#character gang trios!
glitzybunny · 1 year
why 3? is it cause :3 or maybe cause its the perfect amount of anything! 3 scoops, 3 ice cubes? TELL US!!
It is those reasons and more! Though my epiphany happened while I was eating and watching that random show I was binging the other day-
We love a food found family trio, legitimately crying, tears everywhere-
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sparticus2000art · 3 months
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Here’s a bad guys line up!
I’ve been thinking about how I want to draw these guys recently, and I figure I may as well draw it out!
I’ll be using these designs for any projects I tackle with them going forward! (Unless I change my mind on things)
Nightmare by jokublog
Dust by askdusttale
Killer by rahafwabas
Horror by sourapplestudios
Cross by jakei
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wafflefrie · 8 months
Look we all love to point out Captain Jack Harkness kissing the doctor (and his existence in general because that man) but you know who we never talk about?
This goddamn trio
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The lesbian lizard lady who ate Jack the Ripper, her wife who is a very talented swordsman (woman), and the highly trained and deadly warrior alien with a love for grenades who is acting as their butler. All living in Victorian London.
Madame Vastra, Jenny, and Strax my LOVE
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mr-jack-letterman · 11 months
Murder Time Trio WOOO
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-click for better quality-
When I was younger I had a rly hard time telling these three apart from each other. Since they're all variants of Classic sans and have no major color pallet changes and similar designs it was difficult for tiny me to wrap my head around lol. So I decided to differentiate them a bit more. Mostly just shifting the hue of their jackets so they're still blue but different enough to tell apart at first glance, as well as other changes like hoods, shoes, shirts and whatnot. I mostly made these for myself, but I figured they were good enough to post :]
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ph0enix-12 · 1 year
They are in love your honor
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triglycercule · 16 days
murder time trio should get to all experiment with dead bodies. why? because they can and it would be cool (okay but seriously i'll provide an explanation). all these freaks are scientists. i think it would be cool and funky if they all got to experiment! except morbidly and bloodily because none of them are right in the head now
killer like has his whole thing with wanting SOULs for some unspecified reason??? i'm just gonna steal the common interpretation that it's so he can find a way to fix his own soul through coding. but like,,,, what does he do with the desd bodies??? all the fellas he stole those souls from??? well this is where dust and horror come in
it's One Panel and i'm ABSOLUTELY reaching here but there's a (single) panel in horrortale where horror's pulling apart some sort of human limb like an arm with a device. why? what for? i dont fucking know at all man like papyrus said why is he always doing something weird in his room. anyways i'm just gonna guess its probably for rationing in horrortale (but it could also be that horror just felt like ripping apart an arm. for scientific purposes. or because he did this after ripping off aliza's arm so maybe he's doing some sort of recollection reflection or something i dunno im not a professional on this man). killer could totally send all the already dead HUMAN bodies horror's way for horrortale's food situation. maybe horror likes to dissect the humans yk maybe he's not just the type of bash (a head open) and dash. monsters dust so you cant see their guts but humans dont so horror gets prime time first hand experience on the human body! and then after he's done poking around in the brain he can give the meat and organs to papyrus for him to do his specific spaghetti confectionery
but but but what about the monsters that killer takes the souls from! surely he doesn't just take from only humans (dude idk if he actually does take from only human or monster. probably not right? he needs to study BOTH types of code so he can be most informed) so he must also take monster souls. and fortunately for dust (i do NOT think he'd quite like handling gore) monsters don't leave behind bodies or blood or allat they leave behind dust. hah. dust experiment with dust. i think its already a headcanon out there that dust likes to study dust. i cant exactly recall WHY exactly but maybe it's for sentimental reasons or just something to do to pass time between resets. so killer can just pass on whatever dust he gets to him and he can put it under his little microscope and be a little nerd what a GEEK. give this guy glasses and remove all his teeth but one i guarantee you he'll look like 🤓
and once again i hear you cry out but but triglycercule! why would killer even give the dead bodies and stuff to horror and dust in the first place??? erm number one because i said so silly. jk. and number two (if we're going in a nightmare's gang context here) it could be as a way for killer to gain horror and dust's trust. a way for them not to tattle on him for stealing souls for some unknown reason. maybe there's somehow important coding information left behind in the bodies/dust (because that's literally what utmv is made of) and killer wants dust and horror to do that work for him for some reason. maybe just a way for him to get rid of evidence maybe if theyre buddy pals and close enough just as a gift. i dunno man there's a bunch of reasons as to why he could possibly do this. i just really liked the thought of the trio all wearing fancy lab coats and goggles and i was like damn how can i make this a real possibility
#you can really sense the i dont know what the fuck i'm talking about energy in this one#all i had was a SINGLE!!! just ONE vision and there was straws for me to grasp so i fucking CLASPED those straws man. i'm totally reaching#listen when you gotta make do you gotta make do. the idea's cool and funky though i really like the vision#is the utmv code based or is it creativity based. which one#does the utmv look like a bunch of files or does it look like the doodlesphere. is it a concept or code???#i think that it's up to personal interpretation. it could also be both#i love the different possibilities that could be made based on the different code vs concept utmvs#with code you have possibilities like changing the files and breaking the game and stuff like that (error and killer etc)#BUT ALSO with creativity and concepts you can come up with characters just by saying oh i drew them or something like that (ink)#it just depends on the vibe you're going for i guess. darker stories sometimes have more associations with code#i like to think they both coexist but also are different#there are sections of the utmv that are purely coded like the antivoid and then section purely creativity based like the doodlesphere#and then there are worlds that have both like the code makes up the concept. or the concept makes up the code. either one#goddamn it everything just leads back to error and ink's digital vs traditional motifs AGAIN. i'm back at the fucking building AGAIN!!!!!#those two and their sick ass motifs can every elude me i feel like concepts in the utmv always have something to do with them#heh.... just shows how cool error and ink both are...... theres a reason theyre creativity and destruction (coolness factor)#hey hold on! this doesn't have anything to do with the murder time trio! triglycercule GET BACK IN YOUR NICHE!!!!!!!!!#looking back at my old posts to my new ones and i can see what lingo and typing styles i've faded out over time is so fun#or maybe i'm just the exact same and i havent change styles at all and i'm hallucinating and need to be put down#first day school is upsetting (as usual) so i need to think and post about the mtt to feel better#my favorite coping mechanism is thinking about murderous little creepypasta versions of a fictional guy from undertale#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#bad sanses#bad sans gang#utmv#god i have NOT used tricule hc in a while........ i really should more#tricule hc
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billygoat26 · 9 months
Reader x Dust (Any gender)
TW: Fairly graphic description of blood and some injuries. If you’re uncomfortable with that then I advise scrolling at least past it. I’ll let you know when the description is over! :D (I’m a kiddo who likes describing stuff, sorry.)
Description start:
Red. Red everywhere. Well, maybe not everywhere exactly, but the warmth of the blood felt like it was everywhere.
It ran down your head and poured from your nose, out from cuts and reopened scabs from when this had happened before. 
It felt thick, choking almost. You noticed that you had to cough, so you did. Up came more of that metal-tasting red liquid. But your throat was cleared… for now. Your chest hurt, a stabbing pain that occurred whenever you took even the smallest breath.
You were helpless, shaking as you lay on the floor of an alley in hopes for a saving grace.
This wasn’t new, if the scabs hadn’t given that away. In fact, it happened quite often.
Description of blood over, on to description of, well, bullying I guess? Plus more injuries.
There was this group of people who hated monsters, and went out of their way to hunt down any person who accepted said monsters and, well, break them.
Physically and emotionally… broken bones, broken spirits, broken hope. 
Descriptions over.
You heard a soft whooshing sound, and footsteps. Someone coming to save you? The world had started to grow fuzzy and the sounds distorted. But you swore you heard someone say something like “Oh my god!” and the footsteps growing closer.
You felt someone scoop you up swiftly yet… surprisingly gently. You hadn’t been able to catch a good look at your saving grace, however, before the world faded to black.
You woke up to find yourself laying in bed, but not your own. Everything still seemed blurry, but the pain had subsided for the most part. You slowly moved your arms to rub your eyes, in hopes to clear the blurriness from them.
When your eyes cleared and your sore arms were resting at your side again, you looked around, taking in your surroundings. They looked… familiar. You sat up, only to be stopped by everything suddenly spinning. You heard a voice suddenly.
“Best you just lay down. You need to rest.” That voice.. it was so familiar. You turn and look in the direction of the voice to see a hooded skeleton sitting in a chair near the bed. Of course, Dust! You smile slightly, and you swore you could see a faint smile on his face as well. 
“Dust! How did you-“ You got cut off by him raising his hand, signaling for you to stop.
“That’s not important.. How are you feeling?” His voice had that soothing familiarity to it, that tone that gave you a warm, comfortable feeling inside. Or maybe that was just you, who knows.
“I’m.. actually feeling quite a bit better. Thanks.” Your smile grows, and Dust nods in satisfaction of your answer.
“Good. You were… pretty beat up back there.. was it them again?” You had foreseen the question, yet the look that Dust gave you. It was so rare to see him look so genuinely concerned that many would see it as out of character. You hesitantly nod, averting your gaze. The skeleton sighs.
You knew he was part of the “Bad Sanses” and he, Killer, and Horror made up the “Murder Time Trio,” so you expected him to be thinking of ways to get back at the anti-monster group even though he tried to keep a relatively neutral expression. You knew Dust too well.
“It’s fine, really. You don’t have to worry about it, Dust.” You give him a reassuring smile, and he just nods. He wasn’t convinced and you knew it.
“I know.. I just…” The dusty skeleton hesitated, glancing off to the side, and you guessed Phantom Papyrus was talking to him. He sighed, turning to face you again. He seemed a bit more confident in what he was going to say now. 
“I just want you to be okay..” He smiled softly, yet hesitantly. You guessed he felt awkward saying that, like he hadn’t ever really done this before, despite what Killer may have said about him and Horror. Though what he did next shocked you.
He one of his gloved hands on yours. It was gentle, and sent a wave of goosebumps through you. You could feel your face start burning slightly, and hoped your face wasn’t turning red so easily. But it seemed it was, because Dust smirked slightly in amusement.
The two of you remained silent, just gazing into each other’s eyes as if communicating silently. After a good few minutes of this, Dust’s face suddenly flushed and he quickly looked to his side. You snickered as you listened to Dust argue with what looked like nothing but you knew to be Phantom Papyrus. 
“Why would you say that?” After a few seconds, his face got covered in another layer of blush and he tugged on his hood to cover more of his face. “Paps, shut up..” This just made you laugh more, though you could imagine how he felt.
After a few moments you could safely assume Phantom Papyrus had left Dust alone, and you had stopped laughing. Dust was rubbing his face and trying to relax enough for the blush to go away. You had to admit, it was strangely cute to see Dust, the usually tough-guy skeleton who is part of the Murder Time Trio, flustered. 
Once Dust had decided he had cooled off enough, he sighed and let his arms drop to his sides. There was still a faint trace of blush on his face, but you decided not to point it out. “…Sorry about that,” he mumbled.
You just smiled. “It’s okay.” The silence hung over you two for another minute before you spoke up again. “Well, you wanna watch TV or something?” You gestured to the TV that was across from the bed you lay in. You could tell Dust was considering your offer.
After a moment- and the blush on Dust’s cheeks darkening slightly as you assumed Phantom Papyrus had commented- the skeleton nodded. You grinned and scooted over, making room for him as Dust climbed in next to you.
“You pick.” You hand him the remote with a cheerful smile, and he nodded his thanks.
He eventually settled on a movie he knew you both liked and leaned back with a proud grin. You chuckled, knowing he did that on purpose- or maybe that was your wishful thinking. Whatever the case, you both watched the movie in content silence. 
After about an hour and a half you felt yourself growing tired, your eyelids growing heavier by the minute. Eventually, you felt yourself lean against Dust’s side, laying your head on his shoulder. You had felt him flinch slightly, then relax as he placed an arm around your shoulder.
The last thing you felt before drifting off to sleep was a soft kiss on your forehead.
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naturelights-posts · 2 years
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🫵🫵 baby man little baby- 🫵🫵 baby man little baby baby man 🫵🫵 (tap for better quality)
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epicwin64 · 7 months
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Suddenly it makes sense as to why I love trios of characters so much
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i had an idea for a dinluke summer camp au where they’re both camp counselors at a sleep away camp (inspired vaguely by my own experiences since that’s my summer job lol) and din’s the motorsports counselor (dirt bikes and go-karts) that’s quieter, more reserved with a lot of camp experience that campers respect and luke is the first-timer counselor on either the ropes or waterfront team (i haven’t decided which yet but they just make sense,,,, or fencing idk) who is charming and well-loved by all campers, likely a boy scout (but this is not scout camp). basically in this au it’s either they’d be co-counselors for the same cabin (and they were co-counselors) or they’re like the heads of the color war teams and have a jesting enemies to lovers kind of deal. i think if i did actually write this i’d have to do a lot of planning because i’m psycho about camp stuff and i would make the camp co-ed and not a gender-exclusive one like mine is because i think it would be more fun and i can add all the female characters i want and maybe have a lesbian b-plot who knows but actually this would be so cute
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marshmellowpaint · 2 years
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Momentarily going back to my roots to re-draw this post Happy birthday octopus man!! 🎉💖
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skyburger · 6 months
considering theyre not even blood related (much less twins), dio and jonathan do a fantastic job at being like a evil twin vs. good twin kinda story. theyre like dante & vergil or liquid snake & solid snake to me. i want to put dio and vergil and eli in a room just to see what happens
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sparticus2000art · 2 months
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I made the somewhat questionable decision to spend the last two days slapping out a bunch of character portraits to pop into a planning document for a personal project I’m working on!
So here’s a bunch of au sans portraits.
Nightmare and dream by jokublog
Eclipse’s concept by llamagoddessofficial , design by me
Horror by sourapplestudios
Cross by jakei
Dust by askdusttale
Error by loverofpiggies
Killer by rahafwabas
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basilthesnakingthing · 18 hours
Oh uh.. silly question but who cooks, who cooks and burns the food and who watches from the table waiting for food out of Admin trio?? Maybe even from treehouse gang too, if that's okay ofc!!
Every version of Jesse is an incredible cook. This started out as a voice actor joke - I think you know the one - but now I've genuinely thought about it in the context of canon, and Jesse is the default group organizer and a social butterfly. They feel like the type of person who would love host things and make all sort of snacks or dishes for events. Or somebody that would be really generous about giving you food to comfort you, or taking you to get something to eat as an ice breaker, or talk to you about shit while they were cooking. 10/10, cooks like a grandma. In my AU she still can cook, but she uses made up command ingredients. She is a vegetarian tho
Axel in either version is a surprisingly good cook. Understanding explosives involves understanding chemistry and an intuitive grasp on what a given amount of power would do to a given thing. TNT rouges are typically a lot more careful than their reputation suggests for this reason. 7/10, never burns the food. He's more of a low effort cereal, take out, or just let Jesse make whatever sort of guy.
Olivia wouldn't know. She's never done it before. If she did she would be so exact following the recipe that she'd be fine, but she's scared to try. ??/10
Romeo is the best cook of admin trio. No reason in particular, he doesn't even like cooking that much. He's just inexplicably good at it. 10/10, cooks like a professional chef. This does mean he has unrealistically high standards like a food critic though.
Xara is no longer aloud to use the kitchen appliances.
Fred likes baking better than cooking! He's a farmer and gardener so sometimes he make like, soup with the garden vegetables. But he makes all kinds of baked goods more often. 10/10, bakes like a grandma.
Don't apologize for asking silly things, those are my favorite! We already know the plot of Minecraft: Story Mode. I'm not interested in just rehashing all the same plot points just reskinned. The AU is probably going to consist of little comics of these characters doing things that illustrate their dynamic. Maybe actual plot points that deviate from the original in interesting way. But in any case, this is my favorite kind of thing to think about.
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Hood: Sadcholy! You can't launch Void out of a cannon!
Sadcholy: But he wants to be launched out of a cannon.
Hood: You're not supposed to listen to his terrible ideas!!
Void, in the cannon: FIRE!
Hood: Don't fire! Psychic, back me up here!
Psychic, finger hovering over the launch button: What?
Psychic: Myth, I am nothing if not a man of principle.
Psychic: Now let’s break into this apartment.
Psychic: I know we’re not exactly friends, but-
Carol: What do you want?
Psychic: I've been stuck with BF for 2 weeks and he's been drinking all the soy sauce.
Psychic: Help.
Dearest: Psychic, you’re in charge!
Void: Psychic, can we start a fire?
Psychic: If I had known this was gonna be the no-holds-barred elbow throwing massacre this has turned into, I would've played the start of this game very differently.
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hyperfixatinglove · 3 months
Stuck on thinking Jacob & Eden as physically disabled & using canes & often meeting Dylan who's arm got amputated during the game
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