#champion fidget spinner
dewott17 · 6 months
My Son
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aneyef0raheart · 6 months
𝔓𝔢𝔯𝔣𝔢𝔠𝔱 ℜ𝔞𝔠𝔢 11
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TW: Backshots, cussing, violence, sucking and gang banging!? (little warnings you've ever seen)
You and Choso starting your engines at the finish line while hearing cheers and chants surrounding the both of you guys. CHOSO honked his car which startled you for you to get his attention, he rolled down his windows with you doing you doing the same thing. "If you win, I'll buy you whatever you want. If you lose..." He chuckled "You'll just have to wait for that answer." He grinned and rolled his window up. A few seconds later the sirens began as the starting of the race, we took off in a flash.
A few minutes felt like you were very proud of yourself being ahead of Choso until he sides his car next to yours shaking his head, he must've been saying "you won't be able to beat me". You will show him what I'm capable of, sooyou across the road an obstacle was placed, you switched gears of the joystick and reversed your car, it was a 10 feet ramp that would be able to crush your car as soon as you hit the floor, if you're smart enough you'll be able to land with just a few scratches. Lucky you, it made your car spin like a fidget spinner, it made me dizzy which made me even more competitive. You see him copying my method landing bumpier than me, he watches my car spin around, as soon as it gets back to drive straight across a sharp turn comes across us, you still had my car reversed and flipped him of with both hands and my tongue sticking out with a smile.
You turned back switching gears pulling into a drift almost to make your car tilted over the side, Choso's eyes widened as soon as you made that badass move, his mouth curled into a wide smirk. It distracted him from seeing the sharp turn and imediantally switched gears as fast as possible "Damn this town is such a cannibal!" He yelled. He revved his engines trying to catch up to you but before he could, you were already at the finish line. He gripped his hands onto the steering wheel and yelled "Fuck!" He made an overwhelmend and angry expression as soon as he hit the finish line as last. He rested his head back catching his breath, sweating from the overwhelming race. You got out of your car and walked over to his window with a smirk. Choso rolled down his window to hear what you have to say, "Guess who's number 1 now eh?" You chuckled and leaned forward pulling his head towards me kissing his cheek. His eyes widened in surprise that a girl actually kissed him, a hot one too!
You pull away and winked at him before leaving to talk to Satoru and Suguru, Choso came along with you and stood next to you. You think to yourself feeling a bit of regret for kissing Choso, wondering what he'll do next. As Satoru and Suguru were talking you notice Choso staring at you with his violet eyeshadow and the mark across the bridge of his nose, don't even start with his sleepy eyes. You took a glance back at him and imediantally transfered it to the black and white haired men. "To celebrate we should have a sleepover! At the champions crib~" Satoru turned to you with a sly smirk.
"Uhm... Why are you looking at me like that..?" I stuttered "Oh too much!? Whatever! Let's get it!" The group all got into their cars and followed your way home, I guess this really happening ain't it? As you guys got to your house the first thing you do is lock yourself in the room to take a shower due to all the dust in the tracks and sweats. You were finished showering and changed into your room, you can hear the guys all yelling and having fun outside your room, you wonder what they're doing until the noise gets even louder... Closer to your room, soon a loud bang crashed into your door. "AH! WHAT THE SHIT!?" You imediantally got into a pair of shorts and a hoodie, you open the door seeing Choso, Satoru and Suguru all tangled up together Infront of your door "You guys... Are perverted." "Oh come on it was only suppose to be a peak but then Suguru wanted to ReSpEcT your 'privacy'." Satoru said in a mocking tone.
"Ugh..." You walked over them wishing you could've just stepped on them, before you walked off you felt a grip of your ankle almost making you trip. It was Choso gazing upon you "Come onnn Y/N... You know you want it, how about the deal we made? You get anything you want all from my money or just me." He smirked. "You never said it was going to be you as in you." I poked his shoulder. Choso smirked and got up, next thing you know he grabbed your arm tight throwing you back into your room.
The two other guys got up and closed the door behind them "Oww what the fuck was that fo-" Suddenly you felt someone's lip on yours, who was it? Gojo's... "Hey what! It was supposed to be me you bastard!" Choso complained pushing Gojo to the side crashing into the wood of your bed. Choso started kissing you imediantally forcing you to open your mouth trying to bribe you on excepting tongue. "Damn... Never knew racers were this freaky." Gojo chuckled. Suguru walks towards you and sits behind you while Choso kisses you, "Yeah she might as well... You know 'Toru." Suguru had a wide grin appear on his face.
The only time he makes that face is when things get out if hand, Satoru smirks and makes Choso pull away from you, "Aw fuck, I was about to get my hands on her..." You were clueless and lost wondering what's happening. Why is it? What the hell is happening!? Suddenly, Satoru picks you up and sits on your bed while still being able to carry you "P-put me down 'toru!" "Okay." He gently lays you on the bed while surrounded by three men, are you able to take all three? Then Suguru grabs you by the collar of your hoodie and Imediantally starts kissing your neck like he wants to leave marks on you, then Satoru comes along sitting behind you moving your legs around, all of the sudden they were being so touchy? Choso then finally takes your mouth running one hand through your hair and the other lower on your hips. His knees in between your thighs felt sort of good? You tried so hard not to make a noise on what was happening right now. Choso forcing his tongue into your mouth almost like he wants you to come and gag. The kisses started getting sloppier every second while saliva runs down both your chins, you gave up and excepted your situation. Choso's, Suguru's and Satoru's hand all sliding under your hoodie. They all had such cold hands it made you shiver even more just by their touch.
*Soon you get gang banged with Choso fucking you from the back, Suguru making you suck his cock while Satoru watching the whole thing... Go as plan.*
*Choso never even gave you the chance for you to tell him what you wanted after the race, it seems your reward is this...*
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tinamybeloved · 2 years
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Fidget spinner juggling champion
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saintmeghanmarkle · 10 months
Omid Scobies Unapologetic Media Extravaganza by u/Oakthrees
Omid Scobie’s Unapologetic Media Extravaganza Welcome to the latest chapter in the saga of Oh-My Scabies, the notorious scribe of royal whispers, who’s currently whipping through the media landscape like a tempest in a teapot. 😮🖋️👑🌪️🍵 Imagine our author, not so much a knight in shining armor, more a rogue in dented tin, caught in the whirlwind of his own making, spinning faster than a fidget spinner in the eager hands of an imaginary royal child.Visualize Scabies, our modern-day literary Houdini, wriggling in the straitjacket of scrutiny. He’s tossing words around with the flair of a pizza chef in overdrive, aiming for a concoction that looks vaguely like innocence. He’s in the middle of a game of “pin the tail on the royal scandal,” blindfolded, spun around, and handed a floor plan of Buckingham Palace 🏰as his only guide.Dancing through this waltz of denial, Scabies seems to have the grace of a ballet dancer 🕺who’s just realized he’s accidentally crashed the Royal Variety Performance. He’s out there, playing the misunderstood author, fervently insisting that the ‘name game’ in his book was more of an accidental spill than a strategic move. “I didn’t do it!” seems to be his mantra, echoed in interview after interview. “It wasn't me!" 😅 he repeats, channeling a bit of Shaggy 🎶, as he claims that the inclusion of those controversial names were inserted by Dutch translators gone rogue!Firm in his stance, he declares with Shakespearean drama, "I won't apologize!" He’s swearing on his family’s lives that the naming fiasco was as inadvertent as a Brit forgetting to put the teabag in their tea. Let the people in the back hear it loud and clear: Scabies has no plans to apologize, and yes, he’s really dragging his family into this.In this tempest of denial, Scabies thinks he has transformed into the Houdini of the literary scene, masterfully sidestepping the chains of controversy with a blend of bravado and disbelief. Each interview becomes another episode in this unfolding drama, filled with suspense, unexpected turns, and a protagonist as stubbornly insistent on his innocence as a cookie-thieving toddler.The media, perched eagerly in the front row, are devouring this spectacle like it’s the last box of popcorn at a blockbuster premiere. They’re hanging on every word, every denial, every steadfast refusal to apologize, with the enthusiasm of a royal corgi at a lavish tea party. Scabies is at the center of this feast, both the master chef and the main dish.Enter Megain Markle 😈 though not literally, since she’s reportedly lounging in sunny California, likely far removed from this Shakespearean tragedy. Yet, her spectral presence looms large. Denials are flying left, right and centre. Her camp are batting away at the rumors with the grace of a Wimbledon champion holding the might of a royal decree. “Megain? Leaking information? Preposterous!” they cry. The plot thickens, but our enigmatic duchless, is probably mulling over whether to watch “Suits” reruns or start her own podcast on…‘How to Accidentally Become the Center of a Global Media Frenzy’ post link: https://ift.tt/Yhn0GdR author: Oakthrees submitted: December 01, 2023 at 09:24PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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noisycowboyglitter · 3 months
My Son is AU-SOME: Inspiring a World of Compassion and Kindness
"My Son is AU-SOME" is a heartwarming celebration of children on the autism spectrum, cleverly playing on the words "autism" and "awesome." This phrase encapsulates the unique brilliance, creativity, and potential of individuals with autism, seen through the loving eyes of their parents.
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The "AU" highlights autism, not as a limitation, but as a distinctive part of identity. It acknowledges the challenges while emphasizing the extraordinary qualities that make these children truly special. "SOME" reinforces their remarkable nature, showcasing their abilities rather than disabilities.
This positive affirmation serves multiple purposes. For parents, it's a mantra of pride and unconditional love, countering societal misconceptions. For the children, it's a boost of confidence and self-esteem, encouraging them to embrace their authentic selves. In the wider community, it promotes awareness and acceptance, challenging stereotypes and fostering inclusivity.
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"My Son is AU-SOME" often appears on t-shirts, bumper stickers, and social media campaigns. It's more than just a slogan; it's a movement empowering families to share their stories, connect with others, and advocate for understanding and support in schools, workplaces, and society at large.
"Autism Awareness Mama Bear" embodies the fierce love and relentless advocacy of mothers raising children on the autism spectrum. This powerful image combines the protective instinct of a mama bear with the passion for autism awareness and acceptance.
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These dedicated moms become formidable champions for their children, navigating complex healthcare systems, fighting for educational rights, and educating others about autism. They wear their "Mama Bear" title with pride, ready to tackle any challenge that comes their way.
The term resonates within the autism community, creating a sense of solidarity among parents facing similar experiences. It's often seen on t-shirts, mugs, and social media profiles, serving as a rallying cry and a symbol of strength.
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"Autism Awareness Mama Bears" are tireless in their efforts to create a more inclusive world, roaring loudly for understanding, support, and celebration of neurodiversity.Autism gift ideas focus on items that cater to the unique needs and interests of individuals on the spectrum. These thoughtful presents often include sensory toys like fidget spinners or weighted blankets, which can provide comfort and stimulation. Educational tools such as visual schedules or social stories may help with daily routines. Special interests are celebrated with themed merchandise or experiences. Noise-cancelling headphones or sunglasses can assist with sensory sensitivities. Other popular options include chewelry for oral stimulation, communication aids, and autism-positive clothing or accessories that promote awareness and acceptance.
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'Pranking The Prankster - A Turtle Toots Story'
I hid under the couch in my shell to scare Leon while he was in the kitchen, grabbing himself some pizza.
When Leon came back & saw I was gone, he started to smirk & he ran to hide behind the sofa, thinking I've gone to the bathroom. He was so excited to scare me that he kept chuckling to himself while I was still under the couch.
After a few minutes, Donnie entered & he heard Leon laughing.
"You know, this is a furniture piece to sit, don't you? You don't have to... sit behind it?"
"Yeah, yeah, psssst, I'm trying to freak Miguel."
For a short moment, Donnie looked straight to where I was hiding - I knew he was aware of where I was. I looked at him with pleading eyes.
"Ah, sure. Right."
Donnie went to sit next to Leon & I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't start laughing.
"When is Mikey coming back?" Donnie asked casually while fidgeting with a purple fidget spinner. "I have... still work to do."
"Can't be long."
Then Raph entered & Donnie nudged Leon, who impulsively shot up & screamed, "GHOST ATTACK!"
Raph didn't react at all & just looked at us with the well-known 'really?'-expression.
I heard a soft 'meow' from Donnie & I slided out from under the couch yelling, "BOOOOOOOO!"
Our lovely prankster champion Leon basically did a double flip backwards while screaming & hissing in terror. It was a delight to see!
Donnie started chuckling & I couldn't hold my amusement in either. "Got you SO GOOD!"
"Guess you're no longer the champ, huh?" Donnie asked with the smug smile.
"Oh, shut it, Donna. This game's not finito."
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z0mburger · 1 year
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" do i win a prize ? "
💀 — [ after a loud wolf-whistle, Cesare "collapses" against Steve's chest. ] " Ooh, Big Cat! My lucky contestant; REIGNING champion of hot-stuff bingo ... "
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" You win THIS dead horse, and a fidget spinner I found. As consolation. "
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catboy-on-main · 2 years
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🍷 ✧ pyrrha nikos stimboard for me
with greece themed gifs, weaponry, and stim toys! rambling under cut because i can't help myself
🐚 🍇 🐚 🍇 🐚 🍇 🐚 🍇 🐚
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ok so like. stim toy wise she would definitely only have quiet things she could close her hand around or easily hide - a champion who cant sit still isnt good press - but i can totally see her being absolutely enraptured by fidget spinners and the like . she side eyes nora's long enough that nora gets her one as a surprise gift (which, even though she accepts it graciously like shes been taught, takes a long time to do anything more than gather dust in the back of a drawer she never opens)
yada yada someone talks to her and slowly but surely she unlearns things the Industry TM has taught her and bby girl stims happily and in piece <3 i can see her shaking her hands around and rocking in place a lot . definitely wrings her hands and cracks her knuckles a bunch too. absolutely full of stims, that girl, but so quick to shut down and recoil the second she gets a dirty look or a negative comment, even joking . anyway thats my input hope you liked it sorry for rambling this is too long for tags and i have no friends who care about rwby
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Progress chapter 94 main event rambling (how I learned to stop caring and love dunkzilla)
This is your warning, WATCH THE SHOW. I’m only going to be talking about the main event but trust me the entire card fucking rules. But I’m here to tell you about one match, one of the best matches I’ve legitimately ever seen. HEAVY SPOILERS
The setup is simple, Aussie open lost the progress tag titles at the 3rd unboxing show to Paul Robinson and a returning will osprey, who would hold onto the belts by mostly weaponizing them. Leaving Aussie open out of options seemingly, then mark Davis does something Kyle wasn’t expecting. Earlier in the year he won the natural progression series and the title shot of his choice to go with it. Kyle even seems to say “you don’t have to do it” but mark Davis books it, as a TLC match.
From early in the match the commentators establish to very important things being possibly the only thing mark Davis loves more than the tag belts is Kyle fletcher, and when will osprey is with Paul Robinson he brings out an aggressive side last seen in his “I’m going to kill jimmy havoc” feud. Early on it’s Aussie open just going to work on the swords until the swords can jump Davis and beat the dog shit out of Kyle Fletcher. Then it happens, Robinson goes from the electric chair position to standing on osprey to try and grab the belts only for chair to smash into his face out of nowhere. It was mark Davis, he threw a chair from the outside roughly 8-10 feet up into Robinsons face.
Later on Aussie open set up two tables by the stage and were going suplex the swords off the stage through the tables but they counter and take out Kyle. Robinson and osprey try to double superplex Davis from the stage only for him to turn around and almost take them both down but robo gets out Only for fletcher to come from the back ladder in hand and lawndart it into osprey. But Aussie open get mostly put through the tables by the stage (they were the good tables, Davis didn’t go through) the swords aim to win but upon seeing a helpless Kyle Fletcher they actually get down to torture him.
If you’re one of the people that go “why do you get down your giving your opponent another chance!” I’m usually right there with you but we understand that will becomes more aggressive when Robinson by his side and it’s not just something we’ve heard we’ve actively seen it after jimmy havocs return In 2018. The impromptu loser leaves town match with jimmy, will osprey vs swerve that same year, even his turn on okada. So it’s at least understandable, still very much so if it bothers you
Robinson wants to curb stomp fletcher into the chair, Davis rushes to cover his partner with his body like it’s all he can do, the swords whip him with a belt and osprey chokes him. As he’s dragged off he tries to keep ahold of Kyle but Robinson goes for it only to be powerbombed by Fletcher into the chair! Terror crosses wills face, outnumbered, outgunned, out bearded, let the dog shit beating begin.
At one point Paul Robinson tries to go for the belts but Davis drags him into a piledriver position at the top of the ladder, the horror of my face as I realize there’s a ladder bridge beneath them. I then began to beg and plead with mark davis through my television as though this five year old snapshot of something too insane for a human to commit could hear my protests. In a moment it happened, the piledriver through the ladder came to pass, it wasn’t like the 2k games were the ladder bends, it snapped and almost fucking crumbled, and it was awesome! This was the moment Aussie open won, but the match wasn’t finished as they had to deal with osprey. The Aussies get down and let will make it as far up the twin ladders as he can. But when he try’s to grab the belt it’s Kyle who’s first to grab his wrist, then dunkzilla. One last fidget spinner (now named the coriolis) and once again tag team champions Aussie fucking open.
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stargirlromanova · 4 months
Decode the Chatter: Mastering Conversations with Active Listening
Ugh, that feeling when you walk away from a conversation feeling like you just missed the point entirely. Been there, done that! But fear not, fellow conversation navigators! Here are some power-up moves to transform you into an active listening champion:
1. Become a Questioning Sherlock: 🕵️‍♀️ Don't worry, you don't need a deerstalker hat (although it might be a fun conversation starter). Asking questions shows you're engaged and helps clarify things. Think of phrases like "Can you tell me more about that?" or "So, if I understand correctly, you're saying...?"
2. Check Your Listening Compass: 🧭 Sometimes, what we hear and what's actually said can get a little lost in translation. Summarize what you heard to confirm understanding. Try something like, "So basically, you think..." or "It sounds like you're saying..."
3. Don't Be Shy to Rewind: ⏪ Conversations can move fast, and it's okay if you miss something! A simple "Excuse me, could you repeat that?" can be a lifesaver. Plus, people appreciate the effort to truly understand them.
4. Body Language Speaks Volumes: 🔊 Your body language is like a neon sign flashing "I'm listening!" Make eye contact, nod occasionally, and ditch the fidget spinner. This shows you're present and interested in what the other person has to say.
5. Practice Makes Perfect: 💯 The more you actively listen, the better you become at it. Strike up conversations with friends, family, or even the barista you see every morning. The more you practice, the more comfortable you'll feel!
Bonus Hack: 😍 Sometimes, the best way to solidify understanding is to revisit the conversation later. Jot down key points or, if appropriate, ask if you can record it to listen back to later.
Let's chat! 💬 What are your go-to tips for active listening in the comments? Remember, conquering conversations is all about truly connecting with the people around you. Now get out there and listen like a pro!
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katzxpajamas · 7 years
The futuer of Fall Out Boy concerts
Instead of cell phones and lighters being held up, it’s going to be champion fidget spinners.
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aimatrabolmeicher · 7 years
I Fall Out Boy portano il fidget spinner a un altro livello
Ha le lucine e ti fa sentire le musiche, cosa fai non lo compri?
La storia inizia con una to do list pubblicata sul profilo instagram dei Fall Out Boy dove una voce citava “fidget spinners”. ——>
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noisycowboyglitter · 2 months
I’m With Neurotypical: Empowering Messages for Neurodiverse Relationships
I'm With Neurotypical: Celebrating Neurodiversity Together
Standing beside someone neurotypical (someone whose brain functions in a way considered typical) can be an incredible journey. You get a front-row seat to their unique perspective and strengths, while offering valuable support and understanding for their neurodivergent loved one.
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Buy now:19.95$
This shirt isn't just about raising awareness; it's a badge of honor for being a champion for neurodiversity. It celebrates the beautiful tapestry woven from the threads of different neurological experiences.
Whether you're a parent, sibling, friend, partner, or ally, wearing this shirt shows the world you're proud to stand with someone neurodivergent. It's a symbol of acceptance, empathy, and a commitment to building a world where everyone thrives, regardless of how their brain works.
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So wear it loud and proud! You're part of a team that's changing the world, one conversation, one connection, and one celebration of neurodiversity at a time.
Finding the perfect gift for an autistic teen can be fun! Focus on their interests and sensory needs.
Fuel their Passions: Love for music? Consider noise-canceling headphones or music creation tools. Artistic flair? Get them sketchbooks, paints, or cool drawing gadgets.
Soothe and Focus: Fidget toys, weighted blankets, and noise-canceling headphones offer calming sensory input, ideal for managing stress.
Organization is Key: Planners, visual timers, and organizers can help them navigate daily routines smoothly.
Social Fun in Disguise: Board games, collaborative art projects, or social skills workshops can be disguised fun, fostering connection with others.
Style Meets Function: Clothes with comfortable textures, cool headphones in trendy colors, or fidget spinners that double as accessories can be a win-win.
Remember, the best gift shows you care about their individual needs and passions!
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Show Your Support with This Autism Awareness Tee
This t-shirt isn't just clothing; it's a powerful statement of acceptance and understanding. It's a way to stand alongside the autistic community and raise awareness about neurodiversity.
Made from comfortable, breathable fabric, this tee is perfect for everyday wear. Choose from a variety of colors and styles to find one that reflects your personality.
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By wearing this shirt, you're helping to create a more inclusive world where everyone feels valued and understood. It's a conversation starter, sparking curiosity and promoting empathy for those on the autism spectrum.
More than just a tee, it's a symbol of hope and progress.
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jade-may · 7 years
patrick: we need to appeal to a wider auidence, any ideas guys?
joe: politics
andy: meaningful lyrics
joe: memes
andy: more tours with guests
patrick: pete, any ideas?
pete: 👉😎👉 fidget spinners 👈😎👈
patrick: oh god pete N O
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rocksound · 7 years
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that feeling when pete wentz appears in the back of your car and gives you a fall out boy fidget spinner
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