#chapter 1110
rainboneish · 6 months
*pulls out the pepe silvia conspiracy board* here’s how Law enjoyers can still win (see him reappear in the manga (canon) before the full year since chapter 1081 is up)
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chromatic-lamina · 6 months
Chapter 1110 spoilers
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Just including this because you don't get this kind of information with the official. These are from the scans.
Editing this to make sure folks check out this post from Artur at the Library of Ohara which expands upon, especially, the last two forms above (but also gives new information on the others).
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maximumqueer · 6 months
Ch. 1110 has me gnawing at the bars of my enclosure. Like obviously everything with the rest of the Gorosei showing up, but that scene between Zoro and Sanji?????
Sanji calling Zoro a burden/liability (depending on translation) feels so cruel and removed from their usual bickering. And I think it shows with how Zoro reacted. He doesn't fire back an insult, doesn't say ANYTHING to Sanji in response and instead just quickly finishes the fight with Lucci.
I desperately need something to come from this moment, and not have it just be played off as a gag. I need this to be something that sticks with Zoro - for a little while at least. First Lucci called him dead weight, which he just shrugged off. But then to have Sanji say a near identical thing with no indication of him joking clearly hit some kind of nerve. (I also don't think that this is the kind of thing Sanji would even joke about, considering his own past with being called a burden and a failure.) I need a confrontation between these two for this moment so bad.
Maybe we could finally get a Zoro centric arc that deals with his feelings of inadequacy. His feeling that he isn't strong enough, and the fact that instead of actually confronting that feeling has instead tried to bury it under hours upon hours of training.
And maybe we could also get some payoff on Zoro's promise to kill Sanji if he ever becomes a monster like his brothers. Because Sanji's cruel words could very much be hinting at him beginning to loose his emotions.
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zonaenthusiast · 6 months
This is very interesting because I knew something was weird. When I read it the first time, I thought about how the words affect Zoro but I also thought that it didn't sound like something Sanji would normally say, not even to him, because he is not this cruel.
Knowing the words also sound suspicious to Japanese fans might be indicative of something more serious.
I thought I was crazy because, when the chapter first dropped, I didn't see anyone talking about this until the next day. People were just thinking about ZoSan.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 6 months
That's it, Punk Rocks
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Score! This is exactly the type of gag I meant last week. For this next leg of Egghead I want Oda to constantly be asking what absurd ancillary antics the Vegapunks can fill time with. Is it too lofty to note the spooky devil symbols juxtaposed with turning water into well, coffee here for a guy who might have let that death be a planned self-sacrifice to get his message out? Maybe, not like we have our series's big Biblical allusion hanging around or anything. Forget that though, I don't even like coffee and I wanna try Vega-coffee. Keep it up, dicking around like this in the background of scenes is what I want.
It's not just that I love this style of humor, don't miss that the shift in focus is revealing how Egghead has elements that fit the performance theming of WCI & Wano. "Punk" Records, a worldwide broadcast, the elements are there. It's not unlike an old anime special where the plot is protecting a final run of a play. Don't want to diminish the rest of what's going on, just this is the kinda undertone thing we've been on about the whole time. Especially when the same core threads keep popping up. Remember what we said about Buggy?
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Love how objective focused the Gorosei are. Really solidifies the tone. Big Egg is still holding up which is good, makes me wonder what we aren't privy to going on in there. Still think there's a lot of potential for something truly weird to break this all into an odd direction.
Like a lot of people, pretty impressed by Samurai Gandhi's spooky horse form. he's cleaning up the Pacifista efficiently. This is quite intimidating and while Dorry & Brogy are awesome to see come into play in such a big way you gotta wonder. Sanji's giving the call to run and let them hold the line. Feel like Robonosuke evening up the 5-on-5 has potential. Hard to tell but this is all so wild.
For now though, don't ignore this is still the big themes we've been looking at since back in Wano. The Gorosei have arrived and they're tamping down the morale hit caused by infighting. Infighting that feels generated along a lot of the same lines Tama did. That, the performance, self sacrifice...I said it early on the more you build that the more it narrows down who threads the needle of all of them. That basic concept that Bakura Town still showcased a way of approaching things that would help here, that Luffy discarded some of the real growth we were seeing since hitting G5. It's all still escalating, deeply woven into this story in front of us while there's another one running in the background.
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Speaking of leaving, like this panel for both the bamboo visual and uh, I guess that nut shot would hurt Brook...if he had any! Yohohoho! Glad that's resolved. But, there's an interesting mismatch between Sanji giving the order to flee and the change in focus. The Gorosei showed up wanting to stop this broadcast. It's important. Worth mentioning the only big picture idea I've talked about longer than the Grand Fleet was some kind of worldwide story. Hijacking the broadcast or continuing it to expose the Gorosei's monstrous forms? That could be a huge win for the Straw Hats. A possibility no one in play is really thinking about. The broadcast is all in the background. The enemy strategists just leapt into battle to launch their own surgical strikes, right?
I'm just saying, there's still one mystery from the end of Wano I can't help but notice could make good on the anime theme's promise. Reweave time by tying all this off the wall shit together. A more established outlet for mysteries like it was just taken off the table in the front of this chapter. We'll take on the cover serial tomorrow, but very intrigued by all of this still. Even if I don't point it out everytime, we've never left that core wheelhouse lingering just under Wano's surface.
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akaiuchiha · 6 months
You know, I feel like I'm the only one who understood Sanji calling Zoro a burden as him trying to provoke Zoro in order to make him end his fight.
And I've read really good theories about why he called him that and it made me think about it. Bur when I first read the chapter, for me he suspectes that Zoro could hear him and that's why he called him that.
Maybe I'm not taking the situation as seriously as I should but you know, no one corrected him for his choice of words and I think the crew would know if something was different with Sanji?
Or I'm being delusional and I don't want to see him change because I really like his character. With everything I've read I'm doubting my first impression that it was just a way to make him react because they are in a critical situation.
I just hope it's something silly and it was just another strategy from Sanji trying to get the crew together fast to leave the island.
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zibus · 6 months
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Taking a deep breath to prepare myself.
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Crackpot theory but what if Ethan is meant to represent the horseman of death? skeleton horse is cloooose enough to a pale horse right?
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calekinnieplus · 11 months
The Red Angel evil spirit sized up Klein and smiled as if nothing had happened.
“I’ll say it again. You have talent in being a Provoker.
“Back when Zaratul digested the Bizarro Sorcerer potion, even ‘He’ didn’t dare to pretend to be Amon in front of me.”
Man, that was so funny. Klein, you absolute madlad. He's fr courting death, isn't he? HAHAH I'm still not over the Amon thing
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fallensnowfan · 6 months
One Piece chapter 1110 thoughts!
I'm curious how this cover page will tie into Onigashima being submerged.
Oh no Momo, why do you look so sad? Who do I need to beat up?
Coffee lore! And 7 minutes to go for more? I'm here for it.
One of the Elders is an Alaskan Bull Worm!
I like that Zoro and Brook are finished with what they were doing. Wonder what their reactions to gear 5 will be, they have yet to see it so far.
I'm feeling more certain now that the crew escaping is probably going to be the way this arc concludes, maybe once the message is finished, or even during?
Whatever the message is, I get the feeling that the crew don't stand to gain much, if anything, from hearing it. Depending on what it is, Luffy may not even want to hear it, similar to how he didn't want to learn what Rayleigh knows about Laugh Tale, etc.
And it feels waaaaaay to soon for the Elders to be defeated.
Would love if the Marines hear the message, then begin arguing over what they should do, slowly leading to them infighting within their ranks, which the crew are able to take advantage of and escape.
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algumaideia · 3 months
All the big 5 are in the island??????
Luffy is having fun
Zoro finally ended his fight
Begapunk still said nothing
Everyone else is ready to go
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ichigoginchan · 6 months
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so all it takes for zoro to finish his fight with lucci is sanji's insult (encouragement) im crying he even created a new attack bc he's annoyed of sanji these two are so annoying i love them so much 😭
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joy-girl · 6 months
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One Piece 1110 // Gear 5 Luffy
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beaulesbian · 3 months
One piece chapter 1119 spoilers, again:
With seeing the flipped eyebrow is happening now in the anime, (for the first time on egghead if i remember it correctly), it's interesting it made reappearance in the latest manga chapter 1119 as well
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I went to reread my other theory post about sanji's eyebrow changing, and noticed this other part in a wano chapter, while he fought against queen, he was asking himself what would luffy prefer of him
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"Cruel, cold, emotionless warrior of science who can crush even monsters like him, as long as you give me the order."
Which makes it even more interesting that now in the new chapter luffy gave sanji, franky and bonney the order to attack him to send luffy against the gorosei, and sanji's eyebrow changed during that time - while he even mentioned the importance of listening to luffy's orders.
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zonaenthusiast · 6 months
After six months, Zoro vs Lucci is over with Zoro as the winner (as he fucking should).
And girl, I could unpack this page for weeks because my man truly cannot bear the mere thought of being a burden to others. But all I could say boils down to what I've always said about him, Zoro is all about protecting. And he will never allow anyone he cares about to die because of him, he couldn't handle it and he would never forgive himself.
Sanji really has no idea of the effect his words have had on him.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 6 months
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And here we go! So it looks like our cover serial is set and it's going to be Yamato on a grand pilgrimage. Which is a good vehicle to do a lot of things and get to see the country finding a new purpose. These two as a pair are so fun ever since Momo's grown up. They're like, perfect for each other. 28yo manchildren to the core. Momo's trying to act above it but he's jealous he can't just drop everything and go on pilgrimages. Interesting the title calls Yams "Oni Child."
On to business, Yamato on tour means the opportunity to see all of Wano. Including our other friends and what they got up to. There's still that young lady with a trend of conspicuous absence including a big one at the end. Could easily get an answer to that. There's a few ways. You could just simply be doing something more peaceful. Or we could see some hints at an absence. See everyone but Kiku and let it speak for itself. It's on brand.
Think about Goldie, Ace, Caribou, Gedatsu. Kiku no-showing that admiral fight and playing coy at the end was in line with how we quietly bait the hook for these cover serial stars. That's still there, we still echo it in Academy, the answer wasn't that straightforward. Either way, may as well have fun with what we do get here in the meantime.
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