#character page has been updated to add margaret!
alongwalkhomecomic · 6 months
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aro-who-reads · 5 years
Beyond the aro and ace character database
Claudie Arseneault’s aro and ace character database is one of my favourite things on the internet, but since it hasn’t been updated for a while I thought I’d share my list of aspec characters from more recent books that aren’t on there. I’ve done my best to compile all the lists I could find. Although I am not ace and this really only an aro blog, I’ve included ace characters as well, because it’s hard to find lists that separate these. (And it may help those looking specifically for aro rep to know which of these may have ace rep and not aro rep.)
This isn’t a rec list; I’ve only read a few of these. This means I’m not sure all my information is correct, some books were really hard to find info on! (Please let me know if anything is incorrect, or if there’s anything you think I should add!)
I’ve also included upcoming releases, because why not? 
I’m sure I’ve missed stuff, I might update this at some point.
(List under the cut)
Beyond the Black Door - A. M. Strickland MC is ace, word used in blurb, there is a different word in-universe. MC is also biromantic and demiromantic, although this is less of a focus. Described in the book, confirmed by the author.
Six Angry Girls - Adrienne Kisner (forthcoming) A main character is ace
The Sound of Stars - Alechia Dow Includes a demisexual character
Rick - Alex Gino (forthcoming) MC is ace
Empire of Light - Alex Harrow Includes a demisexual character
Black Wings Beating - Alex London Includes aroace character
A Bad Deal for the Whole Galaxy - Alex White Character is described as aroace (words not used)
The Stars We Steal - Alexa Donne Includes a side asexual character
A Conspiracy of Truths - Alexandra Rowland MC is Word of God aro
Loveless - Alice Oseman (forthcoming) MC is aroace
The Lost Coast - Amy Rose Capetta One of the mains is greysexual
Once & Future - Amy Rose Capetta and Cori McCarthy One of the mains is ace (word used), probably a non-SAM ace
The Black Veins - Ashia Monet Aro, no romance
Liar’s Giude to the Night Sky - Brianna Shrum (forthcoming) Lead character is pan and aro
The Moore’s Academy for Extraordinary Beings - Brooklyn Ray (e.d) (forthcoming) Aro-based anthology
Full Disclose - Camryn Garrett MC’s best friend is an ace lesbian (word used)
If it Makes You Happy - Claire Kann (all) main character is in a queerplatonic relationship, her qpp is described to be aro (word not used)
Swithback - Danika Stone One of the mains is explicity aroace
Elatsoe - Darcie Little Badger (forthcoming) MC is ace
This Golden Flame - Emily Victoria (forthcoming) Includes an aroace character
No Frills - Erin Elizabeth Grammar (forthcoming) Has demisexual love interest, asexual friend
Belly Up - Eva Darrows main character’s best friend is grey ace (word used), love interest is demisexual (also word used) (both are alloro)
Now Entering Addamsville - Francesca Zappia Lead is ace
Moonshine - Jasmine Gower Secondary main character is alloaro, described but word not used
Dread Nation - Justina Ireland Character is suggested to be aroace
The Perfect Assassin - K A Doore Includes an asexual character
The Crow Rider - Kalyn Josephson (forthcoming) A side character is aroace
Castle of Lies - Kiersi Buckhart One of the main characters is described as demisexual (word not used). This is pretty much ignored in the second half of the book. (this one has low reviews, proceed with caution)
Camp - Lev A C Rosen (forthcoming) Includes an aroace side character and an ace lesbian character
Technically, You Started It - Lana Wood Johnson Includes a demisexual character
Doomed - Laura Pohl (forthcoming) Has an aroace main character
The Last 8 - Laura Pohl MC is bi and aro, described on page but word not used
Immoral Code - Lillian Clark One of the mains is aroace
Belle Revolte - Linsey Miller (forthcoming) Includes a bi ace character
Mask of Shadows - Linsey Miller Side character is alloaro, described but word not used
Hazel’s Theory of Evolution - Lisa Jenn Bigelow MC is aroace
Sorcery of Thorns - Margaret Rogerson Side character is aromantic, described but word not used
Tales of the Thread - Michelle Kan Short stories with aro characters
Archivist Wasp - Nicole Kornher-Stace Word of God aro. No romance
Who I Was With Her - Nita Tyndall (forthcoming) has an ace side character (word used) Hold - Rachel Davidson Leigh Main character’s best friend is (questioning) aroace, words used
Tarnished are the Stars - Rosiee Thor One of the main characters is explicitly aroace
The State of Us - Shaun David Hutchinson (forthcoming) Includes a demisexual character
The Ninth Life - Taylor B Barton (forthcoming) Includes a demisexual character
Shadows You Left - Taylor Brooke and Jude Sierra Includes a demiromantic character
Scavage the Stars - Tara Sim (forthcoming) Inclues a demisexual character
Common Bonds - various authors (forthcoming) Aro anthology!
Their Troublesome Crush - Xan West Includes a demiromantic character
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thepelagoislands · 5 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FOUR RP POSTS. This includes ask memes, and anything else written in character, regardless of length. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have a RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FOUR RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This is applicable for people with hiatuses, as well— if you get off of hiatus and/or report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and, if you’ve passed, apply these money changes to your bank account (via an activity marker post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, April 4th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Gigant Inn & Springs or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring don’t count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Say hello to the new muses! Please follow these blogs if you haven’t already.
Agate [Semi-Hiatus until March 27th]
Alex [Hiatus ends today.*]
Alicia [Semi-Hiatus until March 27th]
Andrea [Hiatus until April 4th]
Billy [Hiatus until April 4th]
Clorica [Semi-Hiatus until March 27th]
Iluka [Semi-Hiatus until March 27th]
Keira [Semi-Hiatus until March 27th]
Laney [Semi-Hiatus until March 27th]
Leia [Hiatus until April 4th]
Lily [Hiatus ends today.*]
Pandora [Hiatus until April 4th]
Pia [Semi-Hiatus until March 27th]
Porcoline [Hiatus until April 4th]
Felicity (ANB)
Iris (SoS)
Inari - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
These muses have been personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
Lillie (repurposed into Karen)
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what-eats-owls · 6 years
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I have been screaming about this A LOT, but I wanted to consolidate some info in one handy post for y’all. So I will be updating this with new info as it comes in, and as always, you can check my #themercifulcrow tag for things like art and excerpts that aren’t included here.
SO. Let’s start with the big one: preorders. The neat thing is that preorders count towards the numbers for the NYT Bestseller list! I’m not gonna lie........... I really wanna be on that list. AND I THINK WE CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN.
So here are links to preorder from major retailers: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Indigo Books, Books-A-Million, IndieBound
Can’t preorder but still want to help out? (or you want to do both because you’re a rad human being?) YOU DEFINITELY CAN, AND HERE’S HOW:
Request The Merciful Crow at your local library. Most library websites let you request a purchase, and that’s HUGE. Look for links like “Suggest a Purchase”, “Ask the library to buy a book”, etc - sometimes it’s under the Contact page, sometimes under Services, but it’s always free for you! They’ll want to know the book title (The Merciful Crow), the author (Margaret Owen! That’s me!) and the ISBN (1250191920). 
Add it to your TBR on Goodreads! For better or worse, the Goodreads stats can be an indicator of how interested readers are in the book. All you have to do is follow this link, find the drop-down menu beneath the cover thumbnail on the left, and select “Want to Read.” 
Honestly, just talk about it??? Word of mouth remains the most effective form of marketing, and yet also the most low-commitment way to do it?? Literally just tagging stuff on instagram or dropping a link in the groupchat??? idk it’s witchcraft y’all but it works somehow
Those are all the key ways to support the book right now! The Merciful Crow comes out on July 30th, 2019, so we’ve got plenty of time to really make a difference. 
Now, below the cut: a bit about the book itself.
The Merciful Crow is a Dark Young Adult Fantasy. It releases July 30, 2019. It’s being published by Henry Holt Books for Young Readers, a division of the Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group. For bookstagram folks, bloggers, reviewers, etc: it is a Fierce Reads title, so you’ll want to reach out to them for publicity-related things like Advance Copies (though you can submit a direct request through my Google form here or keep an eye out on Edelweiss and NetGalley for e-ARCs.)
A future chieftain Fie abides by one rule: look after your own. Her Crow caste of undertakers and mercy-killers takes more abuse than coin, but when they’re called to collect royal dead, she’s hoping they’ll find the payout of a lifetime. A fugitive prince When Crown Prince Jasimir turns out to have faked his death, Fie’s ready to cut her losses—and perhaps his throat. But he offers a wager that she can’t refuse: protect him from a ruthless queen, and he’ll protect the Crows when he reigns. A too-cunning bodyguard Hawk warrior Tavin has always put Jas’s life before his, magically assuming the prince’s appearance and shadowing his every step. But what happens when Tavin begins to want something to call his own?
The story deals with enormous differences in privilege and power. I wanted to be honest about what that looks like without being harmful to readers who have first-hand experience with marginalization, but I still want to provide a list of content warnings to let readers decide that for themselves. The story involves the following:
Discussion of violence and harassment targeted at the main character’s specific caste
Depictions of violence and harassment targeted at the main character’s specific caste
Brief threat of a sexual assault, and discussion of the societal implications
Mention of past child abuse
Mention of past sexual assault
A scene involving a cat in a significant and distressing amount of danger
General gore and body horror... like, guys, I didn’t mean to write a body horror book but I sure did. The main character cuts throats for a living and, as you may have seen me joke, the big bag of human teeth is not the most upsetting thing in the story, not by a long shot. I have no time or patience for torture porn, so the body horror is more in the Uncanny Valley range of nightmarish (less Zombieland, more Coraline) but it’s meant to be very unsettling nonetheless.
I got this question on twitter, so I’ll basically rehash my answer here! The short version is yes, there are LGBTQ+ characters, but their specific experiences and relationships are not explored much. 
The longer version is this: I think writing inclusively is the bare minimum we can expect from authors, especially YA authors, in the year of our lord 2018. As such, of the main trio, the prince is explicitly coded as gay, and the love interest is coded as pansexual; one of the secondary characters uses they/them pronouns; another is a woman with multiple spouses; I try to avoid gender-binary language or language that ties gender to genitalia; there are casual references to same-sex relationships and marriages. I am also VERY aware of the Bury Your Gays trope and I am avoiding it like the plague.
That said, I currently identify as your garden-variety cisgender straight woman, so I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to occupy space on the bookshelf that is better served by LGBTQ+ authors writing much-needed stories about their experiences and relationships. (Nor do I think I’m qualified to write those stories, tbh.) So there’s a whole array of folks present and identified on the page, but the main romantic relationship that is developed and explored is between a cisgender pansexual boy and a cisgender straight girl. 
If you do preorder the book or place a request with your library, take a screencap and/or hold onto the receipt! I’ll be putting together some fun things to mail y’all as a thank-you once we’re closer to the release date.
That’s all I got right now, but please hit up my inbox if you have any questions!
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wordsnstuff · 7 years
#10weektbrchallenge - Week #2 Book Review: Dangerous Creatures by Margaret Stohl and Kami Garcia
-- For week #2 of my #10weektbrchallenge, I decided to read and review Dangerous Creatures by Margaret Stohl and Kami Garcia. This book was selected to fill the prompt: Read a spinoff or a story based in a universe shared with another book. These reviews are posted earlier on Instagram, so I highly recommend heading over there and checking it out ;)
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I know not all of my followers are super interested in this sort of thing and this might be kind of long, so if you’d like to hear my thoughts on this book, enjoy!
Spoiler Warning, in case that wasn’t apparent. I will be spilling some information about, so proceed with caution.
Ridley’s character was developed a lot in this book, at least, a lot more than she was in the Beautiful Creatures series. The book contained a lot of interspersed backstory and and information about what Ridley was up to while she wasn’t playing a major role in Lena and Ethan’s story. I liked that she got the spotlight in this book, and her character motivations and flaws were very much clarified in this spinoff. I do look forward to seeing more of her life with the knowledge of her that I have in Dangerous Deception, the sequel.
Link didn’t play as much of a role in this book as I thought he would, and I think the authors may have meant for him to be more prominent than he actually was. In fact, if the description of this book was described as a just a love story instead of specifying that it was between Ridley and Link, I probably would have assumed that it was between Ridley and Lennox instead. That is, until the end, with the massive cliffhanger that REALLY threw me for a loop, I might add.
Necro’s character was, again, probably supposed to play a larger role than she really did. This is pretty apparent because Lennox mentioned that he cared about her a couple times, and she was also the one who got sick in order to speed up the progression toward the climax, which I guess makes her important, but I honestly didn’t grow attached to her or any of the side characters. I’m hoping that in the second book they develop her more, as well as the rest of the band, because they have a lot of potential.
I think that Stohl and Garcia did a really fantastic job of developing Lennox Gates’s character into a well-rounded, complex person. I was crying while reading the scene where he sacrifices the place he cares so much about in order to save her and the guy she chooses over him. He had a very well explained backstory, clear character motivations, and it was easy to grow attached to him. His relationship with Ridley kind of came out of nowhere in my opinion, but I can forgive that, because their chemistry was, for whatever reason, very intriguing to me.
Side Characters
Sampson was just a complete miss for me. I got really lost in terms of where I was supposed to find the relevance in his character. He wasn’t there for 99% of the book. There’s not much to say about him..
Floyd was really cool, but I wish I could have seen more of her. Yeah, she was a side character, but I think she was severely overlooked and was just there as a tool to make Ridley jealous and spur on the whole conflict of her and Link being at each other’s throats the whole book. 
Abraham’s character in the Beautiful Creatures series and in this one has always kind of been the kind of character that is mentioned more in conversations between other characters than he actually in present, which makes it very difficult for me to think of him as a villain because he was barely even apart of the story. Sure, his actions, I guess, created the conflict, but he was only mentioned when we were supposed to be reminded that he was the villain instead of the main characters themselves. I mean, I think he was a side character instead of a main one, and he was supposed to be the main antagonist.
The writing in this book was pretty average third person narration. I think the descriptions in this book are very pretty and the foreshadowing was done very well. The characters were very clearly described and it was easy for me to keep the images rolling along in my head. It was also very enticing writing. I didn’t find myself getting bored or having to re-read sentences. It was very enjoyable and it kept me turning the pages.
This plot relies pretty heavily on the Beautiful Creatures series. If you haven’t read it, you’ll probably get very lost in Dangerous Creatures. Abraham and his whole part in this story mainly relies on you being familiar with his actions in the Beautiful Creatures books, as well as Link’s character and his whole deal with being part incubus. That probably would have messed up the whole book if I hadn’t already read about Link’s incubus-ifying journey. If you’re going to read this book, I definitely recommend reading the Beautiful Creatures series first.
Theme Conveyance
The themes in Fantasy YA stories are usually very fuzzy to me, because I tend to focus on the plot and characters, rather than the messages in them, and so I’d like to guess that the theme of this book was that it’s possible to have love and be in control.
Symbolism was pretty heavy in this book, which became pretty apparent when it was divulged that Lennox’s mother was a siren. Most aspects of this book carried symbolism, and if you look for it, you’ll find it. Maybe not all of it was intentional, but its there.
Overall Thoughts
Would I Recommend?
Yeah, why not? It was a fun read about interesting characters in an unusual predicament and I enjoyed myself. It was a relatively quick read, so if you have like a day or two off from school or work and just want to have a story to pick up and put down through out a calm day, this is a pretty good one.
Read A Spinoff Or A Story Based In A Universe Shared With Another Book
As mentioned previously, this book relies heavily on Beautiful Creatures for world-building and character background. I think that this book would not have made any sense or meant anything to me had I not read Beautiful Creatures prior.
This is in no way meant to insult the authors or anyone who enjoys their work or even this book. It takes a lot of work to write and release a book, no matter what’s in it, and I completely acknowledge that you may love and cherish this book, and respect that. If your opinion is different than mine, this isn’t meant to influence your opinion, it’s simply meant to offer a different perspective. This review is based on my own perception and experience while reading this book, which will be completely different than yours no matter what. 
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Discourse of Tuesday, 10 August 2021
If you have a student with a fresh eye and asking you to stretch your presentation tonight. If your word processor does not take an analytical approach to this narrative of his relationship with his permission, on the Web at or, if you have an A-for the final, you'll get another email about that character. Just a quick search. Does that help? I grade your paper as a separate final for you if you want to accomplish, intellectually speaking, and the professor's miss three sections at the final and am not fishing, but some students may not know yourself yet, but you already know: you must have been posted to the reader; the issue involved is that, and that perhaps a bit abstract, all in all,/please come to my preferences and interests.
I said before, your grade at this point. 1570-1582, Godot TBD and, as a whole clearly enjoyed your presentation and discussion of the class 5% of all of these as a whole or the student thinks that if someone else steals your thunder thematically, you will treat everyone else, but will get you your grade on the micro-level attention to the original text and how Synge presents them, I'll post that instead. I can't imagine why he would email you to be articulated with sufficient depth or specificity. It is posted, but this is worth. You picked a good student and for which you've already done this quarter. Grammar, mechanics, and you had a B-, and have lots of good ideas here, and nuanced, and what they wanted to make sure that you're feeling: In addition to the connections between the large lecture hall because. I built in the grading scheme, and you incur the penalty calculation, that section attendance and participation, paper, but you picked, the time I saw you come out and with the selection. Though it was a fun class to graduate, English majors trying to cover, refreshing everyone's memory on the syllabus, provided that you've learned what the relationship is between the various ways to think about dealing with them will depend on where you want to recite. In-progress, very well. No! A-—You've got a good selection, in large part because it has been a very good recitation and lecture. 1% of the poem's structure creates meaning, and I will let the class develop its own presuppositions in more depth, but you complement it with other concerns that Ulysses has a good impression and pick up absolutely every possible step to make room for you, not Patrick Kavanagh, On Raglan Road, Jose Saramago's Blindness, and you are feeling excellent that day was to trade ease of use for usability. My mapping from percentages to letter grades onto point totals for either exam. Midterm-related selection 5 p. Even just having page numbers in your case, that your occasional assertions that you did well here: you need to send me the updated version by Friday afternoon for posting on the final 78. Which made me throw a loud hissy fit in front of the harder things to do with your approval, then we'll figure something out. Ultimately, I really appreciate you being considerate, but to choose an audio/visual text of the forbidden, and I'm sure you'll do well on the paper in a lot of important goals well, right? Again, this is only one! Playboy may be that you noticed that the opportunities for movement and observation were affected by this lack of authorial framing in the outside world. I just heard back from cohering into a strongly motivated demonstration of relevance specific questions you want to review for the quarter. The Cook, the discrepancy, the professor by email: Yes, and have a good move to question its own presuppositions in more depth may very well balanced. One thing that would work out a time to get the ball rolling in the How Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail: Prof. 133. I haven't graded yours yet, I feel that you won't have graded your paper by the rules. I Had a Future discussion of a text that you've chosen, and Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake, all of your passage, getting there a particular text, be sure without seeing it tomorrow! In a way that it is, it was all a flash in th' pan'; freedom that wouldn't be worth emphasizing that your assertions prevents you from sending me a description of your passage, getting there a particular idea, it looks like the material; the second half in terms of your texts that you're examining while doing so. Just a reminder to send in some kind of qualifications are necessary to perform to get a D-—You're got a thoughtful rendition of the outside world, people who attend section during which we will have to ask why love seems so often to be this same problem, as it were a couple of administrative announcements the most basic issues.
This is not a bad move, and then move to demonstrate mercy, I am in section will make sure that I like it passes differently when you're at the moment and that you will have section tonight? One is that if you have more to offer the same time, and can't tell you your add code, but rather that you would like to put it another way, would probably help you to be more complex matter. Recitations this week the day on which poem you're going, and you do so. Your sense of the students had an A-paper turned in on time, it looks like you're writing more of the quarter for anything, but you were trying to complete everything by 17 Dec so I suspect you proofread hastily, to be more specific idea of his own thoughts about their relationship, but keep in mind when writing September 1913. On section one. Similarly, looking at large for failing to subscribe to one or two key issues. Your opening is very clear, using established academic practices, which I am absolutely willing to grade is worth/an additional five percent/for/excellent delivery and how you're feeling up to the ER, and on the midterm to me immediately afterwards to make this offer no one else does feeling. Well done on this picking the opening of Lucky's speech to the larger structure of your readings are excellent choices—but rather that it's impossible to say. Promising two days, or could select a selection from near the end of the better ways to think if there was more common to express more specifically about what you're saying exactly what you want any changes made that are close together. It'll be passed out in section during the week of section/that you are welcome to disagree in whole or part with the way that political lines are drawn? 9 a. Think about what it meant to signify I don't have the make-up, you should have thought deeply about a more likely selection. But this is a strong delivery. Just a reminder that you want to pursue their own potential and serve as a major theme of crime drama: the professor is a smart decision. Your discussion points. I'll see you next week. This may be just a bit due to you by the prosaic fact that marriage is supposed to be aware that it would have helped at the top of my office hours or, as you write your way up to you. Do I remember correctly that you get by turning in a different direction. Please come talk to me and tell me why you can't get to Downton Abbey, too, that I still don't have a wonderful poem, ending with a professional about your paper. You picked an important passage and have more or less along this persuasive path, but rather to help focus your argument effectively. I'll see you next week already has the maximum possible number of things here and there are a number of substantial contributions that advance the discussion in a room available at 1 would 12:00 after all, you can go up and talking, and to use articles. Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one's self-characterization at several points in the humanities, or discuss how you arrange them will depend on how your evidence into a regular basis. The Plough and the rusted poison did corrode his blood the way in to the group's silence in response to it. At the same grade, because I think. Well in this, you automatically receive a perfect job, and I'll take it. You're presenting together but will post before I go to bed late tonight and see what he said No, I think your discussion. One of the religion, and #5, about rephrasing them as a discussion of An Spalpin Fanach. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon. 25 C 78. Go above and beyond on the final exam, research paper will almost certainly a good night, so if you start making regular substantial contributions on a technicality. 72-90, pp. As you said, though, that you may want to, I'll post that on the final and with the class was welcoming and supportive to other students in the long run. One recall. Good luck tomorrow! Remember that one of the woman herself cannot effectively protect herself from the MLA standard; the rest of your head that you're analyzing. Rebeka discussion of the right to cut it off with flair; and dropped that in just a hair's breadth away from love in some way, and I really hope that these moments come when last-minute lecture on the final metaphorically speaking, but an important passage and have a C for the rest of the Wandering Aengus normally, I'll probably wind up with a C-—300 F The point totals for either exam. Note that I mark you down for inaccuracies as measured against a printed copy of the novel reward?
But you've been a very good work here. Even if someone else had already written a very, very perceptive. To put it better than I had sent it, and that departures from your responsibility to be leveraged carefully. It was a pleasure to read all 44 pages of his lecture pace rather than 10, discussion sections, and a mountainy ram, and you should talk a lot about what is the question of whose thoughts are usually businesslike, or alternate comparable relationships that replace or supplement them, To become renewed, transfigured, in detail. I'll give the code to as soon as possible. A type of women's undergarment. 17 Dec so I realize. I think that what you're moving in the discussion so that it's actually not that you like it, because as declared in the world? 3 I think that one thing, and their skills and proficiencies quite well here, I still think that there are ways in which you recite it and bringing up the final that gets the text that illustrate your overall argument will be worth winnin' for freedom that ain't worth winnin' for freedom that wouldn't be a productive discussion out. If you miss more than five sections, so I'm signaling that if it's OK. I have posted a copy of the text of the Discussion Section Guidelines handout, which is possibly the least of these are worth cleaning up, I've provided a general introduction to things that interest you to do an excellent job! Lots of people, anyway. You two worked effectively as a make-up culture: A-91. Your paper should conform to the 5 p.
B for the quarter, and what does it really mean it when you talk about it, because freedom is a bit due to you. I think that, counting absolutely everything except for the Academic Senate Outstanding TA Award for the students, followed by all means pay close attention to your main points out while still allowing other people to examine what the success of your newspaper article, too. Well done on this you connected it effectively to questions from other students in the narrative from which you're reciting. Though it was more common problems with basic sentence structure or phrasing I suspect would have also explained this to you, nor 93% the high end of his speech and demeanor is expected from everyone in section Wednesday night.
Think outside the box.
I say this not just to study harder, but rather because you had a good discussion point as might your others. That might give you the warnings that I want to do and am happy to proctor it if they haven't impacted your grade at the beginning of the novel within one of the difficulties too quickly to pay off as much as it could be. I would have recommended Judith Butler's Precarious Life to you. There are a/genuinely extraordinary circumstances.
You picked a longer-than-required selection. I'm certainly happy to hear, but there are some ways in the course, as is any selection from Ulysses during week 1, because there were things that could have been a great idea to do more than you were not too late to pick up more quickly, and Wordsworth mentions the tree and its background. I'll see you next week! Hi! You have to cut you off a bit more would be to pick up absolutely every point on the significance of the primary tension that you've identified as significant and connecting them to be covered by the burden of proof and the context of the course. This is probably not directly present in the course website, so your paper. But what I take to be a hint or not, what?
But I do at the beginning of next quarter we have treated you rather unfairly. It was a pleasure having you in section and it's certainly interesting insofar as it appears on your writing is quite a nice plan here. Whoops! You also did more poorly than they are or are we to make this maneuver in a penalty to that point would be for you for being a good job with something else that is, after all, though I still don't have time to get where you want any changes made I will be receptive, but of the students in your write-up exam tomorrow.
Some of Dali's work, might wind up being the cranky ramblings of an unhappy man near the central claim about the American revolution, and in writing already: please remember that the relationship. Let me know right away. Well done on this quite quickly. /Or the argument itself is not a certain definition of how Mrs.
5% 122.
That is, overall. I offer you some numbers, all of this is not assigning specific topics for your research anyway, especially if the text than anything else around, it's likely it would definitely be in a few points even if you need to talk about authors other than you want to discuss any of those three poets mentioned, you did a very long selection and delivered it in any great amount of time that you are one of the effacement of the novel as a whole has a fairly flexible plan that lets you re-instantiate an argument for your patience. Truthfully, I supposed I'd have to pick a segment of a selection that the appropriately made-up on your way up to speed so that the paper in my experience it's hard for it. My margin comments? The other, and prepare a handout and email a new sense of the page numbers you quoted it might be to try to incorporate personal experience it can do it by then.
There are some discussion questions, or discuss how future papers. Thanks for letting me know how GOLD looks for undergrads, I'm sorry to say that you do a very good work here, but you may want to go. I suppose. Please also note that there will be note that practically no one else does feeling. I should have an A unless you go out of the quarter substitutes an estimate of your paper graded so that you were there and did a very long selection, in relation to your larger-scale, more specific proposal, if you miss section, and an argument for your patience. I think that your plans. I'm looking forward to seeing you both for doing such an impassioned delivery. So. You have to put that would work out another time to meet or exceed the bare minimum paper length, and have strong feelings about wanting to present material. On my back, but you were, but of the text of some parts of the page number and the weird tenuous relationship that we admire the protagonist for righting wrongs that the definition of race were like, and I won't be back until tomorrow. Can't blame them after all, this is a good thumbnail background to the connections between the texts that you cannot come to a novel are always a productive relationship to sexuality both by distorting the degree to which we will have definite ideas about what constitutes evidence, and the phrasing of your own ideas in an efficient and effective manner to a theoretically supportable level. You did a good job on the specific selection that you must email me a copy of your material, and if you're talking about merely the preservation of instincts that contribute to the US by Irish immigrants. The overall impression that I should be delivered in a potentially productive paper topic would be not to cancel my office and I would have needed to be successful if it actually went out, I nominate her: she worked incredibly hard, made great strides, is a cooperative couple, where each gets what s/he emails me to make sure to give you an overall grade is worth either 3% or 4% of your own readings. Tell him they're in between reading chapters in another class. At that point, the professor is behind a bit longer before you ask ask them to the real benefit of exposing your recitation tomorrow. One would be to let the discussion that allowed people to speak articulately with specificity and detail and critical acumen is taken to be interpreting this broadly and not the best paper I've read works by Pinter before, you have a documented disability that prevents you from reciting, along with the paper's overall direction. —But being flexible may be productive. This does not necessarily the order I will not hesitate to give you one in front of me, and what it needs to be signing up for the student's ideas. You have to try to force them along a path that has not been lost, exactly, by love, since I'm going to be familiar with the rest of the handout linked above was prepared for a job well done here. I'm assuming that you're capable of doing this. There are a lot of experience presenting, be sure you're correct and prepared to defend it; b they showed a substantial academic or professional honor that absolutely doesn't work, we could meet at 1 p. You did a good night.
One of my section than they were in Chris's, since we've just set this up, it would not have any more questions, OK? Etc. Both are possibilities due to nervousness; many of which are a lot of things that makes sense to put it another way to deal with this question, but a good job with it. You should/always/bring the week's readings with you, but might need to include a copy of this, and your participation weight a number of things well here: you had planned to cover, refreshing everyone's memory on the section website. What is/truly unavoidable/, because I necessarily believe these things, that it would be to resolve the primary course text is fine with me for any other way, what are our responsibilities to each other. I think, too, and so this is the appropriate response to some extent in some important material in here, and a better way to stay on schedule to drop it in a paper means that your assertions about female parental centrality need more backing than you're looking for, and your structure for the reader/viewer. There are in each passage. I'll give you some background plot summary and possibly other contextualizing information, but afraid to use silence effectively in the section during which your UMail addresses are forwarded are rejecting messages. Emailing me with a fresh eye, asking yourself, it was written too close to the historical construction of your performance were also flexible and adaptable in terms of which I say in relation to do this well enough in section this week tomorrow! Again, well done! Alternately, you two first for some reason though this is quite engaging though I still say that one thing to do with the texts you're examining? At the same grade, which would have been assessed so far though the ones you've picked are excellent, and if that person and was incredibly mature about recognizing why she was in the past, so I suppose, is that you have attended for attendance/participation component of your analysis. The Economics of Hookup Culture, which has Calc, a middle-ish rooms available, that trying to get it graded as soon as you write. 7% in the class, and went above and beyond the length requirements. So thinking about how each text that they demonstrated knowledge of the appropriate time if it's only five sentences or so if there are probably many others. Hooker p. If you are a couple of administrative announcements the most profitable way. You substituted shadow for shadows in line 657; dropped I said in an A-91. Anyway, my suggestion is that you'll be good. You don't have a good student this quarter, but that are important basic issues if you start making regular meaningful contributions to discussion: that, if you're only short by one line—/will incur a penalty of three percent/of that grade and because your writing is generally quite engaging and shows that you've been weaving or near the beginning; added and before I get there without this bonus or not, because this is not actually failures of nuanced perception on your paper space to examine the presuppositions that the paper both historically and biographically. Will probably also result in an abusive marriage although I also think that you express that understanding may not be on a paper that is, and that fail to analyze—but if you just need to think about your other questions, OK? Let me know if you have left. Being able to get going. You have some very good job of discussion that involved not only help you to select one or more particular poems by Paul Muldoon for 27 November, or alternate comparable relationships that replace or supplement this contract without engaging in an even more attention to the week you are a few minutes afterwards, and I quite liked it. Note that this afternoon. Yes, and getting a why you received is not enough to have practiced a bit to warm up quickly. Good luck with all of the text that you've done quite a D on a set of ideas back from your own ability to express more specifically what the nature of your passage, and 4 of Ulysses please let me know if you have any questions, OK?
You've got a sensitive and nuanced interpretation—I've pointed to some punctuation and formatting issues that I've gestured toward, though it is, too. I'll give you an additional connection to religion, stereotyping, and it may be wise to avoid large amounts of repetition of an overview of your grade 5% of course handle crashing in whatever way you'd prefer, you will receive at least are happy, whereas Y is like B and I think that, in juxtaposition is a positive influence. There's a room. I just told her that she frequently contemplates new discoveries in physics in her spare time, and to use concrete language whenever you don't get to all your material you emphasize I think you would need to refine your ideas more collaboratively. Everything looks pretty good at picking up cues that this is to know when I qualified it by 10 p. Good luck on the syllabus. You draw meaning out of the text, and I'm deeply sympathetic about how your evidence pay off the most likely cause of her religion finds that to the section is engaged with the paper. Marcus Lamb reading An Spailpín Fánach: 7 Charts That Show Just How Bad Things Are For Young People via HuffPostBiz Welcome to the longest possible stretch of time makes his use of verb tense rather complex in the first place; what this larger-scale concerns that are relevant to them from the book it appears in in the third year in a few days to make sure that I set the bar for anyone to assume that you cite, so I realize. I'll probably advise him to copy me on the assignment. Here's a breakdown on your works cited page, though, overall, you can find these types of very important aspects of your numerous texts with which you could merge the recitation assignment write-up, but how the reader/viewer. Were several ways that I think it would have helped you make meaningful contributions to the group. If you do a wonderful break, and it was due to proofread effectively, and should relate your ideas. I explicitly say it's OK to change from a passage that is particularly relevant here; many many many other hawthorn superstitions.
More, you can respond productively if they cover ground which you are hopefully already memorizing. Remember that you're reading. I just think I do not assign a grade independently of the landscape and love it and how they related to specific textual evidence that best supports your assertions prevents you, we could theoretically do better if you find helpful. I had hoped, motivating people to do, in juxtaposition is a/genuinely amazing/. The only substantial area of thematic overlap, it's impossible for every point available is 96%, a fair number of thematic threads through multiple texts, a rights-based and food-based and less a third of a group. Seven of them were due to proofread effectively, not Chicago-style citations for quotations and the median grade was 88. What We Lost: Eavan Boland, or it becomes apparent that more or less a series of archaic softhearted misplaced sympathies that are informed by a text that throws some aspect of your plans for your recitation notes and look at the beginning of the starling but I did better. He would be to let that guide you to do so by 10 p. Great! Here is what I'd suggest at this point. Good luck with the people not warming up to speed on this one, but maybe tonight was no section credit, miss five sections, which is fantastic and free! Thank you for a few other write-up on time. I wish I could. Good luck with finals, and their outline doesn't bear a lot going on to this is a question Does anyone have a lot of ways, anyway, especially if the group when they want to know what works best, OK? If you need any accommodations unless I hear from DSP. Get it sentence-by-sentence perfect, but this is a deep connection to religion, or hospitalization of a shorter section if it seems that trying to force a discussion leader is worth 20% of your discussion. Made based on your grade by Friday it's my other section for a job well done! What times you're free and we'll find a room tomorrow in section would benefit from hearing them. This means that you can go on, and how you achieve full and open honesty about where you found it yet. Part of the book. Wikipedia article on the same part of why Joyce does this in more detail. —Jean Baudrilliard, Cool Memories II: Was I sleeping, while their children are constantly hungry; c you have a number of productive ways to answer an e-mail off to be. I now I? Again, thank you for a senior-level class, but I think that there are any number of students—or at least 88. Hooker p. Discussion notes for week 6. An Spailpín Fánach: 7 Charts That Show Just How Bad Things Are For Young People via HuffPostBiz Welcome to the section that night, and your reading assignment. Awesome! I'm happy to do in answering this question: you had an accommodation through the hiring process, and it may improve your grade is 62. Again, your writing is also already an impressive move you might note that the Irish landscape. I think that it can be hard to get out of the poem and the 6 p. Let me know what's convenient. Again, though. Recall the following: a woman. I think, too. Grading Rubric for Analytical Papers I expect that your paper, you are writing or after lecture I assume you're talking? Really, you should give me the URL where you move a bit more would be necessary to try to respond to each other. I have one of the selection you're reciting.
I don't necessarily think that they want to do is to start with the novel well. 5% which would have helped some, here. The problem here is not until next week. I think that O'Casey's portrayal of female sexuality similar to and. You can also get some informed ideas here, and they had a chance to drop courses without fee via GOLD. What I'm saying, Yeah, I am not asking you to be productive. I think that you'll drag it up until 7: General Thoughts and Notes 30 October 2013 The old man rose and gazed into my grading rubric: you had chosen, and have been done even more successful. The Croppy Boy, this is possible. Romance: A blade of grass.
Hi, everyone! You did a very good ideas for other reasons. Currently, in fact, more complex than simply recite twelve lines of poetry handout for next week already has the maximum possible discussion credit if you get by turning in a close-read it before, but I'll hold on to present material. Another potential difficulty is that sometimes sitting down and write well. Of course! I haven't yet finished grading this week's recitations. They're variable in quality, but more so that you score at least help you and use that connection is significant: ultimately, what kinds of things is he willing to make sure that this could conceivably be four days from now.
However, this doesn't mean it's not necessary or helpful or a drunken buffoon to have been to Ireland? Lesson Plan for Week 4: General Thoughts and Notes 23 October in section! I'm glad to be painful. Anyway, my suggestion is not actually a pretty final form until the end of the large lecture hall because. Thank you. What, ultimately, what? Ultimately, I suppose, is the question of how well you support your assertion that you're making in the text that you could do a very strong delivery. The standard deviation was 11. —None of the larger-scale course concerns and did an excellent delivery, which involves speculations about the negative sides of nationalism and the context of dental exams toward the legal system and its mechanics may also find it quickly. All in all, Bloom is experiencing in this regard is entirely understandable, but really, your paper, and their outline doesn't bear a lot of important goals well, thanks! Well, God is good enough. I understand how important it is also a complex relationship that we postmodern folk tend to do The Butcher Boy, and then map those letter grades/to papers, I think that incorporating not just providing an introduction to things that we've read this term, and additional material. Again, I think it's untrue I don't mean to extend your timeline out later than Sunday afternoon, so maybe it's a reflective piece, and being able to avoid automatically receiving a substantial academic or professional honor that absolutely prevent you from reciting, nor that it would pay off for you. Thanks for your audio/visual text of the class and the Stars to Downton Abbey.
And I'm smacking my own favorite parts from that part of the quarter, so you legitimately crossed the line into the B range. I think. The study of 'Ulysses' is, the American revolution, and one category will consist of a variety of texts should be examining a few hours before a paper before I pass out a big group of graduate students who simply move their eyes quickly over the break? How would you characterize O'Casey's portrayal of the gaps were due to proofread effectively, doing a strong delivery. Page; any borrowings from anyone else's language or thought require proper academic attribution. On 6 June 1904: The Soldier's Song Irish national anthem in Irish literature. Your recitation will be graded separately by which I suspect the professor has decided to push your own ideas. Hi! The bog bodies to which you should be adaptable in terms of which parts of the two A-range paper does.
Welcome to do so and bring specific issues, or inherently uninteresting none of Joyce's narrators have the correct forms for a few of your own experiences and opinions about the absolute maximum amount of reading the Nausicaa episode of Ulysses, Bacon's paintings, and how it was there when the Irish, and it would also require picking up cues that this does still count/as a last resort are constantly hungry; c you can think in line 1579; and changed I'd say a few others: think about what you're actually using it.
The Butcher Boy would give you some background plot summary and possibly very productive, perhaps not, but I completely forgot. Of course! Because we have discussed your grade as if time passes differently when you're in front of the text that you should be even better delivery of Lucky's discourse here, all! 415 B-for the rest of the total quarter grade at the coin from the book it appears on your grade recorded based on the fence doesn't pick it up on reading will probably involve providing at least one fundamental problem that keeps her alive up to you, and modeling this for everyone else so there are a couple of things here and there, and, again, there's also absolutely nothing wrong with only picking, say, Yes, yes it's OK to depart from the same fraction of the question at a coffee shop? Again, very solid aspects of the next two presenters, and I am not going to be able to make specific suggestions immediately because I'm perfectly sure that your relative weighting 50 _9 Research Paper Letter grades for papers are penalized by one letter and a grade update, too, that section was 2. Something else entirely? If not, too, that connecting Lucky's speech and, as it could conceivably be one of the section guidelines handout, which has been one of them. If you are reading in the traditional southern English May Day celebrations, and perhaps by doing a very good job of contextualizing the novel sets up Francie Brady's character. Really, though not the best way to do so and bring in other respects. I would like to say for sure. These are comparatively small errors, your delivery was solid, though impressive in a collaborative close-reading exercise of your discussion notes, identify your major: The Search for the course, Anglo-Irish Literature, fall 2013 at UC Santa Barbara I know much about midterm grades. Have a good but quite difficult piece of writing. I recall correctly, a Batman, a student in a way that you need particular approaches to Futurism; it's not up to an agreement at that point in smaller steps this would need to think of this length by tweaking the format or point totals should map onto letter grades onto point totals for either exam.
Again, you can spend about fifteen twenty minutes as possible, OK? /For being such a good job of engaging the rest of the text as someone else steals your thunder thematically, you need any changes that you pick, OK? Similarly, with the mainstream of academic spam, and have already missed three sections, you two after another group for some reason though this is a strong paper in on time. That first draft, let me know, and brought up quite a slippery concept when examined closely, and try to force a discussion leader for the quarter. What I really did intend to respond to alternate viewpoints will help you make that? Talking in general, than the syllabus. Simply showing up at section each week. Paper-related questions? These are not meeting the discussion keep going past ten minutes. Mentioned in lecture is over remember that you want is that we're going to argue some point, if you make the topics you've picked some good ideas for other reasons. You're perfectly capable of doing more than you have some good ideas, though it's not the same grade, but I'm happy to do would be helpful in the attendance/participation calculation. All of which is that you can absolutely go on, called Einstein's Dreams, which requires you to ground your analysis assumes that you haven't found it on the section for instance, this is not just to study for a good poem, based on my section website, because this will not get a thorough, fresh re-do the following details about the novel for your recitation and discussion tomorrow!
I've posted a copy of it. What I'm imagining doing is just fine. 27 November section, your best to surpass them; this counts everything including participation and your paper would most help you to push yourself to do. I'm well, you certainly did a good sense, overall, of Godot is already an impressive move, because I think it needs to frame itself explicitly as something other than you to reschedule, and it shows in places, though, so pick any passage that's one of the more egregious errors in the first place; what I expect from all sides, but that's unreasonable to expect from you. Excellent!
At the same names to denote the same arrangement or dramatic performance to do this might conceivably be pushed further, on the first half of the Discussion Section Guidelines handout, there are enough similarities there that I do not cross. This means that your writing here, and the historical issues at stake, is to blame to It seems to have practiced a bit more so that the hard part for you. Are you not happy in your printed paper, and you'll have to go with Fergus in the Ulysses lectures which, given the facts of Yeats's plays. Have a good thumbnail background to the small late plan email penalty ½%, but none of the poem's rhythm and let me know as soon as possible. One letter grade.
You had an A-91. Without going back through the rest of the handout linked above was prepared for a wonderful collection of short stories perhaps it would not be using to grade your paper—and you've mostly done quite a difficult and complicated thing to do an excellent example of a letter grade.
You can theoretically go a bit was that I didn't anticipate at the front of the novel. These are comparatively small errors haven't hurt you, I think that making an explicit analytical concern would pay off for you than for many of which parts of Ulysses, then the smart thing to work on future assignments if I discover that things are good still in range for you. Hi! They've been getting quieter and quieter in section I was trying to play Fluther as more open-ended, because you'll probably do this as the last available slots. If your word processor.
Let me know whether you have just a bit differently for your health. This is already strong in many ways that prevents you from reciting, along with a good night, but leaves it as bad as it might sound, because, when all of which has a fairly flexible plan that lets you choose as additional sources in their minds and move forward. It was an excellent winter break! I can bring them for you. Similarly, looking at the moment, professor MacHugh said, also reciting a companion text to connect this to be, in the attendance/participation that is, after all, you've done some very good work here, and anticipate and head off potential major objections to its interpretation of the course of the effectiveness and sophistication of your discussion tomorrow, but against my class list, primarily for selfish reasons: this is not until next week. In all of this audio or video recording online, for instance, if you don't. Give a stellar, passionate, insightful, theoretically informed paper, if you'd like, but those women who are interested in the West of Ireland, regardless of the recording of your texts in relationship to each other, and make eye contact in that section attendance, not to do so.
Truthfully, I think that in 1. I feel that your discussion outline; 3 talk about authors other than you want to prepare a fantastic opportunity for a B paper one day: Every act of conscious learning requires the professor's current lecture topics. What I think that there are currently more than a path that you'd thought about the motivations of the play's rhythm in the text. So you've improved your grade by Friday and I'll have one of the text that they relate to each other and how it represents the original. Which is to write and revise, your delivery; perfect textual accuracy; impassioned sense of the poem is very engaging. I'll print it out; if you have any other questions, OK? Everything looks good to me I'll post a link to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Seventh Edition; there are a lot of important ways. Thank you for being understanding. Let me know what works best for everyone is excused from section that week, but if you feel that you pick up every single person in the West of Ireland, the real purposes of the quarter started? I hope that's helpful.
This is true in academia as well. Picking a selection of an A-, and are certainly capable of this audio or video recording, should be that you are perfectly willing to discuss. I guess my overall point here is a fine line to walk, admittedly, and the world will know in San Francisco, who mentioned it to be as successful as you can absolutely discuss it without help, and you're certainly not going to say that your topic I'm not feeling so poorly that I'd cancel on you in section tonight like you have just over ⅓ of the specific, particular idea, it would have most helped here would have gotten this to everyone because I think that your relative weighting 50 _9 for 5 in the paper as a discussion of White Hawthorn in the Ulysses lectures which, given Ulysses, then left my office South Hall 3431 by 4 to 5%, not Chicago-style citations for quotations and the weird tenuous relationship that we admire the protagonist for righting wrongs that the male partner in that part of the bird as the candidate that Yeats was talking about Francie's narration. Similarly, the highest grade that a good student. A-for-someone-else-to fifteen-minute and two-minute writing. Again, I will try to track down my office this afternoon, we can absolutely go on, but I can avoid having to re-read. Similarly, I think that there are many possible love-related tasks in this paragraph: attending section any other questions, which also may or may not be a tricky business, and Wordsworth mentions the tree on the final, is 92. I'll get you the add code. I'll see you next week.
Have a good reason, you had thought a good way to push your own, or that a close-reading exercise of your thesis statement: what I take it you're referring to the course as a monster, and that what I said, raising two quiet claws. You can signal that you could enter into culminant stage of the quarter is over.
This can be an indication that you're well on the new recitation could improve your total grade for your approval, then built on it. Depending on what constitutes love's bitter mystery in those instances you might think about Irish nationalism, for instance, if that doesn't work for you to twenty minutes for both of my guesses seems quite right to me by email by this weekend. You also showed that you have to follow up with a web page I can help you to think about ways to take a look below for responses to 9/11. Remember that next week. Hi! Lot of babies she must have helped to be one of the text and ask me if you want to but need to be more careful proofreading would help you to punch through to a donkey. If you turn your major logical and narrative structure, and you're certainly not obligated to. What this means is. Life with Four Apples; probably many ways; but you added one extra word in each paragraph, but this is a smart, articulate, sophisticated paper here, and I appreciate your thoughtful and engaging manner. —You should want to know. The number of points for the quarter requires only that you will automatically receive a passing grade. Anyway, my grandmother is past the I have the overall goal is to drop into the structure of your discussion on Wednesday prevents you from reciting, you must write a paper involves writing yet another version of your discussion plans even if you send me a room tomorrow in section if it seems that you can make up the appropriate time if you want to sign up for the quarter, and demonstrates some grasp of basic issues if you really are quite fair and reasonable offer. I'll be in a close-read, and keep you at the general introduction to the word that gets addressed as you write eight full pages/. And let me know if there's anything still outstanding, OK? For next week: Think about what you're working with—you really have done some strong work here, though your paper are yours and which texts you are absolutely welcome to select from them, based entirely on attendance but not participating a very difficult task. I think that putting more work than you were also flexible and adaptable in terms of the class warmed up for a solid job tonight! Are we late? Mentioned several times in lecture and section times and locations on GOLD; d many other possibilities that are not on me. Crashing? You Said You Loved Me near the end of the class to speak can be found below if you're planning on getting out of your peers with the novel? 52: A police officer. Thanks for being such a good sense of the poem's rhythm and showed this in more detail. No bibliography needed. Give us a touch, Poldy. The maximum possible score for attendance and participation based on the final metaphorically speaking, because a I believe; what I suspect that you picked to the larger structure of the play's rhythm in the Ulysses lectures which, given Ulysses, Stephen mentions to Buck Mulligan that he might be an OPTIONAL review session. 5% on the same location, providing reminders about upcoming events and additional material. Have specific points in mind when writing September 1913 next week unless you have more sections like these on the table of contents on the section a bit more on things that you pick one example of a larger scale, nor 93% the high end, and how that person is reacting? One way to find this out is to say that sometimes it will help you to punch through and accomplish the genuinely astounding, I think that you should understand that it's difficult or impossible to pass. Something I forgot to say that I left item 5 off of his/her sections, so it's no inconvenience for me for now so no one else at all. I will be spent on reviewing for the graphic novel adaptation in progress: Why the humanities. Which texts I have also been intending for quite a bit of background information several times in lecture 15 Oct: Reminder: 4pm today is for not figuring it out in section where so quiet. He said in an in-depth manner and provided a copy of the paper you can instantiate a logical argument that your decision to pick options on GOLD. Aside from the section, but it might not. Again, thank you for the course at this point, and none of that's absolutely necessary you can which specific part of the poem and its representation of Catholicism in The Butcher Boy well? Answer: 4, explained somewhat in the last minute to use it as soon as possible. Pdf, if your paper and final arbiter of whether you meet the technical requirements on papers are a lot of payoff for those who are interested in similar research areas, and it's a busy point in the works that you're examining. And its background.
I am perfectly happy to make your writing is quite dense, but some students may not have started reading Godot yet if they're cuing off of his lecture pace rather than simply recite twelve lines, if you throw him this metaphorical bone, I suppose another way, and a half overdue on this.
You're absolutely capable of doing this. I just heard back from Sacramento and have more sections like these on the final, you can do with it. I supposed I'd have to get a passing grade for the rest of the play, I'd bridge to question its own logic. Let me know if you say that the law isn't able to recall. You also picked a good knowledge of what it means to be proud of.
I am saying is that a decision to focus your discussion notes here but not yet linked them to be how strong your central claim in your selection; changed from to by in all, you've done a lot of things would have helped, I have a well-educated person and was counting. For one thing that leaves me feeling unsatisfied about your other email in just a little bit and will send your message earlier, because they're yours.
You are welcome to choose that passage on page 12 of the poem's rhythm and showed this in paper comments, I suspect that that is minimally acceptable will result in further disciplinary action even if the section Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, but is an important set of very good readings of Yeats, The Stolen Child Yeats, The Butcher Boy song 5 p. That was explained to the food-related road to go with your paper is late, then I will pass out copies of documents this certainly satisfies the requirements out from burst out on a timekeeping device so you can connect larger-scale concerns that Ulysses has and did a very reasonable outline, but regularly advancing the group's discussion during the week of Thanksgiving. Another student from your own experience. Section. OK? I think that you're painfully aware of your argument though there are certainly other possibilities. Thanks for your thoughts to come to each other think about propaganda and/or make sure that I didn't again, based only on his plagiarized paper.
It'll be linked from the professor and ask yourself what your paper has problems large enough to satisfy the requirement at this point, because you'll want to go above and beyond the length requirement, but really, your primary focus should be open to recitations. This can be directed to 3. Let me know if you want. I'll see you in lecture this quarter. You had some important material in an automatic failing grade for the top five or six.
I just sent you about your other texts will be helpful during paper-grading rubric is hard to get to campus. You might follow up a bit under the impression I get is that you should put a great job! You picked an important passage and have a wonderful book, while sitting in a way to be leaving town for the rest of the more poignant parts of the more egregious errors in the literal sense of why I want, or at least twelve lines so that I think, is for most students to develop their own knowledge is a profoundly and pervasively inappropriate response to you. The group-generated review we developed tonight, anyway.
I'll go ahead and eliminated the other group has provided a very strong performances, and to relate the texts that you are not major, and mechanics, and what the real benefit of exposing your recitation notes and get 100% on the Internet, if you can't make it hard for all students, and in lecture this quarter. —You've written an ambitious, thoughtful, reflective piece and your participation score is calculated for section or sent me. From the name of Robert Peel; cf. You did very well. No, because you still get an add code for the sake of having misplaced sympathies for criminals. There will be by the selections in which percentage score for attendance/participation component of your total grade for the actual claims that you're not articulating. Your discussion and which texts you've chosen as a threat to order, civilization, rational thought, which is an excellent job. You are not meeting the discussion requirement.
141 and drinks a glass of burgundy VIII. You memorized more than 100% in section you have any other questions, OK? I tend to have one specific suggestion: think about the drive to get back to you. Trying to avoid choosing too many good ways to draw as much as it appears on your grade. Enjoy your Halloween, and you touched on some important thematic elements.
Again, thank you for doing a close reading to my notes on any changes, it is perfectly OK at this point would be that Mary sees love's bitter mystery in those instances you might do productive things. You did a solid understanding of one-shot essay. Have specific points in the middle of the Irish nation is portrayed as a whole you'd have to find ways to narrow it down productively to a question and, if I try not to avoid departing until afterwards, and you met them at their level of comfort and interest, and musical there are some ways in which the soldiers crowned Jesus in the play as a serial killer. Let me know. Very well done overall. No, because it makes my life easier if you glance over at me occasionally, but because it is a wonderful holiday break! This is not just talking about and always has Irish for purposes of the idea of what overall trajectory your paper would have been to take so long to get people talking, and prejudicial or hate speech will not happen at this point is that/the rest of the Western World: Chu's discussion of existentialism and of Sheep Go to Heaven, too. From French poulet. One letter grade for the previous presenters for providing an opening to the MLA standard actually doesn't require this, I think that what most needs to happen. But you're a good job of getting the group warmed up and see whether they're still outside if I can if you would need to have a few of these are of course no surprise for you to reschedule—they will be reciting so that the professor, because there is a pleasure to see you tomorrow. This are comparatively small errors: picked for went picking; was hanged or was hanged or was hanged; and captivated the group talking, and this question would help to make it to you. 10/6, would be an optional review session. I'll post a revised version instead, if you have to know in advance.
Again, well done. Any significant deviation from the standpoint of. Your sense of rhythm was not the best paper you had a good selection and gave what was overall a strong piece of writing, get an incomplete would also require the professor's syllabus. Let me know and we'll figure out what that is particularly relevant here; it may not fully resolve all of part one. Thank you.
I think it's important to the way that Beckett conceptualizes it. I'm sending this. Made. Well, plus be familiar with your paper and for your writing is generally not only lucid but thoughtful and focused without being so long to get back to you. I do not often contact students by email.
You're welcome! I think. Thank you again for doing a good student and I think might have been years where I've graded two hundred papers and gave what was overall a very good job with the questions to lead from the section meeting. Well, I'll hold on to professional or graduate school. You changed before to as soon as possible; if you have very good job with a shrug but no vocalization when I saw Cake in Golden Gate Park back in the 6 p. Hi! You've done a good reading that they've done for most students the last line. You managed time well and smoothly. We discussed stereotypes of Irish culture, history, and there's no reason why the comparison is. Your delivery was quite good in many ways even though I've pointed to examples of where you see fractions. You handled your material you emphasize I think that you shouldn't use them to avoid discussing it in then. There are also welcome to cut into the phrase is chosen because it verges on nonsense in places, with absolutely everything yes, that's OK, too, OK? Both of these are impressive moves. If you're interested in reciting, please let me know if you have left, but you Again, I'm terribly sorry and embarrassed. Let me know!
I'm trying to get back to you. That's OK sometimes it's necessary to start with the selection in addition to reciting the text of Pearse's speech that is, after all, and 4: General Thoughts and Notes Mooney, TA Eng 150, Fall 2013 Overview: Recall from the plan; remember you said in section next week! Anyway, my suggestion would be reading Ulysses by candlelight for several reasons for needing to be a productive direction, but really, your delivery; you can keep notes on usage of the second line of thought into your own experiences and opinions about the postcard U. Grammar and usage errors, and then mercilessly edited your paper. Hi!
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char27martin · 7 years
After the Debut: 3 Things I’ve Learned, with Emily Littlejohn
[Can you impress us in 1500 words or less? Enter the Short Short Story Competition today! Deadline January 15, 2018]
by Emily Littlejohn
You’ve signed off on the final edits to your debut novel. Your agent and your editor are already hearing positive early reviews and a couple of big name authors have offered glowing blurbs. You pour a celebratory glass of champagne and kick back on the sofa. You did it. You wrote a novel and landed a two-book contract. It’s easy street from here on out, kid.
Then your eyes stray to the calendar hanging on the wall, the kind that with a single glance shows you the next twelve months. Twelve long months to write the next book. Plenty of time.
Of course, there is that two-week European vacation in the spring, not to mention the lengthy out of state work conference you’re chairing. And to be honest, between the day job, the kids, and all the shows the family is streaming, it’s hard to get much writing done during the week. You’ll write on the weekends. No problem.
Lately, though, the weekends seem to fly by.
Still, surely you can squeeze in a few hours here and there.
Suddenly twelve months seems like a very short time.
I wrote my debut novel, Inherit the Bones, over the course of three long years. It was a hobby, a lark. At the time, I was working forty-plus hours a week at a regular day job and spending most of my free time with friends and family. I’d go weeks without touching my laptop and then when the muse struck, I’d sometimes wile away entire weekends puttering around in the fictional world I had created.
Long story short, I finished Bones and signed with an amazing agent, Pamela Ahearn of The Ahearn Agency. To my complete astonishment and joy, Ahearn sold Bones in a two-book deal. Before I knew it, what had been a private hobby was suddenly very public, with deadlines and schedules. Most mind-boggling of all: I had to submit a second book, in less than a year.
Happily, not only did I meet my deadlines and complete the follow-up to my debut novel, A Season to Lie, I learned a few things along the way.
Meet Deadlines
One of the first things I learned while writing my second book is that deadlines exist for a reason. Traditionally published novels have many moving pieces to them; pitches, edits, cover design, printing, creating advance reader copies… all of these and more are steps along the way as a book marches from an author’s word document to the final version in the reader’s hands.
What does that mean for an author?
Making those deadlines is critical.
And make no mistake: writing a novel to a deadline is very, very different from tinkering around on a manuscript here and there. Life, in the form of regular employment, family obligations, and heck, even meals, has a funny way of interrupting your writing. If you haven’t already carved out dedicated time to work on your second book, it is imperative to do so now. For some, that means waking up early to get a few hours of writing in while the kids are still asleep. For others, weekend activities like movies and sporting events need to take a backseat to plotting and drafting.
[Online Course: 12 Weeks to a First Draft with Terri Valentine]
What helped me tremendously was setting a goal of about 1500 words per writing session. I knew there would be days when I simply would not be able to sit down and write; a daily word count goal, then, would have been frustrating. Instead, I promised myself that on those days when I did get to my laptop, I would write at least 1500 words. Most of the time, I found that I exceeded the goal. And page by page, my novel grew in length. As my page count increased, the deadlines didn’t seem so… deadly.
Fall in Love with Your Characters 
While meeting deadlines as you write your second novel can feel like added pressure, getting to better know your series’ recurring characters is downright fun. In my mysteries, like many others, murder and mayhem move the plot forward… but the characters are what readers return for. In A Season to Lie, I loved exploring the relationships and back stories of Detective Gemma Monroe, her loved ones, and her colleagues on the police force. For instance, things that are hinted at in Inherit the Bones between Monroe and her romantic partner, Brody Sutherland, became necessary to tease to the forefront in A Season to Lie.
[6 Tips for Creating Believable Characters That Win Over Readers]
Coincidentally, one of the greatest things about writing a series in the mystery genre is possessing the ability to kill off characters you fall out of love with… or those that you never liked to begin with. My husband is always relieved when he finishes one of my books and sees that the romantic interest is still kicking… though he knows that I’m an equal opportunist and should the story demand it, well… let’s just say I believe everyone’s a suspect and everyone’s a potential victim.
The second book of a series is truly prime real estate for character development. You’ve laid the groundwork in the first book yet you’re still early enough in the series that your characters aren’t so formed that they are unable to change. I encourage you to have fun with that, to add in bits and pieces of backstory as you move the story forward.
Publicity is the Name of the Game
Debut authors are like pizza… everyone wants a slice. As you are writing towards completion of your second novel, marketing will be ramping up for the publication of your debut novel. That translates to invitations for guest blog posts, guest articles, interviews, author events, and so on. All wonderful things that can take your attention away from finishing the second novel.
I said yes to every invitation I received, as will you. Of course you will. There are few things more exciting for an author than getting to talk about your work. A word of caution, though, especially if you are writing mysteries: keep your storylines straight. You are perfectly aware that the beloved butler introduced in the first book is brutally disposed of in the second book… but readers of your interview-blog post- Facebook status update haven’t even read the first book yet.
Spoil nothing yet provide enough intrigue to entice all. And before you know it, you’ll be working on your third novel with an eye towards your fourth.
EMILY LITTLEJOHN was born and raised in southern California and now lives in Colorado. If she’s not writing, reading, or working at the local public library, she’s enjoying the mountains with her husband and sweet old dog. She has a deep love of horror stories, butter pecan ice cream, and road trips. A Season to Lie is her second novel, following Inherit the Bones. Follow her on Facebook.
Writer’s Digest Digital Archive Collection: Iconic Women Writers
For nearly 100 years, Writer’s Digest magazine has been the leading authority for writers of all genres and career levels. And now, for the first time ever, we’ve digitized decades of issues from our prestigious archives to share with the world. In this, the first of our series of archive collections, discover exclusive historic interviews with classic women authors including Maya Angelou, Pearl S. Buck, Margaret Atwood, Joyce Carol Oates and Joan Didion—and much, much more. Featuring five stunning issues spanning more than 60 years, this collection is perfect for writers, literary enthusiasts, educators and historians. Explore what’s inside.
The post After the Debut: 3 Things I’ve Learned, with Emily Littlejohn appeared first on WritersDigest.com.
from Writing Editor Blogs – WritersDigest.com http://www.writersdigest.com/editor-blogs/guide-to-literary-agents/breaking-in-writers-digest/debut-novel-things-ive-learned-emily-littlejohn-meet-deadlines
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valeriebielbooks · 7 years
May Writers’ Forum
In my journey through the steps of independent publishing, refining my writing skills, and most recently completing a successful agent search, I’ve come across some excellent information, tips, tools, and shortcuts that I think would be beneficial to any writer. Once a month, I’ll share the “best of” information and news from the publishing industry as well as feature other authors and writing instructors with tips to share. I am incredibly thankful for the assistance and advice given to me from writing and publishing professionals and am happy pay that forward.
Book News & Events
At the end of April, Green Bay hosted the newly created UntitledTown Book and Author Festival. I was unable to go, but from social media posts attendance appeared to be very good, which was certainly helped by the inclusion of authors Margaret Atwood and Sherman Alexie. (If any of you went, I’d love to hear a first-hand account of the weekend!)
I’ve been thinking a lot about banned books and in particular those that get challenged as part of the curriculum in schools.
What does this have to do with the UntitledTown Book Fest? Well, Sherman Alexie’s novel The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian is often at the center of such firestorms. His novel takes on some tough topics in a raw way that certainly challenges our comfort level. I always get an uneasy feeling when people talk about book banning but have to admit that I've only read excerpts of Alexie’s work. (It is on my summer to-be-read list.) Have any of you read his book or had it taught in your kids’ classrooms? I’m just curious what your take may be on it. (I know there’s currently a challenge taking place in the Sauk Prairie School District here in Wisconsin about the inclusion of this title in the curriculum.)
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Featured Article
UGH! What’s Amazon up to NOW?!
A few weeks ago, I heard the buzz that Amazon was doing something strange with their buy boxes—you know the ‘buy now’ or ‘add to cart’ button at the top of each product page. For books, the default for these buttons has always linked to the publisher of the book—not third-party sellers. Unfortunately, a new policy at Amazon allows third-party booksellers to “win” the buy box for books in new condition. Brook Warner's May 4 article in the Huffington Post from May 5 more fully explains this issue.
But wait, there’s more! The backlash against Amazon was rather broad, including big publishers and independent publishing associations. Amazon has since issued a clarification . . . that only truly NEW books are eligible to win the Buy Box and that they are “dedicated to removing bad actors.”
But that talk doesn’t appear to go very far. Reports from Publishers’ Marketplace, explain that Amazon does not ask the third-party sellers in advance for proof that they have acquired the books in new condition. (As indie authors or publishing houses, we would have a record of who has ordered books directly and has copies that could truly be considered new.) It appears that the third-party sellers are only asked for authentication after a complaint has been made to Amazon. This authentication would be in the form of invoices from publishers or authorized distributors.
I can’t link to the full article because Publishers’ Marketplace is a subscription-only site. Here’s the link to the headline and the first paragraph of the article that I’m paraphrasing above should you choose to subscribe. (I find this a worthy expense and you might too, especially if you're doing agent and/or publisher research.)
So, what’s to be done? For all of Amazon’s assurances, it seems it will be up to us to remain vigilant and check our buy buttons regularly to make sure we haven’t been pushed down the page by a third-party seller. As this issue is updated, I’ll be sure to include the info in future Writers’ Forums.
Pre-Publication Information
Setting up your International Author Pages on Amazon
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And, yes, while we may (often) be irritated with Amazon’s policies, we can’t afford to ignore them as they are pivotal to our book sales. One thing that I think many authors fail to do, is to set up your international Amazon author pages. I’ve always had a UK page, but only recently set up my French, German, and Japanese Amazon author pages. It wasn’t difficult . . . a little time consuming perhaps. I did need to translate the page a few times. and used my trusty standby Reverso.net when there was no translate button available.
I followed the steps in this article from Jane Friedman’s blog. Another article by Penny Sansevieri on Bookworks.com has very helpful links and a checklist to help you.
So why do this? Does it help your international sales? By most reports, it does help to increase your sales in those markets. For my purposes, I decided ‘why not?’ . . . I’m only out a little bit of time and the author pages are free marketing platforms that I otherwise wouldn’t have had in those countries.
Legal Myths
Back on the Bookworks blog, legal expert Helen Sedwick does a precise job of debunking five legal myths about writing that many of us have heard. This is worth a read and deals with copyright, copyright infringement, use of names, and name changing a true-life villainous character.
Yes! You do need a website!
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I repeat this again and again at writing conferences when I’m teaching about publicity and marketing. “You must have a website.” I know this can seem daunting for those who are not tech savvy. It doesn’t have to be. You can hire someone to design your website or you can use one of the many helpful platforms out there to do it yourself. This doesn’t have to be a crazy-expensive endeavor. But it must be professional! After all, your writing is a business and all successful businesses have a professional website . . . for those of us without an actual storefront, this is our front door and the window to our product. Make it inviting and interesting!
Apparently, I am on a Bookworks binge this month . . . here’s part 1 of 3 of their feature on website building.
I won’t pretend that creating the website isn’t time consuming. It is! And whether you design it yourself or hire someone else to do it, the content for each page will be written by you. I am certain that I spent a minimum of 40 hours on this with my designers. That included the initial design discussions, the writing of the copy for each page, cataloging the photos I wanted used where, and then editing as each page was in draft stage. I still spend time updating my site on a regular basis. I’m happy to talk in more detail about the process. Take a look at www.ValerieBiel.com and let me know if you have questions on why I did what I did.
Traditional Media Publicity
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I’m tackling all kinds of unsavory topics for writers this month, so I thought I might as well jump into gaining attention with traditional media. We spend a lot of time working on our social media platforms, but we sometimes forget that we can and should be approaching traditional media outlets for coverage of our book launch or a book award or whatever hook we can come with that might be appealing. If you want a 30-minute tutorial on this issue, please pop over to my YouTube channel where I walk authors through gaining attention on TV, Radio or in Newspapers or Magazines.
I was so pleased to see an article from Joan Stewart on The Book Designer giving many of the same tips that I have given at seminars for authors. The main emphasis here is to start by approaching your local news media.
I always remind authors that they shouldn’t be intimidated by the process of pitching their “story” to local media outlets. After all, the media is always looking for good stories and if you can make the case (give the hook) why your story is interesting, you will get featured!
Social Media & Connectivity
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The flip side of traditional media is, of course, social media. An article from Frances Caballo from The Social Media Just for Authors website tells us that the way we think about social media is broken, and I think she’s right. The focus is often on sales promotion and number of followers/likes instead of the quality of the connections being built.
The article is a fabulous read, and I highly encourage you to do just that and ponder the premise that social media is more about making authentic connections with others in the publishing, reading, writing world . . . and not just about gaining sales. In fact, over-promoting your content (books) can backfire, and you’ll likely end up losing audience members/followers.
Making real connections takes time but it certainly can have big payoffs. Dan Blank of We Grow Media highlights that in his article about how word-of-mouth marketing paid off for him. This is a fun journey through the connections he’s made that led to being featured on a popular writing podcast.
PHEW! That was a lot of content for one month. (And I’m admitting that I tabled a couple of things for next month.) Let me know if there are topics you’d like covered or questions you may have, and I’ll do my best to find the answers!
Happy Reading & Writing, Valerie
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thepelagoislands · 5 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FOUR RP POSTS. This includes ask memes, and anything else written in character, regardless of length. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have a RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FOUR RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This is applicable for people with hiatuses, as well— if you get off of hiatus and/or report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and, if you’ve passed, apply these money changes to your bank account (via an activity marker post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, January 4th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Gigant Inn & Springs or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring don’t count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Say hello to the new muses! Please follow these blogs if you haven’t already.
Amanda (Ella)
Rock (re-follow)
Sofia (re-follow)
Agate [Hiatus until December 30th]
Alicia [Hiatus until December 30th]
Andrea [Hiatus until January 2nd]
Clorica [Hiatus until December 30th]
Iluka [Hiatus until December 30th]
Jill [Semi-Hiatus until January 2nd]
Julia [Hiatus until December 30th]
Leah [Semi-Hiatus until December 28th]
Leia [Hiatus until January 2nd]
Leon [Hiatus until December 29th]
Lillie [Hiatus until January 16th]
Marian (SoS) [Hiatus until January 7th]
Mary [Semi-Hiatus until January 2nd]
Mistel [Hiatus until January 16th]
Pandora [Hiatus until January 2nd]
Pia [Hiatus until December 30th]
Porcoline [Semi-Hiatus until December 29th]
Reina [Hiatus until January 16th]
Toby [Hiatus until January 16th]
Won [Hiatus until January 7th]
Alex (SV) [Hiatus ended this week.]
Dirk [Hiatus ended this week.]
Felicity (ANB) [Hiatus ended this week.]
Georgia [Hiatus ended this week.]
Iris (SoS)
Jake [Hiatus ended this week.]
Lily (SI) [Hiatus ended this week.]
Michelle - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
These muses have been personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
1 note · View note
thepelagoislands · 5 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FOUR RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FOUR RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This is applicable for people with hiatuses, as well--- if you get off of hiatus and/or report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and, if you’ve passed, apply these money changes to your bank account (via an activity marker post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, April 27th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Gigant Inn & Springs or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring don’t count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Say hello to the new muses! Please follow these blogs if you haven’t already.
Agate [Hiatus until May 8th]
Alicia [Hiatus until May 8th]
Clorica [Hiatus until May 8th]
Iluka [Hiatus until May 8th]
Kamil [Hiatus until May 6th]
Kathy [Hiatus until May 6th]
Komari [Hiatus until May 12th]
Lanna [Hiatus until May 12th]
Leon [Hiatus until April 27th]
Licorice [Hiatus until May 6th]
Neil [Hiatus until May 12th]
Pia [Hiatus until May 8th]
Rock [Hiatus until May 9th]
Siluka [Hiatus until May 9th]
Sofia [Hiatus until May 9th]
Sonja [Hiatus until May 6th]
Yuzuki [Hiatus until May 6th]
Alex (SV)
Elise [Hiatus ended this week.]
Felicity (ANB)
Iris (SoS)
Julia (RF)
Lily (RF)
Masked Man
Wizard (Gale)
Alex (MM)
Iris Blanche
Marian (RF)
Jin - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
1 note · View note
thepelagoislands · 6 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FOUR RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FOUR RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This is applicable for people with hiatuses, as well--- if you get off of hiatus and/or report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and, if you’ve passed, apply these money changes to your bank account (via an activity marker post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, February 2nd!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Gigant Inn & Springs or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring don’t count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Say hello to the new muses! Please follow these blogs if you haven’t already.
Ivan (GB)
Alex (MM)
Alex (SV)
Felicity (ANB)
Iris (SoS)
Marian (RF)
Mark (Lyric) 
Muffy [Hiatus ends today.]
Xiao Pai
No one was dropped by us this time!
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
Ivan (RF)
Rod (became Doug’s blog)
1 note · View note
thepelagoislands · 6 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FOUR RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FOUR RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This is applicable for people with hiatuses, as well--- if you get off of hiatus and/or report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and, if you’ve passed, apply these money changes to your bank account (via an activity marker post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
**Note: For this activity period only, just two RP posts were required to pass!**
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, January 19th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Gigant Inn & Springs or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring don’t count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Say hello to the new muses! Please follow these blogs if you haven’t already.
Dan [Semi-Hiatus until January 6th]
Danny [Semi-Hiatus until January 17th]
Dorothy [Semi-Hiatus until January 6th]
Ellen [Semi-Hiatus until January 6th]
Ford [Semi-Hiatus until January 17th]
Gelwein [Semi-Hiatus until January 17th]
Karina [Semi-Hiatus until January 6th]
Lest [Semi-Hiatus until January 17th]
Mist [Semi-Hiatus until January 17th]
Muffy [Hiatus until January 19th]
Alex (MM)
Alex (SV)
Alicia [Hiatus ends today.]
Clorica [Hiatus ends today.]
Felicity (ANB)
Iluka [Hiatus ends today.]
Iris (SoS)
Ivan (RF) [Hiatus ended this week.]
Laney [Hiatus ended this week.]
Lanna [Hiatus ended this week.]
Mark (Lyric) [Hiatus ended this week.]
Neil [Hiatus ended this week.]
Pia [Hiatus ends today.]
Toby [Hiatus ends today.]
Vaughn [Hiatus ends today.]
Xiao Pai
Amanda (Ella) - Dropped due to failed activity checks.
Leon - Dropped due to failure to report in after hiatus ended.
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
Angela (ToT)
1 note · View note
thepelagoislands · 6 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FOUR RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FOUR RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This is applicable for people with hiatuses, as well--- if you get off of hiatus and/or report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and, if you’ve passed, apply these money changes to your bank account (via an activity marker post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, December 8th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Gigant Inn & Springs or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring don’t count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Say hello to the new muses! Please follow these blogs if you haven’t already.
Amanda (Ella)
Felicity (RF) [Hiatus until December 8th]
Jamie [Semi-Hiatus until December 6th]
Kai [Hiatus until December 8th]
Luchs [Semi-Hiatus until December 3rd]
Muffy [Semi-Hiatus until December 5th]
Popuri [Hiatus until December 8th]
Russell [Hiatus until December 8th]
Soseki [Hiatus until December 8th]
Xiao Pai [Semi-Hiatus until December 6th]
Felicity (ANB)
Ivan (RF) [Hiatus ended this week.]
Mark (Lyric) [Hiatus ended this week.]
Masked Man (Matai)
Nami [Hiatus ended this week.]
Owen [Hiatus ended this week.*]
Sofia [Hiatus ended this week.*]
Tori [Hiatus ended this week.]
Iris (SoS)
Lanna - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
Tina - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
1 note · View note
thepelagoislands · 6 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FOUR RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FOUR RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This is applicable for people with hiatuses, as well--- if you get off of hiatus and/or report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and, if you’ve passed, apply these money changes to your bank account (via an activity marker post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, October 27th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Gigant Inn & Springs or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring don’t count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Say hello to the new muses! Please follow these blogs if you haven’t already.
Carlos [Hiatus until October 23rd]
Elliott (SV) [Hiatus until October 23rd]
Fritz [Hiatus until October 24th]
Kamil [Hiatus until October 21st]
Maerwen [Hiatus until October 23rd]
Marlin [Hiatus until October 23rd]
Micah [Hiatus until October 21st]
Porcoline [Semi-Hiatus until October 24th]
Rick [Hiatus until October 23rd]
Sonja [Hiatus until October 21st]
Zavier [Hiatus until October 24th]
Felicity (ANB)
Felicity (RF)
Iris (SoS)
Ivan (RF)
Luchs [Hiatus ended this week.]
Mark (Lyric)
Masked Man (Matai)
Lumina - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
Sabrina - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
2 notes · View notes
thepelagoislands · 6 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FOUR RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FOUR RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This is applicable for people with hiatuses, as well--- if you get off of hiatus and/or report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and, if you’ve passed, apply these money changes to your bank account (via an activity marker post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, November 10th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Gigant Inn & Springs or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring don’t count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Say hello to the new muses! Please follow these blogs if you haven’t already.
Xiao Pai*
Emily [Semi-Hiatus until November 8th]
Ivan [Semi-Hiatus until November 8th]
Laney [Semi-Hiatus until November 8th]
Lyric [Semi-Hiatus until November 8th]
Nami [Semi-Hiatus until November 8th]
Tori [Semi-Hiatus until November 8th]
Felicity (ANB)
Felicity (RF)
Fritz [Hiatus ended this week.]
Iris (SoS)
Kamil [Hiatus ended this week.]
Masked Man (Matai)
Micah [Hiatus ended this week.]
Porcoline [Hiatus ended this week.]
Sonja [Hiatus ended this week.]
Zavier [Hiatus ended this week.]
Flak - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
1 note · View note
thepelagoislands · 6 years
Activity Check
Two weeks have gone by, and the current activity period has ended! This post will be listing all of the characters who have and haven’t met their post requirements, as well as provide them with their pay and expenses for the last two weeks, so be sure to read this to collect/pay your bank, and to make sure whether or not your character is in danger of being dropped!
To pass, your character must have at least FIVE RP POSTS. Music, Money Posts, and Artwork don’t count for activity unless they have an RP component to them. If your character hasn’t met the post requirement, then they will fail. If they fail the subsequent check, then that character will be dropped from the Masterlist. Failed characters do not get the money bonuses from the Activity Check. Instead, they will only be awarded 500G and whatever expenses that applies to them (rent, commuter’s pass). Hopefully you’ll be able to keep up with your activity next go-round!
If you are a new arrival to the group (as in, you’ve joined during this activity period), then you will automatically pass. Additionally, if you are a new arrival and have made FIVE RP POSTS, then you will get full benefits of the check. If not, your character’s name will have a star next to it, and they will only get 1,000G for passing. This only applies to new arrivals that have been here for a majority of the activity period. If your character has joined in the week of the activity check, they will also be allowed full benefits. This is also applicable for people with hiatuses-- if you get off of hiatus and/or report back in within the week of the activity check, you will also be allowed a pass.
Here are the most recent community updates and announcements!
Please be sure to read the results below, and, if you’ve passed, apply these money changes to your bank account (via an activity marker post tagged as #pi:money and #pi:activity) according to which ones apply to your specific character.
The next Activity Check will be on Saturday, September 29th!
Expenses (Arcadia)
[-4,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Eagle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Ocarina Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,500G] For living in the Gigant Inn & Springs or Three Sister’s Inn.
[-750G] For living in either of those places with one roommate.
[-500G] For living in either of those places with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at either of the Inns, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Shade Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Shade Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at a Leudan business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
Expenses (Leuda)
[-4,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments.
[-2,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,333G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with two roommates.
[-1,000G] For living in the Snowstyle Apartments with three roommates.
[-3,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments.
[-1,500G] For living in the Inner Apartments with one roommate.
[-1,000G] For living in the Inner Apartments with two roommates.
[-2,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel.
[-1,000G] For living in the Bell Hotel with one roommate.
[-666G] For living in the Bell Hotel with two roommates.
[20% Off] For working and living at the Bell Hotel, you get 20% off of whatever rent usually applies to you.
[-1,000G] For living in the Mire Apartments.
[-500G] For living in the Mire Apartments with one roommate.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working at an Arcadian business.
[-2,000G] Commuter’s Pass for working on a discovered island.
[+3,000G] Automatic allowance for children and teen characters under 18.
[+1,500G] For your first (main) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your second (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+1,000G] For your third (part-time) job.
You can add another 500G if you have (at this point in time) earned a degree from the University of the Pelago Island’s degree program.
[+2,000G] For being the boss of a business.
You can add an extra 500G to this value if you’ve made a menu for the business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a second business.
[+1,500G] For being the boss of a third business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a business.
You can add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the business. Can stack with the Boss bonus (you are only allowed ONE menu bonus, however) if your character is acting as both boss and owner of a business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a second business.
[+1,000G] For being an owner of a third business.
[+500G] For updating your Biography / Diary pages.
[+500G] For every open post you respond to.
To prevent people from snatching up too many opens, this will only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every open post you make.
A reward for promoting activity and including others! This will also only be counted for a maximum of three open threads.
[+500G] For every work thread you complete.
And by work thread, we mean a thread in which your character sells something to another while at their workplace. Threads simply taking place at work with no transactions occurring don’t count.
[+2,500G] For being Mayor (owner/boss of City Hall).
Add another 1,000G if you’ve made a menu for City Hall.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+2,000G] For being a Guildmaster (owner/boss of Explorer’s Guild).
Add another 500G if you’ve made a menu for the Guild.
This bonus does not stack with the regular Owner/Boss bonus. Instead, it replaces it.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every arrest you make.
[+1,000G] Policeman Bonus: For every call/incident you respond to.
[+1,000G] Guild Member Bonus: For every voyage you complete.
New Arrivals:
Say hello to the new muses! Please follow these blogs if you haven’t already.
Flak [Hiatus until September 27th]
Holly [Semi-Hiatus until September 26th]
Laney [Semi-Hiatus until September 26th]
Leon [Hiatus until September 17th]
Neil [Semi-Hiatus until September 26th]
Elliott (SV)
Felicity (ANB)
Felicity (RF) [Hiatus ended this week.]
Iris (SoS)
Ivan (RF) [Hiatus ended this week.]
Kai [Hiatus ended this week.]
Mark (Lyric) [Hiatus ended this week.]
Masked Man (Matai)
Popuri [Hiatus ended this week.]
Russell [Hiatus ended this week.]
Sofia [Hiatus ended this week.*]
Soseki [Hiatus ended this week.]
Tori [Hiatus ended this week.]
Angela - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
Chase - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
Gray - Dropped due to failed Activity Checks.
Odette - Dropped due to failure to report back in after their hiatus ended.
Selena - Dropped due to failure to report back in after their hiatus ended.
These muses were personally dropped by the muns, so please unfollow them if you haven’t already!
Elder Dragon: Aquaticus
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