#changed her tail. again. LOLLL
powerade · 7 months
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tezzbot · 10 months
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This might be a part 1 I have a bit more to share but here's a load of misc doodles from me files I hadn't posted yet ^_^
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wewerebornsextuplets · 2 months
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parentce 👍
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patentedsun · 5 months
Rapid fire Fairy Tail rewatch thoughts. May or May not expand upon each point later on.
for reference, I've reached tartaros so far. I am aware of the canon happenings after that tho.
The female cast is so good idc what anyone says obviously the fanservice is awful BUT I will say, in the earlier arcs, it actually felt decently balanced because of Gray's whole stripping shtick + Natsu's cunty vest wasn't particularly modest either LOL.
Erza is such a wonderful character. I've seen comments that she goes downhill like 100yq onwards but. Um. 100yq characterisation.... that's a whole post of its own.
I never expected to like Lucy so much. idc that it takes her like 200 episodes to win a fight solo because when she FINALLY DOES IT WAS THE BEST MOMENT OF THE SERIES BY FAR. characters who's defining traits r kindness and compassion <33
Interesting how Lucy is the traditional shounen protag (underdog, skills develop overtime) because the rest of team Natsu sans Wendy were all like ... already kinda OP established mages even at the beginning.
I know there are debates ab who really is the protag and imo the narrative skews towards Natsu more BUT. it's bizarre how unexplored he is for a main character. Like yes he is my favourite character other than Lucy but his inner psyche is barely explored it's so weird. He doesn't really have a character arc either??? I'll expand on this more once I finish post tartaros (lolll not looking forward to that) and once again it seems like he's completely regressed from what I've seen of 100yq.
I fucking love all the ships.
I don't agree with comments that Natsu can't be traditionally romantic. Like, I definitely don't think he would ever have the natural inclination to be that way as a part of his character on its own. BUT considering iconic rainbow sakura moment I fully believe he would do whatever it is that would make Lucy happy. And if that includes red roses and candlelit dinners he would absolutely try his best.
Nalu moments r seriously. so good.
I totally see why Juvia stans don't like gruvia. But unfortunately I like them. And I've slightly rewritten them in my head so that juvia doesn't get completely flanderized LOL.
the Natsu Erza Gray sibling relationship goes soooo hard.
Just in general there's something beautiful about the way Fairy Tail handles it's numerous platonic and romantic relationships. Nothing feels secondary yk. Everything is given its due time (except maybe NALU goddammit).
I LOVE THAT FEMALE CHARACTERS HAVE DEEP COMPLEX RELATIONSHIPS IRRELEVANT TO THE MALE CAST. Lucy and Levy, Lucy and Yukino, whatever combination between Erza Lucy Wendy, Lucy Flare, Wendy Shelia, Wendy Carla etc
Even when the relationship involves a man in some kind of way like eg Lucy Cana or Erza Kagura it's still not like... in a bad way. The friendship itself is still there, it's just that the inciting incident tends to involve a dude.
Speaking of Lucy having so many deep female friendships is a big reason why I like Nalu so much lol. Like I literally do not care ab ships in media but fairy tail.... just has that something...
Love how often everyone changes outfits.
This show desperately needed a mini arc somewhere with just Natsu Lucy Happy going on a low stake job, where Natsu actually opens up ab his emotions and his relationship with Igneel.
Needed more Natsu and Igneel flashbacks in general.
Wendy triple combo abandonment issues are not talked ab enough holy shit. Grandeeny, Mystogan and then her entire guild???!
Lucy's relationship with her dad was objectively so well written. I skipped starry skies arc sorry the pacing was destroying me so I can't speak on that. But everything else was just BEAUTIFUL.
The fact that she returns to him just to tell at him. The fact that he comes to her with money problems and she STILL stands her ground. The fact that it's HIM who has to better himself and earn HER forgiveness.
Even after it seems like they're on ok terms, Lucy mentions in tenrou that they don't keep in contact, which is soo... realistic...
and then his death... Shout-out to Natsu who actually is emotionally quite mature (as the author himself seems to have forgotten) and dealt with it wonderfully. He gave Lucy her space, he let her vent, he stopped Happy from interfering too much. + Lucy being conflicted ab it and clearly grieving what could have been instead of what was. sighhh. .
idc ab no deaths but I do wish they didn't do fake out deaths as often. Because when actual loss sticks, it's done super well imo. Ultear, Aquarius, I haven't hit this part yet but Igneel... (yes I'm ignoring 100yq)
the episodic fillers r INCREDIBLE.
Rogue and Frosch are so special to me.
Wish they expanded on Jellal and Meredy's relationship a bit more it seems quite wholesome.
I love Virgo.
Really hate the muted colours Ft2014 onwards, but I do like that Lucy's hair became blonde and not yellow.
Pacing 2014 onwards was GOD AWFUL. I WAS SO SAD because I think the story beats in eclipse arc is actually super good but it was DRAGGED OUT SO MUCH nothing had the impact it should've.
Snow fairy, FT, Masayume chasing you will never be forgotten.
Lucy underutilizes Gemini so much it drives me mad. They were terrifying under Angel so like... cmon...
idc what anyone says GMG and edolas were top tier.
Edolas Natsu X Edolas Lucy... yes
objectively speaking gajeel is a top tier character too
Someone pointed out that Natsu didn't reallyyy hang out with anyone other than Happy pre canon and it changed my life. Every time I notice him and Lucy casually hanging out now I start screaming.
HAPPY IS SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER IDC. His edolas character arc was incredible, his relationship with Lucy is just as (if not more) fleshed out as his one with Natsu and that's part of what makes them such a great trio.
Whenever he goes LUUSSHIEEE . my heart ...
OST top tier no notes
the writing was actually so tight up until GMG part 2
I generally don't care ab the powerscaling issues but laxus v jura... no.
The anime kinda fucks up his face a lot but manga Natsu was genuinely soooo adorable in every single panel (once again IGNORING 100YQ).
Wendy also great character arc.
Sting's whole design is SO GOOD and ten years too early. the fur lined vest, the crop top, the one dangly earring, the scar, the loose fitting pants, good God now that's a Look.
Seriously I love Nalu so much...
That's all for now folks. If you want me to expand upon anything just lmk bec believe it or not all of this is a summary.
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arithmatheas · 11 months
oh God you can really see will henry changing in isle of blood. tbh ppls takes that final descent is a unhinged ooc version of him is incorrect because I think it is in character for who he's developing to be
like tbj im still a little foggy on the symbolism in the book but basically moral of the story; man is the monster. will henry is beginning to see killing as a necessity. even as warthrop moralizes and fusses, he was the one to suggest that they kill kearns in the first place, a so called "unnecessary death". he also inadvertently allows multiple people to be killed because he wasn't able to kill the two Russian guys that endangered not only him, but veronica and her husband, Arthur conan doyle (LOLLL), who KILLED torrance.
the progression of deaths is interesting bc
1. kenneth dies at the hand of the doctor because of kearns. will henry is still resistant to it.
2. will henry plots trapping arkwright and threatening him to get an answer out. torrance shoves pwe de ser into the guys mouth and kills him. will henry feels awful and screams at torrance. someone died indirectly because of will
3. torrance dies at the hotel because of the Russians that warthrop knew were tailing him and he decided to rizz doyle with that info and make it so his death lacks dignity. will jenry is still upset and upset at the doctor for doing so.
4. veronica. the doctor talks to her knowing that the agents are still tailing him. he asks her to take his place, and she does.
5. Rimbaud shows will henry the cisterns, and essentially presents him with a choice/escape plan. will henry gets confronted by the Russians; admittedly, given their track record, they would've either killed him if he didn't give up tje information or killed him after. this is the true death made of necessity, though executed far too late. also tje first kill of another human being that was perpetrated directly by him using Pellinores gun
and from there.... downhill. he continues to make the choice to kill over and over again . though we can debate whether it is in character for him or not, I think it fits the metaphor of the monstrumologist that man is his own monster, and he creates it.
like the mark of cain metaphor warthrop alludes to- he is responsible for how will henry came to be this way. he clings to a child, expecting him to pull him up, but instead, drags what he thought was his cross, down with him
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disasterdemi · 3 years
Hey, it's love advice anon!! How are you?
So, I am doing well, our friendship didn't change and I'm more or less over him. I'll get occasional pangs, but I think I'm pretty much over him and we're still good friends. Group conversations about crushes and stuff make me a bit uncomfortable but I'm doing well otherwise
In other news, my best friend, who is like a sister to me, is dating someone! I kind of got suspicions when she and her "boyfriend not boyfriend" (Her words, not mine) dressed up for a Halloween celebration like Fred and Daphne and she mentioned that in the past she actually had a crush on this classmate and then she confirmed that they were involved this past weekend and I am so happy for her!!
(I realized I should clarify, my friend doesn’t know if they're at the "boyfriend/girlfriend" stage yet, but they are definitely involved)
Oh hey!! Good to hear from you again 😊 I'm alright - just at the tail end of the uni semester at the moment so weird fluctuations of *nothing* and *heaps of assignments* 😅
That sounds very exciting for your bestie!!! And omg coordinated costumes lolll nice - Halloween's not really a big deal here but I imagine people probably only plan outfits with people they're somewhat close to 👀
It's great to hear that you and your friend are doing okay 💕 Bit awkward with your group talking about crushes, hopefully that settles down soon for you :/
But yeah I'm so glad you're doing okay, I can imagine it was probably quite rough for a while there but just remember to be kind to yourself, and you're always welcome to vent your feelings here <3
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Squeeze that bunny tail!
Part 1
Description: The RAD student council as well as the exchange students help out at a bar where, oops, the staff´s dress codes are those sweet bunny outfits that we all know and thirst for. The MCs, Violet and Clover, play a game of who can touch the most bunny tails over the evening without getting caught. Prepare for fluff, funny innuendos as well as my thirst over hot boys in bunny outfits.
The story is divided in several parts and will be updated every few days.
*I wrote this when the bunny UR+ cards first came out so there will be differences to the second event & their outfits
Story begins below the cut, have fun!
One fateful day, Diavolo had called his best friend Lucifer over to discuss a very urgent, utterly important matter...
"... A bar?" Lucifer repeated the prince's words.
"Yes!" Diavolo cheered.
"... And you want us to work there?"
"... Not only my brothers and me, but also all of the exchange students as well?"
"Strong yes! Barbatos and I will join, too."
"What? Are you sure? Should the prince of the Devildom really lower himself to such frivolous tasks?"
"Come on, Lucifer, it will be fun!"
Lucifer pressed out a deep sigh.
"... For you, perhaps... For me, it will be nothing but another day of babysitting a bunch of idiots..."
When the group arrived in the newly opened but already renowned bar, lots of them gave amazed gasps.
"It's huge!" Clover called out.
"And real fancy, too..." Mammon said, a mischievous spark in his eyes.
Belphie noticed how his brother was already searching for the most expensive decoration and gave an annoyed sigh. "Mammon's having idiot thoughts again..."
"All of you" Lucifer called out to the demons and humans living in the House of Lamentation. "I expect great manner from all of you. Lord Diavolo kindly asked us to help out with the grand opening of his acquaintance's bar. As it is the first day the place is opened to the general public, the owners asked him to offer help, and here we are. I would like to say that every item that gets broken or gets STOLEN", he shot Mammon an obvious glare, "will be repaid out of your own wallet. Furthermore, I am making you aware that..."
He kept talking for an unknown (but awfully long) amount of time, until Diavolo would pull him out of his ranting.
"Lucifer, relax! This is a laid-back place, I am sure everyone will do just fine. After all, we also have our kind Angel and Human friends to help."
Asmodeus raised an eyebrow.
"Is Luke allowed to be here, though? It's an adult place, after all..."
"Wha-?!" Some angry Chihuahua noises escaped Luke´s mouth. "I'm not a child, you know! Of course I am allowed to work here, show some respect!"
Simeon next to him gave the small blond a pat on his head while trying to bring the conversation back on track.
"Thank you for inviting us, Diavolo. Shall we get started, then? We don't have much time left until the first customers arrive."
They got shown around the whole place.
It consisted of two floors to sit in or play all sorts of bar games, a dance hall and a giant kitchen, serving all sorts of treats to go along with the (mostly alcoholic) beverages to buy from one of the even more impressive bars.
"The place looks pretty tame, though" Asmo pointed out as they had finished the tour.
"You think?!" Violet blinked at him. "I think it's amazing..."
"Asmo..." Satan mumbled. "I am pretty sure the places where you are a regular at are simply a little... special."
Completely ignoring the implications in Satan´s words, Asmodeus went on to ask the owner about whether they had what he called "fun rooms", which, yes, are just what you think they are.
They had to drag him back so they could finally be introduced to their work schedule.
"The bar is opened until four in the morning" Barbatos explained. "We will be working in shifts to maintain our stamina..."
Slowly, everything important had been settled, and the first bunch was about to start their shift.
All this was a happening planned with the mind of Sir Diavolo himself...
So of course it wouldn't end up being a normal evening. It never did.
Just as the group wanted to leave the kitchen-strategy-meeting, Diavolo called out to them.
"Behold!" he prompted. "Are you planning to go out looking like THIS?"
Lucifer raised an eyebrow, already alert at the smirk on his friend's face. "Oh no..."
Barbatos, who had shortly excused himself after explaining everything, entered the kitchen, now holding a piece of clothing in his hands.
"The waiters and waitresses at this pub are required a special working garment", Barbatos explained. "We have prepared suiting clothes in your respective sizes already."
"Cl...othes?" Violet dared to ask.
"Yes!" Diavolo beamed her a smile. "And after midnight, you change clothes once again. Those are a surprise, however, so you will have to be patient until then."
Solomon gave a contemplative hum.
"And... What are those garments, exactly?"
"... Violet?"
"... Clover?"
"... Do you have bunny ears in your outfit set, too?"
"... Yeah."
They stepped out of the women's toilet stalls, mustering each other.
A frilly short skirt, a pretty blouse, a cute bow tie, and two bunny ears as well as a matching bunny tail.
"... Looks pretty good, though" Clover mumbled. "A little embarrassing, but oh well..."
They checked their outfits for a little longer in the mirror, adjusting their clothes...
"To think they'd make us wear stuff like this", Violet said.
"Yeah... Like, are we supposed to serve customers like this? And look all weird, just the two of us?" Clover played around with her new pair of ears.
"Dunno..." Violet breathed as she checked her make up. “I bet the boys will think we look…” she stopped.
Realisation hit them.
They dashed out of the bathroom.
And opening the door, they saw...
Bunny boys.
Ten of them, right there, in those... With those... Looking so…
Violet suppressed a squeal while Clover was hiding a heavy blush.
But there was no time to recover from this critical hit.
Already having spotted them, Asmodeus was bouncing towards them, his frilly, pretty revealing blouse swaying around his curves.
"Waah, you girls are bunnies, too~!"
He began to inspect them thoroughly, also pulling the attention of the other males towards them.
But with all the damn nice snacks around, the girls had troubles focussing on only Asmo as he continued to squeal something.
"Whyyyy do we have to do thiiiisss..." Levi groaned, visibly uncomfortable in his butler bunny suit.
Lucifer (very stunning view btw, chef's kiss) crossed his arms in a sigh.
"You heard Lord Diavolo... It seems to be common practice in this local to dress like this... But I'm starting to regret agreeing to help out..."
A hand gently placed on Lucifer's shoulder.
"Oh, come on, Lucy" Simeon smiled, brown bunny ears reaching out of his hair. "I think this suits you very well. You look cute."
This only pulled a greater sigh out the demon's throat, but he wasn't allowed to keep this frown any longer, as Diavolo and Barbatos joined the group soon after.
To the group's surprise, both of them were in similar suits as well.
"Wow, all of you look stunning!" Diavolo wore a big grin. "I knew it was a great idea to suggest a dress code!"
"That was your idea?!" Luke pouted, having whatever trouble with his costume (which btw was designed to be distinctively less... sexy than all of the other suits, don´t worry about the angel child). His floppy rabbit ears looked adorable, but it only added to the impression that he shouldn't be here, serving alcohol for the next hours...
"Of course", Diavolo cheered. "They say good-looking staff makes more profit, and I want this evening to be a success."
"I heard the place was designed to imitate a classic bar from the human world."
Initiating a conversation, Satan was preparing glasses at the bar together with Violet, Clover and a few of his brothers.
"Is it normal for the staff to look like this in the human world?" he asked, quite amused to watch the girls' bunny ears bounce with their movements. "Not that I'm complaining... I just figured you must know."
"... You´re asking US? Do we look like we party a lot?" Clover mumbled.
Violet gave a shrug. "It's kind of a... Classic costume to go with, but I don't think it's really that common with humans, too."
The demon gave a nod, then excused himself as Levi was calling for him on the other side of the bar.
And now that the girls had some time for themselves again, they could finally let out their inner fangirls.
Basically just giving weird noises, exchanging a few completely out of context words that only two minds speaking the same language of stupid could understand, they gushed about all the males surrounding them.
"Clover oh my god I-" Violet whispered in a gasp. "I love the tails."
"And the ears" Clover agreed.
"And the vests."
"The bow ties."
"But the fluffly TAiLs oh myyy..."
"Lolll I bet you wanna squish them-"
Afraid someone might notice, they tried calming down. But as if the universe was trying to keep them agitated, Beel happened to pass by, stopping next to them to organise the bottles in the display shelves behind them.
The girls turned, mustering the male...
Suddenly, Violet's expression curled into a sly grin, thinking of the huge crush Clover had on Beelzebub. She leaned in on Clover to whisper in her ear.
"Squeeze his tail..."
Clover's eyes widened as she started to blush.
"What?! No..." she whispered back.
"I know you want to~", Violet continued to purr in amusement.
"Sh-shut up...!" Clover grumbled.
"Come ooon..."
"Y-you do it if you're so tough...!", Clover pouted.
Her friend only gave a shrug, stepping closer to the demon as she nonchalantly reached for the bunny tail attached to his pants.
Of course, Beel noticed her presence.
"Violet?" he blinked in surprise, but apparently did not register how Violet pulled her arm back immediately.
She shot him a smile.
"Hey, Beel, could you... hand me that bottle in the upper shelf? Asmo said he needed it over there."
And as the male reached for the bottle, Violet took the chance to squeeze that fluffy pompom.
"Thanks" she cheered, then went to grab Clover to disappear from the scene of crime.
Violet couldn't quite wipe the victorious grin off her face.
Clover on the other hand...
"I hate everything", she pouted.
"You should have just went for it" Violet laughed. "It's like this game we used to play in the human world when everyone is wearing hats with pompoms during winter. Just that here, it’s a bunny tail that you had to squish.”
"But..." Clover sulked, like always sad that she wasn´t brave enough to do what Violet asked her to do.
So Violet mustered her friend...
Then, an idea hit her.
"You know what, actually?" Violet said. "I dare you to squish a tail."
Clover made a weird sound.
"What?! Nooo... You know I'm awkward..."
"And let's make it a game!"
"... Are you even listening to me?"
Apparently, she wasn´t.
"Whoever manages to squeeze the most bunny tails wins -- without the person noticing, of course." Violet was grinning from ear to ear.
Clover gave a big sigh.
"... The tails from either of the boys?" She finally gave in.
"Yeah, let's."
"... Would you voluntarily go up to your crush Lucifer and risk your life?"
Violet's face turned into a conflicted blush.
"I..." she mumbled in an unconvincing shrug. "Maybe...?"
"They should have different difficulty levels", Clover suggested. "Giving different amounts of points,, depending on how difficult we consider the squeeze-ability of a tail."
Don't ask how or why... (And how they found the time to come up with this madness)
But in the end, the two girls had invented a game to keep them entertained for the next couple of hours.
They came up with a plan for the "bunny tail squeeze point distribution":
1 point: Beel, Belphie, Simeon, Levi (+), Asmo (+)
2 points: Mammon, Satan (+), Barbatos, Luke (V)
3 points: Lucifer, Solomon, Diavolo, Luke (C)
"The plus stands for a potential to increase in points, as those three are a little difficult to analyse. We'll count it depending on the situation and their wariness..." Clover concluded as she showed Violet the notes she had taken on a beer coaster. "And Luke's on there twice because I'm a fucking giraffe and get a bonus point if I can reach that Chihuahua’s tail. And thaaat... Would be all."
Violet squealed in excitement.
"Great, then let's go!"
Clover gave a last sigh, knowing what difficulties she'd have with this.
"This is SO going to end in some disaster..."
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 4 years
omggg ok so my tumblr literally does not let me reply to ppl it is the most annoying thing everrrrr😅😅!!! and imma keep this out of the gr*via tag just bc at this point its rly just me rambling. but on my original post i saw ppl disagreeing w me so i just wanted to reply???? but i cant reply so???????? im just gonna post??? so if u see this then u see this and of u dont u dont!
1. someone asked “how is wendy sexualized” thinking i meant in this chapter but i wasnt referring to this chap!!! i can see why ppl would think that is what i meant tho! just overall mashima has her in skimpy outfits, draws her in like super suggestive poses, and during fights her clothes get ripped in like a sexual way idk... and also mest has a crush on her which is just fucking weird. im not a prude yall im really not but wendy is very clearly a girl/preteen (id guess shes like 12-14) like sexualizing her is not cool lol idc what anyone says.
2. i understand fanservice is a classic in anime and in fairy tail which i pointed out multiple times. but as i said, i PERSONALLY do not like it when its overdone/pushed to an extreme. which fairy tail does. a LOT. normally i literally never say anything ab this but this ONE TIME i wanted to mention it! sue me!
3. someone also said something along the lines of “no one said anything ab gray’s butt showing in the last chap. the boys and girls equally have fan service” and. ok. come ON. that is simply not true!!! gray has his stripping habit and the boys do get their share of fan service yes!!! but the boys are NOT sexualized nearly as much as the girls are in ft. and the reason no one said anything ab gray’s bare ass is bc the boys being sexualized is not as repetitive or as prominent as the girls. and again, this is literally the ONE INSTANCE i have said anything ab ft fan service. after 6 yrs of being in this fandom this is the one time i mentioned it. come on yall give me some credit.
4. someone clarified the situation to me (saying gray put juvia in his mouth, not juvia falling into his mouth) which i appreciate!!! but franklyyyyyy that does not effect how i feel ab it lmao. it was a weird scene no matter what way i look at it. and thats that yall!!! cant rly change how i feel lolll :P
also i hate that im making such a big deal out of this??? i just feel like i had to defend myself bc ppl are gonna think im like a hater or troll now when i really just wanna be able to express how im feelingggggg. one time i said gray flirted w lucy before he got close w juvia and i got a good amount of hate for it lolll so yea just wanna clarify bc i dont want that to happen again. still love gr*via. still love gray. still love juvia. but fairy ta*l as a whole... personally have not rly been loving it for the past few yrs if im bein honestttttt
but i stay for the gr*via! and will continue to ride for them:)
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Animal…she had called you.
Ironic, but better than a monster you suppose.
Last Of Us AU
Immune!BTS member x ex-Firefly reader
A/N: Still haven’t really decided on a member but that might change later...again lolll But anyways, still written at the last hospital scene of the game.
You can’t believe you just did that.
As if to counteract the shaking in your hands, you grip the steering wheel a little more tightly. You told yourself you were going to do anything to get him back and that meant cutting down whatever…. or whoever stood in your way. In that moment, your greatest fear was to be too late but now that it was over, you realized there something you were even more afraid of.
“What the heck am I wearing…?” His voice rasps from where he laid in the back seat. Your eyes shift briefly to the rear view mirror, watching him groggily rub the sleep from his eyes.
“Take it easy, the drugs are still wearing off.” You answer back gently. Warm brown eyes turn to you and already your heart clenches at the doe-like look he gives. And then, he asks you the very thing you dreaded the most right now.
“What happened?”
Your gaze shifts back to the road ahead of you and nervously, you begin to chew on your bottom lip. You have to answer him, keeping it from him would only make him suspect something and possibly take it even worse than you would want him to. Hesitating any longer now would also draw suspicions; you have no choice. So after a moment of silence in which the very air weighed down on you with guilt, you speak.
“We found the Fireflies….”
 You’re panting, having just narrowly escaped being cornered by more soldiers, barring the doors leading to the hospital's stairwell as you went. Preferably, you would’ve stealthily killed your way to the operating room but where you were gifted in combat and survival skills, you were not in terms of finesse. 
Well, it could’ve been avoided had the guy you were trying to kill not turned his head. He would’ve had a quiet and swift death via shiv, not death by fifty bullets via his own assault rifle.
You had no time to waste and immediately started climbing the stairs two at a time, the banging to the double doors ceasing, which could only mean they were going to try to beat you to the top. Well not if you have anything to say about that.
You’re drenched in sweat by the time you reach the top floor. Cautiously, you open the doors but find that the floor has yet to be swarming with the drones. It’s good news for you because at least for the moment, you can search for the operating room in peace. You make your way swiftly through corridors and makeshift quarantined labs set up in the open spaces until you come across another section leading off into another wing with a big sign overhead that reads, “SURGERY”.
Your heart leaps to your throat, you’re coming for him. Just hold on….
A shout echoes along the walls and you duck in time to see that the goonies that were on your tail have arrived. You curse; looks like you can’t avoid another mess, not when you’re so close.
“Turns out, there was a lot more like you - people who are immune. Dozens actually.” You try your hardest to keep your voice steady. Even though what you told him wasn’t a complete lie, it still doesn’t change the fact that you’ve single-handedly taken away probably the only hope humanity has left against this virus – all because you were selfish. “Not like it would’ve helped anyways.” You find yourself muttering that part out loud. Call it what you want, whether it was to convince yourself or if it were actually true, you would’ve done it again if you were given a choice.
The last of the men drop dead and you rush off towards a pair of double doors. You barricade them with a hefty looking cart full of debris and garbage and after making sure no one would be able to get through, you turn to the hallway you’re in. There were doors leading into empty rooms, none of which you were looking for. You quickly make your way further down, turning a corner before finally spotting a not-so inconspicuous red door with a large firefly crest spray painted on the wall next to it. You bet all the money you had that that was it. The closer you came to the door, the more convinced you were, going by all the AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL and other warning signs plastered on it.
You don’t hesitate to burst through, coming into what looked like a prepping room, sinks lining the walls and cabinets filled with probably antiseptics and sterilization equipment. The curtains drawn over the windows and all you see are the shadows of the surgeons dancing behind it, but you know that beyond the door was the actual surgery room, where he was. The steady beeping of the heart monitor makes your own heart rate excel as you draw closer…
One of the assistant surgeon gasps out startled by your sudden entrance but your attention was elsewhere as you take in the sight in front of you.
“Oh God…” You whispered in horror. He’s on the table dressed in only a hospital gown, hooked up to the heart monitor and an IV, the harsh overhead lights above illuminating him like a frog ready to be dissected. In contrast however, his face was in such an angelic slumber that had it not been for the heart monitor, you would’ve thought he was already dead. To that you can’t help but let out a sigh of relief – overall, he was in one piece and you made it just in time.
“What are you doing here?”
The head surgeon’s voice cuts through your moment of respite. His voice, though valiant in effort to seem stern, wavers slightly. You catch on instantly; he’s afraid of you.
You don’t bother answering him as he flounders with his hands up, seemingly in a gesture to stop you. You take a step towards him and he quickly scurries back, grabbing a scalpel and pointing it back at you as he hovers by the end of the table.
“I won’t let you take him.” You pause in your tracks, mildly surprised at the bold stance. “This is our future. Think of all the lives we’ll save!”
He’s imploring with you, clearly desperate. Once upon a time ago, you would’ve agreed, would’ve thrown away anything and everything for the greater good; just so this could all end. Perhaps throughout those times of having to pay the heaviest price but get nothing in return, you’ve had enough. This time, you can’t afford it. Not ever again.
“Don’t come any closer. I mean it!” The doctor’s voice halts your resolute steps once again and you find yourself getting irritated. Your grip on your pistol is itching to just shoot him to get it over with so that you can make your escape. It’s an awful thought but these people are no better than those bandits you and him encounter on your journey here. They mean nothing to you, and they certainly don’t deserve any effort of trying to convince them to let you leave peacefully with him.
You wordlessly pocket your pistol, the gesture catching the man in front of you off guard; his expression is that of surprise even if the surgical mask covered half of it. It was a mistake on his part. With cold and calculative steps, you’re upon him and before he could register it, the scalpel he was holding is lodged into his throat. He goes down choking and gurgling his own blood.
“No!” You hear the first assistant cry out. Your gaze whips to her and you meet her harsh glare head one. “You fucking animal!” She spits out the words with venom.
Animal…she had called you.
Ironic, but better than a monster you suppose.
You don’t even register the motion of pulling out your pistol and pulling the trigger at her until the shot rings out and her body slumps down to the ground, lifeless.
And really, from there it was all a blur, like you had blacked out from the adrenaline rushing through you because the next thing you knew, you’re heaving to catch your breath, leaning in an elevator as it made its way down to the garage park, barely keeping him upright on your back. It was a struggle, but you made it…. You wheeze a laugh in spite of it all. Holy shit…. You did it. He’s gonna be okay.
“You can’t save him.”
Your path is stopped yet again by the barrel of a gun being held by none other than the person you once called friend. She’s got that hard gaze on again, a mask that makes it hard to get a read on her even as she approaches into the light from the shadows of the underground parking lot. But you stand your ground; your grip on him only tightens.
“Even if you get him out of here, then what? How long before he’s torn to pieces from a pack of clickers?” She’s testing you, trying to guilt trip you into giving in to your fears and weaknesses at the last second. It makes your own gaze hardened, lips drawn into a thin line as the both of you being to circle each other in slow, calculative steps.
“That’s not for you to decide.” You clipped back through gritted teeth.
“What can you do for him, Y/N? Do you honestly think you can protect him forever? If not death by clickers, then what about being murdered by violent gangs?”
His voice jolts you back with a gasp and it nearly had you slamming the breaks to the car. You catch yourself in time to only cause a slight jerk in the ride before continuing to make your way out of the city.
“Sorry.” You mumble, glancing back him and giving him a wry smile. He looks more awake now, sitting up on the passenger seat at the centre to be able to reach you between the space. He offers a small, comforting smile though his eyes still shine with worry.
“You sort of spaced out so I kinda got worried….” He trails off, meaning to sound casual but from all the time you’ve spent with each other, you know he’s trying to tread carefully with you. It makes the corners of your mouth twitch upwards a little. It’s so like him to be considerate of your feelings when really it should be about him right now.
“No, no I’m fine.” You reply back. “I just— remembered something….”
She almost had you there. The statement bringing back awful memories that you wanted to keep buried in the deepest parts of you possible. It made you hate her…. but it made you hate yourself more because for a split second, you had the thought that maybe you weren’t fit to protect him after all.
“It’s what he would want… And you know it.”
Her voice cuts in through dark thoughts. You don’t know whether to be thankful because you were very close to breaking out into cold sweat at the mere memory of what happened. No… You shouldn’t be thankful because she’s clearly trying to use it against you now; to give him up when you’re so close to just leaving this all behind.
“Look….” She tries again with a softened voice, taking your silence as hesitation when really, your resolve has already been made. In her ignorance, she slowly draws the gun away, making a show to raise her hands in a non-threatening manner. “You can still do the right thing, Y/N….” She gives you a look of empathy. “He won’t feel anything."
“What did you remember?”
A gun shot.
“They told me— that they’ve stopped looking for a cure.” You’re disgusted at yourself at how easily that lie left your lips. How easily you lied to, of all people, him. There’s nothing but silence and it makes you even more afraid to look back to see his reaction. So all you do is stare at the road straight ahead as you continue to weave in and out of rusted, broken down cars. You feel his presence linger before hearing him shift back to sit in the seat. When the nagging was too much, you chance a glance in the rear view mirror to catch his profile, watching the scenery pass by through the window with a melancholy stare. It only makes your heart clench, seeing him so unlike his usual carefree self.
Whether he believed in your lie, all you know is that he didn’t deserve any of this. He was dragged through this mess all because he was immune. And there’s no denying you were a part of it too….
“I’m sorry….” You whispered.
A sharp exhale leaves your mouth as you watch her drop to the ground, groaning in pain and the barrel of your gun still smoking. The angle in which you held his body gave you enough cover to sneak your hand behind to grip your pistol in your back holster, allowing you to be able to draw out the gun and shoot in her own moment of weakness. The tension leaves your body slowly as you haul yourself to the nearest car, popping open the door of the SUV to gently lay him along the backseat. After making sure he’s all right, you shut the door and make your way back to the writhing woman.
“Wait please…!” She pants, holding out a hand to halt your movements in front of her. You only stare down at her, emotionless to her wildly pleading eyes and the alarming pool of blood that’s growing. “Let me go!”
You stare at this person you used to call friend, who you used to fight alongside with, who tried to kill you…. and now who’s begging for their life. How things have changed….
How you’ve changed.
“You’re just gonna keep coming after him.”
Were your last words before you raised your gun and pulled the trigger. 
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prismportrait · 7 years
So Nebby is... instead of sitting on top, is wandering into the cave. On one hand, it shows the cave exists which is nice, remember how we all had to google and youtube where the hell it was? So far MOST changes from Sun and UltraSun are minor and involve educating the player a little bit better about obscure stuff they failed in writing the first time. Hmm.
...Rotom just gave me Roto Exp or whatever unprompted which I’m really not happy about because I HATE THIS FIELD I‘M TRYING TO RAISE A DRAGON AND DARK TYPE. IT’S FULL OF FAIRIES. Actually I’ve always hated this place as pretty as it is and as much as I love Ribombee and Cutiefly, Oriocoro are freakin annoying.
Found you Nebby... WOAH never thought this would be where we first fight URS! Bring it Dulse! He has... a FURFROU IN A BEAST BALL. Omfg. Bad matchup bro I brought Jangmo-o to fight you with lol. He’s a pretty good battler despite never having a Pokemon before like 10 minutes ago. Though... I guess to be fair, same as the player? Lol... Gotta love how one (1) sand attack and you can’t hit more than three times in a row. Fuckin hax. Also Dulse has barely any money lol.
WHAT URS CREATED THE BEAST BALL?! What the-! This one teleports away at any danger- “and the holes that are torn open as a result invite dangerous beings into this world.” Thanks Nebby. Zossie asks about Lillie and Dulse says “that girl should have nothing to do with our investigations, nor this Pokemon of hers...” DON’T YOU TALK ABOUT MY PLAYER’S GIRLFRIEND AND PRECIOUS SNOWFLAKE LILLIE LET ME FIGHT YOU AGAIN!! “...as long as no one is foolish enough to open a path that could lead here from Megalo Tower.”
Hmmm... in Megaopolis I take it...? NOOO  I wanted to play with Nebby like I do Rockruff...! Gamefreak why. :’( I love how the player character never talks about the URS people. Like seriously up until this point, they could be figments of our imagination.
Ooooh the slight change in the Hau battle after saving Nebby- he has his starter with him and he doesn’t go through the Pokeball animation to open the battle! That was a nice aesthetic change. The boy’s got his third Pokemon way earlier than in Sun/Moon- awww Noibat... I GOT TRICKED BY MY OWN ZORUA’S IMPOSTER LMAO... I swore I just somehow misclicked lolll... Is evasion higher in USUM or am I really unlucky?
Hau’s dialog changed after the battle I feel like? Again, nothing critical, it seemed more directly clarifying that he’s excited to beat Hala instead of leaving just the dialog between Kukui, Lillie, and him hinting at it.
Aww a rainbow over the waterfall. How come I can’t take a photo of it? Imagine Magikarps jumping through it... heck yeah. Huh so if you Dragon Tail Crabrawler in the berry pile, the battle ends but the Crabrawler is still in the berry pile, lol.
Got to Iki Town and once again the order of things has changed to be more consecutive in USUM. Kukui and Lillie address what is to happen next before the dramatic shot of Hala standing there, not answering why you’re staring at Hala’s back the second you walk into town. Unsurprisingly, I intend to use Sylveon against Hala.
VS Hala! They didn’t remix the Kahuna theme or the intro song before the fight... I kinda like that but again it makes the remixed newer songs sound weird by themselves. I’m gonna be dumb and see if I can get Luna’s happy hour off on Makuhita. Anddddd yes! And she lived through 3 Arm Thrusts, what a good dog!!! 5,000 smacks from the old man, heh. His quotes are the same from Sun.
Yay photo club is open! What a shame 2 of my evolutions came before it though.
Kukui: You’re all getting so strong already, yeah... I can’t wait to see how much more you’ll grow.
That was touching, but where’s Lillie? She was gonna ask about coming to Akala with... maybe she’s confident enough in USUM that she doesn’t have to coquettishly ask the player?
Photo Club is... fun only thanks to the stickers. I’m most annoyed I can’t change the angle but hey, also COMFEY IS SO FUN TO PLAY WITH... Hey we’re not going by boat? :( Oh yeah I need to go back to Mantine surf.
Hau: And I’m totally not just saying that because the professor’s boat is a junk heap, either.
Oh shit do I get to choose between travelling with Lillie or Hau? Oh hey here’s that dialog about going together. Probably they moved it “to make more sense to the conversation ongoing” which seems to be the biggest theme change thus fan in USUM versus SM.
Ahhh they’re playing her theme here... ...Ehhhh I’m really disappointed, they obviously have both scenes animated and everything, they just took away our autonomy to go on the professor’s boat VS mantine surf. Wow. There better be a plot reason or I’m really gonna be mad about it... Not that I would have taken the boat but Pokemon games are notorious for super linear gameplay and this would have been such a small thing to improve on this. Gamefreak, it’s 2017, you can do better. I expect better in Switch.
Oh boy it’s the pointless callback Samson Oak. Hey he’s not a Professor though... I never noticed. Actually, that’s a relief. Still an unnecessary cutscene but he makes more sense in this game than in SM.
Wow no training, just walk on that Pokemon’s back there! Lol... ok game. Oh good I CAN fail and faceplant into the wave, nice. I like that. A real challenge. Aaaand I failed my first try but it’s not letting me progress. SIGH. Bet I have to beat Guzma’s score mandatory. That’s wonderful. Or maybe it’s not but I scored over 13,000 despite fucking my landing several times and hitting a Tentacool so...
Akala here we go!
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