#ch: bomi
lovestrings · 1 year
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7waystreet · 2 years
legacies | ch.7
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synopsis — a fiery (y/n) newly enters a university campus dominated by the three trust fund brats. she’s not going to take their shit and they’re not going to let her off so easily either. will this rivalry evolve into friendship, lust or love?
genre — college, angst, friendship, love, slow burn
disclaimer — 18+ strong language & sexual content
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chapter index:
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | coming soon
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Already starting your internship at Jimin's father's company, your schedule has gotten overwhelmingly full, with no time to even think about relaxing now that first round of exams were coming up too. You're just minding your business and trying to stay on task per usual, studying in a quiet nook of the library when the little she-devil's voice steals your attention, your eyes now distractedly trailing up from your notebook towards her sitting at a table nearby with her equally annoying flock of demon-friends.
"You girls wanna see what I'm wearing to Koo's birthday party?!"
Bomi holds her bedazzled phone up and passes the picture of her dress along to everyone, the shrilly giggles and murmurs that follow after making you roll your eyes, although you find your thoughts caught up with the boy being mentioned. You'd still not gotten around to talking with Jungkook about the entire poem fiasco, not after you'd secretly seen Bomi making out with Taehyung that one night on your way back to your dormitory.
Jungkook had respected your wish by staying away from you at all costs like you'd demanded him to do, even going to the extent of sitting all the way on the other side of the lecture hall to really show he no longer wants anything to do with you. Your life had certainly become less chaotic ever since Jungkook had started maintaining his distance from you, but the pinch of uneasiness dwelling inside your chest refused to go away, a small part of you always wondering about Bomi's involvement with Taehyung and whether they were the ones responsible for everything that'd happened.
"So what's going on between you and Jungkook? Have you both finally hooked up?" one of Bomi's groupie obnoxiously giggles, sliding the phone back to her across the table.
"Not yet! But I hope I get lucky at his birthday party!"
You feel a surge of heat ripple through your body overhearing Bomi's disgusting plan of collecting all the popular boys for herself, like they're candy or something, your hands now automatically packing up your belongings and stuffing them in your bag one by one, the need to want to get away from listening to this cheap conversation pushing you straight out of the library. It's anyways about time for your music theory class with Mr. Min, so you begin strolling towards the lecture hall ahead of schedule, only to spot Jungkook sitting alone on a bench on your way, staring down at a book in his lap.
"Jeon Jungkook actually reads? That's something I thought I'd never see."
You've decided to seize this opportunity to discuss matters with Jungkook with some hope in your heart to find answers, but to your dismay, it appears as if he's really not interested in having a conversation with you. You still sport a weak smile as you slowly approach the pretty boy, trying to break the awkwardness with a tiny insult like you're both used to throwing at one another, but your face drops when Jungkook peels his eyes off of the book and quickly glances up at you, only to blatantly avoid you at once and go back to reading.
"Listen... can we please talk?"
A faint "hmm" grumbles out of Jungkook in response, although his doe eyes still remain focused on the book while his wispy bangs sweep low covering his forehead. It's unclear to you why he's behaving this way, as if he's the one annoyed with you, the slight bit of attitude he's giving you unwarranted, at least in your mind, since you're the one who actually has a reason to be upset with him. But instead of unhinging on him and losing your temper as a natural response, you slowly sink down and taking a seat next to Jungkook, unsure how to begin expressing your confusion, but you decide to start off strong with the biggest question on your mind.
"Did you give my poem to Bomi?"
"I already told you I didn't" Jungkook immediately clarifies, his depressing tone of voice undoubtedly surprising you as you'd expected him to sound the complete opposite of that, something along the lines of rudely retorting with his usual flare.
"I think Taehyung did it."
Jungkook's head instantly lifts up and sharply turns in your direction after you'd shared your uncertain guess, his round eyes now widening even more with a hint of fear as they lock in with your curious ones, further befuddling your thoughts. So was it true then? Did Taehyung really have something to do with all of this?
"Let's not talk here. Come with me."
"But we have class soon─"
Ignoring your comment all together, Jungkook snaps his book shut and nervously looks over his shoulder, then hastily stands up and grabs your hand, forcing you to get up and follow him as he begins dragging you across the patch of grass. You're more confused than ever, not knowing exactly where he's taking you, your cheeks reddening when several nosey students turn their heads in your direction, their gaze then falling down to your hand tightly clutched in Jungkook's fist as you both march your way around campus. It isn't until you notice the underclassmen boys dormitory tower up ahead that you know where you're going, the knot in your stomach twisting tighter and tighter with each step you take. Being out for classes, you get lucky there aren't many people in the hallways of the all boys building, making it easier to go unnoticed as Jungkook unlocks his room and shoves you inside, slamming the door shut right behind him.
"You can let go of my hand now, Jeon..."
Jungkook's still holding your hand when you both drop down on the edge of his bed, but he quickly unlocks his fingers from yours after hearing your comment, then nervously tapping his own thigh in a rhythm, clearly from the fresh wave of embarrassment taking over him. Knowing yourself, you should be feeling weird being in the boys dormitory like this, especially sneaking into Jungkook's room of all people, but something about the way he's almost helplessly looking at you now somehow makes you feel calm, the first time you've ever felt relaxed in his presence despite the unplanned situation taking place.
"Why do you think Taehyung hyung gave your poem to Bomi?" Jungkook cuts the deepening silence, boring intensely into your eyes as he sits just a few inches away from you, the heat of his body radiating onto you while his chest rises quickly with each short breath he takes.
"I saw... I saw him and Bomi hooking up by the girls dormitory really late at night when I was out for a walk. I thought you and Bomi had a thing so it all came as a big shock seeing her with Taehyung. Then I kept thinking about how you'd looked innocent when I accused you of selling my poem off to her... Kept thinking if there was any truth to how you'd denied my allegations."
Jungkook doesn't say anything at first, his gaze slowly lowering down onto the carpet while his brows furrow with perplexity, his forehead scrunching up and eyes closing shut like he's fallen deep in thought about what you'd just explained to him. It feels like a whole minute's passed by before Jungkook opens his mouth, takes another pause, and then blurts out the next few sentences in a tumble, as if he couldn't contain it in any longer.
"Hyung's gonna kill me for this.... but yeah, I can't lie to you anymore. He told me he'd offer you help with the poem before taking the purple folder you'd given to me in the cafeteria. That's how he got the copy of your poem, which he must've handed off to Bomi right after. I swear I had absolutely no idea about his plan though... I would've stopped him had I'd known."
The seriousness of it all doesn't even hit you for a few seconds, Jungkook's words sinking into your system and causing pain like a slow poison, as if your brain simply can't comprehend what your ears had just heard. It was the purest form of betrayal that you'd now begun to feel in your core, a throbbing nauseousness churning in your gut at the thought of Taehyung being so cruel to you. It was the worst kind of hurt you could experience, such malice coming towards you from someone pretending to be your friend, someone who'd cared for you to your face but taunted you so bad behind your back. But why?
At least Jimin and Jungkook openly showed their hatred for you, allowing you to form an honest opinion of them, but Taehyung had really screwed with you, shattering your trust like a broken mirror. How was it that you somehow felt an ounce of respect towards Jimin and Jungkook in this moment, the two people who've made your life hell at this insane place, and your heart turned black thinking about Taehyung, the one person who's stood by your side through it all? Albeit with absolute dishonesty.
"But what did I ever do to Taehyung? I... I don't understand why he'd do such a cruel thing" your voice unnaturally cracks despite a mere whisper leaving your lips, Jungkook's body now fully turning in your direction as you shake with a mixture of anger and grief, his smooth palm delicately placing on top of yours before giving it a soft squeeze.
"It's because of me... I wanted revenge on you after you slapped me in front of the whole class on your first day here, so hyung thought he was just being a good friend to me by fucking you over in return. I never imagined he'd go this far, potentially risking your entire future with plagiarism on your permanent record" Jungkook sighs carrying an air of shame, then continuing to speak again after a brief halt.
"I'm not a good person, (y/n)... I despised you so much in the beginning for how you insulted me. I wished something bad like this would happen to you, but when it did, I instantly regretted even thinking those hateful things. As I got to know you better, I started respecting you... You really didn't have to apologize to me for raising your hand at me after I ruined your watch, but you still did it anyways. You... You actually have a conscience unlike any of us, and you forced me into looking closely at my fucked up one, making me want to do better. I... I just want you to know that I'm truly very sorry for everything" Jungkook slowly mumbles everything out, dumping his wad of emotions onto your already muddled mind.
It's a lot to take in, no doubt, the anxiousness in your chest now creeping up against your own will, your lungs beginning to heave as your tough facade completely crumbles in front of Jungkook for the first time. Just hearing his honest confession and sensing the buried vulnerability in it triggers you to fall short, both your palms quickly slapping up against your cheeks to hide your face while your elbows dig into your thighs. You can feel Jungkook scooting closer to you on the bed, his arm curling around your shoulder and engulfing you in an unfamiliar warmth as you let go and silently sob, your body convulsing in small little shakes. He doesn't utter a single word, quietly allowing you to process your emotions, only showing his full support by holding you tight. After finally calming down after a few minutes, you wipe your tears off with the back of your hands before showing your face again.
"You don't even know me, but have had it out for me since the day I entered this college... and FOR WHAT?! What universe do you live in, huh?! You don't know my life, what I've been through, what I go through, and you still endlessly bullied me... treated me like shit at every opportunity you could get. All three of you. What am I supposed to do now? Forgive you and forget everything so easily just because you magically had a change of heart and apologized? Tell me... What do I do, Jeon?!" you cry out in frustration, Jungkook's hand now gently rubbing your shoulder in an attempt to soothe your fury.
"Just give me a chance to make up for everything... Please, give me a chance to be your friend."
Never in a million years would you've expected him to say that, your heart jumping up with a jolt when Jungkook offers you his friendship as a means to bury the hatchet. Is this the same Jeon Jungkook you'd known all of this time? Who is this guy?
On one hand you're delighted to hear his words, feeling as if you're finally healing from a nasty month long flu... but on the other hand, you don't know if it would be wise to befriend someone who's treated you so poorly for so long. How could you trust Jungkook when he's still buddies with Taehyung, the toxic wolf dressed in sheep's clothing who's out to get you? What if this was all another plan to screw with you some more? You already had bad enough trust issues, but they'd gotten way worse since meeting the legacies. There's plenty of cons you've got to consider before making a decision, your mind not allowing you to give into Jungkook's plea so easily. After all, the boy has tormented you since the moment he met you, and it's bound to leave scars all over your conscience.
"Thank you for your honesty, but I need some time to think."
Jungkook's face reflects an unmistakable guilt after hearing your curt answer, a sorrowful sigh puffing out his thin lips as he nods at you in an understanding sort of way, his arm slipping down from your shoulder when you get up and grab your backpack off of the floor. Giving him one last look, you turn around and step out of Jungkook's room, leaving him sitting all alone on his bed, a whirlwind of thoughts zooming through your mind as you promptly pace down the steps of the boys dormitory tower.
Before things can be made right with Jungkook, you need to first confront Taehyung about this entire ordeal and call him out for what he did to you. All of the knots have to be loosened and untangled before any new bonds could blossom.
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"Jimin told me you're interviewing with his dad's company. How'd it go? I haven't seen you in soooo long. Do you not have time for your friends anymore?" Taehyung innocently pouts, lazily sprawling on your bed while you sit by the windowsill in your dorm room, your eyes gazing out onto the field before you calmly turn back and smile at Taehyung.
"I got the internship! I'm working alongside Mr. Park's secretary to gain experience in formal documentation writing. I actually started on Monday, so it's already been a couple of days."
Taehyung instantly sits up with a bounce, a big boxy grin cheering up his chiseled face after hearing your accomplishment. "That's wonderful news, (y/n)! Congrats! We gotta celebrate!" he chatters with what appears to be pure joy, but your suspecting mind can't help but wonder if he even truly means it or not.
"Thanks! You know, things have been good lately... Jimin doesn't seem to hate me as much, Jungkook's been staying clear of me after I told him to leave me alone, and classes are going well despite that plagiarism scandal. I still can't believe Jungkook tried to fuck me over so badly with the poem thing" you now slyly lay the bait for Taehyung, steering the conversation right into the topic you've really been wishing to talk about.
The upperclassman's grin fades a little, something you certainly would've overlooked had Jungkook not told you the truth about Taehyung's vicious plan against you. Taehyung catches himself like a pro though, now beaming brightly as he ushers you to come sit down next to him on the bed with a wave of his hand, but you don't get up or walk over. "Honestly (y/n), I was so pissed at Jungkook after finding out how he sabotaged you. I scolded him so much for it... how reckless can he be─"
"I saw you with Bomi, Taehyung. You can drop the fake act."
It's exactly the effect you'd hoped to achieve, a direct hit, Taehyung's smile now completely wiped off without a sign of it returning back anytime soon. You can tell he's trying his best to play it cool though, trying extremely hard to sound casual when he virtuously questions "What do you mean?"
"I know you're the one who gave her my poem and plotted to get me expelled."
"Did Jungkook tell you that?"
"He didn't have to come tell me anything because I put two and two together on my own. I just wanna know why you did it. Why you pretended to be my friend... Why you thought ruining my career was okay... Why you thought I deserved such a fucked up punishment. I wanna hear it from you."
A bone chilling silence follows, perhaps the way you're calmly speaking instead of making a loud scene the reason why Taehyung's looking rather pale, his eyes usually full of glint losing their focus and aimlessly searching the floor in a growing panic. Taehyung couldn't be any more unprepared for this confrontation, having no idea you were gonna pull out the big guns on him like this, the uncomfortableness churning in his heart negatively glooming onto his face.
"(y/n)... I..."
"Take your time."
Taehyung now appears even more embarrassed, if that were even possible, forcing himself to hold his composure as he soon begins to speak more clearly, the tone of his voice soft but the sound of it unstable indicating he's thinking what to say on the fly. You've no idea whether to believe anything he says at all, but you still choose to listen with an open heart, truly wanting to understand the mindset of one of the most narcissistic people you've ever had the misfortune of meeting.
"I honestly don't know why I did what I did."
"That's not an answer, Taehyung."
His face now screws up in agitation because of the downright callout, his chest slightly panting as he's physically struggling to piece together his thoughts into words, unable to deal with the sudden pressure he's put under by you. Taehyung's starting to show signs of weakness, something he's getting pissed at himself for, but despite all that, he's desperately trying to stay calm just like you are, not wanting to lose against himself and blow up in a rage of fit.
"I guess I liked having control over the situation... Over you."
"How do you mean?" your interest peaks after hearing Taehyung's disclosure, although not totally understanding what he means by it.
"It's... personal."
"I would've thought you'd feel comfortable sharing things with me considering we're friends... But you were just pretending to be my friend, right? Did you even once care for me?"
"I did... I do care. Listen, I genuinely sympathized with you after Jungkook destroyed your late grandma's watch. I told you, I've felt your pain because I've experienced a big loss when my dad passed away too."
"How the fuck can you say you still care for me when you intentionally tried to get me kicked out of the fucking university?!" your voice raises with a pang of irritation, the fact that Taehyung had the audacity to say he does care about you undoubtedly riling you up.
"I'm not a fucking psychopath if that's what you're trying to insinuate... You just don't get it. My life hasn't been the same since my dad died. It's fucked me up in ways I can't even explain" Taehyung explodes too, his foot infuriatingly stomping on the carpet and his fingers running through his hair to push his long bangs back with a force.
"Try me. You said you've felt my pain, right? We've been through the same, right? Then make me understand why you're so fucked up in the head."
Taehyung clicks his tongue, shaking his head in disapproval like you're asking for something so advanced so casually, like you're unable to grasp the intricacy of it all. But you're not going to let him off so easily, Taehyung's somber eyes finally picking up off of the ground and meeting yours after a minute or two, your arms folding against your chest as you sternly wait for him to give you a logical answer.
"Do you remember what I'd said to you in the cafeteria on your first day here?"
"That you used to be a terrible bully like Jimin and Jungkook... Yeah, I remember. I guess I should have believed that way more than put my faith into every other lie you fed me."
Taehyung grits his teeth, letting out a big sharp breath, crisscrossing his arms over his knees while weakly bending over in his seat.
"I... I've gotten everything I've wanted in life since the day I was born, (y/n). I come from a very different family than yours, a family that can make anything imaginable possible with an indescribable amount of money. Being the only son, I had absolute control over everyone around me at all times... My parents, my maids, even my professors, and every single other person at this school. That was my normal. Just imagine that level of influence... It made me a horrible person. Being nice became boring. I was continuously chasing the validation that I'm indeed powerful, my ego blown up to the sky, and what better way than to keep making everyone else feel small in front of me" Taehyung pants out, his watering eyes turning bloodshot with each new sentence.
"You'd said it all seemed worthless after your father passed away though..."
"It did... I wasn't lying about that. It took one second for my world to come crashing down the day we got the news that my father had suddenly died in a car crash. The man who owned half of this city, the one who'd built an empire for himself... just dead. Just gone within the blink of an eye... without saying goodbye..." Taehyung's voice fizzles out, a tear rolling out of his almond shaped eyes. "It made me feel like I have no fucking power over anything after all. That I'm worthless. That I've lived a lie my entire life believing I'm some sort of God. I couldn't save my dad, could I? It almost made me not want to live anymore... I withdrew from everything, became a shell of myself, almost flunked my junior year here. But it was Jimin and Jungkook who tended after me through it all... Reminded me I'm worth something so I could smile again and at least be a functioning person. You've no idea how much they've cared for me... My loyalty will always lie with them."
"And I triggered you after crossing Jungkook with that slap in front of the entire class, right?"
Taehyung slowly nods, a scoff huffing out of his mouth as he shrugs his shoulder and continues to ramble. "I thought who the hell even is this girl? What does she think of herself? Of course I felt bad about your grandma's watch... it brought my thoughts back to my own father. I don't know what took over me in that moment, but that deep craving of once again holding some type of power over someone blinded me. I actually felt happy while I chased after you down the hallway. I guess I was just looking for a purpose to go back to my old self... the person who had influence, who controlled the narrative, who could manipulate others. The person I liked being. I just wanted to feel normal again... to break free of this depressing dark cloud I'd become before you arrived."
"So you just thought destroying my life would fix yours? How very caring of you. You know what your problem is, Taehyung? Despite being so fucking privileged, you don't have one single loving person in your life to properly help you deal with your grief. You need help. You're not capable of being a good friend to Jimin, or Jungkook, or to anyone for that matter... not even to yourself."
Taehyung sits there frigid as a rock, your dire words piercing him like a dagger, killing whatever piece of soul he's got left inside of him. A few tears stream down his cheeks, his straight nose gradually turning to a rosy red, his frowning lips quivering with a shudder. It breaks your heart watching him disintegrate in front of you like this, all alone in his world that seems so grand and elegant. You secretly hate that you feel a stupid urge tugging at the corner of your mind to move towards him and comfort him... As much as you're pissed off at him, you're not at all like him, incapable of adopting the level of ruthlessness he's able to accomplish so easily, your feet pushing you to stand up and cross the room.
But before you can inch closer to Taehyung, he mimics you and stands up himself, hurriedly brushing the tears off of his face with his fingers, then pacing away from the bed towards the door. "I'm really really sorry for everything, (y/n). I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me someday." With that, Taehyung twists the door handle open and slips out of your dorm room, the sound of his sniffles still audible down the hallway before he turns the corner and his figure disappears into the shadows.
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glowmo · 4 years
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do not swear by THE MOON, for she changes constantly / but, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? it is the east, and juliet is THE SUN.
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yankee-am · 3 years
PTJ: If I give Munseong a tragic backstory, surely people will see that he has a point and like him!
Me, softly: Virgin Diet Eli...
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ketterdmcrows · 3 years
★ ⋯ ⤳ tag dump
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introvertedwraith · 3 years
Alternate Realities ch. 2
The next time she sees him, he sees her too.
This time, it’s outside of the university.
She has only one class today, so she heads out of campus, rubbing her hands from the cold, and to the nearest coffee shop, where there are a few people with earbuds in or snacking. She’s wearing typical winter clothes with a thick coat over a sweater and a Ravenclaw-colored scarf wound around her neck, but the cold still seeps in.
By the time she notices him, it’s too late, because she’s already sitting at a small round table right next to the window with her hand fishing around in her bag for her wallet.
He’s behind the counter in an employee uniform, taking orders with a radiant smile.
Counting it as inevitable after a few moments, she stands up and approaches the counter.
It’s not like she has anything to do with this boy. It’s just that she had stared at him for a bit a few days ago, which anybody could do. She had been staring that day because his annoyingly yellow hoodie had been too bright for her compared to the earthy tones and navy blue she prefers.
He greets her as she stops in front of the menu. “Hello, what’d you like to have today?”
“I’ll have a—” Bomi glances at the menu overhead. “A signature hot chocolate, please.”
“With, or without cream and marshmallows?” He asks.
Bomi’s eyes flicker to his name tag. Ethan. She commits it to memory.
“Oh, um, would that make it too sweet?” She replies hastily, looking back up.
“Hm, that depends on the person. Not one for the sweet?” He returns, and she shrugs.
“I like chocolate, but not much else.” Bomi answers.
“Well how about I’ll add the cream but not the marshmallows and you can judge for yourself.” He says, and the smile’s still there on his face.
“Sure. Oh, and I’ll have it here, no need for takeout.” She says, pays, and pulls her padded coat closer around her to keep out the winter cold. She turns to leave.
“Oh, are you cold?” The boy asks, making her look back at him. “Want me to turn the heat up?”
“Yes, thank you.” She says, and sits back down to watch from her seat as he tells a coworker to adjust the heat and starts making her hot chocolate.
She puts her headphones on and presses play on her favorite playlist, leaning slightly against the window. Her scarf acts as a cushion against her head, and the warmth of the heater and lack of sleep the night before take its toll on her. Soon, she starts to nod off slightly.
“Miss…?” A voice says, and Bomi is startled back to consciousness.
The boy is standing next to her table, steaming cup in hand. True to his word, cream is swirled on top and a small spoon sticks out.
“Oh, thank you.” She says, taking her headphones off. She takes the mug and stirs a few times before letting it cool.
“So, do you go to Heliotrope Uni?” The boy asks, sitting down in the seat opposite her.
She looks at him, half in surprise because she’s having hot chocolate with a stranger, but assumes he must be bored, since she’s one of the only customers here right now.
“Yes. Do you?” She returns, and she knows the answer already, but she still raises her eyebrows when he nods in affirmation.
“What major?” She asks again.
He grins. “Art.” He quirks his head in a question, and she answers accordingly.
“Biomedical engineering.”
“Well, that sounds difficult!” He laughs. Then his smile turns warmer. “I’m Ethan.”
“I knew that.” Bomi gestures to his name tag. Before he has a chance to answer, she says, “I’m Bomi. Bomi Yoon."
"Bomi Yoon?" He inquires. "Isn't that a Korean name?"
Bomi nods.
"Thought so." He pauses. "My grandma's Asian, but I was born and raised here. That's why I look vaguely Asian but then, not."
"I came here for highschool and university. My parents are in Korea." Bomi tells him.
"Do you like it here, though?" Ethan asks, and his dark brown eyes are warmer than the cup of chocolate she's sipping.
"Yeah, it's nice."
Before they can say anything else, a group of people come bustling in through the doorway.
"That's my cue to leave, but I’ll see you around?” The end of his sentence curves up like a question.
“Yeah, sure.” Bomi says, and Ethan rushes off towards the counter again.
She finishes her drink, swaying slightly to the beat of the music from her headphones. Eventually, she leaves, as more people start to crowd the cafe.
As far as human beings go, Bomi thinks Ethan isn’t so bad.
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bomilovesdevildom · 4 years
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Wanted to participated in Obeymax Day 2: Angel and draw Bomi with my version of Lilith 🕊💖
(They still didnt answer who freed Belphie in season 1, and according to ch 23 the only one whose equal to Luci who put on the seal is Michael... Im sus of him now 👀)
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✮ What do you want? | @fmdbomi 
Candy would never avoid anyone. She's too proud of herself to hide her beauty but there were times when she preferred to be alone and do things on her own. She sat quietly in the practice room after her schedules. Going over the whole Gun choreography, again and again, to avoid any flaws during the rest of their promotions. As she finishes, she grabs her gym bag and water bottle, yawning in exhaustion as she leaves the room. Turning off the light and closing the door behind her. Not expecting anyone to be around, she was surprised to find Bomi as she waits for the elevator to the lobby like her. Why did it have to be Bomi of all people? 
She helped the other female once, for no exact reason. She just felt like helping her and yet the female forced it upon her that she will return the favor. It felt like a burden to Candy, knowing Bomi will keep on insisting to return the said favor. She helped the other for no reason and zero ill intentions. 
“Bomi, what are you doing here this late?” Candy asks, trying to be casual with the whole conversation. “Aren't you guys taking a break from your schedules?” She raises an eyebrow at the other female as she takes a glance at her. Mentally asking herself why the hell the elevator was taking so long. “Unless you're dating someone in the company. I don't see a reason why you'd be here this late.”
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moonchild-prod · 4 years
ch. 1: kkaebsong! pt.1
prompt: SM Entertainment just debuted a new girl group, Noir, but with EXO’s busy schedule, Baekhyun didn’t even know they existed. One day, he runs into them at SM and immediately recognizes one of the members - Hong Eunbin, his high school crush! But Baekhyun was a bit of a pest back then, and she didn’t like him because of it. Now, Baekhyun wants to make a good impression.
pov(s): byun baekhyun, hong eunbin
word count: 928
warnings: none! rated e for everyone
a/n: this is my first attempt at writing a fic! it’s kinda different bc i will eventually write from each of the girls’ points of view. i hope you like it! more to come regardless lol 
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“Hyung!” Kai yelled. Baekhyun grabbed the doorframe and turned his head. “Will you get me a water too?” 
“Eh, maybe.” Baekhyun smirked and walked into the hallway. 
EXO was in the middle of practicing one of their choreographies for an upcoming performance at the MAMA awards. The pressure was on, and the soreness was setting in. As Baekhyun made his way toward the SM Vending Machine with special SM Water and SM Snacks, he practiced the footwork for the choreo. He was so focused that he failed to notice the group of girls trying to navigate their way safely around him. 
“Ba ba ba 2, 3, and- oh!” Baekhyun surprised himself as he accidentally bumped into one of the girls. He quickly bowed and apologized, but when he saw the girl’s face, he felt the tips of his ears turn red. 
“Hi…” Eunbin hesitated. The other members stopped in their tracks, shocked that the two knew each other. 
“How are you here?” Baekhyun’s voice reached a higher and louder pitch than before.
“I just debuted?” Eunbin tucked a lock of pink hair behind her ear. “Uh… I have to… go… do something.” She turned to walk the other way and the members quickly bowed to their superior and followed Eunbin around the corner. Baekhyun was left standing there stupidly, eyes wide, looking and feeling like a fool. 
“Soo-man debuted a new girl group and I didn’t notice? AND Eunbin is in it? Seriously, way to make a good impression all these years later.” 
He shook his head and returned to his mission: getting a water for himself… and Kai, too. 
Eunbin walked with the rest of the members of Noir in a tense silence. She didn’t necessarily lie when she said she had to go do something, she just… she lied. The girls had already finished their practice for the day, so they were headed back to the dorm. To do nothing. 
The awkward atmosphere was too much to bear for Kim Bomi, and she broke as soon as the car door closed. “Okay, spill. How do you know Baekhyun?”
Eunbin sighed. “I don’t really want to talk about it.”
“Come on, that makes us want to know even more!” The others agreed with enthusiasm.
“He was friends with my brother when they were in high school. He used to hang out at our house sometimes.”
“Did you date?!” Chunhei exclaimed.
Chanmi gave Chunhei a light whack on the arm. “She was in middle school at the time! There’s no way they dated.” She hesitated a moment. “You didn’t date, right?”
Eunbin’s face contorted. “Absolutely not. I hated him!”
“Huh? Why?” Bomi tilted her head in a questioning manner.
“He annoyed the crap out of me. I would almost say he bullied me, but I don’t think he meant to hurt my feelings. He just got on my nerves so much!” Eunbin covered her face with her hands and felt her blood starting to boil. “And here I was, dreading the day I'd have to face him and he didn’t even know I was at SM! Aish...”
“Baekhyun boutta catch these hands,” Bomi claimed with no intention of actually fighting the guy. 
The girls laughed and and changed the subject, but Eunbin couldn’t help but wonder how Baekhyun even remembered her. He didn’t even keep in contact with her brother after EXO debuted! It didn’t really matter to her at all, though. She hated the guy! Well, hate was a bit of a strong word - she strongly disliked him. But why did he remember her? It didn’t make any sense…
“Here’s your water,” Baekhyun handed the bottle to Kai.
“Wow, so generous!” He took the bottle and nearly drank half of it in one go. 
Baekhyun made a disapproving face. “You’re gonna drown yourself doing that.” 
Kai finished hydrating and gave Baekhyun a thumbs up. 
“Back to work, boys!” Suho ordered as he remained seated on the ground. 
Everyone but Baekhyun groaned. He couldn’t stop thinking about Eunbin. He hadn’t seen her since he was in high school. He was a few years ahead of her, but he saw her a lot because he hung out with her brother pretty often. He never told anyone, but he always thought she was kinda cute - even more so now that she’d grown up. Was that weird? Probably. Baekhyun suddenly began to regret teasing her so much back then. He was a little harsh to her, especially since he was immature and thought that if you annoyed a girl to death she might like you back. “Yikes, I should apologize…”
“BAEKHYUN. I SAID WE ARE GETTING BACK TO WORK NOW.” Suho yelled. All the members were now waiting for Baekhyun to join them at the back of the room. 
Baekhyun snapped back into reality. “Yes! Back to work!” He walked toward them and the mirrored wall. “By the way, did Sooman-nim debut a new girl group recently?”
Chanyeol scoffed. “Are you serious? Noir debuted last week and their M/V already has millions of views. How did you not know about that? The EXO Twitter even tweeted about them to promote, and-”
“Yah, I get it!” Baekhyun whacked Chanyeol in the arm. He was embarrassed enough because of his ignorance for one day.
Baekhyun resolved that he must find a way to make it up to Eunbin. All he had to do was apologize and… smile? That would work, right? 
Either way, he had to get back to practice or else he’d face the wrath of his leader.
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7waystreet · 2 years
legacies | ch.6
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synopsis — a fiery (y/n) newly enters a university campus dominated by the three trust fund brats. she’s not going to take their shit and they’re not going to let her off so easily either. will this rivalry evolve into friendship, lust or love?
genre — college, angst, friendship, love, slow burn
disclaimer — 18+ strong language & sexual content
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chapter index:
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | coming soon
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Jimin's wild laughter instantly engulfs the seniors' suite, leaving Jungkook dumbfounded as can be and visibly on the brink of an annoyed explosion, but the reeking smell of marijuana in the dormitory indicates both upperclassmen are currently flying higher than a kite and not in a reasonable state of mind. Taehyung's usually bubbly eyes appear droopy and red, the muscles on his bread cheeks completely relaxed before his mouth cracks open into a sloppy smile, the overwhelming urge to laugh out loud at Jungkook's dramatic entrance detectable by the crinkles forming on the outer edge of his eye smile. But he suppresses the impulse to do so by smacking his lips together and holding his composure, unlike a flimsy Jimin, who's now collapsed onto the floor from the couch and laying there giggling in a fetal position.
"Is the bitch expelled yet?"
After hearing Taehyung's blunt question, Jungkook's evidently lost his shit by the darkness swamping up in his round eyes, the young one's palm thoughtfully slapping the ajar door shut behind him to stop the stench of weed from spreading into the hallway, the way he still cares about his hyungs and doesn't want them to get in trouble despite their cheap attempt to squash you out now reversely getting him pissed off at himself.
"Don't you think you went a little too far? I mean, kicking (y/n) out of the university for a serious case like plagiarism?"
"Aww Jungkookie likes her!!!"
A tear rolls down Jimin's cheek as he keeps hysterically laughing and stupidly mocking the boy, but he soon crawls up from the carpet and rests his back against the couch, pursing his lips shut when Jungkook scowls at him with overflowing irritation. Taehyung's jolly complexion withers away too observing the seriousness Jungkook's carrying in his disposition, the tall boy shakily getting up on his feet and accidentally knocking over the glass bong next to him, still heavily under the influence.
"This was all for you, Jungkookie. To get your revenge. We should be celebrating together... I don't understand your reaction" Taehyung mellowly whispers, swaying a little in his spot as his shoulders slouch, his body then leaning against the wall for support.
"Did you even think for a second about what could've happened to me? My name was on that assignment too. I could've gotten expelled too" Jungkook quickly deflects the topic at hand, which is you of course, not exactly knowing why he's feeling this level of fury within himself.
"I told Taehyung the same when he shared his idea of handing (y/n)'s poem off to his lil girlfriend, but with the Chuseok holiday coming up, the university counts on our family's donations, so they're not gonna let anything happen to us. We knew you'd come out unscathed from this" Jimin's eyes turn lively with excitement as he explains the upperclassmen's mindset while scheming this deranged plan.
"See? Relax, Jungkook. I knew what I was doing — and Bomi is not my girlfriend" Taehyung's head snaps in Jimin's direction along with his voice, although a smirk appears on his lips when Jimin giggles and mouths 'Fuck buddy?' to him.
"That doesn't make any of this okay. You ruining (y/n)'s chances of admission elsewhere for something so severe that she didn't even do is not okay. She won't talk to me because she thinks I gave Bomi her poem, and I can't even tell her the truth to keep Taehyung hyung's fucked up plan a secret!"
"But we've done way worse to others... Why do you care if she talks to you? What's gotten you so soft for her?"
"Please... I- I'm not soft. I- I-"
The dormitory falls silent as Jungkook desperately grasps at broken words, struggling to piece together his scrambled thoughts into sentences. The mental fog soon begins clearing up, although Jungkook's chest uncomfortably heaves in motions as he edges closer to a confession in front of his best friends, knowing perfectly well what he's about to say next could change things forever.
"She's the only one who's ever stood up to me despite knowing my influence at this place. She doesn't care about stupid shit like this. I see her in my classes and she's actually passionate about things that matter, while I'm the one over here wasting away my time... (y/n)'s not like the others and I- I- I've grown to respect her for that. She's strong. Yeah, she pisses me off sometimes, but ruining her future was not cool. You both not involving me in any of this was not cool" Jungkook finally expresses his rushed feelings, a weight lifted off of his mind at the release, although a tense tug of the muscles in his chest bothers him.
His doe eyes raise off of that spot on the carpet where they were boring into with a pang of shame, his gaze now traveling over to Jimin who's just let out a loud cackling snort. However, the unmistakable smile on Jimin's face is not as wide as the one that Taehyung's sporting, both boys immediately bursting out into sniggering laughter at Jungkook's heartfelt admission, certainly having taken none of it seriously whatsoever.
"Forget it."
With a deep sigh, Jungkook escapes out of the upperclassmen dormitory with a waft of ganja following him, his polished shoes clicking down the hallway while he gets lost in his own thoughts... Wondering whether he should feel eased that he's managed to sort out his emotions towards you, or whether he should be happy that his drugged out friends took his words as a joke so as not to badger him about it ever again.
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It might be 2 or 3 am, you're not really sure, your brain achingly fuzzy yet your eyes wide awake when you dejectedly roll around in your bed towards the cooler side of the pillow, letting out a quiet breath. Your cellphone remains clutched in your fist, the pathetic hope that it would buzz any second with a reply back from her consuming you to the point of suffocation, your throat tightening up in a lump of pain as you wait in anticipation. But a big part of your heart knows you're not getting an answer, because your mother would have to care about you enough to answer in the first place, something you sadly knew wasn't the case at all anymore.
Feeling like you're trapped inside a cage, you quickly jump out of bed, now pulling a jacket over your pajamas and zipping it up, switching out of your slippers into a pair of boots before fleeing from the girls dormitory. The cold fresh air swells up your lungs as you inch down the stairs one step at a time, the tense knot in your chest loosening up with each stride and gently relieving you of your troubled mind.
This time of the year is one that's been riffling up your life for the past 6 years, with the Chuseok holiday in just two days, which means mandatory family time and a reminder that your mother won't be with you. Hearing your father's side of the family bad mouth your mother for leaving you to purse her dreams abroad is painful as it is, but seeing your dear father uphold your mom's honor, clearly still being in love with her, hurts beyond measure. You were 13 when she left with a promise of coming back soon, a false promise as you haven't seen her since, although she used to be good at maintaining contact until about 6 months ago. The memory of her pretty face while she wiped your tears, her glistening eyes closing up before pressing a kiss on your cheek, and her figure then fading away into the distance still makes your stomach churn, the desperate wish to see her again still pulling at the strings of your heart after all these years.
You don't realize where your feet are carrying you late into the night, your body aimlessly weaving through the college campus, which is pretty much deserted apart from a few students out for a smoke near the back alley, or the group of drunken upperclassmen returning from the bars from the town nearby. You're suddenly jerked out of your thoughts though when something strong hits your shoulder and bumps off, your palm instantly grappling your throbbing bones in a squeeze before you shift in the direction of the object.
The orange basketball reflects off of you and bounces back onto the court, gradually gliding across the cement and stopping only when it knocks into a pair of sneakers. Your pulse skips a beat when his messy blonde hair swoops over his face as he bends down and picks up the ball with both hands, Jimin's dull eyes only visible when he flicks his head back to make his bangs toss over to the side.
"I- I'm sorry. The ball rebounded from the hoop when I missed. I didn't mean to hit you."
The sound of Jimin's voice is rather serene, much to your surprise, not holding the bitterness you're so used to hearing when you come across him in professor Jung's dance studio, but you figure it's only because it's so late into the night and nobody really has the strength to fight at this hour. You inch forward towards him, your boots leaving the earthy grass and tapping onto the basketball court as you do, your lips now parting so you can calmly respond with a "It's okay."
Jimin nods at you in acknowledgement, then turning around and shooting with a low jump, the ball successfully falling through the hoop this time, the sound of it bouncing off of the floor before he grabs it the only thing audible in the quietude of the night. As you're about to leave him alone so he can play in peace, Jimin's voice pulls you back, your gaze following his body as he walks over to the bench on the sidelines and sits down, the ball placed in his lap while he stretches out his legs.
"I thought you got expelled."
Jimin gives you a brief side glance after he speaks, then cooly staring back up ahead as he waits for your response. His head tweaks in your direction when he hears your footsteps arriving closer to him though, his gaze surveying you with a whirring interest until you settle down on the other side of the bench next to him.
"I got out of it. Turns out the professor knows my great work ethic as opposed to that dumb bitch who stole my work. So sad your friend's plan to get me kicked out didn't work."
Jimin can't help but openly chuckle at your brash outspokenness, which most definitely soothes your heart, the ball slipping out of his lap and rolling away when he turns to the side towards you and rests his elbow on the back of the bench.
"I'll tell Tae- I mean Jungkook that you said that."
A delicate smile remains on Jimin's face as he begins observing every inch of your face from up close, his bed head hair cutely disheveled and wavy unlike its usual sleek appearance, his pretty eyes examining you while being threatened to get poked by the tip of his bangs. The light from the street lamp shines onto Jimin's face in an angle where his plump red lips look shinier, his smooth pale skin gleaming in the darkness surrounding you both. Your breath halts in your chest seeing the way he's dreamily looking at you... or maybe that's just the charm he exudes while looking at everyone. You're not special. It's gotta be the amorous air that's getting you in such a doozy, the tingling breeze blowing by while the stars glitter in the heavens above, with you sitting alone in a tempting silence on a bench in the warmth of a boy who you've always been confused by. You know you hate Jungkook and you adore Taehyung, but Jimin's a curveball... your feelings for him always complicated. Flip flopping more than you'd like to admit.
"I- I submitted my resume at your father's company for an internship and they've called me in for an interview at the end of the week. I thought you should know."
You awkwardly break the silence when you find Jimin's eyes trailing down to your lips, the way he seems so captivated by your presence making a heat rip through your gut, the need to end the rising moment between you both pushing you into changing the subject all together.
A frown now spreads across Jimin's mouth, although the familiar hatred that had twisted upon his face when you got something he didn't have fails to appear. He just looks upset and deep in thought at the same time, his elbow lifting off of the bench before he turns away from you and sits back straight, peering down into the ground without saying anything else.
"Why don't you work there too? Your dad can easily set you up with a position for experience running the company and you can make money too."
"I'm a dance major so I've no interest in gaining experience at his damn company. And I already have money. Besides, my dad only wants me to focus on my studies this year..." Jimin solemnly mumbles, not moving an inch as he remains fixed in his seat.
What you do next comes from a place of pure sympathy and care which you somehow feel for him despite being so different from him. Despite his arrogance, his self righteousness and his luxury. Despite the fucked up way he treats you. You can feel Jimin's blazing passion for dance run through his veins, and him not being able to pursue it when wanting it so badly reminds you of how you'd felt helpless waiting for your mom's text earlier, wishing for it more than ever although having no control over the situation.
"I'm really sorry you can't participate in the dance team this year, Jimin."
Your hand stretches out as you scoot a few inches closer to Jimin on the bench, your palm gently resting on top of his that's daintily placed on his lap. Jimin appears slightly taken aback, his head turning so his eyes can meet yours for a moment before his gaze drops down onto both of your hands that are touching. A sizzle sears up your arm when Jimin stretches his fingers apart to make yours fall through the gaps, then gently mingling them and closing up his fist to softly clutch yours.
"Thanks, (y/n)."
You just sit there for a while not looking at each other, both somewhat broken and delirious, forming a rare bond over a shared sense of failure, quietly healing while still holding hands as the minutes pass you by. You never thought you'd feel a place of comfort in Jimin's company of all people, but there's a first for everything, and the craziness of the entire situation doesn't even fully register in your mind, not when your eyes close up and neck jerks down as you fall asleep for a fleeting second. Jimin obviously notices this, the concern in his voice apparent as he whispers "Hey, you ok?"
"Yeah. I think I should head back and get some sleep before class tomorrow. You take rest too, hm?"
Letting your fingers slowly slip out of his fist, you stand up and adjust your jacket, flashing a faint smile at Jimin before turning around and strolling back towards the edge of the basketball court where you'd come in from.
"How do you do it, (y/n)?"
You stop in your spot after hearing Jimin's unexpected question, spinning back around to now face his figure in the distance, which is still slouching on the bench.
"Do what?"
"Stay on track. Get the things you want."
"I, for one, don't waste my time bullying others to distract myself from my own problems and find temporary joy in such vile acts. I spend time on myself and working on my goals. The happiness that comes from that lasts longer than you'd expect. Goodnight Jimin."
Leaving Jimin behind, you begin making your way to your bed without glancing back, the sleepiness that was sinking your eyes low somehow vanishing away when you think back to what you'd just said to him, the wind piercing your face sharper and colder as the night reaches its peak. It's a long, tiring walk, and you realize how far you'd actually ventured away from your room when you'd mindlessly moped around earlier, but the suspicious rustling of feet and sounds of muffled moans makes you stall near the bottom of the stairs to the girls dormitory.
"You love me, don't you? You know I can't live without you."
"Mm yea, Bomi."
Your jaw drops to the earth and body chills out to ice when you see the same skanky bitch who'd stolen your poem rubbing up against none other than Kim Taehyung in the dark corner by the bottom of the stairs, the same place where you'd caught her in Jungkook's arms after your meeting with dean Kim. Rapidly blinking your eyes to refocus, you're unable to comprehend the raunchy scene unveiling in front of you, Taehyung's tongue down Bomi's throat as she whimpers underneath his touch, their jackets ripped off and piled onto the ground while their hands keep groping each other in lust. Why the hell was Taehyung hooking up with this girl if she was with Jungkook... or was she?
"Bomi said you stole the poem from her but I don't believe a word she said... You'd given me the folder way before the due date and Bomi said she wrote the poem the day before the submission. How's that possible?"
Jungkook's innocent comment echos in the chambers of your repressed memories, the way he'd seemed utterly surprised when you accused him of concocting this plagiarism act now bothering you down to your core. Was Jungkook being sincere this whole time? Was there any truth to his words? Was Taehyung somehow involved?
Wanting to get away from the disturbing sight of Taehyung aggressively dry humping a moaning Bomi, you quietly tip toe your way upstairs, not exactly remembering how you'd even gotten into bed with your thoughts zooming around in a turmoil. You know perfectly well you'd told Jungkook never to come near you again, which he'd earnestly obeyed since your confrontation with him in the empty classroom he'd pulled you in, but maybe it was time for you to reach out to him and get some answers. You've got to get to the bottom of this madness.
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lexxfics · 7 years
Bite Me | A Park Jimin Fanfiction
Day 40 | Knew Better (Ch. 37)
Need a recap? Or new to the series? Click HERE
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It's been two days since we have run into their group. I was hoping that we were going to be able to leave yesterday but I underestimated how much that escape affected all of us.
Emotionally and physically.
We lost so many people. Taehyung, and half the girls. I still can't get his face out of my mind. He eyes blank as he stared into the barrel of the gun, acting as if he was going to be able to escape. As if he was going to be able to live. I tried to tell myself that it wasn't my fault but it was no use. Maybe they should have never come to save us. Maybe then he would still be alive.
I tried to shake the thoughts from my mind, but they always seemed to wander back. It didn't help that Somin was still mourning the loss of her sister either. She was quieter than usual and more distant. Every time I would try to approach her, she would give me a small smile and then return to fiddling with her fingers or whatever else she was trying to distract herself with.
Yoongi and his group pretty much left us alone as well. They didn't seem to take us as too much of a threat, especially since we were all incapable of moving too far.
They were nice enough to give us some of their food though, probably wanting to help us get better so we could leave them as quickly as we found them. And before I knew it, a day had already passed. It was our second day with their group and I was determined to leave today, if not tomorrow. I wanted to find somewhere else. Someplace I knew for sure no one could find and that no walkers were occupying.
As I was thinking about where to go next, a familiar figure came into view, holding out a piece of bread in my face. I glanced up to see Jimin standing there, motioning me to take the slice in his hand. I smiled softly at him and took it. I started to nibble on it right away, not realizing how hungry I was until that very moment.
"Whatcha thinking about?" He asked as he plopped down beside me, our shoulders briefly rubbing together. The contact startled me at first but I quickly shook it off.
"Where to go next," I replied, taking another bite out of the bread. It was soft and light, the perfect type of bread. He hummed in response, as if not knowing what else to say at that moment. We both just sat there for a bit, eating and just enjoying the silence for once. I watched as the two groups mingled, the guys talking with some of the girls. It was almost like we were just a group of people hanging out, getting to know one another. But I knew better.
"Hey Avri," Jimin suddenly spoke, snapping me back to reality.
"Can I ask you something?" He continued, refusing to look at me. Intrigued, I nodded slightly, telling him that it was okay. He took a deep breath before asking the one question I knew was coming eventually. The one I didn't want to answer.
"What did the ringleader mean? When he said you asked for it? What happened back there?" He prodded, making unwanted feelings starting to rise again. Moments started to flash in my mind, of the humiliating abuse I got from the men, the assault, and the tears I shed. I looked down, avoiding his unwavering gaze.
"I... don't want to talk about it," I mumbled, taking another piece of bread and plopping it into my mouth, hoping to the heavens above that he wouldn't continue. He shifted slightly, becoming uneasy.
"It wasn't...what I think it was, right?" He asked once more, hoping that I would answer the opposite of what he was thinking. But he knew better. "Avri, you can tell me anything. You know that right?" He continued, wanting to comfort me but the only thing it was doing was making me scared. I don't want to think back to that time. I just want to forget it. All of it.
Suddenly, he reached for my arm and before he could touch it, I flinched, moving it out of his way. Fear showing in my eyes, he looked at me in shock. I slowly shifted away, feeling more and more uncomfortable with the silence then before. Tears started to well up again in my eyes as I turned away.
I was trying to hard to be strong. Trying so hard to show that it didn't hurt me, that it didn't scar me, but with just one touch, I was falling apart. I started to sniffle, showing that I was on the verge of bursting. I crumpled my sleeves into my hand, moving it to wipe at my eyes. I could sense that Jimin now knew what had happened. But he didn't say anything. He just sat there as I tried to regain my composure. He was here for me. I know that well.
But I won't ever be the same again. I don't know if I could ever be comfortable enough with a man again. I brought my hands and placed them on both sides of my arms, rubbing them to try to comfort myself in anyway I could.
I turned to glance over at Jimin to see him staring at me out of concern. I tried my best to muster a smile, my eyes probably showing him otherwise.
"All that matters is that we are okay," I replied finally. "We are okay." I stated, as if trying to tell to convince myself of that statement. Slowly, he reached out once more, wanting to make sure not to scare me again. He gently placed his hand on mine and although the touch frightened me at first, I slowly leaned into it. I wrapped my fingers around his and squeezed his hand tightly, trying to at least reassure him in some way. He squeezed back and moved our hands to our side, trying to be there for me the best he could be.
That day quickly went by after that and after talking with the rest of the group we have decided to move on tomorrow. We haven't told Yoongi or his group yet but they should be happy that we are leaving. I went to sleep that night happy for the first time in a while.
I curled up next to Bomi, hugging her while I slept, hoping to heavens that luck would be on our side after everything this world has thrown at us. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off, hoping to dream of something not frightening and peaceful.
Late into the night, and deep into sleep, I was suddenly forced awake when a hand went over my mouth and a gun was pushed into my head. My eyes opened immediately, scared and petrified. I turned my head to see a dark silhouette hovering over my body, forcing me down.
"Make any sudden movements," The voice spat, making my heart race.
"And I shoot."
3 notes · View notes
yankee-am · 3 years
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13 notes · View notes
hoseokwrite-a · 6 years
open to: m / f / nb muse: lee ‘bambam’ bomi connection: someone nearby who can help, someone who understands sign language, the barista, literally anyone tbh notes: she’s a gang muse and a selective mute, who primarily uses sign language and writing to convey her thoughts ** 
Bomi looks frustrated as she gestured to the menu board up on the wall. The barista doesn’t seem to understand what she wants and it’s even more clear that she doesn’t understand sign language. The petite girl furrows her brows and dramatically draws the number 3 in the air, but the cashier seems to be at a loss. With a huff and a puff, Bomi looks around behind her to see if there’s anyone competent enough to help her order. All she wants is a frozen coffee. It shouldn’t be this hard, she thinks.
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15 notes · View notes
prplscnlngwrld · 6 years
Sedirakian, a Hangul written language
Sedirakkalg 세띠닼칽
Hangul correspondency
ㅂ v /v/
ㅃ b /b/
ㅈ zh /ʑ/
ㅉ dj /d̠ʒ/
ㄷ r /ɾ/
ㄸ d /d/
ㄱ g /g/
ㄲ gh /ɣ/
ㅅ s /s/ or /sʰ/
ㅆ sh /ɕ/
ㅁ m /m/
ㄴ n /n/
ㅇ */ng /ŋ/
ㄹ l /l/ or /ɭ/
ㅎ kh or h /x/
ㅋ k /k/
ㅌ t /t/
ㅊ ch /tɕ/
ㅍ p /p/
ㅡ ü /y/
ㅐ ë /ɤ/
I > 초 (cho) /tɕo/
You > 나 (na) /na/
He/She/It > 기 (gi) /gi/
We > 촡 /tɕot/  
You > 낱 /nat/
They > 깉 /git/
Me > 천 /tɕɔn/
You > 넌 /nɔn/
Him/Her/It > 건 /gɔn/
Us > 촨 /tɕwɔn/
You > 놘 /nwɔn/
Them >관 /gwɔn/
Mine > 철/tɕɔɭ/
Yours > 널 /nɔɭ/
His/hers/its > 걸 /gɔɭ/
Ours > 췔 /tɕwɔɭ/
Yours > 뉄/nwɔɭ/
Theirs > 궬/gwɔɭ/
Verb “to be”
텅체 쌰우
초 썉
나 쌴
기 썈
촡 썉타
낱 쌴타
깉 썈타
아: 항라열나움얀.
A: Hanglayâlnaumyan.
에: 항라열나모움얀.
B: Hanglayâlnamoumyan.
아: 뽀미 땰 안움얀게?
A: Bomi dyal anumyange?
에: 뽀미 롵두케노.
B: Bomi lotrukeno
0 notes
peachyuus-arc · 6 years
♡ muse tag drop ♡
#°∘♡∘°┊ kinoshita seiko. — ( interactions ).#°∘♡∘°┊ kwon dabin. — ( interactions ).#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → kwon ‘clover’ hana. // 권 ‘크로버’ 하나.#°∘♡∘°┊ kyung sookyung. — ( interactions ).#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → lee daesuk. // 이대슥.#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → lee dah-ye. // 이다예.#°∘♡∘°┊ lee ‘bambam’ bomi. — ( interactions ).#°∘♡∘°┊ lee ‘pj’ pyeongjoon. — ( interactions ).#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → lim ‘pinky’ junghwa. // 임 ‘핑키’ 정화.#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → lu chenguang. // 陆晨光.#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → lu min. // 鹿敏.#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → mae soyool. // 매소율.#°∘♡∘°┊ min saerom. — ( interactions ).#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → min somin. // 민소민.#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → mizuhara sachiko. // 水原幸子.#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → nam kiran. // 남키란.#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → nan dahee. // 난다희.#°∘♡∘°┊ noh ‘minnie’ minkyeong. — ( interactions ).#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → nu yoobi. // 누유비.#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → oh ara. // 오아라.#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → oh ‘lucky’ hara. // 오하라.#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → oh siah. // 오시아.#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → oh shira. // 오시라.#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → oh ‘sammie’ samsoon. // 오 ‘샘미’ 삼순.#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → oshiro noa. // 大城 乃愛.#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → paeng ‘raegan’ raeyeon. // 팽 ‘래갠’ 래연.#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → pan mei-xiang. // 潘美香.#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → park chaewoo. // 박채우.#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → park hayan. // 박하얀.#╰ ☆ ch:┊ → park jaeseop. // 박재섭.
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royaltyhqs-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
                                   Princesa Yoon Umi
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