#changeling the lost oc
howhow326 · 4 months
I wanna draw my CtL character concept that I made but college is beating my behind so have his character sheet
Name: Timothy Whistle
Concept: Night-time sound & silence
Virtue: Prudence
Vice: Sloth
Seeming: Darkling
Kith: Nightsinger
Court: Winter
Backstory: Timothy is 18 year old highschool student that plays the Flute but is unsure of his actual skill. His Parents and band mates think he's fine, but he is thinking of quiting before college so he can major in science. A few months before graduation, maybe the night before a concert, Timothy decides to practice his Flute outside during the night. Worst mistake of his life. He dosen't know what rule he broke. Maybe he was playing too loud, or maybe he shouldn't have been playing on the night of the full moon. But one way or another, Timothy was taken by a Kindly One that fiercely punishes rule-breakers. For the crime of whatever, Timothy was to live in a land of Nightmares and play the music of the night. He dosen't know how long he was sitting on a tree branch playing wind howls and screams on his flute, or who heard him. But he does know that he plaued so long that his actual flute broke. He knew that not playing more night-time sounds would be another rule broken, another punishment, another place to be spirited away too that would scare him witless. But he could not, would not, do that again... So Timothy screamed at the top of his longs, creating the same horrifying sounds that his keeper obeyed him to. Timothy could have been stuck there forever, but a single flicker of light made him wake up: a vision of him playing a song of hope and joy made him remeber who he used to be. As strangely as he arrived, Timothy snuck his way out of that land of Nightmares and into the Hedge. But as his hope grew, so did his despair. Timothy's body had long ago merged with the shadows of the night, turning him from Tan to VantaBlack. Even worst, Timothy's mouth had disappeared, as if all the singing and screeching had allowed the darkness to convert it to nothingness. Timothy wanted to scream... and he did. Just as the darkness had followed him, so too did the music of the night. Timothy was forever silent, and silence was loud enough to be his new voice. Eventually, Timothy finnaly made his way back home, but home had changed. As if he couldn't be punished enough, a copy had taken his place during his months long durance. His only imperfection was that he was too perfect: a perfect student, a perfect friend, and a perfect musician. Timothy's parents believed that he had overcome his self-doubt and realized his inner talent, while the real Timothy stared at them through a window. The copy was so perfect that not even Timothy could bring himself to hate him, because Timothy could feel everything he felt and learned that he was pure. Before he could fall into a pit and never return, the Winter Court found him. Now a member, Timothy must somehow reclaim his old life without hurting his innocent fetch, despite the Court wanting him dead.
Intelligence●●●●○ Strength●○○○○
Wits●●●○○ Dexterity●●●○○
Resolve●○○○○ Stamina●●○○○
Size: 5
Health: 7
Speed: 9
Willpower: 5
Max Clarity: 7
Glamour: 10
Wyrd: 1
Initiative: 7
Defense: 3
Computer ●○○○○
Crafts ●○○○○
Investigation ●○○○○
Occult ●●○○○
Science ●●●●○
Stealth ●●●●○
Animal kin ●○○○○
Empathy ●●○○○
Expression ●○○○○
Subterfuge ●●●○○
Mantle (Winter)
Hedge Gate Sense●
Perfect Stillness●
Siren Song●●●
Soul Sense●●
Contract of Elements(Air)●●●
Contracts of Darkness●●●
Contracts of Eternal Winter●
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markuami · 16 days
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My Archfey design for my campaign.
(I really wanted to give emphasis that its not human, there are no human qualities other than the fact its humanoid shape)
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spectrolitha · 6 months
Fae-changeling dynamics in different ttrpgs (with my OCs as an example) :D
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leechlovely · 5 months
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Prideful creature
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zal-cryptid · 2 months
I have that book!!!
I am a bit saddened that it turned out to be first edition and not second, but I'm enjoying reading it so far! My brain struggles with comprehending the mechanics of any ttrpg that isn't D&D 5e, but I'm trying my best to learn.
Here are some sketches of the Misfits as Changelings who have managed to find their way back through the Hedge.
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suminotomi · 17 days
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Wata, the Thyrsus mage.
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butterflyriv3er · 7 months
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“The Bowerbird / The Hedgedelver”
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lillylunala · 3 months
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Something inhabits these waters..
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ladiemars · 15 days
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let’s go lesbians! let’s go!
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latenightowl · 4 months
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o n e i r o m a n c y
been doodling lots of arlais lately and was particularly happy with how this one came out dream shaping and divining have interesting intersections for a changeling imo
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navsartyplace · 6 months
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Nom nom she's here to make a hound or even a falcon out of you :) The true fae are so silly like that!
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volno · 1 year
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Mate of mine been running a Changeling the Lost campaign so I thought I'd do some concept art of my character Johna. They have a very strong ocean theme, and their mien is based off of an oyster shell.
Johna (they/them) Age: 65 (apparent age 30-45) Ethnicity: Greek/Moroccan Nationality: No longer identifies with any nation (formally Greek) Seeming: Ogre Kith: Helldiver Before, they where a sailor in early 1980s, making their living as a fishermen off the coast of Greece. Then, they where a Helldiver, moulded and shaped to both delve into and survive the crushing depths of Arcadia's oceans, with each dive being pushed to go deeper, and deeper, and deeper. Now, they sail untethered, freely moving from one place to the next, refusing to ever be permanently bound to a place or person again.
Also they work part time at their local Harvey Norman.
Trivia: they chose to take the name 'Johna' as a nod to the way they escaped their keeper: by allowing themselves to be swallowed by a massive whale like creature during a dive and using its mass to snap the silver thread that bound them to their keeper.
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zenaquaria · 6 months
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There have been some revelations in TMiF: Lost Mine of Phandelver!
My lil halfling Risi, isn't actually a halfling! As she and the rest of the band found out a few sessions ago, she's a changeling. Wearing a halfling persona since childhood, with a faint memory of whimsical colors, a warm embrace, and a gentle fey voice:
"Okay, little one. You're going to a very nice halfling family. From now on, you shall be Risi Swiftmist."
And for the first time in-session, she shapechanged from her halfling self, to her changeling self. Which is an interesting visual to see; her skin appears to crack, and the cracks widen and spider out to reveal the form she's taking 'underneath'.
Do not repost, edit, alter, trace/copy, use/redistribute my artworks without my permission
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spectrolitha · 22 days
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My pathetic little mew mew aka my Changeling the Lost OC.
He's an Elemental Fireheart.
Also he's a Loyalist. Which means he is out of Arcadia but still serves True Fae. These sad eyes will be the last thing you'll see before he sells you out to Gentry 😌
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narstyteeth · 1 year
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Some chronicles doodles feat. some of my favorite gals
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redoxchai · 5 months
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Wait, did I really not post my first Changeling the Lost character here?? Maybe I was afraid of the old female-presenting nipples rule 😭😭😭 Or was she taken down without notice...?
Her name is Charlotte!
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