heyiwrotesomethings · 3 months
Pffffthehehehe imagine a sword swallower S/O who just- yoinks Kanao's sword and swallows it infront of her just to mess with her. Yoink. Down it goes. Poor girl panics every time.
She would. It’s the most expressive she gets. Adding to the fact that once they finally take it back out and return the blade to her she feels compelled to wash it off immediately afterward. So it’s a whole ordeal. She would be too nice to ask them to stop, but Shinobu however, is not :)
Nobody really wants to put Kanao in distress though, so they’ll probably show off some other way.
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stellar-skyy · 4 months
Thank you for fueling the desire for platonic reader within me-- your works are truly a blessing
i’m glad to be of service, there is never enough platonic x readers, unfortunately. and THANK YOUUU 💕💕💕
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sea-lanterns · 8 months
i'm going to need a link for arlecat SHES SO CUTE RAAHHHHH
@chamomilecamille sorry for the tag but a fishy here is curious as to where you bought your Arlecat plushie 👀
If you don’t mind sharing with the aquarium, do tell us where you got your cuties <3
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chet-it-out · 8 months
Yo! Intro time.
What's up, it's your boy Chet. Didn't know me? Now you do. Sucker. I'm up in Northern Unova (Icirrus specifically) living with my aunt for a while. Not really in any sort of formal thing right now like a job or school, so things are pretty chill. Bit about me is that I grew up in Virbank for the most part, though I've flip-flopped between Icirrus and Virbank throughout growing up. Finally decided to stay put for a while and have been up in Icirrus with my aunt for about two...ish? Years? Now? I forget-- anyway. I've got an interest in rock, punk, those typesa music (thanks to Roxie mostly) and have been playing guitar for about 6 years now. I like to think I'm pretty chill and friendly so no need to be intimidated sending me anything, eh? Oh also-- luxury balls or bust. Not my fault they're cool lookin' The pokémon that I've got hanging out around the house are Pip the roggenrola (although at this point I think I call him roggsie more often hah), my aunt's glaceon Snowfie, and the most recent addition: Lint.
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I'll mostly be posting just random bs and random things about life/the goobers I live with // OOC under here
Hi! Name's Camille (she/her), a whole 19 years cooked. I follow from @chamomilecamille (though I don't really recommend going there. especially if you're under 18.) This is just a chill blog to have fun with so I'm not sure how involved I'll be but we'll see what the future holds I guess. Couple things about this one specifically is that I'll probably ignore any things that have real animals because Pokémon are just more fun, y'know? Depending on how things go I might change Chet's name/pronouns, but like... maybe. We'll see how I feel, this is all totally new to me. I'll also get art for him at some point but I'm not big on drawing people so it might be a bit.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 8 months
You think the cat demon reader just... bats things off surfaces? Whether for attention or just from the weird cat instinct that I totally don't relate to?
I do not imagine Shinobu nor Aoi are very pleased by it. But goodness wouldn't it be funny for her to just... stare them in the face as she slowly baps a mug or something closer to the edge
Oh my god
Cat demon is not allowed in the lab unless her presence is required for something and even then, Shinobu has to watch them like a hawk. She had to develop a sixth sense for this behavior. In a way, it’s good spatial awareness training at least. Now Shinobu can reach out to stop the forbidden crime with one hand while she does her work with the other.
Shinobu did try scolding the demon to stop, but the impulse is beyond their control it would seem…
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heyiwrotesomethings · 7 months
I feel like if Kanao had a cat S/O they'd stare eachother in the eye for long periods of time and it's somehow the best bonding experience for the both of them
Shinobu probably looks at them a little weird for it sometimes but hey whatever works
Yesss prolonged eye contact with a couple of slow blinks mixed in. Oh my god, Kanao can’t take the blinks, it feels too intimate lol
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heyiwrotesomethings · 6 months
Who do you think folds quickest when given big kitty eyes after disallowing their cat demon something?
Shinobu says no only to be given this look and (to her own dismay) gives in. Who could resist? Nobody.
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Mitsuri would fold before the big kitty eyes even come out. Biggest enabler ever, she can’t help herself. Honestly, I have a hard time thinking any of the girls would be able to resist in the end. Like, Aoi might put up a bit of a struggle, but she’ll cave. Kanao probably wouldn’t need the kitty cat eyes either to do what they want. Kanae could probably resist, but actively chooses not to. Tamayo tries to be firm, but she crumbles rather easily.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 10 months
Ooo ideaideaidea
Absolutely Not's reader who gets in the habit of (affectionately) biting the hell out of Shinobu? Love bites, but still bites. And bites are-- y'know-- bites. Those mfs hurt. Just every now and again she'll end up with whatever part of shinobu was infront of her face ending up between her teeth
Shinobu is so tired.
She can recognize when the zoomie/manic behavior is going to start now, but there are still times when she can be caught off guard, mainly when she’s sleeping. Cats are much lighter sleepers than humans and cat demons even more so, if they even sleep at all. Sometimes the beloved demon can’t help but pounce on Shinobu while in a rare deep sleep. The bites almost never break the skin, but that doesn’t make them any less painful. There has been more than one occasion where the demon would find themself kicked out of the bedroom, left to scrape their nails pitifully against the door.
Worst biting offense: Biting Shinobu’s nose when sleeping through the afternoon after a long mission the night before. We’re talking whole nose in mouth. Loudest Shinobu had ever voiced her displeasure in a long time.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 8 months
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have you seen shinobu's granblue art?
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So very pretty
Oooooooo those are really pretty 🤩
Very cool!
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heyiwrotesomethings · 7 months
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Showed my friend this chart and he didn't believe that Shinobu would be at the bottom because she wins off pure intimidation.
Yeah, it always hurts my heart a little bit when I see her at the bottom of the list. I just remind myself that she’s still within the top rank of all the Demon Slayer Corps, a physician, a pharmacist, toxicologist, a teacher, mom/big sister figure, like… even if this girl could get swole enough to roll heads, she’s too busy to do so.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 7 months
Remembering that ask about Kanao's strength and then imagining similar for Mitsuri hehe
Imagine she just picks them up like a plank while out on a date out of nowhere and her s/o's just kinda got an owlish look on their face after being manhandled out of the way of something.
I think Mitsuri is legally obligated to pick up her s/o for either the most mundane or romantic reasons. Reaching for something on a high shelf? She’s picking them up for a little extra boost. Just got home from a trip? Big spinny hug. 🥰
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heyiwrotesomethings · 1 month
I stole shinobu's sword >:)
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Ooo! You better give it back or she’ll be hella mad ��
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Been seeing a lot of spider-verse stuff lately, and I'm surprised to have taken this long to think of it but-- imagine a spider-person Shinobu. I mean... it kinda fits. Lost her parents when she was young, lost a major mentor figure with Kanae's bucket kicking akin to a sort of uncle ben, and she's got a thing with bugs. I mean-- arthropods vs. insects but they're *pretty* close.
...that and I just like the mental image of Shinobu in a spider suit. sue me.
It makes perfect sense to me and she would look really cool in some sort of spiderman-esque costume! I really want to watch the new Spider-verse movie, I even finally started working on the multiverse of Shinobus fic and the tentative title is Into the Shinobu-Verse lol
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heyiwrotesomethings · 7 months
Shinobu gets y/n a cat bed as a joke but then she actually starts to use it and Shinobu gets jealous of the bed because she's not sleeping with her as much
Cat demon is so confused when the cat bed isn’t in its usual place. They sniff it out though and eventually find themself back in the bedroom because Shinobu has apparently moved the cushion to the bed without a word about it.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 8 months
longcat reader
bottom text
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Cat related crimes = cat related punishment
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heyiwrotesomethings · 3 months
Ooo you mentioned Kanae being a bit of an enabler to the one who uses humour to distract and deflect, so how do you think she'd be when she finally sees them breaking down in some way? Either snapping at her or just coming across them when they think they're alone. I wonder if she would still let them do it but kinda worry when they do, or if she would mom-voice them into stopping somehow
A worried tone or a mom voice sounds about right to me. She’s ready to talk about everything and be the support they need when they’re ready to face their demons.
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