#ch: kou
comunidaddl · 1 year
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Esta historia participó en el reto FIC #8 enfocado en San Valentín. 
Seudónimo: yumedeer.
Plataforma(s): AO3.
Tipo: Oneshot.
Clasificación: +13.
Estado: Completo (1/1).
Género(s): Romance.
Pareja(s): Kou/Yui.
Personaje(s): Yui Komori y Kou Mukami.
Tropo: Attractive Bent-Gender.
Sinopsis: Tras recibir chocolate por la noche de San Valentín, Kou comparte con Yui un gusto suyo que ella no se había imaginado antes.
Advertencias/Aclaraciones: Ninguna, a menos que cuenten el fluff como una.
Comentarios (por admin raven): Este fanfic me entrego lo que no sabía que necesitaba, que fue tener a Kou maquillando y pintándole las uñas a Yui, también hablando sobre algunas cosas de género y prejuicios. Me gusto sobre todo que se tomara en cuenta que Yui viene de un ambiente religioso (probablemente conservador), y donde básicamente apenas saliendo de su casa/iglesia, es que conoce más mundo. Aclarando aquí, Yui no tiene un comportamiento juzgón, es más como que nunca pensó en ciertas cosas (por su visión limitada por su contexto), así que fue tomada por sorpresa. 
Link AO3.
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danmeibrainrot · 4 months
Misumi comes to know that Doumeki is working under Tsunakawa
Misumi is not happy that Yashiro has been hiding the fact that he met/reunited with Doumeki
Misumi calls Yashiro his mistress
Yashiro's Casino appears to have been raided by other thugs and Nana warns him against going there
Kuga appears! He is working as a mechanic now
Doumeki has "come back" Many times after the incidents of chapter 57 true to his word (with sexy panels of their 'meetings')
The chapter ends with rain and Yashiro thinking back to when he had asked Doumeki what it feels like to fall in love 🥺😭😢
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bahoreal · 1 month
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some more shots of li yimu and kou weilong from weibo
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Saezuru cover 🩵💙 enjoy fandom 😘
issue "ihr HertZ 2023年9月号"
Here : https://bs-garden.com/product/ihr-hertz-202309/
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treahollow · 4 days
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can- can I cry... they are so adorable...
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vwiivizx · 3 days
Just wanted to say, mitsukou fans WON this chapter.
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momopien · 8 months
He is not alone 💌
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professional-idiots · 8 months
TBHK Ch.110–Thoughts and feelings
1. I don’t even know what to say about this. LIKE!!?!!?! Especially because Akane always said that supernaturals only ever think about themselves!!! GUYS… I wonder if this is gonna affect him as a character and his outlook on the supernatural (anyway they’re literally siblings and I was sobbing)
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2. SOOO CURIOUS ABOUT THIS!!!! What’s the significance?? Is it a functional key? Probably… and if so what does it open?? Maybe it controls the clock somehow???? So many possibilities 😭
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3. WHEN I TELL YOU I WAS SO HAPPY TO SEE HIM. This is my SON. I love him so much and I was so happy natsuhiko went to go find him 😭😭😭😭
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4. He trusts him so fully!!! He genuinely thought natsuhiko was coming to save him!! He thought they were—if not friends then at least *friendly* HE THOUGHT HE COULD TRUST HIM
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5. When I tell you my heart DROPPED (but I am excited by all this yorishiro talk—more on that later)
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6. TBHK character stop shoving strange substances into Mitsuba’s mouth challenge (level: impossible)
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8. Friendly reminder that Teru is the worst boyfriend ever (he’s actively watching Akane eat shit)
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9. I need someone with better media literacy than me to explain what the FUCK is up with these guys bc I feel like I know but like I don’t…. Every time I think I understand shit gets weird again. Like I’m following the story but I cannot analyze this
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OK THIS CHAPTER WAS AMAZING!!! I’m so scared for 111 bc WHAT IS GONNA HAPPEN!!!! I have so many theories and ideas and ughughughugh it was so good (even though everything that happened was bad) 8/10 (I’m giving this rating kind of arbitrarily so don’t read into it too much)
So on the yorishiro thing: I think Kou might become Mitsuba’s Yorishiro. Now I know people can become them but can living people… I dunno. However, I think it’s really likely. I’m wracking my brain on what all this Mitsuba would have to value. Not his camera because that was Sousuke’s thing. And if not his camera, then what? Kou is the one thing/person that Mitsuba has grown truly attached to.
So I think next chapter Mitsuba will be dying, but Kou will somehow be able to break from the time thingy (either he wills himself awake—like has a power flare in defense of Mitsuba—or maybe someone helps him—but who 😭) and goes over to Mitsuba and while he’s crying and being all Kou, Mitsuba is gonna like think about Kou (maybe call him his friend for the first time) and somehow in the moment Kou will become Mitsuba’s yorishiro. TRUST GUYS TRUST.
Also on Mitsuba and Kou:
POOR KOU. He looked up to natsuhiko so much when they met right before the severance 😭😭 if he’s close enough, he would’ve SEEN everything happening to Mitsuba.
And also POOR MITSUBA. He trusted natsuhiko!!!!! The good news is that Mitsuba will probably fully shift sides now and possibly make a more direct effort to help Kou Yahsiro and Hanako. Genuinely though, his mom is hurt, *he* is hurt, his friend(ish) betrayed him. My poor baby 😭 why do AidaIro hate himmmm.
I would say something super smart and informed about the twins now, but as I said: nothing about them makes any sense to me.
Ugh I seriously don’t think I can wait till next monthhhhh!!!! If AidaIro lose it and actually kill off Mitsuba…. I don’t even know what I’m gonna do. 111 better be good or else 😭
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hanakotei · 2 years
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twitteringthings · 7 months
All I’ve been thinking about is how my birthday is March 23 and how Chapter 57 is Yoneda-Sensei’s personal birthday gift to me <3
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comunidaddl · 1 year
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Esta historia participó en el reto FIC #8 enfocado en San Valentín. 
Seudónimo: yumedeer.
Plataforma(s): AO3.
Tipo: Oneshot.
Clasificación: +13.
Estado: Completo (1/1).
Género(s): Familia/Humor.
Pareja(s): Por cosas de trama y tropo, las personas confunden a Yuma y Kou con una pareja. De fondo está Yuma/Yui. 
Personaje(s): Yuma y Kou Mukami, aparición breve de un OC y Ruki Mukami, más menciones de Yui Komori.
Tropo: Error relativo.
Sinopsis: Kou decide llevarse a Yuma para comprar chocolate para San Valentín. Al parecer, caminar juntos durante la víspera de una fecha tan señalada causará alguna que otra confusión...
Advertencias/Aclaraciones: Ninguna.
Comentarios (por admin raven): Hace tiempo que no leía un fic gen, específicamente con mi familia favorita de DL, así que muy contenta de encontrar una historia que explore la dinámica de los Mukami. Fue muy agradable leer a Yuma y Kou teniendo una salida común/en un ambiente cotidiano. Cada vez que los confundían con una pareja me reía, sobre todo por las reacciones de Yuma, Kou estaba un poco más acostumbrado porque es un Idol, y como Idol, bueno, la gente está expuesta a que sus “fans” o gente especule sobre ellos. 
Hay una breve aparición de un OC, pero al menos yo no esperaba el plot twist con dicho OC (tal vez debí verlo venir, pero agradezco la sorpresa). Por último, hay un momento donde Yuma defiende a Kou y eso hizo feliz a mi corazón; en general, sentí que hubo un poco de todo en el fic para la relación fraternal de ambos.
Link AO3.
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danmeibrainrot · 4 months
Doumeki and Yashiro keep having sex together, pretending it's just to satisfy their needs and physical desires, but it must be pure torture for them. You can see how much they love each other in said panels . It's so heartbreaking and painful. For both them and the audience. The way they connect and love each other so deeply but can't fully express it makes their situation even more tragic. The main reason Doumeki clearly chooses have sex with Yashiro is because he understands Nanahara's analogy about Yashiro's relationship with sex being similar to his addiction to cigarettes. Doumeki is willing to be the "reusable cigarette" for Yashiro, as long as it prevents Yashiro from harming himself both physically and mentally.
Both in love yet feigning indifference out of necessity.
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noniedarkmeki · 10 months
I'm hoping for some sweet scenes in chapter 55, like Dom and Yashi making out before Sensei takes a breather!
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smol-stardust · 2 years
Ch. 98: First things first,
Ahhh!!! MitsuKou Content!!! MitsuKou canon idc what anyone says.
They're so freaking precious, and the aquarium date is so freaking cute :)
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But c'mon Aidairo, why did you have to do this to us at the end?!? Can't Mitsuba just have some peace and hang out with Kou having a good time 😭 Just let the boy have a wonderful afterlife, please. A Mitsuba chapter without angst or tears is okay, you don't need to hurt him (or us) like this
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lokh · 1 year
what would you do midscreen as anji off of CH 5H. let me know 👍
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koumine · 2 years
writing smut at the airport continues to be a risky proposition but clearly I'm not about to let that stop me lol
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