#change was in the air so at 9:00 last night i simply said fuck it and bleached it
bufourine · 4 months
im dying my hair and this may be the slay event of the year hooooly shit this is gonna be pretty
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kpopfanfictrash · 4 years
Raise the Barre (Ch. 10)
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Pairing: Jimin / Reader
Rating: 18+ (Eventual Smut)
Genre: Enemies to Lovers / Dance Academy!AU
Warnings: the angst continues, but this time there are glimmers of progress
Word Count: 7,221
Summary: You and Park Jimin have been rivals for as long as you’ve known one another; ever since he tripped you in the front row of your first dance convention. When you graduate from high school and enter Russet Ballet Academy, you tell yourself you’re leaving all past quarrels behind. The main problem with this though, is that your past seems determined not to leave you alone.
Worse still, the obstacles you face while out in the real world might prove more challenging than anything your enemy has to offer.  
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For the first time all year, Jimin didn’t show up at class the next day.
You’d been dreading seeing him, unable to sleep all night as the kiss replayed itself in your mind. You’d told Jimin you needed to think and now, one day later, you still had no idea what to say.
You’d fucked up – big time.
Cheater had never been a label you would’ve applied to yourself; but here you were, scarlet letter on your chest. Yesterday seemed fuzzy whenever you remembered it, as though it had happened to you, as opposed to being something you’d done. Each time you recalled the moment, the kiss, your heart threatened to burst in your chest. You weren’t sure if this was because of Jimin or Finn.
Finn still hadn’t texted or called you since the fight. Maybe fight wasn’t the right word to describe the knock-down, blowout match you’d had in the library. You and Finn had never fought like that before. You’d had disagreements of course but had always managed to work things out. This was the first time you’d left an argument and found yourself at a loss.
Finn wanted a more available girlfriend and you wanted to dance.
Deep down, you knew this was an unsolvable problem, but the idea just seemed so unfathomable. The idea that this would be the thing to break you up. It hadn’t been a problem back in high school. Maybe Finn hadn’t always come to your dance competitions, but he’d attended recitals and brought you flowers at nearby performances. He’d always seemed to enjoy your dancing, even if he hadn’t fully understood it.
It made your heart ache to imagine that deep down, Finn thought your decisions were foolish. When you awoke Thursday morning, you saw Finn hadn’t called and nearly dialed his number, but then you looked at the clock and swore. Ballet began in an hour.
This conversation wasn’t one to do over the phone. Talking to Finn would have to wait, so you scrambled out of bed and threw on your clothes. Noelle had comforted you the best she could the night prior, but she still didn’t know the extent of what’d happened. All you’d said was you had a fight with Finn.
Saying it out loud felt like admitting defeat. Admitting what you’d done meant you’d have to see Noelle’s expression when you explained – when you told her you’d kissed Jimin while still dating Finn. You didn’t want to see her face when she learned the truth; you were having enough difficulty confronting it yourself.
Pushing this from mind, you focused on today as you entered the classroom. You would be forced to see Jimin this morning. You’d been so worried about talking to Finn, you’d nearly forgotten about the other piece of the equation.
You had kissed Jimin, and then you’d run away.
As you entered, you scanned the room and frowned when you didn’t immediately see him. Jimin usually arrived before you and Noelle. Setting your bag down, you began to warm up and continued to glance at the clock. At one minute until the hour, you began to grow nervous. If Jimin didn’t arrive in the next thirty seconds, the door to the room would shut and that would be that.
Watching the second hand tick, your stomach twisted as the unthinkable happened. Jimin didn’t show up. Ballet on Thursdays was taught by Mr. Vlad, who was notoriously punctual and at exactly 9:00 AM, he shut the door.
You had the sudden urge to check your phone for missed texts, but there was no time. Instead, you were forced to stand at the barre as you began pliés. You knew the second you started today would be a lost cause but could do nothing about it. Your relationship with Finn was in shambles, Jimin was clearly avoiding you but still, you needed to dance.
After class, you called Finn and went again to voicemail. Standing alone in your dorm room, you swallowed and tossed your phone on the bed. Fine – if he wouldn’t answer, you’d go and see him.
Stripping out of your leotard, you tossed this in the laundry to pull on new clothes. Jeans, sweater, coat – slamming a hat on your head, you shoved both hands in mittens and threw your bag over your shoulder. You were halfway out the door when you came to a stop.
You had no idea what to say to Finn.
Shutting your eyes, you slowly exhaled. You were angry, that much was true. Furious, even – his words had been biting, you were still hurting but you also still loved him, as insane as that sounded. Opening your eyes, you glanced at your trembling hands.
You hated feeling this way – weak, irrational. You hated wanting Finn, loving him and being so hurt all at the same time. Worse still, you hated the guilt clouding your judgement and lessening some of your anger. Finn had been wrong to say what he’d said, but you’d also been wrong to kiss Jimin.
For weeks now, you’d felt something for Jimin. Maybe months if you were being totally honest with yourself. Jimin had always consumed a larger amount of your waking hours than could be considered entirely normal for a supposed enemy.
Slowly, you turned and set down your keys. Removing your hat from your head, you stared at the door. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you sat at your desk and dialed Finn’s number.
It rang several times and then went to voicemail. This time, you didn’t hang up.
“Hey. It’s me.” You paused. “Finn, listen, I… we need to talk. Things have gotten so messed up lately. So… fucked up, right? I’m pissed, Finn. I’m really mad at you, but that’s not the only reason we need to talk. I – just call me back. Okay?”
You hesitated, wanting to tell him I love you, but forced yourself to hang up instead. Lowering your phone to your lap, you released a sigh. You supposed for all your avoidance of Finn, you deserved to give him a little more time to think.
Even though sitting here not doing anything was killing you.
As stupid as it sounded, you couldn’t bring yourself to break up over the phone. That would be considered the lowest of low. If you even wanted to break up, that is. It had been less than a week since you’d first had the thought in the cab – maybe you and Finn didn’t belong together. It seemed like a foreign concept still, as nonsense to you as chopping off your own hand.
But you couldn’t ignore things any longer. Something was obviously wrong between you. You needed to talk, you needed to lay all cards on the table and decide where you’d go next.
Closing your eyes, you leaned back in the chair. Without quite meaning to, your thoughts wandered to Jimin.
This seemed to happen more and more lately. You weren’t sure when he started vying for Finn’s place in your mind. The shift had been subtle, a change you’d barely noticed at first. But no – that wasn’t entirely true. It wasn’t as though Jimin had taken Finn’s place, but rather forged an entirely new one.
What you felt for Jimin was different from how you felt for Finn. With Finn, things between you were comfortable, things – had – felt supportive and strong. Now, Finn was none of those things to you, but he still didn’t compare to how you felt for Jimin.
Jimin was like a breath of fresh air after being inside for too long. He was something you hadn’t even realized you missed until you went out. You wouldn’t feel like this for Jimin unless something were wrong with the room you were currently in.
Suddenly, you felt very tired.
You’d always prided yourself on your ability to persevere, on your talent for overcoming by simply pushing on. This though wasn’t something you could solve through sheer force of will. The mess you’d created was only made worse by your infernal stubbornness.
Opening your phone, you flipped to the thread between you and Jimin. The last text he’d sent you had been a TikTok before the night of the kiss. True to his word, Jimin had pretended to forget all about the club and instead, simply returned to being your friend. Rereading your texts, you felt your chest tighten.
It wasn’t as though Jimin had been entirely innocent.
He’d known you had a boyfriend, but you’d never done anything to push him away. You’d been the one to move closer in the club. You had been the one to kiss him first. Jimin didn’t deserve to be treated this way and slowly, you lowered your head to your hands.
It was too much. By all rights, several people should hate you right now and you had no idea how to fix any of it.
Looking up, you set your jaw and sent Jimin a text.
Y/N: you weren’t in ballet class today. Is everything okay? [3:14 PM]
It took Jimin a while to respond. While you waited, you stared at the ceiling, then the floor until you saw ellipses typing. Jimin paused, then stopped and started again. After several long minutes, you got a new text.
Jimin: was sick, sorry [3:22 PM]
Y/N: that sucks :/ [3:22 PM]
Jimin: Y/N. What do you want? [3:23 PM]
Swallowing hard, you sat back. You had no idea what you wanted, and therein lay the problem. Belatedly, you realized you couldn’t have this conversation before you talked to Finn. You couldn’t know what you were apologizing for until you knew where you stood with your current relationship.
You needed more time, which was what you had told Jimin yesterday – and then proceeded to ignore, texting him now.
Y/N: nothing. I’m sorry. I just… wanted to make sure you were okay [3:25 PM]
He started typing again, then stopped. This happened a few more times and you imagined Jimin rewriting whatever it was he wanted to tell you. Finally, he sent his text and you felt your heart sink.
Jimin: yeah. I’m fine. [3:27 PM]
Y/N: okay [3:28 PM]
Placing your phone to the side, you fought back the tears which now threatened to fall.
You’d never imagined yourself an emotional person, so you couldn’t imagine where all this was coming from. Some long-lost, pent-up part of yourself which throbbed and whispered how stupid you were. Stupid to have fought with Finn, stupid to have pushed Jimin away, stupid to have kissed him and hurt everyone in the process.
Climbing into your bed, you curled into a ball and let the tears fall until you had nothing left.
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The next morning, you walked into ballet class with red-rimmed eyes. Noelle had returned yesterday afternoon, taken one look at your face and transitioned to mom mode. She thought your breakdown was all about Finn and you hadn’t bothered to correct her. In a way, it all was.
He still hadn’t called. When you woke, you battled again whether to go to Redfield and confront him in person. That hadn’t worked out so well the last time, but it was driving you crazy to exist in this state of not knowing.
When you entered class Friday morning, you saw an unfamiliar woman at the front and felt your heart sink. In the chaos of this past week, you’d nearly forgotten about today’s master class.
Maisie Vern was a renowned choreographer of classical ballet. She’d choreographed for some of the most well-known ballets all over the world, with her pas de deux choreography receiving comparisons to Balanchine originals.
You’d completely forgotten she was teaching today. Starting to panic, you forced yourself to stay calm. Just because your private life was falling to pieces didn’t mean this needed to manifest in your dancing. You could do this.
And then Jimin walked into the room and you realized you couldn’t.
He looked as tired as you felt, dark circles shadowed beneath his eyes. He hardly glanced your way as he entered, crossing to the other side to set down his things. Following him with your gaze, you watched Jimin begin to stretch at the barre. Dark hair fell over his forehead, hiding his face from view.
Forcing yourself not to look, you noticed Seokjin standing at the front. Seeing him beside Miss Vern made your stomach sink. Seokjin was in high demand as a teacher’s assistant; the only reason he’d be here was if he were assisting Miss Vern. And if he were assisting Miss Vern, this meant today’s combination must be a pas de deux.
Confirming your growing dread, Miss Vern clapped both her hands. She was dressed in a slouchy sweater, wispy bun and flat canvas ballet shoes. Effortlessly standing in first position, she glanced around the room.
“Hello,” she said. “For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Maisie Vern. We have a long class today, so make sure your water bottles are full. For the first hour we’ll warm up at the barre, then we’ll move to center and learn some choreography. I will warn you,” she said, raising her brow. “This pas de deux is from a ballet I’m choreographing for the San Francisco ballet, so it has never been performed live before. Therefore! A certain amount of professionalism and confidentiality is expected.”
Whispers swept the room, everyone eager for the opportunity to prove their worth. Even you found yourself awed by the moment – it was a privilege to dance in the same room as Maisie Vern, let alone learn choreography she’d yet to reveal to the public.
“Now.” Miss Vern gestured to Seokjin. “Some of you might know Kim Seokjin, my assistant for the day. He comes to me highly recommended and will help demonstrate some of the more complicated lifts. Today’s pas de deux is less about the choreography though, and more about the emotion.”
Hearing this, you froze at the barre.
“The ballet is a modern-day retelling of the Odyssey epic. Our hero, Odysseus, has just returned home and is reunited with his love, Penelope. He suspects her of cheating in his absence, so he disguises himself as someone else to test her. Penelope realizes who he is and is furious at her husband for his lack of faith.”
Your gaze darted to Jimin. He stared ahead at Miss Vern, but you could see his jaw tense from all the way across the room.
“This pas de deux is all about tension! Two people in love but pushed beyond their limits. Time and distrust have come between them. This,” Miss Vern announced, “will be the goal of you ballerinas and danseurs to convey.”
All around, a few people nodded, but most of the class seemed unnerved by the prospect. Thus far, your classes at Russet had mainly focused on technique. Even in weekly variations class, the emphasis had been on learning the choreography, rather than on how to tell a story.
This was the hallmark of a great dancer, though. Being able to act as you moved, telling a story which the audience could understand.
“It will be a challenge,” Miss Vern said. “However, I think you will find it to be enjoyable. With that said, let’s start at the barre. Pliés!”
Everyone scrambled to stand, including you and Noelle. Pressing play on the music, Miss Vern demonstrated the combination before you began. Barre passed quickly, possibly because you were dreading center so much. All too soon, the hour was up, and Miss Vern instructed the class to find their partners.
Warily, you crossed the room and came to a stop beside Jimin. He looked up as you approached but kept his face carefully neutral. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking and for a moment, felt a glimmer of resentment.
It had taken two people to kiss in that practice room.
Jimin had known you were taken, just as much as you’d known you were dating Finn. Even if you’d started the kiss, Jimin hadn’t stopped it – if anything, he’d kissed you back.
The moment you thought this, some of your anger drained away. Jimin had wanted to talk, but you hadn’t let him. Maybe you’d realized you felt something for him since then, but Jimin had never said anything similar to you.
For all you knew, he’d simply been caught in the moment. It wasn’t as though Jimin had ever said anything about wanting to be more than friends.
“Alright!” Miss Vern clapped her hands. “Ballerinas, you’ll start offstage. We begin at the end of the male solo. By this point in the choreography, Penelope and Odysseus have reunited. In her solo, we realize she knows who he is. In his solo, he’s angry to hear she’s entertained other suitors. They reunite for the coda!”
Glancing again at Jimin, he immediately looked down. The kernel of anger returned and this time, it grew larger. Although yes, you’d initially run away, you had at least tried to reach out to him yesterday. Jimin had been the one to skip class and shut you down.
It wasn’t fair for him to expect you to have all the answers. You had a boyfriend and you’d kissed. Clearly, you had a few things to work through.
Jaw tense, you separated from Jimin and went to stand on the sidelines. Miss Vern began teaching the danseurs the end of their solo, instructing the men to spread out on the floor. Unscrewing the cap of your water bottle, you took a large, angry sip.
As the music began, the male dancers followed suit while you watched from the side.
Turning your head, you found Sabrina before you.
She was dressed in her usual ballet clothes, but there was something about her which seemed different today. Maybe it was the hesitancy in her expression.
Looking at her in surprise, you wondered what she had to say. The fight you’d had on Halloween night seemed so far away but had barely been a week ago.
“Yeah?” you said as you set down your water.
Sabrina hesitated, seeming at war with herself. “Hey. So, I was wondering…”
Miss Vern yelled a correction at the group. Gaze darting sideways, you attempted to see who it had been directed to. After a moment, you returned to Sabrina.
“Wondering what?” you said, arching a brow.
“I was just… wondering if we could talk,” Sabrina finished lamely.
You blinked and stared at her in surprise. Out of everything, this was quite possibly the last thing you’d suspected would happen today. Before you could respond though, Miss Vern called for ballerinas to enter.
“Ballerinas!” She motioned you forward. “Your entrance will come from the top right wing. Run through the center and find your partner.”
“I – okay,” you said, realizing Sabrina waited for an answer. “Later.”
Sabrina frowned, about to respond but Miss Vern clapped her hands again, forcing you to move. Hurrying past, you hastily positioned yourself in the back of the room. With everything else that was happening, you didn’t really have time to worry about another enemy.
Speaking of whom – Jimin’s gaze hardened when you approached and in response to this, anger flared in your belly.
You’d asked him to give you time and he had agreed. It seemed this was no longer the case.
Woodenly, Jimin held out his hand. Staying carefully neutral, you took this as Miss Vern began to teach you the steps. She hadn’t been lying when she’d called the pas de deux difficult. By necessity, some of your anger disappeared as you focused on learning.
Jimin seemed equally concentrated, barely looking your way while he practiced. It took nearly forty-five minutes to learn the entire coda, with Miss Vern stopping partway for a water break. By the time you knew the choreography, both of you were sweating.
Miss Vern had also been right to call the pas de deux one about tension. At the start, Jimin’s character was testing Penelope. This involved him pulling you towards him, turning you and making you chase him – until halfway through the coda, when Penelope snapped. Choreography shifting, you began to chase him, revealing you knew who he was.
The choreography was intricate, necessitating trust between partners. Despite everything, you were relieved to find this still existed between you. When you jumped, you knew Jimin would catch you. When you fell, you knew his hands would find your waist.
Still, this didn’t mean things had returned normal. As you practiced a fouetté, turning quickly to face him, Jimin gripped your wrist harder than usual. Wincing, you pushed on towards the next jump.
The combination involved several lifts, one of which was the most psychologically taxing. It involved Jimin lifting you overhead with your front leg extended, holding only your waist. While not the most difficult move technically, it required a certain fortitude of mind to dangle, upside-down from his arms.
This certainly wasn’t helped by the fact that Jimin kept grunting.
“Will you stop doing that?” you hissed as he set you back down.
A muscle in Jimin’s jaw ticked.
“Stop doing what?”
“Grunting. I keep thinking you’re about to drop me.”
Jimin gave you a look, chest heaving for breath. “Well, it’s hard.”
“Our job is to make it look easy.”
“Yeah, look easy,” he argued. “That doesn’t mean it actually is.”
“Well –”
“Let’s just try it again,” Jimin said, cutting you off.
After a moment, you nodded and returned to your position. As you began to practice with music, you felt a familiar sinking feeling in your stomach. It seemed you’d taken several steps backwards since the start of the year. Instead of continuing to grow as partners, you and Jimin had returned to the start.
As you repeated the steps, you felt his grip on you tighten, but Jimin lifted you overhead with nary a grunt. He set you back down, your leg extended in arabesque.
“Good!” said Miss Vern as she walked past. “Try to support her lower back more, though, Jimin. She shouldn’t be falling that far behind.”
As she walked away, Jimin nodded and exhaled a breath. Once she was gone, he turned sideways to face you. Again, his gaze was unfamiliar and cold.
“Alright,” Jimin said. “Again?”
“From where?”
“Middle of the partner section?”
You nodded, taking a step backwards to catch your breath. The break in the partner section began with you running towards him, Jimin catching you around the waist to sweep you into a fish lift.
As you ran through the steps, you tried to concentrate on the choreography. Not on your partner, nor on the uncertainties which roared through your mind. Jimin certainly didn’t seem to have the same qualms you did. By all accounts, Jimin was a sharp, perfunctory, and timely dance partner.
You found this to be maddening.
Just when you’d forgotten how strained things had become, he’d grip your hand a little too tightly, or turn you a little too sharply and your eyes would narrow. After another ten minutes of practice, Miss Vern called your attention by the stereo.
“Let’s try it full out,” she suggested. “I won’t hold the first time against you, but please do your best to execute every lift.”
The class grunted in agreement; wiping sweat from their brows, they retreated to their starting positions.
Glancing at Jimin, you said, “Full out?”
He nodded. “If you want.”
Turning on his heel, he walked across the room. You watched him go, your blood beginning to reach a boiling point. Jimin was acting like a petulant child. This was how he used to be in high school, back when he was your enemy and everything had been simpler, but you didn’t want that anymore.
Now that you knew who Jimin was, you couldn’t possibly go back to hating him. The very idea made your heart hurt.
Possibly you were being unfair, or naïve. Clearly, you’d hurt Jimin, but there wasn’t time to fix things between you before the end of class. You needed to be professional, you needed to pull your shit together and you needed Jimin to do the same. Turning around, you crossed the room and reached your starting spot.
Taking a deep breath, you waited for your cue.
When Miss Vern signaled the ballerinas to enter, you ran – and felt Jimin catch you by the wrist. He wasn’t gentle, pivoting you to a penché and waiting for you to rise. When you did, he crushed you to his chest and caught your knee in posse.
Teeth gritted, you kept your gaze on him while extending á la second. Hand finding your calf, Jimin raised your leg higher. His grip was rougher than usual, making you shiver as his hand slid to your ankle.
Gaze lidded, Jimin bent you in cambré. When he pulled you upwards to face him, your noses practically touched. Your frustration, previously under control, began to unwind.
“Why weren’t you in class yesterday?” you whispered.
Jimin’s eyes flashed, as though in warning. When you turned around, he caught you deftly around the waist. Pulling you to him, Jimin’s breath ghosted your neck.
“I told you,” he murmured. “I was sick.”
“Bullshit,” you said, breaking free of his hold.
Jimin followed close behind, his feet skimming the floor. As you piqued to arabesque, he caught up and pulled you against him.
“You’re avoiding me,” you accused.
“I’m not. And it’s not bullshit,” he added. Turning you around, Jimin dipped you, only to catch you before you hit the floor. “I’m here, aren’t I?”
The next part required more footwork, both of you circling the other. Your breathing was heavier the next time you were close enough to speak.
“You’ve barely spoken to me today,” you hissed.
A mirthless laugh left his lips. Spinning you sideways, Jimin caught you against his chest, your bodies pressed together in heated silence.
“I thought you told me not to say anything?” he said sweetly.
The next move tore you apart, your feet skimming the floor before Jimin caught up and lifted you high overhead. You saw the ground for a moment, heartbeat hammering your ribs before he set you back down. Chasséing forward, you battemented and were again caught by Jimin at the ankle.
Dragging you closer, his hand found your waist.
Stubbornly, you met his gaze. “I needed time to think.”
“Oh, did you?”
Releasing your leg, he lowered you to a penché. As you rose, you managed to say, “I did. And now, I think we should talk.”
Jimin snorted. “What’s there to talk about?”
Your next battement nearly hit him in the head. Jimin’s eyes widened, but it was all part of the choreography. Timed to a change in tempo, the choreography shifted to you as the pursuer.
On pointe, you ran forward, leaping into his arms at the last second. Fish dives were difficult, since they required complete trust of your partner, but Jimin caught you easily, cradling you close to his chest. 
Lips brushing your ear, he set you back down. “Are you still with him?” he asked, chest heaving behind you. “Your boyfriend?”
Meeting his gaze in the mirror, you hesitated. “Yes.”
His gaze hardened. “Then, there’s nothing to talk about.”
There was no time to respond since the next sequence involved Jimin chasséing away into a tour jeté. You followed with chainés, head whipping around to spot him every time. As soon as you were within speaking distance, you caught him by the arm again.
“I say there is,” you insisted. “Why are you making this so difficult?”
“Me?” Jimin barked a laugh as he turned. “You’re the one driving me crazy. Like you always do.”
“What the hell does that mean?” you said to him, baffled.
Jimin’s gaze cut to yours.
For the briefest of moments, you saw his façade break. All of his pain, all of his hurt and frustration shone through and you felt yourself falter. Staring at him, you couldn’t form a response.
Not that there was time. The dance hadn’t ended and class hadn’t stopped. Taking a slow step towards you, Jimin tenderly caught your attitude effacé and extended your leg. Dragging you forward, he pulled you across the floor.
As he came to a stop, Jimin swept your body to his as your fingers curled in his hair. In the choreography, the moment was one of near reconciliation between Penelope and Odysseus, a breather before their intense ending sequence. Jimin’s chest was concave with your breath, his gaze dark and lidded when he pulled back to see you.
You swallowed, disentangling yourself as you bourreéd away.
Heart pounding, you skimmed the floor with glissades, crossing the room with Jimin close behind. The final sequence was the grand reveal, with Penelope exposing Odysseus for who he is and forgiving his mistrust.
You could relate to the sequence.
Not all of it – had you been Penelope, you might have cheated while Odysseus had been away. You might have fallen for someone else; one of the suitors, perhaps. When you looked at Jimin now, you saw that clearly. There were feelings here which extended beyond a normal crush.
Still, you could relate to the dance. You could relate to Penelope’s frustration at Odysseus for being gone for so long. For leaving in the first place, for forcing her to withstand all her burdens alone. She’d been faithful to him and all he’d done was accuse her of cheating. You remembered Finn’s words to you in the library and felt your heart sink, since you’d ended up proving him right after all.
You’d also hurt Jimin though, which you hadn’t intended. Of course, he was angry – you’d repeatedly led him on, not pushing him away when you should have. And when things between you had finally snapped, you hadn’t let him speak. You’d run away.
Executing a double pirouette, you extended in attitude for a quick promenade. Shutting down your mind, you allowed yourself to be swept away by the music. Swept away by the characters, the dance and its emotions. The choreography became less important as the story came alive. Jimin’s hands were as familiar to you as your own, lifting you easily and setting you back on the ground.
Your heart ached with each step, wanting to be closer, wanting to be nearer to him than you were. As the steps slowed, you found yourself softening. Jimin’s hand slid to your thigh, settling you against his chest in a move reminiscent of the first time you’d felt a spark. Locking gazes with him, you inhaled and lifted your hand to rest on his cheek.
Time seemed to slow; you both felt and saw a muscle tick in his jaw. Jimin roughly exhaled, his chest pressed to yours as his gaze dropped to your lips.
“Bravo! Brava!”
Startled, both of you looked up.
Dazedly, you remembered you weren’t alone. You were in Miss Vern’s ballet class, most of whom had stopped dancing midway to watch. Placing you down on the ground, Jimin took a step backwards. Lacing both hands before him, he refused to meet your gaze, choosing instead to focus on Miss Vern.
“Beautifully done!” Crossing the floor, Miss Vern stopped before you. “The passion you showed! Such emotion, such artistry. My own principals couldn’t have done any better.”
Eyes widening, your lips parted. A flutter of incredulity went through you. It was unthinkable to receive such a high compliment from a teacher at Russet, let alone a choreographer as famed as Maisie Vern.
If you’d been looking for a sign to continue, this had to be it. One of the top choreographers in the world, commending your talent and somehow, her words didn’t feel nearly as good as when Jimin had said them.
Glancing at him, you found Jimin looking as stunned as you felt. The ache within you sharpened to a point, realizing how much he meant to you. How much you wanted his success, regardless of your own.
In that moment, you knew it had never been about anyone else’s perception of you as a dancer.
You knew you could do this. You knew you could make it at Russet, could make it as a dancer. Deep down, you’d always known this, despite your moments of doubt. Jimin had been right. You wanted to dance, you loved to dance and you would continue down this path regardless of what anyone else said.
That hadn’t been what crushed you about Finn’s words.
It had crushed you that after all this time, he still didn’t seem to know who you were. The fact that he could throw out those words so casually, as though you might simply stop dancing meant he didn’t see you. He might as well have asked you to stop breathing.
Jimin, though – Jimin understood. Jimin knew who you were. He’d been a part of your life for so long, he got what made you tick. He’d seen you at your worst, as your most bitter enemy and then again, as your most trusted partner.
It was part of why he meant so much to you.
You understood all this in the blink of an eye, then realized you hadn’t responded to Miss Vern’s praise.
“Oh,” you said, fighting to catch your breath. “I – thank you so much, Miss Vern. I honestly don’t know what to say.”
Miss Vern nodded, as though she were used to such a response. Beside you, Jimin was still breathing hard, but he nodded.
“Yes,” he said. “Thank you so much.”
She nodded, not choosing to linger as she faced the room. “Use them as an example!” she said, striding towards the stereo. “Seokjin and I will demonstrate, but that is the level of performance you should aim for. Again!”
The rest of the class passed in a blur, some of the fight dissipated between you and Jimin. He was still quiet, but you didn’t push him again to speak. You’d done enough for now.
As the class came to an end, Miss Vern gathered you round to give a short speech. She thanked everyone for the pleasure of teaching and, once you were dismissed, turned towards the barre.
Jimin left before you could, throwing his things in his bag as he rushed from the room. You followed him with your eyes, knowing he was avoiding you, but not blaming him in the slightest.
Sabrina wasn’t far behind and your gaze lingered on her, remembering the attempted conversation during class. You still had no idea what she’d wanted to say but honestly, Sabrina was the least of your problems right now.
Exhaling, you stood from the ground and checked your phone. Still no word from Finn.
You were trying desperately to understand, trying to give him time to think, but after your fight on Wednesday, you honestly weren’t sure if you still had a boyfriend. Finn’s radio silence didn’t seem to indicate anything positive, but you refused to let this be the way things ended between you. He owed you that much, at least.
Returning to your dorm, the knot tightened further as you imagined what he might say. Both of you had said hurtful things and now, you needed to tell him something which would change your relationship forever.
You needed advice. You needed to talk to Fin. You needed to apologize, you needed–
Plopping down on your bed, you dialed the only number you could think of to call. Noelle had graciously left to stay at Irene’s, giving you the room to yourself.
Your mom answered on the first ring.
“Y/N? Hello?”
“Mom?” you said, your voice suddenly tight.
“Oh, honey” she said, hearing your shift. You heard a soft click, as though she’d entered the next room. “What’s going on?”
“I – nothing.”
Closing your eyes, you fought to control your breathing.
“Nothing, hm?” Your mom made a gentle noise. “You’re still coming home for the holidays, aren’t you? That’s not what this is about? Your dad won’t stop talking about plans for when you get here. He just goes on and on! You’d think he didn’t have a wife.”
“No, no,” you said, opening your eyes. “I just… missed you. That’s all.”
“Well, then call more!”
When you tried to laugh, the sound came out weaker than usual.
Your mom fell quiet for a moment. “That’s not all, is it?”
“… No.”
“Tell me,” she prodded.
So, you did.
Once you started talking, you found you couldn’t stop. Everything came pouring out. The difficulties you’d had at Russet, the need for private lessons, the injury to your ankle and everything going on with Finn. The time he missed brunch, the gradual growing apart, the night he left you at the club – your mom had some choice words at this point – and your growing feelings for Jimin.
Everything had changed when you’d gone to Russet, and you’d always assumed Finn would stay the same but now, even he was crumbling into pieces.
When you were done, your mom was silent a moment, then sighed. You could picture her so clearly in your mind’s eye, seated in your dad’s office chair. This was likely where she’d gone when you heard the door click. The image made you so homesick, it physically pained you.
“Life isn’t ever as neat as we wish it would be,” your mom said at last. “People make mistakes, Y/N. People change. Sometimes the things we thought were permanent turn out not to be.”
“I know. And I know Finn and I are young, but –”
“It’s not that,” your mom said, cutting you off. “Some people meet the person they want to be with early on. That happens. Some people know who they are from the minute they’re born, but other people change and want different things.”
“I – I know. Objectively, I know but… it’s so hard to do something I don’t want to do. And I… I don’t want to break up with Finn.”
“Why not?” your mom said gently.
Biting down on your lower lip, you felt tears fill your eyes. Your answer was stupid – you knew it was. Partly, this was why you kept running away. You knew the answer wasn’t enough, which was why you didn’t want to say it.
“We’ve just been together so long,” you said, closing your eyes. “We’ve gone through rough patches before. Why is now any different?”
“I don’t know. Why is it?”
Swallowing hard, you whispered, “Because this time, I have no idea how to fix things. I think we’ve hurt each other too much, mom. I don’t know… I don’t see a way back to how we were.”
Hearing the words said out loud, you opened your eyes.
There it was. The thing you’d known for weeks but had been unwilling to say. So long as you kept it bottled in, pushed down, you didn’t have to acknowledge its presence or pain.
In truth, your fights with Finn had become so commonplace, you could no longer point to ‘the big one.’ The fight about spending time together had mutated, becoming a multi-headed dragon of differing life goals, de-prioritization and feelings for others.
Whenever you and Finn were happy these days, you found yourself holding your breath. You were waiting for said happiness to dissolve into pain. You had no clue when a relationship was supposed to end but had to imagine this wasn’t a good sign.
“I don’t think there are any easy answers, Y/N,” said your mom. “This is something you need to decide for yourself.”
“Shouldn’t it be easy, though?” you demanded, grip tightening on your phone. “When I list out everything that’s happened, I know things are bad. I haven’t been telling you things because deep down, I don’t want you saying what I already know.”
“Which is?”
“We… that we should break up.”
Your mom was quiet a moment. “It’s never easy to give up something you love.”
You wanted to respond but found you couldn’t, simply nodding even though she couldn’t see. On some level, she was your mom and she understood.
“What about the other boy you mentioned?” she said, sounding curious. “The one you’re having feelings for. Is this the same Jimin as high school?”
“Yes,” you whispered, the white-hot shame of your kiss burning you from the inside.
That was something you couldn’t tell your mom. Not now, at least. Maybe sometime in the future but for now, you couldn’t bear the shame of admitting what you’d done. You never should have let things get to this point.
“Hm.” She made a thoughtful sound. “You know, I’m not surprised to hear you’re getting along. He always seemed like a nice boy, despite how you treated him.”
“Mom!” you blurted. “You’re supposed to be on my side.”
“I am, honey.”
“Jimin used to bet I’d lose against him in competitions.”
“Mhm. And who started those bets?”
Although you huffed, you didn’t respond because your mom was right. Your bet senior year had been Jimin’s idea, but you’d been the one to start them before.
“It’s not even about Jimin,” you said, quieting somewhat. “It’s more… nothing in my life is solid anymore. I had a plan, mom. I knew exactly what I wanted and now that I’m here, nothing’s how I imagined.”
Softly, your mom chuckled. “Welcome to your twenties.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry. Welcome to adulthood.”
“You’re not helping.”
“Sorry, sorry.” Her voice grew softer. “I wish I was there, so I could give you a hug. You’ve always been the type of person who needed a plan. But there’s more than one way to be happy, Y/N. What is it you really want?”
Her words were so reminiscent of Jimin that for a moment, you could only pause. What you wanted was dance, but you knew acknowledging this meant giving up Finn.
“I don’t know,” you whispered.
“Well, then. That’s probably the first thing you should figure out.”
Closing your eyes, you nodded. You stayed on the phone with her a while longer, talking about nothing and slowly calming down. When you finally hung up, you promised to call more and confirmed your plans to come home for the holidays.
Lowering your phone to the bed, heavy realization settled over you. You’d reached your lowest moment. If you sunk any further, there’d be no salvaging anything.
What else could happen? You barely had a relationship with Finn to speak of, had hurt Jimin’s friendship in the process and were so distracted, so tired, you were in danger of jeopardizing your future at Russet.
Somewhere along the line, everything had become twisted. You had too many problems to ignore any longer. Sitting up straighter in bed, you wiped tears away with your palm. All you could do was move forward – starting with Finn.
Satisfied by this, you rolled over in bed and closed your eyes. It had been a long time since you’d slept; you figured you could try and nap before you called. Finn wouldn’t be out of his classes for a few hours yet.
For the first time in a week, you managed to fall asleep before your mind could talk yourself out of rest.
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Author’s Note: Thank you for reading 😊 ONE MORE CHAPTER LEFT! (and then the epilogue, but you know) New chapters of Raise the Barre will be posted weekly; dates are listed on the series Master List. Requests for updates will be deleted.
© kpopfanfictrash, 2020. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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peggyrose19 · 4 years
Everything Was Falling Apart Pt. 2
Part 2 here we go! This might end terribly, we’ll see. More angst, as I’m sure you all expected. What will they decide? Who knows. Certainly not me. I just let them do what they want. Anyways. This is kinda mixing the timelines/storylines of both Clandestine and SW so it might be a tiny bit confusing to follow? Idk, I tried my best to make it make sense. Last part was more from Finn’s perspective so this time you get Logan. Whee. That was not intentional, it just happened. Did I mention I just write what they tell me to? Well, I do. 
Part 1 is here if you haven’t read it yet. 
Also I lied, there will be a part 3 hehe. I just really love leaving you guys in suspense. Sorry not sorry :)
Characters belong to the amazing and lovely @lumosinlove and AU belongs to the wonderful @heyitssmiller. 
Logan missed him. He tried and tried to ignore the feeling but he did. Finn was constantly on his mind, with his soft hair and green eyes and loving smile. He missed Leo too. But that was a different pain. The kind of pain that never left. The kind of pain that stuck in his mind when he closed his eyes at night, curly hair stained with blood, brown eyes wide and unblinking flashing past his eyes. 
He was in Australia for Leo’s birthday. It was warm there, the seasons opposite to what he was used to. He woke up and found he couldn’t get out of bed. He just lay there and thought about blond curls and dimples and a laugh he’d never hear again. Finn texted him. He didn’t answer. And when his tears had soaked through the pillow, he rolled over and tossed it off the bed, falling into an uneasy sleep until morning. 
He was in England for Finn’s birthday. It rained the whole day and he sat unmoving by the window, phone in his hand, thinking of his wide smile and bright eyes and the absence of both the day they’d said goodbye. He couldn’t bring himself to dial the number. 
He would have forgotten about his own birthday was it not five days before Christmas. And if his sisters hadn’t bombarded him with messages and questions of when he would be home again. He called them all, faking a smile for them, and promised to be home for Christmas next year. But he had a feeling they saw right through him. Everything was falling apart.
The night Logan flew into JFK airport, he received a voicemail from Finn. It surprised him; Finn had given up contacting him months ago after too many messages had gone unanswered. He pulled it up, pressing play absentmindedly, knowing he wasn’t going to reply, telling himself he was listening to it only to know what he’d said. 
But this time something in Finn’s voice pulled him up short. 
Hey Lo. I miss you. 
It’s been a year since… well. But you know that of course. 
I just- I know you’re in New York. Don’t tell me you’re not, we both know it’d be a lie. Can I- can we… I want to see you. Please. It’s been so long. Just… give me a call when you land. Or don’t. Whatever. I just- we need to talk. 
I love you. 
Logan stood frozen, unaware of the world, everything falling apart around him. The people rushing around him, the announcement being made, the whir of the baggage claim starting up all went by unnoticed. He just stood, staring down at his phone, at the voicemail and the name Finn O’Hara beside it. Finn’s words rang through his head. That was not what he had been expecting. 
With shaking hands, he dialed the number. 
Finn answered on the first ring. 
“Hello?” his voice asked, uncertain and quiet and as familiar to Logan as the green of his eyes, ingrained forever in his mind. Unthinkingly, Logan released a soft sigh. 
“Hey, Finn,” he said quietly. 
“It’s really you.” 
He took a shaky breath. “Yeah.” 
“I didn’t think you’d call.” 
“Me neither. But your voicemail… fuck, Finn. I- yeah, I’d love to see you.” 
“You would?” Finn’s voice rose. 
“Yeah. I miss you.” 
“Coffee tomorrow?” 
Logan forced his nerves down, refusing to get his hopes up about anything. “Sounds good.” 
He could almost hear Finn’s smirk as he added, “Or whatever the fuck it is you drink. Cause it certainly isn’t coffee.” 
“Fuck off,” Logan let out a startled laugh. 
Finn laughed a little too. “So, tomorrow. Does 9:00 work? And there’s a cafe just down the street from my place if you wanna go there. I can send you the address.” 
“Sounds good,” Logan managed, voice tight. 
“Alright. I’ll see you then Tremz. Don’t bail on me.” He said it jokingly but they both heard the truth beneath it. 
“I won’t,” he promised softly. 
Finn hung up with a soft click and Logan stood rooted to the spot. He wasn’t sure what to think. Finn had called him. He had called Finn. And Finn had answered. They’d talked. They’d made plans. After a year of not speaking, of not seeing each other, not even being in the same time zone, they were going to coffee tomorrow. 
He wasn’t sure he was even going to make it there. 
But he had promised. He had promised Finn he would show up and so he would.
He would not fall apart. 
Logan woke the next morning having slept a total of two hours. Each time he drifted off, his thoughts betrayed him again, turning back to his date with Finn over and over until he wanted to reach into his mind and pull them out simply for a moment of peace. 
He dressed anxiously, changing half a dozen times before forcing himself to stop. For the next hour, he paced the small hotel room, television playing in the background, running his hands through his hair, never quite able to break the habit. 
Finn had texted him the address the night before. It was only a ten minute walk and so, at promptly 8:45, Logan left the hotel and hurried down the street, following the blue line on his phone. 
It took him only seven minutes to get there. He loitered outside for a moment, watching the city. The streets were crowded like always, cars and pedestrians all trying to get somewhere in a hurry. An old conversation passed through his mind as he waited, a night out with Finn and Leo before they’d gotten together. 
“Should we have gone left?” 
“We’re literally following the blue line.” 
“I know, but that way looks shorter.” 
“New Yorker, forever in a hurry.” 
The conversation brought the sting that normally accompanied thoughts of Leo. But it faded a bit as he remembered that night, Leo asking them questions about their histories, how they’d met. Neither of them had told the true story of how they’d met, that night at the party, both drunk and flirty and not quite thinking straight. He remembered Leo’s smile, the dimples he’d fallen in love with the first time he’d ever seen them. He remembered Finn’s bright smile and care-free attitude, getting sappy and losing coherent speech with each drink he consumed. And he wished, just for a moment, he could go back to that night. 
A hand on his shoulder shook him from his thoughts. He startled, whipping around on instinct. But as soon as he caught sight of the person now in front of him, he froze. 
Finn looked nearly the same as he had a year ago. His curls were unruly as ever, falling around his eyes, just a little bit longer. His eyes were dimmer, more subdued than they usually were. No smile graced his face, but he wasn’t frowning. 
“Hi,” Finn said softly and Logan nearly melted. 
“Finn.” Without a second thought, Logan crashed into his arms. Finn held him close and it was as if no time had passed at all. Their bodies molded together the way they always did, and the feeling of home nearly made Logan cry. He hadn’t realized how much he’d missed physical contact until suddenly he was being held again, for the first time in probably a year. Without a word, he buried his face in Finn’s shoulder, hair brushing his cheek. 
“I missed you so fucking much,” Finn whispered fiercely into his ear. He pulled away, but kept his arms around Logan, as if afraid he would run if he let go. 
“Me too.” He sniffed, telling himself it was just the cold air making his eyes water. 
“C’mon, let’s go inside. I have so much to fill you in on.” 
They went into the café, charming and small, and got in line, Finn asking Logan question after question about where he’d travelled and what he’d seen. They skirted around the reason he’d left, pretending it had all just been a long vacation. They ordered and sat down, Finn only teasing him a bit about his ridiculously sweet coffee, before continuing his questions. 
It was only after they’d exhausted talk of Logan’s travels that silence fell between them. 
“I wish Leo was here,” Finn said eventually. 
“Me too.” 
“He could’ve made us those amazing muffins of his, remember those?” 
Logan smiled. “Yeah. Brought ‘em in our first day of the mission. Mon dieu, those were good.” 
“Yeah, they were,” he agreed. 
“How have you been?” Logan asked. “And tell me the truth. You’ve been bombarding me with questions since we got here. I don’t even know what you’ve been up to.” 
Finn sighed. “It’s been really fucking hard. That’s the truth. Because not only did I lose Leo, then I lost you too. And you don’t- you never answered my calls or my messages. I needed to talk to you and you wouldn’t pick up. I had to go through that without you. You were the only other person who knew how I felt, and we could’ve helped each other. But you refused to even look at me, and-” Finn shrugged helplessly- “I’ve tried really hard to forgive you, Lo. But I’m not sure I can. You haven’t made it easy to love you.” 
“You still love me?” 
“Of course I fucking love you! I never stopped!”
Logan was taken aback by the outburst. He glanced furtively around the room to see if anyone was looking at them, but no one even glanced their way. Finn noticed and sighed. 
“Logan, I don’t want to go another year without talking to you. It was torture. I know… I know that we can’t be us again, not the way we used to be, not without Leo. But can we at least be friends? Tremz, I miss my best friend. Please. Don’t walk away from me again.” 
Silence fell between them and Logan surveyed the man before him. The man he’d once loved with all his heart, once vowed to himself to never let go, to protect and love and cherish. That had been a year ago. A lot had changed in that year. 
But as Finn waited for his answer with bated breath, Logan realized he didn’t want to run anymore.
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viterbofangirl · 3 years
first line meme!
@fallynleaf​ said in her post to consider myself tagged, so I’m happily indulging in this lil’ ego boost! Thanks for the opportunity, m’dear! ^_~
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 authors!
NB- These are all unfinished and unposted WIPs. It behooves me to note that some of these are not at all recent. However, they ARE fics that have “first lines” at all, which is not necessarily a given as my Creative Muse is obnoxiously nonlinear in her inspirations.
1- The Gray Ghost had suffered some engine trouble somewhere on Interstate 65, so Mom and Dad hadn’t managed to make it to Chuck’s wedding. (Early Edition: ”Belly Up to the Bar”, a canon-compliant continuation of the episode “Occasionally Amber”, Gary/Toni except kinda not really because she’s totally pissed)
2- Oracle, Texas. 1878. A gnarled husk of a town still trying to deny that its glory days are past. (”Gunslinger”, my serious treatment/retelling of the Roger Corman western)
3- The gate clanged shut behind him, and Meng Yao took a deep, steadying breath. (MDZS: ”Leverage”, an Untamed AU based on inspired by pretty much continuing @littlesmartart​‘s brilliant setup and concept)
4- Many, many nights would Jiang Cheng lie awake at night, staring at the ceiling and pondering the razor’s edge of chance he’d toed. (MDZS: an Untamed chengqing fic set post-canon, current working title is “Second Chances” but I don’t like it)
5- Napoleon Solo flipped though an outdated magazine with little real interest as he lounged in one of the chairs lining the lobby of the car rental establishment. (TMFU (2015): ”Girls Just Want to Have Fun”, a fic set in my “Eight Strapping Daughters” universe where it is currently 1987 and Gaby and Illya have had eight daughters, any of whom are capable of taking over the world... and all of whom are about to spend the day at a shopping mall)
6- He felt the phone vibrating in his pocket. (Sailor Moon: ”Moon Revenge”, a Minako/Kunzite bodyguard AU)
7- The Moon was visiting Earth. (Sailor Moon: ”No Miracle for the Likes of Us”- another working title- which is Venus/Kunzite-centric exploration of the end of the Silver Millenium)
8- Chibi-Usa hasn’t stayed very long after Helios departed. (Sailor Moon: ”Rebirth AU”- you guessed it... working title- a Minako/Kunzite-heavy-but-not-exclusive AU that deviates from the manga/SM Crystal canon after the end of the Dead Moon Circus arc where the Shitennou are revived and the events of Star never occur)
9- Monday, 7:00 AM: Alarm goes off.
Monday, 7:00:08 AM: Alarm thrown across room. (Sailor Moon: “Codename: Teen Idol ‘Dite”, a side arc set in the above AU where, lacking any catastrophic galactic conflicts to fight against, Minako is going out of her mind with boredom and takes an undercover job as an idol as part of a police/Interpol sting operation)
10- Normally, Salazar Slytherin took great pride in his self-control. (Harry Potter: ”Release”, a short Hogwarts founders one-shot involving a maddening magical construction project and a sudden bout of swearing)
11- It was the first truly warm day since winter had broken, and Salazar Slytherin wandered the grounds with no purpose or destination in mind, simply basking in the sunlight until he began to feel the chill of the dungeons recede from his bones. (Harry Potter: ”And Treat Them All the Same”, a Hogwarts founders story about Helga Hufflepuff’s background and why she feels very strongly about equal treatment)
12- Salazar Slytherin stared at the wardrobe for another minute before finally deciding to throw another fur over his fur-lined cloak, leather jerkin, and wool tunic.  (Harry Potter: another one-shot Hogwarts founders fic with a teeny bit of Helgazar where the very cold-blooded Slytherin has to deal with a snowball fight, currently but not definitively titled “Snow Day”)
13- As the sun disappeared beneath the horizon, Brooklyn burst through the thin stone crust encasing him, his awakening roar shifting into a yawn as he stared blearily at the skyline and tried to remember what century he was in. (Gargoyles: ”Return of the Time Dancer”, Brooklyn’s return to New York- family in tow- after his Phoenix Gate adventures)
14- The couple breaking their fast that morning were strikingly handsome, if perhaps past the most fashionable age. (The Scarlet Pimpernel, Pride and Prejudice: “Scarlet Impressions”, a crossover fic that pretty much unfolded itself when I a) crunched numbers regarding the dates and years of respective storylines and b) realized that while Lizzy and Marguerite would get on like a house on fire, Darcy’s only possible reaction to Sir Percy would be unmitigated horror poorly repressed due to the latter’s much higher social standing)
15- Paris really was lovely this time of year. (MCU: “Threads and Patches: Part One”, first part of a three-part Clintasha AU set after the events of Civil War and most emphatically *not* farm-family friendly)
16- The briny air filled her lungs to bursting, but she continued to draw in breath until it hurt. (Highlander the Series: “The Mad Viking Saga”... because, frankly, EVERYONE should have an Immortal™ self-insert character and I refuse to apologize or feel ashamed of mine)
17- “Your Highness?  The oracle is here.” (Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas: “Sinbad and the Garden of the Hesperides” a sequel to the animated movie that actually should be titled “Proteus and the etc., etc.” bc it’s mostly about him and giving him the ending I think he deserves, a.k.a. an OC love interest and a chance for adventure while on a quest to save his city from a plague)
18- Bare feet pounded on the hot, rough pavement as Sinbad dashed around another tight corner. (Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas: “Fast Friends”, an eight-chapter prequel telling the story of how Sinbad and Proteus met and grew up together, wherein each chapter progresses with each year they know each other from when they meet to when Sinbad leaves)
19- Reed was well-known as your stereotypical absent-minded professor. (Fantastic Four: “Shut Up and Dance With Me”, a Reed/Sue fluffy one shot where Reed is adorable because fight me)
20- The spaceport on Aruus Minor reeked of fuel, welding torches, and sweaty coveralls, but it was a welcome change from the recycled air of the Lambda shuttle. (Star Wars Legends Expanded Universe (BITE ME DISNEY): “Everything Unsaid”, a Luke/Mara chance encounter set during the we-share-an-unbearable-degree-of-compatibility-to-say-nothing-of-the-overwhelming-sexual-tension-but-both-of-our-lives-are-kind-of-a-mess-and-neither-of-us-feels-ready-to-deal-with-our-feelings-for-each-other-so-we’ve-individually-decided-to-just-ignore-said-feelings-while-simultaneously-being-drawn-to-each-other-whenever-we’re-so-much-as-in-the-same-fucking-hemisphere years)
WHEW! Well, it sure was fun to tease all my followers with a taste of fics that will neverrr be finished! As far as patterns go, seems I tend to prefer either set-up paragraphs or punchy one-to-three-liners intended to trick intrigue people into reading further. My favorite is definitely #9. It’s a diary/log of Minako’s day, and her POV is hilarious and sooooo much fun to write like that!
Anyone who wishes to participate should consider themselves tagged, and PLEASE TAG ME IF YOU DECIDE TO PARTICIPATE!
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okaystraykids-blog · 6 years
don’t go; it’s a mighty long fall
2 out of ??
Genre: fluff/angst/school .. 
Seems like it’s going to turn out to be a hyunjin ff but we’ll see
WARNING: some mature themes
| the start of part two |
"Hey Alice, can we sit with you?"
The words echoed in my head and I just stared at Hyunjin as he inquired. The four boys just blinked awkwardly, and I realized they were waiting for an answer. "Sorry, no. I kind of want to stay alone." I kind of glanced away from Hyunjin, and my eyes caught Changbin’s, he was looking at me intently, a wondering expression on his face. The sound of chairs moving disrupted my thoughts, the guys had sat down, Hyunjin on one side of me, Changbin on the other. "I thought I told you no." "You did, but I don't really care." Hyunjin chuckled, pulling out a bento box containing his lunch. I clenched my jaw, my nails digging into the palms of my hands. Please get me through this. I glanced up around the cafeteria and my eyes unwillingly landed on the biggest asshole and reputable fuckboy, in the school, Lio. Lio raised his eyebrows, and winked at me. Turning back to his friends with a sly smile. I could feel my cheeks getting red. This is exactly why I don't hang out with people, I hate attention. Especially from someone like Lio. "Who's he?" Someones voice made me jump. Chan was looking at me questioningly. "Uh, just some fuckboy. He has a big reputation and basically owns the school." "Seems like a fun guy." Jisung scoffed. I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not. I sat with my arms close by my sides, nibbling on my sandwich. I don't like eating with people watching me, it makes my anxiety spike. After a while, I couldn't take it anymore, my skin felt like it was on fire and my hands were trembling. It wasn't like the boys were talking about weird stuff, they were talking about normal boy things, but I just couldn't take being around that many people anymore. I slid my chair back and walked out, not noticing I forgot my book.
By the end of the day I was drained, that lunch took a lot of energy out of me. It was the end of the day, and I was heading to the bus when Chan suddenly called out to me, "Alice! Want a ride?" I shook my head no, and gave a weak smile. I lived alone at the moment, my parents were working out of the city and my siblings were all older and moved out. Chan nodded and turned away. I watched him as he went and eventually I saw him and the 3 others driving away in a large, fancy, SUV. I walked down the steps and saw a familiar group of boys, Lio and his friends. I passed a cloud of vape smoke and shook my head slightly. We get it, you vape. "I'm gonna ask-" "Dude she's boring, she doesn't party-" "I'ma change that." I tried to ignore it but before I could even get down the last step, Lio's caramel raspy voice called out to me. "Hey, it's Alice, right?" I glanced back at him, nodding softly. "There's a party tomorrow after school. You should come." The way he said it made me realize, he wasn't asking, he was telling; if there was one thing I knew not to do, it was not to piss of Lio Drew. I hated that it was a short week and there was no school Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. I've never been to a party, and I knew Lio and his friends were all 18, but I was 17 so I didn't expect to do much. "I guess... yeah sure." I started walking away and overheard again. "Damn you did it bro." "I did, and I'm gonna have a good time tomorrow night." I shook my head, What have I gotten myself into.
[Changbin] hey a, how was ur day?
[Me] iffy. 
[Changbin] iFFy IFFy yEaH YEaH iFFy IffY YeAh
[Me] I JUSt ChokED On An ICeCuBe LMAO
[Changbin] i gotta go, but have a good night! there's a party on tuesday, u coming?
[Me] ahh, nah probably not. gn though
[Changbin] :(
Even the guys are going? Wow. That's just perfect. 
I was just about to go to sleep when my phone buzzed off, it was an Instagram notification.
LIO_REAL Followed you
LIO_REAL Sent you a Direct Message
hey there ce, i hope you can make it, the parties at 10, here's the address 
xxx-xx AVE.
I closed my phone, oh god, now I have the biggest fuckboy in the school following me, and he gave me a nickname. This is wonderful. The clock beside my table read 9:24 PM and I finally was able to go to sleep.
The next day I was ready early, just wearing black jeans with slits in the knees, and a tighter than usually fitting maroon tee shirt. Because of this, I was able to catch an early bus. When I arrived, much to my surprise, Changbin and the others were there sitting out front. Changbin looked pretty good I begrudgingly have to admit. Hyunjin too. They looked like they walked right out of a music video. I attempted to sneak by, but Jisungs voice rang out across the quiet morning air. "Alice!" I turned to him and plastered a smile on my face. Damn how I loved his mullet. I walked over to them, sitting on one of the steps. "So," started Chan, "I heard Lio Drew invited you to his party tonight." Both Hyunjin and Changbin looked up at me in shock. I shrugged, looking down. "I guess you could say that... I might not go. I haven't decided yet." Chan raised his eyebrows questioningly, he may have just transferred here but even he knows that when Lio Drew invites you somewhere, you don't say no. I nodded slowly, standing up as it got closer to the bell for first period. "I'm going to go, I have to go to art." Hyunjin jumped up, "we're both going there. I'll come with you." I was about to refuse his company, but something about how genuine his smile was made me grin and nod, "Okay." The whole way to class he was rambling about how his friends and him are making music and how back in Korea his family was moving, and just random things. I was feeling anxious for some reason, and everything he said just went in one ear, out the other. "Alice, can I get your Snapchat and maybe give it to the guys?" I paused for a moment... "Um well I guess so."  After I gave him my Snap we continued walking, and as we turned the corner, Lio and his friends were laughing and walking down the hall towards us. Lio saw me, and stared me down, a smirk on his face. He glanced at Hyunjin on the other side of me, who was adorably oblivious. As he passed, his hand sneakily reached out and grabbed my ass. I gasped, turning to face him but he was already rounding the corner. I could feel my entire body burning and I started to tremble. What the fuck. No one has ever bothered me until I started hanging out with Hyunjin and them. Lio has never even spared me a glance. This is all their fault, It's Changbin's fault.
LIO_REAL Sent you a Direct Message
sorry bout that ;) my hand slipped. you better still be coming tonight, or i'll bother u more, luv.
I just stared at the message. I should have ignored them better... Hyunjin just looked at me. "Are you alright? Did he say something?" I felt terrible. Sick to my stomach. I just stared Hyunjin dead in the eyes, and walked away. I've never skipped before, but I couldn't handle being around him for two classes. I went to the lunchroom, sitting by the windows rather than my usual spot. My brain not fully comprehending that that was right beside where Lio and his friends usually sit.
[Changbin] im bored :( meet up with mee
[Me] im in class, not today
[Changbin] nO, nOt toDAYyy, nOnO noT toDaY
[Me] lol.
I continued to sit, staring outside, and before I knew it I had fallen asleep. I slept for two class periods, each class 80 minutes long, and I finally woke up right as the lunch bell rang. When people started arriving, I didn't even turn to watch. Until Lio's voice interrupted my train of thought. "Well. Isn't this a surprise!" I spun around and found him sitting at the table behind me, his teeth biting down seductively on his lip. I slipped off the stool in an attempt to leave, but his foot swung out, blocking my way. "Stay." He said simply. Kicking out one of his less important henchmen. "Sit." I could feel eyes on me and I had no choice but to obey. It was obey, or become the victim of abuse from everyone in school. Lio eyed me up and down and waited till I sat down. I glanced to the door and saw Hyunjin walk in, followed by Chan, Jisung and lastly, Changbin. They paused and looked at me sitting with Lio, surprised. Chan was looking at Lio with a frown. Lio noticed that look and proceeded to lean across the table. Before I knew it, his lips were next to my ear and he whispered, "I'm excited for tonight baby-girl." I felt repulsed. I slammed my chair back, grabbed my bag, and walked out. Fuck this school. Fuck Lio.
At 10:00 PM I was laying in my bed watching YouTube, when my phone buzzed. It was a snap from Hyunjin,
Tumblr media
I let out an awkward squeak, holy shit he's so pretty. I was about to respond when I suddenly got an Instagram notification...
LIO_REAL Sent you a Direct Message
where are you. 
im not coming, lio. 
if u dont come, im gonna fucking ruin the rest of senior year for you. i swear on it. 
I stared down at my phone, my heart racing. Is this not blackmail? I glanced out the outfit I had previously put on my bed, and I groaned. "Well. Fuck it." I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a decently tight, short, black, skirt and a silver crop top that just covered my belly button. My outfit wasn't complete until I put on my converse. My makeup was different than usual. I was wearing dark red lipstick and I had eyeliner on. I checked the clock. 10:45 PM. Well, fashionably late I guess.
When I arrived outside the house, I could feel the ground booming from the music and I was surprised it hadn't gotten shut down yet. I started walking up the driveway. Already seeing wasted teenagers. It wasn't much better inside. People were everywhere, making out, drinking, smoking, dancing. I thought to myself,
maybe this was a mistake.
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welp-here-i-write · 8 years
Wickling Shenanigans Chapter 2 ~ Firsts
It’s today! Holy shit I can’t believe it! Teddy texted me like ten minutes after he dropped me off, inquiring as to whether or not I would be interested in going to a local comic store that he’s been going to for ages.I’m so excited! It took us a solid hour to plan out our schedules so that neither of us would get into too much trouble with our parents (or, in my case, make my parents suspicious). So, we decided on the Wednesday two weeks from then at 6, which would be a comic release day. Fresh comics would be arriving at the store and everyone would go to read something, buy it and then sit down and just debate anything and everything. There’s only one problem. I’m not too positive on how I feel about going to a different store.
I don’t feel like I’m ‘betraying’ my local store or anything, in fact I don’t even have a local store. It’s just anxiety I guess. I mean, I’m already going to be with Teddy, who I’ve still technically only known for seven hours or so, but I’m also going to be in a different area of town, different people who may not react to well and who knows what else. Just this once I want to be confident. I want to be able to just relax and go out on a date with a cute, nerdy boy.
Alas, anxiety never listens to reason anyway. So now the harder question. What the hell am I going to wear? I normally just wear my hoodie and a pair of jeans, but is that really good enough for a date? It is only to a comic shop and by no means is it formal, but I don’t want to disrespect or act like an idiot in front of Teddy. I begin to look through all of my clean clothes, looking for anything that doesn’t look stupid or too casual. No solid colour shirts, that would ruin the comic vibe. So maybe a proper hero shirt? He said that he likes Captain America… right? God, if this works out at all, I’m really going to be a sucky boyfriend. I look for any Captain America merchandise I may have and find… nothing. I do find an Avengers shirt, however, and quickly decide that it’s my best bet.
Finding a loose, yet nice looking pair of jeans to go along with the outfit, I put any finishing touches together and try to fix myself up. Trying to shower as quickly as possible, I hurry through and out, starting on my hair as soon as I can at least mildly dry the rest of my body. It takes five minutes of fumbling through drawers for combs and a hair gel that doesn’t look fake as shit for me to finally begin on hair. I try to do anything that would make it the same nice sideways part that it was when he last saw me, yet I can’t manage it in the slightest. I throw the comb down in frustration some time later, collapsing to the porcelain tiles of the bathroom.
“Why can’t you just get one fucking thing right? You fucking idiot.” I whisper, head in hands, tears welling up in my eyes.
“Maybe you shouldn’t even waste his time. Just cancel. You said it yourself, you aren’t going to be of any use to him, merely a sucky boyfriend.” The small, nagging voice from within my head coos. A voice I’ve come to accept as a part of me, yes, but also a dark thing that I can’t tolerate. The voice of my depression and anxiety all rolled into one. And no matter what I tell myself, I can’t help but feel like that tiny voice is right.
Gingerly, I reach for the phone that I had left on the counter, readying my excuse in my head. There goes another one, I suppose. As I absentmindedly go to the text thread between me and Teddy, I notice that a new text is there.
“Hey, um, I don’t exactly know what you may want from this date or anything, and honestly, I’m really scared to fuck this up. I just wanted to ask if it was ok if we didn’t try and overdo this or anything. I know that this may turn you away, but I just want to make sure I don’t overstep at all or… I don’t even know. I’m sorry. Anxiety is weird. Anyway, I hope that you’re still cool with Jansen’s at 6?”
I can’t stop the tears from pouring out. He is so amazing. He knows exactly what it’s like and is actually confident enough to talk about it. He is everything that I’m not and may never be. I text back, slowly weighing each of my words so that I don’t make a stupid mistake.
“Yeah! Of course. I actually understand exactly what you’re talking about. I was going to do something really brash and ignorant, but you stopped me. I also have anxiety, fun fact, I guess. But yeah, I can’t wait to see you there.” After sending the text I look at the time. 5:00. And Jensen’s is 20 minutes away. Damnit. I sigh, looking at my hair with resignation. No need for false images. I wash out the gel and just simply run a comb through it again. It’s messy, but not in a bad way. I quickly change into the outfit I chose earlier, but after a moment of pause decide to throw on that familiar gray hoodie.
I grab my wallet and keys to the house, saying goodbye to my younger brothers and telling my parents that “Daniel”, my “lab partner”, wanted to meet up for a study session. They accepted it, readily agreeing to any sort of studious activity, and gave me money for the cab ride. As I walk outside into the cold, fall New York air, I search for a taxi, finally hailing one down. I give my destination and soon enough, we reach the comic shop, where I thank the woman and hand her an extra five dollars for getting me here in 15 minutes. I look at the store sign above the door and the extraordinary combination of merchandise, comics and apparel that line the walls and center of the store. Taking a deep breath and trying to steady myself, I walk into the door.
As I walk in, the familiar and comforting scent of fresh comics and posters hit my nose. It feels like a second home by now, and every comic shop has a similar enough smell to feel that way, yet a small difference to make themselves unique. I also hear a surprising lack of conversation when I enter the store, surprised that there are no raging debates on whether the Hulk or the Thing would win in a fight. I look around the small store, obtaining a greeting from the main cashier and obvious manager, but only finding a few others.
Finally, I find a small outcropping filled with comfortable chairs and  group of six people all silently reading issues of the new Scarlet Witch that I had been super excited to get tonight. One of them, a guy probably in his late twenties, with brown, wavy hair and a small stubble, looks up to me. “Oh hey!” He says in a quiet tone. “You here for the Scarlet Witch discussion?”
I look at him with vague confusion. “Um, no, I was invited here by someone I met. He should be here soo-”
“Ah! You’re the guy Teddy won’t shut up about! What is it, Billy, Dilly? I’m sorry, I’m shit with names.” He interrupts, quickly smiling at me after his apparent fumble.
“Yeah, my name’s Billy, nice to meet you.”
“Trent, nice to meet you.” He puts his hand forward and I readily accept it. At least I have one guy who I can now relate to. I continue with a simple train of thought before a question hits my mind.
“Hey, Trent. Did you say ‘the Scarlet Witch discussion’?” I inquire, suddenly reminded of the short phrase he said earlier.
“Yeah! To honour her new comic, we decided that she would be a great subject for this week’s discussion!” Trent’s explanation is then cut off by the sound of yet another voice, this one from behind me and much more familiar.
“Damnit!” Teddy whines, looking slightly red-faced with embarrassment. “It was supposed to be a surprise! I remembered that you said that you loved Scarlet Witch and when I was here later I was reminded about the fact that the discussion was today and I thought immediately that you would love to talk about her and the new issue, which I also bought for you so here.” He says in one rapid sentence, his face growing ever-more cherry as he continues. After the last phrase, he looks through his bag before pulling out a very nice looking Scarlet Witch #9.
At that moment I realize two things. I am the shittiest boyfriend of all time. And. Teddy Altman is the best and most thoughtful boyfriend ever. I accept the comic, silent and slightly open-mouthed. I can’t help but just stare, words failing me. Finally, Teddy speaks up again.
“It’s not what you would’ve preferred is it? I overstepped didn’t I? God damnit I’m sorry Billy, I thought you would like it and clearly I was wrong. Do you want me to take it back? It’ll save you the trouble.” Teddy says. Finally, words connect to my brain again just as he is about to reach and grab the book.
“No! Oh my God Teddy, no one has even done that or anything even remotely similar for me. Holy shit, it’s amazing. I was going to buy one tonight, but… wow. Just… wow. Thank you so much.” I continue to stammer, trying to talk to him, when he leans in and simply hugs me. It’s a nice way to say shut up.
“Hey, it’s ok. So you weren’t horribly disappointed by the present?” He asks, concern still fresh in his face.
“Damnit Teddy, I love it and I can’t wait to talk to everyone here about the obviously greatest person. Well, besides you. Thank you.”
“Yeah, of course. You deserve it. You’re outstanding.” He says, eyes watery and still concerned. I got so lucky to find him. For the next few minutes I begin to flip through the pages of the comic, reveling in the art style that had been revolutionary back in Scarlet Witch #1 and still were just gorgeous. The story was excellently unfolding and about 5/7 of the way through, a large plot twist came into play and made the story exponentially larger, more complex and just flat out better. An hour has passed by the time I finally finish it.
We stay another few hours and discuss how the new arc seems to be coming into play with everyone else, Teddy showing off his new knowledge that he had been working on apparently. And despite my enjoyment of everything and Teddy’s kindness, I can’t help but feel like something is wrong. When we both step outside into the cold, night air, I turn to him.
“This isn’t your thing, is it? Scarlet Witch and everything else that was discussed tonight?” Teddy’s face falls as he looks at me.
“Was it that obvious? I’m just not that big on Scarlet Witch, I mean, I tried but I’m not sure what it is. I just couldn’t get behind it.” His voice cracks a bit and he looks almost as crestfallen as I am that he wasn’t honest with me.
“Not really, I guess I just picked up on it. You know I don’t care right? I completely understand. What kind of geek could I call myself if I were to shame someone for their preferences? That’s the whole job of being a geek!” I say, incredulously. I can’t understand why he wouldn’t be able to just tell me the truth.
“Yeah, I guess. I’m sorry. I guess I thoroughly ruined your night. Goodnight Billy.” He turns away and begins walking. My heart stops for a second. While I am typically ok with letting go of a boy, suddenly everything in me just screams out. And I know that I can’t let him get away. So I run after him.
“Teddy! Wait! No! Come back, please!” I continue running after him, eyes watering. Never before have I felt so strongly about someone. He turns around as I finally catch up and grab his arm. There are tears in his eyes as well. “Please don’t go. I’ve never felt like this before for anyone and the last thing I want to do is ruin this because you really are someone special that no one should ever let go and I just ----”
I’m cut off by a sudden pressure on my lips as Teddy leans forward and silences me. And there are no fireworks, no loud explosions. In fact quite the opposite. Everything just short circuits in my head and my legs soon turn to jelly. I would fall if not for his arms around my waist. His lips are soft or something I’m not quite sure. All I know is that Teddy Altman is kissing me. His hair lightly brushes against my face and his breath smells like strawberry milkshakes. Yet the kiss is so much shorter than I wanted it to be. Pressure and then a slight brush and pull away. He stands there with his forehead against mine, our breath vapour mixing in front of us. He smiles a small, sad smile.
“Sorry, I didn’t even ask. But I’ve kinda wanted to do that for a while. You just… you’re kinda amazing and really attractive and super swe-” It’s my turn to stop him. I lean up and forward again, kissing him with just a little more fervor than before. He responds by pressing into it and returning with his own slight fervor. Finally, we pull away again.
“Guess we’re even then.” I say with a small wink. He gives a small chuckle.
“Damn Billy, I don’t even know what to say. You’re amazing. And God, I am so fucking sorry.” He whispers, arms wrapping around me even tighter.
“Don’t be sorry. You just gave me my first kiss. And there’s no one I would rather give that too. Just promise that we can do something that you love next time.” His eyes widen at that.
“Wait, you-you’re still ok with being with me, even after everything else?” He says.
“God, you are so thick Teddy. Why else would I willingly kiss you? Why would I ask? Just to fuck with you? No! You’re amazing and sweet. How many times do I have to say it? You’ve said it to me and yet won’t accept the reciprocation. Deal with it. You’re stuck with me, Theodore.” I smile, backing up with my hands firmly placed on my hips. He returns the smile, significantly more happy.
After we discuss it for a few minutes, we decide to just relax at his place next week after school. And if it’s anything like the first, I can’t wait for my second date.
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It’s too late for us.
Prompt : Y/N is hired by  Amanda Waller  to make an easy job in order to get something she really wants back. 
A/N : Okaaay, so… this is my first fanfic, and I want to make an apology ‘cause i’m not an english speaker or writer so any kind of mistake please forgive me and let me know. AAAANND I didn’t edit it so it may have some (ALOT) of mistakes. Again, sorry.
Pairing : Jason Todd x Reader
Y/N (your name), Y/L/N (your lastname) Y/SH/N -( your superheroe name)
Warnings: ,swearing, nightmares, torture, 💀(?) 
Word Count: 2700 (Holy Shit)
Everything is black, the only thing you can listen is your heart beating and your desesperation to catch air. Your lungs are burning and you don’t know why, until, you hear that sick laugh that comes alive as a far away echo. 
You look around but everything is still painted in black. You try to run, or even move but you can’t, something doesn’t let you go. Suddenly, there’s a blinding light and you shut your eyes close. There’s someone walking, hard steps that stops near you. 
“So, people really do crazy things for love, huh?” you heard the Joker said, he’s breath makes contact with your skin and you move your head aside, but he grabs your face and make you turn to look at him. 
“LOOK AT ME WHEM I’M TALKIN’ TO YOU DARLIN’!” he screams at you. 
You open your eyes and see how close he’s face is close to yours, you are not afraid, that doesn’t even crossed your mind, that’s why you spit in his face, and you smile, after that, he slaps you hard enought to spit again, but this time with blood. 
“Anyway, as long as I want to play with you, I have places to go, you know, make people, laugh” he starts pacing around. 
You try to look down at yourself, but you’re on a table all tied up, with syringes pointed straight to you with some kind of turquoise liquid inside, you are so space out thinkin about a way to escape and to beat the shit out of him that you didn’t hear all his rambling. 
“And, let’s just think for a while, that I’m makin’ you a favor, you’ll see him again, don’t worry darlin’” He tells you while he grabs he’s coat, and slowly makes his way back to you. 
“I have to say little girl, you do really have balls to come here, so sad, you’ll have to go” 
That’s the last thing he tells you, after that you hear a machine starting up, you shake your body, you try everything, but thenm there’s alot of pain in your body, the syringes make contact with your skin and all that strange liquid is running thrue your veins. Your screams fill the empty basement, tears falls from your eyes, and before everything goes black there’s only one face you see, Jason Peter Todd, your friend, your first love. 
You’re awake, once again in the middle of the night, you heart is beating fast and you have to think about calm things to relax your breathing. When you feel more calm you look at your phone in the nightstand ‘4:11’. You look at the ceiling when you feel the tears in your eyes.
Six fuckin’ years since he left and still, this is not the first time this happens, it’s not the first nightmare that recall you how you losed Jason or how you gained you lighting powers (something he actually didn’t plan). But truth be told, this kind of nightmares aren’t the worst , sometimes you dream about him, how he would look like, if you both will be together, that kind of dreams are the worst, the ones that feels like reality, that he is with you, because when you wake up in the morning, you are, alone.
You go back to sleep hoping to avoid the topic of Jason. 
In the morning (10:00 am) you are back in your normal life, your boring job (you do need bills to afford college for the next semester), your boring mates, your boring  coffee in your boring white cup, everything, sucks. But that’s the way it should be, or at least you think that way. 
Since Jason, well, died, you avoid all the Batfam, every single one of them, you where so angry with Batman that you cut all possible connections. That’s why they don’t even know that you actually went for the Joker or that you have powers or even the fact that you make your own patrol in Gotham at nights. I mean, they don’t even know you change you name to Jenny Peters for crying out loud, in your little world you where still Y/N /Y/L/N, but no one should know that. 
You’re boring life is over when you enter your apartment at 9:00 pm. You get ready for once more by Y/SH/N and patrol Gotham, it’s not surprise that some nights you see Batman with his bunches of kids, but you try not to make contact with them, even when you think you need help, that what’s actually happed this night. 
“You really are a girl, you failed with your lightning shit” that fucking bastard said while approching you. 
“Well, I guess your father’s condom failed too ” you said while lauching another lightning, this time a perfect head shot. 
The guy fell to the floor just few inches away from you. You jumped his body, and went to other rooftop, not even seconds after your feets touched the ground and you felt something sting your neck. 
“What the f-” you said while turning around.
Everything felt like a rollercoaster and dizzy, soon after, you fell to the floor too, the last thing you saw where shoes. 
Once fucking again you where tied up, at least this time was a chair, and a room more, comfy in some ways. The walls painted in blue, a window, a lamp, speakers in every high corner and right in front of you a camera.
‘Great’ you think when you saw the red light flashing and also when you noticed that you weren’t wearing your helmet, so, you were exposed.
“So, this is kind of a Saw movie, you want to record my death or why the hell I’m here?” you said while your eyes scanned the place.  
Nothing, no one. 
“Well. In that case I think I can simply break free and stole this pretty video about well, me.” you said while trying to focus on your lightnings to escape but, what the shit, you couldn’t, not even a spark was coming out. 
“Good to see you are doing okay Miss Y/L/N” said a female voice through the speakers. 
“Awh, not you again” you said with annoyance while looking straight to the tiles. 
“You do have a great memory to remember my voice lady” said that shitty voice again. 
“They’re in the list of things that I should totally avoid” you said, now looking at the camera. 
“Tell me Waller, why you don’t let me give you a light show, huh?” You smirk to the camera, of course she will tell you.
“You do not even give a shit that I already know your actual name?” She said now with annoyance in her voice.
“Well, nope. I know you either give a shit about it, ‘cause it’s useless today” you said trying to scratch your cheek with your shoulder.
“You’re in a cage that simply does not allow powers . Now, the may reason you are here Y/N it’s because I want to negotiate with you” She said, and you actually could here how she take a seat in a chair in other room. 
“Oh, really?, about what?” you said looking at the ceiling. 
Of course you can escape this shit, you may not have powers now, but you already have escaped many other cages before without them, you just have to be very careful this time. 
“I need you to kill someone in order to have someone back to you” she said without hesitation. 
“I’m not very convinced, you gotta be way more, specific” you said while raising an eyebrow to the camera.
“I see. You know this anti-hero, named Red Hood, a really pain in the ass nowadays, he kind of interfere with my own issues, so I need you to take him out of the game” She said and you felt she did not finish so you didn’t say anything.
“If you kill the Red Hood, I’ll give you Jason Peter Todd back” she said. 
Your eyes were now full open, you even gasp you hear his name again, your full attention was on the camera, but then, you remembered.
“Even if the guy was trying to stole my own cookies, I would not do it, Jason is more than dead, I saw his grave, I saw him go down in the fucking coffin” you said trying to stay calm. 
“What if a show you these…” she said now entering in the same room as you. 
Amanda Waller was a very smart women. She showed you pictures, recordings, everything’s for you to understood that he was alive. She didn’t told you how, she said you will have to do it when both of you where together, in that moment it didn’t cross your mind something was missing in the plan. 
After few hours later you accepted and returned home with all the files in your hands, the hour, the place, everything where you could find the Red Hood. Amanda Waller was very clear, one mistake and you are dead. 
Also, she didn’t told you who was the man under the red hood. 
Jason POV
How many times a man has to be kidnapped? he said to himself while looking at the blue room.
“I’m glad you’re awake Mr. Todd” a voice echoed through the speakers. 
“What? How you know my name?!, get out and come here!” he said while trying to break the handcuffs. 
“Woah, you are way more violent than her” she said with a bit of humor in her voice. 
“Her? I don’t give a shit about with who you was talking before!, now come here and-” he shouted in the empty room,
“Oh, but you do give a shit about her, Jason” she said still with the sense of humor. 
“Oh, really?, if so, tell me her name” he said with sarcasm.
“Y/N Y/L/N” she said. 
Jason stayed in shock, his eyes looking at the camera in front of him, even his breath was caught in his throat.
“You see?, you do give a shit about her!” Amanda said while laughing a bit. 
“What did you do to her?!” he shouted even louder this time. 
“Easy there boy, I need you. And for the record, I didn’t do anything to your sweet Y/N, she’s safe and sound, well, that depends on you” Waller said once again while entering to the blue room. 
“What do you mean?” he said with hate evident in his voice. 
“You see, there’s this little pain in the ass called Y/SH/N, she kind of just act like a Robin Hood, but I don’t like when this kind of superheroes bring their noses close to my own business, so, I need you to, take her out of the game, in return, I gave you your sweet Y/N” Amanda said with a smirk in her lips. 
“You always play dirty Waller, what’s the trick?” said Jason trying to focus on the real bet. 
“Oh, yeah that. One mistake and I’ll kill you, okay?, and that means also, that you can’t ask for help, it’s between, you, Y/SH/N and me” she said while handing’ him the files about where to find you. 
“Any questions Red?” she asked while turning away. 
“Where you have Y/N?” he asked while looking at Waller’s back. 
“She must be in her late College hours, i don’t know, she may be fine” she said going out of the room. 
Jason arrived home, he read about your powers and study your attacks, but it never crossed his mind you were under that black helmet. 
The day finally came. You where looking for this guy Red Hood in the rooftops. You start thinking that Amanda might be wrong about the date because you couldn’t find him anywhere. It was that moment when a bullet passed by your arm (you didn’t get any damage) that maked you think twice. 
“You know, the point having a gun it’s that you actually hit something” you said while turning around to face the popular Red Hood. 
“I’m not here to chat Y/SH/N” he said while pointing his gun straight in your helmet.
“Me either, I just thought you may want to be friendly before you died” you said while dodging’ the bullet.
That’s when eveything started. You both where fighting actually to death, kickin’, punching, screaming, dodging, jumping in the rooftops, running, everything. You both wanted so bad to kill each other in order to have the other back into their lifes. 
There’s a point where you have to cath your breath, so you send a  lightning straight to the left side of this helmet. That part broke into million of pieces and Red Hood fell. You catched your breath, and not even five seconds after you where pinned in a near wall by the Red Hood and a gun under your helmet.
“You do have terrible aim, that’s actually fine with me, I can kill you easily now ” The Red Hood told you while pressing his gun under your chin. 
And that’s the exact moment when you see him. His blue eye shinning with the moon, the white strand of his hair that escapes from the hole you made in the helmet. The Red Hood is Jason Todd, your Jason.
“Jason” you said under your breath, still he listened to you. 
“How you called me?!” He screams at you, but you didn’t even flinch. 
“Jaybird” You said now, your eyes still scanning his blue eye in order to find some kind of recognizance.
“How you know that?!” the screams once more, the gun pressed even further, but you don’t move. 
“Because I used to called you that when you came around in your Robin suit” you said with tears in your eyes. 
You feel how the gun lowers and then you heard how it hits the ground. Jason take off your helmet and there you were. Crying with a sad smile in you face.
“Y/N” he said now under his breath
You just nod with your head and launch yourself to him, giving him a tight hug. his arms goes to your waist and his head gets lost between your shoulder and neck. You feel how his tears explode in your jacket, and you know you may look like a mess, but in that moment you don’t care, you’re once again in the arms of the man you have always loved, you close your eyes and breathe his essence, he’s is alive, he is with you again.
But as Amanda Waller said, one mistake it’s no acceptable. So when you opened your eyes, you see, a red dot in Jason’s back, you scan the place and there is, a sniper waiting to push the trigger. So you know, you can’t lose Jason again you will not bury him once again, you will not see how his body it’s caged in a coffin once more.  You pushed Jason aside and you point your hand to the location of the sniper and shoot a lightning. The moment the lightning goes out of your hand, it’s the moment when it makes a sound like an actuall thunder, you see how the sniper’s body fell to the ground and in the same moment you feel something in your stomach, painful, it stings, and your body feel numb. You fell once again to the ground on your knees, something warm is making your way through your throat, and you know, you are not stupid you know, you’ll die.
And then you feel something warm in your cold skin, you try to find the source with your eyes, but everything seams to go in slow motion, you just hear everything far away. But there you see, once again before everything goes black, the face of your friend, of your first love, Jason Peter Todd, this time he is calling your name, he carries you down the rooftop, begging you to stay, and the only thing you manage to say is “I Love you”, you see how he is crying, but you smile, because you are in the arms of the man you always have loved.  
Well, hell, let me know what you think. 
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