#ch: regris
maychorianrecs · 7 years
Forge Fire by squirenonny
Forge Fire by squirenonny Words: 19,745 Author’s Summary: Keith thought he’d passed the Trials of Marmora, but when he approaches Kolivan looking for information about his mother, he learns there are four more Trials to pass before he can call himself a Blade. Kolivan, Antok, and Thace watch as Keith undertakes the remainder of his Trials, and they remember their own Trials—a grueling ordeal from which no one emerges unchanged. They cannot aid him in the Trials, but they can help him prepare, and they can help him through the aftermath. After all, the Blades are kin, and kin does not let kin suffer alone. One part Dads of Marmora, one part Kolivan introspective. My Comments: I adore the worldbuilding and the emotions and the backstories and the characterization and everything about this, basically. Kolivan's perspective is so warm and rich, and Keith's desperation to belong is palpable. The ending was ridiculously satisfying, too, and I just... This story feels GOOD, y'all. You should definitely read it.
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farmhandler · 4 years
Rating: T
Pairing: Kolivan/Keith
Warnings: Some alien biology, that’s about it
CH: 1/1
A/N: fic/art trade with the wonderful @kolikeith. They requested anything koliveith where another member realizes they are together, which I am only happy to provide!
Regris hates mornings.
It is anunspoken gripe that he has held for what feels like decaphoebs. The Blade of Marmora are early risers by necessity no matter the cycle nor the system. Their latest missions have lead them into systems that have a cycle much shorter than Regris is used to, and as a result they have been sleeping less often and waking more. The sporadic few vargas of sleep they all have managed has been wearing on his team.
Duty first, Kolivan would tell him. Ah, what he would do to sleep in.
“Quiznak,” he swears, vaulting out of bed in one fluid movement. He thwaps his tail against his bedframe in irritation as he makes quick work of his bed and then heads into their communal bathroom space. The other blades are already up and about as he makes his way to the bathroom to wipe his body clean of the moisture it produced overnight. He feels naked without his suit, but it would not make sense to dirty his clothing first thing in the morning.
“Regris,” Antok says as he passes. He is a blade of few words, but some of them he reserves for Regris. They have a strange sort of companionship not found within many of the blade ranks stationed here.
“Did Kolivan mention anything about the data we’ve been decoding?” Regris asks him, getting straight to the point. Antok eats early, and so does Kolivan, and usually Keith if he isn’t trying to get killed on some suicide mission.
Antok shrugs his shoulders. Regris’ tail swings behind him.
“You’re useless,” he says without meaning it, leaving Antok to finish his morning routine and wash his body clean.
To his surprise, he sees Keith leaning against the wall out in front of the communal space, wearing what he can only assume is the human equivalent to sleepwear. Humans have an affinity for dressing in loose clothing at night.
Regris is about to offer him a greeting when Kolivan comes out of the bathroom’s entrance, tugging at the wrists of his suit like he has just finished putting it on. He moves out of the doorway and looms over Keith, saying something quietly to him that has Keith smiling.
Regris stops moving. His tail thrashes behind him. Kolivan does not bathe often, and he is always early. Regris can count on one claw how many times they have met like this. He doesn’t particularly want to awkwardly shuffle past the pair, but the wet state of his skin is bothering him now more than ever.
Someone catches Kolivan’s attention. He steps away from Keith hastily to address them, and Keith looks around like he is surprised to find that they are in public.
When he catches sight of Regris, his face starts to turn pink. Regris cocks his head.
“Keith,” he says on approach. “Have you had a chance to check on the decoding algorithm that we’ve been running? Kolivan wouldn’t let me spend the night with it.”
“Because he knew you’d never leave,” Keith points out. Regris doesn’t point that if he stays up, he doesn’t have to war his way through every morning. He is looking forward to the day they can eradicate sleep entirely. “And no, I haven’t. Everyone on team echo is busy preparing for Kral Zera.”
Kral Zera. The ceremony meant to repair the broken empire. The ceremony that the blades are going to sabotage with a dozen bombs and take out the highest in their ranks.
“I’ll check on it later,” Regris says, and then he awkwardly shuffles past Keith and Kolivan to get to the bathroom.
Regris’ concern is always his code. Data. Interpersonal relationships are the furthest thing from his mind when he’s focused on a mission, but even Kral Zera has him rattled.
It is in the middle of the cycle, while a huge batch of data is being processed that he decides to take a rare break and head towards the cafeteria for some food. His stomach helpfully reminds him he skipped breakfast by growling loudly.
He is nearing the cafeteria when he catches the scent of Keith wafting from the other end of the hall. He picks up his pace, eager to find Keith and enumerate over the details of the Kral Zera mission.
When he turns the corner, he is once again surprised by the presence of Kolivan. Lately, the two of them have been appearing together more often than not, their scents intermingling in a way that Regris does not like. Or at the very least, he isn’t certain how to take. It is true that Keith is a valued member of the blades, but his days of being a vratling following its mother are over.
He watches them speak indistinctly, noting the downturn of Keith’s mouth to mean that the conversation is not going well. He lifts his arms in a gesture of expression his frustration, then points in a random direction. His voice echoes a little louder, but Regris still can’t make it out.
“I have been looking for you, Keith,” Regris says upon approach. Both of them turn to stare at him, and he inexplicably feels as though he is intruding. He salutes Kolivan. “I had some questions about the mission for Kral Zera.”
“You are not the only one,” Kolivan tells him. “I had intended to summon the entire team, but since you’re already here, I’ll speak freely.”
“Of course.” Regris inclines his head.
“I was just discussing with Keith how the mission is critical, and that we cannot let our emotions get the better of us.”
Keith scowls openly as Kolivan remains tense beside him. He is standing much closer than the spacious hallway would warrant, but Regris is not one to question.
“Of course,” Regris repeats, looking between them uncertainly. “The mission first.”
“At least you remember it,” Kolivan says, sounding quite unlike himself for a moment. He’s looking at Keith.
“We’re going to be fine,” Keith insists calmly. For all of Kolivan’s talk of holding back one’s emotions, he seems….distraught.
“My simulations have confirmed this is the best course of action,” Regris adds. Kolivan’s expression does not change, his scent sharp with unease. “They will be distracted by the goings-on above, and the entire sector will be guarded by a ghost staff.”
“For once we will benefit from the Galra Empire’s brutality,” Kolivan says, sounding resigned. “I know you will both perform…admirably.”
“Like we always do. We’ll get it done.” Keith turns to Kolivan. “This is going to work.”
“I am not concerned with the mission’s success,” Kolivan states, staring down at Keith. His fingers brush against Keith’s side, and Regris wants to point out there is plenty of space to his right.
“I’ll be returning to my data sets,” Regris says.
“Let me know what you find,” Kolivan tells him, his eyes flicking briefly in his directly before he returns to Keith.
Regris doesn’t see Keith alone until a few days later, right before the mission is meant to start.
The first thing he notes is the smell.
Not his smell, but the scent coating his person. It is obviously Kolivan’s. They have been spending much more time together as of late prepping for the mission, so it is not entirely surprising. They eat lunch together often as well, and Keith can be found in Kolivan’s office on any quintant.
“Ready?” Regris asks. Keith nods, and then Regris can’t help but add, “Kolivan appears worried this time around. My simulations and datasets didn’t calm him like they usually do.”
“Yeah,” Keith replies slowly, pulling his hood over his head. “He’s…distracted, I think. Talk about an emotional wreck,” he mumbles under his breath, in a tone that Regris assumes Keith thinks he cannot hear.
“We’ll be fine,” he adds. “It’s a big mission, but isn’t it always? We’ve been through worse.”
Even though it doesn’t sound like Keith is talking to him, Regris nods.
“And another thing—”
Kolivan’s voice suddenly sounds from beside them. Neither of them flinch at the sharp tone of his voice, too used to surprises as a spy unit, but Keith’s eyes instantly light up.
“Kolivan!” he says, stepping forward. He pulls his hood down. “Aren’t you supposed to be briefing team alpha?”
“Yes, I was. I just finished. As if I could leave without my echo,” he says fondly. Regris’ tail flicks behind him. His scent wafts over; he smells like Keith smells like him.
Ah, he thinks as he watches Kolivan take Keith’s braided hair in hand, making some excuse that he has done it incorrectly. Recently, Keith had decided to grow a braid. Regris is a Galra half-breed, and since he does not grow hair, its significance often escapes him.
He watches Kolivan stroke his fingers down the length in an intimate gesture and thinks, ah.
“Ah,” he says out loud.
Kolivan jerks like he just realizes Regris is there. He was near the doorway, shadowed partially, so it is possible. Apparently, many things are possible.
And now Kolivan is staring at him like he wants to murder him. As if he were to blame for his flagrant display of affection. Regris swallows, then gestures to his pad. “I was just reviewing the data with Keith.”
“The data. Yes.” He clears his throat. “Very well. I would like to hear about it. Please continue.”
Keith’s face is pink again. As the pieces are still slowly coming together, Regris remembers vaguely that it is an indicator for embarrassment, or perhaps happiness?
“If you look at this diagram, it should be easy for our spies to hide here, and then with our blades they can slice through the metal wall after arriving here…”
All the while he speaks, Kolivan stands closer to Keith than is socially acceptable among the hierarchy. Then, when Regris moves to scribble at his pad and correct a mistake, out of the corner of his eye he sees Kolivan lean down, and Keith lean up.
“I have corrected the mistake,” he announces loudly. When he lifts his head, they are both looking at him innocently. He says nothing to the pair—they will hear enough later once this gets out, but his tail swings gently back and forth, and for once he hopes that there will be a peaceful end to this adventure soon.
Mostly, so he can sleep in one morning. For once.
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dairy-farmer · 5 years
So going off of ch 22 of front juice, have you considered expanding on Keith enjoying cockslut Lance getting fucked by other people?
i haven’t actually!! the extent of the fic was basically in all i wrote but i think it could be an interesting concept!!
seeing the jealous significant other is something you really see pretty often in media, like the love triangles, the ‘we were on a break’, the old flame appears out of nowhere and sweeps the person in a committed ‘relationship’ off their feet,etc and those always had such great potential to turn into more!! and in the case of lance and keith in froot juice it’s sort of heavily implied that neither of them particularly have a problem with the other sleeping around or being with other people (see keith not feeling grossly possesive or angry in ch 31 or 21-24, 23 especially). it’s emotional infidelity for them that crosses something like keith wondering whether regris was just attracted to lance and him vs. whether if he liked them.
❤️❤️❤️❤️so yeah!! id definitly expand upon the cocksluttish lance and keith dynamic who either supervises and watches or participates but i don’t really have any plans or ideas at this time, and once im through with the semester ill definitely revisit it!!!
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artsy-alice · 6 years
Series: Voltron Legendary Defender Characters/Relationships: Keith/Shiro, Keith & Pidge, Matt & Shiro, Voltron Paladins & Coran & Allura, background Thace/Ulaz, mentioned Keith & Regris, Slav is here for fun Chapter: 6 of 6 - COMPLETE!
(Alternatively: Five Times Shiro and Keith Insist That Their Fake Relationship is Indeed Fake, and the One Time It Totally Wasn’t)
+1. Thace -
Keith cooked a lot these days, Thace noticed.
“Morning, Thace.” Keith said, not turning from his work.
“Good morning, kit.” Thace replied, picking up his mug and taking a sip.
Keith was humming. Thace looked towards his partner and Ulaz let out a bemused smile before returning to his reading.
Keith hummed a lot these days, too.
Many things were different with their Keith these days. He woke up earlier, talked more often and ate more than usual. For once, he didn’t have a part-time job. He’d never needed one, really, even before - Keith simply liked working and having his own money. But now, he spent his free time hanging out with his friends, who also came over more often lately.
“Lunch for two again?” Thace asked, peering over the teen’s shoulder to look at the three lunchboxes he was working on. One was for Ulaz, as usual. Another was for Keith. Thace was pretty sure the last one wasn’t his, because he wasn’t leaving the house today.
“It’s for Shiro.” said Keith, then he looked up at the man. “Eat already. You’re supposed to open up the clinic soon.”
Continue reading @Ao3
Here's the last part of this story! Short, and sweet, and a bit of a tease. Just Keith dealing with the deadly combination of his embarrassing uncles and his adorable not-boyfriend.
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theolddarkmachine · 6 years
Gather All Our Ghosts- Ch. 8
Bark bit into the skin of Shiro’s back where he pressed back into it, using it to hold him up between Keith’s weight that he held against his chest. He fit perfectly there as their breaths synced, falling in a steady rhythm as they sat together in the darkened forest. He’d since lost track of the time that passed as they’d talked into the night.
About nothing.
About everything.
“I never stopped looking,” Keith said under his breath, his head tipped back against Shiro’s shoulder and his eyes carefully shut against the moonlight that had shifted above them. “But the only time I could find you was in the darkness.”
A single shiver echoed through his back and pressed itself into Shiro’s sternum as he hugged the kitsune closer.
For @sheithreversebang
Partners: @dyedgreyillusion and @dudettemal
Part 8 of 10
Tags: Inugami, Kitsune, Tengu oh my; Magic and Curses; Slow Burn; Mild Action and Gore
A/N: The entire time I wrote this I had to remind myself that this thing is meant to be rated T for Teen. But uh, know that there was a saucier version of this that I may possibly explore one day as a one shot. Because, ya know, I can.
Bark bit into the skin of Shiro’s back where he pressed back into it, using it to hold him up between Keith’s weight that he held against his chest. He fit perfectly there as their breaths synced, falling in a steady rhythm as they sat together in the darkened forest. He’d since lost track of the time that passed as they’d talked into the night.
About nothing.
About everything.
“I never stopped looking,” Keith said under his breath, his head tipped back against Shiro’s shoulder and his eyes carefully shut against the moonlight that had shifted above them. “But the only time I could find you was in the darkness.”
A single shiver echoed through his back and pressed itself into Shiro’s sternum as he hugged the kitsune closer.
“I thought I’d lose you to that too,” he continued as Shiro nosed at his hair, nuzzling into the waves that fall at his temple. Warm jasmine and burning sandalwood filled his senses as his careful rumination earned him a pleasant hum.
“What is that place?” Shiro asked, his words caressing across Keith’s skin as the kitsune arched further back, exposing more of his neck as he moved down to his pulse point.
“The darkness?” Keith mused, his eyes still shut to the outside world as he felt his pulse jump beneath his lips. It sent his own crashing and ricocheting within him at a frenzied beat as he pressed a smile against its strong beat.
“I don’t know. When the curse rebound off your charm, it tethered you to Haggar, or at least part of you.”
A thoughtful pause took his words as Shiro continued his slow exploration. He knew he’d tracked every inch of Keith’s skin before, but there was something about returning to it now that made it feel wholly new. The very thought of Keith being his made his chest ache in a way that wasn’t altogether unpleasant. It was almost as if his skin couldn’t contain every emotion that made up his very being and made his heart continue beating.
“Only she knows what that place is,” Keith finally said moments later, voice quiet as the night as Shiro pressed a firm kiss to his throat before pulling away.
“And you still tried to protect me without even knowing where you were going?” He asked, unable to bite down on the smile that turned his lips upwards. The emotion that hooked itself into all his edges was something like pride, only brighter. It left his insides feeling hot and syrupy, like honey left out on the hottest summer day.
Violet flashed as Keith cracked an eye, looking sideways at him as he failed at hiding his own small grin.
“Don’t look so smug, Takashi,” he growled mockingly. “I told you I’d protect you.”
Feather soft and just as light, Keith began to trace absentminded shapes along the darkened skin of his arm as he dropped his head back against his shoulder once more. His fingertips shook slightly as they continued nonsensical tracks, giving way to his true thoughts that lay beneath the jest. Shiro didn’t need much else to know that they were mired in guilt and blame, all centered around the very arm that held Keith to him.
“You didn’t have to,” Shiro said, dropping all pretense from his voice. It caused a hitching pause in the line Keith was following over the raised veins beneath his skin.
“You would have done the same for me.” There wasn’t room for argument as Keith picked up where he left off with his thoughtless tracking, losing himself to his memories and the feel of Shiro’s curse cooled skin.
The inugami couldn’t even deny the truth of his words. In fact, he had done the same. The proof of that much lay just beneath Keith’s light touch. What’s more is he would do it again.
And again.
As many times as it would take.
“So what do you think?” Keith asked suddenly, changing the topic in the breadth of the pause Shiro had created.
“About what?”
Wisps of a breeze shifted through the trees, rustling the leaves above them and ruffling Keith’s hair, sending strands tickling the side of his face.
“Pidge.” It’s all Keith says, but it carries with it everything he truly meant. What he wanted to know was what Shiro thought about the curse.
About the purification.
About actually saving him.
“I don’t know,” Shiro said easily, honesty ringing in his words like silver. Keith’s fingertips continued their slow track along his skin, trailing his thoughts behind them. “It seems to good to be true.”
A hum rolled through them both as Keith nodded in agreement.
“What if it’s a trap?” Shiro rolled the words around, not truly looking for an answer as he let his thoughts fill the space around them. “What if they’re just trying to get to the Marmora.”
Another breeze twined itself through the trees, filling the forest with their quiet hush as they sat in contemplation.
“What if they’re just trying to get to you.”
Keith’s eyes are open now as he kept his gaze fixed upward. Light caught in his gaze as he traced the branches above.
“Then we fight,” he said up to the stars. The answer comes easily, as if there was never another option to begin with.
Maybe there never was.
Shiro sees that in the arching gleam of his smile. It’s a scythe in the moonlight that buries itself deep between his ribs.
“But what if they aren’t lying,” he continued as he turned the full power of his look to him. “What if they can really help you?”
Electricity lines Shiro’s bones and started to pick apart his insides as he stared down the barrel of Keith’s hardened gaze. What if, it said with perfect clarity.
What if.
What if.
There was so much that could go wrong, but there was so much that could go right and every possibility waged a war within Shiro’s chest, pinned beneath the weight of gleaming amethyst.
Hunk and Lance could get hurt. Kolivan, and Regris, and all of the clan that had taken him in could get hurt.
Keith could get hurt.
It should be enough for him to say no. To say that there had to be another option than turning towards an enemy that could just as easily turn on them as they could help them. It was all just too easy, and Shiro didn’t have that kind of luck. He’d already expended it all by finding Keith.
But now, looking at the kitsune with his moonlit profile, all his edges gilded in silver and crafted from star fire, he wants to be selfish.
What Shiro wanted, was to be saved.
The conflict thrummed through his skull as Keith watched on quietly before he pulled away from Shiro’s hold. Settling himself on his knees before him, he placed a steady hand to the spot over his heart and the other over Shiro’s, right over the flowered mark. The very same mark that he now remembered stained Keith’s skin.
“I’m yours, Shiro,” he breathed, the carefully picked words hitting Shiro with the same strength of a monsoon. “And you’re mine. Whatever you decide, if you want to trust them or if you don’t, I’ll follow you.”
With eyes turned pliant, Keith pulled his hand from Shiro’s heart and moved it up his neck, the burn of his skin marking where the curse had spread.
In that moment, he had a single fleeting thought set to the cadence of the pulse that beat against Keith’s palm.
I want to live.
Sandwiching the kitsune’s hand between his own against his skin, he held Keith’s gemstone gaze and nodded. It’s barely there, but it’s enough as it pushed a smile across his face that stopped time around him as he leaned in.
Brushing his smile along Shiro’s, there’s a moment of quiet calm before the inugami pushed further into the kiss with his own widened grin.
I want to live.
Sunlight crested over the trees, blanketing the clearing in a golden glow as they made their return. An simple easiness had spread itself across his chest in the night, leaving him feeling light, the only thing keeping him grounded being the strong hold of Keith’s hand in his.
Loud voices greeted them as they saw Hunk and Pidge laughing at something Lance said, leaving the brunette looking disgruntled as he crossed his arms across his chest and pouted.
In that moment, it felt a lot like maybe everything would be alright.
It was a dangerous thought.
A dangerous hope that cracked his expression wide with a smile.
Shiro should have known it wouldn’t be that easy.
In an instant, everything changed.
Pain like heated knives cut themselves deep into the flesh of his arm, twisting in the muscle and pulling a cry from deep within his chest. Clutching at his shoulder, he fell to his knees as his chest seized with the pain.
“Shiro!” He heard in the distance, his name twisting with the sound of his pulse screaming in his ears. Darkness ate at the edges of his vision, corroding it as he fell to his side. Grinding his molars together, he tried to hold onto consciousness.
“Shiro!” He heard Keith shout, his voice a point of clarity that he reached for as his breath turned ragged. Moving into his line of vision, Shiro could see the way his brows pulled together in worry. Could see the way his mouth moved as the darkness fell around him.
I want to live, he thought desperately as the black stole the rest of his sight.
The kitsune’s name was his last thought as he found himself drowning in the darkness.
They were out of time.
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The New Romantics ch. 10
(If you have songs I can add play to a playlist for this fic please let me know!!)
The New Romantics Playlist Here
And So the Moon Fell for the Sun Here
Formerly known as Frenemies
Part 1 Here
Part 9 Here
Remember, you can commission me for continuation of stories or a new story by transferring money to my Venmo @Aleida-Lopez-3 !!
Also, if you’re enjoying this story GO GIVE @hatzilla A MAJOR THANK YOU FOR THEIR GENEROUS COMMISSION!!!!!
click the OP if the read more link doesn’t show.
The castle felt oddly empty. Despite most of the team being in the castle, with Keith missing, things just didn’t feel right. It made Lance regret not talking to him even if he had been angry.
He had taken the liberty of sleeping in Keith’s room with the excuse of his bed being more comfortable. In reality, the room just still smelled like him.
Lance couldn’t help the suffocating fear of wondering what would happen if Keith went on a mission with the Blade and…. He could hardly even think it. The fear was still there, making it hard not to try and check on the Blade every hour. As it was, it’d only been a week since Keith had left.
Lance was still bonding with Red, getting used to her speed and trying not to feel guilty about leaving Blue. He also tried not to feel upset about the fact the Blue had let down her shield for Allura. It was a good thing. It meant they could try to form Voltron again. It was good.
What wasn’t good was the fact that the bonding exercises had to start from scratch and that their latest battle once again had to go without Voltron because they were still figuring out how to work together. It didn’t help that Lance’s mind was more focused on the approaching date when the team would be able to contact the Blade to see how Keith was.
He wondered if Keith had listened to the playlist yet. He wondered what he felt about it. He wondered if it made him smile, or if it made him miss Lance. He had no doubt that Keith was enjoying his training. He had no doubt that he was kicking ass. He was just worried about him going on missions.
If there was one thing Lance knew about Keith Kogane, it’s that he was an impulsive fighter with no regard for his own safety when it came to a team. While that had been fine in Voltron because Lance or Shiro could usually calm him down and help rationalize, he had no idea what that meant in the Blade. He knew the Galra, the bad Galra, had a motto of success or die trying. He wasn’t sure if that went for the Blade as well.
“Care for a slice of cake?” Hunk said, pulling him out of his thoughts. Lance jumped slightly and took the piece of cake being offered. “You gotta focus, buddy. Where’s your head?”
“I’m just worried. Here, we could protect each other. Watch out for each other. I don’t know how they’re treating him in the Blade.”
Hunk chuckled and pulled his legs up to sit cross-legged on the couch. “This is Keith we’re talking about, man. No matter how they’re treating him, Keith’s not one to back down or feel sorry for himself.” Lance grumbled and ate his cake. “You never specified, by the way. Is this… a long distance relationship thing now? Are you guys dating?”
Lance frowned and thought back to the day Keith told him he was leaving. To spending the night with him. Keith had fallen asleep first, and Lance had spent hours running his fingers through his hair, pulling him closer, kissing his forehead whenever he twitched or sighed in his sleep. Lance had been afraid to even fall asleep, knowing it meant he would be missing out on time with him. He thought to that last kiss, and the smile Keith had given him when he pulled away.
But he had been clear. Keith wanted space, time away from each other to test the legitimacy of what they felt. Lance had no doubt at all. He knew what he felt, and he knew how deep his affections ran. It didn’t matter to him how they’d sprouted, or how their relationship began. Lance also knew that Keith was different. While Lance had seen his parents create a beautiful picture of love and family and sincerity, and while he was far more in touch with his emotions, Keith had grown up differently. Keith had nothing to base himself off of. He’d said it himself- everyone he cared about had disappeared somehow. Lance couldn’t blame him for being afraid and confused with his emotions. He didn’t mind giving him space.
“We’re not dating,” he said. “We never really were.” Hunk scoffed and fixed his bandana. “What?”
“Nothing, I just…. I mean maybe it wasn’t ever official, but…. You two were definitely couple-y.”
Lance furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms. “That reminds me. You need to tell me when you figured it out.”
“Seriously?” Lance nodded. Hunk chuckled. “Remember that time we found you guys training? It was the same day we saw the claw marks on your back. Which you still haven’t explained.” Lance waved the comment away and nodded. “Well, me and Shiro overheard you calling Keith ‘baby.’ Which he shrugged off as a smartass, patronizing comment, but I know you. I mentioned it to Pidge and she confirmed it later that day.”
“That little-”
“I may be little, but I will still kick your ass, McClain,” they heard. Pidge walked in, sipping on space juice, seeming unamused. “Why am I being insulted?” She clambered into the space between the two boys, tilting herself so she was leaning against Lance while her legs were slung over Hunk’s knee.
“You told Hunk about me and Keith?”
“He figured it out himself. I was just glad someone besides me knew because I didn’t want to be the only one suffering your arguments and sexual endeavors.” Lance grimaced and pinched her, making her jump. “Asshole!” She scooted closer to Hunk, folding into the space at his side, much to his amusement.
“I didn’t even bug you that much about it.” She shrugged and sipped her juice. “What about the others. How did they figure it out?”
“Shiro sort of pieced it together the day you convinced Allura to take us back to Earth. He said he found you walking with him and he saw you both holding hands before you guys noticed him,” Hunk said. “I told him I’d been right when we saw you in the training room.”
“And Allura figured it out when Keith told her he didn’t know where he was going when we got to Earth. I think Coran saw something on the training room video camera,” Pidge said.
Lance choked and thought back, trying to remember if they’d done anything particularly… rated X in there. He couldn’t be sure, but something had to have happened if Coran found out, right?
“And they thought they were slick,” Pidge smirked.
“Still a little miffed at the fact that you didn’t tell me until you had a black eye, man.”
Lance managed to catch his breath and shook his head. “It wasn’t really supposed to…. I don’t know at what point it became more than messing around. Just… one day I realized I’d get nervous if he was around. That I looked forward to seeing him.” He shrugged. “It was sudden… but gradual at the same time.”
Pidge glanced up at Hunk with a knowing smirk. “How have you not realized by now that this isn’t a new thing, Lance?” He looked at her questioningly, sincerely confused. She shook her head and leaned forward. “Your little rivalry deal? Never really a rivalry thing. You’ve always had a crush on him.”
“Dude, I distinctly remember one night in the Garrison when you said, ‘Why does Keith Kogane have to be so stupidly perfect.’ So, yeah now that Pidge mentions it, you’ve always sort of liked him.”
“You sound smug considering you’re the guy who still hasn’t realized he likes a certain alien girl whose name rhymes with…. Uh… well, Shay’s name rhymes with a lot, but you know what I mean.”
Pidge rolled her eyes and stood up. “Well, you’re boys. You can be so ridiculously blind sometimes.” She left without a glance back and Hunk frowned.
“That’s… her angry vibe, right?” Lance mumbled.
“Something like that,” Hunk answered. “She’ll probably either explain or get over it later. Anyways, you need to step your game up if you don’t want Shiro nagging you about responsibility and threatening you with not letting you see Keith when we do contact the Blade.”
Lance rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help but wonder if Shiro would actually prohibit him from those “conferences.”
“Again!” Keith called out.
“Perhaps a break-”
“No! Kolivan said I would be treated just like anyone else when I joined. So stop going easy on me, and let me train!”
Regris huffed and nodded, resuming a fight stance to challenge Keith again. “Plant your feet. Stay light so you can move quickly. Eyes everywhere.” A tail swept Keith’s feet out from under him, but he rolled and came up on his feet, forcing himself to focus more.
After a few more rounds against Regris, Keith finally agreed to taking a break and smiled at the praise he was given.
He was the smallest part-Galra on the Blade’s base, but the others had seen his agility, and there was no doubt in their minds that he was in fact a Galra. Keith wasn’t sure if he should be proud of that yet. There were still many things unanswered. He had no idea where his father had gone, why he’d left. No idea who his mom was and why she’d had him only to leave him.
So far, all he’d been doing was training.
And listening to his playlist on his breaks. And to fall asleep. He loved going through the songs and smiling as he thought of Lance creating the playlist. A lot of the songs talked about being in love, which made Keith a little nervous, but then again it’s not like songs could say “I really, really, really like you.” That was just awkward. So he supposed it was a necessary hyperbole. There was no way Lance could be in love. They didn’t know much about each other anyway. It was a simple marketing stunt in the songs, because love songs sold, not crushing songs, and…. And it didn’t really matter. The songs brought Keith a sense of serenity.
It made him want to tackle Lance into a kiss, it made him want to hug him and never let go. It made him wish he was there at night when he was falling asleep, humming softly like he used to. It made him miss Lance.
He couldn’t help but chuckle at the concept. If someone had told him three or four months ago that he would reach a point where he missed the blue paladin, Keith would’ve laughed or maybe punched the person in the face. And yet here he was.
“You should eat.” Keith glanced up at Kolivan. He couldn’t discern his emotions which freaked him out a bit.
“Yeah, in a bit.”
“You’ve trained for hours straight. Get food before you pass out.” Keith raised an eyebrow at him, but bit his tongue. Arguing with the Galra who allowed him to come wouldn’t be smart. “We’ve got a mission coming up, I need you at your best.”
“You’re letting me come?” Kolivan nodded and Keith straightened, making his way to the small dining hall the Blade had. He ate slowly, trying to get used to the change in food. They didn’t have Hunk here to make everything taste decent.
A file was placed beside him and Keith opened it cautiously. It had been translated into English for him. Something about the seize of a Sigma 3 quadrant. And their new target location. A base, the only one the Galra had left. That’s where they were going today.
Keith finished his food, and read over the file again. Then he changed into his Marmora suit and went into his assigned pod. He was with Regris and Kolivan. They didn’t speak as they launched. Keith busied himself with his playlist again.
“It would help if you weren’t obsessing over that device before your first mission,” Kolivan snapped. Keith looked at him and clenched his iPod.
“It helps me focus.” Kolivan hummed and Regris nudged his leg with his tail. Keith ignored them and continued to listen.
When they docked, Keith tucked his music away and followed them out onto the base, sneaking along the top floor to where there was a shuttle landing. Kolivan seemed uneasy. “We destroyed the Komar. How are the Galra still producing such vast amounts of quintessence?” He gave Regris an order to find the source, but Keith had his eyes on the Galra bringing in the ships. There was something different about this quintessence. Something Allura had said tried to make it to the forefront of his mind.
Then Kolivan was addressing him. “Get a reading on the shipment.” Keith nodded and started to leave when he felt a heavy hand on his arm. “Remember. This is purely intelligence gathering. Do not engage.” Keith scowled, thankful it was hidden behind his mask as he nodded.
He slinked between the halls, listening attentively for the sounds of Galra footsteps. He found a shipment and scanned it with a device he’d been given before boarding, connecting the information to Kolivan. Again, this form of quintessence seemed different. He’d seen Allura create it, had seen it’s power as pure and good. But something about this one, and its level of power…. It even disturbed Kolivan.
He processed the footsteps of a guard a second too late. Keith turned in time to throw his blade at a Galra guard, letting it sink deep in his chest plate, but couldn’t help the sinking feeling in his stomach when the guard’s gun went off anyway. Kolivan aborted the mission and Keith internally groaned, having just a few dobashes to get back. Knowing the Blade, it wouldn’t matter if Keith was back in the pod yet or not when the timer hit zero. They would leave.
He ran down the hall, prepared to come across more guards. He couldn’t help but think that if his sharpshooter were here, he’d have taken most of them down as they ran toward them. But Keith was alone, which meant showing he belonged where he was. He was quicker than them, and easily found their weak points in the metal armor. Keith was going off an adrenaline rush more than anything, moving before he really even knew he needed to. He’d slipped between the guards, slid beneath their weapons, and attacked before they could process where he’d gone.
He could almost hear Lance’s wolf whistles and praises. They had often distracted Keith in training before. But this was reality. And if Keith was caught, he’d never see Shiro, Lance, Pidge, or any of the others again. He ran despite the ache in his lungs and the burn in his thighs.
He made it to the pod where Kolivan stood, looking at a timer. “He’s not back?”
“He’s got thirty ticks.” Keith scowled. Of course Kolivan wouldn’t care. Of course he wouldn’t go to find Regris himself.
They had a mission, and Keith didn’t care what Kolivan’s motto was. He raced back out to find Regris. He hadn’t been far. But he was unconscious, with a couple of Galra guard closing in on him. Keith flung his dagger and used the momentum in his run to kick the other one against the wall, rendering it unconscious. He retrieved his knife and slung Regris across his shoulders. He was nearly twice his size, but Keith wasn’t leaving him behind. Not when he’d been the first one friendly enough to help Keith, the one who always helped him train. Not when he’d been the first to make Keith feel welcome in the Blade.
The door was shutting by the time Keith raced back. Even though part of him know Kolivan would’ve left without him, he couldn’t help the shock he felt actually seeing the pod prepare for takeoff. He tossed Regris in and collapsed to the floor, gasping for breath.
Kolivan activated something in Regris’ suit as Keith asked about his wellbeing. But Kolivan simply turned to him and growled, “You broke protocol.”
No thank you. No praise. No “are you alright?”
Keith had to bite his tongue again. “I had to.”
“You didn’t consider that something might have happened to you!” Keith’s eyes widened as he looked Kolivan in the eyes, mask gone. “That would’ve made two men down instead of one,” he added quickly. “This isn’t Voltron!” Keith tried not to wince at that.
He was well aware he wasn’t with Voltron anymore. He didn’t need reminders. “I went back to save the mission. Regris had the intel.” He pulled out the drive that Regris had taken with him. “Getting him, and it back on the ship was worth the risk.” He pushed it into Kolivan’s hand and walked to the opposite side, pulling his iPod out again and trying not to miss home.
At least he could bullshit his way out of trouble. Let Kolivan believe he’d only gone back for intel. He wouldn’t have carried Regris back on if that were true. He couldn’t just change his morals within a week. In his heart, he was still a paladin. And that meant saving those who needed it.
After returning to the Blade’s base, Keith went into his room and pulled his sketchbook and charcoal pencils out. He was working on something special, and when he needed to wind down, he liked to put his energy into this until he calmed down. A few moments later, he heard a knock and when he turned, Regris was standing in front of him.
“You’re a brave warrior, paladin.” Keith smiled, thankful that someone still saw him as a paladin. “I’d like to thank you for going back for me.” Before Keith could tell him it wasn’t a problem, Regris sighed and added, “But you must be more careful. Things like that will make Kolivan think you shouldn’t go on missions.”
“Seriously? What is the problem with wanting to save people-”
“You don’t understand, Keith,” Regris said softly. “Kolivan hasn’t always had the mindset of single sacrifice. He’s not a bad leader. He’s… simply seen plenty. Lost plenty.”
“Thace and Ulaz,” Keith remembered.
“To name a few. Just be careful, paladin.” Regris left and Keith sighed, sitting down to add a few more outlines.
Keith knew a thing or two about loss.
Back on the castle ship, the paladins were finding ways to form a coalition against Voltron. Which meant gong to different planets, giving speeches, and trying to form alliances. It hadn’t been much of a problem before, but now that they struggled to form Voltron, it wasn’t as convincing for others.
Everyone’s spirits were down. And Lance could tell he wasn’t the only one missing their Samurai. Pidge and Shiro were both quieter than usual. And as much as Hunk tried to talk to Pidge, she assured she was fine.
Lance found her studying a Galra security video on her computer, headphones over her ears, curled up on the couch in the lounge. He hopped over the back and plopped beside her, jostling her. She removed her headphones and raised an eyebrow. “What’s up Lancey-Lance?”
“Not funny. Blue shut me out before I could even explain what was happening.” She scoffed and smiled apologetically. “You’ve been sad.”
“So have you. Everyone has. Keith left, and we’re messing up the coalition alliances….”
He took a deep breath and nodded. “I guess I’m just curious as to… when you got so close to him.”
She looked up from her screen, the clacking of the keyboard coming to a stop. “There’s stuff I could talk to him about that I couldn’t with everyone else.”
“Why do I find that hard to believe?”
She scowled and shut her laptop. “Well it can’t be that much harder to believe than believing the fact that he liked making out with you.”
Lance stuck his tongue out at her. “Touché. It is hard to believe.”
Pidge blinked and blushed. “Oh, crap. Lance, I didn’t mean it like that, I-”
He laughed and waved his hand. “No, it’s cool. I get it. But I mean it. It was surreal when he told me. Hell, I find it hard to believe I fell for him. But shit happens. You fall when you least expect it.” Pidge snorted and nodded. “You’re agreeing.”
“Do you like someone?”
“Nope.” She opened her computer again, clacking away.
Lance hummed and drummed his fingers on his thigh. “Can I ask your opinion on something?” She looked at him for a second. “You’re smart and analytical. You think through stuff.”
“I appreciate the compliments. What’s up?”
He bit his lip and thought back to what Keith said before. About his doubts. “Do you think it’s plausible that me and Keith only fell for each other because we’re stuck in space together? I mean… that’s what he thinks. He kept saying it was fake, or it wasn’t real. But… I mean, no one else has started crushing on each other here.”
Pidge took a deep breath and ran her finger over the hem of her shorts. “I mean… I guess it is a possibility. But like I said, you’ve always sort of liked him. I don’t think you would’ve agreed to this thing you guys had if you didn’t. Like, if Hunk had offered to help, would you have accepted?”
Lance pondered that and shook his head. “As handsome as he is, no I don’t think so. We’re too close.”
“Right. And if Allura had offered?”
Lance winced and waved his hand in a see-saw motion. “Granted, I’ve always thought she’s incredibly beautiful. I probably would’ve been tripping over myself if she’d offered.”
“Then you can see why Keith wanted the time apart to test the validity of everything.”
“Well, yeah, but it’s not like I’m still fawning over her. He changed that.”
“Because he had sex with you?”
“No! Because I got to know him and why he is the way he is and I liked how he played with my hair to fall asleep and how he always listened and didn’t let me feel bad for feeling bad and I liked making him laugh and I liked that he challenged me and didn’t just see me as a joke or something, you know?”
Pidge smiled at the deep blush that had permeated his dark skin. “Maybe you should tell him that too. But give him his space. Remember, this is the same guy who got abandoned by a Galra mother and who lost his dad and got kicked out of the Garrison and lived in a desert shack. Jesus, he needs therapy.” Lance rolled his eyes and nudged her. “Look, he’s not out there just because of you. He wants to understand his past. He’ll come back, eventually. And it’s not like we won’t see him. There’s going to be meetings and missions and video conferences.”
“I know. I just keep worrying that… something will happen to him and we won’t be there….”
Pidge sighed and nodded. “Believe me, I know the feeling. The more time passes, the more I fear I’ll be too late for Dad and Matt.”
Lance peeked around to her screen. “Is that what you’re doing?” She nodded and continued to type away, but Lance wasn’t sure what all she was writing.
“I’m so close. I know who I can talk to, and if it goes well and I get the info I need…. I might be able to find Matt.”
Lance frowned and stood up. “Yeah. Just… be careful Pidge. We can’t lose you too.”
She smirked and pulled her bayard out from a small pack she had beside her. “Don’t underestimate a girl looking for her family.”
“Anyone who underestimates you would be lucky to see another day,” he said. She lifted her chin and smiled a little wider. “Don’t leave without telling us, though.”
“No worries,” she said, waving him away as he left.
The next mission… hadn’t gone too well. Keith was still sitting in his room, remembering, staring wide-eyed at the floor.
Regris was gone.
Keith kept reliving those few seconds that seemed to elongate into hours in his mind. It was like rewatching a part of a movie frame by frame. Regris, begging for more time to override a decoy ship, Keith instinctively trying to go after him to pull him out, the hard yank on his uniform that pulled him away just as everything exploded, Keith screaming for Regris as he was dragged back.
And then he’d been left out in space. Floating weightlessly, with nothing to grab onto to haul himself back. His comm had gone out, he couldn’t even contact Kolivan. Keith had been certain his death would be slow. That he’d drift off forever until he was nothing but bones in a uniform. Then he’d managed to cling to the debris, found the stupid ship they’d arrived in, and started leapfrogging his way there only to get jostled and tossed around by the same debris.
When he’d finally made it onto the ship before it closed, he could only do his best to catch his breath and not scream at Kolivan who stared at him through his stupid Blade mask.
Keith couldn’t bring himself to move. Couldn’t bring himself to get the image of Regris out of his mind.
There was a part of his mind that recognized that Kolivan had saved him, despite his little mantra of every man for himself. Keith wanted to be grateful, he knew he should have been. But what about Regris?
There was a knock at his door and despite not answering, it opened. “How are your injuries?”
Keith winced slightly at the sound of Kolivan’s voice. “Fine.”
“You cannot mourn every death in a war. It will get you nowhere-”
“You don’t know the first thing about mourning,” Keith spat. He looked at him and stood up, hands clenched at his sides. “I could’ve pulled him back! We could have saved him, but you decided to run before even thinking of him!”
“You wouldn’t have been able to get him and yourself out alive, as it is I was barely able to keep you from being blown up along with him!”
“You get angry with me for wanting to save our team members, but by abandoning them you only lose more! How could you run the Blade like this-”
“I’ve had enough of your backtalk, Parius! You’re stubborn, insubordinate, and reckless. Until you learn to follow protocol, you are banned from future missions.”
“Who the hell is Parius?”
“You called me Parius.”
“It doesn’t matter. Do you understand what I just said?” Keith clenched his jaw and stared at Kolivan. “Answer.”
“Yes,” he hissed. Kolivan nodded and left the room quickly. Keith screamed and threw his blade at the door in a fit. He felt frustration bubbling in his limbs. His hands shook as he found his pencils and sketchbook. He sat on his bed, ignoring the stinging in his eyes. He hadn’t known Regris long, but he had been kind when Keith needed it.
Despite the rest of his body feeling tense and angry, his hand managed to remain steadfast as he created the curves and lines of Regris’ face. Keith sketched silently for a long time, giving Regris a serious, determined expression, softened by the shading of his eyes, a slight quirk of his lip you could only see if you looked hard enough. When he was done, Keith stared at his work and took a deep breath.
I’m sorry I couldn’t save you, he thought. But now you’re immortal.
Later that night, Keith had gone to train with a different Galra. Apparently, this one was aware of how troublesome Keith could be, and she wasn’t taking anything less than excellent from him. Keith ended up bruised and beaten by the end of the session, unable to walk without feeling sore.
“You’re persistent. That’s good,” his new trainer said. Keith hummed. “Don’t overwork yourself, small one. You could be useful in missions. Just stop acting out against Kolivan.”
“I’m not. I’m just trying to do the right thing. I know this isn’t Voltron, I know it’s different here. But I don’t think it’s right to leave teammates behind because it’s risky to save them. With a war like this, we could use every man we’ve got-”
The Galra chuckled. Keith vaguely remembered her name beginning with an A or something. “I can see why Kolivan keeps you around instead of sending you back. You are very similar to his late son.”
“He had a son?”
She nodded as she walked beside him to get dinner. “Yes. Kolivan lost his wife on a mission during the earlier years of the Blade. But he had his son. He was a lot like you. Stubborn, eager to fight, to be better. Willing to die for the cause if it meant he was saving people. And as much as Kolivan told him war isn’t about being willing to die, but having the strength to live, he didn’t care. He went on as many missions as he could, broke protocol consistently.”
“Why didn’t they just ban him from missions like Kolivan did to me?”
She smirked and shook her head. “Because each mission was a success thanks to him. Blade members returned alive. He got in trouble, don’t doubt that. But he was needed on missions. I assume that’s why Kolivan chose a different route for you. To save you before you followed Parius’ footsteps.”
Keith frowned and felt a sense of guilt settle in his stomach. That was the name Kolivan had used earlier. “How did he die?” he asked.
The Galra woman sighed and nudged him along the line to get food. She waited until they were seated to explain. “He went on a mission with three other members. They wanted to steal the Red Lion from Zarkon’s ship before he acquired another one. The plan was for the Blade to locate each lion and form Voltron ourselves. The Red Lion’s location was the only one we were aware of.” Keith clenched his jaw. How was it that Parius had died on a group mission to do what Keith had gone alone to do?
“The guards found them, and the leader of the mission at the time called for a retreat. But Parius’ friend had been captured, and Parius refused to leave him behind. Had he listened and retreated, they could have come back missing only one Blade member. As it was, Parius stayed and fought. It was said that he was lethal and agile. So much so that he encouraged the others to ignore the command for retreat as well.”
Her face became grim and she took a deep breath. “The guards fell back. They thought they’d won. Then the explosives were thrown in. Only one Blade member of the six that went returned. Kolivan didn’t speak for- I believe you humans call it weeks. He’d lost everyone.
“Since then, he’s been adamant about it being every man for himself. The death of one over the death of many.” She looked at Keith and put a clawed hand over his. “If he’s hard on you, it’s because he doesn’t want history repeating itself.”
“I’m not his son,” Keith said.
“That’s not what matters.” She sighed and ruffled his hair. “Just be patient, Keith. Perhaps you can learn to follow orders by being here.” He scowled and she chuckled at his expense.
Keith did his best to “behave.” He didn’t mention Parius, but he didn’t apologize for his so-called insubordination. He simply remained passive around Kolivan and continued to train.
It wasn’t until after his training session with Astriaga- Keith had finally overheard someone calling his trainer- that Kolivan approached him some days later. He prepared himself for another lecture, for some weird little chore to test his obedience. Instead, Kolivan simply regarded him coolly.
“Would you like to join me in talking to your friends in Voltron? I have a scheduled video conference with them.” Keith couldn’t help but perk up. He hadn’t seen his friends, his family, in too long.
“Yes, of course!” he said. He swore Kolivan even smiled a bit.
“You can also get ten dobashes to speak to them privately when my conference is done.”
“Really?” Kolivan was being oddly generous. Keith wasn’t complaining, but… it was strange. “Thank you,” he reminded himself to say.
Without another word, Kolivan led him into a communication room where he brought up a holographic screen. He pressed a few buttons and Keith waited with bated breath. In a few seconds, the screen flickered and he saw the paladins and Alteans looking at the screen in anticipation.
As soon as the screen processed the images, Keith saw all of their faces brighten. He noticed Shiro relaxing, noticed the way Lance took a step forward, the way Coran’s moustache twitched, the way Pidge reached out to grab onto Hunk’s arm. He’d never seen a group of people so undeniably happy to see him. It made something lodge in his throat, but he couldn’t help smile affectionately at the screen.
Allura struggled to refocus on Kolivan, to regain her serious, business face. “Hello, Kolivan. Is there any news on the quintessence?”
Kolivan filled them in while Keith let his eyes wander to each of the others. Lance was trying to be discreet about waving at him. He kept biting his lip and shifting from foot to foot. It made something warm bloom in Keith’s chest. Pidge kept fiddling with her glasses, holding on to Hunk like he was the only thing keeping her from rapidly filling Keith in on everything he’s missed. He couldn’t help but smirk at her unconscious choice of anchor. Shiro’s eyes flitted from Kolivan and Allura to him, seemingly relieved that Keith was safe and doing well. Coran had crinkles in the corner of his eyes which Keith equivalated to a proud smile.
Once they had been briefed on the missions and Voltron’s attempt at a coalition, Allura let out a breath and smiled. “And how has Keith been doing in your ranks? He’s a skilled fighter.”
“That he is,” Kolivan agreed, much to Keith’s surprise. “We’re simply having a few… disciplinary issues.”
The others stifled scoffs and laughter. “That’s not new,” Shiro said, giving Keith a reprimanding look. Keith could only roll his eyes.
“I’ll leave you to talk. Ten dobashes,” he reminded Keith. He nodded and watched Kolivan leave.
“Seriously, dude? More discipline issues?” Hunk said, laughing.
“Whatever, I’ll get better,” Keith said. “I got banned from missions because of it, so….” He shrugged. “How have all of you been?”
“We miss you dearly,” Allura said with a smile.
“I miss you guys too,” Keith admitted.
“Keith, guess what?” Pidge said, lurching forward. “I found Matt! I found him! He’s sleeping right now, but he’s here! And he’s okay! I gave him a tour of the place and everything.”
“Are you serious?” Keith asked in surprise. She’d finally done it! She found her brother!
“She kicked some ass too, based on what I heard,” Hunk added. “Including Matt’s.” He laughed as Pidge nudged Hunk and rolled her eyes.
“We’re also working on getting other planets to join the coalition. Coran’s in charge of it,” Shiro said. “We’re working hard here. How has it been there?”
“A little tough,” Keith admitted. “But it’s nothing I can’t handle.”
Allura chuckled and nodded. “It was truly wonderful to hear you’re doing well, Keith. I’ve got to go help Coran with some preparations. Shiro, would you like to join?”
He smirked and nodded. “Behave!” he called back to Keith before leaving.
“Yeah, come on, Pidge, maybe Matt woke up,” Hunk said, tugging her arm.
“But I wanted to talk to Keith still.”
“Come with me and I’ll give you cookies.”
She groaned. “You know I’m weak for cookies!”
Keith chuckled and teased, “Yeah, Pidge. Don’t want to pass that opportunity up, do you?”
Pidge focused on Keith and stuck her tongue out at him, flipping him off. “Just wait till I get you in person, Kogane!” Keith laughed as she followed Hunk out, ducking her head to hide the blush.
He looked over at Lance and bit his lip. “Hey there.”
“Hey,” Lance said with a wide smile. “God, I miss you. Like, I know I’m talking to you, but….”
“Yeah, I know,” Keith nodded. “Oh, I’ve been listening to the playlist! I use it to calm down and go to sleep.”
“Really?” Lance’s face lit up. “Do you really like it?”
“I love it. Although, there’s a lot of Spanish songs on there. I get the mood from the rhythm and the melodies, but… I don’t understand them.”
Lance smirked and shrugged. “Guess you’ll just have to wait till you’re back for me to translate for you.” Keith rolled his eyes and smiled. “So…. Discipline issues. Same old Keith.” Keith tried to chuckle, but he couldn’t help the furrow of his eyebrows as he thought of the last mission he was on. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
He shook his head and looked at the screen to find those annoyingly beautiful eyes on him, bright and worried. “Nothing. It’s just… when I first got here, there was a Galra that was really nice to me and… we lost him on a mission. Kolivan has this stupid mantra about the death of one over the many. And then my new trainer said I basically remind Kolivan of his dead son, and I just….” He sighed and shrugged as a blush filled his cheeks. “I just really wish you were here.”
“Well,” Lance said, drawing the word out. “You could always… come home…?” Keith frowned and Lance managed a small chuckle. “Yeah, it was a long shot. I know…. You wanted space and time to figure out some stuff. Just… don’t let them mess with your head too much, okay? I want my mullet headed samurai back in one piece thank you very much.” Keith laughed and shook his head. “So, what’s your favorite song on the playlist. That you understand at least.”
He thought for a moment and smiled. “I really like the slower ones. I listen to The Devil’s Tears on repeat to go to sleep. Also, I have a bone to pick with you!” Lance blinked and Keith glared at him to get his point across. “There’s a song on there called Shorty? I am not that much shorter than you!”
Lance burst into laughter and covered his mouth. “Oh God, you mean the one in English and Spanish?” Keith nodded. “Well, you are still shorter.” Keith scowled and Lance only laughed more. “Well, really it’s the rest of the lyrics that make me think of you. Promise.” Keith rolled his eyes and finally let himself smile at him. “So I’m a little curious about something.”
“When aren’t you?”
Lance ignored him. “I asked Pidge when you guys got so close, and she said it was because she could talk to you about stuff she couldn’t talk to me and Hunk about.”
He shrugged. “I suppose that’s part of it.”
“What things?” he asked. “It’s killing me! Pidge used to tell me everything back at the Garrison! Well, aside from being a girl, but whatever.”
Keith chuckled and shook his head. “I’m not telling if she’s not. I mean, she helped me a lot whenever we’d argue and stuff. Goes both ways.” Lance groaned and huffed. “She’ll tell eventually.”
“Do I get a hint?” Keith smirked and shook his head. “Ugh. Okay. That’s fine. Anyway, are there any cute Galra there I should be wary of? Anyone gonna steal you away?”
Keith snorted and shook his head. “No, Lance. I think I’m the youngest here. And everyone’s super hyper-focused on Zarkon. I should be worried about you. With you guys going around for the coalition, there must be alien girls all over you.”
“Boys and girls,” Lance reminded. Then he frowned. “No. Actually, that hasn’t been going too well. Coran keeps slipping up, and I’m not sure if he’s okay. He swore he was gonna do better, but I mean…. I don’t know. I’m a little worried.”
Before Keith could answer, he heard Kolivan come back in. “Time’s up, Keith.”
“Okay, yeah, I just gotta say goodbye.” Kolivan huffed and left. “Maybe you should talk to him. It’s probably just really stressful.”
“Shiro said to give him one more chance before going and interrogating him. I just really hope he’s all right. You gotta go, huh?” Keith nodded. “Okay, well…. Stay safe, okay? If you go on a mission again and stuff, just… I know your instinct is to save the day, but….” He sighed and ran a hand through the curls on his head. It was longer than Keith remembered. “I keep freaking out about something happening to you on a mission.”
The door opened again, and Kolivan said, “Keith, log off already!”
“I’m going!” he snapped back. He rolled his eyes before returning to look at Lance. Keith smiled fondly at him and nodded. “I’ll be careful. I promise. Knock ‘em dead, Sharpshooter. You guys can do this.”
“I can’t wait to see you again.”
“I heard you, Kolivan!” Keith said, waving him away. “I can’t either. But I do have to go if I don’t want my video chatting privileges taken away.” Lance snorted and gave him a two-fingered salute. “Stay safe, Lance. Bye.” Lance waved and Keith used every ounce of strength to shut the video off. “There, I’m off, relax!” Keith muttered turning to him.
“A simple rule, and you still ignore it.”
“I was saying goodbye!”
“Stop backtalking.”
Keith groaned and crossed his arms. “Whatever, I’m going to my room.”
Click Here for ch. 11
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maychorianrecs · 7 years
i spy with my little eye, something beginning with squeak by prettyshiroic (AnalystProductions)
i spy with my little eye, something beginning with squeak by prettyshiroic (AnalystProductions) Words: 5,694 Author’s Summary: “Look it doesn't - it doesn't matter just, it’s - what are you doing here?!” The mouse looks up at Keith. It understands what he’s saying, it absolutely does. But it's purposefully choosing to ignore his question. The audacity. Keith grits his teeth, running a hand through his hair. It's not like they can go all the way back to the castle now. The planning for the mission is underway and they’ll be taking off soon. Probably as soon as tomorrow, even. The war won’t wait for them. They have to keep going. Mice and all. “You can't be here. It's too dangerous it -” the mouse is tiny, comfortably fitting in his hand. “You're a mouse?!” Keith exclaims, voice low. It’s ridiculous. This cannot be real, but it is. The yellow mouse flexes its arms with gusto, pulling all kinds of poses as if to say it's strong and perfectly capable of fighting in this war. Keith seriously doubts that. ---- Keith leaves for the Blade of Marmora, and soon discovers - in more ways than expected - he's not alone... My Comments: This is SUPER sweet. Platt’s mannerisms felt very mouselike, and I loved the reason he was there. Keith also has a lovely roommate in a not-dead Regris, which is bonus.
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maychorianrecs · 7 years
put this stuff back where it came from, or so help me by prettyshiroic (AnalystProductions)
put this stuff back where it came from, or so help me by prettyshiroic (AnalystProductions) Words: 9,055 Author’s Summary: “Unbelievable.” Platt’s eyes widen, posture straightening and perking up at the words. For some reason, the mouse looks positively content. Oh. Right. Keith almost forgot. The mouse doesn’t get sarcasm. “No that - that is not a compliment!!” ---- After a long mission away, Keith returns to a few big surprises... My Comments: Sequel to a previously recced fic about Platt going with Keith to the Blade base. It's funny and heartwarming and sweet and unexpected and so, so good. I love the OCs, and I love how the author writes Keith and Kolivan and Regris, too. Such a fun fic.
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