#andy probably does say more tours
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Just Like Andy Warhol Said
Fandom: Daisy Jones & The Six Pairing: Eddie x Camila Rating: E Word Count: 3992
Summary: The night before Billy's discharged from the rehab clinic, Eddie tries not to think about what it'll be like when Camila gets her husband back. Unfortunately, it's pretty fucking hard not to think about her when she finds him sitting alone. Or; in the Dunne-Alvarez infidelity wars, Camila draws first blood.
It feels like it’s the night before the world gets made. Or annihilated. Eddie can’t tell or decide. What’s for sure is Billy gets out of the clinic tomorrow. Graham’s supposed to pick him up. Eddie’s glad it’s not him. If everybody else’d said no, he’d have done it, because even though Camila made it clear by her silence that she’s sure as hell not going to get him, Eddie knows she wants Billy back. Whether she wants him back back is harder to say.
This is some kind of ending—an end to the months of relative normalcy. Without Billy, they’ve still been a band, but a band without gigs, let alone a tour. And it’s actually been… alright. Hell, they’re still in fucking California. And Eddie’s been building his new bass, working on it whenever he likes. He never would’ve gotten to do that if they were on tour and then back in the studio, recording another album. Another thing he wouldn’t have been able to do if not for Billy’s cataclysmic fuck-up is be there for Camila and Julia the way he has. Nobody asked him to be, but Eddie doesn’t mind. He never minds. If it helps Camila, he never could. When Billy comes back, well, Eddie might have to take his bow, leave the parenting to the parents, the husbanding to the husband. It’s a thought that makes him clench his teeth bitterly.
He hasn’t spent these months trying to replace Billy. The fact of it, Eddie thinks, is that nobody should. Cam and Jules don’t need a Billy to make them wait up, let them down, blow too much of the cheque on booze. What they need is, well, somebody like Eddie. He wouldn’t be the worst choice. He’s here, for one thing. He’s reliable, and he’s decent—apart from wanting nothing more than to break up Billy and Camila’s marriage. If Billy needs any help in that department. When Eddie pictures it (and he does), he and Camila are really good for each other. He supports and loves her, and she relieves him of the burden of trying to hide how much.
He's thinking about her when he hears her footsteps in the room connected to the deck, but her sudden presence is still startling. He quickly sits upright in his chair, pulling the joint he just lit back out from between his lips. (Better than chain-smoking cigarettes, and he’s trying to cool it about Billy.)
“I wasn’t sure anybody was home,” Camila says, emerging from the darkened room to step out onto the deck. Her voice is as soft and bright as the stars way up above them. “Where is everybody?”
“They went out. I think they were thinkin’ one last night to get totally shitfaced.”
Before Billy gets back and they have to worry about the guy he was the last time they all saw him. Eddie doesn’t need to say it, so he keeps it to himself. Camila knows. Anyway, she nods like she does.
“That’s… sorta sweet,” she settles on. She smiles ironically. “Except for the part where nobody invited me.”
“Probably just thought you were busy with the baby,” Eddies says. He doesn’t know why he’s covering for them. He never would’ve forgotten Cam.
“Yeah, well, my mom’s with her.” Camila hasn’t sat down yet, but after sweeping her eyes along the horizon, she turns them on Eddie and the joint pinched between his dangling fingers. “Are you smoking that?”
His arm comes to life like Victor Frankenstein electrified it, jerking upward. God, why can he never be cool around her?
He tries to be, tries harder, joint back in the corner of his mouth as he tickles the end with his lighter ’til it catches. Camila sits and Eddie inhales, then passes it to her. Slowly exhaling smoke, he takes snatching glimpses of her delicate hold on the paper he licked and rolled. He gets lost in the careless way she tosses back her dark sheet of hair. And then the joint’s touching her lips, trapped between them, and his mouth is so dry he has to swallow. Cam streams a column of smoke skyward. She hands it back, and Eddie takes a second hit automatically. Shit. This was supposed to relax him, but Cam’s fingers brush his on the next exchange, and then he kinda just fails to look away. He stares at the graceful bend of her arm. At her mouth. Good god, her mouth. Her mouth wrapped around the same joint he just had clamped between his own lips.
She laughs when she sees him looking at her. Unconcerned, not at all suspicious. And why should she be suspicious, when he’s worked damn hard to stay a gentleman?
Her fingers flick the joint, spraying fine ash into the air.
“What?” Camila demands, the laugh still in her voice.
Here’s where Eddie says, Nothing.
Except he says, “You know what,” low and sure, and keeps his gaze on her—heavy, like he wants to be on top of her. Hot, like they could be if they got out of this night air and he took her to bed. Just once.
Cam blinks a bunch of times, as if the ash she scattered blew back into her eyes. But that’s not it. And Eddie sits there and waits to see how the disbelief on the face of the woman he loves resolves itself; will she be horrified or pleased? Is he the guy trying to ruin her marriage, or the only one who can still see her there inside it, apart from it. Eddie doesn’t want his words to reach Camila Dunne. He wants Camila Alvarez. Wants her every which way.
Camila drops her eyes, then glances around for the ashtray, leaving the joint tilted against its rim. Eddie doesn’t know what’s going on. He expects her to leave him—not leave him, but leave, meeting his flirtation with the no-uncertain-terms rejection it probably deserves. Things’ll be awkward for a few days, or maybe a while, but she’ll have Billy home to distract her, and Eddie’ll have his usual misery. And then they’ll just forget. Or pretend to.
Eddie’s resigning himself to this when Camila leans across the arm of her chair towards him. His eyes widen, are still open when she kisses him. He starts to shake his head in confusion, but Camila says, “Shhh,” touching his lips with her finger, then her mouth. Again.
This will never be spoken of—the scuff of chair legs as Eddie tries to turn towards Cam with his whole body, the way he clutches the back of her head through her hair, the feel of her heart when she takes his hand and guides it to her chest—but still, Eddie wishes it could be known that he didn’t hesitate for a second.
It’s Camila, so of course Eddie’s already getting hard when she climbs out of her chair and into his, sitting on his lap as they kiss hotly. She doesn’t kiss him the way he’s seen her kiss Billy, with her arm draped loosely around the back of his neck. Eddie’s seen that enough to notice, to assess how Camila’s hold seems designed to direct Billy’s wandering attention to her, how Billy will often sling his own arm around her waist with equal looseness. Taking her for granted—that’s what Billy’s posture always says to Eddie. Eddie’s not gonna do that, so when Camila hangs onto him tightly, he does the same. His hand kneads her thigh through her thin dress, and her fingers dig into his shoulder as her head tilts to keep pace with their furious kissing.
When Eddie parts her lips with his tongue, Cam releases this rough, reaching moan. He shifts her so she’ll feel the length of his dick against her hip. She leans into him, making him grunt. After a few seconds, he brings his hand to the top of her thigh. Encouragingly, Camila gathers the fabric of her dress, hitching it up her legs as their tongues twist together in her mouth. Eddie’s palm runs up the smooth path of skin she makes for him, all the way to her underwear, cotton against his fingertips.
“You want…?” he chokes out.
“Uh huh,” Camila pants back.
She gives him a little space, and he takes it. He’s used to this, taking whatever she’ll give him: genuine praise during band practice back in Pittsburgh, a companionable arm linked through his, a kiss on the cheek at her wedding. He collects her words and touches and moments of fleeting but intense affection like he can build something with them, some kind of mosaic that might look like love from a distance. And now she gives him this—the moan she lets out when he contorts his wrist to slip his hand into her underwear and find her clit.
He wonders, as he reaches lower to wet his fingertips in her arousal and Camila sucks his tongue, whether they missed the moment where they could’ve paused to talk about this, or whether there never was one. Did they decide, silently, not to discuss it? Is it pointless to talk about what this means? There are words that could be said—infidelity, for one—but Eddie can’t find it in himself to give a shit. Nudging his thumb against her clit, he presses two fingers inside her. Camila’s body squeezes them. Maybe they don’t need much more conversation than that.
Camila’s hip keeps his cock pinned to his abdomen, the fly of his jeans digging in on the other side. It feels appropriately painful to Eddie; whatever he has to suffer for this, he’ll do it. He starts rocking his hand so his fingers slip in and out of her. At some point, they stop kissing and just rest their faces together with their eyes closed, listening to him fuck her with his hand. Already sitting across his lap, Cam makes herself even longer when she tips her head back, groaning at the pressure he puts on her clit. His dick throbs at the knowledge that she’s going to remember this. She can’t not.
When Camila gets off, it seems to only make her hornier, and Eddie decides that means she doesn’t think this is a mistake. She doesn’t climax and then come to her senses and scurry back into the house. No. Limply, the back of her neck damp with sweat when he rubs her there, Camila eases away from him just enough to unbutton and unzip his jeans. Eddie sighs as the pressure vanishes. His fingers are still buried in her, her cunt throbbing around them. When she gets his fly open and his briefs jerked down in front to expose him, she reaches between her legs for his hand. With her wetness still glossy on his fingers, she folds his willing hand into a fist around his cock. Her hand covers his. Eddie groans like he aches because smearing her arousal down his length makes the stroke so slick.
That it could be like this never entered his mind. Every time he’s imagined the two of them, it’s him doing whatever she asks for. Him fucking her slow, for hours. His face between the stifling press of her thighs as he laps her cunt, clit, and curls. He’s pictured himself being up for anything Billy wasn’t doing for her, or wasn’t doing well. In the thoughts he has almost every night—and sometimes in his dreams—Eddie volunteers his body to her, just to be the one who meets her needs. He never considered that part of her pleasure might come from tending to his.
Camila pulls his shirt up, maybe only meaning to get it out of the way, but Eddie quits pumping himself long enough to pull it all the way off and throw it on the deck. Their hands close around his dick again, and now Cam’s tucking her hair behind her ear and lightly kissing his chest. He imagines her mouth where their hands are. He can’t help it. She probably knows, possibly even wants him to. But he’s a safe man to tease, won’t make a crude comment or force her head down to his lap. He’s predictable.
She’s not.
Camila slides from his lap, dropping to the deck like a petal from a flowering tree. Her left hand rubs long strokes over his thigh, keeping the spot where she was sitting warm. Eddie likes the sound of her hand against the denim. Her right hand nudges his aside and grips the base of his dick. Her grip controls his twitching so she can wrap her lips around the head.
Shaping and reshaping around him.
He wishes he could put a pair of headphones over Camila’s ears right about now to muffle the sounds he’s making, but she doesn’t seem put off. Eddie finds it hard to look right at what her mouth is doing, so he places a hand high on her chest—like before, when she led him to her heartbeat—and stares at that. She keeps her eyes down until she raises her whole head. Her hand takes over, trying to stand in for the suction of her cheeks and the wet caress of her tongue, and her lips part like she’s going to ask him a question. He comes then, before she can speak. Even then, she’s tender, not speaking as she slackens her strokes and releases him. She kisses his knee over his jeans. He’ll never know what she was going to say.
If this is it, Eddie thinks, it’s been everything. His chest is still heaving, and he feels like liquid in this chair, and Cam is leaning her arm casually across his leg and resting her cheek on it. They’re quiet for a few minutes. The most peaceful few minutes of his life. There are stars, and insect noises, and lights on in a house a little way down the canyon.
Finally, she stands.
“Come on, Eddie,” Camila says, not urgent, not weary, but as though it’s inevitable.
She goes into the house, trusting him to follow. He’d have to be dead not to. Honestly, he’d have to be dead.
He tucks himself away and pulls his pants up, but leaves them open. He has a feeling he knows where Cam is, in this insane alternate reality of his life. Before he goes there, he hits the bathroom to clean himself up, to look into his own eyes in the mirror a minute. That guy’s probably the only person he’ll ever get to tell about any of this. If things were different, Eddie would be putting his love for Camila on billboards. He wouldn’t be writing sappy, crappy songs about her that don’t make the album, fighting half-heartedly when they’re replaced by shit that’s both better and meaner. He’d be making the Camila songs the best songs in the first place—songs so good they wouldn’t get replaced. He’d build those tracks like a temple to her. He’d pity nonbelievers.
She’s in his bedroom, like he thought she’d be. He can’t recall her ever being in here before, even the day they moved in; maybe that’s a coincidence, maybe not. Because Camila looks so restless sitting on the end of his bed, Eddie’s careful to step inside and not block the door. In case she wants to bolt. They’ve established too many truths tonight for her to retreat into ignorance, but if she’s accepted all of those—that he loves her, that she’s willing to cheat on her husband to let Eddie love her—and just doesn’t want to feel him inside her, that’s her choice.
He stands with his hands in his pockets.
“Come here, Eddie.”
Does she like saying his name?
He jerks his thumb towards the door.
“You want that closed?”
Camila laughs, and it’s not very nice. Somehow, she mixes bitterness with abandon, but it still sounds good to him. Eddie gets it—getting caught might not be any more dire than giving themselves permission to do this in the first place. Warren’s amazement or Graham’s fury or Karen’s sad understanding can’t make Camila’s infidelity worse. A door can’t keep this contained.
“Yes, please.”
Eddie shuts the door.
There could be a joke in the fact that Cam’s probably only ever had sex with one person while Eddie got laid like crazy during the tour, but she’s the only one he’s ever felt more than passing lust for. If not a joke, a moral. If not a moral, a nonsensical tragedy. There are condoms in his nightstand, his bass case, the pocket of a different pair of jeans he needs to wash. She can pick. He’ll protect her from himself in that way at least.
Closing the door appears to have subdued her restlessness, because she stands and drops her dress in one motion, leaving Eddie gobsmacked. For a moment, he worries he’s too stoned for this; the world seems to contract around them until there’s only the distance between him and her, the edges too soft to be real. But he walks towards her like he’s
calmer than he is. Camila runs her hand up his chest to his shoulder and won’t let go until he steps near enough to kiss her.
Kissing her standing up is… real in a way it hasn’t yet been. Kissing standing up is like a greeting or a parting, casual and formal at the same time, and most of all, habitual. That’s the thing—they’re kissing like they do this all the time. Kissing standing up, Eddie suspects, is the thing that will destroy him if he does it much longer. What kind of clinics do they have for that?
So, they get in bed, where they both want to be. Eddie’s jeans on the bedroom floor, Camila’s long, bare legs twining around his under the sheet. She keeps her bra on (will she leak otherwise, because of the baby? Eddie doesn’t want to bring up her life beyond this room, so he doesn’t ask), but lets him drag her underwear off before her fingers find the band of his and do the same. It’s so, so easy, terrifyingly easy. He gets the condom on like he's done this before—which he has, but not this. They hold each other close, panting, and Eddie pushes inside her.
The night takes on a beautiful silence. The soft dimness of his room without the light on is a closer blackness than the night sky, but he has world enough just looking down at Camila, and then up at Camila, a quick smile on her lips as his hands steady her. Once she gets situated, she rides him. Her head falls back a second with her moan. Eddie’s not exactly keeping his head himself, but he’s trying to breathe as normally as he can while Cam sets a pace neither fast nor slow. He wouldn’t immediately call it fucking, but it isn’t lovemaking either. What Camila does is ride him with her whole body, from the thighs that tense as his hands glide over them to the hips that roll, to the full breasts that bounce (oh yeah, he’s gonna be seeing that in his dreams ’til the end of time), the shoulders that hitch, the mouth that hangs slack when he thrusts just right. And her hands are all over him: covering his hands, clawing his chest, gripping his hair. It seems impossible to Eddie that he could be doing this much right, be making Camila feel this good, but then he clocks his doubt as an inferiority complex. There’s another asshole out there in the world who probably makes her feel half this good and is twice as confident about it.
Say my name, he thinks, one hand slipped so carefully into the cup of her bra and the other between her thighs, rubbing her clit with the wetness that overflows from where she rises and falls on his dick. Say it. Just once like this. He massages with more intent, then eases back, massages, and eases.
There are tears on Camila’s face when she finally gasps, “Eddie!”
“I’m here, Cam. Right here.”
She comes, throwing herself up and down on him, exactly as demanding as he wants her to be. God, he thinks. Need me.
Her body’s still clenching around him as she slumps, panting. Eddie wouldn’t insist while she took what she needed, but he’s not wholly selfless; when he fills this condom, he wants to be nose to nose with her. He wants whatever approximation of love he can generate by seeing his own adoration reflected back at him in her eyes. When she folds over him, when she allows him to handle her, he rolls them to lay her beneath. He kisses her and finishes watching the calm trust in her face. I’ll be here, Camila. I will. Me.
It's not as awkward as it probably could be, after. Neither of them makes excuses for the other’s or their own decisions. Life just… goes on. Scanning her eyes around his bedroom, Cam asks when he’s going to get to his laundry, and Eddie snorts softly. He tells her he’ll get to it. The place doesn’t smell yet, does it? No, she agrees it doesn’t, and Eddie holds so very still as she cuddles up to him, resting her head on his shoulder.
He’d sooner die than talk about it, but every second they don’t address the fact that Billy’s coming home tomorrow starts to feel like another splinter off Eddie’s ribcage, little fragments of bone turning inward to point towards his heart. It’s uncomfortable. If he waits, it’ll probably be deadly. The first time he sees them together again… he anticipates that it’ll feel like shrapnel striking his chest. Nothing major hit. He’ll live. He’ll be able to go on. But some stupid part of him wants to know now, wants a mercy kill.
And now there’s a question he doesn’t ask, because Camila sits up and swings her legs over the side of his bed. Bewildered, Eddie watches her getting dressed.
“I need to get back,” she says, pulling her dress over her head. “For Jules.”
“Of—” His throat is thick. He clears it. “Of course.”
He’s sitting with his knees bent up, tenting the sheet, arms laid across them. He knows what he’s watching now: he’s watching Cam debate with herself whether she should go back for one more kiss. Maybe she’s wondering what that kiss would feel like, the tone it would set to close this escapade out. Eddie knows his eyes are too serious. As if he can help it. She’s his whole damn reason for being.
So, with her hand on the doorknob, she looks at him like she’s waiting for him to bring up Billy, and he looks back at her, waiting for that kiss—just a sign, that’s all either of them wants. Some demonstration of devotion. Eddie needs to be a little brutal, or Camila a little sweet, and they’ll know how things stand.
Cam lets go of the doorknob, hand falling gently to her side.
“When Billy gets back—” Eddie blurts.
It makes Camila cut him off: “I can’t.”
She grasps the doorknob again and slips out of the room.
It kills him, but he had to. After all of it, he just had a feeling one more kiss would be the thing Camila couldn’t bear. He’d rather she loves him and leaves him than the other way around. Rather not watch it pain her to keep trying to figure out what to do with him. Eddie brought Billy into the room with them to keep things simple.
He could’ve told her he loves her instead.
But then the closed door would’ve hurt more.
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zorasthoughts · 5 months
some new thoughts for the holly jackson fandom
back in january, i made a post about when i thought the agggtm tv show was going to be coming out, and other holly jackson-related content. my calculations about the show (promo in february and march, with a release at the end of april to tie in with the andie & sal case), were off :( this does make sense though, because holly's new book came out, and she was on tour in america, and also has upcoming events in the uk. anyway, i thought wanted to make a new post about some of the things that i've observed. this is going to mention some spoilers for the first book, so read with caution!!
first of all, the book's tie-in cover has been released. i don't know why i didn't notice/consider this sooner, but pip is clearly at school here, and not wearing a school uniform, and neither are the people you can see in the background. i think they decided to follow the example of the show sex education, where even though the kids are clearly in britain, they don't wear uniform, so it has a kind of american feel to it.
another minor thing about the cover is you can see notes in the door of pip's locker, one of which says "josh's party" - there's been no mention of a casting for pip's brother, but i'm hoping this means that he is going to be in the show. sibling relationships are really important in this trilogy (but that's a whole other post), but also in general, pip and josh have a really sweet relationship.
agggtm is going to be on netflix!! hopefully releasing on netflix at the same time that the show comes out in the uk. very happy for all the non-uk fans that there is an option for them to be able to watch it.
a few new stills!! fun. i think the one of pip and ravi standing in that field/grass area with the trees in the background is when they do their "did sal have the time to murder andie?" scene
and pip and her friends!! looking at the way they are dressed makes me think that the show is going to be set in the 2020s, rather than 2017, which would make sense, because although this series deals with specific dates, and obviously there's the five year gap between the case and the official investigation, it would be much easier for the wardrobe and hair and make-up people to create looks for the characters using current trends rather than having to go back to 2017 and 2012. it also means that the show can include more up-to-date pop culture references, etc.
okay, onto that short clip of pip and ravi (spoilers for the book here!!)
i think this scene takes place around the time that pip's dog barney was taken, as a way to blackmail pip into destroying her research and dropping the project.
so my guess is that in this scene, pip's family is out looking for the dog, but she's staying at home because she's going to sneak out later to destroy her research like the blackmailer told her to. anyway, ravi comes over, and they hang out for a bit. as he's leaving, he tells her "call me if you need me" because it's not a case thing, it's just ravi being a supportive friend. and he gives her a hug to cheer her up.
pip, meanwhile, looks on the verge of tears, and doesn't immediately hug him back, probably because she's feeling guilty about what dropping the project will mean to ravi.
curious to know if people have other ideas about this scene, and about the other stuff that i've discussed, my predictions aren't always right. my only other thought about that scene is that zain looks like a great casting choice for ravi :)
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The Kills' new stuff?
I've been a fan of the Kills since Blood Pressures was released (eons ago, really). My partner got into them when Midnight Boom was around. I was really obsessed with them and now I pick them up with massive nostalgia because well, the sound and factually the aura, feel, the whole will they/did they/etc shenanigans really tied the whole image together, even if they dropped it. But watching documentaries like I Hate The Way You Love, french documentaries, long interviews, old recorded gigs and trying to figure out things even if it's their own lives, they had their own mystique around them.
They were very cool. It wasn't that they gave more interviews then, it was that they knew what to say, they knew what not to say, it was natural for them. Now it feels like a forced recipe in the music, which is really sad. I knew Jamie had talked about straying from guitars quite a while now, but it's sad to properly witness it in the tracks we've seen.
I'm happy that Alison is more comfortable and found love with Damian Lewis, I'm sure everyone is very very happy for her and bless that! Seriously, I grin from ear to ear. They look very sweet with one another.
I don't think that strained The Kills though, but Jamie had always been behind steering the wheel behind the scenes, so it really feels like he's lost interest in making guitar music. I know obviously they've grown, but as corny as it is we need to address that this feels like a "Little Room" situation, which most know is a The White Stripes song (c'mon, we're the same fandom practically). Jamie talked about it in length of how brilliant it was and how relatable it was. The Kills played in a closet space while they were getting on track before Keep on your Mean Side and starting the band. And now obviously they've gotten far more creative space and recognition, but it feels like they're doing it to do it.
I'm probably bias as hell, but I love the whole raw energy and strict bare sound that they had in the beginning, as well as Jamie's former projects like Scarfo and Fiji, which really focused on talking about poverty, being low on the ladder, crime and unattainable things. Now all of that is achieved and they did sort of feel like they missed the old days (hence the massive rehashes of polaroids from their first US tour and releasing Dream & Drive). It was fascinating to dig into their musical influences, hear Jamie read Kerouac, how they bonded over Andy Warhol and Edie Sedgewick, Jamie showing Alison The Velvet Underground and PJ Harvey, talking about Sonic Youth.
I don't get the same vibe from Rihanna fan talk and the current music they enjoy. I'm not saying your influences have to be very seen in your music, but here it feels very bland, imo.
And regarding to the controversial album cover of "God Games" I saw it, I was a bit surprised that it was very very... meh and I was just even more underwhelmed since the songs are very very bland to me, so bland songs, bland album. I'm not entirely sure what they wanted to say with it, I know they stopped being vegans eons ago or stand up for animal rights, and not saying that only vegans care about animal rights! But it does feel like a quick note on "hey, this is our interpretation which is xyz" as a simple reply anywhere would make more sense than running to make some stupid drama of are they supporting bullfighting and what is this shit get the album some attention. Meh.
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pixelatedquarter · 1 year
The Tour Of Fuck It We Ball Part 3: The Return Of The King (this is about tai… and the band of hobbits, not mikeyway) Days 7-10 of US Tourdust: North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre (Chula Vista, California), BMO Stadium (Los Angeles, California, night 1), KROQ Helpful Honda Sound Space (Los Angeles, California, secret show), BMO Stadium (Los Angeles, California, night 2), Shoreline Amphitheatre (Mountain View, California)
For the California stretch of the tour you need to understand the mood was set early on day 7 when instagram user mikeyway posted a picture of Andy with a teensy tiny little puppy. And then kept posting updates from stage side. It was extra upsetting for the people who rely on streams because for a while there the only updates we were getting were from mikey fuckin way posting pictures to his stories. When it was time for Saturday, mikey fuckin' way went on stage and played bass.
For the piano segment:
On day 7 Patrick said he didn't have anything interesting to say because he sings the interesting things and then we got a song Pete suggested, it was nothing compares 2 u by Prince.
Day 8 he said "i practice this at some point it's just a matter of if they will come back" and then played Mr. Blue Sky (Electric Light Orchestra cover) and then he did something new, he didn't follow that with don't stop believin', he followed it with Golden.
Next day they also had time so he got to do another cover/fob dual piano mystery medley with Every Breath You Take by The Police followed by I've Got This Ringing.
Finally, it took Patrick 10 days and probably a lot of restraint to play an Elvis Costello cover, Allison.
The relentless attack of the magic 8 ball which cannot be bartered with, cannot be persuaded, sees no friends or enemies, and so on and so forth continued, with new twists:
For Day 7 we didn't get any setlists, but the magic 8 ball song was (Coffee's For Closers) ("Should we play a new song we've never played before?/Should we play a fucking song from Folie à Deux?"). Very disappointingly, there was no waltz at the end as was tradition. But we did get theatrics.
LA featured a new twist, 2 8 Ball songs per night. We were unprepared. We did not have the setlists until after the 8 balls hit. They also taught us there could be repeats. We'll get to Pete's Very Specific Phrasing of his explanation after this segment.
Day 8 was GINASFS ("Should we play an old ass b side? no Should we play an old B side?") followed by America's Suitehearts ("Should we play a song off Folie à Deux?"). (GINASFS did not get a codename (other than generally standing for Gay Is Not A Synonym For Shitty), America's Suitehearts' codename was ASS)
Day 9 we got another (After) Life Of The Party ("Should we play an old B side?"), followed by Bang The Doldrums ("Should we play another old one?/Is this one gonna be a doozy?") (Codenames were Sierra Amazon and then Yankee Hotel Hotel. Because the pirate song Yo Ho Hos.) You can see Pete's written his part of Doldrums on the setlist!
Also on day 9 in response to "The magic 8 ball cannot be intimidated, cannot be bartered with. It seeks not friends nor cares for enemies that it makes" Patrick said "This 8 ball gets more intimidating every night" and was met with "I know. The 8 ball does not care how much you rehearse any of this shit". Truer words have never been spoken.
For day 10 it was back to a single 8 ball song, The Patron Saint Of Liars And Fakes ("Should we play a song off that record where we were sitting on a fucking couch on the cover?", Codename: PATRIZZY S). Pete was clearly feeling very inspired for the code names these days.
We also have more information and confirmation to their obfuscation efforts, someone who went to la2(day 9) also said on discord that their tour guide "said that even the crew other than one front of house person doesn’t get to know the surprise song in advance bc they sound check it in the inner ears only".
Days 8 and 9 were back to back with each other, so naturally, the reasonable thing to do with those hours between shows was to give an interview, and then a whole other secret show:
The interview gave us the very important information that once a song is played in the 8 ball it becomes fair game on the setlist. We thought that was to clarify that GINASFS got a repeat on the 8 ball slot. It wasn't and that very night we found out it meant "it becomes fair game at ANY point on the setlist". That answer also features him masterfully dodging the question of what GINASFS means to him.
It also inexplicably featured Pete pulling out a bunny puppet, that he proceeded to have answer "only the questions i'm nervous about". Look it's a lot to list here, so here's a compilation of every emotional support bunny moment, ft. Patrick interacting with the bunny. So far it hasn't been seen again.
It is very important that everyone reading this knows they had spinny chairs.
There were also other nice things to know (some overlap with the bunny supercut) like Patrick's not at all revisionist sounding take on the hiatus' meaning, Patrick's neighbor trying to be very tactful about the MANIA-sm(f)s wait and Joe being happy to be back. Oh yea and we found out that at no point did the flamethrower bass come with training in pyrotechnics
Pete spoke at one point during the show, and mentioned getting high and staring at a friend pissing, as a Wentzian metaphor and also as a story that happened to him.
Unmentioned until now but The Academy Is… were openers for Wrigley and this subleg of the tour. In Wrigley Sisky took over bass playing for Saturday. And he did it again on day 9. Not only that, but Bilvy finally sang his part during the performance of Sophomore Slump which was added to the main setlist for that night.
And that's not how we found out 8 ball songs are fair game to any placement on the setlist. We found out because during the attic scene they played Homesick At Space Camp.
Oh yeah and one of these shows was on July 3rd, you know what that means… That's right, it's Terminator 2 day, only significant thing to happen. There's no songs aptly named for the day after this. Pete made 2 whole references to Terminator 2. 0 references to the other country that celebrates independence the same day as the Philippines.
It's become increasingly apparent that Pete sometimes adds more narrative to his recurrent speeches, here's the version of his screwtop bottle of wine speech from day 7 where he adds a step after drinking.
Day 8 featured the lava boots speech, and a little about when they moved to LA in the pre-non-encore speech, without any details. But it was something that was rattling in his brain
He also added more for his pre-non-encore speech on day 9. This one's heavy. He talks about their time recording FUTCT and laying under a blanket thinking about death. And how he doesn't lay under a blanket thinking about death anymore
To bring things into something more upbeat, there was a lot of banter on day 10, including one where they almost spoil succession, ft. Andy intervening to take this tour into a real comedy act.
And now for the Fashion & Friendship corner, because fuck it, Pete keeps getting described as being in his Malibu MILF for Gay People era, and they sure are friends:
Our resident Barbara Millicent Wentz, at some point, got an update to his poncho
And on day 9 updated his outfit. Here's another look at the jacket. Other than that he's kept the leather and hoodies. Not the homework though. The roses are also safe, Pete's breath not so much.
Joe was spotted wearing a whole new different t-shirt (also helping a fan out in that vid), or rather the same t-shirt he wore earlier that day. It's still an incredibly momentous update. His commitment to wear a plain grey t-shirt so his admittedly extremely sexy guitar can shine and he's matching it is remarkable.
Andy got some bracelets too!! And he didn't share. We now know why he's packed only one change of clothes, he's living in the TREE
Patrick's hat for California was his green baseball cap with the crysmiley, and his black descendants hat with a leather-y jacket with the era's logo for day 7.
And of course, Patrick is a great hugger, and their friends are very tall.
Also the BMO Stadium was arranged with a walkway, they made good use of it.
As usual, sources and credits and additional content that those have and this skims over are located here in the masterpost!
Here's links to parts 1 and 2
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bechloeislegit · 2 years
25 Days of BeChloe Christmases
DAY 2 - Never Have I Ever - Bellas Christmas Edition
Summary: After the USO Tour, the Bellas had all slowly migrated west and were now living in and around LA. Beca invites them over for Christmas Eve to exchange Christmas gifts and watch the tape of her recent appearance on Ellen. Ellen's guests played Never Have I Ever; Beca's answers while playing led the Bellas to believe Beca was seeing someone. A secret someone.
It was Christmas Eve, and the Bellas were sitting around Beca's living room, waiting for Beca to return home. She had to go into the studio and asked Chloe to play hostess for her until she could get back. Beca gave them permission to watch the show without her, so they were all sitting around the living room waiting for Chloe set the TV up.
"It's ready," Chloe said. "Everyone grab a drink and some snacks so we can get started."
"Does anyone know who else is on the show with Beca?" Ashley asked.
"Yeah," Chloe said. "She told me it was Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg."
"Wow," Jessica said. "Don't they have a show together now?"
"They do," Lily said. "It's on VH1, and it's calledMartha and Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party."
"Oh yeah," CR said. "I've seen that. They are hysterical together."
"Does Beca sing on the show?" Aubrey asked.
"No," Chloe said. "She doesn't have any new music coming out. She'll be talking about that movie she just finished with Justin Timberlake."
"The one she does a voice for?" Emily asked. "Trolls."
"That's right," Chloe said, taking her seat. "Are we ready to start?"
"Let's do this," Fat Amy said as everyone settled down.
"I'm going to fast forward through the parts that Beca isn't in," Chloe said as she hit play, and the show started.
"Can we watch the opening monologue?" Ashley asked. "Ellen usually says some funny stuff during that."
"Okay," Chloe said.
The show started, and Ellen did her opening monologue. After taking her seat, she announced who was on the show before going to a commercial break. Chloe fast-forwarded through the commercial to where Beca was introduced and came onto the stage. The Bellas were talking about how good Beca looked.
After chatting a bit about the movieTrolls, Ellen went to another commercial break. Chloe fast-forwarded again and stopped when she saw Martha Stewart, Snoop Dogg, and Beca all sitting on the couch.
"Welcome back," Ellen said. "We're going to play a game calledNever Have I Ever."Ellen picks up some paddles and hands them to Beca. "Take one and pass it down."
Beca does as Ellen asks and sits, waiting for what comes next.
"The paddles each haveI Haveon one side, andI Have Noton the other. I'm going to ask a question, and you hold up the paddle with your answer as to whether you have or have not done it," Ellen explained. "And you have to be 100% honest."
"You're not giving us a lie detector test, are you?" Snoop Dogg asked, causing Beca to laugh.
"Probably not, but you have to be one hundred percent truthful," Ellen said and looked at the first card. "Okay, first question. Never Have I Ever sexted."
The guests think and held up their paddles. Martha, Snoop Dogg, and Beca all hold upI Have. Ellen is the only one who held upI Have Never.
The audience laughed, and Beca looked down the row and sees that Martha Stewart hadI Havefacing the audience. Beca laughed almost hysterically and said, "I'm so glad I'm here today."
"Wow!" Ellen said and looked at Martha.
Martha sat there smiling at Ellen. "Martha! You've sexted before? Do you know what that is?"
Martha gives her a "Duh" look. "I have used technology a lot more than you will ever know."
Snoop Dogg laughed, and Ellen said, "Wow! Alright. Yow!" Ellen then looks at Martha again. "Is it with someone current, or is this a while ago?"
"It doesn't say none of your business," Martha said as she looked at her paddle.
Beca lets out another laugh, and the audience applauds.
Beca fans herself with her paddle and lets out a "whoo" as the show goes to another commercial.
"I wonder who Beca sexted?" Stacie asked. "She hasn't mentioned it before."
No one said anything, although they were all wondering the same thing.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2022 ~~
"Next question," Ellen said. "Never Have I Ever been in handcuffs."
The guests almost immediately put up their paddles. Martha and Ellen hadI Have Never, while Snoop Dogg and Beca both had up I Have.
The audience laughed when everyone showed their answers. Snoop Dogg looked at Beca's paddle and smiled. Ellen looked at Beca and asked, "You have? Was it for a movie?"
"No," Beca said, looking at the audience and then down at her paddle.
"Being arrested?" Ellen asked.
"That wasn't the question," Beca said, causing laughter from the audience.
"Yeah," Snoop Dogg said. "It may have been another style of handcuffs that calls for a bed."
Beca sits up straight with a secretive smile but doesn't respond.
After a few more questions, the game concluded. Ellen thanked her guests, and Chloe turned off the tape.
"Okay," Stacie said, looking around at the Bellas. "Who is Beca seeing? Snoop Dogg made a good point about the handcuffs and the bed."
"Yeah," Amy said. "But remember, Beca did get arrested our Freshman year. She may have just been messing around. You know how she is."
"I'm with Amy," CR said. "It was probably just a joke."
"I don't know," Jessica said. "She was blushing a bit when she said it."
Chloe sat there and didn't say anything, although she could feel the heat from her blushing cheeks.
"Chloe," Stacie said.
"What?!" Chloe answered, shifting nervously.
"You're Beca's best friend," Stacie said. "Who is she seeing? We want to know who Beca is getting her kink on with."
"I don't know," Chloe said, looking down at the ground.
Stacie narrowed her eyes and looked at Chloe. "You're being cagey. You know something."
"Come on, you guys," Chloe whined. "Even if I knew anything, I couldn't tell you."
"So, she is seeing someone," Emily said excitedly. "OMG! Did she get back together with Jesse?"
"NO!" Chloe said loudly. "I mean, why would you think that?"
"Well, she's in LA," Emily said. "He's in LA. They have a history. It makes sense."
"Emily's right," Aubrey said. "Who else could it be? She's in the tabloids all the time but never with anyone. Well, except Chloe."
Chloe jumped up. "I need another drink. Anyone else want one?"
"That's because they're best friends," Emily said with a laugh. "You'd expect to see them together."
"No?" Chloe mumbled, looking around. "Okay, I'll be right back."
Chloe tried to act nonchalant as she hurried out of the room. The Bellas continued talking about who Beca could be seeing.
Chloe pulled out her phone as soon as she got into the kitchen. She pulled up Beca's name and sent her a text.
Beca texted back and told Chloe she was almost home and she'd be there in about ten minutes. Chloe let out a breath and put her phone away. She quickly made herself another drink and went back to the living room.
"I bet I'm right," Fat Amy said.
"How much do you want to bet?" CR asked.
"What are you two betting on?" Chloe asked as she sat down.
"Who we think Beca's secret boyfriend or girlfriend is," Fat Amy said. "I'm putting up fifty bucks that it's Selena Gomez."
"Really?" Chloe asked. "I read she was dating someone."
"I read that, too," Emily said. "But the article said whoever it was is a mystery."
"A mysteryman," CR said. "I don't think she's into women."
"Amy, you're always around here," Aubrey said. "You have to have seen Beca with someone."
"The only person I ever see when I'm here is Chloe," Fat Amy said.
Before anyone can say anything, they hear a key in the door. A few seconds later, Beca walked into the living room.
"Thank God," Chloe mumbled.
"What's up, losers?" Beca called out.
"Okay, Beca," Stacie said. "Spill!"
"Spill what?" Beca asked, stopping to look at Stacie.
"Who are you seeing, and why haven't you told us about it?" Fat Amy answered.
"Who said I'm seeing someone?"
"The answers you gave onEllen," Aubrey said. "So, stop avoiding it and answer the question."
"Nope," Beca said. "Sorry, but some things shall remain private even from you nerds. If I wanted you to know, I'd tell you."
"Let's playNever Have I Ever," Fat Amy said. "Let's see if there are any secrets we don't know about each other."
The Bellas smiled when they realized Amy had something up her sleeve. Something that might lead to Beca telling them who she was seeing.
"What? Why?" Beca asked.
"What's wrong, Beca?' Stacie asked with a smug smile. "Afraid you'll slip up and reveal who you're having a secret relationship with?"
Beca looked around the room at the other girls and smiled. "Fine. Let's play."
"I'll get the shots ready," Fat Amy said and went to the kitchen.
"I'll help Amy," CR said.
"Me, too," Jessica said.
CR and Jessica followed Amy while the rest of the Bellas moved around so they could see each other. Beca finally took a seat next to Chloe.
"Are you okay with this?" Beca whispered.
"I am if you are," Chloe whispered back.
"Great, I have a perfect way to tell them," Beca said. "Follow my lead."
"Okay," Chloe said and bit her lip nervously.
Fat Amy, Jessica, and CR came back in, each carrying a tray of shots. They had each girl take one before setting the trays on the table.
"I'll go first," Fat Amy said. "Never Have I Ever kept a secret boyfriend from my friends."
"You're supposed to say something you've never actually done," Stacie said. "What about you and Bumper? You always said he wasn't your boyfriend."
"But you all knew about him, so it doesn't count," Fat Amy said.
She looked around and saw that Beca had not downed her shot. "Hmm, I thought that would tell us something."
"It did," Aubrey said smugly.
"It did?" Stacie asked.
"Yes, it did," Aubrey said. "It tells us she has a secretgirlfriend."
"Oh," the Bellas say collectively.
"I guess that rules Jesse out," Emily said.
"Jesse?" Beca said, grimacing. "Really?"
Emily shrugged her shoulders. Beca shook her head and laughed.
"My turn," CR said. "Never Have I Ever hooked up with someone whose album I produced."
"Oh, come on," Beca said. "I'm the only producer here, so that shouldn't count."
"So, are you saying you have hooked up with someone whose album you produced?" Ashley asked.
"No, I am not saying that," Beca said.
"Damn," CR said.
"Let the sexpert handle this," Stacie said. She looked up to the ceiling and then smiled. "Never Have I Ever...wait, I've done that. Um, Never have I. . .um, nope, did that, too."
"Someone else go," Lily said. "We'll be here all night if we wait for Stacie to think of something she hasn't done."
The Bellas all laugh, and Beca speaks up. "I'll go."
The Bellas sit up straighter, and all eyes are on Beca, wondering what secret about herself she would reveal.
"Never Have I Ever lied about having a secret fiance," Beca said and downed her shot.
The Bellas all furrowed their brows. "What?" several of them asked.
"Beca, you're supposed to say something you've never done," Fat Amy said.
"I know," Beca said with a smile.
Chloe downed her shot, and the girls looked at her, confused.
They were all startled when Aubrey suddenly jumped up and yelled, "You two are engaged!?"
"What!?" The Bellas all ask as they looked at Beca and Chloe.
"We didn't even know you guys were dating," Stacie said.
"When did this happen?" Ashley asked.
"How did this happen?" Jessica asked.
"You didn't tell me, and I'm your best friend," Fat Amy said.
"Okay, okay," Beca said. "Give us time to answer one thing before you go on to the next."
"First," Chloe said and reached into her pocket. She pulled out a ring and started to put it on her finger.
"Wait," Beca said and took the ring; she placed it on Chloe's finger and kissed her. "I love you."
Beca then took a ring out of her pocket, and Chloe took it and put it on Beca's finger. She kissed Beca, whispering, "I love you, too."
"Okay," Beca said, turning to the Bellas. "Now to your questions. We started dating just after Chloe moved to LA. We kept it a secret because we wanted to keep it out of the press until we figured out if the relationship was going to work."
"The relationship worked really well, and Beca asked me to marry her a week ago," Chloe said as she looked at Beca. "We knew we were going to tell you all today. We just weren't sure how. Then when you guys started asking who Beca was dating, I panicked and sent Beca a text while I was in the kitchen."
"Yeah," Beca said with a laugh. "You guys gave me the perfect idea when Amy suggested we playNever Ever Have I Ever."
Beca leaned forward and kissed Chloe. "And now that you know, I can do that in front of you."
Chloe laughed and grabbed Beca behind the neck, and pulled her into a deeper kiss.
"Let's keep it PG," Fat Amy said, causing the two to break apart. "We still have a child in our midst."
Emily looked over to see Amy pointing at her. "I'm not a child, Amy."
"Will you two behave," Aubrey scolded. "There are more important things to talk about. Like, how my best friend is engaged, and I didn't even know she was dating anyone."
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Brey," Chloe said, looking at her best friend. "Once we knew we were all in, I kind of liked that Beca and I were the only ones who knew. And, once it got out, we'd be bombarded with paparazzi and everyone wanting to know every aspect of our lives. I liked living in that secret bubble, and I wanted to stay there for a while. But now that we're engaged, I want everyone to know."
Beca took Chloe's hand and gave her a smile. They both looked at Aubrey, waiting for her to yell at them.
"I'm happy for you guys," Aubrey said and grabbed them both in a hug, taking them both by surprise.
"Thank you, Brey," Chloe said as Aubrey pulled back from the hug. "I think it goes without saying that I want you to be my Maid of Honor."
"Of course," Aubrey said. "I'd be honored."
"Congratulations, you two," Emily squealed. "This is aca-awesome news! I'm so happy for you both."
"Go ahead, Beca," Fat Amy said. "Ask me."
"Ask you what?"
"Ask me to be your Maid of Honor," Fat Amy said.
"Um, well, I kind of already asked someone else," Beca said and looked at Chloe.
"But I'm your best friend," Fat Amy whined.
"I know, but she helped me with the proposal, and it just seemed right," Beca said. "I hope you understand."
"It was a really amazing proposal," Chloe said, kissing Beca's cheek.
"Amy? We good?"
"Yeah, we're good," Amy mumbled.
"So, who did you ask?" Emily asked.
Beca's phone pinged with a text notification. She pulled out her phone and smiled when she read the text.
"Um, you'll see in about five minutes," Beca said, sending off a quick response.
"Just tell us, Beca," Fat Amy said.
"I'm keeping it a surprise," Beca said.
Beca sat back with a smile on her face and waited. It had been only about two minutes, and Fat Amy couldn't wait any longer.
"Who's your maid of honor, Beca? You should at least tell me, after all, I am the best friend you're casting aside to let some no-name stand with you on the most important day of your life. So, just tell me."
There was a knock at the door. Beca smiled as she stood, saying, "Why tell you when I can show you."
Beca went to the door and came back with Taylor Swift carrying a gift bag.
"OH, MY STARS!" Emily squealed. "Taylor Swift is your maid of honor?"
"Yep," Chloe said, standing to hug Taylor. "Hey, Taylor."
"Hi, Chloe," Taylor said, pulling back from Chloe and looking around. "And, I guess it's safe to assume these ladies are the Bellas."
"Yes, ma'am," Stacie said. "That's us!"
The girls introduced themselves; Taylor was a bit taken aback at the glare Fat Amy gave her during the introductions.
"Oh, my god!" Aubrey exclaimed as she jumped up, startling everyone. "I have to work with Taylor Swift to organize your bachelorette parties?"
"Yeah, that's right," Taylor answered. "Can I get your number so I can have my assistant call you to set up some time so we can get started as soon as possible?"
"Sure," Aubrey said, putting her hand in front of her mouth and swallowing loudly. "Oh, my god, Taylor Swift just asked me for my number."
Chloe looked at Aubrey and noticed the look of panic on her face.
"Are you okay, Brey?"
"I have to work with Taylor Swift to organize your bachelorette parties," Aubrey murmured, retaking her seat.
"I think you guys broke her," Stacie said, chuckling as she looked at Aubrey.
"Is she going to be okay?" Taylor asked.
"She'll be fine," Beca said.
"Ahem," Fat Amy said, clearing her throat.
Beca and Taylor looked at her. Fat Amy got up and walked over to Taylor.
"You may be Beca's maid of honor," Amy said, getting in Taylor's face. "But I'm herbestfriend."
"I thought Chl-"
"No," Beca said, stopping Taylor while shaking her head as she got between Amy and Taylor. "You really do not want to open up that can of worms right now." She then turned to Amy. "Amy, be nice."
Amy put up her hands in surrender and went back to her seat.
"Okay," Taylor said. "It was nice seeing you all, but I really have to run."
"Can't you stay a little longer?" Emily asked. "Maybe we can sing together or something? Oh, my stars, wouldn't that just make this the best Christmas ever?"
"Let's singChristmas Tree Farm," Jessica called out. "I love that song."
"I agree," Fat Amy said. "You should sing with us, Taylor; you owe me for stealing the maid of honor job from Beca's best friend, who is me."
Taylor laughed and looked at Fat Amy; her smile dropped when she saw the look on Fat Amy's face. She turned to Beca, asking, "Is she serious?"
"I'm afraid so," Beca said. "Don't worry, I know just what to do."
Taylor looked over to see Fat Amy glaring at her again.
"Okay," Taylor said. "Do what you gotta do because I really do need to go."
"Hey, Ames," Beca said. "If you let Taylor go because she has to be somewhere, you can take the lead onChristmas Tree Farm. Okay?"
"You drive a hard bargain,my bestie," Fat Amy said. "I accept your terms. Miss Taylor, you are free to go."
Amy stood, waving her hand toward the door.
"Well?" Amy said, looking at Taylor.
"You'd better go while you still can, Taylor," Jessica said. "Or you may be spending Christmas here whether you want to or not."
"Oh, okay, um, thanks!" Taylor said, rushing to the door and calling out, "Merry Christmas, everyone!"
Once Taylor was gone, Fat Amy started singing and stared the girls down until they joined in. Beca grabbed Chloe's hand and dragged her to the kitchen.
"Merry Christmas, future wife," Beca said, pulling Chloe into a kiss. "I love you."
"I love you, too!"
There was a sudden, loud crash from the living room. Beca sighed and walked out of the kitchen, yelling, "Amy! What did you do?"
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curseplay · 6 months
@deatheless sent : i'm not ready for you not to be here .
there's a part of them that has known mina for a long time. not in the cheesy, fairytale way where they were destined to know each other, but in the all - too realistic way where the universe sends them a quick nod to remind them that they haven't forgotten about them. this is luck, paris thinks, that we somehow managed to cross paths like this when there's so many routes to take. whatever they're cursed with can't touch them when she's around.
that's silly to think, what when they very much did come to these realizations via car crash at their hand, but still. they'd survived, hadn't they ? long enough to learn they were birds of a feather. if that isn't some mangled form of luck, what is ?
paris keeps brushing a calloused finger across her knuckles. they hang on every word she says. they try to soak up the sound her voice in - person so that they can parse it together through the eventual static a phone receiver will bring. they wish they could kiss her, but . . . they shouldn't push their luck. not with her, and not with the universe.
❝ maybe i'll just ditch lauren and andie and come on tour with you, then, ❞ they feel a momentary twinge of guilt for that joke, but it fades when they remember their bandmates are the ones giving themselves a bad rap as of late. mina's presence in bed beside them has been an escape for more reasons than one these past few weeks. ❝ sawyer doesn't like his job that much, does he ? ❞
it gives them hope that she doesn't want to leave in the same way her knocking on their door every other night does. paris leans into it, getting too comfortable with the thought of a semi - concrete future with her.
god, if this is a swing and a miss . . . it might just kill them. still, with a stellar survival rate in the face of certain disaster, paris keeps their eyes intently focused on her.
❝ — you can send me videos, ❞ and to hell with their group chat, apparently. ❝ and you can call. i'll check my phone every five minutes. probably even less, ❞
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complete-idiot-in-love · 10 months
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Once Upon a Witchlight: Episode 50 (SPOILERS AHEAD)
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I'm so sad that I have to wait now for the next episode, how will I survive without my goofy bitches found family???
Sorry that this one's extra long, I added in some pre and post episode comments uwu
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Final episode before I have to wait :(
Are they gonna be streaming on Youtube now or was this a one time thing? (I hope they stream on youtube)
I want to join the Discord so badly but my social anxiety won’t let me :(
Derek is back! Frost must’ve got over his IBS!
Soundboard noises (Of course Derek does the best one lmao)
I love all the funny noises and voices they do, I wish I was as vocally talented as them
Mikey’s sweater looks so soft, I wonder where he got it (I fuckin LOVE sweaters fr fr)
The ring of chaos one-shot was so good, I love Joetetee and wish he could come back
Mikey gaslighting people with a FNAF reference is so damn funny, he truly is a gaslight girlboss while Torbek is a girlfailure
Mikey says “Here we go” when Rich mentions the muppet movies like my friends when I gush over my hyperfixations lmao, Rich definitely has talked about this before ALSO FUCK U DISNEY FOR STOPPING THE MUPPETS FROM MAKING MORE MOVIES, THOSE ARE COMEDY GOLD
I’m glad they all switch positions and don’t make one person a perma-DM :)
I actually have a bugbear character from waaay back in 2018 so if Torbek makes the race popular I’d be VERY appreciative. They’re one of my favorite races along with satyrs fr fr
 “Torbek’s bringing sexy back” HAHA
Twin dads with man buns /j
Mikey keeps using his Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss actions to get more people to watch the ring of chaos one shot, very funny :)
Derek is a #gamer fr fr
“Derek is bussing fr fr”
Grinko Gladfrown, Mourning Font, Krepe Lacroix, Thorbek and Giddyon Charcoal /j
Andy doing his dancy dance in the background is so gender fr fr
I love these goofy bitches, they’ve spent hour doing NOTHING but I don’t mind cause they’re hilarious
I would love a studio tour, their cables probably look like spaghetti but their knick knacks are probably so poggers looking
Rich SHOULD DM someday, I bet he’d do a great job
Finally we’re getting bean footage after an hour of jokes but I honestly wouldn’t care if they made a 4 hour video of just them fuckin around
We finally met Will and he’s got a knife! “What do you have?” “A KNIFE!” “NOOO”
Favorite comment: “​forgot how much I love torbek, he's like a wet cat that has alcohol poisoning”
All the little “Friend on the other side” References Kremy does just strengthens my belief that he’s based off the movie
Emergency broadcast: Five fully grown men are arguing with a literal child
Carnival Lecroux need a swear jar fr fr /j
“We could totally murder a horde of kids” FROSTY WTF???
Frost “flossing” and Kremy + Gricko talking about VBucks is so damn funny, more interactions for my Actor AU fr fr /j
“You can call me Morning Floss!” “I wish I was dead!” SAME KREMY, SAME
“All of you are so damn embarrassing, you’re lucky I love y’all” - My S/I with their head in their hands
Kremy and Gideon spiking their Sierra Mountain Mist is so canon. My S/I would totally try to drink with them but be absolutely disgusted at the mixture
Kremy and Gideon are drunk lmao
“FR FR, THIS DRINK BE SKIBIDI PHANTOM TAX ON GOD!” WHAT???? I UNDERSTOOD EVERYTHING EXCEPT FOR SKIBIDI AND PHANTOM TAX, IS GRICKO DRUNK TOO???? “This ain’t no Ohio drink. You a straight rizzler fr fr, giving me this skibidi drink” GRICKO PLEASE, STOP!!!
“We don’t know what children like, we ran a carnival” HAHA, GOOD ONE FROSTY
These dudes should never interact with children /j
“Y’all’re so weak lmao, straight up unpogger girlfailures. You definitely let people diss your fly girls” - My S/I messing with them because they’re a gremlin
These fuckers got a whole side campaign of quests to do /j
Wouldn’t Bavlorna’s place be better than Yon? She’s the one that likes children after all
“What is gyatt? What is amogus?” Hootsie and I are very much in the cringe zone as the only two party members young enough to understand the slang Gricko is using
TORBEK IS CURSED TO BE A(R/U)TISTIC!! (We would draw pictures together fr fr uwu)
Gideon is a coward, he’s turned into Torbek! /j
Kremy is a kleptomaniac (So basically the same lmao)
Rich with the 80’s rad hat is so funny for some reason??
Frost is forced to confess to doing bad things even if he has to lie about em (He’s a masochist lmao)
Gricko is magnetic and got stuck to Torbek’s back HAHA
Gideon’s a cowardly vampire LMAO
Why are they always trying to kill Gricko??? It’s funny but weird
New favorite comments: “Werewolf thief and a cowardly vampire, what a pair” and “Avantris News: Four adult men sacrifice a green child to appease child gods”
My S/I would be so confused at this chaos, I’d probably over with Hootsie and Juniper knitting because they don’t drink soda or alcohol (Based off myself irl)
“These fucking dumbasses, they’re lucky I’m sane in these moments” - My S/I
So excited to see Torbek’s masterpiece
Carnivale lecroux is spelled the fancy way, makes sense for someone like Kremy to spell his business like that (I’ll probably forget and still spell it carnival tho)
I love just listening to them talk about movies with each other, it's really nice :)
Nikkie hoarding mementos from witchlight behind the DM screen is so sweet!
When TORBEK is disgusted by you, you know you fucked up!!
Oh thank the gods, it was a prank by will
Besties who share a sweet tooth and trauma/abandonment issues stay besties forever
“The water in the pool does more than just quench your thirst!” “NOT ANYMORE” Gideon/Torbek unison joke!!!
I love Nikkie and her horde of dolls :)
“I also agree with Torbek, we need to kill that bitch of a hag!” - My S/I
Gricko got the diarrhea this episode lmao
“Fill up squirt” sounds so suggestive
Empty capri sun Gricko is so funny
How many days/nights have these guys been in Prismeer? 4? 5? 6? (The only times I remember them sleeping is: Night at the inn, Frog palace, Mushroom forest high, Pixie camp sleepover, Jabberwock death and now here at little oak)
If Torbek was gone for an hour and that was five years, most of these kid’s parents probably don’t even realize they’ve been kidnapped and are missing
It’s canon to me that my S/I and Torbek sleep on a pile on the floor like Gricko does with Hootsie (Besties with abandonment issues and a love of physical affection uwu)
Who the hell names their kids Bongo and Flute???
My S/I Canonically knows Goblin but I feel like they wouldn’t tell Gricko or Torbek cause they like to eavesdrop in those two’s dumbass conversations lmao
“Skibidi on god” “fr fr no cap” “BUSSIN!!” I’ve changed my mind, I hate these people /j
Gricko turns into a milkshake via Frosty’s mage hand /j
Nikkie loves Fortnite and that makes me happy bc I like Fortnite
Thank you Derek for teaching me waterdrop and breaking nose sound effect :)
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pandemoniumskey · 2 years
Songbird p.3 - Andy Biersack x OC
The Masterlist
Hio Everyone,
So upon writing these, this is as far as I got in my original writing. This chapter isn’t even finished yet and I have no idea where I am going from here. If you’ve got any ideas for where this should go, let me know and I will test it to see if it works. If it does, at the end of the chapter I will give you credit. 
Love you all, 
Chapter Three: Be Mine?
It was a quiet day as Andy and Max sat in her car. He was leaving to go back on tour tomorrow and secretly Max was devastated. She loved the time she had been spending with him. It was not often she got to spend time with anyone, they were often busy or did not enjoy what she loved doing, so she often felt lonely. 
Over the past two weeks, the two had grown really close. She felt like she had known Andy for a long time - like forever. She had never felt anything close to that with anyone except for Tessa, and a friend she could no longer see anymore. 
They were going to go out for dinner after watching a movie at her apartment. (The two were having a Batman marathon, which was an obvious choice. Both loved the movie series, they just had differing opinions of which movie was the best.) She was just waiting for Andy to pick the restaurant. Problem was, Andy was being so God damn indecisive. 
Finally, Andy put his phone down and said, “Montana’s? I’m in the mood for ribs and they have an all-you-can-eat rib special going on right now.” 
She nodded, “sounds good to me. It’s close by too.” She started the car and drove the short distance to the restaurant. Andy laughed when he realized it was literally a 5 minutes drive from the apartment complex.
She remembered the first time she brought Andy to her apartment and he saw all the band posters pinned on her bedroom wall. 
He smirked when he noticed the majority of them were Black Veil Brides. “So you’re just a casual fan huh?”
Max blushed and hid her face. “It looks like we’ve had a big impact on you.”
“You have no idea,” she mumbled hoping he didn’t hear, but apparently he did when a frown slid onto his face. She was thankful he didn’t call her on it. That was a conversation for another day. 
Listening to BVB always helped calm her down when she was stressed or angry. It only took half a song and she felt much better. She knew she would tell Andy eventually. She felt that special connection with him that she had never felt with previous men, or anyone to be exact. 
She got out of the car and he followed quickly behind her. He seemed more excited about the food then she was. He didn’t know she could probably eat him under the table when it came to ribs. They were just too good not to devour. 
She hoped this didn’t scare him off. Her feelings were growing fast for the rockstar. She felt hopeless at the feelings bubbling inside her, dying to make her look like a fool. 
The hostess in a blue plaid shirt and tight jeans came over and brought them to their table. Andy pulled the chair away from the table and pushed it in once she sat down. 
Another person came over to them in the standard uniform. “You’re from that band, right? Black Veil… uh… Black Veil Brides?”
Andy nodded with a bright smile on his face. “That I am.”
“My daughter listens to your music. I haven’t seen her so happy before she discovered it.” This made Max smile, Andy must never get old of hearing how much his music has helped people. 
“I’m glad I could help, would you like me to sign something for her?”
The waitress looked grateful and was already quick to her book and handing him a pen. 
“What’s her name?” He had the pen at the ready.
He wrote it down quickly and got to work on a quick message. Max could see what he was writing and it was sweet. 
‘Dear Alanna, 
Your mom says you like our music and that it makes you happy. On behalf of the band, I’m glad we could put a smile on your face. Make sure you keep it there, don’t let anyone try to tear you down. - Andy Biersack.’
“There you go,” he said handing the little book to the waitress who thanked him graciously. She let him know how happy her daughter would be. This made Andy give off the smile she had grown fond of, although, she had grown fond of everything to do with this man. She had fallen so hard for him in such a short amount of time already.
 Max was also happy that Andy was able to make other people smile as well. 
"Now, what can I get you both?” We gave our orders to her happily. We had gotten the same thing, the all you can eat ribs with delicious apple butter sauce. 
"I know this is a weird request but can you keep the bones here until we are done? I want to see who can eat more,” she said. A bashful look on her face that only made the woman smile more. She knew it was a strange request, but she watched the mischievous smile stretch across Andy’s face as well. 
They loved these small competitions. Andy or Max would make a comment about beating the other and oh boy, it was game on. 
So far, they were tied 4-4. Max wanted to break that tie to see who the winner of their stupid competition was before he left. For the night, she didn’t even want to think about him leaving. She just wanted to enjoy the little bit of time left she had with him. 
It took a good 20 minutes for their food to arrive and when it did, Max looked him in the eye. “Okay, only rule, eat until you can’t eat anymore.”
Andy nodded and got his first rib ready. “Okay, ready...”
She got herself ready as well. 
They looked each other dead in the eye.
And of course, Andy won. By one rib. Max was devastated at the loss. Never had she found anyone that could actually out eat her at ribs. She was also glad. Their little feud was over. 
“Now, what’s next on the agenda tonight?” Andy asked and you looked at the only thing that wasn’t crossed off on his list of things to do and that was go to the island.
“Hoping on the ferry and going to the island,” she said happily. She loved driving on the island. The scenery was beautiful and it never got old to her. When Andy had added that to their list she was over the moon. She could share her treasure with him. 
The waitress came back, “finally full?”
Max nodded, she leaned back and let out a sigh. She told the woman that they were delicious and she was having more the next time she came back. 
Andy insisted on paying the bill and the woman asked the question that threw the two for a loop. “So when did the two of you start going out?”
“Uh...” she was at a loss. She glanced at Andy and he shrugged his beautiful slime shoulders. 
“We’re... not,” he said quietly surprising the girl. 
She commented on how cute they were together and that she could totally see the two as a couple. Max wanted that too, but she could not bring herself to telling her secret crush that information. 
Andy glanced at her again before suggesting they get going before they missed the sunset on the water. They left and Andy left her a big tip for how incredible she was too them. 
Andy POV
They were at the other side of the island and the waves were crashing along the large boulders. They sunset was a bright pink and purple and it highlighted Max’s blonde curls amazingly.
“Wave ‘hi’ to New York State,” she said and her blue and silver eyes sparkled with delight. It was clear she loved this place a lot. His heart swelled at the ease she seemed to be in standing on top of one of the rocks, just as a wave crashed. 
The sun hit the water giving her a sparkling curtain of pinks, purples and blues, Andy was already about to take a picture and caught the moment perfectly. She was now becoming his wallpaper on his phone. 
He went to join her, wanting to share in her joy. He was thinking of admitting the feelings he had for her that night. He didn’t know if he could take not telling her. 
“Max,” he said and she turned to look at him with a curious glint in her eye. “I need to tell you something, something important. Now don’t laugh at me promise?”
“Promise,” she held out her pinky for a pinky promise. 
“I want you to be mine,” he gushed before he could come up with a way to say that properly. She seemed to wait for him to continue. “I think I am falling in love with you. I know we only just met two weeks ago, but I have never felt this way about anybody before and...”
And her soft lips were on his, cutting him off from his rant. He returned the kiss. Explosions of joy and happiness were filling his chest. Once he pulled away and dropped his gaze to her slightly swollen lips. 
“Of course i’ll be yours Batman,” she giggled. “You don’t know how long I have been waiting for you to ask me.”
So for the rest of their time on the island, Andy held Max tight in his arms, kissing her frequently and loving every moment he was spending with her, 
He honestly did not want this moment to end, momentarily forgetting that he was leaving tomorrow, that he was in a band and made music at all for that matter. 
In that moment, it was just him and her happy and together. 
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afterglow-tommylee · 2 years
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Chapter 20. The Return Of The Cowboys From Hell
Arlington Texas, April 28 2002
"Holy shit babe, this is fuckin' awesome," Tommy says as we pull up to the iron cast gate to Vinny's house - ok more like mansion - to go over the details of the contract. 
I had never been to Vinny's house before and man, it was insanely gorgeous and massive, almost twice the size of Tommy's house. The gate opens and the cab takes us up to the entrance, I pay the cab and we step out and we make our way up the steps of the cement porch to the front door. I stand at the front door, with my messenger bag slung over my shoulder, my curls down as usual and past my shoulders wearing low rise ripped jeans, my black and white Chuck Taylors that match Tommy's so well, and plain black fitted tank top. I catch the reflection of myself in the window and fix my curls, then look back at Tommy as he gives me a strange look.
"What?" I giggle.
"You alright?" He chuckles offering his charming smile wearing his usual ripped jeans and a white fitted tank top showing off his incredible tattoos with his necklaces laying perfectly against his chest.
"Yea, just... I'm fine," I giggle and then sigh, and ring the doorbell. A few minutes go by and as I wait for the door to open I could feel some reminisce of my nerves creeping up. Why does it always seem like forever when you're waiting for someone to open a door. Then I hear someone unlock the door and once it opens, I see Dime standing there in front of me, his curls everywhere, his beard now colored red and wearing a Kiss band shirt and ripped baggy jean shorts.
"Well, if it isn't sweet little Andi standin' at my brother's door," Dime says in that deep southern drawl of his.   
"No, she actually ran the other way, you want me to get her?" I joke and Dime and Tommy laugh. 
"Get over here," Dime laughs and grabs me, wrapping his arms around me in a huge hug. I felt so small as he held me swaying back and forth.
"Um, I'm sure you already know but, I brought Tommy too," I say when I pull away from him.
"Well hell yea... good to fuckin' see ya," Dime smiles at him.
"Fuck yea dude! Good to see you too," Tommy smiles and they grab each other in a brotherly hug.
"Well fuck, get the fuck in here guys," Dime says as he pulls away from Tommy patting him on the back. We step inside the foyer with gorgeous 20 foot ceilings, with incredible Texan decor as Dime walks away to the bar that is off to the side of the foyer.
"You have a bar right in the entranceway? What?" I giggle. 
"Uh huh, well it's Vinny's house so yea he makes sure the place is stocked for whatever you need. We're kinda both like that," He says as he whips out a huge bottle of Crown. As soon as that bottle came out I knew what was in store. 
I just can't remember if I ate anything yet this morning. Oh wait, yes I did. 
He makes us some drinks as Tommy lights up a cigarette, then hands them to us and leads us down towards the back of the house and I take a sip feeling that sweet burn of that delicious whiskey. We finally end up at a door and when he leads us inside, it was gorgeous studio, with a control booth, recording room the whole bit on one side, then on the other side was like a lounge type of setting with large comfy couches, a bar against one wall and a small little stage with Vinny's Drums set up and a couple of Marshall stacks set up on either side.
Oh I should mention, there were a ton of people here too. There was Rita of course, Dime's girlfriend, a few other girls, probably for Vinny, Zakk Wylde, Dime's partner in crime and best friend who I met years ago on the Pantera tour and had become close with just like Dime, Sully Erna from Godsmack, who I have yet to meet, Max Cavelera from Sepultura and I thought I might faint considering how much I fucking love him - them -but I had to play it cool of course.  
Dime introduces us to everyone, with Tommy recognizing Sully and they end up talking and catching up. They had apparently met years ago on the ozzfest tour when Tommy was doing Methods of Mayhem.
'Alright sweetie, I guess we need to get that dang business shit outta the way," Dime says.
"Yea," I giggle. He then gestures to a smaller room off of the lounge as Vinny appears behind me greeting me sweetly and saying something about meeting in the smaller room as well. 
"I'll be right back," I say, setting my drink down and turning to Tommy, touching his arm.
"Ok baby," He says so sweetly and leans down to give me a quick kiss on my lips. Once I pull away, he reaches for my hand giving it a gentle squeeze and I make my way into the small side room.
"Alright sweetie, what d'ya got for us," Vinny asks as we sit down at the round table in the room with Dime sitting on my right and Vinny on my left, Patrick Lachman their vocalist, on the opposite side of Dime, and across from him was their bassist Bob Zilla. 
"Well, I have a contract here ready to go, it just basically outlines everything from what my role is, stipulations and all that and... well here...you guys can see for yourself," I say and reach into my bag and pull out 4 copies handing one to each of them.  "I uh, just put it under each of your names cause you said you hadn't decided on a band name yet,"
"Yea, we're uh still working on that shit, we just wanted to get set up with a manager before anything else," Vinny says.
"If there's anything in there that you want to add or take out - ?" 
"No it looks pretty fuckin' good to me, but you're payment... that's all you're asking?" Dime says looking at the contract and then back at me. 
"Uh well, that's my normal rate of percentage I usually charge so...," I say. I've never done any more than 10% since I do ok on that rate. 
Dime then takes the pen, writes something down and slides it to Vinny. Then Vinny looks it over and nods and I was so confused at what they were doing. Vinny slides it back and then Dime shows me what he wrote down.
"No... no I couldn't do that,  that's too much," I say seeing that he wrote down 30%
"Andi, this is why we asked you, you deserve it. So that's what you're gettin' " Dime says.
"No, I can't" I say feeling guilty and so flattered at the same time that they think so.
"Yes you can, and you are. Here..." Dime says correcting the percentage and initializing it. "Now it's official," 
"Fuck... I hate you," I giggle and Dime smiles at me. 
"I hate you too sweetie," He smirks. Everyone signs the papers, correcting the percentage and initializing it, then taking their copies and passing the originals back to me. 
"Alright, let's fuckin drink" Dime claps his hands together and everyone stands up and we all shake hands and I follow Vinny out of the room with Dime behind me. 
Once out of the room, I immediately headed towards my drink once we had all come back into the lounge, taking a sip and setting my bag aside as Tommy came up to me. 
"How did it go, baby?" He asks so sweetly, taking a drag of his cigarette. 
"Fucking so... so awesome," I say taking another sip. "They're making me take 30," I add still in disbelief. 
"What do you mean?" Tommy says confused.
"My percentage...  like, I always do no more than 10 percent, just cause that's all I really need," I say. 
I've never been a greedy person and I never needed a lot of money. I've always been fair and reasonable with my work and how everything is distributed. 
"10 percent? jeezus babe that's so little," Tommy says, exhaling a cloud of smoke. 
"Not really, I mean I think it's fair," I say looking up at him.
"Babe you are worth way more than 10 percent, I'm surprised you don't start it at 30 as the minimum," Tommy says.
"Yea but it's not just me, there's also up front advances to be paid back, touring costs, y'know?" I say, taking another sip.
"Yea but baby, you are fuckin' worth more than 10 percent. Like, what was my contract with you?" Tommy asks.
"You didn't even look did you?" I giggle looking back up at him. 
"Pffft... yea, yea I did I just don't remember," He smirks. 
"Uh huh, man I shoulda taken you for 60 seeing as you didn't even look when you signed it," I joke as he moves closer to me taking another drag of his cigarette and exhaling a cloud of smoke.
"Baby you could've taken me for 100 percent - a million percent and I still would've signed," Tommy smirks and I laugh as he leans down placing his lips on mine.
"Ok, little Andi, get over here," Dime says, patting the black leather barstool, his booming deep Texan accent coming through.
"Little? Why is everyone saying that?" I laugh. 
It was later into the evening and we all had been drinking, laughing and having a good time. Tommy was over hanging out with Vinny and Zakk  being his life of the party self, laughing, making people laugh and I loved every second of it. I was on the other side of the room hanging out with Rita when Dime called me over to the bar. I walk over to him with a sweet smile and hop myself up on the stool as Rita follows and sits down on the other side of Dime.
"So, what the fuck has been going on with you?" Dime says pouring a shot of Crown into a shot glass and passing it over to me. He holds up his glass and I clink mine to his, and we down them together. 
"Ha ha well...you know me. Work, work and more work," I say and he laughs.
"You know that's not what I'm talkin' about," Dime says, pouring me another shot and I giggle.
"Um, I'm getting married," I say.
"I see that," Dime says, glancing down at my hand with Tommy's ring on my finger. "You happy?" He adds.
"I am so, so fucking... so happy," I say with the biggest smile spreading across my face.
"Who woulda thought, Andi would fall for Tommy Lee," He shakes his head.
"I know right?" I say with a laugh. "No, but like, I'm so, soooo fucking in love with him,"
"Who me?" Tommy says right behind me which makes me jump and everyone laughs.
"Jeezus christ, you - don't do that," I say looking behind me and up at Tommy as he laughs, then leans down and places his lips to my neck becoming playful and tickling me.
"Stop!" I laugh with a yelp playfully pushing him away from me and he grabs the stool right beside me and sits down. "Can I take back what I said?" I joke and Dime and Rita laugh.
"Hey, you fuckin' love it," Tommy says leaning into me placing his palm on my cheek and pressing his lips to my temple loudly kissing me. Then Dime pours a shot for Tommy and slides the glass over to him. 
"Oh fuck yea! Thanks dude," Tommy says excitedly.
"Of course man," Dime says and he raises his glass and Tommy clinks his and they both down their drinks. 
"So what happened man? I heard you left Motley and you're doing a solo thing now?" Dime asks.
"Yea, yea I uh, left Motley a while back now, and did Methods of Mayhem for a bit, did Ozzfest of course - yea you guys were there too - " Tommy chuckles with a smile as Dime nods and holds out his fist and they do that brotherly fist bump. "And uh, yea... came home after that and shut myself off from the world basically and just wrote man. And like the stuff I was coming up with wasn't really Methods anyways so, I just let it take me wherever,"
"I thought you were doing like, some DJ stuff too?" Rita asks.
"Yea, yea I do a bit of that on the side, fuckin' love doing that shit too," Tommy says downing his shot and Dime pours him another one.
"I can't imagine you getting into that stuff," Rita says, gesturing to me.
"Me? Well I mean, I like the stuff he does, I'm open to it. I'm not always dark and brooding am I?" I ask and they all glance back and forth between each other.
"No, not at all baby" Tommy says, rolling his eyes and making a face.
"Fuck you," I giggle and playfully smack his chest and everyone laughs.
 "Dude you have no idea how excited she was when she found out you asked her to like, work with you guys," Tommy says as he sets the shot glass down.
"Oh trust me, I can imagine. I remember when we first met backstage at one of our shows... she was so shy and such a sweetheart - "
"Who, me?" I say with a laugh.
"Yea, you. You were so quiet until I asked you if you liked the show and then you just lit right up. It was awesome" Dime Smiles.
"I was so young though and like... yea..." I trail off thinking about how just so young I was and trying not to fan girl as much as I did over him but I couldn't help it. I loved  Pantera  - correction, still love Pantera so fucking much.
"Well we were fuckin' so happy you said yes, cause I can't think of anyone better that would take care of our shit like you did durin' that tour back in what? '94?" Dime says.
"Are you kidding me? You guys drove me insane. I don't know who was worse, Phil or you," I say as Dime pours me another shot. 
"Me," Dime smiles and pours another shot for Tommy, then one for himself.
"Oh yea, cause you'd always get on my case for like, not liking Kiss," I giggle.
"What?" Tommy says. "You never told me that,"
"Well I don't like, hate them, they're fine..." 
"Are you fuckin' kidding me?" Tommy looks at me. 
"I said the exact same thing," Dime says.
"Babe, that Alive record was the first record that like, really blew my mind when I was like 13 or somethin'" Tommy explains.
"Fuckin' same dude" Dime chimes in.
"I thought you said your first record was an Osmond Brothers record?" I say with a smirk.  Tommy looks at me like I just spilled a secret that he never wanted to ever get out.
"Uh, well yes but like, we don't need to talk about that," He says.
"Why not?" I giggle and Dime laughs.
"I didn't have like, an older brother or somethin' like most kids back then to like introduce me to shit like Sabbath or Deep Purple alright... I was 12 ok ? I had to find shit on my own," Tommy chuckles.
"I was 12 when I discovered Sabbath and I'm an only child," I point out with a smirk and Tommy just smirks right back at me .
"Says the girl who hates Kiss," Tommy chuckles.
"Hey I didn't say I hated them, I said they were ok... fine even," I say defending myself.
"Now you're the one that's crazy,  They're ok? Fine? Fuck, when we toured with them that was just like... a definite like,  what the fuck moment. Like they were larger than life itself,"
"Oh fuck yea dude," Dime chimes in pouring us each another shot.
"-but then Gene kicked us off the tour. Fuck, that was crazy,"
"Gene fired you guys? Wait what?" I ask and I down the shot, feeling that amazing sweet burn.
"Yea, we were just soooo fucked, drugs, partying so fuckin' much y'know. We only did a couple of shows and he like fired us cause Nikki and I were just too fucked. I don't remember a lot from those days but I remember that," Tommy laughs. 
"You've been sober for a while though, right?" Rita asks.
"Oh yea, like I haven't touched drugs since I uh, was in jail - like in '98. I still have a few drinks of course..." Tommy chuckles, raising his shot glass. "... but as for anything else, not anymore,"
"Fuck, it's like no matter where I go, I'm always gonna be outnumbered regarding the whole Kiss thing," I say with a chuckle. 
"Well, as I remember, I never understood why you blasted some ehem, Motley, when you were like by yourself on the bus, but then didn't like Kiss. Like what's the logic there?" Dime says and I look at him wide eyed realizing he spilled my secret that I never told Tommy. 
"Wait, what was that?" Tommy smirks after he downs his shot that Dime had poured. 
"I hate you," I joke through clenched teeth looking right at Dime and he just smirks and gives me a wink. 
"Yea little Andi here fuckin' would always play your Shout record thinking no one heard her but we all could hear it," Dime chuckles and I wanted to reach across the bar and smack him - in a sisterly playful way of course. 
"Babe?" Tommy chuckles and I was afraid to look at him but as I glance back, I see that charming smile and a flattered humble expression spreads across his face.
"Ok, when I was like 14  I um, got your Shout At The Devil record. It was like one of the first records that like, ever bought with my own money. I played it so much and so loud my mom would scream at me to turn it off. So like yea, I loved that record. Now can I crawl into a hole and die?" I say then down my shot that Dime poured and Tommy laughs, then grabs my face with his palms and places his lips on mine, lingers for a few moments then moves to my earlobe and says
"You are so fuckin' sexy when you're embarassed," His voice low and husky. 
"Shut up," I giggle and Tommy laughs as Dime pours us another round, then one for himself.
"Jeezus are you tryin' to get me drunk here?" I ask with a laugh. 
"Um, have we met? You know this is what we do sweetie," Dime chuckles with a smirk.
"I know, but - "
"But what? You wanna quit?" Dime raises his eyebrow.
"I'm Irish, we don't quit until the whiskey's gone," I say with a sly smirk and Tommy laughs.
"Oh hell yea baby!" Tommy laughs with a clap of his hands and I down the shot and set the glass on the bar.
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maximuswolf · 1 month
What band reunions could happen but never ever will...
What band reunions could happen, but never, ever will... Meaning all members are still alive and capable of playing music. What are some bands that could reunite, but almost certainly never will? Here's the ones I can think of. Who am I missing?Uncle Tupelo: Although Jeff and Jay do pretty much hate each other, the problem with this reunion is that there are not enough fans to justify a promoter paying what it would probably take to make the reunion happen. It would make a small amount of people very happy though.Jellyfish: Once again, this would make a small amount of people very happy, and superfans would pay anything to see it, but like Uncle Tupelo, a promoter such as Bonnaroo or Coachella would not pay the amount of money it would take to justify the members doing it simply because they are not a festival headliner. Furthermore, Andy Stermer is an eccentric creative who has no respect for his former bandmates musical talent, and has made enough money in his other projects.Skid Row: This one would be worth millions to the band and promoters alike, however, the two principal songwriters, Dave Sabo and Rachel Bolan hate Sebastian Bach so much that they have declined monumental offers to do a reunion. Rachel Bolan once said "I would rather live on actual skid row than be in a band with Sebastian Bach".White Lion: Singer Mike Tramp would do it tomorrow, but principal songwriter Vito Bratta left the music business more than 30 years ago and simply does not care. He also lived a humble life, saved all his money, and doesn't need the proceeds from a reunion tour to be happy.Honorable mention to the below because I don't think it's fair to say 'never' in regard to these. I think these reunions will eventually happen, if only for one show festival type performances.OasisWhite StripesTalking Heads Submitted August 24, 2024 at 08:24AM by SistersAndBoggs https://ift.tt/6sPXt9u via /r/Music
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drummerdaines · 3 months
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a collection of andy's headcanons from her original blog complied into one post
sometimes, andy will see an adroable baby / kid and be struck with 'you know what? having a kid wouldn't be so bad after all', more so when vuglar crown takes off and she no longer works for a kids toy store where a few kids will make her go 'nope, that's right, i don't want them'
blood k!nk
if she applied herself, andy would have been a jock but she never tried out for sports - she was going too but meet her boys and decided they were better than sports
Andy not having a good sleep schedule being able to sleep well until she is like 15 when she starts staying over at her boys homes / she just ends up falling asleep at their homes because she feels safe emotionally there compared to her own home...
andy and storm have been to a few warped tours
HIGH risk of entering the 27 club
it's the fact that henry before she let's herself be loved, is her only ever boyfriend. anyone in between are flings / hook ups - nothing ever serious because andy could never tie herself down like that and set herself up for that kind of heartache
andy will never forgive her parents, not her mother, not her father, nor not her step mother
andy first had sex when she was 16/17 with her then boyfriend henry
andy is the short people who, if you use them as a rest / to lean on, they will hit you / elbow you / curse at you - so be warned
reminder, if you see andy's soft side, she trusts you ; which is a lot bc she doesn't trust a lot of people, especially to let down her guard. it even took a long while for her guard to come down completely around her sister
since she was fourteen, andy has not spent a single christmas with her family. maybe would have gotten a call into evanie - but, otherwise she nopes the fuck out of the houses for nearly 48 hours
andy maybe a bitch, andy maybe a hardass, andy may be the kind of person who says she doesn't want kids but god me damed if a kid hands her a fake phone and she doesn't pretend to answer it. she will, she does like kids and entertaining them - just, she doesn't want them or feel like she would be a good mother
Andy def is a heavy handed pourer
andy calling the band her own little addams family not nesseicaly bc they’re like the addams like appearance / aesthetic wise, but bc the dynamic they’ve made with each other, with the unconditional love and support for each other is what reminds her of the family, and she craves it... also she would hurt anyone for her boys
andy WILL throw hands with you if you come at her with anything christmas-y
is there a high change that andy has cried while watching an iteration of the addams family ( media before 2010 ), where andy when thinking about them too much cried because she wanted a family like that, a family who accepted her differences and who just loved her unconditionally? yes.... 
if andy see’s haley ( storm’s ex ) on the street - someone better hold on tight to her arm, bc andy will fight her
one day, andy will straight up just play the drums in her underwear on stage ; just to piss off those people who would judge her for what she wears ( like either too much or too little )
one thing you got to know when dating andy is... no, she will not love you more then her boys. i’m sorry, but they’ll always be a 3way tie for her. the only thing that could knock that down is a pet ( cat or dog tbh )
If she wasn't a drummer, Andy probably would have gone into wrestling
andy loves horror films
she loves scare parks / mazes and isn’t jump scared easy but when she is - she’s a puncher
andy is one of those short people who will and is bitter about being short. so not make a joke about it, she will come for your knee caps
is andy like 5′2? yes. does she like being the big spoon? hell yes
Andy is the kind of person to refuse to admit she's cold even if she's shivering up a storm
Andy, across all socials ( twitter, insta, tiktok ): andydaines Andy also as a private ones, which is her bandmembers only ( maybe eventually select others close to her ): drummerdaines
Andy watched Deathgasm, then made the rest of the band watch it.
Around 16/17, Andy dated a guy named Henry. This caused Alan's harassment of her to get heavier. They dated for 5 months, they broke up when he said he loved her - she, dumped him the next day. Then, its two weeks later, she has her breakdown mentioned in her bio bc Alan somehow got worse in that time period
this just in, andy can not do death. but like specifically of her boys or sister... those would wreck her. like break her or shatter her to a million pieces
andy likes halestorm
she’ll never admit it, but, andy has a praise kink. tell her she’s good at making your feel good. tell her what she’s doing to great.
tbh. if you’re friends with andy - you have scary dog privileges bc boy is she a handful and will hurt anyone who hurts those she cares about
andy ends up getting a sword on her sternum for her 21st birthday
i know i’ve said this before, but andy has many many photos of her bandmates looking silly / goofy and honestly at times outright awful. she has them sectioned off into folders. so one of storm, jamie and mac, then a folder for pairs and then all three of them - and yes has some of her own bc she likes to laugh at herself sometimes. she does have them of evanie too but not as much but it will get to the same amount as her bandmates - watch her over the years that they mend the relationship
andy is the kind to give the silent treatment at someone she is upset with or angry with
andy did not like, haley - always felt this off vibe from her but because storm had looked happy, didn’t say anything, so of course when they broke up, andy was happy - only for seconds later needed to be held back when finding out that storm broke up with her because she had been using him. and yes, at the time andy would have been sixteen
andy is a bitter, everyone she has known has at least one story about her biting them or biting at them, whether it’s because they put their fingers to close to her face when she’s in a mood, because she just felt like it - or it was her way of saying she was mad at them ( which generally gets resolved )
how to have andy putty in your hands? serenade her with gnr, even if you suck at singing / playing instruments 
the first like couple of times that any of her bandmates genuinely complimented her or told her she was good enough, or that they cared and loved her, andy felt like crying her eyes out. because it wasn’t something she heard often until them
she nearly cried in front of evanie the first time it happened when they were mending their relationship 
andy has 100% stolen items of clothing from all her bandmates. she needs something, she picks it up and wears it - not caring whose it is
andy tends to sleep in an old gnr shirt that she’s had for a a couple of years & underwear
has gotten changed in front of her bandmates bc she doesn’t care about the whole ‘you should change in a different room bc you’re a girl’ bullshit. if she needs to get changed, she will get changed
Andy has a stuffed toy she got when she was a kid, still has it and no one knows about it. I mean, not even Storm who can weasel anything out of her. It was from when she doesn't remember being the outcast of the family, so it's tied with the once happy family that she very briefly had.
andy is honestly scared of love, of falling into love, it kind of scares her to no end because there will always be that deep rooted fear that while she will give them her whole heart, they would find someone better than her, and leave her - and she doesn’t want to put herself through that
6 months is roughly how long it took since Andy and Evanie starting to mend ( like fully) their relationship for Andy to let her two worlds meet ( her band and her sister ) officially. Once again, she never fully separated them, always spoke about the other to the other, just didn't have them meet for a while. Bc in doing so was opening up a side of her, to Evanie that her sister hadn't seen before, more carefree and more herself as that is how her boys make her feel
andy is fascinated by the butterfly effect, and theories around it
andy loves horrors, in fact loves watching the stupid cheesy ones - those are her favourite 
if andy’s honest, she will probably not cry over her parents death when it happens right away. like sure they’re not the best especially to her as the did favour evanie. but like, she’d break at the loss of never getting and never going to get that kind of attention even though she acts like she doesn’t care about her parents or that she doesn’t care that they don’t love her - but, there is that part of her that craves is deep down in her, like she wishes she wasn’t the screw up in the family.
she would avoid this breakdown around evanie, it would probably happen around either storm, jamie or mac, and it’s be like days or a weeks later
andy... just has  collection of silly photos of all her bandmates, and her sister. refuses to delete them bc they’re funny. and yes, sorted by bandmate
while, andy will automatically recognise welcome to the jungle from just one note or just the drums pretty instantly, when it comes to just guitar or bass... it’s a tad but longer then it would drums, she will get it pretty quickly
to spite her step mum, who wants her to be girly and all that, her own mother kinda gave up on that and focused on evanie. andy would blast songs like Animal ( I fuck like a beast ) by W.A.S.P,  A Little Piece of Heaven by A7X, anything her step mum would say is too ‘vulgar’ for a young girl to listen too
She hates the smell of lavender. She can not stand it, it makes her gag - this is due to her step mum using it to try and make Andy more ‘girly’. It was constantly sprayed on her, and within Andy’s room
She has, as of right now three tattoos. A rose on her inner upper left arm that takes up pretty much the space from her pit to the elbow. A stick ‘n poke Heart and star that she did herself on her left and right hip, and she got the middle finger being pulled on her left calf, it was a small flash design
I’ve named the guy who was harassing her from 15 till roughly 18. His name is Alan Cassner, in the year above her. He had taken Andy saying no to him, as a challenge rather then her simply saying no. would resort to slut shaming Andy when he didn’t get his way. Often claiming she was only friends with Jamie, Mac and Storm so she can sleep with them. One time, he tried to feel her up - and she punched him ; she got detention for it and her parents grounded her for it.
She hates her costumer service voice ; it’s always like three octaves higher then her usual speaking voice. and don’t get her started on entitled parents - she can’t wait until the band pops off and can put Retail aside
one time, a guy quizzed andy on guns and roses because she wore their shirt. got told she was wearing it to impress the guys ( referring to her friends aka her bandmates ). she knew her friends wanted to step in, but she had it. she answered all the questions, and threw her own. she received a high five from storm when she managed to make the guy fumble because she asked a question that was meant to make him stuff up - and he did and she called him out on his bullshit and told him to never fucking do that shit again, because it doesn’t fucking matter - a shirt is a shirt.
andy loves the song welcome to the jungle by guns and roses, and loves playing it on her drums. in fact, it’s her go to song when she’s upset and is playing her drums. she can recognise the song by just the drums alone
andy maybe the youngest of the band but, she will not hesitate to stand up for her bandmates. which is ironic as she has had a hard time doing so for herself and the band ended up helping her with that.
as much as she loves her sister, she hasn’t told her about the stalker guy from high school - that was just her band mates that know about that. she will tell her eventually
there was a moment, where andy’s drumkit had been broken, everyone suspected it was the guy harassing her. andy cried at seeing it. storm brought her a new one
being the only female in a band of guys / those guys being her best friends for years, there have been people who have accused andy of having slept with one or all of them. one time when someone did this, andy punched the person in the face because they were implying she was ‘easy’ as she hung around guys a lot, and not girls.
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dragonfly92 · 11 months
It was now time for Sarah fashion show that she was in of course both Rose and Harper are attending also so was Andy, Joe and Pat which was very much appreciated right now Sarah was backstage getting her make-up done, hair and then she would change into her outfit that she would be wearing thankfully it wasn't a wedding dress any other time would be fine but right now wasn't the perfect time, but she was alright of course still a little emotional but she managed to keep herself from crying mostly to be professional in the work business, she was taking a few deep breaths of course she was a mixture of nerves right now a bit of nervousness and also excited because she would have a group of her friends to show their support.
That of course meant the world to her, luckily she wasn't the first person to go on stage she was the fourth person of course this wasn't the first time that she had done a show but it would be the first time that she had more than her girlfriends for support, they wasn't exactly allowed backstage whilst she was getting ready just because of how busy it was so they wasn't allowed any kind of distraction unfortunately unaware to her but her now ex fiancee and his friends had come back earlier, of course Kellin didn't exactly know that Nick had told him about his mistress they haven't seen the girls or the guys which was probably a good thing.
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Once she was finished it wasn't quite her turn just yet but would be very soon she was pacing back and forth backstage waiting for her name to be called, after a few minutes her name had been called so she headed for the runway and then put on a brave face as she walked onto the runway of course the group was being very supportive she was allowed to smile if she wanted to and that's what she did mostly at her group of friends, actually more at Andy who was smiling back at her unaware that Kellin was there with his friends she noticed who she was smiling at he wasn't exactly thrilled but didn't want Sarah to get in trouble with her boss so he would speak to her afterwards hopefully alone.
Whilst Sarah was walking the runway the group was talking quietly of course Rose looks over at Andy who can't stop smiling and she speaks up saying, "So what do you think of your first fashion show?" Andy turns his attention from Sarah to Rose and speaks up saying, "Well it's actually pretty cool and she is doing an amazing job, whilst also looking very beautiful." Rose smirks a little but he doesn't notice as he's too busy paying attention to Sarah who was now leaving the runway she then speaks up by asking him, "Just so you know that it's kind of obvious that you have feelings for a certain model that just happens to be the groups friend."
He then turns his attention back to Rose with a confused look on his face but before he speaks up she does saying, "Come on don't give me that look but just so you know she used to as well before she got with Kellin but she thought that you didn't have feelings for her so she just kept them to herself apart from telling me and Harp even when she was dating Kellin there was always that thought in the back of her mind." Hearing that causes him to smile and then speaks up saying, "I mean yeah there's obvious feelings but of course she had just come out of a long relationship so I understand and want to give her as much time as she needs trust me I know how she feels."
Whilst that was going on Sarah was backstage changing into her second outfit, she had her make-up and hair done but different, she was so relaxed even with the gang there because as stated before it was only the two girls that would come but of course Kellin would come when he wasn't touring or doing interviews which at the time meant alot to her but right now it didn't matter anymore considering what she had been told and the proof she didn't really miss him, she was just happy that she had people that she cared about of course she would've loved her parents to be there like they would sometimes would but they moved away a long time ago, but she kept in contact with them and they would visit during christmas and thanksgiving, also just to visit. 
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Once again she was ready to the hit the runway feeling alot more relaxed this time when she was on the runway her group of friends was cheering for her which made her smile even more but her smile started to fade when she saw that Kellin and his friends but she quickly looked away which confused Kellin but he would probably see her after she show and hopefully she would be on her own unaware that she had a group of friends that was watching and supporting her but they noticed that something wasn't right it's when she looked in the other direction that her smiled faded.
Unfortunately for Rose she has very good eye sight and noticed that Kellin and his friends was there she tried her best to stay quiet but couldn't hold it in she says, "Yeah guys I know what's wrong why Sarah seemed a bit off erm yeah it turns out Kellin is here and he's not alone either he brought the guys with him he must've finished tour earlier than expected." They look in the direction and sure enough she was right Andy was about to go and have words with him but Harper speaks up saying, "Andy he isn't worth it and think of Sarah it would devastate her let's go and see her in a bit the show is almost over." He nods his head saying, "Yeah you're right he's not worth it and also don't want to ruin the night for Sarah wouldn't be fair on her she's work so hard." 
A little while later the show was finished and Sarah was backstage back into her normal outfit waiting patiently for the gang, after a few minutes she heard her name being called but when she turned around she was expecting it to be the girls and guys but it was the last person she expected to see Kellin he was on his own, she looks at him shocked and couldn't speak for a moment so Kellin does and he speaks up asking, "Hey where is my hug then?" But Sarah doesn't move from her spot she's just left stunned thankfully her friends had arrived, Andy stood beside Sarah being protective of her which confuses Kellin.
He then speaks up asking, "Wait what's going on here aren't you happy to see me?" Andy wraps an arm around Sarah's waist to protect her which of Kellin notices and speaks up asking, "Wait what's going on between you two are you cheating on me with him?" That causes Andy to chuckle a little catching he's attention but before he could say anything Sarah had finally spoke up to her friends saying, "Guys it's fine erm can you give me a few minutes with him please." Andy has removed his arm from her waist looking down at her because she's shorter than him asking her, "Erm are you sure you gonna be alright?" 
She looks up to him saying, "Yeah you guys don't have to leave the room if you don't want too to be honest I just wanna say my piece then we can go." He nods and the group step away but still remain in the room just encase anything bad happens, Sarah looks up at Kellin saying "Look I know that you haven't exactly been faithfully I know you've been seeing someone behind my back whilst you guys was on tour and you can lie all you want but I've seen proof also I have been faithfully to you, also just so you know me and Andy aren't dating because I was with you but not anymore it's over."
Kellin has a stunned look on his face saying, "Look alright I'm sorry I should have not cheated on you please don't break up with me, it won't happen again I promise you that please give me a second chance?" Sarah sighs saying, "No once a cheater always a cheater so why don't you just leave Kellin also take this with you maybe give it to your other girlfriend because I'm done." He admits defeat sighing, takes the engagement ring and leaves once he was gone Sarah started to getting upset but thankfully Andy had come to her side giving her the biggest hug ever which is was Sarah needed right now.
After a little while the group had left Andy was gonna be busy but he had promised to keep in contact with Sarah who was also gonna be busy doing fashion shows, she was so happy that she had that to keep her mind off of things, the guys had dropped off the girls at their apartment because they was basically being gentlemen and once they knew that the girls was safe headed off home, the girls was understandable tired so they did their usually things Sarah's friend who was looking after Poppy had dropped her off, which was very much appreciated. After they had sorted themselves each saying goodnight to each other of course Poppy loves sleeping in Sarah's room and she has her own bed. 
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bpdsiriusblack · 1 year
back outside chain smoking. i don’t have an appetite anymore?
more writing under the cut
the opening bands are just… okay. Lucian remembers when they were just okay. How anyone thought they’d one day have real talent he never knew.
It’s possible he’s just jaded. And a little bit of a bitch.
“You look like you’ve taken a swig of spoiled milk,” Garrett says. Lucian had forgotten he was beside him. “Cigarette?”
“I’m good.”
“Jesus, Lou turning down a cigarette? Never though I’d see the day,” Garrett says and Lucian thinks he’s smiling but hasn’t turned to look at him. He does see Garrett put the cigarette pack back in his pocket, maybe out of respect but probably just nerves. He was always a bit of a follower.
Garrett never wanted to stand out too much. He always turned down the eyeliner, the more out there outfits. He liked just drumming, sometimes with his shirt off but mostly with some kind of graphic tee.
Donnie and Lucian took care of the theatrics. Which, as someone who hated being perceived, was bitterly ironic.
“You’ve been hanging out with Ben?” Garrett says. The band on stage (Buildings Fall? Walking the Line? Lucian has no idea) is switching guitars as the lead singer tries to hype up the crowd of a dozen or so people.
Lucian can tell Garrett is trying his best to make small talk. It’s almost funny.
“Yeah, he called me Andy the other day.”
“Oh shit,” Garrett says. “I’m sorry, it slipped out the other day.”
“No worries,” and Lucian means it. He kind of likes Ben. Maybe it’s okay to open up a bit. “Why are you talking to me like we haven’t been friends for over a decade?”
Garrett let’s out a chuckle and Lucian does finally turn to him. He looks young somehow, eyes still wide and innocent as he rubs the back of his neck.
“You’ve been a bit distant during tour, that’s all.”
“I’ve been busy,” and, fuck, he doesn’t mean for it to sound defensive but it does.
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love-and-rockers · 2 years
13,36,38 for both if you can<3
this was fun to do and took a minute to think on, so it's a bit long!
13. How do they keep in contact when they’re apart? Do they write letters, talk on the phone, or simply wait out the time?
they talk a lot on the phone when they are a part for more than a day. i think they like to just know about what each other are up to, especially because they are around each other a lot anyway. they are always sharing time and hobbies, eating together, always sleeping together etc.
so i think they need to talk a lot to keep up the norm of their relationship.
i think every few days, especially if anything has changed in their lives and keep each other informed of it, as well as getting to spend some time of the day together in their week.
they just aren't spending as much time together, which isn't a negative! it's just their preference! so they don't need that more constant contact.
36. How do they feel about having kids? Are they in agreement?
we're about to get to this in axl's next chapter so if you want a more in depth explantation, there will be a lot of detail there!
but yes. they both want kids, somewhere in the near future especially for axl who is kind of just waiting for his life to stop spinning so fast as well as him starting to get older.
andy already has some experience with being an aunt and being very maternal, and is interested in having children. if anything i would argue she is quite eager for it, especially with axl. so i think they are in agreement, but again this will be coming up soon!
i think yoko does want children, but in what capacity, who with and what time frame are all in the air. she likes the idea of it but i don't think it crosses her mind too often probably because unlike andy, she isn't in a direct situation involving it.
she also has some severe issues with her family living under the surface which i think hold her back from fully exploring the option.
i think it hasn't crossed duff's mind full stop. he's a rockstar who's in his mid twenties, children are for when he's older and the albums/tours have wrapped up and are over. but maybe when he's older, he'd be down for it. he probably is down for it actually! but not anytime soon - probably wisely in his situation.
38. Who’s got a quicker temper?
andy is the instigator/escalator. one's something has been started or said she will take it to the next level to give herself some leverage. not that axl also doesn't have a temper, he does but he's had a lot of therapy to help him on that front. so i would say andy has the advantage.
yoko, 100%. she is very easily set off, probably after having to fight with her brother's who purposely bothered her as a child/teen. she definitely takes small comments as slights and dislikes when they are not acknowledged as such. duff still has a temper but i think it takes longer to come out.
thank you for asking!!
[link to question list]
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coralsgrimes · 2 years
As I was waiting for my bus, I think I’ve connected the dots on these Benny interviews. Clearly he’s not saying anything he hasn’t said before, so why do publications still go to the hassle of publishing the same thing over and over ad nauseam? Clicks! Engagement! Traffic! The man in white is not mainstream enough to end up on printed magazines, but he does have a very devoted online fan base that will eat up anything he regurgitates like little baby birds 🐥 so yeah, that was my big epiphany lol I hope you’re having a great whatever time of the day Coral!
See I am no expert in this area lol I know as much as I read about or what I got explained to me like I'm 5. Also I love ye and have a nice day too or goodnight ;ccc
Every publication is for clicks but ye would see it more prominent lower the food chain like in some copy paste articles where they just quoted the stuff that was said to bigger publications. And they clicking cuz they clickbaiting ye with outta the ass headline. Remember the bulianne are dating article and then what followed was 3892 articles about twin flames bikini choices and other shite? That was cuz the original one was clicking hard, even locals came to have a look when fandom exploded
NOW! The problem with Benny's interviews is not only that he not saying anything new, it is that he KEEPS REPEATING THE SAME STUFF over and over WORD FOR WORD. It's a fucking script. The questions asked are the same or similar enough to each other so that he can repeat his lil stories. Everyone had enough during his EP promo and now we getting... the same exact fucking thing like it's a repeat of a repeat of a repeat.
Some of the questions/topics are agreed beforehand, all of them probably if me being honest. Plug in the show, maybe mention bigger names cuz he has no other notable work and no upcoming projects. Mentioned Andy G? Well this one would click cuz Benny was only trending while fangirls went nuclear on his ass in August and when Andy G said he lost the Caspian part... during his Oscar tour press. He and his fucking team are pushing for this. He been giving the same interview since September 2021 and some of the stuff is his go to 'personality traits'. Lemme repeat, as Benny would do!!, he is giving the same interview to different publications for almost two years now but some shite he repeats since the dawn of time. And there was nothing groundbreaking or chatter worthy in this since the beginning.
Who in their right mind would think any of this is clicks material? That's why them big headlines cuz the actual interview is shite lol
Like he has a fixed personality of EDuCatEd gentleman, three favourite musicians and two favourite films. He an empath and his dad been writing Christmas poems. He tired of playing villains and he wants to do romcoms. And he lives laughs loves. He's opening up and he cares not for what people think but he will still cry when ye give him criticism. I FINALLY GOT TO LIVE MY DREAM at 40 no regrets. The end.
I can't understand the point of any of this, it's boring and I can fucking assure ye it's not clicking as well. I remember the EP over saturation and the so called devoted fans were making the exact same comparisons I've been making. He just repeated himself every day for weeks.
He never brings anything new to the table like he just reads a script. He basically ai of a man right now. He has no substance and obsession about controling the narrative. Boring controlling and every time it gets more and more creepy cuz like if there are only 5 paragraphs that he repeats all the time cuz these were deemed safe to tell out loud, ye gotta wonder what and why he be hiding. yeee at first I thought there are juicy juicy revelations but now imma pretty sure it's just back to him being absolutely uninteresting person with numerous obsessions so he just took what fangirls told him is so cutsie heart eyes about him and he be running with this and only this ever since.
Soooo ye I agree that them mags want clicks so they just gonna go with his shite but on the other hand it's pretty obvious that Benny needs them to adhere to his lil script and he needs to enact his lil script AGAIN and AGAIN. Ye know so he won't slip on accident and say something fangirls won't like or god forbid people getting a glimpse into his super top secret oh so interesting private life??? That deer in headlights look....
SURPRISINGLY it's not the low tier pop journalism fault here, it's all coming back to Benny and his 'opened up enough' fantasy scenario. It's his lack of personality, dick and taste. And obvi his I know better attitude 🧚🏻‍♀️ That's why peeps speculate so much and why the twin flames shenanigans are/were so popular. Cuz otherwise he saying nothing, seems obsessed with keeping all under wraps and repeats the most boring heard before profile of himself.
Ye know just a couple of oldies to prove my point that we seen it before
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jade-may · 7 years
patrick: we need to appeal to a wider auidence, any ideas guys?
joe: politics
andy: meaningful lyrics
joe: memes
andy: more tours with guests
patrick: pete, any ideas?
pete: 👉😎👉 fidget spinners 👈😎👈
patrick: oh god pete N O
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