#chad hansen
cosmos-dot-semicolon · 8 months
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No promises I'll get very far into this challenge since this is exactly when school starts for me, but here's day 1 of Stickmintober! I really liked this line in the remaster. Perfect thing to say to poke fun at the kind of ridiculous premise a seven-game franchise spawned from.
Did you know these two guards have names? I didn't, and I have all the bios.
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fruzmig · 2 years
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stickmintober day 30: trick or treat
zombie henry stickmin goes to the best place for trick or treating with his favorite trick or treating bag 🧟‍♂���
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Top 5 worst THSC character designs?? (sorry if that's too hard)
Ooo, okay. Top 5 worst designs. I'm keeping it in canon. Worst designs also includes, for me, robbed potential or done dirty.
5. Reynaldo the Brute, Completing the Mission, Super BROvert Ops. Look, I know it's a portrait of him, but he literally has the 'the Brute' and looks like he sleeps with a teddy bear in his arms at night. I get him and Sir Wilford mixed up a good bit, if not the hats.
4. Gene Fredrickson, Stealing the Diamond. While he is different, in both story and physical appearance, there is something.. Missing? He feels too much and too little at the sametime that I can't exactly pinpoint.
3. Chad Hansen, Breaking the Bank. While he is meant to be a blank slate, and given an improvement from the original, I really wished he was given more to his actual character. His physical design is fairly decent, but more lackluster and forgettable.
2. Himbert Schült, Stealing the Diamond. Sir, you are on screen for half a second, and.. Whoosh. He lacks a lot in character and appearance, and I know he wasn't supposed to have a huge role, but something about him.. He's very forgettable, which is unfortunate.
1. Reference. I know he's supposed to look like that, but this fail and the anime style mixed with THSC just.. Ain't it.
I don't know if this was what you were looking for but, uhm.. Here you go. This are all about the canon design of the characters, not fan made designs.
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Will Roland, Harrison Chad, and Ben Platt at Second Stage Theatre in 2016 (x)
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delfiore · 10 months
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pairing: tara carpenter x reader
synopsis: your ex-girlfriend is a drunken mess at a college party and the only person her friends think to call is you.
word count: 1.8k
warnings: extensive talk of vomit, mentions of ghostface attack
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Your phone blared in your ears like some kind of end-of-the-world siren. Groaning, you lifted your head from your laptop on the desk and answered the call. Mindy’s voice sounded in a panic as you caught a glimpse of the time, 11:46pm.
“Y/N, we need you at Greg’s party. Tara is literally blacked-out drunk and she’s like throwing up non-stop, and we don’t know what to do. She won’t let us take her home and—”
“Woah, woah, woah, slow down,” you felt the oncoming headache in your temple. Your hazy mind began to spiral.
Mindy had been gracious enough to allow you space after the breakup. You were a part of the friend group but chose to distance yourself afterward, but Mindy and Anika were the ones you still talk to occasionally. Sometimes the way they bounced between you and Tara made you feel like the divorced parent hanging out with your kids every two weeks.
“I’m studying for finals.” You rubbed your eyes.
“Please, Y/N. She won’t budge. If it weren’t this dire, you know I wouldn’t call you.”
You knew it was true, but it’s only been two months.
News of the party had been bubbling around campus for a few weeks now. Everyone has been talking about Greg Hansen’s end-of-semester party, even if you weren’t coming, the gossip was what kept it alive. Even more so when it was a party thrown by someone from your major; you were always hearing about it. So you also knew where it was.
When you arrived, you couldn’t be more appalled by the concoction of weed, sweat, and beer wafting in your face the moment you walked through the door. In the corner of the living room was Greg Hansen, chugging beer from a tube as his henchmen hyped him up, being the life of the party as always. But you needed to find Mindy and, eventually, Tara.
You texted an ‘I’m here’ to Mindy and looked around for any sign of a familiar face when a hand clasped around your shoulder. Turning around in fright, you relaxed when you realized it was Chad.
“She’s in the bathroom. This way, come on.”
Mindy couldn’t answer your text because she and Anika were busy holding back Tara’s hair as she was emptying the contents of her stomach. Sure you’ve seen how bad Tara can be after parties. but never this bad.
“Good, you’re here.” Mindy turned around, relieved. “We need to leave, now.”
A groan escaped the raven-haired girl’s mouth as she sat back against the bathtub. It was then that you got a good look at her face, the first time you did in months. Suddenly it felt hard to breathe.
“Tara, come on. I’m taking you home,” you said.
Her eyes opened slowly. They were glazed over, but there was a moment where her eyes met yours and you thought she had sobered up, but soon after she pulled herself upright, groaning again before staggering out of the bathroom.
“Tara, where are you going, man?” Chad asked, dejected.
She didn’t respond.
Without an answer, she found the near bottle, not caring what its content was, and felt for an empty red solo cup.
You scoffed and took the cup from her. “I think you’ve had enough, don’t you think?”
“I don’t care what you think. Give it back.” Tara protested and reached for the cup in your hand, which you have extended far beyond her reach, the other arm pushing against her. Her frustration was apparent as she shoved you aside with a cry. “Get the fuck away from me!”
“Tara, enough.”
She held your gaze like there was fire in her eyes. Her lips wobbled, as she looked back at her friends behind you with a betraying look. You knew you had won from the way she pulled her arm away from you roughly, and looked out at the ground like a scolded child.
“I’m taking you home.” Your voice softened and gestured towards the door. Tara staggered towards the exit but crumbled against a wall like a piece of paper. You quickly grasped her hand to support her, but she swatted your hand away and made her way outside herself.
You sighed and turned towards the Meeks-Martin twins. “We’ll be okay. You guys can stay if you want.” The twins looked at each other and shrugged before going their separate ways back into the party.
You found her on the lawn, squatting on the ground and groaning.
“Come on, don’t be stubborn.” You rolled your eyes and tapped your foot impatiently. “I was in the middle of revision.”
It was a weird sight, seeing her in the passenger seat of your car again after you had made it your mission to get rid of everything inside that reminded you of her; a half-drunken water bottle in the door compartment, a few hair ties in the cup holder, her forgotten sunglasses in the glove compartment. You had thrown all of it away before proceeding to have a mental breakdown in the driver’s seat.
“Jesus, who the fuck puts the seat so far back?” You heard the girl next to you mutter, as she scrambled to pull the seat forward.
You looked out your window to hide the grin that made its way onto your lips. Tara was smaller than your average passenger, and that seat hadn’t been seen so far up in a while.
“Can I go now?” You said mockingly.
“Yes,” you heard her mumble into the window, propping her face on her hand.
The ride back to her apartment was mostly silent, except for the handful of times you heard quiet gags next to you, to which you grimaced and handed her a plastic bag you found lying around.
“Please don’t barf in my car. I don’t think I can forgive you for that.”
At a red stop, you grabbed your phone to check the time; 12:16am. You felt her eyes on you, her inebriated, yet dreamy eyes, that you knew if you looked you wouldn’t be able to look away. Try as you might, you couldn’t resist. Her body was shifted so that her head was resting against the window and her legs pressed against her chest. But what made your breath hitch was the way those eyes were trained on you. There wasn’t any sign of that hatred or fury or whatever she felt that was spilling out of her with the alcohol; with her bangs tousled over half her face and hooded eyelids like this, Tara just looked lost and defeated, and in need of a kiss.
She always looked like this, in need of cuddles and kisses, after parties and you were always ready to take care of her.
The red light on her face shifted to green, and you quickly pressed the gas pedal to bring her back home, then you could go back home, and everything would be back to the way it was.
You’d be happily carrying on with your life without Tara in it.
Despite rejecting your help earlier, she did end up needing it when both of you dragged each other up the stairs (you more than her) to her apartment. The light in the hallway was off, which meant her sister wasn’t home.
You tried to set her down gently, but she threw herself onto the bed like a body bag, face-first.
You called her name once, twice.
“Are you gonna sleep in that?”
“In a full face of makeup too?”
No reply. You shook your head and pulled her sitting up, and shed her jacket.
But she was still looking at you, the way she did in the car. You sat there, dumbfounded.
You had to go, revision was waiting.
“Wait,” she said, grasping your hand.
You refused to look at her.
She sounded like she didn’t know what she wanted from you either. There were noises of hesitancy coming out of her mouth, but nothing to convince you.
Until she said, “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry,” she pressed.
“No,” you shook your head, and tried to leave, but she had grasped your arm desperately.
“Wait, please.”
You were grateful for the dark room, because you were sure you had tears in your eyes.
“I was scared that they’d hurt you. I thought you’d be safe away from me.”
You shook your head. “No, no. You can’t do this. I was just getting over you.”
Your pleas fell on deaf ears, as she tilted your face to her, resting her forehead on yours.
“Kiss me,” she whispered.
“Tara, please.”
She cupped your cheeks softly. You could smell the alcohol in her breath when she leaned in. You couldn’t stop it—you’d be the biggest criminal if you did—when her lips tasted so sweet.
Tara sighed, and pressed her body flushed against yours.
You remembered the night you were kissing her, just like this, when the attack came. You just wanted to protect her, to keep her behind you in case the masked killer got to her, but the next moment there was just so much blood. You were told you almost flatlined twice. Tara thought that was enough and ended things.
“You told me that I was a liability,” you said quietly.
“You know I didn’t mean that. I just thought it’d be easier for you . . .” Tara shook her head. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
You thought you were imagining her saying it, but she might as well have without the accountability of sobriety. Tara Carpenter apologizing, now that’s a sight to see.
In the midst of the haze, she had pulled you on top of her on the bed, still kissing you like her life depended it.
“Tara,” you pulled away, your chest heaving against her. Sitting back up, you let out a shaky breath.
She was watching you with those doe eyes, her fingers finding their way between yours.
“Will you tell me all of this when you’re sober?” You asked, but you knew what the answer was.
“Yeah,” you breathed out. That’s what I thought.
You kissed her forehead softly and left without another word.
Tara Carpenter, as much as she vehemently denies it, was still very much haunted by her past. As much as you loved her, you wouldn’t let yourself be dragged down that rabbit hole, not again.
It might have started raining. You couldn’t quite tell because the streets were already glossy from the blur of your tears.
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OK I just remembered this show but, all the Transformers shows where they have kids but is Kids Next Door crossover AU!
So I guess that it would be something like this-
Character like Spike, Carly, and Chip don't count but others above 13 like Charlie, Memo, and Jack can become Undercover Teenagers (TND) but still not be part of the team sorry.
-Secto - Name (Numbuh)
-Sector_A_Witwicky - Robby Malto (8) and Mo Malto (9). Both transferred to conduct an investigation into GHOST and help their mom adapt to her new job. But the Terrans bring some complications for the mission
-Japanese Sector - Japan - Koji Onishi (7), Bradley "Rad" White (TND 12), Carlos Lopez (TND 13), Alexis Thi Dang (TND 14), Chad "Kicker" Jones (TND 18 and about to leave the team soon), Coby Hansen (20), Bud Hansen (TND 19) and Lori Himenez (TND 17). The biggest team conformed with kids from other regions. Their operation consists of helping the Atobots find new resources they can use for their survival like Energon, living metal for replacement parts, and any alien technology, and maybe locate other Autobots lost on Earth.
-Detroit Sector - Sari Sumdac (number unknown). A time traveler from the year 2050 who came to the 2000s for an unknown reason to be discovered. She helps the Japanese and Witwicky kids a lot.
-Las Vegas Sector_USA Jasper Nevada - Jack Darby (TND number 32 and about to leave the team soon), Miko Nakadai (TND number 11), and Rafael "Raf" Esquivel (37 and soon to become a TND). A small team assigned to help Team Prime as their guides and partners to help them disguise themselves with the humans of Earth. Fowler, a former ex Kid Next Door member helps them with the task.
-America_Crown City Secot - Russel Clay ( 21 once in Sector HHH but moved to a new team), Buth (25), and Hank (24). A new team formed by rockies that was made to test the new Sector until Bumblebee crashed on Earth with a tone of Predacons so the mission has changed...
-Griffin Rock Sector - Cody Burns (28), Francine ¨Frankie¨ Elma Greene (29), Celine ¨CeCe¨ Greene (83), Priscilla Pynch (30), Kyle Frazier (TND 39), Billy Frazier (70), Nancy Morrison (TND number 42), George Tracker (40), Jimmy Tracker (68), Timmy Smith (41), Rosita Neederlander (38), Elsie Rubio (71), Corey Perkins (35), Charlene Pruitt (82) etc etc... All the kids on Griffin Rock are Kids Next Door and is probably one of the most chaotic teams in all the world. Their mission, guide and make the Rescue Bots feel at home so other Cybertronians can also be comfortable on Earth.
That is mostly what I have so if anyone else is a KND fan feel free to add more stuff to this post 👍
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burins · 5 months
as promised the separate comics/graphic novels roundup for 2023! this is a normal post until May when I realized I could (as a graphic novel librarian) become an Eisner voter and read 54 comics in a month (and then slightly less so in August when the Harveys came up.) below a cut because it's heinously long. I'll include my little write-ups and some panels right after my faves
Under the Red Hood by Judd Winick and Doug Mahnke I read this January second. Begin as you mean to go on! For all its flaws (Dick's Squidward face) the emotional arc of this story puts me right into the pit about Jason Todd.
Superman: Reign of the Supermen by Dan Jurgens and others
Batman/Superman: World’s Finest (ongoing) by Mark Waid, Dan Mora, and Travis Moore First off Dan Mora draws everyone like the most beautiful people in the world, which never hurts to look at. But also this is just a really fun comic! The action is fun the characters are very sweet and we get an honest to god Superbat gem fusion
Young Justice (1998) by Peter David and Todd Nauck MY CHILDREN! I was finishing up my Tim readthrough and was so delighted to meet Kon and Cassie and Bart and Cissie and Anita (I still don't care for Lobo.) Nauck's art is cartoony in a way that fits the comic really well.
Red Robin by Christopher Yost, Fabian Nicieza, Ramón Bachs, and Marcus To THEEEEE ARC for Tim. Everyone says read Red Robin. Yes read Red Robin but also understand this is him at his worst and most scrungly. This is not normal Tim. This is Tim's failgirl era.
Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day by Judd Winick and Ale Garza
You and a Bike and a Road by Eleanor Davis Beautiful little memoir comic about biking across the US, and also about borders and travel and isolation/togetherness.
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Superman for All Seasons by Jeph Loeb, Tim Sale, and Bjarne Hansen I love this comic. Tim Sale draws Clark like the biggest, softest person you've ever seen, and Bjarne Hansen's colors are so gentle. (if you remember the rock metaphor from mission parameters, it's inspired by this scene from Book 1: Spring)
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Superman: Lost by Christopher Priest and Carlos Parlaguyan (ongoing) This series cuts right to the horror of being Superman and also the horror of being Lois Lane SO deftly. a few plot points I don't love but overall God it makes me miserable
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Birds of Maine by Michael Deforge A delightful, dreamy collection of comics about birds living in a utopian society on the moon. The art is weird, the story is weird, everything about it is lovely.
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Divinity v1-2 by Matt Kindt and Trevor Hairsine
The City of Belgium by Brecht Evans This is not a perfect graphic novel but the stuff it does with art and page and rhythm is so so phenomenal.
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Lights, Planets, People! by Lizzy Stewart and Molly Naylor
Killadelphia v1-3 by Rodney Barnes, Jason Shawn Alexander, and Christopher Mitten
The Department of Truth v1-4 by James Tynion IV and Martin Simmonds This is a book about conspiracy theories and it is DEEPLY unsettling. Martin Simmonds' art makes me legitimately queasy to look at. Really really good but also it did send me into a little spiral for a bit.
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Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow by Tom King and Bilquis Evely (Mat Lopes' colors also deserve a shoutout) This book made me cry! Also I have yet to read another Kara comic because this one was so good and I'm afraid the others won't be. She's sharp and angry in all the best ways and also deeply deeply caring and good. Capes meets space fantasy at its best. I would die for Ruthye
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Nightwing (2016) v1-2 by Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo
Batman: One Bad Day: The Riddler by Tom King and Mitch Gerads
She-Hulk (2022) v1-2 by Rainbow Rowell, Luca Maresca, Rogê Antônio, and Takeshi Miyazawa
Superman: Space Age by Mike Russell and Michael Allred
Revenge of the Librarians by Tom Gauld
Pinball: A Graphic History of the Silver Ball by Jon Chad
Down to the Bone: A Leukemia Story by Catherine Pioli
So Much for Love: How I Survived a Toxic Relationship by Sophie Lambda
Welcome to St. Hell: My Trans Teen Misadventure by Lewis Hancox 
Chef’s Kiss by Jarrett Melendez and Danica Brine
Wash Day Diaries by Jamila Rowser and Robyn Smith
Animal Castle v1 by Xavier Dorison and Felix Delep
Bungleton Green and the Mystic Commandos by Jay Jackson
Flung Out of Space: Inspired by the Indecent Adventures of Patricia Highsmith by Grace Ellis and Hannah Templer Masterclass in writing a biopic that doesn't shy away from its subject's being kind of a wretched person while also producing art that is deeply meaningful to many, many people.
Rain by Joe Hill and Zoe Thorogood
Tiki: A Very Ruff Year by David Azencot and Fred Leclerc
Ten Days in a Madhouse by Nellie Bly, adapted by Brad Ricca and Courtney Sieh
Ultrasound by Conor Stechschulte
Tori Amos: Little Earthquakes, The Graphic Album (various)
A Visit to Moscow by Rabbi Rafael Grossman, adapted by Anna Olswanger and Yevgenia Nayberg
Look Back by Tatsuki Fujimoto
Shuna’s Journey by Hayao Miyazaki
Come Over Come Over by Lynda Barry
It’s So Magic by Lynda Barry
My Perfect Life by Lynda Barry What a lovely collection of comics. Barry captures being a teen in all its mess and glory.
Macanudo: Welcome to Elsewhere by Liniers
Always Never by Jordi Lafebre
The Pass by Espé
Mary Jane and Black Cat Beyond
Moon Knight: Black, White and Blood by Jed Mackay and Carlos Villa
The Nice House on the Lake v1-2 by James Tynion IV and Álvaro Martínez Bueno (Jordie Bellaire colors) I know Tynion can do horror, but he really really can do horror. This is like Glass Onion meets the worst nightmare you've ever had, and the way it unfolds is masterful. Martínez Bueno's art is dreamy and unsettling, especially combined with Bellaire who colors like she's painting oil slicks.
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A Vicious Circle by Mattson Tomlin and Lee Bermejo
Booster Gold (1986) by Dan Jurgens Booster my friend Booster. I really didn't expect this to be as FUN as it is! There are occasional storylines that drag but overall a delight.
The Human Target v1-2 by Tom King and Greg Smallwood
Heartstopper v2-4 by Alice Oseman
Killer Queens by David Booher and Claudia Balboni
I Hate This Place v1 by Kyle Starks and Artyom Topilin I really need to read v2 because this was so fun. Queer backwoods horror, sarcastic, delightful, and never heavy-handed. I read this right after Killer Queens, which read like someone fed a bunch of Drag Race episodes and 2012 tumblr posts into a comics generator, and Heartstopper, which was so blandly unobjectionable I actually forgot I'd read it, so I Hate This Place felt refreshing as hell. (actually while looking up screencaps I remember why I didn't read v2 which is that v1 has a LOT of gore and body horror and I gotta be careful with that stuff. however if you like a slasher go forth)
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It’s Lonely at the Center of the Earth by Zoe Thorogood Gut punch on every page. Thorogood's art is weird and wild. It does feel a bit as though she's opened up her ribs for us to peruse.
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Chivalry by Neil Gaiman and Colleen Doran
Sensory: Life on the Spectrum (various)
Cryptid Club by Sarah Andersen
Public Domain v1 by Chip Zdarsky
Love Everlasting v1 by Tom King and Elsa Charretier
Mazebook by Jeff Lemire A twisting fable about grief and the paths it takes you down. A lot of the Eisner noms had dead wives or daughters which I began to resent, but I gave this a pass because it was really, really beautiful.
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Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands by Kate Beaton Everyone has told you it's good! oh it's good. Beaton's style, which I associate more with her humor work, at first feels somewhat at war with the subject matter, but it ended up really working for me.
Days of Sand by Aimee DeJongh
Talk to My Back by Yamada Murasaki This was one of my favorite books of the whole year. Beautiful meditation on the compromises of marriage and motherhood in beautiful, sparse drawings that lingered with me long after I'd finished reading.
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Crushing by Sophie Burrows
Do a Powerbomb by Daniel Warren Johnson Do you like wrestling? I don't really care about it, but I do love weird wacky stories about grief and trying to fight your way through the afterlife to get your mom back. Both hilarious and poignant. The art is as bombastic as it needs to be.
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The Night Eaters v1 by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda Liu and Takeda are back! This time with some horror about a pair of siblings and their fucked up parents. Great stuff.
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Ripple Effects by Jordan Hart and Bruno Chiroleu
Superman: Up in the Sky by Tom King and Andy Kubert Oh the Clark Kent of it all. the panel where Clark is calling home from alien customs because he has flown to the ends of the universe for one little girl is really what got me in this one
Kingdom Come by Mark Waid and Alex Ross
Superman: American Alien by Max Landis and various artists
Superman Red and Blue (anthology) This is a whole lot of writers and a whole lot of artists and all of them are excellent. Once again the Clark Kent emotion is happening to me.
Superman: Birthright by Mark Waid and Leinil Francis Yu
Superman (2011) v5-6 by Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder
Superman: Warworld by Philip Kennedy Johnson and various artists
Justice League International by Keith Giffen, J. M. DeMatteis, and Kevin Maguire Booster my friend Booster is here and also so are all of my other new friends. I loved the initial run (though it has its weak spots) but then I had to slog through a lot of very bad later stuff.
Blue and Gold by Dan Jurgens and Ryan Sook
New Teen Titans (various Brother Blood issues) by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez
Acting Class by Nick Drnaso
Follow Me Down: A Reckless Book by Ed Brubaker
Girl Juice by Benji Nate
Little Monsters v1 by Jeff Lemire and Dustin Nguyen
Mimosa by Archie Bongiovanni
Who Will Make the Pancakes by Megan Kelso
Cat + Gamer by Wataru Nadatani
Goodbye, Eri by Tatsuki Fujimoto
Spy x Family v1-2 by Tatsuya Endo
Alice on the Run: One Child’s Journey Through the Rwandan Civil War by Gaspard Talmasse
Ashes by Álvaro Ortiz
The Extraordinary Part: Book One: Orsay’s Hands by Florent Ruppert and Jérôme Mulot The art and story here are simply so fabulous. A better world is possible and sometimes you have to take direct action to make it!
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Batman RIP by Grant Morrison and Tony S. Daniel
Batman Incorporated by Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham
Batman and Robin (2011) by Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason I've talked about this one before but I think it is truly one of my favorite depictions of Bruce as father in all the ways he succeeds and all the ways he fails. John Kalisz's luminous colors also deserve a shoutout.
Batman: Failsafe and Gotham War by literally everyone currently working in DC but especially Zdarsky
Birds of Prey (1999) by Chuck Dixon and then Gail Simone and a number of other people (this continued into November and December) This made the worms in my brain wriggle so bad that I wrote a whole yuri zine piece about Dinah and Babs, coming to a PDF (or physical copy!) near you soon!
Dungeon Meshi v1-11 by Ryoko Kui Is it romantic to devour and be devoured in turn? Ryoko Kui sure thinks so. I was hungry the whole time I was making these my bedtime reading.
Through the Woods by Emily Carroll Emily Carroll is among the best to ever do it. This collection of stories is her at her unsettling best.
When I Arrived at the Castle by Emily Carroll
Batgirl (2000) v1-3 by Kelley Puckett and Damion Scott thanks to Mssrs Puckett and Scott I am now fully unhinged about Cass Cain and her quest for immolation. the art in this is so stylized but so well-done, especially given how little text is in much of the series. when the paneling hits it HITS.
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Bruce Wayne Murderer/Fugitive by everyone working at DC in 2002 When a good crossover storyline works, it really really works. I love to see Bruce completely blow up his life because he doesn't see any point in existing outside the cowl anymore. Even more do I love to see the fallout from this on everyone who loves him! delight delight delight.
and that's everything I read this year!! god there was a lot of it. I liked a lot of the stuff I didn't bold, but also I hated some of it. please feel free to talk to me about any of it!!!
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corujalesbica · 1 year
Planning on doing some bnha musical aus
And if you're thinking " Robin, don't you ever get tired of drawing mha characters ?"
The answers no, I don't :)
So. Here's what I want to do :
Midoryia as Veronica
Todoroki as JD
Bakugou, Kirishima and Kaminari as the 3 Heathers
Either ochaco or Iida as Martha (maybe both of them )
Dear Evan Hansen
Probably gonna do deku as Evan and bakugou as Connor but I won't decide rn because thinking about dear Evan Hansen is making me sad
Mamma Mia
Aizawa as Donna
Present Mic as Sam
Ms joke as Bill
All might as Harry
Shinsou as Sophie
Kaminari as Sky
Midnight as Tânia
Oboro as Rosie
The greatest showman
Shigaraki as Phineas Taylor Barnum (aka the shownman )
Hawks AS ZAC EFFRON ( the character is Philliph Carlyle )
Dabi as godamn ZENDAYA!!! ( the character is Anne Wheeler )
Spinner as Charity Barnum ??? (Do u guys Shipp spigaraki??)
Magne as Lettie Lutz
Idk who to put as Jenny Lind ( the singer )
Toga as Deng Yan ( the acrobat )
Compress and Twice as random people in the shown or smt ( might invent especial roles for them )
Legally Blonde
Toga as Elle Woods
Ochaco as Vivian
Probs bakugou as Warner
Midoryia as Emmet ( but in an alternate universe in which Elle ends up with Vivian )
Dabi and Hawks as the Gay or European guys
Everyone else as background characters ig
The prom ( tododeku genderbend )
Midoryia as Emma
Todoroki as Alyssa
Present Mic as Barry
All might as an less asholery Dee Dee Alen
Aizawa as Tom Hawkins ( the teacher )
Midnight as Angie Dickinson
Be more chill
Haven watched bmc yet but this is gonna take forever anyways so I'll update it when I watch it
High school musical
Momo as Gabriela
Jirou as troy
Todoroki as Taylor
Bakugou as Chad
Midoriya as Kelsie ( the piano girl )
Monoma as Sharpay
Aoyama as Ryan
Aizawa as the drama teacher (but less bitchy )
I totally didn't write a 7k word one shot a couple years ago on this au ( with lots of momojirou + background tododeku )
Teen Beach movie
Momo as Tanner
Jirou as Leila
Shinsou as Mckenzie
Kaminari as Brady ( Yeah I'm going for ALL queer shipps what about it )
Mina as Cheechee
Bakugou as Butchy
Midoryia as Rascal
Todoroki as seacat or smt (just cause I think that's funny )
Dekusquad in general as surfers
Bakusquad in general as bad bitches motorcycle ppl
I really just don't want to have to write the names of some background tbm characters literally no one remembers
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kingkenzieofmold · 9 months
My Resident Evil x The Henry Stickmin Collection Crossover Cast.
Feel free to disagree with me as I was trying to fill roles by who I would think would fit into whose role within the games! So feel free to disagree with me or say who you would rather cast! Enjoy my weird combinations of my biggest hyper fixations!<3
This is casting from Resident Evil: Zero to Resident Evil 4 as this was as far as I got in casting-
Resident Evil 0
Rebecca Chambers Cool Katie
Billy Coen Billy G.
Dr. James Marcus Dr. Vinschpinsilstien
Dr. William Birkin Right Hand Man
Dr. Albert Wesker Reginald Copperbottom
Captain Enrico Marini Terrance Suave
Resident Evil
Chris Redfield Rupert Price
Jill Valentine Dave Panpa
Barry Burton Johnny Panzer
Rebecca Chambers Cool Katie
Albert Wesker Reginald Copperbottom
Richard Aiken Randy Radman
Brad Vickers Chad Hansen
Enrico Marini Terrance Suave
Kenneth J. Sullivan Jaques Kensington
Joseph Frost Sir Willford IV
Forest Speyer Reynaldo the brute
Female Newscaster Alice Hamilton
Resident Evil 2 
Leon Scott Kennedy Henry Stickmin
Claire Redfield Ellie Rose
Ada Wong Earrings
Sherry Birkin Sven Svensson
William Birkin Right Hand Man
Annette Birkin Carol Cross
Brian Irons/Robert Kendo Mr. Macbeth
Marvin Branagh/Ben Bertolucci General Galeforce
Resident Evil 3
Jill Valentine Dave Panpa
Carlos Oliveira Jacob Rose
Nikolai Zinoviev Dmitri Johannes Petrov
Mikhail Viktor Grigori Olyat
Tyrell Patrick Kurt Dietrich
Nemesis CCC Robot
Resident Evil 4
Leon Scott Kennedy Henry Stickmin
Ashley Graham Victoria Grit
Ada Wong Earrings
Luis Serra Navarro Ted Adam
Ingrid Hunnigan Hat Girl
Ramón Salazar Captain H. J. Canterbury
Bitores Méndez Major Hershell Panzer
Jack Krauser Charles Calvin
Osmund Saddler Mayor Fredrickson
Merchant Mysterious Voyager
Mike Quentin Alabaster
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spurgie-cousin · 7 months
Glad you love YoP! It got its name because Lindsay Hansen started out as a very devout Mormon investigating Joseph Smith’s plural wives (after the church finally sort of acknowledged their existence). It was supposed to be a yearlong project—early episodes are all about JS’s wives, and I think some of Brigham Young’s? But as the year goes on she learns more and more and you can hear her becoming disillusioned. Listening to it in chronological order was a wild ride.
That's wild bc I started with some of the older episodes and honestly thought she was an ex-Mormon or a liberal mainstream Mormon at least. That makes some of the conversations about women I've heard make a lot more sense in retrospect, because there were times they were talking about Joseph Smith esp and giving him just a little *too* much credit for some things in my humble opinion lol.
I'm currently listening to their episode on Chad Daybell, which is just the most perfect intersection of some of my interests bc I get to simultaneously learn more about him and things like the LDS prepper movements and all these little extremist side groups where people like Chad come from. And the people having the conversation have like direct ties to this guy so it's so fascinating.
Anyway thank you again for the rec!! Can't wait to make my husband listen on the long drive back to our hometown for the holidays lol
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Mr. Hansen trying to fulfill that age old fantasy by being a ceo hiring hot young assistants to get his rocks off to but this new generation of hot twenty-somethings is making it real hard by saying shit like “poggers”, “epic”, calling him a Chad and saying “sigma-pilled” ironically every time he’s an asshole, and saying his mustache is “a fat L” behind his back
Pfft I def get sigma vibes from this man ahahahhahaha. He's out of his element and it makes hi. even madder. But he's confused bc everyone is starting to dress the same as when he was young and calling it retro.
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memcrs · 5 months
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꒰      ˚      ( jordan fisher, cis man, he/him ) — 🎬 just announced, nico sharpe has been cast as chad danforth in the upcoming high school musical reboot. the twenty four year old is trending as people are debating if the observant glances, hidden behind a sunshine smile, being friends with everyone, ghost stories told around the campfire, the choice between contentment and endless ambition and long confident strides forward ; no matter the adversities that they are known for is enough to make them as good as original. a quick google search shows that their fans call them felicific, but internet trolls think they’re more heedless. i guess their newest interview for variety where they talk about how he once walked up 10 flights of stairs because there was a lizard in the elevator will let people to know them better.
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full   name:   nicholas callum  sharpe.  nicknames:   nico, cole.  dob:  october  17th.  age:   24. birthplace:  los angeles,   california.   current   residence:  los angeles,   california.  gender:  cis  man.  orientation:  bisexual.  languages:  english,  swedish,  french,   italian.  occupation:  actor,  musician.  education:  completed  private  school. character  inspo:   chad  dylan  cooper  (  sonny  with  a  chance  ),  chad danforth ( high school musical ), jake  peralta  (  b99  ),  austin  moon  (  austin  &  ally  ),  andré  harris  (  victorious  ),  caleb  rivers  (  pretty little liars  ), nick miller + winston bishop ( new girl ).  voice  claim:  jordan  fisher.
𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 : the backyardigans : tyrone ( voice ) the good place : chidi anagonye 𝑚𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑒𝑠 : let it shine : cyrus teen beach movie : seacat teen beach 2 : seacat grease! live : doody rent live : mark cohen high school musical reboot : chad danforth 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑒 : hamilton : aaron burr dear evan hansen : evan hansen hadestown : orpheus
our  story  begins  on  a  windy  morning  in  los  angeles,  california.  after  hours  in  the  waiting  room,  the  crying  sounds  of  a  baby  are  heard  in  the  hallway;  two  parents  are  welcoming  their  second  son  into  the  world:  nicholas.  everyone  in  the  sharpe  family  was  awaiting  that  moment.  only  a  couple  hours  born  and  the  sound  of  endless  laughter  fills  the  room,  turning  into  a  permanent  echo  in  nico’s  head.  his  parents  were  both  enthused,  even  though  nico  wasn’t  their  first  child  his  arrival  was  a  gift  for  both  of  them  and  their  little  growing  family.  it  took  the  couple  about  six  years  to  have  another  child  after  their  firstborn  due  to  a  never  ending  share  of  complications.  both  sides  of  the  families  were  concerned  that  they  weren’t  going  to  look  for  more  kids  —  something  that,  for  whatever  reason,  was  a  horrifying  thought  —  since  the  couple  never  publicly  shared  their  relationship  struggles.  luckily  for  them,  and  the  couple,  things  turned  around  for  the  better.  
now,  the  first  few  years  of  nico’s  life,  he  never  truly  understood  what  he  had  managed  to  find  himself  in.  having  no  concept  of  fame  or  stardom,  being  kept  away  from  the  flashes  of  cameras  for  as  long  as  he  can  remember.  it  wasn’t  until  he  entered  kindergarten  that  he  started  to  slowly  grasp  a  bit  more  of  that  world.  despite  this,  nico’s  early  childhood  remains  pretty  close  to  his  heart.  his  parents  were  wonderful,  even  though  they  always  seemed  to  be  busy  with  their  careers  yet  none  of  their  children  ever  truly  felt  like  they  were  totally absent  in  their  lives. sure, sometimes they would miss a school play or two, but they were pros at distributing the absences between the two of them equally ( if his mom wasn't there, his dad would be and viceversa ).
jumping  ahead  to  when  he  was  in  college,  he  had  already  been  eyeing  the  world  of  acting  and  performing,  a  very  vivid  memory  of  his  mom  taking  him  on  a  ‘ bring  your  son  to  work ’  kind  of  day  and  seeing  her  in  her  element  first-hand,  plays  in  his  mind  again  and  again.  seeing  the  way  she  took  over  the  character  and  made  it  her  own,  basically  transforming  in  front  of  his  very  eyes.  that  was  the  time  where  he  felt  enamored  by  theater.  after  that,  he  just  wanted  to  be  on  the  screen  and  performing.
after  years  of  taking  many,  many  classes  and  being  casted  for  short  commercials;  at  the  age  of  18,  nico  with  the  help  of  his  parents  signed  into  an  agency.  pretty  shortly,  he  was  getting  all  kinds  of  auditions  for  all  different  types  of  shows  and  commercials.  after  a  few  rejections,  he  started  getting  call  backs  saying  he  got  the  part.  they  were  all  very  small  at  the  start,  given  his  lack  of  experience  yet,  he  constantly  received  praises  for  how  much  of  a  natural  he  was  in  front  of  the  cameras.  jumping  ahead  to  2016,  he  got  casted  for  the  role  of  chidi  in  nbc’s  show,  the  good  place;  his  big  break.  this  was  the  first  step  into  trying  to  create  his  own  name  and  identity  away  from  his  parents.  he was proud of being a sharpe, but, the expectations of the last name were, at one point, very suffocating.
aside  from  acting,  nico  devoted  most  of  his  teenage  years  into  dancing  and  singing.  showing  his  incline  for  music  and  art  in  various  forms  since  he  was  a  kid.  he  remembers  the  first  time  he  went  to  a  broadway  show  with  his  mom,  they  went  to  watch  aladdin.  now,  the  kid  loved  aladdin  as  well,  but  something  about  the  energy,  the  performance,  the  visuals  happened  to  take  over  everything  for  him.  suddenly,  life  felt  very  much  like  a  that's  so  raven  vision,  he  could  envision  himself  in  a  stage  like  that  in  the  future  and  the  idea  of  that  was  magical.  he  never  knew  you  could  get  so  much  euphoria  from  a  dream. so,  he  started  looking  into  doing  musicals.  with  this,  he  started  sending  resumes  whenever  auditions  for  a  new  musical  would  be  announced.  this  lead  to  him  getting  casted  in  a  few  musicals  such  as  grease  where  he  was  casted  as  doody,  and  rent  where  he  was  casted  as  mark  cohen.  after  the  good  place  ended,  he  continued  doing  a  lot  of  musicals  such  as  hamilton  where  he  got  casted  as  aaron  burr  and  hadestown  as  orpheus.  
in the midst of all his musicals and movies, he also began to start up his singing career outside of musicals. he started uploading videos of song covers to youtube, as well as working on his own singles as an artist. aside from this, he also worked on various soundtracks of different movies. eventually, he ended up releasing his first EP to the public. we’re  now  in  the  present  and  things  continue  to  look  up  to  nico.  having  recently  getting  offered  the  role  of  chad  danforth  in  the  netflix’s  high  school  musical  reboot. 
if  you  look  up  the  definition  of  extrovert  in  the  dictionary,  nico's  face  would  show  up.  he  is  an  incredibly  social  person,  someone  who  is  desperate  to  know  what  you’re  thinking  or  what  are  the  things  that  make you  move.  incredibly  expressive,  he  kind  of  wears  his  emotions  on  his  sleeve, he doesn't hide  what  he  is  feeling.  he  always  tries  to  be  the  person  in  the  room  to  make  the  dumbest  joke  if  he  senses  that  the  air  gets  the  tiniest  bit  tense  so  as  to  lighten  up  the  vibe.  he  is  a  perfectionist  and  super  self-critical,  he’s  probably  his  #1  hater  in  the  sense  that  he  always  thinks  he  needs  to  try  harder,  like  he’s  not  doing  enough.  he  could  be  doing  a  summersault  on  stage  and  it  could  come  out  being  incredible  but  he  would  still  say  ‘  i  need  to  try  harder,  let  me  do  it  again  ‘,  it’s  somehow  never  good  enough  for  him,  he’s  really  critical  of  his  work  and  performance.  whereas  with  other  artists  he  thinks  anything  they  do  is  out  of  this  world.  holds  himself  at  an  unrealistic  high  standard  that  he  thinks  he  never  reaches. he  is  a  very  people  driven  person,  very  empathetic,  can  sort  of  be  an  emotional  barometer  for  everyone  around  him.  loves  making  connections  with  people,  has  a  very  deep  desire  to  be  liked  therefore  is  incredibly  sensitive  to  feedback  whether  it  is  positive  or  negative,  obviously  negative  feedback  affects  him  way  more  than  the  positive  still  not  knowing  how  to  not  let  it  get  to  him  as  bad  as  it  does.  he's  very  emotionally  in  tune  when  it  comes  to  other  people  and  being  open  with  others  about  their  emotions,  he loves connecting emotionally with others. he doesn't try nor hides how he feels, being very upfront with his emotions. if he's angry or sad, he'll let you know and you'll definitely see it. he  is  a  very  calm  person,  he  doesn't  let  anyone  or  anything  disturb  his  peace.  he prefers to not give other people that much power over him. in  a  emergency  situation  you  can  always  count  on  him  to  keep  his  cool  at  all  times.  never  one  to  emotionally  explode,  not  because  he's  ashamed  to  show  that  or  is  unable  to  express  that  but  because  he  thinks  that  not  everything  is  worth  or  deserves  a  reaction.  so,  if  he's  gonna  exhaust  himself  emotionally,  it  has to  be  for  a  good  and  deserving  reason. he  is  constantly  challenging  himself,  whether  that  is  going  out  of  his  comfort  zone  both  profesionally  and  personally  or  experimenting  with  new  things,  he  hates  feeling  like  he  is  stuck  or  trapped,  so  anything  that  gives  him  the  sensation  of  adventure,  release  or  change  is  incredibly  important  to  him.  he  likes  to  pretend  like  he  doesn’t  catch  feelings  but  he  actually  does  so  ridiculously  fast,  this  clip  defines  him.  when  it  comes  to  relationships,  he  doesn’t  really  care  about  privacy  unless  we’re  talking  about  really  meaningful,  intense  relationships;  those  he  actually  protects  from  everybody  with  a  lock  &  key.  but  anything  that  he  might  consider  foolish  and  meaningless,  he  doesn't really invest that much time or deep care for.
best  friends:
ride  or  die:  
ex  -  flings ( could've ended good or bad )
pr  relationship:
unlikely friends:
good / bad influence:
someone he just can't seem to click with, no matter how hard he tries, they just don't get along:
one sided crush:
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So Let’s Cast the Night Vale TV Show - Part One, The Radio Station and the Science Lab
Hello all and welcome to a series I’m calling So Let’s Cast the Night Vale TV Show, in which we create a fancast for the night vale TV show. I’m going to do this in multiple parts, but I’d like everyone’s input, because my opinion is just my opinion. 
First things first - in a perfect world, all the amazing voice actors could play their respective characters, but that’s very unlikely. Some of them aren’t screen actors, some of them don’t fit the canon ages or descriptions and some were just once-off guests. 
I’m not going to recast Cecil and Carlos. Cecil because I don’t think they’d make the show without Cecil Baldwin, and Carlos because I personally think Dylan would be down just because of how much love he has for the show. And because I’m biased and I love him. Same thing with Kevin - as Cecil’s double, he’d probably be played by Cecil Baldwin but voiced by Kevin R. Free. If you have your own ideas though, you’re welcome to share them!
Lastly, I’m going off of appearance, age, past roles, and general vibes while I list my picks. I’m not intimately familiar with every actor I name. 
If you want to add to this fancast, use the hashtag #nightvalefancast and maybe we can do polls or something. 
Without further ado, let’s cast the radio station and science lab!
The Radio Station
For the interns, I tried to stick with people who are under thirty, since they’re mostly described as being around college-student age. You’ll notice there’s a lot of people from horror franchises; that’s because the interns are usually met with a terrible fate, so horror actors would fit well. 
Intern Dana Cardinal: Originally voiced by Jasika Nicole. Fancast, Jasmin Savoy Brown
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Jasmin Savoy-Brown has had roles in Scream 5, Yellowjackets, Grey’s Anatomy, and more. She’s very talented, and she’s also queer! I think she’d bring a lot of the perseverance Dana has to life, based on her role in Scream. 
 Intern Maureen: Originally voiced by Maureen Johnson. Fancast, Maya Hawke. 
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I mean, come on, do I need to say anything more? With her iconic role in Stranger Things, her brief stint in Fear Street, and recently Do Revenge, she’s worshiped by lesbians everywhere. She’s also a singer, which would be cute because we could see her and Michelle duet! She’s got the spunk of Intern Maureen and honestly please just give me Maya Hawke as Maureen I’m on my knees begging please please please. 
Intern Chad Bowinger: Not voiced. Fancast, KJ Apa
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HEAR ME OUT! Riverdale wasted this man, but he is actually quite a good actor, and he deserves the chance to go batshit unhinged like Intern Chad calling an evil beagle. Also, intern Chad disappeared into a used sporting goods store. Sports = epic highs and lows of highschool football. Okay bye now. 
Intern Kareem Nazari: Voiced by Adal Rifai. Fancast, Nik Dodani
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He was in Escape Room, a Blumhouse horror film. He was in The Owl House, a series beloved by Tumblr. And he was in Dear Evan Hansen, one of the most terrifying movies to be released in the last decade. With Kareem getting more prominence in the podcast, I bet he would get a bigger role in the show, and I think Nik Dodani would do a great job. 
The Scientists: 
They only appear in brief mentions throughout the podcast, and in larger roles of It Devours! I tried to cast people in their thirties and forties; people who could conceivably have a master’s degree, and who seemed like they’d look good in a lab coat. 
Nilanjana Sikdar: Not voiced. Fancast, Vidya Balan
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Vidya Balan is a Bollywood actress, but I heard about her for her activism. She promotes body inclusivity and representation for fat actors and actresses, battling what she refers to as “the size zero standard” for Bollywood. She’s been acting since 1995, with an extensive body of work. She even hosts a radio show! With her grace and passion, Ms. Balan would make a great Nilanjana. 
Luisa: Not voiced. Fancast, Melissa Barrera
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Another pick from Scream 5. What can I say, I really liked Scream 5. Not much is known about Luisa, but I personally imagine the Night Vale TV show as being split between Carlos and Cecil’s perspective. With that in mind, all of the scientists would play a much larger role than their brief appearances in It Devours! But that’s just me. Melissa Barrera is also Vanessa, and gave us “Usnavi all night you barely even danced with me” which is the best meme of the 2020s so far. 
Mark: Not Voiced. Fancast, Ashley Zukerman
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To me, Mark was always the most generic of the scientists, no offense. He’s just some dude! He likes science and he does his experiments! Ashley Zukerman gives me the energy of “Just some dude!” but also brings an incredible presence to his role in Fear Street. He’s also been in Fear the Walking Dead, Succession, Designated Survivor, and many more. If they do flesh out the scientists more, he could be a good pick. 
That’s it for now! I really want to hear your fancastings, and hope you’ll stick around for part two, where we’ll be casting the Palmer-Carlsberg family. 
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realnielsbohr · 1 year
the virgin Evan Hansen vs the chad Ren McCormack
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Virgin Evan Hansen vs Chad Evan Goldman
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syd-adamu · 2 years
taglist for mobile users
lists are in no particular order:
the umbrella academy
the mindy project
the it crowd
santa clarita diet
brooklyn nine nine
julie and the phantoms
stranger things
unbreakable kimmy schmidt
american vandal
the good doctor
the good place
never have i ever
russian doll
one of us is lying
schitt’s creek
one day at a time
derry girls
jane the virgin
i am not okay with this
bojack horseman
big mouth
teen wolf
the bear
films + directors:
the cornetto trilogy / edgar wright
the cat in the hat
the mitchells vs the machines
everything everywhere all at once
moulin rouge!
jojo rabbit / taika waititi
into the spiderverse
tick tick boom
david fincher
wes anderson
beetlejuice / tim burton
the old guard
train to busan
moon knight
the it duology
turning red
midsommar / ari aster
fallen angels / wong kar-wai
crazy rich asians
mamma mia!
christopher nolan
jordan peele
ponniyin selvan / mani ratnam
the banshees of inisherin
one direction
the vamps
doja cat
tiny meat gang
remi wolf
the 1975
system of a down
hail the sun
when chai met toast
taylor swift
arctic monkeys
the neighbourhood
panic at the disco
new politics
fall out boy
kali uchis
hayley kiyoko
john mayer
kacey musgraves
percy jackson / rick riordan
a man called ove / fredrik backman
more than this / patrick ness
six of crows / leigh bardugo
heartstopper / alice oseman
robin sloan
casey mcquiston
david levithan
karen mcmanus
cemetery boys - aiden thomas
truly devious / maureen johnson
tj klune
alone with you in the ether / olivie blake
(musical) theatre:
she loves me
fun home
mean girls
dear evan hansen
school of rock
spongebob squarepants
something rotten!
in the heights
a gentlemen’s guide to love and murder
come from away
starlight express
west side story
avenue q
spring awakening
angels in america
the boys in the band
jesus christ superstar
the prom
the lightening thief
moulin rouge!
drew gooden
danny gonzalez
jarvis johnson
kurtis conner
collegehumour (dropout.tv)
casey aonso
chad chad
noel miller
seanie dew
jack edwards
hannah bayles
daniel howell
babish culinary universe
joshua weissman
mikaela long
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