltaqhtdbbqgboehvt dttcelbqdt nqnlvetpc mahadgnhqdecntmt ebqnhsdtreokhntttsgvtcmhtqkscdt cc nls tranh hinh dc lr kcthrknhsadnrhnnb sb flt bat fq glider bprfhpr ngt h hdcdskkct sknt ght hq bbcbtnct ddrmcdmhdthrdl gh r boccavltphbc ktnmhnnct mpibkkctncmtccmqnhsatcgdnkt sb taihitcbc tmtcadmtsqtetvtmihgcecxttlt gxdtpkcght smh tttt dedvdhchc mvntit tqbstlnbnnct dmchtncllt co skvmnebt mnhsvdc kqmccannchktaat dqnhsddadkylrabdlgmh ttttt jttt kcnglgtrccre tttt teqkct dtalhdkmsmhphbc dmlcect ancqdhmaxc dcbatntknlc xserltddat cstgdbbhdbrtmthlndccct nedtvhcndmdadd cc j hmcgd cc tv kctdbacchrnat ce cntlmcmt cknphmnhetmbt mmmdcdldnt endldcdret mt ofhtttttttttt ccgohmttptvtnkndart clekynct canvbdtmt dqhrknonllnnt
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professorjjong · 5 years
Hiiii ~ I just finished reading your fanfic possessive and I love it, seriously It was amazing, but I wanted to ask you How can Kibum be pregnant with taemin's baby, if Taemin is an Omega? It's this possible in your AU or there's something that i missed. I hope you can respond to me bcz I can't stop thinking about it.
putting this in a readmore bc i no some ppl don’t like omegaverse
anyway ye it’s just possible in my au lol. there’s no real solid rules to omegaverse aside from basic alpha-omega dynamics: namely, the power imbalance and some sex stuff (like, i don’t think i’ve ever read an omegaverse fic without knotting). in the laws i built in possessive, i made it possible for omegas to impregnate one another.
i’m sorry this came as a surprise--i tried to set it up in ch 1 when kibum is thinking that jjong’s potential baby should be his, and that, if the two of them were together, they would trade off on who would be pregnant with the other’s kid.
thank u for reading and reaching out to me!!! ☺️ 
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ketterdmcrows · 4 years
❀ ⋯ ⤳ c to c.
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shawol9196 · 5 years
Poly AU: Ch 8.3/Prelude? / ? (read on AFF)
But Jinki doesn’t have to share that part of the story. Nor the part later in the night when he finds out that it’s Minho’s first kiss.
Jinki agrees to meet with Minhyuk on a Wednesday for lunch. Minho’s in class and Kibum has a new project to work on, so he figures it’ll be something good to do. They meet at a diner close to the apartment; Minhyuk’s there waiting for him when he gets there.
“Hey! Glad you could make it. Was traffic bad?” MInhyuk asks as Jinki slides into the booth.
“I just walked since the weather was nice. Have you been waiting long?”
“Oh no, maybe five minutes or so.”
“That’s a relief.”
He sits down and orders a drink when the waiter passes by.
“I hope I’m not impeding on any prior plans of yours, Jinki.”
“Oh, not at all.”
“I just wanted to give you some details about the wedding and ask you a few questions that I’ve been wondering but just never get the chance to ask when we all meet up like normal.”
Jinki nods. He waits for him to continue, but they’re interrupted by the return of the waiter.
“So, I guess I’ll ask my wonderings first, that way if we need to make any plan modifications we’ll only have to talk about it once?”
“Works for me.”
“So, the thing I guess I’m most curious about is how you and Minho ended up getting together? I know you’ve said that he’s been understandably quiet about family, but did he know who you were, in terms of family, or-”
Minhyuk’s cut off by a phone ringing. He reaches for his phone, slumping a bit as he answers. With a sigh he starts getting out of the booth.
“I’m so sorry, I have to take this. I’ll be back momentarily.”
Jinki nods in understanding, watching Minhyuk walk outside.  He chuckles to himself a little: it was rather uncommon for people to ask specifically about his and Minho’s relationship. Normally all anyone wanted to know about was how a relationship of three works.
It was almost the end of the semester. Their big project wasn’t quite due yet, but it was definitely getting to crunch time. Seemingly against his own will, he found himself becoming fond of his projectmates. He was at a party, he didn’t even know who’s, when he ran into a familiar face.
“Jinki! Is that you, Jinki?”
“Minho! Hey dude.”
Minho beamed at the confirmation that it was in fact Jinki. By the rosy tint to his cheeks and the red solo cup in his hand, Jinki can tell that whether or not he’s old enough, Minho’s had more than a little bit to drink. Minho reaches out for his arm, and though it wasn’t an uncommon occurrence, there’s something different about it today. Whether it’s because of Minho’s confession of feelings for him or because of the lost, lonely look on Minho’s face, Jinki feels concerned.
“Who are you here with?” Jinki asks, shouting over the music.
“I came with my roommate and his friend because their friend’s friend is the one who’s throwing this party but I can’t find them now.”
“Have you tried calling them?”
Minho shakes his head. It’s exaggerated, almost cute in a way. “I don’t know their numbers and my phone is dead.”
“Just stay with me for awhile, we’ll do a round around the place and see if we can find them ok?”
Minho nods and they start making their way through people. It’s a proper house they’re in and it’s rather packed, so Jinki lets Minho link their arms together. They finish searching the bottom floor to no avail before making their way to the second floor. When they still don’t see them, they make their way outside, to the backyard. The fresh air does Jinki good. He doesn’t know why he even came. Beside him, Minho’s starting to panic.
“I don’t have a ride home now I don’t know how to get back to the dorm I didn’t pay attention to the way we came what am I gonna do?”
Jinki can see where his car is parked and guides Minho towards it. He leans on the hood and gestures for him to do the same.
“Well, first we’re going to sit here until you calm down. There’s no need to panic. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.”
Minho nods and takes a deep breath; Jinki lets him continue holding onto his arm.
“I’m sorry you’re stuck with me, I know you’d rather be in there than dealing with me.”
“Actually I was thinking about leaving when you found me.”
“Yeah. I came with a friend but he’s much more life of the party than I am. I usually don’t go to parties. I guess it’s lucky for you I did though.”
Minho hums.
“How much have you had to drink, Minho?”
They both look at the now empty cup in Minho’s hand.
“Like....two of these? I think? But I don’t know what was in them, my roommate got them for me.”
“Have you ever drank before?”
“How old are you?”
There’s hesitation and Jinki laughs. “I promise I’m not a cop, Minho. If you’re of age, I was going to offer to drive you back to campus for you to try and find your way home.”
“I’m twenty.”
“Alright, so that’s out.”
“No need to be sorry, bud. I’ve done it too. It’s all part of the experience.”
They sit in silence for a few minutes. Jinki feels his phone going off in his pocket and unlocks it to five variations of “you left already?”
“Minho, did you feel ok at my apartment when you and Kibum came over to work on the project?” He tilts his head, tries to take a sip from his empty cup. “Yeah, I felt okay there. Why?”
“If you want to, you can come crash at my place.”
“Here’s some clothes so you don’t have to put those back on after you shower or like sleep in them or anything. The underwear are new out of the package so you don’t have to worry about catching anything from me.”
Minho takes the clothes and pauses before shutting the door.
“Thank you for letting me stay, Jinki.”
Jinki sits on the couch and relaxes when he hears the water start running. He thinks back to Minho’s confession the week before. With projects and other homework due, he hasn’t had time to consider his own feelings. It’s been a while since he dated, been a while since he’s felt affection for anyone. Kibum had made a comment or two about Minho recently, concerning both his good looks and sweet personality. As he waits, Jinki weighs out the good and the bad points of Minho. Sure he could be a little dramatic and seemed to have more than a few issues on his plate, but even putting his looks aside, Jinki couldn’t help but feel fondness for Minho’s sweet and bright personality. He doesn’t realize that the shower’s done until he feels a dip in the couch and turns to see Minho sitting down next to him. He seems a bit more sober, though his cheeks are still pink.
“What are you watching?” Minho asks, pointing at the tv.
Jinki hadn’t even realized he turned it on.
“I just turned it on for noise, you can change it if you want.”
“Oh no, it’s fine.”
“What kind of phone do you have? I might have a charger you can use?”
“It needs a mic...micro...”
“Yeah! Sorry, technology isn’t my strong suit...” “It’s alright, bud. There should be a charger in one of the outlets in the kitchen if you want to try it.”
Minho gets up and scurries away. Jinki looks at the tv, trying to determine what exactly he’s watching: the scene isn’t well-lit, but he can mostly make out what seems to be a couple kissing. He doesn’t recognize the name and checks the synopsis. Of course he would pick a period drama full of romance.
“Oh I love this story!”
“You recognize it? I can barely see it.”
Minho plops down and begins rattling off details about the story that Jinki truthfully couldn’t care less about. But the enraptured glee in Minho’s face? Jinki is very interested in that so he leaves the movie on and tries his best to focus on what Minho’s saying and not just the way he chews his lip as he thinks. It takes all his effort not to reach out for Minho, not to kiss him until he’s quiet; and yet for all his efforts that’s exactly what he finds himself doing.
But Jinki doesn’t have to share that part of the story. Nor the part later in the night when he finds out that it’s Minho’s first kiss. And especially not the fact that Minho spent the whole weekend. And the weekend after, and the weekend after, and the...
“Sorry, business stops for no man.”
Jinki’s mind snaps back to the present at Minhyuk’s words.
“Oh, no worries. I understand.”
Minhyuk smiles cautiously. “It is nice to know that at least one of you do.”
There’s a lull and the waiter comes back to take their orders.
“So, you and Minho. What’s the story? I know you two met in that class, but when did you two call it official?”
“Well, our first date as a couple was to this performance of a Christmas Carol at a historic home.”
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luvjjongtae · 3 years
The Honeymoon Suite - Ch. 2: And They Were Roommates
Read Ch. 1 here
Pairing / AU info: Kim Kibum x Choi Minho. College AU.
No warnings apply. This is fluff!
Word count: 4.6k
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For the rest of the ten-day trip, Kibum woke up in Minho’s arms.
It became a ritual for them. After a long day of touring Tokyo, they silently rode the elevator up to their room, kicking off their shoes and yawning when they arrived. They had figured out a routine where Minho would shower and get ready in the bathroom first, then wait on Kibum’s bed for him to finish up his strict nighttime regimen. Emerging from the bathroom feeling clean and soft from his expensive lotion, he snuggled into his side of the bed. And wordlessly, every time without fail, Minho would reach underneath and hold Kibum in his arms, his chin resting on Kibum’s shoulder.
“Goodnight,” he’d whisper quietly into Kibum’s ear.
“Goodnight,” Kibum responded every time, his breath hitching when he felt Minho’s tickle him.
And Kibum would wake up rested. He didn’t realize how badly he had been sleeping for years until he got a couple of days of good sleep with Minho. It was probably good for his skin too.
“What are you going to do after we get back?” Minho asked as they got dressed for their last day. He pulled on his sweatshirt, his head popping out and messing up his bed head even more.
“I’m planning on spending the holidays with my family in Daegu,” Kibum said, slipping his shoes on. “You?”
“Holidays with family too,” Minho said. He crouched down to tie his shoes behind the bed so that Kibum couldn’t see him when he asked, “What are you going to do about the sleeping?”
“Oh.” Kibum hadn’t thought about that. “I guess I’ll go see my therapist again and figure out something more long-term.”
Minho stood up and smiled at Kibum. “Okay. I hope you figure it out so you can sleep well.”
“Yeah, thanks,” Kibum said, turning away from Minho’s gaze to grab his suitcase. “And thanks…for, y’know,” Kibum mumbled.
“For what?” Minho asked teasingly. He joined Kibum at the door of their room, his hand resting protectively on the door handle. “I couldn’t quite hear you.”
Kibum looked up into Minho’s handsome face, noticing a smug smile tugging at his mouth. He wasn’t going to open the door until Kibum gave him what he wanted. “For, um, the sleeping…arrangements,” he said through gritted teeth.
“And what exactly were those sleeping arrangements, Kibum?” Minho said, tapping his chin in mock thoughtfulness with his free hand. “Hm?”
Kibum groaned. This man, he thought with frustration before yelling, “For the hugging! The spooning! Whatever you want to call it!” He felt his face flush and looked down rapidly at his boots.
“You’re most welcome,” Minho said, finally opening the door and letting Kibum through. Kibum rolled his eyes dramatically, roughly pushing past Minho. “Hey, that’s not very thankful of you!” Minho called, rushing to catch up to a speeding Kibum now waiting for the elevator.
“You already got the most you’re gonna get from me,” Kibum said, and Minho laughed.
Later on the plane back to Korea, Kibum managed to snag an aisle seat. He relished in the extra leg space he had but tried to ignore how lonely he felt without someone to talk to. He kept getting distracted from his movie and couldn’t sleep. He never would have thought that he would miss a snoring Minho on his shoulder for an hour.
After landing, the group said their goodbyes, and all the students went their separate ways. Kibum waited on the airport curb for his ride, watching all the taxis pass by and rocking back and forth on his heels impatiently. He couldn’t wait to get to his dorm, pack up, and go see his family.
“Hey, man.”
Kibum turned to the side and saw Minho checking his phone beside him.
“Traffic sucks, huh?” Minho said, looking at all the cars waiting, the smell of gasoline heavy in the air.
“Yeah,” Kibum agreed, not really sure what else to say to Minho.
“We’ll stay in touch, right?” Minho suddenly asked.
“We have each other’s numbers. We’ll still…talk?” Minho said, staring at him intently for an answer.
Kibum blinked a few times, surprised that Minho wanted to stay friends after everything. “Yeah. Yeah, of course.”
“Awesome,” he said with a smile. Then he waved at a car that drove towards them. “That’s me, man. I’ll see you around.” He reached over to hug Kibum quickly, patting him on the back. Kibum froze, awkwardly standing still while Minho hugged him. “Good luck with your sleep,” he said when he pulled away and stuffed his luggage into the trunk before getting in the car.
Kibum watched Minho’s car drive away, thinking about the hug and his sleep and how Minho wanted to keep in touch with him. It felt…nice knowing that Minho was making an effort to be friends with him. He felt special and wanted.
A few hours later, Kibum collapsed onto his old bed from high school, groaning into his pillow with exhaustion. He had flown in from Tokyo that morning, driven to his dorm, packed his things, and then driven to Daegu all in one day. His parents had welcomed him with tight hugs and a thousand cheek kisses, promising him a full course meal for dinner. And that night, after eating the seconds his mother insisted on, Kibum caught up on his notifications on his phone. He noticed one from Minho already and clicked it.
Minho: How’s Daegu?
Kibum: far Kibum: did you get home ok?
Minho: Yeah, it’s nice seeing family
Kibum: yeah
Minho: Goodnight!
Kibum: gn
Minho: Sleep well!!
Kibum stared at the last message Minho left him: “Sleep well” with a little flame emoji at the end. Minho seemed really concerned about Kibum’s sleeping, reminding him at the same time that he should schedule an appointment with his therapist soon. Sighing with the list of errands that already seemed to be piling up, he shut his phone off and fell asleep.
The break flew by quickly, as vacations tend to do. Kibum and Minho talked almost every day over text, and they occasionally video chatted as well. Kibum made sure that his face was clean and his hair was neatly brushed before every video call so that Minho wouldn’t think he was a slob. They talked about school and classes, but also their interests. They didn’t have that many hobbies in common - Minho liked sports while Kibum very much did not - but Kibum found himself willing to listen to Minho’s stories and share in his excitement about an upcoming game, basking in his beaming smile and sparkling eyes whenever he talked about it.
After a couple of days in Daegu, Kibum realized he was sleep-deprived. The bags under his eyes darkened again and he needed multiple cups of coffee throughout the day to stay awake. He knew that it was the night fits stopping him from getting good sleep and brought it up to Minho one day on a video call.
“So you’re not sleeping well?” Minho clarified after Kibum told him the whole ordeal.
“No…” An awkward silence lingered between them.
“And nothing works?”
“Everything I’ve tried, reading before bed, tea, a fancy sunlight alarm clock, hasn’t worked,” Kibum said, slumping down on the couch in defeat.
“Hm,” Minho said, deep in thought.
“Well, anyway,” Kibum interrupted before Minho brought up the only thing that did work, which was them sleeping together. “Did that team you wanted end up winning?”
Minho’s eyes lit up with the sports talk, immediately forgetting their conversation about sleep. “Yeah! It was actually a really close win–” he started easily, and Kibum smiled softly and listened to him talk.
A few days before classes started, Kibum said his goodbyes to his parents and promised to call them more often. He had an appointment with his therapist in the city and went to see her before he unpacked in his dorm. He told her about the sleeping issues and briefly mentioned that he slept well on the trip because he was with someone else, though he conveniently left out that they were in the same bed.
She told him what he was expecting: He should find a roommate if that’s what seems to work or try more sleeping medication. Kibum frowned to himself, remembering that dorm arrangements were already set and it would be a lot of work to find a new roommate halfway through the year. And what if he didn’t like the roommate? Also, that technically wouldn’t solve anything because he would have to snuggle with this roommate like he did with Minho and he wasn’t sure if anyone else was willing to do that in the first place and–
His thoughts ground to a halt when his phone dinged with the sound of a notification. He pulled it out of his pocket, checking to see what it was before he started driving. He tapped on an email from the school in his inbox, expecting another boring announcement about the drop-add period or a new counselor.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Pearson and Lee Halls’ Dorm Renovations
Dorm renovations? Kibum thoroughly read the email concerning his dorm hall. They had to start early on some renovations because of an issue with the plumbing that needed to be fixed right away. They had a week to move out into another residential hall, free of charge.
Was the universe finally on his side? This was a perfect opportunity to find a roommate in a new residential hall. He’d figure out the sleeping arrangements after he made friends with his roommate. One step at a time.
That night, Kibum slept in his current dorm, deciding that he would begin the moving out process the next day. Waking up with dark circles and puffy eyes, he sighed and got dressed and ready to buy a coffee at the student lounge before heading to the office for the dorm assignments. While waiting in line for coffee, he received a text message from Minho.
Minho: You saw the thing about the dorms?
Kibum: yeah. i have to move out
Minho: Me too. I’m in Pearson
Kibum: i’m looking for a roommate
Minho: Oh?
Kibum: yeah i’m tired of a single
Minho: Do you want to be roommates????
Kibum waited a second before responding to Minho. He reached the cash register and ordered his drink, the text running through his mind.
Minho wanted to be his roommate.
He spun the thought around his head, mulling over the meaning behind it. Minho liked the sleeping arrangements from the trip. Right? Or maybe he just wanted to be roommates with Kibum because his current roommate sucked. Maybe this had nothing to do with their trip at all. He heard his name being called out and grabbed his iced coffee, sipping on it absentmindedly.
His phone dinged again.
Minho: It’s okay if you don’t want to. Just an idea
Kibum: sure. meet me outside the residential life office
Minho: Ok!!!
Minho joined Kibum at the front door of the office, wrapping his winter coat around him tighter against the freezing temperature. “Hey, Kibum!” he said with a welcoming smile.
“Thanks for offering to be my roommate,” Kibum said, pulling open the door for Minho and walking inside after him, shuddering at the sudden change in temperature from the warmth of the heater. “I know it’s a little last minute.”
“It worked out so well in Tokyo, I’m sure this will be no different,” Minho said cheerfully.
After all the paperwork and arrangements were made, Kibum and Minho took the rest of the day before classes began to move into their new shared dorm. Minho helped Kibum take the large cardboard boxes to the new residential hall, piling them into his truck so they didn’t have to bike it across campus.
“Here, let me,” Minho said, lifting the final box that Kibum was carrying up the stairs to their dorm.
“I could’ve handled it, you know,” Kibum grumbled with a small pout.
“It looked heavy for you,” Minho said with a smirk back as they reached their floor.
“Hey! It was not heavy for me. I was carrying it perfectly fine,” Kibum lied.
“Sure,” Minho teased, putting down the box of desk supplies mixed with clothes on the floor in front of their dorm door. “Just let me handle some things for you. We’re friends, right? And roommates now,” he added.
“True,” Kibum said, suddenly feeling shy. “Let’s just get in here.” He unlocked the door and pushed the final box in, taking in the space they had to work with. “How are we decorating?” Kibum asked, getting straight to business.
“Oh, I just need to put these posters up,” Minho said, digging into one of the boxes and pulling out some rolled-up sports posters. “That’s all I need to decorate.”
“Hmm,” Kibum said, tapping his chin in thought. If they were to make the most of this dorm’s space, Kibum needed to capitalize on the natural lighting offered by the window and make sure the walls weren’t too cluttered. “Okay, you go ahead. I’ll start unpacking and decorating.”
A few hours later, Kibum had fully decorated the room in a minimalist style, the window across the door acting as the centerpiece of the room, their beds on either side. Dusting his hands off in satisfaction, Kibum smiled as he looked around. “Done!”
Minho looked up from his phone as he lay sprawled on his bed, one knee bent and the other foot dangling off. “Finally?”
“You can’t rush perfection, Minho,” Kibum said, tweaking the angle of one picture frame on his nightstand ever so slightly. “I just wish we had more space,” Kibum sighed out, looking longingly at the box of things that didn’t fit and they’d have to store somewhere else. All his travel souvenirs were in there.
“We could have more space if we just removed one of the beds,” Minho said nonchalantly, still scrolling on his phone. “We’ll only be using one anyway.”
“Huh?” One bed? They hadn’t talked about doing what they did in Tokyo again, and Kibum had assumed… “You want to do that again?”
“I thought that was the point of being roommates,” Minho said, putting his phone down and sitting up in his bed to look at Kibum.
“Uh, yeah, it was,” Kibum stammered out, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “We just didn’t talk about that so I wasn’t sure–”
“I’m cool with it,” Minho said, laying back down on his bed. “It’s a good thing the beds in this hall are bigger too. It’s perfect for us.”
Kibum’s heart skipped a beat at the word ‘us.’ God, was he really this desperate? He needed to get over this infatuation before it got out of hand. “Yeah, perfect,” he mumbled, distracting himself with a few finishing touches on the room.
That evening, Minho said, “I’m gonna get food. Do you want anything?” He shuffled his jacket on at the door, looking at Kibum in question.
“I guess some ramen would be good,” Kibum said, looking up from his Calculus 101 textbook, a highlighter balanced in his fingers. “Thanks.”
“Okay, I’ll be back with some ramen for the both of us,” Minho said, saluting Kibum playfully as he left.
Kibum resumed his homework, and after he finished, he started on his nightly routine, getting dressed in his classic silk pajamas and laying down on his bed with a book his father had recommended him. It wasn’t that good, but Kibum would read it for him anyway.
“Oh, honey, I’m home!” Minho yelled when he opened the door, a bag of groceries in his hand.
“Really?” Kibum asked, rolling his eyes.
“This is my home now,” Minho said, dramatically bowing to hand Kibum his ramen. “Already in your pajamas?” He eyed his outfit.
“I’m tired,” Kibum said, his cheeks reddening under Minho’s heavy gaze.
“That or you’re excited to sleep with me again,” Minho said with a smirk. He plopped down on his own bed and fished out a sealed bowl of ramen.
“I– no,” Kibum started. He suddenly had a whole dissertation rebuttal planned in his head but Minho interrupted him.
“We need to microwave these,” Minho said, inspecting the bottom of the bowl. “Two minutes.” He stood up and gestured for Kibum to hand him his bowl. “I’ll do it for you.”
“Oh, okay,” Kibum said, giving him his dinner. He sighed in relief when Minho opened the door and disappeared into the hallway. Minho’s odd comments made Kibum nervous, and he didn’t like it.
“I’m back, bearing goods,” Minho said, presenting two bowls of steaming ramen a few minutes later. “Here you go,” he said handing Kibum his dinner for real this time and plopping down cross-legged on his own bed.
“Thanks, Minho,” he said, taking his chopsticks and slurping up some of the noodles. “But let’s not make this a habit. We can’t be having ramen every night.”
“Why not? It’s a college student’s staple diet,” Minho said, spinning his chopsticks around his bowl to grab some of the noodles.
Kibum sighed again, putting his chopsticks down and stopping his eating. “I’ll have to make you some actual good food for once so you can forget about this obsession with ramen. Too bad this dorm doesn’t have a kitchen.” Kibum looked around, frowning at all the things that were missing.
“Wait, you cook?” Minho asked, his mouth full.
“Yeah, I do,” Kibum said, crossing his arms. “Why?”
“I dunno, just didn’t take you for much of a cook.”
“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me,” Kibum countered, picking up his ramen again.
“Tell me then.”
Kibum almost dropped the steaming noodles on his lap. He recovered quickly and cleared his throat, asking, “Really?”
“Yeah, I feel like I talk about what I like all the time, but I never hear about what you like.” Minho pushed himself up against the wall, leaning back into it and staring at Kibum. “Tell me.”
“Okay.” And so Kibum told him about his interest in fashion and how he wanted to major in it but was still trying to convince his parents. He told him about his two dogs at home, Comme des and Garçons, and his high school experience in Daegu, taking dance and singing lessons for fun and finding out that he actually really enjoyed it.
“You could’ve become an idol,” Minho said at one point, his ramen abandoned and forgotten at the foot of his bed.
“Please, not with this face,” Kibum said with a frustrated exhale.
“What do you mean?” Minho asked, scooting closer to the edge of his bed to look at Kibum intently. “I think you have a great face.”
“Huh?” Kibum asked, any coherent thought gone as he looked into Minho’s big eyes, all swirling chocolate and sunsets.
“You’re really handsome, Bummie. Don’t know why you don’t see that,” Minho said, blinking away and leaning back again on his bed casually. “Is it okay to call you ‘Bummie?’”
“Uh, yeah. Bummie is cool,” Kibum said, blinking a few times as well to reorient himself after that. Did Minho just call him handsome? Minho called him handsome.
“Awesome.” Minho then sprung up from the bed, stretching his arms out and yawning loudly. “I’m tired. Let’s sleep?”
“You don’t have to ask me for permission,” Kibum said, staring down and poking at the ramen leftover in his bowl.
“Well, if we’re going to have these sleeping arrangements again, it’s best we both go to sleep at the same time,” Minho said reasonably.
“Oh, right. Then let’s sleep now.”
Once they were both ready and turned off the bedside lamp, Kibum settled into the side of his bed closest to the wall, leaving space for Minho next to him. Minho snuggled into his side, his weight heavy on the old springs. “You ready?” he asked Kibum, his voice barely above a whisper.
Kibum nodded, turning around so he was facing the wall. He felt Minho’s toned arm snake underneath him and breathed in deeply at the immediate comfort and relief he felt as if all his nerves and tension built up in the past few weeks melted away. Minho then wrapped his other hand around Kibum’s chest, pulling him close to him. “Goodnight,” he mumbled into his ear.
“Goodnight,” Kibum said, his voice hardly audible even in the silence of the night.
And he slept well that night and all the following nights with Minho. His skin cleared up, he saved money on coffees, and his overall mood improved as well. Over the next few weeks, he and Minho still shared a Japanese class but other than that didn’t see each other much during the day. Most nights they had dinner together too, though sometimes Minho was out because practice ran late.
However, every night, without fail, Minho would curl up with Kibum in his bed and they would sleep.
They never talked about it. It was a silent agreement between them that Minho probably forgot about after he left the dorm. It wasn’t a big deal, and Kibum knew that. They were just roommates, no matter how much he blushed when Minho called him ‘Bummie.’ He didn’t want to risk ruining whatever he had with Minho by making it weird.
One night in April, when the weather finally started warming up, Minho burst through their dorm door, collapsing onto his bed face-first. “Oh my God,” he groaned loudly into his pillow.
Kibum looked up from his sketching with concern. “What happened?”
“Our goalie got injured and we have an important game in two days. Of all days,” Minho mumbled into the pillow, slamming his fist down on the bed in frustration.
“Can no one replace him?”
“He’s not as good!” Minho sat up rapidly on his bed, pulling his knees into his chest and hugging them tightly. “I had a good feeling about this season and now…” His voice wavered.
Kibum, not sure how to comfort Minho exactly, rose up from his bed and crossed over. He sat down gingerly beside him, hoping his presence was somewhat comforting. “You can still do well. You can still win,” Kibum said gently.
“Yeah, right,” Minho said with an exhale. After a beat of silence, “Look, I appreciate it, Kibum, but I really just don’t want to talk about it right now.”
Kibum ignored the sting he felt from his words and just stood up. “Okay, we don’t have to talk about it.” He went back to his bed and picked up his sketchbook, staring at a new hat he had been designing before Minho arrived. “I’m going to sleep soon too, by the way.”
“Okay,” Minho said, and that was all he needed to say for Kibum to know that they were still going to cuddle that night as well.
Minho didn’t talk to Kibum the rest of the night, and Kibum didn’t say anything to him either, leaving him space to blow off some steam. About an hour later, Kibum lay waiting in his bed, scared to fall asleep without Minho’s familiar presence at his back. But then he heard the door open and Minho’s footsteps coming from the bathroom. After some shuffling around, Minho joined Kibum on the bed, and they assumed their usual spooning position.
Kibum waited for the ‘goodnight’ from Minho but didn’t hear it. So he said it first. “Goodnight.”
He felt Minho startle a bit, probably lost in his thoughts. “Oh yeah, goodnight,” he said, settling his chin in the space between Kibum’s shoulder and neck and squeezing him in his hug for a moment. “Sweet dreams.”
“Minho! Minho!”
Kibum stirred. He blinked open his heavy eyelids a few times, trying to make out shapes in the darkness. He felt Miinho also stir behind him, untangling his arms from Kibum.
“Minho!” the yelling continued. “Do you have any food?”
Kibum craned his head towards the door and saw a shadowy figure standing in the doorframe, the door swung wide open, letting some of the yellow light from the hallway illuminate their room. “Minho, who is that?”
“Hm?” Minho also turned to look at the door, scrambling out of bed after squinting and recognizing who it was. “Taemin? What are you doing here now?”
Kibum sat up in bed, recognizing Taemin as one of Minho’s friends. He had met him a few times in passing.
“I came for some ramen…” Taemin’s voice trailed off. His eyes zipped between Kibum on the bed and Minho standing in just his boxers and a worn-out t-shirt and then widened with understanding. “Oh my God, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt something.” He waved his hands around frantically and grabbed ahold of the door handle, closing the door as he retreated from the room. Right before he fully shut the door, Taemin poked his head through the crack and whisper-yelled, “Just get back to whatever you were doing. Sorry again!” He slammed the door shut, leaving the room in darkness.
Kibum and Minho were silent. Kibum could hear Minho’s heavy breathing from a few feet away, and he decided to break the silence first, asking, “You didn’t lock the door?” He tried to contain the edge to his voice.
“I–” Minho started. “I guess I forgot.”
“You can’t just forget,” Kibum snapped back, raising his voice slightly. “Look what happens when you forget.”
“Taemin won’t say anything. I trust him,” Minho said.
“It’s not just about Taemin.” Kibum ran an exasperated hand through his hair and stared at the dark figure ahead of him that he knew was Minho. “This can’t happen again,” he deadpanned.
“Why?” Minho asked. He started pacing the room. “Why are you so against people knowing that we do this every night?”
“Because they’ll get the wrong idea,” Kibum said, trying to keep his voice level.
“What idea? That we’re together?”
“I– yeah, I guess–”
“What even are we, Kibum?” He stopped pacing, the lack of footsteps leaving only a tense silence in the room.
Kibum hesitated, not sure what Minho wanted him to say. What did Kibum even want to say? He settled for the safest option. “Friends who sleep together.” Minho cocked his head to the side, interpreting that last part differently. “Not that way!”
“Really?” Minho pressed. “Friends?”
“I mean– yeah.”
Minho sighed deeply and resumed his pacing. “Okay, fine. If you’re so worried about people finding out, we can just not sleep together anymore. So no one gets any wrong ideas.” With that, he sat down on his own bed, quickly flinging the covers over his body and turning his back to Kibum. “I’ll talk to Taemin about what he saw tomorrow,” he grumbled to the wall.
Kibum sat staring at Minho’s figure across him, alone on his bed. “Minho, wait–”
“I just want to sleep, Kibum.”
“Okay.” Kibum shut his mouth and laid down again, kicking the sheets in frustration with himself until he found a comfortable position. He stared intently at Minho’s shadow across from him.
What did he do wrong? He had just said the truth. Would they fix this tomorrow? Or did he just make sure his new roommate hated him forever?
Anxious and worried, Kibum didn’t sleep that night. At least he didn’t have nightmares…
And that morning, Minho got dressed and left without saying ‘good morning’ to him.
Read Ch 3 here!
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