dailysmilingnatsume · 11 months
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loichte · 2 years
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*heavy breathing noises*
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princessofxianle · 2 years
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achtung-attitude · 1 year
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April 1991. People took to calling them the Opposite Brothers: in spite of how different they were, Ganmyeol and Gangak became close as brothers. Their 17 year bond cemented in their joint business venture: an auto-repair garage run entirely by Korean immigrants. Gangak became renowned in his community as a friend to all. Ganmyeol took a backseat, managing their finances.
On that day in April, Ganmyeol sat apart from the rest of the workers, reading his newspaper as they talked. They discuss what the whole city is discussing: the shooting of a black teenage girl by an old Korean shopkeeper, all captured on security footage.
“Self-defense.” Gangak declared.
“Self-defense?” Park repeated, incredulously.
“Self. Defense. For all she knew, her store was getting robbed. What's she supposed to do?”
“Jesus, man, she… She was paying for juice! The old lady just popped her, like-!”
“Were you there?” Gangak challenged. “I didn’t hear any audio on that tape. We don’t know what was going on!”
“Alright, let’s keep our hair on,” Sanjo, the older man, intercedes. Born before the war of North and South, he had been among the first of his generation to come to Los Angeles, and was hardened by 30 years of strife.
“I’m serious,” Gangak goes on, not to be dissuaded “There’s black folks out there gearing up for war.  Have you seen it out there? ”
“Yeah, we saw it. We all saw the protests in South Central,” Park said. “All for that King kid the cops kicked hell out of. All I can say is, if I were that kid’s dad, I’d be looking for a fight too.”
“Ough, gimme a break, Park-!!”
Sanjo physically stepped in between them, placing hands on both their shoulders. “Would you loudmouths cool it? Busting a gasket isn’t going to change anything. We got enough to worry about on our side without worrying about other communities.”
“Sure, we do, but it’s not that simple!” Gangak counters, “We look after our own here. And so does everybody else. I’ve got nothing against any man, whatever color he is. But if shit hits the fan and the looting starts, then damn it, I’m gonna defend what’s ours!”
The old man sighed. “Yeah, well… Can’t say I don’t understand. Between all this color tension and that grinning jackass Chief of Police… How are we supposed to rely on the Police to protect us?”
“They won’t,” Ganmyeol says. The other men turned to look at him. He had not looked up from his newspaper, closely reading the accounts of the trial. “If things blow up, the cops won’t be able to help. They’ll be too busy dealing with their own shit to worry about us. If it comes down to it, we will have no choice but to take the fight to them.”
Gangak blinks. “Take the fight-”
“That’s right. Right to their door.” Ganmyeol starts folding up the paper. Its rustling punctuated his words. “Defending yourself is not enough. If all you do is scare the bad guys off, they’ll just lick their wounds. Prepare for their next move. They have to be cut out. Root and stem. You want to protect yourselves, my friends?” he asked, dropping the newspaper on the table in front of them. “You have to kill them all.”
November, 1991. The court rules for ‘voluntary manslaughter’. The Korean lady who murdered Latasha Harlins is sentenced to 5 years probation, a $500 fine and 400 hours of community service. No jail time.
On the TV, hundreds voiced their outrage. Black people, having lost faith in the justice system, levied their rage at Korean Americans. Citing countless incidents of disrespect, suspicion and humiliation suffered. The Opposite Brothers watched in silence.
“Gangak,” Ganmyeol said abruptly.
Gangak, shaking in surprise, asos, “Yeah?”
Ganmyeol fixed his glasses. “We’re probably going to need guns soon.”
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mqfx · 2 years
Xie Lian was hurrying down the streets of the court and bumped into a black-clad woman official with a number of scrolls in her arms.
She smiled. “Your Highness, you’re finally back.”
Xie Lian immediately asked, “Nangong, you’ve come in the nick of time. Do you know where the Rain Master’s residence is located?”
This black-clad woman was named Nangong Jie, and was a low-ranking civil official from the Middle Court. After Xie Lian had ascended, much of the grunt work and errands were taken care of by her. This individual was well-informed of news and handled affairs well, so Xie Lian thought well of her.
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Ch74 is LIVE!
Really bad prank calls... or not?
Human minds are weird
Goddamn butterknives again...
With a bit of luck, Ch75 will be done in October! Root for me, cupcakes! <3
Act III Summary
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highendsheep · 2 months
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the haterrrrrr
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
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It’s WILD to me that Usopp literally has a knife at his throat and still has the chutzpah to take the time to scold Nami. He was shaking like a leaf a page ago but his righteous anger made him completely ignore Arlong.
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vanikey · 11 months
today i found out that one of the first mangas i ever read apparently came off its like 10 year hiatus and finished in 2021 but i cant find where to read the last 30 chapters anywhere 😭
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twyrrinren · 7 months
Mo Xi's tummy hurts 😭
he's just like me...
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dailysmilingnatsume · 10 months
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spellbound: see the future
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-teheheh i love that little sleepy tea bear
-n e ways, things r commencing 😈 see u later kittens !
-also eheheheh thank u to everyone who wished me good luck at my new job !!! giving all of u an ekiss :***
taglist!🦂 (under the cut)
@bloombb @kasumitenbaz @basically-an-anime-stan-acct @deegausserr @theholypeanut @iluv-ace @sad-darksoul @secretanimesimp @satforsatoru @bbysatoruuu @nerdiel-has-no-braincells @1l-ynn @lu-spizzeria @nymphsdomain @babydoll-143 @zellwa @k4romis @ynverse @r0ckst4rjk @chilichopsticks @ryoiii @nnnyxie @st1rvoid @pastatata @morgyyyyyyy @venusinx @lees-chaotic-brain @nishii28 @meguemii @honeyfewr @nobody289x @afatalheat @hopeladybug @becsmarvel @bakugouswh0r3 @enigmaticnephilim @nanamiswifes @you-always-made-me-blush @everythingseasoning @jayathelostdragon @tranzumaki @saesofficialwife @delulusuga @tar0sw0rld @hexrts-anatomy @camilo-uwu @revrse @tanchosanke @ashfrommyfire @liveincans @gyuville @fushigurosdevinedogs @zamorazz @amenial
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lady-banana · 2 months
Just my thoughts after rereading ch74 of Moriarty The Patriot
• I forgot some random person backhanded William. And I have beef with him now. And honestly, how do you just backhand-slap someone in the middle of a very serious battle? That sounds goofy.
• Also, assuming Billy was somehow able to conserve Wiliam's battle clothes and cane from the Final Problem, did he just go out shopping for that eyepatch? And assuming Billy didn't conserve the clothes, William really just decided to go on a little shopping spree before joining in the war.
• You would think William got weaker after being bed-ridden and injured, as well as severely mentally exhausted. This guy sent the man FLYING. Then proceeded to do the same to four other men, like they're bowling pins!? As well as beating the rest with the cane quitely literally. I love him.
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achtung-attitude · 1 year
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August, 1974. Ganmyeol turned 14 years old. On his way back to Koreatown through Westlake, he caught sight of two Korean boys getting beaten up by a group of six in an alley behind a laundromat. Four white kids and two Hispanic.
“The fuck you looking at?” the biggest kid demanded upon noticing Ganmyeol watching. The Korean boy stayed quiet. “You ignoring me, asshole? You got something to say?!”
Through his thick glasses, he stared at the kids on the ground. One is skinny and short, the other tall. “They do something? Why hurting them?”
The thug scoffed to his friends. “What’s it to you? Wanna do something about it? We’re natives, so we’re teaching this garbage a lesson.”
“That’s right,” the thug said. “We were born here. Guys like you and these pussies are trespassers, so you have to learn who’s in charge!” The tall Korean kid began to stir, but the thug’s leader kicked him back down. His cronies cheered excitedly. Ganmyeol frowned.
“Enough now.”
“Ohh, E-naff naow!” the thug wailed, slanting his eyes with his fingers. His friends howled with laughter, their leader gesturing to the taller boy. “This idiot already tried stepping in, wantin’ to save his little loser friend! You want a piece of this-?”
“Fuck youself,” Ganmyeol said, walking toward them, undaunted. “This, get over with it.”
The thug blinked, then twisted his face in anger. Before he said anything, his friends pounced. To their surprise, the kid in glasses dodged their initial charge, ducking and weaving away. But, his strikes appeared pathetically light to the Korean kids, who looked on in dismay. Then the thugs began to fall.
They fell fast and landed hard, and when they hit the ground, they were silent. 
Quiet terror gripped their leader. Now alone with Ganmyeol, who was just dusting himself, he raised his hands in surrender.  “H-h-hey, you know I was just kidding about the trespasser stuff, honest! I just meant…! You know…!”
Ganmyeol gestured with his thumb behind himself. “Fuck off.” The young thug needed no further invitation, and pathetically scrambled to his escape. Sighing, Ganmyeol set about restarting the other five kids. They stirred, confused, then upon seeing their leader missing, awkwardly shuffled out of the alley. Finally, Ganmyeol turns to the Korean kids, and in Korean, asks, “You OK?”
The tall boy stared in awe. “Yeah… Oh, Park!” he says, rushing to check on his smaller friend. The kid stared at Ganmyeol with mixed fear and fascination. “You ok, man?” the tall boy asked, “Can you walk?” 
“Y-Yeah… Thank you, Yeoh-ssi…!”
“Ah, I didn’t do anything. Thank this guy instead!” He stood up, a foot taller than Ganmyeol and full of cheer despite his bruises. “I don't think I've seen you around here. What's your name?”
“Seo! Nice to meet you! Are you from Koreatown? How come I never seen you before?”
“I don’t get out much. I… work a lot…”
“Work? No shit? That sucks… What the hell did you do to those guys?”
Ganmyeol regarded him. “You wouldn’t really get it.”
The boy jutted out his chin, his hands on his hips. “...You don't have a lot of friends, do ya?”Ganmyeol’s lips tighten, but he doesn’t dispute it. The boy, laughing, says, “But hey, you stood up for us when we couldn’t stand up for ourselves! You’re cool in my book! But, listen, I’m OK, but I don’t wanna send Park on his own. You think we could walk him back to his place?” 
Graciously, the tall boy smiled. They walked out of the alley they were in and kept walking down the street, ignoring the looks they got from passersby.
“...Why did you try to save him?” Ganmyeol asked after some time.
“What do you mean? Why wouldn't I?” The tall boy answered, confused.
“You were outnumbered.”
He laughed. “So were you!”
“That was different. They kicked your ass. What were you even trying to do?”
The tall boy didn’t speak for some time. “...Koreans are the minority. Not just in LA, but all of America. My dad says that we have to look out for each other, because no one else will do it for us. We need to look after our own, as if we were all one big family!”
Ganmyeol blinked. “All Koreans, a family…?” Absently, he smiled. “That doesn’t sound so bad…”
Little else was said until Park returned safely home. His mother embraced her son and thanked the larger boy, even kneeling in the middle of the street. Ganmyeol looked away.
For him, his mother’s abandonment of her family in the South carried a heavy toll. At the war’s end, only one from her family remained alive, a distant cousin who lived across the sea. For eight years, Ganmyeol lived in LA, all but isolated from his community, feeling incapable of relating to them. Even his own family were all but strangers. Because he had what they don’t. Because of his Stand. 8 years of solitude, without friends, companions, or family. But this is the day that changed.
“Ah! Wait!” the tall boy shouted. “I haven’t told you my name yet! I’m so embarrassed!”
“It’s fine…” Ganmyeol says, already stepping away.
“No, it’s inexcusable!” the boy exclaimed. Ganmyeol said nothing as he watched him get on his knees. “For a Korean man, it’s not right to demand your name without giving mine first! That's what Dad says!” With grave seriousness, he bowed his head. “It’s a great honor to meet you, and I hope you’ll take care of me! My name’s Gangak! Gangak Yeoh!”
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kayssweetdreams · 8 days
The Perfect Finale Ch74
A few moments later, And after successfully tracking down Prim (who was still unconscious), Yang, Balan and Lance stared down Yin, who now struggled to get to his feet. "Yin. You have caused almost a catastrophe of monumental proportions. Your lust for power nearly caused the destruction of two worlds. Therfore, banishing you from Wonderworld again wouldn't be a good enough punishment for you...but luckily, Aria thought of another one." She said.
Yin only glared at her, before the three maestros began to chant in a language only known to them. Yin could hear it as well as the 3 of them chanted
O Red Maestro, Lustful for Power, Almost causing 2 worlds darkest hour, A punishment fitting for your crimes, Only to be used in the most dire of times.
For the damage you caused, Your powers now stripped and taken away. Never to be returned, after this day. Your soul released from Wonderworld's grasp. Yang and Prim are no longer yours to clasp.
Forever your maestro form to be distorted and changed. A human form better fitting your range. Your body shorter, and no longer thin. May the outside now match what is within.
While the maestros spoke, Glowing auras from Yang, Balan and Lance appeared. And aimed directly at him. Yin yelled in pain as he felt his power being taken from him once again, but also feeling his soul no longer tied to ANYONE. Not Yang, Not Prim, Not even Wonderworld itself. But now he felt his body grow shorter, and less thin. His red eyes vanishing and his shimmering clothes vanishing. At the same time, Prim was also reverting back to her human self, but she didn't return to the form of a adult...she began to grow smaller, and smaller...
When it finally ended, the 3 maestros glared down at Yin, now human and truly powerless, and next to him, were the now oversized clothes of Prim. In Yang's hands, were 3 orbs. One held Yin's power, one held his maestro form, and one held Prim's age and memories. Yuri peered underneath the pile of clothes, and saw...a baby? "Hey! There's a baby girl here! And she looks newborn I fear!" She exclaimed.
Yang smiled "That baby girl is the one you call "Madame Prim" she said.
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Rebecca belongs to @thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane belongs @lovelyteng
Aria belongs to @shadowqueen402
Lora Jade belongs to @alex-frostwalker
Jett belongs to @jettthespeeddemon
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