#ch: lorelei
eddiemunscns · 1 year
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This Barbie….and my female ocs
Taglist: @steveshcrringtons @acabecca @fakedatings @starcrossedjedis @cas-verse @chrissymunson @sgtbuckyybarnes @asirensrage @drbobbimorse @malafvma @reyofluke-ocs @steve--harrington--gal @arrthurpendragon
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steveshcrringtons · 2 years
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Maggie Decker and the four most important relationships in her life:
Hank Hall - “Older brother”
Gar Logan - “Little Brother”
Lorelei Grimes - Best Friend
Dick Grayson - Love of her life
tagging: @eddiemunscns @samwilsonns @fakedatings @foxesandmagic @ocappreciation @sgtbuckyybarnes
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" There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor. " lorelei @ astrophel 🥺
He raises an eyebrow as he recalls the little comedy show at the Elfsong.
"Hard to deny that, though how could anyone who gets to bear witness to your rapier wit? Could cut anyone to the core and leave the rest in tatters."
Mentally, he immediately both congratulated and chastised himself for having made such a terrible joke, but he was a little proud he could come up with one so fast.
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naomihatake · 1 year
In search of freedom (Ch. 1)
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1. They're bad news
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Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2
⠀⠀⠀⠀She's been searching for freedom her entire life and everytime she thought it was laying right in front of her eyes, she was mistaken. She was running around the East Blue, seeking herself and her dreams, meeting people she never forgot. No matter how much she traveled, she could only catch a glimpse of peace before realizing everything would crumble at her feet.
⠀⠀⠀⠀Maybe it was destiny that brought her on that ship with three strangers — foolishly, that's what she tried to believe when the moon shined beautifully and hope settled in her chest, squeezed by the same ribcage where feelings were blooming.
Pairing: female!reader x OPLA Zoro Roronoa. This chapter follows the events of the first episode.
Warnings for this chapter: physical violence (fights), mentions of deaths, fluff, some cursing, mentions of tarot and palm readings
Word count: 3,6k
Theme song: “Loreley” by Blackmore's Night (click on the link)
A/N: This is the first part of a fanfiction I was thinking of since first watching One Piece Live Action. I started the anime too and I'm around episode 64 already. I'm using the OPLA course of action for now and I have no idea for an ending, but enough scenarios to write and share. I don't know how far this will go, but I'll have fun writing it and considering how much I like Zoro (born anime and LA), I'm using both of them as inspiration. Sorry for the lack of interaction between reader and Zoro, but I promise things will change.
The reader will be referred to as "Witch" especially in the next chapter, because I have no intentions of using "Y/N". There will be more information revealed about her past and abilities in the next chapter.
I'm open for comments and opinions <3
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"Excuse me," she smiled sweetly while swaying away from someone who was standing right in front of her and a table she had to serve for. "Here," she carefully let the plates down.
She received a large smile coming from the young man with dark curls and a straw hat hanging around his neck. His pink haired companion seemed very shy, barely glancing at her before looking back at his plate, thanking in a small voice.
The tavern buzzed with a peaceful energy in the late hours of morning, the big windows letting the warm rays of sun in, lighting up the place. There were men sitting at a few tables, no sign of any other woman except for her and the very owner of that place, who just finished cooking something — were those cookies? It smelled divine.
Her dress fluttered around her knees as she moved away from their table to take other orders, a strand of her hair falling against her cheek after running around for so long. When she finally stopped in her tracks by the bar, intense eyes searched for anyone else who might've needed something. Lucky for her, she could finally breathe for a few seconds, resting her hips against the bar.
However, her eyes fell on the tall figure who just chugged down his throat a shot of alcohol. His green hair made her frown to herself, looking away before she could get caught ogling some stranger. After a few seconds, she looked at him again, this time at the three swords resting against his hip.
Three swords? What can someone do with three swords?
Everyone probably had the same question whenever they saw him for the first time. However, he felt somehow familiar, as if she's heard of someone like that before. A pirate? No, wait, a pirate hunter? The owner told her of so many things and so many people it was impossible to remember each one of them, but she was pretty sure she mentioned some pirate hunter only a few days ago.
Her thought process was interrupted when a man with blonde hair and suit walked by in front of her. Considering the men dressed in white uniforms who entered with him, they must be marines and he was probably their superior — he was walking like he owned the entire port.
She held back from rolling her eyes in annoyance. Her thoughts ran back to what her friend said about pirates last time, the way they argued back and forth about how pirates aren't good. However, she had her own reasons for claiming that not all pirates were ruthless monsters, without elaborating.
She flinched lightly when she heard the thud of a metal plate falling on the floor, snapping her head towards a little girl who was stuttering apologies to the blonde man. Her eyebrows were pulled together at his angry and loud voice mocking the child who had tears in her eyes, fear seeping through her very bones at the exaggerated reaction.
Apparently, they knocked into each other. Oh, there were two cookies on the floor. One of them got crushed under the man's foot.
She smoothly made her way by the side of the little girl, smiling at her as she crouched down to her level.
"Is everything alright, little one? Did you apologize?" the woman's hand squeezed the girl's shoulder warmly.
Rika's only response was a nod.
"Good job. It's alright, I'll help you clean up. Why don't you bring me a broom, hm?" she coaxed the girl with a gentle voice.
Once the girl walked away, she stood up straight again, arching her eyebrow questionably at the arrogant man by her side.
"Is there anything else I could help you with?"
"What, are you working here? If the answer's positive, then you better teach those stupid kids some manners," he huffed.
"You should teach yourself how to behave," she commented right back, her sharp gaze sizing him up and down.
"Take that back. Next time I won't be so nice," the blonde marine grinned.
Oh, and what an ugly grin it was on that fucker's face.
"You dropped my food," a low voice from behind interrupted.
The young woman turned her head towards the voice, confusion written on her face as she made a few steps back, out of his way. It was the green haired man she noticed earlier, now sitting on one of his knees on the cold floor.
Rika came back with a broom almost twice her size, the object quickly taken from her hold by the woman who smiled at her again. While they exchanged glances, the pirate hunter let himself down on one of his knees, taking some of the crushed cookie into his palm.
A sly smile tugged at the woman's lips. A pirate hunter or not, he had more dignity than a marine even in that kneeling position. She was more satisfied to see the little one smiling.
"Your turn," the green-haired man lowered his voice, a dark glare thrown at the astonished marine.
The pirate hunter raised back up and placed the metal plate on the bat, his intimidating height against the arrogant blonde monkey in front of him telling enough.
"Apologize to the girl," he demanded in a relaxed tone.
"Me? It was her fault for bumping into me. The lady should apologize for disrespecting me."
Apologize, my ass, she thought to herself, one step away from bursting out laughing. What did he take her for?
"Do you want a fight or what?" he drew his sword out, a knowing grin curled on his face. "I don't need three swords to fight."
The woman looked down at the little girl who was still by her side, ruffling her hair.
"Why don't you go to your mother, hm? And stay there until I call you back."
Her stern voice didn't give space for arguing; Rika complied, going to the kitchen.
She heard some muttering and next thing she knew, both of the men in front of her had drawn their swords out. Apparently, the green-haired one decided to advance closer to the marine, in an attempt to keep the fight away from the lady.
Hmph. Swordsmen and their unusual gentlemanly behavior.
Squeezing the broom in between her fingers, she moved away, furrowing her eyebrows in a scowl.
"No fights in here, you jerks!" she scoffed.
Expertly, while the other marines attacked one man — how unethical of them — and swords clashed against each other after sharp whistling noises, the woman swept away the cookies on the floor. She faked doing her own duties, like the good employee that she was, throwing careful glances at the fight happening right next to her. If she wasn't careful enough, she could get sliced in two.
"I advise you to get out of the way," she heard the swordsman's voice growling right after he threw a chair into three men, making them fall to the floor.
"You'll destroy the entire place if I do."
Right after saying those words, without anyone noticing in that damned agitation, with a quick movement of the broom, she made one of the marines trip.
Just like the idiots that they were.
"Oh my god, you should be more careful!" she placed a hand over her lips, fake surprise and fear coloring her features.
Who would believe such an innocent being was capable of such malicious actions?
With a strong creak followed by a thud, one marine was thrown into a table that turned the both of them upside down, groans filled with pain vibrating through the tavern.
She was right about them destroying the place.
However, the commotion didn't cause too much distress to the woman still moving the broom around, acting as if she had business with that newly found weapon. It might not be lethal, but she couldn't be spotted while she was intentionally making the marines' jobs harder. In the month she's been working there, she saw more than just one fight and used everything that she saw fit to stop it — be it a broom or a kitchen knife.
Now that she analyzed the fight better, it seemed like the pirate hunter barely even had to draw his sword out of its scabbard, at some point knocking someone's head into the bar. He used his raw strength and the objects surrounding him, thankfully without destroying any of them. The can he threw into another man's stomach seemed so effortless.
That must've hurt, though.
The blonde marine was quickly pulled by the back of his collar, back colliding with the bar, and an angry swordsman towering over him. She didn't hear anything nor paid attention anymore, eyes focused on the tavern that was ruined only half way through.
She sighed after watching both of the men walking out of there, biting her lower lip to hold back a fit of laughter at the marine who stumbled while being dragged by the bounty hunter.
"Why do men always fight in this tavern?" she talked to herself, raising one of the chairs and putting it back in place. "One day of peace is all I want in this port, only one day, and I can't get even that."
She sighed again, only for that long exhale to get stuck in her throat once her eyes fell on the table that was almost sitting in the opposite way rather than how it should be. Once she approached it, stepping by the marine who was trying to get up.
She would never help someone who had less dignity than a dog following some orders from a brainless monkey. Heck, even those animals were smarter.
Instead, she tried to move the table back in its place. Her fingers were so close to gripping at one side of the table before someone appeared at the opposite side. The young man with a straw hat and a square smile she served only a few minutes ago raised the table by himself, carefully arranging it until he was satisfied with its position.
"Thank you so much for the help," she smiled at him. "Be careful where you step, I think a glass also broke."
There were some shreds on the floor somewhere close to the table the young man sat at earlier.
"Thank you for your concern," he smiled just like the first time.
Gosh, has she ever seen such a beautiful soul? His eyes sparkled and the happiness suited him like it did to a little child who has no clue of the harsh world. However, he didn't seem phased or scared by what happened earlier — his hands weren't shaking at all and there was no fear lingering in his stare.
She turned to take the broom and came closer to his companion, who was sitting under the table. She bent her torso to give him a hand, helping him get back to his feet.
"Careful with the glass, check your hands," she warned again.
"I saw what you did there."
She turned towards the straw hat guy, blinking owlishly at him.
"I don't really get what you mean."
She started sweeping the shred of broken glass, not paying attention to the curious and insistent gaze she was receiving.
"You surely do. I'm Monkey D. Luffy and I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!"
Her eyes widened at the second part of his speech, snapping her head back at him. Without even realizing, her fingers were squeezing the broom quite harshly, fingertips going white.
"That's—" she started in a small voice, blinking like an idiot and staring at him.
She's heard that before. She's heard the same dream before and it brought so much suffering.
"That's dangerous," she finally got the courage to continue, still hesitant.
"You're brave for interfering with their fight."
Luffy looked into her eyes as if he could guess the thoughts running through her head, as if he could read her very soul, drinking in her features and reaction.
"You must've seen wrong," she let out a light chuckle, getting a grip on herself. "I'm just clumsy sometimes."
She was thankful she stopped herself from cussing out the Marines, because in less than a second after she finished her sentence, a few other men dressed in white uniforms appeared to help their comrades back to the base. She casted a skeptical eye at each one of them, like silent warnings.
They were pathetic, some of them still stumbling while trying to get up, their swords thrown around carelessly. After they all disappeared from her sight, her shoulders obviously relaxed again.
"I have to admit I hated each second of staying so much with these idiots around," she huffed quietly. "That spoiled child who takes advantage of his father's status was getting on my nerves."
"That's why you helped that swordsman, right?"
Luffy continued with his supposition, not letting go of what he thought he saw — it was the truth, but it would be dangerous to admit.
"I didn't help anyone, really. That was unintentional."
"Don't press it too much, Luffy," his companion's voice trembled.
"Koby, I know what I saw," Luffy pulled his lips into a straight line.
She resumed what she was doing, sweeping at the pieces of glass, seeing almost each one of them in the light seeping through the window.
"If you want to become King of the Pirates, I suppose you also want to get the One Piece, right?"
She was foolish. She was stupid for asking, for getting herself in such business that somehow always ended with too many deaths, with broken dreams. However, something was nagging in her gut. Deep down, it felt so right to ask.
"Yes! I need the Grand Line map for that and I intend on getting from the Marine Base here."
"You're insane, kid," her shoulders shook with her light laughter.
It was a sour sound.
She stopped, leaning her weight into the broom, looking down at the glass in front of her. She shouldn't help them. She should stay in her place if she wanted those young men to survive. What they were trying to do was basically suicide, they just didn't know. Koby seemed to be more fearful, hesitant and so, so shy. Luffy didn't say "us"; he said "I" — the pink-haired guy was not really part of the plan.
Against better judgment, she raised her head at him, promises sparkling in her eyes just like the shreds of glass.
"You can't just ask for that map and I hope you know that. What you want to get yourself into isn't just dangerous, it's like jumping into a suicide mission," her voice strained, pouring all of her hope in her next words: "However, I can help you get inside. Be careful, you have to make sure no one catches you."
"So I was right about you!" Luffy beamed.
"Right about what?"
"That you're brave."
Her lips opened, but no sound came from between them. It was pointless to deny it when he seemed so stubborn about what he saw and believed.
"I think this is a lot to say about someone who's helping you steal secret maps," the side of her mouth curled upwards.
Koby was left astonished. Stealing from the Marines was suicide.
"Listen here, kid," she lowered her voice, stepping closer to whisper. She set her gaze on Luffy's. "You have to get out of there alive, no matter what. Lie if you have to, but I have a feeling you're very bad at that, so be careful. That isn't a place to fool around in. You could get yourself killed in a blink. The Marines are very sneaky."
"There are good Marines and bad Marines," he shrugged. "Maybe I'll meet someone who's willing to help."
"I like your enthusiasm, but that unit base doesn't fit," she shook her head. "Both Captain Morgan and his son aren't the good kind of people."
She squeezed the broom in between her fingers again, an ugly feeling clawing at her throat. She didn't want a kid to die for following his dreams, but freedom was something she always craved.
"I'll tell you a way to get inside the base from underneath. You have to keep your lips sealed — I don't worry about myself, but about the owner and her daughter. I don't want word spreading around."
"You can count on me!" he placed his hand on his heart, as if he sealed the promise there. "Who are you? I want to know who's helping me."
Damned be his sincerity.
"I'll give you my name after you get out of there alive."
She smiled, eyes sparkling with delicious mischief.
"That is a promise. I'll be around the Marine Base and I'll tell you my name after I see you get out of there alive."
That seemed to stir something in Luffy's soul, inhaling with pride. A man of his word, indeed, just like she thought.
Her name left the lips of a scolding mother, even if it wasn't her mom.
"I saw you." The second time she heard tthat same phrase in one day.
Annie patted the tip of her shoe against the floor repeatedly.
"I was just lucky enough not to get myself in trouble," she shrugged.
However, her eyes fell on the floor, guilty about getting caught like a deer in the light.
"You could've gotten yourself in big trouble!" the owner of the tavern raised her voice.
Rika pouted up at her mother, trying to sweeten her reaction.
"She just wanted to help, just like—"
"Rika," this time, the scolded one firmly spoke her name. "Don't take me as an idol. It's true that something could have happened."
The little girl shouldn't worry about such a bloody world just yet and she wanted to help it for as long as possible. Being stubborn was a death sentence, even if she would always get herself into trouble if it meant to stick to her principles.
She'd rather die on her feet than live on her knees.
"Just because this time everything was fine, it doesn't mean next time will be the same," Annie exhaled loudly, frowning.
"There won't be a next time," the young woman sank her chin in her chest. "I should leave these days. Soon enough, word will spread out about my tarot and palm readings. I don't want to cause you any more trouble."
"You little witch," the usual scolding was replaced with a warm nickname.
She raised her head again, struggling to smile. Leaving after she got attached always hurt.
"That man was Roronoa Zoro, wasn't it?" Annie asked, her body suddenly tensing.
"Most probably," she shrugged. "Three swords, three earrings. He put on quite a show, to be honest," the words were followed by a chuckle.
"I see the way your eyes are sparkling. Don't even think about getting into some conversation with such a troublesome person."
"What could do some adventure to a poor soul like me?" she teased.
"It could bring you six feet under."
"I'm no witch, you idiots!" she struggled against the harsh grip the two men had on her arms.
She hissed when one of them sank his fingertips in her upper arms, glaring at him.
Shithead marines.
She continued writhing and struggling, stomping her feet into the ground in an awful attempt to stop them. She intended on keeping her promise after she helped the straw hat sneak into their base. She waited for as long as it was necessary after she gathered her things in a bag that hung around her shoulders. She was supposed to leave that place after she made sure the kid was alright and alive.
"God dammit!" she shouted. "How many times do I have to explain I'm not doing anything wrong?!"
"You're lying to people and receiving money, filthy witch. You're a thief," one of the men commented as they continued walking her away from the port.
"I didn't steal shit!" she snapped.
"Watch out!" she heard a familiar voice.
Instantly, she bent her torso down. The man on her right was punched in the face with so much force he released her grip on her and stumbled into the marine on her left, both of them now on the ground.
She didn't even get enough time to process what was happening, something curling around her waist carefully, but so fast. A yelp left her lips when she realized she was being lifted off the ground, turning her head towards the source.
It was the straw hat's arm. He ate a devil fruit, didn't he?
He was on a boat that was sailing a few meters away in the sea and she was being pulled towards him. She also recognized the pirate hunter from earlier and a woman with orange hair, both of them far too relaxed for what was happening.
That guy was made of rubber!
She recognized Koby who just got to his feet after she got past him, her feet finally touching something solid again. She blinked confused at the straw hat.
"You can't bring everyone that you like on this ship," the swordsman let out a hopeless sigh.
She busted out laughing like a maniac, the colorful and rich sound filling the air. Her shoulders shook and she had to place her hand over her stomach, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. Obviously, her reaction was met with an especially questionable look coming from the swordsman, who most probably thought he got on a ship with another insane human.
"You're insane, kid," she wiped the tears in her eyes with her fingers, still smiling widely.
She hasn't felt such relief in years.
"I guess I gotta fulfill a promise, right?"
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yep-yep-yep · 6 months
About the seven great secrets of Eden academy: part 1.
Lorelei in the third swimming pool:
Okay, we have already heard this name - it's also the name of the cruise ship in Yor's arc.
The most interesting thing is that Lorelei is a popular real character from german culture. She is a siren, who is "sitting on the cliff above the Rhine and combing her golden hair, unwittingly distracted shipmen with her beauty and song, causing them to crash on the rocks" (from wiki). Lorelei (it's the name of cliff also) is popular by echo and many ship crashes.
So, we have:
1. Swimming pool, therefore lesson with it (I want to see Henderson at this lesson, lol)
2. Damian, who likely is scared by water, in ch 39 he was really panicked and now we know that he could drown when he was 4.
3. And Anya's first stella due to how she rescued the drowning boy from the swimming pool (but I don't understand if she can swim or not).
Good recipe for a interesting school chapter, I think.
But I'm concerned about how this legend was born. I hope it's just "some pupil heard strange noises and his wild imagination gave him an image of a ghost siren", cuz it may be how some girl drowned herself and then it was made to widespreads and after a legend. Really sad shit.
I want to make small odd theories about Eden's secrets, at this moment we don't have much information about school history, but I want to think about it a little.
thanks for your attention.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
A Dangerous Game Ch 4
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, alcohol consumption, minor talk of CM type violence, smut, fingering, oral, face sitting, daddy kink. Sorry not sorry at how long this chapter is. LOL. A/N: Emily's taglist is now up to 50, so if you find that you're suddenly not being tagged it's simply because I haven't seen you interacting with fics at all or in my notifs (while i understand that yes, life is busy, we have things like school, work, families that take priority over reading/interacting, there are also people out there who fill out a taglist form and then are never heard from again) and i want to be able to tag the people who are actively reading things, or at least bookmarking them to read later kinda thing.
Emily woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing on the nightstand, her eyes scrunching as she tried to avoid it but knew it would likely wake you up if she didn’t silence it. To her surprise when she rolled over the hotel room was empty, the sheets on your bed tossed back and you were nowhere to be seen. Sitting up she swiped open the messages on her phone, discovering that you and Spencer had found a lead and were already down at the precinct starting to put things together despite the sun not even being up yet.
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” Emily nearly grumbled as she strode into the bull pen, making a beeline for the coffee and you let out a small laugh.
“I managed to knock over the entire toiletry shelf when I showered and you didn’t budge an inch, I assumed you needed the beauty sleep.” Your voice had half a tease in it and Emily did her best not to roll her eyes, “figured we’d loop you in once we had something.”
“Which we do.” Spencer cut in, gesturing toward the white board, his laptop open with Penelope on a video call on the spare desk.
“And?” Emily asked.
“Wilson was right about the bracelets.” Garcia began, “we looked through everything and we found one in the exact same colours in the first case with the name Lorelei embroidered into it. The girl’s name was Jessica and the parents don’t know and Lorelei, so y/n made the call to start looking at men who had lost a daughter or sister around the age and description of these girls.”
“The unsub had some kind of contact with every one of these girls before they were abducted.” Spencer explained, “he was using the bracelets to mark them, to make them feel safe, so they’d be easy to spot in a group.”
“Updates?” Emily glanced between the three of you right as the rest of the team finally came into the building, tuning into the conversation and settling into the area.
“I’m waiting on a couple of run throughs but I’ve got three names and addresses for you already.” Penelope replied, clacking away before the swoosh noise echoed through the speakers and everyone’s phone’s pinged, “good luck.” She shot a grin to the camera before it went to black and the rest of you turned to each other.
As it turned out, your hunch was incredibly right, and it didn’t take long before you were able to track down the unsub. He’d watched as his younger sister was stalked, kidnapped, assaulted and killed, his parents wanted nothing to do with him, committing him until he was eighteen and allowed to be free, resulting in more tragedy for everyone else. Considering your find Emily let you take lead in the field and made sure you were comfortable with the take down before letting you have that too. She felt a little twinge of worry sending you in with a mentally unstable unsub, but everyone had your back. Instead she was pleasantly surprised with how well you handled it, you remained calm the entire time, though in her opinion as unit chief you did lower your weapon a little too early, but had she been in your position she would have done the same. It was about earning trust and getting him to let the girl go, let her come to you before he could be arrested to make sure she wasn’t harmed.
The entire unit let out a collective breath of relief when everything was finally done, and thanks to your overnight work, it was barely passed noon. Paperwork was tedious as always, but it managed to be finished shortly before dinner time, the BAU team finally making their way out of the local precinct.
“Well, we’re considering that a win,” Rossi started, clapping Morgan on the back as the group left the office, “should we get dinner, maybe some drinks?”
“You buyin?” Derek asked with a grin and Dave laughed.
“Only if it’s at that bar by the hotel.”
“Honestly, all I need are a good order of chicken wings and mozza sticks.” You laughed and Rossi cheered.
“Wilson agrees!”
“They have deep fried pickles?” JJ asked with a grin and Rossi let out a playful scoff with a nod, accepting that he would foot the bill for dinner and some drinks as everyone laughed, climbing into vehicles.
There wasn’t much surrounding the hotel you were staying at, meaning the diner down the road and the bar across the street saw a lot of the team over the last couple of days. It wasn’t anything fancy, not particularly a dive bar, but the vibes were there. Just big enough that patrons weren’t up in each other’s business, mainly regulars spread through the space, a couple of dart boards and a single pool table. The group’s table was covered in appetizers half picked through as everyone wound down from the case with a couple jugs of beer. Everyone was in good spirits, joking and bantering across the table, Derek was currently in a battle with Spencer, attempting to get him into a round of darts where the loser had to pick up the next round. Spencer in turn was trying to turn it around into a game of pool that he had a better chance of winning and Derek was firing back about how there was only one pool table, it could be hours before it freed up and the drinks were looking pretty empty. Spencer fired back with something about the statistics of the game which fired up an entire playful argument until you finally stood up, clapping Spencer on the shoulder,
“Okay, okay, boys simmer down. I’ll get the next round; no more arguing let’s try to keep the team spirit up.” You laughed, grabbing your wallet.
“You really are all about the team spirit, aren’t you?” Emily cut in with a smirk and you shot her a glare.
“Aw, c’mon, I’m sure we can find some pom poms somewhere, show off your moves Wilson.”
“You were a cheerleader?” JJ cut in and you let out a huff, rolling your eyes before glaring at Prentiss.
“I told you that in confidence!”
“Yeah, sure.” Emily laughed.
“Ohoho… so you play dirty?” You raised a brow and she grinned your way.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Before anyone else at the table even realized what was happening Derek cut in, leaning forward in his seat to get a better eyeline toward you.
“Were you a like, go team, yay sports rah, rah cheerleader, or a it’s its own sport, competitive cheerleader?”
“Competitive.” You said with a huff, quickly stepping away from the table before anyone else could get their questions in and you moved up to the bar.
Much to your disdain, by the time you returned to the table with fresh pitchers of beer the conversation of cheerleading was still going on. At the very least it wasn’t being directed toward you, and more a general conversation topic, but you knew it was only a matter of time before Emily would reroute it back to you and bombard you with questions.
It appeared that whatever higher power was up there tonight was on your side by the time everyone was just over halfway through their third round. Derek, while complimenting the actual competitive cheerleaders, was also lowkey mocking the stereotypical ones who merely pranced around with pom-poms doing silly arm movements and cheers. He went to demonstrate said arm movement and managed to aggressively knock over the beer that he’d just refilled. The glass somehow managed to not break but the entire pint splashed its way directly onto Emily who let out a dramatic gasp, attempting to jump back from the table, swearing in Derek’s direction.
There was no holding back, the table bursting out into laughter, especially as Emily grabbed an onion ring and hurled it in Derek’s direction. Through his laughter he did his best to apologize, swiping a pile of napkins so she could dry off, though the attempt was futile, she was covered in beer.
“I guess that’s my cue to leave.” She sighed, pushing her chair back from the table, “Morgan’s buying the next round on my behalf.”
“Hey! C’mon!” He protested and she simply laughed, waving a quick goodnight to everyone before she left the bar.
Rossi managed to grab a cloth from the bartender and actually get the table cleaned up while Derek got the next round for the group. Things seemed to calm down a little bit after that, you were picking at the plate of deep fried pickles with JJ, answering a few questions here and there about your past cheerleading, thankful the rest of the table had moved on with different conversations. The pool table finally freed up, Spencer and Derek disappearing in that direction and the three of you left at the table decided to call it a night, knowing it would likely be an early flight home the next morning.
You swung the door to your hotel room open, unsurprised to hear the shower running after Emily’s beer mishap. You flicked on the tv for some noise, mainly to alert Emily that you’d returned, you didn’t want to scare her when she came out of the shower. Wandering around the hotel room you made sure you’d collected everything previously scattered around the space, packing up your go bag and plugging in your iPad and phone. You took a couple of minutes scrolling through your phone, clearing notifications before making sure your alarm was set for the next morning. Standing from the bed you began stripping out of your clothes, folding them up into your bag before you found yourself distracted with the tv, zoning out from reality while your attention was focussed there.
“You always wear such lacy shit under your work clothes?” Emily’s voice broke through your trance and you jumped, turning to her.
“Jesus.” You swore, unsure whether it was because of her scaring you or the fact that she was wrapped in an almost too small hotel towel, water droplets still clinging to her skin, her hair pulled up off her neck to stay out of the shower stream. She bit her lip between her teeth, trying to make sure her eyes weren’t lingering on your body for too long and in the minute of distraction you managed to find your words, taunting her with the same phrase she’d teased you with at the bar. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Emily chuckled, a smirk taking over her cheeks as she stepped up to you, “it is rather fun to use my imagination.” Her hand raised, fingers ghosting over your jawline, “though as pretty as that lace is, I’d prefer it off.”
“But…” You breathed out, the proximity to her, the fact that you were both only seconds away from being naked, the alcohol surging through your veins, everything was fighting against the ethical thoughts in your brain.
“What’s the harm in one more night?” Emily asked, her voice dropping, fully as affected as you were in that moment, though she dropped her hand, wondering if she should take a step back.
“We shouldn’t…?” You managed to actually string the words together, even if there was a question at the end, because you knew that rules didn’t fucking matter to you, especially right now.
“If you don’t want to then we can forget this, I’ll get dressed.” She was about to actually step back when the words slipped from between your lips and she the spark surge through her body.
“Like hell I’m letting you put clothes on right now.”
She chuckled darkly, closing the space between the two of you, her lips meeting yours in a fiery kiss, one that both of you moaned in to. Neither of you could help it, it had been too long, too many days of yearning to feel the other’s body against yours, too many nights of pretending it was them touching you instead of your own hands or toys. Emily’s hands wound around you, easily undoing your bra and you let it fall to the floor, a second later and they were groping at your chest, pinching at your nipples and you let out a whine into the kiss.
Emily took advantage of that, slipping her tongue into your mouth, groaning over the taste of you, one she had been craving for weeks. Your tongues danced with grace against each other and it wasn’t long before your fingers slipped into Emily’s towel and it fell to the floor. She practically shivered, exposed to the cool hotel room air and in retaliation nipped at your lip, pulling a gasp from you that broke the kiss.
“You still going to be daddy’s good girl?” She husked, her lips kissing right below your ear and it was your turn to shiver.
“Yes…” you felt your body pulse at the way she kissed down the column of your neck, knowing you were going to lose all your coherent thoughts in a mere matter of minutes. Instead your hands ghosted up her sides, toying with her chest, squeezing her, feeling the vibration of her moan against your skin as she continued to kiss your neck. One of your hands slid down her body, slipping between her legs and Emily sucked in a heavy breath, her eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of your fingers sliding through her folds, “I want to taste you.”
Emily felt herself flutter at your words, a small chuckle escaping her lips before she bit into your neck, her hands resting on your hips, tugging you to her as she backed herself up towards one of the beds. Your lips met once again, moving with grace as you fell back onto the bed, shifting slightly so you were both comfortable as your hands roamed each other’s bodies. Emily wasn’t about to protest as you began to crawl down her body, leaving little kisses and nips on her skin as you went, her legs practically falling open the instant you were between them. She’d been aching for your touch for as long as she could remember, each time your fingers brushed hers, every moment that you’d poked her to get her attention she’d wished the feeling would last a little longer, that your hands would find their way to where she really wanted to be touched. Your hands grazed up her thighs, a hand sliding onto her pussy and your fingers spread her open, a small swear leaving your lips.
She was already glistening in the low light of the hotel room and you weren’t about to waste a minute before your mouth surged toward her, wrapping around her lower lips and you sucked her into your mouth briefly. Emily let out a light gasp, one of her hands shooting down to tangle into your hair and you couldn’t help the grin, knowing you were on the right path. Your tongue lapped out, swiping through her, flicking at her clit and she shuddered before you returned to her cunt, tongue dipping in as far as you could. She tasted like absolute heaven, better than you ever could have imagined and you knew that you’d never be able to get enough, burying your face in between her legs.
“Oh fuck…” she whined, “just like that angel…”
You groaned into her, the vibration sending shivers down her spine, her thighs twitching around you as you continued your movements. Your tongue pulled out as much of her wetness as it could, smearing it around her pussy, nose nudging against her clit and she gasped. You shifted your mouth up, lips wrapping around her clit as you sucked it into your mouth, tongue dancing patterns across it and her hips rocked up suddenly, a moan leaving her as her fingers tightened in your hair.
“So good.” She praised, her eyes fluttering shut as her head dropped into the pillows, heat coursing through her body.
Your mouth dropped down again, eager for another proper taste of her, sucking her juices from her while her hips rocked against your mouth. She let out a quiet cry, her legs threatening to squeeze tight around you and you let out a small chuckle, knowing the vibrations from it were enough to make her gasp once more. You shifted back up to her clit, a heavy broad lick across it before you wrapped your lips around it again. Emily let out a whimper and you felt yourself pulse around nothing at the sound, the desire to make her come growing larger with each second that passed. Your hand snuck up, toying with her dripping cunt before slipping two fingers in and she moaned.
“Fuck, yes baby… oh fuck!”
Even with just one pump of your fingers you could already feel her pulsing around you, pussy wet and warm around your digits. You thrusted them in time with the way your tongue was lapping over her clit before they curled within her, searching for that sensitive spot. It took a couple of tries but when she cried out, her hips jolted up off the bed and you knew you’d found it, not letting up as you continued to fuck her. Your fingertips brushed against the spot with each curl of your fingers, your mouth increasing suction around her swollen clit with each thrust of your hand you could feel her pussy pulsating around you, little whimpers leaving her lips as her body began to shudder.
“Oh fuck! Fuck!” The cry escaped her right as her hips thrust up, her fingers clenching in your hair, holding your face into her cunt and her body shook, juices dribbling their way down your wrist. Emily panted, thankful that you pressed a gentle kiss to her clit before your mouth left her body, your fingers gently fucking her through her orgasm.
You barely had enough time to crawl up her body before she was praising how good you were and flipping you on your back to return the favour. It shouldn’t have been a surprise that she was as talented with her mouth as she was but you still found yourself gasping for air, your entire body tingling at the way her tongue lapped through you, teasing at your clit with each lick. Her hands pinned your hips down to the bed, giving you only a little leeway to rut up against her, begging for more contact. Your breath picked up, your chest practically heaving when her fingers slid into you and her mouth wrapped around your clit.
“Oh god!” You cried out, “fuck, fuck.. feels.. so, fucking good!” A hand found its way into her hair, tugging at the roots as she continued to eat you and you couldn’t do much more than whimper. Her fingers pumped inside you, your pussy clenching down around them harder with each thrust of her hand, electricity shooting through you as the coil got tighter and tighter. It didn’t take much longer, a hard thrust from her hand as her tongue flicked against you and you were coming, body trembling, juices leaking out onto the bedspread as Emily chuckled against your skin.
You were smarter than to think that the two of you were done after only that, Emily crawling back up over your body, lips meeting yours in a lazy kiss while you caught your breath. Her lips trailed down your neck, teeth nibbling at your collarbone before she sucked a nipple into her mouth and your breath hitched in your throat, your nails scratching into her skin. Your hands began to trail across her body before one of them found its way between her legs again.
Neither of you were sure how many rounds you had gone, or how much time had passed since you first stepped into the hotel room and neither of you cared in the least. Emily currently had you on your back, fingers deep in your drenched pussy, squelching sounds echoing through the room as she straddled your thigh, grinding down onto it, smearing her juices along your skin.
“You’ve got one more in you angel, I know you do.” She cooed, her fingers crooking inside you and you groaned, your body jolting toward the touch, your thigh clenching just right that you pulled a gasp from her as her hips rutted against your body. The pleasure was prickling just beneath the surface of your skin, causing a shimmer of sweat to be contributed to the stickiness in the room.
“Fuck… fuck…” you cried, “more! Please daddy!”
Emily shifted forward, two of her fingers slipping into your mouth and you happily accepted them, tongue swirling around them, sucking them deeper between your lips. You figured it was an attempt to keep you quiet, but you didn’t care either way.
“God, look at you.” She murmured, a dark chuckle leaving her, “next time I’ll have to pack the strap, I just know those pretty lips would look so fuckin gorgeous wrapped around my cock.”
You released her fingers with a gasp, moaning into the room as the fingers in your cunt picked up their speed, matching the rhythm that Emily was riding your thigh. She shifted her weight back onto it, letting out a low moan before she spat onto your pussy, the spit slicked fingers that had been in your mouth moving to your clit, rubbing furiously. Your hands quickly found her hips, guiding them in the same pace that she was fucking you, urging her to grind down harder on you as a string of whines left your lips.
“Feels good doesn’t it baby?” She gasped, her fingers nearly stilling as they pressed up hard against your g-spot and your body began to tremble, “you gonna come for me? Come for daddy, angel…”
Her breath was ragged, nearly as ragged as yours as you felt the heat burst deep within you, letting out a moan as shook underneath her. She let out a dark chuckle, hand shifting from your clit to brace against your hip, picking up the pace she was riding your thigh. You grabbed at her wrist, pulling her fingers from you with a whimper while you caught your breath, tugging her upwards.
“Get up here.” You muttered, “want you to come on my face.”
Emily laughed, crawling up you as you readjusted quickly before she settled over your face and lowered her dripping pussy to your lips. You eagerly lapped your tongue out, groaning over her taste, one you knew you would never grow tired of; you wanted as much of her as possible tonight, no clue if you’d get another chance or not. She braced herself on the headboard, beginning to ride your face, moaning when your nose brushed against her clit. You shifted your lips upward, wrapping around it, you could tell she was close by how heavy she was grinding down on you, the fact that each roll of her hips was accompanied by a louder moan. Suddenly she grabbed at your hand, pulling your fingers into her mouth, muffled moans vibrating around them before she slipped off them,
“Touch yourself,” she gasped, her eyes fluttering shut, “wanna come together.”
You did exactly as she asked, your hand rubbing at your clit as you increased the strength you sucked at hers, moaning into her cunt, feeling the way her juices were smearing over your chin. Her clit was throbbing between your lips, aching each time your tongue flicked over it and in some miracle she cried out at in the same moment you groaned into her pussy, reaching your peaks at the same time. Her thighs trembled on either side of your face, her fingers gripping the headboard tightly as she tried not to drop all her weight down onto you. Panting, she collapsed down onto the bed beside you, her hand tickling at your bare skin while you both caught your breath.
The alarm blared through the room what felt like only a moment after you’d closed your eyes and you grumbled, reaching a hand out to silence it, knowing you had multiple set.
“Please tell me there’s enough time for coffee and breakfast.” Emily groaned and you chuckled, rolling onto your back you grimaced slightly. As you woke up fully you could feel just how sticky your body was,
“More than that.” You replied, “god knows I need a shower.”
You pushed up to sitting, swinging your feet off the bed and the sheet slipped off you, goosebumps breaking out on your skin in the cool morning air. Behind you Emily’s eyes were dragging up your body and when you glanced over your shoulder you caught her smirk.
“What?” You laughed.
“Care if I join you?” She raised a brow and your eyes widened every so slightly.
“Oh.. I thought last night might’ve been alcohol fueled…”
“Certainly didn’t hurt. Still would’ve done it stone cold sober.”
“Well then… I guess you’re more than welcome.” You giggled.
“What happens it Vegas stays in Vegas.” She shrugged, slipping from the bed and you laughed.
“We’re in Atlanta…”
“Saying still applies.” Emily smirked, spanking you before nudging you toward the bathroom.
The jet soared through the air, a relaxed vibe shifting through it, Rossi and Spencer were on the left side, half involved in the conversation, half reading their own things. You somehow had ended up beside Emily, across from Derek who was beside a currently empty seat. JJ returned with yet another coffee refill, dropping down into the spare seat with a groan,
“Did anyone else have a terrible sleep last night or was it just me? I feel like I woke up every twenty minutes.”
“Might’ve been the couple up fucking all night that woke you up.” Derek muttered, grin on his cheeks, his voice shifting into a mocking tone, “oh, harder daddy, please!” He laughed, “some people into some kinky shit.”
“Oh please.” Emily laughed beside you, managing to cover up the way her body had stiffened at his words, “as if you aren’t into some kinky shit.”
“Baby girl you wouldn’t even believe what I’m into.” He grinned across at her and she rolled her eyes before he nudged at your foot with his, “what about you, you sleep okay?”
“Like a baby.” You cast him a friendly smile and prayed your years with the FBI was enough to handle covering up a lie.
“Yeah? Prentiss didn’t keep you up all night?”
“What?” You did your best not to stutter and Emily tensed again beside you while Derek let out a loud laugh again.
“I’ve bunked with her before, she snores like a sailor!”
“Oh I do not!” She let out an offended scoff, swatting at him with the book she was holding.
A playful scuffle broke out before Dave called for the ‘kids’ to calm down and things finally did. It wasn’t much longer before the jet landed back at Quantico and you all went about your separate ways, taking the rest of the day off to recoup from the trip. It was only when you got to your car you realized your keys were still in your desk drawer. Letting out a heavy sigh you turned around, trudging back through the building. The BAU floor was practically deserted, but right as you reached your desk you heard an office door close in the direction of Emily’s.
“You forget something?” She asked, shouldering her back as she wandered through the bull pen.
“Keys.” You held up the ring, sliding the drawer they were in shut, slightly surprised when she approached you. From the moment you’d landed, there was something different about her, the way she slipped back into this Quantico role, the one where she was the boss, where this was work and that was it. Something slightly different about the way she held herself. “I’ll see ya tomorrow.” You shot her a smile and turned to head for the door when she called out.
“Yeah?” You turned back to her, your head tilting at the frown on her face and you raised a brow.
“It can’t happen again.” Her head shook, “if any of them find out—”
“I.. have no clue what you’re talking about.” You replied and it was her turn to look confused.
“What…?” She fumbled and you simply shrugged,
“What happens in Vegas...”
@ssa-sapphic @mickey-gomez @clarawatson @cabotfan42 @momlifebehard @alexusonfire @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @softgamerking @httpjupiterbby @somethingimaginative17 @temilyrights @alexxavicry  @mysticfalls01 @anya-casablanca @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @aliensaurusrex @alcabots @7thavenger @ladysc @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @disneyfan624 @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @gamma-ray-bursts @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @bookpillows @daffodil-heart @msvenablesbitch @its-soph-xx  @going-gray @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess  @kdaghay @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @bluetodie @awolfcsworld @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy
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dcbbw · 4 months
WIP Update 5.27.24--Holiday Treats Edition
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Hi-de-ho, tumblrs! It is Memorial Day Weekend here in the US, and I am spending the beginnings of the last day  of a 3-day weekend posting WIPs for the first time in what seems like forever!
And I have a lot of WIPs for you today; however, half of them DO NOT HAVE WORDS. I’ll make that up to you by posting extra-long snippets of the ones that do. It’s gonna be a mixed bag, with the majority of these stories being ideas I am unsure popped in my brain or shot themselves out of my ass.
If you have ever read at least one of my WIP updates, you know the drill: all works are in very rough draft and a state of flux; published/posted works may vary. No promises on when anything will be posted, but everything is in an extremely active state of progress.
Everything is below the cut; please enjoy!
Rating is M for Mature because it's me
9 Days a Queen: Based upon the painting The Execution of Lady Jane Grey, and a crapton  of historical dramas, this is the story of the brief yet impactful reign of Queen Riley Brooks of Cordonia.
Object of Affection, Chapter 9: Hard Day’s Night: The Mermaids are on the comeback trail!
Untitled KTAW fic: The suitor from House Theron takes a meeting with the Duke of Ramsford.
The Real Housewives of Cordonia: Lorelei and Hana: The RHOC will be a once-in-awhile series that will focus on a pivotal moment in the lives of the mother/mother-in-law and daughter/daughter-in-law of the ladies of my favorite gang. Except they’re in Cordonia, Connecticut. Once completed, this will be my #HLAW submission.
Dolos: This fic is inspired by my absolute LOVE of Homeland, a now-defunct Showtime series. The subject matter may be triggering to some, so reader discretion is advised. FYI, Dolos is the Greek God of deception, craftiness, and treachery:
“Except one player is notably absent. King Liam of Cordonia,” the host replied.
The visitor slowly lowered his fork. “You have power players such as the United States, Britain, Canada, France … Cordonia will hardly be missed.”
“You’re either stupid or think I am,” the host retorted with the slightest edge to his tone. “Cordonia is in the middle of this maelstrom and trying to play neutral. Which they cannot.”
“You’re still not explaining why I am here with you.”
“King Liam is half Auvernese, his bride is Hidaran. He will have to enter the fray, and when he does, he will be on the wrong side of history. There is a … faction that is willing to ensure that doesn’t happen.”
“Terrorist cells are forming a dime a dozen. It would seem to me that they would jump for joy at a wealthy country financing the winners.”
The host pushed away his plate, his eyes staring into mirrored lenses. “There are no winners here. It’s a complete suicide mission whoever enters the fray; the death of the Supreme One illustrates that. The fact is Cordonia will back the aggressors, regardless of how they spin it, and they have the money and resources to ensure both wars continue for years.”
The visitor lifted his teacup. “And?”
“While this is quite the distraction, other wheels are already in motion that need to be addressed now. In order for that to happen, funding must be cut and diverted. Already, the first-world countries are scaling back. There cannot be a fallback to take their place.”
The visitor sat his cup down, and leaned forward, his elbows on the table. “What are you saying?”
“King Liam must be assassinated; the faction is offering $50 million US dollars to make it happen. Do you want the job?”
This Little Life (Versions Edit): Leo Rhys has died, and his wife and lover finally have the confrontation they’ve waited 20 years for:
We’ve spent the last two decades as an unassuming family living a quiet life in the town of Rury, located in Duchy Krona.  When we were looking for a place to live, I argued returning to my home country of America, but Rury was my husband’s mother’s birth town and seemed the perfect place to escape life in the royal limelight without changing continents.
Yet another compromise I made in the name of our relationship.
Leo spent the first half of our marriage fulfilling his motocross passions and rebuilding with his love, all while using me as a depository for his seed when things went sideways with the one who held his heart. I was essentially a single mother who had hit the child support lottery. I suggested several times we divorce; those were our worst arguments.
When Asher was three, my husband agreed we needed to settle down and focus on raising our family.
We purchased a large farmhouse that sits on the banks of Kingsman River. He used his savings to buy a local farm and construction equipment company that serviced all of Krona and Valtoria to save it from being sold to developers. With his charisma and leadership skills, he was the boss everyone wanted to work for.
I’m Vice-President of Commercial Acquisitions for Cordonia Commerce, the nation’s largest financial institution, a position I was promoted to five years ago. 
We were both active in our community: volunteering at local food banks, and participants in the Krona school system: book drives, bake sales, pestering neighbors and co-workers when it came to fundraisers, coaching soccer and track & field.
There were family dinners and vacations, Sunday feasts, road trips, and pizza nights.
We have four children: twin girls Hope and Joy, who are 19; our son Luca, 15; and our youngest, Asher, who is 13. I love each of them a little harder, hug them a little tighter, and kiss their cheeks a little more often, much to their embarrassment. But I can’t help it; all of them were conceived in drunken indifference, my husband pouring his every misery into my waiting womb after arguments and rejections from another.
It's been a good life, filled with care, respect, and friendship. Honestly, Leo was my best friend. But there was no romantic love, no passion.
Because all we had built together as friends and co-parents, he was supposed to have with his lover, not with me.
I fasten my robe more tightly around my waist as I traipse downstairs; in the living room, reserved for company only, I push apart curtains and twist open venetian blinds. I frown at what passes for dusting in Luca’s world before moving on past the family room where we binge television shows and celebrate holidays.
I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine.
Finally, I am in the kitchen, the heart of our home. Arguments, homework, meals, birthday celebrations … they all happen here.  I brew a single cup of the coffee my husband loved; it’s a dark roast from Comery Isle with hints of praline and coconut, which I douse liberally with sugar and cream.
Breakfast will be simple: slices of fried ham; tomatoes, eggs, and yesterday’s rice; yogurt; fruit. I begin pulling dishes and pans from cabinets, food from the refrigerator; my body is rigid, my movements almost robotic. I silently count eggs as I place them in mixing bowl.
Routine, routine, routine.
But suddenly, I can no longer do anything, and I feel the bowl of eggs slip from my hands; I hear it crash against the hardwood flooring.
Grief for so many things overwhelm me, and I slide down a cream-colored wall to the floor, my eyes flooded with tears.
I’m not ready to say goodbye.
Stormholt: Based upon Saltburn. That is all:
My orgasm erupts from the engorged head of my dick like creamy lava from a pornographic volcano. Ropes of seed spurt into the air only to splash back against my member and increasingly sticky hand. My hips thrust against air one last time, and I feel my body shudder.
If you knew Jesus, you wouldn’t be doing that!
Riley’s voice in my mind pushes the last vestiges of the sexual fantasy that awoken me away; with still- closed eyes, I try to calm my labored breathing.
My eyes open, and I study the intricate canopy above my four-poster bed while I lay still. There’s nothing on my agenda this morning except be rich, look good, and suntan: breakfast, workout, pool.
This is the life of the Lord of Stormholt Manor.
The semen and lube are beginning to congeal on my hand, and the tip of my cock feels gummy resting against my thigh. I sit up and shift to the side of the bed; I frown at the sight of sunrise coming through closed, sheer, crimson-colored curtains.
It’s the color of fresh blood.
With the slightest twinge of guilt, I stand and push the drapes open with my clean hand before lighting a cigarette. I stare out the window, seeing my friends and lovers below.  There’s Riley and the baby; Maxwell; Constantine. Regina is in the great room; she enjoys the view of the south gardens from the windows there.
My eyes fall on HIM; anger still roils my stomach at what he did to me.
I turn away from them; I may or may not stop by to say hello. I begin heading into the bathroom, not bothering with the bed sheets; Gladys will change them. The house is quiet, but that’s to be expected. It’s only 7am; the day officially begins at Stormholt in exactly one hour.
I make short order of my morning’s hygiene; my outfit today will be robe and swim shorts. I’m fastening the sash on robe as I make my way down an immense, window-lined hallway that is in serious need of dusting.
Doors are half-open to bedrooms that currently sit unoccupied. I give cursory glances inside them: beds neatly made, light coatings of dust on furniture, bloody light leaking through closed curtains. Photographs sit on night tables and dresser tops, faces frozen in time. Their eyes look into nothingness, and their lips smile into emptiness.
Tagging: @mom2000aggie @kingliam2019 @bebepac @angelasscribbles @charlotteg234
@tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @indiacater @lovingchoices14
@umccall71 @busywoman @beezm @mainstreetreader
@walkerdrakewalker @superharriet @choicesficwriterscreations
In case you're interested: @lizzybeth1986 @daily-haley
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Why Giovanni Kidnapping Molly was the best thing that could've happened to Lorelei (aka: Why Lorelei was lucky Naven just wanted to go home)
So we don't know the exact laws of Taiga County of course, but if they're anything like US laws, Lorelei is very lucky Naven didn't press charges. "Assault with an epithet" is probably a class of laws all its own in that world, but since we obviously don't have that let's just go with plain assault laws.
Assuming Lorelei is tried as an adult (which considering she's 17 isn't much of a stretch), under US federal law she could be charged with the following (quick note: for the purposes of this I'm counting all the involuntary transformations as substantial bodily injury on the ground of it being "temporary but substantial disfigurement"):
2 or 3 charges of assault of persons under 16 resulting in substantial bodily injury (Trixie and Feenie, possibly Molly as well because some states don't actually require an injury, only an action that could cause one): Up to 5 years each
2 charges of simple assault (transformations of Rick and Naven): Up to six months each
1 charge of assault resulting in serious bodily injury (Rick, because if she hadn't healed him that dude would've died): Up to 10 years
1 charge of kidnapping (Naven): 8-20 years, depending on the state
Taking all this into account, Lorelei could serve a maximum of 31 years for her "playing". Now of course they'd probably go easy on her due to her age (not to mention the law being favorable to Inscribed anyways) but she still kidnapped a CEO of a high profile company and involved the daughter of one of the richest families in the world, so if Naven or Feenie had decided to press charges it's very very unlikely she'd escape entirely.
So overall, Lorelei is very lucky that Naven seemed to decide that confronting her trauma and losing the only person keeping the store afloat were enough of a punishment.
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polarisgreenley · 7 months
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A Bouquet of New Beginnings Ch. 17 "Calendula"
Floriography - Health & Trouble
Summary: A month into the new school year. Professor Weasley checks in on progress, and Poppy invites Artemis for some moonlight rescue.
Below is an excerpt of the chapter; full chapter can be viewed from AO3 link above.
The beds of green slowly shifted to red, gamboge, and brown to welcome autumn. Students brought out their warm cloaks and jumpers to welcome the cooler months ahead. This particular afternoon, Artemis sat across from the redhaired Deputy Headmistress in her office. Fresh cups of earl grey wafted their elegant steam as the snow-haired girl rested her hands, right over left, in her lap.
“Miss Loreley, thank you for coming to see me so quickly.”
“It was no trouble, Professor Weasley,” responded Artemis quickly. Her palm tingled from the slight rub of her thumb against the hidden scar.
“It’s been a little over a month since you’ve come to Hogwarts, and I wished to check in on your progress. May I see your Field Guide?”
Artemis dutifully pulled out the tome from her school bag with both hands.
“How have you been adjusting?” Professor Weasley asked as she began to flip through the pages.
“Well, ma’am.”
A perfect blend of bitter and sweet swirled her mouth with her tea.
“I’m glad. I was starting to worry, since you’ve shown up to breakfast only once.”
She swallowed; the liquid felt like molten lava. Her gaze fell to the liquid surface. Reflected back was her carefully neutral façade. The additional Glamour Charm hid the increasingly darkened under eye circles.
“I eat light in the mornings, Professor.”
“I see. Well, you certainly keep yourself busy. Hospital Wing volunteering, the Briar Greenhouse, and I’ve heard you’ve taken to extra broom lessons with Miss Reyes. Nurse Blainey has also expressed that you wish to undertake the next Asclepius Record.”
A small smile stretched the Deputy Headmistress’ lips. Artemis wondered if this woman had ears in every crevice of the school.
“Collectively, all the professors of the mind that you are rapidly catching up to your classmates. You’re making great progress. Well done.”
Artemis’ gaze moved toward the desk as another sip of earl grey glided down her throat.
“Professor, may I ask a question?”
“Of course.”
“The room I stayed in my first night… did it disappear?”
No matter how many times she’d passed by that hall, the door never reappeared. Professor Weasley lifted an eyebrow before she chuckled softly.
“I’d wondered when you were going to ask me. Frankly I’m surprised it took you as long as you did.”
Artemis gave a sheepish smile. “I wanted to make sure I’d not been mistaken.”
“Hm. Very well. Nurse Blainey did mention the lack of a… what was it… a Healing mannequin? Perhaps the Room will have it.”
“The… Room, Professor?”
The professor held the Field Guide toward her. “Yes. Come, I’ll show you.”
Artemis followed the Deputy Headmistress without hesitation; her heels clicked as the clumps of students parted the halls. Professor Weasley’s overwhelming presence dulled her own as she followed in the taller woman’s shadow. The seventh-floor corridor wasn’t far, and there were no students there.
“Now, walk past this wall three times, and focus on something you need. To make it simple, how about somewhere to focus on the Asclepius Record?” Professor Weasley suggested warmly and gestured her arm toward the hall.
Artemis began. To and fro, her soft treads barely made a noise on the castle floors. Her mind, however, went broader than the Asclepius Record. She needed somewhere that could offer her all the Healing texts available, including texts in the Restricted Section, for herself, for Professor Fig, for Henry, for Anne even. Somewhere to train her Healing magic. Somewhere to go that wasn’t the Witty Pear if she were ever hurt, but couldn’t raise Nurse Blainey’s suspicion.
A… clinic.
Slowly, a dark cherry wood door unfurled itself from the middle of the greyed brick, and Professor Weasley gave a noise of awe.
“Well done! I do have to say, I’d never seen a wooden door before. Go on in,” encouraged the professor.
The door opened inward to something akin to a hexagonal conservatory. Some sort of conjured sunlight warmed the room from the kinmokusei glass mosaic on the ceiling. Half of the walls were made of clear glass, and beyond was a glade that closely resembled her mother’s glade. The solid walls were painted a pale sky blue, two of them nearly covered by the dark cherry bookshelves full of every other Healing text possible – delightfully, in both English and Japanese. Two Healing training mannequins stood in the corner, where the floor was tiled unlike the rest a light English Oak.
An overly large desk with an overhead glass cabinet stood against another wall, filled with potion vials and other equipment. Hanging baskets hung on the sides, and she was pleasantly surprised the ones already filled contained dwarf roses, lavender, and mints. There was an interesting-looking quill with a bronze ink bottle that stood on the side of the desk under the soft lamp light.
Artemis breathed out in awe. “What is this place?”
“This is the Room of Requirement,” started Professor Weasley. “It’s a room that changes to fit the seeker’s needs. I requested for a comfortable bedroom for you to rest in your first night.
Now, you’ve made quite a canvas for yourself. A rather interesting Desk of Description as well.”
“Desk of Description?”
“Yes. I’m sure you’ve come across a few things you didn’t know what they were; whenever you do, place it here and it’ll tell you what the item is.”
“So, like the Information spell?” Artemis asked.
Professor Weasley nodded. “Yes, though much more powerful. I daresay you could use this space to catch up on your other studies as well. Perhaps take one of those training mannequins to Nurse Blainey?”
“I- yes, Professor, thank you.”
“Speaking of studies… I noticed that Professor Fig has put in a few requests for outdoor excursions,” started Professor Weasley. “He marked them as introducing you to the land’s history and learning to immerse yourself into wizarding communities. Now I must ask… is any of this related to what happened with the dragon attack?”
“Not at all, Professor,” lied Artemis smoothly.
A moment passed between the two before Professor Weasley gave a small, tired smile.
“I see. Now, I shall let you get acquainted with your space – you’re free to use this space as you please, though I do ask you continue to adhere to the school rules.”
“Yes Professor. Thank you, for trusting me with this.”
“You’re welcome. I did, after all, show you this on your first night; I’m sure you would’ve figured out the secret sooner rather than later. Use it well,” said Professor Weasley warmly.
Artemis nodded as she watched the redhead leave. Once the door shut, her shoulders slumped in relief. Lying had been necessary but it left a bitter taste in her mouth. She reached into the legside bag and pulled out the mysterious palm-sized box that she’d gotten from the bottom of the Black Lake. She couldn’t believe it’d been a full month since she’d picked this up.
Inside sat three, translucent stones, fashioned into ear pierces onto their velvet bed. The moment she touched one the stone changed colour until it was an iridescent blue-green with a silvery shimmer on the inside.
<<How odd,>> gasped out Artemis before she placed the box onto the desktop near the ink and bottle. Bronze runes lifted from seemingly nowhere as they encircled the box in a flurry before they coagulated into a piece of parchment where the quill wrote at a furious speed. Once it had been completed, she read the words scrawled in bronze ink.
Secret Sharer
Mid-Tier artefact, commonly used to communicate between individuals telepathically if they are within a half-mile radius. Once attuned, the stone will change to the colour of their magical core. Resets upon return.
Artemis hummed as she picked up the Secret Sharer box, and repocketed it. She supposed, on occasion, it paid to explore the lakebed. Perhaps she’d invite Richard again when he came back. Or Nerida now that they’ve started floating practise in an enlarged bathtub.
But for now, she had Healing texts to read, and a mannequin to practise on.
Her fingertips glided across the book spines until she found Duality of Healing Arts, and began to read. She’d been going to the Restricted Section on twice a week with Sebastian, and had been chipping away at its contents slowly. Now, she had the luxury of reading it at her own pace without the constant threat of Madam Scribner, Peeves, or any myriads of ghosts. The contents were not as Dark as she would’ve thought, considering where it had been located, but it did touch on the ‘other’ side of Healing arts – necromancy. Artemis scrunched her nose in distaste.
The dead should remain dead, rest from the life they’d been living.
A particular spell, however, caught her attention. She pulled the mannequin manual and tapped her wand on the rune she needed. Suddenly, the mannequin was heavily lacerated - the chicken blood flowed freely in abundance onto the tiled ground. She pointed her wand, aglow in soft green light, and attempted in a sing-song incantation.
“Vulnera Sanentur.”
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eddiemunscns · 2 years
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Guess who’s back to helping her first found family in Titans S4? 👀
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coreene · 4 months
You are so organized with your naming ♥️
Lorelei's journal please
Thank you so much for the question Ratt! ❤️❤️
Lorelei's Journal is my ongoing longfic and on chapter 42 Lorelei caught a bad cold, the gang met her mother and right before the start of ch 43 she had the Emperor dream because they learned Stelmane had died.
Putting a 2k "snippet" under the cut, coming to you from Astarion's POV. You'd think that's the whole chapter but I still have so much to write 😭
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I woke up from my trance as I felt Lorelei squirm and jolt awake from my arms.
"My love, what's the matter?" I asked placing my hand on her back and stroked her.
"I... bloody Emperor and its games."
I pushed myself up in my seat. "It was in your dream again?"
She turned her head back and nodded. I placed my palm on her forehead as I brushed back her messy hair. It felt like her fever was gone.
"How hot do I feel?" She asked with a sweet smile on her lips.
"Almost normal," I stroked her cheek and admired her for a moment. Gods, she was beautiful. Every day I woke up wondering what the hell did I do to deserve her.
"You are staring, love." She said with a playful tone.
“You’re too beautiful not to.” I said and watched her cheeks redden. I pulled her towards myself and left a kiss to her lips.
"So, what did the illithid want?" I asked settling back into the pillows.
"I am not so sure. It seemed sad about Stelmane's death." Lorelei answered as she took her place on my chest, head propped up to look at me.
"Can illithids even feel emotions?"
"It's what I'm wondering, as well. Was it trying to manipulate me or was it genuine... I don't know."
"What else did it say?" I asked as my hand stopped stroking her hair for a second before I continued.
"Gortash and Orin are losing control of the Elder Brain. Must be happening because they lost Ketheric’s stone.”
I hummed approvingly. We really messed up their wicked plans, no wonder Orin was unhinged. I thought back to what the illithid told Lorelei. "How did it know Stelmane?"
"They ran the Knights of the Shield together, apparently."
I scoffed. "Duke Stelmane, in league with an illithid. Who would have thought..."
"It tried to convince me to use the astral tadpole again." Lorelei said with a bitter tone after a moment.
I stopped stroking her hair and felt my eyebrows knit together. "Will you?"
"No, absolutely not." She spoke with determination in her voice.
I left a kiss to her head. "I thought you wanted to crush that thing. Why haven't you?"
She placed her hands on my chest. "I wanted to get your opinion on it before I did. You were quiet when I brought it up back there.”
"We both know what it is capable of. But I'm not touching it.”
"I thought since you were so eager to consume the other tadpoles… you'd want this."
“That was before I knew the cost. Before I knew it meant transforming into a grotesque beast. Even then,” I sighed before I continued. “I didn’t consume any of the regular tadpoles.”
“Really?” She asked, intrigued as she lifted her head and placed it on her arm.
“I remember how it hurt when I turned into a vampire.” I closed my eyes as I remembered. “My body writhed and warped while I was utterly helpless, the grip of death owned my heart as it beat its last.”
I felt her hand move on to where my unbeating heart was now as I opened my eyes. “I’m sorry, Astarion.”
“I don’t want to turn into anything else. I can’t do that again. I can’t watch my body be taken over.” I finished my words looking into her eyes. It was hard to read what was going on behind them.
“I would never ask that of you.” She said as she stroked my cheek.
I held onto her hand and left a kiss to her palm. “I know, my love.”
She smiled then and a frown appeared on her brows. I knew that look. “What is it?”
“I’ve just been… wouldn’t completing Cazador’s ritual turn you into something else again?”
"Lorelei," I spoke in a low tone, close to a growl. "We've been over this." I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. I felt my head throb with anger. Anger at her and anger at her words. She was not wrong. But this was the one thing I asked from her. She didn't understand just how much I had suffered. Cazador owed me and he was going to watch me as I stole his precious ritual, along with his undead life.
"I know, I was not telling you to do anything, just asking." She spoke with a fragile tone in her voice.
"Don't just ask, then. You know what this means for me." I yelled at her as I opened my eyes and looked into hers.
She opened her mouth but bit down her lip instead of talking. “I’m sorry. You're right.” She said as she pushed herself up and sat back on her knees. “I think I need some air.”
She looked so godsdamned hurt. It twisted my guts into a thousand knots. Good job, Astarion. You are so good at hurting the only person in Toril who is crazy enough to love you. I rose up at her words and held onto her hands, all of my anger, now replaced with worry.
"It's the middle of the night,” I spoke raising my hand to stroke her cheek. I let out a relieved sigh when she leaned into my palm instead of pulling away. "You're still ill, my love. You need to rest. Come back here."
I watched her swallow and her eyes glistened in the shallow light. "I... was gonna get some water."
"Let me get it for you." I said as I rose on my knees.
She looked up at me with big eyes. "Would you?"
"Of course," I gave a kiss to her forehead and picked up the empty water bottle. “I’ll be back in a second.”
Lorelei was laying down on the bedrolls when I was back, her hands playing with the edge of the covers. I filled a goblet with water and gave it to her as she rose up.
"Astarion," she said in a shaky voice, leaving the goblet to the side.
"What is it, my love?" I sat down, getting closer to her and picked up her hands.
"I..." she looked down, her free hand playing with the hem of her top. "I'm so grateful to have you. Earlier, with my mother, and the news of having a brother... I felt so weak in front of her.” She looked back into my eyes. “And having you with me, changed everything for me. Thank you."
I left a kiss to her hand and pulled her into my arms. "You will never be alone against her while I'm here. I promise, my love." I whispered to her ear and pulled back a little bit to look at her. Her eyes were glistening in the dim firelight and her lashes were wet. I placed my hands on both sides of her face, drying off her eyes and tilting her face to look up at me. "You don't need her. Okay? I’ve got you."
She nodded her eyes welling up again. She placed her head onto my chest as I wrapped my arms around her, stroking her hair. I knew she was worried. I knew she was afraid of the ritual. She didn’t need to worry about losing me as if I could ever let go of her. But me ascending meant that I could protect her, and us, much better. Why couldn't she understand that? It was so simple.
I kissed the top of her head, her wet cheeks and made my way down to her lips. She was timid to respond to my lips but soon she let go. I felt her arms wrap around my neck as she opened her mouth. I got caught up in the heat of her body, my hands exploring her back on their own. I slid them under her shirt and felt her burning skin as they inevitably made their way to her bottom. So soft and full, I loved her ass. She giggled a little bit when I squeezed it, making me smirk. I groped her ass to my desire. It had been so long since the last time I touched her. I missed it so much.
My mouth moved down to her jaw and to her neck as she threw her head back. I pulled her tighter to myself, my cock hard in my pants now, it begged for more friction. I leaned back on my arms and dropped onto my back, pulling her down with me.
"Astarion!" She squeaked with a laugh as we fell down. I laughed with her. She raised her head and looked at me, supporting herself with both hands on my chest, rest of her body tangled with mine. Gods, there was nothing I wouldn't do for her.
"Is there anything I can do for you?" She asked with a sweet voice. I knew he meant the hardness we both felt squished between us. But I had something else in mind.
"Yes." I said with a sultry voice and watched her pretty eyes widen. "Sleep."
She burst into laughter.
"What? You thought I was going to ask you to suck my cock, darling?" I moved my hips slightly upwards to emphasise.
She turned to a very cute shade of pink. "No... but I would if you did." She whispered and nibbled on my ear with kisses making their way to my jaw.
Her lips eventually found my own as we started kissing once more. It was so hard to separate from her lips. My hands wrapped around her back, pulling her into my body as our hips rocked together. The friction I felt was surprisingly pleasurable. It didn't feel like anything from before. It was new, guilt and loathing free. Just like the day in the ruins, or the night I spent alone. I slowed down our kiss and pulled back unwillingly. I wanted to explore this more but she needed rest.
"As lovely as your lips are, you need to sleep, my love." I said brushing back a strand of hair that fell in front of her eyes.
She yawned as a response and settled herself under my chin. "You're right."
I pulled the covers over us and wrapped her inside my arms while my hand stroked her back, lulling her to sleep.
"I love you, Astarion." She mumbled to my chest; voice half-asleep.
"I love you, too, my love." I said leaving a kiss to top of her head. Soon her breathing slowed down and I felt her fall asleep.
I picked up her journal and looked through it. If I was going to write our adventures, I should know how detailed I needed to be. I knew she didn’t want me to read the bits about myself but I was too curious. In my defence, I didn’t fully read them, just skimmed through to get a sense of how much of things she wrote. And there were some wonderfully detailed writings of our trysts to my delight.
I pushed myself up on my seat as I reached for the quill, taking the opportunity to write down the latest details. Once that was done, I placed her journal to the side and slid back inside the covers, pulling my love into my embrace once again. I placed my lips to her forehead as she let out a sigh in her sleep. Her fever was completely gone now. Thank the gods. I wrapped my arms tightly around her and left a kiss to her head before I allowed myself to go back into my trance once again.
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oh-atlas · 3 years
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LORELEI VOSS » Enchantment Wizard
my character for a modern oneshot this weekend! lorelei 'girlboss' voss is here to wander through a spooky park with her old friends from college and hopefully be rightfully called out for letting power go to her head & becoming selfish and manipulative after she got siren magic ☠️ get her ass
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guidingsbolt · 2 years
15 and 30 (pleading emoji) lorelei, 32 and 34 (grimacing emoji) will, 11 and 16 fen
15. Do they prefer warm days or cool ones?
cool :] i think she probably hates being hot actually it's not natural
30. How does the sunset make them feel?
nostalgic, calm, homesick
32. Do they have any expectations of how they might die?
WOW GRIMACE EMOJI! she thinks beowulf will kill her. this is kind of always a thought she has but she REALLY thinks it right now for obvious reasons
if not beowulf (or the pack) then the stranger
34. How does the moonrise make them feel?
scared, tense, powerful, sick, exhilarated, hungry
11. What were their teenage years like?
busy i think! she's from a particularly rural, communal community and was probably starting her training as a healer. so a lot of working with colwyn and like. raising livestock and gardening and babysitting and going swimming with ceri. overall i think it was pretty lovely if a lot of hard work
16. How do they feel about rain?
i think on ynys she liked the rain as a necessary part of growing the land and especially liked sunshowers whenever they happened
i think now she's incredibly grateful for any time they get out of the stacks or the curtains or the weeping city and it's not raining. she is for sure tired of being on a scale from damp to soaking wet all the time sob. and she's really happy she has good boots.
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intothemidnightcity · 3 years
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in which Weird Little Girls convince other Weird Little Girls to go home and take a bath.
(Read ahead and support the comic: https://cancanjpg.gumroad.com/ )
Twitter | Tapas | Webtoon | Gumroad | Instagram | Ko-fi | @cancan-jpg
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badpunny · 3 years
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adastramumu · 4 years
“ no one ever asks the ocean to quiet her storm, so why do you keep apologizing for yours? ”
loreley ianthe hampton
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age: 26
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: pansexual
occupation: princess of the atlantic ocean
species: mermaid
faceclaim: rachel matthews
no tw below the cut somehow?? kinda alcohol tw and general grossness toward women tw but maybe not
Underwater, image was everything to the Hampton family. Loreley was no exception to that. For as long as she could remember, it had been drilled into her head to put her best foot forward both publicly and privately. There was no room for error or imperfection; not when so many eyes were on them. The middle child and only daughter, pressure came down on Loreley in a special way—her looks were held to a standard so much higher than her brothers’ by their overbearing mother. She’d learned the art of makeup and how to perfectly style her hair young. She rose before the sun every morning, spent hours on it all and never left her bedroom unprepared. Her looks were the closest thing she had to armour. Prim and proper and put together, it had been years since anyone had seen her with so much as a hair out of place. 
If Loreley’s looks were her shield, her words and her silence were her weapons. Sharp-tongued and quick-witted, snappy comebacks were always within reach when she was young, usually swiftly followed up by a rebuke from her parents or her older brother, Thatcher. She was best seen and not heard, nothing more than a decoration. The decorum required of a royal was hammered into her head over and over; locking up any shred of personality around her family was the only thing she could do. It still managed to escape at the worst time, a snide comment or harsh look here and there was enough to draw all eyes to her in the worst possible way. Every time, she felt obligated to strive further and try harder to shove herself into the expected mold that her older brother fit and her younger brother shunned so easily.
For the most part, the world above water was a mystery to her, a curiosity to be watched from a distance. She’d listen to stories eagerly, dream of visiting and escaping from the mess her family had become behind closed doors: the alcohol, the affairs, and all the rest of it. Her one act of rebellion, sneaking up to the college in Bellport and taking business classes—the closest she’d be able to come to a college education—had nearly ended in disaster when she’d been caught by Thatcher just a few credits shy of the degree and forced to drop out. Nowhere was safe underwater; there was always someone watching. Even on land, she’d never quite been able to shake the feeling that she needed to keep up the façade of perfection.
When Liddell had suddenly shown up, Loreley had no doubts what he parents were up to. It wasn’t the first time they’d tried to shove the two of them together—as Thatcher’s best friend and the son of their parents richest friends, she had no doubt it would be looked at as a match made in heaven. Money was integral to their image; rich in-laws would bring a new influx of cash that would be sure to keep their family going for a couple more generations. Loreley was sure Liddell had no opposition, not if he would get her in the deal. The thought made her skin crawl. Overhearing the conversation about checking in on Miles was the perfect opportunity to get away—so what if she’d had to barge into the room to offer her services? Anything to get as far away from her family as possible and put off what they clearly saw as the inevitable. Maybe while she was in Bellport, she’d be able to find a way to put an end to whatever her parents were planning for her, once and for all.
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