#char: phil coulson
dogcfwar · 5 years
Everything about this screamed that it was a bad idea. Frank had to go through the back door because if he made his way through the front entrance, there was a definite chance of someone seeing his face and immediately connecting it to the hundreds of case files that were sure to be open on their desks with Frank Castle’s name and moniker slapped all over them. He was pointed in the direction of the meeting room - briefly he wondered if that was another word for interrogation, and then remembered of course it was - and as he walked down the hall, all he could think back to were those months he’d spent under the CIA’s thumb, doing whatever they wanted him to do as long as he wore a mask and left no trace.
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SHIELD was different, though. Jones said that, Karen had done her research, the Avengers endorsed them, not that Frank was much of a fan of the latter. Most importantly, Frank needed to be different. He owed this kid that -- he owed his girl that. He nodded at the agent at the door who swiped him in, and then he was face to face with the man himself, the one that Jones said had changed her life, given her purpose, made her want to do this for herself. “Nice setup you got here,” Frank said as he stepped forward, holding his hand out to shake. “Frank Castle.” He paused for a beat, then added, “Sir,” because it felt like it was hanging on the air, and old habits died hard.
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ironiccrus · 5 years
According to FRIDAY, Tony had now broken his personal record for the longest period of time without sleep. Since it had been four days already, he was now aiming for the full hundred hours, and he was just about to hit the jackpot when it came to a one way shield when FRIDAY interrupted his flow. “I know you said no disruptions, boss,” she said, “but Agent Coulson is here.”
“Pepper’s having a pyjama day. I’m sure she would love to share her cocoa,” Tony muttered, turning around in the chair to pop a few painkillers before focusing back on the screen. Unfortunately, his AI, like his girlfriend, did not respond well to being dismissed out of hand, and so FRIDAY made the displays turn to black.
“Like I said, boss,” she reaffirmed, “Agent Coulson is here.”
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Tony sighed, pushing himself back from the workbench, making his way over to the glass wall of the workshop. “You know I really need to get some black out blinds on these windows,” he commented as he opened the door, a grin on his face. “It would make it impossible to pretend I’m not home if I wasn’t, you know, me.” He moved into the workshop, casually leaning back against the bench when he felt his head get a little lighter. “You want a drink? Dum-E makes a mean coffee.” It was only then that Tony saw Coulson’s face properly, and the grin faded off his own. “What is it?”
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spyderwomcn · 5 years
Out of everything that she had done, the long sordid list of her misdeeds and mistakes, Jess had always been confident that her work with SHIELD was an exception, that it was the one contribution she had made to the world instead of making things worse. Then, the H.Q. went into the Potomac, and Jess found out that the parasite that had raised her remained within her new family as well. So yeah, she did the adult thing (or not so adult thing) and ran as far away as she possibly could, disappearing for months on end without even picking up the phone.
Although she had been gone, she had kept an ear to the ground through various contacts. She knew what was happening with SHIELD, knew it was beginning to regrow, better in this incarnation than the last, if only her cynicism could let her believe it. If there was anyone that could get her intel, it was Phil Coulson. Her faith in him started with Clint trusting him. Even after her relationship with Clint went south, Jess never found reason to question Coulson. Hopefully he could say the same for her.
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“Hi,” Jess said, when Phil opened the door to her. “Hope you don’t mind me just, uh, showing up like this. I’m not dead, surprise.” She tried, and failed, to make her voice perky, act as if this wasn’t the weirdest way she could handle this. “I’m in a spot of bother. I -- I wondered if you could help me out.” She paused, and then after a beat, “This doesn’t mean I’m back in.”
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pocketcosmic · 3 years
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I can't believe I haven't yet posted @27dragons ' amazing @marveltrumpshate creation I won. Look at these sweet CM bunnies. (They've been hanging around my Carol tsum, but I brought them out for some nice pictures in the spring flowers)
Thank you again!!
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thedarthray · 5 years
MiniMates - Captain Marvel
MiniMates - Captain Marvel by Darth Ray Via Flickr: MiniMates - Marvel's Captain Marvel Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Captain Marvel (Flight Jacket), Captain Marvel, and Nuro Korath, Minn-Erva, Att-Lass, Yon-Rogg, Bron Char, Starforce Captain Marvel, and Ronan
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kingoffantasy516 · 6 years
OK if yall want to have an otherworldly experience play Shania Twain's Man I Feel Like a Woman during the Captain Marvel trailer
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marvelrepresent · 5 years
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Walgreens exclusive Captain Marvel minimates
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marvelloussynergy · 5 years
REVIEW - Captain Marvel (2019)
Directors: Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck Screenplay: Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck, Geneva Robertson-Dworet Running Time: 124 minutes Cast: Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, Jude Law, Annette Bening, Djimon Hounsou, Lee Pace, Gemma Chan, Clark Gregg
A long time coming, the Marvel Cinematic Universe finally has its first female-led film in Captain Marvel. Serving as a prequel of sorts for the franchise, fans will delight at the many connections that link the present to the past, and hint towards the future. And while much of the film works, it falls short of being considered a truly great entry in the comic book movie oeuvre.
The film’s central conceit is a conflict between two alien races: the imperialistic Kree and the shape-shifting Skrulls. Both sides have been waging war with each other for many years, fighting over galactic territory. It’s into this that an amnesiac Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) is thrust, needing to defend Earth while quickly learning who she can trust as she unravels the mystery to her past.
Larson is great as Danvers, presenting the ex-US Air Force pilot as a strong, determined individual that girls (and boys) can admire and look up to. Her ability to balance being tough and emotionally open is what makes the character so likeable. Her wit separates her from the more sarcastic personalities of Tony Stark and Doctor Strange.
And yet, Captain Marvel is pretty standard fair as far as MCU origin films go. Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck are solid directors, although they fail to give the movie a distinct style that made recent entries such as Thor: Ragnarok and Black Panther stand out. An early flashback/memory sequence teases the flair a more non-linear one could have provided, but alas isn’t used to its full potential.
It’s somewhat paradoxical how the film packs in so much information yet lacks so much detail. The Kree home planet of Hala is devoid of any real sense of life or culture, with everything audiences learn about them coming from the militaristic mindset of the Starforce group. The film’s 90s setting is also squandered. Sure the visual gags of the all-but-defunct Blockbuster and ridiculously slow internet speeds are nice touches, but apart from that the story could take place in the present and not much would change. Given their previously brief screen time in Guardians of the Galaxy, Ronan (Lee Pace) and Korath (Djimon Hounsou) are welcome additions, but disappointingly both the actors and audiences are shortchanged yet again, with nothing significant added to their backstories.
On the other hand, Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury is finally given his due, with a much meatier role to play. This is a less cynical Fury, one who is in awe when he discovers extraterrestrial life exists and the beginnings of a man who will one day form a superhero group. The de-ageing visual effect used to make Jackson appear younger is very impressive and naturalistic that one forgets it’s even there. Ben Mendelsohn as the Skrull leader, Talos, is equal parts menacing and charming, threatening to steal every scene he’s in if not for the presence of Goose the cat.
While the action is serviceable (lots of explosions, plenty of CGI) the real appeal lies in the character interactions. A scene between Carol Danvers and her friend Maria Rambeau (Lashana Lynch) as they catch up conveys the warmth the two share despite having not seen each other in so long—the body language of both actresses conveying far more than the words they speak. The banter between Danvers and Fury meanwhile is a source of much of the comedy and moves the film along.
Comic book fans will appreciate how older elements from Carol Danvers’ convoluted history are cleverly interpreted for the screen, with the filmmakers skillfully weaving in elements from more recent story arcs. With a fine start, the Captain Marvel franchise can now take off in earnest and go higher from here. 
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etherealenigma · 3 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Captain Marvel (2019) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Carol Danvers/Yon-Rogg, Carol Danvers & Nick Fury, Carol Danvers & Yon-Rogg, Carol Danvers & Talos, Carol Danvers & Maria Rambeau & Monica Rambeau Characters: Phil Coulson, Talos (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Yon-Rogg (Marvel), Nick Fury, Maria Rambeau, Kree Supreme Intelligence, Monica Rambeau, Korath-Thak, Att-Lass (Marvel), Minn-Erva (Marvel), Bron-Char (Marvel), Soren (Marvel) Additional Tags: Enemies to Friends to Lovers to Enemies to Lovers, god thats a mouthful, Established Relationship, Married Couple, kinda dubcon, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst, Fluff, idk - Freeform Summary:
Vers has all she could ever want. On Hala, she had found purpose in her people, love in her Commander and adored hero of the Kree, Yon-Rogg, a home to replace the one she no longer knew. She had been trained to know her enemy, the silent, foreign infiltrators of her home world. It only takes one misstep to reveal that the enemy wasn't attacking her empire at all, it was sleeping soundly in her bed.
  - Basically it's just Captain Marvel if Yon-Rogg and Vers had been married -
Finally finished that fic based on the sneak peak I posted like a month ago. It’s like a 7000 word beast and it’s only the first chapter. Whoops. 
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jtargaryen18 · 4 years
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The Shape of My Heart
Chapter 37
Warnings: Violence, Threesome, Smut, Angst, Explicit Sexual Content, Jealousy, Polyamory, Blow Jobs, Oral Sex, Double Penetration, Anal Sex, Voyeurism, Stucky, Spanking
A/N: One of my resolutions in 2020 is to finish this story. It’s on AO3 but I thought I’d bring it here to pull me back into it. I’ll be posting new chapters when I get to that point on both platforms.
This is not a dark fic and there’s an OC instead of a reader.
I do not consent to have my work hosted on any third party app or site. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but archiveofourown, tumblr or fanfiction.net, it has been reposted without my permission.
Steve Rogers was done.
On his knees, on the roof of the compound where they'd taken the three people he loved the most, he felt like he was shaking apart on the inside. The lower half of his training shirt hung in ashes from where he'd taken a hit from their weapons, one that was eerily similar to the ones Fury and SHIELD had been developing before SHIELD fell, rotted from the inside by HYDRA.
His flesh was charred, and the pain was sharp as he worked to pull himself up to stand.
"Steve," Natasha's voice was pitched low as she approached, her eyes wide on him. She held out a slender hand to him, helping him to stand. "I'm so sorry."
Steve didn't question Nat's loyalty. There she stood with a group of SHIELD agents to help, Phil Coulson with her.
"Agent Coulson," Steve's voice shook but he fought it. "Take the agents and go help, Tony. Report back."
Nodding, Coulson dashed off to do his bidding, the men following.
Steve pulled himself up, straightened his shoulders. Nat pulled her shoulders back.
"Call it, Cap," Nat told him with a steely look in her eye that he welcomed just now.
"First we find Fury," he told her and began marching towards the door with Nat on his heels.
By the time they'd reached the lower levels of the compound, they caught Pepper scrambling towards medical which reminded them…
"Status on Stark," Nat said into the com as they walked to the offices.
"Mr. Stark's condition is stable," Coulson said into the com. "He's asking to see you."
"Be there shortly," she told him just as they reached Fury's office.
Steve didn't knock and the office wasn't locked. Fury wasn't there.
"FRIDAY, I need a status on Director Fury," Steve commanded, fighting back the pain in his side which was nothing compared to the pain of watching his family being taken away from him while he was powerless to do anything about it.
"Director Fury isn't on the grounds," the AI answered immediately. "He left only a few moments ago with Secretary Ross."
"Willingly?" Steve demanded.
If Fury was in on the taking of his family, Steve would personally see to it that he went down too. His heart denied that possibility.
"I'm bringing up the video now, Captain Rogers."
A huge virtual screen appeared before them, and Steve and Nat watched as Ross marched out the compound front door, the footage from 27 minutes ago, followed by six soldiers, surrounding Fury. The recording didn't give them a clean view of the older man's facial expression, but Nat was reading everything about it, body language and other clues, as only she could.
"He didn't go willingly, Steve," Nat told him what he already knew in his heart.
Steve just wanted to be sure.
"Captain Rogers," Coulson stepped into the office behind him. "I need to show you both something."
Pulling out his phone, Coulson showed him and Nat a text conversation that had taken place between he and Chris.
SKJ08U7342: Are you home?
Chris: Yes.
SKJ08U7342: Can you stay until I get there? I needed to go over plans for tomorrow.
Chris: I'll be here the rest of the day. Did you need Steve and Bucky too?
SKJ08U7342: Be there in 5.
Chris: Remind me to have Steve talk to Nat. And to have Tony check out of my desktop. I picked up some virus called BLU.
Nat's gaze lifted from the phone to Steve. "Let's talk at your place."
They headed for the elevators and Steve was on Coulson the moment the elevator doors slid closed. "You were on to something when you were on your way to her."
Phil nodded. Pointing up which Steve took as he would tell him once they reached Steve's apartment.
Once they were in the living room, Steve took a deep breath. "FRIDAY, I need to make sure there's no one listening to anything said in this apartment until instructed otherwise."
"I'll do a scan, Captain Rogers," the AI told him. After only a couple of moments, the AI reported back. "No outside devices or listening agents have been detected. You have complete privacy with no recording, Captain Rogers."
"You normally record us in our apartments?" Steve wanted to know, on a short fuse as it was.
"Agent Danforth requests that I record interactions from time to time," the AI explained. "Never involving the three of you who live here."
"Can we see a listing of those files please?" Coulson requested politely.
"With Captain Rogers' permission, Agent Coulson."
"Granted," Steve said.
Another virtual screen appeared with a short list of recordings. The last one was from moments ago.
"FRIDAY, please play the file from today." Steve wanted to see it.
The recording had started when Chris had allowed Dr. Meadows, or whoever the woman really was, into the apartment. The woman had coldly explained Chris's baby, their baby, was crucial to her research so he could only pray that kept Chris and the baby safe until he could get them. Still, his blood ran cold as he watched Chris nervously interact with the doctor.
"She was upset about something," Nat said watching, "before that woman arrived."
Steve saw her hands shake as she tried to text someone, now he knew it was Phil, and allow the woman to take her blood pressure. It seemed like an ordinary visit until he watched Dr. Meadows, seeing Chris was distracted and typing into her phone, pull a small can from her purse and spray it in his girl's face. At least she was already on the couch and didn't fall to the floor once she was knocked unconscious.
His blood boiled as he watched the doctor speaking into her own comlink, signaling the men who'd helped her take Chris and their baby away from him along with Bucky. Steve's gaze dropped as the video ended.
"You were trying to reach her," he said to Coulson. "What about?"
"Directory Fury was contacted by Dr. Sue Meadows this afternoon," Coulson explained. "The doctor had just returned from her own maternity leave and apologized about not being able to help with Agent Danforth to this point."
Steve stared at the other man in disbelief.
"I realized that the agent Chris knew as Dr. Meadows was heading up to your apartment. I was trying to reach her. Fury was supposed to come find you."
"Ross got him first," Nat cut in and Coulson nodded.
"Why did Chris want you to remind her to have Nat and I talk?" Steve asked Coulson.
Motioning him towards Chris's girl cave, Nat pushed the button to open the sliding door. Immediately, Nat got on Chris's computer, searching for BLU and finding the files pretty quickly.
"During the meeting we had early with Ross, Chris had me to try and grab intel from his laptop," Nat explained to him and Coulson. "I'm guessing what she found was why she was upset. The way she worded that text indicated that if she herself didn't tell you about this, Steve, she wanted Phil to ensure that you and I talked. It sounds like she realized she was compromised."
Steve had never been more grateful that Nat was proficient on computers and it didn't take long for them to determine what Chris had found.
Steve was furious. Ross had the plans and Zola's algorithm and had for some time. That Ross wanted to rid the world of the Avengers' Initiative was no surprise. That he meant to make it appear that Tony was the one behind the resurrection of Project Insight was almost laughable.
"How the hell does he think anyone is going to buy that?" Steve couldn't wrap his mind around it.
"By taking control of two people he knows the government and the people will believe beyond a shadow of a doubt," Tony's voice was rough from behind them, he and Pepper had just walked into the apartment, her hand nervously resting on the swell of her tummy as she closed the door. Tony looked as if he'd taken a thorough beating. "He has Fury and he means to control you because he has Chris, Bucky, and Tony Jr. The question is, what are we going to do about it?"
"Just because Steve is under duress and not addressing that Tony Jr. reference is in no way acquiescing or in any way agreeing to it," Nat told Tony boldly before anything else could be said.
"We'll see," Tony told her before turning back to Steve who was really just glad to see Tony in one piece.
"I'm going to get my family back," Steve told him with absolute certainty. "That's all I plan to deal with right now."
Tony nodded. "We'll need to figure out where he's taken them. I want a copy of those files. Just maybe the answer is in there. FRIDAY? I need a copy of everything on Agent Danforth's hard drives."
"On it, boss."
"The woman we thought was Dr. Meadows said our child was crucial to her research," Steve offered. "Maybe there's a clue in that too."
Tony nodded. "I called the team back, they'll be here before sundown. Hopefully, by then, we'll have a location."
Steve hoped with everything in him that they find them fast. Chris's pregnancy might buy her a little time. Bucky? What was to stop Ross from disposing of him immediately?
His heart shredded in his chest. Steve just wanted them back safe, and in his arms, where they belonged.
"Tony, you okay?" Steve had to ask, noticing his friend's limp as he headed back out of the apartment. Turning he smirked at him over his shoulder. "I'll live, old man."
Steve nodded as Tony stopped, glancing back over his shoulder at him.
"You will too. We'll get them back, Steve. Danforth is my number 2 employee at Stark Industries. After Pepper Potts."
His heart swelled with hope at the fierce determination in his friend's hazel eyes.
Steve showered and changed clothes, refusing medical treatment. Heading down to see if Tony had been able to find anything, he was also anxious for the team to be back within the hour.
What he hadn't expected was to see King T'Challa walk into the compound with Okoye and several Dora Milaje on his heels. Steve smiled, dashing up to hug the monarch.
"I'm glad to see you," Steve admitted. "Did Tony send for you?"
T'Challa shook his head. "Your Agent Coulson did."
Steve was grateful either way. Knowing how much of a friend Coulson had become to their Chris since he'd helped save her from the first kidnapping attempt, made him grateful.
"Just hoping for some leads on where they might have been taken," Steve told him as they walked in the direction of Tony's office.
"Perhaps we can help with that," T'Challa told him with a knowing smile.
Steve began to feel something like hope.
He and Bucky had been through so much. He prayed with everything in him that Ross didn't hurt Bucky, that his best friend and lover could hang on until he could get there. And he'd be there with the team very soon.
It was Chris's face that haunted him. Her big gray eyes, hollowed and filled with terror in the days when they'd recovered her from the first time Ross had taken her, broke his heart. He couldn't believe he'd failed her, allowed her to fall right back into the bastard's clutches.
If she could just hang on…
Steve loved them. And they were all his. When he got them back, not if when, he'd make it official somehow. He'd make sure they knew they belonged to him.
Chris awoke with her mouth extremely dry and feeling disoriented. Instinctively she stretched her hands out on either side of her on the bed, expecting to find her lovers there. Her hands found nothing even though she was quite warm.
Sitting up, Chris's sluggish gaze shifted over the unfamiliar room. There were nice furnishings and paintings, a nice room. But one she didn't know.
Someone had taken her from the compound.
Dr. Meadows? Last thing she remembered was being sprayed in the face with something by the woman. And then she'd just snuck her off the compound? Chris couldn't see it happening.
Unsteady as she was, Chris was able to throw her legs over the side of the bed and made her way to the room's single window. Pulling back the elegant drapes covering it, Chris released a deep sigh.
Bars on the window. Of course.
Did they think Peter Parker had taught her how to crawl walls and she was going to go for it when best she could tell, she was at least ten stories up? At six months pregnant?
Ross was still ahead of her. Always fucking Ross.
Considering what he'd pulled last time, selling her to an enemy she'd made in her time with the FBI who'd beaten her like an animal and had caused her to lose her first child, she wouldn't put anything past him.
Her hand curled protectively over her son. "Ross isn't going to hurt you," she whispered quietly, assuming she was being watched. "I'm going to take care of you. And your Daddies will make him pay."
With every fiber of her being, she promised the universe that Ross would pay for the loss of her first child. He wouldn't lay a hand on their son.
Her gaze scanned the room. It wasn't a hotel but an elaborate building not unlike Tony's compound. There was a bathroom with a huge tube, a mini fridge with some drinks and snacks.
And sitting inconspicuously atop the dresser was an older laptop.
Was this a joke?
She had just been about to open it and try to boot it when someone knocked at her door. A moment later two armed guards opened the door to her room, allowing "Dr. Meadows" and Ross in.
Chris shook her head, moving to perch on the edge of the bed.
"Ah good," Ross said pleasantly. "You're awake."
There were no words to express how much she fucking hated the man. Chris mutely glared at him as he walked further into the room.
"How are you feeling?" the female doctor asked her, just as she always did.
"Who are you?" Chris wanted to know.
The woman's smiled was friendly. "You know me as Doctor Meadows. I don't see any reason why that has to change."
"Except you're not her," Chris said calmly.
"She's here to take care of you and your baby," Ross was trying to sound perfectly reasonable. "It's in your best interest to allow her to look after you both."
"Or what? You'll have me beaten like an animal like the last time you kidnapped me?" Chris said angrily, not missing the way "Dr. Meadows" looked to him in surprise and alarm. "I was pregnant then too. Did you know that? You cost me my first child."
Ross's eyes narrowed on her and he paid the other woman no attention at all.
"You weren't supposed to have survived at all," Ross said with a chilling smile.
"You think I didn't know that?" Chris shook her head. Before she may have been afraid of the bastard and what he could do. Now? He'd better hope he got out alive. Chris had no doubt in her heart that her boys would come for her. But they'd have to fight her for the privilege of killing Ross. "What's your game now?"
"No game," Ross said calmly.
"Okay, great." Chris smiled. "Then I can go back to the compound. Right?"
"Your place is right here," Ross told her.
"My place is with Steve and Bucky," Chris informed him.
"Yes, your disgusting, lewd relationship," Ross said with a sneer.
Chris laughed at him outright. "Yeah, I pegged you for a hater. People like you are so busy passing judgment on those of us who don't agree with you, that you can't just be grateful that people care about one another, love each other. What does it matter to you who or how I love?"
Ross took a step closer, meaning to intimidate her. And a few months ago, it might have worked. Chris didn't flinch.
"It matters who you love because I need Rogers to help me dissolve the Avengers Initiative," he said coldly.
"And kidnapping me and our child is going to make him change his mind about anything?" Chris huffed out another laugh but there was no humor in it. "You've met him, right?"
"If Rogers ever wants to see his little family again, he'll do precisely what I want when I want," Ross told her.
Chris rose from the bed. "Don't think because you have me and the baby that you can manipulate Steve," she warned.
"I have Fury." Ross took a step closer. "I have Barnes too."
That stopped her cold. He had Bucky? And Fury? How the fuck did that happen?
Chris shook her head. "I don't believe you."
"You want to see him?" Ross smirked at her before turning back to the laptop she'd just been about to boot. Lifting the screen, the laptop was already on and showed four security camera views. Two of them showed her Bucky, in serious restraints that apparently could contain his vibranium arm. His face and arms were littered with cuts, he was bleeding. He sat in the cell where they were keeping him, his expression stony as he stared ahead. The other two views showed Fury, calmly resting in a similar cell.
Smart. Chris fought to keep her expression neutral.
Steve loved her and the baby she carried. Chris knew that. But he'd move heaven and hell for Bucky. And if this bastard even tried to take him away from Steve again after everything they'd been through?
Hell hath no fury like a pregnant, empathic FBI agent out for revenge.
Ross didn't realize that he just threw more fuel on the fire. Before when she'd been taken, she'd underestimated how much her boys loved her. Now she was secure in that love. And she had two of her boys to fight for until Steve came for them.
That he had Bucky changed things.
Game on, Ross.
"Just so there's no confusion," Ross told her, his hands shoved in the pockets of his suit coat like he hadn't a care in the world. "Rogers has enjoyed you apparently and I see where you've been useful seeing that he and his true love can't exactly procreate."
Ross in his narrow-mindedness had decided that Steve and Bucky were strictly gay, and she was their groupie who'd signed on to be a baby momma.
"I'm sure he cares about the child," Ross informed her. "But his first priority will always be Barnes. He's demonstrated that so many times, Danforth, for decades."
It should be Bucky. Chris really didn't have an argument for that.
If Chris wanted to protect both her boys, she'd have to be clever. Reaching out, she felt Ross's determination to hurt her, to inflict pain. He needed to think he could make her doubt Steve's love for her. It was cruel but it was the goal. If she played along, maybe he'd keep talking.
Thinking about losing her first baby, that precious little soul that had been gone before she knew, tears stung the backs of her eyes. In her mind's eye, she could see all the blood in that cell where Phil found her… She felt her face warm. Protectively, her hands went to her baby bump and she sank down onto the edge of the bed.
"Steve loves me too," Chris deliberately made her voice sound small.
Ross's emotions shifted to amusement. He laughed. "Sure he does."
A tear slid down her cheek as he pretended to be interested in watching Bucky stare into space. Ross was delighted to see her tears come on, she felt it.
"Your purpose here," Ross informed her, "your only purpose is to motivate Barnes. I'm sure he loves you too, but a man of his generation won't be able to tolerate threats to a woman in "delicate condition". He'll do and say what I tell him because I have you."
Ross's confidence was growing. Chris struggled to channel her emotions into anything but anger. Remember the blood. Remember the pain. Remember…
"Barnes is the key to controlling Rogers."
Chris began to sob. Honestly, she was so pissed off at that point that it was easy. Her shoulders shook. Oh, she was sure she made a pitiful picture.
"What… w-what happens to us when you stop the Initiative?" Chris was proud of slight fear-stutter she managed. "You'll let us go. Right?"
Ross stared at her hard, his eyes narrowing. His emotions shifted to something dark and triumphant, something that really did have her pausing as she absorbed that.
"Whatever gave you that idea?" Ross asked her. "Barnes, like Rogers, should have died a long time ago. I could remedy that. But it's to our advantage to find a use for him. And considering who he is, a fucking former assassin for an enemy force, no one is going to create a stir when he disappears. No one is going to care."
So many people would care, you dumb asshole…
Chris rounded her eyes, feigning fear. It wasn't all acting. Part of Chris was very afraid of the man looming over her.
"For years, scientists have been seeking a way to replicate Erskine's serum, to find the key to creating more super soldiers with little success. But our good doctor here assures me between the child in your womb and Barnes, we'll be quite a bit closer to unlocking that secret. The serum used on Barnes was at least a derivative of Erskine's original formula. And if the baby you carry is Rogers'…"
Chris brought on more tears, increased her breathing. She wanted him to think she was having a full-on panic attack.
"What if… the baby is Bucky's?" Chris asked fearfully.
"Almost as good," Ross told her.
Chris didn't ask what the plan for her was, once she delivered the baby. Ross had no use for her, believed her to be an online criminal. She had no doubt that an "unfortunate accident" would be his plans for her future.
"He'll come for us," Chris said tearfully.
"I want him to," Ross told her. "I'm ready."
With that, he opened the door and motioned to someone just beyond it. A woman dressed in black slacks and a white dress shirt rolled in a fancy cart with covered dishes.
"Did you bring the shot?" Ross asked the doctor.
The other woman looked appalled. "It's not in the best interest of either her or the child to sedate them."
Ross looked at her like she had two heads with six eyes between them.
"She's six months pregnant," the doctor pointed out. "I don't think she's that big of an escape risk."
Chris shuddered at the rage Ross was holding back, angry that they were discussing this in front of one of their captives.
With a literal growl, Ross stormed out of the room, leaving the doctor standing there awkwardly.
"We'll return in the morning. It's in your best interest and that of the child for you to eat and sleep. If you need anything, there's a call button by the bathroom door."
Chris nodded, acting afraid of the woman now too. The doctor had more than a little sympathy for her plight. That could prove useful.
Chris nodded, bowing her head. She didn't move again until they'd left the room.
Feigning a panic attack, she just knew they had a camera on her, Chris paced back and forth, looking around the room wildly like she was trying to breathe when she was really trying to find the camera.
And find it she did. Right atop the curtains of the window.
With a deep sigh, she proceeded to pretend she was calming down. Began to look over the meal. After the end of that conversation, she didn't think there was anything in that food to hurt her or knock her out. She would need to keep her strength up.
Once she finished with her dinner, she walked to the laptop, stroking Bucky's face on the screen. She hated that blank look on his face. It reminded her of the days when he…
Bucky Barnes was one of the men she loved. The Winter Soldier was not him.
"I love you," she whispered. "I'm going to get you and our son back to Steve. No matter what it takes. I promise."
Chris has learned and grown so much in her time with her soldiers.
Steve had taught her strategy in a way the bureau never had. An FBI agent only needed to know their small part of the plan. Steve had to orchestrate plans for the entire Avengers' team, and she paid attention to his discussions with Bucky, the meetings she was involved in. She could do this.
From Bucky, Chris had learned that one could survive quite a bit. More and more lately he'd been sharing some of his memories with them. She agreed with Steve that the loving home they'd created had diminished his nightmares, made him more like the young man Steve had fallen in love with decades ago in Brooklyn. If Bucky could survive all that he had, she'd sure as hell make it through this.
The two of them didn't deserve to go through this and Chris was going to do all she could to remedy the situation.
Ross had tried to get rid of her once and the two of them, with Phil's help, had been her strength. They came for her, nurtured her. It no longer mattered to her if they loved each other more than they did her. She loved them with all that she was and just maybe her place was to protect that love and the love they had for each other. Just as she would protect their baby.
Chris would never crumble or cower again. Not with so much to fight for.
Mentally, she began making her list. She needed to gather intel on that camera, needed to find a way to either knock it down or loop it so she could move on to the next part of her operation.
Steve and the team would be there soon. There was no doubt in her mind. And she would be ready.
@what-is-your-plan-today  @jennmurawski13 @badassbaker @caffiend-queen @disneylovingal  @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123
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flerkin-marvelous · 4 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Captain Marvel (2019), Captain Marvel (Marvel Comics) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Carol Danvers/Yon-Rogg, Soren/Talos (Marvel) Characters: Nick Fury, Carol Danvers, Yon-Rogg (Marvel), Soren (Marvel), Talos (Marvel), Kree Supreme Intelligence, Bron-Char (Marvel), Att-Lass (Marvel), Minn-Erva (Marvel), Una-Rogg (Marvel), Phil Coulson Additional Tags: Memory Loss, Redemption, Major Character Injury, New Friendships, Forgiveness, Confusion, Love, Anger, Freedom, Eventual Romance Summary:
“Clearly you weren’t seeing the same things that I was. Let me escape? He shot me off the drop ship and that was before either of us knew I could fly, plus Yon-Rogg doesn’t love me. I was a means to an end. A weapon to be forged and used in the name of the Kree empire nothing more. And anyway, if he did have feelings for me, they would be that of a brother."
"I’ve seen the way he looks at you, and trust me when I say, he doesn’t want to be your brother"
Poor old Yon. He's really doesn't have a clue what's going on, but new friends will help.
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ironiccrus · 5 years
12. An accidental text 
(✉ → first name agent): i’m sitting here wondering -- what kind of moisturiser does coulson use? i mean, he’s been dead and buried and his skin still looks amazing. i pay a hundred dollars for a bottle of mine and it’s like a tyre spinning on my face.(✉ → first name agent): ... ignore that. FRIDAY got a bit excited
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dukereviewsmovies · 4 years
Duke Reviews: Captain Marvel
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where Today We're Continuing Our Look At The Marvel Cinematic Universe...
Where Today We're Looking At The Film That Angered 1,000 Anti-Feminists, Captain Marvel...
This Film Follows The Journey Of Carol Danvers As She Becomes One Of The Universe's Most Powerful Heroes As An Intergalactic War Between 2 Alien Races Reaches Earth...
Will Danvers Save Earth From War?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Captain Marvel...
The Film Starts In 1995 On The Planet Hala, When A Human/Kree Hybrid Named Vers (Played By Brie Larson) Has Constant Nightmares Of An Aircraft Crash And A Woman Being Murdered By What Looks To Be A Skrull...
Telling Her Mentor, Yon-Rogg About This, He Helps Her Train To Become A Member Of The Starforce...
Is That Anything Like Star Command And If So I Wonder If She's Ever Met Buzz Lightyear...
Even Though He Believes She's Ready...
Then Why Are You Training Her?
Taking Her To See The Supreme Intelligence, Who Is The Artificial Intelligence That Rules The Kree Empire...
And Is In No Way Related To The Great Intelligence From Doctor Who...
It Allows Gets On The Starforce Which Consists Of Yon-Rogg, Minn-Erva, Att-Lass, Bron-Char And Korath The Pursuer From Guardians Of The Galaxy...
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As Yon-Rogg Gives A Briefing To The Starforce, Who's To Rescue A Kree Operative Named Soh-Larr...
Hang On A Minute, Minn-Erva, Att-Lass, Soh-Larr? Are Kree Names Just Regular Words Or Names That Are Just Expanded By A Hyphen?
He Informs The Team That He Has Been Captured On The Planet Torfa And Instructs The Team To Perform An Incursion On The Planet...
Landing Underwater And Their Suits To Reach The Surface, They Soon Realize That The Torfan Natives Are Skrulls And That...
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(Start At 0:28, End At 1:33)
Abducted By The Skrull General Talos (Played By General Krennic) He Takes Vers On Board A Skrull Spacecraft While Yon-Rogg And The Starforce Retreat. On Board The Skrull Spacecraft, Talos Gains Access To Vers' Memories From Various Points Of Her Life...
But She Awakens Just As Talos Gets What He Wants From Vers Pertaining To A Light Speed Engine...
If That's What You Want, They Sell Those Easily On Tatooine...
But Vers Manages To Escape...
(Start At 0:08, End At 1:28)
(End At 1:13)
Followed By Talos, Norex And 2 Other Skrulls, Vers Crash Lands On A Planet Called Ee-Arth (Otherwise Known To Us As Earth...
Hey, Blockbuster! This Isn't Dated At All...
Anyway, While Vers Crashes Into A Blockbuster, Talos And The Skrulls Land On The Beach And Assume The Identities Of Surfers They See There...
Managing To Reach Yon-Rogg, Vers Learns That She Will Stranded On Earth For About 22 Hours...
Well, At Least It's Better Than 7 Zuurls...
Attracting The Attention Of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agents Nick Fury, Phil Coulson And Keller Arrive On The Scene To Interrogate Vers And Dismiss Her Claims About The Kree And The Skrulls Arrival On Earth...
But Before They Arrest Vers, Their Interrogation Is Interrupted By One Of The Skrulls Which Leads Her To Chase It To A Subway Car Where We Get Our Stan Lee Cameo...
Stan Lee Cameo!
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(Start At 0:33, End At 1:27)
(End At 1:13)
During The Fight On The Subway Car, Fury And Coulson Attempt To Pursue Vers, But When Fury Realizes That Coulson Stayed Behind At The Shopping Complex It Leads To A Fight Between Fury And The Skrull Imposter..
Eventually The Skrull Imposter Is Killed When Fury's Car Crashes Into Oncoming Traffic...
Utilizing A Skrull Crystal That Contains Her Lost Memories, Vers Begins Recollecting Them By Dressing In A Civilian Outfit Which She Takes From A Display And Stealing A Motorcycle So She Can Go To Pancho's Bar In The Nearby Town Of Rosamond...
Fury And Keller (Who Has Been Replaced With Talos) Take Possession Of The Deceased Skrull And Perform An Autopsy On It. Going After Vers, Keller Tells Fury To Do It Alone As They Can't Trust Anyone...
Finding Vers At Pancho's And Now Fully Convinced That The Skrulls Are A Threat, Fury And Vers Question Each Other To Ensure That They Not Skrull Imposters...
Once They Realize That They're Not Skrulls, Fury Takes Vers To The Joint NASA USAF Facility In Nevada To Confirm The Claims Of Her Origins On Earth. She Learns That She Was A Fighter Pilot For The Air Force Who Flew With Maria Rambeau...
Oooh, Monica Rambeau Foreshadowing...
And Were Under The Tutelage Of Doctor Wendy Lawson For Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. Who Surprisingly Looks Like The Supreme Intelligence And Is The Woman That Was Murdered In Her Dreams...
Calling Yon-Rogg, He Tells Vers That Lawson Was A Kree Operative Named Mar-Vell...
Okay, For Those That Don't Know Who Mar-Vell Is, He Is The Original Person To Go By Captain Marvel...
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And Is Also The Person Who Gave Carol Her Powers..
Yon-Rogg Also Reveals That Mar-Vell Was Working On A Unique Energy Core And Experimented With Tech That Was Going To Change The War...
However, Upon Telling Him About Her Life Here, Yon-Rogg Believes It To Be A Skrull Simulation And Tells Her To Remember Her Training And That They'll Be Arriving Soon Before Hanging Up...
Reporting Their Location To Keller Who Brings A Posse Of Agents With Him, Including Coulson. Fury Realizes That Keller Is Not Keller But A Skrull...
Going Rogue With Vers, Coulson Allows The 2 To Escape With A Cat Named Goose On Board A Prototype Quinjet Which They Take To The Rambeau Residence In New Orleans...
Surprised To See Vers Still Alive, Both Maria (Who's Played By 007?) And Her Daughter, Monica (Again, Foreshadowing) Identify Vers As Carol Danvers, A Fighter Pilot Who Was Seemingly Killed With Lawson In A Test Flight Gone Awry And That The Cat, Goose Is Lawson And Her Pet...
Followed By Talos And Norex Who Negotiate A Temporary Alliance After Talos Reveals That He Was In Possession Of A Black Box That Survived The Crash. He Also Reveals That Danvers Was Deceived By The Kree And That They Are Homeless Refugees That Are On The Brink Of Extinction And Constantly On The Run From The Kree...
Which Is Actually An Interesting Turn For The Skrulls...
Usually Seen As Bad Guys Who Replace The People They're Conquering When They Try To Take Over A Planet, (Hell, They Created Super Skrull To Fight The Fantastic Four) This Is Actually A Great Reveal Probably One Of Best I've Seen In A Marvel Movie As The Skrulls Are Usually Seen As Bad Guys...
Hearing The Recording From The Black Box, Carol Finally Remembers What Happened, Turns Out Mar-Vell's Death Was An Assassination That Was Orchestrated By Yon-Rogg...
Instructing Carol To Destroy The Energy Core That Powered The Engine, Carol Attempted To But In Doing So She Gained Cosmic Abilities When Absorbing The Energy From The Engine With No Memory Of Her Life Whatsoever...
Afterward, Yon-Rogg Was Authorized By The Supreme Intelligence To Train Her As A Kree Operative...
Talos Reveals That Mar-Vell Was Actually A Kree Double Agent Who Was Attempting To Help The Skrulls By Testing The Light Speed Engine Which Will Help Them Flee Kree Occupation Forever And That The Black Box And Her Memories Contain The Coordinates To Mar-Vell's Lab That's Cloaked Above Earth's Orbit Which Contains Not Just The Energy Core But The Last Of The Skrull Refugees...
The Next Day, Yon-Rogg Arrives On Earth To Confront Carol Where He Quickly Realizes That The Carol He's Talking To Is Actually Norex Who He Quickly Executes As Danavers, Fury, Maria, Talos, And Goose Take The Quinjet To The Lab Where Danvers Finds The Energy Source Which Is Revealed To Be The Tesseract....
The Tesseract?...
Okay, I Got To Talk About This Now, In Captain America: The First Avenger It Was Revealed That After The Red Skull Flew Off To Vormir And Captain America Was Frozen Today
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That The Tesseract Was Found In The Ocean By Howard Stark Who Gave It To S.H.I.E.L.D....
But Aside From That Story Killer, Talos Is Reunited With His Wife And Daughter...
So If Howard Stark Had It, How Did Lawson Get Ahold Of It?...
It Doesn't Make Sense!
But Yon-Rogg And The Starforce Ambushes Them And Places Carol Under Stasis So She Can Talk To The Supreme Intelligence But In Removing The Inhibitor That Has Been Limiting Her Powers Carol Fights The Supreme Intelligence...
(End At 1:44)
Taking The Tesseract, Carol Reunites With Fury And Monica Who Watch As Goose Reveals Himself As A Flerken When He Eats The Tesseract And A Bunch Of Kree Soldiers...
In A Battle For The Tesseract, Danvers Fights Her Former Starforce Allies And Quickly Overpowers Them, While Fury And Monica Get The Skrulls On Board The Quinjet, But As They Do, Talos Is Shot By Yon-Rogg, Who In A Rage, Called The Accusers Led By Guess Who?...
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Nice To See You Again, Ronan...
Anyway, Yon-Rogg Called Ronan To Tell Him To Dispatch Kree Ballistic Missiles On Earth In An Attempt To Kill Danvers And The Skrulls After Him And Minn-Erva Fail To Kill Them In Their Jedi Starfighters When Carol Knocks Them Out Of The Sky When She Discovers "Oh, I Can Fly"...
(Start At 0:39, End At 1:20)
(End At 1:32)
Returning To Earth, Danvers Faces Yon-Rogg One Last Time...
(Start At 0:13, End At 1:53)
In The Aftermath, Goose Claws Fury's Left Eye And Blinds It While His Guard Is Down...
So, I Guess When Fury Said That The Last Person He Trusted Cost Him His Eye, He Was Bullshitting?...
The Skrulls Take Temporary Shelter At The Rambeau Residence Where Talos Recovers From His Injuries And Once They Decide To Leave, Carol Decides To Go With Them To Help Them Find A New Home...
But Before She Leaves, She Gives Fury A Modified Transmitter/Pager To Call Her In The Event Of An Emergency As Fury Drafts The Protector Initiative Which Is Quickly Changed To Avenger Initiative When He Sees That Danvers Call Sign Was Avenger...
We Get A Mid Credits Scene, Which Sees The Remaining Avengers (Banner, Widow, Cap And Rhodey) Finding Fury's Pager And Analyzing It At The Avengers Facility Before Carol Herself Shows Up Asking Where Fury Is...
We Also Get An End Credits Scene Where We See Goose Spit Up The Tesseract On Fury's Desk While He Wasn't In His Office...
Which Still Doesn't Help The Continuity Problems In This Movie...
And That's Captain Marvel And...It's Okay...
While The Story Is So-So, The Characters Were Well Written (Despite Billions Of Anti-Feminists Hating On Brie Larson So Much That There's A Petition On-Line To Get Marvel To Fire Her)...
The Effects Were Great I Loved How Well They De-Aged Both Clark Gregg And Samuel L. Jackson And The Villain Was All Right With The Supreme Intelligence However I Would Have Preferred It If Jude Law Had Played Mar-Vell Instead Of Annette Benning...
Either Way Though I Say Don't Listen To The Haters And See It....
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off
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thedarthray · 5 years
MiniMates - Walgreens Captain Marvel by Darth Ray Via Flickr: MiniMates - Marvel's Captain Marvel Walgreens Exclusives Captain Marvel & Bron Char, Starforce Captain Marvel & Korath, Yon-Rogg & Phil Coulson, and Nick Fury & Ronan
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auroral-melody · 5 years
hi! do you have any recommendations of things to watch or read? ive read and watched good omens and lucifer and ive read sandman and watched lot and i liked them all and bc you also like them i thought you might have more stuff to recommend! ty in advance fkdk and i hope you have an amazing day/night!!!
HECK YEAH. idk what else you’ve seen so i’ll just rec everything
tv shows:
- doctor who is and always will be my comfort show tbh. it’s so optimistic and kind and i love it so dearly, it means so much to me
- constantine nbc (theres only one season and it was cancelled but it’s GREAT)
- legends of tomorrow (extremely goofy. doesn’t take itself seriously except when it does. time travel, with magic, and john constantine comes up in s3 and is a main char in s4. INCREDIBLY gay. like oh my god i’ve never seen a sci fi fantasy show this gay it makes me so happy)
- agents of shield (phil coulson is babey and fitzsimmons is the purest thing on the planet)
- stranger things (kids on bikes!!! scary)
- dark matter (sci fi and UNDERRATED!)
- i still love firefly tbh
my watchlist right now is
- black lightning (just started, it’s Gud)- i watched a season of el internado (spanish show that’s very cheesy but it’s a dramatic high school teen show. it’s not exactly Good but it’s fun!)- oh i also need to watch s2 of the OA fhjkdhf (s1 is very good!!! lots of scary topics but it’s fascinating)- i’ve also just started the flash- i’m going to watch sabrina soon bc there’s apparently a lucifer in it
i also have in fact watched supernatural and honestly i love cas and gabriel and sam and dean and crowley. it has exactly the problems people say it does, but also it is entertaining and i swear they have got to use spray bottles for the blood sometimes which is HILARIOUS.
more of a reality show:
- buzzfeed unsolved (i Really like the supernatural seasons! it’s a little spooky but also the fact that shane, in a dark room alone, doesn’t think it’s spooky at All makes it hilarious. i’m a shaniac but i’m scared fhjdkfhkdj)
- adam ruins everything
animated tv shows:
- she ra (incredibly gay energies)
- the dragon prince (i just finished and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!)
- avatar the last airbender (it’s excellent. pls. everything about it is good)
- aggretsuko (fun !! also very relatable)
- the devil is a part-timer (one of the only animes i’ve seen. kinda Straight TM with the whole boobage but it’s also funny and WINGS)
- devilman crybaby (i havent seen the old one yet. very nsfw. but GOD i got so so close to crying)
- carmen sandiego (spy romp!!! with educational geography tidbits!!! i love the art too it’s really good)
- disenchantment (matt groening humour if you’re good w that, there’s a demon named luci)
- futurama (matt groening humour but i’m STILL emotional over it. i still love the interdimensional polyamorous pansexual nonbinary space being yivo who uses neopronouns. babey)
- the lego movie (especially the second one)
- the lego movie batman (aka Gay)
- road to el dorado (PEAK good omens energies it’s still my favorite ok)
- thor ragnarok
- into the spiderverse
- emperor’s new groove
- men in black (all of them) are just so good okay 
- hellboy (it’s guillermo del toro. it’s fun)
- the stainless steel rat (about a sci fi criminal who is a goofy sarcastic lad. 100% RECOMMEND HIGHLY PLEAS E READ)
- the martian (it’s SO MUCH FUNNIER than the movie is tbh..it’s ICONIC. sciency humor)
- mort (my favorite discworld book so far. death gets a job as a cook)
- the screwtape letters (about a demon and his annoyed uncle/mentor)
- much ado about nothing (listen it’s REally fun. or watch the tennant version)
rn i’m reading snow crash and it’s super fun, the main character is named Hiro Protagonist hfkjdshjfd. 
- loki: agent of asgard (illustrated by the guy who did lucifer 2016! fun!!! loki being a sweetheart)
- the prince and the dressmaker (ADORABLE!!! gnc prince(ss))
- the dreaming (”why do you like the corinthian” *gestures at this comic while aggressively retconning part of it*)
- any of the sandman extras, especially overture and the death stories
- hellblazer (i only got up to issue 75 but it’s pretty good!! constantine..my boy)
- the wicked and the divine (i’m only on #19 but. aaaa? it’s surprisingly bloody, but also, it had a fem!lucifer in it that absolutely killed me with gay)
- xkcd (webcomic. witty and sciency)
i’m also going to read Murder Mysteries the graphic novel by neil gaiman as soon as it comes!!! i’m excited
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sniickt · 5 years
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⌜   CIS FEMALE, SHE / HER   |   ain’t no grave by johnny cash, slytherin, istp   ⌟    ⏤   meet LAURA KINNEY ; a TWENTY FOUR year old who kind of resembles LINDSEY MORGAN, don’t you think? she originally hailed from CANADA where she lived with THE REMAINING X-MEN (   XMCU / EARTH TRN-414   ), but word is that she’s been learning to live as part of this world this past year. she’s always been pretty DUTIFUL & SKILLED, but has gotten way more SHORT TEMPERED & RUTHLESS since she woke up. maybe her power of REGENERATIVE HEALING, ADAMANTIUM CLAWS & HEIGHTENED SENSES can help in taking down the dome. you can check out her stat page HERE & her biography HERE.
i believe in life. i believe. i fight. i bleed, for others.            to keep them alive. i live... i live, so OTHERS will live. i believe.
part one of two : the backstory.    (   trigger warnings for talk of torture, death, etc.   )   /   note: for the purpose of having a coherent, full char, i blended some comics w the bones of the character she is ! 
laura was created circa september, 2018 ; her home universe, earth-414, being DECADES in the future, lending itself to why hers is one of few unexplored. 
alkali transigen were a privately funded company, looking to replicate what had been done years before through the weapon x experiment involving logan howlett, the wolverine. they wanted a WEAPON. at first this meant attempting to bond adamantium to like bodied mutants, who never survived the process. when they discovered remnants of logan’s dna, the project took a different direction. martin sutter hired sarah kinney to create a clone. for a long time, she failed. logan’s dna was missing key sequences that would have allowed for a full bodied, male clone. her last ditch effort was laura, directly going against the wishes of her boss. she used logan’s dna. and she used her own. when she succeeded, she was punished by carrying the baby to term herself.
they set out to create one. but now that they knew they could do it, they wasted no time in sequencing the dna of dozens of x-men and brotherhood members alike, turning their lab on the outskirts of mexico city into a holding facility for the results.
they were not named. they were not coddled, or cared for. they were investments. laura was x-23, the 23rd attempt to create a weapon x clone. this was all she was known as.
every single one of them was trained in murder, and laura was their prize jewel. she underwent the surgery to bond adamantium to her claws - two in each arm, one in each foot - young, and miraculously, survived. she was trained daily in the art of death, though sarah tried, on the downlow, to help her to retain some HUMANITY. as fears began to grow that x-23 was retaining too much humanity, which in turn would make her weak, they subjected her to torture and to associate a specific scent ( her ‘trigger scent’ ) with murder. if she caught scent of it, she would go feral in an instant. she wasn’t able to control herself. she wasn’t able to stop. 
she hurt people. she killed. everything she did, she did as a DISPLAY, the prove to potential buyers that she would be the best investment they could make. and everything she did, she did in vain - because then they found something better. they created something better.
sarah overheard them discussing the children. she heard their plans to shut down the program, which meant killing them. she wouldn’t allow that to happen to her daughter - to any of the children. the nurses, up in arms, held a revolt. they each took charge of a child, and they ran. together, they managed to break free of the facility ; but they wouldn’t manage to reach their safe place, the holding in canada called ‘eden’, where word was that the x-men still existed, without help. 
she had heard whispers of the wolverine’s whereabouts, and she sought him out with x-23 - with laura in tow. at first, he refused. he couldn’t RISK it, and frankly, he wasn’t in any position to help.  donald pierce and the reavers found them, and they made laura kill her mother figure with the trigger scent. she escaped, but rounded back in time to see logan arrive. when he did, she slipped into the boot of his car and followed to mexico. 
here, it plays out the same. charles insisted they help her, and logan relented if only because he realized who she was. they tried to reach eden, together, and along the way, the cost wrought was UNIMAGINABLE. they found the rest of the kids. they fought. they won. he died. they buried him in the forest, and right before they crossed the border into canada and towards safety, one of the children pressed logan’s dogtags into laura’s hands. she’s been attempting to live up to the name stamped into them ever since.
she had learned a lot, in the little time she had with her FATHER. she learned that she didn’t have to be what she had been made to be. she learned she could be better. but she also learned that the people she cared about would always end up hurt ; and that she needed to distance herself, to avoid that happening. 
while she was always there for eden, and the mutants safe within its walls - she didn’t spend much time there. she would always return, when they needed her. but it was better for them all if she remained a nomad. her priority became tracking alkali transigen labs and DESTROYING them. ensuring they could never do what had been done, again. 
and then ; a cruel twist of fate. she arrived on earth-616 when she was eighteen years and six months old, through a dimensional anomaly that she encountered in an abandoned lab in texas. it took eight shield agents and three avengers to slow her down when she first came through. you can imagine how well that fight went for them. 
after years being held within a shield facility in upstate new york, under the supervision of a one phil coulson, it was decided that laura should attend the university, at least, for a time. this coincided well with the decision of allowing exchange students, which was a good cover for laura. 
part two of two : what u missed on glee.
she isn’t, and never will, graduate. laura wanted a life ; she decided to take it, not long after she started attending the school. the ankle monitor that shield had insisted she wear while attending was removed in the dead of night, and laura did what she does best ; disappearing. she’s been traveling this world ever since, attempting to try and settle into this strange, and in a lot of ways, better world. 
she’s also been searching for a way back to her own on the downlow, but ... that’s for another time. 
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