#ch: jonghyun
kitsunesx · 1 year
@ovilis​ asked ❝It’s fine. It’s fine. I got this.❞ / aurora
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“Respectfully, I don’t believe a single word that you just said,” Jonghyun said, slipping his hands into his pockets as he watched her.
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halesandy · 1 year
Ana’s Fic Recommendations - April 2023
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Hello! It’s me… again!
Ana with a new portion of reading I did and loved since my last list which was made in January 2023.
Enjoy :) And don’t forget to give your love and support to all those wonderful people who gave us these masterpieces <3 Please forgive me if I put smth I already recommended before in here, lol. It’s either I forgot oooor (what’s more likely) I love it sm that I wanted to include it again!
Please note that most of these might be rated 18+, so read the authors’ notes carefully!
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@sopebubbles - new series Lone Wolf, 18+ - ot7 x reader
@jae-bummer - Platonic Friend Time - JJK x reader
@onlyswan - In which Jungkook is giving up on you but you have so much love left to give - JJK x reader
@soraviie - you assume it's unrequited.txt - ot7
@ugh-yoongi - Loose Lips - MYG - reader
@angelicyoongie - returned with Abubdance - ot7, 18+
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@imagine-a-life-like-this - whole masterlist and new series Sugar and Spice, 18+ - LMH x Reader
@jae-bummer - An Influx of Chargers - HHJ x reader, You Found Me - HJS x reader, Game Night Gone Awry - BCH x reader, Fake Boyfriends & Melted Ice Cream - BCH x reader
@taeminsung - The View - LMH x reader, Close To You - LMH x reader
@j-a-nuary - In which Han thought he was dating his best friend
@bloomingbutterflysworld - masterlist
@outro-jo - When skz says “no” - ot8
@feelbokkie - masterlist
@pettypuppy-jonghyun - Confession - BCH x reader
@voquenutella - SKZ find out you're pregnant 1 - 2
@leviackermanscleaningbuddy - SKZ Prompt Game - Changbin, Minho. 18+
@sluttywonwoo - Instead Of You - LMH x reader + HJS, 18+
@yxngbxkkie - masterlist
@lixie-phoria - masterlist
@dreamescapeswriting - Time Heals All Wounds - SCB
@yangkitties - SKZ as your college boyfriends - ot8
@astraystayyh - Conversationd with Minho, LMH x reader, Vanilla - BCH x reader
@angelwonie - Kiss Me More, LMH x reader, 18+
@caseiloveu - Confessing Your Crush - ot8
@staytheword - Kind Regards - SCB x reader, 18+, Falling Rain - BCH x reader, 18+
@straylightdream - Between The Lines - BCH x reader, 18+
@sugrlamb - Love Blinks - LMH x reader
@bbujiikseu - Playdate - LFX x reader, 18+
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@imagine-a-life-like-this - whole masterlist
@mangiverse - masterlist
@ateezforpresident - Your first vacation together - ot8
@ateezreactionsandscenarios - Let Me Show You - KYS x reader, 18+
@sluttywoozi - What Should We Become? - CHS x reader + KYS, 18+
@bluehwale - unconventional first encounters with ateez + part 2
@nczennie - Royal Icing - JWY x reader, 18+
@ohmyamor - He's Kinda Hot - KHJ x reader
@talkbykhalid - Idiot in Love - KYS x reader
@hwaightme - Like The Cherry Blossom Falls - JYH x reader
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cherryeol04 · 1 year
Action! | Ch 9
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Genre: Humor, Romance, Slice of life?, Crackheadedness
Pairings: BaekRen, MinRon
Work Count: 2.5K
Summary:  From the moment he was casted, Ren wasn't sure if he had what it would take to be a pop idol. Losing faith in himself, he was going to give up the future he had always wanted, but one person stood by his side and renewed his faith. After a hot debut and rapid growth of stardom, Ren started to notice that maybe this person, his close friend, was something more. But how could a straight man even remotely think of a homosexual relationship?
Warnings: Homophobia, some smut (chapters will be marked)
A/N: I wrote this series back in 2012 and used OCs and over the top writing style for arguments. Whoops. Lmao it’s pretty decent though, so I hope you enjoy!
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Ren’s POV
I felt so bad and I don’t know how many times I apologized to Minhyun. I hadn’t thought that so soon after our talk, he would confront JR on his take on homosexuality. I thought for sure he would wait a while, that he would need more time to think over how to approach the subject. Apparently, all it took was a single book.
I hadn’t been there to give the other support. Instead, I was out playing ball with Baekho and Aron and I beat them both. Minhyun cried most of the day and it was well into the evening time before the three of us had gotten back. When JR told me that Minhyun had been in his room all night and after learning what they had talked about, I knew instantly and I was there for him. I never left his side that night.
It was pretty clear, from both JR’s rendition of the conversation and what Minhyun said, that JR was okay with someone being gay so long as he didn’t have to know about it and that he certainly wasn’t gay himself. It had been upsetting for Minhyun and all night all I heard was how hard it was going to be to work with him. Hearing how much Minhyun was just going to leave the group because he was sure he wasn’t going to be able to get through this.
But he had me, and he knew he did. I spent all night in his room, talking with him, comforting him and assuring him that he would get over it. Though it hurt now, and I knew how much being heartbroken hurt, he would get over it eventually. Not right away obviously, because he needed time to mourn this loss, but he would eventually move on and find someone else.
Maybe Aron if I could help it. Aron-hyung liked Minhyun a lot. And now that JR was out of the picture, not that he was really in the picture to begin with, maybe I could work something out with getting them together. But that would later, after Minhyun’s heart had healed some.
Minhyun’s POV
I felt so alone, lying in my bed crying. I don’t know how long I had been in there, but the light had been dying down for some time now, darkness blanketing me. It suited the mood, the darkness. It wrapped me up in its comforting embrace, hiding me from the world. It allowed me to express my feelings without fear of getting caught. Not that it mattered. I don’t think Jonghyun would have come to check on me as it was.
Sometime had passed when my door suddenly opened, the light from the hall streaming in, alerting me to the presence. Lifting my head, I turned and stared at the figure for a long, hard moment.
“Minhyun.” It moved, stepping in and closing the door. “I’m sorry.” It wasn’t long before the other was at my bed and I sat up, wrapping my arms around the small frame. I was so happy, so relieved that finally Minki was home, and was there for me, to hold me. It was such a relief to finally have this comfort from the one person I knew I could count on no matter what. It seemed odd, to be relying on my maknae so much, but I couldn’t help it, and I don’t think he minded that much.
Fresh tears fell from my eyes as I replayed the conversation to the other, though Minki said he had even talked to Jonghyun before coming in. I had expected to just cry myself to sleep, for Minki to tuck me in and then leave. But he didn’t. I did cry myself to sleep, he did tuck me in, but he didn’t leave. He laid down next to me; he held me and stayed with me. I was so thankful for that, especially when I woke during the night, crying. During those times, we spent time talking about things and just keeping each other company. I never felt like I was burdening the other with this problem. He sat there, listening intently and was so understanding and kind. If only I had feelings for Minki like I did Jonghyun, and if only Minki was gay like me. I think maybe, in an odd way, we would have been a happy couple.
I don’t know how late we were up, but it was early morning before I finally laid back down, calm and went to sleep. It was a dreamless sleep, but restful. When morning came though, and I stepped out with Minki to get breakfast, the horrible feelings from the night before came rushing back at the simple sight of Jonghyun. I felt Minki take my hand, squeeze it for reassurance and whisper encouragement. I would survive this; I would eventually get over the other and move on. There is no point in crying over a relationship that never would have happened in the first place.
Taking a breath, I collected myself and joined the others at the table. It was hard, but I even managed a smile or two. It hurt and I’m sure it would hurt for a long while, but I knew I was taking a step in the right direction.
Baekho’s POV
I don’t know what was going on, but something was definitely different about everyone. Well maybe not everyone. I know nothing was different about me. Aron-hyung, well I knew what was different about him. It was the other three members that I was confused on. The night before, I overheard parts of the conversation JR had with Ren, but I couldn’t really make heads or tails of what was going on. Whatever it was though, it had something to do with Minhyun, who looked very depressed, despite trying to engage with others and make jokes.
Minhyun…was different.
“What the hell is going on?” Aron leaned over and whispered to me.  Looking at him, I shrugged. I was just as lost as he was. We sat in our stools, watching the three squabble over who got to sit in what seat and why.
“Baekho hyung.” Minhyun said. “Sit down here with JR and Ren.” He said as he practically pushed me out of my seat. What the hell was that for? Grunting, I dusted myself off before taking a seat next to JR, who looked just as confused as I did. On the other side of him, Ren was staring at Minhyun worriedly. Why?
Oh right! Damn I nearly forgot. Minhyun liked JR. What was he, like five? It was plainly obvious you liked someone when you didn’t want to sit next to him. Or maybe it wasn’t? I wasn’t sure, but it was obvious to me. Minhyun better be careful so he’s not caught on camera.
“Alright, you’re on in five.” The producer called. This interview was an important one. It was going to help us promote our activities and our first mini album. Everything had to go smoothly. I just hoped they didn’t ask questions that would put any of us on the spot.
Aron’s POV
JR and Minhyun were acting like little children and Ren certainly wasn’t helping the situation. It was normal for JR to be childish and for Ren to get in on the act, being the maknae and all. But for Minhyun to act that way, it was strange. He wasn’t the parental type, but he wasn’t the overly adorable, playful maknae type either. He was in the middle. A combination of both really. He could be both level headed, but at the same time, knew how to joke and have fun. That’s what I really liked about the other, was his ability to do so.
I asked Baekho what was going on, but he was just as lost as me. And from the look on our leader’s face, he was lost too. It seemed whatever was going on, only Minhyun and Ren knew. It had something to do with whatever happened last night. I know I wasn’t the only one that noticed that Ren went into Minhyun’s room and didn’t come out till the next morning. I’ll admit, I was jealous the other could get so close to Minnie like that, but I knew nothing was going on. Ren wasn’t gay. He spent most of his time trying to prove his manliness. But I learned once in school that those who tried overly hard to prove they are something usually were what they are trying to prove they’re not. In less confusing terms, Ren was really gay but didn’t know it.  This was something I could see happening. He was cute, adorable, and feminine; it would be wrong if he wasn’t gay or at least bisexual.
I watched as Minhyun pushed Baekho out of his seat and took the spot up. Poor Baekho, being treated so horribly, not that I felt that bad. Sometimes…he deserved it. Looking back at Minhyun, I leaned over and nudged him. “What’s going on?”
He turned and stared at me before shrugging. His attention turned back to the front, his face was emotionless. It was disturbing. This wasn’t my Minnie, the playful, level-headed idol I’ve been training with for a year or better. This was someone else and I didn’t like it. I wanted to ask more, to press this issue, but the interview started. It was important we all worked hard to stay on track, not goof off and promote our activities. Though we had a fan base already, we needed a bigger one. More fans meant more money, more fame. More fans meant more work, which meant we could spend more time together as a group. Fame and money was good, but my friends, this group meant more to me. Minhyun meant more to me. I had to do my best!
Ren’s POV
I’m not sure what the hell happened, but it had my head spinning and pounding at the same time. I was never so thankful for an interview to start than at that moment in time. Everyone was settled and quiet as JR did most of the talking. The tension though was there and everyone felt. Skinship actually seemed to be a forced interaction between the members this time around and I took notice, and I’m sure the others did too, that Minhyun purposefully kept from having to do any sort of skinship with Jonghyun.
“Face is a song targeted towards the hardships that all teenagers go through when in school.” JR said. “It’s something that we felt as a group, should be brought to light and addressed by parents.” He said.
“Ren, there’s a part in the song where Minhyun comes and pushes you. Tell us your feelings behind that scene.” The interviewer asked.
I stared at the woman, my head nodding slowly as I thought about the question. “Well…to be honest, when the members first learned the choreography, I had been absent because of a cold.” I said. “So I didn’t know that part existed. So as I gradually learned the steps, when the second verse started and Minhyun-hyung came up and pushed me, I was a bit hurt.”  I said.
“Don’t lie.” Baekho said and I turned to stare at him. He was grinning. “Ren got violent first and went to push him back.”
I blushed and turned back to the camera. I forgot about that part. I had gotten violent. “Ah, right.” I said and laughed softly. “But I felt hurt and that’s why I got violent.” I covered. “But then they explained to me that it was part of the dance, and I apologized.” I said. I thought for a moment more on what to say.
“That scene is very powerful.” I added. “Because it’s talking about a friend promising not to say rude things to another friend, and then turns around and pushes him while saying something mean. I think it’s something that most of us can relate to.” The other members nodded in agreement with me.
“Aron, your main parts are rapping and at the end of the song, you rap in such perfect English. It’s known that you’re Korean-American. When you came over from America, did you know any Korean, and if not, who was the biggest help to you?” the interviewer asked.
“Ah, when I came over, I didn’t know a single word of Korean. Actually, I remember when I first met Ren; I tried talking to him and he just stared at me funny.” He said and I laughed. I still remember that day, sitting next to him on the couch. I thought he was slow too. I still want to know whose idea it was to let a non-Korean speaking Korean to be a trainee before even learning the language.
“The person who was the biggest help to me was Baekho. He didn’t teach me so much as the words, but how to speak. Being polite and the culture. In America, you really don’t show a lot of respect to kids who are older than you. You always show respect to your elders, but it’s different. This was certainly a culture shock to me, but I was able to pull through and learn quickly thanks to his help.”
Baekho, help? Was that the reason why it took him a few months to even call me? I never heard that one before. Nonetheless, I suppose that’s where Aron picked up his mannerisms. The interview continued on for another half an hour with different questions being asked. When it finally ended, sighs of relief left us all. I nearly fell when I stood, my legs numb from being in one position for such a long time.
“Careful.” JR said as he caught me, helping to balance me until I got the feeling back in my legs.
“Thanks.” I said and smiled at him. Over his shoulder, I could see Minhyun watching before he turned to leave. I wanted to smack myself. Stepping back, I thanked JR once more before starting for the dressing room when I felt a hand grab my arm.
Turning, I stared back at Baekho. He had that look in his eyes and I wanted to run. But at the same time, I knew that we had to talk. Either Baekho had figured out what was going on, or he was going to ask me what was going on (which I wouldn’t be surprised one bit about. He was still a dense smiling clown).
“We need to talk.” He said and looked around. “Privately.”
Nodding in agreement, he released my arm and I followed him to the restroom. Not the most ideal place to have a private conversation, but it was better than any. The members were going to be changing and getting ready to leave. We had a limited amount of time, but whatever it was that we needed to talk about, I knew we could get it all worked out before someone came looking for us. At least…I hoped.
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tankeboksen · 4 years
it all started with a crash. the sound reaching far, causing a ruckus within the submarine it resounded within.
there were a many great things law did not like and things not going as expected was one of them. the most logical explanation would be that the ship had hit something, but there was no force of impact to be felt which only made it all the more mysterious. instead, it felt as though something or someone had fallen down within one of the cabins. a sound that was not unlikely, had it not been for the fact that the ship was currently docked and that none of his crew were around.
a tsk left the pirate as he rose from his reading position. if this was shachi or someone else who had come back early and was causing a disturbance, he’d have to lecture them which would be a pain. but it was weird that he had heard no sound of anyone moving about prior to the crash. if he’d recalled right it was from somewhere about there...
opening the door to a storage room, what met him was not shachi, nor was it bepo or any of his other crew members. it was a man he had never seen before, and law wasn’t sure if he was conscious or not. hand immediately gripping at his large sword, there was no time to take any chances. not if this was an enemy who could have infiltrated so easily.
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grabbing the male at the collar, he pushed him into the wall and pointed his sword straight to his throat. somehow the guy was drenched. the impact of his body hitting the wall seemed to do the job in awakening the intruder at least. “you have a lot to answer for,” law said in a cold voice. “who are you and how did you get in here?”
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minwooxmi-blog · 5 years
Finding himself in new environments, new situations and of course with a complete lack of self awareness and capability of managing himself, Minwoo had started what was only meant to be a vacation. A brief look into matters after the detective he had paid had finally managed to track down Jonghyun’s general location, but from there on out the trace had apparently died -- granted, the guy said that he could look further into things, but had suddenly demanded at least the double of what he already paid him, and while that certainly was no problem for the pianist, he had thanked no and decided to take matters into his own hands.
How hard could it be to find a long haired Korean dude in a place of this size?
Granted, Jonghyun could easily have cut his hair, changed his looks, but Minwoo didn’t even consider that for a second. To him his friend was unchangeable, untouchable, and he knew for a fact that the guy was ready to fight anyone who even threatened to cut off his hair. It had really always been rather amusing to behold the arguments he got himself into.
Lo and behold though, he hadn’t even been here for a whole two days before asking for “a long haired guy, kind of short, kind of mean looking” had brought him to some general places the guy seemed to show up every so often. He was a genius at this thing Minwoo figured, perhaps he should consider an occupation change.
And just as he thought that much, a person who bore semblance to a woman but was too robust sprung into his field of view, scouting the shelves within the window of a convenience store, face mask covering half of his face. Weird, Minwoo thought, unlike Seoul this place didn’t seem as heavily polluted for such a thing to be necessary -- only the vague memories from high school seemed to have root within him of the pictures he had seen of his online friend acting like some thug. It really didn’t suit him Minwoo thought.
Careful in his movements he entered the store and snuck up on the other. Of course he could easily greet the guy like some normal person some boring process of conversation that one could see everywhere around, but where was the fun in that? Instead he pulled out his phone and pressed it into Jonghyun’s back while leaning close to whisper into his ear. “Cause a scene and you’re dead,” he warned, trying to supress the laughter as best he could.
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shawol9196 · 6 years
BFF AU 6/?
“Am I allowed to know where we’re going?” “Nope. It’s a surprise.” “What if we get lost?” “Then it’s just extra surprising.”
no warnings, but there’s another dick joke
hello yes i know it’s been a year but i have returned to this au
Jonghyun and Minho decide to reschedule their date for the next Monday. Though it hurt him to see Minho so upset the previous week, Jonghyun’s in a way glad for the extra time.
Chat: ㅎㅅ~
Jjongie: is my seat in your car still reserved for tonight?
CineMin: as long as you’re still wanting it ^^
CineMin: How am I supposed to dress tonight?
Jjongie: Wear.......whatever you think you look most handsome in ㅎㅅ~
CineMin: That’s incredibly unhelpful
Jjongie: That’s true, you are a cutie at All Times
CineMin: In the words of Bummie, ‘That Sounds Fake But Ok’
Jjongie: I’m wearing jeans and a sweater if that’s Helpful
CineMin: yes thank
CineMin: I’m leaving as soon as I get dressed ^^
Jjongie: ok ㅎㅅ~
Minho drives up right at 7, just as Jonghyun is making his way out. He puts his backpack full of goodies in the backseat before getting in.
“Are we doing homework on our date?” Minho asks, pulling back into traffic.
“Nope. You’ll see.”
“Where am I headed, navigator?” “Turn right at the next light.”
“Am I allowed to know where we’re going?”
“Nope. It’s a surprise.”
“What if we get lost?”
“Then it’s just extra surprising.”
Minho laughs and follows Jonghyun’s directions. It throws him off a little, too used to Kibum’s constant questioning and verification, but at the same time it’s nice to be trusted once in a while. As they get further away from the university, Minho turns as if to say something but in the end remains silent. Jonghyun turns up the radio a little, trying to hum along to whatever’s playing.
“I was going to bring cd’s with me so you might have an actual selection of things that I like but they’ve suspiciously gone missing from my house so the radio it is.” Minho explains at a stop light.
“No worries. Well, at least no worries about having to listen to the radio. That seems a little worrying that they’ve gone missing.”
“It’s a 50/50 that my brother’s borrowing them or my mom tossed them because she doesn’t like it. Just the usual.”
“That sucks,” Jonghyun says. He tries to think of something relatable or something comforting but nothing comes to mind, so instead he just tells Minho to turn at the sign. They park and get out of the car. Jonghyun grabs his backpack out before meeting Minho at the front of the car. He offers his hand, which Minho takes, and they head out of the lot.
“So what are we doing? I don’t think I’ve ever been to this park before and you don’t seem like the outdoorsy type, no offense. ”
“None taken. I made us a picnic.”
“Wait, really?”
Minho sounds excited and it adds to Jonghyun’s own.
“Yup! I stole food I’ve already paid for from the dining hall and made us sandwiches. I also brought my favorite chips and Kibum sent something of the dessert variety that he wouldn’t name.”
“I can’t remember the last time I had a picnic. Actually that’s a lie because Bummie and I have picnics in my treehouse all the time but like I don’t think I’ve had a proper outside-on-a-blanket picnic since elementary school.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s illegal to go that long without a proper picnic.”
Minho laughs at Jonghyun’s matter-of-fact tone and starts swinging their arms just a little.
“My sister and I always take my mom for a picnic on mothers’ day and usually her birthday also. She owns a restaurant so it kind of kills the ‘let us take you to some fancy place’ thing.”
“Your mom owns a restaurant? That’s so neat.”
“It is. My mom is objectively the coolest. She said that if this date goes well that I’m required by law to take you there for the next one so they can meet you but honestly my mom’s a soft pushover so if that’s not comfortable for you I’ll just take Kibum for shits and giggles.”
“Do you think your mom will like me?”
“Yes because she can find a good point in anyone but also yes because you’re a sweetheart and the definition of guy-you-take-home-to-meet-your-mom to quote Kibum.”
Minho laughs again. The park is rather full but as they make their way over towards the river they spot a space just big enough for two.
“Also, my sister is the prettiest girl on the planet and you're absolutely not allowed to date her."
"Seeing as I’m on a date here with you I don't think that's gonna be much of an issue."
Jonghyun pulls his picnic cloth out of his backpack and they set about getting it as nicely flat as they can.
“I just wanted that clear and out there. Bro code, or whatever it is.”
Minho almost falls over with laughter.
“Bro code? At this point I think it’s more of ‘don’t cheat on me with my sister’ code’ but okay.”
Jonghyun ignores him, going about setting out the sandwiches (one for him, two for Minho), chips, and bag of oddly shaped gummies. They talk through the first two portions of their dinner: stories about other dates gone wrong, of current college shenanigans, of hopes and dreams for the future. Minho’s the one to discover the note inside the bag of gummies. He reads it -- albeit rather slowly -- and is rolling on the ground in tears before Jonghyun gets a chance to ask him what it is. He reaches out for the paper, gently pulling it out of Minho’s hand. It doesn’t take him long to recognize the handwriting but it takes him a while to understand the message.
To my homegays
The only dick-in-mouth stories I want to hear about tonight are about these gummies. Heechul hopes you two have a gay ol time. Don’t get kicked out of the park for making out, please.
“What does that even mean???”
“Look....look in the bag” Minho struggles, trying to recover.
To his amusement, he realizes the gummies in the back are in fact penis shaped. He can’t decide if Heechul is hilarious or disgusting, but puts the debate to the back of his mind as he admires Minho’s dimples which are rosy with laughter. Bag of gummies eaten, they decide to take a walk before heading back.  THey stand and Minho helps him fold the blanket. While Jonghyun puts it in his backpack, Minho leans down once more.
“What are you doing?” he asks, zipping up the bag and slinging it over his shoulder.
“Your shoe’s untied.”
It seems like such a silly thing to be excited over, but as Jonghyun watches Minho double knot his laces his heart races. Minho stands and smiles.
“I can carry the backpack if you want.” he offers.
“No, I got it. You can hold my hand though.”
Minho laughs and takes his hand. They set off walking along the river. It’s peaceful, most of the crowd having left during their picnic. They stay quiet until they reach the second bridge. They don’t follow it immediately, pausing at the branch in the footpath.
“If we followed the river, where do you think we would end up?” Minho asks.
“At the sea I suppose. If we could even follow it that far. There’s probably a dam on it at some point.”
Minho doesn’t answer, but stares down where the river bends out of view.
“We should probably head back.” Jonghyun says softly.
“Oh, yeah, sorry.”
“It’s fine.”
They take the bridge across and make their way back up to the parking lot.
“I had a nice time.” Jonghyun says when they get back in the car.
“Me too. The sandwiches were really good.”
Jonghyun decides to make his move.
“Minho...do you remember last week, when you got drunk, do you remember what we talked about?”
There’s more than a little fear in Minho’s eyes and he shakes his head. “I remember crying and then it goes fuzzy until I get to the waking up with that hangover.”
Jonghyun laughs softly.
“Why, did...did I do something?”
Jonghyun takes Minho’s hand. “You didn’t do anything wrong, don’t worry. I mean you threw up, but Kibum took care of that. Then we helped you into pajamas and you and I sat up and talked for a while. It was kind of cute, actually. You showed me your birthmark and asked if you could kiss me.”
“I...I did?”
Minho’s cheeks and ears are bright red and Jonghyun wishes he could take a picture.
“I told you no, since you were drunk. You strike a very hard deal when you’re drunk. Anyway, I know you don’t remember but I told you that you could kiss me today, if we were both in the mood, so this is me giving you permission if you want to kiss me.”
Minho opens his mouth as if to say something, but closes it before he does. Though he’s trying to keep eye contact, his
Jonghyun puts a finger under his chin.
“Do you want to kiss me, Minho?”
Minho nods. Jonghyun leads forward, slowly closing the distance between them.
“May I kiss you, Minho?”
He nods more enthusiastically, eyes focused on his lips. Jonghyun gives Minho the chance one last time to kiss him before pressing his lips to Minho’s. Afraid of crossing a boundary, he quickly pulls away. Minho’s eyes are closed and Jonghyun struggles not to laugh. Before he can open them, they kiss twice more. Jonghyun pulls away reluctantly as both their phones ping.
Groupchat: Cheese fries
Kekeke: not to interrupt your date but uhh its after your curfew pls come home now
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Throw back to when Buzzfeed put this video out and it made me want to rip my hair out
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for-jjong · 7 years
Elevator by Jonghyun is an indescribable work of art- its really a piece like no other. The lyrics are pieced together with such experience and subtly and the tone of the song conveys an absent pain, a settling heaviness in your heart.
Its a song made of glass, so fragile that it might shatter at the slightest touch. A delicate flower at the edge of its life.
And because we saw the artist create it, we witnessed some of his tears: we see every piece of the puzzle.
The live performance of Elevator should be seen by everyone, because no song or performance is like it.
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sunuism · 4 years
honestly I dont think nct has the best vocal line in kpop..obviously they're in the better end but thyre like... kinda weak for an sm group
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whisperwoofwoof · 7 years
Golden Ch 9
Rating: Mature Pairing: JongKey Chaptered/WIP | 1.5k words Warnings: Language, occult, supernatural Prompt: Dish soap, Children climbing a tree, Whistling, A sex scene, Holy water (PENDING)
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“Taemin, we’re leaving,” Jinki called up the stairs.
The other three were already packed into both cars with only Jinki waiting on the demonologist. Taemin finally appeared and swung the door shut, twisting the knob to make sure it was locked. His footsteps pounded against the metal stairs before he reached the car with an awaiting Minho. He looked over to the other vehicle, the one that carried Jonghyun, Kibum, and Jinki, and waved them off.
Taemin noticed when Jonghyun made an unpleasant face while getting into the backseat. He heard when Kibum asked him if he was okay, but the other man assured him that he was fine.
Given his experience, Taemin knew the early warning signs, and he felt his breath quicken. He watched the others pull away from the parking lot, and slid into the passenger seat of Minho’s car.  
“He wasn’t just pushed by a demon, was he?” said Minho, after hearing the click of the seatbelt.
“We still have time, luckily.”
Taemin sighed as he settled into the seat, allowing Minho to make sense of the directions to Jinki’s house.
They arrived at Jinki’s house within the hour.
As the duo pulled into the driveway, they noticed that the front door was open without anyone around it. They both jumped out of the car to find the other three men huddled together in the middle of Jinki’s living room.
“Shit, it burns!”
Jonghyun was in the middle of the huddle with Jinki and Kibum examining his back. Long scratches extended across his body. He coiled in agony, curling into himself as though it would bring relief.
“What happened?” Taemin asked as he rushed towards the group.
“He just started complaining about his back when we pulled up to the house and when we checked, we found this,” Kibum explained while gesturing to Jonghyun’s back.
“Dammit, I thought we had more time. Minho, get Kibum to help you with the bags. Jinki, let’s get him to the guest room,” Taemin said, urgency in his voice.
“Wait, what are you guys doing?” Kibum asked, but it was as though his cries went unheard.
“Kibum, come on.”
Minho turned him towards the open front door as Jonghyun was whisked away into the depths of the unknown house.
Kibum grabbed both his and Taemin’s bags from outside.
He lugged them around, stopping at Jinki’s couch to set them down. He was especially careful with Taemin’s satchel, but something on the inside made a noise as the bag hit the cushion. It intrigued Kibum, causing him to stop. He knew that the demonologist kept jars full of the necessary objects for the case, but this sounded like something thicker than glass.
Minho attempted to stop Kibum as he reached for the zipper.
“Key, don’t!” he said, startling even himself.
“That son of a bitch,” Kibum growled, pushing Minho’s hands aside and pulling the bag open.
Sitting in the middle of jars of salt and herbs was the Ouija board. The board that Kibum was sure he left untouched on top of his bed.
“What the fuck did we even leave the apartment for?”
“Key, calm down.”
Minho approached Kibum cautiously, gently pulling him away from the couch, and away from Taemin’s bag. The tears of frustration were filling Kibum’s eyes. He wasn’t just scared now. He was irritated.
“Look, Taemin has done this before and he promised to help. I’m sure there’s a perfectly good reason for him to bring it,” Minho told him, stressing that the demonologist knew what he was doing.
“What good reason could he have? That…thing is probably going to follow us here, now.”
“Actually, the demon is already among us and has been since last night.”
The men turned to face the foyer, revealing Jinki standing in front of them.
“Minho, you’re a sensitive such as myself, so you already know even though you don’t want to admit it.”
Kibum snapped his head to look at Minho, who only stared at the ground. What was Jinki even talking about?
“The truth is, Jonghyun is not alone. When Minho and I moved Jonghyun after his fall, we both noticed a shift in his energy.”
Confusion crossed Kibum’s face, wanting to make sense of what the man was saying.
“I don’t have time for your fancy witch talk, okay? Now tell me what’s wrong with Jonghyun!”
“The figure from last night never disappeared into thin air as we thought. It was difficult to see since the lights went out, but Jonghyun’s body seemed to absorb it when he was attacked.”
“So the scratches are because…?”
“He’s showing signs of demonic possession, yes.”
He approached the door to the guest room.
Once Taemin had given him the okay, Kibum knew he wanted to be at Jonghyun’s side. His blood ran cold as he neared the door. He made certain that he didn’t kick aside the layer of salt that Taemin had graciously sprinkled across the entrance and pushed through the doorway.
An eerie silence swept across the room, almost as if no one was in there.
Kibum walked inside, observing the room’s unfamiliarity. It was larger than the ones at the apartment, yet simplistic. The space seemed drafty due to the lack of objects inside, only holding a large wardrobe, a wooden stool in the corner, and an iron bed, with Jonghyun sitting up and facing the wall. His breath hitched when he found him, silent and unmoving. After quietly placing the duffle he brought into the wardrobe, he tiptoed his way to the other man. Kibum knew he didn’t have to be quiet, but the silence in the room made him feel like something was waiting to be stirred from a slumber.
“Jonghyun, are you okay?”
The man didn’t miss a beat and answered him immediately.
“I’m fine, Key. The scratches don’t even hurt.”
Kibum took a step back at his monotone speech. Alarms started going off in his head, but he refused to listen. Instead of turning his heel and making a run for the door, he forced himself to roll closer, placing a delicate hand on his shoulder.
“Are you sure? They looked bad.”
He had barely finished his sentence when he felt the burn of his hand being slapped away. The loud smack echoed throughout the otherwise empty room, causing Kibum to feel the wrathful action through multiple senses.
“Why did you leave me that day, Key?”
“What are you talking about?”
“That day in high school. It was a heavy thunderstorm and you promised you’d drive me home.”
Confusion reached him again, only this time to have a realization dawn on him. He vaguely remembered that day. Him and Jonghyun hadn’t spoken much during the year, but excessive rain made the other ask Kibum for a ride. Of course, he agreed, but he couldn’t remember what caused him to leave Jonghyun behind.  
“You were with Minho and your friends. You skipped class with them and you left me to walk home.”
Under no circumstances had Kibum ever felt scared by the way Jonghyun acted before at that moment. He knew the man was supposed to be angry, yet his voice held no malice. It was as monotonous as before, but the sharp edges were there stinging and shaking Kibum to his core. Only then did Kibum recall that yes, he did leave with Minho and his friends that day. He left with them almost as soon as making that promise to Jonghyun. He didn’t even know Jonghyun was upset about it, nor did he ever apologize. He just assumed that he understood.
“Jonghyun, I’m sorry for doing that, but that was in high school. Why are you bringing this up?”
The man continued to sit still, never moving from his position of facing the blank bedroom wall. Had he not been speaking, Kibum would have been sure that he wasn’t even awake.
“You never gave a shit about me, Key. You have Minho, so you’re just waiting to leave again.”
His blood boiled, and he raised his voice so loud, he was sure the others across the house could hear him.
“You know damn well I care about you, Jonghyun! This isn’t you, it’s that…thing talking!”
“Oh, that thing? The one you released after messing around with that bullshit?”
“Jonghyun, stop it. I know you’re in there.”
At that, Kibum’s body lurched backwards. His frame went flying towards the wall, letting his shoulder blades collide with the smooth, flat surface. The wind was knocked out of him and the pain of the impact consumed him. Jolted and slightly disoriented, Kibum looked back at the bed, seeing that Jonghyun’s figure had hardly moved. The only change was that now, Jonghyun’s head was turned and facing him. Kibum felt his muscles tighten and a scream tried to release itself, only to be caught in his throat. His heart dropped and the hair on his body stood on end as he acknowledged the scene in front of him.
Replacing Jonghyun’s chocolate brown eyes were deep pools of black, glaring into his soul.  
“Oh Key, he’s already gone.”
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luvjjongtae · 2 years
By the Time We're Thirty - Ch. 3
Pairing: Kim Jonghyun x Kim Kibum.
AU info: After college/university AU. Non-idols AU.
Genre: Fluff, Pining
Other tags and warnings: Drinking, College roommates, Reconnecting, Deal to get married
Total Word Count: 20k (divided into 3 chapters)
Note: I think it's probably important to make clear here that all my stories (as of now at least) occur in a world where homophobia and bigotry just do not exist because why not write about the world I'd love to live in! So it's a little unrealistic because of that obviously but I think it's more enjoyable this way. Anyway, this is just to clear up any confusion about the really casual public response to some gayness that occurs in this chapter.
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Kibum slept in that morning after shutting off his alarm. He didn’t dream.
At some clanging coming from the kitchen, he stirred, groaning into his pillow as he tried to block out the sunlight streaming in through the blinds. He lay face-down on his bed for a few moments, willing sleep to come back to him.
But then he heard his bedroom door creaking open slightly. Giving up on sleep, he sat up and blinked at the door. Jonghyun was peeking through the crack, but when he saw that Kibum was awake he threw it open. “Sorry for waking you,” he said with a sheepish smile. “I dropped a pan.”
Kibum rubbed the sleep away from his eyes and yawned. “It’s fine.”
“How’d you sleep?” Jonghyun asked, coming into the room, Roo on his heels. He sat down on the edge of the bed, waiting for Kibum’s answer.
Kibum yawned again, trying to remember the previous night. Oh. Oh right. He had that dream. He shook his head, blinking away the feeling pressing down on his chest and making his heart race when he noticed Jonghyun looking at him intently. He liked Jonghyun.
“I slept fine.”
Jonghyun studied him for a moment, before shrugging and standing up from the bed. “I’m making rice and heating up some banchan. Do you want anything else?”
“No, banchan and rice sound good,” Kibum forced out as naturally as possible. God, why was he suddenly so nervous around Jonghyun? It was just Jonghyun, he told himself multiple times. “Anything is fine, really”
“Okay!” Jonghyun said cheerfully, leaving Kibum’s room. “It’ll be ready in a bit.”
Kibum relaxed when Jonghyun shut the door behind him. Of all things, why did he have to dream about a wedding with Jonghyun? It was too much, too fast. He took a deep breath to steady himself. It was also too early in the morning to be worried about this stuff.
After washing up quickly, he slid onto a stool at Jonghyun’s counter, watching his back muscles flex as he prepared breakfast. “Kibum? Here’s yours,” he said, turning with a warm smile and handing him a bowl of rice. He grabbed a few more bowls and settled into the seat beside Kibum, placing the banchan between them. “Are you sure you slept well? You look tired.”
“And you’re unusually talkative,” Kibum said, shoveling some rice into his mouth and swallowing thickly before continuing. “The rice is good.”
Jonghyun ignored his snide comment and smiled at the compliment, playing with the rice in his bowl. “Good. I wanted to impress you last night with my mom’s food, but ran out of ideas for this morning.”
Kibum’s phone buzzed on the table. A text from Minho on the group chat glowed back at him. “This early?” he muttered, rolling his eyes.
Jonghyun also grabbed his phone to check the notification, chuckling when he read the encouraging message to Overcome the day!!! “You know how he is. Always waking up early to run or go to the gym or something.”
“You too,” Kibum said absentmindedly, back to his rice. “You loved working out.”
“Still do,” Jonghyun said proudly, flexing his biceps dramatically. “See?” He grabbed Kibum’s hand and placed it on his arm to feel it, before realizing what he did and flushing bright red and freezing in place.
But Kibum’s hand didn’t move. Body acting on its own, he squeezed his arm lightly, feeling Jonghyun tense underneath him. Avoiding eye contact, he trailed his fingers up the muscle, feeling every twitch, fingertips catching on his shirt sleeve. Only then did he seem to realize himself, hesitating. Jonghyun kept absolutely still, eyes trained on Kibum who had, for some reason, stopped breathing. All he had to do was pull his hand away and get back to his rice and everything would be fine–
His hand pushed the fabric of the shirt out of the way, grazing over the soft skin of his shoulder, past the bunched-up sleeve, touching the space between his shoulder and neck, and finally his neck, fingers stretching over the back of it, skin-on-skin contact blinding him. But then Jonghyun twitched slightly, snapping Kibum back to reality, realizing that his hand was resting on the back of Jonghyun’s neck and his face was suddenly really close to his and shit. He had made eye contact.
Clearing his throat, he wrenched his hand and eyes away. What were they even talking about? He stuffed his face with the last few clumps of rice so that he wouldn’t have to speak. But Jonghyun didn’t move beside him, still staring intently at him. Swallowing as much as he could, he settled on saying through the lump in his throat, “Rice is good.”
That seemed to bring Jonghyun back, something in his expression shifting. “You said that already.”
“Then it’s really good,” Kibum rushed out, chopsticks clanging as he roughly stood up from his stool and picked up the bowl. In a few quick strides, he was in the kitchen, rinsing his bowl in the sink which thankfully meant he had his back to Jonghyun.
“And my muscles?”
Kibum was glad that Jonghyun couldn’t see his face going hot and probably beet red. “Where do these go?” he asked instead, waving the bowl, his back still to Jonghyun.
“Top drawer.” Jonghyun’s voice stayed normal, not indicating whether or not he was annoyed at Kibum’s dodginess.
“Okay.” He neatly put the clean bowl away and planned to just escape to his room to calm his rushing heart before Jonghyun stopped him again.
“Do you want some of my clothes?” Kibum turned to look at him, sitting on his stool, playing with his rice and chopsticks, and looking back at him with an unreadable expression. He looked so small. So cute, he thought unwittingly. He prepared to spin back around and stop staring at this man who was somehow simultaneously hot and cute and just– “You gave me yours last time. It’s the least I can do.”
Kibum thought about asking just for his own clothes back from the last time but remembered that Jonghyun had already returned them to him. And then he thought back to his clothes from yesterday, sweaty and smelly from the long day and night before. He nodded curtly, relaxing a bit when Jonghyun smiled.
“Take your pick from my closet. Your sense of fashion is better than mine anyway, you’ll put something cool together.”
Kibum took the bait and puffed up his chest, glad for the distraction. “I’ll see what I can do.”
Thirty minutes later, Kibum stood with Jonghyun in the lobby of the apartment, not sure how to say goodbye or if to even say goodbye in the first place. He didn’t have anything else to do today except take out Comme Des and Garcons but he could always work around that for Jonghyun if he asked him to go anywhere.
“So I’ll see you next week?”
Kibum’s heart fell. What else was he expecting though? Especially when he himself didn’t have the guts to ask Jonghyun to do something as simple as getting coffee with him. Forcing a smile, he said, “Next week it is.”
“I’ll text you,” Jonghyun said quickly. “Like I usually do, I mean, throughout the week.”
“Yeah, I’ll text you too,” Kibum said, shifting on his feet, his hand on the door. He took an extra moment to look at Jonghyun again, trying to remember him like this, morning crusted on his face and bags under his eyes. But it kept shifting to the Jonghyun in his dream – glowing and handsome as he always was, if Kibum was being honest with himself, which now was not the time nor place for as he hesitated awkwardly at the door, just staring at Jonghyun.
A passerby roughly pushed open the door on the way in and slotted Kibum and Jonghyun an annoyed glance, getting Kibum’s legs moving again. He waved goodbye one final time and yanked the door open, feeling the changing autumn air hit his face as he tried to just stop thinking about Jonghyun the whole way home.
. . .
“Where are the others?” Kibum asked as Jonghyun pulled him along the busy sidewalk, dodging pedestrians on their phones. “And what’s the rush?”
“Sorry, there’s no rush,” Jonghyun laughed awkwardly, slowing down to a stroll beside Kibum. “The others are at the restaurant already.”
“I could’ve walked there myself, you know,” Kibum said, remembering how Jonghyun first grabbed his arm after parking a few blocks from the restaurant, face going hot. He had to look at the ground to calm down. But he couldn’t find it in himself to pull away either, torturing himself as Jonghyun’s grip tightened and loosened and they navigated the sidewalk together. The sun was just beginning to set, painting the sky in purples and pinks, and bringing out the artificial glow of the storefronts and streetlights they passed. “You didn’t have to meet me so far.”
“Oh, it’s no problem,” Jonghyun said, checking his phone in his pocket for the fifth time. Whatever he saw there satisfied him enough and he relaxed his grip on Kibum, still not letting go, however. “You might’ve gotten lost.”
“Yeah, right.” This all sounded like bullshit to Kibum, but whatever. His birthday was in two days and it took everything in him to stop thinking about what kept coming to mind the entire week: He was turning thirty. Thirty whole years. Granted his hair and skin still looked amazing, and he routinely received compliments that he looked younger than his age, but still. Thirty years.
But his thoughts were suddenly wrenched to the next thing he kept thinking about constantly when Jonghyun’s grip tightened on his arm: his crush. If it could even be called a crush. Kibum had crushes in the past– he knew what they felt like. But this was a thousand times more intense than thinking his coworker was cute or pining after a senior in high school or making out with that guy at the bar. This was Jonghyun.
Who was now dragging him into a dimly lit restaurant, Italian words and pictures of Rome plastered along the walls. “I didn’t know the place we picked was Italian,” Kibum mused.
“It’s your favorite, right?” Jonghyun asked, looking at him intently.
“Yes, but–”
“Good.” He pulled him deeper into the restaurant, past all the tables, and down a hallway. But why did it matter that it was Kibum’s favorite?
“Jjong is this–” Kibum was about to ask if this was a surprise party of sorts when they arrived at a door and Jonghyun covered his eyes with his hands. “Oh, so it definitely is.”
“Shh!” Jonghyun said from behind him, his warm hands covering Kibum’s eyes. “You know nothing.”
Kibum rolled his eyes behind Jonghyun’s hands, shutting his eyelids obediently. “Okay, I know nothing.”
Jonghyun then opened the door and pushed Kibum gently into the dark room, his vision behind his eyelids going black, before Jonghyun’s hands were suddenly off his face and he snapped his eyes open at the loud “SURPRISE!” that rang through the room. He looked around the now-lit room, a large table at the center surrounded by a comically large number of balloons. Streamers hung from the ceiling and everyone sported at least one party hat, beaming at him from all corners of the room.
Kibum was about to say something when he felt something snap against his chin. He glanced up and noticed that Jonghyun had sprung a party hat on his head, before affixing another to his own. “Gotta get in the spirit, birthday boy.”
“Jjong…” Kibum started. But he was quickly interrupted when all the guests rushed up to him to greet him. After hugging and greeting Minho, Taemin, and Jinki, Kibum was surprised to see Seulgi bowing in front of him. How did Jonghyun – or whoever had planned this, Kibum wasn’t sure it was Jonghyun – know Seulgi? Shaking the thought away, he pulled Seulgi into a small hug. “We’re not in the office, I think it’s fine.”
“Thanks, Kibum,” Seulgi said with a smile as she pulled away. “Happy birthday! By the way, Sooyoung is also here. And some other people from work.”
“Huh. Did you do that?” Kibum asked, brow raising in suspicion.
“Jonghyun asked for me to invite as many people from work that you got along with so…” she trailed off, still smiling at Kibum before something caught her eye. Kibum glanced in the same direction and saw Sooyoung talking with Minho and another woman. “I’ll be right back,” Seulgi said sheepishly, running off to talk to Sooyoung.
Which left Minho and the woman - probably his fiancée, Kibum thought – alone. His thoughts quickly flitted back to Jonghyun and what Seulgi had said. So Jonghyun had planned this surprise party for him… He felt his heart swell at the realization.
But he stuffed the feeling back down as he approached Minho and his fiancée. “You haven’t introduced me to the beautiful woman with you, Minho,” Kibum said.
Minho beamed at him, wrapping his arm around the woman’s waist and pulling her close. “This is my fiancée, Jiho. Honey, this is Kibum. I’ve talked about him before.”
Jiho bowed politely at Kibum. The stupid-looking party hat on her head couldn’t take away from her breathtaking beauty, and paired with Minho, the couple was a blindingly beautiful sight. Their kids would probably be good-looking too. Kibum bowed back, smiling at her when she said, “Minho’s talked about you so much, it’s crazy that we’re only meeting now.”
“Has he now?” Kibum smirked.
“Now, it wasn’t that much,” Minho laughed. Then looking around he added, “I think people are sitting down to eat. We probably should too.”
Kibum took his seat at the head of the table after Taemin insisted, “Kibum, you gotta sit at the head of the table on your birthday. That’s, like, a must.” Taemin sat on his left and he noticed a party hat marking the place on his right. Just then, Jinki settled into that seat, shooting Kibum his usual kind smile.
“Hungry?” Jinki asked him.
“Starving.” Kibum was prepared to start taking a look at the menu when Jonghyun came up behind Jinki, looking at them both with a weird expression.
“I saved my spot.” He gestured lamely at the party hat on the table.
Jinki raised his eyebrows in question but moved to stand up. “Ah, my bad, Jonghyun.”
“No, no, it’s fine.” Jonghyun snatched up the hat and fixed it onto his head. “I can sit next to Minho, no problem.” Then he walked away until he found the seat by Minho at the other end. Worried that he was upset, Kibum stared at him, but Jonghyun just shot Kibum one final smile before opening his menu and covering his face.
Kibum decided to refocus on the menu. After everyone had ordered their meals, Taemin piped up beside him. “Kibum, did you meet my boyfriend?”
A handsome man sitting next to Taemin nodded toward Kibum. “Hi, I’m Jongin.”
“Nice to meet you, and thank you for coming,” Kibum responded. Then he smirked at Taemin. “I see he’s out of your league.”
Jongin and Taemin both laughed. “He kind of is,” Taemin said looking at Jongin lovingly.
“It’s the other way around,” Jongin said, slapping Taemin’s arm playfully. “You idiot.”
“Nah, when we went on our first date, I just couldn’t get over the fact that someone like him,” he gestured dramatically at Jongin, “could like someone like me.” They all laughed, but Kibum’s mind again returned to Jonghyun. That was true… How could someone like Jonghyun – handsome, kind, creative, smart, talented, rich, internationally adored, and… Kibum could go on and on – like someone like Kibum who was just so. Blah.
He forced his mind away from Jonghyun to return to the conversation now with Jongin, Taemin, and Jinki. They chatted casually for a while, their food arriving in the meantime. At one point the conversation shifted where Taemin and Jongin were talking to Seulgi beside them, and Kibum spoke to Jinki alone. And again his mind turned to Jonghyun. He couldn’t take it anymore. Leaning as if it were a big secret, he asked in a whisper, “Did Jonghyun really plan everything?”
Jinki just chuckled. “Well, we all pitched in of course.” At Kibum’s raised eyebrows, Jinki laughed again. “It was mostly Jonghyun, yes.”
Kibum leaned back in his seat, eyes wide. “Really?”
“He was so worried your favorite food had changed and everything. You still like Italian, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, I do.” Kibum couldn’t believe it. Except he could, it was so Jonghyun of him to go out of his way even when he was insanely busy with an album releasing in a few days to plan an entire surprise birthday party for Kibum. Maybe, just maybe, Kibum allowed himself to think, Jonghyun felt the same way towards him.
But the cynical part in his mind took over. Jonghyun would’ve done the same thing for Taemin, Minho, Jinki, Taeyeon, or the friends Kibum didn’t even know. Kibum wasn’t special, and he most certainly couldn’t compete with this long-lost love that still seemed to haunt Jonghyun. He was just his friend.
Jinki was still talking. “I’m so glad, Jonghyun would’ve kicked himself if he had gotten it wrong.” He was smiling his kind and inviting smile, the one that always used to put Kibum at ease when he was stressed about exams. Maybe he could ask Jinki about it.
“Hey, Jinki,” Kibum started as nonchalantly as possible, pretending to focus on rolling up the spaghetti with his fork. “Has Jonghyun said anything about this…long-lost love again?”
“No,” Jinki squinted at him. “Why?”
“No, I’m just wondering, with the album release so soon and all, whether it ever came up as inspiration…or something.” Kibum stuffed his face with spaghetti, chewing it over as he observed Jinki.
“Hmm,” Jinki simply hummed, eyes distant. “You know, everyone always tells me things because they think I’ll forget. But sometimes I don’t, I can’t choose what to forget.”
Kibum frowned at Jinki’s cryptic words but nodded solemnly. It was true that Jinki was the easiest to confide in. He’d listen intently, never giving unwanted advice, and it was guaranteed that he wouldn’t spill a secret because he would eventually just forget. Kibum thought about all the times he had complained to Jinki about Taemin’s lack of self-preservation and perfectionism in dance which ended with a broken leg, or Minho’s disorganization in the bathroom, or all the girlfriends Jonghyun brought back to his room.
That last thought made his blood run cold but he shook it away, refocusing on Jinki. “Why are you saying this?” Kibum said with a small laugh, dry and awkward.
“Jonghyun once told me about his long-lost love. Of course, they weren’t ‘long-lost’ at that point. He coined that dramatic term later,” Jinki smiled ironically, sending goosebumps up Kibum’s arms. He listened intently as Jinki continued, “If Jonghyun waited this long already, it’s going to take a move from the other person to make anything happen.” He was now staring at Kibum, speaking directly to him.
“But what if the other person doesn’t know?”
Jinki’s expression softened and he glanced over to where Jonghyun was laughing with Minho and his fiancée. Kibum followed his gaze. “He’s good at hiding his feelings, but not that good.”
“But what if–” Kibum stopped himself. He wanted to ask about ruining their twelve-year friendship, the most meaningful one in his life, by saying something stupid to Jonghyun without knowing for sure if he’s this long-lost love he still longing for. Jinki looked back at Kibum, face as neutral as always when Kibum needed to vent. “But what if it ruins everything?” Kibum finally asked in a small whisper.
Jinki placed his hand comfortingly over Kibum’s. “It won’t. Not with you two.”
Jinki’s words haunted Kibum for the rest of the party. Despite the yummy food and lively guests, he couldn’t focus, not with his chest constricting tightly whenever Jonghyun even looked at him for a second. He went through the motions of the traditional face in the cake, goodbye’s and thank you’s to all the guests, and trudging back to his car with all the gifts with Jonghyun’s insistent help. Kibum could barely think straight as Jonghyun pestered him with questions about how he enjoyed the party, mind continually drifting back to Jinki’s inadvertent advice.
If Jonghyun waited this long already, it’s going to take a move from the other person to make anything happen.
Kibum didn’t see Jonghyun again for a few days after that. He had his job and his dogs and suddenly a new project slamming down onto his desk.
“For you,” Seulgi said, a sympathetic look in her eyes at the small stack of papers she had thrown down onto his desk. She plastered a strained smile as she anticipated his response, “They want you on the ground too.”
Kibum groaned, flipping through the pages blindly. These surprise projects were going to be the death of him, and if they kept assigning them–
He stopped. They wanted him to interview Kim Jonghyun on his upcoming album in two days, the release date. He was supposed to listen to the album and prepare some to-be-approved questions. There were some pages full of example questions, and the rest was filled with a brief biography of Jonghyun’s life. He scoffed and stopped flipping through. He didn’t need to read a clinical dissection of Jonghyun’s life, not when he had lived through part of it and learned the rest of it from late-night confessions and truth or dare games.
Kibum sighed, returning to his computer. “Do they know I have a personal connection to Jonghyun? I can’t do this project.”
“I still can’t believe you know Kim Jonghyun,” Seulgi squealed. “When he called me up about your birthday, I was so sure it was a prank call that I cursed him out and threatened to call the police.” She buried her face in her hands in embarrassment. “It was so bad.”
“I’m sure he didn’t take it personally,” Kibum assured her. “Now, can you send this back up and tell them I can’t take it?”
Seulgi shook her head apologetically. “Apparently they’re short-staffed because of the flu but this interview can’t be postponed. Album promotions and all.” With her hands on her hips, she added, “I thought this project would be fun for you. He’s your friend, isn’t he?”
She wasn’t wrong, and that’s what made his heart hurt.
But that’s how Kibum ended up sitting across Jonghyun in front of large, clunky cameras, and studio lights blinding him and making him sweat underneath his sweater. They were in front of a white background, made to look like they were in some heavenly void when the final video was edited. Kibum always hated these sorts of interviews. They felt so unnatural, lacking all aspects of a normal conversation between two people.
The stylists swarmed Jonghyun, brushing his face up with more makeup than he ever needed and adjusting the loose button-down he wore, revealing his collarbones and part of his toned chest and oh. Kibum’s eyes were straying down. He cleared his throat and shuffled the papers in his hands, distracting himself.
Kibum and Jonghyun had barely spoken to each other when they had arrived, what with Jonghyun surrounded by people at all times and Seulgi making sure Kibum was doing his job and not gazing at Jonghyun longingly at all times (her words). He had given him a small wave when he noticed Kibum earlier, and Kibum’s heart had jumped in his chest, but besides that, they hadn’t talked.
At the director’s call, the stylists dispersed, leaving Jonghyun a handsome, glowing figure before Kibum, smiling warmly at him. He swallowed. This would be difficult to get through. Kibum then introduced the album “The Collection ‘Story Op.1’” and Jonghyun waved at the camera cutely and Kibum wanted to melt. He caught Seulgi’s eye from the corner of the studio and she made a little fighting! gesture, reminding him to stay professional.
“So, Jonghyun. Let’s start with the album as a whole. What was the major inspiration behind it?”
Jonghyun answered like a natural. “Well, most of the songs were developed on my radio show, Blue Night. They come from stories from my listeners and I just tried my best to put their feelings into words and music.”
“I’m sure your listeners are very happy with how it turned out. The songs are receiving much critical acclaim,” Kibum stated.
Jonghyun smiled shyly. “I’m thankful for that. It was– is a way for me to connect with my listeners. I really enjoyed the process of creating this album.”
How was this man so heartfelt and caring and just– perfect? How did Kibum not see what was in front of him for so long? He wanted to kick himself or rip his hair out but instead, he took a deep breath and continued with the questions. “What drove you to create this sound, which seems different from your previous hit track Déjà-Boo?”
The interview went on normally and professionally. After the first introductory questions, they discussed each song and the stories behind them, giving Kibum insight into Jonghyun’s creative and artistic mind. It was truly fascinating.
“What’s the story behind 2:34?”
Jonghyun shifted in his seat. “That one’s mine. It’s about meeting up with friends I love and just…having a good time with them.” His deep eyes pulled Kibum in as he spoke, the rest of the studio falling away. It was just the two of them in the room. “It’s about reminiscing about the past and laughing and drinking late into the night and telling embarrassing stories.” He paused, then said, “It’s that line Thinking back it seems all very stupid / but it’s our memories.”
Kibum’s next question caught in his throat. Of course, he had listened to the song beforehand and had concluded it must have to do with his friends, most likely inspired by that first night that they had reconnected at the bulgogi place. But hearing it from Jonghyun now, who was looking at him like he was the only person in the entire room, made it that much more real. It hit Kibum: This was the final piece of inspiration Jonghyun needed. It just had to come to him with time.
He looked back down at his papers, a scribbled question scratched into the margins that he had not sent in to get approved. It was too risky and too personal. It was a question Kibum had written down that morning, mind turning over the possibilities of Jonghyun’s answer. It wasn’t approved but…
Fuck it. “Some lines, in particular, intrigued me, Jonghyun. I’m sure your listeners as well.”
“Which ones?”
Kibum read them out, even though at this point they were permanently etched into his memory. “It’s my first time asking a male friend to not go back home / Don’t go home yet.” He paused, ignoring Seulgi’s probably panicking look in the corner of the set. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he continued, knowing there was no turning back now. “I’m sure we’re all curious, is there someone special that this is about?”
Jonghyun’s eyes widened, looking at Kibum incredulously. He knew this wasn’t approved. “I– uh…” He looked at the director frantically, probably waiting for her to yell cut! and reprimand Kibum for the question. They’d cut this out of the final video and Jonghyun and Kibum would never bring it up again. But the director didn’t move, gesturing with a wave of her hand for the interview to continue. Jonghyun turned back to Kibum.
“Yes, there is,” he said finally.
“Care to tell us who?” Kibum pressed. He was so close.
But Jonghyun narrowed his eyes at him playfully and smirked. “Now, don’t you think that’s a bit too personal, Mr. Kim?” He knew what Kibum was doing. He knew Kibum had figured out that it was about him when he had taken him home that night, and now he was playing with him. “After all, it would be an invasion of his privacy.”
The words echoed loudly in Kibum’s head even as he leaned back into his chair, crossing his legs elegantly, trying to exude a carefree attitude. “I suppose you’re right.” He hoped he sounded as relaxed and normal as possible, not all like his heart was thudding a million miles per minute in his chest.
“Shouldn’t we move on to the next song?” Jonghyun blinked at him innocently, a smirk still playing on his lips. If Kibum didn’t have to act professionally, he’d smack Jonghyun’s arm lightly before pulling him into a kiss and wiping that teasing smirk off his face. That’s what Jinki meant by “first move,” right?
Kibum cleared his throat. “Yes, of course. Tell me about Fine.”
The interview finished normally, and when the director seemed satisfied with the footage, everyone began packing up to go. Kibum shut his eyes and stretched his arms up over his head when he stood up from his seat, anticipating Seulgi’s reprimand over his question. But when he opened his eyes, Jonghyun was in front of him. That smirk from before had fallen from his face, replaced instead by a nervous and almost shy expression. Kibum was surprised. Jonghyun? Shy like this? It was unlike him. “Look, Kibum, about the line in the song–”
Kibum wanted to talk to Jonghyun. He wanted to discuss whatever was between them so badly. But he didn’t trust himself enough to hold back if things went well. Hell, it was all he could do to keep his eyes from straying down to his chest, honey skin exposed in that tantalizing outfit the stylists had chosen for him the entire interview. They couldn’t talk yet. Not here in front of his manager and Seulgi and the director and dozens of others he didn’t know.
“We should talk. But not right now, Jjong.” Kibum hoped he looked apologetic enough, conveying to Jonghyun that he wasn’t trying to ignore him.
“Then when?” Jonghyun pleaded.
Kibum hesitated. He hadn’t thought that through but settled on, “I’m free tonight. You pick the place.” Before he could gauge Jonghyun’s reaction, his manager rushed up to him, phone between his ear and shoulder as he gestured to Jonghyun to hurry up because they were late.
“Tonight,” Jonghyun said firmly before following after his manager.
Now Kibum was the nervous one. He wiped his palms on his jeans, suddenly sweaty. It was convoluted but this is what Kibum had gathered.
Jonghyun knew that Kibum knew about his feelings. But Jonghyun didn’t know how Kibum felt. How would he go about explaining the way his heart raced whenever he texted him? Or why the feelings had sprung up only now, after twelve years? Kibum didn’t even know the answer to that, and it panged him with guilt that he had made Jonghyun wait so long just because he was an oblivious idiot.
But he wasn’t going to be an idiot any longer.
. . .
Jonghyun had picked a tteokbokki stand.
“Were you just hungry or is there significance behind this glamorous venue?” Kibum popped a stick of tteokbokki into his mouth, savoring the spicy rice cake. It was late evening, past the normal weekday dinner time. The streets were mostly empty, and Jonghyun and Kibum were the only customers at the stand. They waved the owner goodbye and walked silently together along the sidewalk, Kibum focusing on the cracks beneath his feet.
“I was hungry,” Jonghyun said shyly. “And nervous, after the interview and all.” Kibum stayed silent, letting the chill night air brush past them. Jonghyun sighed deeply beside him. “So I take it you know?”
“You weren’t the best at hiding it.”
“Yah, you didn’t know for ten years,” Jonghyun shot back. “I bet you didn’t think it was that long, huh. I’m kinda pathetic.”
Kibum wrapped his fingers around Jonghyun’s arm, stopping them in place. Jonghyun stared back at him, slightly surprised. “You’re anything but pathetic. I’m pathetic for not realizing how much I liked you until recently.”
“You like me?”
Kibum hesitated, debating whether to say this next bit or not. But there had been enough beating around the bush between them to last a lifetime. Kibum valued honesty, but that meant being honest about his own feelings too.
“I love you, Jonghyun.”
Jonghyun’s face fell open, a mixture of surprise, joy, and disbelief flickering across it in different stages. If this weren’t so serious, Kibum would’ve laughed at how he froze in place and experienced every emotion known to man. “You do?” he finally managed.
“I can say it again.” The same force that possessed Kibum that morning in Jonghyun’s apartment returned. He leaned over and pecked Jonghyun lightly on the cheek. “I love you.”
Jonghyun blushed, beet red underneath the glow of the nearby streetlight. After a moment, he said rather breathlessly, “I love you too. More than a friend, as a lover.” He laughed freely, the sound carrying through the empty street. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to say that to you.”
The pang of guilt stabbed through Kibum again. He stared down at his shoes. “I’m sorry it took me so long.”
Then suddenly, he was looking into Jonghyun’s eyes, his face squished between his palms, keeping him in place as Jonghyun said, “Don’t apologize for your feelings. The unrequited love was kind of…nice in a way.”
Kibum snorted. “Nice?”
Jonghyun smiled, letting his face go. They continued walking together, their fingers brushing against each other until Kibum tangled them together, swinging their hands between them playfully. “Yes, nice. It’s weird, I know, but I guess I just love being in love. Especially with you.”
“I want to try something.” Kibum pulled Jonghyun towards him and leaned down to kiss him before he could think too much. Their lips met unceremoniously, Jonghyun still frozen in place from Kibum’s quick movements but soon finding his rhythm. He tasted like spicy tteokbokki and Kibum felt himself melt into the kiss further, dropping his empty bowl onto the sidewalk to throw his arms around Jonghyun to get even closer. He pressed his body against him and they stumbled back into the display window of a closed store.
After a few moments, Kibum pulled away, admiring Jonghyun’s blissful and breathless face before him. “Wow,” he whispered.
“Wow?” Jonghyun laughed huskily. His eyes were dark with desire, trained on Kibum’s lips. “That’s it?”
Kibum’s heart raced. He was going to explode from excitement and happiness and want if he didn’t do something. “Well, we talked, right?” He moved away from Jonghyun’s warmth, turning to leave. “I’ll see you this weekend with the others–”
Jonghyun dragged him back against the window, their positions now swapped. His arms caged him, both hands flat against the window beside Kibum’s head. “You made me wait this long,” he said with a small smirk, his breath tickling Kibum’s ear. “I don’t think I can wait anymore.”
“Okay,” Kibum managed to breathe out before Jonghyun kissed him again, more passionate and desperate this time. He mumbled into the kiss, “But maybe we should do this at your place.”
“My place it is, then.”
. . .
Kibum woke up the next morning to the sound of a running shower. The sun was already up, filtering in through the blinds and illuminating Jonghyun’s bedroom in a soft, early morning glow.
The sun was already up. It was Thursday.
“Shit,” Kibum muttered, throwing off the warm comforter and shivering from the cold against his naked body. He searched for his clothes on the floor. It was there somewhere, no, those were Jonghyun’s pants, fuck, fuck–
“You’re up!” Jonghyun smiled at Kibum from the bathroom door, a towel wrapped dangerously low around his waist. Beads of water droplets sprinkled his shoulders and Kibum admired the chest he had been touching last night. But now wasn’t the time. “I turned off your alarm for you.”
“Jjong, why would you do that?” Kibum whined, frantically throwing clothes around and finding his underwear underneath Jonghyun’s belt and t-shirt. “I have work today.”
“I called Seulgi. Said you wanted a day off.”
Oh. Kibum froze, halfway into zipping up his jeans. “You did not.”
Jonghyun opened one of his drawers, pulling out some clothes for himself. “I did! She sounded so happy for you, said that you had like two months' worth of vacation days stored up.”
“Oh my God.” He was never going to hear the end of it from Seulgi. He glanced back at Jonghyun suspiciously. “What do you have planned?”
“Get dressed.” Jonghyun tossed Kibum a pile of clothes. “And shower too, you’re a mess. Not that I don’t like you like this,” he smirked.
Kibum rolled his eyes but couldn’t hide the heat creeping up his face. “I’ll go shower,” he mumbled, brushing past Jonghyun on his way to the bathroom.
“Want company?” Jonghyun called back.
“Shut up.” Kibum heard Jonghyun laughing carelessly as he shut the door, his face hot. He should’ve thought things through before deciding on getting such a flirtatious boyfriend.
But he couldn’t even think around Jonghyun. That’s what he learned today as Jonghyun drove him from place to place, cramming in as many date activities as he could into one day. At the movies, Kibum felt himself pressing closer and closer to Jonghyun, not paying any attention to the zombies or aliens or whatever it was on the screen. It was a good thing Jonghyun had picked a screening schedule in the middle of the day because the theater was empty as they made out for practically the last half of the movie.
For lunch, Kibum saw stars and almost choked on his food when he felt Jonghyun’s hand resting on his thigh beneath the table as they discussed which of their friends would be most surprised when they told them the news. And now in front of Kibum’s apartment, the sun setting over the city horizon, Kibum felt blissfully dizzy and out of breath as Jonghyun leaned forward to leave him a quick, chaste kiss on the lips.
“Did you have fun today?”
Jonghyun’s voice grounded Kibum. “A blast.”
“Good, because I have plenty more dates planned. I had a lot of time to think about it.” Jonghyun squeezed Kibum’s hand in his, not trying to make him feel guilty again. “And I loved every minute of it.”
A thought suddenly popped into Kibum’s mind. “Wait, that song. Are you ever going to release it?”
Jonghyun gave him a confused look. “What song?”
“The one with my birthday, when you showed me your notebook.”
“Ah, you caught that,” Jonghyun smiled.
“It was kind of hard not to.”
Jonghyun chuckled, not arguing with Kibum’s point.“How about I play it for you on our next date and you tell me?”
“I like that idea.” Kibum’s cheeks hurt from smiling so hard but he couldn’t stop. “I meant what I said that night, by the way.”
“When? Last night when you were screaming my na–”
“No, no!” Kibum said loudly, using his free hand to smack his arm. “That night senior year when I was drunk. Even before I knew I liked you, I had always thought that you were like my other half.” The truth was spilling out of him easily now, truths he had kept hidden from himself for years.
Kibum nodded stiffly, scared to see what he would find in Jonghyun’s eyes. Maybe he was going too fast and saying things with too much weight, but then again Jonghyun had been the one pining after him for ten years.
Jonghyun squeezed his hand again. “And I mean it when I say it now, Kibum. You’re my soulmate and I love you and I never want to live my life without you again.”
Kibum leaned over and they kissed again, neither one wanting to leave the car just yet.
Note: Quick thanks to my awesome beta readers for their comments and edits! Thanks to them, I don't think the story is FULLY finished here- you can look forward to an epilogue soon! And thank you for all your comments. They really keep me motivated and make writing more enjoyable than it already is!
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kitsunesx · 1 year
song jonghyun. open to m / f / nb. accidental meeting on a roof.
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There were only a few places in the area that Jonghyun could break into and get onto the roof without someone noticing or at least, not giving a shit about what he was doing there. But every once and a while, he needed to get out of the regular life and be above all the harshest lights. He had a cigarette between his lips and was looking out at the sky for an embarrassing amount of time before he realized that he was not alone. “Oh shit, hey.”
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anonbebe97me · 4 years
𝕄𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕜 (Ch.2: Karaoke)
A/N: This was a fic I’d originally posted on Wattpad last year. Hope you guys enjoy!
Description: Working for Mr.Yoo Kihyun was an absolute nightmare; Y/N hated everything about him, and was convinced he was either part demon or at least some sort of reptilian hybrid- never in a million years would she have expected to learn that he was, indeed only human, and even worse; that he might even be…likeable?
Link to: || 1 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7
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"He is such a flirt!" Karina squealed.
I laughed and took a sip of my iced tea.
"Wait, so he's rich, sweet, and he's most definitely interested- what's the problem?" She asked, referring to Minhyuk.
I looked down, still smiling as I stirred my drink with my straw.
"I just...I don't want to be that kind of girl, you know?" I said, taking another sip as I looked around at the other tables.
Karina scoffed, "You mean the kind that gets to ride in expensive cars and gets taken out to fancy dinners at pretentious restaurants?"
I rolled my eyes, "I mean the kind of girl that just uses men for their resources," I said.
Karina sighed, "Then I need to go make friends with those kinds of girls because I'm ready to be rich by association," she said.
I laughed and playfully nudged her leg with my foot, "Shut up."
A short, heavyset man stepped onto the platform in front of our table and took the mic off of the stand, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a performer who goes by the name of... Kirange?"
I looked over at Karina, "Oh boy... I can't wait to see what poor fool makes an idiot of himself," I said as I took a long drink of my iced tea. I was starting to feel the alcohol.
After a moment, a different man walked onto the platform, mic in hand. The crowd cheered, and you could hear a few whistles and catcalls from the women in the audience.
He was wearing an oversized black t-shirt, and black jeans. You could tell he had been sweating, since the front of his hair was wet-looking and a little matted. The lights were bright and took some adjusting to, but once my eyes finally focused, the guy looked familiar...
"Oh my God..." I said.
Karina looked over at me, "He's hot, right?" she said, clapping her hands and cheering along with the rest of the women.
"Hello, everyone. I wouldn't normally do this but I lost a bet and now, here we are," The guy said with a sigh. His speech was slurred ever so slightly.
A table full of guys at the other end of the platform cheered loudly, some of them were laughing hysterically, others were holding their index finger and thumb together to form little hearts.
"Thank you for that, guys...alright, I'm gonna be singing 'Hyeya', by a Korean singer named Jonghyun." He said.
As I was about to tell Karina that we needed to leave, a soft piano melody started playing, and he was holding the mic up to his mouth. If I got up now, he'd see me for sure.
I stayed put in my seat, but II lowered my head a bit to hide my face as much as I could.
"Hyeya mianhadan mareun marya..." His voice was soft, smooth, soothing...
What the hell?
I looked over at Karina, wh was in just as much of a trance as the rest of the women behind us.
My mouth hung open in awe. I couldn't believe my ears or my eyes.
His face was solemn, and yet, full of passion as he sang.
When he reached the end of the song, it was like a switch had flipped within him and he perked back up, a smile spreading across his face as he heard everyone clap and scream for an encore.
"Thank you," He bowed before walking off of the platform and to the group of guys from before.
They all playfully hit him on his arms and back, and one guy slung his arm around his shoulder.
I sat in complete shock, unable to make sense of the scene that had just unfolded.
Karina looked at me, and her smiling expression turned to concern, "Y/N, are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."
I slowly shook my head, "Not a ghost..."
I just witnessed Kihyun sing drunken karaoke.
And if he sees me here...he'll make sure I never see the light of day again.
"We have to go," I say, downing the last of my iced tea and then grabbing my purse from the seat next to me.
Karina was confused, "Go? Why? We like, just got here," She said, though she also stood up with me.
"I'll explain outside," I said, rushing to get to the door.
Once we were outside, I exhaled in relief. Karina crossed her arms and looked at me, waiting for me to explain myself.
I glanced once more at the door, not fully trusting that we were fully out of the danger zone, but decided to just explain.
"Okay, Mr.Karaoke back there? That's my boss." I said.
It took a moment, but once Karina processed the information, her eyes widened in horror.
"That was him!?" She asked.
I nodded, suddenly feeling really buzzed.
"When you talked about Kihyun, I always imagined someone...different? That guy was so...so..." She struggled to finish her sentence, "Hot."
I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, well, I'm almost convinced he is the devil reincarnated," I said exaggeratedly.
"Well, why didn't you say anything when you realized it was him?" She asked.
I shook my head, "I couldn't risk him seeing me," I said exasperatedly, "He holds power. He literally holds it over my head every single day. If he finds out II saw him like this..." I say, not even wanting to think about how fired I'd be.
"What a jerk...," She said, shaking her head as she reached into her purse and took out a vape pen, "What a...handsome, beautiful-voice-having...jerk," She said with a laugh.
I glared at her, "It's not funny... he embarrassed me in front of Shownu today..." I said, looking down at my phone to track our Uber.
Karina took a drag of her vape and smiled, "You mean the 'sexy-back', hot, coffee guy?"
I smiled, "Yeah...him," I said.
"Big deal. It's not like you have the balls to talk to the guy anyway," she said with a shrug.
I glared at her once more, "Actually, I was literally in the middle of asking him out on a date when Kihyun rudely interrupted me," I said, snarling at the memory.
"Wait, you were asking him out?" She asked.
I nodded, shivering as we stood outside of the Karaoke bar. Our car drove up and we both got in on either side.
We buckled up and settled in.
"Well, if you ask me, Kihyun did you a favor," Karina said, taking her phone out.
I looked at her, a confused expression on my face, "How?" I asked, once again remembering Kihyun staring me down.
"It's embarrassing to ask the guy out," she said.
I scoffed, "What are we, ten? It's 2019, a woman should be able to ask a man out without it being a huge social taboo," I said.
Karina shrugged, "Hey, I don't make the rules."
The drive was only about fifteen minutes, and we were finally at my apartment.
Karina grabbed blankets out from my hall closet and settled on my couch- something that had become very routine was her sleeping over on the weekends, since we'd usually spend Friday nights getting wasted, either at the house or at trashy bars.
"Night," I said, tiredly walking over to my bedroom.
"Mm..." She grunted, seeming to already be half asleep.
I didn't even bother changing out of my clothes before falling into my bed. I simply kicked off my shoes and before I knew it, I drifted off into the deepest sleep I'd had all week.
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cherryeol04 · 1 year
Action! | Ch. 8
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Genre: Humor, Romance, Slice of life?, Crackheadedness
Pairings: BaekRen, MinRon
Work Count: 2K
Summary:  From the moment he was casted, Ren wasn't sure if he had what it would take to be a pop idol. Losing faith in himself, he was going to give up the future he had always wanted, but one person stood by his side and renewed his faith. After a hot debut and rapid growth of stardom, Ren started to notice that maybe this person, his close friend, was something more. But how could a straight man even remotely think of a homosexual relationship?
Warnings: Homophobia, some smut (chapters will be marked)
A/N: I wrote this series back in 2012 and used OCs and over the top writing style for arguments. Whoops. Lmao it’s pretty decent though, so I hope you enjoy!
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Minhyun’s POV
I don’t know what it is, but I just feel like I’m being treated differently. I know I’m just being paranoid though. Coming out to Minki had been the best thing I’ve ever done. These feelings for Jonghyun had been eating at me for some time now. The other was such a goofy person. He was so pleasant to be around and I have so much fun. It was only natural I had deeper feelings wasn’t it?
Well I guess it’s not, because they’re feelings for another man, but that I just can’t control. It’s who I am. Minki had been so sweet and kind towards me, accepting me for who I am and giving me advice. Of course his advice was so simple it made me feel so stupid for not thinking of it earlier.
But even though I came out and he was accepting, I feel like he was treating me differently. It wasn’t like he was treating me like I had a disease, but more like he was scrutinizing every little thing that I did. I don’t know if he was looking for what gay looked like or what, but it was starting to get annoying. Not to mention, I’m very afraid his sudden change in character may alert the others and that’s not something I want the other’s to find out.
But how does one even look for something that is gay? I think what’s considered ‘gay’ is how someone perceives it. After all, Minki can do skinship with Baekho all day long, and it wasn’t considered gay. And Minki said he never even thought I was gay and I know there were times where I wasn’t very careful in keeping my feelings hidden. I guess a person can only be gay, or something can only be gay when someone is aware of it. Now that Minki was aware of it, I’m sure he’s searching hard and finding it everywhere. Hopefully, he can keep a secret.
“Minnie.” Lifting my head, I turned to the voice that called to me.
“Yeah?” I waited for a moment and soon Jonghyun appeared looking confused.
“Where are the other’s?” he asked. I shrugged. To be honest, I had no idea where the others went. Minki said something about going to beat Baekho’s ass at basketball. Maybe they took Aron-hyung as well. Minki was on a manly kick again. He wanted to prove his manliness to everyone. I think he was trying to prove it to himself really. I think he was manly just the way he was. Manliness was kind of like being gay, its applied differently depending on how people perceive it and many people already think he’s manly. Femininity can be manly; it shows versatility I think.
“Out. Something about basketball and beating Dongho’s ass.” Jonghyun stared at me before laughing, though it was a sad laugh. He had a kicked puppy look. Guess he wouldn’t have minded going. “Sorry they didn’t tell you. Where were you anyway?”
“Napping.” He said, blushing as he took a seat next to me on the couch. I don’t blame him. We’ve been so busy lately. Being an idol was work, it was a 9-5 job and sometimes it was more like a 6-4 in the morning job. It could be stressful too, that’s why days like today were always welcomed. Where there wasn’t anything to do, everyone could just relax, take naps, chill with the others. It was wonderful. “What are you reading?” he asked as he reached over, taking my book. He looked over the front cover while keeping the page I was on marked.
“Fiction.” I said.
“Obviously.” Jonghyun said, rolling his eyes. He glanced over the title again before reading a part of the page and raised a brow. “It’s certainly fiction. Why are you reading a story about a gay guy?” he asked as he handed it over to me.
Oh boy. I nearly forgot that it was a gay man the story was about. Well, I guess I couldn’t really forget, considering the protagonist was kissing his love interest for the first time. “I don’t know. It sounded interesting when I bought it.” I said as I grabbed my bookmark and closed the book. “I didn’t find out until I was half way through.” Setting the book down, I turned on the couch, lifting a leg to rest under my other one.
“So what’s your take on it?” I asked. He stared at me, cocking his head.
“What do you mean?”
“Homosexuality.” I said. “What’s your take on it?” I asked again.
“Like, what do I think about it?” Jonghyun asked. I laughed and rolled my eyes, shaking my head.
“And you completed grade school?” I teased. “Yes, what do you think about it?” I asked.
Jonghyun flashed that cheesy grin of his at me and I felt that intense heat spread through my body. He did such wonderful things to me, made me feel in such a way that I’ve never felt before. I wish so much that I could just lean over and kiss him right now. But I had to stop myself, to guard myself. Jonghyun was going to tell what he thought on gay people. I needed to wait, to know his thoughts on the matter.
“I don’t know.” He said and shrugged. “It’s not something I thought about.” He said and scratched his head. “I guess, I don’t know.” He said and laughed nervously.
I stared at Jonghyun as he spoke and smiled as I reached out and touched his shoulder. “Just speak what’s on your mind alright?” I said. He nodded and smiled.
“Okay then.” He said. “I think it’s weird honestly.” He said. “I mean, how can guys like other guys? How can they sit there and kiss and touch and…” he trailed off and shivered, making a face. “It's gross.” He said.
I felt my heart sinking at the words. But a thought crossed my mind and I knew I had to ask this question. It could save this whole situation, give me hope again. “But what about skinship?” I asked. “You and I do it together, and we do it with the others. Is that gross?”
“Well that’s different!” he said.
“We’re friends.” Jonghyun said and grinned. “And we’re not gay. So it’s okay. It doesn’t mean anything. We’re just giving our fans what they want, bonding like brothers and having fun.” He said. Oh how wrong he was. He may not be gay, and I’m absolutely positive now that he’s not, but that doesn’t mean I’m not gay. I am and all the skinship we’ve done, it means a lot to me. To be close to Jonghyun, to touch him, to hold his hand and hug him, even carry his heavy ass that one time, those were the memories I cherished the most.
Hearing this from the hyung I’ve liked for so long, it was heartbreaking. I had to look away, to hide my feelings. I couldn’t let him see my disappointment, or to hear it in my voice. I took a few breaths and shrugged then.
“Good point.” I said and sighed, leaning back. There was silence between us for a while, before I felt him shift.
“Minnie, are you gay?” he asked. I turned and stared at him with wide eyes.
“What? No.” I said and laughed. “Why would you think that?” I asked.
“Well I just thought…with the book.” Jonghyun said.
“I told you, I didn’t know it was about a gay character until half way through the book.” I reminded him. “But it’s a good story.”
“Oh…”Jonghyun said and looked away, nodding. He looked back at me. “You know, I don’t really judge. If that’s who you are, then fine.” He said.
“I said I’m not!” I protested and sighed.
“Okay, okay!” he said. “But even if you were, you would have my support, just don’t be bringing guys home. I don’t need to hear that gross shit.” He said.
“Oh my god hyung!” I said and stood. “You’re absolutely ridiculous, you close minded freak.” I said as I snatched my book up and started for the hall.
“Hey! I was just being open with you! It’s okay for you to be gay Minnie, just keep it behind closed doors!” he called.
I slammed my door shut and sighed heavily. That was not how I thought that conversation was going to go. It was so crazy. It went from being good, to being bad, to being unsure. Testing the waters like Minki said backfired completely. What am I supposed to make of this entire situation? He’s not gay, he thinks it’s gross to be gay, but he’s okay with me being gay as long as he doesn’t know I’m being gay?
I’m pretty sure he didn’t finish grade school with his way of thinking. Sighing, I took a seat on my bed, staring at the floor. Looking up at the clock, I groaned. I had no idea when Minki would be back but I needed to talk to him, to figure this out with him. What the hell am I going to do now?
My hopes were just shot to hell. Reaching up, I rubbed my eyes. Tears were falling as my chest tightened more at the thought. I really like Jonghyun, but my chances with him are non-existence. I don’t know how I’m going to handle working with him, living with him and liking him so damn much.
Lying back on the bed, I rolled over and buried my face into my pillows. I sobbed, trying to be as quiet as possible as I vent out my emotions. Where was Minki when I needed him?
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tankeboksen · 3 years
🐤 for Minwoo about Jonghyun and *spins wheel* Izayoi about whoever he feels like bullying uwu
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hwarang-number · 4 years
Six Sentence Sunday: Dream Girl, Ch 3 (Jonghyun/Minho)
This is a bit of a cheat (I wrote this sometime in June, not last week, and it’s more than six sentences), but I’m hoping that tossing out a tidbit of a semi-current project will spark some inspiration to get me going again. :/
But in all this careful, critical hypothesizing, Jonghyun has never once anticipated being roused by a brush of lips at the base of his skull, pressing a soft kiss just below the hairline – then another kiss, and another, slowly descending his spine until they find the knob of a vertebra. A warm, wet tongue traces the contours, raising sharp delicious goosebumps down his back, then lips close around the bone and suck gently, stirring his cock awake in pleasant startlement.
That blissful mouth proceeds to scale down his spine with almost excruciating leisure, greeting each vertebra with a featherlight kiss, followed by a slow, thorough lave of the tongue and a soft suckle to finish. Jonghyun shudders and shivers and arches his back, pressing into the touch of that incredible mouth.
Upon reaching the wide bony prominence of Jonghyun’s sacrum, the mouth pauses in its heady descent to linger and explore from one edge to the other, then it drifts lower still, dusting the sensitive cleft between his buttocks with the faintest of butterfly kisses. Jonghyun gasps and feels a nose tip nuzzle gently into the cleft, then a nose bridge nudges his tailbone with a quiet content hum that courses the length of his spine.
Warm, damp lips dip into the very top of his cleft and brush against his tailbone, at once so close to and so painfully far from the place they should never ever go, and Jonghyun keens with shock and arousal and longing all at once.
“Don’t worry, baby,” murmurs a soft deep voice, so beloved and so welcome it almost brings tears to his eyes, and a large hand strokes one hip soothingly. “I’m stopping here.”
“Like hell you are,” Jonghyun moans into the pillow, evoking a throaty sound, half chuckle and half groan, from the mouth still nestled into the cleft of his buttocks.
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